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Learning Outcome Assessment

SPA Interns

Site Supervisor: Thanks you for providing field experience for one of Concordia University’s students in the
Masters Program in Student Personnel Administration in Higher Education.

The SPA faculty has developed 5 learning outcomes for students in the program. Those outcomes are
defined directly below. It is our hope that every graduate will reflect these outcomes in their professional
life. In that spirit, you feedback will help our us foster these outcomes in the student you will supervise.
Please fill out the attached assessment survey.

Learning Outcomes
Master’s program in Student personnel Administration in Higher Education

#1 Theoretical Foundations: The student affairs practitioner will demonstrate knowledge, skill, and
understanding of the significant philosophical, psychological, cultural, sociological theories that underpin
the work in the field.

#2 Professional and Ethical Standard: The student affairs practitioner will demonstrate knowledge, skill,
and understanding of the professional and ethical standards established by ACPA and NASPA. Further, the
student will demonstrate knowledge, skill, and understanding of the professional and ethical standards
established by the specific are(s) of interest or current employment in the field.

#3 Leadership and Administration: The student affairs practitioner will demonstrate knowledge, skill, and
understanding of leadership theory, higher education administrative structure and practice, and the legal
issues associated with student affairs practice.

#4 Student Characteristics: The student affairs practitioner will demonstrate knowledge, skill, and
understanding of college student characteristics and the effects of college on students and student groups
including the application of personal and organizational interventions.

#5 Assessment and Research: The student affairs practitioner will demonstrate knowledge, understanding
and skill in assessing student affairs programs. Further, the student will demonstrate the ability to read the
literature in the field and apply it to practice.
Site Supervisor’s Evaluation of SPA Interns

Host College/University ____Cardinal Stritch University_____________________________________

Student Intern: Name ___Nandi Mallett_______________________________________

Site Supervisor: Name____Michelle Gross_______________________________________

Email ___magross@stritch.edu____________ Office Phone (414 ) _410-4091____

Date Internship Started _January 4, 2021_______ Date Internship Completed __April 30, 2021______

Directions: Please evaluate the Intern using the scale below. It is recognized that a given internship may
not offer the student an opportunity to demonstrate mastery of a specific learning outcome. If this is the
case please indicate NA (not applicable to this internship).

Site Supervisor’s Evaluation: The student has demonstrated this learning outcome at the indicated

Learning Outcome Rating Scale Observation/Comment

(check one)

In my discussions with Nandi, I have found that she has strong

 Minimal
understanding of the theoretical foundations of the student
Foundations  Emerging affairs and student services fields. Nandi asked relevant
questions as related to the work that we do in the academic
Proficient advising office and student development theory and practice.
I also encouraged Nandi to share more about her thoughts
 Advanced
and point of view in our meetings that she would participate
 NA in. I feel that if her time and current job responsibilities (and
circumstances due to the Pandemic) would have been
different, I could provide more robust feedback in this area.

In all of my interactions with Nandi I have found her to be the

Professional and
 Minimal
utmost young professional. She maintained confidentiality
Ethical Standard  Emerging regarding information that she heard at our team meetings
and at advising appointments that she observed with Stritch
 Proficient students and academic advisors. Nandi and I had discussions
regarding how the academic advising team fit professionally
 Advanced on the Stritch campus and the challenges that also come up
with our interactions with colleagues.
 NA

Site Supervisor’s Evaluation: The student has demonstrated this learning outcome at the indicated

Learning Outcome Rating Scale Observation/Comment

(check one)

I believe that Nandi’s experience in observing the works of the

 Minimal
advising team at Stritch, as well as the role I play as the
Leadership and Emerging Director of Academic Advising, have helped her to begin to
Administration better understand the intricacies of higher education. Nandi
 Proficient also had the opportunity to do an informational interview with
the VP of Enrollment Management at Stritch, furthering her
 Advanced understanding and view of leadership and administration. She
has been witness to multiple conversations and situations in
 NA which different leadership strategies and organizational
structures have been apparent.

Nandi has shown that she has strong knowledge and

 Minimal
understanding of student characteristics. She also has taken
Student  Emerging the time to find articles on best practices of academic advising
Characteristics with Students of Color to assist the academic advising office as
 Proficient we work to assess the effectiveness of our advising services
across all populations of students that we serve. Nandi and I
 Advanced have had discussions regarding how we serve the different
types of students in the advising office, and I have found her
 NA interest, but also knowledge, commendable.

 Minimal Nandi’s primary project for her time with me as an intern has
been to assist my department in the development of an
 Emerging assessment plan, as well as analyzing the data from
Assessment and StritchPASS (EAB Navigate) and an Advising Satisfaction
Research  Proficient Survey. Nandi has been an invaluable thought partner to me
throughout this process, and has learned to use a new
 Advanced analytical tool in EAB Navigate. Nandi has read literature that
has helped to inform the direction that this project has moved
 NA
as well. There will be direct goals set for the academic
advising team at Stritch for the 2021-2022 academic year
based on the work that Nandi has assisted with.

Any additional comments:

Nandi has truly been a joy to work with and get to know over the past four months. I have been
consistently impressed with her professionalism and desire to learn and know more about her chosen career
field. She is clear about the passion that she has regarding working with students, and she is well on her
way to determining the best path for herself. I hope that our paths cross professionally in the future! It is
also my hope that she realizes how much she has contributed to the academic advising team at Stritch; I
hope that she has found her internship a valuable experience as well.

Michelle Gross, Director of Academic Advising, Cardinal Stritch University, April 27, 2021

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