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Test 9

Time 40 minutes

Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions. Write your answers on the question paper.


There are five parts to the test.
Part 1 is a listening part.
All questions carry one mark.
There are 40 questions.

© UCLES 2015

Part 1

Questions 1 – 8

You will hear eight short sentences. For each one, choose the best reply.
You will hear each sentence twice.

1 A It’s good as a rule.

B What did you think of it?
C Sorry, I’ve seen it.

2 A So what do you need?

B That’s a great idea!
C I’m really glad to hear that.

3 A Wait a second. I’ll just ask Lisa.

B Lisa could come, for instance.
C Is there anything Lisa can do to help?

4 A Is there something I can do?

B That’s a good question.
C I think she’d love it.

5 A I’ll give it a try.

B That’s a great idea.
C I’m not sure. Let me check.

3 Turn over ►
6 A I’m not a big fan of that type of music.
B Is there something I can do?
C I tend not to, on the whole.

7 A I know exactly what you mean.

B It turned out that I had.
C There are some great songs on it.

8 A It’s supposed to be excellent.

B That must be exciting.
C How annoying!

Part 2
Questions 9 – 16

Read the sentences about entertainment.

Choose the missing word (A, B, C or D) for each space.

9 My favourite ............ in the film is the teacher’s wife.

A creature B celebrity C composer D character

10 My favourite ............ in the film was the one when they were staying in Paris.

A scene B action C view D sight

11 Actors love working with that ............ because he’s always very calm in the studio during

A organiser B officer C director D instructor

12 Did you know the film American Hustle is ............ on a true story?

A taken B recorded C written D based

13 Have you seen the band ............ on stage?

A organise B create C perform D install

5 Turn over ►
14 The music for that film was recorded with a large ............ of classical musicians.

A album B playlist C orchestra D track

15 Going to see a band playing ............ is always better than just listening to a recording.

A live B hard C late D fast

16 I saw my favourite band at a great ............ last summer.

A orchestra B festival C album D choir

Part 3
Questions 17 – 24

Read the descriptions of some words about entertainment. What is the word for each one?
The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word.

For questions 17 – 24, write the words.

17 This is the part of the building where TV programmes are made. s_____

18 You can learn a lot of interesting information from the facts in this d__________
type of TV programme.

19 This is a TV series about the lives and problems of a group of s___ o____

20 This type of movie has an exciting story, which is often about crime. t_______

21 This is a person who plays an instrument. m_______

22 Artists need this quality to get new ideas. c_________

23 When rock groups play on stage, it’s called this. p__________

24 These are the people who listen to a classical music concert. a_______

7 Turn over ►
Part 4
Questions 25 – 32

Read the article about a documentary film.

Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each space.

Note by Note: The Making of Steinway L1037 - A documentary

Steinway pianos are played by top classical musicians around the world. These pianos are as
interesting as the people (25) ………… play them. Note by Note is a documentary film about one
piano, (26) ………… name is L1037, and how this piano was (27) ………… . It is a fascinating
story that has never (28) ………… told before.
The documentary takes us first to a forest in Alaska. This is the place where it all begins. The
forest's trees will (29) ………… used to provide the high-quality wood necessary to build the piano.
We then watch each step as the wood is worked on to become the finished piano.
Directed by Ben Niles, Note by Note is a kind of love story, because of the love and care that
(30) ………… shown by each of the people involved in creating the piano. The end of the process,
and the beginning of its musical career, is the day (31) ………… it is sold. Buyers pay around
$150,000 for these beautiful instruments. However, this is a film (32) ………… also reminds us of
the deep connections between nature, people and art.

25 A which B that C they D all

26 A which B its C the D whose

27 A create B creates C creating D created

28 A been B was C being D be

29 A be B being C have D having

30 A have B are C has D will

31 A on B for C when D which

32 A this B it C what D which

Part 5
Questions 33 – 40

Here are some sentences about entertainment.

For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Use no more than three words.

33 They filmed the movie The Hobbit in New Zealand.

The movie The Hobbit ……………………………………….. in New Zealand.

34 Alex Graham plays the detective in the TV series.

The detective in the TV series ……………………………………….. the actor Alex Graham.

35 Is it true that they’re making a new Star Wars movie?

Is it true that a new Star Wars movie ……………………………………….. made?

36 They will draw all the characters in the film rather than using a computer.

All the characters in the film will ……………………………………….. hand.

37 The Irish musical instrument the bodhran is hit like a drum.

A bodhran is an Irish musical instrument ……………………………………….. you hit like

a drum.

9 Turn over ►
38 I’ll show you a painting by an artist and I think you’ll like him.

I’ll show you a painting by an artist ……………………………………….. think you’ll like.

39 The festival takes place in Mali, and Tuareg music comes from there.

The festival takes place in Mali, ……………………………………….. Tuareg music comes


40 Musicola is the city’s biggest concert hall and it is where the orchestra performed.

The orchestra performed at Musicola, ……………………………………….. is the city’s

biggest concert hall.




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