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Plan for future learning

This semester I have gained a lot of new knowledge on learning and teaching as a
whole. It was good to see what some real-life teachers have to say about the profession
and how teaching has changed them as a person for the better. During this course we
looked at articles, watch videos and documentary, and even watched or saw some
teachers in real life teaching and finding new strategies as they go along. Going into this
class, I thought that I knew more about teaching and education in general than I did
know. I was glad that I got to see things happening and changing because I realized what
it really means to be a teacher and to want to be in this profession.
Something that I might still have questions about is how education is changing and
what a teacher does every year or more to keep up with the changes? It is just something
that occurred to me because so many changes every year in education and really in
anything, change is always a constant. What type of things do teachers have to do to keep
up with the changes that occur and to stay aware of everything. I think change is
important and that things change for the better and it is an important aspect of education
to consistently keep up with changes and how we can better our classrooms to help the
students and give them the best education.
In my future plans for teaching, I think the most important thing for me is the students.
Most teachers g into teaching to help change and for the kids. It is important to remember
why we do this. To remember that we want to help kids and that we want the very best
for them so we will sacrifice our time to help them become better people and to better
themselves by learning and improving on what they do not understand in the classroom. I
think it is an amazing thing that we get to become teachers or educators and get to help
students who might not even realize or know how much we care about the or want them
to learn.
For me, it is most important in my future classroom to make sure that each student in
my classroom knows that there learning matters and that they can change if they out forth
the effort and start to make that change. I want my students to be confident in themselves
and in their learning. I wasn’t to work in a special education classroom, so my goal for
my students in that setting would be for them to know that their education matters and to
focus on the little goals that they can learn and control in their lives. I also want them to
know that they are all intelligent in their own ways and those ways matter and are
important to remember.
I know that you cannot reach every student and not every student will change for the
better, but I want to work in an environment where I can make that possible for most
students who walk into my classroom. I plan for my future classroom that it is a
welcoming place where every student feels comfortable.

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