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Balanced Literacy e-Unit Links

Thematic Home Page
Home Page - How does thematic instruction create a focus for your instruction?
Central Focus Thematic instruction creates a focus for our instruction by providing a specific
topic of study that the students find interesting in order to keep them engaged and
focused on the lesson.

- How does this approach enable you to differentiate your instruction?

This approach enables me to differentiate my instruction by exploring each
student’s different hopes and dreams for the future. Being able to personally connect
to a story typically makes it easier for students to understand the story and makes
them more interested in the plot. Students will also learn about people who have
broken down barriers in the world and be able to consider what those people had to
go through. Students will experience this information through a variety of different
books including Fiction and Non-Fiction. This e-unit helps students practice reading
comprehension, literacy strategies, making connections and vocabulary.

- How does this approach support a community of learners (P2)?

This approach supports a community of learners as it addresses different levels of

readers. The books that I suggested to the students are for all different grades and
levels. It also allows for students to share personal goals with one another in order to
find common interests and create a space for encouragement and support.

- Introduce the theme of your Balanced Literacy e-unit (P1).

- Explain how your Balanced Literacy e-unit connects to the content area.
- Describe or post the standard(s) addressed (P4).

- This is an E-Unit about dance. This unit is a great way to get the students to
interested in a potential new hobby, while also allowing them to be
exposed to performing art form. In this unit students will become experts
on dance, including learning about what happens in a typical dance class,
as well as the different challenges many people go through in order to
become dancers.

- This Balanced literacy e-unit connects to history because students are learning
about the history of dance as well as different influential dancers who helped
shaped the history of dance.

- By the end of this lesson students should be able to summarize the text they
have read and determine the overall theme and end message of the story. As
well as be able to make relevant connections between the story and
themselves, the word, and another book they have read previously. While also
being able to determine significant contributions that individuals made as a
national level in terms of who was allowed to dance.

RL.4.2. Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text;
summarize the text.

RI.4.1. Refer to details and examples in a text and make relevant connections when
explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

1.2.5.A.3 Determine the impact of significant contributions of individual artists in

dance, music, theatre, and visual art from diverse cultures throughout history.

6.1.4.A.12 Explain the process of creating change at the local, state or national level.

Related Literature Page

a) Consider the diverse learners you will encounter in your classroom who may require
you to be creative and think critically about how to best meet students’ needs using
related literature.
b) How does having a collection of books help meet the needs of the students (P7)?
c) How do you determine the right book for students (P3)?

Explain How Your Using related literature is a great way for students to learn more about the topic of
Knowledge of dance while also exploring different themes of a story. Every student may not enjoy
Students Informs the book Dance For Starlight; However, I am sure there is another book relating to
Instruction dance that they may enjoy more. Having this collection of related literature allows
students to try reading a different book that they might enjoy more that still relates to
the unit, or if a student really enjoyed the book that we did read they are and to find
more books that are similar that they will probably also enjoy reading. I have made
sure to include books that would be appealing to English Language Learners, read to
me books and different genres including fiction, non -fiction and Biographies. As
well as books on many different reading levels so that I can help students choose a
book that is not too hard or too easy of a reading level but one that is just right for

Read Aloud, Word Study & Guided Reading

Scaffold & Support

for Student Learning
a) Review each of these links and explain them (P6).
b) Consider how each is an opportunity to support & scaffold students (P5)?
c) Briefly explain what students learn in these lesson plans.
Next, I have my 3-lesson sequence his plan is based on the book A dance Like
Starlight in this shared reading there is a video of me reading the book to my
students. I have also included a discussion about the book prior to reading, questions
to ask the students during the reading in order to help them with the comprehension
of the story as well as a discussion after the reading to summarize the key points and
determine the theme of the story.
I then go onto. A strategy focus, where student will focus on making connections to
themselves, to the world and to other stories. Students will be asked to draw a
picture of their dream or goal in life. They will then participate in a pair and share, so
that they can describe their picture and their dreams with one another. This will allow
them to make connections between the main character in the book and themselves.
Next moving onto my guided reading lesson plan on stella is a star Students will read
and discuss narrative text and engage in discussion of key concepts and vocabulary
through the development of a chain graphic organizer and a short personal paragraph
with a corresponding drawing to demonstrate comprehension. Allow them to create
a chain graphic organizer, putting the main events in chronological order in order to
demonstrate how Stella developed as a character in the book and determine the theme
of the story. Discuss the vocabulary words specifically the dance terminology since
these words are probably unfamiliar to them and show pictures or videos to help
them get a better understanding of the movements. I will then Supporting
Comprehension of theme and character development. Students will then make
connections to themselves.
Next is my Word Study on the book dance is for everyone. Students will be able to
locate sight words, identify different phonics rules such as CVC pattern and CVVC
pattern as well as notice phonograms, Thought his shared word stud students will be
able to enhance their vocabulary and identify different patterns they see throughout

e-Tool for Writing

a) Consider ways in which students can be meaningfully assessed in your balanced

literacy e-unit (P8).
Connecting Writing to b) Describe how your balanced literacy unit will provide opportunities for students to
Reading to Assess build literacy ability with technology tools.
Understanding Students can be assessed using the website “Storyboard that” to create their own
story of how they are going to accomplish their own goals in life. This website allows
for students to build comics and add text to make a story. This tool helps student to
use what the have learned through their reading and create their own stories my
developing their own plots and themes for their stories.
Screen Cast Link:
Balanced E-Unit Link:

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