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1. Select one of the member countries of Mercosur and establish its role in world
trade, in terms of its trade balance, main products and trade with the other
members of the organization.
2. Analyze the environmental measures proposed by Joe Biden at the virtual summit
on April 22 and 23, select one of these in particular and find out more about it.
3. Select a Multilatina company and establish the main economic impacts that it has
generated in its expansion strategy.
4. A couple of weeks ago we saw how the political pendulum in Ecuador, with the
election of Guillermo Lasso, for this reason, the scenario presented in Peru could in
the same way influence the Latin American political landscape. For this reason,
investigate the economic proposals of the candidates Fujimori and Castillo, and
analyze what the repercussion could be in the region depending on who finally
wins the elections.
5. As we have noticed, in the United States, hate crimes against racial minorities in
the United States have increased disproportionately, establishing in the same way,
massacres every day, what kind of measures do you consider are necessary to be
able to counteract this situation?

1. Nowadays, Argentina is kind of a close economy, its actual president wants to
continue with this, in that way the country does not represent a considerable point
in the international trade, the country. Nevertheless, Argentina has a lot of natural
resources that could help it to improve their imports and exports, and it the main
factor that helps it to participate in the international trade. The main products that
Argentina exports are those natural ones, like rice, soy, corn and other ones.
Argentina used to have strong relations with Brasil, but in 2019 with the election of
Alberto Fernandez their relationship has been deteriorated because the new
president of the country has opposite ideas than Jair Bolsonaro. On th other hand,
with the other member of Mercosur, the country does not have really close
2. I consider like something interesting, the proposal that Joe Biden said in the virtual
summit about creating jobs with good guaranties and well paid meanwhile The
United States walks to a better future in terms of environment. The Biden´s idea
consists on create jobs with such as characteristics, at the same time the country is
developing and implementing plans to confront the environmental crisis, the idea
of this measure is to support employers and employees during their participation
on the climate change plan.
Biden believes that if the government support them, they will feel surer about the
measures that the country is taken about the environmental crisis.
3. Cencosud as a Multilatina has played an important role in the economy of each
country it has presence nowadays, it is because of its successful business ideas,
and its arrivals to some Latin-American countries. These facts have contributed to
the growth of the economy of each one of them, Cencosud has generated a
considerable quantity of jobs and also, with the responsibility the company has in
order to respond with taxes in those countries, finally, the company is promoting
the direct foreign investment.
Nevertheless, not everything is perfect and the entrance of a big company such as
Cencosud to the market, means that the little businesses have to restructure their
strategies in order to do not go to bankrupt, but it depends also of the support of
the government to those who could suffer because of this Multilatinas.
4. If Keiko Fujimori wins the elections in Peru, the region may be affected because for
the global community it is not going to see well that the daughter of Alberto
Fujimori is in the presidency of the country, because of his reputation, most
Peruvian people and also in the international aspect it would be seen like a recoil.
Nevertheless, Keiko has good proposals and she has the support of a big quantity
of people, it could be something in favor for her, she will have the support of the
population and it could help her to improve the situation in the country and try to
repair the things her father made, also, she support the idea of international
trades, and in that way she probably will improve the relations the country has in
the region.
On the other hand, if Pedro Castillo wins it could implies a strong print on the
international community, because he has the idea of a closer economy in the
country, they wants to protect the national companies instead of international
ones, and it is good for them, but the idea is to find the middle point between in
globalization and the nationalism, he should implement another strategy in order
to do not affect the relationship the country has with another member of the
region and also international partners.
5. First of all, the main measure I would take, would be the facility how people get
guns in the country, also I would implement a consensus mental education with
children and I would bring them support by the pass of the years because it is
important in order to consolidate a society, emotionally healthy, the main problem
in The United States is that people do not know how to control their feeling and
they interpretate the liberty they have in terms of guns and the easy access to
them, like the right of doing whatever they consider correct, even if they are
affecting other people, this country need to implement a strategy that educate
children to respect another nationalities and cultures, in that way they are going to
be more respectful with other; there is not another way because for many foreign
people The U.S is the country of opportunities and in that case, North-American
people have to live daily with that.

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