Language Arts Integrated Papers BK 1 Part 1 PG 1-39

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we Ca i Ni Poa Beet © Beek La eli l:) Ci mS pein ee Hyacinth Bennett euSPEC na IMEN Copy eat (Cab bens i (Stig ae ariong Carlong Publishers ton a Carlong Publishers (Caribbean) Limited 37 Second Street and ‘17 Ruthven Road Newport West Building 3 Kingston 13 Kingston 10 Jamaica, WL Jamaica, W. Malling address PO. Box 489 Kingston 10 Jamaica, WL © Cariong Publishers (Caribbean) Limited 2013 ‘The rights of Hyacinth Bennett to be identified as Author ofthis Work have been asserted by her. NOTICE TO TEACHERS & OTHER USERS itis legal to reproduce any part of his Work in any form (including photocopying, electronic storage, mechanical, recording or otherwise) except under the folowing circumstances: |) where you are abiding by a licence granted to your schoo! or institution by the Jamaican Copyright Licensing ‘Agency (JAMCOPY), 17 Ruthven Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica, W.l. ‘Tet (876) 754-8910, Fax: (876) 920-9444, Email; i) where no such licence exists, or where you wish to exceed the terms ofthe licence, and you have obtained ‘he written permission of Carlong Publishers (Caribbean) Ltd; ‘a where you are allowed to reproduce without permission under the provisions of Part VI of The Copyright Act, 1983 (Jamaica) First published 2013 ISBN 978 S76 638 1141 Set in Avant Garde 18pt Clipart from Microsoft Clpart Gallery, CorelDraw 9 and Art Explosion Image Library Edited in-nouse ‘Book and cover design by Cartong Publishers . ‘The publishers and author are {ine ilustrtons by Wayne Powell and in-house personnel mn rets Line ilustraion on page 77 by George Hay ue eae enone “ype compotion and ice research by inhouse personel ee printed in China by Prolong Press Limited, Hong Kong [NATIONAL LIBRARY OF JAMAICA CATALOGUING IN PUBLICATION DATA. (seanogle srt of tha bak weal fom re Nal ray of Sica) ,- Contents... Note to the Student Note to the Teacher/Parent Homework Reminder Unit 1Who Am I? Names More about names Our full name Where do you come from? Where do | live? Male or female? Test 1 Unit Z Fun With Words The alphabet Letter sounds Capital letters The days of the week ‘The months of the year Let's learn about sentences Test 2 Unit $ Nouns A Pronouns A Adjectives Nouns ‘Singular and plural nouns Pronouns iv 40 40 44 Adjectives Mr Is and Miss Are Test 3 Unit 4 My Body Getting to know my body Our senses Test4 Unit § Growing Up How do | grow? Caring for my body Test 5 Unit 6 My Family What is a family? Who are my family members? Caring for each other Test 6 Unit 7 Family Needs Basic needs Family celebrations Test7 Unit 8 My Home Things in the home Who made the things in the home? 104 Animals at home 411) The school family 130 Plants at home 116 ( Safe and unsafe’places at school 132 Tests 448 § Class timetable 134 Unit 9 My School 20 jee Ll School facts 120) Reasoning & Problem- How do you know your school? 122 { Solving vy How do | know my school? 123} Answers school plan 425 Teacher/Parent Corner 169-170 Popa 125} Acknowledgements 170 My classroom 128 | SR eno tatane eae cE TO TO Dog, %& Hello, kids! Are you ready to have fun while you learn? Well, turn the pages and get started. In this book, you will find many activities that will excite you, such as: * puzzle * matching ° stickers * connect the ores “and many dots * brain teasers ere * colouring ¢ fill in the blanks If you need help, ask your parent, guardian or teacher. Enjoy! A exrennr vosresen Coren Tntegrated Assessment Popers Book = Language Arts We are pleased to introduce you to Carfong Integrated Assessment Papers: Book 1 — Language Arts, a revision-cum-practice book. This textbook falls under the Gateway to Literacy series, which embraces all of Carlong's publications for literacy at the earty childhood and primary levels Carlong Integrated Assessment Papers: Book 1 — Language Arts's a revision of Carlong Assessment Tests: First Year English. However, It departs from the format ofthe original textbook as we have added a revision component. We have also incorporated most of the language arts-related material from our very successful Carfong First Year Assessment Tests — Mental Ability. ‘The activites in this new edition cover the primary curricula in the Caribbean fortis level, with a strong focus (on reasoning and problem-solving, as well as on values and atitudes. The material embraces integrated leaming and exposes students to various Caribbean cultures. How The Book Works ‘There are 10 units in this textbook. The first 9 units look closely tthe topics dealt wit in the curicula for Grade 1 (for 5 to7 year-olds), while Unit 10 focuses on testing students’ reasoning and problem-solving skils over 10 progressively challenging test papers. In each language arts unit, the topics are revised and ‘examples are provided before the student is given an activity todo. Its vital that the topics are taught andthe foundation is set before students are asked to do the ‘activities. We have made learning fun for the students by providing a rch variety of exercises that cater to the multiple inteligences. You might find it more effective o use the reasoning exercises alongside the language arts material, but you are free to use the book how you wish. ‘Some ofthe main features of each unit include: ‘Word Zone for vocabulary building Brain Teaser - a fun exercise to sharpen students’ thinking skils e End of Unit Assessment — for summative evaluation Please note that this book does not and could not offer a larger number of activites because ofthe constraints of ‘space and cost. We urge you to visit the Cariong website {rom time to time to check for additional exercises and tins We will keep adding to and updating the bank. We would appreciate your feedback on what we have, online and on what else you think might be helpful Our Teacher/Parent Corner offers useful tis on how to assist students with some of the more diffcut atvites, orto alert the teacher/parent to important preparatory or follow-up activities. Test Whenever you see the icon on the right, please refer to pages 169-170 at the back ofthe book for related tps. Tell the students to ask for your help whenever they see this icon on a page on which they are working. In addition to the TeacherfParent icon, there are the Draw and Write icons which indicate the ind of activity thatthe students will be required to do and will help you determine the kinds of tools they will need (pencils, crayons, rubbers, etc). ‘The Remember icon appears where an important ‘concept is being reinforced. Before you begin using the book, — You are to sensitize the students to the meaning ofthese icons. ‘The Homework Reminder Page serves to remind students or alert parents about activites that are assigned ‘as homework. The teacher isto indicate when homework is due on the relevant day. For example, if the homework is due on Monday, September 16, 2013, you are to indicate 1 a {he date and the page on which the exercise appears in the? Remember the Carlong website ofes other useful ps, {able labelled Monday. If a parent is supervising the child, then ? suggestions, additional and varied practice hhelshe should record the homework. This is a way of teaching } exercises in support of this book. l Sli ; them organizational and scheduling skis ftom early. Lock et fr ott bob the Goren Sale ‘The main aim of ths book is to help students to become better, Users of language (reading, wrting and speaking) and, most importantly, critical thinkers from an early age. We have tried to incorporate other important exercises involving motor skis, for example. Please embrace any opportunity the exercises Offer to integrate other necessary early childhood skis, Date Page Numbers }if Date Page Number/s |™[Date Page Number/ September 6, —— Date Page Number/s |[Date Page Number/s sf SR ‘saTeway To urenAcr Carlong Integrated Assessment Papers Book 1 Language Arts Who Am I? Names Names are important. You know me by my name. My name is Jessica Bell. lama girl. Jessica is my first name. Bell is my last name. My first name Is also my Jessica Christian name. First My last name is also my name/ surname or family name. Christian name o Write the answers. 1 4 See pages 169-170 What is your first name? My first name is What is your last name? My last name is Do you know the Christian name of your best friend? Yes, it is Do you know the surname of your best friend? Yes, it is What is your mother’s name? My mother’s name is What is your father’s Christian name? My father’s Christian name is (Pi. eamsearennrroereach: Carlong Tnteqrated Assessment Popers Book =Language Arts Draw your teacher. a‘ j Then write your teacher's first name and last name. First name Last name CS ey t Meet Jessica's cousin from Dominica [Do-mi-ni-ca}. My name is Zico Harris, & : lam a boy. lam in Grade 1. | was born in the month of May. lam six years old. ‘See pages 169-170 | have a brother. The name of my brother is Nero, Can you say my name? Can you say the name of my brother? More about names Sometimes a first name has two parts and sometimes a last name has two parts. Look at these names. Suri-Ann Singh Abby Brown-Bell Marcus Lee-Chin Each child has a name that has two parts. The first name of Suri-Ann Singh Is Suri-Ann. Suri-Ann has two parts. Lee-Chin is the last name of Marcus. Lee-Chin also has two parts. Our full name Our full name is our first name and our last name together. Look at the names of these children. Fist Namie 6 Write the answers. What is the last name of Kris-Ann? 2 Write the Christian name of Renée Best. 3. Whose surname has two parts?, | 4 Write your full name. 5 What is the full name of your principal? Where do they g Look at these shapes. Do you know them? See pages 169-170 @anmei circle triangle rectangle square — 7 \ Trace all the shapes. / \ : I | 1 Write your Christian name \ f in the triangle. eS a , ee nee — N 7 NN 2 Write yoursurnmame _ ~ TS in the square. $--- -Saee r 4 | | eal 3. Write your birth month | | in the rectangle. | | a | | 4 Witeyourage --——-— rT in the circle. I lA Where do you come from? My name is Lisa-Ann James. | was born in Jamaica. live in Jamaica. !am Jamaican. In which country were you born? Draw a picture of yourself at one x of your favourite places there. See pages 169-170 My name is My name is Wen Chin. Corey Bradshaw. am from China. || am from Barbados. am Chinese. |am Barbadian. My name is Aria Dottin. lam from Trinidad. 1am Trinidadian. (@carong Pbshers(Cribbeon) Limited 2013, Unit 1: Who Am 1? Ss ON Fill in the blanks with the missing letters. Look at the list of words in the pool. Use them to help you. SX Corey is fromB__r__ a s. CoryisB_ orb _iia Wen Is fromC__ ia. Atiaisfrom se ri_dda_. Avia Ss Teee ile Cela nionciwentls| C__in__s Where do I live? | An address is the place where something or someone is located. Our adadtess is where we live. Look at this address. o Write your address on the envelope. CME | @cerlong Publishers (Conbbean) Limited 2013 Unit: Who Am TP Syl. Male or female? Who are you? Are you a boy or a girl? am Mesha. R “~. Tama girl. Tama female. Tam agirl because I Tam Marlon. have a vagina. Tama boy. Iamamale. ~ Tam a boy because T have a penis. of Colour the clothes of ¢ the boy * the girl Here are some words you should know. Learn to spell them. Then take turns with your classmates making sentences with the words. Take turns address age brother Christian country family father female first grade male month mother name old sister years surname ¥ rain teaser Write the answer to each clue. Hint: Change one letter in the word before. 1 Opposite of female male 2 Place we sometimes shop fpr 3 Opposite of short = el 4 Say something to someone ———\ 5 Give someone something for money — e—_— 6 When this rings it is time for lunch ae ba 7 You wear it around your waist bos ag POPU, f % : oS Fill out the form below. NAME: Christian name Surname ADDRESS: AGE: years old TICK ONE: = Male Female a WHICH COUNTRY ARE YOU FROM? FULL NAME OF MOTHER: FULL NAME OF FATHER: RSA Pit (Crt LASSE REL LER NATE Fun With Words The alphabet ABCDEFiHESKLY NoP Orn STUVWXyaz | Look at the letters of the alphabet. Count them. Yes! There are 26) letters in the alphabet. We sometimes write them as capital letters. We also write them as common letters. Can you make one just like mine? K KK KC eee 16> ac Consonants and vowels ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ By Consonants A Vowels Did you know that some letters are consonants and some are vowels? Count the consonants in the alphabet. There are consonanis. Count the vowels in the alphabet. There are vowels. Write the vowels in your surname. % Write the consonants in your Christian name. Consonants and vowels ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ ES Consonants eB Vowels Did you know that some letters are Consonants and some are vowels? Count the consonants in the alphabet. There are consonants. Count the vowels in the alphabet. There are vowels. Write the vowels in your surname. ce Write the consonants in your Christian name. 34 6 ) © \ pple 99 ice range mbrella All the other letters are consonants! When a word begins with a |, we put ‘an’ before it. When a word begins with a consonant, we put ‘a’ before it. Where do | belong? 3 By See pages 169-170 Put the eggs in the correct nest. An apple Acar Carlong Integrated Assessment Popers Book 1~ Language Arts Things you will need 170 Alphabetical order Look again at the letters of the alphabet. socdevsRia jJkia No panstul Vw xy az Look at the order of the letters. The letter ‘a’ comes before the letter ‘be The letter ‘b’ comes after the letter ‘a’. write the letters that are missing. Gm Remember : To write words in alphabetical order, or ABC order, we must write the words in the order of the letters of the alphabet. What is the right order? Look at each set of words. Rewrite them in alphabetical order. Then number them from 1-3 in the correct ABC order. a a z Qs 3 oo ” >) boy car ackee ackee boy car 9 door egg candle ~ rr. GATEWAY To LTERACy: Catlong Integrated Assessment Papers Book 1 Language Arts | . peat tat train sun = SL ao Qc jar ice-cream hat ef e orange pineapple naseb 169-170 A Alphabet fun Join the dots in alphabetical order. . Then colour the picture. What kind of animal is this? Circle the letter of the alphabet that it begins with. A D K M P R i Letter sounds Say this tongue twister with your classmates. Marlon the male and Mesha the female like to eat melon, macaroni and mangoes on Monday. What is the sound? Read the tongue twister. Answer these questions. 1 Howmany times did you hear the ‘m’ sound at the start of a word? 2 What is the name of the male? 3 Name two of the foods that he likes to eat. and 4 Write three other words that begin with an ‘m’ sound, 4 _ and A ————————————rCO——”— Match the picture with the letter it begins with. | on oo hy Say this tongue twister Nurse Nola needs a as fast as you can. needle to mend her new nightgown. DRAOWVOAG Which words in the tongue twister begin with an ‘n’ sound? a Capital letters We use capital letters to... begin a sentence Example The boy is singing. write names of special write names of people places Example Matt Thomas, Mona Samms Example Devon House Sam Lord's Castle, The Pitons write names of parishes Example Manchester, St. James, Clarendon write addresses Example 14 Slipe Roa Kingston 3 begin names of the months of the year Example April, June, December begin names of the days of the we: Example Wednesday, Thursday Remember Rewrite the story using capital letters where necessary. ifr julie attends derry primary school. she has three friends. they are kim, nicole and brian, a boy. on wednesday they buy patties for their lunch at the canteen. Now answer these questions. Circle the correct answer. 1 Howmany friends does Julie have at school? a) 1 b) 3 co) 4 2 Howmany female friends does Julie have? qa np 2 c) 5 | Gareway To LETERAGy: Carlong Integrated Assessment Papers Book 1- Language Arts 3 Whois the only male in the story? a) Brian b) Kim c) Nicole 4 What do they buy for lunch on Wednesday? a) Burgers b) Chicken c) Patties Forming letters Trace the capital and common letters. Give me the right letter Fill in the missing capital or s common letters. Circle the word in each line that should always begin with a capital letter. Rewrite the word correctly on the line. 1 is male peter cat 2 june book table girl 3 female pencil india are a in, kingston am man se letter — racquel store chair ——___ = Say out loud the days of the week. You can clap your hands and stomp your feet as you say them. Clap your hands, rock your heads and stomp your feet as your teacher tells you about Solomon Grundy. sc hh on nied 8 unr rawness The months of the year Ask your teacher to play this game with the class. When you hear your birth month, do what is asked of you. All those who are born in January, raise your hand. All those who are born in February, strike a pose. All those who are born in March, clap your hand. All those who are born in April, give a laugh. All those who are born in May, say “Amen”. All those who are born in June, stomp your feet. All those who are born in July, fly like a butterfly. All those who are bor in August, beat your desk. All those who are born in September, turn around, All those who are born in October, give a smile. All those who are born in November, do a dance. All those who are bom in December, shout out loud. Which months are missing? “ Write the name of the month which comes before or after each of the following. Marth, April 2 , February, March 3 September, , November, 4° July, : , October 5 , May, June Name the month when the following happen. 1 Labour Day 2 = Child Month 3 New school year begins Independence Day << = Look at these name tags. Name: Dian Grade: 1 Birthday: January 20 Se Name: Vishnu Grade: 1 i Birthday: July 12 Name: Jade Grade: 1 Birthday: September 5 Name: Chad Grade: 1 Birthday: May 30 Name: Omar Grade: 1 Birthday: April 3 Write the names of th i t ie month 4 order in the table. mn Then write the name of the child who was born in the month. Months Names of Children January Dian 32. Let's learn about sentences Letters make words. Words make sentences. Sentences are words put together fo mean something. iy LSB letiy: é boy mother n h-ease school name . ' These are letters. These are words, My name is Sean. z What is your name? ' ' This is a sentence. This Is a question. Remember Sentences always start with a capital letter. Example My cousin loves to swim, cto haters obi Unt Unit 2: Rawk Werds Asking and telling sentences A telling sentence ends with a full stop. e- full stop An asking sentence ends with a question mark. @ - question mark These are some words that are used to begin asking sentences. Full stop and comma We use commas when we write — _ about more than one thing. Look at where the commas are placed in this telling sentence. ——— Which sentence am |? Are these asking or telling sentences? Put ‘A’ for asking or ‘T' for telling in the leaf. Example How ais esioot (5) LS) Adam is six, sS What is your surname? & | brush my teeth two times a day. Do Where do you live? & It is wrong to steal. a In which month is Christmas? oS Let’s make sentences Write these sentences so that . they make sense. ay ed 5 ‘i art A 1 days one seven make week 2 classmates your are where 3 name my rover of the is dog 4 like you do to read ; Add full stop, comma or question mark so that these sentences make sense. | B 1. We should be kind caring and loving to each other 2 =~ Where did Tricia Don Matt and Jade go 3. Vegetables are good for us 4 What is your favourite subject Here are some words you should know. Learn to spell them. Then take turns with a partner to make sentences with the words. See who makes the most sentences. asking birthday each calendar Take turns year capital day common month sentence letters live telling week words alphabet Bot ¥ ~ Brain teaser —, Match the words that mean the same. surname __ bi after quiet — start small _ first name ther begin little lastname Christianname later St carn Pits Cae Unt 2083 Unit 2:Funwith Words g Read the story below. Jason gets pets 2 She put the puppies in a basket in her car. Then she drove home. On Friday, Mrs Abo bought two puppies for her son, Jason. He put the tags around the neck of Jason made name tags for the puppies. the puppies. If the He named one puppies get lost, Rambo and the people would know other one Rex. who they belong to. Is fr Test = Answer the questions that follow. She gave the puppies to Jason when she got ho! He was happy. “Take care of the she told him. Jason took very good care of th puppies. He ga them a bath eve week. Carlong Integrated Assessment Papers Book 1 Language Art Which day comes after the day Jason’s mother bought the puppies? eS “Take care of them.” Is this an asking sentence or a telling sentence? Write A for asking or T for telling. What are the Christian names of Jason's puppies? 1 2 Jason celebrated his birthday the month before the puppies were bom. Which month is that? Circle the answer. a) April b) June c) July Circle the words that should always begin with a capital letter. Rewrite them. car jason tex basket puppies rambo a

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