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Writing with a Purpose Station

Name and Date to be taught: Denni Riley February 13-14, 2020

Grade Level: Kindergarten
Length of Lesson: 10 minutes (3x both days)
CENTRAL FOCUS OF LEARNING SEGMENT: This lesson is during a unit on Love and
Friendship. This will be the second lesson in the unit about love during stations. The students will
focus on writing with a purpose and paying attention to their print. This includes spacing words out,
letter size, capitalizing the first word of a sentence, and punctuation. I will write the words they want
to spell on a big paper so that they can focus on the structure of the sentence rather than the

PURPOSE: Continue to practice sentence writing and organization to prepare for 1st grade.

● At the end of this lesson, students will be able to construct a sentence using spacing,
punctuation, capitalization, and proper letter size.

Primary Subject Area: Literacy/Writing

● K.W.1 Write for specific purposes and audiences.
● K.W.2.1 Write most uppercase (capital) and lowercase letters of the alphabet, correctly
shaping and spacing the letters of the words.
● K.W.6.2a Capitalization – Capitalizing the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I.
● K.W.6.2b Punctuation – Recognizing and naming end punctuation.

● 16/24 of my students said that they prefer structured writing led by a teacher. (student
survey) I will give them the prompt so this will satisfy those 16 students that prefer a teacher
to tell them what to write about. For the other 8, they will still be able to have a choice in
what they write about; like who they love and why.
● 5/24 students said that they enjoy writing. (student survey). This will mean that I will have
to make writing seem more exciting for the other 19 that did not really enjoy writing. I will use
more motivators and create a fun experience.
● I have observed my students writing through formal formative assessment and see that a
majority of the class: does not leave spaces between words, only capitalizes the first letter at
the beginning on occasion, leaves out punctuation, and writes letters that are too large for
the lines.


Vocabulary: because, love, capitalize, punctuation, check list
Conceptual Understanding: spacing out letters, fitting letters into lines, tall and short letters, using a


My students have been working more with sentence writing. They do this by writing in journals
weekly and frequently writing sentences using new sight words. They have shown an understanding
of what they should do when writing but need more practice remembering all of these elements.
Student Initials Type of need
AC, DED, GGR, ELL, medium to high level in speaking English. Trouble with phonemic
JI, AMA, JM, LM, awareness
TS, JDSV, MT, IEP, trouble focusing on work, some have frustration when they do not
OC understand

One Significant Learning Modality and how it will be utilized: Visual: I will utilize this by having
a large paper pad that I will first write the ideas they come up with of people they love. Then, I will
write a sentence frame “I love.. because.” They will be able to copy this and focus on the spacing
and handwriting.

One Significant Aspect of Character and how it will be fostered: Persistent: I will foster this by
reminding my students that in 1st grade they will be writing even more. So, word spacing,
punctuation, and handwriting are important to be persistent about using correctly to be a successful
writer and do well in 1st grade.

One Significant Habit of Mind and how it will be fostered: Organizing work: I will foster this by
having the students keep their writing organized and check off if they have all of the elements of a
sentence. We will plan out the sentence they write, and I will remind them to organize their thoughts
and words.

Co-Teaching Strategy that will be used:

I will lead the lesson at a station while my teacher is leading another station.


RECALL PREVIOUS LEARNING-LESSON: “Let’s think back to last week when we practiced
writing at a station. You sat with me and wrote your sentences. What did we try to remember to do
as we wrote the sentences?” [leave spaces, put a period at the end, a big letter at the beginning].
“What happened if some of your words didn’t have spaces between them?” [they were smushed,
you couldn’t read it]

Words used to tell the children the purpose of the lesson:

Today we are going to practice more on writing organized sentences. We will focus on making sure
our words have spaces between them, the beginning word having a capital letter, and putting a
period at the end. We will also work on fitting our letters into the lines.

Words used to tell the children the objective of the lesson:

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to write a clear sentence that has spaces,
punctuation, and is easy for someone else to read.

Direct Instruction:
1. Attentional Prompt: “What holiday is coming up this Friday?” [Valentine’s Day!] “We are
going to be writing about someone we love! “

2. “Who is someone that you love? It can be someone in your family or a friend or anyone that
you care a lot about.” [mom, dad, sibling, grandparents, teacher, friend]

3. Attentional Prompt: For a visual I will write these examples on a big paper so that they can
see the words and how to spell them. I will do this so that they will focus on the checklist and
writing a sentence properly, rather than spelling words right.
4. “What are the 4 main things we will focus on when writing out sentences?” [capital letter,
space, punctuation, fit the letters in lines] I will write these on the paper as a checklist.
Attentional Prompt

5. Habit of Mind: “ When we begin writing out sentences, you can look up at the checklist we
made to remind yourself of how you should be organizing your sentence.”

6. Academic Motivator: (creating for real audience) I will tell the students that they will be able
to take these papers home and will give this to the person they write about. So, they will
want to make sure to write their very best sentence since someone will be seeing it.

7. ALLS I will ask the students to each choose which person they will write down. Then, all
together, we will read the beginning of the sentence. “I love…” “Who do you each love?” [my
mom, my brother, my teacher]

8. “Why do you love this person? Let’s each share why we love them, and I’ll write it on the
paper for you to see.” Attentional Prompt

9. Academic Motivator: (Knowledge perceived to be useful) “Another thing to remember is

that you will be going on to 1st grade soon and you will have to write a lot more sentences
then and will need to keep up with spacing out your words and using punctuation and all the
things on our checklist.” Aspect of Character “Do you think you can do it? Then you will
really amaze your 1st grade teacher next year.”

Practice Together:
1. “Let’s start by writing the person you love on the line. I am going to do one as an example on
the paper and you should all write who you love. I will help you if you need it.”

2. “Next, you will all write why you love that person. You can look up at the sheet to see the
reasons you gave.”

3. ALLS: “Can everyone show me on their fingers how many things we have on our sentence
checklist to keep in mind while we write? How many are there?” [hold up 4]

4. “Let’s try to use spaces between our words, capitalize the first letter of the sentence, fit our
letters neatly in the lines, and put a punctuation at the end.”

5. INFORMAL FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: I will watch as they write and see if they are
looking at the list we made to write their sentences in an organized fashion.

6. Academic Motivator: I will tell the students that they will get a sticker on their paper when
they write their sentence in an organized way and read it to me. This will motivate the
students to recheck their work and see if they followed the checklist.

As the students finish up their writing. I will have them each take turns reading their writing to each
other to practice reading back. I will complement each student on the elements they did really well
at. “Can someone remind me of the 4 things to do when you write a sentence?” [space, capitalize,
punctuation, fit the letters.] “You all did an awesome job of showing me that you can be great
writers. The people you wrote about will be really impressed when they see your sentence! Make
sure you remember to look at this checklist when you write sentences from now on!” Aspect of


Student Initials Type of need Differentiation

AC, DED, GGR, ELL, medium to high - I will have the students recall the 4 things we will
JI, AMA, JM, level in speaking work on with sentence writing multiple times
LM, IRM, KSG, English. Trouble with throughout the lesson.
JDSV, MT, CV, phonemic awareness -I will make the process very visual by writing the
KZ check list on a paper, the people they love, and the
reason they love them.
TS, JDSV, MT, IEP, trouble focusing -The paper already has “I love.. because” on it to be
OC, KSG on work, some have traced so that they can visualize spacing of words
frustration when they and have a sentence frame to work from
do not understand


Prepared by TC: large pad of paper, marker

Prepared by CT: worksheet template for their writing

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