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Slope stability analysis

Input data
Date : 11/01/2021
USA - Safety factor
Stability analysis
Earthquake analysis : Standard
Verification methodology : Safety factors (ASD)
Safety factors
Permanent design situation
Safety factor : SFs = 1.50 [–]
Safety factors
Transient design situation
Safety factor : SFs = 1.50 [–]
Safety factors
Accidental design situation
Safety factor : SFs = 1.00 [–]
Safety factors
Seismic design situation
Safety factor : SFs = 1.00 [–]
Coordinates of interface points [m]
No. Interface location
x z x z x z
1 0.00 0.00 2.61 0.50 2.80 0.50
15.08 2.92 15.28 2.92 17.00 3.25
21.08 4.07 21.28 4.07 24.10 4.61

2 21.08 4.07 21.08 3.25 21.28 3.25

21.28 4.07

3 15.28 2.92 15.28 3.25 17.00 3.25

21.08 3.25

[GeoStructural Analysis - Slope Stability | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Coordinates of interface points [m]
No. Interface location
x z x z x z
4 2.61 0.50 2.61 0.00 2.80 0.00
15.08 0.00 15.08 2.92

5 15.08 0.00 15.28 0.00 15.28 2.92

6 2.80 0.50 2.80 0.00

7 0.00 -2.80 24.10 -2.80

Soil parameters - effective stress state

ef cef 
No. Name Pattern
[°] [kPa] [kN/m3]

1 Poorly graded sand (SP), medium dense 24.00 0.00 17.50

Soil parameters - uplift

sat s n
No. Name Pattern
[kN/m3] [kN/m3] [–]

1 Poorly graded sand (SP), medium dense 17.50

Soil parameters
Poorly graded sand (SP), medium dense
Unit weight :  = 17.50 kN/m3
Stress-state : effective
Angle of internal friction : ef = 24.00 °
Cohesion of soil : cef = 0.00 kPa
Saturated unit weight : sat = 17.50 kN/m3

[GeoStructural Analysis - Slope Stability | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Rigid bodies

No. Name Sample

1 Rigid body No. 1 24.00

2 Rigid body No. 2 24.00

3 Rigid body No. 3 24.00


Assigning and surfaces

Coordinates of surface points [m] Assigned
No. Surface position
x z x z soil
1 21.08 3.25 21.08 4.07 Poorly graded sand (SP),
17.00 3.25 medium dense

2 21.08 3.25 21.28 3.25 Poorly graded sand (SP),

21.28 4.07 21.08 4.07 medium dense

3 15.28 3.25 15.28 2.92 Poorly graded sand (SP),

17.00 3.25 medium dense

4 2.80 0.00 15.08 0.00 Poorly graded sand (SP),

15.08 2.92 2.80 0.50 medium dense

[GeoStructural Analysis - Slope Stability | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Coordinates of surface points [m] Assigned
No. Surface position
x z x z soil
5 15.28 0.00 15.28 2.92 Poorly graded sand (SP),
15.08 2.92 15.08 0.00 medium dense

6 2.80 0.50 2.61 0.50 Poorly graded sand (SP),

2.61 0.00 2.80 0.00 medium dense

7 24.10 -2.80 24.10 4.61 Poorly graded sand (SP),

21.28 4.07 21.28 3.25 medium dense
21.08 3.25 17.00 3.25
15.28 2.92 15.28 0.00
15.08 0.00 2.80 0.00
2.61 0.00 2.61 0.50
0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.80

8 0.00 -2.80 0.00 -7.37 Poorly graded sand (SP),

24.10 -7.37 24.10 -2.80 medium dense

Location Origin Length Width Slope Magnitude
No. Type Type of action
z [m] x [m] l [m] b [m]  [°] q, q1, f, F q2 unit
1 strip permanent on terrain x = 2.00 l = 19.00 0.00 10.00 kN/m2
No. Name
Water type : No water
Tensile crack
Tensile crack not inputted.
Horizontal seismic coefficient : Kh = 0.12
Vertical seismic coefficient : Kv = 0.05
Settings of the stage of construction
Design situation : permanent

[GeoStructural Analysis - Slope Stability | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Results (Stage of construction 1)
Analysis 1 (stage 1)
Circular slip surface
Slip surface parameters
x= 9.33 [m] 1 = -25.78 [°]
Center : Angles :
z= 16.27 [m] 2 = 47.43 [°]
Radius : R= 17.72 [m]
Analysis of the slip surface without optimization.
Slope stability verification (all methods)
Bishop : FS = 1.69 > 1.50 ACCEPTABLE
Fellenius / Petterson : FS = 1.54 > 1.50 ACCEPTABLE
Spencer : FS = 1.69 > 1.50 ACCEPTABLE
Janbu : FS = 1.69 > 1.50 ACCEPTABLE
Morgenstern-Price : FS = 1.69 > 1.50 ACCEPTABLE
Input data (Stage of construction 2)
Earth cut
Coordinates of cut points [m]
No. Cut location
x z x z x z
1 2.80 0.50 2.80 0.00 15.08 0.00
15.08 2.92 15.28 2.92 17.00 3.25
21.08 3.25 21.08 4.07

Assigning and surfaces

Coordinates of surface points [m] Assigned
No. Surface position
x z x z soil
1 21.28 3.25 21.28 4.07
Rigid body No. 1
21.08 4.07 21.08 3.25

2 15.28 0.00 15.28 2.92

Rigid body No. 2
15.08 2.92 15.08 0.00

3 2.61 0.00 2.80 0.00

Rigid body No. 3
2.80 0.50 2.61 0.50

[GeoStructural Analysis - Slope Stability | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Coordinates of surface points [m] Assigned
No. Surface position
x z x z soil
4 24.10 -2.80 24.10 4.61 Poorly graded sand (SP),
21.28 4.07 21.28 3.25 medium dense
21.08 3.25 17.00 3.25
15.28 2.92 15.28 0.00
15.08 0.00 2.80 0.00
2.61 0.00 2.61 0.50
0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.80

5 0.00 -2.80 0.00 -7.37 Poorly graded sand (SP),

24.10 -7.37 24.10 -2.80 medium dense

Surcharge Location Origin Length Width Slope Magnitude
Type of
No. Type q, q1, f,
new change action z [m] x [m] l [m] b [m]  [°] q2 unit
on l=
1 No Yes strip permanent x = 2.00 0.00 59.00 kN/m2
terrain 19.00
No. Name
Water type : No water
Tensile crack
Tensile crack not inputted.
Horizontal seismic coefficient : Kh = 0.12
Vertical seismic coefficient : Kv = 0.05
Settings of the stage of construction
Design situation : seismic
Results (Stage of construction 2)
Analysis 1 (stage 2)
Circular slip surface
Slip surface parameters
x= 9.72 [m] 1 = -33.50 [°]
Center : Angles :
z= 12.02 [m] 2 = 51.05 [°]
Radius : R= 13.95 [m]
Analysis of the slip surface without optimization.
Slope stability verification (Morgenstern-Price)
Factor of safety = 4.77 > 1.00
Slope stability ACCEPTABLE

[GeoStructural Analysis - Slope Stability | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Input data (Stage of construction 3)
Assigning and surfaces
Coordinates of surface points [m] Assigned
No. Surface position
x z x z soil
1 21.28 3.25 21.28 4.07
Rigid body No. 1
21.08 4.07 21.08 3.25

2 15.28 0.00 15.28 2.92

Rigid body No. 2
15.08 2.92 15.08 0.00

3 2.61 0.00 2.80 0.00

Rigid body No. 3
2.80 0.50 2.61 0.50

4 24.10 -2.80 24.10 4.61 Poorly graded sand (SP),

21.28 4.07 21.28 3.25 medium dense
21.08 3.25 17.00 3.25
15.28 2.92 15.28 0.00
15.08 0.00 2.80 0.00
2.61 0.00 2.61 0.50
0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.80

5 0.00 -2.80 0.00 -7.37 Poorly graded sand (SP),

24.10 -7.37 24.10 -2.80 medium dense

Surcharge Location Origin Length Width Slope Magnitude
Type of
No. Type q, q1, f,
new change action z [m] x [m] l [m] b [m]  [°] q2 unit
on l=
1 No No strip permanent x = 2.00 0.00 59.00 kN/m2
terrain 19.00
No. Name

[GeoStructural Analysis - Slope Stability | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Water type : No water
Tensile crack
Tensile crack not inputted.
Horizontal seismic coefficient : Kh = 0.12
Vertical seismic coefficient : Kv = 0.05
Settings of the stage of construction
Design situation : permanent
Results (Stage of construction 3)
Analysis 1 (stage 3)
Circular slip surface
Slip surface parameters
x= 9.34 [m] 1 = -24.46 [°]
Center : Angles :
z= 14.27 [m] 2 = 45.33 [°]
Radius : R= 15.68 [m]
Analysis of the slip surface without optimization.
Slope stability verification (Morgenstern-Price)
Factor of safety = 1.64 > 1.50
Slope stability ACCEPTABLE
Input data (Stage of construction 4)
Assigning and surfaces
Coordinates of surface points [m] Assigned
No. Surface position
x z x z soil
1 21.28 3.25 21.28 4.07
Rigid body No. 1
21.08 4.07 21.08 3.25

2 15.28 0.00 15.28 2.92

Rigid body No. 2
15.08 2.92 15.08 0.00

3 2.61 0.00 2.80 0.00

Rigid body No. 3
2.80 0.50 2.61 0.50

[GeoStructural Analysis - Slope Stability | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Coordinates of surface points [m] Assigned
No. Surface position
x z x z soil
4 24.10 -2.80 24.10 4.61 Poorly graded sand (SP),
21.28 4.07 21.28 3.25 medium dense
21.08 3.25 17.00 3.25
15.28 2.92 15.28 0.00
15.08 0.00 2.80 0.00
2.61 0.00 2.61 0.50
0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.80

5 0.00 -2.80 0.00 -7.37 Poorly graded sand (SP),

24.10 -7.37 24.10 -2.80 medium dense

Surcharge Location Origin Length Width Slope Magnitude
Type of
No. Type q, q1, f,
new change action z [m] x [m] l [m] b [m]  [°] q2 unit
on l=
1 No No strip permanent x = 2.00 0.00 59.00 kN/m2
terrain 19.00
No. Name
Water type : No water
Tensile crack
Tensile crack not inputted.
Horizontal seismic coefficient : Kh = 0.12
Vertical seismic coefficient : Kv = 0.05
Settings of the stage of construction
Design situation : transient
Results (Stage of construction 4)
Analysis 1 (stage 4)
Circular slip surface
Slip surface parameters
x= 9.34 [m] 1 = -24.46 [°]
Center : Angles :
z= 14.27 [m] 2 = 45.33 [°]
Radius : R= 15.68 [m]
Analysis of the slip surface without optimization.
Slope stability verification (Morgenstern-Price)
Factor of safety = 1.64 > 1.50
Slope stability ACCEPTABLE

[GeoStructural Analysis - Slope Stability | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Input data (Stage of construction 5)
Assigning and surfaces
Coordinates of surface points [m] Assigned
No. Surface position
x z x z soil
1 21.28 3.25 21.28 4.07
Rigid body No. 1
21.08 4.07 21.08 3.25

2 15.28 0.00 15.28 2.92

Rigid body No. 2
15.08 2.92 15.08 0.00

3 2.61 0.00 2.80 0.00

Rigid body No. 3
2.80 0.50 2.61 0.50

4 24.10 -2.80 24.10 4.61 Poorly graded sand (SP),

21.28 4.07 21.28 3.25 medium dense
21.08 3.25 17.00 3.25
15.28 2.92 15.28 0.00
15.08 0.00 2.80 0.00
2.61 0.00 2.61 0.50
0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.80

5 0.00 -2.80 0.00 -7.37 Poorly graded sand (SP),

24.10 -7.37 24.10 -2.80 medium dense

Surcharge Location Origin Length Width Slope Magnitude
Type of
No. Type q, q1, f,
new change action z [m] x [m] l [m] b [m]  [°] q2 unit
on l=
1 No No strip permanent x = 2.00 0.00 59.00 kN/m2
terrain 19.00
No. Name

[GeoStructural Analysis - Slope Stability | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]
Water type : No water
Tensile crack
Tensile crack not inputted.
Horizontal seismic coefficient : Kh = 0.12
Vertical seismic coefficient : Kv = 0.05
Settings of the stage of construction
Design situation : accidental
Results (Stage of construction 5)
Analysis 1 (stage 5)
Circular slip surface
Slip surface parameters
x= 9.34 [m] 1 = -24.46 [°]
Center : Angles :
z= 14.27 [m] 2 = 45.33 [°]
Radius : R= 15.68 [m]
Analysis of the slip surface without optimization.
Slope stability verification (Morgenstern-Price)
Factor of safety = 1.64 > 1.00
Slope stability ACCEPTABLE

[GeoStructural Analysis - Slope Stability | version | Copyright © 2015 Fine spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved |]

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