Week 2 Assignment-Analyzing Behavior Data For School Improvement

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EDLD 5333 Leadership for Accountability – Week 2

Week 2: Analyzing Behavior Data for School Improvement

National Educational Leadership Preparation (NELP) Standards

Standard 1: Mission, Vision, and Improvement
Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program
understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each
student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to collaboratively lead,
design, and implement a school mission, vision, and process for continuous improvement that reflects a
core set of values and priorities that include data use, technology, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and
Component 1.1: Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to collaboratively
evaluate, develop, and communicate a school mission and vision designed to reflect a core set of
values and priorities that include data use, technology, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and
Educational Leadership Skills
• Collaboratively design a school mission and vision attentive to values and priorities
that include data, technology, values, equity, diversity, digital citizenship, and
• Develop a comprehensive plan for communicating the mission and vision
Component 1.2: Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to lead
improvement processes that include data use, design, implementation, and evaluation.
Educational Leadership Skills
• Evaluate existing improvement processes
• Use research and data to develop an improvement process that includes the following
components: diagnosis, design, implementation, and evaluation
• Develop an implementation plan to support the improvement process
State Board of Educator Preparation (SBEC) Competencies
Principal Domain and Competency
Domain V: Strategic Operations
Competency 9
• Descriptive Statement A: Assesses the current needs of the campus, analyzing a wide set
of evidence to determine campus objectives, and sets measurable school goals, targets,
and strategies that form the school’s strategic plans.
Competency 10

• Descriptive Statement H: Implements strategies for student discipline and attendance in a

manner that ensures student safety, consistency, and equity and that legal requirements
are met (e.g., due process, SPED requirements)

Domain VI: Ethics, Equity, and Diversity

Competency 11

Lamar University Summer 1- 2019

EDLD 5333 Leadership for Accountability – Week 2

• Descriptive Statement C: Advocates for all children by promoting the continuous and
appropriate development of all learners in the campus community.
• Descriptive Statement D: Implements strategies to ensure that all students have access to
effective educators and continuous opportunities to learn.
Knowledge, Skills, Mindsets (KSMs)
Knowledge: Factors that inform campus initiatives and goals, components of a measurable goal,
definition of equity and equality, elements of school vision and mission
Skills: Shared focus of bringing equitable practices to the school, model organizational values,
establish campus goals aligned with mission and vision
Mindsets: In order to thrive, students’ basic needs must be met; all students come to school with
unique histories, values, and strengths

Course-level Objectives (CLOs):

CLO1:     Analyze multiple forms of data to determine implications for improving student
CLO2:     Demonstrate root cause analysis.
CLO3:     Apply campus improvement planning processes.
CLO4:     Demonstrate campus mission and vision development.

Week 2 Learning Objectives (W2LOs):

W2LO1: Analyze campus behavior data sets. (CLO1)
W2LO2: Identify disparities based on campus behavior data. (CLO1)
W2LO3: Compare academic data sets with behavior data sets to determine correlations. (CLO1)
W2LO4: Formulate possible root cause(s) for identified disparities implicated in student
behavior data. (CLO2)
W2LO5: Compose initial SMART goal and objectives based on synthesis of assessment and
behavior data sets. (CLO3)
W2LO6: Demonstrate use of academic and behavior data sets for development of school mission
and vision statements. (CLO4)

Week 2 Lectures
Required readings
Data sets

Lamar University Summer 1- 2019

EDLD 5333 Leadership for Accountability – Week 2

Week 2 Assignment Rubric

Use the Rubric to guide your writing.
Note: APA citations are required for referencing published and public sources.

EDLD 5333 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Week 2 Does Not Meet Approaches Meets Criteria Exceeds Criteria
Minimum Criteria Minimum Criteria
Part 1:
Analyze multiple
data sets and
begin root cause
NELP Candidate provides no Candidate provides Candidate provides Candidate provides
Component: 1.2 response. vague or incomplete brief comparison thorough comparison
comparison of of attendance and of attendance and
attendance and discipline data to discipline data to
Candidate lists some discipline data to academic data but academic data with
9, 11 data from data sets with academic data. may lack clarity clarity and
little or no comparison. Narrative includes and/or specificity. specificity. Narrative
Narrative includes little little or no evidence Narrative includes includes evidence
(W2LO1) or no evidence from from data sets. (K) some evidence provided from data
data sets. (K) provided from data sets. (K)
(CLO1) sets. (K)

NELP Candidate provides no Candidate provides Candidate provides Candidate provides

Component: 1.2 response. three or less three significant three significant
significant correlational correlational
correlational disparities, based disparities, based on
Candidate lists three or disparities, based on on both academic both academic and
9, 11 less correlational both academic and and behavior data behavior data sets,
disparities, without behavior data sets, sets, but may lack with clarity and
significance stated. but significance is clarity and/or specificity. Narrative
(W2LO2, W2LO3) Narrative includes little vague. Narrative specificity. includes
or no evidence from includes little or no Narrative includes comprehensive
(CLO1) evidence from data some evidence evidence provided
data sets. (K)
sets. (K) provided some from all data sets.
from data sets. (K) (K)

NELP Candidate provides no Candidate vaguely Candidate Candidate articulates

Component: 1.2 response. states initial plan for articulates initial initial plan for
finding root cause of plan for finding finding root cause of
disparities. Initial root cause of disparities with
States little or no plan plan is not disparities but may clarity and
9, 11 for root cause analysis adequately supported lack clarity and/or specificity. Initial
and/or provides no by evidence from specificity. Initial plan is
support from readings readings and all data plan is adequately comprehensively
(W2LO4) and/or data sets. (S) sets. (S) supported by supported by
evidence from evidence from
(CLO2) readings and all readings and all data
data sets. (S) sets. (S)

Lamar University Summer 1- 2019

EDLD 5333 Leadership for Accountability – Week 2

Part 2: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Compose a SMART Does Not Meet Approaches Meets Criteria Exceeds Criteria
goal and 3 SMART Minimum Criteria Minimum Criteria
Candidate provides no Candidate composes Candidate Candidate composes
response. one SMART goal composes one one SMART goal
OR with all components: SMART goal with all components:
Component: 1.2 Candidate states one S= Specific with all S= Specific
SMART goal with M= Measurable components: M= Measurable
incomplete A= Achievable S= Specific A= Achievable
SBEC Competencies: components: R= Relevant M= Measurable R= Relevant
S= Specific T= Time-bound  A= Achievable T= Time-bound 
9, 10, 11 M= Measurable Provides vague R= Relevant Provides specific
A= Achievable details for each T= Time-bound  details for each
R= Relevant component, and Provides details component and
(W2LO5) (CLO3) T= Time-bound  inadequate for each comprehensive
And/or, provides little supporting component and supporting
or no details for each statements from data supporting statements from data
component, and/or sets. (S) statements from sets. (S)
little or no supporting data sets. (S)
statements from data
sets. (S)
Candidate provides no Candidate composes Candidate Candidate composes
response. three SMART composes three three SMART
Component: 1.2 OR objectives with all SMART objectives with all
Candidate states one components: objectives with components:
SMART goal with S= Specific all components: S= Specific
SBEC Competencies: incomplete M= Measurable S= Specific M= Measurable
components: A= Achievable M= Measurable A= Achievable
9, 10, 11 S= Specific R= Relevant A= Achievable R= Relevant
M= Measurable T= Time-bound  R= Relevant T= Time-bound 
A= Achievable Provides vague T= Time-bound  Provides specific
(W2LO5) (CLO3) R= Relevant details for each Provides details details for each
T= Time-bound  component, and for each component and
And/or, provides little inadequate component and supporting statements
or no details for each supporting supporting from data sets. (S)
component, and/or statements from data statements from
little or no supporting sets. (S) data sets. (S)
statements from data
sets. (S)
Candidate provides no Candidate composes Candidate Candidate composes
response. one activity for each composes one one activity for each
Component: 1.2 OR objective for both the activity for each objective for both the
Candidate composes faculty and the objective for both faculty and the
one activity for each principal that will the faculty and principal that will
SBEC Competencies: objective for both the help attain the the principal that help attain the
faculty and the objectives. Activities will help attain objectives. Activities
9, 10, 11 principal that is not are not clearly tied to the objectives. are clearly articulated
tied to the the corresponding Activities are tied and tied to the
corresponding objective and to the corresponding
(W2LO5) (CLO3) objective and does not supporting corresponding objective and include
include supporting statements from data objective and specific details and
statements from data sets are inadequate. include supporting statements
sets. (S) (S) supporting from data sets. (S)
statements from

Lamar University Summer 1- 2019

EDLD 5333 Leadership for Accountability – Week 2

data sets. (S)

Lamar University Summer 1- 2019

EDLD 5333 Leadership for Accountability – Week 2

Part 3: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Articulate how the
data presented can Does Not Meet Approaches Meets Criteria Exceeds Criteria
inform the Minimum Criteria Minimum Criteria
development of
mission and vision

Candidate lists how Candidate explains Candidate articulates

Candidate provides no
the assessment and how the how the assessment
NELP response.
behavior data sets assessment and and behavior data
Component: 1.1 OR can be used for behavior data sets sets can be used for
developing both the can be used for developing both the
Candidate vaguely
mission and vision developing both mission and vision
SBEC states how the
statements. Narrative the mission and statements. Narrative
Competencies: assessment and
includes little support vision statements. is comprehensive and
behavior data sets can
11 from data sets, Narrative includes specific and includes
be used for developing
readings and lectures. support from data thorough support
the mission and/or
(S) sets, readings and from data sets,
vision statements.
(W2LO6) (CLO4) lectures. (S) readings and lectures.
Narrative includes little
or no support from data
sets, readings and
lectures. (S)

Lamar University Summer 1- 2019

EDLD 5333 Leadership for Accountability – Week 2

As a part of your Week 1 assignment, you analyzed campus academic data and wrote a S.M.A.R.T. goal
and objectives. As a part of your Week 2 assignment, you will write one S.M.A.R.T. goal and three
objectives for identified inequities based on campus behavior data. You will also suggest appropriate
activities for the principal and faculty to conduct in order to address each objective.
S= Specific
M= Measurable
A= Achievable
R= Relevant
T= Time-bound 
Goals are broad and cover a span of 3-5 years, while objectives are more specific and for a shorter
duration, typically 1 year. Objectives (1) identify a target population, (2) identify assessments and data
sources that will be used to meet the objective, and (3) specify anticipated growth or progress. Activities
must be tied directly to the objective.

Part 1: Data Analysis

(W2LO1, W2LO2, W2LO3 / CLO1), (W2LO4 / CLO2)
Directions: Compose 4 paragraphs (minimum 150-word each) analyzing the data from the attendance and
discipline reports.
First paragraph:
Identify the most significant findings from the campus Average Daily Attendance (ADA) reporting.
 Disaggregate attendance reporting by subpopulations.
 Compare the ADA to academic performance of each subpopulation.
 Report any correlations you found.
 Cite evidence from the data to support your statements.
Second paragraph:
Identify the most significant findings from the campus discipline reporting.
 Disaggregate discipline reporting by subpopulations.
 Compare the discipline reporting to the academic performance of each subpopulation.
 Report any correlations you found.
 Cite evidence from the data to justify how you identified the significant gaps.
Third paragraph:
Cross-reference and synthesize ALL sets of disaggregated data from weeks 1 and 2.
 Identify the THREE most significant correlational findings.
 Identify any subpopulations that are at risk in all areas (academic assessments, ADA, and
 Cite evidence from the data to justify how you identified the significant gaps.
Final paragraph:
Create an initial plan for finding the root cause of the disparities in performance and behavior of the
identified subpopulations. Consider the following:
 Why does one/some group(s) have a lower ADA than others?
 Why does one/some group(s) have a higher frequency/level of discipline reporting than others?
 Where/how can these questions be answered?
 Who may be able to provide this information?
 What data validates the information provided?
 Cite readings and data analysis from the ALL data sets to support your rationale.

Lamar University Summer 1- 2019

EDLD 5333 Leadership for Accountability – Week 2

Cite sources and data analyses from all appropriate data sets to support statements in each paragraph.
In looking at the data from the TAPR from 2019, I was able to determine that our
attendance is not actually an issue. In 2017, our overall attendance rate was 96.8%, and in 2018,
our attendance rate was 96.9%. Looking at the sub groups, our Hispanic population had 96.9% for
both years. Our African American population had an attendance rate of 96.4% in 2018, and
95.5% in 2017. Our White subpopulation had attendance rate was 97.3% in 2017 and in 2018
97.6%. The two subgroups that I would like to target are our economically disadvantaged, which
had an attendance rate of 96.9% in both 2017 and 2018. The other sub population I would like to
target with priority is special education, which had an attendance rate of 94.4% in 2017 and
increased to 96.4% in 2018 (Texas Education Agency. n.d.b). Again, just in the campus academic
data we as a campus need to focus on the special education population. This sub group again is
area of target because they consistently have the lowest attendance rate among the different
subgroups, which is consistent with the low performance on STAAR assessments.
It is safe to note that before the data is analyzed I know that we are not a campus with an
extensive number of behavior problems. We promote a campus of Performance Behavioral and
Interventions and Supports (PBIS). In 2017, we had a campus cumulative enrollment of 829, with
a campus discipline population of 19 all of the Hispanic ethnicity, and all receiving in-school
suspension; with no students receiving out of school suspension. Of these 19 students receiving
discipline, 15 are considered at risk. We have a campus discipline count for 2017-2018 was 38.
35 of these counts were students of economically disadvantaged all counts receiving in school
suspension. After further investigation many of these counts were committed were of a small
group of repeat offenders. In 2018, there was a lack of data, noting that we had a campus
continuous enrollment count of 609 with 11 incidents. In, again in the 2019-2020 school year
campus cumulative enrollment was 572 with a campus discipline population of 12 with 18
incidents. 10 of these campus record discipline counts receiving in school suspension, and of
economically disadvantaged students. Lastly, 11 counts were students considered at risk (Texas
Education Agency, n.d.c).
Again as stated previously, by analyzing the data there are a number of groups to
prioritize. However, some more than others. The tree groups of students I would like to focus on
based on the data from the attendance report and discipline report. My first group would be the
Hispanic population as a whole because these same students make up data from other sub
populations. Therefore, if you focus on this group and improve the data from this subgroup it will
also improve the data in other subgroups. This could make a huge impact academically and
socially, especially since this demographic is majority of the discipline population. My next group
of prioritization would be again the special education population even though the numbers are
small, however that is the same reason they are so impactful. If we focus on increasing the special
education students attendance it could directly affect their academic learning. The last sub group
that I would like to focus on is the students considered at-risk. Based on the discipline report, the
number percentage is of students who have received some sort of discipline have also been
considered at-risk, this is very alarming.
When I analyze the data and think of root causes to understand the disparities in the data,
the students are the center of my thoughts. Even though there was not much difference in the
percentage of student percentages with in the subgroup, the lowest percentage of attendance is by
the subgroup that is already of highest priority in student academic growth, special education. My
plan would be first to identify this group of students, and their instructors to determine the best
plan to encourage attendance, and also to determine the root causes of the lack of attendance, I
would also notify parents to ensure they too understand the importance of their child’s attendance.

Lamar University Summer 1- 2019

EDLD 5333 Leadership for Accountability – Week 2

Next plan would be to identify the students who are at risk, and who have behavior issues. These
students receive in school suspension therefore are not receiving adequate student learning, which
may result in a lack of student achievement. As a leader, I would meet with the counselor and the
student’s teacher to determine the best plan of action to rectify the behavior and a growth plan to
encourage the continuous desired behavior and ultimately keep the student in class to achieve
academic growth. Any plan involves the intrinsically motivation of the student.

Texas Education Agency. (n.d.a). Thompson Elementary: Texas academic performance report
2016-17. Retrieved from: https://rptsvr1.tea.texas.gov/cgi/sas/broker?

Texas Education Agency. (n.d.b). Thompson Elementary: Texas academic performance report
2017-18. Retrieved from: https://rptsvr1.tea.texas.gov/cgi/sas/broker?

Texas Education Agency. (n.d.a). Thompson Elementary: Campus level annual discipline
summary report 2017-18. Retrieved from: https://rptsvr1.tea.texas.gov/cgi/sas/broker

Texas Education Agency. (n.d.b). Thompson Elementary: Campus level annual discipline
summary report 2018-19. Retrieved from: https://rptsvr1.tea.texas.gov/cgi/sas/broker

Texas Education Agency. (n.d.c). Thompson Elementary: Campus level annual discipline
summary report 2019-20. Retrieved from: https://rptsvr1.tea.texas.gov/cgi/sas/broker

Part 2: S.M.A.R.T. Goal & S.M.A.R.T. Objectives

(W2LO5 / CLO3)
Directions: Compose one S.M.A.R.T. goal and three S.M.A.R.T. objectives to address one targeted area
of need you found from the discipline and attendance data. Expound on each of the five S.M.A.R.T.
components by providing comprehensive details for each component within the tables. For each of the
three objectives, list one activity for both the faculty and the principal that will help attain the objective.
A. S.M.A.R.T. Goal (long range/3-5 years)

Goal Specificity Measured Achieved Relevance Timeline

(What?) (Amount?) (How?) (Why?) (When?)

ADA will ADA among The teachers This is By the end of

increase students will develop an importance the 20-21
among identified as attendance becomes school year,
students special ed. incentive plan attendance is a the special ed.
that rewards direct correlation attendance will
identified as will increase
special to academic increase by
Special ed. by 10%.

Lamar University Summer 1- 2019

EDLD 5333 Leadership for Accountability – Week 2

Special Based on the education learning, the 10%.

education data we need to students who higher the
subpopulation increase the attend school students
had an Special for 15 attendance the
Education consecutive better chance of
attendance rate from data sets.
attendce rate of days. closing the
of 94.4% in 4 of the 35 students gaps.
2017 and The special ed.
increased to Population
96.4% in 2018 passing rate for
all subjects is
less than the
districts goal of

B. S.M.A.R.T. Objectives (accomplish in one school year)

Objective 1 Specificity Measured Achieved Relevance Timeline

(What?) (How?) (How?) (Why?) (When?)

Teachers and Teachers and Teachers will Students, Parent, The teacher,
Instructional instructional design a and Teacher will student, and parent
support will support teachers student note and students will have a weekly
identify will collaborate attendance attendance and notation of student
special ed. weekly on monitoring academic standing attendance
Students who students system.
do not have a attendance

Objective 1 What Principal Will Do

The principal will ensure that the teachers, student, and parent have an open line of
communication. The principal will ensure that the teachers has the proper data
documentation for the teachers to proper identification of students. In addition, the
principal will monitor the teacher’s implementation of the plan to monitor the special
ed. Students.

What Faculty Will Do

The faculty will effectively collaborate with each other, and maintain an open line of
communication with all teachers, students, and parents.

Objective 2 Specificity Measured Achieved Relevance Timeline

(What?) (How?) (How?) (Why?) (When?)

Teachers will Teachers will The teacher All stakeholders Student will take
develop and informally do a will check off will know and will form to parents
implement a student’s student be accountable for every Friday for
student attendance attendance students attendance parent signature.

Lamar University Summer 1- 2019

EDLD 5333 Leadership for Accountability – Week 2

tracking form. check daily. form daily.

Objective 2 What Principal Will Do

Principal will evaluate tracking form for student use and be ready to support teachers for those
students who are not complying with the use of the tracking form.

What Faculty Will Do

The staff will communicate and support the use of the tracking form. The teachers will also
hold the special ed. students accountable for using the tracking form

Objective 3 Specificity Measured Achieved Relevance Timeline

(What?) (How?) (How?) (Why?) (When?)

Teachers will Teachers will Based on It is important to Teachers will

design develop students reward students for reward students
incentives and resources to tracking form attending school. every 15 day during
rewards utilize to incentives the 20-21 school
system based provide rewards will be year
on special ed. on a daily, 3- rewarded for
Students wwek, and 9- perfect
attendance weeks basis for attendance
students every three
weeks with a
party at the
end of the
Nine weeks
for those who
had 100%

Objective 3 What Principal Will Do

The principal will provide the staff with the budget and resources needed to ensure that the
incentive reward system is effective. In addition, will monitor ensure that the staff implements
the program with fidelity?

What Faculty Will Do

The faculty will all buy-in to the rewards and incentive program. They staff will provide the
campus with business partners that will provide resources to ensure the success of the program.

Part 3: Vision and Mission

(W2LO6) (CLO4)
Directions: In your own words, explain the following (150-word minimum):
How can weeks 1 and 2 data sets be used for developing both the mission and vision statements?

Lamar University Summer 1- 2019

EDLD 5333 Leadership for Accountability – Week 2

 Make sure to distinctly address development of both the mission and the vision statements.
 Use the Basic Writing Elements model provided in the course Resources and include specific
evidence/references to the readings and lectures in your reflection.

Cite all sources and data analyses from all appropriate data sets to support your statements.
According to Desravines, Aquino, Fenton, (2016) one of action steps to creating a clear
and concise shared vision and mission is setting the behavioral expectation for faculty and
students. Based on the data the school has three action plans that should be imbedded in the
campus vison and mission, which are academic achievement for all students, attendance for
special our special education students, and working on the discipline with our students with
specificity to our at-risk students. The vision for Thompson Elementary should focus on the
educating students for success for college and career ready and productive members of society.
In order to ensure they are prepared our mission needs to increase the reading levels, of our
students by moving 50% of our students who are reading below level to on level, to increase the
attendance of our special education students from 96% to 97% such as our other sub
populations. Lastly, our mission will include continuing the decline of our discipline campus
count by fostering an environment that is safe, welcoming, engaging that students want to be a
factor in.

Desravines, J., Aquino, J., & Fenton, B. (2016). Breakthrough principals: A step-by-step 
guide to building stronger schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Lamar University. (n.d). Vision vs. Mission Comparison Chart. [PDF file]. Retrieved from
https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01- xythos.s3.amazonaws.com/5c082f78d4ba4/5634530?
%2520%2526%2520Mission%2520Comparison%2520Chart.pdf&respo nse-content-

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