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‘SEBMo06204 KOMATSU Loaber WA420:3 MACHINE MODEL SERIAL NUMBER wWaAdz0-3 50001 and up 01 10 20 30 40 00-2 CONTENTS GENERAL .. Ont STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION TESTING AND ADJUSTING 04 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY ... 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The ‘service and repair techniques recommended by Komatsu and described in this manual ‘te both effective an safe. Some ofthese techniques requir the uso of tools specially ‘designed by Komatsu forthe specific purpose. ‘To prevent injury to workors, the symbol ls used to mark safety precautions inthis manval. The cautions accompanying these cymbols should always be followed care fully. any dangerous situation arses or may possibly arse, rst consider safety, and take the necessary sctons to deal with the situation, (GENERAL PRECAUTIONS Mistakes in operation are extremely dangerous Read the Operation and Maintenance Manual ‘arofully BEFORE operating the machine, 4. Before carying out any greasing oF repair, read al the precautions given on the decals ‘which are fixed tothe machine. When carrying out any operation, always wear safety shoes and helmet. Do not wear Toose work lathes, or clothes wth Buttons missing Always woar efety glasses when hiting parts witha hammer. + Always wear safety glasses when grind ing parts with grinder, ete 23. welding repels are neaded, always have a trained, experonced welder carry out the ‘work. When carrying out welding work, a ways wear welding gloves, apron, hand {hislcap and othr clothes suited for wala ing work 4. When carrying out any operation with two cor more workors,ehways agre on the oper sting procedure before sterting. Always In form your fellow worker before stating sry ‘top of the operation. Before starting work hang UNDER REPAIR signs onthe controls In the operator's compartment ‘5. Keop all toot in good condition and learn the corract way to use them. 6. Decide Place in the repair workshop to keep tools and removed pars. Always keop the tools and parts in their correct paces. [Always Keep the work tea cleen and make ture that there is no dit of ail onthe flo. ‘Smoke only in the areas provided for smok Ing. Never smoke wile working, PREPARATIONS FOR WORK Betore adding ol or making any repairs, park the machine on hard, ov! ground, and block the wheels or tracks to prevent the ‘machine from moving, Before starting work, lower blade, ripper, bcket or any other work equipment to the ‘round, f this is not posse, insert the {Safety pin or use blocks to prevent the work ‘equipment trom fling. In adtion, bo sure to lock ll the control fevers and hang war ing signe on ther, When disassembling or assembling, support the machine with blocks, jecks or stands before stating work Remove all mud and oil fom the steps oF ‘other places used to get on and off the me chine. Always use the handall, ladders oF ‘ope when getting on of of the machine. Never jump on of off the machine. Ii Is Impossile to use the handrails, ladders or stops, ue a stand to provide safe footing, 00-3 PRECAUTIONS DURING WORK. 11. When removing the ol llr cap, dean plug for hydraulic pressure measuring plugs, Joosen them slowly to prvent the el from Betore disconnecting or removing compo: nents of the ol, water or alr cleus, fst remove the pressure completly from the 12, The water and oil in the circuits are hot wien the engine is stopped, so be careful not to get burned, Wait for the ll and water to cool before earring out any work of the oll oF water cireuits 18. Bafore starting work, remove the leads trom the battary. Always remove the lead trom ‘the negative (+ terminal fet "4. when rasing heavy components, use shoist Check that the sie ro 1 free from damage. ‘Always use lifting equipment which hat ‘ample capacty. Install the iting equipment atthe correct places. Use a hoist or crane and operate Slowly to prevent the component fram hit ting any ether par. Do not work with any ort stl ated by the hot or rane. nan and hooks 18. When removing covers wich are under in temal pressure or under pressure fom & spring, slays leave two bolts in position (on opposite sides, Slowly release the pros. sure, then siowly losen the bolts to remove, 16. When removing componerts, be careful not to break or damage the wiring. Damaged wiring may cause oloctrica fires. 17, When removing piping, stop the fuel or oll {rom sping out any Tus or ol dips onto ‘the tloor, wipe it up immediately. Fuel oo ‘on the flor can eause yeu to slp, or can ‘ven start free. 18. As @ general rule, do not use gasoline to wath pant. particular, ute nly the mini: ‘mum of gasoline when washing electrical 2. 23. SAFETY NoTICE Be sure to assemble all parts agaln in their origina paces. «+ Wren instaling hoses and wires, bo sure that thy will not be damaged by contact With other parts when tha machine is be Ing operated when insaling high pressure hoses, make ‘sure that they are not twisted. Damaged tubes are dangerous, so be extremely care- ful when installing tubes for high pressure circus. Also, check that connecting parts ate correctly installed. tse the specified tightening toques. When Instaling protective parts such as guards, for pate which vibrate violently or rotate at high speed, be particulary caefl to check ‘that they are installed correct fingers oF hand. Be careful not to get your fingers caught in a hoe. when measuring hydraulic pressure, check that the measuring tool i correctly assem bled before taking any measurements ‘Tako care when removing or instaling the tracks of tracketype machines. When removing the ack, the track sep ‘tos suddenly, 20 never lt anyone stand st citer end of the track FOREWORD GENERAL FOREWORD GENERAL This shop manual has been prepared as an aid to improve the quality of repairs by giving the serviceman an accurate understanding ofthe product and by showing im the correct way to perform repairs and make judgements. Make sure you understand the contents of this manual and use It full offect at every opportunity This shop manual mainly contains the necessary technical information for operations performed in a service workshop. For ease of understanding, the manual is dvidad into the folowing shaptos: these Chapters are further divided into the each main group of components, ‘STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION This section explains tho structure and function of each component. It serves not only to give {an understaning ofthe structure, but also serves as reference material for teubleshooting, TESTING AND ADJUSTING ‘This section explains checks to be made before snd after performing cepts, as well as aciustmentst0 be made at completion ofthe cheeks and repairs. Troubleshooting charts correlating "Problems" to "Causes" aro also included inthis section. DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY ‘This section expiaine the order to be folowed when removing, insaling, disassembling or assembling each component, a8 well as precautions to be taken fr these operations MAINTENANCE STANDARD ‘This section gives the judgement standards when Inspecting dsassembled ports NoTICE ‘The specifications contained in this shop manual aro subject to change st any time and without any advance notice, Use the specifications given In the book withthe latest date. FOREWORD HOW TO READ THE SHOP MANUAL re issued as aguide to carrying ‘Thay are divided 8 follows: ‘Chassie volume: esued for avery machine model Engine volume: Issued for each engine ser Ca "ech faued a one ‘Attachments volume: | Yelume to cover all models ‘These various volumes are designed to avoid plieting the same informaton. Therefore, to Seal wth all repairs for any rode, iis neces- ‘ment volumes be available ~ DISTRIBUTION AND UPDATING Any adaitions, amendments or ether changes wil be sont to KOMATSU dlstrbutors. Get the ‘ott up-to-date Information before you stat any work. FLING METHOD 1. See the page number on the bottom of the ‘page. Fle the pages in corect order 2, Following examples show how to read the ‘page number. Example 1 (chassis volume! 19- tom nurmbe (10, Structure ‘and Function) |___aneeeutive page number for tach fem. Example 2 (Engine volum et Unit number (1. Engine) em numbe! (2. Testing and ‘Adjusting? |____ Consecutive page number for ‘ach tom. 2. Additional pages: Adstionl pages re ind fated by a hyphen () and number after the age number. File os in tho example. Example 104 s2.200 wo 12.208-1 30.42} Adsed paves I 22032 308 e206 00-6 HOW To READ THE SHOP MANUAL REVISED EDITION MARK When» manual is revised, en edition mark (@19..) fe recorded on the bottom of the eaes REVISIONS. Revieed pages are shown in the LIST OF FE VISED PAGES next tothe CONTENTS page. Se thatthe shop manual can be of ample prac tical uso, important safety snd quality portions fave marked with the fllowing symbos ‘Symbol |_ em Remarts al Spada oley precutone are oceesry when poring Special chr precautions rotor precuton for pre Steving tandoras ora notes ESry"nen performing the te | caution (Cs)) wom only who voning pases, ‘meni fnion or the aering [rahening Pacer fo be costed with a = Os wl aces war ol wt ol ‘oi water) tbo aed a he i — pai. Places whore ol or water Disin | must be aries ane Suan yt be aned FOREWORD HOISTING INSTRUCTIONS HoIsTING Hoavy parts (25 kg or mors) must be lites with 2 Rost ot. SEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY section, ‘very part weighing 25 4g or more is Indlested clery withthe symbol Ca in the DISAS: ‘should be made 4) Check for removal of all bolts fetening the part to the relative part. 2) Check for existence of another part caus- ing interference with the part to be re moved, Wore ROPES 1) Use edequste ropes depending on the \woight of parts to be host the table below Wire ropes (Standard °Z" or "5" twist ropes ‘without galvanizing) part cannot be smoothly removed from ‘the machine by hoisting, the following checks refering to ope diameter | Allowable oad om | tone 10 oe | 10 na a7 | ow as 17 | 16 u as | 22 6 ms | 28 8 asa | a6 2 ar | ou 24 seo | 58. 2 ver | 100 © ves | 180 50 zs | 280 a so2_| «oo 4 The allowable load valve is estimated to be onosith or one-soventh ofthe break. ing stongth ofthe rope used 2) Sling wice ropes from the mide portion ofthe hook. a HOISTING msstRUCTIONS Singing near the edge of the hook may fause the rope to slp off the hook during hoisting, and a serious accident can re fut Hooks have maximum strength the middle portion 64944 100% 88% 79H TIAN Do not sling a heavy load with one rope alone, but sling with two ar more ropes Eymmetialy wound onto the las, |B Sivsina win ene rope moy cause fuming of the load during helsing, Luntwstng ofthe rope or slipping af the rope from its orginal winding potion on the load, which can r0 Sutin dangerous szidont Do not sling a heavy load wth ropes form ing a wide hanging ange from the hook. When hoisting Toad with two or mor ropes, the force subjected to ach rope twiinerese with te hanging angles. The {able below shows the variation of allow ‘ble Toad KN (kg) when hastings made With two rapes, each of which is allowed. to sling up fo 9.8 KN (1000 kg) vertealy, at various hanging angles. \Wnen two ropes sling 8 Toad vertically, up {o 191 KN (2000 kg} of total weight can be suspended. This weight becomes 9: KN {1000 ka} when two ropes make 2 120° hanging angle. On the eter hand, two subjected to an excessive ores 29.2 EN (4000 Ig) if they sling £8196. (2000 ka) lsd at ling angle FOREWORD COATING MATERIALS COATING MATERIALS ++ The recommended costing materiale such as adhesives, gasket sealants end greases used for lsessembly and assembly ar Iistod below. ++ For coating materials not sted below, use the equivalent of products shown inthis lie Cctenory [Hemawucode] Peano. | ay | Container Main aplication, features Lr-1a _[yeozs-oso] 180.9 | Tube |" ishions, and cock plug tom coming ov [Uses in paces requiing an imeditey 200. lponetnyene|_ sisive, tong dhosv. Used for ple jrs-ize-oco| 200, |Poh {es ence pelatvane,peaertvens Features: Resietonce to heat and chor v2 | ona 00020 Peyeone al 80.0 | Caner |+ Used for attaosaring and sealant pu 790-129-0060 |Anesive: Used ar adhesveor snlat or metal glass (Serot aahe | Sra plate urs |Sheand’ [Hawering] con nadening "ogo, ‘eon | Bog oietnene|- Used as salnt for machined holes. iow : Vand we astreaining saint for psn whet, |reo-ia6sr20] 759 | Tube |* ed eb Quick nedoning yp aahesive “Tne bond Iraytnene|* Cure time winin 3 se, 3 min a6" |790-12-940) S00 PCr | Used mai for adhesion of metals, rb | Quick haraening pe aahoslve | Gickeure type imax song sor 30min |- Used min or adhesion of uber Aronaiohe |yop-129-9130] 29 os Lost SE frmranann| an [mn Chaicsonne bee han om Used at aahasve or sealant for gaskets Ler [peotzs-soro) 200¢ | Tube |” packing of power an ass te Usese eal Yor ange surfaces ana bois thigh temperature tocatona, used tos |rao-rancora) tha | Can | ed ar selnt for heb resistance gasket foc high temperature oeatons such san FOREWORD CComTING MATERIALS como [eormmneoa] ronne [ey [one | wan apicion tres |+ Used as sealant for flange surtace, thread. vos fsa] sone | som | Sesame atria es Sates mang srs o ‘ait tan arama ce [Used a er vr al be es e-reson| 14g [eine ae tanee | oe lr prs pp ove iit int om [Fear Sion wd rine fot Stem] so fessor] 2505 | oe | Sean ett age wee f Seas tote at [rns Bon ted it Rann tee or |ovemoonn| og | rte |. BS onan rhe! owing se tt ig, Tors vond fer-gpsonl wow} aw Ula tego psing ae | ° ES | |+ Used as lubricant for sliding portion (to pre- Molyode- \M-G | c9940.00081 | 60.9 Can vent from squeaking). Senin F Usa prvr sino siig oie SEN | une [omosono | 200 | rave |! sisedanren in dteang tearing at reams [ere prone oe Eres cou eziatia| vaous | veto Eve eo be | die coma npr, Ro bad crete sropsucn Scare sa ea as aca [Berane veiw | vous eer yea vedo per th ‘disuiphide | SYG2-400M | (10 per [Belows type teres ‘enw ions ‘moe m5

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