People With High IQ's Are Good Language Learners.

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Zamyatina Sofya

People with high IQ's are good language learners.

Language learning is a difficult process that demands motivation,

perseverance, and practice of course. But do we need a high IQ to be good
language learners?
I don’t agree with this statement. Of course, a high IQ can give us
background knowledge about the language, its history, and its formation. It may
help to make connections and associations with our mother tongue or other
languages. But, if we remember the example from the video about Francois Gouin
we can notice that high IQ did not help but interfered him to learn German. This
example shows that teachers as well need teachers sometimes because teachers
teaching strategies can have a very good impact on students learning a new
language. Nobody explained to him looking from the side, that learning vocabulary
without practice could be senseless. He had a great opportunity to live in a
linguistic environment.
Also, as a primary and elementary school teacher, I can say that kids don’t
usually have very high IQs, but sometimes it is easier to teach them than adults.
They are not afraid of taking risks and their consciousness level is lower. These
two factors assist them to acquire language faster.
So, having a high IQ is just a plus to a language learner that doesn’t
guarantee a proficiency level in any language since this intelligence can help
learners to process or to comprehend, however, it can prevent them from acquiring
language in real life.

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