Character Name: High Concept: Trouble: 1. 2. 3. Refresh: 3 Advances: 0 Skills

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Character Name:

High Concept:





    Refresh: 3               Advances: 0






Attack Damag Pierc Rang Mod

(Skill): e e e s

Physical Stress: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Mental Stress: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Kinetic Shield: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Minor Consequence (-2) Moderate Consequence (-4) Major Consequence (-6)

Armor, Omni-Tool, Bio- Valu Shiel Mod

Amp: e d s
SABOTEUR POWERS: Choose 3 to start. ☑
𝥷 Drone: You have a drone companion.  By default, it has all skills at 0, 0 Physical and
Mental Stress, Shield: 4, can move 1 zone per exchange, and can take a single Minor
consequence before being Taken Out.  It can act as a scout, traveling up to 100 meters
away from you and allowing you to use your Mental skills at a distance through its array
of sensors.  It can also record video and audio feed.
𝥷 Combat Drone: (Tech/Trigger) You’ve upgraded your drone with a miniaturized
arc gun.  This weapon uses your Tech value to attack and has Range: 0, Damage: +1
(+2 vs. kinetic shields and synthetic targets).  The electric current from the gun can
also be used to short-circuit electronic devices as a maneuver using your Tech value.
𝥷 Independent Drone: Your drone now possesses a virtual intelligence (VI)
platform.  It can act independently of you.  Given a set of instructions by you, it will
follow them to the best of its ability.  It can also travel an unlimited distance away from
you, though its sensor feed can only be relayed to your omni-tool within 100 meters.  It
gains a single Aspect, which can be invoked or compelled using your Fate points.
𝥷 Skilled Drone: Your drone has on-board software to support its sensors.  It gains
one skill at +3, one at +2, and one at +1.  Note that certain skills may not be
appropriate for a flying spherical camera.  When you use the drone to perform a task,
you can use either its skill value or yours, whichever is higher.
𝥷 Overload: (Tech/Field) You can spontaneously overload and shut down an enemy’s
kinetic shields.  Make a Tech roll vs. a shielded target’s Tech or Alertness.  Tie: “Shields
Down” Boost.  Success: “Shields Down” Aspect; the target is treated as having Shield: 0
until the Aspect is cleared using a passively opposed Tech roll.  Style: 2 Fate Points; the
target also takes 1 Physical Stress, or 3 Physical Stress if the target is synthetic.
𝥷 Neural Overload: If your Overload roll succeeds against an organic target, they
are momentarily stunned by bioelectric feedback, gaining a “Stunned” Boost that can
be compelled to prevent the target from acting on the next exchange.
𝥷 Mass Overload: You may use Overload against all shielded or synthetic targets in
a zone.  Make a single Overload roll opposed by each target’s Tech or Alertness.
𝥷 Energy Drain: (Tech/Trigger) Rather than shutting down a target’s shields, you
may siphon their energy to replenish your own.  Make a Tech roll vs. a shielded
target’s Tech or Alertness; every shift generated on the roll reduces the target’s kinetic
shield by one and increases your kinetic shield by one, up to your shield’s maximum.
𝥷 Sabotage: (Tech/Field) Your skill at hacking allows you to remotely compromise
weapon systems or control synthetic enemies.  Make a Tech roll vs. a target’s Tech or
Alertness.  Against a weapon, Tie: “Weapon Jammed” Boost.  Success: “Weapon
Jammed” Aspect; weapon can’t be used until the Aspect is cleared using a passively
opposed Combat or Tech roll.  Style: Also adds a “Too Hot to Touch” Boost.  Against
synthetic enemies, Tie: “Disoriented” Boost.  Success: “Hacked” Aspect; the Tech user
decides the target’s action each round until the Aspect is cleared using a passively
opposed Tech roll.  Style: Also adds an “Supercharged” Boost to the target’s next
𝥷 Explosive Sabotage: When an Aspect placed by your Sabotage is cleared, you
may spend a Fate point to cause the target to explode.  If the target is a weapon, it
deals Damage: 4 to anything in contact with it.  If the target is a synthetic, it takes a
Moderate consequence and may be Taken Out.
𝥷 Overclocked Sabotage: When you use Sabotage against a synthetic target, you
fully unlock the target’s processing potential.  The target gains +1 to all rolls you direct
it to make, and takes -1 to rolls made to clear your “Hacked” Aspect.
𝥷 Lethal Sabotage: (Tech/Field) You can use Sabotage to increase a synthetic
target’s vulnerability to damage.  Make an unopposed Tech roll vs. difficulty 2.  If you
succeed, a synthetic target gains the “Sabotaged!” Aspect and takes Damage: +1
from all sources until the Aspect is cleared using a passively opposed Tech roll.
𝥷 Remote Mines: (Tech/Trigger) You can fabricate tiny, powerful explosive devices
using your omni-tool.  You may fabricate a number of mines equal to your Tech value.
At any point while within 100 meters, you may detonate a mine, making a Tech attack
vs. Tech or Alertness against targets within Range: -1, Damage: +2.  You may also set
a mine to detonate automatically when a target comes within Range: -1.
𝥷 Incendiary Mines: (Fire/Trigger) Your mines erupt in gouts of flame.  If you
succeed with style on your attack roll, targets caught in your mine’s blast gain the
Aspect “On Fire,” which can be invoked to deal 1 Physical Stress.
𝥷 Cryo Mines: (Cryo/Field) Your mines explode with superchilled particles, freezing
those nearby.  Rather than dealing damage, on a successful Tech roll vs. Tech or
Athletics, you can apply the Aspect “Frozen” to all targets in Range: 0. If you succeed
with style on your roll, deal damage and apply the Aspect.
𝥷 Tracking Mines: You can fabricate a single tracking mine, a sticky device the size
of a matchbook.  You can detonate this mine at any range,  you can track the
movement of any target to which the mine is stuck using your omni-tool, and you can
receive limited audio feedback from the environment around the mine.

𝥷 Warp: (Biotic/Trigger) You generate rapidly shifting mass effect fields that shred the
target.  Make a Biotics attack vs. Biotics or Will, Range: 2, Damage: +1 (+3 vs. biotic
barriers or biotic-vulnerable targets).  
𝥷 Chain Warp: Your warp field jumps from target to target.  If you succeed on an
attack with warp, you may attack another target in range.  For each subsequent attack
you make, you subtract a cumulative -1 from your Biotics roll.  You may continue
making attacks until you miss with an attack, or until you run out of targets.
𝥷 Entropic Warp: Your warp field is particularly good at bending and destroying
inanimate objects.  When using warp to create or overcome an Aspect by shredding
the scenery, add +2 to your Biotics roll.
𝥷 Reave: (Biotic/Field) Rather than detonating your warp immediately, you can shred
the target over a duration.  If you succeed with style on your warp attack roll, the target
gains the Aspect “Reaved,” which can be invoked to deal 1 Physical Stress.  
𝥷 Singularity: (Biotic/Field) You collapse a mass effect field in on itself, creating a
miniature black hole.  Choose a zone within Range: 2 and make a Biotics roll vs.
difficulty 3.  If you succeed, put a “Singularity” Aspect on the zone.  Targets in the zone
without shields or barriers must make a Biotics or Will roll vs. your passive Biotics or
gain the “Floating Helplessly” Aspect.  You may maintain only one singularity at a time
and may dismiss it on your turn (no action); all other Biotics rolls are -1 while you have a
singularity active.
𝥷 Explosive Singularity: Your singularity is particularly unstable.  When you dismiss
or cease to maintain the singularity, you may spend a Fate point to automatically
trigger a biotic explosion in the singularity’s zone.
𝥷 Disruptive Singularity: The event horizon of your singularity disrupts kinetic
technology.  Targets in the singularity’s zone with active kinetic shields must make a
Biotics or Will roll vs. your passive Biotics or gain the “Floating Helplessly” Aspect.
𝥷 Gravity Well: You may spend a Fate point when you manifest your singularity to
greatly increase or decrease its mass.  If you increase its mass, you may place the
“Singularity” Aspect on two contiguous zones.  If you decrease its mass, you may
choose to affect only certain specified targets within a single zone.
𝥷 Throw: (Biotic/Trigger) You hurl a target away with a pulse of biotic energy.  Make a
Biotics roll vs. Biotics or Will against a target at Range: 0. Tie: “Knocked Prone” Boost.
Success: You may push the target up to 1 zone away; if the target collides with a
stationary object within its same zone, deal Damage: 2.  Style: You may push the target
up to 2 zones away, and if it collides with an object in its same zone, deal Damage: 3.
𝥷 Biotic Kinesis: Your ability to generate fine pulses of biotic power allows your to
manipulate objects at a great distance.  You can biotically push, pull, or lift pistol-sized
or smaller objects at Range: 2. Manipulating larger objects requires a Biotics roll.
𝥷 Forceful Throw: The power of your throw is such that you may push targets up to
2 zones away on a success, or 3 zones away if you succeed with style.
𝥷 Sweeping Throw: If you succeed with style on your Biotics roll, rather than
pushing the target further, you may choose to make a second Biotics roll at -1 against
another target in the same zone as the original target.
𝥷 Flare: (Biotic/Trigger) Gathering your biotic energy, you release it in a single,
overwhelming burst.  Make a Biotics attack vs. the Biotics or Will of all adjacent targets,
Damage: +1 (+3 vs. biotic barriers or biotic-vulnerable targets).  If you succeed with
style against any targets, those targets gain the “Knocked Prone” boost.
𝥷 Barrier: You can use your biotic aptitude to augment the power of your kinetic
shields.  Make a Biotics roll and add half the shifts gained to your kinetic shield (round
up) for one scene.  These shifts are removed from the shield first.
𝥷 Searing Flare: In addition to bowling targets over, you can make your flare blaze
with biotic radiance.  If you succeed with style against any targets on your Flare
attack, those targets gain the “Blinded” Aspect.
𝥷 Distant Flare: You can manifest your biotic flare at a distance.  Rather than
attacking all targets adjacent to you, you can center your Flare on a target in Range: 1
and attack all targets adjacent to that target.

𝥷 Decoy: (Tech/Field) You create a hologram of yourself to confuse your enemies.
This hologram has 0 Physical and Mental Stress, Shield: 4. Both you and the decoy
move independently, at the same time, and must remain within 100 meters.  You mirror
each other’s actions.  At any point during your turn or when you or the decoy are
attacked, you can declare that you are actually in the decoy’s position or vice versa.
You may use the decoy once per scene and have only one active at a time.
𝥷 Disrupting Decoy: (Tech/Trigger) When your decoy is destroyed or when you
dismiss it as an action on your turn, it explodes in an electromagnetic pulse.  Make a
Tech attack vs. the Tech or Alertness of all targets adjacent to the decoy (Range: -1),
Damage: +0 (+2 vs. kinetic shields or synthetic targets).  If you succeed with style
against targets with kinetic shields, give those targets a “Shields Down” boost.
𝥷 Dissembling Decoy: You can make your decoy look like other targets, rather than
yourself.  You can also make your decoy play back recorded audio.  If you try to use
your decoy to fool someone, use Tech instead of Deception.  You can still declare that
you are in the decoy’s position or vice versa while it is imitating someone else.
𝥷 Duplicate Decoy: You can generate more than one decoy at a time.  Pay one or
more Fate points when you activate your decoy; you may have one additional active
decoy for each Fate point spent.  On your turn you may declare that you are in any
one of your active decoys’ positions.
𝥷 Tactical Cloak: You can manipulate your kinetic shield to bend light around your
body, becoming temporarily invisible.  Make a Tech roll vs. difficulty 2.  If you succeed,
gain the Aspect “Cloaked.”  As long as this Aspect is active, you automatically succeed
on any Stealth rolls to move undetected.  If the “Cloaked” Aspect is tagged during a
weapon attack, the attack gains Damage: +1 in addition to any other benefits.  This
Aspect ends automatically when you make an attack or activate another power.
𝥷 Defensive Cloak: Your cloaking technology also reinforces your kinetic shield.
When you activate your tactical cloak, gain Shield: +2, up to your shield’s maximum.
While your “Cloaked” Aspect is active, you have Armor: +1.
𝥷 Erupting Cloak: When your “Cloaked” Aspect ends for any reason, you can pay a
Fate point to cause the dissipating cloak to explode.  Deal Damage: 4 to all targets
adjacent to you (Range: -1).  
𝥷 Decoy Cloak: If you have taken the Decoy power, you can activate it at the same
time as your tactical cloak.  When you succeed in activating your “Cloaked” Aspect,
you may place a decoy in the same position you formerly occupied.  This decoy has
Shield: 6 rather than the usual Shield: 4.
𝥷 Assassin Training: Gain Damage: +1 on attacks when you invoke one Aspect as
part of the attack roll, or Damage: +3 if you invoke two or more Aspects.
𝥷 Headshot Training: If you invoke an Aspect that represents taking the time to aim
or attacking from stealth, and you succeed with style on the subsequent attack, you
can make a headshot.  Do not calculate attack damage; rather, the target must
immediately take a moderate consequence or be taken out.
𝥷 Acrobatics Training: Gain a +2 bonus to Athletic checks to perform acrobatic
maneuvers, jump, climb, or avoid taking damage from falling.
𝥷 Smoke Grenade: You can fabricate smoke grenades; your total grenade capacity
equals your Combat skill.  Make a Combat check vs. difficulty 1 to launch a smoke
grenade into a zone in Range: 1; place a “Smoke-Filled” Aspect on that zone.  You
take no penalties for operating within your own smoke.
𝥷 Disruptor Ammo: (Tech/Trigger) Your weapon generates an electromagnetic field
that empowers your shots.  Gain Damage: +1 against targets with kinetic shields,
Damage: +2 against synthetic enemies.
𝥷 Toxic Ammo: You have coated your ammo with toxic secretions from your own
body.  If you cause a target to take a consequence with this ammo, choose one: the
target takes 1 Physical Stress at the end of each of its turns, the target takes -1 to all
Combat rolls, the target gains the Aspect “Unconscious.”
𝥷 Piercing Ammo: Your ammo is coated in tungsten, a dense metal 1.7 times
heavier than lead that is not deformed on impact with combat armor.  Gain Pierce: +2.
𝥷 Arc Grenade: (Tech/Trigger) You can fabricate arc grenades that explode in an
EMP burst.  Make a Combat attack vs. Combat or Athletics against all targets in a
zone within Range: 1, Damage: +0 (+2 vs. shields or synthetic targets).  If you
succeed with style against a synthetic target, that target gains the Aspect “Stunned.”

𝥷 Concussive Ammo: You overcharge the mass effect core within your weapon to
make every shot more powerful.  Your shots deal a minimum of Damage: 3, but have
Recharge: +1.  If you succeed with style on a shot, you can apply the boost “Stunned.”
𝥷 Piercing Ammo: Your ammo is coated in tungsten, a dense metal 1.7 times
heavier than lead that is not deformed on impact with combat armor.  Gain Pierce: +2.
𝥷 Knockback Ammo: Your ammo has a heavier coating than the normal kinetic
pellets used in ballistic weapons, as well as a hollow core.  A well-placed shot can
stop a target in its tracks or even knock them back. When you succeed with style on a
shot, you can push the target up to one zone away or apply the Aspect “Prone.”
𝥷 Explosive Ammo: Your ammunition carries a payload of high explosive incendiary
mix and zirconium powder, encased in a copper shell.  When you hit a target with a
shot, you deal Damage: 2 to all targets adjacent to your original target.
𝥷 Shredder Ammo: You pack flechette rounds instead of standard-issue kinetic
pellets, needling exposed organic targets with thousands of tiny barbs.  Gain Damage:
+2 against organic targets without kinetic shields or barriers.
𝥷 Flashbang Grenade: You can fabricate flashbang grenades; your total grenade
capacity equals your Combat skill.  These grenades generate a blinding burst of light on
detonation.  Make a Combat check vs. the Combat or Alertness of each target in a zone
in Range: 1.  Tie: “Dazzled” Boost.  Success: “Blinded” Aspect; rolls requiring sight
automatically fail until the Aspect is cleared using a passively opposed Physique roll.
Style: 2 Fate points, attempts to clear the Aspect are at -1.  
𝥷 Incendiary Grenade: (Fire/Field) You can fabricate incendiary grenades, which
contain a long-burning zirconium core.  Make a Combat attack vs. Combat or Athletics
against all targets in a zone within Range: 1, Damage: +1 (+3 vs. unshielded organic
targets).  If you succeed with style, you can apply the “On Fire” boost, which can be
invoked to deal 1 Physical Stress.
𝥷 Multi-Frag Grenade: You can fabricate a tightly packed cluster of frag grenades,
packed with shrapnel to rip your foes to pieces.  Make a Combat attack vs. Combat or
Athletics against all targets in a zone within Range: 1, Damage: +1.  
𝥷 Sticky Grenade: (Fire/Trigger) You can fabricate sticky grenades, delayed
explosives which use a modified maglock technology to adhere to targets.  You can
adhere the grenade to a target within Range: 1, giving them the Aspect “Grenade-
Bound.”  At any time, you can detonate the grenade, making a Combat attack vs.
Combat or Athletics of the original target and all adjacent targets, Damage: +2.  
𝥷 Adrenaline Rush: Your combat reflexes are exquisitely honed, making time seem to
slow when your blood is up.  Make a Combat roll vs. difficulty 2.  Tie: “Focused” Boost.
Success: “Hyper-Focused” Aspect; your Alertness and Athletics rolls are +1 while you
have this Aspect.  Style: 2 Fate points, and when you invoke the Aspect during an
attack, gain Damage: +1.
𝥷 First Aid: You are trained as a combat medic and may apply medi-gel to your
allies while under fire.  Make a Knowledge check vs. Difficulty 2; restore Physical
Stress to an adjacent ally equal to the shifts generated.
𝥷 Rapid Reload: Your quick hands enable you to swap thermal clips quickly and
easily.  Once per scene, you may switch your Ammo type instantly, without taking an
action or spending a Fate point.
𝥷 Shared Loadout: You are bristling with ammunition, which you share freely with
your allies.  When you apply an Ammo type, you may apply it to a number of willing,
adjacent allies equal to your Combat rating.
𝥷 Turian Discipline: You are exceptionally tough and resilient, especially when
following orders.  Gain an additional Mild consequence.  If you are wounded while
following orders, this Mild consequence may absorb up to 4 Damage instead of 2.
𝥷 Turian Rifle Training: If you succeed with style on an attack roll using a turian-
made assault rifle, you may immediately make a second attack against the same
target at -1 instead of applying a boost.
𝥷 Turian Armor Training: Your familiarity with turian armorcraft allows you to more
easily modify suits of turian design.  Any turian-made armor you wear is treated as
having +1 mod slot, and your Craft rolls to work with turian armor gain +2.
𝥷 Turian Shield Training: Your omni-tool is capable of generating a field of pure
kinetic force.  You may spend a Fate point to raise your kinetic shields by +4; while
this bonus shield is active, you also gain Armor: +1.

𝥷 Barrier: You can use your biotic aptitude to augment the power of your kinetic
shields.  Make a Biotics roll and add half the shifts gained to your kinetic shield (round
up) for one scene.  These shifts are removed from the shield first.
𝥷 Barrier Dome: You may expand your barrier to form a mobile shelter.  Make a
Biotics roll; shifts gained act as the base difficulty of any attack made through the
dome (from within or without).  Once an attack overcomes the dome difficulty, the
dome ends.  You may have only one dome active at a time and may dismiss it on your
turn (no action); all other Biotics rolls are -1 while you have a barrier dome active.
𝥷 Nova: (Biotic/Trigger) You may detonate your biotic barrier in a blaze of energy.
Spend a Fate point when you have a barrier augmenting your shields.  Deal damage
to adjacent targets equal to your shield value, then reduce shields to zero.
𝥷 Reactive Barrier: You may extend your biotic barrier to temporarily protect your
allies.  When an attack hits an adjacent ally while you have a barrier augmenting your
shields, you may redirect the attack to target you instead.
𝥷 Charge: (Biotic/Trigger) You use your biotic energy to augment your strength and
speed, ramming with unstoppable force into your foes.  Make a Biotics check; you may
travel a number of zones equal to half the number of shifts generated, provided you
have a clear path.  If you collide with a target along the way, you may choose to stop
your movement.  Treat your Biotics check as an attack vs. the target’s Biotics or Will,
Damage: +the number of zones you’ve traveled using this power.
𝥷 Biotic Flight: You may lift yourself with mass effect fields, enabling a limited form
of flight.  You may use Biotics, rather than Athletics, to overcome Aspects that would
limit your ground-based movement.
𝥷 Explosive Charge: When you collide with a target during a charge, biotic energy
explodes from the point of contact.  All targets adjacent to the original target must
make a Biotics or Will check or take damage, as above.
𝥷 Defensive Charge: You phase slightly while making your charge, increasing your
resistance to damage.  Gain Armor: +2 when you activate your charge; this bonus
armor lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
𝥷 Meld: You have mastered the asari technique of melding your consciousness with
that of other life forms.  When you spend time with an organic target, roll Biotics (vs.
Biotics or Will if the target resists).  You may use Biotics instead of Empathy or
Persuasion to interact with the target telepathically, and you are aware of the target’s
status and position relative to you.  You may meld with only one target at a time.
𝥷 Dominate: Thessian propaganda holds that mental domination is solely the
province of Ardat-Yakshi, but in fact any asari of strong will can dominate others.  After
melding with a target, you may spend a Fate point; if their Will is lower than your Will
or Biotics, they gain the Aspect “Dominated.”  While dominated, you choose the
target’s action on their turn.  The target may attempt a Biotics or Will vs. your passive
Biotics or Will at the end of each round to break free, with a bonus if the action you
forced them to take was morally objectionable.
𝥷 First Aid: You are trained as a combat medic and may apply medi-gel to your
allies while under fire.  Make a Knowledge check vs. Difficulty 2; restore Physical
Stress to an adjacent ally equal to the shifts generated.
𝥷 Mass Meld: Your skill at melding is unparalleled, and you may share
consciousness with multiple targets at once.  You may meld with a number of organic
targets at the same time equal to your Biotics skill; you may allow targets with whom
you meld to communicate with one another telepathically while you are conscious.
𝥷 Warp Blade: (Biotic/Trigger) You may combine your biotic and combat prowess to
generate a blade that phases straight through shields and armor.  You may make a
melee attack using Combat, Range: -1, Damage: +2 (+4 vs. shields or barriers).
𝥷 Warp Ammo: (Biotic/Trigger) Your ammunition is charged with biotic energy.  Gain
Damage: +1 against unshielded organic targets, Damage: +2 against biotic barriers
and biotic-vulnerable enemies.
𝥷 Cluster Grenade: (Biotic/Field) You can fabricate cluster grenades; your total
grenade capacity equals your Combat skill.  These grenades generate a mass effect
field to hurl enemies into the air.  Make a Combat check vs. the Combat or Athletics of
adjacent targets in a zone in Range: 1. Tie: “Off-Balance” Boost.  Success: “Floating
Helplessly” Aspect.  Style: 2 Fate points, attempts to clear the Aspect are at -1.
𝥷 Warp Strike: Your body phases through space toward your target, just as your
blade phases through their defenses.  You may make a warp blade attack against a
target you can see in Range: 2. If the attack succeeds, you materialize at any point
adjacent to the target.  If you succeed with style, gain Damage: +1.
Skill List:
1. Alertness (Notice)
2. Athletics
3. Biotics
4. Combat (Shoot)
5. Craft
6. Deceit (Deceive)
7. Empathy
8. Infiltration (Burglary)
9. Investigation
10. Knowledge (Lore)
11. Persuasion (Rapport)
12. Physique
13. Pilot (Drive)
14. Resources
15. Stealth
16. Tech
17. Will

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