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lnfluence of High Strength

Concrete on Transfer and

Development Length of
Pretensioning Strand
Denis Mitchell, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Department of Civil Engineering
Twenty-two precast, pretensioned concrete
and Applied Mechanics beam specimens were fabricated and tested
McGill University to determine the influence of concrete
Montreal, Quebec, Ganada
strength on the transfer length and
development length of pretensioning strand.
The main variables were the concrete
compressive strength, with /�, at 28 days,
varying from 4500 to 12,900 psi (31 to 89
MPa), and the strand diameter, which
included %, � and 0.62 in. (9.5, 12.7
William D. Cook, Ph.D. and
Research Engineer 15. 7 mm) diameters. Expressions are
Department of Civil Engineering given
and Applied Mechanics
McGill University for the influence of concrete strength on the
Montreal, Quebec, Ganada transfer length and development length of
pretensioning strand.
Arshad A. Khan
Ph.0. Candidata
Department of Civil Engineering
and Applied Mechanics

McGill Universíty
Montreal, Quebec, Ganada
wenty-two precast, pretensioned concrete bearns
werc Iabricated and tesied in order to experimentally
determine the influence of concrete strengih on the
transfcr lcngth and development length of preten
ioning strand, The prime variables were the concrete
strength and thc strand diameter. The concrete
compressive strengths varied from 3050 to 7250 psi (21 to
50 MPa) al transfer and Irom 4500 to 12.900 psi (31 to 89
MPa) at the lime of test
ing. The sirand diamerers investigated were X. � and 0.62
ThomasTham in. (9.5. 12.7 and 15.7 mm).
Civil Engineer Fig. 1 illustrates the variation in the stress in the strand
Group Consultants
along thc cmbcdmcnt length of the strand as assurned by the
Sabah, Malaysia
ACI Building Cede.' Thc distancc from the end ofthe rnern-

her over which the stress in the strand builds up to the
effec tivc stress, f,e• is called the iransfer lcngth, /1• of the
The trunsfer length is given in thc ACI Code as:

Using ksi and in. units:
lt = Íse db (la)
Using MPa and mm units:
11 = 0.048fsedb (lb) (/)

� f se
where .. ..

!1 = transfer length
Íse = effective stress in prestressed re
inforcement after allowance for
.. ..
Q )


all prestress losses

db = nominal diameter of prestress
ing strand

The ACI Code permits the designer

to use a simplified expression for ft
transfer length when calculating stress Distance from free end
limits in the concrete near the end of a
member and when determining the Fig. 1. Development of stress in pretensioned strand.1
nominal shear strength of a member.
For these purposes, it may be assumed
that the transfer length is 50 db. 0.7fpu in the bed. These tests had con crete strength on the required transfer
Fig. l shows the flexural bond crete strengths which are considerably and development lengths.
length over which the stress in the lower than sorne of the higher strength
strand builds up from fse• to the stress, concretes used today and few tests
Íps• at nominal strength of the mem were done on strands having diameters PREVIOUS RESEARCH
ber. The ACI Code1 uses a flexural larger than 0.5 in. (12.7 mm). A brief summary of previous re
bond length, lfb, of: There is concem that the earlier re
search is gi ven here, highlighting
search on transfer and development of
Using ksi and in. units: which was typically tensioned to strand may not be applicable to cur
about rent practice. Currently, a great deal of
lowrelaxation strand, with Ípu of 270
Using MPa and mm units: ksi (1860 MPa), is used with a higher
bed stress (up to 0.80 Ípu), and in sorne
cases larger diameter strand is used.
An additional factor which would in
where fluence the transfer and development
length of strand is the use of high
lfb = flexural bond length
strength concrete.
Íps = stress in prestressed reinforce
ment at nominal strength In 1988, the Federal Highway Ad
ministration issued a memorandum
The development length, Id, is the which disallowed the use of 0.6 in.
sum of the transfer and flexural bond (15.2 mm) diameter strand in preten
length, that is: sioned applications and introduced a
factor of 1.6 on the ACI and
AASHTO development length expres
(3) sions. This memorandum6 was issued
These formulations first appeared in due to concem over the lack of experi
the 1963 ACI Code' and were adopted mental results for 0.6 in. (15.2 mm)
in the 1983 AASHTO Specifications. 3 diameter strand and because research 7
These equations were based on the indicated that the development length
transfer length test results of Kaar, of uncoated, lowrelaxation strand,
LaFraugh and Mass4 and on the flexu with an ultimate strength of 270 ksi
ral bond studies carried out by Hanson (1860 MPa), was greater than that pre
and Kaar.5 These earlier studies used dicted by the equations in the
stressrelieved strand with an ultimate AASHTO Specifications. 3 Research is
strength, Ípu• of 250 ksi (1720 MPa) needed to investigate the influence of
strand diameter, strand type and con

sorne of the important parameters and
their influence on the transfer and de
velopment lengths:
l. An increase in strand diameter re
sults in both a longer transfer length
and a longer development
length. These lengths have typically
been as sumed to be proportional to
the strand diameter, db [see Eqs. (1),
(2) and (3)).
2. In 1963, before the advent of very
high strength concrete, Kaar, LaFraugh,
and Mass" concluded that concrete
strength had little influence on transfer
lengths. In this series of tests, the con
crete strengths varied from 1660 to
5000 psi (11.4 to 34.5 MPa).
3. An increase in the strand stress,
Íse• after all losses, results in a longer
transfer length, /1, but a shorter
bond length, lfb [see Eqs. (1) and (2)].
4. Toe manner in which the strand is
released at transfer is a majar factor in
determining the transfer length.
Flamecutting the strands results in
transfer lengths of about 6 to 30 per
cent greater than that determined for
similar strands released gradually.4·8· 9

5. Due to longterm effects, the

transfer length increases with time.

Table 1. Transfer lengths determinad from concrete strains on side face of beam at leve! of strand.

i 11 11
at release at 21 days

b h db !�¡ Ípbed Ípi EndA EndB EndA EndB

in. in. in. psi ksi ksi in. in. in. in.
Specimen 1 (mm) (mm) (mm) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

9.5/311200 3.9 7.9 3/8 3000 187 177 19.9 - 19.9

(100) (200) (9.5) (21) (1271) (1219) (506) (506)

9.5/431350 3.9 7.9 3/8 3975 186 180 19.0 23.0 23.0 19.0
(100) (200) (9.5) (27) (1285) (1240) (482) (584) (584) (482)

9.5/431000 3.9 7.9 3/8 3975 186 180 19.0 15.0 19.0 23.0
(100) (200) (9.5) (27) (1285) (1240) (482) (381) (482) (584)

9.5/65800 3.9 7.9 3/8 6950 178 173 11.9

(100) (200) (9.5) (48) (1225) (1192) (303)

9.5/75950 3.9 7.9 3/8 7225 183 178 12.0 16.0 12.0 16.0
(100) (200) (9.5) (50) (1264) (1230) (304) (406) (304) (406)

9.5/75700 3.9 7.9 3/8 7225 183 178 16.0 12.0 16.0 12.0
(100) (200) (9.5) (50) (1264) (1230) (406) (304) (406) (304)

9.5/89825 3.9 7.9 3/8 7310 184 179 16.3 12.3 16.3 12.3
(100) (200) (9.5) (50) (1267) (1234) (415) (313) (415) (313)

9.5/89575 3.9 7.9 3/8 7310 184 179 16.5 12.5 16.5 16.5
(100) (200) (9.5) (50) (1267) (1234) 1 (419) (317) (419) (419)

13/311200 5.9 8.9 1/2 3000 209 199 28.0 - 31.9 -

(150) (225) (12.7) (21) (1442) (1374) (710) (811)

13/431600 3.9 7.9 1/2 3975 188 177 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0
(100) (200) (12.7) (27) (1298) (1217) (584) (584) (584) (584)

13/431250 3.9 7.9 1/2 3975 188 177 23.0 23.0 23.0 27.0
(100) (200) (12.7) (27) (1298) (1217) (584) (584) (584) (685)

13/65850 5.9 8.9 1/2 6950 197 191 19.9 - 19.9 -

(150) (225) (12.7) (48) (1358) (1315) (506) (506)

13/751100 3.9 7.9 1/2 7225 198 189 20.0 17.0 20.0 21.0
(100) (200) (12.7) (50) (1367) (1303) (507) (432) (507) (534)

13/75950 3.9 7.9 1/2 7225 198 189 13.0 15.9 16.9 20.0
(100) (200) (12.7) (50) (1367) (1303) (330) (405) (430) (507)
13/89950 4.9 6.9 1/2 7310 200 193 15.2 15.2 19.3 19.3
(125) (175) (12.7) (50) (1382) (1329) (387) (387) (489) (489)

13/89650 4.9 6.9 1/2 7310 200 193 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5
(125) (175) (12.7) (50) (1382) (1329) (495) (495) (495) (495)

16/311865 7.9 9.8 0.62 3000 187 i 177 28.9 34.3 32.9
(200) (250) (15.7) (21) (1286) (1220) (735) (872) (836)

16/311500 7.9 9.8 0.62 3000 187 177 27.9 30.2 35.9 38.2
(200) (250) (15.7) (21) (1286) (1220) (709) (768) (912) (970)
16/651150 7.9 9.8 0.62 6950 177 171 20.8 16.8 20.8 16.8
(200) (250) (15.7) (48) (1218) (1176) (528) (427) (528) (427)

16/65725 7.9 9.8 0.62 6950 177 171 21.1 17.1 21.1 17.1
(200) (250) (15.7) (48) (1218) (1176) (536) (435) (536) (435)
16/89975* 4.9 6.9 0.62 7310 134 126 12.0 12.0 16.1
(125) (175) (15.7) (50) (922) (871) (306) (306) (408)
(125) (175) (15.7) (50) (922) (871) (465) (465) (345)
16/89675* 1 4.9 6.9 0.62 1 7310 134 126 i 18.3 18.3 13.6
3/8 in. (9.5 mm) strand, stress relieved, fpu = 263 ksi (1813 MPa)
1/2 in. (12.7 mm) strand, low relaxation, fpu = 276 ksi (1903 MPa)
0.62 in. (15.7 mm) strand, low relaxation, Ípu = 260 ksi (1793 MPa)
* The low values of Ípbed and Ípi were dueto problems during stressing.


After a year, the increase in transfer
length is about 6 percent,':" although
increases as high as 20 percent have
been reported. 11
6. In 1977, Zia and Mostafa12 con
cluded that transfer length is a func
-+-.+------------------It� �
2 in.

tion of the initial stress in the strand (50 mm)

(a) Strain gages on strand
and the concrete strength at the time of

�--- ------------�
7. The surface condition of the
strand plays a significant role in deter
mining the bond characteristics. W
4 in. (100 mm) typ.
Lightly rusted strand gives shorter
transfer lengths than smooth, untreated
(b) Strain targets on concrete surface
strand. 1J.1•.1s
8. Strand having epoxy coating,
without grit, has little or no bond to
the concrete. The use of epoxy coat
ings impregnated with grit improves
dial goge
the bond characteristics and, hence, re
duces the transfer and development _j,,-==-------,,------,.----------;;;,,,,J;;;-- 1/2 In. (13 mm)
lf. thlck x 4 in.
lengths.9 16 • (100 mm) long
beoring pad
More complete literature reviews on
the factors influencing transfer and de (c) Testing setup
vel op men t lengths are given by
Cousins et al.9 16 •and by Deatherage
and Burdette." before testing to determine the transfer lengths. Surface strain measurements were
also taken during the loading of
Table 1 and Fig. 2 give the details of
the beam specimens tested. The speci
men labels start with a number indi
cating the metric size designation of
the strand, followed by a number indi
cating the concrete strength at the time
of testing, in megapascals (MPa), and
a number indicating the embedment
length in millimeters (mm). For all
specimens, the center of the strand
was located 2 in. (50 mm) above the
bottom face.
In 18 of the test specimens,
the strand was instrumented with
electri cal resistance strain gauges to
monitor the strains in the strand.
Concrete tar gets, glued to the side
faces of the beams, at the level of
the strand, en abled the concrete
surface strain varia tion to be
determined, permitting an assessment
of the transfer length. The strands
were released in a gradual manner
by slowly reducing the pres sure in
the hydraulic stressing rams.
Strain measurements were taken be
fore release, just after release and just


(1020 kg/rn') Water 287 lb/yd'
Fig. 2. Details of test specimens. (170 kg/m') Water reducing admixtures 2.17 lb/yd' (
1.285 1/m') Air entraining agent 0.43 lb/yd'
(0.260 1/m')
Table 2. Mix designs for concrete. Watercement ratio 0.41

f� 3 9430 (65) Cement + silica fume* 853 lb/yd' (506 kg/m')

Batch No. psi (MPa)
4 10,880 (75) Sand 1337 lb/yd' (793 kg/m')
Components Quantities
Aggregate (510 mm) 1711 lb/yd' (1015 kg/m3)
1 4500 (31) Cement
Water 212 lb/yd' (126 kg/m')
(Type 30) 1
691 lb/yd'
( 410 kg/m') Water reducing admixtures 2.20 lb/yd' ( 1.305 l/rn')
2 6240 (43) Sand Superplasticizer 12.6 lb/yd' (7.5 l/m')
1264 Watercement ratio 0.26

lb/yd' 5 12,900 (89) Cement + silica fume* 842 lb/yd' (500 kg/m')
(750 Sand 1163 lb/yd' (690 kg/m')
Aggregate (10 + 14 mm) 1989 lb/yd' (1180 kg/m')
Water 199 lb/yd' (118 kg/m')
e (520 Water reducing admixtures 2.52 lb/yd' (1.500 1/m')
mm) Superplasticizer 17.9 lb/yd' (10.61/m')
1719 Watercement ratio 0.26
• Blended cement containing 7 percent silica fume.

the specimens to enable the determina

tion of curvatures (see Fig. 2b). The
testing of each beam was carried out 100
with either a singlepoint load or with 12,900 psi {89 MPa)
twopoint loads, as shown in Fig. 2c. 12
,*--- ·-------------* 10,880 psi {75 MPa)
The embedment length, le, is the dis
tance from the end of the beam to the 10
o 9430 psi (65 MPa)
location of the first point load. Each 60
a.. 8 (1)
specimen was supported on 4 in. ( :::?: .::X
6240 psi {43 MPa)
mm) long, Yi in. (13 mm) thick neo
� 40 --0---0----------------------� 6 �
prene bearing pads at each end.
During the loading, the deflections 4
4500 psi (31 MPa)
of the beams were measured by linear 20
voltage differential transducers at the 2
loading points and at the supports.
Dial gauges at each end of the beam o o
measured the slip of the strand relative o 20 40 60 80 100
to the end of the beam. At each load Age, days
stage, the crack widths at the level of
the strand were measured.
Fig. 3. Variation of concrete compressive strength with time.
The mix designs for the three types
of concrete are given in Tablle
2. Batches 1 and 2 were steam cured
18 hours, while Batches 3, 4 and 5 300
were moistcured for 20 hours. The
higher strength concretes (Batches 3, 4 250
and 5) did not require steam curing to 0.62 in. (15.7 mm)
reach the desired 24hour release (1)

strength. The prestressing was re z 200 ------------

::X ------------- 40 �
leased at an age of 24 hours, except 1/2 in. (12.7 mm)
Q. 150
for the specimens cast with concrete "'O
o 30 "'O
from Batch 2; that prestressing was re o o
leased at 48 hours. The variations of
concrete strength, with time for the


.....1 .....1
different batches of concrete, are 100
shown in Fig. 3. 3/8 in. (9.5 mm)
The Ys in. (9.5 mm) diameter stress 50 10
relieved strand had an ultimate
strength of 263 ksi (1813 MPa) and o
the strand was slightly rusted. The 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 x10-3
lowrelaxation Yz in. (12. 7 mm) Strain
and 0.62 in. (15.7 mm) diameter
strands had ultimate strengths of 276 Fig. 4. Measured load-strain relationships for strand.
and 260 ksi ( 1903 and 1793 MPa), re
spectively, and both sizes had smooth,
untreated surfaces. The loadstrain re slopeintercept method'7 was used. pressive strengths at transfer of 3000
lationships for the three type s of The transfer length is determined as and 7310 psi (21 and 50 MPa), respec
strands used in this study are shown the distance from the end of the beam tively. As can be seen from this figure,
in Fig. 4. to the point of intersection of a line fit the transfer length at release is re
ting the strain values in the transfer re duced from 19.9 to 16.3 in. (506 to
gion with a horizontal line representa 415 mm) as the concrete strength at
RESULTS OF transfer is increased from 3000 to
tive of the strain values beyond this
TRANSFER TESTS region. 7310 psi (21 to 50 MPa).
The transfer length was defined as Fig. 5 shows the variation of mea Toe variation of measured concrete
the distance from the end of the beam sured concrete surface strains, at the strains at 25 and 20 days after transfer
to the point at which the strain in the level of the strand, for Specimens is also shown in Fig. 5. At the ends of
concrete becomes essentially uniform. 9.5/311200 and 9.5/89825, both con the beams, the concrete strains have
In order to determine the transfer taining % in. (9.5 mm) diameter strand. increased by an amount equal to the
length from the strain readings, a These specimens have concrete com shrinkage strain that occurred during


Eq. (1). Zia and Mostafa12 pointed out
that the transfer length should be a
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 in. function of the concrete strength at the
time of transfer, rather than the 28day
25 days strength and should also be a function
of the stress in the strand immediately
after transfer, Íp;, rather than the stress
e in the strand after all losses, fse-

o Fig. 6 illustrates the reduction of the
average transfer lengths with increas
(/) -600
ol.. ing concrete strength, for the different
o -400 strand sizes investigated. In these
::E relea se plots, the transfer length has been di
vided by t»
in order to account for the
-200 different levels of stress in the pre
Specimen 9.5/311200 stressing strand.
Also shown in Fig. 6 are the values
of 11 't»
predicted by the following ex
400 800 1200 1600 pression:
from ksi
free and
end, in.
o 30 6
1000 1 (4a
0 )

S Usi
800 ng
e a
e and
2 uni
0 ts:

(11 am
o fied
form of
4 Eq. (1),
0 fse has
0 been re
:: placed
by Íp;
and the
func tion
is a
f f n r ristics
0.62 in. LENGi
e d . In (9.5, THtu
Dis not large 12.7
c . l additi
r and TE et
t A e on, a hA
end t, o n n higher
long- 15.7
for term mm)
the f g streng T
prest diamete
Fig. 5. se c i t th r a
tes r concre ressi b
Measur ts, n h strands,
e c s te also ng r l
ed the
str e r , has a stress e e
an p e a larger es. s
e ds
, modul Tabl p 3
surface a s
we e e
strains s s us of sum
re c
for rel h e s elastic mar s
r ity, izes t
Specim eas h u
the i
en ed i i o smalle m
tran v
in n n w r m
9.5/31- sfer e
a k n shrink ! a
1200, length
gra a t age r
J;; = s y
du g h i strains . i
3000 obtain
al e e n after To z
psi ma ed at
releas derive e
(21 nn the
MPa) a c F e and an s
er. ends
and n o i lower express
Specim d n g creep ion for t
en RE c . strains. the h
9.5/89- r r 5 These transfer e
SU effects
825, e e , length
J;; = LT l give
t d at which r
7310 S a e u smaller accounts e
psi (50 OF x e elastic for the s
MPa). e and
DE a s shorte concret u
at 21
VE t t t ning e l
i r o losses strengt
LO and
after t
o e transf h, one s
PM n smaller
n t er. must
EN g long- realize
h For o
T o t e term
the that f
t n f h losses, there
th lower
h str i which are
e con t
e ai t g m result sorne
2 crete e
n h i p streng inconsis
5 s
e af e v r ths, tencies
an t
n te e o the in
d i
d r p s v averag
2 n
s re r e e
0- g
, le e s d transf
t as s m er
a t
h e t a b length
y h
e is r l o s at
in e
du e l n releas
i e s e d e
rv 2
n to s r were
al 2
c th i 53 db,
. c
r e n t 55 db
A h b
e co g r and
w a e
a m a 49 db
a r a
s bi s n for the
y a m
e ne t s Ys, Y,
fr c s
d r f and
o t
i e a e
m e
f w
to flexura! crushing, but this was not
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ksi considered to be a bond failure. The
1.0 specimens which failed by first ex
3/8 in. (9.5 mm) strand D 21 days hibiting significant strand slip, fol
lowed by a premature failure in either
0.8 • releose
o shear or flexure, were classified as
o, 0.2
::i?: bond failures.
<, V)

0.6 .::t. Fig. 7 shows the appearance of three

E <,
E <, e specimens at failure and the change of
failure modes as the embedment
0.4 Equation ( 4)
0.1 '+-·a. length is increased. All three speci
<, <, mens contained 0.62 in. (15.7 mm) di
cr 0.2
-s ameter strand and had a concrete com
pressive strength of 4500 psi (31
MPa), but each hada different embed
o.o o.o ment length [59.1, 70.9 and 73.4 in.
10 20 30 40 50 60 (1500, 1800 and 1865 mm)].
Concrete sttength at transfer, MPa Specimen 16/311500 failed in shear that
was initiated by a bond fail ure, as can be seen from the
shear crack to the left of the loading
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ksi
1.0 1 1 1 1
point. Specimen 16/311800 failed ata
1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1/2 in. (12.7 mm) strand flexureshear crack to the right of one
o 21 days of the point loads after strand slip had
0.8 • release occurred on the righthand side of the
o, 0.2
<, beam. Specimen 16/311865 failed by
<, <,
flexura! crushing after a small strand
0.6 ::,.. .::t.
E <, slip of 0.03 in. (0.8 mm) was mea
E � Equation (4) e
sured at the righthand end of the
0.4 specimen.
'a ";::...- � 0.1 ·'+
<, Fig. 8 shows the strains measured

0.2 t.
.s by the strain gauges glued to the pre
stressing strand in Specimen 16/31
1865, which contained 0.62 in. (15.7
o.o 1 1 1 1
mm) strand, had a concrete compres
1 1
o.o sive strength of 4500 psi (31 MPa) and
10 20 30 40 50 60
had an embedment length of 73.4 in.
Concrete strength at transfer, MPa
(1865 mm). lt can be seen that there is
a significant strain increase in the
strand in the central region of the
2 3 � 5 6 7 8 ksi beam near the applied load. There is
1.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 also a small increase in strain in the
0.62 in. (15.7 mm) strand transfer length portion on the right
-, o 21 days
-, hand end of the specimen, where a
0.8 - ,
o • release small strand slip was recorded near
o.. - 0.2
2 - failure. The maximum measured
<, U)
.:::{. strand strain is O.O 187, which corre
0.6 - -
E <,
sponds to a stress in the strand of 249
E e
Equation ( 4) ksi ( 1716 MPa). This specimen failed
·a. 0.4 by flexural crushing at a maximum
- 0.1
<, moment of 34.4 ftkips (46.6 kNm).

e:,¡ � Fig. 8 also shows the distribution of
steel strains measured in Specimen
16/651150, which contained 0.62 in.
o.o 1 1 1
o.o (15.7 mm) strand, hada concrete com
10 20 30 40 50 60 pressive strength of 9430 psi (65 MPa)
Concrete strength at transfer, MPa and hadan embedment length of
45.3 in. (1150 mm). This specimen
Fig. 6. Average transfer length vs. concrete strength at time of transfer and at 21 days. by flexural crushing and developed a


Table 3. Development length tests.

db f� le b h Íse
in. psi in. in. in. Age ksi Loading
Specimen (mm) (MPa) (mm) (mm) (mm) days (MPa) type* Failure mode

9.5/311200 3/8 4500 47.2 3.9 7.9 43 157 D Flexura! crushing

(9.5) (31) (1200) (100) (200) (1085)
9.5/311100 3/8 4500 43.3 3.9 7.9 44 157 D Small slip flexura! crushing
(9.5) (31) (1100) (100) (200) (1085)
9.5/431350 3/8 6240 53.1 3.9 7.9 1
30 1
159 D Flexura! crushing
(9.5) (43) (1350) (100) (200) (1095)
9 .5/431000 3/8 6240 39.4 3.9 7.9 34 159 D Slip bond/flexure/shear
(9.5) (43) (1000) (100) (200) (1095)
9.5/65800 3/8 9430 31.5 3.9 7.9 21 162 D Flexura! crushing
(9.5) (65) (800) (100) (200) (1117)
9.5/65725 3/8 9430 28.5 3.9 7.9 22 162 D Flexura) crushing
(9.5) (65) (725) (100) (200) (1117)
9.5/75950 3/8 10,880 37.4 3.9 7.9 17 175 D Flexura! crushing
(9.5) (75) ! (950) (100) (200) (1204)
9.5/75700 3/8 10,880 27.6 3.9 7.9 18 165 D Slip flexura! crushing
(9.5) (75) (700) (100) (200) (1136)
9.5/89825 3/8 12,900 32.5 3.9 7.9 63 170 D Flexura] crushing
(9.5) (89) (825) (100) (200) (1175)
9.5/89575 3/8 12,900 22.6 3.9 7.9 55 171 D Flexura] crushing
(9.5) (89) (575) (100) (200) (1177) 1

13/311250 1/2 4500 49.2 5.9 8.9 47 182 D Flexura] crushing
(12.7) (31) (1250) (150) (225) (1254)
13/311200 1/2 4500 47.2 5.9 8.9 49 182 s Slip bond/flexure/shear
(12.7) (31) (1200) (150) (225) (1254)
13/311100 1/2 4500 43.3 5.9 8.9 48 182 D Slip bond/flexure/shear
(12.7) (31) (1100) (150) (225) (1254)
13/431600 1/2 6240 63.0 3.9 7.9 36 151 D Flexura! crushing
(12.7) (43) (1600) (100) (200) (1044)
13/431250 1/2 6240 49.2 3.9 7.9 38 149 D Flexura! crushing
(12.7) (43) (1250) (100) (200) (1028)
13/65850 1/2 9430 33.5 5.9 8.9 25 182 D Flexura! crushing
(12.7) (65) (850) (150) (225) (1254)
13/65700 1/2 9430 27.6 5.9 8.9 26 182 s Flexura] crushing
(12.7) (65) (700) (150) (225) (1254)
13/65650 1/2 9430 25.6 5.9 8.9 27 182 s Slip flexura! crushing
(12.7) (65) (650) (150) (225) (1254)
13/751100 1/2 10,880 43.3 3.9 7.9 24 167 D Flexura! crushing
(12.7) (75) (1100) (100) (200) 1
13/75950 1/2 10,880 37.4 3.9 7.9 22 169 D Flexura! crushing
(12.7) (75) (950) (100) (200) (1167)
13/89950 1/2 12,900 37.4 4.9 6.9 49 185 D Flexura! crushing
(12.7) (89) (950) (125) (175) (1278)
13/89650 1/2 12,900 25.6 4.9 6.9 54 184 D Slip bond/flexure/shear
(12.7) (89) (650) (125) (175) (1272)
i ·----� ' ...

16/311865 0.62 ! 4500 73.4 7.9 9.8 65 149 s Small slip flexura] crushing
(15.7) (31) (1865) (200) (250) (1026)
16/311800 0.62 4500 70.9 7.9 9.8 41 153 D Slip bond/flexure/shear
(15.7) (31) (1800) (200) (250) (1056)
16/311650 0.62 4500 65.0 7.9 9.8 40 153 D Slip bond/flexure/shear
(15.7) (31) (1650) (200) (250) (1056)
16/311500 0.62 4500 59.1 7.9 9.8 36 158 s Slip bond/shear
(15.7) (31) (1500) (200) (250) (1086) 1

16/651150 0.62 9430 45.3 7.9 9.8 28 159 D Flexura! crushing

(15.7) (65) (1150) (200) (250) (1098)
16/651050 0.62 9430 41.3 7.9 9.8 29 159 D Flexura! crushing
(15.7) (65) (1050) (200) (250) (1097)

16/65950 0.62 9430 37.4 7.9 9.8 32 159 Flexura! crushing

(15.7) (65) (950) (200) (250) (1097)
16/65800 0.62 9430 31.5 7.9 9.8 32 159 s Flexura! crushing
(15.7) (65) (800) (200) (250) (1097)
16/65700 0.62 1 9430 27.6 7.9 9.8
34 159 s Slip flexura! crushing
(15.7) (65) (700) (200) (250) (1096)
16/65725 0.62 9430 28.6 7.9 9.8 34 159 s Slip bond/flexure/shear
(15.7) (65) (725) (200) (250) (1096)
16/89975 0.62 12,900 38.4 4.9 6.9 66 121 D Slip bond/shear
(15.7) (89) (975) (125) (175) (832)
16/89675 0.62 12,900 26.6 4.9 6.9 64 1
122 D Slip bond/flexure/shear
(15.7) (89) (675) (125) 0.62 in. (15.7 mm) strand, low relaxation, fpu = 260 ksi (1793 MPa).

* D indicates doublepoint loading, S indicates singlepoint loading.

3/8 in. (9.5 mm) strand, stress relieved, fpu = 263 ksi (1813 MPa).
1/2 in. (12.7 mm) strand, low relaxatíon, Ípu = 276 ksi (1903 MPa).
(175) (838)

Flg. 7. Appearance of specimens with 0.62 in. (15.7 mm) diameter strand having embedment lengths of 59.1 in. (1500 mm)
(top), 70.9 in. (1800 mm) (middle) and 73.4 in. (1865 mm) (bottom).

máximum strain in the prcstressing stress developrnent very well for the Also shown are lhc prcdictcd varia-
strund of 0.0220, which corrcsponds to specimcn having a concrete compres- tions of strand stress according 10 thc
a stress of 251 ksi ( 1732 MPa). sive strcngth of 4500 psi (31 M Pa), following expression:
A cornparison of the distribuiions bul docs not account for the beneficia!
for the two specirncns shown in Fig. 8 Using ksi and in. unils:
cffects of the highcr strcngth concrete.
illustrates the differences in behavior Table 4 prcsents a comparison of the
cJue to the influence of concrete experimental failure moments with
strength. An incrcasc in concrete predictions using thc ACI Code ex-
strength from 4500 to 9430 psi (31 to pressions' and using rhc cornputer pro-
65 MPa) has rcsulted in a smaller gram, RESPONSE.1� This program
iransfer lcngth, largor valucs of f,e• a uses a strain cornpatibillty approach to-
smallcr developmcnt length and a gcthcr with complete strcssstruin rela
Using MPa anú mm unit�:
higher flexura! capacity. tionships for thc prestressing strand
Figs. 9 and 10 show the nppcarance and thc different strength concretes. 20
of two pairs of specimens at failure. In Also given in Table 4 are the strand
,,, = o. 048.fp;d,, .1;:, +
both oí these figures. the top spccimen strcsscs at flcxural ultimatc predicted
has a concrete cornpressivc sirength of 30
by these iwo methods. As indicated, 0.145(.f,,,, J,,. )d1, (5b)
9430 psi (65 MPa) and the bottom those specimcns which failed in flex- ./;'
specimcn has a concrete cornprcssive urc uttained capacities cxcccding the
strength of 4500 psi (31 MPa). AII predicted capacitics. The cxperirncn This exprc!>:.ion for cJevelopmenl
four of the spccirnens in thcse two fig tul ly dctcrrnincd flexura! capacities. length assumes that. for a given strnnd
ures failed by flcxural crushing. Thc M,,, wcrc calculatcd bascd on span díameter, the transfer length compo-
incrcased concrete co mpre ss i lengrhs mcasurcd 10 the quarter poirus ncm is a function of f1,1 and thc con-
ve strengih rcsults in much shortcr of the 4 in. ( J 00 mm) long neoprcne crete compressivc strcngth at thc time
ern bcdrncru lcngths needed to dcvelop of' transfer, .f;.,. The expression also as
bearing pads.
the strand and, as can be scen frorn Fig. 12 shows thc developmcm of sumcs 1hat the flexura! bond lcngth
Figs. 9 strand stress f'or specimcns which componcnt, !¡1,, is o func1ion of
:111d I O. result s in a signi 1hc required stress incrcase in the
wcrc jusi able to reach Ilexural crush
ficantly strand,
ing without bond failure. Thc dcvclop-
mallcr concrete compression zonc, as Íp, - Íse· as well as the concrete com-
h evident from thc larger depth of
mcnt of stress has bccn idcalized by a pre�si ve strengLh . .r;,.
transfcr length portien and a llcxural
llcxural cracks. As shown in Figs. 11 and 12, Eq. (5)
bond lcngth portien. In the transfcr
Fig, 1 1 shows thc variation of pre- provides a conservalive exprcssion for
length, the stecl stress varíes frorn zero
strcssing stress at ultimate deiermined dctermining Lhe s1eel stresl> in
at thc end of thc bcam to the experi-
frorn thc strain gauges on the strands Lhe strnnd for the specimens tested.
mentally determincd value of .f1e at a
of Spccirncns 16/31-1865 and 16/65- Also shown in Fig. 12 are the strand
dislance of /1 from lhe end of lhc
1150. As can be sccn, the increase in stresscs prccJicted by thc ACI Code
beam. The fleitural bond leng1h por-
thc concrete strength rcsults in higher exprcssion,
tion was determincd using lhe valucs
stccl strcsses, J,,.,. being developecl for Thc ACI Code cquation is not conscr-
of Íp, predicted by the ACI Code ex-
a given cmbcdment length. Also vative in the transfcr length component
prcl>Sion and the specimen embedment
shown in this figure is ihe variation of for thc lower strength concretes ancl
lenglh, /,..
stccl stress prcdictcd by thc ACI does not account for thc beneficia! cf-
Codc.' The ACI Code predicts the fccts of high strength concreLes.
used, or the following simpler, more

[ [ re 1r� � } 1
conservative expressio
fer length, can be used: n for the trans

o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 in. Using ksi and in. units:

Specimen :T
ff-klp (kNm) l1 = 50db i , (6a)
16/31-1865 Mm1d,
20000 GBEJ 15.8 21.4
-- 23.4 31.7
�29.3 39.7 Using MPa and mm units:
e 16000 --32.2
43.7 20
G---e---€l 34.3 46.5 lt = 50d b\: r: (6b)
o! . . . l!r-&---6 34.4
... ' Jc1

V l 12000
o Since this expression typically re
o sults in shorter transfer lengths than
::E 8000 the more complete expression given
by Eq. (4), it can be conservatively
used for checking stresses in the con
crete at transfer, but should not be
o used to calculate the transfer length
o 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 component of the development length.
Distan ce a long beam, mm
Development Length
The following proposed expression

{ � .'"\
for the development length of preten
[ ,,( ( +( \ sioning strand is a modification of
the ACI Code development length

o 20 40 60 80 100 in. expression:
1 Using ksi and in. units:
Mm1d , :tt·kip (kNm)
20000 C36€l:' 1 3. 9 18.8
--:28.0 37.9
�:32.4 43.9
e 16000 --·35.4 48.0
G---e---€l : 35 . 9 48.7
os ; �:36.3 49.2
..Vl.. .
!.... Using MPa and mm units:
::E 8000


o 600 1200 1800 2400 The transfer length and flexural
bond length components of this devel
Distan ce a long beam, mm opment length expression include fac
tors which account for the concrete
Fig. 8. Measured strains in strand for Specimens 16/31-1865 and 16/65-1150.
compressive strength, both at transfer
and in service, for the case in which
DESIGN volving checking the stresses near ends of the member, is typically more
RECOMMENDATIONS the critica! for shorter transfer lengths.
The second stage, involving checking
the flexura! strength and shear
Transfer Length for Service strength, is a function of the develop
Stress Checks ment of stress in the strand, and hence is
lt must be noted that the transfer more critica! for longer transfer and
length is used in two distinct stages in flexura! development lengths.
the design process. The first stage, in In checking stresses immediately
after transfer, either Eq. ( 4) can be the strands are released gradually. fourteen Yz in. (12.7 mm) lowrelaxation
strands with an ultimate stress of
270 ksi ( 1860 MPa). The
eccentricity of the prestressing is
Consider a standard precast single 18.0 in. (457 mm). Toe
tee (ST36) pretensioned with

Fig. 9. Appearance of specimens with % in. (9.5 mm) diameter strand having concrete compressive strengths of 9430 psi
(65 MPa) (top) and 4500 psi (31 MPa) (bottom), both failing by flexura! crushing.

Fig. 1 O. Appearance of specimens with 0.62 in. (16 mm) diameter strand having concrete compressive strengths of 9430 psi
(65 MPa) (top) and 4500 psi (31 MPa) (bottom), both failing by flexura! crushing.

strands are tcnsioned to 0.75 .(µ,, in the

pretensioning bed and are released in a
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 in. gradual rnanner.
280 To dernonstrate the use of thc pro-
posed equations, thc results of the

1600 240 transfcr and devclopmcnt lengths will

. :. :.-' .:-'·:.;.;.:. .:. 200
be determined for three different con-
o.. cretes having the strcngths as indicated:
� 1200 � l. J�1 = 3000 psi (20. 7 M Pa) and

vi J;. = 4500 psi (31.0 MPa)
800 120 1=
...). �00psi
- P
J;. =6000psi(41.4MPa)
(/) (/)

o-9-€116/31-1865 End A
,... .,. 16/31-1865 End B 80
0-e--0 16/65-1150 End A
400 -......- 16/65-1150 End B
Fig. 11. Variatlon of strand stress for Specimens
6 -1:r ó ACI code
��··O Equation (5) 16/31-1865 and 16/65-1150 al maximum load.

o o
o 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Distonce from free end, mm
62 PCI
3• .f;.; = 7000 psi (48.3 MPa) and
t; = 10,000 psi (69.0 MPa)
The transfcr and developmcnt lengths obtained from Eqs. (6)
and (7) are compared with those obtained using the ACI Code
exprcssions in
Table 5. This table also gives thc esti-
mated values of Ípi• Íse and Í¡,s Cor the three cases investigated. The
initial stress in the strand alter transfer, Ívi•

62 PCI
Table 4. Comparison of predicted and measured flexura! capacities.

Test ACICode ' Response

Mn Mn Íps Mn Íps
ftkip ft-kíp ksi ft-kíp ksi
Specimen (kNm) (kNm) (MPa) (kNm) (MPa) Failure mode
9.5/311200 9.7 8.8 236 1 9.2 246 Flexura! crushing
9.5/311100 9.1
(13.1) 8.8
(11.9) 1 (1628) (12.5) 1 (1699)
246 Small slip flexura! crushing
236 9.2
(12.3) (11.9) (1628) (12.5) (1699)
9.5/431350 10.8 9.3 241 9.6 1
249 i Flexura! crushing
(14.6) (12.6) (1662) (13.0) (1720)
9.5/431000 10.5 9.3 241 9.6 249 Slip bond/flexure/shear
(14.2) (12.6) (1662) (13.0) (1720)
9.5/65800 10.9 9.8 246 10.1 254 Flexura! crushing
(14.8) (13.2) (1698) (13.6) (1750)
9.5/65725 11.2 9.8 246 10.1 254 Flexural crushing
(15.2) 1 (13.2) (1698) (13.6) (1750)
9.5/75950 10.2 1

9.9 248 10.2 257 Flexura! crushing

(13.9) (13.4) (1713) (13.8) i (1772)
9.5/75700 10.8 9.9 248 10.2 257 Slip flexura! crushing
(14.6) (13.4) (1713) (13.8) (1772)
9.5/89825 10.6 10.1 251 10.4 259 Flexura! crushing
(14.4) (13.7) 1 (1729) (14.1) (1788)
9.5/89575 11.6 10.1 251 10.4 259 Flexural crushing
(15.8) (13.7) (1729) (14.1) 1 (1788)

13/311250 20.0 19.6 255 20.1 259 Flexura! crushing

1 (27.1) (26.6) (1758) (27.3) (1789)
13/311200 15.8 19.6 255 20.1 259 Slip bond/flexure/shear
(21.4) (26.6) (1758) (27.3) (1789)
13/311100 13.3 19.6 255 20.1 259 Slip bond/flexure/shear
(18.1) (26.6) (1758) (27.3) (1789)
13/431600 16.8 15.7 246 16.3 255 Flexura! crushing
(22.8) (21.3) (1696) (22.1) (1758)
13/431250 17.1 15.71
246 16.3 255 Flexural crushing
(23.2) (21.3) (1696) (22.1) (1758)
13/65850 22.7 21.8 263 22.0 266 Flexura! crushing
(30.8) (29.5) (1814) (29.8) (1832)
13/65700 23.6 21.8 263 22.0 266 Flexura! crushing
(32.0) (29.5) (1814) (29.8) (1832)
13/65650 22.8 21.8 263 22.0 266 Slip flexural crushing
(31.0) (29.5) (1814) (29.8) (1832)
13/751100 18.2 17.6 256 17.9 261 Flexura! crushing
(24.7) (23.9) (1767) (24.3) (1801)
13/75950 17.8 17.6 256 17.9 261 Flexura! crushing
(24.1) (23.9) (1767) (24.3) 1
13/89950 15.8 15.1 260 ! 15.3 263 Flexura! crushing
(21.4) (20.5) (1794) (20.8) (1816)
13/89650 15.3 15.1 260 15.3 263 Slip bond/flexure/shear
(20.7) (20.5) (1794) (20.8) (1816)

16/311800 34.4
j 32.1
32.1 1 242
242 32.8
32.8 245 Small slip flexura! crushing
(1667) (44.5) 245
(1688) Slip bond/flexure/shear
(46.6) (43.6)
(39.0) (43.6) (1667) (44.5) (1688)
(42.5) (43.6) (1667) (44.5) 'i (1688)
16/311650 128.8
¡ 32.1 242 32.8
1 245 Slip bond/flexure/shear

16/311500 31.1 32.1 242 32.8 245 Slip bond/shear

(42.1) (43.6) (1667) (44.5) (1688)
16/651150 36.3 35.3 249 35.7 251 Flexural crushing
(49.2) (47.9) (1716) (48.4) (1732)
16/651050 37.2 35.3 249 35.7 251 Flexural crushing
(50.4) (47.9) (1716) (48.4) (1732)
16/65950 38.3 35.3 249 35.7 251 Flexura! crushing
(52.0) (47.9) (1716) (48.4) (1732)
16/65800 40.1 35.3 249 35.7 251 Flexural crushing
(54.4) (47.9) (1716) (48.4) (1732)
16/65700 38.2 35.3 249 35.7 251 Slip flexura! crushing
(51.8) (47.9) (1716) (48.4) (1732)
16/65725 35.5 35.3 249 35.7 251 Slip bond/flexure/shear
(48.1) (47.9) (1716) (48.4) (1732)
16/89975 14.2 20.2 239 20.5 243 Slip bond/shear
(19.3) (27.3) (1647) (27.8) (1677)
16/89675 8.5 20.2 239 20.5 243 Slip bond/flexure/shear
3/8 in. (9.5 mm) strand, stress(11.6)
relieved, fpu = 263 ksi(27.3)
(1813 MPa). (1647)
(27.8) (1677)
1/2 in. (12.7 mm) strand, low relaxation, fpu = 276 ksi (1903 MPa).
0.62 in. (15.7 mm) strand, low relaxation, fpu = 260 ksi (1793 MPa).
accounts for the elastic shortening loss
and is a function of the modulus of the
o 10 20 30 40 50 in. 2000 �---.- concret
���� e at
���--. 2
����- 8
-.��� time
�� 2 of
4 transfer
. The
in the
o strand
fw is a
n of
us of
as well
as the
� V in the
V 6 The
l s
stress in
l /n
) the strand
1 at
.(/ 2
. flexura!
.( ultimate,
8 fps» is
0 determin
ed from
the ACI
shown in
Table 5,
the ACI
are too
f m e o 1/2 in 2.
m n n (12_7 The
o 3/8 in. st � l prop
re m .(/ strand
strand ) p osed
n ec ( i
40 expre
Oo gt 2
01'1-- ssion
- h )
4 n -'----'-- for
8 0
,_ c )
-'--'- the
� o --'---'-
, .
2 --'----'- transfe
......_ n 4 --'---'-
, cr -----'-----' r
� et o 2 '----'-- length,
, es o. 0 '--
_,_ an . �-'-
� d --'---'- (4), is
� th -'-�
er o on the
----- ef O
'--- or current
'- e 0
� ar Code
-'- e 80
--'- 0 expres
� un
1 sion,
'-- co 20
� modi
O ns 0
fied by
O er 1
60 replaci
300 va
600 0 ng fse
900 20 with
1200 ve 00 Íp; and
1500 fo by an
Dista r anc additi
from ch e onal
end, ec fro factor
ki m
ng free
end, accou
str nt for
es the
se concre
s te
at compr
tra essive
ns strengt
fe h at
r the
ne time
ar of
th transfe
e r. This
en sion is
ds ap
of o 10 20 30 plicable
th 200 40 50 60
70 80 90
e 2 tely
in. 8
m 160 after
e 2 transfer
o 4
m e, for the
� 2 conditio
12 0
be 0 (
n of
r. 0 gradual
T Vl
( release.
8BEJ /
oe Vl V
3. In
- E 4500 l
de psi 1 desig
80 2
(31 i n,
si 0 MPa) .

gn (/)
re psi ing
co (65 the
s ly after s r o c
t transfer ep 1'1-'--'---'----'- s n c
r at the d --'--''--'----'- i 0
e ends of u '--'--'--'---'- Dist l
-'-'--'---'- free e
s the
s member n
e s, Eq. Fi g
g. t
s (6) pro
12 h
vides a .
i simple lnf
m conserv lu e
m ative en x
e expressi ce p
d on for of r
i the co e
nc s
a transfer
re s
t length. te
e 4. An i
increa m
an pr n
d es .
4 he si
0 nc ve T
e a str h
red en i
uct gt s
ion h
of on
th e
str e q
an de u
d ve a
de lo t
p i
m o
me n
nt of
len str i
gth es n
, s -
ld. in
5 pr e
. et l
T en u
h si
e on
in e
o g s
p str
o an f
se d. a
d c
d t
es o
ig r
n s
x w
p h
re i
ss c
Table 5. Comparison of transfer and development lengths calculated using the proposed expressions and ACI Code expressions.
11 for stress check ld = 11 + l¡b
. 1

Concrete strengths Strand stresses Eq. (6) ACI Eq. (7) 1
psi (MPa) ksi (MPa) in.(mm) in. (mm) in. (mm) in.(mm)

Case 1 Ípi = 192 (1324) 31.7 + 53.5 26.2 + 53.5

f;¡ = 3000 (20.7) fse = 159 (1096) 25.0 (635) 25.0 (635) = 85.2 =79.7
¡; = 4500 (31.0) fps = 266 (1834) (2164) (2024)

Case 2 Ípi = 193 (1331) 27.6 + 43.7 27.2 + 50.5

f;¡ = 4000 (27.6) Íse = 165 (1138) 21.7 (551) 25.0 (635) = 71.3 =77.7
f; = 6000 (41.4) fps = 266 (1834) (1811) (1974)

Case 3 Ípi = 194 (1338) 21.0 + 31.7 28.8 + 47.3
f;¡ = 7000 (48.3) fse = 173 (1193) 16.4 (417) 25.0 (635) =52.7 = 76.1
f; = 10,000 (69.0) fps = 268 (1848) (1339) (1933)

sion is applicable for the condition of and Mass, Mark A., "Influence of Strand for Prestressed Concrete,"
the gradual release of the strand. Concrete Strength on Strand Transfer PCI JOURNAL, V. 29, No. 4, July
Length," PCI JOURNAL, V. 8, No. 5, August 1984, pp. 120129.
October 1963, pp. 4767. 12. Zia, Paul, and Mostafa, Talat, "De
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 5. Hanson, N. W., and Kaar, P. H., velopment Length of Prestressing
"Flexura! Bond Tests of Pretensioned Strands," PCI JOURNAL, V. 22,
Toe authors gratefully acknowledge Prestressed Beams," ACI Journal, No. 5, SeptemberOctober 1977,
the Natural Sciences and Engineering V. 55, No. 7, 1959, pp. 783803. pp. 5465.
Research Council of Canada for fund
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b = width of beam Ípi = initial stress in prestressing ld = development length
db = nominal strand diameter strand just after release
le = embedment length provided
f� = compressive strength of con Íps = maximum stress in strand at in test specimen
crete at time of testing nominal strength
ljb = flexural bond length
t: = compressive strength of con Ípu = ultimate strength of prestress
crete at time of release ing strand t, = transfer length

Ípbed = stress in strand in prestressing Íse = stress in strand after losses Mmid = moment at midspan
bed h = overall depth of beam Mn = nominal flexural strength


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