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_LL LiL-iillilv ẵl*'á tỦKn

Ẳ'f / i -

«'• ì 862: iune 5’ Nguyên đynasty sign •a peace treary ceded thrẹẹ ẹastera.
pro.vinỹes to Prance. for Fran.ce ío accipi írẽc irađe in Da Nans. Hũe set ^ỉmcto,tov ?
prễềa\ Qod's íreedem, and ịf crop iand to anoíher couníry to'ẹive notice to Frạnce
kiiov/s; the.tvvo hạrbors no “enemy", and’ assịgáed ''cnemv" to òne .anoíher
("enemy" here imderstand the rrench, who fight the Prench.) Vietnam historiạns
oôen ca!! this peace asỷeement as "pẹsce ịn ^ ^ ^ ú T u a t." •;
. ì 874: March 15: Nguyên đynssíy sígfl*á peace íreary to accé.pt Ịicếnsina;
đecision oiVdipỉomacy to Francẹ, recei.ved the Frịhch sovereigntY over the whoỉc
proyinọe GÍ South, and Hish.six and Laos, the. Prench ĩrèeđom oĩìnoverieVit
snd-ừaổé solđ in-Horíhera--St£ỉ8Sv ổelivered by "crinì-inaỉs” hiđinẹ-on ihe-íerriíory-
QÍ Vietnarn for Prance ("crirne" is th-át 'Ihòse. ăsrainst Frsnce), Prance sst íor Hue
Reskiení in the upper par \ýiíh poetr/i canceied a!í đirecí edict bameđ; for the.
bishops, priestsị are frẽe lo praach in the Vietnam Gia-cár v/hen to
, iny Ẽway, ■vvith no nesđ to declare inierests in Visínam. Vietnam historians calí
ỉhls piạce agreement as "pệace in GiãpTuẩt." With peace ứeatyi.bcth side-s aìsc
signeđ £. trạậe agreẹrnent.
*• ]- 883: August. 25, dynasty sign a pesce ỉreaíy :ar/wcptấfcle s.iven. íhe.pgịìt to
ccmmurúcũs ’,v!íh aiỉ íortìiịTi countries, ịncluíing China,, tợe- Scưtu 55
“ĩhíse guỵs prolecticmM of France, snnexid the piovừrces 'ó i Einh THi-an ừ'
Soiỉíhera States, Fran.ce hc.á the right place ạỉJhe'Huẻ kõsldẹnt comirnentấ &r.đ king
uíTrănce is righí to P‘j.f EễÝỉdtìTíi':TÌitsój1í'Ha.iphon^ and oíher of Soaih
Korer. plrỉced under corároi cf thf.. Fr:-nch arobassáđor's resiđtncế, *hc ccuví
V-v-:ùáint:ỉĩ. South accepted Uíe appcintment of otricisls of the Picnch in Tcnkin,
I :'i ạìsi-n trậdâ ư:> Fn;rvOe, subi&itt to ihs scỉdicrs ỉtt' Fott wh-:-r? vtr icund
òecesssrv, t3 receive U.S. cụnency is ír-e- Turr&noy of .Soưtn' VicỊ‘i3r;,
■5-Csrs irainers. engíneers, etc. for Victnam (Ảrtlcĩe 24). Vieú;gm h.iĩ:X-viv".í
ihii acs íiíợcòiTi.ent ítỉ "Fe3.ce ir. •Yc.u srnsU." The Fre; c?.!! H
Ị ý s A ? l i - Ệ •il;e Prench representanve tcv sign íb t-caíry :S iuỉca mrT:'ỉP::.
Unđcr I.his trẹsty Viatnarn soi ỉ !oss, ỉoss ó.f citi?.£ĩ.$hip; Ịoss c f so v tr N-ĩí i : on
dipỊornstic -a?faiv:i, ;T:li't2ry, ía.íiỊỊrịâi and mcner.H-y. -
! o V Juue 6, cynasiy £13..ri ■£. <ỵ: tr£'-r.y bụt íha n*2:n v7i;
'"ỉìYi<l Vtc tr. !t proĩecĩion’ Fi:ĩ'ùct. Francí, ọn beha1: 0 ) chrr. ScuO-. iì ! c 'ii/.iing
v/iìh Ịbic:s i": co u n tri^i ar-d for th t supDorc o f thp 'iautii the r- V ;:ir.c *;
;U.-:tOr:í:'!S ■:■ĩú iìvli; peacẹ £c:;^cTní:nt a s ‘?02iCỉ of Bo.dy ÁiTV; ;)/• >\l c . ' i l ich C-:H ị ì.
"'•' ' J.tộ2íỵ’^ ihí:-;ns rne c f ỉl-e rien ch t-1*. ỉ;! i a pcace
ivìktì r r , , e n c t ; T h i s ‘ĩre sly rnakes c!esr ịhe. pc:;;rìo:*i ol 'ví£:'-•.a/l

/ Ị " - ' _íiÉ

(' -uCí ' ; ; t- U í : - i ' ‘, ..' y-.ory i Ị ị / n #V - ■;
i i^ong rostorv ỉilieo with iots cr resisri 'L Wí.r í . :>rí';gn.!r-v'Hdfcí i.
Vicínam ‘ì’ hisíory from an early age Ì3 2 naiion.i! hsstory d*3rsctcri2.£d by
Vm viìỉt:iiii.ĩ* rug,i2i Y'artd Cui Ui ri.

domination ỉasted one ihousand yeạrs. This was-one o f the íìercest trials and
periods of harđship in Vietnam’s hisíory cf naíionậ! đevelopment of dífferent
tribâ! pec-ple irthabitiiig' Vietnamese soii. i-ỉowever, the Vieí peopỉe manageđ to
mamtain their párticular cuỉturai iđentity. Such re.volts which vvere ỉeđ by Hai Ba
Trung •( the tv/o /Trụng iadies), Ba Trieu ( Lady Trieu) and Ly Nam De-:ạnd
eB-pe-G-iaỉỉy the -.hịstericvicíory át- íhe-Baoh Dạng ri-v&r jn-93.8 rtrnder the•ỉeaders-hip
QÍ Ngo' Q uyẹĩí which ílnaíỉy led the Vietnamese peopie' to a complete victory- and
íhey regained íheir national indepenđence. Nationaỉ ConstructíQn and Deíence for
' naĩional ĩndependence ỉasted about One thousand -years( from the early 10!iv
Cerítury to the Miádle o fthe 19l!? cer.turyì,' This periođ aỉso Sviíness séveral íierce
sírusigles launcheđ by the Viétnamese peopỉe a.gairiSt the Nórthem asẹressors. The
wạr of resistance incíudeđ the: baítle ágâirisí the Tòng'ảrmỹ"ìn^tĩĩệ'^lT-*Tcẽntủrỹ”_
íhrẽẹ separaíẹ wars âgainst the invađing Mongol Armỵ in the ]3rd ceạtury, and the
resịsísnce âgainsí the Minh army in the 14lh. century.;In the ỉate ì 7íh ceníury, the

ceníury ,Nguy en cỉynãsty conílnueđ ío cansoiidate ỊÍaĩional uniíỉcation. Át the

present, rhe Vietnamẽse people are tryirig to develop iheịr nationăl econoniy in a
very diíiìcuk siíuatíon raosíly due ío the đicíaíorship of íhe Vietnamese
communist government. . ■ •
2. , ■ T h e re .a re 2 cy.cles of dvi!Ịz2-ílon, 3 era of cuịíural. In the ancỉent tirríes,-
.Ra0. River Civiỉiz2tion succeeđcđ the naíive prehinro.ịc cultures, Ảt it apogee, the:
ancierỉẾ Vif:f peỏpje’s ũrsí naíiọns ( Van Lar,?, Ai' Lỉic) appeaređ .
3. Vit-.r:ĩ>.razse cuaursl hỉsíory, specị^: ac-:u!u«ration: Vietnam received
s.Tiả ĩmpvove culíural history íhroúgh cuìíụr>! cxchansing. For exampỉe,
£iníc:Z8tion DesiriicÌ22tion. Tliere are twc kinds of exchanees: normaỉ
-::c!iangcs and compulsory exchans;e( sssirnĩte-tion) •
. T b ere >vere specịa.! 'dêveỉopm ení QĨ socĩaỉ econữỉTỉk ÍQ rm atìon in
"«ỉeínam ese hisícrv. ( ke bang trong vo vo)

‘^ j ^ |ỉ' c Í%^ỈJi ỹ S u t A :■
Ị ’ Ạ'
^ Ĩ ĩo r n i í c e m u r > ^ s - X g a a h - X e r r ỉ \ ' ^ ^

“ CỉVỉ]izaíÌ0:T: is ọíten useđ as a svnonymYor the broầđẹr íenĩỉ “ cuỉtur.e” in boíh

popular and acạđemỉc .circỉe. Every human being participaíes in" a cuỉíure,
c-snneđ as ‘‘ ti ■r/.arts, cusíoms, habits...b.elief, vaìues, behavior and •maíerial
hebirs that constitụte 2 peop!e’s life”. However; in Its most \videly used
defin iỉion■:civiiÌ2.aíion is descriptive term for a reiaíively complex agricưltural
£!jd -urban cu ítu re. Civi!izations can be distinguished from oíher cuỉíũrẽs hy
istlr hlgh iôveỉ of social Cómplẹxity.and oraanization, and by .theịr. díverse
ecc.nomic and cuitural acíiviũes.

7 a g e i -í

V tetHatnese mstovv and Cư.ULU'-d

' Bff|yhãĩ;'Wasgpteeond:itions and ;coaditions ;for the íorniation pf Đai :Viet

:. ' / I S Ì Ì i ả Ẻ r . . : . - V . :■
*** Historical (prelcondiíioiis: ■ -
Retxirn to 10th century historical needs”
VN gaineđ inđepenđehGe "aíter 1.0 ceuturies dominated by Ch.inése. We liav.ẹ to
keep inđepenđence. identity to đeíenđ nationaỉ indeoendence. Because mạny
enemies were ready to reconquer VieíiiaỉTi again.
Unđer-5015t--(Đuòng) đynastv , Vietnarn is caỉled Ân Nam coỉoný.
In Army ,there are r miỊlion peopỉe. In 981, Le Hoan (Le Dai Hanh) won 100000
..Sung (Tọng) Ậrmy., Bẹsịdes,. thẹ stirong armv, ỉt is also strong ccmntry, reunĩfìed________
counírỵ.-Besides solidaxit5^3 it is aiso division, posiíion, ỉocality, fractionism. ■
Rule o fh isto ry : : ■
+ síronger ( centralize)
+ vveầker ( decentrẩlize) ■
* . s trong; State-'; / : ;ị\ :;
Vieínamese lẹạrpt poỉiticaỉ cuỉture of Chinese, Chinese Goverament.
Feuđalist Government is đeníralizeđ monarchy.
5 basỉc relatiahship: í. '
K ingservaL iís ... ■
Ẹâther-soa • 4 , •’
Husband-wife ; _;,
'Brothers ■■ ' •' v: ’’ "
■ ::ỵ. PrieĩỊđs\ ' ■■■■'. ỈT-
Nationaliẩsues: defendine’naíionaỉ inde.Dendencẹ. buiỉd up reuriiíĩed Cũúníry. . ^ - ---
Cultura! conditions:v- . ■
“ results” from djyịnizatỉonanđ ecculturkíion between Chinẽse.
? Sociaỉ econonaic conditions; “ AsiaíỊc nĩõ3ô of prọducỉiơn”- lánđ tenure. -
Asiaíic commune :latìd. and peasant
No private 0WỊierslxip ■
Public Gxvnership of ìsnđ was íhe ĨTÌŨ3Í condiíion for .the ícrcnaíìon. QÍ DVTC
,■"** Còntent: _ '
There are tsvo kiỉids of civiịization. culture • n£íural;achísvsnients and iníelỉecíuaỉ (
spirióial) hấndìcrsit, íextile. ự, ọ 15 ữ A u d __ ■
ể Typical ígatẹSactóevem entL ỉ ,?v ■ ^
Moi Cot Pagoda, Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam. ■ ' '
System ũf dykes : Minister íor ùykc. _ -
Thang Leng citadeỉ - the first name o f Kanoi under Tans in- sa' centiiry was
1'ong Binh, ỉater \vas Đai La.
- ẢĩGbiíectconsíruction: Paạcda ^ ^
+ Combmaticn 01 3 religion in VNCBocỉcỊ Ị\Q - -p^cidkĩsrrự G b ^ u c iâ v n ịữ n / lcỊũ ĩ^rty
+ ĩdeoiogy : poỉiticai. roilitary art ( mosí c>f thera was esíabiished aurm g Daivisi
civilÌ2.aíion) ' •

: Page ị 5

Viiliiiiiílilii" n ■1Ỉ1ỈĂV ÍÍ11M Cmtury

W h y c ọ tiỉd V íé tn a m e s e ơ â in in đ e p e r t đ e r i c e a n d k e e o c u l t u r a l
■..'.iđentity a f t e r 10 c e n t u r i e s o f C h i n e s e d o - rn in ã tìo n ?
Mỉìiíary stmggỉe and cuỉỉurol stmggỉe ( besides normal citỉiurcỉ exchange)
■• , Áccording to Vieínameseiesienđs, the fĩrst Vieínarnẽse đescendeđ froiji the
dragon Ịprd Lac Long Quân and- the_heav&nlY spirỉt Ầ u Cơ. Lac Long Quan 'and
Ảu Cơ hâđ 100 sóns. and the eiđest One became'ífre ílrsi in the ỉines; o f eạriy
Vịeínảmesé íine of klngs, coỉlectiveỉy lcnpvvn as Hùng Vương: Under Hùne kinss,
the civilixation thai wouỉd later bscorae Việt Nam wảs caỉỉeđ Vãn Lang. T h e .
. peopỉe o f Vẫn Lan^ werẹ cạỉỉeđ the Lạc. The modern Vieỉnamesẹ'íangụạge ỉs a
meììiber o f Moìi-Khmer langưage famiỉý, tnìxsd with marỉỴ eỉements similar to

® By íhe 3rá century BC, another Viet ơroup. the Ẩu, ermarated from present
Southern China ío thà Red River deita and rnixed vvith the lndis;enous Văn Lang
population. -ĩn 258 BG, a new kinsdom caỉled Âu Lạc was formẹđ by Thục Phán
in Moríh Vietaam. Pháa procỉaimed him seiĩ An Dương VửẬna. After ạ long war
with th& 0 in dvnastv: An Dươiiẹ yirơng was íĩnaỉly áefeâíeđ By a Qin
generaỉ narheđ Triẻii Đả in 208 BC. Đả proclaimed hims‘elf king.'when the Qin
empire feỉỉ to'the Han.. He combineđ Âu-Lạc wiíh ícrritories In sọuthem China and
named his kingdom Nam Việt. Nam means soưth, and Vieí is a derivaíion o f Yue.
ínè Chinese na me for the Guangdong, Guangxi, and Vietnam-regions.
a 'Despite 2 program of Sinicization. the Vieís reíused assirríiỉation and
rebelied in 40 ÂD. Aửer her husbaná hađ been executed by the Chinệse, a
V ieínsm £se-w am ến narned Trưng Trắc and her sisCer Trưng Nhị ỉed án uprịsin?
agtúnst íhẹ Hans. They were abỉe to drive off the Chinese and'set capitaỉ aĩ Mê
Linh (Phú Thọ rirũvínce}. In 41 AD, Han emperor Wudi sení bis general Ivía Yuaa
and troops tọ crush the Trưng rebeilion. Ảíter ívvo years of fiẹhĩing, the Trưns
sisters were đefeateđ and CGmiTŨtíeđ suicide by drownir.g íhemseỉves in H át rivcr.
Knovvn coỉỉectively in Vietnamese íoiklore as Hai Bả Trưng, the Trưris sisters are
adniỉred 2S the íỉĩSt V ietnãm ese paíriets. They are oíten đ ep icíed as ridiĩiSA var
eiep h an ts to baĩiíS •
* Leĩcr 0 n. anccher Víetnaniese woman, Triệu-Trinh, and her brother, Triệu
Qưõc Đạt. £ÌS0 iebe!!ed asainst East Wu Chinẹse riỉỉe. Com m only'known 8.S Bả
Triệu,-Trinh is aiso depicttd ?.s riđins an eỊephant to battle W4th her Dro.ther ríding
a norsa besides. Tlic Trirnơ sisters' and Triệu Trin.Vs síories may be hỉnts that éãrìy
Vieínamese civiỊizations v/ere ĩaraeíy msiriarchial, \yhere it.was easv for women
to assurae the leađihs posiíion and mcbiỉize peopỉe.
* ĩvísny ũtb&r rebelỉions alsọ topk DỈace iíỊ ínis'periođ, such 2S those o f Mai
Thúc Loan (Hắc Đe - Black Kina), Phùng Hưng (Bổ Cái Bại Vương - The
Guardian Lord), Triệu Qiỉang Phục (Việt Vươn2 - Việt Kin.s), and Lý Nam De (Lí
Bi-estăbỉished the íĩrst kins of Vnsse, Van Xuan)

¥ ittiaameae rji> tỵ ry a ĨVd u h tỉ ĩ.'»

e The Viets ihrevv off Chinese domination iiv938 AD. At the battle on Bạch
Đãng river in Nọrìh Vieínam, ,Ngô Quyên đefeaíed South Han navy and.
established the Ngô đynasty.
• this demonstraíiơn is sírong , nationaỉism, paĩrỉotism and speciaỉ abiỉity of

N â t i o n a ỉ đ r e s s o f v ie tn á m t h r o u g h t h e p e r io đ
Appầre-1 Vietnarri áre diverse. ĩri Teudạỉ timés, there are strict regulations
abóụí đress. Civỉlians are not aỉlõwed to wẹar any color dye anything but
- -blacki' brown or wliiíe.- Glothing of most-peopìe-arevery h-unibte-arKỈ-simpỉe-to-íhẹ-—
faíẹ o f sociẹty (other than critical or hoỉiday wedding;..), National cosíumẹ of
Vietnam varỉes period: Hung Vuong, Ngo-Dinh-Tien Le, Ly, Tran, Le-Mac...

ưĩìtil iiow, no one ciearỉy true orie;m;of the tunic, just know that iís' water,
which' is ma đe o’f 'fur and íeathers, appeared before the íime of Hai Ba' Trung
(yéars 38-42 BC) througỉv the carvings òri the Ngoe Lú bionzẻ đrum (TTL year
5000). Accordingto legeríd, Hai Ba Trung was wearing tvvo gold annor, ơolden •
mask, magniĩicent jewelry eỉephant stormed the batíle drovâ the Han Đyn.asty.
Légend: aỉấò by respectẹd Hai Ba. Vietnam \vomen avoid wearing thẹ
wrong clothes but instead four close friends \vith four-shirts symbolizing the fộụr
. parénts (the éouple). Furíhermore3 the primitive technique, fabrics are ,\voven ĨỈ3ÍO
smaỉl piéces so hárd to assemble a full four piéces of new cỉoíhing appareỉ,
. ctóthing ịs used to càu thèmsẹlves. Austria consiầts- of two coupled piece behkđ
the spine (cálỉed a life jacket), thế edaes of two pieces are connected together stid . ■
aíĩixed to the inside.
Two previous pìeces ío tighten up and đress hangs dovm into two in the middỉe,
should not be seí as deíault button. Normalỉy, bears shirt vvas lifređ up, cnỉy vvhen
there is gréaí mouming (raouraing her husbanđ or parents) wiil drop dovvn and the
edge o í the cloth to reveaỉ a sign on th e -outside instead. This .picture is W£ariíì£
four rustic relatives, mođest.' .
After íorcine the miỉiíary to Íĩghí tvvo-Ba,.Ma..Yuan ítTiDOseđ a strict regirne
to ạssimilate the Vietnamese culture. More than 1,000 years unđer Chinèse
đomination, long shirt, jacket quartet a!so exceỉled in nominsl bođy of water bat
aever erased. Untiĩ today, Four A ustrian reỉaíives síiỉỉ exist in soine Í0 Cỉ.níies.
espécially m ĩhe counỉryside contempt.
Àí the •time of King Gia Long (1802-1819). four dress shiits íh&rnseives
. vvere converíed ữiendly staff. very popuỉar among Eiìíes and Uĩban'resiđtnís.
, Austrian contingent 0? relativẽs may also ỉike đress themssỉves, bui the right ũonĩ
íiap may ónly be with a cioth body, and the ieft fiao sewn wiíh two ties behind the ,.
bultons can be instalied tữdãy as dress shirts or Iiks coníracíicns
•yịgus rm ũ u V líỉĩíì c ỌỊUIỈ V

ìn a sen se, ròur main jacket bocỉy represeníing four sub-models themseỉves,
and reỉatíves Th.ursday (VA7') represents peop!e dressed; year represents a dịrect
exĩension to the Confucian: Hum an (philsníhropy, benevoỉení), Pestivaì (knovvn
Gti the bottom), riahteous (ie 2,as), Tri (\visdom, intelliaence), Tin (reputation).
CiearÌY* “A.0 Dai Ngu; Than" continaent on !ife in Vieínarri but not írom .the
....-Ghinèse • phịịe-s-ep-by -.........................................&ver th e -y -e a rs dcmứnatiơn'.
When Imperial- Hue Patenotre ữanchise sign a peacb treaty in hand ruỉe of
Frerich colonlaìists in 1884, v/esỉern cuỉture vvas introduced into Vietnam, coupỉed
wiíh the teaching of Coníucian texí script instead. Life' suddenly changes the '
momentum o f the Joneses Wesĩern culture, especiaỉỉy in bis ciíies.
Áfíer the French gơverriment opened the Colỉee;e of Firie Arts in Hanoi, a
_1 _Ịot ơf.r.eform íO-the trađitionaỉ long shirt-was a comrriitted person-with-a io n g -sb iri'
made. The brown, black is usually repỉaced by bright colors, causins; sơme pỉaces
in the pub.lic opinion- ó f the tỉme. In 1934, artist Hguyen Caí Tuong has inspừed
reform movement. • >
The moral is QÍten sạid, are the onỉy clothins; items to coỵer my bođy from vvinđ
ạnd rain, cold sun, w.e should nór Day atteníion to beauty, whaí's it to do ... In my
opinion, though the cỉoỉhes used to cover the bođy, but it cõuíd be a mirror outside
• the intellèctuaỉ ]evềl'of a countrỹ. Waní to know what ccuntry is Progressive, is arí
or noí, to sse the costumes oĩ.their countriẹs, we aỉso fụlỉy understand. In the
1930s, Cat Wa]l-to-market newTst}'le dress Le Mưr.
- Le Mur stvỉe.psinted Westem-style đress wiíh bulging arm and shoulder
cờhnecíion, she was an ăitemative, seí the buttons on the shouỉdsr, wear vviĩh
white íroũsẽrs, worn W31ỉet3 íhough covered, eíc. .. Then ạrtist Le Pho ịmpro.ved
Le Mur coat and dress forrn has been we)'comed in the Da Nang W omen's Fair.
This is 3 combinaíion of Le Mur shirt and jacket froní the bodv, very cỉose ío íhe
niođern Ao Đai today: shoulders and ărms not connected swollen neck closed, set
the risht button, hugging the body, íwo soft dress commerciaì ílying.
Le Pho5s Ao Dai sewn íabric coỉors, \vear with panís, whừe hair íufts or
loose earĩh or-consultins ầđvice veỉvet scarĩ. Durine; neaiiy- 30 yesrs ỉater.
Vietnem Ao Dai does nbt change much, exceot coìlar. bear shirỊ shirt and waisĩ:
8t the hiữh coHar, was low st si-ỉ, at crossroads; bẽars thế coaí aí Híteđ high, .21
ỉower; waisí dress aí íhe sma!ỉ. big íỉnie.
These changes coupleđ \vith the smalỊ change of wamen‘s pạnts: íam e ỉeg
through.the botíoin middle, then back cramps prize drạ\v to secơnđ valley, cornmit
button, and then to a Dhec-dreani-Tụya (fermeture). Panís are narrow st large at
the taste of each phase. .
ưníiì the earỉy 19ố0s, the mạchines useđ Dakao in Saiẹon offer a n e w ‘type
0f dress: ragỉan. slecve shirt to wear with panís slanted. Because the shirt sleeves
and body are connected sỉaníed ansle o f about 45 desrees/this ragỉan-style drcss
to avòid the roađ shouỉder and armpit crease both sides (vs. Le Pho styỉe shirt).
Slanteđ sewins pants with a soft cloth, to be cỉássịíĩed as slanted angle cui, hip
hugging peopỉe and has íwo long.mesaphone deỉete (he ankỉe to heỉp wom en geỉ

i-'3geị íi ■

•■•.‘cỹUAtiiraĩr rasi í•. t iihụ v_tuvu:

i'iicr exeuse to \valk thrồush the đoubỉe shơe size is hidđen unđer the pancs .
After a long shirt is raglari ragìan mirú-đress, whiclì is a garmení vviíh raglan
shirt dress rieạt 'h/igh. This ragỉan-síyỉe rairã-school sirỉs ịn Saigon Uĩúịỉ DOpuỉar on
30-4-1975/. ’ • "
Fed. compeHed to progress farthers some factories in Saịson launched-.her
styịe ọf ậress aíter ạ flap and two front íiap. Hịsh collar, with buttons from nẹck to
Wâỉsí ịnstsỉled. She is wearing shirt vviìh elephant popuỉations tụbe, second-tube
pantshas;2y. •. ; ■ ' .
Thỉs mode! is -not very popuỉar ir.compatible vvith the naíure ọf the-
..reáãew aesds 0-f-yvomen-ừi. Yietnam........ ______ ___ _____ ___________ -________ -
Today, as the orisin of' the refugees5 the fashion cỉesigner back "further
down" for a long shirt. ỉn particular, the dress styìe “short" wịíh two short dress UD
the knees, íheir clothes. a hand cl.othes, etc. ..


Abouí 4,000 ysars aso in thê;era brass dôvelopment' of iVietnam at íhat time
kiìown as Van Lang. The peopỉềiived bý hunting and gathering and farmine ...
They do not bark anymore ciothes that have kno\vn growing hemp, juíe^, silkworm
rearing, silk unraveling ànd weaving. Iii this periód bronzẹ is very rích. Bronze
drum and bas relief bronze statue portrays scenes of dai ly life at that tirne with that
person, vviíh aỉỉ kinds of costumés and clearìy expresséd in the artisíic styiế Ịũ;
transíbrmatioxỊ,-highly sty.Ịịzed ... Which shows more or ìess urùíbrm of the time iĩ
.is,^uiíe rich .as vvomen wear short abdomen, cut his c-hest, tight to the people, ị
đẹspite thè ‘tendemess in .the cìosed chest, the nsck íendémess close rourid the
neck, decorateđ with the iiĩiage plate of rice grairìs. -
There are aìso types of shcrt blouses, sqiiare neck, shoulđer and to opsn a
chest or cỉoseđ chesi, shouỉđer and partially open on the bãck. Two tvpss o ỉíh s
kinđ could be \vearing puỉlov.ers or instalỉ blstíon on the left. On the shirí are
đecoratẹd wiíh pattems. Waiảí decorated v/iíh íhree rows of ecìuaỉiv spaced doís
, across :t hé:'abđornen w o u n d 1 :
Through archaeologica! fĩnd íhaí hađ cosíumes of women and íTierỉ-as
fọĩlQVv'S: . ; ■■■■ " ; ' :
- Women vvear skirts (skirt secret "sneak skirts and dresses Qii" short skiĩt
- Men ôften ỉomcloths and bare. : •
Due to cỉimatic conđitions and livirva, pecDÌe often=on the ĩc-res: huntír.g
and gKthering or đivine into the sea íĩshins or farming. hard waiír ha:r shouỉd be
n eat So mèn and v/omén havé short hair cut to shoulder leveỉ or £ £e\v ĩeei shert
hair’ ■: ; V--.>' ;’v ' •' •, - .cut
Cosíumes of the wafĩiors of the rectangular piece of arrncr used to cover cne
ciiest sírap 4. CoDDer beH fn the r.OMĩQP. U/Kirh fnrn^pr?_ Hy vPV^-r^I ỉnnnc
; are ịinlí.eđ tọaether. - ' : " *
Oa the surface each piece have the tUítìe-or bird !TiCỈifs The c&tẹíỊory
inciudes sleeves, incluđing c-opoer tube fẹet can be used in íhe dance íestival, the

: ; ' Paa,e ỉ 9

. ' ■

•• :ftK « ;n o c m n n r y itrrci e tm tu

restỉ va . •■
Formaỉ jeweíry and makeÚD of th'e áncient Vietnamese men and vvomen- are
the bađ ear and vvear jewelry. Types of disasíers ârounđ the woriđ popuiarity o f •
íhe two circles, coronary probiems, specia! shapes are rounđ eanrins,s add music or
fruit stonẹ-earrỉngs, anirna! picĩures. ’ ■
. . ... , ■■..-Hlhẹằẹ-b-eads are oíten ÍGun-d nu-ts-s^Ị-ịnảriẹaií- cyaị^Sịsh-ere.' It a-mịs w ith -as— • • •
ỉTỉanỳđiíĩerent im age:rounđ, square. rectangúỉar, heart troughs, wave buffalo ... is
đecọraíeđ with íeather rice or cotton, but also mariy bronze wear rins, nngerlength
also ad d rnusic ỉoveỉý fruit. : ' •
The primitive jawelry, but with ỉimiíed processinẹ; conditions VY£ fmđ that
hunians have aestheíic ỉeveỉ and high ịpaaginatỉon, interest iii íhe isSue for physicai
.; beauty,. .and expressing skiỉỉed hánds, h a ĩ d - w ọ r k i n g . - - ' .. .............-~y-
M en generalỉy draw íheir images winding up, hook, v/hich is common to
íaííooinặ. Men and vỵomé.ri thát ạre đYéd bỊâck and Paari ... ; ; •
Research types of cỉothing,'ịewe!rv, makeup Hung King.-xve explore the
aspècts QÍ Hfe, social relationships aí the íirne. Qn Ịhe other hancỉ, we ạlso rsíi neđ
aesíheíic íacỉors .íbaí make people respecí the b€8uíỵ,cỉosẹ to nature, in harmony
with the young natỉon, vvith sociaỉ. developméní in ear.Iy deveỉoprĩìent.
In thè seconđ h a ỉfo f the third ceníury BC, Thuc.Phan, a yietnam ese leader
' sĩnce the Ẹuropeạn đomain swepĩ dovvn over occupied in Van Lang, tw_o unined
. ícưitory,'setting tiD of Au Lac,moved his Capital đovvỊì írom. the mountãin equak
TỊiis psrlođ vvas ĩròn A se đẹveloprnení. ’ • V-

Dúrhig A ạ Lac couníry vvas-invạded Zhao, rụỉe, pỉus three íimes by íhe
Kortbern íeuđal đomỉnaíion over a thousanđ years (2Ơ7 BC - 939), oúr Đeople are •
sírũggling wiíh a mar.'s fạce treaíment, but stilỉ a posiiive development in
prođuction. \¥eavins, has đevđũped important. Mulberry cuỉtivaíion and siỉkvvorm
rearing has been popuỉar and still produce cotíon fabrics, jute fabrics, ỉinen íabrics,
fine sanđ spread, siỉk ... Knovyri ío use silk, baiTiboo, banana SÍỈ.K woven into the
fabric.. . ■■, ■ V
. Pỉbrics m ađe froirỉ bananẩ silk íabric caiied Giao. Tov/eỉs ả re beauíịíulỉy 'Hi?'-
embroỉđeređ whitc Căiieđ chlcrophylỊ. ỉn adciition, as-many aoỉd and siiver íe\veh*Y
(bracsỉets, rings, earrings, brooch), jsde (ring, ring), in arnosr, gỉass (beads).
Having 10 psy íributs to íhs imperiaỉ courí of the Noríh tvpe hat "top form"
compleíely siỉver ('archseològists'have discovered severaỉ kev stvỉe waist, brinậna;
disaster to prove very DOpular.) ' .• ' -
By Dinh Dynasỉy (968-930), the cosíumes, the hisíorv books afíer his onỉy
mentíon a few phenomena as: (In 974Ì, soỉdiẹrs' csps are hats, with four square • J-
siáes, (Caps are mađe of leather, tight back four sides, on the narrow w idth)5
faio*vn as the hầí '"íronr the pesce" or "In the Paciíic Friđày. (975)
Products for the Dinh Tien Hoang and vvarrỉor o f the oíílce." or (in 980) in ã ỉeíter
íir ẩ io íhe Song dynasty have said lo our peopỉe all the tinie rhat hair cut shoit.. or
saesỉiari o f prỉesís haí ỉs ysíio\v, coat coỉor o f the mónks is ỉntensỉve, the offices-

p« íì‘- I ‘ u

T ìe m a ttt g a v m Ịj■• V ai 1ạ c t t i t u r .;

useđ the print yeiỉow purple waist band, silver is used press the ẹreen strip
contracíions ...
■ To time (money) Le (981-1009). we fĩnd: King Le Đai Hanh wear my heạrt
• tỉirone,; .iater . usẹd size cỉothins;, . réd ■haí je\veìry . pearỉ.
Le Crouchinơ Korea, (1006) in exchănge for food and warrior for..íhe
direcĩion and gromh; according as the Song Dynasíy. .
So this is a ỉone time,- matẹrials and exhibits to 'drsss very rare. Even ỉater,
■in w ritien đocuments ab o u ttlie-o n ly mạịor ouífĩt 'hvcourt (refen in g to the nam e
hat, shirí nam£j colors ...' and lioí described rneíicuỉously, íhorouẹhỉy).- 'Some
-objecís.-niađe..of.wood!.síone.leaying thẹ chạrạcíers in.gẹnerạl are not very cleár.
Anyway in a few dozen yeai',reien,: the kings Dinh and Le.also took iníerest
in the íĩeỉd of clothing, especiaỉly clothine haí court.
In generaỊ much less fín.d a successor or Creative ịmage, stylẹs
and coỉors, but morebỉạmẹ is a slave to copy, lazý Court of King Le Crouchiag
crẽaíe an exotic premisè for the later mođel cloíhes. •
However, in the-feudăl period of stabiỉity, then as iater, clothing has
gradually been deíinéd for each''eoĩTiponsní of society (King, offìces; people ...)
for £Ỉ1 proíocoỊs in life (wedcỉịngs, funerals, holidays, meeting ...).
Based-on íom vcolor, íexíure ... in costume. aí éạch stage, the distinction”is nature
•class formed markeđly.
LY RESTORATiON HOME (1009-1225)-
. a - Iniperial C o stu m es.
y Ly đynasíy (1009 - 1225), moved the caDĨtal froiĩi Hoa Lu to Dai La
■to Thang ■Long and.,..caỉled. In .1054, 'Vv'as named the Great. Vietnạmese..
In 1029, Kine Lý Tliăi Tong that-íhe regulaíion đress of the most important and
■the warrior. Bụt make sure the rules have not-even strictỉy íormai wear and
úsage.(According to Data aaain, the time of the Ly Dynasty is a purse-shạoedíĩsh
wiíh red silk and eoĩd, much less also the style .of Sons .Dynasíy Jewelry).
1040, King advocaíeđ tú dabble brocađe dress that may no.t.use the Song of
•the.Clouđed. sizẹ anvmore. Totai. size of the Song brocadẹ ieft in thẹ warehouse,
then play it ouí clothes',for the offi.ce, frorn five or more items: Cỉothìng ceỉi in
grảnis, íroni Nine or niore produGís, cloíhine by bođỵ ceỉỉs. This reỉesse représents
seií-reỉianọe, inđependence of the‘nat.ion was quite hmh.
. ỉn 1059, Kin? Ly Thanh cater for the tide. In aạoration-oí Kíng- the
ag&rỉCíes must take ăỊỊytakethe Hia and theiừ sí haí drav/ins. (Hat;hạ's:4;ẹrs4
ears5 afíer m aking tw p/ẹar-ỉevẹl, ie dragoníly wing cap, probabỉy ÍTOiTì the Đ ing-
styỉe hat, the more disastersì, peopỊe đressed in pứrple, ivory alarm eđ sitnaíion.
íightening strap. ũuílines the rate cat3, go • H ia . start ữom ỉhis tirae.
; ; Througii martiaỉ Xọr íhe Ly. \ve see the .pạttem íorm,. the spira! shape, hook
••• often seen in decoraíive oainting at the íime. The Symbol o í nstuie, ỉifs is
en graved. on the costurnes o f the cbaracters syrriboHze strength is a GhsracterisíìC
■harraoni-c is.signiíicant. •

! Pagei i i

i-cttụr I l c n ' V' a ạ u ụ ự t r u i

The đancina; sụrỉs. íutìs of hair a,e2ieraỉly hie;h ío the íop, there is a point on
the íorehead decoraíion, hair íìovvers, hand \vear, iieckvvear beads and miuiskirts
are many folds.
. ' Costumes oí the mosicians w ere also unique. Hair hòGd cỉosed. the top hat
is m ađe hịgh Uj3 and AVỈnđinẹ decorative. valances. To win’s;s: the .ỉonẸ; arm and
syrísí clTlĩr"'-"" ■ : ; 'i:i V' ■ ' • -
Outside is a dress, cócktaiỉ. ÁrQUrtd the cọỉlar is síiỉ! strong (as the ternr
affeGíịonatelỵ) a whõle bunch ọf ỵour chesty bãGk and shouỉders. Worn arounđ the
abđòmen large pieces ọf fabric valanGés is đecorateđ with beauíiíui embroiđery
line. Abđomirral and ỉeg ỉeeeings lẹgs wrapped canvás shọès spẹârhead.
• This time síiH 'Íuríher íatỉooina;. From king to the soỉđiers,"they 'also hađ
■ tattữtíC“ 'Ofange'Goùriíy táttồo õn h%';Gnẽ3t and nẽ^prốfecrịM ’ sísỉTa1s’sẽỊĨaTãtẽ1ỹ‘
and aỉiowed dragon táttoo on.her body.
b. PeứDÌeÁDparel: ■ V ' ; : ■- ■■ ; : ■
■ Time Management is lã ban on peopỉe wearins yellovv (] 182); dạushíer of
folk are not cìones like tufts ộf hair styỉe aỉso human. These statues -roundor sỉone
reỉief o f thè Ly rem ai rúng cỉotneMo prove it may ha ve been under \yay, with many
goođ and fine íabrics.
Management at the time,- women ofteh wear siỉver 5u s -a .e s đancers often
high ạnd tufts o f hair on the head point.€i íiOV/ers evoke images i.n the makeup
woman on starf daơger, a shũrí search on the strinạ; from the Hung.King, or the
Ministers aỉso attáched mueh. niaríiaỉ music performance on arm or.... express the
.s$ẩse o f "source memory", coní to prcve the- spirií and traditson.
Âỉong wĩth the paítern, đecorEiỉon on eíOthing, natĩerns. motifs o f Ly in the
other kind is noí onì'y đeccraỉive e.Ịements biit aiso has rnany art symbclic, as íhe
spiraỉ shape Doiíbie buiỉđingổ, ráin cỉouđs sre signs ínat his ĩather still prayỉnẹ for
goođ weather, lush crops, sueh as the Ly áragon imâse is enormous "proiecí a
òeấutiíu! and unique đecoraỉion, symbolic for- ethnic origin history, winđing round
the bódy soít dragon symhồỉizes vvaĩer and ram ciouds. íhẹ. đreams of the
inhabitants of rice.
• Research ciothes ậnd pẩíterns, like D‘2tieni5 on the Lv, we Tỉnđ a special
me&nỉng as it has beẹn reíiecíed consistentỉy in reỊaiion to economic ]ife, mìlitarỵ,
culĩuraỉ ... o f socieíy 3Í Uiat íime ckíirly.' ' .
Ly đynasty declinẹ, seriaỉ Trsn.Dynasí}' (1225-1400). Vietnamesé General
Tran counírv, with the iron wil! to be inđepcnđent and se]f-rểiiancế of the court of
the cníire populatipn. buildinạ on the Íounđaíion of.nationa! trađiĩions, over the
last three vỉctories against invađing Yuan - Monsolian, has deveỉopeđ strong in
raany aspects. On weaving5 this' íime our peoole have so many fabrics? hemp
íabrlc, siỉk, íielđ. fĩre. the, deer, oak, periođ, brocáde, SÌZ2... E m b ro iđ e ry slso
a. ỉm neriĩl Costumes •

i-age ị u

Huns; Lon2 Year 8 '(ì 300} - ỉhe'maríia!-sty!e hat for nevv cloíhes. Relatiọns
haí íext wrúten in bỉack náiỉs. Proceeđinss hat full of f!owers (fỉower hat gold
enơasement rin é has two hoỉes on eithsr siđe) as oỉđ-styỉe blúe. Door s!eevé o f the
literaiúre, ransing from màríiaỉ aits ío a size 2 inches 9 inches, 8 inches froỉn the
narrow modeỉ or less shalỉ not be used. The offìce was not wearing Siamese-.anđ
warTỊốr. Proceedinss shaỉỉ noí be worn ọíten. Then (1301) it aliowed the faniifiẹs
of the worđ hat, extra piece c f siỉk wrapped speciíĩcălỉycQỈoređ purpỉe hair (used
ío pỉug: up the hair• back foot, leaving behinđ the Ịeeacy ■oí).
' ■ Princes which long haừ is crowneđ naíuraị shorí hair who'cover the 'tẹam
~ỉĩẽẽỗẩ' (13tf3)rWăỹl5ẽ“ tlĩisls ~ã~'đark gréẽnTiH'đ'Tc¥rTìKar&ẽarn Trán'.PÌỊŨ" vvầs
mentioned in the aríicle' An Nam (1294)." •• .........
By 1395, CalendarCọurt deíĩned a variety of re-dress hat of the literẩture,
martial arts. M osí items are purple, delicate producís: great COỈOI' pink, three
Products: the color pink‘train, the four Products, fíve D.roáucts: green, ĩurnitlire
producỉs: còỉor ổp'ecificalỉys eigbt, Nine product: blue. Peopịè-with no coníẹntarid
"prodúc-ts servant: white. Most peopỉẻ dress in the open'offer, not Siamese.
The most important fol!ow, the product-literature from the continent atlđ
• over the high hat paint (grèen primary product: black haĩ, the total sreen prođuct:
biue). Chief Products ầre broưgbt ereen belí, go Hia.. ' •
.Wbo wỏn damases on the black haí. The martiaỉ arts, ereeh haís foođ extractịon
pulse, high coỉor without stripping the beỉt and wear a hai sensory engagement,
ỉost hat' iĩiove Products shares, 'íhe íoíaỉ loss heỉmeí fulỉ flower 'products.' Tóur-
•. princes haí. Mạnageđ using non-radio helraeí vvaived. The k:ing tufts of hair, wrap
and use the Torce, the towels looked Ịike the priest/only a ỉitíỉe vvider, ỉonger hair
cn the sides are stiH đown to expốse and remove. The weár of the ceỉ! and hsỉđ
alarm. There are casss S.0 bareíbot. ì:
b. People Apparel :
Tran Dynasty imperiaỉ regime several times prescrìbed dress ha.t for the
v/riter, the martial arts, and for the peopỉe not mentioned by 5-peciíie rụles..'The
onìy known araong th.epeopie, except for women is not pvohibited, but no one vvas
■\vearing v/hiíe. ' Who: Ịs^ iỉỉeeaỉ to \vear wbite. Msybe this is éxđusive tú wh.ite
■peopiẹ in the palace seivants, to avoid coniusion m the sdciety? The b!ue, redt.
yellow, purple, aỉso not used.
Four \vómen \vere generaìỈY đressed themseỉves in bỉack, lined in whlỉe
fabric to sewina on the coỉỉar rim, 13cm wide, ìOcm long hair back then íorced to
gr&b Qnto the tóp, hair .dóne bent. taiỉ and íiỉieted the sarne aẩain like a pen. not to
hair tomorrov/, no tuíts of hairbehind the head, not wear recommendód. The. rich
/ set brocch, ihe innovation, also the brooch set with bone or hom, do noí try to
remove wax or õil. Men often naked or dressed in biack bođy quartet, wiíh ĩhe
rGUĩĩácú cuiỉar, ion^ pạncs ửiin siik. • • ......
The vast mạịovity of head shaveđ (inclúding chilđren). There are 2 buricn of
siỉk cioth íop. Weekdavs aí home, cniy to the ceiling. vvhile íhe nev/ recepíion
team blankets, towels fol!ow when caỉTyins out road, the ]and went. there vvent the
j.vJLí.iỉ: i / í ỉ V HỈI.:<J. V-- 11.11 II.:

snoe ỉeaíher. but when the kina is aíso undo it. The common people are stiỉl đyiiig
to eaí-betei and bỉack teeth. The custom of tattooing is very popular Tran, reachins;
a leveỉ o f art, and has trained specialisís ío draw.
W hile the miìiísry Ịikeđ the Tran arm. with the worđs "Sât Thạt", the
Vỉẹtĩiâm ese' Peoplé's ỤnĩVcrsĩty, many peopie, ẹven chilaren^whO; have,--aỉso :
t a ^ o e đ on thẹ beỊiy :of the word "mẽãtis ■the nghí'coụrsẽ~ The Secuníỹ naíiõnãỉ
"erabođy íhẹ spirit of the mean dose for yourseif, pìease report tha íempỉe. •
, Taítoos, ju st li ke íraditionaỉ texí, is boíh the sacred vọ\v to implemení, has shown a
martial spirit. AIso, there ís aỉso a íbrrn of makeup on the bođy reĩiecís the concepí ■ ■.
o íth e beauty o f his contemDÓraries.
,....... ..Gẹnẹraỉiy..récpgniz.ẹđs ựnjfọnTỊ íirne Tran .hạs. sp.eci.ai_.mạncẹs,Jt_d.o.&s..jiot...__ _______ :
'..Séparaíe th.e effects of an aesthetie principle đeriveđ from the A A Eastem maríial *'
spirit, rpGíed in the íraditionỊ of buiỉding, retention õf resounding nătion.-
In the past 30 yeárs three times the sword, 'with a variation noíoriousỉy
::'aggressjve . enemiẹs ạre • "grass” in manỵ vCQunírịés around tlie \vorld. The ^
Vieỉnamese peoDÌe and arm-y, \vith arđení patriotism, with' the power to uniíe
cỉosely, creativitỵ and,-ịnteĩíigèhce, has. írequently warned5 reơuìar exercise,
cõiiíỉnuous ĩighting was stubbom and glorious victory. Objective rea.liíy đid not
aliow a •sonhisticateđ." cornplex, scatíered...On aỉl forms of sociaỉ ]Ịfe íhat time,
induđing the costurnes, jewe!ry. (Forex:amp]e, women do not match up give me a
ỉons; từne iaíer, the kin? of casuai drsss are ...).
.... -The s r e a t . rnạjar.i.t>\of people are barefooí and ársssađ in íhe famlii2r
. quẩrteí. The color biack' .is- íhe Coior of pcpular fabric. Men, young and oỉd are
rnost b?.ađ"shaved, .as a Buddhisỉ, Is aỉso said ío the spirĩt of a couníry "fuìi of
RiiHíary ' ■■ • ■ people."
• Particularly interested in ỉetters to, íattoos, sis;nifyinậ harmony wịth 'nạture,
to èxpress the sense o í tradition, do n.ot íòrset the original, spiriíuaỉ manifestation
• đeiermination to fight for nationa! inđependence. ■
The tạttoo on his arm ỉike the word, on his síomach to reminđ yourseỉí of
esch person,- reminđin.2;'ẹacỉr Qther. is aỉso a cỉeav attitude to the. enerny (especỉaỉỉy ;
" when arresíeđ):birnseỉí- .Siiice We.dnesday. is with íhem. Onỉỵ after íhree. tirnes ■*||'
deíesled Nguyên, thè courí issuecỉ new reguỉâíions for the đress hat, and in
essence, the type o f clothina íhât, eyen in the form of ciothes iater, íhough peopỉe
noi be as simuỉe as duriiig the \var - is probabiy inevitable - but stiỉi achieve tiiẹ
styìe mị.nerạ!izaíion, generaliy carry slrong breaíh of ílle era. '
Wé vvho serve íhe kin2, 'the s.o]diers.whiIe ọr 'di'ty., even át court, stíỉl naked. ỉike
the Đther classes o f peoDÍe, is -proof. The spini of inđependence, autonomy is áỉso
;rẽfỉec-teđ in the provisions on court dress coỉor: Chen đoes not foỉỉow the views of
the importance o f iđentityv Coníụcịanism, which stiỉí use the ịndirect eKceỉlent
coíor ss purple, pink, speciĩicaỉỉy color, s;reen. etc... relateđ to the gárment for ai!
; ỉeveis. ■ ' .
Besỉdes the musicians.•dancers vvith the beautiTuỉ cosíumes,-.vvith the thin
ribbon v/indins; MQT lesal acíion as 'the đancers glicỉe. fly ỉike ỉhe sounđ bíend

Page ị 14

lugeíher. dance. bustlina;, iive ly ... besides the dragon moíif, glass, reau.Ịạtions,
phoenix, lotus, chrysaníhemuìri and bamboo. tomorrow ... is .íhe image of "nobỉe"
royai pỉace, there sre a dra?on sĩout, healthy and stiỉl know- hcw đeer picturẹs,
fìsh, algae, moss, pỉants, clouds. W2ter... very ciose to peopỉe.
The m otiís on potíery, fỉow er shape soft đeiicate ỉinẽ, w ave pa.ítems buGket,
water- rolling stone carvirias, -wood ... alỉ have ạood quăliíies on. hu nian
characteristics and the Vietnamese General Tran countrỵ.
a- ' Costumes ofthe king' lord and peasánt leader- of the Tay Son u p n s ĩ n g ■
— K ing'-fe'^hai'Tong7Ìì‘ónTÌ4347-wỈTen-the-ceremQnỷ'-as Ihe-stiri-cereniony,
internatịonal religious shrines, coronation, rríore holy,'Tet kins; vveariììg my
heart, the team crown. ỉí is often court ceremony. the 'day óf One, fuỉl rnoon day
every mừnth, then even the royal celỉs, natưral hat puỉse. After this great kinạ; aỊso
' wọre royal cererriony celỉs, nạíural hat arounđ, bring pearl .belt.--Ha Thai Tempỉe is
only v/earing a bat paciíy thè.sand bâr. ■ ....'
In the modérn céremoriy, Trinh cel? wearing purpỉe hats naturai 'impulse,
brought great pearl. Whén ihe ceremony is often (ỉ-ike City Ha.ỉl ceremony,
audienẹe development and tidal) are thrẹe pâiníed•hats, peopỊe dressed Ịn purpỉe.
When the glass íloor up is natural or Thai temples- in the biríliday hat Binh Dinh;
wearing coiored sand bar mix. ... ......
Apparểl Trinh's not anything different costumes of Kina Le buí pther coỉors.
(ydỉow for king, princess used purple), represent a serious ericrọạchrnent. This is
aíso deroonstrạteđ in boíh ciasses of chiỉdren dressed kings.-1 sa.y throne (Prince)
v/èaring green hats positive way. I'ỉỉ throne Princess (Great Worỉd e) wear red hats
positive \vay goỉd-plaíed dragoníly Avinas, unicorn father to death brọcađe,
preciõus stones bearing c-aps attached go!đ beỉt. When you v/ear a nev/ princess ỉn
' the sand bầrv/ired duaỉ sport (sports borders) set pearl, golđ, sand box hat.
Nguyen in the South, whiỉe stiỉỉ claiming to be God but is actuaiỉy stilỉ
, depriveđ of the Thai Bao'Le Prince.
' ỉn 1466, King Le Thanh Tons coỉor of Products to cat&r for the interests and
warrior: from One prođuct to three Products to vvear pink, four: fĩve. products:.
green. Insđđiíion. they were both \vearine bỉue.
In 1469, the only íuseỉage new military codẹ and used marine cons cònes
painíẹđ ređ. : ;: ' • ■' V •
ĩn 147], íhe ĨQTin of ĩìov/er forms Sketches of consulíants: drav/ina; birds,
rnaríial arts: painting animaỉs, if the title is. alrnost, promoíion, and' ghoổt\town in
the upper harder ỉine stations are also drawỉng>tw 0 . The m ore c-ỉouds, m ountáins,
waíer. flow er> tree, custom Processing. The bỉue, yelỊov/, re.d, v/hite, m eĩaì.
speciíìcalỉy, green .erábroidery discretion is n o t. necessarily even more gold
ồ r o c a D T ^ t a l l í r i A o / > s n o l í n - V i o

In i486,-fiankinsỉ the exponential mođel: the adoration of a hát arìở warrior

■on the íĩeỉd came đo\vn. mosíhave laws' dras;onfiy winas sliahtỉy tov/srd the íront,
do nct arbitrarily or horizonta! deviation.
■-■■ iiÌiillL-L. ^ÌiíLkil
. i
. .in 1499 (Kiria Lẹ Hien Tons,}. usually đefined dynasty cosíumes (from
October oavvards, is dressed in siik g;auze, from Pebruarỵ omvards, nevv sand
đressed). ' • ■’ : ::• ; ' ■
ỉn ì 500, the kinẹ dovvn prọịection "Aỉl officers, army and peopls m ust abide
by néw rno_dès_ o f đress hats”. ■■ ■ '•
Pnnce and the culĩure, the martịal ârís from íh"e íhree ítemS' above are
đepnveđ o í the hat ỉirst regimenj but íhẹ prince^ haí wiíÌT gòỉd je\velry, imporíant
đocuments. the martial siỉver je\veiry. To: use purple. ' .
Bo đeaíh: the stripping of the prince'ụsed the-Unicom picíures, rnost. importaní,
; sensiíive đocụments used in thè prođuGts o f the Ịirst .cranế, aboủt eyery m aríial
eigní Products, Ịiterature: Jhe' cạm shape daía, martial arts: the Trach
trạch. Beỉí: using the intemationaỉ fìower homs, belt fuỉỉ óf goỉđ body j©welry,
importa.iit docum.enis, mọst o f the martiai íunctiọn, dẹỉicàtệ siỉver jeweh-y; three
prodticís: primers useđ hiỉỉ siivẹr jeweỉry, incluđing back: usẻ a ređ silk.
■ Four.oiĩĩcẹrs from the ílve Toodviíems, hâís: hats of Ịevery- maríỉal painted
white5 on everỵ đocụmệnt outỉine the hat, noí jeweỉry. To ẹreen. Bo; Tu: th e four
prpducís tising the ỉịgeiy yotỉ stií] 'get the íexí to use, Belí: the cu!ture„the, martiaỉ
arts 'are using innovatiọn, 'w ith brass omarnenís; repỉorí back:-.ređ Siik.
Six iíems or ỉess: The martiaỉ found a hat of red paint, ídra\ving on tliousands
o í top haís5 no jeweỉry. To b!ue. Irnprisonment, martia! arts, the eỉephant.
'Literatýrs: picture whiíe baby swallows. Beỉt: the cưỉture. íhe martiạl ạrís are useđ
speeđ incense, brsss arounđ the rim. Reporí batk: ỉn the đeep.
• Tidal ponds .usuaỉly wear: the mosí importaní fun.cíion, more deỉicạte
proòucts 2fếussđ in weavjrig-brocade buiỉd shcAvv Aovvers, Ịhrée tó íìve prodũcts
used in prođuct size brocaáe, green prođucís and ìess use ộf silk in the đocnsin.
Siảe were under par v/iíh her husbanđ!s order, (i.e. háts usẹd cioíhing erade
ỉevei o f the husband o f a poor građe). T he v/om an does' to m ạke it visible. iị is n o t
a bad husbanđ's dress haís srade. • : '
Điĩector, grapes sỉuđenỉs, pupiis., síudents roap. re-íĩliing: and GÍrĩciaỉs from
. the reiigỉous who are using every íĩeỉd, is, or silk. ;
1653 (Kins Le. Than Tong); in the form of cỉotheồ, ạ!! đifferềnt íerm: the
ỉiierature. rrom scieníinc director, the rnartiaỉ 2ĩis /:frorn cổuntv public \vearing
ssnd bsr, £ỈÌ the user issves bshind. The y shouid noi be-NvearÌM íbat style.
ĩn 166], Kinổ' Le Thanh Ton ộ, Chan more cieariv: ị
“ Caos coat of princes, K ins H. and waưior when the âdoraíion of handrôds
o fK in g Lẹ. . ; ' : .
-- .Cloíhes bar o f sand prince; K in g E, and w arrior w heh the aỉiTiOEí h ?:n'đred.
, of Gocĩs, ‘ ị
In 1664 (King -Le- Huyen Tong,), QÍren wearing cỉoíhes denne the íabric o f
íhe sa n đ bar, hănđ 5 inches \vide distribuỉion 9 (abouí 30m). breast, 8 in c h e s vvide
2 inches (about 27cm).
. In. 1725. (the- LeĐu Tons) are đeíined. asprođucts- for hundreds o f great
imperiaỉpaìace and Kina Le, her aỉniosíin the Trinh Lords.

. : Page ị 16
V’itft-C‘ĩiLYiircỊr >-» atì.g

■ !n ỉ 7Ố7 íor breaking the íuselaơe in the íernpỉe aiso.the digniíỳ of dress hats.
suspected cases, a cíear dìStinctiũn. .
■ - . Arourid these years,.ịs comraonly used helmets attached comnlents ữorn the -
senior-guys back to the artist, but depenđing on which rank as hígh h'àt,'ỉòw. Kins
paciíy but also-hats embroidery needle to ađđ onỉy onỉine. .
. . ĩlliterate families into Ẻhree câteg;ories: Caíe.2;oi7 One is rounđ;-:flaĩ top haís,
wo.ven_horsẹhair, gold and silver inlaiđ in the froní to distinguishhierarcỉry, the
kịng ạnđ. princess ,ofíen useđ, the’ kỉng, the lord when thẹ:teăm .aìmõsí new, greert
lentìỉs second hat, top hat GOwn low, m ade o í sanđ south, won fo e intem al
----ass-essnieni;-Tue-sđay-a--rQun<i-Hat-made-Qf- c!0tìi--san<i-bar--Fnay--appfefcefìđ7-to-the--—
. man..who-fírsí, soldiers and po.ets oíten useđ. ■ . ' • .
. ĩn ạddition to these provisions in orđer ỉo leave office, some of the time Le
was aỉsọ to kno\v more about a spẹciữc costume or out in the pẹòple-s court:
Martiaỉ arts uniíbrm wiíh knee-lengtlr armor, decorated.wiíh many pãtíerns like
' drágon scầles, in the chest wiíh thẹ announced death. The arm or hạs-íw o niQre ;
layers o f clothing: wíde arms coaí, jacket in hand íighỉ. Besides,.rain,-.c.ollars, íuìl
.Hia. Another case, aỉso. seẹ. whàt~k.ind of hat (or scarí) íeams. with broken neck..
beam dot dress heels, wiđe sỉeeves ...
Through the g io rv 'o f the War .OffIce, íhrough poríraits Nguyen Trai
(íhoụgh can be đrawn on làter), we see rnany images very a book ■*
..\vritten about . prođucts fbr the Le Dynasty: Cap. dragoníly w inss,: two vving.
íbnvarđ, Nvide sleeves, chesí embroiđery father death, carrying beỉt, focí Hỉa.
, / Women's dress in court is also reíĩecteđ orr the subject in the Dortraií or
picíure íoưch wood5' as the w_ife of King Le, the servant in the. gaỉace ;?:
Dress the wife of King Le: 'dinner plate is affectícmạteỊy (or blouse?) Round necL
_chest.closed. Outsỉđe wear long opening between, iét gọ of ties, bands decorạted
(this type 01 shirt sỉeeves tisht). Kow VÃ11 tighíen back coupỉe of steps beíòre the.
abdominal zone. Stiỉỉ others with a consistent wear wicỉe variety of đecorative
embroideiy, boíh shouỉders and chest.
FoIlowing are a fc'.v belìy rađiate. VVhaí objects.are.also beaụtiíul -hats,
delicate carvings, íblt is of goid. Especialiy since this ti me. tha ỉ: ĩhe
image of Vietnạm Women's long hair, tovvei problem. turn in the middỉs of the
road. Wear Ịonẹ round neck, tight sỉeeves, the cụi a sỉeeve ío Avear for easv
changing íabỉe streạrn. Waisi before lettinẹ ơo belỉỵ banđ, skiil ỉengíh and v/iđtlì.
. Some even. éany the Siámese beautifu! pendulous ỉeg bsnds.
ỊVe see the íernaỉe Subject? aiso fơnn cornpact íụíts 01 hair -on íop o f the
head from ti me to tim e,'Le Tran stili exisí. K in g L e H ienT ons (1418 - 1504) ĩor
provịsion ọf the rnosĩ common đsviation v/as tufts ốf hạir, rnusic recitaỉ aí the
_famiỉy circle, íhé W0T(1 hat. Jev/eỉrý bracelets round is flat, ear-shaped, gourd,
"" ĩ ìC.Ọh 'ỊTMSrì W
rs-r1 ìu uììu'>4^u auyiOu.
r*.An« ~A- fỊ.--
■'b;; ■••PéOD-le A pgarel: ■■■■■'

Paơe ị ị ?
iCỊíUỊ Uítae ru&l0 >V Kl:(i VUÍIlil

U n d er the Le dynasíy are vẹry inleresteđ in the issue u niíorm s, not oniy for
the arniv but aỉso íor workins, pẹopie, on the basis of íhe interests óf the dominant
ýln 144B, to đistinạiỉish cỉass and to Drévení encrọáchrnení phénomẹna
usuroed. Lè Hhan; Tong King ordeređ iisting o ĩ Le ■sxpressỉon o f fbỉk_ đ res|ed Ịn'
ỵe!ỉow, to. comeđyỵ shoes, used fịjrnịture 2nđ touch the dra.eon. drawins phoenix.
In 1467, 'bârmeđ ỉn COỠỈ woven hát becâuse rnanv people; thỉnk thai íhisves
cuthorsehair hat íhê:Cốúrtto: dọ íhis. : ’’ ' . ' ;
In 1469, banning peũple thai use vvaíer cõnes and cones o f ređ painí ís the
rnap o f teams o f soldiers to proíecí busiĩiess. Back prohi-bit msking and seỉling
.^things like chạlk _whiíe haís. Phenộmẹnon ■in peoptós __shaved head has been'
limited; only new monks weré sharpening hair. Orđers of the court: The mọnks are
noí Ì1ÕÍ írira han* (1470).
In ỉ 497, prohibited the péople who made hats and ja d e , gỉass.
ỉn' 1664, đeíĩned the size of peopIe's sleeves 9 inches wide (about 30'ciĩi), 7
ỉnches v/iđe arm p it 8 dịsĩribution ía b o u t 26 cm ì. narrovỵer than ỉhe :size ơ f the'
sbirt. :' '' ■
In 1696, banning pèople aỉòns the border are not wearing unỊfornis northern
síyỉe. , '
One ti me, people go to work or eveíi wear a"coỉored (chuy y).-O o
couniryside đressed in coarse white cỉoth. By the ìater stases often we^r
To mix the coỉor bar (đark blue), coior and color because we kneỉt, calleđ
Gđníinuous hom .color. Coỉor is preferređ aiỉ kneelins. Two color, iater aỉ.so in
arban'areâs’who are ỉess rustic.coỉors ased.
Wórnèn vvorkers ũften wear neck tendemess constructíon, bare 'arms. weạr
shorí skirts, beiís drop zone ahead. Head scarf usuálly tum ío his hair. st an
aydience of religious rank baek. đowii to remove the hair bo\veđ.
Appareỉ men nothing speciai v/hen lâbor is often bare, ỉoin.
Forms tufts ọ f hair were stiỉl popuisr. There. are' times when- aoing' to work,-
Ávesrỉnn; out your blood sugấr, íurís o f hair, haís. But anvtime Deople aỉso vvear
ccloređ anernones, but che hsís đid not £0 oưt íup:s o f hsir ceiling ỉ me, ẩs many
grapes 10 ssvereìv conđemned as. a mar;if£staíion or n o t
ÁDpsre! rncnks o f Lc as broken out in đress co?ts ststues ỉegaỉ Western
Ernperor Don2: Do mođern hislory <?f VịetnaìTi ỉThsp pagoda - Ha Bac) or In Sun
Jia statuss. the tsmpíes .are the Wesíern íHa Binh Son) are 2ÌỈ types c f cloíhing,
cooỉ. - '
Dress of the monks vvhen the ceremony Avas aỉso prescribed court:
Venerabie vvearing gréen, tomato ređ celi mariịuana, aỉso a red hat. Incressed
governmení, increaseđ rcsccnse wearing srèen, monk5s robe and green hat. v/e
can ■increase the blsck ỉeve! messases. blue hat. Normal aí the abbot monks
dressed in grsen, iiicreased gQvernmení, increased response in blacỉc, they
increase<í bỉack magnoliss .ạray shirt.

. Pa«e Ị 1 8

?r\ua>ut-.--v ntM---v artú í- Si Iỉ tí

.'Unộl Le. society hàs íbund a variety of hats: Men. vvomen, rural eỉementarỵ
error Greek spring hats and skulícaps keep as smai!.
People in the .Capital cịty .oữeri associated chỉorophyl! hats, hats ■
Cỡntiriuoiỉslỵ caHed Lotus. Kids hats sub chỉorophýỉụ keep Ịt smalì as moỉđ. Thè ■
wlss oíd man identiíied his hat, soft hat calleđ a soluíion ío the hat or tam giộng.
• Son of the oíiìcers and students of the school effecí, then the heađ o f his hat.
called a continuous haí. They found the housé and so me oỉđ man hạts oỉd Europe,
caileđv eontm uouă Strạwberr3' cone. G reek soiđiers trẹmbỉ.ẹd hats, rov/ins ■
continuousỉy caỉied cone rim. Msnial and wife hats soidiers. vvho are fírst cailed to
.cạp đepạrtẹđ. __
The. monk seaỉs hat arẽa, caỉíed it .to themselvẹs. Peopỉe with greaí
moumirsg hats puiied sprine, caỉỉed cones to scprpion. People have moré or less.a
year o!d Europeạn hats, raítan handies. Hõụse and home ạrẹ powerful evidencè ũ í
a hai to đistinguish crane.-People in íhe bar, hais m em ber of Art, Câiled cones to
íechnoiogy ... Fôr a íime in the-couritryside under the exạcí design that m akes
good' ỉow cap on the go, the wh;ọle pãckage caỉỉed a cone^called a cap to cover
meals. , . ’
C uiíurai dress of thẻ people o f V ietnam are very điverse and ri ch. costUĩiies :
depending on tneir period, each siíuation. For each person, ẹach differeht pcsitioti
in each pericd. they will .have different costumes. And clothing Ịs one o f thè
special cuỉture of other countries to help people recosnize ỉhẹ peopỉe of Vieinam. •

rék.:i:ÌQ ÌỊệM p'D éíw aẹii.'y£ỉi L à ii g Ằ u ĨI/KS

■. ^ t l S Ị l l Ì ỉ l f c ; s }p - :'ỵỷ
Pirsí of aỉỉ, I wilỉ introduce sonie'tỹpicẻiVietnarnesejdentit!5s ~-'(riant'n”LỈ'J ^J}\
® Vietnamese is íamous vviĩh deep ỊốĩrÌQtisn-Ợ^rơm' the ancient í,
Vielnạm hađ to fĩaht'1õ enemyìSyỉetnamèầET—irícTúde ẽlder, yoụnger, ‘nien,
vvorner,..., fought to 'ẽĩíẽlTiỹTõHscrãrnble for every inch of !and. ưntil mađem
tịm es, President Ho Chi Minh' City has raised the áhcient moraỉ vievvs onto a_ngv/
í**. ieveL vvith the vorđs such a s :1'Gẹỉrífeafefee-rfee-Ăyaffgg s s te Éọr-pflữp]fi'Y'^y7v 'i''- ’
^ * Vl&tnaraesỉ cuỉíưra! iáentity is the “ synthesis-and-ílcxịuihíy->. Can aaneral f ,YV.\Í',C!.(:
• cuiỉurc oi Vietnam is a speci?! bỉend betvvsen many•ar.cfent~cĩí!tures v-/ith the í- c7fi'”“ '
,( ^Ị liìđiậenous culture of the Vieỉnamese,. mosí inímentiaỉ óuíside ,of China, the
» culíure o f V ietnam ess peopỉe ălso.bear the-im age E ffec to f Yvestern cụỈỊure and che
cuiture oí ạ separate đeDartment of ethnic minorities in Vietnam.
® • Cornrợunity spirií is also a main íeature 'Gf .Vteínámesẽ. Cohềsivs
conìmunity spirit, mu tua 1 assistance. mutuai assi-stance. toeether sharins the đuct Ì£
'.".Ịv/ays fres’n spỉit mer.lioneđ in the Ca Dao, proverbs, VVOÌTÌS to speỉl o f ethnic
/ represenic.tion, educaỉion and aỉl persons responsibỉe for construction o f viilagts.'
Ắ,- ;v 1. “^__ -kiks-n. rẹcnind Viẹtnamese cụiíurạl. ideníiLies, peopie Wiiỉ rememoer ro the
,.Ị--~V,Ế^n £Im en ta lĩ s m ^ n d fe’niaỉe- resDectins. R.ẹsp.ẹet for wcm£n is also Incỉudeđ in 'botlì
the Vietnam ese psople in their spiriíuai life. We 'can see, the System o f rẻligious
' ' ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ' ; ■ ; ' ■.
P ag e ị ] 9

).-ĩìsi0 ■V MilìL'-UIUM

o e iie í s'of" tliẹ V ie tn a m e se % vornen a s o b je c fỵ o f w o r s h ip a n d m ake s u p e r n a iu r a l

ĩ) j j ? ° Hd , ................................
y/ỈÍVOP&ự Next, i.vviịl point some typicai iđentiíies or Van Lag Au Lac.
, ■ .,>>'■ -PoHtỉcaỉly: This wạs the íirsĩ State ọ íy ietn am
§ ỊạÃ-ÕY1tỳị . -Culturaỉly: íhis was íhẽ ĩõrmaíiori o f Viet ethic ẹroup -a,s a
__ ị . communlty ( V lp tạpiờn ồ f tribés) with “ nãtion” QrieníavÍQD—■ ■ . ; . ■.
ỳ7, h ■ -Ậỉlrr ' 'ĩjỆ & y 'ĩC u n lo n /itocí lự:ỷ .
"• ’• _ ■ ’ • : ; Kurạỉ “•/- cQuníry ỡr .State.- \ ;■
'"ịTựí|\ Van Lang ÃJứ"'Lac was the socieíy with cỉảsses: rúraỉ, commune ạild -
• • private. This was the differentÌ£tion wiíh three classes
a) Ancient cornmune( Greek Rome) ■ fi-'J
• b) Herman commụne ư'
cY Asiạtic commune
S ta te :
. 4ra,-0 k í
■■■■ * à m i n i Ị Ỉ Ầ i trer.d........................ » f r' ___ :____\
• .. . Tribes “ đecentraiizeđ írer.d” ' ■ ~ s w
ĩầ S ự ỉM ề í ' H M c o jiL òodt cf .
■ « sS€I|ass dlfferentlation'v Ị-fW<\ ốc') : i - X.
. W Ỉf^ ib V e ' 1 ■■ r - <MÍ 7 ' i f ‘
« W ater'conTsql-R ed river.
• •. - 4 í -ho I lị>_££>

■ M ẵ & ễ y Ị ệ ề Ị ĩê c tlằ ly tìtiìc lẾ f ĩ f Q W m ầỊ3^ẽM m SE M xứS0:-Ể M ĩỆ ễM ^Q ĩ f? C44Abc'~ 3 ÍSẤ

■ SinicÌ23tỉOTi and desiníCíEaíion £re culturãl exchanseTTlTini inLhropoĩogy
ì n / o a n d cult urolog)' (acculturaíivs). Cultụraĩ ẹxchange is normaì and conipưỉsory
ịáặl (ằssỉmilation). And the DOỈicy is the systernatic pGíicies. • ■
Sm ĩciganon is the iinauỉstic assiniilation or cukural assiniilation o í '
V terms and conc&pts of the lariguage and ciilture of China. ìn ỉingtnstics. the ternV h .■
usađ narrowly to reíer to transliteration.
4 Besides. thers \vere ỉhe exploitation Dclicies, suppressỉon, imnvorầnt ềỆ$ ệ
policv, marri?.%£ betvveen Vietnsmese and Chiaesé (live togcíher). Especiaỉly,
immigraní oolioy had'ỈT.ÌỈIV. dìuerent Íacícrs such as: officially, iníeliectusHy
conjimcuons, prỉsoners arid íandlorcỉ. ■
Vict ‘‘rsce" v/as the orisina! ilraceM: We CQUỈCÌ rroí stop them from iivins together.
I n a d đ i t i o n . í o . ;ia n a .u a g e s w e r e W ĩ i a n g . a n d p e o D Í e f b ỉ ỉ o w e d i d e c l o s y ■ (re n s riĩn ls ). ~:
B eãn;cixafỉO i;: ^ ,LẠ.
- C ulíurai struggì'- againsí: assjm jlÌ 2ation. • --
' - Á íter recSiVÌng new. it was iínproved. .
And hovv they đid lí. Firsí. they- saỉect the bcst. Seconíi;. thev stop, avoicỉ, iimiíing
bad thing Conĩucianisrri influcnces.
Vietnarnese recoaniied it vvas reliaion of gnemy. •

_ *KiíýùOúí^n.L—-&-c=i-ĩ-4-í.-<^1 AS.tÁ. ■ A/- c cfứgj'.^r ^

+ T ó 4* ; ^ ' H - -L '% - g c t ^ ' c Y
\ • ẫ- 1 “ ' '^•'CcMru l^csrtl
'taoism and Vieinamese combine toaether to creaíe folđcíore. Vietnaniese accepíeđ
the Han \vritinẹ5 not speak Chinese.
We can see the differènce betvveen Vietnamese andChinese. Chinese used the
famiìy naine o.f K ing to csỉl the country, but V ietnam ese did not.

-U V Ỉng t h ỉ ' 'Í T ''! A

- In 1558, Hguyen Hoang was sẹnt to the South, was the íírsĩ Nsụyẹn Lord.
- ỉn 1788: Trung Troops
- In 1789: Nguyên Hũẽ counter attãckea...................... --
- In 1792: Quang Trung died at 39.years old.
- Vietnam was renarneđ by Tsins;emperor.
- Minh Mạng renameđ .Dai Nam. .
In 1883: N guyên signed .Harmand aơreem ent.
- In 1884'- Nguy.en sisned patenotre a g reẹ m en t.
- “Peasant movement” : \var of peásaní..
- Movement -/ uprisĩns*^ wsr
• Uprising: uprise o í the mass. the popuỉaíion in order to gaịn íhe govemment
\vithout army. ■
* Wa-r: battỉe between t\vo sides: 2 reạular arraies.
- ỉn 1771: 3 Taý Son broíhers staríed uprising. This was the Tay Sorr moverriení
,ỉate Ỉ8ih century.
■Táý Son bạcỊ two things: Síru2,g]e of class (oeasant) and national struegle.
“ .. Rédistribúíiọn: ■ ;
« Peasanírs ịdea: egalitarianisrn ....
* No differentiation.
s‘ In Ỉ785: N suyen Hue defsated i 5,000 Siạm arrny.
In 1789: Nguyên Kue défeated Tsing army.
® \i 6lh century: Đai Viet.cívi]ization collapseci. .
" The couníry was divided intQ 2 parts North Vietnam and South Vistnam. ■
' T h e warbetween Trinh and Nẹuven Lorđ was:'happéneđ.
“ 1S"' cencury; Nguyên ỉost independence of Vieínam.
* ĩn 1883: Tu Duc died, H2rmand-agreemenĩ sisnsd.
* .......In ] 884.: Paiẹnoíre agreemení was signeđ.
® The Prench divided Vietnam in to 3 parts: Toakin, An Nam, Coctìinchine.
b) HisLoricaìíransrbrrnation: ■ . . .
* cu ỉíư raỉỊỵ; ' ■ . ' .
I6 !" and ]7Ul vvere the fírsí contact.( Soanish. Potuge, Nétherỉands, British, Prench)
■- ■ i vvj£LUUi'ỉ, ••
írade (Hoi Án. Pho HiV.ný
rèligion: Catholism missionaries.
From 16'1’ \ Vieínamese started the process of Westernization and
-, 2 basic achievemenís o f Wesíernizaíion: Ouoc Nsu? Caíholic...
'*DewesternÌ2ation: use the'Rornán buí prOttOiin as'Vietnãmese. -
ứntỉ l earív 20ih centụrỵ, use Q uqg Ngu vvithin church, reỊision. ■ V .

-yietiranTCse -điđ”"rrơt accept ■QoD'c~‘N'ẹo~'b:eca'us'e“ 'ơf“Btrơng' natiorĩdis.m: ‘a n #

trađitỉon, TheỶrespeoted lernàỉe and ạnGẹstors. :.
• ■* Eeonoráỉcaliỳ: changes ọf “lanđ. teĩiures” from I6th to 19íh. : •
. From I6 lh to L9th was;ỉand tenure 0Wĩìership. . •
It was đivideđ inío 2 parts: publỉc ỉand and private iand. V
- Pùbỉie land: ; ' : ■■V; : ■ ■’ : ■-V; _ _; , -
+ -publíc !snd or stEỈe owned5'manágẽdjdifectlỹ'by'gpvemment T ’ ” :
+ nubiip lanđ o f village . .
■•ređisỉribuíion: land redistribution to arisíocracy peasants and peasants GÍ feudaỉist
orders.- .’ ; •
A siatic commune”: nobles Thai An (domains).
, Van Lạng; A u Lac cỉvi!ization òniy pubỉic land of viỉỉage, no private ownershit)
' wìth lanđ. ■ '■ ; : -
' - p riv ate ỉanđ ’ •■
,+ Íeudalisí: landỉorđ (feuđaỉịzaíÌon) -> prĩvate ỉand o f smaỉl p essant.
2 kirỉđs of private ỉanđ:
Ịandlorđ ofownership.
\ pvvnẹrslvíp of peasants: “greaí doniaịn of farm”
+ Ị 6lU oentcụỳ: privaíe ỉand deve!opeđ.'( the ỉand o f vlỉlage)
Before ì6 lf centurv pubỉic L?.nd of viĩlase domincted.
+ 16íh- Ì Ệ !h; •
. i/3 ỉanđỉord of ỉanđ of viỉỉage. .
. 1/3 land to peasants of land of vilỉagẹ.
. 1/3 ỉand pubiic of ĩand of viỉlae;e. .
So, tota! 2/3 land of vilỉage'Was privaíe ỉsnd and ]/3 ỉand of village vvss public
ỉanđ. ■ ; ' :.
' + lànđỉorã ONvnersiĩ-p increase ío hiaher feudăIÌ2£íÌ0!TĨ
From 16lh-19''h: “structure o í !&nd”.
■ a) trsnsformaíicn ofianđ ăỉrưcture.
•'b) A ppearance 0f capitajisf seeds in •Yietnarpese ec.onomy.
Cspitaiism H and^raử periods Periođ o í ínđustry(
V M iiL iL iV ê ầ À !^ L L Ì1 L ll

...... ~ : ; - - \ -
ieetís o í capitalism Primary perịod Á fẹw=: not-enouah
■ ■ . o ló i!v 17^ 1 8 - » 1
to “economic recogrÚEèđ
sector” . experience the
seeds 01 ca:pitaỉism.
ìn. ; 'Vietnam.
econorny (norih
and Sòuih).

P age[23

T h e -archseoloọrsts h a v e ; io u n d • :rẹlics- ■prove •. hum aris r have: •jjv e d i; in Vietnam irom _ th_e_Paleoỉỉthlc
ggògá '. ỉnto the■NeoliíhiC'; penod ,, th.ẹ backqrQurid culturê.- ;o f. Hoa Binh - Bac- Son ìn this area h as
đevelopeđ on livestock and aqriculture , especiaỉíy cuỉtivation technique for rica .
..ĨĨỀỄk NMSH-y.of-.the.. Vỉetnaroêse crn -Ihe. deílé-Qf:th;e~Re,dwffivér * fìsd •Rivet cTvĩỉỉiẫTỉòn ancil^íằ had Tired •the
land lor cultivation . creạíỉng á. syste-m ot dvkes tolame: the ílọõđ waỉers of 'rivẹrs, ểià carials to serve the
.rlce and -makẽs- thê -wet rice civỉljzatĩon and culturalvìỉìaaes .
. By the tỉme the Iron Aoe . around the 7th •centurv BC appeared the ■stafe*s ỉỉrst Vietnamese D€€3pie ỉn
: nốrthern Vỉetnam today, accordiog-' to histoịicai recơrđs State thảt Van Laríg of•the Kinos Hunà í2.1 ;'
_í/Hỉstory . . . ...... .........................................- .. -— — Ị- ------------------------- ----------
Ví History prehjs]orịc (beíore Hong Banọ) i s . r8CQgnỉzeđị oníy íorecast through
archaeoiogical. The-leoend has_spẽnt the-ídioiaâmroeriod.
•■‘S t o n e  g e '•• ■ • . • • ■
T4T*5^óiQflu4s Vietnaro has heeh ỉnhábỉtad since PaleGlithỉc tỉmes . ArcháeoỉOQists háve lounđ ìrac es of
a p e s .. lỉvlng in caves^Jwo^comDetehf. competent adyỉC8Lͱ.£.oo Son ụ mòuntaỉn;.-Ninh Sinh and Nga
‘ẵ m , ĩtiig H Hoa hunđreds ọf thousands Qiỵ e a r s aeo. This m úũỉLũÙ ũm ?! sea level. and then connecịs
V ^ em Ja_£saln ẫiila£-M llâ^ ia , ths isỉand of Java , Sumatra and Kaiimantan of IndgnesỊa , vvrth. a co o i
rocịsLdkEaỉa. thah 'now|3 i. Quarrylng anclẹnt Vletnamsse .origin (ỉhree-dan) in the mountains-iđe, chairs
oarvpd a rough suiiace, creating a-key iooỊ aicng the eclge of bỉađe, horizontai bỉade ẹđgè, scraping
^...vvhsre processirỉg left broken pỉeces ọí stons (thin strip). Thô ruiộs in the mourttaíns which Is
consiđered-.the'.olda.Ệt; éviđencs cĩ human preser.ce in the iand o! Vieínam, whsn the organization cf
hurhan society'm ảy be íormed [£ ' ■ s '
■Durỉng, whỉch the rgsgarchers c aíỉed the Son Vỉ GUỈture, the origỉnaỉ groụp of residents here havẹ ỉiveđ by
hunring and■
qatherinQ' In a domain ecosvsteiTĩs heat - moist with á worfd of snỉm aỉs and plants rlchness,

dỉvẹi!gĩ^tJL^3Jhous.ãíiíí^grs^aigo. .'the last time th6'^ R8ĩiewaí ( Lsíô 'Píeĩslocũne ).

; ^£9* 00 0 lo 18>(X)ũ.years aac ytýs^the tjme dọvvn to the s ea in nqrthenxiiigp.Dong then extendèd.untiỉ
the end of Híiiner? ỉslanđ and' ũiher are a s. In ỉsrm s òf Qeoỉogỉc a ỉ' tỉiTìê about 15 thousand ỵ&BL%J&c ~
■(about tÓ h o ú s a n d •years kgo) ìs the period oí the ỉsst ice aọe, sea tevglg, or&dỉj^Iiv,^QliLabniiĩ-.EOQO

BQQ !s sudde n ỉv ^ h ĩu h ^or/ulatỉo a ^ i. 8hoưí Bpũrcxỉỉr>2.teỊy_j30m (írom ìhe c e n ỉe r.c ỉ ihe h e a oe

’ U o tìh America); Saa. r.emạinéd, tnrouqhoưt ‘th ỉs ' oerỉođ ■untĩĩ _gfound 5500 and wỉỉh.drawn vears
•at 9 - Ọ o iĩS £ ũ m :ổ Ịnợ. periođ, toggtíier vvỉth the_ archaeQiac!ical^sitg-s_g,hnv// ỉh a ĩ seavvaỉer ĩỉQũdeổ the gntire •

araa oỊtw Ev;s„SM J3Ì¥ar. Delta- ìn VỊnh £ h u jiiú Ầ lỉ.n m r ỉ v 3000 vears. . ■
Dua to the gecỉogica! characteriổtics of the Red Rivsr Delta, Gu!f pf Tonkin no excavated soiỉ conditions
In ancỉent abcut sooo BC (beíore the .great ílootí) ío ccníỉrrn the traces of if the re £ re other
cỉvilizalions. Ỵiétnarnese history js a gap 'can ■not;fae- detẹrrnined írorri about 5500 years a g ọ * 18,000
Poiỉovving the Son Vi. cưlture is the culture Qi Hoa Sinh and Bac 'Son . the Nsoỉithỉc period. Culture of
Peace is-recoQnịzếd as ỉhe. cradle oi -civiỉizaỉion rics,.origináíly from Southẹast Asiạ.daíing back ialer
found around 1 5,000 vears ago. Peaiurecỉ by the tỉood geoỉogy can be a parl oỉ ỉhe deveỉũpment of
•vibrant c-ulture oí Peace may have never bsen iđantiíiecỉ and íound. Archaeologists have linked Ihe
beginning- ,o{ civilization the Vietnarnese in late Neoỉiíhic perÌQd and early Bfonze.Age (cỉrca 5700 BC

more) LSj ..
I B r o r ^ e ^ g s .;stòriẹ,;; ■ •• ' . . . - . ;■■■
phuno Nguyên Culture -ỈSJĨ culture hislory of the earỉV 6 ronỉs ~ẨQẽ , r3tT’Nèõỉĩtnỉ'<rpẹ.ri-odT~9bp,^t--^j;Q0Q-- -
"years ago tQ 3,500 years. Phưng Nổuvbo--Ls-lhe name oí c.viíiage in the communaỉ econọmy, the
..láỉstrict of Lam Thao . provincổ of Phu Tho , where the first lo identỉĩy the sỉtes ũí íhỉs cuỉture •
Brọ.nze- _ : .. ... ; . . . ■ ■■ ị
Dqĩiq Dau eulture is the, culture of thẽi Brọnzẹ Age iH víetnâm íốâaỵ (q GƠọụt 3*000' ýẻảrsT *thẹ Pnùno
Nouven Culture , beíore the Go Mun cuỉluíe . The name QÍ this cuỉture named Dong Day reHcs in Ven Lac
town. district-Yen Lac province of Vinh Phuc ^ :
■Sy.ạbọut 1200 BG, the development of technỉaues íor. rica cultivation and bronze casting in ỉhe areạ ơỊ
Ma river đaltả 'and the Red Rỉver ied to the>deveiopmẹnt Qf the Dong Sqn cuiture , Ậeatụring thgsgm gỊ.
. s p a c ^ . The.weàpons, tOGís and ■bronzé drum unearthed Dong Son cuỉture of evĩdence for the brom e
casíỉng technrQues derỉved {rom it, much ỉess the oid copper rnlne w-?xS excavatsd in-northern.
Vieỉnam. Here archaeologịsts have íound the coííins and burial jars the b oeỊ íh eỉlo o r, ầnd evidence 0 «

■ custómary sating beteỉ and black-stained teeth .

:''T im & B o n g Ba r ì g :; . v . ' ■ -- ;v- •;
: ;W aíer R edĐ eY n;s" %
Accordina tosom e ancienc histcrv ỈDÓok [6], the ancient ethnic Vietnamese ( Vietn&mesé Bạch ) Pounđing
PatHers,fĩrst .name. in Linh Nam , ỉncluđlng a large area south' oHhe river •Y-anqtáe; ìn 'China. tọday te. !he.

Ra.d River Delta. VGode-Riveh in northern V iein am ..Legend savs the state^gthnic in
Ệ879 BC in the Dongtino Lake reạion ( Hun an , Chỉna lọday),
VVarrỉnq Statẹs ’p-eriod.-(8th,■csntury BC to , 3íd ■'c ẹhturý ‘BGỊ :-'fa^-tỊ^-0Ịrgs-gur.e; írom the kíngdoms -ọf .'the.
Qepartment ,■íreouẹncỵ in northern Chlna and thẹ wavé QÍ Huaxía wgf Têfugees .runrung ỊrgiĩLiaỄủ}?^- V
down to the natỈGn QradualỈỴ ỉost the anciẹnt'Vietname$e- territọrỵ:, some tậbes were .aS3 irnjlated into.ỉhẹ

Vietnsmese Huaxia. CulminatinQ. at ìhe-time cf the Qln Shi Huang Ot Chinase ierrllory, puỉịẹđ dovvn tc the
Southern ..Coastal GuanQdonq (71 i ■
: KinQdom:’ thè' ancient Vietnamese;-nationaỉ ■ this perịg^j § í l Ị ầ l i j I l ! £ i £ ;âiMẾểÊấ.~
( Red ■Devlís }x■
.b€tw8€rr___.: n r o { . of dlíierent ethnic . Vietnamesẹ as Vỉetnamese • Fil| in;ỴjjnỊ2an , Da
Lang in Guizhou .Vletnam ese. Min in Puịián : East Vietnam in ZheilanQ , .in Jianoxi
' ' ■ ' ■'

- '■Province , South Vistnam in Cantonese,. Vietnamese Europẹ (Wesiern Europe) in Guanaxi , Lac
• ^ Ì k íQ g ẵ Ễ jn North Vieinam LS)... . •
RuGỉuaỉỉỡns during this psriod also ỉed tó the brsakup oí the Cõaliỉỉon' Government o/ the ethnic
■Vi6tegfgsgsr ÌFGfr>-the-StR e-erríiíry-BG onws:rds~l>orn VietnamsIẽlrỉ5¥s’’fềsB-irig ỉn dĩỉrẽrenraieảs in" the
southriv&r vãnótgg íormed oí dif?erent ■couhtries; in esch: rsQÌon as we!i as periods. sueh as ihe
M ẼÌO aaiss . Vạn,, Lang .■NdgtQas^se PẹgnangóỊ . .'S outh-Vietnsm . Au -Lac , Viéthamesẹ Knseỉinq . Mịn'
• Vi.etnamesa , Vietnamese Donq , the ... This vvater graduaííy being inđẻpsnđeni of ỉhe rnonarch of ỉ'he
ưnited L.ovvsr Yangt/:e Biver in the north to defeat annexation, or ầre sail- civil-wáf witKone anộthéríed to
... .y»'ậgI§n.lTo the.p8RQĩf,ofthe HangmÓKe-s-centuryBCE'Wafế'fnã^lễ!nẵmssẻ~siãtễ iÌ5keov~er ĩ§i.'
W a íe r V a n 'L a n g ; ■'
■■■Atler the disỉnĩegration of the State :coatitỉaa-aL^ìhBtcJ/>ataaaáesfi.. the. indenfin<feai_sífite nf Vifiínamesp.
• etnhíc grọũps ■ãre aisp-'íormed ãcross the rivsi_sQLitb_allíi& Yà not7fi firn. At about the 7ih centurv iJ
"tỉìẽ i a c Viẹtnạni, ons of the VietnarR3 .se 'ethn^c group n tha .aQLiỉb-lhaLis now nõrlhern Vielnam have
buiiỉ their State, that State of Van Lsno b eeause the Hung Ki C3 fjỉe i Board-, established his Capital'-
in Phong Chau (of Phu Tho.province today). r
Ths rnodern iiteraíure 0JJ iargely agree rscorđ of Vietnsm ese hisỉorỵ strsieay of a kingdom of Van Lang
Vietnamâse đatỉng Lac ícundeđ in the 7th centurv BC the sarne time, Chú VVancr-Pểoe (696 BG - 682 BC)
in CỊiina. The kinpđcm existed in ths arếa ịs now norĩnem VietrtaiTí and háđ exchanges with the
■■■/■ . * ' •
Vtetnamese ct Vistnamese King Gou Jian (Lac Express) .in the area dowhstréam Yanat?.e {Chinaì tođay.
W a íe r A iiL £ C ^f.p ri '.r ỵ ơ ư ^ / : r ; .
6y:the 3rđ cenluTV BC. Tbuc Phan t the ỉeader of the tnb€jgvU v letngm ,ls o n e ũí the tribes in-the north of
Bach Van Lang .Vietnamase đeíeateđ thè Í8fh Kino. annexeđ the •territorv of Vietnầm and the Europesn
. Lac Vietnstmese' con-stỉtute the Aư Lac , based in Co Loa , 'thé district of Dong Anh .. Hanoi totiay. He Is
.cteỉrnĩng I.Q An Quang Vuonọ.__ . • - ' :

; Au Lsc h írtẹ. Ận_Duona VúqngTnau Dạ .annexeđjrv2Q3 SCỊpr 179 S C ).: ■■

■ft/South v ie t n a m e s e W a íe r ; . '
Aí tlìs &r*ứ ót the Qịn, Trisu p £ (Zhso íorsỉgnsrs - íhe tiiịiẹ of the VVarrỉnq Sta.tes } is the captain and Nam
Hai ( O artonesslo d a y) ■whẽivth& ĩrequency of dỊsiurbances áfter,the death of Qin Shi Hưánq (210 BC),
ha d : ầny i~sand Soutli Countv Cnsĩũm sị then he brouqíiM t to annex the kingdom annsxeđ Au
■L|C , \Sgjngniẹge Man , county G ũiin neighboring countrỉgs snd 'esiablishm enì' oH hs South
ỵlầÌO^&SíscapItai ío_ Panyu in Guangxhou in the year 2<37 BC. : l:
South Vỉs-lnsrn in ihẹ Kinqdom ồi Zhao Da, iricluding Guangdonq; Guangxi and northern Víétnam ioó&v,
sn;á is đK^dftd_. iotn ninp •V^inHes; three counties to the South - The Streets . Giao C h i, Ct'U
ÊỈ2ỂQ ■Northorn bQundary íS the mQunỉsin ranq&Lĩnh Nam . the Southern bordsr is tteja n ạ e. Henq 6 o n -

A<ter Han ‘s Huaxia was established, he siđecỉ wiíh the tribes Vietriamese Bach Left aoạin QppQsed the
expansion o ílh e Han invaders. ín the space GÍ a centurv (207 80-111 BỌ), aỉthouah íoreion nationaí V‘/ho
is the king of the North but the South Vistnámese kinỏđorn compleíe indepẹndence bẹíorè the Han

ỉiỉ/T im e N oríh oí '

s probỊen]JMỉB-^^l}Aío^M£i.c£íif yiews ỉrom the past to this part of Vịetnam's history. rriost point
t o r n th ejeu d ai trariiíion suQqẻsts that the miíHonaire was a dynasíy ìn the hisỉory cí Vịetnam,/ because
^crih of that period beglnning in 111 BC when the Han dynastỵ conqũeređ South y Íẽíríãrn. Tfiè'TẽconcT"■
p tisọ ectivẽ ernergẹd írom. the 18th C9jạliJxio*dlCT the historian Nqo Thỉ Si 2hao is ơenyỉng the ỊegìtỊmatẹ
:.:;dynaèty of -Vletnam. - and íoiiowed a hỉscorian Dao Duy Anh in the 20th ceníury. The hỉstory books in
,v.;ẹd[udation in‘*Vỉe^arn today ạre of this opiniồn. ỉn vỉew of this seconđ, this time in the hisíory oí Horth

Vietnarn began in 2Ò8-8C vyhen the country invadẽd Trieu Au Lac'oí An ĐuoncỊ Vuonq.
■Wefđirig - , :'/ ’ ■' ■ ■
ÍULBG t the army of Emperor Han VVudi ínvaded South Vietnam and South VietnamYnerged into the
Han empire. Chinese people want domâin ■
Governed RRD ta-£inn‘fh^ ship •vvas fra/llQ£Ufetftb~SQiJtheast
Ạsia [12]. in t h ẽ lsi centurv, the Communications. . Minister stiỉỉ hoid,. Chioa began the poíịcy bỊ
assimiíatỉon of the terrỉtory by raising taxes and reíorm the marriage ỉaw to turn Vietnam ịnto a patfiarchầ:;
.soợiẹty receptive to morẹ poỉiticaỉ power. A reỵoỉt by the- Hai Ba -Trung leaders erupteđ in DistíicLGiae ,
íọliovved by thê borough Cuu Chan, Nhát Nam , The City and Gĩhẹr ỉocaiỉties oí the Lịnh
Nậ£íi(vịetname-S0 andsnt hỉstory which recorded are aỉỉ basíions 65} .in to 40 ■Later Han
Dynasty dispatched to General Code ỉnsíitute revoỉt Ịs suppressed. Aítsr three ysars of ỉnộepehdencs,
the uprịsing wss Minister Ma Institute QỈ oppressỉon. Because of.ỉsoỉatÌQn and miỉịtary organỊzaíions rnaỵ
be compỉeted shouỉd not be ableto'resist ỉorces cornmanđed hy the ỉnstltute ior Ma.. Hai Ba Trung had
more wesks on the rivér to keep theintearity of qas more sinaina.'
■Ầ ííe r t h :e. lì r s t : 0f 'th e ' H an a n d T a n q .. ; ; vVr.. ‘
Sea s ìs q : The Monev ManaQemenĩ .

Pollovvịng the Han D ỵ n a sịỵ .• the íeuđa! Gynasty p f‘.Chjn£ ạgý h e nexí Ẹastẹrn VV‘J . Jịn , Líu Teng . Nsrn
Ọ ị»’il]sJUậ^Juírn'-. ■ạỉternặtèỊỹ■
ddminated yietnam,■the Vietnamese- tiad ■
rẹpẹatedlv TểbeliBd.ạgaỉnst^
Ỉ0í8ign ruie, but aiỉ- wẹj^ jic ia u £ c6,ssfui Goaỉ, for indeDenderiC.e. > ■

y^ e; ^prisỉng ỉnsurreGtion:__a s : typỉcal brothers.Tneu Quoc Dat, .and Trì.eu_Thi Trinh at the _tịrrie •of •. Dong

.;.^^2’.Reyọlts brother *s SchQQĨ ọf;■■ManaQernent; and PerÍQrmance Manaqement from. nortn ọf Liu Song.
Nam Qi from 468 to 485 .
; .5 4 1 ,,Ly Bi Ỉnsurrectioỉiárv. drove homể the ụsẹ. Tụ 3 '’tĩmè-s‘Ịian g asĩe.a(£Q U'ic
next year, Nick selltproclaim ed Emperor Lỵ Ly Mam De is. S8t of Vẽíỉ Xuan on 544 years/.ỉn. the vear^SĨS,

the election Luong Tran' Ba Tienand Ocean Advenỉure to reviews of Ven Xuan. Lv Narn De íosinn baĩìle.
soldiers handed overpower to ĩrieu Quang P h ư c. Ạfter Ly Nam De died, Trisu Quang PhUG Luono drove
ttìs Iroops ỉn 550, the protscỉion of Van Xuan. He ciaimed to bẹ Vietnamẹse VVano 2hao, a ngj2Ỉ3Sw to ỉhe
year 571 of the Ly Nam De Lj Buddhisì Vietnam ese:Zh£Q Wang ciaimedthe.thrọne, conỉkxọsri-ỉa retain
théfrirK3Hftsnggnge fưrthB~Vletnafríese artothểr 3t?"V5ĩffírtỗ tfíẽ~Sũi Dvnấsĩv in SOa-tolnvadeBCE.
■ • O í th e R o a đ . ~r ~ ;
Main article: Norỉh o f 3 times ’
■ / ■ ; . •
Neỉcỉ Sui, Tano 'domirìated Vieinam ỈQỉ nẽarỊỵ 300 years. China‘s Road lo rẹach the peak tima, the fsúrth
gX|Mns.jon.^t_o._ijie__jMílh--QÍ the North An .ếstăbiisteá coionial Government I ths East beat
- —r-tha Goryeo establỉshéd -eoíoniaHoòvernmeni A n•ẹasí. ~we~st T^W'~egnĩbítsfìẽa~õQvẽrf^
domination Southern Annam estabiished CGỈoniai government, ie the ỉerritory of the íormer Van Xuan.
. 'Qụrlhg, the Tang Dynasív, was tha QLìtbreak GỈ thé uprisỉng aọainst the North Viẹtnamese ạs the uprising
• - ■■oỉLỵ j Ả Ẻ § Ũ-&nđDịgh ■■Kjen_ / insorrsciion Mặt Hạc De , insurrection Phúng i ^ ^ ahd uprising Gd^ịct'’. '
Thanh from the láte seỵenth cenĩurv to ttie ỊMẼLg-tOÌury • ; • ~~~~
Since An Use DỈsorders (756-763), Tang Đeclineanđ Ì03S oỉ controUviíh many locaỉ ĩovvns any sand írom
the . session, not to control the souĩh/Annarri cồỉonial qovsrnmént were
neỉghbors Nanzhao . Cham , Saiiàndra on looting and kiliing the nativẽs very much aione, snd.Nan began
to havs kineđ 15 thousanđ peopíe, Milítarỵ Road was đeỉeaỉeđ severa! times. By the year 866, the control
Kne b.áek and chắnqs i he Návy caiísd SĩatỊg ' ; ’
9|b-j^/=«fv-^P5PV9-5ysg.síy weakenẹd fọlfowino a serious rehamon-éi-M uaonSan war and miiỉtarism in -
Ghĩnạ. in Vỉeìnam, the .yeer 905. a iocal priđe, tha Vietnamese leader Khue Thua Du se ia scitha capitsỉ to
Pal La, staiỊỈng thè period of autonomv QÍ the Vietnamese. . . '
T h ẽ l l ì ĩ p a c t G f V le tn a r n c u i t y r e : ; ■ ■
The dýnasty iried.ỉo assimilate ỉhe peopie oí Vieỉnam untíer thè'Hạn, alinouah the Vietnam sse peopie
grsaỉỉy- iníluenceđ the organizaticn of poỊiticat, social and cuiíural of China, but Vietnam has retained
many origỉnạt lounóaíional culỉura! Capital oí their nation aíter a thcusand years oí domrnatíon. [13]
Vịstnsrnềse peopíe are iníluenced by Mahsvana Buddhlsm is deveiopina in East A.sia ■AKhouoh aí
that Souiheast Asỉa has been inílưenced by Hinduism and Théravađa Sưddhlsm . Mahayana Buddhlsm
mixed vvith Coníuciônism , Taoĩsm , and in additỉon to th.g ỉocal foík belĩeís Ĩ14).
_ IV/ Peudaỉ inđependence ■ ' •
In -905 Khuc Thua Du has buiU salí-qovernmgnt of the Vietnamese pebpỉe v^hen the Tano Dvnastv
yysaltened, layỊỊTQ the roundation for Vịetnam‘s ỉndependence. In 939 Noo Guven prociaimed king s íier
the baais histor/ oi the Bach Dang River Army beídrs the Han , to the yesr S68 Dinh So Linh anơ narned
hỉmselí Emperor of the Dai Co Vietnam ■Dai Co Vieỉnámese tíynastỉes Ihrouoh the p j n h ,lh e íorrner
'hễ ạpd 40 ye&rs of the Lv dvhasiv ■In 1054 King Ly Thanh •Tono .renarned University V iẽtnam .. Vĩeìnam

undervvelít ísudạỉism: Ly dynasty (1 Uh century. 12). the Tran.(Centurv 13. 14), the Ho(15th csntury) . the
■ÍMẽ L L ũ (Century 15. 16. 17.. 18). the Mac (16th cemury). the_Tay_Son (the iate 18th. cenlury). ■

Đunng this period the kinqdom In nòrthèrn'China. Morigoỉia. their rniỉltary íorces to invacịe. but werẹ
repưlsed Vletnarn:Le Hoan snd Lv Thiiono Kiet troops tvvicè repeỉ the Song Dvnastv (961 c.nd 1076
■years). the Chen deíe&ied the Monqols In 1 2 5 8 'and foHowed the Yuan D vn astyin -1265 and 1288. 15th

csnturv Mino Dai. Vielnamese concịuest and ruỉe for 20 years. bủt also Le Loi to expeí the ernergsnce in
t428.:,ãỊrị'd tounđed:th eL a te rL e'in"1769Ihe Qiriqdỷríàstv:w£s invadèd-Bue treat. •Ậ:Qwayer/ừ.oro the Ịaté ;
; í StỊrcentory onwsíơ$ thề íeudal Vietnanrhas iiarĩea tộ■"wẹáRénT’’'
From lũth centurvto the "i4th century, the Vielnamese tíynasties Unỉverslíy buỉidỉng on the basis
ồỉ Buddhism alono with the inílưence■Coníucianism ĩrorn China. By ths ỉatặ 14th ceniury, the iníiuence GỈ
.. . .............- ■■ ... . _ • ■ ____________ ' ■ ____ z ~ — — — -—— --------------------- — r —. i . V ' '. - i

■B u d đ h is m a n d shrin kin g . in fk je n c e of C o n fu c ia n is m in c r e a s e s , .the d e y e lẻ Ịx n e n ỉ of .the' C a n íu d a n State

modeỉ of Chỉnesè stỹié: tơ the 15th centurv , the Univèrsity ..Vietnam is à major striictural similar right
•neỉghbor oí Chỉna, the slructùre of leQisỉation , administration ■litsrature.and art are C hlnese stỳỉé.;

Viẹtnạm^n the íeudaỉ development' síiỉỉ rẹ ọn aoricuíture , mainíy rice cuỉtivation tọ provide ỉood. each

đỵnasty has, in-turn tỉoọding- embankment-, diogỉng canaỉs, £S we!ỉ as traííic. movement. recỉaimed lands to
• the Coastal pỉaín areá oí cuitivation increeseđ. Commerciaí activitỉes, íoreign trade hc;S 'bẹ-sn
íormeđ. Besiđss the two neíahborina eouníries China and Champa, the Ly dynasty, the Chen has--more
tfadf/w ith c-ther kingdòms ỉn the Tegion of S outheast Asỉa at the porí of Van Don (Quang Ninh), trade in

the Post Le is added to Ẽuropẹ , Jạpan. in ceriters such ss Thang Long and Hoi An ...
; ;í f e v;' :v ■ ' ^''1 . '

•Period derived from the South-North j <orea , in 1527, aíter winning the 'throne of the Later Le. Q$pũ

■ Dung has set up the Mac. The Later Le was restored a few yẹars ia.ter wíth:'t'fe Help of Hcu ven Kin , a

íórmer-minister and gained controỉ of the reglon írom Thanh Hoa tò Sinh Dinh' . Aíter Nguyên Kim d^ad,
■ thè groom ỉs Trinh Kiẽrọ won pow6iy the 'nexl 60 ysars Trinh Kỉem and his progeny have won the vịctory
over ỉhe Mac in 1532 and opened for a specia! perỉod in history Vietnam íeuđa! histcry, the period oỊKịn^

T hẹ: confpct' betweén: thè two ;G0urtiers: GÍ the Latsr Le trinh .KieHỊ and Nquven 'HQán:o '(tọ 'tíefend: ine;;
' tàn® 'ofT fíưan:'Hdà and' QuanQ Nam ) ha ve begun to đlviđe ỉhs.couniry into tvvo ierntories^ two separate
ađiTJnl3Iratlons Cochin in addỉlion . -and Cochỉn . The descenđanU of 2heng contrcỉ rsspectiveỉy in
•succ 8;ssỉ0n- to ■■power:in1hé:Nforth':fe;caỉled-thé,L-ơfdTdrìh
HI oítice ỉn Cochin is knowri as the Nuiiven Lorôs , the King Le titỉes ọníy.the emoeror on behalỉ cf Íí'ì6
Vịetnamese GeneraL; \ ■*
" 'Thê-erặ. ỡỉ-Viétnầm ;i.átọ:;two ■sẽparais,:tèrritori0s .and ís. in ;the: Noìln is. ẵmừiíi^ uS íìgổ ý j jẼ£Ếííz .Ỉ££ẼỀ n, both the Noâh and Cochin are invcỉved in the QỈobal-írãding íystem hy E u fũpóạr^jjw ^Ji^^Jlế'r]'
Ohina ;ío Greai •.Vietnạme.s.e' merchanĩs. Persons Dutch , Enaush , Prench.businessrnen estabíished a
prostituts in Ke Cho (Hanoi). íhe PortuQưese . SrítishT Japanese vvhore in piacs of inịureõ Fàfo (Hoi
An). The mà in cọmrTiOdiíies exportad from Vistnam is the Great Sỉ!k, pepper, and 'ceramics. Hệvvever, to
the 18th century, the commerciai activity decrésseđ ỉn both the Norih and Cochin [15] ■ •
Aỉong wiỉh ;trade trade yyith yy estsrn countries, the Cathólics bẹạan to be passed ỉhrơuạh the Great
Vtetnan.i-Sô Catholic cieric in vvssỉem preacher merchant shtosjg bo.íh the North aná-is inrthen íhe-T-rinh ■
and Nguyen íords were banneđ; so the iníluence of Cathoỉicism in Vietnarr; đurinQ this pẹriođ is iirnỉteđ.
To e x p s n đ th e te r riío r y to th e s o iỉth
iMark on the expansion of the coúnt.ry in Ịhe.lêudsỊ period was the expansion ỉo the souíh. the Sọuíhward
to íinơ íarmỉand to 'provỉdẹ íood íor the jncfeaiajạUbẹ-§^fụMsdLVlej^rnésg poputeiion. With an ạrmy is
better :organizẹđ, írcrn the 11th centurỵ to isth:;csntufy, aftef:.;tf\e;_«ar/beíw.een-,Viĩetnam-'and -the"
rGfẩẵt 'CHám , Visinam ese íerritory Foundatlon has expandeđ from the ranoes Heno Son (northern Quáng
_Ìin Ịí) to Cu;Mong'Pass (north gf phu Ỵ en.)■ ■■j : . . . , .: , ' :
-From the -17th cếnỉurv, 5'rs' in’ã"tẽrrftòfý,‘ & sẽpárate govẽrriment v/ith th e‘North. Còntinơe to saèk m5fe ’
. !and area for populatíon grovvth, and increasing pov/er of ỈỈỊe Nouyen Lords has in turn led the war with
Champs a nd fully ỉncorporated terrltory rernairis of the Cham (from Phu; Yen to Bính Thuan province )
■in 16S3~ ' j !;■■■■ ■ ■■■ ■ : ' ■.
Then, fotiowina the ỉmmiaration oi Viẻtnamese ?rom Cochin io liveìn the land of thfi Khmer, the Nauyen
----- ;----- —■ —
---- — r"“!" ^ --------- _

Lords in turn set the partial sovereignty over the land the South after the war with the Khmer
kin'ỵjÕTí .Avutthava as we!l as Qiher poíitical íacíGi’3, trom the vsar 1698 to vear 1757 Cochĩnchina
QOVsmment Cữmpíeìeiy vvon tadaỵ in the South oí his conúcí.
Along wi?h the ếxpsnsion on ỉhe maìnỉand. the authorities are ỉn turn send peopie ío expìoit and conírol.
the rock ã im á s and Isrge islẹnds in the South Chins. ,? gạ and GuỊi of Thaiỉand . Paraceí Isianđs are
exploỉíed and controlisđ e&riy 17th csnĩưry, Con Dao island in 1704. Phu Quoc from 1708 and the
•;Shcạtfy ísíands in 1711 ffpm 0 6 ] . .
The diff€í5nce in cyỊture beiween the two is probabíy derived íroiTì the Southward of ỉhls. Coníụcisn
in_lhe soụthgrn rệQÌỢìẽ' doss nọt dgvelop rnuch, bcc^use thsỹ affsctsd portion cí thà Champa
cuayrâ .K^mer cuĩture - Today, the North-saving. protecỉing atoups, goođ be.havior; Souỉberners
camỉorísbis ỉiie, in ihc.ight and straighưor^ard 02] ■Admỉnistrative and ofoanízà.tionsJ diffsrencsầ. How
. meUculousỉy organized governmení in ỉhe north hạs bsen simpliỉieci in the South í i t i .
■R e tm iĩĩc a tio n . L
From thẹ mid Ị8th century, the Qnọoỉng vvạr be.fvvẹen: the Khmer kinqdom of Cochin. Aỵ!itfh£vạ ầs vvelỉ as
djspụl65 In the North to rnạke^peooie^ tỉves mOĩ-ẹ critịcaiiv.Manv peasanr upnsing broke ởụt.iPựt mosi
;íịâbỉ© ỉo, fai!. To th.g uprỉsing of the Tay Son broke out in 1771 in Quv NJion {Binh Dinh) has cịeveỉoped
extensivs def€âtsd1wo of the second ruỉe Nguyên, Trinh, stop dividing the country, as wẹíl as tỳọe&ì ths
Latsr Le ca,pjĩ£Ỉ onív in narns. Tay Sọn af’my had deíeated five ihousand Sỉam (In 1764 ) in the South and
23 thousand iroops Maricho (in 173s ) inyasion in Ihe North. Nguyên Hué ofiiciaiỉy bẹcam e King o i Grèat;
' Vietnamese pots iake eííect as Quang Trung, ỈTÌQSÌ unuiẹd Isrritory íroiTỉ the north to Gia_í2i0tl. t though
. afler his tíeath in ,1792, iocal aữthoritíes made ọpaque green Tay Son inGreaslngiy -weakenẹd. -; -
A person đescenđed írorn the Nguỵen iords in the Soưtli 'is:ỉ;jQUven PouG^Anh . vviih th6^b£cKỊỊno__a)iG
advice Gf_sbrns of the French , 'deieated the Tay Son in 1602 . He be cầm e kỉnQ^_i£king đaíing to the Gia
Long becãm e íhe firsí kinG to ru!e a ưniíiôd country vvỉth -two íertilô píộịns, connectôđ by a. strip 0? CGSSụ i[V;
1804 he reriamed the cơuntry frQnlỉlaajG££aỉiflaỉi^ ■ ........
. Gia Long í 1.602 --one thousanđ eỉoht hundrecl twentv ). Capital in HueyỊhe .built íhecap iai lcỊjỵ,õf Hue is ^
sirniỉir tG'thg^FofbiMen"CitVln 6 ế T O
tried tố Vietnam unđer construction concepỉs and ■methods oí adminỉstrổtion oí ohina. Since the 183Qs t
inteỉlsctuals in Víetnam (as representative Nguven Tru-ong ) has set a requirement to ỉearn tròm VVescer^
indũstrialdẹyelopmẹntc--.-trade* bụt thẹy.snế a minority.. In respọộse, .King Minh Mang ạnd hỉs sụccẹssor ( .
ThieiTtn (1841-1847) and’tu óúc (1 ồ4^ tồ83j séléctsd an ou^đắỉeầ''pồliGyiỄaì M a ch ẻ s' imporiẩncẻ tổ .
deveỈQp aGrìcưlturs {agrleuỉture becsusV of course) and prevent Chfistian_e_ducạỉjon , reỉigion íiOm tne

These rnisslonaries France hâs be en presẽnt in Vịetnam since- ỉh e ..Tnid 2lZíà~S§QiM£M_2 teP-.jLM
hunian and matenalTesQurces ÍQĩlhẽ NQuyen in the hattỉe wiỉh la y Son, By the.£rMJL§feJ^nỊyiM1
450,-QƠQ peopỉe. have ■cõnverted to -Christianity [Ị9j. The .govẹrnment really. íears fhe íormation of á
rệlỉgl^ús o;coanization shouíd have kiíled those who.ioỉlilwJ31iQSỈÌ£Ji^^ _dịr6Ct neiQrioors. ...
V /T Ĩm ể íre n c h ; ■
In August in 1858 , the French Navy amphlbious .as$£ult on the pcrtol Da_NsQgendĩhen retreatedjs_
invàde■S a s ọ o n Irỵ vluns in 1862 , Kino Tu Duc signéd .3 treatý csded three provincss c ^ s j|§ g j^ _ lh e
Fréneh.:ln 1867 , the rrench occupied -spots v {hrée :proviíices west,ne>;t to __a__coỊonsal
tsrritotv Cochinchine (Southern). Aítsr sírengíheninCỊ loothold in the South, íroro 1873 until .13.86 , notes
ỉhe -FrèncỊi‘ irivẩđeđ the rest ọf Vịẹtnam- íhrough 'the complex war in Northern- States;. North chaotic when.
It is đue to discdrd betv/een ỉhs Vistnamesa and American exiíe. Vieínsm govemment ụnabte lọ contro.!
íhss điseoỉti. Boìh China and Prancè sre considered ths area under their iníluencs and ser.d troops ihers,
but eventually the Prench were victorious.
Fỉsnce announced that they-' wiỉỉ • -bẻ' protected ■Ton.kỊn ( Tonkìri) artd QẬỊẩlÊ { ấ í t ũ i n ^ wi;erctnsy.
CQntinue tò maintaln until the puppet e mperor BcC 0 aj (kino írom 1926 to_"iL45).
officials ọrganized resísíance movements should be Kino ; but Íaiied against the Prench. ■ ;•

in 1887~, conịpícte ihe ỉnvaslon ,of Vìetócnv_th6 ;Hrench :heỉđ;- oụt_ 1*■orh'
■Central: to loca! ỉevels. ỉ.n .the. c e n icai4ndochina G o v ern o r (initial capiỊaỊ ỉn Saịgon... .ịocaieQ ỉn. í icMK-;| ạ\

1302.) Topping ths GQvemor caìled ìhe Governoĩ ẽi Indochĩna . vvas the highest ạuthốritý in the Prsnch
politiea! instltutions across Morth . Central . Soiĩihern and Cambodia . Head in ìhe íhird penod
are: 'Governor Southern, Kham pọrceỉain centrai and rssident North, ai! Ihree are under surveiiiance and
conỉroí of th e S uprẹrne Governor Prertch índoehịna, whợ, direeílý under íhs coiony'. By the year 1893 the
coritrol of the Governor expạnded the Pranch Eạst, inciuđirtq Ai Lao . _ . ' :
Afìer the d eleat Gi the movemeriỉ shoyld be kineHaté J.9th -Century. the Erench aiso tried.-ta-.cornpleỉeiy-
govern the organkation in yịsỉnam. Reíorrns in èđucation in the ỊOIOs has compietelỵ remove thesmslỉ
scĩiooi with Han thousand years qí íeuđa! yiẹtnam movement to repiacẹ iỉ. vyith new iearninq scriot has
created an- intellectua! eiass new íormuỉa, íhst cornes Irom the Conlucian iradition, buị háve ạ c c s s s
to cuìturallv Western ■Reprèsenlative íor thỉs worỉd ạs Phan Chu Trinh and Phan Bol Chau was opened
Jgf Quy- Tan movement and movemenLExsress eohance p s0ple's movement. dẩ .xights.
and, social- reíórm íor tha Vịetnarnese íirsí floor Prench ruíing class. Howevef, the develópment of this
rnavẹrrieọr was then coỉonial gọvernment supprsssed because rea!ized riẹk íor íheircoíoniai
Lata 1S20s,-.-lhe-V]étnames& who •ÍQunéisd’' the ■radioaj Vĩetrtam- Naĩíorĩalìst •Parĩv (Kuornintang !ike- -in'
Gliịnâ}.. However, 'tin 1 0 3 0 , atíar the ..Ven Bai úorisĩnq laíled. Viéthạrn Nationalist Parỉy WES seriousiy
weakeneci. Thst sarne year. £ young Visỉnam under ỉhe Marxist-Lenin tọunđed ĩh e Inđochinese
Cómmunist Parìy , but it quickiy becsme the íarget of the French. destroyed despite ỉheir organizations
ỉrisnđly to the Popular'Pront ịn Prench government.
Japanese atìsck indocbína in 1940 ạnđ quicklỵ reach an agrsement with the Vichv OQVsrnment iri France
'to thẹ:>vho!s J ạ p sn ese rule in ỉạdochina. Prench coloniaí ỏovsmment oniỹ exists to March in 1945 vvỉten
ths Jap£nesẹ attackeớ the vvhoỉe oí indochina. Shorííy ỉhareaíter, the Jspanese seỉ up a prọ-Japanese
goverr.ỉĩỉent vvỉth ihe monarch Sao Dsi and Primẽ ívlinister Tran Trono Kim , s e i new nationa!
nâĩTse Empirẹ yietnarn 's natìposi liag and the ĨÌBQ cuo héxaqram ■/ •
(Vietnam stanđs íor Assoclation oỉ.indeper.dent Aỉliance) íoundeđ in 1941,23 8. íront of
ĩhe Indóchinsss Cọmmunist Pariy was run from Fac Bo (Viatnamese-Chinese bcrder) by Ho' Chỉ
Ivĩinh when he firsí reỉurn since 1911 (the yeạr he ieíí Vlẽtnạra), alihough he associated wịth Communists
'in Ihẹ:eounìry in the T92Q and 1530 . ..
ío aárỉy. 1£45 ■Vieti'ìam íei! into anarchy. War h as shsUerèd ữie economy. tha áa p a n e se took the rỉce and
■ọthsr P ro d u c ts , í o r c í n g peópỉe.'to■break ỉhs rice píant to s&rvs the vvar ■ pỉus naiuraỉ d ĩsasters, íamine
{ t M E ÌM A j ŨMM ) Ì1 3 S o c c ú rré d i.1 N o rth s n d c e n ừ ã í Q ub ịịc . !t ís e s íim s ỉe đ 'thai, th e ré W ít -e a b o ụ ỉ tvvo

millÌQn p e o p ie d !> .d tro rn Ih ĩs ia m in s [20] . : • •

Ví/The periód írom 1945 ÍG present , ':

Đ e c la ra tio n o f ! n d e p s n d e n c e
March 11, 1S45 when Japan’s miliỉary coup to overthrow the QQvernment Drotedion ọf Francs, backed
and ccntrol QỈ Japẹn, EmoefỌf Bao Dai has 3 proịection cnly to the íuíỉ text:
ít is stilỉ.a matĩer of đebaie whether the l-lồiììì Bàng Dvnastv vvas rea! 01' ịust a svmboiic dvnast}
;tọ rèpresent ihe Lạc 'Việt- nat-ion beĩore recorded hisĩorv. THe Thuc. Trièu. Amerior Lý.’ Ngó-
Đ inh. Anterior 'Lẽ. -LÝ. Trằn. H ồ. Lé. M ac. Táv Sơn, and Nguyễn are usualiy regarded bv
hỉstorìans'ầs íbrmaỉ dynasties. Ncuvễn Huệ's "Tẻv Sơrv Đvnasty" “te raỉhera narne created bi'
' historians to avóiđ coníusion \vith Neuvễn Anh's Neuyền Dynasty.

y ị e t n a m c u ỉ t u r ^ . _

V ĩltn a m m ỉltu re :.Ciiltíif6^s-54 Nationaỉitỉes of-Vỉetnam or in perticụỉạr .ạ Cuiture of,ethnic Kinh, rna-iority
--have-Qngínateđ in northern-Vietnam Vís-one-of-the- oídss!-cuitures-in-the-regiọn-P-acỊfje-r-Bespiíe-s-UGht-- but-
through ỉníluence GÍ China, Vỉetnam culture has crsated rnany characieristics qưite similar' to. those
peoplss- of... the countrỉes of East Asia., . and-.. other countries in the Paclíic (such.
'ẹs £am b gd i£, Laos .and Thàỉland ) where the capitạ! has éutlered ạ major part oí.the cuiĩura! .inílụệncẹ'of .
ẹ*rỊ ú í,, . _____ _ r ^ .. .. Ị - • — 71—— —
■ — —r- ---- ’——— ~ • ■•
Ịrioĩa . - ị -■ r- ị ... . >- . v*'r' •) ";a i -*•* .
Àithough tHe impáct oí China ịs* cõnsìdêned the m-03t infíuentia* of the âtịeQ nu(t.ure .QQ_Jh£Ji5£iiikir>al
•cuỉtũre QÍ Vietnam, ethnỉc Kinh stỊỊỊ preserve rnanv of their-own cũltụré,' but until todav the own traditions
■ w h ỉc h a re stiil e x tre m e ly im po rtant in th e liíe of the V ie tn a m e s e . ; V

‘Many historians 'believe that was. beíore unđer the' iníiuence of Chinese cuiture. the- Donọ Son
cụlture orlgihated in northern Vietnam (which was aỉso deveỉoped in other countries ia the Pacỉrịc) is the-'
fỉrst p:s n histọry of Vietnam . ■
■Gan- In generarêulture cí Vietnam is a specỉaỉ blenđ between many ancỉẹnt cuỉtures wilh the ỉndigenous'
culturé: oi the Vietnamese Bach . in ạ^ditiọp .Ịo the great:est :eífect of Ghỉna, theY ietnam ese cuíture £ỈS0r'
■inflùenced by Western culíuns ỐP,d the cuíture of a parlicuỉar unit 53 ethnic minoriíies In Vietnarn .. :

v: 0QUn:!ryV ■ r :;: .::-.í..;aV y '■■■■■■ ' ' ■

^ e ’n a rrí c u ^ u rev e sp e c ỉa lỊy 1fí6 -nGTthern:x u ltu re iS v ery :d ỉv e rse ; Ít W55 cuìleci throuQh th o u s a n đ s of y e a r s

"OÍ hỉstory-., Cusioms prồcếđurế.s •subh.■ás- ịoQth.. staining, chevv bete!.- íestivaís sưch as Hùong’- Pagođa
festỉvaỉT ổeầlh ánnivẹrsarỷ ổi Hunọ.KinGV Lim .Ầssembỉy, to ths Assembỉv of the Tsy. ỉn ỉhe rnountaỉnous
e th n lc íestiv aỉ of lỏve. co m e everv/ s p r in c th e c o u p íe G cth ered th eỉr C;arrr65 su c h a s throv^ỉng. sin g in g For

:7 G o m n u n ỉtv O r g a n ỉZ o t io n
. • . Comrnunỉty.of VỊỊlnarri w ss orqeniisd by ìhe basic unii is the viỉỉaoe . The viỉỉaqe is ? -reỉativeíy d c^e^
òrgc.ni7.aíioh. ỵ m . 1 3 6 15 oúen wc:sh:p the ỉừslary 00CÌ3 r eeỉinp people and vịll<rỌ€ọ ,
organiied the íestiv&MmpQrtant. The viỉlaqe is surroụnded by. bam bo.o ánd' s^port/ ih6 ;v Ịỵ aaeJias^reel'
' tmeíernsy be a; tampie. The head of the viỉiaqe-.are respẹctèd peopỉes usueỉly the eiớerỉv,rpeopỊe vviin
moneỵ a re cslíed the head 0! the vỉllaoe . The vỉỉỊaoe usưaỊỉy. has- tts ọwn 'ỉavvs, knovvn as the convẹnìions.
of-the.:•yỉỉỉage/Viỉỉaqe. sHow_a irn ic e íẹatures 33 vvell as the neoafiy£ nhprinm^iia^-oLMetiiarri cuiture'
tỉrn é Ịe u d ạ llsm , ' ::

,' ;y£^§,$m áiỉe'r. s^gi.^viiLạgè is ^ te ^ amlịy. Ụnỉike the W e s i-t his ỉarnỉly in. Vietrtam ls ; úndẹrstòòd. as -ạ ìarqe
V VÍồrnilý,.; coásistiag.-DÍseyèrái;.'..gếaổrạtions. blood.':r.élầtíọa■••blóod..;' releịivẹs." Ịịylnq ::..tò.gệtặẹr^.
: lamiiy was ;helđ únder strỉct hieràrchy..the.lovver;mysỉ.be* fondness;and Tespect peapỉe above, •who hạyẹ •
.' the. òbligatỉón to care. ỈOT chỉldren shouid tẹach people.. . ■ • ;■ ■;*
'■ ; C ụ l í y r e :' a n đ d e á l ỉ n g : :w ĩ t h j h ẹ n a t t i r a i s n v i r o n t n e n t ■ ■ i ỷ:

P gcause culturaí background is the produGtỉọn . of aqncutture^should .the Vietnamese.have noiỉons of
cpndụct in harmony with nature. Cltadel of Htiaủms.. bũilt In harmony wỉth the concepls ẹurrounding

: ■
' " V*---.”'-'. :■ V ■>

• Peopte-VỊetriam- has oreat kr!Qwk ẩ n ẽ . about nature ^_ . e s p e d aíỉv . on riaỉugáL^conditions jSLjjjtạ'blẹ-„■■■

• ỉo^aoriculture , PaọĐỈẹ ■Vietnẩro h a s 'e x i e n s ỉ ^ e '• $ x ộ ẹ m r i c Qr>'■■in ' ;Ịhe :-.?;struggí,e• agalnst nature-tQr.ỵ

. In :.ỈỈỊe ',conception of architecluré , .buỉldiriq, bụỉíding ổ.oom:.. t h e .V iẽtnamesẹ kpow ịhệ- chQseo_■d.Ịregtion,-
■chqọsẹ qrQund, a.vGỈd pQỈsoriQus wỉn'd, ...took the.:direqtỊori; the .sun rỉsés, ,or build h.Quses near.rỊvérs and
stream s Íồ í drỉnkỉng w ater‘ íacẠities,-plant \crons~ (“the ịTìost rnyọpỉc, cỉose. binạry. ;a ỉangK)V s e ỉ -.0X11-in the
dỉrection oí.th e sea in merriòry gf. their ancesiors ỉỉe ■outs.ide the sea cọast, when the .storrns of-saa travéí
th ro u g h , i h e y h a v e no d a te o n . O n g of th e ía a ỉu r e s in t h e a rc h iíe c tu re th at h o u s s s the a rc h ỉte o tu re a re to

íof!ow íeno chọi, ít is ths hsrmony betvveen the ỉanđ, th e rnountains, vvater ... This is show n ciearly in
t h e á r s h R e c t u r g 3 S a c i ia đ e i o í T h a n q J . :o n q , t h e h o m 3 o j j H o , t-he Capital C ity o ĩ H u e . . . In t h e o r y o r íh r e e

thra^đs of the people; “Naiurạl -iọcaỉ -:peopí6.B ;

C u itù re a n d c o n d ỵ c t envỉrón.rriejntaj a n d s.ocỉaỉ

Eaae!e MMosm .
rjà ã r k . . m ẩ sre tauqht to follow Jhe stạndarci ethics of the MlMiJầ-Je3ẩjjnc)
C o n fu g a n j§ m , w hỉch lo c u s e đ on positiy e re!ÌQ<oys,lH)dvt q e U h e WQfdJ g .a s im ọ o rta n t, g jv @ l|e ^ |a § s

o n t h è b G Ỉt p m , ạ l w a ' ỵ § j j i â i D g j l l ọ ^ a Ị ị ^ fo,^., l í ĩ ê ^ g ặ n t r L a n d :c a r e . ỉ o r t h e í s m i í ỹ . ■[ , ; •

•Peooỉe VĩetnHm before .a spiĩit oí^proíessors oí reiigiQUsVguidance'i ”bui today the w©st I s .iẹạrning họw;:
. choices, s e e parents. who are born Inlo their y;orkt whỉíe teachers nave the education, vocâtỉonaỉ Industry..
shoutó, c t Mosquiỉo e N ewFather, :two ' m.osquilo- Year Nóiè. .sp ìn a c h ^ T h íe e Y e a r ĩĩĩs sỉe rs . The
■■'respected proiessionaỉ styỉe vyỉth the w crd 'ííprọfessor“. (teachér) «i$ ihe prole.ssionaỉ rs s p e c t thát'peọpỉe
such- as ■martiẹí arts, m e d i d n e Vietnam is the Vietnàni Tea.chers' Dav' 20/i 1 [li. .. 1 .
Víetnam opinĩồn ■/ ■ỉ e u á s .ị .m s le - s u p r e m s c y .. , mentQĩỉịy; VVorr:ìèn rnust ' ' perldnm (íiree
/ - • , V. " ;i .■ .■ 1 *

C B ĩế c h v r n s n s ĩour vĩrìu&s . Today, ;'the position oỉ wosTìen ỉn Victnam has improved, bui the.ruỉés' stíỉí
■■■ ' ' ■ . . . . . V' í

in s o r r .e e t h n ic m in o rity o r o u p s [21 • ' • -

-SQcỉety \ ;; ; ■. -1;

Abouí 70% oi Vietnạrn livss'' In the srea oi aoriculture . and alíhouah ma hy areas are anected by the
processj2LMTfean .-QQQds. and qỉobalization. the -íạrming practlees'and ưađltiona! c ustom s are s till strongỉy

.•.inlluencsd to Iha—íamBlion of sfronocuỉtursỊ_Vjetrìgm . The lotaỉ population 83,53^,576 w.ilí

havs 8 8 ^ 2 8 ,4 5 0 peopỉe ỉiving in ruraỉ sr ea s and 16 ,7 0 7 .1 1 5 people íive in urban a r e a s i ih the":n ẽa f -

fu tụ re a g ain , th e sp ee d of u rb ánizatĩo n a n d the- rirc u rn st& n c e ậ of the cọ untry ioined th e W o r!d T ra d e •

Qm ãn teạtiorrVVT0 , thẹnevv C!ties.wiỉ! grovy, rurai a rea s vvi.lỉ b s narrỏwed. ỉeadinq to -co n seq u ẻn ces the

^1tf8"of~the-population is-partọUhÃ. r8Ĩorm jhien_.Van jỉQtinshes than beíore. ' ■“ ............

Crgẩnisation . :
sp ea k in g oỉ terminoỉogy reílects the ỉeve! ọf sociai orQani2ation, the two most ịmportant unit_is

.*•.. .^?e ỵÉỀOQ and cguniry. I he Vieínam ese píten say that the vịỊỊage is cỈGsel^ linKed to v/ater. Soíịdarity are.

hỉgií’ 1 iòdắy*s fesidénĩigi~;'r culturẻ (3Ì TheỊmignĩĩ • 'Sùoh--;-

a s dịstrícềs an d provinces h av e ỉiítỉe m ore^im portance.
ỉn.the~ pasĩ "■ ” ~~ í
....... - ■ p ..
“ Cían reíations: =■ V
------ ---------- ------ . .■ !■■. ■ ............r. ■

ỉn the agriculture of Vietnam, relations cịan plays an imporĩaní role. ỉí ycu can say that the VVest-srn
culture GÍ indivìduaiism seriously, they can also say thai the ũriental cuỉturệ vaỉusd the roie GÍ í.a m ily and .
cian. ỉn compcrisori vvith Western cuỉture, if you iike Chinese cuíture raise thelr ỉamilies than ihe •
D&tipn vvhlle promoting VietnanrTs culíuraỉ íamily than íamỉỉy. Each has a hèad of their íamily, theỉr church
ạnd-thsir anniversary. "
: . ;MQSt -p e o p le h a v e G ủntaot with: è a c h o th e r o n e th n ic lin e s . T h isfa .c t ỉs stíỉỉ rê íỉè c te đ ỉn 'th e n a m e 01 th e

vỉiỉage, for example, Dang Xe (Deng’s viiíage), Xa' Chau;"Le Xa, ... and so on. Ethnịc groups J nJỊav
ỈÌQMverv has more traditionài íarniỉies ỉn a íamiỉy togetner In the lonq house (the holíow) is sEill popular. In
.' rciQgi jiirabareasjn Viefna,nilhHlJÌ^ỈiiiJjai££JrLÍC)jjr oenerations:ỉĩvìnq unđsrihe Sằrne root'
■ u s e c ỉa n tỉe s -p ỉạ y ,a n : irnpOvianl rple i n s o c ỉe ty s h o u Ị á h a v e :à S ystem ộf h le ra rc h ic a í r e lâ tlo n shíps:E Ĩ&

c o rn p ỉe x , In : th e s o d e t y . G Í.VieừiaiTi, -hf=s riÌQá-iy.pj6S nỉ ■kínshỉn g p n araié from n e a r 'a n d :f e r :. ..(perm aneiit ;

■nÌ!noritỵ.);';'';r: ;; ■.'""7"' • '^r:

V A im o s t e v e ry 'day q f'-..€001 m e nrioc atíoọ *a n d ceĩèb .ratịo n vvilhin a d a y theỵ alỉ co m p ỉy with ;thế ■pnnCĩpỊes Oi

generalỉõn.-Youaq peopie may' have hỉQher sociaỉ. status; -than an olde r. bút. stiỉỉ have to ;rsspect that

: EẼ?2D:y ' : ■
v' - .

:E' ;;■'^'::;VÌ3eogíaphv; 'V--:' 'A; V .

l - ; Occupation y:;; V;:'. i:V

1 "■ . Patriarchaí
/ *■ Ad mịn Is tr at ion '
ỈVl o d e m L iv i n ạ

C u is ín ê ■ ■'

•/ 'B ¥ e r s lf l f r a € t ư r B 'è f t ll^ in 6 l 1:t lĩF p e o p :le o f V i ể t n ả W ạ g e ^ r e g ìo o s l d ỉs h ỉs ’ ■

:.toiTìato á n đ v e g e í a b íe s a ỉ t , c o lđ ’ n o rth ềrn t ì ín ia t e , sớ. th ệ .d ish e s ten d to h a v e n io re Íẫt, ■é s p è c ia jiỹ : fàt’ rn e ạ t,

' ' Centráỉ • sạa.sonalGÍirTìầieỴ and'.divérse popuỉátiòn;' irị- 'thè' ídrrrróí •ệconomỉc/prọduciion' (rỉcẹ cuỉtlvation,
_fishỉngf .ỉlvestock s o th ề . dish""it■áiso'■■tìás 'anổther pọsitỉon with'th8;'Horth. it ỉs spỊqy,. sạiíy, ,étq. L .
7. :MSN. But the biiier taste ỈS' charactenstỈG ọf ĩhs. ;Cẹntf&ĩ/.Whèri ểatỉnơ: seaíood i_s_an ịnđỊspensab!s_....:
: -pQ Sition in t h ẽ r h é a l . " .

Southern cuisỉne;J sJbLÌa^Qf of sweefhass. althoiigh Ihere arế areas ọí cuỉinarỵ deíinitions varỵ but the ,
. meaf"afways consìsted;of ricẹ-and f.istisauG6:: ■ • V' ỉ. 7:
V':G 0 sfy m es;" ::

Appansl Vietnam are dỉverse. ỉn.íeuđaỉ tsmes, p e opla ha ve vsry strict rules about d re ss. Civỉỉỉans are not- 5
f alỉovved to wear any color dyes cther than b!acks b.rown or vvhite. Peop!e‘s cỉothes are niQsrjv__trỉvi3Í and
sĩm ple^so with his ỉdentỉty ỉn socỉety (apart from the imporíant occasion or-hoỉiđạy sacriíices, wedđings

One M the best vintage cỉcthes are popular vvoman wearing until the early twentieth -century as the
"Ausỉrỉaíi Đ.éath", l\r!ảnỵ resesrchers beỉieve. th a e* Aùstrỉan guártet ỉtseỉí wmav. hav.e b e e n bo rn í rom •
■■■■the12th centưry,': , • ., .;
'. to the .ỊS th centurv:. ọrdinary peopỉe0 ỉn a!l 3 ■■■réQions'"òf .VietpaíjjLÌĩa& -staiíied w&ariria-a.4 iụaaa^ slm p Ịe

(pọssiblỵ prigỉnating in theS ồuiíi), known as the Northèrn. bỉouse ạnd her three-Ausiria in the^south.Their
• hẹađgeạr' js 5ỉmpỉy : a. pỉece of-cỉoth wrapped arQund. Ị h e ’h8ad and ĨOOỈ of the map to just a pãir oí
. cỉogs. Du rin g the Qccasion, two m enw earỉng trạ^tlona[_dxe§xlỉigl5 ạré .spiit on ệither sỉde,-atiđ á Ịưrban,,.,

(tu rb sn ) Í3 u s u a llỵ b Ịa c k j 2 L Q 'ê ỵ j 5J3 d. ís_rnađ 8 0 Ỉ c o u o n o r s iỉk.

ũ m ỉ u m e oí the imperiái paíace { caoỉtal dtv )r. dlstinct írorrr oúttits of ỉhe■sìrnple Deasan t , quits compiex,

th e r e a r -E th r e e do z e n d iííe rerit J y p e s of d o th ỉn g to s .uỉt s v è ry o cc a sỉo n e n d ce rem o n ỵ . Q à ly th a kỉcig 'Ịs

entitỉed .tò vvear V6Ỉíowt red or vvearỉno the coior pufpỉe..vMors cornpỉlcated ỉs thct each đvnastỵ may preíếr . .
the' stylẹ'eỳtfi|s ocher royaí đynastỉes beíore." Thereíore, dress. in court ( caoỉtal citv.) as m any ’changes
,:with e&ch dvnastv:. r-. ’ :
.. Appareỉ oỉdest womèn j n Vietnam are the most' popuỉar vyomen ..ỉoday, the 88a o dái Viétnam a, usualỉy
w o rn on s p e c ia l .o c c a s io n s s ư e h s s v v e d d in g s t íu n e ra í c io th e s , e ỉc . T h ỉs ẹ c o n o m y is d e r iv e đ íro m ă

■century 18 %Since then, Austria has experỉénced â long devẹíopment, ỉnipíovement. Long d re ss shjrt ỉ$
orỉginal and very íarge contingent cí relatiyes who do not bundie in such a lono shirt todạỹ. Also argue
-thstthe ỉour boclies Ausirỉa Austria íirsl long -ỉast. has been irar.síormed into the Austrisn contingent GỈ
.reJaiives and íinally into.a ỈQP.G dress Ịoday.
Whỉte tunic dress, has heg&ma mgncktory in manv schooís ỉn Vigtnam ỉỉl. The íc. .aie ĩeacher vvearing 3
le n g s h lrl to cỉa s s eỵ e rv d a v . S o m e íe m a le o ííic e w o rk e rs s u c h a s re cẹ p tiò n ists, s e c re ta riẻ s . tra v ẽ i g u id e s ' ■

aiso wẹara lonq_shu1Ji)_i&ỉDi:L Today, the. Universitỵ SVHS vvomen wear oniy on Tuesday. And the
evaluation oí
GÍ a nevvspaper ỉn
in Japan seems
sẹems to have the gírPs appearance Vietnamnhst.Mq<
Vietnamnhst.M-qay beảutiíuỉ ao
dai Miss. Eạríh now aỉso vựear long dress turban [5] • . '
Bacause oí
Because QÍ its popularity,
pQpularity, ơress
dress has becomẽ
become .the nationai sỵn®õl77ẽp7ẽs^'tĩng Th'e“va‘ỉaB'T)f“Vietnam— ;----
s ymbôlT'TẽpTẽsentuTg ĩhe~^£l(
— ■ ~ ~ ... ' . ' ■ 1 — ••••— — -— — " r -*-" - — :----------- ~~ ■ <r
■ ^ '•

culture _
IríìặcỊgỊ/s daiỉy ha ve wes.tern style.
đaiỉy ỉiịe, costurnes have tradltionaí cỉothes are wGfn onỉy during special
stỵle. These tradiíionaỉ
■* • ■ * ■ • - • 'y • 'i . . • ;*
■ ■ - — ' • ‘ . • .. .

■- . . . Qccạsions. Wofl3.eo may not vvear skirts or custom.. Insert plain text here
i 1 V,,- V*
! ^ * ^ 1 C ê ĩ j a ĩ ọ n " ' Y -.1-...... ÌH-
eM gn primarily______in
primarily in Vieìnam is - the worship ancestòrs
ancestors ancestórs ccaỊỊeo’ ; the
teacher; Coníucianism , Tsoism characterized by a • complex relioipiiS—in
mix between' ■reỉioipas the.East
Asia betwesn Mahavana Buddhism ., Coníucianism teachers andTa~QỈsm
andTa'QỈsm . Rsligions thai £are' alien. Apart ■
írom the reiiqious.
from reiigious, there are tv/Q
tv/o đirecỉ
direct Cao Dai and Hoa Hao - is the inlernal reỉigious
reỉỉqious life.
The minoritv Chrisĩisns SGCQunt íor about 8% and a maịority in the Chrỉsỉian Roman ..Búta smaỉỉ minority :
groups ỉnciude Protestants new 'íuíure. The church is' the largest Protestant chụrch
gospel vietnarn and church Qospel Deoar. '■ . . .
A •cóiíecíion of the .mixed Sunni Islam and Musỉims, Bashl has aíso been localized to irnpíemenỉ rnost of
the beỉiôts of minority ẹthnic Cham , but aiso some minoriíy Vietnam under ỉslarĩi in the VVest South.
Hoỉrdays '

Date Numb«r ọf days Nams

■ispuarv 1 ■! Ngw Year'ĩ Dav
From Dgcember 30 (or Dtcember29 íf ,, 7^ ■ *■
•May iack) ío i-anuarv 3 (lunar calendsr) ‘
. ■■ : • March co (iunar calendar) j : Dace GÍdeaih annivcrsarỳ ỳ L Ẹ ỵ ũÃ^ùỉŨM '
Apriỉ 30 , Ị Daíe uniílcatỉon
Mav ! I internâtionãi, Labor , :
.September 2 ' 1 ' ỵ; ■;National Dav . •

Medỉa ^' • ;■ . ' ■: ; ■ ;

Comrnun',r.^Tions SPC!nr in . bchincl £ -jsn (:p ỈJ niries, cir.ce
. 9 9 U lan o i has m ád^greạt :ệffòrt$;,to.:,upqrađé the .svs.te.rri::
Alỉ communicaiiQn sla io n s jojjie^£c^dac£sJiaS 'b.eén diqítized. and sÌQnaỉ:';tf£rij:m issiQ^.ỵ^5rriS3S.'well
as microwav£. opticaLxable has been. extanded írom. Hanoỉ. ..Danạ.ng and Ho Chỉ Minh City ;iO a!i

•próựinces. Tẹlephone densiỉy has tíoubled•naííonwiđe'írorri 1993. to 1995, buí stiil Jow compared to other
countries in íhe region.
Vietnam has two satellitẹ interspùtnik (Indian Qceạn Reqion). Bỵ 1999 a 65. MW (AM), 29 s w (short
V cađío. siatỉoạs{,eự...ĩh&r.è. ap®-Sr2-‘fRjHiồn Fađb;:recsiving eạtíipman-V"
\ (1 8 9 7 esỉ.). ; V -v; ' ■ : .. ! ; ; ’ IV ;:iv •
Mumber GÍ TV stations•at ieast 1 ọ (more than 1'3 retav stationsí H338Í- Tnere are seven ÍSPs (Internet
Service Provider - Ịnlernet Service staỉions) (2003). ' ; ■
Guỉíure and íerntoriẹs
:.Gy!turai-areas in the territórỵ of-culturaíjữatteĩrí^.~g:0lfĩjrM~nẩĩurễ^^iĩ!Kír57éafon^s (or l o c ã ĩ c u i t u r ẽ ) ■
cưiturat e ntỉty, Icrmẹd and existing in a givsn territoriạl space, 8^pmg^-ri rhronnh s set of characỉerisíies
Qf . . háw. cuỉtura! production actMỉỉas:_-iood. ciỡthỉncL housỉriá, •/ travet •Irànspỡrtạtiori: ahQut social .
.ofgạnizatforv àriđiritẽractión of ìraàitionảỉ còmntudity ■beiiếí s,‘ custofri$VẩM'f ềstlvajgV ;áfeòutjhe. ârtá. ẫna "
cụỊíuráractivỉtỉès;. on entertainment : QG the psychoỉoqỉcaỉ nuancss oỊ the ỉn h a b ỉta n ts 'w h ic h can
d is tin g u is h the c u ltu ra l c h a r a c t e r is t ic s c f 'd if f e r e n t re g ĩo n s . C u lt u r a í' c h ạ r a c t e r is t ic s w h ic h ío rm e đ a n d

shs.ped ìn the course GÍ iís ỉong hỉsỉory, ine ethnỉc popuỉatỉon in the rẽaỉon to adapt to the same
snvỉronmental condỉtions, there is a similanỉy in the leveỉ of. sociaỉ đeveỉopment, particuỉảriy especlalỉy the
rẻiaííonshlp bstwẽen,tỊhéir culturaỉ ẹxchanges cỉose. •■■■■ • V . .
Gsse;tí ọn thè thsorelỊcai concepíồ menĩioned above, Proíessor Nao 'Đuc Thinh he.s conđucted cuỉíursí.
partition oí Vfeínarn'into ssvẹn maỉor cuíturaĩ areas. in each such region can be tíivided -aqaỉn into smailer
sub-rsgỉoriaí cuítưra! mc' 0 , about 23 sub-regions'-
Th,a R ạd R l¥ e r::Oelta . . - 'V'v ;

.Subregion Kỉnh Bac CBac Ninh, Sac Giang) .

• •Subregỉon Son .Nam (Ha Dong, Ha Nam, Nạm Dinh/ Thai Binh, Huna .Yen)
* ■. Subrẽgion Qoai Xụ (PhtTTho,-Son Tay, Vinh.Phuc)
$ uh;ei:on Xu.DonQ (Hai Oụõng, Hai Phono)
.*■. Subreqỉon Thano Long - Hanoỉ •
T h e No rth V ìe to a m s s e

*• Upper Elemẹntary - North - Lang {Lang Son, Cao Sang, Bsc Can, Thai Ncuyen)
1 Subrsgions Northeast (Quang Ninh). •
T h e :N o rth w e s í a n d M o u n tain Á rt B ar ' ; ;

■ Subrsgion Northwes| (Lai Chau, Son Ls, Dien Bien)

•* Thạnh Nghe mountainous' subregipn (mountaln Thanh Hoa,Nqhe An)
Subreqion Muonq Hoa Sinh
VDâte •• y.;; Eĩìgíish Msme . ■LGCtí! ':MHme ■■

.MarchS ỉnternationa 1 VVomgíVs Quốc tể Phụ nữ ■

■ 031

November 20^ TẹạchèPí Dạy .■:-:'.-->v;Ng-ậy Nhậ.ỊgiáQ;Vị.ệt:.N:^m;

December 2S__. Christmas 1 ■ . v. . . Giáng. sinh/Nôen ; . .

October 20 Viẹtnam VVomen'5 Dsy Ngày Phụ nữ Việt Nam

June 1 Children‘s day ■ Tết thiếu n h i............

• í- ; * *-»%?..■.*« Ị ' V ; : : : - I .-I V . ^ / . v ÍV .* ^ ii- Y ỉỉ . r iỉ ; .i

15/1 (.íunarị ■ Fuỉ! moon ộf 't h e 'l s t Rằm tháng giêng

-month . • %■

3/3 (lunar) Ịhird ỉuaar month's third ĩ ế t Hàn thực

day^s íestivaỉ ; : ■■ : '

10/3 (ỉụnar) Hung Vuong Kings Ngày Giổ Tổ Hùng

>■ .... Commemoration Day VưoTig .

15/4 (lunar)- , ;■ :6udd,ha.!s;Bừtbđay:.':.^;- , l ễ Phật Đsn

S./5 (ỉunar). " Midyéar Festí.val ' ĩ ế t Đọan ngọ

15/7 (iunar) Fulỉ rnoon of the 7th Rằm tháng bảy hoặc .lễ
• ■ "■ rnonth or Pisty Day. Vu Lan . .

15/8 Ọuna r) Mid-Ạụt-.umn restivaí ĩ ề t Trung thu

" 2 3 /Ị2 (ịunar) Kitchen guardians ông Táo chầu trời

Red River basin, the ạrchaeoiogisỉs have been estạbiished a universal svstem of the third
period beíore the Dong Son Culturs and the Cuíture of Peace took pisce in the second miỉienp.ium to the
Ist centurỵ before Chrisỉ Resources:

;. . ..Ebase-Rh-iine-Nouygn-Culfure'o{ ẻárĩỹ brass. ị

■ Phasé Donq Dạụ- Cuĩiure medỉum term ot' brass. ' '
E Phase Gò Mun Culture of post-brass. :
Historians agree on one poiní: Vietnam is a cultural cQrnmunitv íormed Quite ỉaros in ths first_haif Mondav
.Ttinennìum BC and ílourished ỉn the Íate 15th csnfưry's Great^-'—
',..J3fÌ£í. hlstorỹ"-- ~ ^ ^ ■. .
■ ■ ■ P h ase C u ỉ í ú r e G Í P e a c e Ị
• T h e phrase “Cuỉturs of Pèậcẹ,- En_ archạeoỉogist from the 'daỉe oĩficiaily recoonized prv Januarv
50 ỉn 1932 , as proposed by Mạdeleine Coianí, after the Conqresả of the Hỉstorv of the Fsr Easỉ meeting
tnHanoi through . Originaily, the terrn used to rsísr to ihis cuiture has had carysd pebbies. around the
perỉrnster ef pebble to create the oỉd stone ĩạols from the NenlitỉúGịoeriod. •• ,
Over time, of cọUrse, .this phrase has been proposẽđ and carried different names have đlíỉerent meaninos
a s w e íl. Ạ t í ỉ r s U t ]u s t ta ík s a b o u t th e c u ỉtu re th e ra is s p a c e in n o rtrie rn V ie t n a m , a n d in te ry g ls o f n o f m o re

: than;5s0QỮ ago. But space and tỉnie on. expanded graduaỊÌ.y, TM Msífhews is probablỵ the tirst to
.:/bíirin “Peace: CUiture^ beyond the territory cf Vỉeínam to the. South-Ẹast .Asia, .and then they say to
thô GỊây£§.^9 L £ ê â c e ỉn Byrma , Cambodia , Lạos , Malavsia , Sumatrá ; Thaiỉand , ĩnđia , Sicnuan ... Butx
p srhaps no ona s e e the iníluence oí Culture of P eac s bỵ: Gs. WG Solheỉm ÍL Of so ace, h e h as íakén
■ Cuiiuraứí Peaee, 'hortheast to the Phiíỉppỉnés,, Jạpan-, west toThaỉland , as ísr South Austrslla and north
. • cov.ering both anqient cuỉture of China ỉs íhe ịhreshGiđ Thieu ( Y s n S h s o ) and Lono Son. Gí tỉmet he dicỉ
riồt specitỵ,. but cỉaims no surprise if the domesticatỉon of rice piants were ỉn the P eace írom 15,000 years
SG, and ths grinđing tooi wỉỉh Sharp blađss sre tound ỉn North Aiistralia sge about 20,000 vears BC a s
m easured bỵ c&rbori C14 ỉs đenved írorTL the cuỉíUfe:cí Peaee. Thát‘is nof to mentỉon hls oroĩacteđ dâtỉng
P sa cs yp ro 50,000 years ago whsn. h s wrote wEast Âsiạn and woriộ histcrv o o u rse s/ publỉ$hed ỉn Asỉan
Perspectỉves, Vo ỉ Xiỉỉ in 19/0. Parlicularíy vvithin the presenỉ-daỵ Vietnam, B Ị ^ '. o ^ u r e .
a rchaeoỊQQicc.1 S cien ce d ĩv ỉd e áiiilx iljir£ a.iĩ£ rio d s: ■ ; ■ :

Peacg- soon, •or Mònev P ũbx^ : đating. sites typicaliy;, recomrnend,aà .Fỵ-rrúaẫìlũaJ32 100 ± 150
. 8 0 . T he Maỉ. Mai UhderorQund.f23 100 ± 300 8G V ị : :

■ P ềace ,betwe^ n >: or t h e O r ư i a d o ^ a a r ^ ^ G ^ s ites (18,000 ± 150 B C ) t

R im VíỉỉãQB ( ĩ J J 2 ũ ± M a M € ) / : ' /■■ ■ ' ; \ . v

” Late Peace, represented. by sites in Hoi Bsaùty (10 875 ± 175). Sunq Sam (11 365 X 80 E-P, BLN
- 1541 / ỉ). - —
s ta g e P h u n g N g u v en X u ity re
The ộlscovẽry of'reỉics beỉondỉnq to the Phung Mouyen archaeologlsts Vi6tnam’(in 1959 ). This periođ Ihe
archaeologists have noi found many bronze’artiíacts. Cỉass cultural reíics ’ln‘ the Phung Ngưýến mainiy
Sharp tooỉ sharoènino stone. and ỉn particuỉar-plays a ỉot of jewelry stone. You 'can ỉist the number oí

srỊỉtecỊs íounđ ịọ archaeoỉogicaỉ excãvations times Phung Nguyen is: sx 1138, 59 poríorsted, three
ỉeồchers, two keỵ. 7 arrows, s sawỉng, ợrinding ỉables 189, 540 braceĩets, 8 recõmmend eãr. 34~beéỏs~~
jeweỉrỵ and three ihousand pieces oĩ poỉterỵ íound one .
■Accorđing ío the evalusỉion of the scientiíic cammuniíy, Phung Nguven inhabitants who have settled and
stabỉe' lỉving-irv. éạch residen.tial vilỉaQa W3S realỉy tiqht and there. a.rẹ reqional. handlcratt production and
j n e art" ■ ' "“ -
Phung Nguyên Cuỉture has deveỉoped cỏntinuously aronnd the 2nd mỉilenniưm BC immediaie ago from
3,000 to 4,000 years. The .anaíysis of the radỉoactive isotope C14 carbon was iđentỉiieđ as the legsnd
of Hồno BsnQ Aọẹ about 4000 years ago ss a-basis [3].
- Sta ge D o n g D a u - C u l í u r e - 7 -■ ■
Dong Đau period, baseđ on archaeoỉogicaỉ Dong Dau Vinh Phuc in 1964 discovered dating is 3070 ± 100
ysagỊỊvsga::(.second-.half ?ỡf the :secbhd rnỊí.lenmum BC). :’
■s t a g e / Q ò ' B y r i G iiIty r è V . ' :.V-.■ ■; ; ;
{3 ò M.yD_.Cjjỉture:,iDeriQd based on the Go -Mun sites GÍ Phu Thồ.t discovered jn 1961 existeđ in -the íirsttia ỉi
of 1 millennium BC, datinq as Ci4jJ304g 20 yẽars by 1S50 [£) Go Mun of cuỉture.Characterisỉics of ihis
s.taae i^gúite tef ± b ^ vviíh brasế inầtrumehtS':dc>mirìate •(52%). .
D O T g/ S o n G u l i o r ^ ' ■..■
vSESL$:on:£âfi°dr .basedon &rchaeolOQicaỉ.a.ríifacis- o.f Dong Son . Thanh Hoa earỉy đatiug of 2820.±120
years LU. Therẹ are also mâny.reỉics of the perịcd oí the Dong Son cuỉture .daìhìQ to'the next]ike..Vietnam
Khue, Vac. Vlllagè,Chau Can hạs been deíecíeđ. ,:v
Thjs:'-is;:;a:: transition írorn the deyeicpment ,Q.f •Vibrant bronie reẩchẹd pédectịon "in boihuechnica! £f'đ
artistlc toj3Bjeã4iyUịmAQe. The la st p h ase GÍ- the Dong; Son-c-uiture extends IG some tiirạg:ceinỉijne$ AD. ■
\ S t a t e V a n L a n g - Ãu La c ’^ r— ; :
• UnỉtỉeatĨQn process of the Dong Son CuỉỉbTè ỈS: the process oĩ .linRỉng the ancient Vietnaniese popirỉaííon
groups - the Lac .J/ieinam into a country. wỉth £ prirnitive íorm ’ of the Van

■U o a. díed Hung VuoriQ . As assessed by archaeoíoaical experts:, the Van Lang State:,Jcựrnecị Ịá the' earỉy
thìrd^paiỉtermiỵm:-BG, 1hatJsvti0¥LỊiHja v ,s. nearỉv 5 .000. transí er ', peace,‘.ỉ
D uong^V uG 0g^£to4§X i^rr^^ ÍlQì±Q.a. '
Vsn:,Lanq~W-a..$ born c-n a olatfofm nf. Rronomic.đeveỈGpment, aạrịcuỉture is mainỉy rỉce cuỉtivation reached
the leveỉ of use pỈQvvsharas. and brass pùiỉ Q.f buhaloes XQWS Livesiock đogs , PỈQS., chickens ,. Gucks t'
buf(alges, covvs, eiephants . Cr.aít has câst copper. iron, pottsry,".vyèạyỉng, carpenlry, vựeavinOị painting
... .Housing, clothing, many cusíoms, cuitural áctivUỉes are aỉso recorded in the im áge on the Don 0 Son
. . relics, especiạlly on the brorize drum. ■
Although broirée íound at Dọng. Son íirst, bui its áae. js not the gM iesi fc>utJhe iatast in .the Oono...SQQ
s y l i ạ s . u . bas. prọven its iegacy from Ịh e ghuoa Mg.yvẹn Cuĩìure . Coiture and Donq D a ii; Gc Mun
• . . ■ .

Cuiture prior to the bono Son. Thanh Hoa ■ ' ■

Thls peõod in the 'délta àréaJaJhfiLJìQdỉmnLJjDiẩ^iũri.‘-'the terrỉtorv õf toe:;Huno Kinòsnsrtìéđ Lác
:■ Vietnam_esé (the oíỉỉcỉa! năm© is Van LanQ). At about ihe third centurv BG the kingdom 'õf Thuc •;

IronnPbooq Chau in Co Loa (Hanoi nowì to rtame the kinodom of Au í SẼ. -

■Kíngdom of South Vietnam (207 B*G -111 BC) _
• .Miỉlioo ồ a '.jạ ảỉter rriariý-cõụrttrlgậ_ invaded A-u Lac íaiiureriia Á iise d .tactics •íơ deísát' Thuc Phan “Àn‘*!
Dụong Vuong in 207 BG and inđụded./íhe territory of GuEnQzhouin the ỉsrritory of Au ĩa c v/as named
.-..the SoythVỊgtnacn ■ : . . . . . ' .
North ọf periođ (111 B G -939) 1. : . \
N o rlh of th e s a m e p e rio d ís the p e rio d of th e R e d R iv e r 'c ivilizatiọ n is to ad d s tre n q th s ir ic ẹ th e introriỊ iciio n

lâctors such as ịỊs incomolete. Han , and the flow of ihouohtof relioion .Northern Properties aỉso
pedạc! is ỉhe period GÍ the Dong Son cuiíure to íórnn a new elitẹ class: Contucisnisro (or “Sy Phu).
. . ’ ;.

th e kiriQs ọ f j h e ínvaders vvanted 'to assỉm ỉỊate 5. . Greal clynizaíions su ch a s the p o n a S on, but

TailecLDọng-Son people'Tetáin the;r íanếuaqe, eustom s, sQciaỉ relations and the s uper-viỉteoe vỉuage
s '£2DS&r* Porháps the saying "permission of.the:;king lọst; vỉííaGe* vvas born í rom its nstion.
. The ..interỉerence of .cuỉtùral. íactors are aiso strong-anđ increased vaỉues advancsđ by the additlon of gaps
. betvyẽea culturẽs. North Of tha--pÃQadLaisD-jcĩQ£ĩtribLưed to Ãíi-ÌQ^ornencỵ. of a 9ĩrQna inđigenous cuỉturs
Bđ}d^M^cíeDLJ}ũnQ^ Son is a prerequisité tor the Vistnamese p e o p le to c r eạ te s heyđay laier

Ootổ.en S í t c 3 - G rc c t
Hỉstorỵ oi tha Vietnarnese ic 'T-. fGi,j »L«urnẹy fuỉl oi ìn d d e n i but £Ỉso'one- of the m ost ĩaSHÌani oeooỉe
. b eícrẹ the ỉnvasỉon cí terrítory, and resislancồ- ọf a iong-sỉanclnq cuỉture cf the Đono S on ổld noi let the
noríhem íeuda! dưnastỉes strong assimiỉationv ■ . .... -
. ]n 931 , w h o Jajgl4he fóụỉiđQ{ion ỉor J& 9tsiạnce to the Diionọ Dinh N ghề • Han army
vỉcton-Ạ-but Duong- Dinh Nghồ. yet povvsríuỉ enhugh íủ suppúrị countrỉes*"that are S8;f*crdain.ed m issic n
- P r o p e r . ■' : : ' ■

a Battie of Sach Giang Nạo Quyẹn • - ■

ỉn 937 . Dơona Dinh Nghe be Kleu Cong Tien , one GÍ the Ghiô.í iTiinister of land and is prọud to kílỉ Pnong
Chau vvon :Proper •poreềỉain. AI "the iime, Nao Quyen Duong Dinh' is the .gròòrrv ũí Ạ rt. was gsther up a
’ íarge populãlton 0 ; Great La, (Nam- Ha Nòi lodaỹ.)
Ịmoaria! Han wantsd to send troòps to ỉand. acquisitìỏn Gjão end senl H oanơjJiao shịps vvith h is.Ị
•going by sea towarđs the North Delta. Outcomss. incỉưding a ỉarge group of Ẩrrny solốiers beai Han h ts
. VịựsỊ ■crossẹd into the Bach Dang River sicíe was íụređ Ỉnto the garne vvas avăỉỉcbỉe and pf*3sehỊ 8G in a
■c.ompact dẹstroyed verỵ shọrt time, The ivhoie of thè Han arrny ships sunk, most of the irí^Eders were.
deleated. Marsh&Ps Home Hoanơ Thao Luu enòmy is aỉso kịíleci'irvthe battíẹ. " •
Aíier thề vỈGtory ended more than 1*000. ysars QÍ' Northern dominatioh., ịáCỊOjQuỵen startecỉ Duụàtíig Síế.
■ịndependent *natỉon. Ngb Quyen ■prọcỉaimed king/ aboỉỉshed .the.vPf.opsr. porcelạin*, thê capítaỉ at 00
• -•Loa-(PQỢq-Ara-h;;B aaoU Hẹ put ơut: the lìíeraturẹ, mạrt.iaỉ art-s, .ritụạis in thẹ cọurt-UníoỉỊunạíeỉy his_tirjie.
at horne is short, onỉy six years (939-944), . .
Centraiiíed -starting Ngơ Quỵsn, b v looRmd down Áooding , Nọo Van.Bọtie to Bone' W ụ_XỊ , the third
trạnsmission"life. lasting 26 vears. Lookỉnó cíown totHe factõrỹ in 12 countries sỉỉ waríords: caụsing Cnaos
da.pot cook ỉonger than 20 years.
The w a rỉp rd s did vvirv s e clu d e d íro m ẻach o t h e r ,' to e xp a n d th ct p o w er lo th e p e o p le '/e>,y

mỉserabỉe. Later, Dinh Bo Linh in Hoa Lu squash the rebeỉìÍGnÌ2j*Yanorđs , the vpangshan 3bo ui a
rẹlatỊổhshỉp, setting the csr0er home Dirid . w u dynastỹ ended: in 985 and began tìie , dvnas^y 0]..
: Dinh (968-980). Dinh Tierí Hoang-'kihg was 12‘y ẽars liíe expectancỵ 56 years.
Next yvas thè reÌQn of thế lormer Le (980’1009) startlng í rom Le Dai HcỊQh and ending tyranny hy'KhỊg^Le
Looq Dỉnh .

Strengthen inđepenđent - Patriotic VVar

.. Ạccordinq .to. historiạns a n d ;thrQUQh ancieni documẹn ts, the Red R iver cỉvỉỉizalịQn_jgc^i^v..j^ú^a^£gii5j
. pov/er. swjtQh 'isusi^rtecLbv. the Ly dynasiỵ (101.0-1225■)..vG reat;Vietnarnẹsẹ in,.Ị his;pẹTỊQCl ^

.dynasty,caỉjed subiỉrnation as the Capital of thẹ Ly dynastỵ " IliỄíMLâQS -

' , ÀohièyeíTỊént cạỊM §ĩnd~liỊO uSbEl^ alẼ,QrQyvina rapidlỹ,jrv
pẹạ.Gẹ;, prosperỉty. ỉasted Qýẹn 200 years .-Grẹat Vịetnamss6.society orậerlỵ and moraL: ecGnGrnic;..;m.Ị]ỊỈEf'y
and' cuỉturaỉ cỉeveloprnent are íast and stabỉe. This: perỉod h a s;buiỉt..&, siíQng ÍQunđatỈGO lor •thẹ' je:ign of-

^pynạstyiTran- Dvnastỷ:(1225-1400):ỉnheritsd the leqacy of more thán '200 vears of briGh^Lv /Chgn hạ,d
. ieầTio.rne~?or: nisĩone^ reat Vieỉnámesrt-MrỊtaoe as the spÍG oí thé miqhty than 400 ỵeais ợị
ĩna. ..ạ[ị, IM£; J; d‘h t and bcạ: .bacrvthsin^/adỉn0 ^.fmv's most oovvertuỉ in the. history. ũMhe
Middie -Ages. ; ; ^ ' . .c.
The. reỈQn,.Qf Ho .

Ạftẹr teaving thô City from the piciure of. King Tran Thanh Hoa Thanq Long in m ass murđer and his
G?ficla!s ỉoyaí to the ceỉỉỉng, in Pebruary in Canh Thin 1400, Ho Quy Ly đeihrone.đ bv Maior Dẽ Tran .
becam e king himseỉí took the cíílciã!. nárnẹ i$ Great Source , íounđeđ the. Laké. • _
■ỊĩPPéổạl M fia íG .h .in a )_ jA ía o i;ed. to. .c o n q u e r ..Great A ^ietnaois/ H 0.D .uy.l4i..joppQ .d:uaiiy GQjjp} 'Ịooting.ihom ẸS--

■■•Tran.'so in 1407 th6 Ming a rrn ý Ịa n đ yietnàm ẹsẽ Ịníỉux. H ũQ uỵL y and continuous ỉailure to June-1407, , i
■ Ho Quỵ'Ly- 'and. her son Nguyên Trung Ho w a s arrested and Dai Yu kingtíom coiỉapseđ. ■

' Dedinè p h ặ se \o fih e Northern short perịođ, bụt ađopted ạ strong .;resurqencẹ. of the yietnam ẹse •cơùrt ■ • ~ .
. vvhen 'Ming .Han intenUonạí.chernicầí and a gg ĩessịveỉy. 20; years under- .the ruíẹ of,;'the Ming .Pynạsiỵ,'
: V i e t í i £ m ; ; W & s _ < ỉ ẹ v a s í a t 8 . ^ ----
: Chba* tempỊes, shrinss were bumed. AỊf- thai .invasiọn is iotended lo eradicate ‘'the. will-. prõtest and . ~
■ n o s ỉa lg ia o f a ; river c ív rliz a tỉo n s. V ie tn ạ m é s.é p e c p ỉe to s t a n đ U n it e d to sa v e -th e .ir c iv ỉỉỉz a tio n _an d G p e rv ■ ,'

• court ọì the.Later La briiíiant. 5 • ■*•' ••• • •• - :• ‘ • • ;• • * *’ ■ ‘ .

■S p Ịin aM ãuTữat 1418 , t e -Loi was \hB sạm e pátriotỉc minđed as Nguyên Trai , Trạn Ngúyen Han, Le Van •'
'A n5;:1!ie off.Ịcial vvayecT ílaQS etc ... the Lam‘"Sòn uprisỉng, vcâỉletí the: Binh Dinh1,V.uonaV caỉíỉng peopỉe
Vistoam stoGd up to íỊghtunạnirnousiy .Ming Ịnvaders to save íhe country. ... •
Enđing the war vvỉth Greaỉ Siege up d ate in Donqguan and destroy civilizatỉon ỉn Chi Ming Mausoỉeụm,
x.uong G iang ỉaỉe 1 4 2 7 . ^ ■V ' . *
A tter^ h asin g out ying invađsrs In .íhe wats.r, Le Loi crovvned ernperor ỉn í 428 , erecteđ Le.’tíynasív. Le hom ẹ, iỉlâk ss 5 years (in -1433.), hurisđ aỉ the Vinh Lang Son Lam, teropíe narrve is Le Tha i . :
■■Experiencing’the iỉíe oí the;ré'igning kino of the Laier Le from Le Thai untỉi the reỉgn.oí Em peror Le Thanh •
Tonci.ênđLe Bien Tòno , VieLnam deveỉop a Visuaỉ strọnạ and happy.peopie ỉive in peace, national
prospsriíy vaiue,,-opervíerrltory to the South, the territory Dai Vietnam l&sí írontisr daie to. thô.Son Thach
■Bỉ (in Phu Ỵ en todáyV.: . : •
Cuituraỉ achievements-art
; ; . • ■ • '' ■ ■; '■ t&Ị
!n1hg_Bynze Aqe w ảs born a cuỉtụreoỷ unltv and unÍQt>eness. the levgj 'tfichnỉcsl- ■pgdạrtìgtịc. thạJDorĩQ ■.
S o n :cưlturá •Anthropóíogical sluđies, hisĩory antí archecloqy h a s fẺcB'ntíỵ cũnũrm ed1h e existence: ■

o f :a Hung Kịngs' p.srĩcd over ÍOOO ỳe&rs 8 C ; caỉletí.the Kỉnoổqm ữf VgjỊ_Lang-, ỉaier rgvQameđ' the Au ■

Lgg . 8ỵ íhe Sẽcòhổ.century.SCy Au. Lác h â s t g en ĩnvadeđ.and annexed by !he Han Ịeơria 1,e m nhre strong
Sut the dornỉnance G í_fejiiÌ3iX aiaa4asU Ã £ư^iiin6$ hầve noí broken and dỉdNnot assỉrnỉlate ' •
the y ia in a r n ẹ s a cuftyiíir7 . "" •

Ọri8 'thỉng, ổ i course., vvhen the mover đoes not crack invasíon is a strcng cuítưrs of indiqenous ihvaổer !S ‘
írr.ỉTìeđiatã end direct ruỉe being ta staỵ in the eultures that assỉmỉỉats. But. mụs.t aỉao Inciude cuituraí
iníỉuencẹs oí ..thosẹ who havẹ come :!o invađe. the pổsĩỉĩve 'Sìàe íor the locaỉ culture. The fact proveđ by
many cuỉtures around the wo.rỉd show s this is. cornplelely true. An exampỉe of Ghinese cu ỉtu ref such a s
th e H a n p e o p le durỉng ih s ir long h ỉs to ry c í o ítẹ n n o m a đ ic 'p o p u ịalỉo n s n o rỉh oí a q o .re ss ro n a n d đ c m ỉn s t iõ n ,

but ỉhẹ 'invaders and ruỉers (rom stãy Norí1.?rn China losing its cuỉlure ỉo enịoy yourselí in Chinsse-
c ưlture.. This s p e a k s .t o reaííirm on.ce again íor the Red River civili2atión development as briỉỉiant and

powérfủl than in its heyday - Empire Greai Vietnamese Emperor Le Thanh Tông .

^22 _ £? 1 '1' c r v o ; “5 2 . '-Ỵ

S Ỉ ?:ì ĩ Ì 5 ) ! r á ?HỈj o n ) y '— -----------

3inicỉzation and dgsirticization are cultural exchange. ĩ h s t is anthropologv and cuỉt uroldgy
(accuíturstive). Cultural exchange 15 norma! and - co m o u lso rv (sssimilation). And the poỉicy is the
■ ^ ^ Ỉ ~ ~ r i - I r .r r r r ~ r - .

• 5inicization is the linguistic assimilation_QTcultural assimilation ọf terms and concepts of

th e laneuage and cu ỉtu re c f C h in a . ỉn [ịnguistics, the term is used n5rrowly t o r e í i T t o

« Besides, there were the expỉoitatlcn policies, suppressíon, immigrant poliey, marrisge
b e tw e e n Vletnamese and Chinese (iive together). Especiaỉíỵ, imrr.igrant poỉicy had msny
different íactors sưch as: oíticỉaỉỉV; intelỉectuaỉíy conjunctions, prisoners and landỉord.' '
Viet "race" w as the original "race"-. We co u ỉd n o t stop thern írom ỉivỉng together. ;

fh ad dition .to, la-ngusges were vvritỉng and people foiỉow ed ideoíũgy {religions).

•: ■ D e d n k h a t ỉo r x : ;

C u ỉtu ra ! stru g g le a g a in st: às 5 ỈrailfZ 3 tic n .

After receiving newyIt w as irnp roveđ . ■•
Ana hìĩrò? ttĩcy~Gỉ&lĩr T ỉ T s t they sgịgct the hest. SecQnd; they stop, ạvoid, limiting bad thing
C o n íu c ia n ỉs ra in íiu e n c e s .

V ig tn sn rissg r€CGgnizgd ỉt WcS re llg[QrL-QÍ e n erny. ■ .

T a o is n i and ỵ i£ la a a ie s -£ rnrWr:>ra ĩn ợ a ỵ h ẹ r ro r rp g t r ÍQÌdiỊo r e . V ietna m e Sẽ a cce ptád ;thê H 3 n W ỉ1t ị n gỵ

.n o t spé, 3 'k,.Chi.né.$e;' ' ^

.Wẹ tó n .$€€ the ớìffẹrence bẹt.ween Vietnamese.anđ .-Ch lóe se.- Chinese. used t.heíanlily- n.3 'róệ 'GÍ :Kit:g.
•tọ-caíl thecountrvy but Vietnamsse did not. ^ ■ .

3ĩ2ÍZÍZ2Ấ ÌQ ll

Sinicizạtipn". :Sin.Ịcisatỉ.on .Qr,Sínị.íicạti.on is the jjnguls tị c_a$sỉmjjati0n Oí cuỉturâ 1 ảssIniliMỈM 0*.

-e rn i s e la n s u ag e ;-ầndj ^ t u r i r õ f C h ĩ n á . ỉ n l.ĩÌT ÌU i$ t i^ 7T ? Ĩ F x è W T I lĩ s T d iĩãỉrGVvÌT
to r e f e r to t ra n s c rip t io n . im o C h irié s e c ]iâ ra c t ê rs ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ " " "
ìn more ,g,eneral contexts. Sinìcization reíer?. tọ th ejacoces.< of "hecniTiing Chinese" or "becoming
Ha'n": the oọpo£kg_.process is becomiag “noi Chinesẹ" (desỉnjcizationì. The íepni has been used
in socịai science primạriiv to đescribế the 'assìmilatiorì of non-iHarì uhinese peopỉes (such as the
M anchus) into the chỉnese identity- . .

ỉvíorẹ__bi:agíilys "Sinĩeizatson“ aỉso reíers to the phenonrìenon whereby neishboiìrin.s:

tu líures• j& JỊM p a Jh a ỵ e -^ ^ .Chia£S£-ail£ìii£. and iaiigiiage. - ^ ựtoutMbèing •
asgSnilated. Thls te reíiectèd in' the histo.đss ofKore&; VỊethsm'and lapan in^;- . .

Integr&íicm..—• yr— ;
The integration poíicy is aimed 2t strengthenins o f the Chinese identity amonơ popuỉaíion. ío ■
develọp sharẹd vạỉues. pride 'm bẹing the coụníry's ciíizen. respecí and acceptạnce towards • • ^ £
‘ar!tiíra!‘diff£rences'a)tì0n2'clxiieni ỏf Chi ná.'- ' 'lệậ.'

HiồtoTTCẩ-Ị Sxam ples of Siũicisgiioìi ■ .

ỉ .

■Turkic Peopies: ■ - ■
■ ' . • • r . ’>■
:i , .■■■■■■ _
DesGendants ef Uvghurs who migrated to Taovùári Countv. Hunan have largèỉv assiroiỊated inío
the ựan ehinese and Hui.. popuỉatìon and practicệ Ghinese custorris, spéaking chinese as their
lan-ốiĩaas. V ■

T a a ơ ò y n a s íy ■ ■ . .
; .
; - ■
;Duóilg the ■8th_sMJMLXiaÉỊLrks. in the Tang dvnastv. Chinese soldiers moved into GuiĩKoti
(KwêÌ£íiqiv) and married nat.Ịve womệD, their descendầntaiaa-knoivn as Lao-*hãn-jen,(origĩnai
Chinese), in contrast to ne\v_cbÌQ£5£- who coiomyed Oìii?ho;i at later tỉrnes. Thev síill speak an
archaic dialecí.^ Many imrrugrants to Guỉzhoư were đescenđeđ tVorn íhese sdỉdiers in garrisons ^
who marrieđ non Cìũnese \vc*meri.^ ' ••
; •: ' ' . ■ . ■■■ ' '

M ù ìg D ỵ n a stỵ . . . ' : . ■

iv ;issiưe rnihtary C3mpaigns \vere iaunched by t-na ỈVting dvnaĩtv during thè M iao R ebeilĩon s ■ - -
(Min 3 Dynastvì agíúnsĩ the Southern aborigĩnai Miao, Yso, ảrid oíher íribes, sertling ìhousanđs o f :
Hăn and Hui in their íand aữercrushins £Fid kilỉins the anorieinàỉs.
; .*

Durlng -tKe M ỉn g conquest o f Yunnan C hinese ■miiitary- colQnist.s were settled in Yunnan. snd
married the r.ătive vvoiĩìen. . ■

M cẩ ern Ex&mpỉes GÍ*Re SiiiịcÍLaiion

T ahván. . ■

•The'neu-tralitv ũí íhis article is cìisputed. Please see the discussion on che talk paue. Pkase do
nọt re mo ve this messagẹ unũỉ the disputẽ ỉsresolved. r.ium 2 (i<Mị
See aiso: DesinicÌ7.aiion. Tahvan Province. Peepịe's Reoublic QÍChina. and Pan-Bỉue Goaliliọn

A‘ftẹr theRepubiịc of China relocated -ĩts Capital 10 Taipei in Ỉ949. ihe mtenition QÍ.Chiang Kai-
shek was to eventuaiỉy go back io Mainỉand China and retake control o íit. Chiang heỉieved that
lo reíâke the mainỉand. it wouíd be necessary ío “resinicize" Tạiwạọ*s inhabitants. Exampỉes oí
thĩs poỉicy included the renaming ôf streeís. use ũf mandarin Chinese in schoois and punishmenls.
•ibc .■USÌno_ọthẹr_JangỊjages. and •teaching students tó reyẹrẻ’ Coníìician- ẽthỈGS. ,dèvẽ!op-Kan .
Chinese nationalism. and beiiẽve Taivvạn is part ÕT China.Iẳ3S‘Other reasons fortht-po1icv-were
to combat tlie .ĩapanese intluences ón the cu.!ĩure that hacỉ occurred in the previous 50 years. and
ío heỉp unite the recent immigrants from mainỉsnd China that'had come toTaivvan Vvith the K.MT
and s.mona whom there was a tendency ío be more loyal to one's city. county or province than to

■ 'M o a - ẻ F f f E x a f t ĩ p M s ' o f S Ì B Ĩ c f z a t ì o ì i ' - ' ’■ v : .. .. . . . . . .

.Mạ■Qiquẹ - ' ; ’ . ■

ÍM rrìUsUm General Ma. Fuxiang creaíed an Assimiỉationist Group and encQurageđ the
intesration of MusHms into Chinese socieíy.^1 Ma Fuxiang was a hardcore assimilatioiỊÌsỉ and
said that Hui shouỉd assimilate into Han.^3 ■

;X iấ jia n g .. . ■ . '■■■: /■ . :

The Chinese musiirn 36th DívisioníNational Revoiutìonarv Armv) governed Southern Xirỹiang
from ỉ934- ỉ937. The ãdministration v/hich was set up was colonial in nature. the Cnịnese
Musliins síarted putỉinơ ụp Street sisns and narnes in Ch.inese. vvhịch used to be in ọnỊy Uighur
ỉanguạơe. Thev vvanted to iive as much of a life iike Chinese. imporíing Chinese cooks and
bâths.^ The Chiness muslims aỉso svviíeheá carpet patterns from Uyghur to Chlnese in State
ov/ned carpet factories.^ \

T ib e í ■ '■■■ ■ '■ ' ■- " :: ■

The •Reutraìĩtỵ ũí ỉhis aríkte is disputed. Pỉease see che discussion on the ta!k oase. do
not•remove tlìis message uruil the dissute ls resoỉveđ. (Janvarv2fííí9ì
M ai ri £ĩtìcie: Siriic!Z3tỉon o f T ib e ĩ ... ...

T h e-sin iciIgtion of T ihet k Ilie £hanạ& o f Tĩbetan~so<;íefv.iạ-ìỉsji.r h in é s e standards, by m eans 0 í

cuìuỊĩiĩãssÌm iỊatiori. migraíion. and poịitical .reform. . .

) i e s i n i c i z ạ t i o n •

•B & sinỉcĩraìiăầ-ì <; 3 Ịerm _jjạai íiescdh& s th e _act o f the eỊim ination o f C h in ese iníịuervcè. vvhich is
the opposiie Qf~"sinicÌ 7 arion".
1) H is ío r ic a i' ■
■ :V , .

Sóme,.')-Han chinẹse raciaiiỵ m)Xfidjaájb-i%ầ^3mB^-caLJiesìmcÌ7ed;'Hần chinẻse ;who adopted

• siep&e peopìe‘s cu Ịtu re and vvav of liíe existed ỉn-the 6th and ?th ệenturịes A;B.i-Jariá:served as
■ the Tang dvnastVs eíite íroops~" y , ■ : ' ; ;■ ' ■ •

2) Đes!picizatỉ.ori ■
by thẹ ComrnụnỊst P arỉy oí.C Mpa______ _.

Dunns.ibMỊjiIMi2lBffiSàmon; the ComCTunỉst:PartV:Qf.ChÌna đecỉaređ its ỉnĩention:.M.destrov

-. ĩ m i Qlđs: nam&iy, Qld Cusĩoras. Old cũkure. .Old Habịts sn.drOJd Idéás- As•ạ resu 1.5- manV .
^-CSm eseấníiques. psintings and ge-nealosv booksHyere desĩroyecL Ppnple-y)ftrý alsn-^orhịddé»•
svorshỉp thesr ancestors or have memoriaLceremonỊes-Ếir:Cònfuc.hj.< the Yeliow- Erno.erorand the
Hmẹeror. : ■ ■' : ^
- — — — .. .

Chiang Kai-shek was ă íormer Republic of China Presiđẽíit and Kuomiritang Party ỉeađer. ưpon.
ĩũs đeath in the Ì975 Chíans's name \vas posthurnoiisỉy'honored bv having the new!y-buiỉí-
s á p o rt in Taoxaian named after him. Ever sìnce it was buiỉt. the goverriment o f the Peọpie's
Rgc-iĩblie of Chi na and govenìmeni-conlrolỊed media have refefred the airport as the."TaQyuan
AiípGĩự' so &s ĨQ noí menĩion ths nama of Chians Kaỉ-Shek. Communist ieadêí Mao Zedong's
astìì neír.esiị... ■ -

P*©ốuctS ĩr.ade :n Taiwan used ÍO be íabêíed as ”Mađe in ROC": it was chanseđ to 'íMađs in
TsỊĩtệm* sũer protests ữom the People's Repubỉlc of ChỊna. ■

Ẵ etocdirig to the 2002 sovemment đocument. T alpers National Pater Patriae •memorigl Hai 1
*fSâeh ís to honor the íburidịng íầther o f Republic õ f China can only be Câỉíed as "Taipei’s Sun
Ya£-S£Ị1 merTioriaÌ halỉ. -

CÂinese K'jọrn'r,:sng is referred to as one of the "Taivvanese poliíica! parties," Presidents of the
ĩtgrãscĩíc of Chỉna after ị949 are caỉíed "TaivvỂrrcse ieaders" by the Chinese mainlănđ
g3TeiTiĩìi€eL ■

3) ĐesinỉcừẵíÌQĩì elsewhere- '

• Tahvari

Ikâm icàeĩ-SO Q . “5 £ teĩTĩì w h ic h a p ọ e a r e d In the poliĩlcal v o c a b u ỉs r v o í T a h v an i n 2 0 0 i. ĩt is

B aãBlỵ Bs&ể bv gTSUDS which c a m se Taiwan indeọendence. siĩch 3S the Kuornintang. to describe
Tgfeat ẽaev erg fírì.~c£ed-?g- ar;d •ĩãivvanỊgátíõrL ~~ " ~

The íeinì ex isis 10 emphasize thai anli-lndepcncknce groups are not cp p osed to the deve!opment
oi a'[ aivvanese iáenúiy Or svmbois sudí as ỉãnsũage.~bút ỉirẽ oppõiẽB l^vic^ina suclt an identity
andrsỵmbqts as- sep lrãté.tròm ^Tĩ rõãgẽrTl TĨng^l ci ẽnri t O n t|ie Oĩner hand. pro- .
i aiwan',-y.ố.Tpon grouDS:>ãe^Qijjieg.e-kiaỊ:iJịa---ssH;^^ữrcHTOTri~Í1ĨỈ7ĨolTci^~rdg n t irV and s v m b c ỉs .

When the Republic of Chirtá lock ovsr Tí.ivvan ĩrom Jc.p?~n sfter \Vorid "War ỈL ancỉ'especiaìỉy
after Kuomintang lóst con tro! of mãinland Chịna to the communists:and retreaiẹd tọ Taivvan, the
RỌC prornoted Chinese culturẹs ọn íocai resiđents who xvere mostíy éthnicaỉlv HarTChmese/
Those vvhò attended sehool dụrinS: the iằpkiíese vGÒỈoníáí ■perỉód ■hâd”to learn iapanese^ íh e ''
~'govemm en t :~latìrìched-p6f íáẹstQ -preứiete-€ l:i-ifl^s&-&a-yịgrà^hy^-ư:sdi-ti-cmaL-CHrissiĩ na inting. fojk
art. and Chi nese opera. Qver times stẹps were a!so'taken such as limitins the use of;Tạiwan's
.íạnguages in schooỉs and. međia ỉn íavour òf Mandarin. piỊtting ediieatÌQnat fòciìs òn Chiiiá rãỉher
ihậỉỊ Taiwan. naraing eníiiies in Taivvan with "China" or "Chinese" to reílect the EQvernment's
ỉ<|ếọ!ogy; that it j s the sọle iegitimate governm ent'of China. and reo-ìacins Japanese place 'names
-'WÌtừ'Chinese naíTHSs.-am&x-ampìeheirig thệ. rènãmĩixS'-Qf-.T?íìPẹĩ-./^_teet!|. tp.-Ỉ:4 D . S S Í . - Í 3 Í " I -
■China and the ideaỉs promoteđ by the Kuomintans. The cuitnre of Taiwan is now dominated by •
Han Chinese culture with a hybricT blend of other Chinese minbrities. 'Japanese. Europesn.
A m e ric a n , gỊobal. locai and in d iạ ẹ n ọ u s in ĩh ie n c e s vvhich a r e .b ọ tb interlockeđ and divided
betwẹen perceptions of tradiíion and modernitv. ••

.Since the Tgịvvan locaiizátion movement o í the. ]990s, Taiwan's cuiturầl identiíy has expetisnced
greater expressìon. ỉdentitv poỉiĩĨGS. aỉong vviĩh t-He fijry years b f poỊiticàí separaíiOTv-írcrrh
jHẵlojgjlẩ Chin3' has ỉed to đisíinct írsdiíions in mariy areas, incluđins cuisine and musĩc. êPíbỉtì
hsvế beèn mạde to asseil Taiwanese identity and cuiture and rem'ove the focus on China and
Chinese cuiture. Sorae steps thai have been taken incluđẹ:^™22- ^ — 1 >

* ■ ĩrì 2 0 0 2 ,1 a i\v a n rs D ep artm ền í ;õ f E đ u c á iio n c h o sè .tó iiYvent íts o w n T cm sn Ì 2 atÌ 0 ỉì system v

-LQngvong P inỵin. designed bv a T aiw sn ese scholar rather than adopting the internatiGrÌầHy vỸelí^ :
k n c w n H an vu Pỉnvín System .Qeveỉoped bỵ th e p£Opỉe’s Repubỉic o f China and u sed in Qthsr,
coiintries such as SingaDQre and M a ỉa YSi a . .

r^. Frorn 2 0 0 4 . th e map ơ f " R epu blic o f C h í n a ” n o lo n g ei incỉudes m ainỉand C h ỉ n £,

•. * Ịste 2 0 0 4 . Presiđ ent Chen Shiii-b ian proposed ío renrm t ă!í stace-ovvned ep terpriicr
b earing thè name 'nC h i n ẩ :ỉ to ■!T ahvaiV \ Tìĩis vvas o p posed bỵ.rhe KuoíTiịnLaní';. P r iv a te b u sin esses
in Ịaiw an-.\yhich h s v e Chinả ỉn. the í r n a m e s are d s o iunioretí lo liave beeiì ask ed t o r e n a m e . For'
■:€Xam;ple;::€hiìía'" Airlines cõịõíì-rmèd. .tha-t •it ■W'ás asked t0' change; ịis name. T.hịs.v howeverr ■vvas;'
denied by.the ơov e mme n t . . -

On ĩebruary ị2 of 2007. CheiVs eovernment changed the n.arnes of CSunghvv?. ? cst

(C h in a P ost) to T a iw a n .Post.^ Pebruary 7 o f 2 0 0 7 . C h in ese Fetroíeuni C o m p a n v w a s ch an ged to .
■ ratĩ 0 n. T a i w a n ; c h i n a s h i p b u i 1d 1n g C-orporation to H;C S B C C Qrooration; T â i \v ạ n ,!..;-; ?

The narne ch an glng issue w a s £ topic in the R e p u b llc o f Chi na'prssidential eieaion s^ 'in.Taivýan in
. Msrch.";200'S. 'Former T a ip e i m ayor .M a Y i n a - i e o u . vvạs.eìecieci as the ■Prẹ s id e n t. ■ơ n ì Âugust'
200 8; the: postaỉ Service resolved to, re verse t h e name. chan ge and r.ẹstóre the nam € !!C h u n 2 hwa
P o s í " . ^ Á s o f ỉ i a n u a r y 2 0 0 9 . T o n g y o n g P in y in w a s a b o lis h e d b y th e o o v e rn ro e n t in ík v o u r o f
H a n y u P Ịn ỵ in . ! V

* K a re i / : ' ,

;Using'MgnÌạ.'or Chinẽ?rcỊ^răcfers. v>«.s bgnnro' in i ^ s Ị ã B ÕA H ỹ lẩ ĩiY Kịmlí-sung. H&ngul

'W&s.'mảd& the oỊTtciai ụẤ 0í ĩhjLÌl i£íiăJxJ'Jigỉr^jL-repịác;nĩi_Há g 3, £ftdl-Iãmi~iriìot rêôuired- •
to be learned' untỉỊrhigb-f.chooliii Soinh Vor*z. Some 'com.Ticĩiíãtõrs dso ỉ£ỈCÊ the íbíTùer Seóul
City mayor Lee Mytir,g~te.k's movc ío charige SeouỊ's oííìciaỊ Chinese name from Eanchẽng
(ẵÌOĩBÌÌSsẩ t â dĩtÌL..£Í Chir^re: ÍỀ^ỈĨ.: pịrtvĩn:Hànchẻng) to Shoụ'er ..(ẫÙaaỉĩíkđ •
Chinesc: ìf~/p: traditionaí Cnme-sc: "mĨ?; Shôuẻr):in"2005■as a modd GÍ de$rnieizatíory.^
:Tfie^revĩxỉưs'nãnĩẽ,_ pronõủnvãđ KincÍKÍũg .in Chlricsẽ-ãnd Hanseong ln Korẽan. ỈS an old-name '
for Saouỉ. literaỉly nieaning Han River City, but cẩn be misinỉerprẹíêđ as Han Chinése-City. The
new nạme ■Shoú'er Cârrieđ no such connoíation, and W8S close ỉn bọth sounđ ạ'nd meáning to
'Sẻmtt.tâbicri.jjhiqửelỹ-among. Kổrean'pỉẩcé narn-es.' does nc=t'have à Sino.-Koreafi vtẩme.- See aỉse"*!
.M ầ ffi% o fS e aụ l.

■K v rg y zsỉan ' ' --

The- Dungans o f Kvrgyzstan represent a Ịess conscious process o f desinicizaíion, during whiọh. '
ovér .tRẽ~ịcõ5rsẽ~0?TT1Mẽ~rnõrẽ~ĩĩĩãn a cen tu ậ^ĩim ce tĩiẽl ì ũ r ^ Ị n o r i t ĩ i s r~Wạf). a Hui CTiinese
p ó p u lạtĩqn bacarae_aijenated írom the ỉiterarv ĩrâ d idon and íocáí cứ 1tu re o f S h a a n x ! a nd G ansu ■
' . -
r rjỊth £ }'!/?$

Ly or L y đ y n ssty aỉsc cailsd the.Lstsr Ly (to. distinguish Ihem from the Cash Manaqemeht of Ly.Nam
DeVịs.a đvnastic íeudaỉ VietnanVs history , begah vvhen the king Thai lunsr throne ỉn Qctoher'1003 , ạỉter
_gainin_g powạf frofflj b^ h aạds-oUhạÌQgrier Le and ẹnđ^ỵ/nen Ẹrnperor Lv Chieu Hoang , then 8 yèạrs^
•oỉd h av e been íorced sbdication to cêde the 'thrpne to her hỏsbảná,'YrgừV Cấnhlni 225 - ‘;ẩ:'totà! ỔÍ."2Ì6"
yea rs.T h e n am e Great V ỉetn sm ese GÍ Viềt-nam from October iiínar calendar ỉn 1054 Vvhen King Ly rhanh

T o n o jo the ihrons. Af ihỉs m em orable-event is-m oved the Capital írorn Hoa Lu , a pỉace ỉ a r.ỉrorn the

northern píain, sparselỵ popuỉateớ, danqerous to Dai La , and named it Thang Long under the dragon
im .áge, a s g e đ a Ị imaGe c h a r s c te rỉs t ỉc s of this p e riod. T h e n a m e U n ive rsH y V ie tn a m ỉs vveỉl .placscỊ in this^

• pếriođ. • ■ T■ ■. * ’■

Pecple are stãrxihg tọ Lv Ly Cong U ari. in the ers of this dynasty. Li vvas the íirst time the governmeni
maintained a iono vvay to over two hundred years, other than the ỉormsr monarch hs.d previc-usív coly
'ẹxĩstểd Gv-er severaỉ decađes in addỉiỉon ìn lfaà i y aMd in ths. water,
slth o u g h the kinos wers reve rsci Buddhist , but the in ílu s n c s cf C Q níuciariisrn b a g sn grovvMng, jA 'iíh J h s

,CỊ^ịrig_Ql_ỉli£^xiiứ^fìi£ỉtv ís the lirstTempie o.{ .Llterature ( 1070 ) and Qyoc- Tù Gỉarn ( 1076 ),. and
,,exarnỉaạjionsJ o select.tatentẹd peopỉe do not -have backQrQunds. as noble lo serve the country.; r.he ílrsi
sxammáíịon wảs opénèd Ịh 1075 . insíỉtutionaỉ po llt lc s there has been a ■đscemfsnzauon 0' rnanagement
ciạrỉty and'the rtiỉe:wạs bạsèd: more on Ịaw ráthér thsriaíbltíary tyĩcnny oí the IndỉviơuaL Selec.Ịed evẹnts'
Ly D a ^ L a lo the-cgpitaỉ cUy (atter th-g Thanp...tong Hcn_qi
; basèd jc o n o m y mor-e.DOQuíar thằn mỉlitárv power to đeíenđ as:íbgjỊạLdýaasĩy .
-MỈỊịíary ^ ;
^ rm .y O r g à n i ỉ a t i ọ n .■ ■ ; .
• L y s A rray.,ịncíudes ÌWQ p a r ts ; th e se n s o ry a n d th e ,lo c a l mllltarv., ■■ . .

’Qéstraỉninq'- í o r c e s : th e a rrnv reGrưited; ĩro m. heậithy- y o u n g m e n , in the co u n try , ls re s p o n s ib lẹ ror

protecting-th e kir.Q and th e City..

"• Iỉtary: ^Re^rjjỊtrnenj_^oL„KQiing™l^a.v3LJ^ ponsỉbíe
for guardỊng fíiE_mad. covered. . :•;
Ly ịmpỉemení the pỡlicỵ oí Tỉvỉng agricuỉture ư.:So!điers*1 (solđierồ; seni hơrne íarm), for roiating traops ÍGf
plow ing a n d youth registered in th e ;.nsme.i3f Jhfí_haoJkr:.bat lhexaaaufaatur-e.r.f-w hen,the CQuri wil! -n e e à to

. mansuyer LU - Li, arrny and. ■mỉỉitsry íorces ars the •.aquạtic, strict .discỉpiine,. be attentỉve huyan trai.nring,'
ạrmámenffor tỉie téầrn,'ỉncỉuding spears, svvorđs, vviíh' ít, shoot ice machine ... ,
: 1W a r S o n g T ^ ” . ■ ■ •
- ■''■List o f ’E:u ropeạn C ancer ; '
•ỉnJ02i , Ị, £^QgMỊo£. oí the;...Song • Dvnasty,.uj£iQ.q.JT0Ạg....thạt,-inst'ỉgated-the Qreaf
: Sỉglnarnesẹ^ army, Champa- attacked them5 militạrỵ ỉeftov.ers than ten thousarìđ- peopỉe,. can be.cãptuređ
next. (There are íhaories ỉhat. the Sung linỉversity decỉded tọ .Vỉetnạm to.Teiníọrce .the,, spirii-of 'tha. arrny
,,s,and' peò p íé* a ĩte r t h e vmf!Ftafy 4Ợ efeat ỉ h Ị h e riòrth' o f .L la ơ - H ạ )’-[2 i;V T Ịịe ạ Kỉrỉg T ò rig a n d L iu Dí k h o i useđ^to

' ' evsluatè the ỉócaíiGn of -undergroũntf "GuỈ2hou botỉom DÍ the' Man ; p!ay boa.ts,•hayồl ẹxercisesy in ađđition
;to the Europea.rv ban đistricts not traơe with Vietnarnese Ụnỉversịty ọf strateolc camcpođities that tỉme as
Steel andGattíe. . • ’ . ■
Kỉng Ly the naw s; errors Lv ■ThuòncTKièt and Tong Dan brings; mor.e.. than 100,000 soldiers;lo fight [3]:
a r m y trọ o p s o í b o íh hvciro an d p ro g re s s . L v T h u o n ạ K ie t b e at th e E ụ ro p e a n K h ổ m , Liem ,- E u ro p e a n

c&nọer Tơng Dan fíns. ReductionGuanox] Zhang piayer Đetails pynasty sení his to- r s s c u a . Ly.
Thụong Kiet w€‘com e révíevỵs. in the Kuniua gaté (now thè City'0f Nannỉnq VG uangxi Zhúanq ẤutonomGus
Reóion ) to break miíitary Service, cuỉ 2hang P ìayec Dstaiís In the' battíe. Tri Chieí Minisíer Ung C hau
1s en ừ sn ch eá ooí tound Chrỉst. G reat Vietnamese treops beaỉ mcre than 40 đays. hovv har husband
climbeđ ĩạto .thẹ íanđ. Members W8f8 ỉower.-National Đirecíòroí. Christ íor 36 deaths.-berore, buríed in
họles, 'then.íire burn itself đead. NoỊ every person in: the City, kiỉiipo more than íive thoosand peopie 13],
•pỉus the nưmber oi đeaths ỉn the European Kham, ínteqrity ỉs more than 100.000 peopỉe. Lv Thuong Kiet
■'captụred three coníinents wha.v/as broưqht back."
■■.v. Ả s M q v n " R I v e í,.D e fe n s e . •■
ín 1076 in March, saiđ using tiie Song Ovrsssty porcẽlain Quang Nsm ( Guanqcionĩ; Guanqx! tod.ăy)
Ẽ£ Kụì Guo EÍternoQn WQfkshũp to norcglaỉn. Zhs.o P-3iaỉ!s dsoutự. broucht it to 9 Phá, 10 ỉhcusand éỉỉts
t r o c p s , a ỉh o u s a n đ h o r s ẹ s vviíe a n d 2 0 th o u s a n d p s o p le , V'/ith, m iiits ry C h a m p a a n d m ỉiạ a r y Q t s n la to

•invadô the. Republic oí yieỉ iam. Song Dynasty ỉroops advanced in tv/o yvatsrvvèys, ỉh s Urìiversíty Qf
yiẹĩnam. VVaísnvay bv Hoa-.Mau cornrnander; Kui Guo road by the commander. Áỉ the pávsr Van-Don
( .Quang Minh ), Li Ke Yuan Dynasỉy intercept marins inrantry, to Í01Ì theic-pians GÍ rniỉitary associations. Ly
Thụong Kíet has sei ỉhe !ifì8 aí the South'side o í the rivgras Mooii River. aiso kncwn a s Moon Rivsr
B rid g e o r G e r m a n . T o n g m ilita ry h a s re p e a te đ ly trie d ío c r o s s the rlv e r but ía iỉa d . G u o K u ị s t a t ío n e d in. th e

nofíh bank of the river &$ Moon and dsíensive move ío w£!Ìing íor an oppođuniiv. One níqhi she heard

soidíers in his armv in the tempis 2 hang (zhang and Zh'ano Hong Sinq: twò qeneraỉs tight the gcoti ■
GÍ Trieu Quang Ph.ưc ) is kộown to reacỉ poems tha! the author ỉs aod Ly Thuong Kiet:

■ : Translales.
• • • Nam Oĩroc Stỉỉi-Hu iVữrm xoỉe rcxỉihncư . M ountain Riv-er in the South- Sianỏ.

Sỉưriỉizưỉion uniỊ in ỉhe nuiỉtvul coursự ÌỈÌỈXCỈOĨY South ; ■

Sach ỉosxưs a'*aỉnsi Ỉuỉurư ìnJhn<ỉCfììạiĩ ri/Obvious part in the sun book
oaỉửxỉes? Whv ỉìoọd the enemy to inírinuement
Khứíi ofịỉie fúíỉuru as bưin^ỉỉũữỉicd! They vviỉl be besten 10 bỵ Aying

Thỉs poem inspired the íighting spiíit oí Vieinarnese soỉdíers University. created .ỉhe beỉiẹí thai they are
địvỉna heỉp, and miỉiiary obỉưscation. D.ynastv. When-the Sona Dynasty-ịhad íaỉỉen’ into the weak Ly
Ẵ -O Ìủòpg'K iột"r^concj‘riWUỌ-n..jni^^ [Toộgr.V/èinạniẹế.e: reíát:ipn5 -cọuỊd theệr rẹ ty m t^ fìo rrn s L ^ ^^•••

Upon withdràwaỉ, Guo Kuỉ appropriation aỉways has enỉisted European Gởangyuan ( 'Lang sõn and Cao
Bang todavì. Latẹr, Thai monks Le Van Thinh Nguyen Quang r.egaíned Asia, where msny rnines precious
rnetais, bỵ means oí diplomacy and peace is presenieđ. with the Kinạ Tong: King Tong T-onơ vvho saici the
misíake to "ỉcseu European Guanayuan so rnanỵ QOÍd mines pose quesỉỉons:

G u s n g y u a n t o ts k e g o ld '■

ấ đ n iin lstra tiG n G ííiciaỉs a n d th é .s v s ĩe m ".t o ■

r— -— . --- —-----^ \ 0 00 ' - y r / . :
' Central administration
r ■— r,— ■-■ levelincỉudes
---- 3 maln Parts, namelv: ;
—--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :—
—r .o -' ■■■■ '' ■

■V ■ ; ' •Agencies .asslstingthe pmp^rnr:iĩa.lJ^^d5mic.■insiitiiỉ.iQns ■. :' ’ V : .

.> .Th-e head :offỈG6 of thè ;c^r1::tfafí-£maL£Durìcỉí. thè '■ ■ ■■'v''-

8 : ; A g e ncies a ssỉsỉin q t he V , t he •■ ; • / . ■■■

■■Ih S ' o èneraỉ pubỉic ^cffic!ảỉs? State deputĩẹs gave ;Ly em perors. wh'0'- is.T6sponsỉbie íor directly controỉỉing
. th e .entire. g o v e rn rn e n t. D ep u ty 'a s s is ta n t lo ■thè' s t a te s ia s ;•describinG 'thể •p.articipelỉon of "v.óíers,.: v ọ te rs G Í.

th e p ro p s rty involved, a n d th e c o n tro íỉer. Đ ep u ty a s s is ía n ỉ S tate a g e n c ỉs s a re a ỉso p a r k s ar.d th e Prrv-y

CọunciL :
fh e local ■^dm inistrative iev£j in turrỉ í ro m hloh to low a re :

Kead of•ỉh.e. ađrhinistráíịyề ■ ; ạ , - p Ò B r n t - ^ ^ t h e •said Qcvepyient, the voters ‘

:;.0ĩ ín e L u ro p e a n c o n tin e n t, Oỉ Ihe camp, m e (18m ÍS irnportarn. H bhù Ui ií CAtouovG -Jtc\zĩz zĩ uu. : c ỉc tr:^

: ; Is the distrÌGt. Beỉovv is a -unit dlstrìct bom ers : and Vỉllsqes . ■

..Ly. pỵnastỵ, Dar Vỉetnamese law relíeđ heavily on Kinn-V'.sbnat,hut 'a law ', nonRin ^ A c 3
cọmbỉnation of cịvỊLJaw , cnrrùnaíj5w , CTỈrrủna! láw and iárniỉy jaw m arrìaflgJ^ ỉijeslođay, cạìỉed The
leỊter s:after „à periođ of culturaí destructíon õf lhe^MioriJai^aO£kio£fne ze nowjost.
• Hovyé v e r,.. d u e to_jhe ngture cưft o^Buddhisrn^oT th^ dỵnạstỵ thạt J h e ' penaltịẹ-s ạre„ aenerộlỉy Gót' to.Q. .
iliigV Pdf e x gm^le, ỉn 1042 Kirig LvThai Tong to show City cííỉcỉaỉs Ihat th e e sc a p e , a íỉne of Í0 0 schools,
: 1&8 50 words in the lace âorU im lg ^ to g Ị s ^The soldỉers werẹ tliere, iĩ.yòu hide in thô moOntains, theỵ
shạlí be robbed 0 Í 100 school.s, ỉn-the íạce jỉke 30 wórds. Nakeđ peopte íỉeđ the camp but ặís.o to such .
crirnes. ỉn Ju!y, to .ỌQmp.arè trềatment oí buííạlo- vvho stoỉe thè- 100 schocis, a penaỉty of two baby
. buííalo. Return in Septembe r,. dewn •proiection handlỉnq sexua! •■predator, allQVYỈríQ the av^ne.t_b£aien; to
• tíeath rlght novy wì!l not"be cảuQht gujjtỵ.To oompare the' percsntage' oi their vvealỉh"íax, ạlỉovvinq the
colleởtion. In •ađdiíỉorv to 10 -sèctỉọn.ồ shặl! be p aỵ ab obíain rnore a p s r t of another,: calleđ "t.he íỉrst '
.. âĩáphrágrn."rSo thBỵ.get trèạíẹd ás-the:ft'Offenses,-¥/liíst!eblowers*are iorgiven extensive:Service' ỉn“b'òĩh-*"*
the.third vear, people in the City aỉỉegihg th át ttoi.e bonus recQiveđ' in kỉnd.;if mànaairig bprdẽrs, .aỉí ,'cạpiiại;
and' income tax collectỉơn proééss of còlỉuding.toaether,‘but. happened â ỉonq time, but the accúsạtiohs,
are stiíỉ sub]ecf to the .same' erime."In Octóber, theim aạe đirẻcĩoỉỳ incluđ.es three. íỉles, e rror m essaqes
san cantraỉ cornmand^s lawIJò!er5ted:ĩorjj£ejả£lỉb_..E'tìrne liké-thls, điVỉdeđ ỉnto subiecĩ cat:eoQria£--eđitỉna'
.;.of artícỉes. books^ into a dynasty, to gỉvé vievvers easy ùnderstood. ỉn..' Novembe.r., clọwn from a
PfQje'etjon ío r_those; -7Q-S0, írorn 10-15 years c ỉd artđ.inỉirm pérsons, the body of the"kinq irọm
\ c\£.é^ U n ív a r $ ừ y .q ĩo k ì& f 0tfend6£sJ^igj^,d£BJXiJủj^ili^jjJllẾ ,G Ỉiender ẹyị! CÍOSS the not accordỉno.-to.thls'
■ 'ratio. |k j . ’ ■.
E c o n o rn y . •. . ■
~ ■ ' ■ . A g r ỉ c u ỉ t u r e ■
Ly■'■đynasty éconọmy is maĩnjvJì,.aGiiculíjjfe , so the duraỉioo of. this dynasty, it w as iound that -
many Ịobs aỉ the king Qf the proỉector onỉv Issues reỉated to protectiòn and soricuitưrsĩ deyeiopment.
Land in •t.ha. CQUnlry sre homỉnaỉỉv owned by ỉhe King Suprẹm 0.:Bụí in[rQạỊiíy,; mo.sỉ oỉ th e ỉand dua ío
■ ạr§Mểt„Mcai<Qfs. E ach' y e a r ^ ư ie /v ỉlì^ B íS s h a fẹ :'ữ té ọ iM lc fó C(.‘ftỉvaie: the ìand ■End-.OẵV taxes.-to the . ■

: k h g ..ĩh & l'C.rì0 Ly often on the íoọaí pcrssants charoeđ. In 1038 lũ Febfuarv, Klno Ly Thai'■T.onọ door

• dwelỉ, Bo Hẹ! ọuyuing charged vHe cr.dered his sỉnoís .' road embankm.ent and th e intsrnẩlionaỉ
body $ì'.in , e c o n o rn ỉc sslí-c o m p ỉe tio n .cẹrẻm o riy h sld plow s to p!ow íh s m s e ív e s . The-- in te rv en ỉio n

of tiic đescnbcd property is tha! it is-the v/ọrk of thồ íarmer; fhc kíng not to do sc, but Thai Tong .said:
■Féỉỉ I dỉd noi get anyỉhỉng done írorn the Ỉree, then sticky ồneríngs, iọok.sòmethihg to peopíe to ỈQÌỈ0W?
Aĩter this, the king three times to push plow. ín 1042 in March, the Kincs dom lnated • estuary Kha
• L im piowing- charged. Accordinq to historicai chconìcles record, ;many years ỏf QQQd h arv ests, such a:s
■ 1016 {Dynasty Ly Tha? To no )(1 131 (Dynasty Lv;Than Tonò ) t 1:189, 1140 (Dvnastviv.Ánh Tong )
■Mânagement íoouses on horne vvater treatment^dvkes. e£D£cỊjgỉly delta_QÍ.the Red River. In 1077. Ly
Nhan Tong ordered up 67.380 to iivẽ as long the rnoon. ỉn 1103. he W£S back đovvn projection

..ambankroent.' ỉn 1-108, thè oourt helđ Dyke Cu Xa (Red River) íròm the Liang Ven Yen. Besides Lòng, -the.
đike was aỉso restored. Historicai record cí ỉhe year was -qreat seasonlike-T01 0 , 103.0. 1C44, 1079,1092,
.1111. 1120, 1123: 1131/1139, 1140 Ĩ5J.
In 1l ì 2-'iri -Rébruarý, King Ly Nhản Tong cỉear ban on murder, thẽtt slaughler buítaỈQGS . Penalty-QÍ 80
ặ p n p o ls ,, lọ n q ịn g to a d ịa c e n t' rn ạ p s' (fo r S e r v ic e in th e m iỉit a r y ) , Vvlíe oí 8 0 tr e a ím e n t s c h o o ls , w h ic h

increạses thè ventricuỉar sidô (animal care) and butíaio' compensation; ■neighbors-.. knovv -thai no-
denunclatipn, punịshment 80 schooỉs.. ỉn 1123 ỉn Apriỉ banned kịỉlíng buítaỉo. ỉo show-íhat “Bụííaỉó is
ỉnịpọrtant to cultivate, -to beneíit the peopie no ỉess. From now on £ thres-stalesecuritv, nct-kịỉl. butíaỉo
• meat, anyone c.ontraveqẹsìhe shápe .of criminal Ị.ạw “ [6].
ii- - H a n â i^ s ■' ■"
ỉn loỉklore, cattle sl!kworm sjjk, siik textiíèsyceramics, buildỊnq temoles. D3.[aces. houses. are developed.
Ấccording to Vietnam UsinQ General and CoỉTìplete : February 1040. "Kỉng [Lỵ Thai Tong] has also tẹught
women weaving ỉhe Leopard buỉld. Aprìỉ projeciion was ổown tũ pỉay .oĩĩ c f ỉhe Leopard buiỉd Tong in
stock tQQÌve sewỉrìg oĩĩlcers, ỉrom íive or more'viriual iiems in Leppard, ĩrom perrhsnenỉ producls
coaỉ the ceỉis wiỉh' more sỉaỉuTe, to show ihat ihe klng did noỉ use Leopard buiỉd rnore of Ihe Song

' Irracíditíoh,' trtécrafí of mpỈ<ihn,.ja^ein/jQ__ooỊd siiver. .gaít,paper. Ctcli tabies in.vvood,, cạst_bfonz8;
wwrought .iron, labric dyeỉno, áre.expandlno, There êm WQrRs: bV:a n isầns.: hamlfì.ai Việtnamese.x;£B.atad the
. very pQpulạr■as ring m aster Dien fìao Thiên- TQWfíf,( H anoi). Pho Minh cauldrón { Nam Dinh.), ;6tG. : 7
T ra de;:.. ■
Hpvveỵèíy there wer:e seeds-QÍ the CGOỊíiìQCÍỈty;8XchanQ8 thíQugh rngjỊev:?-iike;ỉn.Qctober in 1042;, Kỉnq Ly;
Thai Tong king Dao CQỈnage,-Sin.G8.the mid- 12to.cent.urv hađ.the sasđs of loreỉcỊrtracte in. Edóịiỉoa lo .

exchangẹ -goọds with Qther-cQuntrỉes borderingỵ' ,’v- '■■■'•

•Book G resỉ V ỉe ỉn a rm se hìslorv and C om pleỉe {ỊpVSKTT) w ote: In 1149'ỉn pẹbryary. •tĩĩie s mẹrchant
ships overfiow Oa ( Java ): Lac Roađ (Route;.may b e : Ha.ạ-—,Ị ạ . Hoc - LgvtD ỉiiilDDburL:
: H a c ^ W g iiạ^ iẹ atu r^ s '~are■tDcacmentÌDneđ-ỉn -thB' dQ urney' of •M-arco■••Pũlo ;S i a m in , th e E a s t - S e a •(thẹ

proyince pf Quang Ninh province■todaỵ, asỵỉum ỉraffịckịrìQ3 cams tò set up.pages vvhere islánđs, knovvn
■£S Man Don or year ..í. 164 in Mạrchj; thô. tradẹ■
of. Siaơì ăn:d thẹ Thres ■BụddhỊst.iQi (Sriviịaya on. tha •Ìsỉand,
.òí.Sumatrà , ả ĩé je iế f ĩe<í ío -^ from the -?ỉ.h century Budđhist Centsr and
•thẹ.narne of Gi Irom the 5-th centurv in.Ghina-S .bibỉĩoqraphy),In Van. Don t0Y<n,trẹ.asures. to pffer ÍOĨ saỉe.
; r©ỉQrì-';,^ffãỉ."rs
LyjiyjiQọU 3& 4 ^ scheme,:.Ẽx m n s iũ n . acquisition s :or iQỌtinq QỈ

ngỉghborỉng GQuntries__Sdjch ■'.vás-..the.' SonG ,.' D.vnas.t.v:ỉn _jhe., noĩln, Gharnpạ ^ Ghan' Lao in' the
; gouth, Aoen t W est n.orth QTsporâdic ethnic. minorities.- .R e iá tj& D J s J Ị Q a g - x ^ ^ .ífiLịhe-te4f~smại! ' ;
/gguntẸỹ,,tautthạtdurinc! ;the ■yearS; .bétw6ẹn;: the■•.1:0?5th-T 'M ữẫằầ , Lý. Thuona :fôergnd tortq -Qaóhad '': ■ ;
■■■.brp.ụght troopsvto aitacly the EyaiLaLlM ^Eiii^ Oaricer; Eúrdóeán-.Kharrì; Â áẹnts no Ịoáoèr■.a :povyẹrỉu.ỉ. •
, ountpy-such -as-dtíring fec- cent^rv ; SVvcePturv f so the íiu-hiỉng sporadỈG F.atưre and the louer ysually-
■balọn0 '; to --. thẹ Agency. ■5gỊatỈQns --',wìt!i£jiarnaa . thè-.- Ly đỵriasty; 'seerĩìs to p!ay .•thev: rpỉé : o ị 8/. bia.: ■
ộoụoìry.Reiatỉonshỉp' •:withjGHán^ Lao dưỉte ■normaly .wỉth loreỉqn.- poíỉcy.' raíher Ỉlexible.'■Lỳ ■has been
. màiritairiéđ and .©xpanded Iheỉr fern|Q íỵ J o 4 M Z l.S w ẹ d ẹn issy e d th e rules of polítìcal proprỉety. : r-
; WỊt h; . GhỊrnạ' ; -■: ". : y . ". ■■■;■■ . ■V :
• " t ò d l M T - S o u t h ' ậ , ra c o g n ìz e a ~ ĩfiQ ig | ^ ẽ n f cQ um ry w itF r tfĩe ^ õ ? lỉạ ã rn ả r n e . . - • :•

.giyy i\iQ ; KìũQiLụ 'Anh .T ong^as^the^King- of ■Annaml.This’■is>'theJ[k£Óim^^ .• ■' "

'rQ ỵỵaạ ỉnđepenđencs and pfocỉaimèể-king-.( 939 í, kirig Qỉ nevv Coi na rẹộoonteẹd lí]ejoMfa£í3đaijca oi the. . • :; _
■*.WeỊHảmẹse-*GenBral.rRrevióúS'-Dỹnasty k?RCf kiiovvn •■onỉỵ 'ás 1-hẽ kỉng' ơf Vietnamesa/Kíóg Cốuhĩy^GíaG;^:1'' *"!!!!
; Vletnãm 'orilytcỵ sè elan đ as a coưnty oí.the Song Đ ynâsty/ ;

: V ■;.■■■ ::;r’
AllhQugh dlpÌomạtiG Telations vyith: CHenỉă nothỉng ,wỉtb: Li, but a unioue évẹnt a s s 0GÌateđ'With Chenla that ■
the-reign òí King Ly Anh Tong (1188-1175). Chenỉa reign of Kỉnq Survavarman 11 has becom ẹ.a mighty
‘empira and •th e 'largest ỉn Southeast Asia. Suryavarman 11 was occuoied, •annexeđ and ruỉẹcl northern
Charnpa {ỈYGrn Quý Nhon lu Guang Binh province) in 1145 and the Gpporíụnity- to sírike the Greạt
Vietna rnesa invasion í cỉtcíỉũn neaổeđ ] bưt he vvas tíeíeated and the Ly death mạ ịc h ịĩ ậỉaibn mẵổẫẩ) By
raputation. the Sony Q yriZsiy vvas vveake n e d b e c a ư s e sí the North lọst: ío the Vielnam ese General Kim
h ástaK èn iiẹart,by:bỉoc:kino:theÁn Nam--.Lỹ':Tóno-'!s'thé King. .. .

y v i t l ì ; í l l 0 - K l n i . ;■/ L: . ^ . "■ ‘ ■■■ ■■ *■

There js- ẫ'.very .interestin.g ccuntry ..Kim ( Jin ) who was very strahơ ỉn nnrth^rn nhina ' thregtened.- ■
•ihe:Southem Sonc aỉso. oỉten htahly réspecteđ Universltỳ/ Vielnam ,;Kim : Natỉons envoy to tha G reat
•^ytetn^masé^used'.ÌQr.ipmpoSạlslo the Ly:đo ngt help the SoutỊieni Sono w h e n Kim hít S o u t hern Sorvo. Ly. ' ^Ệ ậ

a rtíu ỉly in đ ịp lo rn a tic is s u e s w\ìh b c th c o u n tr le s r th e -GÍd-.,;hi£tory. is .vvri:t te n : l n , 1 1 6 8 t h è A m e a s s a d o r

S;ond::ar?d Kim,to. the .Gortêraỉ at the sa m e tỉmẹ, the court arranaed for ÌWG GỈ this rrussion’ỉn ■
two cinerent pỉaces and do not lat them knovv the Gĩher psrson a!so to Dai Vietnamese.
- W ỉth C h a rn p a ^ ■■ • ■ ^
Durỉng;. " . ■ 'the- /'. .Ly. • dynasty, vv ; a : ■■ totaí' ' : • ■. of ^.líĩ— ----- í.mes '
( l.Q£Q', l O ^ T ĩ 0 4 4 7 1Ọ69 , 1075 , 1104, 1132 , 1-1S7 . ,1216 . l i l g ) the king òr ths ;hioh-16vai;o ító a ỉs
;auch as jjy Thuono Kịgt, Hien-.Thanh e líLÌimiiQht the.miiỉtsrv fo ílaht the ChamũB.. Aỉtẹr each rẹviev/, jthe,
king.Q ÍC ham oa ạgạĩn ạsked ..fofjgaca^S 8ndỉno p e o p [e J ó jh e _s'8V¥er/ bưt-ihen- OQPÒsed ít, The b^oes.t, '
évéat ỉn .1059, Cham.pạ ;bnngjhe_tíQCDS Jooteđ_in vêstorsKin-g Ly Thanh Tonò hosls the.bođy 0 f 10
:ieadin§'rnale;lẹad từ take rhe,capitsí.of 'Chạmpá :.was delạalad an<f Gapturad Kỉngput orr ehárnpâ- Long, to
be th^j<i.nq•,.of GlỊậgioặ.Champc .dvnastỳ. and. cưt- ọ a rts Oí-Ahe. ^ ọ đh V ịa ịn a m e s e ũíiered to Uhiversity ỉs ■.

thẹ ỉand north oí Quana Trị. Qua no Binh and today, aỉter this event. the scLUll^iĩ-rii-bo-Pẩer of the'-'
Vietriamesẹ General was ỹirst ẹpproacheđ Thách Han Rỉver ( Quang Tri)
Biit soms'historians beỉieve that ỉhìs histọricạ! period .íp.the normạí Chlsm noi sepạrate because GÍ the
grẻat taste đelivery, vvhich beoan bỵ Dai Vietnamese imperial_ poỉicy ịmpỉsmenlciion. baseđ on space -
accouníed for indomitabỉa spirit Grẽaỉ Vieỉnamése and snẽak back to the Sung qod. [£]
'ethniọ *' ; ■' . ■
With the tribal rriinorities,. in .order ío create â ciose reỉầtionship betvveen distĩicỉ court and the-European
minorỉty trlbes -have inherent properíies of aưíonomv, ths policỵ Ly marry the princess íor the 'Eụropean
section (the head of the Europẹán. institutions). For example. in 1029 , marrỉed in 'i/ỉarch for the Asis
Raclíỉc PrincẹsỆ Europe 1 ems Lang ( Lang Son todạy). ỉs a Thai Than Us, but when necsssary. the King,
. . the son ọf..'th.e .kìng or the GÍĩỉce aỉso set up to ensụre -mass;uniíicạtion of .ths country. In the book^
oi Vịgtnam- Uslnq General ,5nd Complete have a loi of tạlk aoôut thề"pút down'òt‘ffié kìrigs*'ốrthẻ'f
■ eơntinerit (The Long, Do'Kim, Thuona Tàn, Binh Naùỵen. Dinh Nguyên, Nguyên Chilđren, That Nguven
Van Chsu, European Pestíval, ẹtc.)-The high poỉnt of beatina up his íather Phuc and Conservation
Nung Nung Tri Cao Quang Nguyên in 'Europe (1039 - 1053 ).
- E x a m in a tion S y s te m .' ■.
Exanlination sv£t£m_bv the vear 1075 may see record smihỉnq. Sincs 1075. the Management hãs begun
. lo open the exam .io sêlecỉ Islented ọeoole to servs the__cpuntry, riẹmonstratino the íníỊụgnce
.ofConfucianỉsm is beginnỉng oracly^Hy .BdipsexLìne ỉníluencs of Buddhlsm. Hovvever, no testing GÍ this
System ầ s rfo!lQW:S> ; ■
- ; T he.exarn;. ;:v
ỉn 1075 in r ebruarv. down projectlon recruĩíment Minh. economic schoiars and Coníucianism- three test
caậẹs. Le Van Thinh admitted. for the most ỉearned kỉng. !n 1086'In August, constructiGn QL^-Pational
aỉ the Académy , .the Mac now inteqrates-recnitrnent, appơintnienĩ to the .
/Ktelễấuis,. suppỉernented ,£S ■
Ạcadem yschooỉ deqree, .in 1165 ỉn Auaụst ,, |;n-.itS5 Jan ụãịfý, dornẹstlc workers 1 p oeis,..;
■•.ạnyone 1.5 y&arsjíìy that '.poetrv !s intorrned bv the. ké aboụi íQ-ur Bui'".
•^.Qum^XDressiofi-tpaná-N0ilỉènì3Q-D6Qdleretc.-.. V ;
' Qp 6 n ; Sc h o o l ■■■;■,^ "'
. Lunạr year■in Auqust í 070 ; the Construction--MaríagementLỉteratủre /toverinq' subiects Confuclus ? Chu;
•’/IM ;. ■snd; í rom the luno s :(:l^lhán: Uven', Tang Sarn VTu- T ư MlOỂýẵ ố ^ tour púplls. oí C onluclus},
paỉnied.the.đẹỉỉcate; géntle.cróss íaỊi (7.2.iaỉented.stuđent o( Contuciứs}, iour seascns of sacriTics. Crovvn
Prince to schooỉ here. -

Rsligịon ■Ỵ' ': ; ■ ' ■'■'

^ ^ ^ s .—aj y ì^ nafT1€se history and Comoỉete copy [71:
In ÍỠ .ÍO . thè Ỉ8ỈÍ in Juiy, King [Ly Thai] ĩrom the Hoa Lu, the aovem m enl m oved thecapitaUữ-Dai L s
scariữm ic ... To compare two Ihings wiih p ỉsy m oney slock, lìire a proỉessionsl ỉo do ilịe Heavenly
Teợipls in Germanỳ, ạlỉ eight depsrtmenỉs, ã ỉt... B a ck up Ihe ;Sie!e in ỉhe temple s s God dvteiís Hưnà. ln

- Ẽ Ể ẾĩịSũ . tữ thẹ sp u th of: Thang Nghiêm psgos.3. ừi .D.ecsmbãQ ỉũundM e. silvẹr ounc&s ịa .1680 tũ- sto re :a~
isrg a h slỉ. hung in the-Tempìe Univsrsiỉy P ro ỉe sso r... : •
ỉp 1 0 1 1 , .th e -ữổữõda 'VjỵẾ-ữtaá£UỀù’ B ssid ế s tha pSQOtíă Fou r Heaveniv Gods and ịem ples Cam Y, Long ■
Hưng, S i T h o ... . •
I Q l ẩ . th Q ỉa lỉ, in S e p i e m h e í , ổ o w n p r q ị s c i i o n ỉ o u n d 3 1 0 Q u n c e s o f g o í d in s t o c k ỉ o r c s s t i r t a t e lis in I h e -
Ẩ ? ^ P Ì ệ J ứ 4 ^ Q J ĩ ị È D JJ n _ O d a M r .^ ị o s h & A L d j M ú b u t! O .B - ũ l M s t e . c . ổ e p s £ Ì í e d . i a ỉh .e j c e p £ ts it a r y ...t ũ - C a s L b ê ỉ O - b e ỉ l s :

fìư n :g i n i h a t ẹ m p l e s t r ì c í ! ỹ W i n s . . . '
. !fỊ ỊQ 1 6 . thũùsề ũ d s a í Deople.iri more íhsn incrẹase the sạribẼs. Un two Thien Que-nạ, Tnien Duc. Thien •.
: ■anđ-bợwỊ’fo a rsỉa tu ss De '-. í ' '• ' ■’ '

w a te r

for e é ó rio m k Trìoitấka . . . . ■ ■ "■ .

to 1 5 t ẽ , to shoxv ỉhe peopís in the countrỵ to increass . . . ỉ n 102 1 , coníaining economic s e n se to do the

' Baỉ- ■ ; ‘
In 1 0 2 4 . the fa!l, in Septemòer, msking Legs Caihohc ỉemple in íhe citv to se e the kina dwelis m eans
chanjing :
ỉt was the ev.ents irr the ỉite oí King Ly Thai To . the foỉ!ov/ing kings as Lv Thai Tong.. Lv Tong , Lv Nhàn
Tl QÚũ ... Copying Business, oasì beỉís, Gỉatuary, Qtc. coníinua to bundJ:erno(es and dev6:.ỉíicoieQLj^re
racorde.đ ỉn nlsíory . .. * .
Budđhism the. nạtỉonaỉ reỉigion io the lèvél of- deveỉopment ạs a historian' Le Van Huu vvrote: K... ovẹr haỉĩ ,
ítm peơpìẹ are Buddhỉst rhonks, in the~cũuntn/ vưĩỉh tampỉes everywhere *
.Lỉterature : ị. '
Even\in_the sariv CỂũìurỉes of tjme.toveJaiLilJa. tha SDỈrĩtual heriĩaoe oí the peopíe of Vietngrĩi threẹ Ang
postry is e anrisnseri, thus causịng an ịmprsssiun of extracrdinary upríshtness::the newspapẹ.r moved the
gyọitet LiQhtinq (214 vvorda) , LcrBo essă;/ (148 words) and posrns Nam Quoc Son Ha (ĨS vvorós).
■Ọuring U poétrỹ devsioped qulte ừậr.tÌG, there are hundreds, but the aụthọr qoes throuQp. :w ars, íioõds Ov
books have besn dangoed a jpt, é s pecially the .poỉicv of cuitưral destrucíian oMhg Ming p.erỉoó Grẽat
Vistnam ese dòminatÌQn hB)i&-iũ£dẼ. ìhe most of this eĩãdaiáeaLÌsjaQÌQnoef cúíture timé. Portunateíy, sọmg
ẹpltaphs preserved íernpỉes QÍ poẹms, this guíí of time.’ - "
Excslỉônt work this winch is his Z-^n praGtice Yuen , 63 recorded the behavicr .0? tha teachsr, with 77 •
. ■ _ . . i '
posms, yerss. Some. vvritẹrs of ihis ỉims as tsacher Vlen Chieu (993-1091), Zsn No Lo' (? -Ti 19} ... 'and
ths Q uesn Motnér Y Lan is HỈSO ranked among the rằnks of authors with a verse "tío not ívísUer".
M :v - :

Thanh Leng h 33 duq trcnthcG cuteiđe. cpsn the ícur doorc cn íour sidcs: o g s ị , South, r o rth. Pror"
tims Ly Thai To : 'in this rouncỉ was calỉed ỉor or Long Citaoel. Gitadei àrfòa_js jocajed ỉs verỵ ỉmportant IG--
the whole Capital City ãnd the ivhòỉè counữv hss 8'place i.i the paiace, vvhere \ỵấ\Q vvorked. ncbiỉity court. ;
■ỊLỷ.psỉaỡes a}'@ m sdẹ of w.podỵtffe'p:ipêrỊ lĩavế :a ; bìt ĩile’dragon,:thé’ phoénú<f •Ỉỏlus-shapeá.; lormĩng^.íirs.t ’•
Íhoí rooí flashỉrV drágont.phòenix ouard. .ỉnsỉde the'Cìtaụèỉ? has ’ahVc-jg^ơrsp.eciaỉ /protectioiT. known as '
: the Parhidden C ỉty ^ p ỉaêế reseryecHõr kìngs; queens. and the' supQÌ^ìrequ&ncy. ; .;
Peopỉeo' •favdritẹ Sịhgln^t^đanẹ?nà. Sinạ apera Vthe •' m mp.e.t/show ầrẹ' •• déveloping..The.. orchesíra ■.
*s ernfítv-,-g5 Ị]ne ríteterrlMfcnỵ - I ọ l k - g c t n p s - s a e h - e s n ạ ! g - , ^ Q ^ ạ c i T n^^gcy-Popul^r
ham. A character in the ìoik 'cậ oi wat2 f DUPDsưy íorros írorn the Ly aỉso begỉn tôday £S He Teu : ■
Ly :iníỉuences oí Buddhỉsm whì(sh teaturesýthe •áfchitegujre' of the .'buiỉơinas:-at this ■.stage -th ật•bạsl •.bỵ
buiidirig thệ.; h.ộụss: ăậd"rẹstọregỉ ữvẹtếnriõlề as Keỏ-^aqódẩ-Tran,-Quòc•Paaoda T:Ctiuắ- Mot>Oot J h á L .
paoodá ;... with 'dètaiis su ch as* curvèd taiỉ; Hiwò/đrảgQns' ãiténclinọ upon/the moõrr ... Ly:temples usũally
have 4 ỉeveỉs. buiỉt along the mountainsĩhe, m ỏ alsò has a square or circle, the cẻnier tempỉe tower is s
' síatue in place. /\
in: partỉcular. the •■••Ly has the J/\rìii6 Bụddha in Vietnam is at Phat Tich 'P aqQGS.. Ststuary
*n marble bíue sitting meditầtion or/the iotus , llgh 1.87 01, including thẹ base is 2.77 m. On the pedsslal
-and the ỉoius, has thè draoon and íỈQv/ers typicaỉ oí ìh^ Ly. ỉt was oreat renovsĩÌQn of the Lỵjnd ịs ạlso
holdirtg a . number/ ọf -sculptures lĩke '10 stcnẹ siatuẹs of
:--animãlsTĩỉong^ e T e r s ê s 71TnnOH:T'^Hg?TroF^^ atèlV 2 mỵọcExeá
OtttKìế ỉotũs; p e đ e s ta ỉẪ ' thẹ. s ê c c n d d écrée' tem ple. ; ■" ■■■* ■ - ’

Arts Ly rích ần<ị/variedjjihe' most : notỉceabíe ■characteristic ■oi this' ■a r t f orrrv js"Mthe ■ỉmage ~o f::the ■
time dragon .j/c n íurniỉure, on cerãmic platés^tịtes, 'aỉỉ kinđs oí ceramic. tỉỉes. 0n the wooden dQor into
tha yyork place are also 'QÍten paiĩ Qf.drạg^óJ2flflliạ-: ^,V ': '■:V.
The Ly has ttìree cf the' fóur 'eỉernẽnts ai.r',:.which is the Buddha M àịĩéyà Qụynn Larn paQQQ3. ',;Saó. Thien '
vtov/ẽr (buỉit in 1257) consists 0-f: 12. íĩo.orsv :Qưi ,Enter beỉls (casl; in í 10 i: G re ai ■
gas ':rèmainỊ'no cáuldrQr,
Pho Minh Tran cast'ai ịhẹ.timẹ.Ths' an.irnsỉế áre no longer cn thís. ' • ■•• ■• • :
'-'Tne-period of dedìne: ’ ■: 7 ;•
Ly deciíns ỉrom King Lv Cao Tong ( in 1176 - 1210 ), ạRhough there were signs ĩrom Lv Anh Tong . Dei
: "Vỉèinam ese hisỉoìy and Comp/ẹte.-r.ev.iew$.;:of; . Kina' HÌQh ■
Schooỉ. henạ' unconừoiíabíVr ■nõt . th e . tegsi
, ío rm ạ ỉỉQ n c ie s n ỵ e m e r ơ e d 8$ the b e s ro h b e rs, ỉa rn ìn e CQ nsècuU ve^yésíB , th è 'b u s in e s s ic iiịỉr e c f L i ĩrc m

" ìh o re . ' ' • '• - • • •

tá '11?9 Cao Tong- ío^bidden. to brina';down'’th’e ...prổịectòr' ốauGế salt .snd .iron: to: seỉỉ In; thé mGđiíled .
• -^0‘^rc®j -thi* rnp-ọn*- tb °:.^r^r.^rn'7 rrr"'A
/ In Ị19.1 ỊC’5 ' ' ■nfi/Dr-y
;halĩ the popuỉatịon starved .to,cíẹath or' the', year 1199 fa!l ih: Ju1yt to vvạtgr,,ftoQded‘rice pỉaứnq 0« aỉL to.
; hunger,.but the Managerment aid' hot see ấnỵ books h-avẹ oivẹn way. to heỉp the pẹQpỉe.ihat dw'-9ỉ1 ạro-ưnd..
the m ountsĩn king nver, where crđinarỵ' cars to the kỉng, that. the ao.ds ars for perỉorrnance and style
tsmpie d e đ c a ts d to the estabỉishmeni (in 1189 ) Qr 10 the Thanh Hoa 'begin. wỉtK, institutionạỉ píayers to
. iisieo to Cìtís:c Champa or in 1203 ateo built many paỉaces -vỹastèd alí. th6..weálth. ỉncrease Nguyen
Thu-ong s$‘d: 1 hearđ thạt.'thé..businéss .is. entỉỊled; ,.Thẹ; ..sound of vvater sounds. lỉke dỉsorders langer
pỉẩẼnĩlyiiy, Now p ió p te ía d in g e r ci dỉsordeíYheạiịria is pịaving ân .uncõmrolied .weeds^ imparÌaì'*disorâểrf
eontrsrỵ to popuiarlẹave, whỉch ĩs íolded m í l l l o n . ■V..V . ■
T ^ ộ.has led to ỉha uprising of■thô-p.ậọpte- in'many. piaces. ỉike. in OctQber. ịn 1184 ..the; bỡok_From
Mongo.Ị.ia (provinciạl Peace today?),- ỉrv ựụỉy the •year -1132 in tne_aójacen! Co Hoang:(prộvincẹ: of Thanh
• Hoã-.todaỵ) VJufy i 198>:tha Cao Xa viilagẽXprovínce of 'Nohs•■An'provlncé iodậỵi, in Septem ber ỉn 1203 ,.
, in 'the DạiJjQãns>Gịgng íprovlnce of Ninh -Bỉnh todav) or in .1207 the Ẹùropéan Tarv Vịen .Mouniain ■Man' •
ÉrQuoc Ọal (provihce •Hátáy todaỵ) .emerged-lootinq, could not-stọp,.. .
.ỹ'Ạll»thtese: lăủtors‘rnấké' .ttis' Lyhấs'?coỉlapsẽd. ỉn^^QS^KỈnq,.Ịj[ỉgh ,Selioội (isteộ-to lỊỊe^gQd ^DÍ.iỉrne Fham«~-

:Bu kỉiled^unRisĩỉyJMinjstér.PhánrBinh 'Dj., Mỉnlsler.of the .Mihtetry. ọ.f'.■Binh; 'Đí';.Guo Express.Gạrgo.ạrẹ to
deỉend thẹir ĩTÌiiịtary'íorces to nghỉ ío avenge the Thana. Long: Kinã Bigh'Schọoí, and he vvandeređ Sam
ađde-đ each place. Qụo íoading up the chilđren of the king is crovvned Eveatuaỉíy.
Shcp run to the Princa, takỉng reíuqe in their cỉan Ch.en coast, íhanks to. the efforl they put down ỉheir .
miiitary ỉorces Chsn Guo ỉoađỉng. But chaos ỉs íỉaí, but sincẹ-thẹn, the đọrninant. poỊitical ppv/er thsy
begarvto bo ‘íorrneđ Tran, Khanh Tran Tu .beolnnỊnq and ihen íhô ỉarae roỉe of Tran Thu . ỉn 5210, Kinc
: .. ' . ■ ■ ’ ~ . _ ■ _ . ' ' ■■ ...
Higrí S ch o oí-đ rscỊ‘Prince Shop to chanoa, ,iey Lv :Hưe ■Tong . i he tiđe compísieỉy in ■theỉr ■hanđs
Tran. -Gutcõnìss, encl oí ■yẽar 1 2 2 5 the dặuòh.ter of'Em pérọr Hui Tcnq upper (ĩlrsí year íorced the throne)
was Lỵ ChÌBU Hpanq vvas íorcad to ce đ s the throne to hér husband.-Tran C anh , u p p er O ueen Ly Huẹ
Tong then EỈSO for.ced himseií Tran Thù dẹath ỉn 1226 . Termination of the Ly, Tran Dvnasty replaced the
In 1225, Lý. was- a prince' Lỵ Long Tuonq (the kỉno ol Englanđ Schooí) 0 0 running to the s.ea .Gorveo , kỉng
o f'th e ccuntry ara cclỉecied and becom e the U.S. Ttiiỉitary General Cao Son Ly. Later, Lỉ Long Waỉl
:.vfcecarna tha !aihsr of a ĩamỉly ồay at.Lv Korsa (see aìì u Lpna VVall).. ’
Ly dynastỹ ended, ?aste.d 216 years; vvỉữi 9 kỉngs. ■ ■
Vj6W U3in§ thrss generations-Iater Kỉng Lv Thai T o .,/ Ly Thai Tong \ Ly Tonọ succeedeđ each other, sincs
'the correction, put dovvTi the sand on.ths march in the countrv to msrtỉâl arts to the north, the prestige to
th.e south' - . what đo ií reguỉarỉy earneđ achỉevémsnt.; not ỉaíỉure,. íaiỉurs íaỉiure; king a ltsr tha kihg had
seen beíore, such a s may rernain, the Vỉếtnam ese Dai Cq bécam e Great Vi6tnam ese sequent.íaí rỉse not
suffẹr losses, ỉosses. Thís.shcvvs th s ta poíịcy, ideological cohsistẹncy of King Ly. The íirst ihrss kíngs.Oỉ
Ih e Ly are a schoỉar and warrỊór*cu‘rn-fulỉỉ ,atess Budớha iovespeople/.iịíe expectancy is "ap.próximaleỉy the
sảm ẹ. .Li ỉs three kings who .laỉd lhe íoundations for a susỉainabỉe ly exist more than 200 years, ths rsỉgn
Ằ ir'
. .1' «r»
q ¥3-'



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■■ ■ ■ .,< J. i V i.
1v—, J
- Ứ M M ú m s i t-AKYUvcPì ị l ạ s •'•'

i V i ^ ' i C ^ - 3 ^ EVisNTr* ( 4 ^ ) 1 ^ poiitical party

. P
ó m m u n ist _ ạ r ty /c^ c T . ■ n lĐ à n a C Ộ ^ sànVmNaX^ Ì A Ư - Ĩ nlỏe t&ĩ i aỸm^ ^( . pnini^t it is supported. b
" ^ D e s tó b ỉĩg its £ ^ o p íe , i t is com monty reíeix ea-u .:,
.m e s e K a t h e r l a n d P ỉT O 3 C—a t . Ạ r a o n g S ĩ . V 1C L 1 r _.. . .

;( t h e P a r t y ) o r " Đ ã r L g ? r . P E X t y ) . ., b , H 5 c h i M i ậ h i n . :

rtv Ịs b a s e d ọ n t h e V '^ 1

^ ễ ~ ^ ề ễ ễ S S ^ S S Ẽ S S ỉ -
: r b tc s Ịn e th e c . o n ĩ x a r a - 'u n i s L ĩ o s o Ồ resM eílo v er b ỵ Mgr ' ị í : ả S ồ ! k tb K

g .K o n g j ® n f e r é r r c ^ l í ^ e d d ' ìx v K o ^ °2 J TonSa, f -naỉ]^ .

■':'> õm m ittee-consis-tÌ2r a . ; ^ ^ ^ ì ĩ 3 rn'eIp ^ e,'^rcm iự ừ n i^Á 2Ị ^ e ;^ y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ;
, s , í ạ x S .2 t ó S i â '
ỊỊp ẹ n o r ĩa m Ị i ^ i- ^ Ị b ịn - th ẹ ^ ọ ^ . S ; t M Ị ĩ ặ ể g ^ í '
-ềaítèr, a t i í s í i r s - t - % è â x ề c tìo n s frọm. C o i ư v t S u . p K ^ ^
i s t P arty^tĐ ãng O ộ x i . . ^ ; S ả n Đ ôngỊV o-gì, “ ^a .c2Ù ^ l9 3 S - Ạt ^ ! S
National Party C o r x s ^ e s s _ ^ a s heW in secretk ^ sía ^ S a x í o ự t a ^ ^ ^ f m ^
: ■■■:Ị eongiress in M o ạ c o t o e ^ o r i ị tố^ -

'. p E T t i e s
“ S H
inI In
d o ^c : i r x^ i 3 r -í ^S — 3-p a s .JồT ■■ S
■’ ĩ s r
. ~ , ; ^ 4i,.-.

wg v * _
A . c r s y r

*ess irr T u ỹ e a -O ú c=_

líx o Ịle đ Jqy t h e ' v i e
s ld in H á n ò i i i i 1 9 ,
th vietnaxa, o r t ỉ i e

rsMp doubled C^OSUME^ 760,000 ị“ ^*i^â'^'2osẽ to W0 miíỊ°n By 1,00

•loíal p o p u ĩiiõ in « = f t h c c o ’ir-tiỵ. anQ,,“ . r , . r,;ri;sm andH“ cbi

:- ° ' " e r ' '■ v .r ^ - ,H i - ; R i£S U L T .C .F « > ÌÍG ;

. - 2,5. D
-, .. ... . J.AA
4. ,Víirtn
,;, _•>■> :c T R ^ V C'L U T IO K y ítò lU li K
' SA Y T H A T TH . “;
i PROM 193,6”- l y ■— —^ 4 5 ? ;
' ’ 9459 . . .. ’ v „„„ theM iru sí General UprétoE
1945, 'the V iệ t 2\-<r i : E h u n d e r Hô c h , M m n s .
aì, w h ic h w a s s :o <
lị. W hetH er or r i . <=> S * S
i ặ ^ p £ r ^ - : -
V _____ , t

ì.r; i J > ^ e y ĩ o r n i ư F re n c h U iỉi^i^., ..

* ri -'íi&pĩ^ . " _ ' ._
~ ~°iJ-Ag a l s o r e íe r r e d to a s th e U D rísing b y th e I n d o c h in e s e ComiaLu.;.... -
'ý^ỵ&n tDir\ 0 ■ ,

m ỉii U s f r ’ s ~^— b ỷ th e iie đ S ta te s of A m erica, 'the- Việt M in h w e re ta c tic a lỉy a ỉlied
°rc e s, S - I ^ a i n s t the Ja_panese.. ■
On Ivía^oỊ
Eteco'■»'.»* .J - - 9 4 b , th e Imperial J a p a n overthrev/. the Vichy P rench ađm inistration of Je a n
E£Ì-.*í?t-».<. *** i<"'a:r •'S irỊC Ỉi ĩn dochm a; P rench oíSciais an d solđiers were ãrrcsteđ. The Ja p an ese
'0 _ 3Ẹ3ai a s E m p e rp r a n d c re a te d a p u p p e t g Q v ern m en t. •
1 ^ p r i ỉ Q *-» ' . ■" ...... ....... .............................--■■■■■-
0 - 1 9 4 5 , ‘the' c ò ó p s ra ứ o n b ẹ tw e e n ư s ũ íẼ ciais a n d th e VietnâiBese. c o m rm in ists
u>ìí3h ì v | ^ ° :n-sss.'tx' 2 ite d when Major Archimedes Patíi, of t h ế ư s Oííĩce of Sxraieẹic SéỊvices, .me
S k x tt^ ÍO and received a messa^e of warmíh and soiidsrity from Hồ: shipm ents 0í
. . *■jẹx<i i r s r i s t r u c t o r s w ere in c re a s e đ .
° 2 T c *r u -s '^-=..l" 4 _ ,_ 1 9 4 5 j th e J a p s s ie s e s u r r e n d e r e d to .t h e ALlÌes. In ĩn a o c h in a , ứ ie .ơ a p a n ẹ sè .
th.(g CT s a d v a iĩiig ẽ " õ f tỉie-situs.tion.tq^cause ad áition sl problerus fcr íh e AHies. Viòỉạt
' a . g r e ẹ m .e n ỉ s , ữ i e y h è l p e đ V ie ù i£ m è s e 'n a .t ic m ả lis t_ C '; r g U 5 _ s , í n c i u đ i t ì g t h s V iệí' :
rev~Ti *, 5.0 “t£ ia i& é 'o ỹ e r ^-pưbầc buỊỈđings in various cities. On A ủguầí 13,- ĩ9437V iật Minh-.- ■
tbíà* £ 7 L'^ ° 3 c x . a x i r - s s ũ c c e s s íu ú y s e ừ é d p ov/er in H ah o i, w riic h w a s la te r’ iteáỉỉc th é C apital citý
* x ^^cì ẹx^nVi etạa-Ịtí , Oxi-August 25, 1945;' Bảo Đại w a s íorcedíỊọ^gịcdÌGạíe in- íávợiir
ị, * tZ f c x ^ r ^ iệ tM ỉn h .. iT iT ii r ,5 -* > rĩò •

^ ^ ^ 3 ^ 5 S - - t i o r ! , . o f th e D ein o crạtic. R ep u b lic of V ie tn a m . ...

A í q .£?-> . n= ■ ■■ '■ • • ; "r- ■ •«•
ì . .QL-2—s i c ĩ e : Pfoẹl0naiiart of Inẩepẹnẩence ofihe Đemocratic Repubĩic o / Vietnam
-TT —*wv « N *Ị 1
♦ ^**rr-s ^#■■■■■■ r* T , y"ĩ- ./ S n /•

ĩv r^ - ' M i n h an4.tkẹ ^(iệí.ĩvĩ.inh began nsgũíia.ti.Qns vÃth th e French. in iats 1945.'The ’

w e r e vyilling a t tìxiS'.p;QÌp.í to negotiate. fõr som ethm e less ữ ian indẹpendence.
" -^ 3 « ti.c s ĩly , thev d istn isted the bccupying N anonalist Chinese boữi from ideological ỀXì
viewt!QÌnts. In eaxly 1946, ửĩe French arm y re tu m e d to ĩiQrữi^Tĩi V ietnam V
v --x ,í£ i_ i x i i t i s l cooDeratiou of the VỊệtM mh siid rạpidly reestablisheđ its auữioriíy.
acliieveđ th is aim , r e ia tíồ n s ■b etw een. Hồ C hí M in h a n d th e F r e n c h g racỉu ally t
T h e Việt Minh then set abouí launcìiũig ữ ie m ral iĩxsurrection th.£t began the
s ~ “ 'V X s c 5 .o c b in a Vax, Iraorvn tọ r ạ ó s t V ie tn a m e ss a s th ẹ P re n c h -R e s is tin g W ar.
‘x ■ ' - ■
- ^ V F T 2 R THE- ẠƯGƯST REVOLƯTION (1945-1946)?
-iPs-Xter 'the Au&ust Rsvoỉuíion c ĩ 1945, whereupon Ho Chi Minh recitsd V is tm m ’s Đ sí
«of-In.depenđence froiri Ja p a n e se occuc&tíon to a milỉióĩi pcỡvh, r.asXíỴ w sre íorced Ỉ.C
■ K rencn to South Vietnaxn during ửie v/ar of Ke-ỉistaiice from 1945-54, onỉy later to X
■'.th e N orth Vieínainese to America aíĩer V istnanrs uniĩlcatíon in 1975. . , .
i * Í"ÌV-J 'H L/ JlÌ_V 1 i ill/ V
*LJL>1 i *í/ >.Í>1
JL_y Xw i V
• ẼRENCH C O ỊO N IA L IS M (1 9 4 5-1954 )? / /f/ị

The First War o f Resistance (1945-1954)

The war of resistance against French colpniaìist aggression which broke oưt on September
25 1945- in Nam Bo, and spreađ throughout the country aiĩer December 19 1946, marked a
decisive stage in an almost centuryrlong strugele to the nation's i:-idependence and
đexnacratize the couníry. While arraed strusgle came aheađ of ail other concerns, economic
reconslniction, educa.ti.onal advancement, and the establishing of new adxninistratrve ‘
structures remai.ned. as the mạịor tasks. Whilé national liberation wạs.the prirae otjeọtive,
tíie (Ịemocratic òbiectìvẹs were no less important, sll the more so since the struggỉe was led ;
by a party of th e working cỉass and the íaet that the v/orker-peasarit alliance Cồnstituíed
the very foundations of the United national íror.t.

ĐỊea Bien Phu

Under the leaảershìp ó f the ỉndochina Communist Party and President Ho, the Vỉetnamese
rcarded-Qui-a-resỉstance^iní§§le-tQ-pmtect-thair-indép£Tiơ,ence., The victorỳ o f Dien Biẹn P h u :
.ẹnđedíhe Vietnam ese resistarLce ivar, liberàting h a ỉf o fih e coưrdry.
It was in this revolutionary atmosphere th a t thẹ Vietnaxnese command decided its plans for ■
winter-spring campaign of 1953-1954. A.s had been íóreseen, the íierce asồaúlts
. ^lạnĩỊehed bỵ the enerny into the Ỉiberated axeas £t Lâng Son an d Ninh Binh brought poor •
.■ resúlts, and the Prench íbrces soon withdrew after sustaining heavy losses. Throughout íjne
Ệl 1953-1954 'rôiiter-spring campaign, Gghting hạd been íĩeree on alỊ íronts. V ■ '
The deíeats aí Dien Bien Phu and=KL±he yvinter-spring caxnpaign completed the Freneỉi . •
.govemment to sue for peace. \^ \)

Socioecon om iés or socio-e.conom ỉcs or soeial eco ĩio m ics is an UEib.reUa term, with ■
diưereiitAisages. 'Social econ.omi.cs' mav refer.broadlỹ to the "use of econornics mtíĩỄỊ stady of
■ S0ciety."[l] More nạrrowlyJ contemporaiy practìce considers behavioral interactions;;cf V
in d m d ư ạ Ịs a n d g ro u p s thrcm gh sọciai C apital an d sociáỊ "rQarkets" ínốt ẹx clu d in g ío r
e x a m p l e ,' s o r t m g . b y r n r a iT Ì a g e ) a n d - ứ i e ío r in a t io n ^ " o f s o G Ì ạ l n o r m s . { 2 j I n t h e l a t t e r , . i t ^ y d Ì £ & Ị .
thẹ_relatioB_o^fegửĩĩBĩĩứcs^to social values.í3Ị A distừict supplemental descrỉbes sociại
eeonom ios a s "a disG ỈplinesTũ^ỹĩĩĩgThe recíp ro cạl rela tíó n sh ip b etw een econom ic Science on- ;'<■
' the one hand and sócial philosophỵ, eứiics,, and .human dignity on the other" tov^ạrd SCCJ3Ì ,4£.
recQnstruction and improvenient[4] or as also emphasÌ 2Ìng muỉtidiscipỉinary meữỉođs f r o s ' ^
such Seỉd-s as so ciolo^ , histor\!’J and political Science.[5] In criticỉzmg niainstrẹạin .econoinics
lo r its a31eged.fauity õh.LlosóphÌGal p re ư ũ sè s (for exam ple th e p u r s u it of self-interest) a n d ■
neglect of dysíuĩiGtÌQnal economic relationships,. sưch a.dvocates tenđ to cỉassiíy social
e c o n .ó ĩn £ c s a s h e t ẹ r o d o s . ị ỗ ] • ''' .' ' I ■


In rnaiiy c a se s , socioeconomists ÍOCU.S on the social Ìmpacỉ sort of econ.omic •ch.a.ìrge.

Such cháĩiges Xĩiiglit incliìde a closỉns;;ĩactory, market msnÌDuIatioìi, thc Ị’ vãxũĩ^ũj
intemationB.Ì tradi treatief?~new natủrai g;as re'gulatiọn, etc. Such social éffect 3 ;eạxi be v.ádẹ-
■ ranging in size, anywhere frọm loeal eữcGtSvQia ầ^im ãircom riU rity to cha/iges 13 an eniiỉc
s o c i e ị y , E x a m p l e s o f c a u s e s o f s o c i o e c Q n o m i c i r n p ạ c t s Ị n c ỉ u đ e t t e w t e c h n o l o g i e s s u G h -as c a r s
o r m o b i l e p h o n e s , c h a n e .e s i n l a v / s , c h a n g e s i n t h e p h y s i c a l e n v i r o x i m e n t ( s u c h a s i n c r e a s i n g
crowduig with.iii ciíies) , and ecolodccJ chaiiges (such as prolonged drought or dscỊíning íish
síọckạỊ .íáẾaíion needeãi These may j f e c t patterns ọf consumption, tlie dístributioii of
■ incornes axid v/ealth, ữie way in whicb t)eople behave (both ừi terrrxs of purchase deciSÌcriS.
and the way ịri which thev chG®se to spend thếir tim e)a n d the overáll quality oí iiíe.
The goal o£ socioecoriomic study is gerierâlly to brina; about Sốcióecỡrioưiic developmsnL
u s ụ a l ỉ y in t e r m s o f im D r o v e m e n t s : in l ị i e t x i c s s ú c h a s G D P , iiíe e x p e c t a x ic y , lit e r ạ c y ,- ie v e is G i
emploỵment, éicẢcitatĩon neededi
■ Aithough haxder to measure, changes iạ less-tangiblé factors axe also corisiderea, such a.£
personal digniíy, íreedom of association, personal saíety and Ịreedom írorn-feai' of ph}r8Ìcai
ri ỈU, Xen ọ a i uprỉsm g DroKe GUt, many revolts •ỉn neigíi|ổonng Ị3rovmces such t-
D ũõ n g 5"'Hung Ỹếrĩ~ 3' same place simưỉtãnẽbusỉy to e/oraỉnãíTe wĩtĩi"Yẽn Bãrủprĩslng.
+ Y en B ai upiising broke out in a oassive siíuầtionyắie ỉess time should have been quickly
Ỉiiỹpresseđ ,tlìe the French
Prench suppressẽd.
guyên Thai Hốc
Bốc ầnd
and his cornradi
cornradss were aưested: and tạken tọ
•{yi.lìll/lt i n.A in
' ửiẹ guillữtinẹin Yen Đai. Von ■'Pnì - ' : / '
■t?ì.;gause o f íanure. Z '. . .
Ệ - T he pạtrioticm ovem ent-orierìteđ bourgeoi/dem ocracy in Vietnam in the early 2ũth century were
" in turn fail b e é a u s e : . /
.Bourgeoisie +'Vietnam is stiỉl toa too smaìlyeconomicalỉy
smallyéconomicaỉly w eak &nd
and poii
poỉiíicaỉly nọt enough beds so
bigh the banner o f naíionaỉ liberadon. /
+ N o revoiutionary politics to the riehrt, i.n particular, may be gaíhering íòrce of revolụtion.
.Gompromisẹ and not.ạ. reform ist mạvement and methođs ó f revoỉutionary struggỉe.
, H- The startup mean ầ the outbrỄ
■.threads .beifig.revealed .bẹíbre í
.3)' Wprkers MoVemení (1 9 1 9 -1 ^ ,/.
Alpng v/ith tỊie patriotic move/nent of aỉi cỉassẽs ữf peíty bourgeơis and .bour-geois peopỉe,
moyement o í the cỉ/ss Vietriarn also has a new đevelopnient. ■ ' ■
- i VDÌcalỉv. the stmpơlp. o f vvnrt

1 . 2 ) . The m ^Tìing o f tíie lD a t r io t Ì G n io Y e m e n t for t h e second halí o í irìô ỳ v iA c t ũ i ú i ỵ A A UUÌ J . -

ẽhe ernerg,ẹẩce 0 1 CPV. j
“ D sspite/he áefeat3biit werê in turn patriotic moỴsrneiĩt oriented ieuQâì, Dotìi gsois^anci w
movemeÁís Yietnam last h alf o f the nineteeath century ẻarly .tvỵentịeih cenỉury ỈS of paraiíiỌ-uit.
im portance, it is 2 out o f 3 decịsive íactor in the- DĨrth of the Corniĩỉunist 01 ^ieưiâíii
(02/0371930). 'V : ■: ' í .: '

•+ PaLriotic m ovem eriỉ orieníed íeuđâl and bourgếoỉs seco n đ .h alí o í íhM ím eteenth ceritụry early
tw e n íie th c e n íu ry h a s contributeđ stroRgly en co u rag e patriotịsmUÉỈrat aroiise ĩn íe ỉle c tu a l stru e ele to
Y/ín nationaỉ in đepenđence o f our peopìe .

ì) w vvere sociai econoiTiics DOỈiíiCÌan íorm atioris in 11VN '1'íinrlVig the periođ 1 5th-ì Bth centnrv

Fhe LatervXỊêỊ}ỵ;xiạsíỵ someiỊmes reíeư ẹđ to as the L ê D yriasty (the eariier Lê Đ yỉiasty ruieđ Oĩiỉ
brÌỂf pérÌGtí) w ạs the longesí-ruỉing đynastỵ o f Vietnạrn. ruiing the cớuntrỵ ;frơm Ì 178!
.wiíh a b rie f in t e ĩ T u p t io n .

The dynasty: o m c iâ ỉỉỵ began in ỉ 428 w iíh íhe coronation 01 Lẽ L ơi aíter he cỉrove the M ing army ;
irom Vieínanĩ. In 1527., the Mac D ynasty ũ su rpsd the íh.rone; w hen the Lệ DýnasỉY w as restoređ in
1:533, they sĩilỉ had ío cornuete íòr pow er w ith the M ạc D ynastỵ during the p e rìo d know n as
SoMíhern and N o rth ern D ynssties. The restored Lê emDerors hẹỉd no réaì povver, and by the timé th
M ạc D ynasty was coníưieđ. to only a smaỉl area iri 1592 and fĩnaiỉy erađicaíeá in 1677. actụal ĩỉệế
pow èr w as ịn thè hands 0 rth e Nguyễn L o rd s in íhe Souíh and íhe T rinh Lords' in í.ba North, both
ruỉing Ịn th e narĩie o f thô Lê erapéror w hỉle fíghting each other. T heir ruỉe officía!iy'ended in 1788, :
when the péasant uprising o f the Tầy Sơn brothers đ e ũ ste đ both the T rin h and th e N guyễn, . ' :
ironicaily ÍIỊ order to restorẹ povver to íhe Lê.Đ ynastv. ’ ",
Even whẻn restored Lê emperors' ruìe was marked: by- ci.vií striíe and consíant peas.aní upnsings,-
■fev/ dared to openlv chalienge their DOwer, at le a stịn name, for fea.r of losing popuiar support.
■\Vhen-the M ạc Dynasty tried to io so, they v/ere noi successíul and were consideređ £5 usurpers ' :
.■íựiđ noi recorđed in offlciaỉ histoiỊes by ỉaíer 'dynastịes. ■ • '

. GỊỊOmy ■ ■ . '■ •

Á gricultụrai .situation in íhe sixteenth century - XVIII. . ; • . ■'

•-•'Since the end o f XV ệentury to the íĩrsí h a lf o f the seveiiteenth century,' agr.iculturai đeclíne,
-....- CQnst aní ỉ ^- hung^êr ep— V.. 'T - 7 ■■' >:
-•Prom the second haỉf.ạ£ the seventeenth century, the political situation was síabie,the agrỉculture
; '^of boíh D ang Trong and Dang Ngoai đeveloped. : ■ : ^
Farmlanđs ,of those reagion were expanđing, particularỉy in Đang Trong. ; : ' . ■
■T,ĩrrigạtỊOjì..strengílienẹd. : ....... V, ir',v v'
V '|^^S eếẩ^etóỉỉuíV '. y ; :y: : ■■
ĩ\ + Experience prođuction was cuỉỉed. • • ; .
In Inner R egion(D ang Tróne): rapid expansion ũ ílan d , ĩertile SOĨỊ íầvorable v/eaíher for growing
. rice and crops, fruit írees ■

. + ỉĩi both region : the prịvate property regime developeđ . Land was increasỊngỉy conceruraieđ in
the hands o f ỉandlords. ■
. ':

2. The developm eni o f the iiỊchistry. • ••

> Tradìtional craôv/ỡrk contiĩiụes to develop high ỉevei: m aving/pG ítery ... ■ ; : ; ■ -
som e néw lines appear ạs: Carving In thé v/ood, v/hìte,. making watches, m aking iaequer. ■
■- Mining - a very im ppríant industry deve-lopment in the North and Cochin (D ang trong and Đang.
■ngoai). ■' ■y ■ ■ ■ 7 ' ■ ; ::■ 7
- - The craít viilages appeaređ ĩĩỊore £ĩid more. V ' . s '
. : -.Net new business in urban craỄ guilđs were esíạblished, both salẹs âná prồauGtion;. ■ ;
; ẵẫ, l 'h s 'c ỉ e v e ỉ o p n i é n t _ ọ f tra d e . ’ '
. * Intemaỉ írade: ìn. the ceniury XVI-XVIII írad.3 in develoying co u ríih s:
- Villagẹ M arket. M arket DiStrict-... Viỉĩage traíYicking occurs. .
■■■rMsjor trade (w hũỉesale trade, whoỉesale boat) âppears. '
: - Trađe đèveỉopm entbety/een regions. ; : :
; * Eorẹịgn írađ e growtb. ' • :• ■ ’
í-ỉlin g the Portugucse, Dutdh;Prench. English to Yietnarn trade is increasmgly crũvvđed.
T-.S-ĩlIing vveapons, gunpov/der, ío íha sícin, siiver and br07ize..
. -T- Biiy: Siỉk R o ad ceramics, agro-íorestry producís. :
- I r a d s r 3 ạnd mãny countries iiave gatheređ up the streets, shops i o n g . : ■■
> Betwèen the yCVĨỈI centurỵ, íbreịgn trade regime was wesken bẹcause the State's táx vvas
iữcreasingly complex. ■
i he rise o f urban centers. : < :
- Many nevv íorms ũf urbán devếỉopment: Thang Long - Ke markets. Tho Hieii ÍHung.Ỵen
province), Hoi An (Quang Narn), Thánli'Ha (Pnu Xuan - Hue) • ’’ :v
-In eariy ninetẹẹnth-cẹntury'urban decỉine ÉradtialỈY.; . ■
- ĩnthe Ỉ5th century, agricuỉíure; industry, and tr&đe deveỉoped as socieíy stabilized. ConfuciamsrrV
àãđ bacome íKe dríhũđũx ideoỉogy and sẽeking taĩent throụgh examiriaíions was common psratỉce.
The iaw knov/ri as Dong Duc law was issiiéđ,-clearỉy đescribing the Doliứcaĩ, and ecoịiomic ểíạtus
of Vieínam at that tiine. ■- : .' / ' ■
Hõ’Ẵ€v^r7ỈHẽ"Ee'Dyriãsĩv (r42B-”17S8) síarteá đfiterÌQraíing and societv reacTíeđ ehaos in tKẽ ióíh
.'cẽ-ntury. During' this time,. Vỉetnam'saw a.greaí poìiticaỉ and sociaỉ - econornic change. Ấĩ íầe end
o f the 'Tốth centưry, Vieínarạ was trading. with thè Wesí5 inclnđing Portùgaỉ, Spain/HolỉạrỊd/
Engl&ad, Prarìce, etc. Cathoỉicisnvwas ílrst introduced in arounđ this time.'As a resuỉt 01
trấảe wiíh the -Wesís several cities signiíĩcâníly đeveỉọp, ■tncỉủđing. Tháng Long Citađeỉ, Hien 'Stree
in the North, Hoi An. Thanh Ha and Ntiũ c Man in the center at the sònth ■ r :
^ ((Jm . (o * . ..

Ị ) £ẳjảêgtjQn : what were socio-ecQnQmìc'Hn~EũĩãTtransFõmĩatibn in.v,

\ ‘ / thô Trcridl P.vn1níf.3ÍÌnn
the_frẹnch exploitation ‘programsí
n rnorarnc/’ rrnm Ịate 1Ì9th
from the loip o^1 partfnríe.p.iínf
20* centeries)???
— ---^ ±Z1X ‘ « • ■

~ỉ~^ 0 } Hisíoricăỉ baclcsroundr' •

.......................................... ,
Ííi 1884, the Piench coỉoniaỉists compíeteỉý occupied Viếtnam snđ.irnpóseđ
theịr coỉonial ỵoke ọn the whole of ỉnđochina. From tlìis momení. yịet.nsm
. became a semi-íeudal CGỈony.

Cõnveniiõhaỉỉy, when capitálỉsm expanđs in to ^"cõUrĩttỹ^Tửi a íẽũdcPỏssed

prociuctỉorv like Vĩệt Nam, a "cỉvilization process" is in order. That was whaí
happened in Vietnam đuring the Prench dominatỉon. Howẹver, dỉĩíẹrení:

in Indóchina, in generaí, and in Vieínãm ỉn parìicuiar, French poiiciès were
mainíy íocused on ihe expỊoiíãiion of naíural resources and cheap indiqenous
iabor. !he Frènch did noí .promcte manuíacturinạ indusíries. Thạt Ỉ3 whv
Vieínam’s industry under Prench co!onizatỉon was acíuaííy a srnaH-scổíe
.extractive industry. Perhaps. the only remarkabie point, rnenỉionsd in the
Action Pían Projecí by Governor-Generạí to ỉndochina Paul Dourner sen.tvto
.the ■Prènch Minister of Coioniá! Affairs, Mầrch 1897, “ữie- gmái
ponstructions for InđoGhina' such as systèms of raiỉways, Tõàds, rivếís and ■
ports whbh were necessary for the extractive operatịon",

h rạ n c e carried. oiií Mỉo great coỉonia! éxpỉoiíãtions in Vietnam, from 1897 to

1914 and from 1919 to 1929, íocusing on expioỉtinQ resũurces, rnineraỉs and
íropỉcsl agricuíturaỉ prodocís ío be íransported to PranGe. : ’ - ::

(■^ Content of expỊũỉtation proctrams: •

The objectives oí ỉhìS exploíỉaiion programs is ío search for "...Siiper rnonQBDỈv

• ỉníe.résTirt CSttmỊes and searchíornaĩùrả! resources and cheip Isbor.

1 are 2 kỉnds oí coỉonies such as GGlonlesiar setiiement ( ỉmmigrsíịon)

; ạnđ colonies íor expoíitstion ( supper m:ỉ erssí); 7 r ; ' r ’ ’

1his objective cọnteRỈs poiỉiíGal poiicv, cuiturs! polícỵ end economic

, sxploịịatio.n ( main conteníì'.

Aỉ thai time, vleỉnsm vvas divided iiito ỉhree parís: To rikin. An Nam and
.C schìađm g (& c '€ )

A bout cdueaỉion. hrench írỉsd to ke-sp víetnarness' undsrdevsỊoprnent T hsre

vvas not hịghschool except Sạigon, Mv Tho. Đurinq íhaí periođ prisons are
niore than schools ■ ' :'

B esries --.i-s:-"-; írench Ịịmlted mạnưĩactory and expỉoiílng intíustry. They
íc-ciis r - I~5 ; l zri^ íor coaỉ explOíỉatbn' and sorne mĩneral' resource and the
■ũ r're 1932. vrrbecarne'the 3rd rica exporting country in he
wor!d p cs .--£S ‘exporíed" whỉie the populaiion .suĩíeređ starvation. and
hu rcsr.

• K ìs” C Ẽr.ò external eommer.cẹ he!p3‘o to íruTear*9 Prench tra đ e rs/T h a t

-ie s iĩ^ -ĩt-s s ts b lịs h -b a n k CH i n d o b h i a ' f . F . - \ i H s n ũ ỉ - S w u - S Ị Ì g o n . ' ............

r-ỊL-Ịrrsntorrnaiion: :

____ Fram 1958 to 1960: The ‘ task .1_af-,£Qciaííst- ỉransforma.tÌQQ_aQd. e c ổ n o m ic .

- đevelaprnent was ÍQcuseđ. in the industry sector, reíorms wẹre. carríed out
towarđs prlvate Capital commerciaỉ industry. Agncuiíure and handicrafts'were •
orgsoized into eoopẹraíỉves. ; , ,

TV.!n terrns of the OB.QỈme/Qf pòẹsession, a í the -enđ of íhis period, only two main
■forms cf possession ếxỉsied in‘North Việt Nam, nameíy .State ovvnership and
cọllective ownsrship. ' - . :

■ From 1961 to 1965; implementation of íhe íĩrst five-year. plan ọn spcio-

econom ic developm ẽnt was carrie.d o u t ./ '' . t . •

Dứring ĩhat tirne, thẹre w as'a điííerentỉatlon in sociaỉ cíass such as: isnQlorđ,
peasant.-end 3 new’ciasses (wòrkẹrs, capitaiist, and bouígẹoỉsie). ^
, . . 1 . 1
At -he tírne ữí írsnsĩormaỉion, vlethsm. cuỉture hảd ,an appeareanọe of
\v3sternizatlon and đewesternizsíion in Bã, Isnouage, reỉigion, and e d u caíio n ./

. New art from wesíern wa's recognizeđ such a s morđen and baỉíet dance..
Besỉđes nọt untii the Ĩ93ŨS đỉd the re 'deveiơp a: trulv satỉsfa cto ry
ỉsnqưaoe' for modern prose vvritíng, ỉn párticular fehe capaCity to
handỉe' vccaduíary and syntactlc stru ctures. Literary historỉans and
c r ỉtỉc s a íỉk e h a v e é m p h s s ỉs e d t h e g r e a t c o n tr ib u .tỉo n r n a d e t o th is

process. . •

Á b o u t reíiQ Ịon,' cpthoiicism. increased.. combined ' witíi trađitional

reỉigion- buddhism in v.iet nam . ■•

' M oreover, eđucation slso vvas infiuenced by western •edũcatỉõn.

T h srẻ vvas devided into ọ r ị ma r y , secondary, hígh sch oo ì and
universỉty, . ' .

H ow ever/ vỉetnarnese 5t that LÍme sỉw ays try to siuggie ạ g a in st for

keeplng víetnam ese ỉdentlties.

S tư n Ỷ tri
3/ In sụíhmary during~lhe colonial exploìícíion of ihe colorásís from the late niaeíeeriỉh
century-ỉn 1945. the French poỉicy rule has strỈDD&d aìl the íreeđom of our peopie' Mining pọlicv ■
o f the French has done for our country's economy depends eníừeiy on the Prench economy.
Factories? eníerprĩses, trade comữanies, transporíaíion systems. invoice port componení parts oí
the colonĩaỉ capiíalist ecõnomy has onỉy the effect of consumotion of industrial goods from the

íions ef productlon in agriculíurẹ-is mainíáined intact, the tra-d.itio.riai hanđicraẾ secior is aỉso
positỉve effecỉs being strángỉed, eccĩiomic naíion‘s intemationai sales \vere :hei3 bssk noi so
đ ẹv eỉọ p ed , o u r.ẹco n o m ỵ .so exliausied, workerS; farm ers su ffe red from hunger and pGverty. L lv e s
ọf, other clssses such as myate,-pro.p.erty-.,-íhe--Uĩban-põạỊways-thj:eatenea.:. pcỉitỉcd
oppression and bruíại 'explọiíaíioH of the French economy has causeđ strong reạcíions in -01ỈT
peopỉe, especiạlly v/qrkers, peas&nts, urban ppor irvaddition to the policies stúpid people, vạssais
of Prench ẹạucation shaìỉ aiso imDlsmeìit a reaetionarý poúcy, cultural poison ÍQ destroy

is the basic characterisíics óf the work of the Frẹnch coỉonialists ỉn Vietnam were conđucted
•from the late nineteeníh century to 1945.

i ỉ/ Leađership ingenious, smart paríy. headed by presidení Ho Chi Minh, right from the
.begirtning QÍ.thẹ war the Party has seí a correcí paíh of resistạnce: "Ali people resistance,,oyẹrall
resisíance, the. resistance war, Self-reỉiance based on his ọwa:strengtii.” With a straĩegy ỡ£war ■
our peọple are heid thròus;hcmt the cotintry mto a b&tíìe makes ílìô game ữíe whoỉe coỊintry to
íìght/thé enem3( ỉ'às well as hundreds of their sọỉdiers, and every cltizen is asoldier, ẹverỵ sí.rseí
€ữrnerjs'a foríress Eacivviilage ỉs a baííỉeiĩeld jusí recently and natiọnal resisíattce.'!

•■‘The victory C'f the rẹsisíaiice c 'meíhod ìs the yictory of the Party will unite íhe who,ie pẹople an
úncQnipromising đetẹrminạtion to íislìt for iiidependence aná ữeedom in the spirit: "I wou!đ
raíhẹr sacriíĩce my hands but noí eertain đehydration, reíused to be sỉavẽs, "v/hich v/ilÌ Ằimte to
pronioíe a high Ịevei uiiđer the ỉeađership oí the Paríy íHrough íronts and iníeliigení Viaínạm
YieínaỉuNatioriaỉ Assembỉy.LH (ữont ỈG baclc as Viẹtaam) so that all our people hav£ overcome
all diíĩlculties and hardships and saeriííces are not concẹrned to uphoỉd the traditíon GÍ pạtrỉotisrn
aiid revciuíionary heroism. Conspiiacv to cesxroy aỉl enemy đivipions.
- We have buỉlt up £n armed forces miỊitary nhdthreẹ things: the Eimy, the locaỉ; anĩi}', niiiitia
mỏ. guerrillabrave, brave curming., There are the tacíÍGs of'péopie's ws.r room rich. Creative go
frohi wár to •ĩuerrilla v/ar movement. military íorces vVoưId ahvavs sìicí'. wíth people, be ỉovir.£
Ccring pecpìe, cover the back.

- throne of Chen made "maior ínconveiìience” thai Ịead to cataurophes our country íaỉi in Ẻo the
yoke o f Tđn home Minh City fof 2'0 ýears. An DuoĩìS Vuong Ho Ọuị -Lý and his íầther hád
íbưght to the Ịast minute because o f the unique seí popuỉạtion STOUDS. Outcomes, then quickỉy
realÌ2ed the mistake can noi !ive his own country vvas ỉócking thick sỉsnted enemìes, who then
bec.Érne war prisoners exị]etí'còuntry where teỉecommunicatións. Particularly for íhe Nguyẻu is
noí in this case, ií hạs sr&đuallv surrendered then đõ h an đ s for the v.ronạ; ers-emy domination •
oí the people we " [4'K Evaluaíion of the irnperial Kguyen , in "Hisíory of our coụnừy" (1941),
Ịeảđer:Ho;Gììi Ivíirih \vrote: "V ■: : \ ' ■■, ^
; y ' ; y ''T a ỳ S ữ h ĩ ỉ ữ v m g m i ĩ ^ :ợ s e - ^ p ằ đ ^ ^ " ỷ \ :-':\ ■

Thanks to ỉhe 7/esí ĩhrọvgh àịd, rẻỉieve the posĩ.

Now we íaks íhỉs counỉry,
Kjngaiso Ngựịỹẹn procsssiori west ỡn hơme. ; ;; Y
What othsr chickens carrỵing the snùke hỉ te,
. ■ Com muĩiionvừhih& serìes^hií^reaỉỉystưprd •

G ianssan Lẹopard buiỉd thousổnds ofysars,

Thev were kings ĩiguyen bringing goods to the Westỉ
Ảs thoroughỉy as the olher crimes covered,’ . V
Think the siỉvation as more bỉííer heart " /5 /.
Tidal phase Nguyên wiíh intertvvined issues between the advances'and limitations, harđ blsck .
and white markings are nọt clear, the compỉex phẳse in the history of pGpulatÌQiỊ groups; We:
nẹad ạn objẹctivẹ viewpoint, "historicaỉ justice" in assessing the positive siđe, as v/elỉ as negaíivẼ-i
aspeqtó of the imperiạl Nguyên . In the evaỉuaíion must have the views and perspeeíivés hisíory
class. Howeyér, can coníĩrm thai Vietnam since the early nineteenth cẹntury coníritiori has bsen •
p.iaced on CQnđitiqns that the erisis ỉeadership roỊes,reign Nguyên wiíh the reaciỉcnar.y pc-lịcy
was to kill himself bỵ his ỉeadership role, to estầblish a deep human pQDUỈation throughQut the
country, increasingỉy bogẹed down Ịíi.the roađ concessiọn, íbr peaca 'and:evenỉuál! y coỉỉudẹ wiíh
the enerny 's road raẹe in pressure, exploitation of peoplenaíiũTrv¥Ìđe. It is the responsibiỉỉtỵ, as
-s wel
__~y WEM! £S Ịiiajcjr.sHis
as. ỊĩtajQr sms of me■■ngụven beíore
OI tỉie■Ngựven oerore peoplé
peopie racẹ,
race, before
Derore histcry.

Ọ í ' ị ỊỊ 1
'ỉ he Nguyen
Nguyên Dỵnasty
Oynasty vvss the ỉastíeudal
ỉasí-ĩeudsí dynasty
dynssỉy ooííyyietn
ie ín ??rn. Our count-*'/ Í2 llli íc
rn. Ourcoiínt"/Í ic fr r tn d ; inv-ders
inveders b/
' 3 < v ^ỉ0^ 0 niain
maỉn reesons.
ressons. Objecíivè
Obịective reasons and subjective:
subịecíive: : ; ■.
)( J i. O bjeG tịyg r e a s o n s . \ '
'/ + s te p ìnto the nineteenth century, W estern counìries. iỊQtably Prarice,; Briĩaỉny Holỉand, prooioiigg;
colo^gation to find new markets to strenGthenxapital a c c umulstiõn as Crõũẽhmg Ầírãỉrs bããThãỵ.
\s' psace, ữse trađe by íhe svvitch to 'gunboaí Poreign Aíísirs'/Soũữiêasỉ Ầsiá is^aTụcrạíỊvi' íarget.-
"v\ - Thst Vỉatnsrn is in the kes positions. the iunctiop bqhveen thfe A sĩrn ni-;ịn';;n j ĩ'ự .:
} Spụthesst Asian isianđs, 0V3r betv/eẹn Morth Asia and South Asĩ-a, the lnc!i-:r! O cean and P scrũc
/ Ocean, Vietnam i.s captured to ensure there is a convenient springbo;5rd for the e.xpansỉon of thẹ_
Ị colonia! c o ìonialism. 1843 upper Gize maiỉ was affirmìng thai: "rrance musí enaure that th-ere sre
7 'h A r - \ • r-7. Ạt-. ■ r ~ —> - O L . '. \ V

w ith ;

+ (Vieanvvhịie, P ranceis E deveỉoped capiíalisíCDuntry ranks second onỉy bẻhinđ ỉhe UK, the
poíeníiai econom ic and tniiitsry great. I n 1648 in -the Prench revolution took piace vveạpons. Ịỉ can be
■said, we Iiave.ensốuntered a strong enerný. Pianning the Frếneh inuạsion~of Vỉetnam wa s officia%/ '
\ ggg^eoln 1857. ■ : ' ■ ■' j ; 7 ’ V
il. Súbịective reasons (orthe responsibslííy of the Nguysn ỵou to losẻ water).
ii; ft i0re3ãffilnĩarwẽ8Knẽss ồĩ 3 poísìiẽãì essencè of fftè Kqũvén 'dvTig§tTff!gge:~
UHlílcẽ prevìous dynastiẹs are often established on the basiặ oí the su ccessíu l wars tỉf naiionạl
iibaratlon or sĩter setỉing up, coropteỉing ihe task.sgaỉnst íorẹiạn aQaréssion, strenglhening ..
■prồleclion 'of naiionai indẹpendence. Also đynastỵ - the íast dýnasty - vỵss erecĩed by a civiỉ war bụt ; :
jytfho .noriéthéless won, iakina-reíuge in ĩọrẹign powsrs, in obịsctiVely contrsĩY to the ssplratiohs and
nạtiónaítntẻrests. Tay Sori Nguỵeri Anh to have recọurse agsínst the Sismsse {), íaỉerthe French
••-;-'Tecome 7 ^en'wherritiìrffìgs-rtSw-princa-SGsr.e; 4-yQar-Q!d'iữ-beHeve,-—— — — ....... . .... :
- Moréover, the poỉicy’ of repressìon, the Tav Son revenge after winninq the NquvesVs covernment
: hasincceạsingiy caused.indignatiọo- émons the .people ;. : ;
Q Becauặe.pí the, abọve ihst thẹ Ngụyẽn hạd. not obtairsed thẹ conliđénce of the people. Not mus.ter.
• - 4he-strength--and; prõmote-the uniĩy of the entire-popuỉation . ......................... ■ :
c-.:, the ccristructịon activities, prGtẹcíịgn ọf the cquntry:
T hap sctũm of ecdnõrnic, so^ciaĩanđ poltícai Nguyen diverse, CGrnpiex, ■sornetirnes seỉí-Gontradiction
bôỉweén ỉh e Progressive and consarvaíịve backwarđness, beiw een íh.é pọwèrful and ìhe Weak:
—---- /. ; : ỵ
V 9iínefiìM^conomy: ■: ■_ ■
- Aoricullure not rierivađ írcrn the deveỉữpment requiremeniis s f produciỉon, but mainly to eh assis, ■
Slrengther.lrtq the sỊạíe.ecờnomy to s coỉỉactỉve right, totaịịtarian SQrieuỉtare ẩs t h e ĩbundsỊioo -> ỉt
hạ? bẹcorne a íỗGtor hlntíenũa Aạncúỉturạí devefopm enỉ ; ; : . . .'
■ State m onogoly on- trade.
: - Tsxsữíct iock : ; ’
"• b, Poĩiii-c s, Lavvr ^
- Do not p ié ce the prime minìster, did nót gét poirisettias, not knightẹd K;ng, the Q ueen isTiGt
estalĩlshsd, the Gia Long.Code simuiates harsh laws Qĩnq - > Do not use ths talents and-
• ẹneoprage, uphoỉd the abs-gỉute tightsuprerracy of the Emperor and reign.
- Strucỉurô of the Stste of the Nguyên Dynasỉy that use rrench to 40 Prench sdvisers (such as
Senhá, Vanie ...) and teach the Prince and Princess. This is not en e-xpressioR o í o p sn n ess in the
'poỊỉcy but a soỉuUgíí to rnset íhe workers for the French according ío the Ff8nch đurỉng the v<ar
ggainsỉ ine Tav Son. Buỉ pưíting the Prench domlnstion in the epparatus diđ noí revea! ỉltỉỉe secrsts
0 Ali-thegẹ polícies" hsve put the càụnir-/ deep into de pfessiọ.n..^xhsnstion backw3rd so dm m s^ Ẵ s^ .
incspg d íetéd victinỊresistsnce beíbre foreiqn invaders. : , ’ -
■ -
- The f{fât half of.the nineteenth -cenỉupy to nsarỉv 400 erupíeđ UpriRĨrig éyerywhers. Gia Long is the
sothtirnè, th e 250 Minh M sng.Thleu Tri 50 the time. Confirm eathãtcfisis, ỉnsiabỉiitv of the Nguy en
D vnastv:"C la s s coníỉict ¥fes pushed to the top => At íhỉs poinl, Wẽ can alĩỉrm, the mass of nstional _
• onity unổer thj Ncuyen dvngsty coiiapsed ccrnpleteìy. ■
3. Pòraon PoIiCy: , ' :
- The Mạuyen h ss iost íoreiqn poiicy Vision with the need neỈQhbors iike Labs. S iam. ỉsoisted
siỉuatlonầctuslỉỵdetrim eritsl ío our;countfy đuring this period. - ■
"-'State oolicv irnoìei-nentation 'secỉusỉon', rnỉnimizing the intgractÌQn vvlth the outside. in the

nineisenth century, the cehturv in Asia hinges, the pressure of the VVest, the opening, the ỉsclor;-
iibersi capitsilsỉ economv is the onỉy oorrecỉ Vv'sy to sírenqthen the. prọíection inđepénđent. Two GÍ
Jsp£n, Siạm are two exạmpies, japan’s:Meiji rẹCorms and poiicịes of íhe :Siajĩìese soĩi ạs silk, two ; -
valuabte iessons, but Nguyerì v.-ss not iooking to set ío lessons. The Nnuyen Dynasiy kincs uohok'1
tbe rights bf the ỉamỉiyỊoọ rnuch, fear of inriovatiòn.' innoYátiph.; Push our éOuntrỵ to the risk o f; :
déhydration ịn an éạriyỹQỊiể-dỉrnensỉgngỉ. . ; :. . . /
- The perseculion óf thẽcatholicN guỵen Hong ỉimit the iníiuence oỉ the VVest to Vietnam. Eut it
bscam e the prẹiext for thé Frencfa invásion ó f fire srms. Even som s Prench pẹopte stili beỉievẹ ĩo ■
this đ c / the Prench ỉii Vietnarn due ta coníiicís vviiỉi Csíhoỉic issues. But Goỉxcíanh coníirrneó: '!The;T .
-.-_ituỉhjs:thaỉ4he-mỉss!Qn2!^is4Ne-SRly^esson-©^aur^ỉỉ0ns-eg0Ìnsl-Anf!am--mèn-õníy W aíer; ■
Sẹcunty has given us thai opporìunib/ and we took ỉhe chanee thaỉ ”.
4. in the course of the struqqls ĩor tne country:
- The Nguyên did hoi take advantaqe and opporiiỊRÌty tợ press the French- ĩirsd úponthe.neyvEtEneh. ■
lỉrst set :fÒot fii our countíY in 1858. and.the Prench are the internaỉ crisis in 1870, ỉhe best timẹ of our
weaknẹss. .y i . :. • .V—•: \ : : -^ "V ' ■- ' ^ •:
- Thelntemal coTitTadictions in the Nquysn, the divis|ons, the oppósing-sỊdes oíth e ạir W3_rand, • " '*•
Jlĩ£r^ẩũalom aằm jaiLniM ai^-SỈim aíà. FurthenTi'oré, the W6aknềss of thẽ cóUíi, after the fsrst'
stạge is the reacíiọn againsỉ ths weak, thẻ later. suGcessive dvnastvhas signed 3QFeemfìBỉsJojs.eẫ-
. Qyĩ-ggyntrự éventusỊiv to France. the three easỉern provioces , three western provinces. reGpóniìịpn
of the nghtta trãveí, inyestỉgate, control of them in Vieinam.-confirmed the Prench DroĩecÍQiaìaio.
£fiũlỉSLaũđ_MaritLS3 the Treatyoí Nham Tuat (1862), HaoMang Treaty ( 1883). And tD Đ6/QB/188ịí ■
Pa-t&-:n odé Hue court was íorcedlo sign 19-đocuments compiete terms of the Hao-Csmení, iBe
country entỉreiy in the hsnds of the French => ỉhẹ Nguyên Đvnasty. whịcỊị sutviveđ mslniv created .......
byỉhaprench, as a chiĩd aỉ! the necessary machinerv íor the operaíion GÍ the dominaiice of n^o- ■
'cổioniảlism. . .; ; : ' ■■■: ■ ■ / ' ' ;
5.jndfepens5bilfr/ 01 h.isỉrìn -1 . .
'. ~ĩb gủ iaalry•■bẹtween the Prench and Vietnsrnese sre únẹqual: conĩrontation. Francè, rep fẽssRting:
Ị h g..West, for the deỉĩniiỉon of capỉtaìism. noi iusl a new mode oí productĩon, bũì nỉso the ggK ỊỊSgscĩ
■' ■timé. Ạiso in Vietnam, representing th e ĩa s t. take ìhe ĩormistiđai production, Ịag; So,.when Reopie ■
rnồve from đlpỉomaGy to ỉrade peace'gunbồaí Poreian Aỉíaips', ourpẹopie ảí'8 trulỵ overwhelmẹd, ;
conĩuseđ-Ngụỵen dynasíy beíore the w espons, modern raelhods ữĩ-attãskinạ them. The déĩeat ís the
. Inevịtabiẹ naturẹ ọf bistory. r ■■ :
■1 : lỊỊSurnmary: \ ’' *
'/t The counừy feli t o ;French invaders h sve obịectịve r£ ss o ũ ĩ'q u ỵrsvg cwn s~.ĩ'~Jectr/ỉ;y. Mc Uyer. is ỉhe
/ responsibiliỉy of íhe horne did noi íunir t!ie resrcăaibilhiữi jf Ú1C rũ1r.2 '■íròĩ, ĩ ì 5 r°.r.-->/-! f‘. Ti>?-

) roađ of reĩorm, but rslher conservalive wsy to piotẻc' the !nteresỉ:3 of í’,13 íarníiy. lUíìi^;: ẽgẽ‘rs;
{ interesís of the peopse, ạs for ths VvBcksrcounirí&s, iíáernai disuniíy^eadđ to denydrgaur.. '

3) in w hat w ẩys:diéthg.French expíoitV N ? ;

Í-\S M/íỊ r:EV € o n t h e " r e r .c h :.ìY"y \ i i ; * l - £ - I ' j 5 0 £C'= J 'V/

ỴZCĨ ' Z In t h e rTiSin h o íd , t h e ĩỉọ u y p r . Í3£ck g r e ‘i ’i r ’,íy
i's ' i t t T E i n t h e P 3 H C S t ; S H t> ' QỈ' 1 3 6 2 . 1 3 " 7 Ặ '' *' ĩ- - "<■ - V_
V ÍV;!! to t h a !~rsv,cl>. .-T' pi’c ‘nc£':icr, .iủ ,1 ì i “. Ụi 3 /
: r*~rs c c l ĩ n i a i ỉ s t s b s a a n th a lr Ĩ c r r n ĩỉ r r ío n líii e y z ỉ o : r ~ „ \ i " í i - ■?
rnsn., in o th e r vvorcỉs, offic! 2 Ísy :chs P ren ch c o lo n lsi £>:pỈ2 :tav:;of: ỉo bcg ir! ty r-c'.;í
đ u r n e t o rn ak e m lỉ 1 3 - 2 - 1 8 9 7 In d Q c h in a , to In d Q ch in a h a s b eerí o v e r s m o n t h ,
Đ u rrte h a s c o m p ie t ẹ đ p ía n s c o fo rú a f e > :p ỉo ỉt a t 'c n p r o g r a m s , in c ỉu đ ỉn o s e v e n 0 J'
t h e P ỉ s i V v s u b r n ỉ t t e đ t c t h e P r - _ n c h C O Ỉ O Í Ỉ V { 2 2 - - 3 1 S D 7 ) ĨG G U .ĨC C ! o n L c s u s s s u c h Ồ S
irnprcvhiQ' organ'f2sticív:J pđíYÙr.ĩstratỉcn c h n-'h'3i!Ỉ u-írỊ.tcrnV ry zn đ íc-r ‘
c o iiỉiC r y o ? I n d a c h ĩ ã ĩ ĩ . A in e n à ĩ ỉ r ỉS ỉíC ỉ d r e a ỉiíõ t ir - iiì, t ĩx e ^ 'ầ r .d t ií.h s r
c a n s l r u c í ĩ c n e q i ú p n v í n t . . . . T o ĩ r a p l a rũ - “ r í t t h e p r c .'" '- ? : Ũ 1 4 C u m a h i i S 5 s ~ r ĩ e s c ĩ
Ị i ã . r , 7,~ p ỉ ^ m c í í t ù i h - 1, <
■” *. c u a c r ĩr í c . t - m . I - T ^ ' . 'c - r L c ĩ r ĩ - c ư k ^ ^ ế - -
1 'J w K c € ;ỉ í : s : ỉ Q ắ Ị Ị c & t ĩ o n . t h ĩ s i s t ỉs r s - iig ĨỊ p - u h ỉie n e - ú c / t h u ỉ y t r e r r s n c h ' c o í a n i h ỉ í r í í
in Lrtâ&cbìĩia rrỉĩđíầ ĩrlm rth e ỉa ts n ía á te e n th C ứ atur/ to 1Ĩ4 5 1.
PviKỊc cuu&c se n sa ứ;a£ the cíỉonỉSs exploÊíảtioii, <]f th e Fr"ÊVdi coícny ũĩ-
ĩtrio c h irỉs : !>•/ tvvro m a jo r o p e r s to r s . I t a ĩĩtc ĩs ịly h c-ỹt rí in ÍẸ B 7 u n ‘31 1 9 4 5 . b u t in
. fa c 'i ỉ t ỉc s t& d ư n l* íM 9 5 4 i v h e n .t h e í-reraCỉrV*1thtí-rov/-ữH tho&pă c a ỉ GÍ ln à c c h ír v E
í^c-vtrơc g c rto rm e í or, ziĩ are.Es of palềiicaí e.ccr;erny, s o d ỉJ s n đ eultureỉ
~ccnểi^ũẽfI£ẽĩFcĩT:ỉĩe áícpíõìtsĩi-ìrís"eríòĩTiĩõuT. ....
' Firs~l: ssỉd v o r a r n o s t o n th e p c lìtíc a ỉ, trù íỉỉa ry :
,On Ịbíỉ n sg a tỉv e ssđe; ỉt c rts íe s sMỉỉ&ỉ meạhsíiỉsiĩĩ a-gain.-caminstcr m ore .
f c * u ổ c it c o í o n ỉ s ỉ - c p p r a s s ỉ o n z n ứ t í x p í o ỉ t a v o n t o t h s p o o p ì s , ịỉ; ỉ s e x p r e s s a đ
t h r o u r h - * h e E e ; đ \ i i ỉ e s G Í th e - s c Y ỉ i m í c Ị ^ T ĩ v - s ì E '7 p > u 'r ũ í,- * s s í' fi i e a p ; j ? i 9 |X 'S c ĩ
“ f i ì i 0 f f ? r ^ 7 ỹ ~ r^ ^ - ' r C Q ụ ỉ :t í r o i ể c ĩ ^ n í ^ í c í i s ^ íh c ^ c o ^ r á á ! é à ic S iĩ V ĩk v L ẫ a n i’ i o cà o tu ra
;he 7 «eith tĩeỉđ, & stãhỉishsá 'b!uệ__force Ílelq ỉảsa (-5- 1337),. c c rítru c tỉc rì GÍ
s p ẹ - c la l p c l i c a ĩ o r c e s , ỉĩìt e íiíg s s n c e e s t a b l i s h ì r a c n t . T h e õ r m y , p o íí c â e n d c o ú r t
- systam s, p n sữ n s ẩance-ỉ5 rsEđy to prèvent, »cíppr-2S3 and aru/.r^slsianca
ù'í'G.1Ự p a c p le fre sđ o m , ỉnđepôncísnce. poiicy, "French-V Ể £Írỉarnsé 5?f tĩe" th s t
t h a C G t c n is ! p o v v e r is p u r e ly p r o p s g a a đ a t r ỉc k s - ỉn p o ll t lc s , & e s iđ e s t h e F r*e n c h .
r á d i» c a ỉ- ? 3 c H ó / - a p r > ! ìe s đ ỉ v i đ e s n c ỉ c e r i ạ ư e r ' l s r ;3 t f v a s o f n e t ỉv e s p e a ỉ .e r s ." T h e
t e t í c í a í c - r c ;c :. r í ! : ĩ 2 < .io r e r t e b ! Í 5 h s , ổ E Í r í C - i 1 - 2 8 / i n I n :<õ c i ì ĩ n £ ' c o n l ỉ r i u e s t a •
CGr*cóỉk?'*.te dCvisrons Inđcchlno^e.píỉople rn thta unĩĩarm príce sti ucttire to
c r e « :t c ,. d o i s i t e t h i? t h r e e T n d o c h ì i e s í : c o u a t r K - '? e n t h e w c d d ín s p . rr o r a t h a '
. v ỵ ĩ c k ạ đ p o l l c ì ẹ s 'Op E u c h p o l l t l c s h s s l e f t a " s t í g R ì á ' t o đ a y / è n c ọ u r a g ĩ n g I t o s t l ỉ i t y
h e t w e e r r r e p ỉo n s o f th e c o u n t r v i : .
I r s P i d â ỉ t ì o n t a t h i c b c v e n e c £ t i - t' ' e > . r p - 3 c t s j. th e F re n c h ã ls ữ h ss £cm ẹ
ĩd v ĩn te g c s áv-ar m odern Víitn^r.-i th ã- ih e ỉrrencsì ỉn Vieínsm trora th ê r^iT/Ãn
t ỉy n a s Ệ y & e f a r s j S 3 t h e d e c e n t r 3 » Ỉ2 3 t lo n p o ằ ỉớ / s h s r p l y fn s o d s l
n m r s ĩi s e r n e n L z \ l p c v / e r ỉs c c r .c s n ỉr a ^ e t í m c u a í r e l P r a n c e , í t V i'o u íd n o t o v e r í a p .
faetwteen dívlsìons and đspartm ents. Policy reĩorrn s:rrarsgem êntsf planning tha
■ stru ctu ré b ọu ndạrỉas, ađrnlnlstratíve B.nđ mlrũng strerrgth.lrt p-eopla. .
J.% • r ; . e*i*_ - ì ỉ. •.!"“ [ -CỈIC-C." r í CJ. Jf ;'M tílar-' h - í đ Íỉi3 c c to r .-I c ts h a v e
ỉíeen m sdíi colonixstion a m ors ĩsvorabie and CíthemMselivina £ "tíVO ũf,! the
;.'~ í .- ọ ĩ z ỉì , c ; - « r f : r r - v r ' k n o v / a n r . : s - á t o õ U - c r= ? < í'tin ; p o v c ^ - b / . ■
M ííỉid s y Is t h e ĩle lổ G f s c o n ọ r n y f n n a r ỉ C Ê : / .V , .
P o s it lv e a s p e c t s , ’ ẹ íim ĩH t ít in g . t h e s u b | ẹ c t ỉ Y .e f a c t o r s . g ọ in g t h e w a y o f. t h e
.fre n c h c-ĩ e c c n c r ^ : ! and r i . i - a n c ĩ s !
p o lic y â í s c c c n b ^ L - u le í c p r c r r . c i i -
cc!?n:af ecc-r.nrr.Ịc dcvel jpii-,zni, lí V.'J deny ĩ:híi C0?C(iÍEí eĩ'p?ci'-'„F;t?cn c f the
c o l a n i s t s đ ỉ d n o t b r i n g . B .n y b e n e ĩ l t t o ĩ n đ o c h ĩ n a ỉs s ọ .n ọ t t r u ệ . S t E ĩiâ ln c Ị o n a
M ạ n ậ st s ts n c e . w e can sae w hen th e co ío n ĩạlists ĩnvaded V letnam , th a y had
v v sterm eicn productỉoii b s se cf cEpitaiism w s s ĩntrc-cuced in V íứ inarn,
•slírs :•':£ « “ t r i . i d c , Ỉ-‘J Z !r:-~ĩ ';‘r í h s t<Lr';us-c' '‘c sc c ir íc t h e j ricc'e . s ĩ r ứ l c . i c r s
"N guỵẹn-Đ ỵnasty eẹtab lỉsh éđ -earíier. Graduslly. estE blisheđ p ro tíu ctio n b s s e of
capitallsm ỉn. Vletnsm, tc prom ote ecanom lc trad s and ẹxchange, b u t tr ạ de
m onopcíy, b u t £ íso Gpened to Eííow a co đ s f rởrti Brỉtá ip.f Ch íns írì o u r cou ntry
b u t Kot c o m p síitlv e of-!ega! gcođs, H'ave a p p e a re đ a. n u m b er of navự in d ũ stn .es
which thẹ ỉiĩerảry work will be ìiĩban resiđents receive. Wìth the apt»earance of the
W0ik Hoang Ngoe Phach Siỉk (1925), the íìrst in the ỉiíerature of our countrỹ, by way
o f ẽpiổóổic strucíure is replaced bv the paíh síructure in . accorđance with
psychologỉcal iaws, feuđaỉ reiigious cerernonv kicked size5 iiidividual ữeedoĩXỊ ỉs
enhanced. Toiđ the play in 1922 íìrsi cuữ ỡ f poiscm b'y Vu Dinh Long v/as períormeđ
successrdlly at íhẹ Hanoi Ooera House. Next, Nguyên Hưu Kim with you and your
vd/e, Huyen Vi Dac Hoang Monq Diep, Nanchang wiíh Chang Fooỉ (3). lí can be-saiđ
o f literaiy work. a.fter the war was aimeđ at criíiciginé contexnporary sDcieíy ;bỵ

betv/een feudal religious ceremony w&s oụíđatcđ and boureeois indivịduaL freedQm.aí
the same tinle -openly express feeliìis;s of patrioíism is\often saiđ. Alỉ of íhat is
prepáration foF ỉiterary Grỉtieism appears true.
\Aưi<rA; VÌ T* \ . - , , . j k * ; i . v j j - ỉ . * í ĩ .. • , •■•••■?«■ *. í • i i
Sf i5í£í?,jr/ ?r*.\ ■ Vp^íV-í
*•Vte.ỉx *. ;-Y,-í'..v r-v
hat wậs socio ~ ecónomic cụltụrạl transíormations uoder the French dominatỉon?! /
..... v v
• The Prench.enter y ietriầrii : : -
Vietnamss íirsi encounter with the French w-as in íhe eiqhíeenth ceniury, inítialỉy through missionsri-sís,
bụt ỉate r m iỉitaríỉy v/nen P ig n e a u d e B é h a in s , the B is h o p of Âđran,- re cru ite d a íò r c s to E S S ỈS Ì N gụyan •
Anh ỈQ capture Hanoỉ, unifý"the country-enđ, 3S Emperor Gia Long, to usher in the powerfuí Ngụyen _
đynasty with jts capitạỉ in imperiaì Huẹ. Bringing together Ihs nort-h and íhe souíh cresied the síate cf ^ 1
Vieínanri forthe f|rst iirne. ’
-.■■■■■V-' . ... , ' ' . ...
fr>Vasfan . . ' ' VịỉV
;..Pignéau de®èhainé’s"vỉsión of en ỉnđochỉnẽse .empire iỉngeređ on in Prsnce, until-s-n ex paiìS iọB ồry .
.■.;-.Frénéh;Secơntí Empiré, ánxious io ma.tch the imperiaỉ adventures of Brỉíaln and otherEuropeạọ ...• •• ■ •-
^coưntrỉes, attáckéd Vietnam in 1546 using the Nguyen regirne^: arítipalhy towards Chrisiísns as. a , . ■.
■■prétèxí. By the 1880’s they hscl secured ihe entire Indochiná,pen.i.Ds..ụlạí ạnd;beaap to. •ẹxpỉoịt' its riGb;, : •;
' resọ:yrces.; ■ :

, G ;p p r e s s ỉo n a n d -e x p i;G ĨtatỉO ỉv
Aỉthough ỉhs expresseG puTpose cí the conquest w ss to bring iẳberty to ‘the races and .pẻoplẹs stllt .
énsiaved bỵ ỉgnorancẹ anđ desponsm'. the cutcoKìe V"'23 $&\ -r ’/ »ĨCÌS or ocpresf.v-H c.i:* !ỉC3s-
:.sỉạvêíỵ for:thè' Vietnames.é. The Hauỵen dynasty ruiers continueđ. 3 S puppeís, cíỉ. rights we.f-e. : •
removeđ, and ạny 'óissent was ru(ỉ“i)£.cc»y c:u sh ^ l Ĩ h 2 oređo.T.:rtcri; ír.^resi of Iho f fcíỉwh ifỉ v ;ci íc‘ n

;wss' proĩit ~~vịrtua!ly:; no attempt v/ss.made to better the lót ofÌ.is;p'ebpỉe;-.' '' ■

. Đẹíic.rtce ■■ '
í he ũppression re-kỉndied foỉk memorles cf the cer.turies oí Chinese domlnation, and rsỉit the íirs c-í
■resỉstsncs in Vietnâmese/hẹạrls, Sporsdit: revoits and uprisinqs began sirnostirom Iheoưtset bưt' :
etĩectỉve óppositiòn only .ấrrivẹd when Ha. G.hiM.inh rècũgnised.. the •poteniial ,oĩ .Comrnunis.ỉTi to. unity ■
■the peopíe and provide.a Strategỵ to đẹĩe3t the OGcupỵin.g:fcrcés,;-:óV '; .

Ho Chi Mhih■■unitẹs th è'resỉẩtan ce - ,

. Prom the 1920's to 1941, Ho Ghi.Minh pstlen-íỉy brouqhí toaether the.ơỉsparạtẹ. resisíapGẹ ■'g.rpups tũ:, ' ; •
ÌDuiỉO a singỉe orgsnỉsation:- the Lèặqtie forrthe Ị.òdepencỊsncẹ pf Vịe ; í: •.
vletmính. 'The Vietminh becsms the formida.b!e fiahting íorce that eveniusííy routed ỉne.rreoch ạ!
Dien Bian Phu, ạnd.,wẹrệ :th^;ÍỘUridatiori òf the yietnầrnBse: còmmuríísr'íorcès,..úsuạỉlý. abbrsyỉaled t q. . . - . .
the !Viet Cona'. •

- <7
/ i

T he c ư đ e u s !ack of ỉm pầct .'. • ■ •
T he inleresíỉng aspecl oíĩhe Vịẹtnam ese coidnial periođ is not iỉs effectupon the coyntry* buĩ ỉt.s lack
of cuíturaỉ ỉmpact. The PranGh w ere:jn Vietnsm ỉor aimọst ;a:■céntúry,- but ạpárt ffom the Ịbuiídin-ásy. the;
. rạihivaỵ and ĩhevublquỉtoùs-baguettes .on sale evarywhere ;in the cỉĩies, ihere arẹ fẹw òbyỉoụs.;tracés of,
th s ir p r a s e n c e lW h e r s a s thẹ";Frènẹh iníluencB on- ih e cũ ỉíu re òf o ib e río rrn e r P re n c h c p b n ie s j n :M ic s .
and efsewhere ís/iínĩTìeđíately otìvỉous tò visỉiors,- in Vietnsm ihere ỉs [iỉiíẽiọ .suggèst theỵ weré eyẻr _ ■
: - ..... .........^ - ...................-

thỉầ: ss' prtíbábỉy due. ỉn part-to ths benaviour of the cộỊpnis!ists:-. rnỉriộrdyiỉ sẹryaộts- and ;busịnes$ . ;
'people in Prancé^bứtiỊívịng-ạ Itíeoí :opútenceancí:éeĩí jndulqenceio' Viẹtnam. jnsulatedĩròm•tHe. •-:
- ẹxpỉoltation and đegrađaiion of th e yieínam ìesê peopỉeí’.:apartfrữni'a ■■srnall-armỵ of dornesiíẹs to ■ •
m sn ag e the cheres and prGstị|ytes'to ■prọy.Ịdẹ emertaỉnrnent íor.thé mèỉe àđmỉnistraíorệ-anậ the .
; French army, Éhe;còbnĩặịịsts liveđ. axẹreíree ■

E ducationtor Vìetnamese j3e 0pte:^was..iĩiín1ri1aỉĩ-and haãỉth provisioíi non-existenl Opíurn ađđictlon;.' ■

, w as:encổuraged, and proveđ-ặ Ịucrãtivèẹnterprisè.■In-súch drcumstarìces, .cuitursỉ transíẹr was ; ..
. : -_un!ỉkejy. ■ v

■: The C hinẹsa soughl.lO:Sínicỉse th e yiẹinaiTvesẹđứFifíậih^ kblbit unsu;cce.ssfu!ly:•

■■v/N.averíhelsss, the impacỉ upon V ỉetnsm ese cu!turet religlọos;be!íefs a n đ :sođaf behavỉour was , V.
•prcíouríđ: próbãbĩy thé'rriọst signiĩỉcant íactor.ĩn. th e:eountry's đeveíopment íh-eréạíier. The prench,
. rno.tỉvateđ. by gain, dĩd iittie Tííoreihan strip thè countpy of iis haiursi resQlirces.. ■• '' . '

■T he'Freìich'ỉégacy:: .
■Surprisingly, after the victory ai Đien: 6 ien P h u ,,thsre was ỉỉụle .spọntanẹQus backỉash■againsỊ-the .
'tạngibĩể' mẹrnènỉờs GÍ French qojrúnéỉĩòt\/Ciỉiẹ&f ỉ ọwnst streeis .and murtícỉpaỉ •buỉldrnds:w ẻrè.re-,
’ ■n a m e d /^ ĩstu e s sndnìonưaisntsTernoved, but.thara was- no 'ầttempt tọ-.destroy .the-mast-obvious
. syrnboỉs of colonialism, the msny pse.udo-French Public buM nqs, ch.ate.aiis and' hiíỉ statÌQns. ĩ n e n&ứự
Ị' V ietn am ese authontiss eitber mada usố c f■them. for-mưnđane.pưrposes, or ỉeft them to rot. VVhether
■ih ỉs;:,poỉỉcy W8S hy đ e s ig n or deíauít,- the ra s ú ỉt WB3: th a i rnan y are stỉỉí stạ n d in g . A s V ỉe ín a m c p e n s up
to the woriđ4íhe'French arcnìtecturaỉ herfege;is:ẹnjoỵiriặ.ẹ nsv/ renaissance as Oĩie of the country*s
■■ ■■ touristattrsctỉons. : ;'v" '

Unđ.er thè impact of the prograrn was seconđ colo.nỉaỉ explồitãt::G.T0f;th8 Prench SOCỈ3Ỉ economy
■Vietnsm has m.any c h a n q . e s : • ’
4- + E C O HO M IC c s p íte lis t p rc d u đ :ịo n re la tỉo n s s r e in tro đ ư ce d to our c o u n try , b u i v e r / lỉm its đ
P rench-en han ciag capỉta! investm ent, .Isb ọ ọ tschn.ỉcá! but ĩũ a cerlaln . ẹ x t ẹ n t : ’ ;
•“‘VietnsíTVs econam đẹvelopỉ.ng., hỉK•only p.artlỡ.í ỉn nõture ìn some
ceí-teĩr.I jpeeI ■

-In sd d ỉtỉon -to the oíđ c!as;ĩ !n < cd ely (£UCÒ òi: ff;ud<:í í2f;ơ!ords# ísrrr.ers} and socỉs*
but our country õíso sppeared as ơ nf:w clsss:
Ỷ Bourgeoỉs . ‘ -
'-T; Sư.b-.bourgệais, and ■.■ ■. ’
T VVorkers.

' S) VVhst vvere re^sons for the f?Jíur€ GÍ nationa! rnovăment sgsinst Prench colonisíism beíorạ the
íorrnciĩicn dí Vietnsrrese coiiimunity p2ĩty (19B0)?

There are many objscỉivs reasons ano subjective. In shcrt, v-slvet by: + ỉrnperiaỉ y/3 spỉneíess, covvsrdly not darcrG lo
chsỉlengeJhs -serv|cẹ,'Service ás 'servicẹ concessions- cu nẹxi time.'>Rudịrnentậry weapons and íorces s.rẹ..rịọt ■.
s ư o m e n o u g h , especịal!y:uprỉsings goinq pn sporaơic, ịnconsỉstent dc lọi đííticuít' m onths. B ut• 0iean w h ỉỉ 8 also n e e d s
victories Cau-kiĩled ten seconds Rivie ìaĩgeỉ needs . + DuonQ Đau põiníincs. íorrr.s and strateọtes ítranh careíuí
ẢMH^vr 'w€ị& W 6 so d ò --c e o N O u íõ PQúĩiCẠỤ i^ r ts fộ fÙ Ấ r r r iỏ d _____
j ’.N ',!v’;Ễv7\fAs' * Vutino V1[€^j£-'ẵịqì)...ỡÍ:../M^4.v/ỹữ:><sZưĩ7jĩDrS‘-~.3.

'ế |u^Tvf^pỉD;T m -N G z ư 'i^ eÕư&T /-0 S1;? 'ỉĩíc .iNữvPm^ẨữrrNQĩ cir v ^ -ĩĩỳ
.... Ị j& 5 "f r ỉ p H G r í 'CồưìÌỊ^LỊ-SỉyH.■ ịN 'THc-' {ợtis ẻ o r tĩlỉ& .y .ĩỉ __•.__ . ■
’; - ý .

'Jiũựwd.-- . _ lẽịã- La • ..... . S.ộiOcm- . _______

j\ />LỈSđ \!a
■3 . , r :440ĩ - : ; . 45:^0 • v P ĩS ặ - " ^ : . :

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-..ị................ • ,. ' ỡ Sootâtrn, ùnưf,biỊ..U............................. .
ị............. ' ■ > ■ .. ...,:JUáệJlữĩC.-SVỶ~pf;^ Z^;-- - ••" ^--
. Ịọlị x^íC ỉrn*■

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Ịta-ịlữoa.' . . . . . , j f e f e a è ^ L . . L :, ^ j ^ i ^ £ 4 J ĩ l /ũ ũ O :^.m ổảía.(U Rỉỷ
iÁùỂỊếMMỆ. . . - . . . : . . ,. \-:..-.../l^?JÌuềúd&ữỈ£u^~..:.:^ : .....
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fầ & / :; ^G .O C Ỡ .T s^Ị
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