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Olympia Sports 1701 Festival Square Avenue

Indianapolis, IN 46201

TO: Glenn Attebury

FROM: Olympia Sports PR team

DATE: 4-13-21

SUBJECT: Recommended Marketing Plan

Dear Mr. Glenn Attebury,

At Olympia Sports Inc., we are committed to providing our highest quality sports
equipment to our loyal customers. A new athletic shoe line has been in the works, to expand our
selection of products. Our product is not like any ordinary athletic shoe, but it is built to protect
the foot from injury better than other athletic shoes on the market. With help from our research
and development team, we have based this decision off their research and information found out
about target publics and the likeliness of foot injuries within those publics. Although the
development of this product will be beneficial for our company, we face challenges when it
comes to our communications and marketing efforts. It is essential for us to address these
challenges and concerns to develop a marketing plan for Olympia Sports Inc. to reach the target
publics for the new athletic shoe line.

The challenges facing Olympia Sports are intricate. There are financial constraints
limiting expenses in many areas of the company. Because of this, the company is making careful
decisions when it comes to marketing this new shoe. The marketing team is divided when it
comes to deciding who to market this shoe towards, men or women. The issue here is that there
needs to be a concrete decision made towards one audience to confidently put our efforts towards
it. If we were to choose to target this new shoe towards men, we would have a more well-known
spokesperson, however this would be at a higher cost initially, and would still contain a risk
involved in being a success. If we were to choose women, we would save on the initial cost of a
spokesperson, but at a higher risk of not reaching as large of an audience. We have created
different criteria to be able to help us reach our decision. Those are listed in the next section and
are explained further.

We needed to be able to come to a concrete decision on who to market towards, so we

created a list of seven different criteria to do so. First off, is the cost for the consumer. We
decided that as a company, we want our consumers to feel confident when making a purchase.
Research shows that women’s shoes cost on average less than men’s do (Pricenomics, 2017).
The next one is the cost for us initially during the promotion phase. We were given a statement
on the initial cost to promote at the beginning. After this, we have feedback. Studies show that on
average, women tend to give more feedback on products than men do (Pearcy, 2011). As a
company that is important to us when it comes to creating quality products. Reputation is another
important criterion in that our reputation will increase if athletes are seen wearing our shoes. This
in turn would give us a bigger market share. Style is important too, with the sneaker community
being as prevalent as it is, it is important to make an impact on that too. Next up is our return on
investment, which is a big factor as a company that we want to be sure is high on the priority list.

Tel: (317) 555-7284 Fax: (317) 555-8253 E-mail: Web Site:
Then finally we have the potential market share, which would be harder to break into if we target
towards male athletes.

Criteria Male Athletes Female Athletes

Rating Weight Score Rating Weight Score

Cost for 3 2 6 5 2 10

Cost to 3 2 6 4 2 8

Feedback 2 3 6 5 3 15

Reputation 5 2 10 3 2 6

Style 4 1 4 2 1 2

ROI 5 3 15 5 3 15

Market 2 3 6 4 3 12

Total: 53 68

Based on this chart, we recommend the campaign focuses on female athletes over male
athletes after looking at the research findings and criteria chart. With the financial position of
Olympia Sports Inc., gearing the campaign towards female athletes and using a more fiscally
responsible female spokesperson will bring in a higher return on investment. Women are more
likely to provide reviews and feedback on the product (Lin, 2020). Data from the women can
then be used on the campaign to adjust marketing and products in case of poor performance.
Targeting female athletes will be able to reach an under marketed area and reach a lion’s share,
that the male athletes currently have in the athletic shoe’s business. We believe that targeting
female athletes would lead to greater success based on the criterion chart, as well as expand the
market and growth in the female athletic shoe business.

We are fully confident in our decision to focus our initial sales and communication efforts towards the
female athlete demographic. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns please feel free to
reach out. We are very excited to continue working on this project.


Olympia Sports PR Team


Lin, Y. (2020, December 17). 10 online Review statistics you need to know in 2021.
Retrieved April 13, 2021, from

Pearcy, A. (2011, October 07). Study: Women are more responsive to online reviews.
Retrieved April 13, 2021, from

Priceonomics. (2017, July 27). How much do women's shoes cost vs men's? Retrieved
April 13, 2021, from

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