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Batta 1

1.1 Education Principles

2.1.2 Compare education models and explain how they impact the classroom.

Throughout the history and continuing development of the education system, the different
ways of teaching and learning have gradually become widespread and diverse. Through many
theorists who came up with different philosophies of education, it has broadened the way
teachers teach information to their students. Which led to the development of different
pedagogies teachers use today. Many strategies have been created to benefit the students and get
them to progress academically, socially and emotionally. However, there can be some
disadvantages to these ways of teaching. The goal for all of these strategies is the same, which is
to lead the students to succeeding and prepare them for the real world, starting at the preschool
age all the way to when they are in twelfth grade.

Pedagogy Theorists Strategies Effects on P-12 Students

(evidence 1.1.1) (evidence 1.1.2)

Benjamin Blooms ❏ Chunking: breaking PROS:

down a really difficult ● Teacher has control of the
❏ Created the Bloom classroom.
subject into smaller,
Taxonomy (a hierarchy ● Teacher can see everything
easier to understand
of learning objectives pieces. Allows the the students are
starting with comprehending.
teacher to see areas
● Students are guided and
knowledge and the class needs to prompted and kept on task.
Teacher Led growing in complexity focus more on and ● Kids in the lower grade levels
to evaluation. need to learn more would be monitored by the
❏ Teachers teach lessons about. teacher at all times.
❏ Explicit ● Kids in the higher grade
for a period of time
Timing/Teaching: levels would need more
and then evaluate the that alerts students to interaction with the teacher so
students at the end. a time limit while they they keep their focus and
are completing an retain the information being
assignment. Creates presented to them.
opportunities for the
● Students don’t have control of
teacher to observe the their own learning.
students while guiding ● Students won’t know to take
them as well. ownership for their learning
and development.
● Students can’t expand and go
beyond the limits of learning.
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John Dewey ❏ Problem Based PROS:

❏ Believed that there Learning (PBL): ● Can work at their own
should be a focus on students will learn pace.
creating individuals about a ● They learn and develop in
that break out of subject/problem their own way.
groups and think for through solving an ● Create their own strategies
themselves. open ended problem on how they learn best and
found in given what works for them
material. specifically.
Student Led ❏ Brain Sketching: a ● Students 6-12 would have a
Jerome Bruner generation technique better time getting their
❏ Thought that learners based on work done because they
construct their own sketching,doodling work better when they are
knowledge by and drawing. It is a on their own and are able to
organizing way for students to work at their own pace.
visually brainstorm CONS:
their ideas. ● Might not get their work
done when given the time
❏ Think Aloud to on their own.
students do their work ● The students may not do
and while thinking the work properly and learn
aloud and walk the wrong information.
themselves through ● Develop habits of not
problems without growing and using their
help. time wisely.
❏ Reversal Learning: ● Students in grades P-5
having students would have a hard time
consume learning getting their work done,
content outside of the due to distractions and
classroom, usually as them wanting to socialize
homework, which more than work.
then frees up valuable
face-to-face classroom
time to reinforce
materials and work on
assigned work.
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Abraham Maslow ❏ Learning PROS:

❏ Created Maslow’s Communities: small ● Students obtain the
Hierarchy (a hierarchy groups of students appropriate instruction and
who have similar interventions necessary to
of needs,
educational goals and help improve their academic
psychological health progress.
predicted on fulfilling work collaboratively
● By providing/implementing
human needs in with teacher support. RTI early on, it could prevent
priority.) ❏ Inquiry-Guided a false identification of
Response to ❏ If a student is not Learning: students for special education
Intervention learning properly it could Emphasizes students' services.
be because all the stages CONS:
questions, ideas and
of the hierarchy are not ● Kids who are performing at
fulfilled, thus needing
their grade level may not be
the teacher to help get Encourages group identified and could still be
the student to reach their work to learn from receiving services instead of
full potential. peers and guided being challenged.
learning from the ● Kids who do need services
teacher. may not be receiving them,
leading to them falling behind

Lev Vygotsky: PROS:

❏ Students aren’t just ❏ Experiential ● Students can learn from
passive recipients of Learning: Learning one another.
learning, but they are through doing or ● Students that are at grade
active recipients and learning by level understanding can
can construct an experience. Great for help those that need
understanding of the kinesthetic learners. extended help, thus
world around them. ❏ Reciprocal Peer improving their social and
Albert Bandura: Teaching: Students teamwork skills.
Collaborative ❏ Believed that people get paired with a ● Improves social skills by
learn best from one partner and review collaborating.
another. information and ● Teaches kids to listen to
practice those skills others and receive a
Jean Piaget together. different view of a topic.
(constructivism): CONS:
❏ Believed that students ● Students may not stay on
learn best by doing and task and can sway off task
not sitting and being easily if there is no
lectured. reinforcement.
● Without help from the
teacher the students may
Batta 4

misinterpret material.

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