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Impact of Noise Pollution on Human

Cardiovascular System

Article · January 2015

DOI: 10.9734/IJTDH/2015/13791


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2 authors:

Esther Oluwasola Aluko Victor Nna

University of Uyo,Uyo, Nigeria University of Calabar


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International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE
& Health
6(2): 35-43, 2015, Article no.IJTDH.2015.036
ISSN: 2278–1005

SCIENCEDOMAIN international

Impact of Noise Pollution on Human Cardiovascular

Esther O. Aluko1* and Victor U. Nna2
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University
of Uyo, Uyo, AkwaIbom State, Nigeria.
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medical Sciences,
University of Calabar, P.M.B.1115 Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between both authors. Author EOA designed and planned
the review. Author VUN carried out literature searches. Both authors prepared and approved the final

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/IJTDH/2015/13791
(1) Thomas Britt, Department of Health Studies, College of Health Sciences, Chicago State University, USA.
(2) Giuseppe Murdaca, Clinical Immunology Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Genoa, Italy.
(3) Shankar Srinivasan, Department of Health Informatics, University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, USA.
(1) Anonymous, Italy.
(2) Anonymous, Serbia.
(3) Anonymous, India.
(4) Anonymous, Malaysia.
Complete Peer review History:

Received 3rd September 2014

Review Article Accepted 9 December 2014
Published 31 December 2014


Noise pollution is one of the man-made environmental hazards that is given the least attention. By
World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition, noise pollution is unwanted or excessive sound that
can have deleterious effects on human health and environmental quality. Industrial facilities,
entertainment joints, highway, railway, airplane traffic, construction activities and some indoor
activities are major sources of noise. Prolong or frequent exposure to excessively loud noise can
cause degeneration of the spiral organ resulting in high frequency deafness. Despite the awareness
of noise impact on auditory function, people are still engaged in activities that generate loud noise.
In some developing countries where electrical power supply is not reliable, the use of generators
has contributed immensely to environmental noise. Studies have reported that noise increases the
prevalence of hypertension which is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disorders. The

*Corresponding author: Email:;

Aluko and Nna; IJTDH, 6(2): 35-43, 2015; Article no.IJTDH.2015.036

increasing number of hypertensive individuals in developing countries might be owed to incessant

noise. If the governments of these countries do not take necessary measures to combat noise
pollution, their countries might be populated with cardiovascular disease individuals.

Keywords: Blood pressure; cardiovascular system; hypertension; noise; pollution.

1. INTRODUCTION low as 20 Hz (a very low pitch) up to about

20,000 Hz (a very high pitch). The intensity of
Noise pollution is one of the environmental one sound can be compared to that of another of
nuisances created by urbanization. Noise is the same frequency by taking the ratio of their
gradually becoming ubiquitous, yet an powers. Precise measurement and scientific
overlooked form of pollution. It may not appear to description of sound levels differ from most
be as harmful as other forms of pollution, but it is subjective human perceptions and opinions
a problem that affects human health and well- about sound, subjective human responses to
being as well as environmental quality [1]. By noise depend on both pitch and loudness.
definition, noise pollution is loud unwanted, People with normal hearing generally perceive
undesired or excessive sound that can have high-frequency sounds to be louder than low-
deleterious effects on human health and frequency sounds of the same amplitude. For
environmental quality [2]. The effects of noise this reason electronic sound-level meters used to
pollution are slow and subtle, it might be measure noise levels take into account the
immediate in terms of annoyance, but its effect variations of perceived loudness with pitch [6].
becomes deleterious after continuous exposure
to harmful sounds. Unlike air and water pollution, The sources of artificial noise pollution are from
it’s contaminants are not physical particles, but industrial machinery and processes, heavy
waves that interfere with naturally occurring automobile traffic, train, airplane, electrical
waves of a similar type in the same environment appliances, public address systems, and
[3]. generators used for both commercial and
residential purposes. Construction activities like
Sound waves are vibrations of air molecules mining, construction of bridges, dams, buildings,
carried from a noise source to the ear. Sound is stations, roads, flyovers and noise from social
characteristically described in terms of the events make the environment unfriendly and
loudness (amplitude) and the pitch (frequency) of perhaps uninhabitable [2]. Noise generated by
the wave. Loudness, which is also called sound household equipment like television, music
pressure level (SPL) is measured in decibels system, blender, grinder, pressure cooker,
(dB) and decreases with distance from the vacuum cleaners, washing machine, dryer,
source. The normal human ear can detect cooler, air conditioners contribute minimal
sounds that ranges between 0 dB (hearing amount of noise in the neighborhood. The use of
threshold) and about 140 dB (pain threshold) [4]. generators in every household in a country like
The hazardous effects of noise depend on its Nigeria because of erratic power supply creates
intensity, duration, and frequency (high or low). seemingly unbearable noise.
High and low pitch is more damaging than middle
frequencies, and white noise covering the entire Noise pollution adversely affects the lives of
frequency spectrum is less harmful than noise of people. Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is
a specific pitch [5]. Sound intensity is the amount the most common and often discussed health
of energy flowing per unit time through a unit effect of noise, but studies have revealed that
area that is perpendicular to the direction in exposure to continuous or high levels of noise
which the sound waves are travelling and it is can cause several adverse health effects. It can
proportional to the square of the sound pressure damage psychological health; excessive noise
level (SPL). Unlike loudness, sound intensity is level has been linked to the occurrence of
objective and can be measured by auditory aggressive behavior, constant stress, and
equipment independent of observer's hearing. fatigue. Loud noise hampers sleeping pattern
Frequency of a sound wave is expressed in resulting in fatigue, reduction in performance and
cycles per second (cps), but hertz (Hz) is may lead to sleep disorders. These in turn can
frequently used. The human eardrum is a very cause more severe and chronic health issues
sensitive organ with a large dynamic range, later in life. High level of noise has been reported
being able to detect sounds at frequencies as to affect the cardiovascular system. It has been

Aluko and Nna; IJTDH, 6(2): 35-43, 2015; Article no.IJTDH.2015.036

linked to high blood pressure, constriction of an important role in normal functioning of the
blood vessels and coronary artery disease [7-11]. cardiovascular system [16].
This review therefore discusses the impact of
noise on cardiovascular system. Studies have reported that exposure to
excessively loud noise increases blood pressure.
2. NOISE POLLUTION AND CARDIOVAS- The effects of industrial noise on the
CULAR SYSTEM cardiovascular system were assessed in workers
of lock factories, which were exposed to
The ability of the body to perform its normal industrial noise levels exceeding 80 dB. There
activities is sustained by a mechanism that was significant increase in systolic blood
supplies the necessary metabolic substrates and pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP),
removes by-products of metabolism. This mean arterial pressure, pulse pressure and heart
mechanism is driven by the cardiovascular rate in the workers compared to people who
system. The contraction of the heart pumps never lived or worked in a noisy environment
blood and generates pressure that drives the [17]. A meta-analysis study evaluated the
blood through the network of blood vessels association between the modifications of the
transporting substances (respiratory gases, cardiovascular system and chronic exposure to
nutrients, etc) throughout the body tissues [12]. noise in occupationally exposed subjects in
The flow of blood through these vessels is articles published from 1950 to May 2008. A total
dependent upon pressure difference which is the of 18,658 workers were divided into three groups
driving force that permits the movement of blood according to the level of noise exposure; High
and resistance of the vessels which is an Exposure (HE), Intermediate Exposure (IE), Low
impediment to blood flow [13,14]. Exposure (LE). The results showed a statistically
significant increase in SBP and DBP in HE
The cardiovascular system is control by several workers compared to LE and IE workers, while
mechanisms; the autonomic nervous system, the heart rate was significantly higher in HE
reflex mechanisms, renal-body fluid system, participants compared to LE participants. The
renin- angiotensin system and hormones. The prevalence of both hypertension and ECG
workload on the heart and its output (cardiac abnormalities was significantly higher in HE
output) depends on the preload which is workers compared to LE and IE workers [18].
determined by the amount of blood returned to
heart through the venous system (venous return) Road traffic is the dominant source of community
and afterload (peripheral resistance), which is noise exposure and the assessment of the
basically influenced by vascular resistance is the association between exposure to residential road
pressure in aorta in which the left ventricle must traffic noise and hypertension in urban metropolis
pump against [15]. The autonomic nervous found out that the odds ratio (OR) for
system and reflex mechanisms which act through hypertension adjusted for age, smoking,
autonomic nervous system act directly on heart occupational status and house type was 1.38 per
to alter the heart rate and myocardial contractility 5 dB(A) increase in noise exposure. The
as well as on vessel to alter their resistance. association was stronger among those who had
Other control mechanisms act either by altering lived at that particular area for more than 10
venous return and/or vascular resistance. An years. Analyses of categorical exposure
increase in venous return increases the cardiac variables revealed an exposure–response
output whereas high peripheral resistance raises relationship and the strongest association
the pressure in the aorta, causing the pressure between exposure to traffic noise and
gradient between the aorta and left ventricle to hypertension was found among those who did
fall and consequently cardiac output decreases not have triple‐glazed windows, living in an old
[15]. The effectiveness of the heart pumping house and having the bedroom window facing
action is affected by the arterial pressure; the the street [19]. A survey evaluated the
heart can be hypo effective, if arterial blood prevalence of stress-related diseases like
pressure is elevated, high arterial pressure hypertension in relation to road traffic noise
causes excessive workload on the heart and this exposure in 1718 participants. The period of
may lead to heart failure, coronary heart disease prevalence of hypertension increased steadily
or even death as a result of heart attack. with the road traffic noise in the range of 55 to 70
Furthermore, high arterial pressure causes dB during the daytime and 50 to 65 dB during the
multiple hemorrhage in the kidney, consequently nighttime. The relative risks were high in those
destroying the kidney tissues. The kidney plays exposed to noise level exceeding 65 dB in

Aluko and Nna; IJTDH, 6(2): 35-43, 2015; Article no.IJTDH.2015.036

daytime and exceeding 55 dB in night time with measurements, and questionnaires in which
regards to staying in the living room during the subjects reported treatment or diagnosis of
day and the bedroom during the night. When hypertension and information on cardiovascular
subjects were analyzed separately, for those who risk factors. The analyses were restricted to 2027
slept nearly every night with an open bedroom subjects who completed the follow-up
window, the relative risk was considerably higher examination, were not treated for hypertension,
[20]. However, a population-based cohort study and had a blood pressure below 140/90 mm Hg
enrolled 57,053 participants aged 50 – 64 years at enrollment. For subjects exposed to noise
between 1993 and 1997 and conducted a follow- levels above 50 dB(A) the relative risk for
up survey of all eligible cohort participants hypertension was 1.19. Maximum aircraft noise
between 2000 and 2002. The systolic and levels presented similar results, with a relative
diastolic blood pressure was measured at risk of 1.20 for those exposed to > 70 dB(A).
enrolment and in the follow-up survey, while Stronger associations were observed among
information on hypertension was assessed by older subjects, those with a normal glucose
questionnaire. It was observed that long-term tolerance, nonsmokers, and subjects not
exposure to road traffic noise was weakly annoyed by noise from other sources [24]. A total
associated with a higher systolic blood pressure of 4721 subjects aged 35 – 56 years at baseline,
and was not linked with diastolic blood pressure were followed for 8 – 10 years. Their Blood
or hypertension [21]. Van Kempen and Babisch pressure was measured at baseline and at the
[22], carried out a meta-analysis in order to end of follow-up. Additional information regarding
derive a quantitative exposure-response diagnosis and treatment of hypertension as well
relationship between the exposure to road traffic as various lifestyle factors was provided by
noise and the prevalence of hypertension, road questionnaires. In the overall population, no
traffic noise was positively and significantly increased risk for hypertension was found among
associated with hypertension, the data subjects exposed to aircraft noise ≥ 50 dB(A).
aggregation revealed an odds ratio (OR) of 1.034 When restricting the cohort to those not using
per 5 dB(A) increase of the 16 h average road tobacco at the blood pressure measurements, a
traffic noise level. The differences observed in significant risk increase per 5 dB(A) of aircraft
studies considered were due to the age and sex noise exposure was found in men, but not in
of the population under study, the way exposure women. In both sexes combined, an increased
was ascertained, and the noise reference level risk of hypertension related to aircraft noise
used. Also, the way noise was treated in the exposure was indicated primarily among those
statistical model and the minimum years of reporting annoyance to aircraft noise. The results
residence of the population under study gave an suggested an increased risk of hypertension
explanation regarding the observed differences. following long-term aircraft noise exposure in
Therefore, no definite conclusions can be drawn men, and that subjects annoyed by aircraft noise
about the threshold value for the relationship may be particularly sensitive to noise related
between road traffic noise and the prevalence of hypertension [25]. Jarup and co-worker [26],
hypertension. assessed the relationship between noise from
aircraft or road traffic near airports and the risk of
Aircraft noise has a significant association with hypertension in 4,861 persons who had lived at
the incidence of hypertension. The study of the least 5 years near any of six major airports. They
effect of short-term changes of transportation or measured blood pressure and collected data on
indoor noise levels on blood pressure (BP) and health, socioeconomic, and lifestyle factors,
heart rate (HR) during night-time sleep in 140 including diet and physical activity by
subjects living near four major airports reported questionnaire at home visits and assessed noise
that the systolic blood pressure increased by 6.2 exposure using detailed models with a resolution
mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 7.4 of 1 and a spatial resolution of 250 × 250 m for
mmHg over 15 min intervals in which an aircraft aircraft and 10 × 10 m for road traffic noise. They
event occurred [23]. A cohort study of 2754 men found significant exposure–response
in 4 metropolises around the airport was followed relationships between night-time aircraft as well
between 1992 – 1994 and 2002 – 2004. as average daily road traffic noise exposure and
Residential aircraft noise exposure was risk of hypertension after adjustment for major
assessed by geographical information systems confounders. For night-time aircraft noise, a 10-
technique among those living near the airport. dB increase in exposure was associated with an
Incident cases of hypertension were identified by odds ratio of 1.14. The exposure–response
physical examinations, including blood pressure relationships were similar for road traffic noise

Aluko and Nna; IJTDH, 6(2): 35-43, 2015; Article no.IJTDH.2015.036

and stronger for men with an odd ratio of 1.54 in cardiovascular disease for both hospital
the highest exposure category. The results admissions and mortality in areas near Heathrow
indicated excess risks of hypertension related to airport in London [28]. A hospital-based case-
long-term noise exposure, primarily for night-time control study associated noise to risk of
aircraft noise and daily average road traffic noise. myocardial Infarction. The study was done in
In consistence, a study of population comprising 4114 patients 20 to 69 years of age, a clear
two random samples of subjects aged 19 – 80 dose-response relationship of an increasing risk
years, one including 266 residents in airport of myocardial infarction with increasing traffic
vicinity and another comprising 2693 inhabitants noise levels was found. The increase in risk
in other parts of the County. The subjects were started at an average sound level of 60 dB(A)
classified according to the time weighted equal and male subjects that lived on streets with
energy and maximum aircraft noise levels at their average sound levels of more than 70 dB(A)
residence. A questionnaire provided information during the day showed a relative risk of
on individual characteristics including history of myocardial infarction of odd ratio of 1.27
hypertension. The prevalence of hypertension compared to those who lived on streets with less
was found to be higher among subjects exposed equal sound levels of 60 dB(A). In the sub-
to time weighted energy averaged aircraft noise sample subjects who had been living for at least
levels of at least 55 dBA, or maximum levels 10 years at the present address, a significant
above 72 dBA occurring at least three times odds ratio of 1.81 was found for the same
during the average 24 hour period in 1 year. The comparison [29]. In consistence, analysis of
risk of hypertension from exposure to aircraft Swiss National Cohort of 4.6 million persons
noise seemed greater among those not reporting older than 30 years who were followed from near
hearing disabilities as a result of the aircraft the end of 2000 through December 2005,
noise, while the other subjects who reported revealed that people exposed to high levels of
hearing disability prior to blood pressure noise from aircraft were at increased risk of dying
measurement showed no signs of hypertension from myocardial infarction. The association was
[27]. strongest in those who had lived at the same
highly exposed location for at least 15 years. The
The effect of noise pollution is not restricted to report concluded that aircraft noise was
increased blood pressure. Studies have linked associated with mortality from myocardial
noise to other cardiovascular disorders. The infarction, with a dose-response relationship for
association of aircraft noise with risk of stroke, level and duration of exposure [30]. A population-
coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular based case-control study on myocardial
disease was investigated in about 3.6 million infarction conducted by Selander and colleague
residents living near Heathrow airport. Hospital [31], between 1992 and 1994 revealed that long-
admissions showed statistically significant linear term exposure to road traffic noise increased the
trends of increased risk with higher levels of both risk of developing myocardial infarction with a
daytime (average A weighted equivalent noise 7 positive exposure-response trend.
am to 11 pm, LAeq,16h) and night time (11 pm to 7
am, Lnight) aircraft noise. When areas Noise has been linked to high blood cholesterol.
experiencing the highest levels of daytime The study in 180 workers employed in a metal
aircraft noise were compared with those industry exposed to industrial noise levels
experiencing the lowest levels (>63 dB v ≤51 exceeding 80dB, and to communal noise levels
dB), the relative risk of hospital admissions for exceeding 70dB, and a control group consisted
stroke was 1.24 (95% confidence interval 1.08 to 90 workers that had never worked or lived in a
1.43), for coronary heart disease was 1.21 (1.12 noisy environment showed a significant increase
to 1.31), and for cardiovascular disease was 1.14 in plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol and
(1.08 to 1.20) adjusted for age, sex, ethnicity, triglycerides in the noise exposed group than in
deprivation, and a smoking proxy using a the control group. High blood cholesterol is one
Poisson regression model including a random of the major factors responsible for
effect term to account for residual heterogeneity. atherosclerosis which can lead to coronary heart
The study concluded that high levels of aircraft disease, degenerative changes in the
noise were associated with increased risks of myocardium and atherosclerotic changes on
stroke, coronary heart disease, and arterial blood vessels of low extremities [32].

Aluko and Nna; IJTDH, 6(2): 35-43, 2015; Article no.IJTDH.2015.036

3. POSSIBLE MECHANISM THROUGH cortex to release cortisol. Cortisol helps to

WHICH NOISE AFFECTS CARDIOVAS- generate glucose through the degradation of
CULAR SYSTEM protein in a process called gluconeogenesis in
the liver and mobilization of fat from adipose
tissue. This helps to replenish the body's energy
3.1 Stress Response
stores that are depleted during the stress
response [35].
Noise may not be connected to danger, but the
body responds to it as a threatening signal, thus, The persistent activation of the stress response
triggering the body’s stress response. This systems has adverse effect on the body.
generates a cascade of actions that stimulate the Recurrent epinephrine surges can damage blood
release of stress hormones (adrenaline, vessels and arteries, increase blood pressure
noradrenaline and cortisol) which consequently and raising risk of heart attacks or stroke [36].
initiate several reactions in the body. Sustained The high level of cortisol in the blood increases
effect of chronic noise on stress hormones may the amount of cholesterol in the blood, thereby
be the potential mechanism by which adding to associated artery plague buildup which
environmental noise is connected to the results in hypertension and coronary heart
occurrence of cardiovascular disorders. disease [37]. In line with this speculation, the
The auditory system is always active, even study by Cavatorta et al. [38], reported that
during sleep. The excitations caused by exposure to high intensity industry noise raised
excessively loud noise signals are acknowledged levels of noradrenaline and adrenaline and
by the brain as stress signals and are sent to the another study reported that catecholamine
amygdala. The amygdala interprets the sounds secretion decreased when workers wore hearing
and perceives it as danger and immediately protection against noise [39]. The nocturnal
sends a distress signal to the hypothalamus [33]. excretion of catecholamines in urine was studied
The hypothalamus communicates with the in 30 – 45 years old women whose bedrooms
autonomic nervous system, which controls the and/or living rooms were facing streets of varying
cardiovascular system; blood pressure, heart traffic volume, showed significant associations
rate, and the dilation or constriction of blood between traffic volume and noradrenaline
vessels. The sympathetic component of the concentrations in urine with regards to the
autonomic nervous system triggers the fight-or- exposure of the bedroom (not the living room),
flight responses and release epinephrine and indicating a higher chronic physiological arousal
norepinephrine from its nerve ending. The in noise-exposed subjects as compared to the
released epinephrine and norepinephrine cause less exposed. Subjective measures of
acceleration of the heart rate increase in the disturbance due to traffic noise were positively
force of myocardial contraction and constriction correlated with the noradrenaline level in
of arteries and in addition epinephrine triggers subjects where closing the window could not
the release of glucose and fatty acid from their reduce the perceived disturbance [40]. The
storage sites which are used by the body as fuel. measurement of cortisol concentrations in the
Aside from the hypothalamic activation of the saliva and urine before, during and after an
sympathetic nervous system, the posterior arithmetic calculation task under 90 dB(A) white
hypothalamus also acts through the sympathetic noise and quiet conditions showed that salivary
preganglionic neuron linked to the adrenal cortisol level was significantly higher than the
medulla to stimulate the adrenal medulla to pre-task level during the task with noise, but not
secrete adrenaline (epinephrine) and under quiet conditions [41]. Tafalla and Evans
noradrenaline (norepinephrine). These reinforce [42], also reported same in male college students
the efforts of the sympathetic drive [34]. exposed to noise while calculating the Norinder
arithmetic. Twelve male test subjects were
As the first surge of epinephrine diminishes, the equipped with probes for multiple sampling of
hypothalamus activates the second component venous blood and exposed to the noise of a
of the stress response system; the hypothalamic- military low altitude flight for about 20 seconds
pituitary-adrenal-axis (HPA-axis). The HPA-axis and this was reproduced via loudspeakers inside
releases corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) an audiometric cabin. On the first day of the
through the hypothalamus, which travels to the experiment, the maximum level was 105 dB(A)
pituitary gland and triggers the release of and on the second day 125 dB(A). Blood
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). This samples were taken before the noise exposure
stimulates the zona fasciculata of the adrenal and 1, 8, 16 and 32 minutes thereafter. Before

Aluko and Nna; IJTDH, 6(2): 35-43, 2015; Article no.IJTDH.2015.036

the experiment, the bladder was emptied and measures to minimize unnecessary noise. Where
urine collected after one hour. The cortisol that is inevitable, the use of suitable protective
concentration was significantly increased 8 measures should be employed to reverse the
minutes after the 125 dB(A) noise exposure physiological changes associated with chronic
when compared with the 105 dB exposure and stress.
reached a maximum at 16 minutes after
exposure. The cortisol difference was found to be CONSENT
significant 32 minutes after exposure. Also, the
excretion of free cortisol was significantly Not applicable.
increased after 125 dB(A) as compared with 105
4. CONCLUSION Not applicable.

The studies reviewed showed a strong link ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

between noise pollution and high cardiovascular
risk. Aside from the strong association of noise Authors hereby salute the efforts of the
pollution with high blood pressure which itself is secretarial staff of the Department of Physiology,
one of the risk factors for cardiovascular University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
disorders, studies have linked noise pollution to
the incidence of myocardial infarction and stroke.
Despite the evidence about the adverse health
effects of noise, most countries are indifferent
about noise pollution. Precautions should be Authors have declared that no competing
taken against the ill effects of noise; the interests exist.
government should enforce federal standards for
highway and aircraft noise, proper planning for REFERENCES
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