Annotated-Assignment 14 Henry Price

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Name: Henry Price

Date: 3/17/2021 Period: 6

Unit 07: Genetics

Unit 07 Lesson 01: Mendelian Genetics

1. Who was Gregor Mendel?

Gregor Mendel was a monk who was most famous for studying genetic inheritance using pea plants.

2. Give three Reasons why we study his experiments today? Because:

He used good experimental design

He used mathematical analysis (collected/counted data)
He used the scientific method properly

3. Describe the following:

P generation: True breeding parents (P = Parental).

F-1 generation: First filial generation/Hybrids.

F-2 generation: Second filial generation (offspring of F-1)

4. What were the results of Mendel’s first Parental generation cross?

100% purple-flower peas.

5. What were the results of his F-1 Cross? What RATIOS did he get?
He got a 3:1 ratio of purple-flower peas to white-flower peas.

6. A closer look at Mendel’s F-1 Cross leads us to believe that…

The purple-flower peas are dominant to the white-flower peas.

7. Define the Law of Dominance:

One dominant allele will mask the phenotype of a recessive allele.

8. What is the difference between a gene and an allele?

A gene is a unit of information and an allele is what specifies that information.
9. Where do you get your alleles?
My parents

10. What is the difference between the genotype and the phenotype of a trait?
The genotype of a trait can tell you the trait based on certain genetic information, and the phenotype is
the trait you can physically see in an organism.

11. What is a Punnett Square used for? And DRAW an EXAMPLE for this Cross: Tt x Tt
A Punnett square is used to estimate possible genotypes of an organism.

12. What is Mendel’s first LAW of HEREDITY?

The law of segregation: Alleles segregate during meiosis.

13. What does Segregation Mean?

Segregation means separation.

14. When does Segregation happen?

During anaphase 1.

15. A monohybrid cross looks at how ONE trait is passed down from parent to offspring. What is a
A dihybrid cross looks at how two traits are passed on to offspring.

16. How can we use F.O.I.L. to segregate our alleles into our gametes to get all possible combinations? You
can draw an example.
This can be done with a 16-box Punnett square, with two alleles on the outside of each box. The alleles
can be multiplied together just like a monohybrid cross, while keeping the same letter alleles together.

17. What does a Dihybrid Cross show us? What Ratio do you get for your allele combinations?
A dihybrid cross gives us an allele ratio of 9:3:3:1.

18. Give 4 reasons why PEAS were a Great choice for Mendel’s Research:
Peas have many varieties, and they have distinct Pea plants can self-fertilize.
Pea plants can also be cross-pollinated. Pea plants have both male and female structures.

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