Weather 5e

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Your Name Emily Maust

Grade Level 1
Subject/Topic How does Weather effect us?
of the Lesson

State State: PA
4.8.4.B.2. Explain the influence of climate on how and where people live.
3.5.4.C.3. Explain how the different seasons effect plants, animals, food availability
(Specify State)
and daily human life
Lesson At the end of this lesson, the students will know: How the weather effects our daily
Objectives lives and how we adapt to weather changes. 


Lesson At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to: Dress a character and explain
Objectives what weather they are dressed for. 

(Key Skills)

Lesson  Teacher will come into room dressed in winter clothing. Hat, gloves,
Activities heavy coat etc. Teacher will ask students what the different things I am
wearing are for. 
 Teacher will then reveal different pieces of clothing and ask the same
question as she reveals each one. 

 Teacher will also have an umbrella, sunglasses, and a hood on one of the
objects to wear. 

 Invite students to work with a partner for 2 minutes and write on their
white boards why they think we have different types of clothing and
things we use outside. 

 Have students share their ideas. 

 Show video to students:


 Discuss the reasons that Grover had to keep changing his clothes and
things he was wearing.  Write ideas in a web on the board. 
Lesson Explain to students that they just became scientists! They took information and
Activities thought about it to determine why we do something the way we do. 

(Explore) We wear certain clothing due to the environment around us. 

We would never wear a winter coat in the summer because the sun is warm, and
we would never wear a bathing suit in the middle of winter outside because we
would freeze! 

Weather effects what we wear and the things we carry with us every day! We
have to watch the weather and be forecasters to help us decide what we will
wear everyday! 

Lesson Give each student a cutout of a person. 

Direct each student to dress their character for any kind of weather they choose
(Explain) and then we are going to work together to guess what kind of weather they are
going out in. 

Explain rules for drawing (neat work, crayons etc.)

After 10 minutes or so, bring students together and guess what each students
character is dressed for! Have the students explain why they chose what they did
to dress them in! 


Lesson Formative and/or summative that you will use in this lesson:
Teacher will check drawings and listen to students explanations to see if they
(Evaluate) understood the reasoning for dressing their characters in the way that they chose! 

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