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Module 003 Bomba 1

Title: What would your life be like in 1788 South Carolina?

Relevant SC Standards:

8.1.CE Analyze the factors that contributed to the development of South Carolina’s
economic system and the subsequent impacts on different populations within the colony.

8.1.P Summarize major events in the development of South Carolina which impacted the
economic, political, and social structure of the colony.

Description: This app lesson will develop 8th grade social studies understanding on how people
live in 1788, when South Carolina was becoming a state.

Instructional Objective: 

Students will be able to compare life in 1788 to life now.

Students will be able to illustrate what a family of different social class life could look like.

Students will be able to analyze the events leading up to South Carolina declaring statehood.

Step 1- Students will look up major dates and events prior to 1788, to understand how South
Carolina became a state.

Step 2 - Students will look up different clothing and recipes of the time period to understand
more of what life was like and how it has changed.

Step 3- Students will research different people of color, social status and ethnicity throughout
that time period in order to see how the way they looked effected their lives.

After all the research the students will put together a presentation of what they think their lives
would be like in 1788 and give specific reasons and events that would put them in this living

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