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King Blitz

Designer: Jesus “Jesse” Reza 

Goal of the Game
The goal of the player is to take out the Crown checker or force the other player to surrender.

Setup Rules
Players will place their checkers in whatever order they wish to have them in. The players will have 3 checkers on each side,
however one must always be the ​Crown Checker​. For example (Knight, Crown, Castle), (Crown, Assassin, Knight), or (Queen,
Castle, Crown). Players are given one die each. Each Checker has a moveset to them. Either both players keep track of their points
and ability cost or have someone keep track of the points. Each symbol has an initial amount of points required to purchase the
ability except the double dice. First player to go is decided by seeing who gets the highest die roll.

Gameplay Rules
Movement​:​ Players can only move ​one​ checker a turn. The player will roll the die first before they move.
● The ​Crown checker​ allows the player to move one space but can spend additional points to move again. You can move
another space but the point requirement will double (Example- 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + etc). The point requirement will reset
once the player has the chance to move again.
● The ​Knight checker​ will be able to move 1, 2, or 3 spaces in one direction.
● The ​Castle checker​ will only move one space and it will award the player 3 additional points.
● The ​Queen/Tiara checker​ allows the piece to move 1 space or can teleport to anywhere on the board. Using Teleport, will
result in the Queen having to wait one turn before the checker can move again.
● The ​Assassin checker​ moves in 1 or 2 spaces. If this piece successfully attacks another checker you will take half of the
other player’s points. If the number of points is odd (round down).
Points:​ ​Points can be earned by rolling the die given to the player. The player must roll the die first before moving a checker.
Turns:​ ​Turns are concluded after each player has gone respectfully.
Abilities​:​ The player must call ​“purchase” ​to get an ability and can only equip one at a time. The player can purchase an ability
after the dice roll or towards the end of their turn. The player may use the purchased ability on their next turn. The cost of abilities
will go up by 2 after each player has gone. ​Ability Usage​ is limited to once per turn but the player is allowed to use whichever one
the player has access to.
● For example Turn 1 is concluded after both players have gone. So the initial points will go up from 2, 3, & 5 to 5, 7, 9 and
will continue on from there.
● Another example Turn 4 the points for abilities will 8, 9, 11 points
1.The ​double die​ symbol will allow the player to roll two dice for three turns and the space is treated as a normal tile. Meaning only
one use per game, so the players can only access 3 in one game. The double die does not require points for purchase but it will
occupy your ability slot for that checker until the duration is over.
2.The ​diamond​ symbol allows players these abilities, freeze, swap, mimic.
● Freeze​ - allows the player to stop one of the other player’s checkers from moving. 5 turns must pass for it to be used
again. Its initial cost is 2 points.
● Swap​ - allows players to switch their checkers on the board. 3 turns must pass for it to be used again. Its initial cost is 3
● Mimic​ - allows the checker to switch between movements of any ally checker(s). Its initial cost is 5 points. (For Example if
a knight purchase it it can move like a castle and get that extra point or move like a crown)
3.The ​double triangle​ symbol provides additional movements such as moving 1 extra space, 2 extra spaces, and 3 extra spaces.
Like the diamond their initial is 2, 3, & 5 points respectfully.
Attack​:​ the player attacks by moving into an occupied space and the checker is removed from the game.

End Condition Rules

The Winner is determined once one of the crown checkers is out of the game. Player calls ​“blitz”​ once they take out the crown or in
a position to do so.
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