School Analysis

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Waldorf School of the Peninsula

Waldorf education is a unique and distinctive approach to educating children that is practiced in Waldorf
schools worldwide. The best overall statement on what is unique about Waldorf education is to be
found in the stated goals of the schooling: "to produce individuals who are able, in and of themselves, to
impart meaning to their lives". The aim of Waldorf schooling is to educate the whole child, "head, heart
and hands". The curriculum is as broad as time will allow, and balances academics subjects with artistic
and practical activities.

Main mission is to awaken children to their own individuality and unfold their high capacities of
thinking, feeling and willing, thus creating a truly human world through an education that is a source of
social change. Waldorf Education reaches beyond content to freeing the human spirit.


-Cultivate a Community of Learning;

-Support Development Toward Freedom and Ethical Responsibility;

-Encourage Healthy Individual, Family and Social Life;

-Lead Through Service.

Key selling points / competitive advantages: Waldorf puts high value in art, critical thinking, and
creativity and does not pursue academic instruction before the age of seven. Public school puts a high
value on standard and measurable academics, with a focus on math and reading starting at age five

Target audience: Between the ages of 7 and 19.

Limitations / Threats / Weaknesses:

-Most Waldorf schools are private, and the cost of tuition limits diversity even if generous financial aid is

-The emphasis on Western civilization is considered Eurocentric, and Asian and African cultures are
given little time.

-Waldorf schools can appear “religious” because Saint Stories and Bible stories are told in 2nd and 3rd

-The way math and science are taught can be too slow for academically ambitious parents.

Future development scenarios: Waldorf education system prepare a generation that will be
comfortable with change, and that will have the tools and the willingness to confront and solve the
many problems of our global society, instead of sinking into cynicism or apathy.

Waldorf School of the Peninsula provides students with a unique learning environment that is holistic
and tentative to the developmental process of students. Rudolf Steiner’s clearly defined and distinct
stages of child development provide the guidelines for educating the whole child. The Waldorf approach
to education is much more gradual and thoughtful than public education. It is important to understand
the advantages and disadvantages of alternative education systems like Waldorf because they are
increasing in popularity and prominence.

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