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Dear students,

 Your third semester test is scheduled for Monday 19 October. Please read the instructions
and information below CAREFULLY.
1. Your test will begin at 8:00 am on Monday 19 October 2020 on Blackboard.
2. The test question format will be the same as semester test 1 and semester test 2
– meaning there will be multiple choice, true/false as well as long answer (file response)
3. The Multiple Choice and True/False questions should be answered on the
test itself.
4. The long answer (file response) questions (each student will get 5) should be
written together so that it can be uploaded together as a SINGLE PDF with your
student number as the file name. Do not upload each answer separately using the browse
button below each question.
5. Make sure you include your initial(s), surname and student number when
preparing your long answer (file response) questions. For all long answer questions, please
number your questions clearly and according to the sequence shown in the test.
6. The link for the test will disappear after 60 minutes i.e. at 9:00 am which
should contain all your multiple choice as well as True/False answers ONLY. 
7. There will be a SEPARATE link called File response upload for semester
test 3 that will appear under the Assessment tab from 9:00 am to 9:30 am which you will
use to upload your SINGLE PDF document having all your long answers (answers to the
file response questions) ONLY. 
8. Please DO NOT login with two or more devices during the test as this will
kick you out of the test and we will not reset it. 
9. Please remember to save all your answers before you click submit.
10.  You have in total 1 hour to write the test (after which the test will disappear)
and then a further 30 minutes to upload your file response questions using the file response
link that you will find under the Assessment tab. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE

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