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A. PARTS OF SPEECH (= types/ categories of words)

When you're talking about grammar, it's useful to know some basic terms. The following are
called parts of speech:

1. Verbs

Verbs are often called ‘action/doing words'.

For example:

 The horse jumped the fence.

 The child wants more biscuits.

 Stop the car!

2. Nouns

Nouns are the names of people, places, things and ideas.

For example: dog, computer, river, flock, London, Anne, hope, poverty

3. Adjectives

Adjectives describe nouns.

For example:

 She wore a blue dress.

 The small dog barked at me.

 A cool breeze made her shiver.

4. Adverbs

Adverbs give us extra information about how, where or when a verb happens. In English, most
adverbs end in -ly.

For example:

 He drove slowly.

 The teacher spoke loudly.

 They sang beautifully.

 I know him well.

An adverb can also modify an adjective, e.g.: She has extremely blue eyes.

An adverb can even modify another adverb, e.g.: He drove excruciatingly slowly.

5. Pronouns

Pronouns are usually small words which stand in place of a noun, often to avoid repeating the noun.
They include words such as I, you, them, which, who,…

6. Prepositions

Prepositions come before nouns or pronouns and usually show a connection.

For example:

 Your pen is on the desk.

 The children went to the park.

 We rested under the tree.

 Jim hid behind the door.

7. Conjunctions

Conjunctions link words, sentences or parts of a sentence together.

 The rug is blue and cream.

 The road was busy, since it was rush hour.

 I closed the door but I didn't lock it because I thought she was still inside.

8. Articles

There are two kinds of article: definite (“the”) and indefinite a(n).

Words can have different functions/ “jobs” within a sentence.

Three important functions are:


The subject is the person or thing DOING the action of the verb.

For example: The boy is running.

The dogs ate all their food.


The object is the person or thing UNDERGOING the action of the verb, i.e. something is being
done to it:

For example: I will send the letter.

The cook prepared a delicious meal.


The indirect object is the person or thing RECEIVING something. Very often, English expresses this
with “to/ for”.

For example: The cook prepared a delicious meal for his guests.

The postman handed the parcel to my neighbour.

Did you say something to me?

His colleagues gave him a lovely retirement present.

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