Alternative Genre Letter

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To whom it may concern,

This letter is an apology to anyone who is in a relationship with a person that has ADHD.

I apologize if it seems like I am not present in the moment. I hope you know that I am not

intentionally ignoring you or trying to diminish what you are saying. I am physically and

mentally incapable of giving you my undivided attention. I am doing my best, despite having

thousands of thoughts and ideas running through my mind all at once, you are the only thing that

I wish that I could give all my attention to. If I am unable to recall something that you said, it’s

not because I forgot, I most likely didn’t hear what you said from the beginning.

I apologize if I seem like I have no concept of time. I can barely stay focused on the

things that I have to do daily. I am so exhausted trying to keep up with daily life that it is hard for

me to add anything else to the equation. It is not that I don’t want to spend time with you, it’s

just that sometimes it’s hard for me to remember if I ate that day let alone have plans with


I apologize if I come across as apathetic. It’s not because I don’t love you, it’s because

it’s hard for me to process my emotions, and because of that when I am forced to face how I am

feeling I get overwhelmed and have a tendency to lash out. Believe me when I say that I don’t

mean what I say in those moments. It’s easier for me to push you away than it is to deal with my


I apologize for not being more responsible financially. It’s not that I intend on being

broke all the time. It has more to do with how empty I feel. I feel if I spend the money to buy

something that I really want, that it will make me feel better. The truth is, it never does, but that

doesn’t stop me from trying. The next thing I buy might be the thing that makes me happy.
I just want you to know that you are my rock. My light in the darkness. If it wasn’t for

you, I would be so much worse. You saved me and make me feel normal. Well, as normal as I

can feel. Just know that with your patience and love, you make me want to be better.

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