Ipsilateral Hemiparesis in Ischemic Stroke Patients: Y. Inatomi - M. Nakajima - T. Yonehara - Y. Ando

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Accepted: 8 September 2016

DOI: 10.1111/ane.12690


Ipsilateral hemiparesis in ischemic stroke patients

Y. Inatomi1 | M. Nakajima2 | T. Yonehara1 | Y. Ando2

Department of Neurology, Saiseikai
Kumamoto Hospital, Kumamoto, Japan
Objectives: To investigate clinical characteristics of ipsilateral hemiparesis in ischemic
Department of Neurology, Graduate School stroke patients.
of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto University, Materials and methods: Patients with acute ischemic stroke were prospectively exam-
Kumamoto, Japan
ined. Ipsilateral hemiparesis was defined as hemiparesis ipsilateral to recent stroke le-
Correspondence sions. Patients with ipsilateral hemiparesis were examined with functional neuroimaging
Y. Inatomi, Department of Neurology,
Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital, Kumamoto, studies including transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and functional MRI.
Japan. Results: Of 8360 patients, ipsilateral hemiparesis was detected in 14 patients (0.17%,
Email: y.inatomix@silk.ocn.ne.jp
mean age 71±6 years, eight men). Lesions responsible for the recent strokes were lo-
cated in the frontal cortex in three patients, corona radiata in seven, internal capsule
in one, and pons in three. These lesions were located along the typical route of the
corticospinal tract in all but one patient. Thirteen patients also had a past history of
stroke contralateral to the recent lesions; 12 of these had motor deficits contralateral
to past stroke lesions. During TMS, ipsilateral magnetic evoked potentials were evoked
in two of seven patients and contralateral potentials were evoked in all seven.
Functional MRI activated cerebral hemispheres ipsilaterally in eight of nine patients
and contralaterally in all nine.
Conclusions: Most patients with ipsilateral hemiparesis had a past history of stroke
contralateral to the recent one, resulting in motor deficits contralateral to the earlier
lesions. Moreover, functional neuroimaging findings indicated an active crossed corti-
cospinal tract in all of the examined patients. Both findings suggest the contribution of
the uncrossed corticospinal tract contralateral to stroke lesions as a post-­stroke com-
pensatory motor system.

cerebrovascular diseases, ipsilateral hemiparesis, strokes

1 |  INTRODUCTION Studying ipsilateral hemiparesis may contribute to our inves-

tigations of post-­stroke plastic reorganization,14,15 especially the
Cases of ipsilateral hemiparesis or deterioration of hemiparesis ip- compensatory function of the corticospinal tract contralateral to
silateral to the cerebral injury are known; to the best of our knowl- the injury. Post-­stroke plastic reorganization has been assessed by
edge, there are reports of 17 such patients (Table 1). Ipsilateral functional neuroimaging studies including positron emission tomog-
hemiparesis is hypothesized to be caused by injury to the uncrossed raphy,18 transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS),19–21 functional
corticospinal tract in patients without decussation of the corticospi- MRI (fMRI),18,22 magnetoencephalography,23 and diffusion tensor
nal tract, injury to the uncrossed corticospinal tract acquired imaging.21,24 Case-­control studies or serial observation studies, in
after prior brain injury,1,6,7 injury to the ipsilateral extrapyramidal which ordinary stroke patients were examined by these functional
motor pathway or premotor cortex,8,14,15 or transhemispheric diaschi- neuroimaging methods, have provided only indirect evidence about
sis from the affected side.16,17 the reorganization system because it is uncertain that atypical regions

Acta Neurol Scand 2016; 1–10 wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ane © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S.  |  1
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
T A B L E   1   Clinical characteristics of patients with ipsilateral hemiparesis reported in the literature

Past stroke Recent stroke


DTR Babinski sign Transcranial motor stimulation Functional MRI

Ipsi Contra Contra

stimulation stimulation Ipsi tapping tapping
Interval Previous
Age, between motor Side and severity Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra
sex Type and lesion strokes deficit Type and lesion of hemiparesis Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra MEP MEP MEP MEP activ activ activ activ Ref.

75F BI, R basal ganglia 22 days BI, L internal capsule R complete→ L, ++ ++ + + n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. 1
to basal gangliaa slight on Day 4
39F None -­ -­ AVM, L insular cortexb L, slight loss ++ ++ − − n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. 2
62M None -­ -­ SAH and ICH, L L, moderate → no − − − − n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. 3
insular cortex deficit on Day 3
60M None -­ -­ ICH, R internal capsule R, moderate ++ n.d. + − − − − + n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. 4
to basal ganglia 10 months later
62M None -­ -­ ICH, R internal capsule R, moderate ++ n.d. + − − − − + + − − + 5
to basal ganglia 10 months later
59M ICH, R putamen 5 years Mild BI, L corona radiata L, deteriorated n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. + − + − 6
62M BI, L corona radiata 9 years Good BI, L corona radiata L, MRC 3+/4 ++ n.d. + − n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. + + + − 7
ICH, R thalamus 1 year recov-
and subcortex ery
41M BI, R corona radiata 1 month Full BI, L corona radiata L, MRC 4+/4+ ++ n.d. + − n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. + + + − 7
74M BI, L corona radiata, 11 years Residual BI, R thalamus R, MRC 2/3 → 3/4 ++ ++ + − n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. 8
cortical lesions in
MCA territory
76M BI, L corona radiata, 11 years Residual BI, R corona radiata R, MRC 3/3 → 4/4 ++ n.d. + − n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. 8
cortical lesions in
MCA territory
64M BI, L paraventricular 4 years Residual BI, R corona radiata R, MRC 3/3 → 4/4 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. 8
region, occipital
55M None (HGPPS) -­ -­ BI, L corona radiata L, MRC 4/4 → n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. 9
35M None (agenesis of -­ -­ BI, R cortical and R, MRC 4/4 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. + − − + n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. 10
corpus callosum) subcortical regions
of MCA territory

et al
INATOMI et al |

activated neurophysiologically actually work to compensate for dam-

Ipsi, ipsilateral side to recent lesion; Contra, contralateral side to recent lesion; MEP, magnetic evoked potential; AVM, arteriovenous malformation; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage; BI, brain infarction; ICH,
intracerebral hemorrhage; R, right; L, left; MRC, manual motor power test using Medical Research Council grading (arm/leg); n.t., not tested; n.d., not described; HGPPS, horizontal gaze palsy with progressive

aged ­function in the stroke patients. On the other hand, clinical and


neurophysiological findings of ipsilateral hemiparesis may identify ana-

tomical and functional characteristics of the contralateral hemispheric



compensatory motor system that had actually been functional until

onset of the recent stroke had damaged them.



Contra Here, we present a study in which ischemic stroke patients with
Functional MRI

activ ipsilateral hemiparesis were evaluated with further neurological exam-



Ipsi tapping

inations and functional neuroimaging.




Transcranial motor stimulation


2.1 | Study patients




This was a prospective study of consecutive acute ischemic stroke





patients who were admitted to our hospital within 7 days of the onset

of ischemic stroke including transient ischemic attack from April 1,





2003, to March 31, 2015. All of the patients were initially examined
by neurologists on admission, and were evaluated with carotid echog-





raphy and brain MRI/MRA; if these were not available, then CT scans
were conducted. The study protocol followed the principles outlined
Babinski sign


She was anatomically diagnosed by only CT scan. In all of the others, MRI including diffusion-­weighted imaging was performed.



in the Declaration of Helsinki, and all patients provided informed writ-

ten consent to the use of their medical data.



2.2 | Criteria of ipsilateral hemiparesis




Ipsilateral hemiparesis was defined as hemiparesis in patients satis-





fying the following criteria: 1. Patients who experienced obvious oc-

persisted on Day 7

currence, recurrence, or worsening of hemiparesis, as well as those

L, n.d. → improved
R, MRC 4/4 → not
Side and severity

R, crescendo TIA
L, MRC 3-­4/5 →

with novel bilateral hemiparesis due to the recent stroke. Patients

of hemiparesis

with motor deficits, including ataxia, bradykinesia, motor neglect, or


apraxia were excluded. 2. Patients in which the recent stroke lesions

were located over the upper medulla and ipsilateral to their hemipare-
sis. Patients with old lesions due to past brain injury were included. 3.
BI, L parietal-­superior

Patients with other recent ischemic lesions in the brain contralateral

BI, R corona radiata
Type and lesion

to the hemiparesis detected by MRI, and those who demonstrated

ICH, L putamen
Recent stroke

She was anatomically diagnosed by CT scan and pathological study.

frontal lobe
BI, R, frontal

hypoperfused areas with decreased cerebral blood flow due to arte-

rial severe stenosis or occlusion on MRA or carotid echography in the
contralateral cerebral hemisphere were excluded. Patients with diffi-
culty in communicating to explain their past and recent motor defi-


cits were also excluded from the present study, as were patients who

could not be examined by MRI or SPECT due to their critical status,


metal implants, or claustrophobia.





2.3 | Clinical consultation and physical

T A B L E   1   (Continued)

BI, R basal ganglia

Type and lesion

None (HGPPS)

All patients and their family members were interviewed during their
BI, R, internal
Past stroke

hospital stay by neurologists concerning their past history of stroke,


side of their residual motor deficits, and activity of daily life. Their

premorbid modified Rankin Scale scores were estimated based on the


questionnaire results. Neurologists also evaluated their neurologi-




cal findings including manual muscle power using Medical Research

4       INATOMI et al

Council (MRC) grading, deep tendon reflexes, and pathological re- Synax 1200, NEC), and acquired at a sampling rate of 5 kHz on a
flexes on admission and at discharge. personal ­computer for off-­line analysis (Signal Software, Cambridge
Electronic Design, Cambridge, UK). The optimum positions for ac-
tivation of the first dorsal interosseous or abductor pollicis brevis
2.4 | Neuroimaging studies
muscles were determined by moving the coil in 1-­cm steps around
MRI studies were performed using a Siemens MAGNETOM Vision the presumed motor cortex. The site at which stimuli of slightly su-
1.5-­Tesla MR unit with echo-­planar capability, and were carried out prathreshold intensity consistently produced the largest MEPs in
on admission and in the subacute phase if the responsible lesions the target muscle was marked with a grease pencil as the “motor
were not detected on admission. Type and location of past and cur- hot spot”. Each patient’s active maximal threshold over the motor
rent strokes were established from interviews of the patients and cortex was decided by where the first dorsal interosseous muscle
their family members, recent MRI findings, and medical records from was evoked. TMS series at maximal stimulator output were repeated
previous injuries if available. Leukoaraiosis, as one of the findings of under strong (<100% maximum) voluntary traction.
subcortical microvascular disease, was evaluated as supratentorial Functional MRI was performed using Toshiba medical systems
white matter hyperintensity on fluid-­attenuated inversion recovery Vantage 1.5-­tesla XGV power plus package. Patients with too severe
images and graded according to the Fazekas scale25 on the basis of muscle weakness or cognitive disorder to follow the technologist’s
visual assessment of periventricular areas (0=absent, 1=caps or pencil commands of finger tapping were excluded. Initially, the patients
lining, 2=smooth halo, and 3=irregular periventricular hyperintensities maintained a resting position, and baseline images (T1-­weighted im-
extending into deep white matter). ages TR:1800 TE:10 TI:600 ms) were obtained. The patients were then
SPECT was performed using a double-­headed GCA7200A/PI scanned while conducting a simple motor task consisting of three rep-
(Toshiba Medical Systems Corp, Otawara, Japan) or a triple-­headed etitions of self-­paced finger tapping for 30 s followed by rest for 45 s.
Prism 3000 (Shimadzu Corp, Kyoto, Japan) scanner. The patients were Activated images were performed using T2* weighted imaging (FE-­EPI
injected with 167 MBq of I N-­isopropyl-­p-­iodoamphetamine or 600 sequence, TR:1000 ms TE:40 ms, ETS: 0.8, 3 min). Finally, these ac-
MBq of Tc-­ethylcysteinate dimer. SPECT acquisition parameters tivated images were mapped on the T1-­weighted images to identify
for the scanners were as follows: 90 frames and a matrix of 64×64 activated areas.
pixels (1 pixel=4.3 mm) for the GCA7200A/PI system and 120 frames
and a matrix of 128×128 pixels (1 pixel=1.93 mm) for the Prism 3000
system. The data were reconstructed using a standard Butterworth-­ 3 | RESULTS
filtered back projection.
If SPECT revealed occult low-­uptake areas accompanied by critical A total of 8360 patients with the diagnosis of acute ischemic
stenotic or occlusive lesions in the proximal arteries on echography stroke were admitted to our hospital during the 11-­year study
or MRA in the hemisphere contralateral to the side of recent stroke, period. Fifteen of these patients were diagnosed with ipsilateral
the patients were excluded from this study due to criteria 3. If low-­ hemiparesis. One of these with a medial medullary infarction in the
uptake areas without infarcts or proximal occlusive arterial diseases left side and left hemiparesis was not examined by our consulta-
were demonstrated, the area was regarded as dysfunctional due to tion and SPECT due to severe apnea, and was therefore excluded
mechanisms other than ischemia such as diaschisis, and the patients from the present study. Consequently, 14 patients (0.17%, mean
were included in this study. age 71±6 years, eight men) were enrolled in the present study
As TMS was performed in another institute (Kumamoto Kinoh (Tables 2 and 3). They were admitted to our hospital on Day 1
Hospital), those patients, who could not be transferred because of ­(median; range 0-­7), and the median length of hospital stay was
severe general condition and/or lack of familial support for trans- 14.5 (range 7-­29) days.
portation, were not examined by TMS. Magnetic evoked potentials Twelve of these 14 patients had a past history of abrupt motor
(MEPs) were evoked at rest by a single-­pulse TMS with a High Power deficits (hemiparesis in 11 and unilateral limb ataxia in one) ipsilat-
Magstim 200 machine and a figure-­eight coil with mean loop diam- eral to the hemiparesis in the recent stroke. In all patients, the le-
eters of 70 mm. The magnetic stimulus had a nearly monophasic sions responsible for previous motor deficits were identified to be
pulse configuration with a rise time of approximately 100 μs, de- contralateral to their motor deficits in past strokes. Patient 2 had an
caying back to zero over approximately 0.8 ms. The orientation of old and silent stroke lesion contralateral to the recent stroke lesion.
coil stimulation was chosen because motor threshold is minimum Patient 12 did not have any past history of motor deficits or old le-
when the induced electrical current in the brain flows approxi- sions. The median estimated premorbid modified Rankin Scale esti-
mately perpendicular to the line of the central sulcus. MEPs were mated was 3 (range 0-­3). Vascular risk factors included hypertension
recorded from electrodes over the right and left first dorsal interos- in 10 patients, diabetes mellitus in eight, dyslipidemia in seven, cur-
seous muscles or abductor pollicis brevis muscles if the first dorsal rent smoking in one, atrial fibrillation in two, and ischemic coronary
interosseous muscles were atrophic. These bilateral MEPs were re- disease in one.
corded after a single-­pulse TMS of the contralateral primary motor Ipsilateral hemiparesis occurred on the right side in eight patients
cortex. The signal was amplified, band-­pass filtered (20-­3000 Hz, and on the left in six. None of the patients had bilateral hemiparesis.
et al

T A B L E   2   Clinical characteristics of the present patients

Past stroke Recent stroke

Initial MRC Final MRC Initial DTR (arm/ Final DTR (arm/ Initial pathological Final pathological
Interval Side of Length of grading (arm/leg) grading (arm/leg) leg) leg) reflex (arm/leg) reflex (arm/leg)
Age, Side of between hemi-­ hospital
No. sex hemi-­paresis strokes Pre-­mRS paresis stay Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra. Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra

1 68F R 17 years 2 R 16 4/4 5/5 5/5 5/5 ++/++ +/+ ++/++ +/+ −/− −/− +/− −/−
2 73M None -­ 0 L 29 4/4 5/5 4/4 5/5 ±/± ±/± ±/± ±/± −/− −/− −/− −/−
3 59M L 12 years 3 L 16 3/4 5/5 4/5 5/5 +/+ +/+ ++/++ +/+ −/− −/− −/− −/−
4 60M L 2 years 1 R 7 3/4 5/5 4/4 5/5 ++/++ +/+ +/+ +/+ −/+ −/− −/+ −/−
5 72M R 1 year 2 R 19 3/3 5/5 4/4 5/5 ++/++ ++/++ ++/++ ++/++ −/+ −/+ −/+ −/+
R 5 months
6 65F L 11 years 3 L 11 3/3 5/5 5/5 5/5 ++/++ +/+ ++/++ +/+ +/− −/− +/− −/−
7 72F R ataxia 3 months 3 R 12 4/4 5/5 5/5 5/5 +/++ +/+ +/+ +/+ −/+ −/− −/+ −/−
8 71F L 2 years 1 L 11 4/3 5/5 4/4 5/5 ++/+ +/+ ++/++ +/++ −/− −/− −/− −/−
9 78F R 1 year 3 R 12 4/2 5/5 5/4 5/5 ±/+ −/+ +/+ ±/+ −/− −/− −/− −/−
10 68F L 2 years 3 L 14 4/3 5/5 4/4 5/5 −/− −/+ +/+ +/+ −/− −/− −/+ −/−
11 80M R 5 months 2 R 12 4/4 5/5 4/4 5/5 +/+ −/− +/+ −/− −/− −/− −/− −/−
12 73M None -­ 0 R 18 5/4 5/5 5/5 5/5 +/+ +/+ +/+ +/+ −/− −/− −/− −/−
13 70M R 12 year 1 L 15 4/4 5/5 5/5 5/5 +/+ +/+ −/− −/− −/− −/− −/− −/−
14 79M R 10 months 1 R 17 4/4 5/5 5/4 5/5 ±/± ±/± −/− −/− −/− −/− −/− −/−

mRS, modified Rankin Scale; MRC, manual motor power test using Medical Research Council grading (arm/leg); DTR, deep tendon reflex; Ipsi, ipsilateral side to recent lesion; Contra, contralateral side to recent
lesion; R, right; L, left.
6       INATOMI et al

T A B L E   3   Past and present stroke characteristics and TMS and fMRI findings

Present stroke

Transcranial motor stimulation Functional MRI

Ipsi stimulation Contra stimulation Ipsi tapping Contra tapping

Type and lesion of scale Ipsi Contra. Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra Ipsi Contra
No. past stroke grade Lesion of infarct MEP MEP MEP MEP activated activated activated activated

1 BI, L corona radiata 2 R side of pons n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t.
2 BI, R globus 2 L corona radiata 20.6 19.2 19.2 n.e. sf pc pc -­
3 BI, L thalamus, 1 L side of pons n.e. n.e. 20.6 n.e. sf pc, mf pc mf
ICH, R thalamus
4 ICH, R putamen 2 L precentral gyrus, n.e. 18.8 19.2 n.e. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t.
superior parietal
5 BI, L side of medulla 2 R corona radiata n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t.
BI, L side of pons
6 BI, R corona radiata 1 L corona radiata to n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t.
7 BI, R side of medulla 1 R corona radiata n.e. 19.9 20.5 n.e. n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t.
8 BI, R corona radiata 1 L cingulate gyrus, n.e. 17.0 19.8 n.e. pc pc pc -­
corpus callosum
9 BI, L internal 2 R side of pons n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. pc, sf, mf pc, sf, mf pc, sf, mf pc, sf, mf
capsula to
occipital lobe
10 BI, R internal 2 L internal capsula n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. -­ pc, mf pc, mf -­
11 BI, L corona 2 R corona radiata to n.e. 24.0 23.3 n.e. pc, mf pc, sf pc, sf -­
radiata to internal putamen
12 None 2 R corona radiata, n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. pc pc pc -­
sup. frontal gyrus
13 BI, L putamen to 2 L cingulate gyrus, n.t. n.t. n.t. n.t. pc, mf pc, mf pc, mf pc, mf
internal capsula precentral gyrus
14 BI, L corona radiata 1 R corona radiata n.e. 20.8a 23.3a 26.9 pc, mf pc pc, sf -­

MEP, magnetic evoked potential (distal latency, ms); BI, brain infarction; ICH, intracerebral hemorrhage; n.t., not tested; n.e., not evoked on TMS or not
activated on functional MRI; pc, precentral gyrus; sf, superior frontal gyrus; mf, middle frontal gyrus.
Recorded at abductor pollicis brevis.

The median MRC grading was 4 (range 3-­5) in the arms and 4 (range Hemi-­sensory loss ipsilateral to the hemiparesis was observed in
2-­4) in the legs on admission. Thirteen patients had a hemiparesis MRC six patients (patients 1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 14). They did not remember the
grading of 3 or more. Patient 9 had severe residual hemiparesis MRC degree of the sensory loss before their recent stroke, and could not
grading of 2 caused by a past stroke. At discharge, hemiparesis had discern an obvious change of sense. Patients 2 and 14 had noticed
ameliorated in all patients, and the median MRC grading of the hemi- dysesthesia since their past stroke; however, they denied any change
paresis was 4.5 (range 4-­5) in the arms and 4 (range 4-­5) in the legs. of degree of their dysesthesia. None of the patients had cortical defi-
Hyperreflexia in the hemiparetic limbs was present in seven pa- cits, including aphasia or unilateral spatial neglect. The mirror phenom-
tients on admission and in five at discharge. Hyperreflexia in the non-­ enon was observed in patient 14.
hemiparetic limbs was present in one patient on admission and in two MRI in patients for which recent responsible lesions were de-
at discharge. Pathological reflexes in the hemiparetic limbs were pres- tected was performed on Day 1.5 (median, range Day 0-­8). Table 2 and
ent in four patients on admission and in one at discharge. Pathological Figure 1 show the locations of the lesions responsible for the patients’
reflexes in the non-­hemiparetic limbs were present in one patient on previous (13 patients) and recent strokes. The responsible lesions of
admission and in one at discharge. the recent ischemic stroke were along the corticospinal tract, whose
INATOMI et al |

anatomical situation was established classically and neurophysiologi- and the instruments were unfortunately under maintenance during the
cally in 13 patients. By contrast, the responsible lesion in patient stay of patients 1, 4, and 7. However, a comparison of those patients
8 was limited to the cingulate gyrus and corpus callosum. None of the with and without fMRI studies showed that there were no differences
14 patients had agenesis of the corpus callosum, a lacunar state, or in the degree of motor weakness caused by recent strokes between
severe leukoaraiosis (see Fazekas grade Table 3). the two groups, but the percentage of patients with right hemiparesis
None of the 14 patients had any hypoperfusion area associated was higher in those who did not undergo the examinations (44% in
with proximal arterial occlusive diseases in the cerebral hemisphere fMRI group vs 80% in non-­fMRI group). Cortical activation contralat-
contralateral to the recent stroke. Moreover, hypoperfusion lesions eral to the tapping side was observed in all nine patients and ipsilateral
without arterial occlusive diseases were also not observed in any of to the tapping side in eight of them. None of the patients exhibited
the patients, including patient 8 who did not have a lesion located only ipsilateral activation but not contralateral activation.
along the corticospinal tract.
TMS was performed in seven patients on Day 9 (median, range
4-­26). There were no differences between those with or without TMS 4 | DISCUSSIONS
examinations, including in the degree of motor weakness caused by
recent strokes, although the percentage of patients with premorbid The present study of ipsilateral hemiparesis in ischemic stroke pa-
mRS>1 was higher in those who did undergo the study (50% in TMS tients has three major findings. First, most patients had a past his-
groups vs 63% in non-­TMS groups). Crossed MEPs were evoked in all tory of stroke contralateral to the side of the recent stroke, and their
seven patients. Uncrossed MEPs ipsilateral to the recent lesion were past stroke had caused unilateral motor deficits contralateral to the
evoked in patient 2, and contralateral to the recent lesion in patient lesions. Second, the recent stroke lesions responsible for the ipsilat-
14. None of the seven had only uncrossed and no crossed MEPs. eral hemiparesis were located along the corticospinal tract in all but
Functional MRI was performed in nine patients on Day 9 (median, one of the patients. Finally, functional neuroimaging studies revealed
range 5-­12). Patients 5 and 6 had severe hemiparesis and/or cognitive findings indicating an active crossed corticospinal tract in all of the
impairment and could not perform the necessary tapping for the study, examined patients. As none of the 14 patients had findings indicating

F I G U R E   1   MRI findings in the present patients. Left: T2-­weighted images showing responsible lesions of past stroke (arrow). Right:
Diffusion-­weighted images showing responsible lesions of recent stroke (arrow head)
8       INATOMI et al

the existence of severe microvascular disease nor misery perfusion in corticospinal tracts might be located closely but clearly separated, and
the contralateral brain on MRI and SPECT, we concluded that the po- the lesions might have involved only the crossed tract and spared the
tential effects of ischemia in the brain contralateral to their ipsilateral non-­crossed tract.
hemiparesis were minimum. In patient 8, the responsible lesions were located in the cingulate
To focus on the dynamic activity of the crossed and uncrossed gyrus and corpus callosum, far away from the corticospinal tract. On
corticospinal tracts, we divide the pathophysiological mechanisms of SPECT, hypoperfusion areas indicating cerebral diaschisis were not
ipsilateral hemiparesis into three possible injury types (Figure 2): Type detected along the corticospinal tract, thus suggesting that the ipsi-
I is an injury of the corticospinal tract in patients who congenitally lateral hemiparesis had another pathophysiological mechanism than
have no decussation of the tract; Type II is an injury of the uncrossed the others.
(lateral) corticospinal tract in patients who do have active crossed and Crossed MEPs on TMS were not found in any of the three previ-
uncrossed tracts; Type IIa is an injury of the uncrossed corticospinal ously reported patients so tested,4,5,10 nor was contralateral activation
tract, in patients with both crossed and uncrossed active tracts, that on fMRI found in three of the four tested patients.5–7 The TMS and
arose secondarily to a previous injury of the crossed tract. fMRI findings in the present study indicate that crossed cerebrospinal
Previous strokes contralateral to the recent strokes were present tracts were preserved in many of our patients with ipsilateral hemi-
in 12 of our patients and in eight of 17 reported patients (Table 1) paresis. On the other hand, uncrossed MEPs ipsilateral to the recent
with ipsilateral hemiparesis.1,6–8,12 Moreover, these past strokes man- lesion were evoked in only 28% of the present patients, although they
ifested unilateral motor deficits contralateral to the lesions in all of the were evoked in all three of the reported patients.4,5,10 The frequency
present and previously reported patients. Thus, we suggested that all of ipsilateral MEPs in the present study was lower than in healthy
of the 12 patients had additional hemiparesis that could not be ex- subjects or acute-­stroke patients, where it is over 60%.19 A possible
plained by residual motor deficits caused by the past strokes. The high explanation for the low frequency of uncrossed MEPs in the present
frequency of previous strokes contralateral to the recent strokes sug- study might be that the areas with lesions responsible for the recent
gests that prior damage of the corticospinal tract contralateral to the ipsilateral stroke might have acquired strong innervation from the
recent stroke might be associated with the pathogenesis of ipsilateral non-­crossed corticospinal tract.
hemiparesis. In other words, their past strokes might have generated To further examine the pathophysiological mechanisms associated
the conditions for the ipsilateral hemiparesis. Although patient 2 did with ipsilateral hemiparesis, we also divided the patients reported in
not have past history of unilateral motor deficit, he did have old and the literature and those in the present study into the three aforemen-
silent stroke lesions contralateral to the recent stroke. In contrast, pa- tioned types of possible injuries. In Type I, the absence of crossed
tient 12 had no history of brain injury; therefore, the above-­mentioned corticospinal tracts should be neurophysiologically confirmed. In the
hypothesis may not pertain to this or other reported patients without reported studies, three patients4,5,10 (17.7%) were compatible with
past brain injury.2–4,9–12 Type I injuries, while none of our patients satisfied these criteria. In
The responsible lesions of ipsilateral hemiparesis were located Type II, neurophysiological evidence of crossed corticospinal tracts
along the corticospinal tract in all 17 of the previously reported pa- and no history of injury of the crossed tract are needed. None of the
tients.1–13 Moreover, there was no observed hemiparesis contralateral patients reported in the literature fulfilled these criteria, and only pa-
to the recent ischemic lesions in any of the present patients. There tient 12 (7.1%) in the present study was compatible with Type II. In
was only one reported patient with bilateral hemiparesis due to unilat- Type IIa, crossed corticospinal tracts should be neurophysiologically
eral stroke.1 One possible explanation for these two findings regard- evident, and the crossed tracts should have been injured prior to the
ing ipsilateral hemiparesis might be that the non-­crossed and crossed recent damage of the uncrossed tract. In the reported studies, three

Type I Type II Type IIa

Corticospinal tract
㽢 㽢 㽢1 㽢2

Brain injury 㽢
1st attack 㽢䠍
2nd attack 㽢䠎

Contralateral MEP (–) (+) (+)

F I G U R E   2   Three possible
Requirement of pathophysiological mechanisms of
(–) (–) (+)
past ipsilateral injury ipsilateral hemiparesis
INATOMI et al |

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How to cite this article: Inatomi, Y., Nakajima, M., Yonehara, T. and
24. Liu J, Qin W, Zhang J, Zhang X, Yu C. Enhanced interhemispheric func-
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