Case Study Miele

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Case study - Miele

Family tradition in domestic partnership

Reinhard Zinkann tries to break in to the conversation, but Markus Miele won't let him. ‘Just let me
finish’, says Mr Miele, a trifle testily. Mr Zinkann shrugs his shoulders, settles back in his chair and
waits a few minutes before he gets his say. This interaction between the men – two halves of an
unusual but successful partnership in charge of Miele, the family-owned German manufacturer of
upmarket domestic appliances - gives some clues as to how they make their collaboration work. The
pair – both wearing navy suits and red ties – insist the occasional argument is healthy and that their
respective strengths and weaknesses are complementary. ‘It would be wrong to say we never have
an emotional discussion’, says Mr Zinkann. ‘But if this happens, then it does not take too long before
either he or I steps in to each other's office to talk about the matter. We always find a joint solution’.

Aged 50, Mr Zinkann, who has a marketing background, is nine years older than his fellow managing
partner and both are great-grandsons of the two men who started the business in 1899. They have
followed a family tradition: the management of the company has always been handed down to male
heirs of the founders, who run it jointly, making the current incumbents the fourth Miele-Zinkann
duo to be in charge. The company, which has a long-standing reputation for quality, remains 51 per
cent owned by the Miele family, with 49 per cent belonging to the Zinkanns. Mr Zinkann, the stouter
and more relaxed of the two, is expansive to the point of philosophical, on the topic of dishwashers
and tumble dryers. In contrast, Mr Miele has the manner and temperament of an engineer,
discussing in detail the company's un-ashamedly expensive products. He is particularly animated
when it comes to the special ‘honeycomb drums’ inside Miele's washing machines that provide a
thin film of water, preventing damage from the clothes rubbing too much against the side. We are
talking in the newly opened Miele showroom in central London and surrounded by the company's
latest products. Somewhat grandly, the company calls these places ‘galleries’. There are about 25 of
them around the world, where shoppers can not only look at the latest Miele models but also take
part in seminars on how to get the best use out of their cookers or washing machines. For a small
fee, they can even cook lunch there under the direction of a top chef. Mr Miele describes one such
‘gallery’ in Hong Kong: ‘Upstairs from this [showroom] is a very famous hairdresser. While [women]
are having their hair done, we will wash the clothes using one of our machines’. Such showrooms
may sound excessive for a domestic appliance maker, but they make sense if one considers the
prices. A top-of-the-range, jumbo-sized Miele refrigerator, brimming with speciality controls and
sensors, sells in the US for more than $7,000 (£4,400, €4,900) or seven times higher than more
standard machines. This is due in part to the rigour of the company’s legendary product testing. To
check that the cables in Miele's vacuum cleaners are satisfactory, they are flexed backwards and
forwards 100,000 times in the laboratory. Miele – unlike most other domestic appliance makers,
such as Whirlpool of the US or Electrolux of Germany – has only one, top-end brand, rather than a
number of names standing for different quality or price levels. ‘We put all our power in marketing
and engineering into just the one Miele brand’, says Mr Zinkann. ‘Perhaps in this way we are a bit
like the husband or wife in a monogamous marriage’. Miele’s sales in the year ending June 2009
were €2.8bn, 71 per cent of this coming from outside its home country, where it employs 10,000 of
the company’s 16,000 workers. Unlike many of its rivals, who outsource manufacturing to low-cost
countries, the company makes many of its own components in its own plants in Germany, even
commonplace items such as electric motors. Mr Zinkann says having an integrated view of
production and design – with Germany at the centre – enables Miele to make a better product. ‘God
creates man with a brain, a heart and a body’, he says. ‘Of course, you could design a person with a
brain, heart and body that all belonged to someone different, but I think it's better if they all fit with
each other’. The two men say the recession has not hit Miele too badly. While sales in 2008–2009
were slightly down year on year, the company has not had any redundancies. ‘I think that in a
recession people turn towards quality’, says Mr Miele. ‘They are more likely to spend their money on
something that's going to last than [an appliance] at the low end’. Following another family tradition,
profits are not disclosed. However, Mr Zinkann says they are buoyant. ‘The figures would make the
stock market happy. But, unfortunately, if you are outside the company you will never know what
they are’. Mr Zinkann became a managing partner at Miele in 1999, three years before his younger

After attending Gordonstoun, the Scottish boarding school, famous for having educated three
generations of the British royal family, Mr Zinkann had stints at four universities, studying
philosophy, history, musicology and business economics. ‘I tried to change universities as much as
possible just to see new aspects of life. I was interested in a lot of things and my father encouraged
me’, he says. After graduating, he had a three-year spell in the sales and marketing division of the
luxury carmaker BMW in Munich. Mr Miele stayed closer to home. He went to school in Gütersloh –
the small north German town where the company is based and where both men live within 300
metres of each other – before pursuing a more conventional university career. The two did not see
much of each other until Mr Zinkann was in his 30s and Mr Miele in his 20s. The two families, says
Mr Miele, have always made a point of keeping ‘a respectful and friendly distance’. Which may
explain, he says, how they have ‘been able to keep peace and harmony... for more than a century’.
Both men were aware from an early age that there was an expectation that they would eventually
succeed their fathers and run the business. But they insist there was no pressure on them. ‘In
Germany, we've seen many examples of family companies where the son or daughter was more or
less forced into the top job’, Mr Miele says. ‘But then you end up not having success in the market.
It's better to leave the [son or daughter] to choose. It is preferable [for them] to become a good
lawyer, a good surgeon or a good author, than a bad manager’, he adds.

Brigitte Nicoulaud, Marketing Strategy & Competitive Positioning, 6th edition

Discussion questions
1. What are the key resources that have made Miele a successful company so far?

2. Marketing resources can be divided into assets and capabilities. Which of these are
marketing assets? Use the marketing assets model (Appendix one) to help you identify

3. Miele is now facing more and more competition in a changing market. Which of
their resources provide them with a sustainable competitive advantage?

Appendix one: Market assets model

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