Grammar Homework - Marina Ardaniani - Unit 28,29: Indirect Questions

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Grammar homework - Marina Ardaniani - Unit 28,29

Indirect questions

Exercise 1. Discover the Grammar

1. He asked me how much experience I’d had

2. I told him I’d been a public relations officer for 10 years.
3. He also asked what I would change about my current job.
4. So, I told him that I was ready to take on a lot more
5. He asked what my greatest success had been
6. Then he asked me all these questions that weren’t even related to the job
7. He asked me if I’d cleaned out my car
8. Then he asked my why my employer didn’t want me to stay.
9. I home you told him that you hadn’t been fired
10. I told him I’d never even gotten a negative evaluation
11. He asked me if I was good enough
12. I told him that with my skills experience I was one of the best in my field

Exercise 2.

2. She asked when the interview was

3. She wanted to know where was a company
4. she asked if I had need a direction
5. She wanted to know how long was is take to get there
6. She asked if I was going to drive
7. she wanted to know who was going to interview me
8. She wanted to know when they would let me know

Exercise 3.

2. Jaime asked what kind of experience had I gotten

3. Jaime wanted to know if there was opportunity for promotion
4. Jaime asked if I was interviewed with other companies
5. Jamie wanted to know what his responsibilities was
6. Jamie wanted to know how was job performance had rewarded
7. Jamie asked when was the job started
8. Jamie wanted to know why was I applied for this position
Exercise 4.

1. He asked if we expected changes in the job

2. How often do we performed employee
3. He asked why had I decide to join the company
4. I asked him if he was considering another job

Exercise 5,6,7 - listening

Exercise 8.9 - group discussions

Exercise 10. Writing

I interviewed Kate Miller, who is a nurse in the Emergency hospital. I wanted to talk to her because I was
interested in nursing career and opportunities connected with this job. I asked Kate if he liked working there
and she told me he liked it so much. I wanted to know if there was a enough salary there and she answered
that if I would be a good nurse the salary will be very good, more than enough. Then, I asked how much
vocation time had she got? she answered that she had not a lot of vocation time, there is less than enough
because people always need help by them. Then, I also asked how many hour was she worked a day and she
told me that it is depend on situation. Finally I asked if she ever regret her decision to become nurse and she
told me no, she told me that she is proud of her job every time.

Unit 28, review

Exercise 1.

1. .
2. If
3. Their office was
4. I lived
5. had I
Exercise 2.

1. They asked who dies the company hire

2. He asked me if I took the job
3. She wanted to know if I liked my present job
4. He asked me who was my boss
5. I asked How many employees worked there
6. They wanted to know why I wanted to change the job
7. I asked what was the starting salary
8. They wanted to know if they could started soon

Exercise 3.

1. They asked me where was I work

2. They asked who my boss was
3. They asked why I wanted to change jobs
4. They asked my who I had voted for
5. whether or not
Unit 29 - Embedded questions

Exercise 1.

1. you were supposed to offer a trip

2. who you should tip here
3. If a tip was successfully
4. how to calculate the right tip instantly.

Exercise 3.

1. where it is
2. How much are we supposed to tip the taxi driver
3. how are we going to choose ?
4.could we rent a car and drive there ?
5. what did they put in the sauce?
6. Where the forum is ? much does the bus tour cost ?
8. how far was you going
9. How much does the subway cost?
10. do they have tour buses that go there?

Exercise 4.

1.what to wear to leave go or not
4. where to invite
5. to get to figure out

Exercise 5,6,7 – listening

Exercise 8,9 – Group discussion
Exercise 12. Writing

When I was an exchange student in USA, my friend always wanted to know how old I was. I could not
understand why my new friends needed to know my age. I was not sure whether to tell the truth, because I
was younger than them. I also wondered why they didn’t asked me about my grades or skills, but then I
realized that in that place, questions like that were considered inappropriate . At first month I was very
confused and afraid and I wondered also who the person with black glasses was, because he was always in
the university with my class and he always looked at me. I don’t know if he was first or second course
student but at first, I was afraid because I thought he was chasing me. I laugh at all this now but when you
are in a foreign country, surrounded by strangers it is very difficult to be calm and not worry about anything.

Unit 29. review

Exercise 1.
1. should we
2. our server is
3. .
4. can we
5. to
6. ?
7. whether

Exercise 2.

1. can you remember where the restaurant Is

2. I don’t know if the subway go to the museum
3. we’re not sure if should we tip the porter
4. I can’t imagine why we didn’t buy the book on tipping
5. Let’s ask how much should we tip the tour guide
6. I’d like to know if you had any travel books

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