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To examine whether selected 424 observation Ordinary least square method ROE,DPR,NPM have significant and negative
Pantelis Valkanas , Financial ratios can be used to 2005 to 2014 year relationship with stock return. There is no
Katerina Lyroudi to explain stock price movement ROE, net profit margin ,asset to significant relationship of current ratio and total
(2018) in Anthens stock equity ratio, asset to equity ratio with stock return.
exchange(ASE). Current ratio, DPR,

Pudji Astuty (2017) To revealed the influence of Price earning ratio, EPS, Net Panel data regression model Price Earnings Ratio significant and positive
fundamental factor and Profit margin, price to book impact on the stock price. Earning per Share
systematic risk simultaneously ratio, beta and significant and positive impact on the stock
and partially on stock price. stock price price. Net Profit Margin significant and positive
LQ45 Index perod 2011-2015 impact on the stock price. Price to Book Value
significant and positive impact on the stock
price. systematic risk Value significant and
negative impact on the stock price
Dr. sanjeet Sharma (2011) To examine the empirical Book valve per share, DPS, Backward elimination model EPS,DPS,BVPS has significant impact on the
relationship between equity share EPS, P/E ratio, dividend yield, of regression market share price.DPS and EPS are the strong
price and explanatory variables. DPR, size, networth for the determinant of share price. So this study
period of supports liberal dividend policy and suggest
1993/94 to 2008/09 company to pay regular dividend hence, it will
accept the share price in a positive direction.
Felix kwame Aveh & This study seeks to examine the Listed firm in GSE from 2008 Panel regression analysis The empirical findings revealed a positive and
Dadson Awunyo-vitor influence of firm specific -2014 significant relationship between ROE, EPS,
(2017) determinants of stock prices in an EPS, ROE, book value, market BMVS and market capitalization suggesting that
emerging capital market with capitalization ,dividend yield these variables are major determinants of the
reference to firm listed on the market price of shares on the Ghana Stock
Ghana stock exchange. Exchange. However, a significant negative
relationship was found between the market price
of shares and dividend yield.
Zeeshan Arshad,Ali Ruza To identify the determinants of Period of 2007-2013 has been Linear multiple regression EPS has more influence on share price and it has
Arshaad, Sohail Yousaf & share price for the listed used. analysis positive and significant relationship with share
Sulman Jamil (2015) commercial banks in Karachi Book to market ratio, EPS, price. Book to market value ratio, interest rate
Stock Exchange. DPS, leverage, price earning also have significant but negative relationship
ratio, interest rate, GDP with share price. while other variable GDP,PER,
DPS and leverage have no relationship with
share price.
Yuga Raj Bhattarai (2014) To examines the determinants of EPS, DPR, P/E Ratio, DY, size Regression model DY has an inverse relationship with that of
share price of commercial banks 2006 to 2014 market price . EPS and P/E ratio have positive
listed on the NEPSE. relationship with market price . whereas, DPR
and size have no explanatory power towards
stock price movement.
Prem Prasad Silwal and To ascertain the determinants of Study period 2065/66 to Correlation and causal The study reveals that BVPS, P/E ratio, ROE
Samrina Napit (2019) stock market in Nepalese 2074/75 comparative research design have positive relationship with stock price. DY
commercial banks. BVPS, P/E ratio, ROE,DY, Pooled cross-sectional data (10 has positive but minimum influence on the price
SIZE banks for 10 years) of stock. However, size has negative and is
statistically insignificant with stock price. As
per the study, most influential factor that
determine stock price in Nepal is BVPS.
Dr. Mohammad To identify the quantitative Study over the period of 2005- Ratio analysis, correlation, There is positive correlation between the
Abdelkarim factors that influence share price 2011. linear regression model independent variable DPS, EPS,BV,P/E, and
Almumani(2014) for the listed banks in Amman DPS, EPS,MP,BV,P/E ratio, size and it is significant at 1% probability level.
Stock Exchange. DPR Further empirical finding that there is a
significant positive relationship between EPS
and the MP of the listed banks in Jordan.
moreover, there is a significant relationship
between banks BV and MP. This is
evident in the t-statistics. Another empirical
finding from the regression analysis shows a
positive relationship between P/E and MP.
findings from the regression analysis on the
relationship between S and MP indicate
that there is an inverse relationship between S
and MP. Finally, other variables (DPS and DP)
have insignificant impact on MP.
Krishna Bahadur Thapa To explore the influencing factor Study period 2008 to 2018 Descriptive ,trend, causal The study revealed that EPS, DPS, effective
(2019) of stock price in Nepal with Eps, dps, effective rules and comparative research design rules and regulation, market whims and rumor,
reference to Nepalese regulation, market whims and company profile and success depend upon luck
commercial banks. rumor, company profile and Simple linear regression model have the significant positive association with
success,interest rate, P/E ratio share price while interest rate and P/E ratio
showed the significant inverse association with
share price. Further accessibility of liquidity,
fundamental and technical analysis stimulates
the performance of Nepalese stock market.
Peculiarly, stock market has been found to
respond significantly to change in dividend and
interest rate.
Ramesh Raj Ghimire and To determine the relationship Study period (2012 to 2017) descriptive and pooled cross- The result indicate that the variable M to BV,
Deepashree Mishra (2018) between stock price and 11 financial and non financial sectional research design P/E Ratio are significant determinants of stock
explanatory variable. firm of Nepal Simple and multiple regression price that directly affect the stock price.
DPS, EPS,P/E RATIO, BOOK analysis, descriptive statistics Similarly, DPS and book value have significant
VALUE, MARKET TO BOOK positive influence on stock price whereas, EPS
VALUE has minimum influence on the stock price.
Amarjit Gill, The purpose of this study is to Study period (2009-2011) Correlational and non- The finding of the study shows that BVPS, P/E
Nahum Biger and Neil find variable that explain the 333 American firms listed in experimental research design ratio, DPS, CEO duality and the internationality
Mathur (2012) variance of the equity share price NYSE Regression model (ordinary of the firm explain the variance of the euity
in America . BVPS, P/E ratio, DPS, CEO least square) share price in America .This study separated
duality and the internationality manufacturing firm from the service industry
of the firm and found that similar variable explain the share
price variance.
L. M. C. S. Menike, P. M. To examine the relationship ROA, sales growth rate, E/p Panel data analysis( fixed The fitted one-way fixed effects firm factor
Dunusinghe and A. between macro economic and ratio, book to market ratio, effect regression model) regression indicates that ROA and sales growth
Ranasinghe (2015) firm specific determinants of fixed asset growth rate, size, rate play a significant role in explaining
stock return of srilanka and GDP, inflation, exchange rate, variation in stock returns in Sri Lankan
united kingdom. unemployment and foreign companies while one-way random effect firm
portfolio investment factor model in UK shows that E/P ratio, B/M
ratio, fixed assets growth rate, size and ROA are
the most dominants priced factors in London
Stock Exchange (LSE). The explanatory power
of regressions increases considerably when we
incorporate macroeconomic indicators
controlling for firm effects and results show that
inflation, GDP and exchange rate remain
leading predictors of stock returns variation in
both Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) and LSE
whereas unemployment and Foreign Portfolio
Investments (FPI) become statistically
significant only in CSE. Thus, it is noted that
stock prices of Sri Lankan and UK companies
are sensitive to both company and
macroeconomic fundamental changes
Dr. Nandan Velankar, To analyze the impact of two Time period (2006/7 to Time series data Research discloses that EPS and DPS have
Ankita Chandani & specific internal factors EPS and 2014/15) Regression model to check significant and positive impact on stock price.
Amanpreet Kaur DPS on stock price. 12 selected public sector of cause and effect relationship
Ahuja(2017) india using Eviews7.
Augmented Dicky-fuller test to
check the stationarity of time
series data.
Srinivasan (2012) To examine the fundamental Period (2006-2011) Panel data technique Results reveal that the dividend per share has a
determinants of share price in 6 major sector of Indian (fixed effect and random negative and significant impact on the share
India . economy effect) price of manufacturing, pharmaceutical, energy
EPS, DPS, P/E ratio, size, and infrastructure sectors. The evidences
BVPS show that earning per share and price-earnings
ratio are being the crucial determinants of share
prices of manufacturing, pharmaceutical sector,
energy, infrastructure and commercial banking
sectors. The findings indicate that size is
being a significant factor in determining the
share prices of all sectors under consideration
except manufacturing. Moreover, the book value
per share positively influences the share prices
of pharmaceutical, energy, IT & ITES and
Hakkı Öztürk & Tolun A. To investigate the relationship Period 2008-2016 Panel data analysis E/P ratio, NPM are strong determinants of stock
Karabulut (2017) between CR, E/P ratio, C/R , (two way fixed effect model) return in Istanbul Stock Exchange while C/R is
NPM and stock return in found insignificant to explain the stock return.
Istanbul stock exchange. Stocks with higher E/P ratio and profit margin
generate higher return for the next period.
Radhe s. pradhan and laxmi To examine the impact of 2007 to 2014 Regression model The result shows that DPS, ROA, EPS are
poudel fundamental factors on stock 13 commercial bank positively related to the stock price. It indicate
price of Nepalese commercial ROA, NPM, EPS, DPS higher the DPS, ROA, EPS higher would be the
banks. stock price. However, NPM is negatively related
to stock price.
Wasimud Din To investigate the stock return’s 2001 to 2014 Multiple linear regression Asset turnover ratio, EPS, inflation, interest rate
predictability by using the Asset turnover ratio, EPS, model ( ordinary least square) and GDP has negative impact on stock returns.
financial ratios and control inflation, interest rate, GDP, However, debt ratio, return on sale, firm size,
variable of PSx100 index. debt ratio, return on sale, firm market return Tobin’s-Q have positive and
size, market return significant impact on stock return. It conclude
that stock return are predictable through
financial ratios and control variable in PSX100
index companies and investor also set the
investment criterion to see the firm size and
Tobin’s-Q when investing.
Nikita Nepal The paper examine the effect of 15 commercial banks Regression model The beta coefficient for EPS,DPS, GDP and
firm specific and macro 2009/10 to 2015/16 inflation is positive on market price whereas,
economic variable on share price ROA, EPS, DPS, interest rate, negative for firm size , ROA and interest rate.
determination of commercial inflation,GDP
banks in Nepal .
Radhe shyam pradhan and To investigate the fundamental of Book to market ratio, earning Regression model The positive relations of stock returns with
S.B Balampaki stock return in Nepal yield, cash flow yield, size earning yield and size whereas the negative
relationship with cash flow yield, book to
market ratio and book to market value is found
more informative.
Saradhadevi To investigate financial ratios 2012-17 Regression model This study conclude that this three ratio hold
Anandasayanan predictive power in stock return 33 manufacturing firm somehow predictive power regarding stock
listed in Colombo stock DY,EPS,EY return of the listed manufacturing companies in
exchange. Colombo stock exchange.

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