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Teacher Candidate: Date:

Cooperating Teacher: Coop. Initials

Group Size: 20 Grade Level: 3rd

Subject or Topic: Life Cycle of Plants Section

STANDARD: (PA/Common Core):

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)

• Third grade students will be able to Identify the different parts of a seed by drawing a seed and
labeling the parts.

• Third grade students will be able identify the inside parts of a seed, four elements’ seeds need to
grow, and how seeds are dispersed by completing exit tickets.

II. Assessment/Evaluation plan

A. Formative
• Students will demonstrate their knowledge by drawing and labeling the different parts of
a seed in their journal after observing a lima bean seed using magnifying glasses.

• The students will also be assessed by completing a journal entry question.

B. Summative

Assessment: Documentation Tool: Scale:

(e.g. product, quick (e.g. rating scale, (performance levels)
response, interview) rubric, checklist,
anecdotal notes)

- Drawing a seed - Anecdotal - Narra ve

diagram with notes
labels - Check plus,
- Anecdotal check, check
- Exit ckets. notes minus

III. Instructional Materials (includes amount)

• lima bean seeds (two for each student, 1 wet & 1 dry)

• bowl of water

• magnifying glasses (1 for each student)

• paper towels

• Seed observation worksheets (for each student)

• Plants Life Cycle! By: Botany For Kids

• Seeds packet

• Thumbnail (1 for each student)

• Doc cam

• KWL chart (1 for each student)

IV. Subject Matter/ Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, new content)
A. Prerequisite Skills

a. Students should know that seeds grow into plants.

b. Students should know how to read and write.

c. Understand basic lab rules.


B. Key Vocabulary

a. Seeds- A plant's unit of reproduction



b. Germination- process of which an organism grows from a seed.

c. Magnifying glass- lens that enlarges an Image.

C. New Content

a. Embryo- a fertilized ovule, an immature plant from which a new plant will grow
under proper conditions.

b. Seed coat- protective outer coat of the seed.

c. Cotyledon- embryo within the seed of a plant that becomes the first leaves of the

d. Stored Food- a plant uses stored food until It grows leaves that can make food.

e. Root-part of a plant which attaches It to the ground.

V. Implementation

A. Introduction 10 minutes –
1. "All the flowers of all the tomorrows are In the seeds of today" (Chinese Proverb)
• Have a student read this quote aloud.

• Say to the students "Are there any key words in this quote that give you any ideas of what we
could be learning about today?"

(students answer)

• We are going to learn about the different stage’s plants go through In order to grow and why It's
Important to know this.

• When we look around outside plants are all around us!

• It's Important that we know how the plant life cycle works because plants work so hard to produce
foods and oxygen for us.

2. Tell the students today we're going to focus on the first step of the plant life cycle which Is seeds.

3. As a class create a KWL chart to activate student’s prior knowledge and to get them thinking about what
they want to learn throughout the lesson.

B. Development –
* Hand out the seeds packet to each student.
1. Read the book Plants Life Cycle! By: Botany For Kids
• While reading the book fill out guided notes about how seeds are dispersed and what they
need to grow. (have the paper on doccam)

2. Explain the different parts to a seed using a diagram for the students to visualize where the different parts
are. (have these key vocabulary terms on a word wall)
• An embryo Is a baby plant that lives Inside a seed.

• The seed coat Is a hard shell on the outside of a that protects the embryo.

• Cotyledon Is a thick leaf Inside a seed that provides food to the baby plant until It can
make Its own food.

• Root- part of a plant which attaches to the ground for support.

3. Now that we know seeds is the first step In the plant life cycle and we know the parts of a seed, we're
going to put on our scientist observing hats and observe a real seed.
4. The seed we are going to be observing Is a lima bean seed.
5. On each of your tables there is a container holding a dry seed, a magnifying glass, a paper towel and a
thumbnail for each person at your table.
6. There's also a bowl of water with a wet seed for each of you.
7. (Puts on doccam dissecting seed sheet) Tell the students that they will…
• Observe the outside of their seed and describe what It looks and feels like.

• Make a prediction on what they think the Inside of the seed will look like.

• Draw what the Inside of the seed looks like.

• Answer whether their predictions of what the Inside of the seed would look like Is

8. Demonstrate to the students how to break open the seed using the thumbnail.
9. Go over lab safety rules by explaining to them that when using the thumbnail, It should only be used to
open the seed.
10. Have students begin their dissecting a seed activity.
11. While students are engaged In the activity walk around and assist students as needed.
12. Once the dissecting a seed activity Is completed students will draw a diagram of the Inside of a seed
and label It with the embryo, cotyledon, root, and food storage.

C. Closure –
A. Teacher and students will fill out the L In the KWL chart they started In the beginning of the

B. Students will complete 3 exit ticket questions.

a. What are the three different parts of the Inside of a seed?

b. What are the four elements’ seed need In order to grow?

c. How are seeds dispersed?

D. Accommodations / Differentiation -
• Extra time for completing exit tickets.

• Having the wet seed already opened up.

• Allow students to type exit ticket responses.

VI. Reflective Response

A. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of States Objectives (Reflection on students

performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for students who failed to meet acceptable
level of achievement)

B. Personal Reflection(Question written before lesson is taught.)(Reflective answers to

questions recorded after lesson is taught.)

VII. Resources (APA Format)

A plant's life cycle!: From small sprouts to big leaves, botany for kids. (2016). Left Brain
Chelsey, Says, C., Chelle, Says, M., Melinda@LookWhatMomFound...andDadtoo, Says,
T., . . . Exciting Hands on Unit Study for Earth Day - Royal Baloo says:. (2017,
June 01). Science for kids: Dissect a bean seed (with free printable recording sheet).
Retrieved April 05, 2021, from

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