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Morcous 1

Mena Morcous




Where the Question gets Answered

During the first fifteen years of my life, I never really had a certain place at home that I consider

my place or go to for meditation or getting things done. I have always been all over the house and would

never find a specific location to spend the majority of my leisure time or complete my work tasks.

However, over the past three years (high school years), the basement has become a place of great

significance to me, in that no matter what I want to do or what challenges I face, there has never been a

place better than my basement to relieve my stress and make me more productive.

The basement became my small house where I do almost everything I want, such as sleeping,

studying, playing, and sometimes eating. In my opinion, working in the basement resulted in a massive

productivity boost for me whenever I have deadlines and trying to get things done efficiently. I have the

desk that I need for my laptop and tablet, shelves for my books and folders I am working on, and even a

table and large monitor for making conference calls and remote presentations. This alone makes it an

ideal space for producing focused and competent work. Additionally, the basement offers me a quiet and

private environment with no distractions because I am blocked off from any other part of the house. This,

I believe, is one of the main factors why I feel that my basement is one of the best places to get work done

when you are in a time rush, or just simply need a place to focus.

Another reason detailing why my basement is a place of great significance to me is that the

basement is where I can find the most flexibility in my day-to-day life. When I am not working to

complete my daily objectives, such as schoolwork, during my day, I can also get some exercise done or

take a nap next door. I have an exercise space with all essential tools and equipment including my favorite
speaker to play relaxing/focus music, in turn allowing me to feel more refreshed and energetic. This

allows me to feel as though I am not being trapped into what I have to do at a certain place or feel as

though I am too stressed about a particular issue. This is incredibly beneficial to me, as being stuck at

home as I am due to a pandemic, can make you feel sporadic.

Lastly, I see my basement is a great place of significance to me as it has always been a place for

meetings with relatives and friends. We often get together on my large sofa to play video games, discuss

important topics, or hang out occasionally to play table tennis and have fun. Whenever I feel like I need to

get something off my head and just sit down and talk with a friend, I feel like my basement is the best

place to do this. Whether this involves meeting up during the holidays or discussing potentially

life-changing decisions for my future with my parents, I always tend to like to have these meetings/

discussions in my basement.

In conclusion, my basement, I believe, is one of the best places to relieve stress and become

productive in my day-to-day life. From my desk and monitor to TV and video game, and the bed next

door, I have the majority of my time spent in my basement. Because of its quiet and isolated environment

that makes me productive, and also not become too sporadic from living at home for a long time during

the pandemic, I would strongly recommend a basement as a good place to get work done and enjoy good

times with relatives and friends.

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