Lesson 1

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Gravity Falls Episode 1 Pare Task 1. Meet the characters of Gravity Falls. Describe their appearance WY Mable Uncle Stan Dipper NF Task 2. Wateh episode 00,00-02.44, and answer the questions. WF 1) Why Mable and Dipper’s parents decided to send children to Gravity Falls? 2) What is Gravity Falls? 3) Who are kids going to live with? 4) What does their uncle do? Task 3. Translate underlined words and make examples with them. a) «This attic is amazing!», b) «Check out all my splinters» ©) «You can keep on chewing my sweater» d) «My sister tended to look on the bright side of things» e) «I was getting used to our new i >” D> Grammar » Used to / be used to / get used to** «l was getting to used to our new surroundings» Dipper. Aeiicmeus, cocmosnua u_ | We used to live in npuebluKu, Komopble Canada, but now we live cetiuac ne akmyaibibt in the US. «Boimp npuepixwua I've lived in London for three years and I'm used to bad weather caipuspixam», novuamp/ | | was getting used to our’ opwuposame new_surroundings npusviuxy» * npouece npuseikanus **Grammar task. Choose the right option. 1) I’m used to get / getting up early. 2) Lused to read / reading a lot. 3) I was used / used to play football when I was at school. 4) Before I bought a car I got used fo / used to go to work by bus. 5) It’s taking me a long time to used to / get used to speaking English. Rewrite sentences using used to / get used to / be used to 1) Inthe past, my English was worse. 2) Ididn’t like studying as a child. Now I do. 3) Iam comfortable driving here. 4) People communicated more face to face in the past. 5) John is becoming comfortable making dinners for himself. 6) Tina was nicer before. 7) — Australians are accustomed to driving on the other side of the road. 8) I play guitar now. I didn't in the past. 9) — Ican’t dance well now. I could before, though. 10) It takes time to become accustomed to living with another person. w Task 4. Watch part 02.45 — 03.37 and fill in missing words. w -«He’s1)___attit! » - Mabel, I know you're going 2) your whole «boy crazy phase», but I think you’re kind of 3) it with a crazy part». - What? Come on, Dipper! This is our first summer 4) from home. It’s my big 5) to have an epic summer 6) »> ~ Yeah, but do you need to 7) with every guy you 8) 2» -«My name is Mable, but you can call me the girl of your 9) Lam 10) ! -« Oh my Gosh, you like 11)__? I like turtles too. ~« What is 12) here? » NF task 5.Watch part 03.38-04.46 and find out who said these phrases. write names. 1) Something weird is going on in this town I got a good feeling about this summer. I need someone to go hammer up these signs. Mock all you want. 5) Look alive, people! 6) My mosquito bites spelled out «beware». 7) I'd fire all of you if I could. j 8) So quit being paranoid. Task 6. Translate these words and make sentences with them. y v 1) To mock, 2) To fire 3) To put up. Beware, 5) Weird, 6) To hammer up. 7) To quit ’ % Task 7. Watch part 04.46-8.05 and choose True or False. .. Dipper is putting up the signs in the woods. True / False . Dipper finds the chest in the ground, True / False . The book says TRUST NO ONE in Gravity Falls. True / False .. The book was about Gravity Fall residents’ traditions. True / False . There wasn’t one sheet in the book. True / False Mable met old friend in Gravity Falls while Dipper was absent. True / False . The Mable’s boyfriend was bleeding. True / False . Dipper didn’t like Mable’s boyfriend. True / False . Dipper decided to consult local newspaper. True / False 10.Dipper found out «Norman» was a vampire, True /False yw ‘Task 8. Watch part 8.05 — 9.48 and match phrases with their owners. yw 4) Mable b) Dipper) Stand) Soos 1) My wisdom is both a blessing anda curse. ____ 2) It was time to get some evidence. __ 3) You're scallywag. 4) Look, dude. I believe you 5) I’m just going nuts. 6) The toilets are clogged again. ___ 7) I couldn’t help but overhear you talking aloud in this room. __ WA task 9. Watch 12.00 — 14.00 and put phrases in order they were in the yw episode. Just don’t freak out, okay? Finally, we're alone. You can tell me anything. Try not to hit any pedestrians, We're gonna kidnap you! There’s something I should tell you. I need to borrow the golf cart so I can save my sister from a zombie. Gnomes have been looking for a new queen. Task 10, Watch part 14.10-15.30 and fill in the words from the list. a) Bunch b) messed) struggle d) danger e)heck capable g) misunderstanding 1) The more you___ the more awkward this is gonna be for everyone. 2) What the is going on here? 3) Norman turned out to be a of gnomes. 4) This is all really just a big 5) Your sister’s not in 6) You have no idea what we're of. 7) You've with the wrong creatures, boy! Task 11, In the last part of the episode Mable named 3 things she was angry about. Listen carefully and fill in missing information. Mable - “This is for (amo 3a mo, 4mo...): D 2 3).

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