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Philosophy of Teaching

Nadine Ortiz

Educational Psychology

Dr. Pollard

April 21, 2020

Philosophy of Teaching

“Good teaching must be slow enough so that it is not confusing, and fast enough so that it is not

boring.” ― Sidney J. Harris

Education is tomorrow’s future. The key to a successful future starts right here in our

classrooms. With doing so we set our students up to be successful and independent adults who

are ready to take on life as it throws its curveballs at them.

Purpose of Education

Providing the proper skills for a child to succeed in life is setting them up for an easier

future. When a child understands how to show compassion, care, and support for another human

being they will take that with them wherever they go. When it comes to the set of educational

skills, they need to go through every level of school in order to be set up for success. Each grade

level falls hand in hand with the next. I believe we, as educators need to start explicitly teaching

life skills as early as kindergarten by incorporating what they need to succeed during their grade

level and continue to help them grow with these skills until they become adults. Our future is

today’s children and we must help them succeed for a better world.

Goals for Student Learning

Teamwork will help a child learn to work with other personalities and ideas. When a

child is exposed to more than themselves they can create more opportunities for their future.

Starting at a young age, learning to work in small groups with their peers teaches them that

others are entitled to their own opinions but that doesn’t define that theirs are not necessarily

wrong either. It gives them the opportunity to listen, digest, and learn from others. Listening to

what others have to say is very important as we learn and grow by those around us. It creates

conversation that will lead to opening both their mind and opportunities.
Philosophy of Teaching

Creating an Environment

Teacher attitude plays a huge role in engaging your student’s interest. When a teacher is

excited to teach it gets their students excited to learn. Without a positive attitude throughout each

year of teaching, their students will feed off of that and likely find no interest in wanting to learn.

Children are observant and will feed off of the energy a teacher gives to their classroom. I fully

believe when a teacher walks into their classroom, their personal life and feelings should be left

at the door. One hundred percent of their focus should be about engaging their students and

focusing on the education and future of the children who are our future.

Methods to Use in teaching

Modeling for students is a great visual for them to see how something is done. When a

teacher displays proper behavior, visuals, and commands students will likely follow in their

footsteps. Not only is it being a good role model, but presenting how to do something such as

raining their hand, not interrupting, and showing how their next assignment is to be done is one

of the best methods of teaching. There are a lot of students who are visual learners, therefore

modeling plays a very important role in helping a child grow and succeed without making it a



In class discussions lead to more understanding of the topic and knowledge of what the

students do or don’t know. When children are asked to discuss their answers or opinions on a

topic in small groups it strikes up conversation amongst each other and gets their thoughts

flowing. This is a safe place for those children who normally wouldn’t speak up in front of the

class and allows them to feel safe in their conversations. An entire class discussion also really
Philosophy of Teaching

shows how much students know. Once they start to give their feedback or answers, it helps

encourage that it is a safe place to speak and that they feel valued by their peers and teacher.


Parent support is a top priority to help a child succeed. Without parent support the child

will ultimately fall behind and not succeed to their full potential. As an educator we have to

listen to the parent first and support their choices. When a teacher and a parent can come together

and support the child, it reinforces all boundaries set both at home and at school. It gives support

to both the teacher and the parent knowing they can bounce off each other, and when the child

knows that, they are less likely to create scenarios for attention or neglect their schoolwork. I

believe that parents and teachers need each other and without the support from both, the child

will not be set up for success.

Philosophy of Teaching


“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”
-John Dewey
Education is the key to our future. A person must learn about the past in order to protect
the future. Education is the means by which all gain their own independence. Through
knowledge and critical thinking, a child can grow into a self-reliant adult. The youth of today
need to be empowered with the ability to succeed and the motivation to become lifelong learners.
Reaching Every Student
Every child has potential. Life is a precious gift and no life is valueless. Every child has
something to offer society. It is an educator’s responsibility to help a child discover what that is.
The future of this country must know that they are of infinite worth. Teachers need to learn their
students’ likes, dislikes, and what makes them curious. They must be supportive, patient, and
encouraging. The capacity to learn is universal. Race, ethnicity, social status, or economic status
should enhance the learning environment. A teacher must embrace diversity within her
classroom. An educator should never give up on a student. If something is not working, try
something new. Perseverance is a noble attribute. Everybody learns differently so it is important
that instruction is differentiated to suit the individual needs of the students. When a lesson can be
presented using multiple venues of learning more students will be reached. It is good practice to
have visual, auditory, and written instruction. I believe that inclusion is a key ingredient to the
growth of all students and I will support inclusion through practices such as using alternative
assessments and preparing lessons which appeal to different learning styles.
Classroom Management and Environment
My classroom will be a welcoming center of discovery. The classroom will be safe, yet
supportive of risk taking. Everyone should feel invited to participate in classroom discussion. It
is discussion that facilitates learning. Every child needs a supportive guide to encourage them to
be an active participant of their own educational experience. Organization provides peace and
order within the learning environment. Classroom management is a vital part of a successful
learning environment. I know that classroom management shapes and refines the classroom
culture. Great classroom management comes from preparation and practice. As a teacher it is my
duty to always come to class prepared and n with a great attitude. I love to learn and as I
exemplify that love in my classroom my students will likely want to emulate it. Positive behavior
is built upon structure. Classroom procedures and expectations help to guide children towards
making choices that promote learning. They should be written clearly and precisely. It is very
important to be consistent. Consequences should relate to the offense and be carried out in a
timely manner. It is very important to maximize learning time. Through classroom management I
can also teach students how to better manage themselves. Encouraging self-management requires
extra time and patience but teaching students how to take responsibility for themselves is an
investment well worth the effort. The environment is another critical component of education.
Lighting, seating arrangements, noise level, and teacher presence all have an influence on
learning. I will be attentive and in tune with the needs of my students so that I can create and
maintain a healthy learning environment
High Quality Education
High quality education is priority. The activities and curriculum must be purposeful.
There should always be clear learning objectives. Learning life skills is necessary, so curriculum
should be taught in a way that is meaningful and relevant to the student’s life. They should be
able to take the math skills taught and make the connection between the classroom and the
grocery store. Science should give them insight to the world that surrounds them. Conceptual
Philosophy of Teaching

lesson plans that connect disciplines will make learning more meaningful and help students to
retain what they have learned. A teacher should be creative in the ways that the curriculum is
introduced while staying within the guidelines of standards. Curiosity and intrigue are great tools
to captivate a child’s desire to learn. Students need to be allowed to think outside the box, be
creative, and explore different ways of accomplishing a task. This will create critical thinkers.
Children should not merely be expected to come up with a right answer but they should enjoy the
process in which they went through to come up with the answer. The growth in students becomes
evident as they become problem solvers. My students will be active and engaged learners and
this can be achieved by allowing them teaching moments as well as learning opportunity.
Children should be assessed often. By doing so, the teacher has an updated record of growth and
an understanding of where students need assistance. Assessments should guide teacher
instruction. Prompt and specific feedback should in turn guide student learning.
Building Relationships
Relationships are key to happiness and success. Building positive relationships with
students will increase their happiness and willingness to learn. Excellent educators are intuitive
to their students’ wants and needs. I will be there throughout the struggle, not just at the end to
give praise or criticism. Constant and thorough communication will help build those strong
relationships. I believe that warmth, mutual respect, and positive emotional connections between
teachers and students will enhance the learning experience. Positive and constructive
communication will build healthy relationships with parents, principals, team teachers, and
colleagues. Communication facilitates cooperation, motivation, and success. There is so much
that can be learned from teachers who have mastered the teaching profession and I will seize
every opportunity to learn from them. Collaboration is a powerful tool. Communicating with
parents will build trust as well as making connections between home and school. When a child’s
learning is reinforced at home their knowledge is strengthened.
I know that I will be a force for good in the field of education. I live my life with integrity
and will always be an academic, personal, and ethical role model. I promise to conduct myself
with honesty and fairness and to provide a well-rounded education for every student. I know and
understand that a philosophy requires action and I will work hard to implement my beliefs into
my classroom. I feel it a privilege to teach and to advocate for the rising generations

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