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Activity worksheets  LEVEL 3 Teacher Support Programme

An Ideal Husband Photocopiable

While reading 4 Find the right words in Act 1, Scenes 4 – 6.
Act 1, Scenes 1–3 a Funny. (page 8) ………………
1 Are these sentences right (3) or wrong (7)? b Let something fall. (page 10) ………………
a Mrs Marchmont is going to the c A person who steals things. (page 11)
Hartlocks’ party because they give ………………
interesting parties. c d Written information about something.
b Lady Basildon loves learning from (page 11) ………………
people. c e Stop believing in or doing something.
c Lord Goring is called a ‘good-for- (page 12) ………………
nothing’ by his father. c
d Lady Chiltern likes Mrs Cheveley and Act 2, Scenes 1–3
Mrs Cheveley likes Lady Chiltern 5 Who says or thinks these words?
because they were at school together. c Sir Robert  Mabel Chiltern  Lord Goring
e Sir Robert made money from the Lady Chiltern
Argentine Canal plan. c a ‘Why didn’t you tell your wife everything?’
f Sir Robert offers to give Mrs Cheveley ………………
some money but she doesn’t want it. c b ‘Weak? I had to be strong and brave.’
2 What are they thinking? Write their ideas. ………………
c ‘I have just come from a meeting at the
Women’s Club.’ ………………
d ‘Lord Goring! Please don’t be serious!’
6 Finish the sentences with the right words.
fought  defend  notice  ride  fair  pity
a Lord Goring thinks it’s a ………… that
Sir Robert’s wife is perfect.
b Sir Robert ………… for money and success.
c Lord Goring thinks life is never ………… .
d Sir Robert doesn’t know how to …………
himself against Mrs Cheveley.
e Mrs Cheveley likes people to ………… her.
f Mabel wants Lord Goring to ………… with
her the next day.
Act 1, Scenes 4 –6 Act 2, Scenes 4–5
3 Write the names to finish the sentences. 7 Finish the sentences.
Sir Robert  Mrs Cheveley  Lady Markby a Lady Markby can’t stay for tea because ……..
Lady Chiltern  Mabel Chiltern  Lord Goring …………………………………………….. .
a ……………… thinks Lady Chiltern is a b Lady Chiltern doesn’t want to invite Mrs
wonderful example for everybody. Cheveley to her house because ………………
b ……………… thinks dishonesty can never …………………………………………….. .
be necessary. c If Sir Robert doesn’t help Mrs Cheveley, she
c ……………… changed a man’s mind in ten …………………………………………….. .
minutes. d Lady Chiltern doesn’t want her husband to
d ……………… finds a brooch lying on the touch her because …………………………. .
sofa. e Sir Robert tells his wife he needs her love
e ……………… doesn’t want Mabel to say because ……………………………………. .
anything about the thing he put in his pocket.
f ……………… says that he has no secrets in
his past.
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Activity worksheets  LEVEL 3 Teacher Support Programme

An Ideal Husband Photocopiable

Act 3, Scenes 1–2 d c Lord Goring is bored because he has
8 Answer the questions. nobody to talk to.
a What time does Lord Goring’s father visit e c Lord Goring tells Lady Chiltern that she
him? should tell her husband everything.
……………………………………………… f c Lord Goring asks Mabel to marry him.
b Why does Lord Goring’s father visit his son? g c Mabel Chiltern says she is angry because
……………………………………………… Lord Goring didn’t go riding with her.
c Why does Lord Goring take his father to h c Sir Robert arrives with the letter.
another room? 12 Underline the wrong words and write the
……………………………………………… right ones.
d What is Mrs Cheveley wearing? a Lord Goring hopes to be ready to marry
……………………………………………… before tomorrow. …………………
e Why can’t she steal the letter at first? b Sir Robert was for the Argentine Canal plan
……………………………………………… in the House. …………………
Act 3, Scenes 3–5 c Mabel asks Lord Caversham about his wife’s
9 Are these sentences right (3) or wrong (7)? dogs. …………………
a Lord Goring doesn’t tell Sir Robert that d Mabel says she doesn’t like people who break
his wife has written to him. c plates. …………………
b Mrs Cheveley is listening to Arthur and Act 4, Scenes 5–8
Robert’s conversation. c 13 Finish the sentences with the right words.
c Mrs Cheveley wants to sell the letter to refuse  judge  glad  trusts  feelings 
Lord Goring. c position
d She says she’ll give Lord Goring the a The Prime Minister has a very important
letter if he marries her. c government …………… for Sir Robert.
e Lord Goring says he’ll tell the police b Sir Robert is going to …………… the Prime
she stole a bracelet if she doesn’t give Minister’s offer.
him the letter. c c Lord Goring says that women should not
f Mrs Cheveley wants to hurt Sir Robert …………… men.
with the letter that Lady Chiltern wrote. c d Lady Chiltern thinks …………… are more
10 Circle the extra word in the sentences. important in women’s lives.
a Lord Caversham isn’t doesn’t agree that e Lady Chiltern is very …………… that Lord
feelings are important in marriage. Goring and Mabel are going to marry.
b Lord Radley trusted in Sir Robert with a f Sir Robert …………… his wife completely.
secret. 14 Answer the questions.
c Sir Robert thinks his wife has never done a What did Lord Caversham think of Sir
made a mistake. Robert’s speech?
d Sir Robert thinks that Lord Goring has lying ………………………………………………
lied to him. b Who does Lord Goring say Lady Chiltern is
Act 4, Scenes 1–4 acting like?
11 Number the sentences 1–8 to make a story. ………………………………………………
a c Lord Goring tells Lady Chiltern that he c Why doesn’t Sir Robert want to give Lord
burned Sir Robert’s letter. Goring permission to marry his sister?
b c Lord Caversham tells Lord Goring about ………………………………………………
the fine speech Sir Robert made. d Does Mabel want Lord Goring to be an ideal
c c Sir Robert decides to leave the husband?
government. ………………………………………………

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Progress test LEVEL 3 Teacher Support Programme

An Ideal Husband Photocopiable

1 Number the sentences 1–10 to make a story. b ……………… took Mrs Cheveley to the
a c Lady Chiltern asks her husband to write to Chilterns’ party.
Mrs Cheveley breaking his promise. c ……………… wanted to be a real wife to her
b c Lord Goring says he will call the police about future husband.
the brooch. d ……………… thought land and money were more
c c Mrs Cheveley tells Sir Robert that she knows important than feelings.
about the letter to Baron Arnheim. e ……………… showed Mrs Cheveley into Lord
d c Sir Robert gives Lord Goring permission to Goring’s sitting room.
marry Mabel. f ……………… was afraid of losing his wife’s love.
e c Lady Chiltern tells her husband he is worse g ……………… made seven hundred and fifty
than a thief. thousand pounds.
f c Mrs Cheveley steals the letter from Lady h ……………… worked for the government and
Chiltern to Lord Goring. Sir Robert was his secretary.
g c Sir Robert explains about selling the i ……………… thought she could help her
government secret to Lord Goring. husband by forgiving him.
h c Lord Goring receives a letter from Lady j ……………… didn’t mind having a bad husband.
Chiltern. 4 Finish the sentences with the right words.
i c Lord Goring asks Mabel to marry him and she sum  gold  defend  sick  badly  speech 
accepts. bracelet  heartless  handwriting  charming
j c Mrs Cheveley tells Lady Chiltern about her a Lord Caversham never goes anywhere now because
husband’s dishonesty. he is …………… of London Society.
2 Are the sentences right (3) or wrong (7)? b Mrs Cheveley heard that Sir Robert’s paintings were
a Lord Goring knew Mrs Cheveley before he …………… .
met her at the Chilterns’ party. c c Sir Robert offered to give Mrs Cheveley any
b Sir Robert thinks the Argentine Canal plan …………… of money she wanted.
is criminal. c d Sir Robert had to make a …………… in the
c Mabel Chiltern knew that the brooch was a House the next day.
present from Lord Goring to his cousin. c e Lady Chiltern believed that power was not good if
d Sir Robert has loved many women in his life. c you used it …………… .
e Lord Goring thinks Sir Robert was right to f Sir Robert wanted to know how to ……………
sell the government secret. c himself against Mrs Cheveley.
f Mrs Cheveley wanted to talk with Lord g The brooch Mrs Cheveley lost was made of
Goring and went to his house. c …………… .
g Lord Caversham wanted to choose a wife h Lord Caversham believed that his son was
for his son. c …………… .
h Mrs Cheveley didn’t really send Lady i Mrs Cheveley knew that the …………… on the
Chiltern’s letter to Sir Robert. c letter was Lady Chiltern’s.
i Everybody in London, except Lord Goring, j The brooch could also be worn as a …………… .
knew Mabel was in love. c 5 Finish the sentences with the right word or words.
j Sir Robert was angry because of his wife’s a The four parts of the play are called …………… .
letter to Lord Goring. c b The characters in the play travel around in
3 Write the names to finish the sentences. …………… .
Lord Caversham  Lord Goring  Sir Robert c Phipps is Lord Goring’s …………… .
Lady Chiltern  Mabel  Mrs Cheveley  Phipps d A tall tree that grows in hot dry places is a
Baron Arnheim  Lord Radley  Lady Markby …………… tree.
a ……………… seemed to live only for fun, but e The most important person in government is called
could be serious when his friends needed help. the …………… .

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