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| Case | Report |

Conduction of reparative dentin: A pulp protecting approach by indirect

pulp capping in deep carious lesion with biodentine

Rafeza Sultana and Md. Shamsul Alam

Article Info Abstract

Depart e t of Co ser ai e De istry This case report represents, the treatment of deep carious lesion in a male was done by using
a d E dodo i s, Fa ulty of De istry, indirect pulp capping with biodentine. The clinical and radiological outcomes were evaluated. The
Ba ga a dhu Sheikh Muji Medi al patient was presented with mild to moderate sensitivity on thermal (cold) stimulation and
U i ersity, Shah ag, Dhaka, Ba gladesh
discomfort associated with eating in the left mandibular first molar. The clinico–radiographical
examination revealed a disto–occlusal carious lesion, very close to the pulp, absence of
For Corresponden e: radiolucencies in the periapical region and no periodontal space widening. Pulp sensitivity was
Rafeza Sulta a confirmed by thermal pulp vitality test. Indirect pulp capping treatment was performed with
rafezasulta a@g ail. o biodentine. Following 6 months of the treatment, the clinical symptoms were resolved and a
calcific bridge was found at the dentin over the pulp and biodentine interface that was indicative
Re ei ed: No e er the evidence of reparative dentin formation.
A epted: No e er
A aila le O li e: De e er

ISSN: - O li e
- Pri t Introduction to avoid pulp exposure in such case, a conser-
vative procedure has been recommended, the
DOI: . / s uj. i . Pulp and dentin encompass an intimate indirect pulp treatment (IPT).6
complex in which bacterial contamination of
the dentin frankly affects the pulp. A mild Retrospective and prospective studies showed
carious invasion even incurs a pulpal reaction. that in both dentitions the success rate for
Cite this ari le: indirect pulp treatment was similar, ranging
Sulta a R, Ala MS. Co du io of
If the etiology is removed early, healing occurs
near the begining.1 Dental caries is the prime from 73 to 93% after 2 weeks to 11 years of
reparai e de i : A pulp prote i g
approa h y i dire t pulp appi g i threat to the heath of the dental pulp that
deep arious lesio ith iode i e. causes progressive damage of the tooth struc- The search for the ideal vital pulp materials the
Ba ga a dhu Sheikh Muji Med U i J.
ture. The damage can convert the reversible researchers has lead to investigate different
; : - .
pulp to irreversible state. In deliberation of new innovative therapeutics for successful pulp
conservative dentistry, it can be considered as capping such as Ca(OH)2, ZnO eugenol cement,
Availa le at: preventive or interceptive endodontics that polycarboxylate cement, glass ionomer cement,
. a glajol.i fo allows a compromized pulp to recover and antibiotic, growth factor, emdogain, bioglass,
A Jour al of Ba ga a dhu Sheikh Muji protect pulp from further damage. Indirect MTA and recently biodentine.8
Medi al U i ersity, Dhaka, Ba gladesh pulp capping is one of the approaches to
protect the pulp of teeth with deep carious Calcium hydroxide is considered as widely
lesion. In indirect pulp capping technique, used pulp capping agent. However, it does not
following removal of infected, soft carious provide close adaptation to dentin, gradual
dentin, demineralized (affected or sterile degradation, develop inadequate reparative
dentin) is needed to be left which can be dentin with tunnel defect which provide path
remineralized by using pulp capping thera- way for penetration of microorganisms.9
peutics.2 New bioactive cement, biodentine TM
An imperative precedence in the treatment of (Septodont, St. Maur– des– Fosses France), was
deep carious lesions is to preserve pulp recently launched in the dental market as a
vitality.3 The conservative pulp management dentin replacement. BiodentineTM consists of a
has the potentiality to reduce the need for a powder in a capsule and liquid in a pipette. The
more invasive treatment.4 However, after pulp powder mainly contains tri-calcium silicate as a
exposure, such conservative treatment is dubi- main core material, di-calcium silicate as
ous and unpredictable. In addition, during second core material, calcium carbonate and
caries removal if the pulp is exposed, successful oxide as fillers, iron oxide as shade and
outcome will be significantly reduced.5 In order zirconium oxide as radiopacifier. The liquid
228 BSMMU J 2016; 9: 227-230

consists of CaCl2 as accelator and hydrosoluble A diagnosis of reversible pulpitis of left mandibular
polymer as water reducing agents. The powder is first molar was made and the treatment plan was
mixed with the liquid in a capsule in the amalga- established to preserve the pulp vitality by indirect
mator for 30 sec. Setting time of biodentineTM is pulp capping with biodentine followed by
about 12 min. It can be used in both in crown and permanent restoration with composite resin.
root. Its crown uses include temporary closer,
The whole treatment procedure was explained to
cervical filling, indirect and direct pulp capping and
the patient and consent was taken. After mouth
pulpotomy. On root, it is in repair of floor perfora-
preparation local anesthesia was administered and
tion, internal and external resorption and retrograde
isolation was done with cotton roll. Firstly,
root canal obturation.10
surrounding caries was removed by using no. #4
In this case report, indirect pulp capping with diamond bur at high speed with sufficient water
biodentine was performed to maintain pulp vitality spray. Infected dentin from cavity walls was
by conduction of reparative dentin over the pulp. removed with a spoon excavator followed by low
speed round carbide bur compatible with the size of
the cavity very carefully leaving the affected dentin
to avoid the pulp exposure. The cavity was flashed
Case Report
with normal saline and dried with sterile cotton
A 20 year old patient reported to the Department of pellets. BiodentineTM (septodont) powder and liquid
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, BSMMU, was mixed according to manufacturer
Dhaka with the complaints of mild to moderate recommendations in an automatic mixture
sensitivity on thermal (cold) stimulation and (amalgamator) for 30 sec. Then putty like
discomfort associated with eating in the left consistency was dispensed on to a mixing pad and
mandibular first molar. The clinical examination was applied to the cavity up to 3 mm thickness by
revealed a deep disto-occlusal carious lesion in the amalgam carrier. About 12 min after mixing, the
mandibular left first molar tooth without pulp material was set hard and the tooth was restored
exposure. The tooth was responded normally to with composite restoration (giomer) to replace
percussion and palpation. Normal appearance of enamel. Occlusion was checked for any high spot.
adjacent gingival tissue was evident. The Then post operative radiograph was taken as base
radiograph revealed a deep distal carious lesion, line radiograph. The patient was recalled for clinical
very close to the pulp, absence of radiolucencies in and radiological evaluation at 3, 6 months interval.
the periapical region and no periodontal space At 6 months, the radiographic evaluation (Figure
widening. Pulp sensitivity was confirmed by 2,3) showed a consistent reparative dentin
thermal (cold test) pulp vitality test. There was no formation at the dentin over the pulp and
exaggerated and lingering pain and quickly biodentine interface.
disappear after stimulus was removed.


Figure 1: Steps of clinical procedure: (A) Deep caries in 36 No. tooth, (B) After removal of caries, (C) Placement of biodentine, (D) Permanent
restoration with composite resin


Figure 2: Intra oral periapical radiographs at (A) initial, (B) the base line, (C) 3 months, (D) 6 months intervals
BSMMU J 2016; 9: 227-230 229

A B C D exposure.14
The material of choice to be placed over the
demineralized dentin is another issue of
discussion in this case report.
Calcium hydroxide has been used as lining
material since 1920s. Because of its’ high
alkaline pH is about 12, that can neutralize
the acidic bacterial byproduct. The high pH
creates an environment conductive to
Figure 3: Radio visiography (RVG) of IPC 6 months follow-up periods
formation of reparative dentin. In addition,
Ca(OH)2 has the capacity to mobilize the
Discussion growth factors from the dentin matrix, causing the
formation of new dentin.15,16 Unfortunately, self
The choice for indirect pulp capping treatment in setting Ca(OH)2 liners are highly soluble and
this case was based on careful pulp diagnosis, subjected to dissolution over time.16 Traditional Ca
which was supported by evaluation of the history of (OH)2 liners are easily lost during acid etching.
pain and clinical and radiographic findings. Most of Dentin bonding agents that contain water or alcohol
the studies reported in the literature evaluated IPC can also detrimentally affect the properties of Ca
for the treatment of deep carious lesion in primary (OH)2.17
molars while some clinical studies were carried out
on the permanent teeth. Active carious lesion can be Adhesive resin can be acidic that may cause pulpal
distinguished into two layers; infected dentin which irritation. Many dentin bonding agents and resin
is a superficial soft layer of collagen fibrils was reinforced glass ionomer are actually unfavorable to
degraded that cannot be remineralized; and affected pulp tissue. Owing to certain disadvantages of those
dentin, which is partially demineralized, with intact materials, other alternatives have been recommen-
collagen fibrils that can be reminaralized. However ded.18
the clinical recognition of these two layers is a
One such alternative is Mineral Trioxide Aggregates
difficult task. Experience and clinical judgment are
(MTA); initially developed as a root repair material.
essential skills for appropriate removal of infected
It has been used for pulp capping as an eligible
dentin, leaving the potentially reminaralized
replacement for the calcium hydroxide based mate-
affected dentine. Some authors stated that the
rials, as it has demonstrated a promising clinical
complete removal of decay is not essential in a
outcome. However, MTA is also overwhelmed with
second step. Their clinical and radiological results
problems like technique sensitive i.e. difficult to
support the theory that the decay process was
manipulate, longer initial setting time (2 hours 45
apparently arrested after indirect pulp capping with
min), difficult to remove after setting, no known
a single visit procedure.11 Fairbourn et al reported
solvent for the material, discoloration potentiality,
that the second appointment may not be necessary
expensive as well.19
if the final restoration maintains the cavity seal and
the tooth remained asymptomatic.12 To beat these drawbacks, one among the recently
developed biomaterials is biodentine (Septodont,
This case report demonstrates that stepwise
France); based on calcium silicate system can be a
excavation is not always necessary. The newer
comparable replacement for MTA. It is touted to be
calcium silicate cement, biodentine may be
“Dentin in a Capsule”, because of its outstanding
especially useful in achieving even greater success
biocompatibility, physical properties and bonding
in these cases.
to the dental hard tissues.20
The age of the patient is another factor to be
Calcium hydroxide ions are released from the
considered since conservative treatments have been
cement during the setting phase of Biodentin. This
more indicated for young patients. In this case
results in a pH of about 12.5 that may cause the
study, the patient was 20 years old. It is known that
basification of the surroundings. This high pH
there is a reduction in the cell population, the
inhibits the augmentation of micro organisms and
pulpal volume and also the vascular supply with
can disinfect the dentin.21
the increase of pulp age.13
Biodentine can adhere to tooth surface by
The prognosis of direct pulp capped teeth is much
micromechanical adhesion. It is also recommended
reduced in comparison with indirect pulp capped
that there might a possible ion exchange contribu-
teeth. The success of the direct pulp capped teeth is
ting to further adhesion of the cement giving terrific
37% after 5 years and 13% after 10 years. This result
resistance to microleakage and bacterial infiltra-
compares with 86% rate of success over 10 years, in
indirect pulp capped teeth. These studies make
obvious the significance of avoiding pulp Another recently introduced material is TheraCal
230 BSMMU J 2016; 9: 227-230

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