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Name: Henry Price

Date: Henry Price Period: 6

Unit 07: Genetics

Unit 07 Lesson 03: NON-Mendelian Genetics: co-dominance; blood types

1.Why are human ABO blood types an example of a co-dominant multiple allele trait?
Because all traits are shown individually.

2. What are the blood types and how do they interact? (You may enter information from the
chart here.) A positive or negative, B positive or negative, and O.

Antibodies in
PHENOTYPE Genotype Antigen on RBS blood Donation status

IAIA or IAi Type A antigens Anti-B antibodies


IBIB or IBi Type B antigens Anti-A antibodies

Both type A and Universal
II type B antigens No antibodies Recipient
Anti-A and Anti-B
ii No antigens antibodies Universal Donor

Classes of antibodies that are blood type specific.

3. What are the IA and IB antigens?

4. What are antibodies?

Antibodies are proteins that are used to fight pathogens.
5. Why is O blood Type the universal Donor?
Because it does not contain antigens, making it harmless to other blood types.

6. Why is AB blood type the universal recipient?

Because it does not contain antibodies, so other blood types are not harmful to it.

7. What do we call the inheritance that involves more than 2 genes for a single trait?

Polygenic Inheritance

8. Give two examples of how the Environment can affect the expression of a gene and its phenotype.
Snowshoe Hares’ fur turns white in the winter and tan in the summer. Also, Diet and exercise affect body

Just for your information….. how many people have each blood type…

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