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Big Willie’s Grand Water Adventure

Team Pirate
Burgandy Hotz, Jesus Reza, Robert Davis, and Jeffrey Marschalk
Big Willie’s Grand Water Adventure is a board game where the objective is to travel to a set
destination before the other players do. Each player has their own character to choose from
such as a pirate, mermaid, sea monster, treasure diver or part of a monarch navy. Take you and
your friends out on an adventure unlike any other. Players will fight to reach the treasure as they
traverse these wicked seas and past great obstacles. As the player progresses through the
board there will be obstacles that can prove to be the challenge. It will stop the player in his/her
tracks if they are not able to pass through and everyone is required to complete the obstacle.
Each obstacle comes with mini games where all players must participate and can steal coins
from others. Vendors are also on the board so they can help players to steal pearls from others
either to prevent them from winning or just have your own fun. Players must reach a certain
amount of pearls and gold in order to reach the island. When players encounter an obstacle
they will have the option to make a wager to pass it. They will be forced to play a game of
matching cards and if they win their initial wager they can increase their supply.
Designer’s Intent:
● Build a game that has an average play time of 30 minutes of gameplay with cooperative
and competitive gameplay that will force players to use limited resources at their
disposal to either help or prevent other players from winning the game.
● Mainly to incorporate fun team building skills but also feature competitive gameplay
where players must discuss to prevent another player from ending the game early on.
● Players can conspire or play as individuals while keeping in their own right criteria to win
the game.
● A game built to help center strategic thinking while keeping a family fun board game
● End game scenario, players start from one end of the board and have to get to the other
end of the board.
● Using limited resources for, with, or against other players to either help or hinder other
players from winning the game.
● Cooperative and competitive gameplay
● Average gameplay time 30 minutes
● At most four hours of gameplay
● Ages 5+
● 2-5 players
● Aimed towards families and friends
● We want the game to be easily approachable where everyone can enjoy
● Boardgame
● The budget would be around $50.00.
● The time frame would be at least two or three weeks.
Material List:
● 1 Board

● 1 Die

● 50x “Gold” Coin(s)AKA Any coins

● 5 x Game Pieces (Mermaid, Pirate, Sea Monster, Monarch Navy, Treasurer Diver) “using
mini statue as reference”) Players can use small toys

● 10x “Pearl”(s) AKA Marbles

● Matching Cards x12

● 40x Material Cards (Metal, Wood, Basket of Fruit, Munitions)

Game Board/Printables:
Board Setup

Matching cards
Before Gameplay Starts

● No more than 5 players can play the game.

● Minimum of 2 players needed.
● Each player starts with five coins.
● Players will also receive a random additional material card that only they individually will
get to see to hold onto and use when needed.
● Shuffle Matching cards
● Shuffle Material cards

During Gameplay

● Players will collect one coin at the start of their turn.

● Players start from the first space and progress across the board until they reach the last
● Other players won’t be able to see what the material card is and cannot steal the hidden
material card from other players.
● When a player lands on a Material card space then they pick up the top-most resource
card in the deck.
● The material card once used will be placed in a pile face down and cannot be used
● Players will roll a die once only on their turn to progress on the board
● Players can only move the number of spaces shown on the die.
● Players cannot move until they complete the obstacles they are facing.
● Players are required to complete their obstacles before they can move further across the
● If players land on a space that is already occupied by another player, they have the
choice to either steal from that player or help that player if they are stuck on an obstacle.

Coins/Pearls/Resources and Vendors

● Players need to collect pearls to win the game

● Players can buy pearls at a vendor space using coins (five coins required), pearls are
required for wagering and winning.
● If a pearl is purchased the player will stop there, if not the player will continue with their
normal spaces.
● Players can sell pearls for five coins at the vendor spaces
● Once a player stops at a vendor space and trades, they cannot move forward until their
next turn.
● If a player is near the last space, if they don’t have at least three pearls and ten coins
and they roll a number that will cause them to land on the last space, they cannot move
and their turn is skipped. After that they will return back to the beginning of the board.
● Coins can only be returned to the pile either by a purchase of a pearl, a bluff call or a
player has won.
● Players can only hold up to three material cards at a time. So landing on any more space
with cards will give the player no additional cards.
● It takes 2 material cards to purchase a pearl, but they must match whatever material the
vendor specifically requires. They can either bluff it or give the required cards to the


● If the player encounters an obstacle or a vendor they are allowed to place any card face
down into the pile.
● Someone can call the play a bluff.
● Only one person can call the bluff. (Who ever called first will bet their coins)
● If the player guess correctly the person with the material card(s) will lose 3 coins
● If the player guessed wrong then that person will lose 3 coins.
● The 3 coins loss will go to the pile.


● Players can make wagers when playing the matching card game to earn more coins and
● When players are trying to pass an obstacle they can wager coins or their material cards
to attempt to pass it
● The player could roll the die to pass the obstacles but must meet the number
requirement on the obstacle.
● If a player wins on the first attempt their initial wager is doubled.
● If a player wins on the 2nd attempt they don’t win their bet but can still pass the obstacle.
● Players can wager to get transported to a new location on the board for 2 coinsIf they
land on the correct spot by landing on 2 different spaces spread around the board
● Players cannot be transported to a space that is already occupied. They can be
transported 2-5 spaces away from the decided location.
● A player must pick high or low, if they win the high roll bet which is a 4-6 they get
transported to the player with the most resources. Also winning 1 additional coin
● If the player wins the low roll which is 1-3 bet they get transported to the player closest to
the goal. Also winning 1 additional coin
● If the player loses the transportation wager dice roll they lose the 2 coins they wagered
and 1 additional coin. They cannot use the transportation space anymore and must wait
till they land on another transportation spot on the game board before attempting again

Matching Card Game

● When a player has started the matching game they must flip all the matching cards face
down and shuffle them.
● The player must find a single match and has 2 attempts to find a pair.
● If the player finds a pair on the first try they win the bet and their initial wager is doubled
● Once the card game is over the matching cards must be shuffled and flipped back face

Winning Condition

● The first player who makes it to the last space and has collected at least three pearls
and ten coins wins the entire game.
● The remaining players will take second, third, fourth, and last place depending on who
makes it to the last space next and if they have collected at least three pearls and ten

Losing Condition

● Players who lose all their pearls and coins automatically lose the game.
● Pearls can be lost if other players have stolen them and vendors do not have any pearls
left to sell.
● Coins can be lost if other players have stolen them or if they use up their money.

Trade (Include Buy/Sell) -

There are Vendor spaces where players can buy pearls from vendors using coins. Each pearl
costs five coins and there is one pearl per Vendor with ten Vendors in total. Players can sell
pearls to Vendors in exchange for five coins. If a player rolls a number that allows them to pass
a Vendor space, they have a choice of either stopping at the Vendor and trading or continuing
forward. If they choose to stop and trade then they cannot move further until their next turn.

Description - The player either lands or stops on a Vendor space labeled on the board. If they choose to trade with the vendor, they
give the vendor five coins. After the vendor receives five coins, the player is given a pearl.

When a player lands on a specific space. The player can wager coins to be transported on the
map. They will roll a dice and if they roll a 4-6 they will be warped near the player with the most
resources. If they roll a 1-3 they will be warped to the player closest to the goal. Players being
warped can land from 2-5 spaces away from the decided location. The player must wager 2
coins to be transported and select if they want to roll high or low. If they lose the bet for example
they pick “high” but roll “low” the player loses 1 more additional coin and cannot use the
transportation space until they land on another one.

The player may encounter obstacles along the way and will have to make a bet on a card
matching game to clear the obstacle. They must win on the first try to make a turnover. A single
loss will reduce the ante to zero. Two losses and the player has to forfeit the bet and their turn
ends. Also they lose the coins they initially wagered and cannot pass the obstacle. Until
attempting again on there next turn

Description- In this example the player would have rolled to move to a space. They come across a map warper. The player has to
make a decision and wager coins to be warped to a location on the map. The player can choose to decline and to not be warped. If
they do decide to be transported they must pay 4 coins to activate the wager-to-be-warped mechanic.
Description- In this example the players have encountered an obstacle on the board and must play the card matching game to pass
it. The deck of cards must first be flipped over back facing and then mixed around. The player must match a single pair of cards and
can place a bet that they will find a pair on their first try. If not they lose their bet. If they lose a second time they must wait another
turn before they can attempt again. If they win however they pass and win their bet. If they win on the second try they don’t win any
coins but can still pass

Disperse(Resource Management) -
As the player traverses through the map they will be collecting resources like cards or coins to
be used to complete obstacles, wagers or win the game. Each turn a player will receive a coin
at the beginning of their turn. Once a player reaches a shop they can purchase a pearl for 5
coins and return the coins back into the pile. The player can also trade in their material cards as
well with a minimum of two and must match the shop requirement. Each shop will be limited to
one pearl as there are 10 shops each on the board. As we want the players to get an even
amount on the board so that way wagering wouldn’t be the only way of getting the remaining
pearls. Players will have access to three cards at a time and could only obtain more by using
one of the cards.

Description- In this example one of the players has collected enough coins(pennies) in order to purchase one of the pearls(marble)
in the shop. On the left picture it shows the play has more than five coins in their inventory and moving over to the middle picture we
can see they are ready to give the five. With the final photo the play now has a pearl in their inventory to help build for the win

Steal -
If a player lands on a space that is occupied by another player, the player has the option to steal
from the player on that space. If the player chooses to steal, they must roll a higher number than
the player on the space with them. At most, the player can steal 2 coins and 1 pearl.
Description- This example of a successful steal. The navy ship rolled and landed on the same space as the sea monster. The player
using the ship chose to try and steal from the sea monster. The ship must roll a higher number than the sea monster in order to
successfully steal. The ship in this example rolled higher and chose to steal only 2 coins from the monster.

Bluffing -
A player has the chance to bluff a vendor or an obstacle to pass through as the cards being
drawn are not shown to the other players so it gives people the chance to make a move. If for
example an obstacle requires a metal card in order to pass through however they have a wood
material card. So in this case he/she can place down his/her card and call what he/she played,
but another player can call on the card to insure that it is right. If the player who called it is right
then they take away three coins and add it to the pile. If they got it wrong then they will give up
three coins and send it to the pile.

Description - The player is placing his/her card down in order to pass an obstacle so they show the card and place it down. The next
image shows the amount of coins the player will lose if the person who called the bluff was correct. If the bluff was called and the
other player got it right the three coins go to the pile. Vice versa if the other player got it wrong they will place the coins in the pile as
well. The third picture shows a good example of what happens if either player loses the bluff.
Developer’s Log:

The first step that we took to ensure the game was getting a lot smoother was to remove most
of the randomness on the board such as the dice roll requirement to pass obstacles. Now the
player has the choice to take on the obstacle in 3 different ways instead of one. We have
decided to give the player to spend resources or still continue their luck to try and place a bet to
win additional resources. We also wanted to create an average playtime for the game instead of
presenting a maximum playtime. We also wanted the game to be more obvious to players when
trying to determine a winner. So, we included shops that will expend players resources as well
as supply them so players will know who is in the lead. After receiving feedback from the
instructor we also wanted to make our rules list more clear. By adding an actual wager to the
transportation spaces on the board the players are now faced with a decision that they must
wager coins on a bet to see if they can get the benefits of being transported to their desired bet
turnout. But now we also included a reward or penalty if they win or lose their wager.
Looking back, it was initially a struggle to determine what kind of game we would create with the
mechanics presented. We thought that creating a game where the player had to gather and
spend resources would be the best direction. It helped us figure out a win condition and
incorporate our mechanics to help work with and play against the players. We have also
decided to lower the amount of items needed for the win condition and increase a good portion
of the pearls to make the game a lot more fast paced. As we do want to look past having a
game that is fours and would rather have it to pass the time or to keep you busy for a short
As mentioned earlier we added new ways for players to progress faster without relying on luck
to succeed in our game. The first is adding material cards to the game as a different currency
versus the coin but there is a twist with it now. Players can use a bluff to earn the pearls in the
shop as they do not need to reveal the cards when they discard them to the no longer in play
pile. But that does not mean they are safe as one of the other players can call it out and can
take away coins which is a big blow. So be sure to be careful of how you will approach the game
and maybe you can snag a few coins away. The cards can now be used for obstacles and only
needing one card to pass through. As cards are found throughout the map kind of similar to
finding supplies out at sea from wrecked ships.
So now we talk about the dice since it was considered the main crutch to get people over that
hump. We made it less significant but not entirely remove it from the game as we found it was
still a good idea. But it executed poorly so now it still has its uses with the wagering, moving,
and past obstacles if the player decides to waver their luck.
Resources Page

Adobe Stock. (n.d.). Hand Holding Marble. Adobe.

AntiquesRGreat. (n.d.). Scene It? Disney 2nd Edition DVD Ariel Little Mermaid Replacement
Game Token #Mattel. Pinterest.

BeardBear (2020, Sept 17th) Super Mario 64 (3D All-Stars) - Full Game 100% Walkthrough

Blazingman11 (2018, Mar 29th) Super Mario 64 Game Over.

Cannon, Cliff. (2018, August 28). You roll a fair 4-sided die if the result is 1 or 2, you roll once
more but otherwise, you stop. What is the probability that the total sum of your rolls is at least 4?

Dreamteam.(n.d) Cartoon Wood Log PNG.

Grivins, Mikelis. (n.d.). Made a Simple Game Board Using Creative Clips Board Game Clip Art.

Games. Hasbro, (2020), Candy Land Game [ Start down the ""magical"" road to ""sweet""
surprises! This adorable version of the classic Candy Land game features the fun illustrations
that kids love.]

Kumar, Abhishek. (2017, July 8). Infinite Dice Game. Medium.

Lesche, Brandon. (2018, May 24). An ordinary fair die is rolled 420 times. How many times is
the number 3 expected? Quora.

Marbles. House of, (2020), Party Bag With 15 Marbles,
Movies, Nintendo 64, (2012, May) Mario Party 2 Board Game- Horror Land [We decided to play
a longer game this time. It turned out to 35 turns of pure horror (land)! Enjoy this playthrough of
Horror Land, with two failed attempts of stealing with King Boo, Bowser fleeing, and Toad selling

pngio(n.d) Metal Cartoon PNG.

Sickr. (2011, February 13). Nintendo 3DS: Nintendo 3DS Play Coins Are Capped at 300. My
Nintendo News.

T. Sam, (2018, July) Free Ocean Printable Matching Game For Preschoolers,

Web Paradiso. (June 23, 2014). The Monte Carlo Simulation. Wordpress.

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