The School Head in School-Based Manageme NT: Let's Check For Understanding

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Date: March 29, 2021

Year and Section: BSED- MATHEMATICS II

Chapter 9:
The School
Head in
Let’s Check for Understanding
Directions: Put a check (√) before the statement that apply to SBM and (x) before those that
don’t. nt
X 1. In SBM, only the school head partners.
X 2. In SBM, the School Division Superintendent is the leader.
√ 3. Parents who have no children in the school cannot be consulted in SBM.
√ 4. School empowerment is the essence of SBM.
X 5. Student cannot be consulted by the school head because they are not yet adults.
√ 6. One advantage of SBM is the development of a sense of school ownership among
members of the academic and large community.
√ 7. SBM is aligned to the principle of subsidiarity.
X 8. SBM succeeds even if school head is close to ideas and suggestions. Anyway, he/she is
the head on whom the solution of the problem depends.
√ 9. One weakness of SBM is delayed action because there must be consultation of
X 10. SBM has no weakness, only strengths.
√ 11. SBM is in keeping with the decentralization move as encouraged by the Philippine
√ 12. SBM is school empowerment.
X 13. An authoritarian atmosphere encourages empowerment.
X 14. In SBM, experimentation is welcome.
√ 15. In SBM, schools just wait for approved budget that includes specific items to spend

II. Metaphoric Thinking

 To which do you compare SBM? Write a metaphor.
SBM is like “Schools is a Treasure”. Schools are things societies covet as great
institutions that deliver wealth, peace and happiness. Like something precious on your
shelf at home that you point to and love, schools is also a ‘treasure’. Societies that
don’t have great school systems are envious of societies that do- because a quality
school is something that a society needs in order to flourish.
 As a future teacher what did you find most meaningful in this lesson and why?
As a future teacher, I find most meaningful in this lesson that SBM is the
decentralization of decision-making authority from central, regional and division levels
to the individuals’ schools with the intent of bringing together the school heads,
teachers, students as well as parents.

Let’s Reflect
Do I welcome SBM or do I see it as an additional work?
Yes, I do welcome SBM and not as an additional work because it aligned in
principle of subsidiarity which involves the lowest level of the organization in order to
address problems and concerns with the goal of improving the school performance.

Taking it to the Net

Which countries apply SBM? Did SBM implementation help improve their schools?
Share your finding.
The country that applies School-based Management (SBM) is Indonesia since 2000, but
after 16 years of implementation there are still many schools that have not succeeded in
implementing it. According to The Implementation of School-based Management for School
Effectiveness, lack of trust between the government and local governments to schools is one of
the reasons why some schools have not succeeded in implementing the SBM. Additionally, the
central government was expected to make school finance policies while local governments and
schools allocate resources that are in the region and at school level.

LET Clinchers

A 1. Is SBM, if implemented the right way, an effective way to strengthen school and
community partnership?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Depends on size of school.
D. Depends on school location.
C 2. Which is an advantage of SBM?
A. Fast resolution of problems in school because school head decides.
B. Sense of ownership of stakeholders
C. In accordance with decentralization law
D. Total independence of schools
B 3. Which is the essence of SBM?
A. Reduced authority of school head
B. Absolute freedom of education stakeholders
C. Principal empowerment
D. Total independence of schools
A 4. For SBM to succeed, which must be present?
A. Effective school support system
B. Leader with a strong personality
C. Docile community
D. Low expectation
D 5. With SBM in mind, which does Not belong?
A. Decentralized managements
B. Devolution of power to schools
C. School empowerment
D. Centralized management

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