Who Classification of Head & Neck Tumors 2017

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.~World Health Organization Classification of Tl.


Delellis HA. Lloyd R.V., Lakhani S.fi., Eilis 10., Schnitt S J. Mooh H., Hucnphrey PA,
Heítz P.U., Eng C. (Eds): World T2n P.H, var. de Vijver M.J, (Eds) e! bright T.M., Reuter V.E. (Eds):
Health Organization Classification of WHO Classmc2íicn of Tumours of the WHO C1assificator: ot Tumo:.rs ot
Tumours. Pathology ard Genetics of Breast (4th editior). IARC: Lyon 2012. the Ur,nary Systerc 2nd Male Ger:ital
Tumours of Endocrine Orga.ns ISBN 978-92-832-2,]33-4 Organs (4th edition).
(3rd ed:ion). IARC p,ass: ryo·i 2004. IARC Lyon 2016.
ISBN 978·92·832·2416-7 '.SBN 978-92-832-2437-2

LeBoit P.E., Burg G , Weedon D .. Hetcher C.O.M., Bridge J.A, Louis D.N , Ohgaki ½..
Sarasin A. (Eds): World Health Hogendoom P,C.W., fv'ler:ens F. W.est!er O.O., Cavenee \/íJ.f<.
Organiz::1.ticn Class'ticalion o"' (Eas): \/JHO Ciassification of Twnours WHO Classiticatíon of TJmcurs of the
Tumours. Patt1ology a:1d Genetics of of Soft T:ssue and Bone (4th edition). Centrai Nervous System (Rev:sed
Skin Tumours (3rd edltlor). iARC: Lyon 2013. 4t1 edltion). IARC: Lycn 2016.
IARC Press: Lyon 2006. iSBN 978-92·832-2434-1 ISBN 978·92 832-4492-9
ISBN 978\)2·832·2414-0

Swerdlow S.H., Campo S., Kurmar RJ . Carcangiu M L., Ei-Naggar AK, Chan J.K.C ..
Harris NL, Jaffe E.S., Pile<' S.A., Herr cgton C S, Young R.H. (Eds): Grandis J.R, Takata ,., Slo:,tweg .:>J.
Stein H., Thieie J., Vardiman r.W. WHO C:assifícat:or: of TuGours of (Eds): WHO Classlfication af Heaa
(Eds): WH:J Classification of Tumours Fema:e Rep:oductive Organs and Neck Tumours (.!t\¡ editio;1).
of Haematopoletic and Lymphoid (4:h edition). IARC: Lyon 2014. :ARC: Lyon 2017
Tissues (4th ed:tíon). ISBN 978-92-832-2435-8 iSBN 978-92 832-2438-9
IARC: Lyor 2008.
ISBN 978-92·832-243!-J

Bosman F.T., C:srneiro F.. Trav's W.D., Brambília E..

Hruban R.H., Theiss ND. Buri,;e A.P .. Marx A .. Nícho'son A.G.
WHO Class 1ficatim·cf Tumours o: tne WHO Classiicatíon of TJrrours
Oigest:ve System ( 4th edífon). ot tre Lung, ?leura, Thymus & Heact
IARC: Lyon 2010. (4th ed:tion). IARC· Lyon 20' 5.
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World Health Organization Classification of Tumours

\\ ,¡,

lnternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

4th Edition

WHO Classification of
Head and Neck Tumours

Edited by

Adel K. EI-Naggar
John K.C. Chan
Jennifer R. Grandis
Takashi Takata
Pieter J. Slootweg

lnternational Agency for Research on Cancer

Lyon, 2017
World Health Organization Classification of Tumours

Series Editors Fred T. Bosman, MD PhD

Elaine S. Jaffe, MD
Sunil R. Lakhani, MD FRCPath
Hiroko Ohgaki, PhD

WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours

Editors Adel K. El-Naggar, MD, PhD

John K.C. Chan, MBBS
Jennifer R. Grandis, MD
Takashi Takata, DOS, PhD
Pieter J. Slootweg, MD, DMD, PhD

Project Assistants Asiedua Asante

Anne-Sophie Hameau

Technical Editor Jessica Cox.

Database Alberto Machado

Delphine Nicolas

Layout Julia Brinkmann

Printed by Maestro
38330 Saint-lsmíer, France

Publisher lnternational Agency for

Research on Cancer (lARC)
69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France
The WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours presented in this book reflects the views
of a Working Group that convened for a Consensus and Editorial Meeting at the lnternational
Agency for Research on Cancer,
Lyon, 14-16 January 2016.

Members of the Working Group are indicated

in the list of contributors on pages 285-292.
Published by the lnternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC),
150 Cours Albert Thomas, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France

© /nternational Agency far Research on Cancer, 2017

Distributed by
WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Swítzerland
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The copyright of figures and tables remains with the authors.

(See Sources offigures and tables, pages 294-297.)

First print run (10 000 copies)

Formal for bibliographic citations:

EI-Naggar A.K., Chan J.K.C., Grandis J.R., Takata T., Slootweg P.J. (Eds):
WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours (4th edition).
IARC: Lyon 2017

IARC Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

WHO classification of head and neck tumours / edited by Adel K. EI-Naggar, John K.C. Chan,
Jennifer R. Grand is, Takashi Takata, Pieter J. Slootweg. - 4th edition.

(World Health Organization classification of tumours)

1. Head and neck neoplasms - genetics 2. Head and neck neoplasms - pathÓlogy
3. Odontogenic tumours - genetics 4. Odontogenic tumours - pathology

l. EI-Naggar, Adel K. 11. Series

ISBN 978-92-832-2438-9 (NLM Classification: WE 707)

Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and 11 lntroduction 65
skull base Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 65
WHO and TNM classifications 12 Nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcinoma 70
lntroduction 14 Salivary gland tumours 71
Carcínomas 14 Adenoid cystic carcinoma 71
Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma 14 Salivary gland anlage tumour 71
Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma 15 Benign and borderline lesions 72
Spindle cell (sarcomatoid) squamous cell carcinoma 17 Hairy polyp 72
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma 18 Ectopic pituitary adenoma 72
Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma 18 Craniopharyngioma 73
NUT carcinoma 20 Soft tissue tumours 74
Neuroendocrine carcinoma 21 Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma 74
Adenocarcinoma 23 Haematolymphoid tumours 75
lntestinal-type adenocarcinoma 23 Notochordal tumours 76
Non-intestinal-type adenocarcinoma 24 Chordoma 76
Teratocarcinosarcoma 26
Sinonasal papillomas 28 3 Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx, trachea and 77
Sinonasal papilloma, inverted type 28 parapharyngeal space
Sinonasal papilloma, oncocytic type 29 WHO and TNM classifications 78
Sinonasal papilloma, exophytic type 30 lntroductíon 81
Respiratory epithelial lesions 31 Malignant surface epithelial tumours 81
Respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma 31 Conventional squamous cell carcinoma 81
Seromucinous hamartoma 32 Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma 84
Salivary gland tumours 33 Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma 85
Pleomorphic adenoma 33 Papillary squamous cell carcinoma 87
Malignant soft tissue tumours 34 Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma 87
Fibrosarcoma 34 Adenosquamous carcinoma 89
Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma 35 Lymphoepithelial carcinoma 90
Leiomyosarcoma 35 Precursor lesions 91
Rhabdomyosarcoma 36 Dysplasia 91
Angiosarcoma 38 Squamous cell papilloma & squamous cell papillomatosis 93
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour 39 Neuroendocrine tumours 95
Biphenotypic sínonasal sarcoma 40 Well-differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma 95
Synovial sarcoma 41 Moderately differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma 96
Borderline / low-grade malignant soft tissue tumours 43 Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma 97
Desmoid-type fibromatosis 43 Salivary gland tumours 99
Sinonasal glomangiopericytoma 44 Adenoid cystic carcinoma 99
Solitary fibrous tumour 45 Pleomorphic adenoma 99
Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma 46 Oncocytic papillary cystadenoma 99
Benign soft tissue tumours 47 Soft tissue tumours 100
Leíomyoma 47 Granular cell tumour 100
Haemangioma 47 Liposarcoma 100
Schwannoma 48 lnflammatory myofibroblastic tumour 101
Neurofibroma 49 Cartilage tumours 102
Other tumours 50 Chondroma and chondrosarcoma 102
Meningioma 50 Haematolymphoid tumours 104
Sinonasal ameloblastoma 51
Chondromesenchymal hamartoma 51 4 Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile tengue 105
Haematolymphoid tumours 52 WHO and TNM classifications 106
Overview 52 lntroduction 108
Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma 52 Malignant surface epithelial tumours 109
Extraosseous plasmacytoma 54 Squamous cell carcinoma 109
Neuroectodermal /melanocytic tumours 56 Oral p9tentially malignant disorders & oral epithelial dysplasia 112
Ewing sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumours 56 Oral potentially malignant disorders 112
Olfactory neuroblastoma 57 Oral epithelial dysplasia 112
Mucosa! melanoma 60 Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia 113
Papillomas 115
2 Tumours of the nasopharynx 63 Squamous cell papilloma 115
WHO and TNM classifications 64 Condyloma acuminatum 116
Verruca vulgaris 117 lntroduction 162
Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia 117 Malignant tumours 163
Tumours of uncertain histogenesis 119 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 163
Congenital granular cell epulis 119 Adenoid cystic carcinoma 164
Ectomesenchymal chondromyxoid tumour 119 Acinic cell carcinoma 166
Soft tissue and neural tumours 121 Polymorphous adenocarcinoma 167
Granular cell tumour 121 Clear cell carcinoma 168
Rhabdomyoma 122 Basal cell adenocarcinoma 169
Lymphangioma 122 lntraductal carcinoma 170
Haemangioma 123 Adenocarcinoma, NOS 171
Schwannoma and neurofibroma 123 Salivary duct carcinoma 173
Kaposi sarcoma 124 Myoepithelial carcinoma 174
Myofibroblastic sarcoma 125 Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma 175
Oral mucosa! melanoma 126 Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma 176
Salivary type tumours 127 Secretory carcinoma 177
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 127 Sebaceous adenocarcinoma 178
Pleomorphic adenoma 127 Carcinosarcoma 179
Haematolymphoid tumours 128 Poorly differentiated carcinoma 180
Overview 128 Lymphoepithelial carcinoma 181
CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder 129 Squamous cell carcinoma 182
Plasmablastic lymphoma 129 Oncocytic carcinoma 182
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 130 Sialoblastoma 183
Extramedullary myeloid sarcoma 131 Benign tumours 185
Pleomorphic adenoma 185
5 Tumours of the oropharynx 133 Myoepithelioma 186
(base of tangue, tonsils, adenoids) Basal cell adenoma 187
WHO and TNM classifications 134 Warthin tumour 188
lntroduction 136 Oncocytoma 189
Squamous cell carcinoma 136 Lymphadenoma 190
Squamous cell carcinoma, HPV-positive 136 Cystadenoma 191
Squamous cell carcinoma, HPV-negative 138 Sialadenoma papilliferum 192
Salivary gland tumours 139 Ductal papillomas 192
Pleomorphic adenoma 139 Sebaceous adenoma 193
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 139 Canalicular adenoma and other ductal adenomas 194
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma 140 Non-neoplastic epithelial lesions 195
Haematolymphoid tumours 141 Sclerosing polycystic adenosis 195
lntroduction 141 Nodular oncocytic hyperplasia 195
Hodgkin lymphoma 141 L1/mphoepithelial sialadenitis 196
Burkitt lymphoma 142 lntercalated duct hyperplasia 197
Follicular lymphoma 143 Benign soft tissue lesions 198
Mantle cell lymphoma 144 Haemangioma 198
T-lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma 144 Lipoma/sialolipoma 198
Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma 145 Nodular fasciitis 199
Haematolymphoid tumours 200
6 Tumours and tumour~like lesions 147 Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa-
of the neck and lymph nodes associated tymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma) 201
WHO classification 148
lntroduction 148 8 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours 203
Tumours of unknown origin 150 WHO classification 204
Carcinoma of unknown primary 150 lntroduction 205
Merkel cell carcinoma 151 Odontogenic carcinomas 206
Heterotopia-associated carcinoma 152 Ameloblastic carcinoma 206
Haematolymphoid tumours 154 Primary intraosseous carcinoma, NOS 207
Cysts and cyst-like lesions 155 Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma 209
Branchial cleft cyst 155 CJear cell odontogenic carcinoma 210
Thyroglossal duct cyst 156 Ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma 211
Ranula 156 Odontogenic carcinosarcoma 213
Dermoid and teratoid cysts 157 Odontogenic sarcomas 214
Benign epithelial odontogenic tumours 215
7 Tumours of salivary glands 159 Ameloblastoma 215
WHO and TNM classifications 160 Ameloblastoma, unicystic type 217
Ameloblastoma, extraosseous/peripheral type 218 9 Tumours of the ear 261
Metastasizing ameloblastoma 218 WHO classification 262
Squamous odontogenic tumour 219 lntroduction 263
Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour 220 Tumours of the external auditory canal 263
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour 221 Squamous cell carcinoma 263
Benign mixed epithelial & mesenchymal odontogenic tumours 222 Ceruminous adenocarcinoma 264_
Ameloblastic fibroma 222 Ceruminous adenoma 265
Primordial odontogenic tumour 223 Tumours of the middle and inner ear 266
Odontoma 224 Squamous cell carcinoma 266
Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour 226 Aggressive papillary tumour 266
Benign mesenchymal odontogenic tumours 228 Endolymphatic sac tumour 267
Odontogenic fibroma 228 Otosclerosis 268
Odontogenic myxoma/myxofibroma 229 Cholesteatoma 269
Cementoblastoma 230 Vestibular schwannoma 270
Cemento-ossifying fibroma 231 Meningioma 271
Odontogenic cysts of inflammatory origin 232 Middle ear adenoma 272
Radicular cyst 232
lnflammatory collateral cysts 233 10 Paraganglion tumours 275
Odontogenic and non-odontogenic developmental cysts 234 WHO classification 276
Dentigerous cyst 234 lntroduction 276
Odontogenic keratocyst 235 Carotid body paraganglioma 277
Lateral periodontal cyst and botryoid odontogenic cyst 236 Laryngeal paraganglioma 281
Gingival cysts 238 Middle ear paraganglioma 282
Glandular odontogenic cyst 238 Vagal paraganglioma 283
Calcifying odontogenic cyst 239
Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst 241 Contributors 285
Nasopalatine duct cyst 241 Declaration of interests 292
Malignant maxillofacial bone and cartilage tumours 243
IARC/WHO Committee for ICD-0 293
Chondrosarcoma 243
Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma 244 Sources of figures 294
Osteosarcoma 244 Sources of tables 297
Benign maxillofacial bone and cartilage tumours 246 References 298
Chondroma 246 Subject index 340
Osteoma 246
List of abbreviations 347
Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy 247
Chondroblastoma 248
Chondromyxoid fibroma 249
Osteoid osteoma 249
Osteoblastoma 249
Desmoplastic fibroma 250
Fibro-osseous and osteochondromatous lesions 251
Ossifying fibroma 251
Familia! gigantiform cementoma 253
Fibrous dysplasia 253
Cemento-osseous dysplasia 254
Osteochondroma 255
Giant cell lesions and simple bone cyst 256
Central giant cell granuloma 256
Peripheral giant cell granuloma 257
Cherubism 257
Aneurysmal bone cyst 258
Simple bone cyst 259
Haematolymphoid tumours 260
Solitary plasmacytoma of bone 260

Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal

sinuses and skull base
Squamous cell carcinomas
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma
NUT carcinoma
Neuroendocrina carcinomas
Sinonasal papillomas
Respiratory epithelial lesions
Salivary gland tumours
Malignant soft tissue tumours
Borderline / low-grade malignant
soft tissue tumours
Benign soft tissue tumours
Haematolymphoid tumours
Neuroectodermal / melanocytic tumours
WHO classification of tumours of the nasal cavity,
paranasal sinuses and skull base

Carcinomas Borderline/low-grade malignant soft tissue tumours

Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma 8071/3 Desmoid-type fibromatosis 8821 /1
Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma 8072/3 Sinonasal glomangiopericytoma 9 150/ 1
Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma 8074/3 Solitary fibrous tumour 8815/1
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma 8082/3 Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma 9133/3
Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma 8020/3
NUT carcinoma 8023/3* Benign soft tissue tumours
Neuroendocrine carcinomas Leiomyoma 8890/0
Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma 8041/3 Haemangioma 9120/0
Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma 8013/3 Schwannoma 9560/0
Adenocarcinomas Neurofibroma 9540/0
lntestinal-type adenocarcinoma 814 4/3
Non-intestinal-type adenocarcinoma 8140/3 Other tumours
Meningioma 9530/0
Teratocarcinosarcoma 9081/3 Sinonasal ameloblastoma 9310/0
Chondromesenchymal hamartoma
Sinonasal papillomas
Sinonasal papilloma, inverted type 8121 /1 Haematolymphoid tumours
Sinonasal papilloma, oncocytic type 8121 /1 Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma 9719/3
Sinonasal papilloma, exophytic type 8121/0 Extraosseous plasmacytoma 9734/3

Respiratory epithelial lesions Neuroectodermal / melanocytic tumours

Respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma Ewing sarcoma/ primitive neuroectodermal
Seromucinous hamartoma tumour 9364/3
Olfactory neuroblastoma 9522/3
Salivary gland tumours Mucosa! melanoma 8720/3
Pleomorphic adenoma 8940/0

Malignant soft tissue tumours

Fibrosarcoma 8810/3
Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma 8802/3
Leiomyosarcoma 8890/3
Rhabdomyosarcoma, NOS 8900/3
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma 8910/3
The morphology codes are from the lnternational Classification of Diseases
Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma 8920/3 for Oncology (ICD-0) 1776AJ. Behaviour is coded /O for benign tumours;
Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma, adult type 8901/3 /1 for unspecified, borderline, or uncertain behaviour; /2 for carcinoma in
Spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma 8912/3 situ and grade 111 intraepithelial neoplasia; and /3 for malignan! tumours.
The classification is modified from the previous WHO classification , taking
Angiosarcoma 9120/3 into account changes in our understanding of these lesions.
Malignan! peripheral nerve sheath tumour 9540/3 'These new codes were approved by the IARC/WHO Committee for ICD-0.
Biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma 9045/3*
Synovial sarcoma 9040/3

12 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

TNM classification of carcinomas of the nasal cavity and
paranasal sinuses

TNM classificationª·" N - Regional lymph nodes (i.e. the cervical nodes)

T - Primary tumour NX Regional lymph nades cannot be assessed
TX Primary tumour cannot be assessed NO No regional lymph node metastasis
TO No evidence of primary tumour N1 Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, s; 3 cm in
Tis Carcinoma in situ g reatest dimension
N2 Metastasis as specified in N2a, N2b, or N2c below
Maxillary sinus N2a Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph nade, > 3 cm but
T1 Tumour limited to the antral mucosa. with no erosion or s; 6 cm in greatest dimension
destruction of bone N2b Metastasis in multiple ipsilateral lymph nodes, all s; 6 cm
T2 Tumour causing bone erosion or destruction, including in greatest dimension
extension into hard palate and/or middle nasal meatus, N2c Metastasis in bilateral or contralateral lymph nades, ali
except extension to posterior wall of maxillary sinus and s; 6 cm in greatest dimension
pterygoid plates N3 Metastasis in a lymph nade > 6 cm in greatest dimension
T3 Tumour invades any of the following: bone of posterior Note: Midline nodes are considered ipsilateral nodes.
wall of maxillary sinus, subcutaneous tissues, !loor or
medial wall of orbit, pterygoid fossa, ethmoid sinuses
T4a Tumour invades any ot the following: anterior orbital M - Distant metastasis
contents, skin of cheek, pterygoid plates, infratemporal MO No distan! metastasis
fossa, cribriform plate, sphenoid or frontal sinuses M1 Distan! metastasis
T4b Tumour invades any of the following: orbital apex, dura,
brain, middle cranial fossa, cranial nerves other than max- Stage grouping
illary division of trigeminal nerve (V2), nasopharynx, clivus Stage O Tis NO MO
Stage 1 T1 NO MO
Nasal cavity and ethmoid sinus Stage 11 T2 NO MO
T1 Tumour limited to one subsite of nasal cavity or ethmoid Stage 111 T1 - 2 N1 MO
sinus, with or without bony invasion T3 N0-1 MO
T2 Tumour involves two subsites in a single site or extends to Stage IVA T1 - 3 N2 MO
involve an adjacent site within the nasoethmoidal T4a N0-2 MO
complex, with or without bony invasion Stage IVB T4b Any N MO
T3 Tumour extends to invade the medial wall or !loor of the AnyT N3 MO
orbit, maxillary sinus, palate, or cribriform plate Stage IVC AnyT Any N M1
T4a Tumour invades any of the following: anterior orbital
contents, skin of nose or cheek, minimal extension to
ªAdapted from Edge et al. [625AI - used with permission of the American
anterior cranial fossa, pterygoid plates, sphenoid or
Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), Chicago, lllinois; the original and prima-
frontal sinuses ry source for this information is the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Seventh
T4b Tumour invades any of the following: orbital apex, dura, Edition (2010) published by Springer Science+Business Media - and Sobin
brain, middle cranial fossa, cranial nerves other than V2, et al. [2228A) .
nasopharynx, clivus ºA help desk for specific questions about TNM classification is available at

TNM classification of carcinomas of th e nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses 13

Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal
sinuses and skull base

lntroduction carcinoma with adenoid cystic-like fea- carcinoma, and that there may be sorne
tures is provisionally listed as a subtype overlap between tumours, such as be-
Slootweg P.J . of non-keratinizing squamous cell carci- tween sorne sinonasal undifferentiated
Chan J.K.C. noma, with additional data needed to jus- carcinomas and high-grade neuroendo-
Stelow E.B. tify ful l recognition as a unique entity. Tu- crine carcinomas. More data are needed
Thompson L.D. R. mours of bone and cartilage, which were befare recommendations can be made
included in both the jaw and sinonasal on how best to classify tumours within
tract chapters in the previous edition, are these categories. In the meantime, we
The sinonasal tract (i.e. the nasal cav- in this edition discussed exclusively in have tried to remain consistent with pre-
ity and associated paranasal sinuses) Chapter 8 (Odontogenic and maxillofacial vious classification systems of tumours
is the site of origin for a wide variety of bone tumours, p. 203) - a more appropri- both at this site and at others (e.g. the
neoplasms. The entities included in th is ate approach given their morphological classification of high-grade neuroendo-
chapter meet one of three inclusion crite- overlap with sorne odontogenic tumours. crine carcinomas of the lung).
ria: (1) they occur exclusively in the sino- The role of immunohistochemical and Within the sinonasal trae!, CT is primarily
nasal tract , (2) they occur at other head genetic features in tumour characteriza- used to evaluate mass effect on adjacent
and neck sites but show a predilection tion is reported with a balance between osseous structures, whereas MRI is bet-
for the sinonasal tract, or (3) they are im- worldwide global application and the use ter for disti nguishing mucosa! thickening
portant in the sinonasal tract for differen- of more expensive diagnostic methods and fluid resulting from a pathological
tial diagnostic reaso ns. Th e first group is not everywhere available, in an effort to mass process. Thus, these imaging mo-
discussed extensively and the other two ensure a more universal applicability of dalities are complementary techniques.
more concisely, with the reader referred the classification . However, in general, cross-sectional im-
to other chapters for additional informa- lt is noted that sorne tumours may consti- aging findi ngs are not unique or tumour-
tion. This edition includes NUT carcino- tute a spectrum of entities, such as high- specific; therefore, information regarding
ma and biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma grade non-intestinal-type adenocar- imaging findings is included only when it
as well-defi ned new entities. HPV-related cinoma and sinonasal undifferentiated is of specific diagnostic value.


Keratinizing squamous ce// Synonym

carcinoma Epidermoid carcinoma

Bishop J.A. Epidemiology

Bell D. Sinonasal KSCCs are rare, and the sino-
Westra W.H .. nasal tract is the least common head and
neck subsite involved by squamous cell
carcinoma (SCC) {82}. KSCC most often
Detinition affects patients in their sixth to seventh
Sinonasal keratinizing squamous cell decades of life, and men are affected
carcinoma (KSCC) is a malignant epi- twice as often as women (82,2065,.2438}.
thelial neoplasm arising from the surface
epithelium lining the nasal cavity and Etiology
paranasal sinuses and exhibiting squa- Cigarette smoking increases risk, al-
mous differentiation. though less dramatically than in other
head and neck sites {271,960,1458,
ICD-0 code 8071/3 2688}. Wood dust, leather dust, and other

14 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

industrial exposures are linked to sinona-
sal KSCC, although the association is
not as strong as with intestinal-type ade-
nocarcinoma {940,1490,1627). High-risk
HPV is most frequently associated with
non-keratinizing squamous cell carci-
noma (see Non-keratínizing squamous
ce// carcinoma, p. 15) (199,636,1335}.
Sorne sinonasal papillomas (2-10%) un-
dergo malignant transformation, usually
into KSCC and less frequently into non-
keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
(1 750}.

The maxillary sinus is most frequently af-
fected, followed by the nasal cavity and
ethmoid sinus. Primary carcinomas of the
sphenoid and frontal sinuses are rare {82,
1999,2065,2342, 2438}.

Cl inical features
Presenting symptoms are generally non-
specific and include nasal obstruction,
epistaxis, and rhinorrhoea. Facial pain
and/or paralysis, diplopía, and proptosis
are indicative of more-advanced tumour
growth {1458}. lmaging determines ex-
tent of disease.

The tumour is exophytic or endophytic,
with various degrees of ulceration, ne-
crosis, and haemorrhage.

Aspirates of metastases are cellular, with
sheets and small clusters of malignant
squamous cells with intracellular and Fig. 1.02 Sinonasal non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma. A lnterconnecting squamous ribbons invading the
stroma with a broad, pushing border. B lnvasion takes the form of thick, anastomosing ribbons of tumour cells with
extracellular keratinization. Mixed inflam-
a smooth stromal interface and no desmoplastic reaction. C Non-keratinizing squamoid cells with nuclear atypia,
mation and necrosis can be present. numerous mitotic figures, and peripheral palisading of tumour nuclei.

Histopathology similar to that of its counterpart in the oro- Non-keratinizing squamous

KSCC exhibits histological features iden- pharynx (447,1458,1474}. ce// carcinoma
tical to those of conventional squamous
cell carcinoma of other head and neck Prognosis and predictive factors Bishop J.A.
sites, with irregular nests and cords of The 5-year overall survival rate for sino- Brandwein-Gensler M.
eosinophilic cells demonstrating kerati- nasal squamous cell carcinoma is approx- Nicolai P.
nization . and inducing a desmoplastic imately 50-60%, and is stage-depend- Steens S.
stromal reaction. Grades include well, ent (2065,2397,2438) Carcinomas of Syrjanen S.
moderately, and poorly differentiated. the nasal cavity have a better prognosis Westra W.H.
See Chapter 3 ( Tumours of the hypophar- than carcinomas arising in the paranasal
ynx, /arynx, trachea and parapharyngeal sinuses {82,617,2397,2438]. This differ-
space, p. 77) for further detail. ence is likely in part because sinus carci- Definition
nomas present later and at higher stage; Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcino-
Genetic profile it is unclear whether there is a stage-for- ma (NKSCC) is a squamous cell carcino-
The genetic profile is similar to that of stage survival difference. Regional lymph ma (SCC) characterized by a distinctive
KSCC of other upper aerodigestive tract node metastasis is uncommon (1458). ribbon-like growth pattern with absent to
sites, whereas the genetic profile of non- limited maturation.
keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma is

Carcinomas 15
ICD-0 code 8072/3 Clinical features pattern is reminiscent of urothelial carci-
Presenting signs and symptoms include noma (hence the synonym "transitional
Synonyms nasal obstruction, discharge, epistaxis, cell carcinoma") and may be difficult
Schneiderian carcinoma; transitional cell facial pain or fullness, nasal mass or to recognize as invasive, particularly in
carcinoma; cylindrical cell carcinoma ulcer, and eye-related symptoms in ad- small biopsies. Papillary features can
vanced cases {1 458). Patients with para- be seen within the tumour or at the mu-
Epidemiology nasal sinus neoplasms present later and cosa! surface . NKSCC has an immature
NKSCC accounts for approximately 10- at a higher stage than do patients with appearance, with minimal or no kerati-
27% of sinonasal SCC. lt affects adults in nasal cavity carcinomas {82,2438). lm- nization; tumour nuclei are oval and the
their sixth to seventh decades of lite, and aging determines extent of disease. N:C ratio is high. Basal/superfic ial cel-
men more frequently than women {199, lular polarity is often apparent: basal-
636,1784,1999}. Macroscopy type cells often demonstrate peripheral
The tumours are variably exophytic and/ palisading, whereas superficial cells are
Etiology or inverted in growth, and often friable, more flattened. Scattered mucinous cells
In general, NKSCC has similar risk fac- with necrosis and/or haemorrhage. are occasionally present. The degree of
tors to keratinizing squamous cell car- nuclear atypia varíes, but mitotic figures
cinoma, but 30-50% of cases harbour Cytology are typically numerous, and necrosis is
transcriptionally active high-risk HPV Aspirates of metastases are cellular, with common. There is no established role for
{199,636,1335). Sorne sinonasal papil- clusters of basaloid cells showing cyto- tumour grading in this variant.
lomas (2-10%) undergo malignan! trans- logical features typical of malignancy, There is a broad differential diagnosis·;
formation. usually into keratinizing squa- with nuclear atypia and increased mitotic the growth pattern of NKSCC can mimic
mous cell carcinoma and less frequently figures . Mixed inflammation and necrosis that of a sinonasal papilloma with malig-
into NKSCC {1750). can be present. • nant transformation. However, this would
require confirmation of metachronous
Localization Histopathology or synchronous sinonasal papilloma.
NKSCC arises most frequently from the NKSCC characteristi cally grows as ex- Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma,
maxillary sinus or nasal cavity {82,1402, panding nests or anastomosing ribbons neuroendocrine carcinoma, the salid
2065,24381. of cells in the submucosa, with a smooth variant of adenoid cystic carcinoma,
stromal interface and a pushing border and SMARCB1-deficient carcinomas
eliciting minimal or no desmoplasia. This should be considered in the differential

16 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

diagnosis. The presence of so-called cells align around cylindromatous micro-
abrupt keratinization should raise the cystic spaces and have hyperchromatic
possibility of NUT carcinoma. and slightly angu lated nuclei with a high
NKSCC is diffusely positive for cytokerat- N:e ratio. In contrast to typical NKSCe,
ins (including high-molecular-weight true ductal cells are also present (al-
forms such as CK5/6) and for p63 and though less conspicuous), often sur-
p40. lt retains nuclear expression of rounded by a peripheral layer of basaloid
SMARCB1 (INl1) and is negative for neu- to clear myoepithelial cells. When this
roendocrine markers, S100, and NUT1. bilayered pattern is well developed, it im-
HPV-related SCCs are diffuse ly p16- parts an appearance like th at of epithe-
positive by immunohistochemistry and lial-myoepithelial carcinoma. Although
positive for HPV by in situ hybridization overt squamous differentiation is not typi-
and PCR. cally present in the invasive component,
the surface epithelium may show various
Genetic profile degrees of dysplasia. Mitotic rates are
The distinctive mutational profiles of usually high, and necrosis may be seen. Etiology
HPV-positive and HPV-negative sinona- The basaloid cells show myoepithelial sesee is associated with smoking and
sal SCC are similar to those of their coun - differentiation (e.g. S100, calponin , p63, radiation exposure {1398 ,2396 }. HPV has
terparts in other head and neck sites, and actin), and the ductal cells are KIT- been negative in the few cases tested
such as the oropharynx [447,1458,1474). positive. Cytokeratins tend to be more {199).
strongly expressed in the ductal rather
Prognosis and predictive factors than myoepithelial cells . Both cell types Localization
The 5-year overall survival rate of sino- are p16-positive and harbour high-risk sesee arises in the nasal cavity and/
nasal SCCs as a group is approximately HPV as detected by in situ hybridization. or maxillary or frontal sinuses [787,912,
60%; it is unclear whether the survival rate No MYB translocations (typically seen in 1032,1035).
of NKSee differs from that of keratiniz- about 50% of adenoid cystic carcinomas)
ing squamous cell carcinoma {82,1999, have been identified [202} . To date, with Clinical features
2065,2397,2438). HPV positivity may be only a limited number of cases reported, Patients present with nasal obstruction,
associated with improved survival, al- local recurrence has been seen, but no epistaxis, and/or facial swelling, with
though the prognostic signif icance is not regional or distant metastases or tumour- masses apparent on e T or MR I {787,896,
as clearly defined as it is in the oropha- related deaths {202). 912,1032,1035}.
rynx {199,1335). Sorne studies have dem-
onstrated improved survival in sinonasal Macroscopy
sce harbouring high-risk HPV or overex- Spmdmcell(sarcomawid) Sorne SCSCCs grow as a polypoid mass
pressing EGFR [199,1335,2342}. squamous cell carcinoma with an ulcerated surface, similar to the
The newly recognized sinonasal tract more common laryngeal examples {896,
HPV-related carcinoma with adenoid Bishop J.A. 912).
cystic-like features is a distinctive HPV- Lewis J.S .
related carcinoma of the sinonasal tract, Cytology
with histological and immunophenotypic See Spindle ce!/ squamous ce!/ carcino-
features of both surface-derived and sali- Definition ma section (p. 87) in Chapter 3.
vary gland carcinoma - the latter show- Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma
ing the appearance of a high -grade ad- (SCSCe) is a variant of squamous cell Histopathology
enoid cystic carcinoma. Among the few carcinoma characterized by predomi- For histology and diffe rential diagnosis,
cases of HPV-related carcinoma with ad- nan\ malignan! spind le and/or pleomor- see Spindle ce// squamous ce!! carcino-
enoid cystic- like features that have been phic cells. ma section (p. 87) in Chapter 3.
reported to date, the female-to-male ratio
is 7:2 and the patient age range is 40- ICD-0 code 8074/3 Prognosis and predictiva factors
75 years {199,202,1065). The presence No specific features are described for
of a high-risk HPV type suggests a viral Synonym the sinonasal tract regían.
etiology [202,1065). Most cases present Sarcomatoid carcinoma
with nasal obstruction and/or epistaxis,
with a tan-white, fleshy mass undermin- Epidemiology
ing normal-looking mucosa. The tumour sesee presents most commr;mly in el-
consists of highly cellular proliferations of derly men {156,1330,2396}. This variant
basaloid cells growing in various sizes, is rare in the sinonasal tract, accounting
separated by thin collagenized fibrous for < 5% of sinonasal squamous cell car-
bands. The growth pattern is predomi- cinomas {199,787,896,912,1032,1035}.
nantly salid, but cribriform structures are
frequently encountered . The basaloid

Carcinomas 17
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma Clinical features < 60 years, and of White ethnicity have
Patients present with nasal obstruction, significantly improved survival {38 1).
Bishop J.A. nasal discharge, and/or epistaxis. Pa- Sinonasal LEC metastasizes to regional
Gaulard P. tients may also have eye symptoms or lymph nades less frequently than does
Gillison M. cranial nerve palsies as a result of local nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and tends
tumour invasion {1125,2034,2584,2733}. to be radiosensitive even in the presence
of nada! disease {381,1125,2034,2584,
Definition Macroscopy 2733).
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma (LEC) is a The tumours are irregular or polypoid,
squamous cell carcinoma morphologi- tan-white, bulky masses that may be
cally similar to non-keratinizing naso- haemorrhagic {1155,2034,2347). Sinonasal undifferentiated
pharyngeal carcinoma, undifferentiated carcinoma
subtype. Cytology
The cytological findings are the same as Lewis J.S.
!CD-O code 8082/3 those far non-keratinizing nasopharyn- Bishop J.A
geal carcinoma, undifferentiated subtype Gill ison M.
Synonym (see Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, p. 65.) Westra W.H.
Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma Yarbrough W.G.
H istopathology
Epidemiology LEC is defined by its resemb lañce to
Sinonasal LEC is rare, with only about 40 non-keratinizing nasopharyngeal carci- Definition
reported cases {1125,2034,2584,2733). noma, undifferentiated subtype (see Na- Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma
lt most frequently affects men in th eir sopharyngeal carcinoma, p. 65). (SNUC) is undifferentiated carcinoma of
fifth to seventh decades of life (median By immunohistochemistry, LEC is dif- the sinonasal tract without glandular or
patient age: 58 years) {381 ,11 25,2034, fusely positive far pancytokeratin, CK5/6, squamous features and not otherwise
2584,2733). Most reported cases have p63, and p40, and is negative for lym- classifiable .
been in patients from Asia, where EBV- phoid and melanocytic markers. Sino-
Table 1.01 Differential diagnosis of sinonasal
related malignancies are endemic. nasal LEC is usually positive far EBV-
undifferentiated carcinoma
encoded small RNA (EBER) by in situ
Etiology hybridization.
In the sinonasal tract, most cases Sinonasal LEC must be distinguished Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma (including
(> 90%) of LEC harbour EBV {11 25,1392, from lymphoma and melanoma (potential HPV-related carcinoma with adenoid cystic- like
2034,2584,2733}. mimics), as well as from sinonasal undif-
ferentiated carcinoma, a neoplasm that Basaloid squamous ce!! carcinoma
Localization lacks th e syncytial growth pattern of LEC, High-grade neuroendocrina carcinoma
Sinonasal LEC arises in th e nasal cav- is consistently EBER-negative, and lacks Olfactory neuroblastoma
ity more frequently than in the paranasal CK5/6, with limited to absent p63 .
sinuses (2034,2584,2733}. For an LEC NUT carcinoma
to be considered truly primary to the Prognosis and predictive factors Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
sinonasal reg ion, spread from a nearby According to the SEER database, sinon- Ewing sarcoma / primitiva neuroectodermal tumour
nasopharyngeal carcinoma must be ex- asal LEC has a 5-year disease-specific Adenoid cystic carcinoma, solld-type (grade 111)
cluded on clinical, radiograph ical, and/or survival rate of approximately 50%;
pathological grounds. patients with localized disease, aged

18 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

other visual symptoms (2656). Proptosis
and periorbital swelling can be seen as
well, features reflecting frequent orbital

Tumours are usually large (> 4 cm) at
presentation, with a fungating endoscop-
ic appearance and poorly defined mar-
gins radiographically {1883).

Aspirates of metastatic SNUC are cel-
lular, with cohesive groups, single large
malignant cells, and background necrotic
debris. Numerous mitotic figures and ap-
optotic bodies can be seen. Neuroendo-
crine features are typically not prominent,
and squamous or glandular features are
not seen.

SNUC consists of sheets, lobules, and
trabeculae of overtly malignant cells with
moderately large round nuclei, varying
amounts of cytoplasm, and well-defined
cell borders. Nuclei vary from hyperchro-
matic to vesicular, but most tumours have
ICD-0 code 8020/3 be questioned {199,365,885,2518}. open chromatin with prominent nucleoli.
Apoptosis, mitoses, and necrosis are
Epidemiology Localization frequent. Despite their high-grade ap-
SNUC is rare, with about 0.02 cases Tumours arise most frequently in the na- pearance, SNUCs characteristically have
per 100 000 people, accounting for only sal cavity and ethmoid sin uses, and most tumour nuclei of relatively consisten! size
about 3-5% of ali sinonasal carcinomas present as very large masses involving and lack of pleomorphism. By definition,
(1458}. lt occurs in patients of a wide multiple sites. As many as 60% of cases there is no squamous or glandular differ-
range of ages, from teenagers to the el- have spread beyond the sinonasal trae! entiation, although adjacent carcinoma in
derly (average patient age: 50-60 years). to adjacent sites such as the orbital apex, situ has been described.
App roximately 60- 70% of patients are skull base, and brain {1974). Nodal me- By immunohistochemistry, the tumour
Caucasian males {371,1974}. tastases are relatively uncommon (occur- is positive for pancytokeratin (AE1/AE3)
ring in 10-15% of cases) despite large and simple cytokeratins such as CK7,
Etiology primary tumour size {416,885,1974}. CK8, and CK18, but is negative for
No consistent etiology of SNUC has been CK5/6. The tumour cells are variably pos-
identified. Sorne patients are smokers Clinical features itive for p63, but consistently negative for
but many are not {365). lf EBV or HPV is Patients present with nasal obstruction, its more squamous-specifi c isoform, p40
detected, the diagnosis of SNUC should epistaxis, headache, and diplopía or {2186}. The cells are consistently positive
for neuron-specific enolase. Very focal,
patchy staining for chromogranin and
synaptophysin may be seen {365,416},
but does not qualify a tumour as a neu-
roendocrine carcinoma in the absence
of supporting histological features. The
tumours are negative for carcinoembry-
onic antigen, S100, CD45, and calretinin
{2635). The tumours are consistently
p16-positive, regardless of HPV status
The differential diagnosis is lengthy
(Table 1.1), but most importantly includes
lymphoma, non-ke ratinizing squamous
cell carcinoma, basaloid squamous cell

Carcinomas 19
carcinoma, and neuroendocrine carcino-
ma. Squamous cell carc inoma has areas
of histological squamous differentiation
and is consistently positive for CK5/6,
p63, and p40. Neuroendocrine carcino-
mas have speckled chromatin and other
histological features such as rosette
formation and palisading, and are con -
sistently reactive with neuroendocrine
marl<ers. NUT carcinoma has evidence
of squamous differentiation (at least fo-
cally), is consistently diffusely positive
for p63 and p40, and strongly expresses
the NUT protein by immunohistochemis-
try. Recently, a subset of undifferentiated
carcinomas with rhabdoid features and a
lack of SMARCB1 (INl1 ) p rotein by immu-
nohistochemistry has been reported. lt is
unclear whether these tumours constitute
a distinct entity {198).

Genetic profile
- -
Fig. 1.09 NUT carcinoma. A Sheets of moderate-sized monomorphic poorly differentiated epithelioid cells have pale
No specif ic genetic alterations have been to clear glycogenated cytoplasm; the intervening stroma is sean!, and necrosis and mitoses are invariably present.
B Abrupt keratinization can appear as a discrete island within a sea of poorly differentiated cells. C FISH demonstrates
identified in SNUC {819). The S0X2gene is
NUT rearrangement when red and green probes flanking the NUT Jocus are split apart; the red and green signals
amplified in one third of tumours {2102}. KIT together are the normal NUT allele. D Diffuse, nuclear immunohistochemical staining with the NUT antibody is
(CD117) is frequently strongly expressed, diagnostic of NUT carcinoma; the speckled pattern is characteristic but not always this distinct.
but no activating mutations or gene amplifi-
cations have been identified {416). ICD-0 code 8023/3 Clinical features
NUT carcinoma presents with non-
Prognosis and predictive factors Synonyms specific symptoms caused by a rap idly
The prognosis of SNUC is poor, although NUT midline carcinoma; t(15;19) carci - growing mass. In the sinonasal tract,
it seems to have improved in recent noma; midline carcinoma of children and this manifests as nasal obstruction, pain,
years, likely dueto the use of aggressive young adults with NUT rearrangement epistaxis, nasal discharge, and frequent-
trimodality therapy {371}. Systemic che- ly eye-related symptoms such as prop-
motherapy is associated with particularly Epidemiology tosis {205,692). lmag ing studies reveal
high response rates (243}. A large analy- NUT carcinoma is a rare tumour in the extensive local invasion into neighbour-
sis of SEER data showed a median over- upper aerodigestive tract {t59,393, ing structures such as the orbit or brain
all survival of 22.1 months and 3-, 5-, and 2234}. Dueto its rarity, the true incidence (205 ,692}. In approximately 50% of cas-
10-year survival rates of 44.3%, 34.9%, is unknown. In the largest series report- es, NUT carcinoma presents with lymph
and 31.3%, respectively (371]. A recent ed (n = 40), the median patient age was nade involve ment or distant metastatic
meta-analysis had similarfindings {1974). 21 .9 years , but people of all ages were disease {159}.
Patient survival is significantly better with affected (range: 0.1- 82 years). A slight
primary surgical resection [1974,2685) . predominance of females was seen, with Macroscopy
55% of the cases occurring in females Few tumours are resected, due to early
{393). disease spread. No consistent macro-
NUT carcinoma scopic features have been described .
French C.A. The etiology is unknown . There is no as- Cytology
Bishop J.A. sociation with HPV, EBV, other viral in- Aspirates of metastases are cellular, with
Lewis J.S. fection; smoking; or other environmental variably sized clusters of malignant cells
Muller S. factors . and single malignant cells. Mitotic figu res
Westra W.H. and apoptotic bodies are seen. Squa-
Localization mous differentiation may be observed.
Most cases (65%) in the head and neck
Definition are in the nasal cavity and paranasal si- Histopathology
NUT carcinoma is a poorly differentiated nuses, but rare cases involve the orbital The diagnosis of NUT carcinoma is es-
carcinoma (often with evidence of squa- region, nasopharynx, oropharynx, lar- tab lished by demonstration of NUT re-
mous differentiation) defined by the pres- ynx, epiglottis, and majar salivary glands arrangement, rather than by histology.
ence of nuclear protein in testis (NUT) {159,508,763,2032}. The tumours are An unequivocal diagnosis can be made
gene (NUTM1) rearrangement. generally midline. by demonstration of diffuse (> 50%)

20 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

Chromosome 15q14 Neuroendocrine carcinomas
BRD4 N . ,_¡- -...............- -L.IJi._,¡,__
. i _ _ _ _ __ Chromosome 19pl3. l
Thompson L.D.R.
BRD3 N ¡_,¡- -.....
=---'- -L.1Ji...._f _. Chromosome 9q34.2
Bell D.
Chromosome Bpll.23 Bishop J .A.

Sinonasal neuroendocrine carcinoma is
NSD3°NUT N .__.-....--~:::a:::::::.J• l.:;~=:;¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡....¡.1u;;.:,•.;;:¡¡ a high-grade carcinoma with morpholog-
ical and immunohistochemical features
of neuroendoc rine differentiation.
PWWP Acidic doma in 2
1111 NES ICD-0 codes
- 1 SET
C/H rlch
- Ac!dlc domainl
- Bromo
Small cell neuroendocrine
carcinoma (SmCC) 8041/3
Fig. 1.10 NUT carcinoma. Schematic illustration of the various translocations that occur in NUT carcinoma between
NUTgenes and BRD4, BRD3, and WHSC1L1 (also called NSD3); the arrows indicate breakpoints. Nearly the entire Large cell neuroendocrine
NUT transcript is preserved in every known translocation. PWWP, PWWP domain; PHD, plant homeodomain; SET, carcinoma (LCNEC) 8013/3
SET domain; C/H rich, Cys/His-rich domain; NLS, nuclear Jocalization signal sequence; NES, nuclear export signal
sequence; Bromo, bromodomain; ET, extraterminal domain. Synonyms
Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine
nuclear staining with the NUT monoclo- carcinoma. However, unlike NUT carci - carcinoma; high-grade neuroendocrine
nal antibody C52, which has a sensitiv- nomas, SMARCB1 -deficient sinonasal carcinoma
ity of 87% (916}. Other diagnostic tools carc inomas do not exhibit focal kerati-
include FISH, RT-PCR, conventional cy- nization. lnstead, the basaloid cells Epidemiology
togenetics, and targeted next-generation demonstrate various degrees of rhab- Sinonasal neuroendocrine carc inomas
sequencing approaches . doid or plasmacytoid features. Be- are rare, accounting for about 3% of
The histology is that of an undifferenti- cause SMARCB1-deficient sinonasal sinonasal tumours, but are more com-
ated carcinoma or poorly differentiated carcinomas have biallelic inactivation of mon in middle-aged to older men . The
squamous cell carcinoma. NUT carcino- SMARCB1 (IN/1), immunohistochemi- mean patient ages are 49-65 years for
ma consists of sheets of cells with mod- cal staining for SMARCB1 consistently LCNEC and 40-55 years for SmCC (370,
erately large, round to oval nuclei. The demonstrates loss of nuclear expres- 1831,1853,2222}.
chromatin is vesicu lar with distinct nucle- sion, an importan! fi nding for distinguish-
oli. Cytoplasm varíes from scant to mod- ing SMARCB1 -deficient carcinoma from Etiology
erate, and can be clear. Mitotic activity is NUT carcinoma. There is rare association with transcrip -
brisk and necrosis is often present. Hall- tionally active high-risk HPV (199,1323}
mark features include monomorphism Genetic profile and previous irradiation (2535). but no
and the presence of so-called abru pt NUT carcinoma is genetically defi ned by strong smoki ng association {2296}.
foci of keratinization. Occasional tumours rearrangements of the nuclear protein
have more extensive squamous differen- in testis (NUTJ gene (NUTM1). In most Localization
tiation (764). lntratumoural acute inflam- NUT carcinomas, most of the codi ng The most common location is the ethmoid
mation can be brisk and is frequently sequence of NUTM1 on chromosome sinus, followed by the nasal cavity and
present. Glandular and mesenchymal 15q14 is fused with BRD4 (in 70% of the maxillary and sphenoid sinuses
differentiation, although described, is in- cases), BRD3 (in 6%), or WHSC1L1 (also (1631,2222,2296}.
frequent (566) . Markers other !han NUT called NS03), creating chimeric genes
that are commonly positive include p63, that encade NUT fusion proteins (159, Clinical features
p40, and cytokeratins (2265). NUT carci- 764,765,766,767,2318}. In the re maining Many patients present with non-spe-
noma occasionally (in 55% of cases) ex- cases, referred to as NUT-variant carci- cific symptoms (e.g. nasal obstruction,
presses CD34 {764). Occasional positiv- noma, NUTM1 is fused toan unknown part- discharge, and sinusitis) and have ad-
ity for neuroendocrine markers, p16, and ner gene. To date, no other oncogenic vanced local disease (pT3 or T4), with re-
TTF1 has also been described. mutations have been identified in NUT gional or distan! metastases (to lung, liv-
Due to the non-specific, poorly differenti- carcinoma. er, or bone) (11 4,1428,1631,1853}. Rarely,
ated nature of NUT carcinoma, it is often paraneoplastic syndromes are reported
confused with poorly differentiated squa- Prognosis and predictive fact9rs {114,1207,2018,2482}.
mous cel l carcinoma, Ewing sarcoma, Prognosis is poor, with a median overall
sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma, survival of 9.8 months {393}. Sorne evi- Macroscopy
leukaemia, germ cell tumour, and even dence suggests that patients with NUT- The tumours are large and destructive,
olfactory neuroblastoma (763). A provi - variant carc inoma may have a longer with haemorrhage and necrosis.
sionally defined entity included in the dif- survival than do BRD-NUT carcinoma
ferential diagnosis is SMARCB1-deficient patients {159,763 }.

Carcinomas 21
-- -
Fig. 1.11 Sinonasal neuroendocrine carcinoma. A Coronal CT demonstrates a midline destructive mass. B Small cells with nuclear moulding, even chromatin distribution, and
inconspicuous nucleoli are characteristic for a small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma; apoptotic figures and mitoses are apparent. C The neoplastic cells are large and have a high
N:C ratio, with small nucleoli and salt-and-pepper nuclear chromatin distribution in a large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. DA strong and diffuse, cytoplasmic dot-like (perinuclear)
reaction with pancytokeratin in a small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma.

Cytology chromogranin, neuron-specific enolase, light-microscopic features of neuroendo-

Aspirates of metastases are identical to or CD56 (least specific) {486}. although crine differentiation.
those of SmCC and LCNEC sampled neuron-specific enolase is less common The differential diagnosis frequently in-
elsewhere. Malignant cells show less co- in LCNEC (114,2568}. In SmCC, S100 eludes olfactory neuroblastoma, sinona-
hesion than seen in other epithelial malig- protein staining (when positive) is diffuse sal undifferentiated carcinoma, and NUT
nancies and are more fragile, displaying rather than sustentacular {2222} . SmCC carcinoma. High-grade olfactory neu-
more crush artefact. Mitotic figures and and LCNEC are positive far p16 (which roblastoma may retain a focal lobular
apoptotic bodies are frequent. is negative in sinonasal undifferentiated architecture with a variable presence of
carcinoma); focally, they may be weakly peripheral sustentacular cells demon-
Histopathology positive for p63. The tumours are rarely strated by immunohistochemistry; cy-
Sinonasal neuroendocrine carcinoma is reactive with calretinin and are consist- tokeratins, if expressed, tend to be focal
histologically identical to its counterparts ently negative far CK5/6, EBV-encoded rather than diffuse. Sinonasal undifferen-
in lung and other head and neck sites; small RNA (EBER), and CK20 {378,390, tiated carcinomas occasionally express
for a detailed description, see Poorly dif- 2635). ASCL1 (also called hASH1), which neuroendocrine markers, but lack the
ferentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma is a master gene for neuroendocrine dif- morphological features of LCNEC [773,
(p. 97). The tumours are highly infiltrative, ferentiation, shows a higher degree of 1034,2568}. NUT carcinoma does not
with frequent perineural and lymphovas- expression in SmCC and LCNEC than show neuroendocrine differentiation, and
cular invasion (1853,2222). in olfactory neuroblastoma or rhabdo- typically shows diffuse expression of
LCNEC contains large cells that show myosarcoma (486,2331). Nuclear immu- CK5/6 and p63 (692).
light microscopic neuroendocrine fea- nohistochemistry for p53 correlates with
tures; for a detailed description of these TP53 mutations {758). Prognosis and predictiva factors
features , see Poorly differentiated neuro- Rare examples of sinonasal neuroendo- The 5-year disease-free survival rate is
endocrine carcinoma (p. 97). crine carcinoma combined with either about 50-65% overall, and is better for
SmCC and LCNEC are strongly immu- squamous cell carcinoma (in situ or in- sphenoid sinus tumours (-80%) than
nopositive for cytokeratins (e.g. CAM5.2 vasive) or adenocarcinoma ha'{e been for maxillary or ethmoid sinus tumours
and AE1/AE3) and EMA, frequently reported (1 14,758 ;1320}. However, squa- (-33%), in particular when managed by
showing a perinuclear or dot-like pattern mous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma combination surgery and/or neoadjuvant,
(1587). Neuroendocrine differentiation should not be regarded as sinonasal concurrent, or adjuvant chemoradiother-
can be confirmed by staining with at least neuroendocrine carcinoma based solely apy, with neoadjuvant therapy possibly
one neuroendocrine marker, such as syn- on the presence of focal neuroendo- yielding a better outcome (especially
aptophysin (most sensitive and specific), crine immunoreactivity in the absence of for LCNEC) (770,1428,1631,1831,2462).

22 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

Data are limited, but LCNECs tend to Epidemiology nasal wall, near the middle turbinate {139,
have a better prognosis than do SmCCs Sinonasal ITACs are uncommon, with 2063). lt is estimated that 40% of cases
{1587, 1631, 2016 ,2462}. Advanced-stage an overall incidence of < 1 case per develop in the ethmoid sinuses, 28% in the
disease is associated with poor progno- 1 million person-years. However, inci- nasal cavity, and 23% in the maxillary sinus.
sis {1831). dence varíes drastically across popula-
tions, and the tumours are as much as Clinical features
500 times as prevalent among people Patients with ITACs typically present with
Jntestinal-type adenocarcinoma who work for prolonged periods in wood unilateral nasal obstruction, epistaxis,
or leather-working industries as they are and/or rhi norrhoea {139,2063}. Less
Stelow E.B. in the general population {9). Men are common symptoms include pain, facial
Franchi A. 3 - 4 times as likely to develop these tu- contour changes, and diplopía. The tu-
Wenig B.M. mours as women, which is thought to be mours present as soft tissue densities
due to differences in occupational ex- within the sinonasal tract {139}. Destruc-
posure rates (139,1238,2063}. Although tion of surrounding bone occurs in nearly
Definition the patient age range is reportedly wide, half of ali patients. Patients most often
Sinonasal intestinal-type adenocarci- most patients are older, with mean and present with multiple sites of involvement
noma (ITAC) is an adenocarcinoma of median reported patient ages at diagno- {139}. Osseous destruction with local
the sinonasal tract morphologically simi- sis in the sixth to seventh decades of lite. spread into surrounding tissues, includ-
lar to adenocarcinomas primary to the ing the orbit and brain, is frequently seen.
intestines. Etiology
Many ITACs are secondary to wood dust Macroscopy
ICD-0 code 8144/3 or leather dust exposure {9,10,9 18,1238). In vivo, ITACs are polypoid, papillary,
Formaldehyde and textile dust exposures nodular, and fungating {139,2063). Th ey
may also increase the risk of these tu- are usually friable, sometimes ulcerated
Synonyms mours {1490). or haemorrhagic, and uncommonly ge-
Colloid-type adenocarcinoma; colonic- latinous or mucoid.
type adenocarcinoma; enteric-type Localization
adenocarcinoma ITACs typically develop near the lateral

- ;,.... 1 ,...1
\ ,l 1 ' -
Fig. 1.12 Sinonasal intestinal-type adenocarcinoma. A This well-differentíated tumour shows papillary growth with numerous goblet and Paneth cells. B This tumour is

moderately differentiated, with cribriform growth and areas of necrosis. C This tumour is composed of abundan! extracellular mucus with occasional strips of malignan! epithelium.
D Sorne tumours are composed of signet-ring cells.

Carcinomas 23
Cytology Stromal tissues are loase and fibrovas- patients being disease-free at 5 years.
Aspirates of rare metastatic lesions show cular, often containing abundant chronic Grade 2 and 3 papillary tumours have
findings identical to those seen with colo- inflammatory cells. Histological similarity 3-year survival rates of 54% and 36%,
rectal adenocarcinomas. to primary gastrointestinal trae! tumours respectively. Mucinous tumours with al-
necessitates exclusion of a metastatic veolar growth and mixed or transitional
Histopathology tumour. tumours have prognoses similar to that
ITACs show a morphological spectrum Proposed grading schemas are rather of grade 2 papillary tumours, whereas
similar to that of adenocarcinomas of complicated, given the rarity of these tu- tumours showing signet ring morphology
the intestines {139,1238,2063}. They mours {139,1238). Tumours that are pre- behave the most aggressively. Locally
are often exophytic with a papillary and dominately papillary can be graded as advanced tumours that invade into the
tubular growth (in approximately 75% well, moderately, or poorly differentiated orbit, skin, sphenoid or frontal sinuses, or
of cases) or may be mucinous or com- (papillary tubular cylinder cell 1, 11, and brain have a significantly worse progno-
posed predominantly of signe! ring cells. 111; or papillary, colonic, and salid). Mu- sis. Local disease is the most common
The degree of differentiation varies from cinous tumours are either moderately dif- cause of mortality. About 8% of patients
extremely well differentiated to poorly ferentiated (alveolar) or poorly differenti- have lymph nade metastases and 13%
differentiated. Papillae and tubules are ated (signet ring cell). Mixed tumours are have distan! metastases {139}.
lined by a single !ayer of columnar epi- typically well to moderately differentiat-
thelial cells that show differentiation and ed. Overall survival rates at 3 years have
cytological features similar to !hose seen been shown to vary depending on grade. Non-intestínal-type
in intestinal adenocarcinomas . Most cells Histochemical staining shows intracyto- adenocarcínoma
appear columnar with eosinophilic, mu- plasmic, intraluminal, and/or extracellu-
cinous cytoplasm. Paneth cells, goblet lar material that is mucicarmine-positive Stelow E.B.
cells, and endocri ne cells are typically and gives a diastase-resistant positive Brandwein-Gensler M.
also present in variable proportions. Al- periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction Franchi A.
though atypia may be difficult to appreci- {139}. Neoplastic cells express pancy- Nicolai P.
ate, nuclear changes that appear at least tokeratins, are variably reactive with CK7 Wenig B.M.
adenomatous are the rule. Thus, nuctei and carcinoembryonic antigen, and are
are cigar-shaped, hyperchromatic, and mostly CK20-positive {1 213,1573}. Most
enlarged, and lose basement membrane tumours also express the markers CDX2, Definition
localization. Mitotic figures are frequent. MUC2, and vi llin (358,1213}. There may Sinonasal non-intestinal-type adeno-
Necrosis is usually present, typically be variable expression of neuroendo- carcinoma (non-lTAC) is an adenocar-
within the tubular and folded spaces, crine markers {1 573,1928}. cinoma of the sinonasal tract that does
similar to what is seen in intestinal adeno- not show the features of a salivary gland
carcinomas. As these tumours become Genetic profile neoplasia and does not have an intesti-
more poorly differentiated, tubular and KRAS mutations occur in 6-40% of cas- nal phenotype. Although these tumours
papillary structures are replaced by nest- es, whereas BRAF mutations occur in are morphologically heterogeneous, this
ed, cribriform , and salid growth patterns. < 10% {755 ,1926,2037,2327). 1 umours category may include sorne specific enti-
A minority of cases show abundan! mu- are microsatellite-stable and do not lose ties that are morphologically unique (e.g.
cus production (139,1238). These cases expression of mismatch repair proteins renal cell-like carcinoma).
are similar to sorne primary intestinal {1 546,1854). EGFR mutations are infre-
adenocarcinomas and consi st of small quent and amplifications are uncommon ICD-0 code 8140/3
to medium-sized cystic spaces (alveoli) {755,1926}. Expression of p53 is aber-
partially lined by (and containing strips of) rant in more than half of ali cases, and Synonyms
attenuated neoplastic epithelium rich in 41% have been shown to have TP53 Terminal tubulus adenocarcinoma; tubu-
goblet cells. The strips often float like rib- mutations {757). CDKN2A (also called lopapillary low-grade adenocarcinoma;
bons within mucus lakes and sometimes P16) is frequently altered , due either to low-grade adenocarcinoma; seromuci-
form small cribriform structures. The indi- promoter methylation or to loss of hete- nous adenocarcinoma; renal cell- like
vidual neoplastic cells have atypical and rozygosity at 9p21 {1857). Variable beta- carcinoma
hyperchromatic nuclei and abundant mu- catenin expression has been reported ,
cinous cytoplasm. Less commonly, the with sorne studies showing > 30% of Epidemiology
neoplastic cells are mostly single , with cases with aberrant nuclear expression Sinonasal low-grade non-intestinal-type
a large amount of intracytoplasmic mu- {757,1854}. adenocarcinomas (LG non-lTACs) are
cus that compresses the nucleus (signet very uncommon. There is no sex predi-
ring cells). Finally, sorne tumours have a Prognosis and predictive fact9rs lection {967,1139,1721). Patients have
mixed pattern of growth, appearing pap- The grading systems described above ranged in age from 9 to 89 years, with
illary and tubular in sorne areas and more predict survival and recurrence, althoug h a mean age at presentation in the sixth
mucinous in others. results have not been universal {1 39,754, decade of life. High-grade non-intestinal-
ITACs are invasive (often extensively in- 760,1238}. Low-grade papillary tumours type adenocarcinomas (HG non-lTACs)
filtrating the submucosa) and may show have the best outcomes, with > 80% of are rare, affect men more frequently,
perineural and osseous invasion {139}. patients surviving 3 years and > 60% of and occur over a wide age range, with a

24 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

mean patient age at presentation in the
sixth decade of lite {967,2266}.

There is no known etiology for LG non-
lTACs or HG non-lTACs. Rare HG non-
lTACs have been associated with high-
risk HPV or sinonasal papillomas (2266).

Most LG non-lTACs (64%) arise in the Fig. 1.13 Sinonasal low-grade non-intestinal-type adenocarcinoma. Endoscopic view of the right nasal fossa (A) and
nasal cavities (frequently the middle tur- coronal turbo spin echo T2-weighted MRI (B). The tumour (T) is centred on the superior meatus and laterally displaces
binate), and 20% arise in the ethmoid si- the ethmoidal complex (asterisks); the point of origin was on the upper part of the septum. LW, lateral wall; MT, middle
nuses (967,1139). The remaining tumours turbinate; NS, nasal septum.
involve the other sinuses or multiple lo-
cations throughout the sinonasal tract.
Approximately half of ali HG non-lTAC
cases are locally advanced at presenta-
tion and involve both the sinuses and the
nasal cavity {967,2266 }. Approximately
one third involve the nasal cavity only.

Clínica! features
Most patients with LG non-lTACs present
with obstruction (1721,2193}. Other symp-
toms include epistaxis and pain. Patients
with HG non-lTACs present with obstruc-
tion, epistaxis, pain, deformity, and prop-
tosis {967}. On imaging, LG non-lTACs
present as solid masses, filling the nasal
cavity or sinuses. HG non-lTACs show
more destructive growth, with osseous
involvement and invasion into surround-
ing structures (e.g . the orbit).

Low-grade non-lTACs may appear red
and polypoid or raspberry-like and firm

Low-grade non-lTACs have predomi-
nately papillary and/or tubular (glandular)
features with complex growth, including
back-to-back glands (cribriform) with lit-
tle intervening stroma {967,1139,1237). A
single layer of uniform mucinous cuboi-
dal to columnar epithelial cells lines the occasional glandular structures and/ monomorphous cuboidal to columnar
structures. These cells have eosinophilic or individual mucocytes . Sorne have a glycogen-rich clear cells that lack mucin
cytoplasm and uniform, basally located nested growth and are infiltrative. Numer- production . The cellular cytoplasm may
nuclei. Mitotic figu res are rare and necro- ous mitotic figures are seen with necrosis be crystal clear or slight ly eosinophilic.
sis is not seen. lnvasive growth, includ- (individual-cel l and confluent), as well as Perineural invasion, lymphovascular in-
ing within the submucosa as well as into infiltrative growth with tissue destruction vasion, necrosis, and severe pleomor-
bone, may be present. Calcispherules and osseous invasion. phism are absent, and the overall histo-
are rarely seen (967). Occasional tu- Occasional cases are composed pre- logical impression is that of a low-grade
mours have more dilated glands (1237, dominately of clear cells, reminiscent of neoplasm.
1721). metastatic renal cell carcinoma {2287) . In most LG non-lTACs and HG non-
HG non-lTACs show much more diver- These tumours have been referred to lTACs, intraluminal mucin or material
sity in their histology {967,2266). Many as sinonasal renal cell-like carcino- that gives a diastase-resistant positive
have a predominately solid growth with mas. The tumours are composed of reaction with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)

Carcinomas 25
B This tumour is

can be identified. In HG non-lTAC, cells neuroendocrine antigens (2266). Renal Prognosis and predictive factors
with intracytoplasmic mucin or diastase- cell- like carcinomas express CAIX and Approximately 25% of LG non- lTACs
resistant PAS positivity may be pres- CD1 0, but do not express PAX8 or renal recur, and only 6% of patients die from
ent. The tumours express cytokeratins cell carcinoma marker (2156}. Beta-cat- their tumours, usually as a result of loss
(typically CK7 and infrequently limited enin and mismatch repair protein expres- of local control {967,1139,1721). Patients
CK20) {2266}. Squamous antigens, such sion is wildtype {2679). Overexpression with HG non-lTAC tare much worse {967};
as p63, are typically not expressed orare of p53 may occur as well (2193}. most die from the disease within 5 years
expressed only focally (2193}. Markers of of diagnosis. Occasional HG non-lTACs
intestinal differentiation, such as CDX2 Genetic profile metastasize locally and distally. The re-
and MUC2, are also not expressed or Only rare LG non-lTACs have been stud- ported cases of renal cell- like carcinoma
are expressed only focally {358,2266}. ied fo r molecular abnormalities. RAS mu- have neither recu rred nor metastasized
Sorne authors have reported expres- tations are not seen (755). Rare BRAF (2156).
sion of D0G1, SOX10, and S100 (1933). mutations have been found (755).
HG non- lTACs can focally express

Teratocarcinosarcoma Franchi A.
Wenig B.M.

Definition nasal cavity, followed by the ethmoid si- Histopathology

Sinonasal teratocarcinosarcoma is a nus and the maxillary sinus {1628). lntrac- Teratocarcinosarcoma is composed of
malignant sinonasal neoplasm with com- ranial extension occurs in approximately an admixture of epithelial, mesenchy-
bined histological features of teratoma 20% of cases (1628). mal, and neuroep ithelial elements. The
and carcinosarcoma, lacking malignant epithelial components include kerati-
germ cell components. Clinical features nizing and non-keratinizing squamous
The most common presenting symptoms epithelium, pseudostratified columnar
ICD-0 code 9081/3 are nasal obstruction and epistaxis. lm- ciliated epithelium, and glandular/duct-
aging studies show a nasal cavity mass al structu res. An importan! diagnostic
Synonyms with opacification of paranasal sinuses feature is the presence of nests of
Malignant teratoma; blastoma; teratocar- and frequent bone destruction. immature squamous epithelium with clear
c inoma; teratoid carcinosarcoma so-called fetal-appearing cells {966}.
Macroscopy The most-represented mesenchymal ele-
Epidemiology Tumour tissue is firm to friable, with a ments are spindle cells with features of
Teratocarcinosarcoma is a rare tumour variegated reddish-purple to browri appear- f ibroblasts or myofibroblasts, but areas
affecting adults (median patient age: 60 ance. When present, the surface mucosa with rhabdomyoblastic, cartilaginous, os-
years), with a strong male predilection. is often ulcerated, and areas of necrosis teoblastic, smooth-muscle, or adipocytic
and haemorrhage are evident at the cut differentiation can be seen, with appear-
Localization surface. ances ranging from benign to frankly ma-
The tumour most commonly involves the lignant. The neuroepithelial component

26 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

consists of a proliferation of immature neuroepithelium related to the olfactory cell components, and the presence of tri-
round to oval cells either in solid nests membrane {1801,2054). somy 12 wit h a subclone of cells showing
or within a neurofibrillary background, loss of 1p in one case {2516). In another
sometimes with rosette formation. Genetic profile study, no amplification of 12p was found
The immunohistochemical profile matches There are limited reports in the literature in any of 3 cases {2054).
that of the tumour components, including on the cytogenetic abnormalities. These
epithelial, mesenchymal, and neuroepi- abnormalities include extra copies of Prognosis and predictive factors
thelial components. PLAP, alpha-fetopro- chromosome 12p in a subpopulation of Teratocarcinosarcoma is an aggressive
tein, hCG, and CD30 are negative. neoplastic cells in a hybrid case that also tumour, with frequent lymph node and
exhibited foci of yolk sac elements {2380) distan! metastasis. Reported survival
Cell of origin in addition to teratocarcinosarcoma fea- rates range from 50% to 70% in different
The favoured hypothesis is origin from tures, thus not completely meeting the series, with an average follow-up of 40
somatic pluripotent stem cells of the definition that excludes malignan! germ months {1628).

Teratocarcinosarcoma 27
Sinonasal papillomas

Sinonasal papilloma, has been reported in 1.9- 27% of cases Localization

inverted type in different series; most malignancies The nasal cavity and the maxillary sinus
were synchronous tumours (1750). are the most common locations of invert-
Hunt JL ed papilloma, with the medial wall being
Bell D. Etiology the most common site of origin in t he
Sarioglu S. Exposure to organic solvents seems to be maxillary sinus. Other locations as site
a risk factor for inverted papilloma devel- of primary origin are more rare, includ-
opment {505), whereas no such associa- ing the ethmoid sinus, frontal sinus, and
Definition tion far smoking or alcohol consumption nasal septum. About 30% of cases origi-
Sinonasal inverted papilloma is a surface has been shown . Varying rates of HPV nate from multiple sites. lnverted papil-
mucosa! lesion of the sinonasal tract that detection have been reported. In a meta- loma may rarely be bilateral and may
usually shows inverted growth and has analysis including 760 inverted papilloma originate from multiple extrasinonasal
multi layered epithelium with mucocytes cases, 38.5% of the cases were HPV- siles, including the nasopharynx, phar-
and transmigrating neutroph ils. positive by either in situ hybridization or ynx, lacrimal sac, middle ear, temporal
PCR {2323). Low-risk HPV (HPV 6 and bone, and neck (75,1224,2147).
ICD-0 code 8121/1 11) is 2.8 times as frequent as high-risk
HPV (HPV 16 and 18) in inverted papil- Clinical features
Synonyms loma. However, high-risk HPV is more Patients may present with non-specific
lnverting papilloma; inverted Schneide- frequent in cases with high-grade dys- symptoms such as nasal obstruction,
rian papil loma; Schneiderian papilloma, plasia and carcinoma (1352). E6 and E7 polyp s, epistaxis, rhinorrhoea, hyposmia,
inverted type mRNAs, associated with transcriptionally and headache of long duration . Rarely,
active high-risk HPV infection, were de- sensorineural and auditory symptoms
Epidemiology tected in ali cases in a series of 19 in- are described. Both CT and MRI are val-
lnverted papillomas are the most fre- verted papillomas; however, this expres- uable; CT may provide information about
quent papillomas of the sinonasal region, sion was seen in only 1% of the tumour the site of origin of the tumour, and MR I
arising from the sinonasal epithelial lin- cells in 58% of the cases, and HPV DNA shows the extent of the disease. On MRI,
ing. An estimated 0.74- 2.3 new cases was positive in only 2 cases. Expression the lesi on characteristically has a septate
may be expected per 100 000 population of p16, which is an accepted surrogate striated appearance (75). Several staging
annually (294,1750). The tumour is most biomarker for high-risk HPV infection in systems have been proposed for invert-
frequent in the fifth and sixth decades of oropharyngeal carcinoma, is controver- ed papilloma (75,1224). One commonly
lite (patient age range: 6- 84 years) and is sia! in inverted papilloma; in sorne series, used staging system {1283} depends
2.5-3 times as common in males as in fe- no correlation between p16 and HPV was on the extent of disease, considering
males {141,1224,251 1). Recurrences are seen {420,2283}. both rad iological and endoscopic find-
frequent and malignant transformation ings. The American Joint Committee on

28 Tumours of the nasal cavi ty, paranasal sinuses and skull base
Cancer (AJCC) staging system is also cell carcinoma, mucoepidermoid car- malignan! transformation {1352). However,
commonly used. cinoma, sinonasal undifferentiated car- no correlation was found between E6/E7
cinoma, and verrucous squamous cell transcriptional activity and progression,
Macroscopy carcinoma can ali be seen in malignan! recurrence, or malignan! transformation
lnverted papilloma is covered with a grey, transformation. Lymphovascular inva- (2283). In one series, malignant transfor-
undulating surface resembling a mulber- sion, atypical mitoses, desmoplasia, mation in inverted papilloma was identified
ry. Because of their cellular density, the bone invasion, decreased transmigrating more frequently in smokers (in 24.6% of
lesions do not transilluminate. neutrophils, paradoxical maturation, dys- cases) !han in non-smokers (in 2.8%), and
keratosis, increased Ki-67 expression, the odds ratio of malignancy for smoking
Histopathology and p53 expression in > 25% of cells are was 12.7 (1020). Type of surger.y is also an
Multiple inversions of the surface epi- among the most importan! features of importan! prognostic factor for recurrence
thelium into the underlying stroma, com- malignancy (1750}. {962).
posed of squamous and/or respiratory
cells and lined by a distinct and intact, Genetic profile
continuous basement membrane, is the lnverted papillomas are neoplastic and Sinonasal papilloma,
typical morphology of inverted papilloma. monoclonal proliferations, as shown by oncocytic type
Non-keratinizing squamous or transition- X chromosome analysis. However, the
al epithelium, 5-30 cells thick, frequently chromosomal LOHs at arms 3p, 9p21, Hunt J.L.
predominates, and is covered by a layer 11q13, 13q11, and 17p13 that occur fre- Chiosea S.
of ciliated columnar cells. lnfiltration of quently during neoplastic transformation Sarioglu S.
the epithelium by neutrophils (so-called of the upper respiratory tract have not
transmigrating neutrophils) is frequently been detected {315). In one small series
seen. Mitoses are sparse and confined of 7 cases, at least one epigenetic event Definition
to the basal layers {141,2002,2075). of aberrant DNA hypermethylation was Sinonasal oncocytic papilloma is a papil-
There is usually a loss of underlying se- observed, suggesting a role of epigenet- loma derived from the sinonasal epithe-
romucinous glands (2075}. The stroma ics in inverted papilloma development lium composed of both exophytic fronds
may be either loase or dense, and may (2276). Furthermore, from a small num- and endophytic invaginations lined by
be inflamed. Cells showing squamous ber of cases studied, it appears that acti- multiple layers of columnar cells with
and columnar differentiation are positive vating mutations in the EGFR gene have oncocytic features. lntraepithelial micro-
far cytokeratins (e.g. CK10, CK10/13, and a high prevalence in inverted papillomas cysts containing mucin and neutrophils
CK1/2/10/1 1) {2106}. and in concurrent squamous cell carci- are characteristic.
Premalignant and malignant features, nomas arising from inverted papilloma
dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, and inva- {2442A). ICD-0 code 8121/1
sive carcinoma can be seen arising in
inverted papilloma. Sampling should be Prognosis and predictive factors Synonyms
thorough, and evidence of malignan! In one large series, cases originating from Oncocytic Schneiderian papilloma; cylin-
transformation should be sought during the nasal cavity had a significantly lower drical cell papilloma; columnar cell papil-
histopathological evaluation. There is no recurrence rate {1224). The ratio of low- loma
consensus about the grading of dyspla- risk HPV (HPV 6 and 11) to high-risk HPV
sia in inverted papilloma, and the diag- (HPV 16 and 18) was 1.1:1 in inverted pap- Epidemiology
nosis of malignan! transformation may be illoma with high-grade dysplasia, versus Oncocytic papilloma is equally distribut-
challenging. Keratinizing squamous cell 4.8:1 in the rest of the cases, suggesting ed between the sexes, and most patients
carcinoma, non-keratinizing squamous an association between high-risk HPV and are aged > 50 years (2511 ).

Sinonasal papillomas 29
Etiology inverted papilloma. lf inadequately ex- Epidemiology
Unlike in exophytic and inverted papillo- c ised, especially using mucosa! strip- Exophytic papillomas are 2-1O times as
mas, HPV has not been identified in on- ping, at least 25- 35% of cases recur, common in men as in women, and typi-
cocytic papillomas (792}. usually within 5 years {962). Smaller tu- cally occur in individuals aged 20- 50
mours can be resected endoscopically. years (reported range: 2-87 years) (441}.
Localization About 4-17% of all oncocytic papillomas
Oncocytic papilloma almost always oc- harbour a carcinoma {1201,1441,2511 ). Etiology
curs unilaterally on the lateral nasal wall Most of these are squamous, but mu- Theré is increasing evidence to suggest
or in the paranasal sinuses (usually the coepidermoid, small cell, and sinonasal that exophytic papillomas may be etio-
maxillary or ethmoid). lt may remain lo- undifferentiated carcinomas have also logically related to HPV. In a large meta-
calized, involve both areas, or (if neglect- been described {2370,2511 }. Prognosis analysis, exophytic papil lomas were as-
ed) extend into contiguous areas. depends on the histological type, the sociated with HPV in 63.5% of cases,
degree of invasion, and the extent of tu- pre dominantly with the low-risk types 6
Clinical features mour. In sorne instances, the carcinoma and 11 , and rarely with types 16 and 57b
Patients present with nasal obstruction is in situ and of little consequence to the {2323).
and/or intermittent epistaxis. patient, whereas other cases are locally
aggressive and may metastasize. Localization
Macroscopy Exophytic papillomas usually arise on
Oncocytic papilloma is a fleshy, pink, the lower anterior nasal septum. As they
tan, or reddish-brown polypoid growth. Sinonasal papilloma, enlarge, they may secondarily involve the
exophytic type lateral nasal wall, but only intrequently
Histopathology originate from this location . lnvolvement
Oncocytic pap liorna exhibits both exo- Hunt J.L. of the paranasal sinuses is practically
phytic and endophytic growth. The epi- Lewis J.S. non-existent. Bilateral lesions are ex-
thelium is multilayered, 2-8 cells thick, Richardson M. ceptional. Benign keratinizing cutaneous
and composed of columnar cells with Sarioglu S. tumours of nasal vestibule origin do not
swollen, finely granular cytoplasm. The Syrjanen S. constitute sinonasal exophytic papilloma.
high content of cytochrome c oxidase
and ultrastructural presence of numerous Clinical features
mitochondria establish the papilloma's Definition The typical presenting symptoms are
oncocytic nature {145). The nuclei are Sinonasal exophytic papilloma is a papil- epistaxis, unilateral nasal obstruction,
either small, dark, and uniform or slightly loma derived from the sinonasal mucosa, and the presence of an asymptomatic
vesicular with barely discernible nucleoli . composed of papillary fronds with deli- mass.
Cilia in various stages of regression may cate fibrovascular cores covered by mul-
be observed in the outermost cells. The tilayered epithelium. Macroscopy
epithelium usually contains small cysts Th e lesions present as papillary or
tilled with mucin or neutrophils (microab- ICD-0 code 8121/0 warty; grey, pink, or tan; non-translucent
scesses). These cysts are not present in growths attached to the nasal septum by
the stroma, which helps distinguish this Synonyms a relatively broad base.
lesion from rhinosporidiosis. The stroma Schneiderian papilloma, exophytic type;
varíes from oedematous to fibrous, and fungiform papilloma; everted papilloma; Histopathology
may contain modest numbers of lympho- transitional cell papilloma; septal papil- Exophytic papillomas are typically as
cytes, plasma cells, and neutrophils, but loma; Ringertz tumour large as about 2.0 cm. Microscopically,
few eosinophils. Seromucinous glands
are sparse to absent. Oncocytic pap-
illoma may rarely undergo malignant
transformation. lt is also occasionally
confused with low-grade papillary ade-
nocarcinoma {1403). The presence of in-
tact basement membranes and absence
of infiltrative growth are features that in-
dicate a benign lesion. In addition, the
presence of intraepithelial mucin-filled
cysts and microabscesses and the strati-
fied oncocytic epithelium of a papilloma
are rarely seen in low-grade adenocarci-

Prognosis and predictive factors

The clinical behaviour parallels that of Exophytic growth pattern with thickened epithelium and focal mucocytes.

30 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

they are composed ot papillary fronds Malignant change in exophytic papillo- Prognosis and predictive factors
with fibrovascular cores covered by ma is extremely rare {157,441}. Exophytic Complete surgical excision is the treat-
a multilayered epithelium that is 5-20 papillomas must be distinguished from ment of choice. lnadequate excision
cells thick. The epithelium varíes trom keratinizing cutaneous squamous cell (rather than multiplicity of lesions) proba-
squamous to ciliated pseudostrati- papillomas, which are much more com- bly accounts for th e local recurrence rate
fied columnar (respiratory), or may be mon in the nasal vestibule. The absence of 22- 50% {441}. Exceptionally, carcino-
transitional between the two. Scat- ot extensive surface keratinization, pres- mas have been seen arising in exophytic
tered mucocytes are common. Surface ence of mucocytes, and presence ot cil i- papillomas, with reported cases including
keratinization is absent or scant, unless ated and/or transitional epithelium help squamous cell carcinoma; mucoepider-
the lesion has been irritated by trauma to contirm t he diagnosis ot exophytic moid carcinoma (1750}; and low-grade
or exposure to the drying effects ot air. papilloma. The presence ot seromuci- non-intestinal, non-salivary gland ad-
Mitoses are rare and are not usually nous glands and septal cartilage turther enocarcinoma {220). HPV status has not
atypical. Unless infected or irritated, the indicate that the lesion is ot mucosa! been clearly shown to correlate with re-
stroma contains few inflammatory cells. rather than cutaneous origin. currence risk or carcinoma development.

Respiratory epithelial lesions

Respiratory epithelial age from the third to ninth decades ot Macroscopy

adenomatoid hamartoma lite, with a median patient age in the sixth REAHs are polypoid or exophytic lesions
decade !1367,2588). with a rubbery consistency. They are tan-
Wenig B.M. white to reddish-brown and measure as
Franchi A. Localization much as 6 cm in greatest dimension .
Ro JY. The majority occur in the nasal cavity,
in particular the posterior nasal septum Histopathology
{2588} . lnvolvement of other intranasal Histopathology shows a glandular pro-
Definition sites occurs less often, and may be iden- liferation composed of widely spaced,
Sinonasal respiratory epithelial adenom- tified along the lateral nasal wall, middle small to medium-sized glands separated
atoid hamartoma (REAH) is a benign ac- meatus, and inferior turbinate. Uncom- by stromal tissue. The glands arise in
quired overgrowth ot indigenous glands monly, the lesions may occur in the na- direct contin uity with the surface epithe-
of the sinonasal tract arising trom the sur- sopharynx, ethmoid sinus, and frontal si- lium , which invaginates downwards into
tace epithelium. nus. Most lesions are unilateral but sorne the submucosa {1 852,2588}. The glands
are bilateral {2588) . are round to oval and composed of multi-
Synonym layered c iliated respiratory epithelium, of-
Glandular hamartoma Clinical features ten with admixed mucin-secreting (gob-
Patients present with nasal obstruction, let) cells; glandular dilatation distended
Epidemiology stuffiness, epistaxis, and chron ic (recur- with mucus can be seen. A characteristic
The lesions predominantly occur in adult rent) rhinosinusitis occurring over the finding is the presence of envelopment of
patients, with a distinct male predomi- course of months to years {2588}. the glands by a thickened, eosinophilic
nance {1367,2588}. Patients range in basement membrane {2588). Atrophic

Respiratory epithelial lesions 31

glandular alterations may be present, Seromucinous hamsrtoms a tan-white to reddish-brown appear-
lined by a single !ayer of flattened to ance. They measure 0.6-6 cm in grea-
cuboidal-appearing epithelium. Small re- Ro J.Y. WWtest dimension.
active-appearing seromucinous glands Franchi A.
are present among the glandular prolif- Histopathology
eration. Addítíonal coexisting findings SH is a polypoid mass covered by respira-
may include sinonasal inflammatory pol- Definition tory epithelium, and contains small to large
yps, surface epithelial hyperplasia and/ Sinonasal seromucinous hamartoma glands and ducts lined by a single layer of
or squamous metaplasia, and osseous (SH) is a benign overgrowth of indige- cuboidal or flattened epithelíal cells with
and/or chondroid metaplasia. Rarely, the nous seromucinous glands of the nasal bland, oval to round nuclei and ampho-
lesions may be associated with sinona- cavity and paranasal sinuses. philic to eosinophílíc cytoplasm. Mitoses
sal inverted papilloma or solitary fibrous are absent. The surrounding fibrous stro-
tumour {2588}. The occasional pres- Synonyms ma often contains a lymphoplasmacytic
ence of both REAH and seromucinous Epithelial hamartoma; glandular hamarto- infiltrate (125,1044). Eosinophilic secretion
hamartoma suggests a spectrum from ma; microglandular adenosis of nose {445) can be seen in the lumen, and goblet or
pure REAH to seromucinous hamartoma clear cells may be observed. The tubular
{1218). Epidemiology glands may be encircled by thick base-
The glands are immunoreactive for cy- SHs are extremely rare (1218). They oc- ment membrane material. The proliferat-
tokeratins such as AE1/AE3, CAM5.2, cur predominantly in adults, with a male- ing tubules intermíngle with the pre-ex-
and CK7 but negative for CK20 and to-female ratio 3:2. The patient age range isting seromucínous acini or invaginated
CDX2. Myoepithelial/basal cell markers is 14-85 years (mean: 56 years). respiratory epithelium forming glands or
(including p63) are typically present but cysts, similar to features of respiratory epi-
may be absent; the absence of markers Etiology thelial adenomatoid hamartoma, support-
for myoepithelial/basal cells does not SH has no association with any specific ing the possibility that SH and respiratory
confer a diagnosis of adenocarcinoma etiological agent, but it often arises in the epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma con-
{1 794). setting of inflammatory polyps. stitute a spectrum of lesíons, often seen
together {2565,2567).
Genetic profile Localization lmmunohistochemistry shows positiv-
The reported increased fractional allelic SH usually occurs at the posterior nasal ity for CK17, CK19, EMA, lysozyme, and
loss of 31 % is unusually high for a non- septum or nasopharynx, and is rarely de- S100, with an absence of myoepíthe-
neoplastic entity, raising the possibility scribed on the lateral nasal wall or in the lial (basal) cells around the seromuci-
that REAH may in fact be a benign neo- paranasal sinuses (2567). nous glands (731). The stroma around
plasm rather than a hamartoma {1796}. tubules is posítive for calponín, SMA,
Clinical features and desmín, indicating myofibroblastíc /
Prognosis and predictive factors The typical symptoms are nasal obstruc- smooth muscle differentiatíon {1564}.
Complete surgical excision is curative. tion and epistaxis. The lesions are often
found incidentally, and are sometimes Prognosis and predictiva factors
associated with other medica! cond i- Conservative but complete surgical ex-
tions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Par- c isíon is curative. With follow-up avail-
kinson disease, and chronic sinl!sitis. able from 4 months to 10 years (mean: 6
Physical examination reveals a polypoid years), ali patients are alive and well after
mass without other aggressive features. surgical removal, with no documented
cases of metastasis and only one report
Macroscopy of recurrence (731}.
SHs are typically polypoid or exophytic,
typical ly with a rubbery consistency and

32 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sínuses and skull base

Salivary gland tumours Bell D.
Bullerdiek J.
Gnepp D.R.
Hunt J.L.

P/eomorphic adenoma
Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is a benign
tumour with variable cytomorphological
and architectural manifestations. The
identification of epithelial and myoepithe-
lial/stromal components is essential for
the diagnosis of PA.
See also the Pleomorphic adenoma
section (p. 185) in Chapter 7 (Tumours of
sa/ivary glands).

ICD-0 code 8940/0

Benign mixed tumour

Most intranasal PAs present in the third to
sixth decades of lite, with a slight female
. '...; •
preponderance (8,477,2109,2257f. •" •. f' :••••,,
t, ..... \. ~-
.. ..
>. I

The tumour generally (in about 80% of ' .,. .- ..

cases) arises in the nasal septal mucosa,

despite the fact that the seromucinous .'.·~
~ ·. • • "\.,1
~ '
glands are mainly located in the lateral
... -..
-. • ..." ti
wall and turbinates (8,1286,2109}.
,. . . . ....
Clinical features , • •
The most common presenting symptom •
is unilateral nasal obstruction. Epistaxis
and sinusitis can occur secondary to
13 , . -.. j • •

extension into the maxillary sinus {2109}.

Affected patients present within 1 year of
the onset of symptoms {2109}.
Histopathology Prognosis and predictive factors
Macroscopy In the nasal cavity, these neoplasms Complete surgical excision is the treat-
The range of tumour size is 0.5- 7 cm, display a more dom inant epithelial com- ment of choice. The recurrence rate is
and the tumours are descri bed as exo- ponen! (vs stromal components) th an is lower than that of parotid PA. Malignan!
phytic or polyp oid (with a broad base), seen in PAs of the major salivary glands transformation of PA of the nasal cavity
oval, dome-shaped, firm, and grey {8,2109}. has been reported in 2.4-10% of cases
(8,2109}. No destruction of surrounding {8,451,2109).
tissue is seen .

Salivary gland tumours 33

Malignant soft tissue tumours

Franchi A.
Flucke U.
Thompson L. D.R.

Fibrosarcoma is a malignant spindle
cell tumour with fascicular architecture
and variable collagen matrix production,
showing fibroblastic/myofibroblastic dif-
ferentiation. lt is a diagnosis of exclusion.

ICD-Ocode 8810/3

Adult-type fibrosarcoma Histopathology occasionally with actins, but negative
Fibrosarcomas are moderately to highly for epithelial markers, S100 protein,
Epidemiology cellular proliferations of spindle cells, S0X10, HMB45, beta-catenin, desmin,
Sinonasal fibrosarcoma is a rare tumour arranged in intersecting fascicles, often myogenin, and CD34. Electron mi-
(accounting for < 3% of ali non-epithelial w ith a herringbone or chevron pattern, croscopy can confirm the fibroblastic
tumours), but is the second most com- and with a variable amount of co llagen differentiation of the tumour, demon-
mon head and neck sarcoma. lt affects production. There is moderate cel lular strating the presence of abundant cy-
adults (mean age: 55 years), with no sig- atypia, but profound pleomorphism is toplasmic rough endoplasmic reticulum
nifican! sex predilection {1829). usually lacking. Tumours with signifi- cisternae and excluding the presence
can! pleomorphi sm and storiform areas of epithelial, muscle, and melanocytic
Etiology are b etter categorized as undifferentiat- differe ntiation.
The etiology is uncertain, but sinonasal ed pleomorph ic sarcoma. Mitotic a.ctiv-
radiation-induced fibrosarcomas have ity is variable. Th e tumour borders are Genetic profile
been reported {314}. poorly defined and there is invasion of The genetic profile of sinonasal fi brosar-
the sinonasal mucosa and bone. Histo- coma has not been specifical ly investi-
Localization logical grading, w ith distinction of low- gated, but soft tissue fibrosarcomas in
The maxillary sinus is the most common grade and high-grade tumours, is per- general show a complex karyotype, with
site of involvement, followed by the nasal formed on the basis of cellularity, atypia, several numerical and structural chromo-
cavity {1829). mitotic activity, and tumour necrosis. somal abnormalities.
Because the histological appearance
Clinical features of th e tumour is non-specif ic, diagno- Prognosis and predictive factors
The most common presentations are na- sis requ ires the exclusion of other enti- The disease-specific survival rate is
sal obstruction, epistaxis, and a nasal ties, including sarcomatoid carcinoma, about 75%, with better survival among
mass, usually with short symptom dura- synovial sarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, patients treated with surgery (with or
tion {780}. spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma, spin- without adjuvant radiotherapy) than
dle cell melanoma, malignan! periph- among those treated w ith radiotherapy
Macroscopy eral nerve sheath tumour, biphenotypic alone {1829). The rate of recurrence is
The tumour presents as a polypoid, poor- sinonasal sarcoma, glomangiopericy- high (-60%), and recurrence is usually
ly circumscribed, white, firm, and pedun- toma, desmoid f ibromatosis, and fibro- identified befare metastatic disease (to
culated or fungating mass projecting into blastic osteosarcoma. An appropriate lung or bone), which occurs in about
the lumen, with frequent infiltration of the immunohistochemical panel is neces- 15% of patients. The prognosis is worse
adjacent bone. Haemorrhage and necro- sary to rule out these other neoplasms, far male patients, and in cases of large
sis are present in high-grade examples. with the addition of selected molecular tumours, multisite involvement, high his-
studies as necessary. By convention, tological grade, and positive margins
the tumour is reactive with vimentin and {156,780,965,1263}.

34 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

Undifferentiated Clinical features and p leomorphic liposarcoma , and high-
pleomorphic sarcoma There are non-specific signs and symp- grade myxofibrosarcoma) {902l.
toms, including a painless mass, nasal
Flucke U. obstruction, proptosis, diplopía, and Genetic profile
Franchi A. epistaxis. Very rarely, undifferentiated There are com plex genetic aberrations
Thompson L.D.R. p leomorp hic sarcoma presents with re- {902).
gional or d istan! metastasis {2294).
Prognosis and predictive factors
Definition Macroscopy The 5-year survival rate is 60-70%
Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma is The tumours consist of a multilob ulated {2326,2529). Surgery seems to be es-
a high-grade soft tissue sarcoma with no greyish-white fl eshy mass. Cut surface sential regardless of the margin status,
line of differentiation. lt is a d iagnosis of often shows haemorrhagic, myxoid, and/ and radiation therapy seems to be nec-
exclusion . or necrotic changes. Most neoplasms essary for local control {2326). Previous
appear circumscribed. but extension into radiation has been reported as an ad-
ICD-0 code 8802/3 adjacent structures may be seen {2578). verse prognostic factor for d isease-free
survival {2534l.
Synonym Histopathology
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma The tumour is composed of an admixture
of spindle and pl eomorphic cells set in a Leiomyosarcoma
Epidemiology variably collagenized extracellular matrix.
This sarcoma occurs in adults, and Cellularity varíes. Pleomorphism, numer- Flucke U.
sinonasal examples are rare. However, ous mitoses, atyp ical mitoses. areas of Franchi A.
undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma is tumour necrosis, histiocyte-like cells, and
the third most frequently reported histo- foamy cells, as well as giant tumour cells
type in !he sinonasal tract, after rhabdo- with enlarged, polylobulated nuclei are Definition
myosarcomas and fibrosarcomas (2326, commonly observed. Leiomyosarcoma is defined as sarcoma
2534). lmmunohistochemically, there are sorn e with smooth muscle d ifferentiation.
limited foci of SMA reactivity, whereas
Etiology h-caldesmon, desmin, S100 protein, and ICD-Ocode 8890/3
Radiation therapy contributes to the risk epithelial markers are usually not ex-
of developing an undifferentiated pleo- pressed. Histiocytic antigens are of no Epidemiology
morphic sarcoma {2294,2534). utility. Smooth muscle tumours of the sinona-
Ultrastructurally, many tumour cells show sal tract are very rare. Most cases arise
Localization features of f ibroblasts, myofi broblasts, or in adults. Children are rarely affected
Lesions are generally evenly distributed histiocytes. (538,606,902,1047).
among the sinonasal tract (i.e. maxillary Undiffe rentiated pleomorphic sarcoma is
sinus, nasop harynx, and nasal cavity), a diagnosis of exclusion. Other potential Etiology
upper aerodigestive system, and parotid mimics must be ru led out, including car- Radiation therapy contrib utes to the risk
reg ion (2294,2326,2534}. The mass is cinomas, melanoma, lymp homa, and sar- of developing a leiomyosarcoma {778).
usually subcutaneous or submucosal in comas (including rhabdomyosarcoma,
location, regardless of the affected site, leiomyosarcoma, malignan! peripheral Localization
but may also arise in bone (2294). nerve sheath tumo ur, dedifferentiated The nasal cavities, nasopharynx, and
paranasal sinuses may be involved
{778,1312,2326). Tumours can also
arise in the oral cavity or perioral reg ion

Clinical features
The tumou rs present as a polypoid soft
tissue mass. Symptoms depend on the
site of involvement and include pain,
nasal obstruction, and epistaxis. The
lesions can also affect the c raniofa-
cial bone, either p rimarily or secondar-
ily. Leiomyosarcomas metastasize to the
lung, liver, brain, other soft tissue sites, or
bone. Lymph nade metastases are rarely
reported {606,778,1312,2326,2664}. Me-
tastasis from other siles (e.g . the uterus)
should be excluded {606,2104l .

Malignant soft tissue tumours 35

Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma ,
adult type 8901/3
Spindle cel l rhabdomyosarcoma 8912/3

Rhabdosarcoma; myosarcoma;
malignant rhabdomyoma

Sinonasal rhabdomyosarcoma is a ra re
tumour, with an overall annual incidence
of 0.034 cases per 100 000 population
{2066}. lt is the most common sinona-
sal sarcoma in both children and adults
(317,983,2326}. The peak incidence is in
patients in the first decade of life, with no
significan! sex predilection (2066) .

Macroscopy pathobiology of leiomyosarcomas, inclu- Etiology

The tumours are polypoid , fi rm , and ei- ding TP53, FANCA, ATM, RB1, CDK2NA. Rare examples of rad iation-induced
ther poorly defined or well circumscribed PTEN, MYOCO, ROR2, and MED12 sinonasal rhabdomyosarcoma have
b ut unencapsulated. On sectioning, they {9 02,1607,1961}. been reported {1191}.
are whorled and whitish or tan-grey, with
areas of haemorrhage, cystic degenera- Prognosis and predictive factors Localization
tion, and necrosis {538,778,1590). Clinical behaviour depends mainly on The most com monly involved siles are
tumour location, with sinonasal tumours the paranasal sinuses, followed by the
Histopathology being more aggressive d ueto th eir clase nasal cavity (2066}.
The tumours show infiltrative growth or proximity to both orbital and cerebral cav-
sharply demarcated borders. They are ities. Surgery is the treatment of choice, Clinical features
composed of spindle cells arran ged in in- but wide resection is often impossible. Symptoms include nasal obstruction,
terlacing fascicles. Storiform architecture Radiotherapy can be given. One third of pain, facial swelling, proptosis, and
can be focally present. The tumour cel l ali patients d ie of their tumour, as a re- epistaxis (317,779}.
nuclei are oval to elongate and frequently sult of either distant metastases or un-
blunt-ended. There is variable atypia, contro lled local recurrence involving vital Macroscopy
with enlarged nuclei and hyperchro ma- head and neck structures. Complete sur- Most lesions present as polypo id, poorly
sia. Nucleoli are sometimes obvious. The gical excision seems to be an important c ircumscribed masses with smooth sur-
eosinophilic cytoplasm often shows small predictor of disease-free survival. 'Mor- faces, often extending into the adjacent
perinuclear vacuoles. Epithelioid cyto- phologically high-grade sarcomas seem structures . They are fle shy, gelatinous le-
morphology is rarely seen . Osteoclastic to be more aggressive {467,606 ,778,902, sions with a tan to g rey cut surface. Bot-
and pleomorphic giant cells may occur. 1607,2294,2326}. ryoid rhabdomyosarcoma presents with
Tumours with a myxoid background must multiple g rape-like polypo id masses. The
not be confused with spind le cell myoepi- spindle-cell variant is tan-white with a
thelioma. Scattered inflammatory cells Rhabdomyosarcoma f irm cons istency.
are seen in sorne cases. Rarely, dys-
trophic or psammomatous calcification Franchi A. Histopathology
has been reported . The French Fédéra- Flucke U. In th e sinonasal tract. embryonal rhab-
tion Nationale des Centres de Lutte Con- Thompson L.D.R . domyosarcoma (including the botryoid
tre le Cancer (FNCLCC) grading criteria variant) is the most frequent histological
depend on mitotic activity, necrosis, and subtype in young patients. lt consists
resemblance to normal tissue {467,538, Definition of primitive round to spin dle cells, with
606,902,1312,1590,1607}. Rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant mes- scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic
lmmunohistochemically, smooth muscle enchymal tum our with skeletal muscle nuclei. Scattered rhabdomyob lasts with
differentiation is demonstrated by diffuse differentiation. Embryonal, alveolar, pleo- brig htly eosinophilic eccentric cytoplasm
staining for desmin, h-caldesmon, SMA, morphic, and spindle-cell subtypes are are observed. Their number increases
and MSA, with positivity for at least two of recognized . in tumours treated with chemotherapy.
these markers {467,1312,1607). Botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma typically
ICD-0 codes has a polypoid arch itecture, and pre-
Genetic profile Rhabdomyosarcoma, NOS 8900/3 sents linear aggregates of tumour ce lls
There is a complex genomic profile, Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma 8910/3 clase to the surface epithelium (cambium
with a variety of genes involved in the Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma 8920/3 layer), yielding a gradient of cellularity.

36 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

Sinonasal alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma fashion, which provides a clue as to their clinical settings (e.g. in older adults) and/
is more frequent in the adult population subclassification (1819). MYOD1, tasi or with atypical morphology and immu-
(2326}, and typically presents f ibrovas- myosin, myoglobin, and MSA are also nohistochemical profiles {2671). To date,
cular septa separating nests of round, positive, but less specific. SMA is posi- no specific recurren! genetic abnorma lity
small to medium-sized neoplastic cells, tive in about 10% of cases {983). Rh ab- has been identified in embryonal rhab-
which tend to coalesce in the centre domyosarcoma, in particular the alveolar domyosarcoma. Most of these tumours
with dyscohesion at the periphery. Giant subtype, may coexpress non-myogenic have allelic losses in various chromo-
cells with multiple peripheral nuclei may markers, including cytokeratins (in 5- 8% some 11 loci. Paediatric spindle cell
be present. The salid variant of alveolar of cases), EMA , CD56, chromogranin, rhabdomyosarcoma shows a consisten!
rhabdomyosarcoma lacks the fib rovas - synaptophysin, CD20, and CD99, and NCOA 2 rearrangement (1661 ).
cular septa, and the tumour cells grow in this may be a source of diagnostic con-
sheets. The spindle-cell subtype is very fus ion with carcinomas, neuroendocrine Genetic susceptibility
rarely observed in the sinonasal region tumours, and haematolymphoid tumours Rhabdomyosarcoma can arise in chil-
{1707); it consists of a fasciculated pro- {1707,2671). dren affected by genetic syndromes,
liferation of spindle cells with elongated Ultrastructurally, rud imentary sarcom- including Li- Fraumeni syndrome (asso-
nuclei and pale indistinct cytoplasm, with eric structures, consisting of alternating ciated with an inactivating mutation of
interspersed spindled or polygonal rhab- thin and thick filaments with Z band- TP53), Costello syndrome (also called
domyoblasts with abundan!, brightly eo- like structures, are recognized in the fac iocutaneoskeletal syndrome; HRAS
sinophilic cytoplasm. cytoplasm. mutation), neurofibromatosis type 1 (in-
lmmunohistochemically, the most use- activating mutation of one allele of the
fu l myogenic markers are desmin and Genetic profile NF1 gene), and Beckwith-Wiedemann
MYF4 (myogenin), which are expressed Most alveolar rhabdomyosarcomas (70- syndrome (mutation or deletion of the
in all tumours. Compared with alveolar 80%) harbour a PAX3-FOX01 fusion, 11 p15.5 chromosomal region) {506).
rhabdomyosarcomas, in which there and the PAX7-FOX01 fusion is less fre-
is MYF4 staining in almos! 100% of the quently detected. ldentification of these Prognosis and predictiva factors
nuclei, embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas gene fusions is particularly useful for the Overall , rhabdomyosarcoma carries a rel-
stain for MYF4 in a more heterogeneous diagnosis of tumours arising in unusual atively poor prognosis among sinonasal

Malignan! soft tissue tumours 37

sarcomas, with a 5-year survival rate of and neck, but sinonasal angiosarcoma
40-45% (2326,2645,2648}. Patient age accounts for < 0.1 % of ali head and neck
< 18 years and female sex are associ- malignancies and < 1% of all sinona-
ated with better survival (2066,2381). sal malignancies (107,1540,1706,1718}.
Patients with alveolar rhabdomyosarco- Sinonasal angiosarcomas can develop
mas present more often with regional and in patients of any age (reported range:
distant metastases and have a higher re- 8-82 years), with peak incidence in
currence rate and poorer survival {2381) the fifth decade of life (mean patient
th an do patients with the embryonal or age: 47 years), younger than the co r- 1 .
botryoid subtype. lnfiltration of the skull
base and the presence of a residual tu-
responding age for skin and soft tissue
angiosarcomas of the head and neck
6.. ' ·~ --.- ......._............_ '
Fig. 1.29 Sinonasal angiosarcoma. Neolumen formation
mour after primary therapy have also {107,1508,1540). There is a male predi- is seen within this angiosarcoma, where there is only mild
been associated with an unfavourable lection, with a male-to-female ratio of 3:2 nuclear pleomorphism; vascular channels are apparent
clinical course (2648). (777,1718,2419,2613,2626}. throughout.

Etiology facilitating pre-surgical embolization

Angiosarcoma Environmental exposure to rad iation (1718,241 9}. Staging is not applied to
(1472,1508,1706}, vinyl chloride (2613), sinonasal angiosarcoma, but lymph node
Bullerdiek J. and coal dust are rarely reported risk and distant metastasis are not common
Flucke U. factors. at initial presentation.
Franchi A.
Thompson L.D.R. Localization Macroscopy
A single site of involvement within the The tumours can be as large as 8 cm
sinonasal tract is more common than (mean: 3.9 cm); paranasal sinus tumours
Definition multiple sites ; the nasal cavity and max- are typically larger than sinonasal cav-
Angiosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm illary sinus are most frequently affected ity tumours (6.8 vs 2.2 cm). The tumours
of vascular origin. (777,1718,241 9,2613,2626}. are nodular to polypoid , soft, friable,
purple to red, and often ulcerated, with
ICD-0 code 9120/3 Clinical features associated haemorrhage and necrosis
The presenting signs and symptoms, (777,1718,2419,2613,2626}.
Synonyms which are non-specific and usually of
Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma; ma- short duration (mean: 9.8 months), are Histopathology
lignant haemangioendothelioma; malig- most commonly recurrent epistaxi s and The tumours develop below an intact,
nant angioendothelioma; haemangiosar- obstruction (1718} along with nasal dis- uninvolved epithelium, with vasoforma-
coma; haemangioblastoma charge, enlarging mass, sinusitis, epi- tive neoplastic cells expanding into soft
The use of these synonyms is discour- phora, pain, diplopía, and headaches. tissue and bone, frequently accompa-
aged, particularly given that epithelioid Sinonasal angiosarcomas are infi ltrative nied by necrosis and haemorrhage. The
haemangioendothelioma is a unique entity. tumours, often associated with bone tortuous, irregu lar, freely anastomosing
erosion. The tumours show contrast vascular channels create cleft-like spac-
Epidemiology enhancement or a bright signal on T2- es, rudimentary vessels, capillary-sized
Nearly 50% of cases develop in the skin weighted MRI. Angiography reveals vessels, and/or large cavernous spaces
and superficial soft tissues of the head tumour extent and feeder vessel(s), filled with erythrocytes and lined by
plump, enlarged, atypical, spindled or
epithelioid endothelial ce lls protruding
into the vascular spaces in multiple layers
or papillae. lntracytoplasmic lumina (of-
ten containing erythrocytes) are patho-
gnomonic. Enlarged pleomorphic nuclei
show coarse, heavy nuclear chromatin
distribution, irregular nuclear contours,
and prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figu res,
including atypical forms , are easily iden-
tifi ed throughout (1718,2419,2613,2626).
The tumours are diffusely immunoreac-
tive with vimentin, CD34, CD31, claudin 5,
ERG, FLl 1, 02-40, and factor Vlll-related
antigen, and focally reactive with keratin
(in particular the epithelioid variant) and
actin {1609,1718,2626}. Grading is not
applied to sinonasal angiosarcoma.

38 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

Genetic profile Histopathology
There are no specific cytogenetic find- MPNSTs are usually unencapsulated,
ings {2626}. highly infiltrative tumours with a range
of cell morphologies (including spin-
Prognosis and predictive factors dle, epithelioid, pleomorphic, and small
Although recu rrences are com- round cel l). Common growth patterns
mon (occurring in -40% of cases), include a marbled effect with alternating
the overall survival rate far angio- cellular and myxoid areas, perivascular
sarcoma is still approximately 60% cuffs, poorly defined nuclear palisad-
{7?7,1706,1718,2419,2613,2626}. Meta- ing, and neuroid whorls. A rosette-like
static disease occurs most commonly appearance with hyaline bands is less
to the lung, liver, spleen, and bone common . Tumours often show multiple
(marrow) {171 8} . Specific etiological fac- patterns with in the same lesion , including
tors are associated with shorter survival pleomorphic or small-cel l areas. Spindle
{2613,2675}. cell MPNSTs are often arranged in long
Fig. 1.30 Sinonasal malignan! peripheral nerve sheath fascicles or a herringbone pattern. The
tumour. Coronal T2-weighted MRI demonstrates a large,
cells have elongated , tapered, buckled,
heterogeneously enhancing mass filling the maxillary
Malignant peripheral sinus.
or wavy nuclei and scant amphophilic cy-
nerve sheath tumour toplasm. The nuclei may be hyp erchro-
Localization matic or may be vesicular with coarse
Flucke U. Cranial nerves are involved, with the chromatin. Mitoses, haemorrhage, and
Franchi A. vestibular and vagal nerves being most necrosis are frequent. Heterologous (e.g.
Thompson L.D. R. com monly atfected (613,1626). osteoid, cartilage, striated muscle, oran-
giosarcoma) elements are seen in about
Clinical features 15% of cases {613,965,2005,2398}. Ma-
Definition The tumours arise de novo, commonly in lignan! triton tumour shows MPNST with
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tu- a majar nerve trunk or from a pre-existing rhabdomyosarcoma {965}. Glandular
mours (MPNSTs) are malignant soft tis- neurofibroma, and rarely from schwan- MPNST may have goblet cells, with be-
sue neoplasms that arise fro m peripheral noma. Patients may present with a painful nign or malignant glands present. The
nerves or benign nerve sheath tumours and/or rapidly enlarging mass, with asso - tumours are c lassified as low-grade or
with variable differentiation towards one ciated neurological deficits {2398}. high-grade on the basis of mitotic index,
of the cellular components of the nerve atypical mitoses, pleomorphism, and ne-
sheath (i.e. Schwann cells, fibroblasts, or Macroscopy crosis {2005,2398}.
perineurial cells). The tumours may be within or attached to There is no diagnostic immunoprofile,
a nerve trunk or neurofibroma with a fusi- but neoplasti c cells show nuclear and
ICD-0 code 9540/3 form appearance. They tend to be white, cytoplasmic S100 protein and nuclear
salid, and fleshy, sometimes with myxoid S0X10 immunoreactivity {1608}. Epithe-
Synonyms change and frequent necrosis and haem- lioid MPNSTs show strong S100 protein
Malignant schwannoma; neurofibrosar- orrhage {965,2398}. expression and loss of SMARCB1 (INl1)
coma; malignant neurilemmoma (in 70% of c ases), whereas only scat-
tered cells are reactive with S100 protein
About 20% of all MPNSTs develop in the
head and neck, with 25~30% of cases
associated with neurofibromatosis type
1 (NF1). MPNSTs occur mainly in adults,
with a wide patient age range and a
mean patient age in the fifth decade of
life {965,972}. Cases associated with NF1
tend to occur in younger patients, with a
mean patient age in the third to fourth
decade {613}. More rarely, MPNSTs de-
velop during childhood (2398).

MPNST develops in the setting of NF1
and infrequently in patients who have
been irradiated (2005}.

Malignant soft tissue tumours 39

in spindle cell MPNSTs in which INl1 is most frequently characterized by a recur- superior aspect of the nasal cavity and
retained. Nestin shows strong cytoplas- rent PAX3-MAML3 gene fusion. ethmoid sinus. Tumour may also extend
mic staining and is useful in combination to the orbit or cribrifo rm plate.
with other markers. Cytokeratins, EMA, ICD-0 code 9045/3
and C034 may be positive, but their ex- Clinical features
pression has not b een described in the Synonym The symptoms, whic h are relatively non-
epithelio id variant (1138,2398}. Low-grade sinonasal sarcoma with neu- specific and reflect the presence of a
ral and myogenic features sinonasal mass, include difficulty breath-
Genetic profile ing through the nose, facial pressure,
The most frequent gene alterations in- Epidemiology and co ngestion.
elude loss of NF1 on 17q1 1 and of TP53on BSNS predominantly affects females,
17q13. lnactivation of the N F1 tumour sup- with a female-to -male ratio of 2:1. The re- Macroscopy
pressor gene can occur both in sporadic ported patient age range is 24-85 years The gross specimen usually presents as
cases and in patients with NF1 {2398}. (mean: 52 years) {1051,1409,1913}. multiple polypoid fragments of somewhat
firm, reddish-pink to tan or grey tissue, as
Genetic susceptibility Localization large as approximately 4 cm in greatest
The tumours are associated with NF1. BSNS typically involves multiple siles aggregate dimension.
in the sinonasal tract, in particu lar the
Prognosis and predictive factors
MPNSTs are aggressive tumours. Worse
prognosis is associated with large tu-
mours (> 5 cm), NF1 association, high tu-
mour grade, trunca! location, high mitotic
index (> 6 mitoses per 1O high-power
fields), and incomplete resection. The
recurrence rate is as high as 40%, and
ap proximately two thi rd of cases metas-
tasize, usually haematogenously to the
lungs and bone {965,972,2398}.

Biphenotypic sinonasal
Lewis J.E.
Oliveira A. M.

Biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma (BSNS)
is a low-grade spindle cell sarcoma with
distinctive histological, immunohisto-
c hemical, and molecular features . lt is

40 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

Histopathology A B
The tumour is characterized by a cel-
lular submucosal spindle-ce ll prolifera-
tion, composed of elongated spindle PAX3
cells arranged in medium-length to long
intersecting fascicles. A herringbone
pattern, which resembles the histology PAX3-MAML3 •-1._._I•-.l_.1
of synovial sarcoma, is frequently seen.
• •1 1l l1 1 1 1 1i 1 1 • •
Tumours are unencapsulated and infil- PAX3
• • 1 1 j 1
1 N

trative, including into bone. There is a ''-111\111-H

j ••
,H!-lJ--- ••
,1 .
MA~L3 j
scant. delicate collagen matrix. Nuclei 60

are slender and relatively uniform in ap- !!!!

' "PAXJ-MAML:J !! f"g
pearance, without significant pleomor-
phism or hyperchromasia. Mitotic activity e D
-' 40

is sparse (1051 ,1409,1913}. Most tumours ~e

show a striking concomitant proliferation
~ 20
of the covering epithelium, the invagi- 1u
nations of which are intimately admixed
with neoplastic spindle cells. Squamous
or oncocytic metaplasia of the epithe- Control PAX3· PAX3 PAX3-
lial proliferation can resemble that seen
Fig. 1.34 Biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma. Structure and transactivation potential of the PAX3-MAML3 fusion protein.
in sinonasal papillomas. Other frequent A,B The t(2;4) translocation /uses exons 1-7 of PAX3 to exons 2-5 of MAML3 to create a novel PAX3-MAML3 fusion
findings include haemangiopericytoma- protein that retains the DNA-binding domains of PAX3 but lacks the Notch-binding site of MAML3; the arrows along the
tous vascular pattern and the presence chromosomes indicate the transcription orientation of PAX3, MAML3, and PAX3-MAML3. C Fusion-signal FISH shows
of scattered small lymphocytes. A minor- the juxtaposition of the 5' PAX3 (red) locus to the 3' MAML3 (green) locus; the location of these probes is shown in
ity of cases (11%) show focal rhabdo- panel A. D Transient transcription assays demonstrate the poten! transactivation potential of PAX3-MAML3. PD, paired
myoblastic differentiation, a histological domain; HD, homeodomain; TAO, transactivation domain. Reprinted from Wang X et al. {2545}.
feature that may be associated with an
invasion of local structures. Nearly 50% sarcomas in children, adolescents, and
alternate fusion partner {1051).
of patients with follow-up in the original young adults, with a mean patient age at
lmmunohistochemical features are also series experienced local recurrence, as first diagnosis in the third to fo urth dec-
distinctive. Ali tumours show at least fo- long as 9 years after initial treatment. ade of life {121 5).
cal positivity for S100 and most (96%) Neither metastatic disease nor death
also stain with either SMA or MSA. S100 from disease has been reported {1409}. Etiology
zand actin staining patterns may be fo- Specific predictive factors have not been Synovial sarcomas are exception-
cal, patchy, or diffuse. Focal and/or weak defined. ally associated with prior radiotherapy
reactivity for CD34, desmin, MYOD1 , my- {568 ,629,2459).
ogenin, EMA , and cytokeratin has been
noted in severa! cases (1051,1409}. Synovial sarcoma Localization
The sinonasal tract and skull are rare
Genetic profile Bullerdiek J. localizations.
At the cytogenetic and molecular levels, Bell D.
BSNS is characterized by the chromo- Clinical features
somal translocation t(2;4)(q35;q31.1), There are palpable, deep-seated swell-
which results in an in-trame fusion of Definition ings, with or without associated pain or
exon 7 of the transcription factor PAX3 Synovial sarcoma is a mesenchymal tu- tenderness.
to exon 2 of MAML3, a coactivator of mour that displays a variable degree of
the Notch signalling pathway. The fu- epithelial differentiation, including gland Macroscopy
sion transcript is highly expressed and formation, and has a specific chromo- Lesions are yellow or grey to white, and
may contribute to the unusual phenotype somal translocation t(X;1 B)(p11 ;q11) that well circumscribed when slow-growing.
of this tumour {2545}. PAX3-MAML3 is leads to formation of an SS18-SSX fusion
found in most examples, but a subset of gene (735). Histopathology
cases harbour alternate PAX3 or MAML3 Severa! monophasic subtypes (i.e. spin-
fusion genes, including PAX3-FOX01 ICD-0 code 9040/3 dle-cell, calcifying/ossifying, myxoid,
and PAX3-NCOA 1, the same fusion tran- and poorly differentiated) and biphasic
scripts found in alveolar rhabdomyosar- Synonyms subtypes with glandular or solid epithe-
coma (1051,2305,2628}. Synovial cell sarcoma; synovioma lial cells can be distinguished. Poorly
differentiated tumours may contain ar-
Prognosis and predictive factors Epidemiology eas with frequent mitoses and necrosis
The natural history of BSNS is character- Synovial sarcomas are the most com- {726,2399}. There is TLE1 nuclear immu-
ized by slowly progressive growth with mon non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue noreactivity in as many as 95% of cases;

Malignant soft tissue tumours 41

variable positivity for CD99, BCL2, and
CD56; and patchy to focal reactivity with
epithelial markers (EMA), cytokeratins
(CK7), and BerEP4. The tumours are usu-
ally negative for S100 and WT1.

Genetic profile
The chromosomal translocation t(X;18)
(p11 ;q11), likely acting as driver mutation,
is a specific genetic alteration in synovial
sarcomas (2436), and is also described
among skull base and sinonasal tract tu-
mours {181,450,835,2299}. lt results in a
gene fusion between SS18 (also called
SYT) and one of three SSX genes (454).
The fusion can be detected by classic
cytogenetics, quantitative RT-PCR {903},
or FISH {827) . Variant translocations ex-
ist, and a considerable percentage of
synovial sarcomas do not show these

Prognosis and predictive factors

The prognosis varíes depending on stag-
ing, grading, resectab ility, use of radia-
tion therapy, site of primary tumour, and
presence of metastases {2507). Clinically
aggressive behaviour, apparently deter-
mined early during tumorigenesis, is as-
sociated with more-complex genomes Fig. 1.36 Biphasic synovial sarcoma. A lmmunoreactivity with a pancytokeratin cocktail. B Nuclear immunoreactivity
and upregulation of AURKA and KIF18A with TLE1 .

42 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

Borderline / low-grade malignant
soft tissue tumours

Desmoid-type fibromatosis Localization focally be myxoid or mucoid-appearing,

Soft tissues of the neck are most com- and may be characterized by keloid-like
Wenig B. M. monly affected {155,551}. whereas collagen. Vascularity varies, consisting
Flucke U. the maxillary sinus, nasopharynx, and of compressed vessels that tend to be
Thompson L.D. R. oral cavity are infrequently involved evenly spaced. Lesiona! cells are reac-
{753,780,856}. Multifocality may be seen tive for vimentín, nuclear beta-caten in (in
in syndromic cases. 70-75% of cases), actins, and occasion-
Definition ally desmin {184,335,1818,2400).
Oesmoid-type fibromatosis is a locally in- Clinical features
filtrative, non-metastasizing, cytologically Symptoms include an enlarging painless Genetic profile
bland (myo)fibroblastic neoplasm. neck mass, as well as nasal obstruction Cytogenetic abnormalities on chromo-
and epistaxis in the sinonasal tract. Fa- somes 8 and 20 support a monoclonal
ICD-0 code 8821/1 cial deformity, proptosís, and dysphagia neoplastic nature (269). Germline mu-
may occur with disease progression. tations of the APC gene are primarily
Synonyms identified in the setting of Gardner-type
Desmoid tumour; aggressive fibroma- Macroscopy familia! adenomatous polyposis, where-
tosis; infantile fibromatosis (desmoid Desmoid-type fíbromatosis presents as as mutations in the beta-catenin gene
variant) a fí rm , tan-white, poorly delineated or (CTNNB1) are identified in as many as
infiltratíng lesíon of variable size, wíth a 85% of sporadic cases (738,1059, 1355).
Epidemiology trabecu lar or whorled appearance on cut with T41A, S45F, and S45P mutations be-
About 10-15% of cases occur in the section. ing the most frequent {1 059,1355).
head and neck {528,1556,2532). As
many as 30% of cases occur in children Histopathology Genetic susceptibility
(551,738,1018,1847). There is no sex Histopathology shows a poorly circu m- Patients with Gardner syndrome {463} or
predilection. scribed, infiltrative (to muscle and/or Gardner-type familia! adenomatous poly-
bone), fascicular growth of moderate posis are at increased rísk {472,2094).
Etiology cellularity composed of spindle-shaped
There is an association with Gardner cells with tapering to plump _vesicular Prognosis and predictiva factors
syndrome (familia! colorectal polyposis) nuclei, small nucleoli, and indistinct cyto- In general, the prognosis is good (1 193},
{463), including familia! adenomatous plasm, separated by abundant collagen. with positíve surgical margins associated
polyposis (472,2094). Surgery-rel ated Mild nuclear pleomorphism and rare mi- with recurrence, usually < 2 years after
trauma may be a contributory factor. totic figures may be identified; atypical surgery (1050}. Young patient age and
mítoses and necrosis are absent. The CTNNB1 S45F mutatíon may be indepen-
stroma is variably collagenized, may dent risk factors for recurrence (473,2457).

Borderline/low-grade malignan! soft tíssue tumours 43

Sinonasal Macroscopy
glomangiopericytoma The tumours are generally polypoid, non-
translucent, beefy red to pink, soft, and
Thompson L.O.R. fleshy to friable, with an average size of
Flucke U. 3.0cm.
Wenig B.M.
Th e unencapsulated tumour is identified
Definition below an intact epithelium , although fric-
Sinonasal glomangioperi cytoma is a tion surface erosion may be seen in large
sinonasal tumour demonstrating a perivas- tumours. There is a so-called patternless
cu lar myoid phenotype. diffuse architecture, frequently effacing or
enveloping normal tissue. The cells may
ICD-Ocode 9150/1 be arranged in short fascicles; in stori- glomangiopericytomas show pro-
form, whorled, meningothelial, or reticu- found pleomorphism, necrosis, and
Synonym lar arrangements; or in short palisades increased mitoses {2389). By immuno-
Sinonasal haemangiopericytoma- like of closely packed cells. The cells are histochemical analysis, glomangiopericy-
tumour separated by a vascular plexus ranging tomas usually show diffuse reactivity with
from capillaries to large patulous spaces. actins (SMA > MSA), nuclear beta-
Epidemiology Prominent, thick, acellular, perithelioma- catenin, cycl in 01 , factor Xllla, 1 and vi-
Glomangiopericytomas account for tous hyalinization is a characteristic fea- mentin, and lack significan! expression
< 0.5% of all sinonasal tract neoplasms ture. There is a syncytial architecture to of CD34, CD31, CD11 7, STAT6, BCL2,
{356,476,2389). with a slight female pre- the c losely packed, uniform, oval to elon- cytokeratin, EMA, desmin, or S100 pro-
dilection and a peak incidence in the sev- gate cells, with indistinct cell borders. The tein {17,356,630,1274,1339,2389}.
enth decade of lite, although individuals nuclei are oval to spindle-shaped, vesic-
of any age may be affected. ular to hyperchromatic, and surrounded Genetic profile
by nondescript cytoplasm. Mitoses are Somatic, single-nucleotide-substitution,
Localization limited (< 3 per 10 high-power fields), heterozygous mutations in the beta-
The tumour is nearly always unilateral and nuclear pleomorphism is absent to catenin gene (CTNNB1), specifically in
(only 5% are bilateral), affecting the na- mild. Mast cells, eosinophils, and extrav- the GSK3beta region (codons 32, 33,
sal cavity alone and frequently extending asated erythrocytes are variably present. 37, 41 , and 45 encoded by exon 3) have
into paranasal sinuses. lsolated parana- Tumour giant cells are rarely identified, been identified in glomangiopericytoma
sal sinus involvement has also been re- but an aggregation of degenerating tu- {923,1339]. Accumu lation of beta-catenin
ported {189,356,476,640,2389]. mour cells, similar to those of symplas- results in nuclear translocation, which
tic glomus tumour, may be seen {657). has been shown to upregulate cyclin 01
Clinical features lnfrequently, fibrosis or myxoid change and lead to its oncogenic activation. Ac-
Most patients present with nasal obstruc- may be identified . Rarely, glom·angio- tivation of beta-catenin and the resulting
tion and epistaxis, with other non-specific pericytoma may contain mature adipose cyclin 01 overexpression are important
fi ndings present for an average duration tissue (lipomatous) or extramedullary pathogenetic events {1339}. In the dif-
of < 1 year {2389}. Associated severe on- haematopoiesis {742,904,1732,2389}. ferential diagnosis it is importan! to note
cogenic osteomalacia has been reported Concurrent collision tumours, most that NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion in solitary
{257,356). often solitary fibrous tumours, have fibrous tumours {603}. MIR143-NOTCH
been reported {17,822,2389). Malignant fusion in glomus tumours {1 660} and

t..._. , I a ..a,Ullll- .:.lll.- _ _.L_ _ __ ,._

Fig. 1.38 Nasal glomangiopericytoma. A The surface respiratory epithelium is uninvolved by !he patternless proliferation of spindled neoplastic cells; there is well-developed
peritheliomatous hyalinízation. B Spindled cells with ovoid nuclei in a syncytial arrangement; numerous eosínophils and mast cells are apparent.

44 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

ACTB-GL/1 fusion in pericytoma (514}
are not seen in glomangiopericytoma.

Prognosis and predictiva factors

Glomangiopericytoma is an indolent tu-
mour with an excellent survival rate. Re-
currence (which occurs in as many as 40%
of cases) is usually a resu lt of inadequate
surgery {356,640,2389}. Aggressive (ma-
lignan!) behaviour is suggested by tumour
size > 5 cm, bone invasion, profound
nuclear pleomorphism, high mitotic rate
(> 4 mitoses per 10 high-power fields),
and necrosis {356,476,1274,2389}.

Solitsry fibrous tumour

Flucke U.
Thompson L.D.R.
Wenig B.M.

Solitary fibrous tumour is a fusion gene-
associated tumour of fibroblastic pheno-
type, with a branching vasculature.

ICD-0 code 8815/1

Haemangiopericytoma; giant cell

Epidemiology Fig. 1.40 Solitary fibrous tumour. A Note the pattemless architecture of the fibroblastic cells; there is a collagenous
background, and sinonasal mucosa is seen in the upper part of the field. B Nuclear STAT6 expression is !he most
Solitary fi brous tumours are rare , account-
specific immunohistochemical marker.
ing for < 0.1% of ali sinonasal neoplasms
(1 51). Adults are mainly affected, with no
sex predilection (17,564,861,2620,2735}. Histopathology Genetic profile
Tumours are submucosal, pseudoen- NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion seems to be
Localization capsulated, and variably cellular, con- specific {33,511,565,1634].
Tumours affect the nasal cavity (2620, sisting of bland spindle-shaped cells
2735}. arranged in a haphazard architecture. Prognosis and predictive factors
Multinucleated giant cells may be pre- Complete surgical resection is usu-
Clinical features sent. The vessels are stellate to stag- ally curative. Patient age > 55 years,
Patients experience nasal obstruction horn-like in shape. There is a variable tumour size > 15 cm, necrosis, and > 4
and epistaxis, among other non-specific collagenous background that includes mitoses per 10 high-power fields prob-
findings (1 51,2620,2735}. ropey, keloidal, or amianthoid collagen ably suggest more aggressive behaviour
bundles. lmmunohistochemically, the {564,1297,2659).
Macroscopy cells show a specific reaction with STAT6
Tumours are polypoid, firm, and (nuclear) and CD34, but are non-reactive
white, and are usually small due to the with desmin, S100 protein, actins, and
confined space of the sinonasal tract nuclear beta-catenin (489,563,603,923,
(151,2620,2735}. 2620,2683,2735}.

Borderline/low-grade malignan! soft tissue tumours 45

Flucke U.
Franchi A.

A malignant neoplasm of low- to inter-
mediate-grade, composed of neoplastic
cells that have an endothelial phenotype,
epithelioid morphology, and a hyalinized,
chondroid, or basophilic stroma.

ICD-0 code 9133/3

There is a wide patient age distribu-
tion, with children rarely being affected

Occurrence in the head and neck is rare.
Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma may
arise in soft tissue, skin, and bone. The
neck, oral cavity, salivary glands, and
jawbones may be affected . Very rarely,
a lymph node may be the primary site

Clinical features
Epithelioid haemangioendotheliomas
are classically slow-growing, infiltrative,
and (rarely) metastasizing lesions (280).
Symptoms are mostly non-specific.
Pain and tend erness may be present
{1589,2579). There is a propensity for
lymph node metastasis (739). Endothelial markers are expressed, with Prognosis and predictive factors
CD31, ERG, and FLl1 being the most Most cases behave in an indolent man-
Macroscopy sensitive. Cytokeratin expression is seen ner. A progressive clinical course with tu-
The (multi)nodular mass typically shows in about 30% of cases, which may as a mour-related fatality has been document-
a pale, solid cut surface, sometimes with result b e confused with carcinomas or ed in sorne instances {574,1589,2579).
sorne haemorrhage {280}. myoepithelial tumours (739,1589}. There A proposal for ri sk stratification showed
is nuclear positivity for CAMTA1 in cases that > 3 mitoses per 50 high-power fields
Histopathology with WWTR1-CAMTA1 fusion . There is and tumour size > 3 cm are associated
The epithelioid- and histiocytoid-ap- nuclear expression of TFE3 in cases with with higher mortality, irrespective of local-
pearing endothelial cells are arranged in YAP1-TFE3 fusion, but this marker should ization , atypia, cell spindling, or necrosis
short cords and strands in a myxohyaline be used with caution due to the possibil- (574).
stroma. They show subtle intracytoplas- ity of unspecific staining (662,739,2161).
mic lumina and an abundant hyaline cy-
toplasm. Striking nuclear atypia is seen in Genetic profile
approximately 30% of cases. Mitotic ac- WWTR1-CAMTA1 fusion is present in
tivity is usually low. Multicellular vascular most of the cases. A small subset of
channels are present in individual cases tumours harbour a YAP1-TFE:J fusion
{574,739,1589,2579}. (85,662,739,2351}.

46 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

Benign soft tissue tumours Thompson L.D.R .
Bullerdiek J.
Flucke U.
Franchi A.

Leiomyoma Macroscopy Haemangioma

Lesions are polypoid, nodular, and usual-
Definition ly sharply demarcated, with a white to tan Definition
Leiomyomas are benign tumours with trabecular cut surface {20,1047,2488). Haemangioma is a benign neoplasm of
smooth muscle differentiation (and vascular phenotype.
vascular differentiation in the case of Histopathology
angioleiomyoma). Tumours are subepithelial with infre- ICD-0 code 9120/0
quent mucosa! ulceration. Spindled tu-
ICD-0 code 8890/0 mour cells are arranged in intersecting Synonyms
fascicles. The nuclei are oval to elongate Lobular capillary haemangioma; pyogen-
Epidemiology and cigar-shaped, without atypia. There ic granuloma; capillary haemangioma;
Leiomyomas are extremely rare in the is eosinophilic fibrillary cytoplasm. Un- cavernous haemangioma
head and neck reg ion, accounting for like in leiomyosarcoma, mitotic figures
< 1% of all leiomyomas (2488}. Adults are are absent. Angioleiomyoma, the most Epidemiology
rnost commonly affected, with an equal common smooth muscle tumour in this Mucosa! haemangiomas account for
sex distribution {1047,2488). lt seems that reg ion, shows a prominent vasculature about 10% of head and neck haeman-
most sinonasal tract examples are angio- surrounded by smooth muscle cells with giomas and about 25% of non-epithelial
leiomyomas {20,1047,1607}. which the vessels are intimately associat- sinonasal tract neoplasms {777,1620,
ed. Calcification, ossification, fatty meta- 1936,2221). Haemangiomas occur in
Localization plasia, or myxohyaline degeneration may patients of all ages (median: 40 years).
The most common site of leiomyoma be seen and may suggest regression in There are incidence peaks among boys
in the head and neck region is the lips, longstanding lesions {20,606,778,1047, and adolescent males and among preg-
followed by the tangue, cheeks, pal- 1606). A fatty componen! is more com- nant women, with an equal sex distribu-
ate, gingiva, and mandible (2488}. The mon in males and older patients {20). tion in patients aged > 40 years {644,
tumours are extraordinarily rare in the lmmunohistochemically, lesions express 777,963,1174, 1620,2221J.
sinonasal tract, with involvement of the smooth muscle markers (alpha-SMA,
nasal cavity in most of the cases and MSA, desmin, and caldesmon) but are Etiology
more rarely of the paranasal sinuses (20, negative far HMB45, S0X10, and S100 Lobular capillary haernangioma is associ-
778,1047). (20,1047,1606}. ated with injury, hormonal factors (pregnan-
cy and oral contraceptive use) (559,1292,
Clinical features Genetic profile 1936). and drugs (vemurafenib) {2061).
The tumours are clinically indistinct Angioleiomyomas show loss of 22q1 1.2
and present as longstanding polypoid and low-level amplification of Xq {1741). Localization
rnasses with nasal obstruction, epistaxis, The anterior septum is most frequently
and pain (20,778,1047,2488). Prognosis and predictive factors affected, followed by turbinates and
The prognosis is excellent {20,1047}. sinuses (644,1620,1936,2221}.

Benign soft tissue tumours 47

Fig. 1.43 Lobular capillary haemangioma.
surrounding a central penetraling vessel.

Clinical features expression of estrogen and progesterone Localization

Presenting symptoms include epistaxis receptors. Sinonasal schwannomas arise from the
and obstruction, usually of short duration branches of the cranial nerves (V and IX-
(559,1620,1936,2221). lmaging studies Genetic profile XII) and autonomic nervous system, af-
show an intensely enhancing tumour sur- A single case had a clonal del(21) fecting (in descending arder of frequen -
rounded by a hypoattenuated peripheral (q21. 2q22.12) {2425¡. cy) the ethmoid and maxillary sinuses,
rim, often with bony remodelling (1 174, nasal cavity, and sphenoid and frontal
1360,2669}. Genetic susceptibility sinuses {952,994,1866,2170,2314).
Associations with Sturge- Weber syn-
Macroscopy drome (encephalotrigeminal angiomato- Clinical features
The mean size is < 1.0 cm, but examples sis) and von Hippel-Lindau disease have The most common presenting symp -
as large as 8 cm have been reported been reported. toms are headache, nasal obstruction,
{1936,2221). The gross appearance facial pain, and Horner syndrome (ocu -
ranges from that of a diffuse, flat mass Prognosis and predictive factors losympathetic palsy), followed by other
to that of a bulging, polypoid nodule. The Recurrences, which occur in as many non-specific findings {929,1866,2 170,
lesions are soft and usually have surface as 42% of cases, are usually identifi ed 2314). lmaging shows an inhomogene-
epithelial ulceration {644,777,963,11 74, in older patients. Pregnancy-relate d re- ous, low-density soft tissue mass, with
1620). gression occurs after parturiti<5n {134, bone erosion occasionall y noted {1230,
559,1936,2221). Angiosarcomas arise de 1866,2170,2314). Tumours may expand
Histopathology novo {1718). into the orbit, nasopharynx, and cranial
Haemangiomas in the sinonasal tract cavity (1866,2170).
are divided primarily into capillary and
cavernous types {1174,1620,1936,1956, Schwannoma Macroscopy
2221}. Other variants are repo rted rarely. Sinonasal schwannomas can reach 7 cm
Lobular capillary haemangioma is a cir- Definition in size (mean: 2.5 cm). They are well-
cumscribed proliferation of capillaries Schwannoma is a benign tumour of circumscribed , globular, firm to rubbery,
with plump endothelial cells surrounded Schwann-cell phenotype. yellowish-tan tumours with a solid to myx-
by pericytes in a fibromyxoid stroma, ar- oid and cystic cut su rface, frequently with
ranged in one or more lobules (which may ICD-0 code 9560/0 haemorrhage.
show high cellularity). Each lobule has a
large central vein surrounded by small Synonyms Histopathology
capillaries, with an overlying collarette of Neurilemmoma; benign peripheral nerve Schwannomas are unencapsulated tu-
epithelium (often ulcerated or atrophic). sheath tumour mours composed of Antoni A cellular
Mitoses are often identified, without atyp- areas with nuclear palisad ing alternating
ical forms. Cavernous haemangiomas Epide miology with hypocellular, myxoid Antoni B areas.
are composed of multiple, large, cystic, Less than 4% of schwannomas involve the The tumour cells are fusiform with elon-
thin-walled, blood -filled spaces lined by nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses (929, gated cytoplasmic extensions imparting a
endothelial cells and separated by scant 952,994,2170). developing in middle- wavy to spindled appearance. The nuclei
connective tissue stroma. The neoplastic aged adults (mean patient age: 50 years; are wavy and tapered , with heterochro-
cells react with FLl1, CD34, CD31, and range: 17-81 years) with an equal sex dis- matin. In Antoni B areas, a perivascular
factor Vl ll-related antigen, with variable tribution {747,1594,2170,2314). hyali nization is characteristic. Mitoses are

48 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

scant and necrosis is absent. Extensive Neurofibroma the maxillary sinus {1 09,281); the majority
degeneration may result in a narrow rim are unilateral {211 ,1308}.
of recogn izable tumour at the periphery Definition
(300,952}. Epithelioid variants and hybrid Neurofibroma is a benign peripheral Clinical features
tumours (i.e . neurofibroma and perineuri- nerve sheath tumour composed of mixed Non-specific symptoms include a mass,
oma) are rare in the sinonasal tract {109). Schwann cells, perineu ral-like cells, and obstruction, epistaxis, and pain {81,109,
intraneural fibroblasts. 1866).
The neoplastic cells are strongly and ICD-0 code 9540/0 Macroscopy
diffusely reactive with S100 protein and Tumours are firm, glistening, fusiform ,
SOX10, with CD34-positive fibroblasts Synonym and sometimes polypoid, with a mean
in the Antoni B areas. Focal GFAP and Fibroneuroma size of 3.1 cm (81,109,998).
AE1/AE3 immunoreactivity has been de-
scribed, but neurofilament protein (NFP) Epidemiology Histopathology
and actin are negative {1608}. Neurofibromas are exceptional in the Neurofibromas are unencapsulated
sinonasal tract. They show no sex pre- tumours intimately associated with nerve
Prognosis and predictive factors dilection. The mean patient age is in the twigs. Lesiona! cells (modified Schwann
Schwannomas exceptionally undergo fifth decade of life overall, and ·35 years cells, intraneural fibroblasts, and perineu-
malignan! transformation {972,1575,1626, among patients with neurofibromatosis rial hybrid ce lls) intermix with coarse col-
2422). but otherwise have a very low re- type 1 {109}. lagen bundles and mast cel ls within a mu-
currence potential. copolysaccharide-rich stroma. There are
Localization ovoid to spindled cells with undulating,
Sinonasal neurofibromas arise most com- pointy nuclei with thin cytoplasmic pro-
monly at the nasal vestibu le, followed by cesses extending into the stroma, often

e: ~ ,':::r;~\½;. , :, ,•, .t ~~ ;::.:' ;;_:Jf}1{j

·.. ·· , . • ··" , IP' ',· • ' • ' ·' ..·. lit~~ , .., .,-.. ,-.,•"1g;:J/\f:{f:;;;;{( .v, ·,,-, ' . ' ,. • ,. . " · ' .

1•' ... •..,..--: ~ -'- ~~...: ., '- ~\ ~ .. \. ~ • ._ ~'°V~ _. .,d,-!1 ,• .,; "• ,,.,- t.:,, .
~ .. .:. .:.-:.,. :.:.!-·. ,. , ,· 't~ , ,\ ,_..... .. --:.- ~, .. , ·'.. ··. n.1 ,·, ~·.''., ·; .. ª~
. ;/': .... ~ ~:;: i~ : ..~·i._)l~.::~~<-:. ~\"!'::.:' :._;~- -:..._~·~~~~;'~_.; /~/~ .;_ .'f:-i~~ .~.. ~ ~

Fig. 1.45 Nasal neurofibroma. A An intact squamous mucosa overlies a proliferation of Schwann cells, perineurial cells, and fibroblasts blended with collagen libres. B Nerve fibre
twigs are interspersed among Schwann cells, perineurial cells, and collagen fibres; mast cells are also present.

Benign soft tissue tumours 49

with a centripetal gradient of cellularity. are highlighted with S100 protein, GFAP, Genetic susceptibility
lncreased cellularity, a storiform growth CD34, and BCL2, with S0X10, NFP, and About 10% of sinonasal neurofibromas
pattern, and pleomorphism may be seen, calretinin highlighting the axons specifi- arise within neurofibromatosis type 1
but fascicular growth or increased mi- cally (109,719}. {109,2001,2453).
toses (in particular atypical mitoses) sug -
gest malignan! change {109,994,1866). Geneti c profile Prognosis and predictive factors
Plexiform neurofibroma and composite Neurofibromatosis type 1- related neu- Neurofibromas are benign, with a 5% re-
tumours (i.e. schwannoma and perineu- rofi bromas have associated biallelic inac- currence rate due to incomplete excision
rioma) are exceptional {109,1026,1308), tivation by germline mutations of the NF1 {1866,2001 }. Malignan! transformation is
and the diffuse type has not been report- gene (17q11 .2) {6,1836). exceptional {1866).
ed. The subpopulations of neurofibroma

Other tumours

Meningioma is much more common, with 20% of men- Clinical features

ingiomas showing extracranial extension Symptoms are non-specific, present for a
Ro J.Y. {772,1867,2029,2388). By consensus, a long duration (mean: 4 years), and most
Bell D. diagnosis of primary sinonasal menin- commonly include a mass or p olyp and
Nicolai P. gioma should not be rendered when a nasal obstruction {772,823,1006,1867,
Thompson L.D.R. detectable intracranial mass is present 2388). The imag ing fi ndings are non-
{1666,2029). Sinonasal mening iomas af- specific, revealing opacification, sorne-
fect women and men equally (with a ra- times with bone erosion or hyperosto-
Definition tio of 1:1), and have a mean patient age sis . In most cases, direct extension by
Meningioma is a neoplasm composed of of 48 years (range: 13- 88 years) {2160, permeative growth from an intracranial
meningothelial cells. 2388). primary can be documented; the intrac-
ranial primary may be a small en plaque
ICD-0 code 9530/0 Etiology meningioma \1666,2388).
Radiation exposure and sex hormones
Synonym are unproven etiological factors {772, Macroscopy
Sinonasal trae! meningioma 1006,1039). The tumours are often polypoid , covered
by an intact epithelium, and expanding
Epidemiology Localization into bone. They can reach 8.0 cm in size
Primary extracranial (i.e. ectopic or ext- Sinonasal meningiomas involve the nasal (mean: 3 cm).
racalvarial) meningiomas of the sinona- cavity most commonly, followed by the
sal tract are rare, accounting for 0 .1 % of paranasal sinuses (most commonly the Histopathology
primary sinonasal neoplasms, 2% of all frontal sinus), with multiple siles frequent- Sinonasal meningiomas, often blended
meningiomas, and 24% of all primary ex- ly affected . Most tumours are left-sided with surface squamous or respiratory
tracranial meningiomas. Direct extension {772,1006,1867,2029,2388}. epithelium, are arranged in lobules of

50 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

whorled syncytial meningothelial cells.
Nuclei are bland and round to oval, with
small nucleoli and occasional intranu-
clear cytoplasmic inclusions {2388}.
Psammoma bodies are occasionally
ot the i 5 histological types of menin-
gioma, the most common in the sinona-
sal trae! are meningothelial , transitional,
metaplastic, and psammomatous, and
most are grade i tumours {i858,i859}.
Grade 2 and 3 meningiomas are rare
Meningiomas typically react with EMA,
CK18, and vi mentin. Rare tumours may
react with pancytokeratin and CK? (in a
pre-psammomatous pattern), CD34 (fi-
brous and atyp ical types), and SiOO pro-
tein (fibrous type), whereas GFAP, STAT6,
and SMA are non-reactive {2160). Pro- ameloblastoma occurring in the jaws) procedure but may occur years after the
gesterone and estrogen receptor reactiv- {2090}. surgery {2090}. No tumour deaths, me-
ity is present {2388l. tastases, or instances of malignan! trans-
Localization tormation have been reported.
Genetic susceptibility The tumours may involve the nasal cav-
Neurofibromatosis type 2 association is ity only, the paranasal sinuses only, or
not significan! in sinonasal meningiomas. both the nasal cavity and the paranasal Chondromesenchymal
sinuses {2090}. hamartoma
Prognosis and predictive factors
The prognosis of sinonasal meningiomas Clinical features Toner M.
is good . Although recurrences develop Patients usually present with a mass le- Hunt J.L.
in about 30% of cases (due to incom- sion and nasal obstruction; symptom
pletely excised tumours), metastasis and duration ranges from 1 month to severa!
malignan! transformation have not been years {2090}. Unlike gnathic ameloblas- Definition
reported [i006,i858,1867,2388). tomas, which have a characteri stic mul- Chondromesenchymal hamartoma is a be-
tilocular and radiolucent presentation, nign, locally destructive, tumour-like growth
sinonasal ameloblastomas are described containing mixed mesenchymal elements.
Sinonasal ame/oblastoma radiograph ically as salid ma:sses or
opacifications {2090l. Bone destruction, Synonyms
Wenig B.M. erosion , and remodelling (with remnant Nasal chon dromesenchymal hamarto-
of bony shell delimiting the lesion as it ma; mesenchymoma
grows) may be present {2090).
Definition Epidemiology
Sinonasal ameloblastoma is a locally ag- Histopathology This rare lesion occurs predominantly in
gressive, primarily gnathic (jaw) tumour Histologically, sinonasal ameloblastomas infants, but occasionally in older ch ildren
with a high propensity for recurrence. are similar in appearance to their gnath- and adults, with amale predominance.
lt originales wholly within the sinonasal ic counterparts. In the sinonasal trae!,
trae!, without connection to gnathic siles, ameloblastomatous proliferation can be Localization
arising from sinonasal epithelium and seen arising in direct continuity with the The most common sites are the parana-
showing histological features identical to intact sinonasal surface mucosa! epithe- sal sinuses, nasal cavity, and orbit. lntra-
!hose of its counterpart originating in the lium, a finding th at in conjunction with the cranial and skull base extension may oc-
jaw. absence of continuity with gnathic sites cur [1568}.
confirm s primary sinonasal origin.
ICD-0 code 93i0/0 Clinical features
Prognosis and predictive factors This is a slow-growing expansile lesion
Epidemiology Overall treatment success correiates with that can be locally destructive. Patients
Sinonasal ameloblastomas are un- complete surgical eradication performed may present with nasal congestion or
common tumours. There is a decided in conjunction with thoroughly detailed symptoms related to a polypoid mass.
male predilection and the mean palien! rad iographical imaging. Radiological tindings may appear de-
age at presentation is 59.7 years (ap- The tumour may recur, which generally ceptively aggressive, with bone erosion
proximately 15-25 years older than far happens within 1-2 years of the initial and intracranial extension.

Other tumours 5i
The tissue is typically firm and white, re-
sembling cartilage.

Histopathology shows a fabular prolifera-
tion of mature and immature hyaline car-
tilage in a variably ce llular fibrous back-
ground {1568). The stromal component
may be highly cellular, and mitoses may
be present. The stromal and carti laginous
elements may be admixed with bony tra-
beculae or may surround bony islands
{1795). The cartilaginous areas are S100-
positive; the stromal cells are SMA-posi -
tive and cytokeratin-negative {1795). ..
Fig. 1.48 Chondromesenchymal hamartoma. Fibrovascular stroma with cellular lobules of cartilage that surround bony
Genetic susceptibility
There is an association with the pleuro- in which chondromesenchymal hamar- Prognosis and predictive factors
pulmonary blastoma-associated O!CER1 toma may be the presenting lesion After surgical removal, the recurrence
familia! tumour susceptibility syndrome, (2281). rate is generally low (1554).

Haematolymphoid tumours

Overview 9% between 2000 and 2011 (607}. myeloid sarcoma, and histiocytic neo-
plasm (484,500,1012).
Chuang S.-S. Localization
Ferry J.A. ENKTL has a predilection for the nasal Prognosis and predictive factors
cavity and may also arise from paranasal Modern therapies have significantly
sinuses (86,446,607,1349}. Diffuse large improved the prog nosis of sinonasal
Definition B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) most • com - DLBCL. lnvolvement of multiple sinuses
Nearly ali haematolymphoid tumours monly arises from the paranasal sinuses is a negative prognostic indicator (11 69).
arising from the nasal cavity or paranasal but may arise from the nasal cavity (1169).
sinuses are non-H odgkin lymphomas,
although extramedullary plasmacytomas Clinical features Extranoda/NK/T-celllymphoma
and rare myeloid and histiocytic neo- Patients with nasal tumours present with
p lasms also occur {116,1027,1830,1888}. nasal obstruction, epistaxis, and/or a de- Chuang S.-S.
structive mass involving nose, nasal sep- Gaulard P.
Epidemiology tum, palate, orbit, or facial skin. Patients Jaffe E.S.
Sinonasal lymphoma accounts for 12- with paranasal tumours present with Ko Y. -H.
15% of ali head and neck cancers. lt is symptoms of chronic paranasal sinusitis
the third most common sinonasal malig- and soft tissue or bony destruction. B
nancy, after squamous cell carcinoma symptoms (e.g. fever, night sweats, and Definition
and adenocarcinoma {484,1012}. In the weight loss) occur in about 20% and 10% Extranodal NK/T-cell lym phoma, nasal-
USA, the frequency decreased in the of patients, respectively, with sinonasal type (EN KTL) is an extranodal lymphoma
early 21st century, probably reflecting ENKTL and DLBCL. with a cytotoxic phenotype and a univer-
a reduction in HIV-associated lympho- sal association with EBV.
mas due to antiretroviral therapy {484). Histopathology
However, extranodal NK/T-cell lym- In addition to DLBCL and ENKTL" there ICD-0 code 9719/3
phoma, nasal-type (ENKTL), which has have been rare cases of other sinona-
a predilection for East Asians and Latín sal haematolymphoid tumours , such as Synonyms
Americans {86,446,607,1349), is increas- sinonasal Burkitt lymphoma, peripheral Angiocentric lymphoma; lethal midline
ing in the USA, with an average annual T-cell lymphoma, MALT lymphoma, extra- granuloma; malignan! midline reticu losis;
increase in incidence of approximately osseous plasmacytoma, extramedullary polymorphic reticulosis

52 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

mimic a benign infiltrate but exh ibit cel-
lular atypia such as irregular nuclear con-
tours and mitoses.
lmmunohistochemically, the tumour cells
express CD3, cytotoxic markers (i.e. TIA1,
granzyme B, or perforin), and frequently
CD56 (1132,19091. They rarely express
CD4,·CD5, or CDS. Examples with large-
cell morphology often express CD30.
CD57 is nearly always negative (11 32}.
The tumours are mainly derived from
NK cells, with a minority (10-40%) hav-
ing T-cell lineage (gamma delta or more
rarely alpha beta) {102,1132,1418,19091.
CD56 is more frequently expressed in
tumours of NK-cell origin, whereas CD5
fig. 1.49 Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal-type. A Right nasal tumour with obstruction, ecchymosis of the nasal
side wall and facial skin, and invasion to the right nasal ala with tumour formation. B Postcontrast CT of the same case
expression usually indicates a T-cell lin-
shows a homogeneously enhancing soft tissue mass in !he right nasal cavity involving the right nostril, nasal ala, and eage {1132,19091. EN KTL is positive for
perinasal facial skin, and destruction of !he anterior lower aspee! of the nasal septum. EBV-encoded small RNA (EBER) in the
majority of cells by in situ hybridization
Epidemiology Clinical features {443,444,2322) . LMP1 is usually weak or
Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma is more Patients with nasal tumours present with negative. Cases showing a similar phe-
prevalent among East Asians and the nasal obstruction and/or epistaxis. Nasal notype but EBV negativity are consid-
indigenous populations of Mexico and tumours may cause perforation of the ered peripheral T-cell lymphoma, NOS
Central and South America than in other nasal septum or palate and may spread {1108,2322).
populations {86,446,1349,19401. to the skin or orbit with ecchymosis or
ulcerative tumours. Paranasal tumours Genetic profile
Etiology may mimic chronic paranasal sinusitis. ENKTL shows complex genetic alter-
The precise etiology is unknown, al- Most cases present with stage I or 11 dis- ations, with numerous chromosomal
though EBV is crucial in pathogenesis. ease, with as many as 10- 20% of cases gains and losses {1695). The commonly
Lifestyle and environmental factors such spreading to skin, gastrointestinal tract, deleted chromosomal region at 6q21-23
as being a farmer, pesticide use, and liv- testis, or distan! nodal regions. contains severa! candidate tumour sup-
ing near incinerators might be risk factors pressor genes, including PRDM1, ATG5,
(2657). Histopathology AIM1, HACE1, and FOX03 {1091,1189,
ENKTL infiltrates nasal tissue in a diffuse 1289}. ENKTL has a distinctive genetic
Localization pattern, frequently with an angiocentric/ signature shared by cases with NK-cell
ENKTL occurs most commonly in the angioinvasive growth pattern, leading to and T-cell origin (1053). The JAK/STAT
upper aerodigestive tract (in 70- 85% of geographical tumour necrosis. In rare pathway is activated in most cases, by
cases), mainly in the nasal cavity, para- instances, multiple biopsies might be genetic alterations of JAK3, STAT3, or
nasal sinuses, and Waldeyer ring (pha- needed to identify tumours showing ex- PTPRK {406,485,1053,1272,1370}. Re-
ryngeal lymphoid ring), with sorne cases tensive necrosis with few viable cells. The current mutations are frequent in tumour
occurring in the skin, gastrointestinal neoplastic cells vary in size and have ir- suppressor genes, including TP53 (in
tract, soft tissue, and other extranodal regularly folded nuclei, granular chroma- 20- 60% of cases) {1941) and DDX3X
siles {1132,1229,1909,2317}. tin, and small nucleoli. Small cells might (in 20% of cases) (1134). EBV infection

Haematolymphoid tumours 53
severely deregulates host microRNA pro- significance (1221,1319,2431). EBV DNA and other soft tissues in th e head and
fi les; downregulation of miR-146a and and PET findings have been integrated neck must be distinguished from 8-cell
miR-15a promotes cell proliferation and into prognostic algorithms {1226). With lymphomas with plasmacytic/plasmab-
predicts poor prognosis in ENKTL {1266, curren! regimens, durable re mission can lastic differentiation, in particular MALT
1802]. be achieved in 70-80% of stage 1/11 cas- lymphoma and plasmablastic lymphoma.
es, and as many as 50% of stage 111/IV
Genetic susceptibility cases (1318,2431 }. ICD-0 code 9734/3
The strong EBV association and ethnic
predisposition suggest a genetic defect Synonyms
in the host immune response to EBV in- Extraosseous plasmacytoma Extramedullary plasmacytoma;
fection [534,535}. The lymphotoxin alpha plasmacytoma
gene (LTA) +252 (AG) polymorphism is Feldman A.L.
associated with increased risk of ENKTL Ott G. Epidemiology
(409}. The median patient age is 60 years and
there is a male predominance, with a
Prognosis and predictiva factors Definition male-to-female ratio of 3- 4: 1 [46,1 617).
Prognostication of ENKTL traditionally Extraosseous plasmacytoma is a mass-
depends on clinicopathological param- forming proliferation of monoclonal plas- Localization
eters, including stage (1364,2431). How- ma cells with extraosseous (extramed- About 80% of extraosseous plasmacyto-
ever, the amount of EBV DNA in plasma ullary) presentation, in the absence of mas involve the upper respiratory tract,
is a surrogate biomarker of lymphoma underlying multiple myeloma. Extraosse- most commonly the nasal cavity and
load, with diagnostic and prognostic ous plasmacytomas in the nasopharynx paranasal sinuses, followed by the na-
sopharynx, oropharynx, and larynx (46,
1617). Less common primary sites in the
head and neck include the hypophar-
ynx, salivary and thyroid glands, cervical
lymph nodes, !rachea, and oesophagus.
Cervical lymph nades are involved sec-
ondarily in about 15% of cases [1586).

Clinical features
Extraosseous plasmacytomas are typi-
cally solitary, and examples occurring in
the head and neck most commonly (in
80% of cases) presentas a mass {1617).
Add itional fin dings at presentation in-
elude airway obstruction, epistaxis, lo-
cal pain, proptosis, rhinorrhoea, cervical
lymphadenopathy, and cranial nerve pal-
sies. A minority of patients (< 25%) have
a monoclonal serum paraprotein (M pro-
tein), typically of lgA type {2245). By defi-
nition, diagnostic features of plasma cell
myeloma are absent {1476).

H istopathology
Microscopic evaluation typically shows

54 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

Fig. 1.54 Plasmacytoma. Monotonous infiltrate of
plasma cells.

(1278). Monotypic immunoglobulin light

chains can typically be demonstrated by
immunohistochemistry or in situ hybri di-
zation. Staining fo r heavy chains may
reveal expression of lgA or lgG, whereas
staining for lgM should raise suspicion
for B-cell lymphoma. EBV has been re-
ported to be positive in 15% of cases
{26), but the presence of EBV should also
prompt consideration of plasmablastic

Genetic profile
diffuse infiltration by sheets of plasma poorly differentiated non-haematological Sorne genetic features are similar to
cells, which may be well, moderately, or neoplasms {1172). !hose of plasma cell myeloma (232},
poorly differentiated {1617,2316}. Amy- but diffe rences have been reported, in
loid deposits may be present {2316, lmmunophenotype particular different IGH translocation
2616). Moderately and well-differentiated The neoplastic cells often express mark- partners {1 93}.
extraosseous plasmacytomas mus! be ers of plasmacytic differentiation, such
distinguished from B-cell Jymphoma, in as C0138, C038, VS38, and MUM1/IRF4 Prognosis and predictive factors
particular from MALT lymphoma with ex- {232} . They variably express C079a, The prognosis of extraosseous plasma-
tensive plasmacytic differentiation (584, only rarely express C020, and are typi- cytoma is much better than that of plas-
1062). Poorly differentiated extraosseous cally negative for PAX5. Extraosseous ma cell myeloma, and most patients are
plasmacytomas must be distinguished plasmacytomas may express EMA. Cyc- treated with local radiation therapy {504,
from plasmablastic lymphoma (2316}; lin 0 1 has been reported to be negative. 583). Regional recurrence or spread to
sorne cases may be anaplastic to the C056 is expressed less frequently than other extraosseous siles may occur, and
point that plasma-cell differentiation is in plasma cell myeloma, and the Ki-67 in- about 15% of patients develop multiple
not apparent, prompting consideration of dex is lower !han in plasma cell myeloma myeloma {46}.

Haematolymphoid tumours 55
Neuroectodermal / melanocytic tumours

Ewing sarcoma/primitive 2617l; older patients may occasionally variable, with 5-10 mitoses per 10 high-
neuroectodermaltumour be affected {921,2617}. power f ields. Prominent intratumoural
thin-walled vessels are present, which
Wenig B.M. Localization may be compressed and obscured by
Flucke U. The most common head and neck sites the cellular proliferation . A minimal stro-
Thompson L.D.R . include the skull and jaws (49,2601}; less mal componen! is present, which may
common siles include the sinonasal trae\ include thin fibrous strands separating
(most commonly the maxillary sinus or tumour lobules. Pseudorosettes (Hom-
Definition nasal fossa) {921,1036,1331,2617}, orbit, er Wright rosettes) are present in most
Ewing sarcoma / primitive (peripheral) and various mucosa! sites . Extension to cases; less often, true neural rosettes
neuroectodermal tumours are high-grade dura, orbit, or brain may be present (921). (Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes) may be
pri mitive small round cell sarcomas with identifi ed . Histological variants include
variable neuroectodermal differentiation, Clinical features atypical or large-cell, clear-cell, haeman-
characterized by the presence of trans- Symptoms include pain, mass lesion, gioendothelioma-like, adamantinoma-
locations between the EWSR1 gene on and nasal obstruction, which often de- like, spindled , and sclerosing forms (197,
chromosome 22 and a member of the velop rapidly (within months) (261 7). 743}.
ETS family of transcription factors. lntracytoplasmic material that gives a
Macroscopy diastase-sensitive positi ve reaction with
ICD-0 code 9364/3 Sinonasal tract tumours may appear periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) is present.
polypoid or multilobular, greyish-white, Neoplastic cells strongly and diffusely
Synonyms and glistening, with associated haemor- express membranous C099 in nearly ali
Peri pheral neuroectodermal tumour; pe- rhage; ulceration is often present. cases. Nuclear FLl1 is seen in a large
ripheral neuroepithelioma; peripheral percentage of cases; those with EWSR1-
neuroblastoma; adult neuroblastoma Histopathology FL/1 fusion show strong nuclear reactions
The tumour is markedly cellular with dif- with the C-terminus of FL/1 (1506,2411,
Epidemiology fuse (sheet-like) or lobular growth; the ap- 2544). Vimentin is positive. Cytokeratins
Ewing sarcoma and primitive neuroec- pearance may occasionally be trabecu- show stro ng, focal to diffuse staining with
todermal tumour primarily occur in non- lar or cord-like. The tumour is composed a dot-like pattern in as many as one third
head and neck sites, with only 2-10% of uniform small cells with round to oval of cases, and in particular in adamanti-
developing in th e head and neck {49). nuclei, fine-appearing (powdery) nuclear noma-like tumours {197,894,921 }. There
The tumours are slightly more common in chromatin , a distinct nuclear membrane, is reactivity for at least one neural marker
males {49,921}, and occur predominant- inconspicuous to small nucleoli, sean\ (e.g. neuron-specific enolase, S100 pro-
ly (but not exclusively) in children and pale to vacuolated (clear) cytoplasm, and tein, synaptophysin, c hromogranin, NFP,
young adults {921,1017,1036,1331,2601, indistinct cell borders. Mitotic activity is or GFAP). KIT (CD 11 7) expression is

A.. ....t::~ :Mlllla:-.J.:aá:'l.i¡:.

• - ~ ,. ... •• ....,,-.;~ • '.!:l. . . . ._.;..:...; ~ .lii--J.::!ll~-Eo,,;,;~olCL-:=...,.,;¡¡=1--
Fig. 1.56 Sinonasal Ewing sarcoma / primitive neuroectodermal tumour. A Hypercellular neoplasm with diffuse growth composed of uniform small cells with round to oval nuclei,
fine-appearing nuclear chromatin, and pale to vacuolated cytoplasm. B Neoplastic cells show diffuse and strong membranous CD99 staining in nearly all cases; CD99 is sensitive bul
not specific for the diagnosis of Ewing sarcoma I primitive neuroectodermal tumour.

56 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

0/fsctory neuroblastoma
Bell D.
Franchi A.
Gillison M.
Thompson L.D.R.
Wenig B.M.

Olfactory neuroblastoma (ONB) is a ma-
lignan! neuroectodermal neoplasm with
neuroblastic differentiation, most often
localized in the superior nasal cavity.

ICD-0 code 9522/3

Fig. 1.57 Ewing sarcoma/ primitive neuroectodermal tumour. On EWSR1 dual-colour break-apart FISH, Ewing
sarcoma cells that have the chromosomal rearrangement show a red signa! distanced from a green signa!, indicating
a translocation involving one EWSR1 allele, whereas the second allele is intact, as shown by red and green signals Synonyms
that overlap. Aesthesioneuroblastoma; aesthesioneu-
rocytoma; aesthesioneuroepithelioma;
present in approximately 25% of cases Prognosis and predictive factors olfactory placode tumour
(743). Rarely, desmin staining is present, The 5-year survival rate for sinonasal Ew-
but myogenic and haematolym phoid ing sarcoma/ primitive neuroectodermal Epidemiology
markers are typical ly absent. tumour is 50-75%, reflecting a better ONB has an estimated annual incidence
overall prognosis at this site compared of 4 cases per 10 million population, and
Genetic profile with cases at other siles (49,921}. The accounts for approximately 3% of all
There is consisten! rec iproca! translo- 5-year survival rate for patients with ad- sinonasal tumours (273). Patients range
cation between chromosome 11 and vanced disease is < 25% (2617}. Local in age from 2 to 90 years. Althoug h a
chromosome 22 (present in 90- 95% of recurrence and distan! metastases may bimodal age distribution was initially re-
cases). The most common translocation occur within 2 years, even in patients with ported, recen! data support an even dis-
involves the EWSR1 gene (on chromo- localized disease. When metastases oc- tri bution across ali ages, with a peak in
some 22) and the FL/1 gene (on chromo- cur, the most common sites include the the fifth and sixth decades of life (273 ,
some 11), resulting in an EWSR1-FLl1 fu- lungs and bone; lymph nade metastasis 1130,1903}. Males are affected slightly
sion transcript. C/C-DUX4 fusion, a result is less common, occurring in approxi- more often than females (male-to-female
of a t(4;19) or t(10;19) translocation, may mately 20% of cases. ratio: 1.2:1 ). There is no reported ethnic or
be identified in EWSR1 fusion- negative Prognosis has been found to be linked fami lia! predilection.
cases (1101}. CIC-DUX4 fusion-positive to tumour stage as determinea by the
tumours occur mainly in young adult lntergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study Localization
men, most frequently in the soft tissues of Group (IRSG) staging system (126}. tu- The anatomical distribution of ONB is
extremities. They show a higher degree mour size (with size > 8 cm associated confined to the cribriform p late, the su-
of heterogeneity in nuclear morphol- with adverse behaviour) (127,2601}, TP53 perior turbinate (nasal concha), and the
ogy and have vari able CD99 expres- alteration (which appears to define a cli n- superior half of the nasal septum. The
sion (membranous, not diffuse) than do ical subset with a markedly poorer out- vomeronasal organ (also called Jacob-
EWSR1 fusion-positive cases, raising the come) {1592}, the presence of the type 1 son's organ), sphenopalatine ganglion,
possibility that CIC-DUX4 fusion tumour EWSR1 -FLl1 fusion transcript (thought olfactory placode, and the term inal nerve
may be outside the scope of Ewing sar- to suggest a better prognosis !han other (also called the ganglion of Loci) are in-
coma (2246). fusion transcripts) (542}, and poor his- cluded in the areas of proposed origin.
tological or radiological response at the Ectopic tumours within the paranasal si-
Genetic susceptibility site of primary tumour and incomplete nuses (other than the ethmoid sinuses)
Heritable retinoblastoma may predispose radiological remission of lung metasta- are vanishingly rare (except in recurrent
patients to Ewing sarcoma and perhaps ses alter primary chemotherapy (associ- cases), and the diagnosis of ONB with no
to a subset of poorly differentiated neu- ated with adverse behaviour) (31,49,127}. invo lvement of the cribriform p late is a di-
roectodermal tumours in the sinonasal There is an increased incidence of radia- agnosis of exclusion (1619,2383}.
region that may be re lated to olfactory tion-induced sarcomas later in life among
neuroblastoma (1236). surviving patients (1838} .

Neuroectodermal / melanocytic tumours 57

speckled calcifications are characteristic Table 1.02 Olfactory neuroblastoma staging systems
proposed by Kadish and Merita; reprinted from Ow TJ
of ONB.
et al. {1789)
Severa! staging systems have been
proposed, with no single system univer- Kadish stage
sally accepted. The first staging system A Tumour confined to the nasal cavity
proposed, and the one most commonly Tumour involvement of the nasal
applied, is that of Kadish (1162), which B cavity and paranasal sinuses
stages local disease only; it distinguish- Tumour extends beyond the nasal
es tumours that involve the nasal cav- e cavity and paranasal sinuses
ity only (Kadish stage A), from those
Morlta modiflcatlon
that extend into the paranasal sinuses
(Kadish stage B), and those that extend A Tumour confined to the nasal cavity
beyond the paranasal sinuses (Kadish Tumour involvement of the nasal
stage C) {11 62}. Morita (1650} modified cavity and paranasal sinuses
the Kadish system by adding a stage D, Tumour extends beyond the nasal
Fig. 1.58 Olfactory neuroblastoma. lmaging studies defined by the presence of metastases
e cavity and paranasal sinuses
show a dumbbell-shaped tumour. (either regional nodal disease or distan! Presence of metastases (regional
metastasis). The TNM staging system for D
or distan!)
paranasal sinus tumours can potentially
be applied (626}; however, the Kadish
system and Morita modification are more in small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma
applicable, due to the biologically unique aspira tes.
behaviour of ONB compared with other
sinonasal tumours. Histopathology
Low-grade ONBs form submucosal,
Fig. 1.59 Olfactory neuroblastoma. The gross Macroscopy sharply demarcated nests, lobules, or
appearance is that of a polypoid reddish-grey mass, with The tumours are usua\ly unilateral, poly- sheets ot cells, often separated by richly
hypervascular cut surface. poid, glistening, soft, reddish-grey mass- vascular or hyalinized fi brous stroma.
es with an intact mucosa; the cut surface Pseudorosettes (Homer Wright rosettes),
Clinical features appears greyish-tan to pinkish-red and with neoplastic cells palisading or cuffed
Clinically, ONBs often have a subtle pre- hypervascularized. The tumours range around the central delicate fibri llar neu-
sentation mimicking that of benign inflam- from < 1 cm in size to large masses in- ral matrix, may be seen. The cells are
matory/infectious diseases, and delay in volving the nasal cavity and intracrar1ial often uniform, with sparse cytoplasm
diagnosis is frequent. Nasal obstruction region. They frequently expand into the and round or ovoid nuclei with punctate
and epistaxis are typical early manifes- adjacent paranasal sinuses, orbit, and salt-and-pepper chromatin and nucleoli
tations; headaches, pain, excessive lac- cranial vault (2383). that are either small or absent. ONB is
rimation, rhinorrhoea, and visual distur- characterized by fibrillary cytoplasm and
bances are uncommon. Anosm ia occurs Cytology interdigitating neuronal processes (neu-
in < 5% of patients. Paraneoplastic syn- Aspirates of metastatic lesions show cy- ropil), created by a syncytium ot cells.
dromes (i.e. ectopic adrenocorticotropic tological fi ndings most similar to those Higher-grade tumours show tumour
hormone syndrome or syndrome of in- seen in low-grade neuroendocrine car- necrosis, pleomorphism, increased mi-
appropriate antidiuretic hormone secre- cinoma aspirates, with nests of some- toses, decreased to absent neuropil, and
tion) are detected in about 2% of patients what monomorphic, fragile epithelioid a less overt lobular growth pattern. The
(789}. Physical examination and flexible cells with delicate chromatin and cyto- cells can be arranged in gland-like rings
fi bre-optic endoscopic evaluation, com- plasm. Aspirates of high-grade tumours or ti ght annular formations with a true
plemented with CT and MRI, are useful in may show features similar to !hose seen lumen (Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes).
the diagnostic work-up.
The classic imaging findings include
a dumbbell-shaped mass extending
across the cribriform plate, with the waist
at the cribritorm plate. MRI better deline-
ates sinonasal and intraorbital or intracer-
ebral extension . ONB is T1-hypointense
and T2-isointense or T2-hyperintense to
grey matter, with avid homogeneous en-
hancement with contrast. Bone erosion
is better demonstrated by CT, with care-
ful evaluation for erosion of the lamina
papyracea, cribritorm plate, and fovea
ethmoidalis. Peripheral tumour cysts and

58 Tumours of t11e nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

Table 1.03 Olfactory neuroblastoma staging systems. Key features and criteria for Hyams grades 1-IV and corresponding hístopathological H&E slides
Hyams grade
Key feature/crlterlon
11 111 IV
Architecture Lobular Lobular Variable Variable
Mitotic activity Absent Present Prominent Marked
- - --
Nuclear polymorphism Absent Moderate Prominent Marked
- - - - t - - - - ------+-- -- - - - - --t--
Fibrillary matrix _._____ Prominent Present Minimal Absent
Rosettes Homer Wright rosettes Homer Wright reselles Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes
Necrosis Absent Absent +/- present Common
- - - - -- - 1 - -- - - - - - -- + - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - -- - - -- - -- -1- -- - - - - - ----j


Rosettes alone are not diagnostic of beta-tubulin, as well as variable S100 these regions may harbour genes with
ONB, although the Homer Wright rosettes protein reactivity, which is typically in a functional relevance in ONB. The detec-
are nearly pathognomonic in the nasal sustentacular cell pattern highlighting tion of PTCH1, GL/1, and GL/2 in 70%,
cavity when containing true neuropil. only cells at the periphery of the nests, 70%, and 65% , res pectively, of human
Perivascular pseudorosettes (like those often limited in higher-grade tumours. ONB specimens suggests that the SHH
seen in ependymomas) are non-specific. Sustentacular cells may also be posi- signalling pathway may be involved in the
The mitotic rate is variable, but is usually tive for GFAP. Calretinin staining (nuclear pathogenesis of this neoplasm {1534}.
low, especially in lower-grade tumours. and cytoplasmic) has been reported The OMP and RICBB genes have been
Calcifications (concretion-like or psam- in ONB {2635) but can also be seen in found to be expressed in ONBs {875}.
momatous) may be seen, less frequently other sinonasal tumours. As many as one
as the grade increases. Melanin pig- third of ONBs may also stain focally far Prognosis and predictive factors
ment, ganglion cells, rhabdomyoblasts, cytokeratin (CAM5.2, CK18) {1014,1619). In addition to staging, histological grade
divergen! differentiation as islands of true Negative markers include C045RB, is usefu l in prognostication and manage-
epithelium (squamous pearls or gland CD99, p63, and FLl 1. Proliferation mark- ment of ONB {174,1203,1519,2468}. High-
formation), and clear-cell change may er studies reveal a variable Ki: 67 prolif- grade tumours tend to have a poorer
occasionally be encountered in ONB eration index (2- 50%) {1619,2383}, and outcome {174,616,1130,1 519}. A single in-
[149,694,1457,1632}. BCL2 expression increases with tumour stitutional retrospective review found that
The most widely used gradi ng system grade. Rare desmin or myogenin reactiv- high tumour grade was significantly asso-
for ONB was developed by Hyams et ity is seen in ONB with rhabdomyoblastic ciated with poor outcome, but advanced
al. {950). This system divides the spec- differentiation (203). stage was not {174). Metastatic ONB is
trum of ONB maturation into tour grades, associated with significantly worse over-
ranging from most differentiated (grade 1) Genetic protile all survival, and high-grade ONB with
to least differentiated (grade IV), on the ONB demonstrates numerous chromo- significantly worse disease-free survival.
basis of tumour architecture, mitotic ac- somal aberrations, deletions, and gains, High Hyams grade (111/IV) is associated
tivity, nuclear pleomorphism, fibrillary but with no consistent pattern {221,907, with more aggressive locoregional dis-
matrix and rosettes, necrosis, gland pro- 1015,1983}. In one study, a specific dele- ease {1519} and is a predictor of worse
liferation, and calcifications. This grading tion on chromosome 11 and gain on chro- disease-free survival (174). lt is yet to be
scheme has been independently vali- mosome 1p were associated with metas- determined whether histopathological
dated in relation to prognosis {802,1203, tasis anda worse prognosis {221 }. Gains grading alone is a sufficient stratifica-
2036, 2336}. have been shown to be more freq uent tion tool and an independent predictor
The typical immunohistochemical pro- than losses, and high-stage ONBs show of overall survival {616,802,1203,2036,
file includes diffuse staining for neuron- more alterations than low-stage_tumours. 2336,2468).
specific enolase [2424}, synaptophysin, Gains in 20q and 13q may be impor-
chromogranin A, CD56 (NCAM) and tan! in the progression of this neoplasm;

Neuroectodermal / melanocytic tumours 59

Mucosa/ melanoma
Williams M.O.
Speight P.
Wenig B.M.

Mucosal melanoma is a malignant neo-
plasm arising from melanocytes in the
mucosa. Fig. 1.61 Sinonasal mucosa! melanoma. T2-weighted Fig. 1.62 Sinonasal mucosa! melanoma. A polypoid
axial MRI of sinonasal mucosa! melanoma of the nasal slightly pigmentad mass distends the submucosa.
ICD-0 code 8720/3 septum (arrow).
pigmented (black) and friable to tan or
Epidemiology Localization grey and firm.
Sinonasal mucosal melanomas con- Sinonasal mucosa! melanomas most fre-
stitute 1% of all melanomas and about quently arise in the nasal cavity or sep- Cytology
4% of ali sinonasal tumours (796,1645). tum, and rarely in the nasopharynx or Asp irates of metastatic lesions show the
There is a wide patient age range, with maxillary sinuses (1645,2395). diversity of featu res discussed within the
an incidence peak in the seventh decade histopathology section below, similar to
of lite (2395). There is no sex predilection Clinical features the features seen in aspirates of meta-
(2395}. Patients may present with non-specif- static dermal melanoma. The diagnosis
ic symptoms of epistaxis or sinonasal must be considered within the differential
Etiology congestion. for any aspirate showing a malignancy
Mucosal melanomas are biologically dis- that is not obviously epithelial.
tinct from cutaneous melanomas. Etio- Macroscopy
logical factors, including melanocytosis, Sinonasal mucosal melanomas are Histopathology
remain speculative. often polypoid, and range from deeply Solid sheets or nests of epithelioid cel ls

. :J. '' .
Fig. 1.63 Sinonasal mucosa! melanoma. The histological features vary from (A) clear, non-pigmented, slightly spindled cells to (B) pigmented epithelioid cells with prominent nucleoli.
The histological spectrum of melanoma includes (C) spindled, fasciculated growth pattern and (D) rhabdoid proliferation.

60 Tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and skull base

with variable N:C ratios infiltrate the sub- cell carcinoma, NUT carcinoma, and NRAS mutations and rare BRAF muta-
mucosa. Surface ulceration is often pre- SMARCB1 -deficient carcinoma), neu- tions (Table 1.04) (1,2467,2708}.
sent, but with intact surface epithelium , roendocrine carcinomas, diffuse large
pagetoid and/or surface spread may 8-cell lymphoma, and Ewing sarcoma/ Genetic susceptibility
be present. Variable cellular morphol- primitive neuroectodermal tumour. Sinonasal mucosal melanomas have a
ogy is present from case to case and lmmunohistochemical evaluation is possible association with melanocytosis,
within individual cases, ranging from necessary, particularly in amelanotic which is strongly associated with uveal
epithelioid/undifferentiated cells to spin- tumours. S100 protein and melanocytic melanomas.
dled, plasmacytoid, and rhabdoid cells, markers (HMB45, tyrosinase, melan-A,
with or without prominent nucleoli. In MITF, and S0X10) show variable sensi- Prognosis and predictive factors
neoplasms with a prominent spindle- tivity depending on morphological type. Distinguishing mucosa! from cutaneous
cell componen!, fascicu lar to storiform S100 protein highlights > 95% of epithe- origin and excluding metastasis to the
growth can be seen. Mitoses are read- lioid/undifferentiated melanomas, versus sinonasal region are importan! for stag-
ily identified and atypical forms are often 85% of spindled mucosal melanomas ing and prognosis. The seventh edition of
present. Discohesion leads to cuffing of (1917,2395). Similar variability has been the American Joint Committee on Cancer
endothelial cells (resulting in a pseudo- noted far melanocytic markers, which (AJCC) cancer staging manual added
papillary or peritheliomatous pattern). As highlight 75- 80% of melanomas with epi- head and neck mucosa! melanoma stag -
many as 50% of lesions are amelanotic, thelioid morphology versus 65-70% of ing: ali tumours are T3- 4, associated
resulting in a broader differential diagno- spindle cell melanomas (2395). with poor overall survival (< 30%) at 5
sis at this site, including small blue cell years {1 17,530,1495}. Metastatic disease
tumours (olfactory neuroblastoma and Genetic profile (stage IV) and advanced patient age
rhabdomyosarcoma), high-grade carci- The molecular profile is distinct from those are the most importan! prognostic fac-
nomas (sinonasal undifferentiated car- of cutaneous and uveal melanomas, with tors. K/T-mutant tumours have shown re-
cinoma, poorly differentiated squamous higher rates of K/Tmutations, followed by sponse to KIT inhibitor therapy; however,
the response is not durable (1009,2439}.
Table 1.04 Molecular alterations in melanomas vary by site of origin Future therapeutic development requires
Frequency by site of orlgln trials specifically evaluating mucosa!
melanomas; findings in cutaneous mela-
Molecular alteration Mucosa! {2708} Cutaneous {1} Ocular (uveal) {2467}
nomas may not be applicable, due to the
BRAF mutationsª <6% 50% 0% different genetic profile {1354). Cutane-
NRAS 15-20% 30% <5% ous melanoma prognostic factors (e.g.
K/Tmutationl Clark level of invasion and Breslow tu-
25% (10-37%) 6- 8% < 1% mour thickness) do not apply.
BAP1 mutation Unknown 3% 50% (metastases)
GNAQ 0% 2% 50%
GNA11 Rare 4% 36°/.o
Monosomy of chromosome
Treatment and clinical trials are on-golng for:
ªBRAF inhibitors (cutaneous) and
blmatinib (mucosa!; most patients develop resistance).
lmmunotherapy trials are also underway; evaluation in all subsites will be critica! for determining efficacy.

Neuroectodermal/melanocytic tumours 61

Tumours of the nasopharynx

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcinoma
Salivary gland tumours
Benign and borderline lesions
Soft tissue tumours
Haematolymphoid turnours
Notochordal tumours
WHO classification of tumours of the nasopharynx

Carcinomas Soft tissue tumours

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma 9160/0
Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma 8072/3
Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma 8071/3 Haematolymphoid tumours
Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma 8083/3 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 9680/3
Nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcinoma 8260/3 Extraosseous plasmacytoma 9734/3
Extramedullary myeloid sarcoma 9930/3
Salivary gland tumours
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 8200/3 Notochordal tumours
Salivary gland anlage tumour Chordoma 9370/3

Benign and borderline lesions

Hairy polyp The morphology codes are from the lnternational Classification of Diseases
for Oncology (ICD-0) 1776A}. Behaviour is coded /0 for benign tumours:
Ectopic pituitary adenoma 8272/0 /1 for unspecified, borderline, or uncertain behaviour; /2 far carcinoma in
Craniopharyngioma 9350/1 situ and grade 111 intraepithelial neoplasia; and /3 for malignant tumours.
The classification is modilied from the previous WHO classification, taking
into account changes in our understanding of these lesions.

TNM classification of carcinomas of the nasopharynx

TNM classification•,b M - Distant metastasis

MO No distan! metastasis
T - Primary tumour M1 Distan! metastasis
TX Primary tumour cannot be assessed
TO No evidence of primary tumour Stage grouping
Tis Carcinoma in situ Stage O Tis NO MD
T1 Tumour confined to nasopharynx, or extends to Stage 1 T1 NO MD
oropharynx and/or nasal cavity Stage 11 T1 N1 MO
T2 Tumour with parapharyngeal extension (which denotes 12 N0-1 MD
posterolateral infiltration of tumour) Stage 111 T1-2 N2 MO
T3 Tumour invades bony structures of skull base and/or T3 N0-2 MO
paranasal sinuses Stage IVA T4 N0-2 MO
T4 Tumour with intracranial extension and/or involvement of Stage IVB AnyT N3 MO
cranial nerves, infratemporal fossa, hypopharynx, orbit, or Stage IVC AnyT Any N M1
masticator space

N - Regional lymph nodes (i.e. the cervical nodes) 'Adapted from Edge et al. {625A} - used with permission of the American
Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), Chicago, lllinois; the original and prima­
NX Regional lymph nades cannot be assessed ry source for this information is the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Seventh
NO No regional lymph nade metastasis Edition {2010) published by Springer Science+Business Media - and Sobin
N1 Unilateral metastasis in cervical lymph node(s), and/ et al. {2228A).
or unilateral or bilateral metastasis in retropharyngeal "A help desk for specific questions about TNM classification is available at
lymph nades, s: 6 cm in greatest dimension, above the
ºThe supraclavicular fossa is !he triangular region defined by three points:
supraclavicular fossa (1) !he superior margin of the sternal end of the clavicle, (2) the superior mar­
N2 Bilateral metastasis in cervical lymph node(s), s: 6 cm in gin of the lateral end of the clavicle, and (3) !he point where the neck meets
greatest dimension, above the supraclavicular fossa the shoulder; this includes caudal portions of levels IV and V.
N3 Metastasis in cervical lymph node(s), > 6 cm and/or in the
supraclavicular fossa
N3a > 6 cm in greatest dimension
N3b In the supraclavicular fossaº

Note: Midline nades are considered ipsilateral nades.

64 WHO and TNM classification of tumours of the nasopharynx

lntroduction Chan J.K.C.
Slootweg P.J.

A broad range of neoplasms can arise common tumour types and site-specific of the hypopharynx, /arynx, trachea and
in tl1e nasopharynx, from epithelial to tumour types are described in detail. parapharyngea/ space, p. 77), Chapter 4
mesenchymal, lymphoid, and neuro- Other tumour types that can occur in the (Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile
ectodermal. The most common is na- nasopharynx are covered in other chap - tangue, p. 105), and Chapter 5 (Tumours
sopharyngeal carcinoma, which shows ters, including Chapter 1 (Tumours of of the oropharynx, p. 133).
remarkable geographical differences in the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and
incidence. In this chapter, only the more sku/1 base, p. 11 ), Chapter 3 (Tumours

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Pete rsson B.F. Lewis J .S.

Bel! D. Nadal A.
EI-Mofty S.K. Nicolai P.
Gillison M. Wenig B.M.

Definition including the lnuit, Northern Africans, Table 2.01 Structures involved by local infiltration of
nasopharyngeal carcinoma; MRI data of 308 patients ,
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a and Chinese from south-eastern Asia. Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong.
carcinoma arising in the nasopharyngeal Sorne of the highest incidences of NPC
Structures involved Frequency
mucosa that shows light microscopic or have been observed in Hong Kong SAR,
ultrastructural evidence of squamous d if- China, with 2012 age-standardized inci- Adjacent soft tissues
ferentiation . The term encompasses non- dences of 12.5 cases and 4.1 cases per Nasal cavity 87%
keratinizing, keratinizing, and basalo id 100 000 males and females, respective - Oropharyngeal wall, soft palate 21 %
squamous cell carcinoma. ly {363}. The annual incidence of NPC
Parapharyngeal space, carotid space 68%
in southern China is 15-50 cases per
ICD-0 codes 100 000 population {1004}. The rates in Pterygoid muscle (medial, lateral) 48%
Non-keratinizing squamous cell menare commonly double or trip le those Prevertebral muscle 19%
carcinoma 8072/3 in women. NPC affects predominantly Bony erosion / paranasal sinus
Keratinizing squamous cell adults, but rare cases are seen in the
Nasal septum 3%
carcinoma 8071/3 paediatric population . In high-ri sk popu-
Basaloid squamous cell lations, NPC incidence rises alter the age Pterygoid plate(s), pterygomaxillary
fissure, pterygopalatine fossa
carcinoma 8083/3 of 30 years, peaks at 40- 60 years, and
then declines {1822} In Chinese who mi- Maxillary antrum 4%
Synonyms grate to North America, the incidence of Ethmoid sinus 6%
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma; undiffer- NPC declines, but remains significantly
Sphenoid sinus; sphenoid bone;
entiated carcinoma with lymphoid stro - higher than in th e general North Ameri- 38%
foramina lacerum, ovale, and rotundum
ma; squamous cell carcinoma (WHO can population {296}.
Clivus 41%
grade 1); non-keratinizing carcinoma The age-standardized incidences of
(WHO grade 2); undifferentiated carci- NPC have decreased over the past dec- Petrous bone, petro-occipital fissure 19%
noma (WHO grade 3) ades, particularly among Ch inese in Jugular foramen, hypoglossal canal 4%
Hong Kong SAR {826,2693). Pituitary fossa/gland 3%
Extensive/intracraniat extension
NPC is an uncommon tumour among Etiology
Caucasians, with an age-adjusted an- Causative carcinogens have not yet Cavernous sinus 16%
nual incidence of less than 1 case per been definitively identified , but tobacco Cerebrum, meninges, cisterns 4%
100 000 population. The annual inci- smoking and alcohol consumption are lnfratemporal fossa 9%
dence in North America is 0.3-0.7 cases likely contributing factors for keratiniz-
Orbit, orbital fissure(s) 4%
per 100 000 population {1 124). NPC is ing NPC (K-NPC); and a high consump-
common among sorne ethnic groups, tion of salted and fermented foods with Hypopharynx 2%

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 65
generally absent in K-NPC, especially in
non-endemic regions (1542,1731). EBV
infection is necessary but not sufficient
for tumorigenesis.
Oncogenic (h igh-risk) HPV types may
play a role in a subset of NPCs, espe-
cially in non-endemic regions. Like in the
oropharynx, HPV-related NPCs most fre-
quently show non-keratinizing histology

The pharyngeal recess (fossa of Rosen-
müller) is the most common site of ori-
gin {1010,1011). The next most common
site is the superior posterior wall of the

Clinical features
Most patients present with locoregionally
advanced disease, commonly with cervi-
1984 l9S6 l98S 1990 1992 199~ 1996 199S 2000 cal lymph node metastases (1040,2508)
The presenting symptoms are related
to the presence of a mass in the naso-
Fig. 2.01 Age-standardized incidence rates (per 100 000 population} of malignan! neoplasm of nasopharynx by sex in
Hong Kong SAR, China, 1983-2000; compiled based on the World Standard Population specified by Ahmad 08 et al. pharynx (e.g. epistaxis, obstruction, and
{29). Note: Data from 1996 onwards are based on population estimates using the resident population approach rather blood-stained postnasal drip), Eustachi-
than the extended de facto approach. The Hong Kong Population Census conducted in June to August 2011 provides an tube dysfunction (e.g. hearing impair-
a benchmark for revising population figures compiled since the 2006 Hong Kong Population By-census. Classification ment, tinnitus, and serous otitis media),
of diseases and causes of death is based on the lnternational Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health skull base involvement with impairment
Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-1O) from 2001 onwards; figures from 2001 onwards may not be comparable with figures
of the fifth and sixth cranial nerves (e.g.
for previous years, which were compilad based on ICD-9. Reprinted from Hong Kong Cancer Registry {363).
headache, diplopía, facial pain, numb-
ness, and paraesthesia), and painless
Table 2.02 Common presenting symptoms and signs of high nitrosamine content has been im- neck mass dueto lymph node metastasis
nasopharyngeal carcinoma; data from 722 consecutiva plicated in non-keratinizing NPC (NK- (1358). Distant metastasis at presentation
patients treated at Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern NPC) in populations where that histologi- has been reported in approximately 5% of
Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China, in 1994-2001.
cal subtype is endemic. NK-NPC has a patients {2368}, and 10% of patients with
Presenting features Frequency multifactorial etiology, including genetic NPC are asymptomatic . In endemic are-
Symptoms susceptibility, EBV infection, and pos- as, 12% of patients with dermatomyositis
Neck mass 42% sibly consumption of salted fish {96,97,
1003, 1005,1740,2693,2694,2695,2696).
Nasal (postnasal drip, discharge, 46%
Salted fish contains volatile carcinogenic
bleeding, obstruction)
nitrosamines or their precursors, as well
Aura! (tinnitus, discharge, earache, 42% as EBV-activating substances [1045,
1046,2144,2734}. The importance of ex-
Headache 16% posure in early life is indicated by studies
Double vision, squint, blindness 6% showing that low-risk ethnic groups born
Facial numbness 5%
in high-risk areas have higher risk of NPC
{1120,1121). In low-incidence regions
Speech/swallowing problem 2%
like northern China, the consumption of
Weight loss 4% salted fish still carries an adjusted rela-
Fig. 2.02 MRI of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC}. A
Physical signs tive risk as high as 5.6 {295}. Other envi - 40-year-old woman presented wilh a 2-month history
Enlarged neck node(s}
ronmental factors, such as occupational of tinnitus, followed by neck masses, nasal symptoms,
exposure to wood dust, formaldehyde, headache, and diplopia. Physical examination revealed
Bilateral neck nades 35% heat, smoke, dust, and chemica[ fumes left sixth nerve palsy and bilateral upper-middle cervical
Neck nodes extending to supraclavicular 12% have also been proposed as possible lymph nades. Endoscopy revealed tumour in the
fossa contributing or causative factors {98, nasopharynx extending to the posterior nasal cavity.
Biopsy confirmad undifferentiated carcinoma. MRI
Cranial nerve palsy 10% 1740,2693).
showed NPC with extensiva local infiltration of adjacent
Deafness 3% Most studies show that NK-NPC has a soft tissues, erosion of skull base/ paranasal sinuses,
strong association with EBV, especially and intracranial extension, together with bilateral
Dermatomyositis 1%
in endemic reg ions; conversely, EBV is retropharyngeal and cervical nodes.

66 Tumours of the nasopharynx

have NPC as an underlying malignancy TNMstaging Macroscopy
[1848). whereas only 1% of patients with The main differences between the sixth The tumour can present as a smooth
NPC have dermatomyositis (2367). and seventh editions of the AJCC can- bulge in the mucosa, a discrete raised
cer staging manual are that (1) tumours nodule with or without surface ulceration,
Tumour spread classified in the sixth edition as T2a (i.e. or a frankly infiltrative fungating mass. In
NPC is notorious for its highly malignan! tumour extending to oropharynx and/or sorne cases, there is no grossly visible le-
behaviour, with extensive locoregional in- nasal cavity without parapharyngeal ex- sion (1468}.
filtration and early lymphatic spread, ero- tension) are classified in the seventh edi-
sion of skull base and paranasal sinuses, tion as T1 and (2) retropharyngeal lymph Cytology
intracranial spread, infiltration of cranial node(s). regardless of unilateral or bilat- Aspirates of metastatic K-NPCs and NK-
nerves, and extension to adjacent struc- eral location, are conside red N1 in the NPCs show findings similar to those at
tures (e.g. infratemporal fossa, orbit, and seventh edition. other sites. Aspirates often show a back-
hypopharynx). Given the rich lymphatic ground of lymphocytes and plasma cells,
plexus in the nasopharynx, lymphatic Serology with irregu lar clusters of large cells with
spread occurs early in the course of dis- EBV serology is positive in most patients overlapping vesicular nuclei and large
ease. In cases staged by imaging, about with NK-NPC (917). lgA antibody against nucleoli (384,1265). The cytoplasm of
20% of patients have no enlarged nodes, EBV viral capsid antigen and lgG/ lgA these cells is often frag ile and barely
and about half have retropharyngeal against EBV early antigens are the most visib le. There are commonly many na-
node involvement {21 40}. The jugulodi- extensively used diagnostic tools, with ked nuclei (1636} The diagnosis can be
gastric node is the most commonly pal - detection rates of 69-93% {383,525). read ily confirmed by immunostaining for
pable node at presentation, and involve- Another approach is to test for elevated cytokeratin and in situ hybridization for
ment of the posterior cervica l chain is levels of circulating EBV DNA or RNA, EBER.
more frequent than with other head and using techniques for detecting the
neck cancers. The most common sites of BamHI-W region of the EBV genome, Histopathology
distan! metastasis (in descending arder EBV-encoded small RNAs (EBERs), or Non-keratinizing squamous ce//
of frequency) are bone, lung, liver, and EBNA1 in the plasma or serum, with re- carcinoma
distan! nades {2369). ported sensitivity in NPC as high as 96% NK-NPC exhibits a variety of architec-
{382,1433,1463,2 168). tural patterns, frequently mixed within the

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 67
same tumour mass, ranging from solid highly variable. When abundant, the in- oedema fluid or mucosubstances, and
sheets to irregular islands, trabeculae, flammatory cells break up the tumour into presence of intracytoplasmic mucin in
and discohesive sheets of malignant tiny clusters or single cells, making it dif- very rare cells {11 09,1302).
cells intimately intermi ngled with variable ficult to recognize the epithelial nature of In cervical lymph node metastases,
numbers of lymphocytes and plasma the neoplasm. Sorne cases may demon- malignant cells within the lymph nodes
cells. strate abundant eosinophils, neutrophils, may be arranged in various patterns. In
The undifferentiated subtype, which is or epithelioid granulomas {399,781,1379, particular, neoplastic cells may display
more common, is characterized by large 1471). A desmoplastic stromal reaction is Reed- Sternberg cell-like features in a
tumour cells with a syncytial appearance, uncommon. mixed inflammatory background, mim-
round to oval vesicular nuclei, and large lsolated or scattered groups of tu- icking Hodgkin lymphoma (329,1384).
central nucleoli. The nuclei can be chro- mour cells may appear shrunken, with Epithelioid granulomas (sometimes ne-
matin-rich rather than vesicular and the smudged nuclei and dense amphophilic crotizing) are present in approximately
neoplastic cells generally have scant am- or eosinophilic cytoplasm. In as many as 20% of cases (1384). A cystic appear-
phophilic or eosinophilic cytoplasm. The 10% of cases, there are interspersed in- ance of NK-NPC metastases to lymph
malignant cells can assume spindle-cell tra- or extracellular small spherical amy- nodes may simulate a metastasis from
features in fascicular arrangements. loid globules {1919]. Uncommon features the oropharynx.
The differentiated subtype exhibits cel- include papillary frond formation, clear-
lular stratification and pavementing, o/- cell change, accumulation of extracellular Keratinizing squamous ce// carcinoma
ten with plexiform growth; occasional K-NPCs are a group of invasive carci-
keratinized cells may be present. Com- nomas showing obvious squamous dif-
pared with those in the undifferentiated ferentiation at the light microscopic leve!,
subtype, the neoplastic cells are often in the form of intercellular bridges and/or
slightly smaller, the N:C ratio is lower, various degrees of keratinization, accom-
the nuclei are o/ten more chromatin -rich, panied by a desmoplastic stroma, akin to
and the nucleoli are usually less promi- that seen in squamous cell carcinoma at
nent. Focally, intercellular bridges may other head and neck sites. K-NPC can
be present. arise de novo or (more rarely) secondary
However, subclassification into undiffer- to radiotherapy {398).
entiated and differentiated subtypes has
no clinical or prognostic value. Basaloid squamous ce// carcinoma
The density of lymphocytes and plasma This tumour is morph0logically identical
cells within the tumour cell aggregates is to analogous tumours more commonlY

68 Tumours of the nasopharynx

occurring in other head and neck sites, (1056). Genomic sequencing reveals a with an estimated 1% increase in risk of
and has infrequently been reported to distinctive mutational signature, with nine local failure per 1 cm 3 increase in vol-
occur as a p ri mary tumour of the naso- significantly mutated genes (1431}. The ume (386,2330). Circulating plasma/se-
pharynx (132,133,1672,1839,2528}. EBV significance of these genes in p athogen- rum levels of EBV DNA are substantially
may be positive, especially in high-inci- esis, prognosis, and response to therapy elevated in patients with active disease
dence ethnic groups (1672,2528}. has yet to be determined. (in particular distan! metastasis); drop to
very low l itres upan rem ission (374,1462,
/mmunohistochemistry Genetic susceptibility 1728,2168}; and correlate with advanced
NPC stains strongly far p63, pancy- The risk of developing NPC is linked to stage {1463} and survival {374,1462}.
tokeratin, and high-molecular-weight cy- genes coding far certain tissue antigens Other unfavourable prognostic factors
tokeratins, with often patchy expression (i.e. HLA genes). In Chinese populat ions, are fixation of involved neck nades, male
of low-molecular-weight cytokeratins and HLA-A*02 alleles and HLA-8*46 alleles sex, patient age > 40 years, cranial nerve
EMA. CK7 and CK20 are negative (756}. are associated with a high risk of NPC palsy, and ear symptoms at presentation
(864,1042). High-resolution genotyping (1851,2139,2368).
EBV detection has shown a consisten! association be - The issue of histopathological type
NK-N PC is associated with EBV in almost tween NPC and the HLA-A*0207 allele, (keratin izing vs non-keratinizing) in rela-
ali cases. The most reliable way to dem- which is common in Chinese popu lations tion to prognosis is complex. Compared
onstrate EBV is in situ hybridization far {990]. Genetic polymorph isms in genes with NK-NPC, K-NPC shows a greater
EBER {1037,1066,1085,1904,2428}. This coding for metabolic enzymes· (CYP2E1 propensity far locally advanced tumour
test is helpful in the evaluation of cervi- and GSTM1) and DN A repai r enzymes growth (which occurs in 76% vs 55% of
cal lymph nades harbouri ng undifferen - (OGG1 and XRCC1) have also been as- cases, respectively) (1966} and a lower
tiated ar poorly differentiated squamous sociated with increased risk of NPC {989, propens ity for lymph nade metastasis
cell carcinoma of unknown arigin, with 991). Linkage studies have suggested (which occurs in 29% vs 70% of cases,
a positive result strongly suggesting the that susceptibility loci for NPC are pres- respectively) (1715). Sorne studies have
possibility of NPC. ent on chromosomes 3, 4, and 14 {700, suggested that K-NPC is less respon-
lmmunostaining for LMP 1 is not a sensi- 2654). Familia! clustering of NPC is well sive to radiation therapy and has a worse
tive ar reliable method far demonstrating reported (1003,1 133,1157,2609}. The prognosis than NK-NPC {1023,1715,
lhe presence of EBV {908,1833,1904). relative risk in fi rst-degree relatives of 1966,2142}, but other studies have not
PCR far EBV is not rel iable either, be- patients with NPC varíes from 6.3 to 21.3 found any differences in biological be-
cause even a few bystander EBV-positive {397,1362,2692,2722} . There are no clini- haviour (375,737}.
lymphocytes can give rise to a positive cal characteristics that sep arate sporadic The significance of the presence of high-
result {2428). from fami lia! cases. risk HPV is not wel l established. Severa!
studies have suggested that HPV-related
Genetic profile Prognosis and predictive factors tumours have a worse prognosis than do
Deletions on 3p and 9p are early events The most powerful prognostic factor of EBV-related cases, but perhaps a bet-
in NPC (442), and the chromosomal re- NPC is stage at presentation. A study us- ter outcome than do cases negative far
gions that most frequent show gain and ing the 2002 TNM staging system found both viruses {592,1435,1460,1561,2000,
loss are on chromosome 12 and 3p. Ar- that the 5-year disease-specific survival 2273}.
ray comparative genomic hybridization rate for stage I disease was 98%; for With improved treatment protocols, the
studies have identified frequent copy- stage IIA- B, 95%; far stage 111, 86% ; and development of a second malignan! tu-
number gains of MYCL (1p34.3), TERC for stage IVA-B, 73%. lncreasing tumour mour becomes significan!. Squamous
(3q26.3), ESR1 (6q25.1), and PIK3CA volume is a negative prognostic factor, cell carcinoma and various sarcomas

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 69
are most common. The annual incidence 6.4- 15.8 years) {380). Postradiation Many prognostic molecular and immuno-
of postradiation squamous cell carci- squamous cell carcinoma may occur at histochemical markers have been stud-
noma has been reported to be 0.55-1 % uncommon siles, such as the externa! ied, but only that of plasma/serum levels
{1270,2531}; in one study, the mean la- auditory canal, middle ear, and temporal of EBV DNA {2717} has been incorporat-
tency period was 10.5 years (range: bone {1430,1461,1752,2364}. ed into clinical practice.

Nasopharyngeal papillary Stelow E.B.

Bell O.
adenocarcinoma Wenig B.M.

Definition Macroscopy
Nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarci- Nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcino-
noma is a low-grade adenocarcinoma mas are exophytic and appear papillary,
with predominately papillary architecture, polypoid, or nodular. They may be soft or
found in the nasopharynx. gritty (2590}.

ICD-0 code 8260/3 Histopathology

Nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcino-
Synonym mas are composed of complex, arboriz-
Thyroid -like low-grade nasopharyngeal ing papillae with hyalinized fibrovascular
papillary adenocarcinoma cores and glands {1894,2590] . The le-
sions are invasive and typically involve
Epidemiology the surface epithelium, tocally merging
Nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcino- with non-neoplastic epithelium. Papillae
mas account tor < 1% of nasopharyngeal are lined by a single layer of cuboidal low-grade nasopharyngeal papillary ad-
malignancies. They can occur in patients to co lumnar cells that have a moder- enocarcinoma, but thyroglobulin is nega-
of any age (reported range: 9- 64 years) ate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. tive. S100 protein expression is seen fo -
{1894,2590). No sex predilection has Similar to those seen in papillary thyroid cally in many cases.
been shown. carcinomas, the nuclei vary trom round
to oval and have moderate membrane Genetic profile
Localization irregularity with vesicular to clear c hro- BRAF mutations have not been identified
Nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarci- matin. Psammomatoid calcifications are (1768,1870).
nomas can involve any part of the naso- seen in about one third of cases. Mitotic
pharynx {2590). figu res are uncommon and necrosis is Prognosis and predictiva factors
rare. Perineural and angiolymphatic inva- Most patients with nasopharyngeal papil-
Clinical features sion are not seen. lary adenocarcinoma have been treated
Patients typically present with nasal ob- The tumours express EMA, CK5/6, and with surgery alone, although sorne have
struction (1894,2590}. Subsets of pa- often CK7 {1894,2590}. The subset of also received radiation therapy {1894,
tients present with rhinorrhoea, epistaxis, cases positive for CK19 and TTF1 {342} 2590}. No patients have developed re-
otitis media, or hearing problems. has been referred to as thyroid-like c urrences or metastases.

70 Tumours of the nasopharynx

Salivary gland tumours

Adenoid cystic carcinoma findings 'are similar to those fo r adenoid 2406,2516). The affected patients are
cystic carcinomas found elsewhere infants (diagnosed by 3 months of age),
Stelow E.B. (2391). They are described in detail in and there is a male predilection. A case
Bell D. the Adenoid cystic carcinoma section suspected to have developed in utero
Seethala R. in Chapter 7, p. 164. The tumours are has been reported {1945).
Stenman G. mostly submucosal, but sorne may show
mucosa! extension. Localization
Salivary gland anlage tumours occur in
Definition Genetic profile the posterior nasal septum or the poste-
Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a slow- The adenoid cystic carcinoma- specific rio r nasopharyngeal wall.
growing and relentless salivary gland 1(6;9) chromosomal translocation, result-
malignancy composed of epithelial and ing in a MYB-NF/8 gene fusion, has been Clinical features
myoepithelial neoplastic cells that form detected in tumours at this site (987,1862, Patients present with respiratory distress
various patterns, including tubular, c ribri- 2391). due to nasal airway obstruction {979). Be-
form , and solid forms. fore birth, salivary gland anlage tumour may
Prognosis and predictiva factors be associated with polyhydramnios {1945).
ICD-0 code 8200/3 The reported 5-year disease-free and
overall survival rates are 30-65% and Macroscopy
Epidemiology 5 4-70%, respectively {325,1447). The typical appearance is that of a poly-
Approximately 2-8% of adenoid cystic poid to peduncu lated smooth tan -brown
carcinomas involve the nasopharynx mass with solid to microcystic cut sur-
(1709,1864). The tumours are the most Salivary g/and anlage tumour tace (979).
common salivary gland malignancy af-
fecting the area and account for almos! Chiosea S. Histopathology
one quarter of ali adenocarcinomas found Seethala R. Salivary gland anlage tumours display
at the site {1894). The mean patient age Skálová A. a complex polypoid configuration, with
at presentation is 45 years, and men and a submucosal network of tu bules and
women are equally affected {1894,2391). ducts with variable keratinization that are
Definition continuous with the surface squamous
Localization Salivary gland anlage tumour is a mid- epithelium. The spindle ce ll componen!
Adenoid cystic carcinoma can involve line nasopharyngeal lesion with biphasic varíes from hypocell ular to more cellu lar
the nasopharynx either in isolation or epithelial and myoepithelial components myoepithelial nodules in the centre of the
through spread from !he sinonasal trae!. (979). polyp. Cellular atypia and mitoses are
absent {979). The epithelial components
Clinical features Synonym are positive for cytokeratins and EMA,
Patients most often present with epistax- Congenital pleomorphic adenoma {554, and the myoepithelial nodules express
is, nasal obstruction, and tinnitus {1447). 937) SMA and cytokeratins .
Most patients present with advanced -
stage disease {325,2391). Epidemiology Prognosis and predictive factors
Approximately 35 examples of salivary No recurrences alter excision have been
Histopathology gland anlage tumour have been reported reported.
The histological and immunohistochemical {554,8 16,978,979, 1537,1633, 1945,2282,

Fig. 2.1 O Salivary gland anlage tumour.


Salivary gland tumours 71

Benign and borderline lesions Katabi N.
Hunt J.L.
Thompson L.D.R.
Wenig B.M.

Hairypolyp Ectopic pituitary adenoma Histopathology

Ectopic pituitary adenoma is a submu-
Definition Definition cosal epithe lioid neoplasm with solid, or-
Hairy polyp is a benign polypoid lesion Ectopic pituitary adenoma is a benign ganoid, and trabecular growth patterns.
with a suspected developmental orígin, anterior pituitary gland neoplasm that The epithelioid cells have round nuclei,
composed of ectoderm and mesoderm. does not involve the sella turcica. with a dispersed chromatin pattern and
granular eosinophilic cytoplasm. Plas-
Synonyms ICD-0 code 8272/0 macytoid-appearing cells may be pres-
Teratoid polyp; dermoid polyp ent. Gland-like spaces may be seen,
Synonyms but there is no squamous differentiation.
Epidemiology Extrasellar pituitary adenoma; extracra- There is mild to moderate nuclear varia-
Haíry polyp occurs primaríly in neonates nial pituitary adenoma tion (so-called endocrine atypia). Scat-
and older ínfants, and extremely rarely in tered mitotic figures may be present, but
adults {364,888}. There is a femare pre- Epidemiology not atypical mitoses or necrosis. Cai-
dominance, wíth a female-to-male ratio of Pituitary adenomas account for < 3% ot cifications and psammoma-like bodies
6:1 (89,622,1210). tumours ot the sphenoid sinus or naso- may be identified [1459,1493,2166). The
pharynx (683,1782,2392} . Palien! age stroma is usually richly vascularized and
Localization at presentation varíes widely (range: often heavíly collagenized.
The most common locatíon is the lateral wall 2-84 years; mean: 54 years). The tumour cel ls express cytokeratins
of the nasopharynx (accounting for 60% ot Females are affected slightly more than (often in a perinuclear dot-li ke pattern)
cases), but hairy polyp may also occur in males, with a female-to-male ratio of 1.3:1 and neuroendocrine markers (e.g . syn-
the oropharynx, palate, tonsil, tangue, lip, (2392} . aptophysin, CD56, and chromogran in).
and middle ear (622,1210,1223]. S100 protein may be positive, but the
Localization sustentacular pattern of oltactory neuro-
Clinical features Ectopic pítuitary adenomas occur most blastoma ís absent. Reactivity with two
The presentatíon includes a peduncu- trequently in the sphenoid sinus/bone or more pi tuitary hormones is seen in as
lated mass that may be assocíated wíth {301,1459,1959,2392,2417). followed by many as 50% of cases. About one third
cough , dyspnoea, vomiting, and difficulty the nasopharynx, with rare cases re- of ali cases express a single hormone,
in swallowing . Rarely, it is associated with ported in the nasal cavity, ethmoid sinus, most commonly prolactin. Approximately
other congenital malformations, such as temporal bone, and nasal bridge (87, 20% of ectopic pituitary adenomas are
cleft palate or Dandy- Walker syndrome 1959). null cell adenomas - lacking expression
{106,2359}. of any hormone marker. The diagnosis
Clinical features of null cell adenoma is preferably sup-
Macroscopy Symptoms include obstruction, sinusi- ported by the demonstration of pituitary
The polyp has a skin-like surface and tis, rhinorrhoea, discharge, headache, transcription factors (e.g. PIT1 , TPIT, SF1,
can be as large as 6 cm in greatest di- and pain. Visual disturbances and ER-alpha, GATA2, and alpha subunits)
mension, with an attachment to the lateral nerve changes are uncommon (2392) .
wall of the nasopharynx {1623}. Sorne patients present with endocrino-
pathic manifestations, such as Cush-
Histopathology ing syndrome (hypercortisolism), acro-
The polyp is covered by keratinized megaly, amenorrhoea, or galactorrhoea
squamous epithelium containing pi- (468,483,1030,1932,2175).
losebaceous units. The core consists Asymptomatic presentation occurs in
of fibroadipose tissue. Skeletal muscle, about 10% of cases. lmaging studies are
carti lage, and bone may be present. required to exclude direct extension from
Meningothelial remnants have been iden- the sella. Bone destruction is often pres-
tified {1770). Hairy polyp is differentiated ent (873,958,2207,2668).
from teratoma by a lack of endodermal
components. Macroscopy
Fig. 2.11 Ectopic pituitary adenoma. Strong and diffuse
Macroscopically, ectopic pituitary ade- granular cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for prolaclin, one
Prognosis and predictive factors nomas are polypoid tumours measuring of the peptides mas! commonly identified in ectopic
Surgical excision is curative {23591. 0.8-8 cm (mean: 3.4 cm) (1459,21661. pituitary adenoma.

72 Tumours of the nasopharynx

.,._,, \
Fig. 2.1 2 Ectopic pituitary adenoma. A Organoid growth pattern with rich vascularity. B Marked sclerosing fibrosis associated with compressed neoplastic cells. e Rosettes and
pseudorosettes. D Profound nuclear pleomorphism can frequently be seen in pituitary adenoma; there is a spicule of bone noted, as bone destruction may be seen.

[87,1459). Ectopic pituitary adenoma Localization type cells. In addition, so-called wet kera-
must be distinguished from other neu- Craniopharyngioma can occur extra- tin (composed of eosinophilic keratinized
roendocrine neoplasms. c ranially in the nasopharynx 11622). and ce lls with ghost nuclei) and associated
exceptionally in the sinonasal tract 11064, calcifi cation is present. The papillary
Prognosis and predictive factors 1748,2716). type includes sheets of dyscohesive
Surgical resection can be curative, but squamous epithelium that form pseudo-
recurrences are not uncommon. Clinical features papillae with anastomosing fibrovascu lar
Nasopharyngeal involvement is associ- stroma {1 905,2333}.
ated with headache, impaired vision, and
Craniopharyngioma nasal obstruction. Genetic profile
The adamantinomatous type harbours
Definition Macroscopy CTNNB1 (b eta-catenin) mutations and
Craniopharyngioma is a benign epithelial Most craniopharyngiomas have a cystic the papillary type harbours BRAFV600E
tumour thought to derive from the Rathke component containing brown (so called mutations {263,1547).
cleft. machine-oil) fluid {2697).
Prognosis and predictive factors
ICD-0 code 9350/1 H istopathology Treatment includes surgery with or with-
The adamantinomatous type shows out radiation 12697}. Craniopharyngioma
Synonym cords of basaloid cells with peripheral may be associated with long-term mor-
Pituitary adamantinoma palisading surrounding loose stellate- bidity and recurrence {1948).

Benign and borderline lesions 73

Soft tissue tumours Prasad M.L.
Franchi A.
Thompson L.D.R.

Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is a locally
aggressive, variably cellular fibrovascular
neoplasm arising in the nasopharynx of
young males.

ICD-0 code 9160/0

• \: . • -:cr
Angiofibroma; juvenile angiofibroma;
juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
- '.. • , I •�"
• ..,.•.:. \
Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is rare,
constituting < 0.5% of ali head and neck
tumours {230,2700). lts incidence is
0.4 cases per million in the general popu­
, _..,.,,.
• . •
. .. .'
,, .I ' . r..
lation and 3.7 per million in the at-risk ·,- ~ ..¡,,, ·'-' ·'
population (i.e. 1O- to 24-year-old males) , .D, .:' ' ' .- - .J..:·· . . ..

{845). The tumour develops almost exclu­ Fig. 2.14 Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma. A A richly vascular tumour underlying the nasopharyngeal respiratory-type
mucosa, showing variously sized blood vessels in a cellular fibroblastic stroma. The vascular componen! ranges
sively in adolescent and young males (av­ from capillaries to large dilated vessels. B The vascular componen! is variable, ranging from thin, slit-like branching
erage patient age: 17 years) (230,1716, capillaries supported only by endothelial cells to dilated vessels; the stroma shows dense collagen with spindled to
2621). Female patients should be evalu­ stellate fibroblasts. C In this area, the stroma is loose and myxoid, and contains stellate fibroblasts. The blood vessel
ated for underlying testicular feminization. walls range from !hin (supported only by endothelium) to unevenly thick, due to !he variable mural smooth muscle
content. D Nuclear localization of beta-catenin is seen in stromal cells only; in endothelial cells, the expression remains
Etiology membranous and cytoplasmic.
There is evidence of hormonal depend­
ency of nasopharyngeal angiofibroma. Localization cranial fossa) is seen in 10-30% of cases
Tumour growth is associated with pu­ Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma arises in {230,1388,1559,1716}. Angiography is
berty in boys, and tumour cells frequently the nasopharynx or posterolateral nasal diagnostic, identifies the feeding vessel
express androgen receptor (1063,1716, cavity wall (230,1716,2700}. (usually the interna! maxillary artery), and
2621). is essential for pre-surgical embolization
Clínica! features {219). Due to the characteristic imaging
Patients present with the classic triad appearance, diagnostic biopsy (which
of nasal obstruction, epistaxis, and na­ carries a risk of life-threatening haemor­

.,,,-.-;-:· - .. "',·..i:; ./
sopharyngeal mass (230,1222). Other rhage) is often unnecessary.
. - ........ symptoms include nasal discharge, si­

'1' '· 1·- �r.�:
nusitis, facial deformity, deafness, otitis, Macroscopy
\ }':-.-, - . - ' . - �-·1·-;
diplopía, proptosis, headache, and pain The average tumour size is 4 cm, but tu­
\ ·...
' {1716,2700}. Radiological imaging fre­ mours as large as 22 cm have been re­
quently shows a tumour in the nasophar­ ported. The neoplasm is polypoid and

.. ynx and nasal cavity with sinus opacity lobulated and often takes the shape of
and bone destruction. Anterior bowing of surrounding structures.
-.� , the posterior wall of the maxillary antrum
Fig. 2.13 Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma. 30 reconstruction (called the Holman-Miller sign or the an­ Histopathology
of CT angiography of a 15-year-old boy with a hypervascular tral sign) is typical {1716,2700}. Large tu­ The tumour has two components: vascu­
left nasal mass centred in the sphenopalatine foramen lar and stromal. The blood vessels are of
mours can extend into maxillary, ethmoid,
and extending into the pterygopalatine fossa, with
supply from an enlarged left interna! maxillary artery and sphenoid sinuses; pterygopalatine various sizes, shapes, and thicknesses,
(arrow), which is a branch of the externa! carotid artery and infratemporal fossa; and orbit. lntrac­ ranging from slit-like capillaries to ir­
(arrowhead). ranial extension (usually into the middle regularly dilated and branching vessels.

74 Tumours of the nasopharynx

The vessel walls may be thin (support- highlights the endothelium of blood ves- Genetic susceptibility
ed only by endothelial cells) or may be seis, and SMA highlights the smooth There have been isolated reports of na-
ensheathed focally or continuously by muscle in the vessels. The stromal cells sopharyngeal angiof1broma arising in
smooth muscle of varying thickness. No show nuclear expression of androgen association with familial adenomatous
elastic tissue is identified except in feed- receptor and beta-catenin - the latter in polyposis 1712,832,2454).
ing arteries. > 90% of tumours 15,1063}. The stromal No germline mutations of APC, C TNN81,
The stroma consists of bipolar or stellate cells occasionally express SMA, espe- or any other gene have been reported in
fibroblastic cells with plump, vesicular, cially at the periphery of the tumour, but sporadic nasopharyngeal angiofibroma.
spindled nuclei, and the cells may ap- are negative for desmin and S100 pro-
pear to be arranged around the blood tein. Expression of estrogen receptor, Prognosis and predictiva factors
vessels. Nucleoli are indistinct and mi- progesterone receptor, and KIT (CD117) One or more recurrences occur in 5- 25%
toses are usually absent. Scattered multi- has been reported 11452,1641 ,1978}. of patients {230,1222,1388}. Prognosis
nucleated stellate stromal giant cells may depends on the size and extent of the
be seen. The stroma varies from loose, Genetic profile tumour, the presence of multiple feeding
oedematous, and cellular to densely col- Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is charac- vessels (including bilateral vascularity),
lagenous and paucicellular; mast cells terized by chromosomal gains 1282}. Loss and the completeness of surgical resec-
are frequently present. Tumours treated of the Y chromosome with gain of the tion {1559,2227}.
with embolization show areas of necrosis X chromosome is frequently document- Sarcomatous transformation has been
and intravascular foreign material. Tu- ed 12092}. Somatic mutation in exon 3 of reported in association with radiotherapy,
mours treated with the androgen recep- the beta-catenin gene (CTNNB1) is seen as has metastasis {2621 }. Spontaneous
tor blocker flutamide are hypocellular, in 75% of the tumours, although nuclear regression after puberty can rarely occur
with increased stromal collagen {815}. localization of beta-catenin is seen in {2621}.
CD31 and CD34 immunohistochemistry > 90% of cases {5}.

Haematolymphoid tumours Ferry J.A.

Ko Y.-H.

Definltion slightly younger patients, with a higher cervical lymph nodes at presentation,
Haematolymphoid tumours of the na- male-to-female ratio, than does diffuse and more-distant spread is not uncom-
sopharynx are neoplasms of lymphoid, large 8-cell lymphoma (see Diffuse large mon {37,50,432,1054,1635}.
plasma cell, or myeloid origin arising in 8-cell lymphoma) {2652}. Burkitt lym-
the nasopharynx. phoma is a common type among children Clinical features
12642}. Patients present with nasal obstruction,
ICD-0 codas Nasopharyngeal extraosseous plasma- epistaxis, hearing loss, headache, dysp-
Extraosseous plasmacytoma 9734/3 cytoma accounts for 10-16% of ali head noea, and/or cervical lymphadenopathy.
Extramedullary myeloid sarcoma 9930/3 and neck extraosseous plasmacyto- A minority have constitutional symptoms
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 9680/3 mas {116,494,2078}. Nasopharyngeal {50,1054,2228,2652}.
myeloid sarcoma is rare {433,1957).
Epidemiology Histopathology
Nasopharyngeal lymphomas account Etiology Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is most
for about 15% {37,666,934} of all head Most lymphomas, plasmacytomas, and common, followed by NK/T-cell lym-
and neck lymphomas and for 9% {1372} myeloid sarcomas arise sporadically. phoma and peripheral T-cell lymphoma,
to 35% {682} of Waldeyer ring (pharyn- EBV contributes to the pathogenesis of NOS {50,432,1054,1372,2652}. Other
geal lymphoid ring) lymphomas. Oiffuse NK/T-cell lymphoma. Sorne patients with lymphomas include MALT lymphoma
large 8-cell lymphoma is the most com- high-grade 8-cell lymphoma or classical {50,1372,2652). follicular lymphoma
mon type {37,50,682,2652}. NK-cell and Hodgkin lymphoma are immunocompro- {50,432,1372). Burkitt lymphoma {2228,
T-cell lymphomas occur more trequently mised {1939,2228}. 2652}, and mantle cell lymphoma
in Asia than in western countries {1054}. {2652}, as well as the rare anaplastic
Adults and (rarely) children are affected Localization large cell lymphoma {1054,2652), 8-
{50,432,1635}. The average patient age Lymphoma forms an often bulky, usually and T-lymphoblastic lymphomas {1054,
symmetrical lesion, commonly with inva- 1473), and classical Hodgkin lymphoma
and male-to-female ratio vary by type of
lymphoma. For example, extranodal NK/ sion of adjacent structures {432,2652). {1143,1939).
T-cell lymphoma (see Extranodal NK!T- Stage at presentation varíes by type of
ce/1 /ymphoma, p.52) {1108,23221 affects
lymphoma, but most lymphomas involve

Haematolymphoid tumours 75

Scanned by CamScanner
Notochordal tumours Baumhoer D.
Bullerdiek J .
Nicolai P.

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Fig. 2.15 Chordoma. A Nests of epilhelioid cells with eosinophilic and vacuolated cytoplasm showing osteodestructive growth. B lmmunohistochemical double-stain with CK19 (red,
staining of cytoplasm) and brachyury (brown, staining of nuclei).

Chordoma primary occurrence at these sites is ex- variable pleomorphism . Necrosis is fre-
ceedingly rare {2665). quently present. Chordoma typically
Definition shows expression of cytokeratins, EMA,
Chordoma is a malignant tumour with no- Clinical features S100, and brachyury {1610,2517). Vari-
tochordal differentiation. Chordomas p resent with headache, era- ants include chondroid chordoma, which
nial nerve palsy, or brain stem compres- shows matrix rem iniscent of hyaline car-
ICD-0 code 9370/3 sion, depending on the anatomical struc- tilage, and dedifferentiated chordoma,
tures comprom ised. which is a biphasic tumour with classic
Epidemiology chordoma juxtaposed to high-grade un-
The annual incidence of chordoma is Macroscopy d iffe rentiated sarcoma.
0.8 cases per 100 000 population, with The tumours generally show bone-de-
32- 42% arising in cranial sites, mainly in structive growth; the cut surface is gelati- Genetic susceptibility
the base of the skull. nous or cartilage-like. In rare familia! cases, a duplication of
There is a male predominance, with a the T (brachyury) gene can be found
male-to-female ratio of 1.6:1. lndividu- Histopathology (2670}.
als of any age can be affected , although Chordomas consist of cords and lobules
chordoma is rare in chi ldhood (372, of cells in a myxoid stroma, separated Prognosis and predictive factors
2224). by thin fibrous sepia. The characteristic The most importan! prognostic factor is
ce lls are physaliphorous, with abundant comp lete surgical resection, which can
Localization and highly vacuolated (bubbly) cyto- be achieved only rarely in cranial sites
The clivus is most commonly involved. plasm, but many tumour cells are non- {2259 }. The 3-, 5 -, an d 10-year overall
The nasopharynx and nasal cavity can descriptly epithelioid in appearance. survival rates are 80.9%, 73 .5%, and
be involved by local extension, but The nuclei are uniform and round, with 58.7%, respectively {372}.

76 Tumours of the nasopharynx


Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx,

trachea and parapharyngeal space
Malignant surface epithelial tumours
Precursor lesions
Neuroendocrine tumours
Salivary gland tumours
Soft tissue tumours
Cartilage tumours
Haematolymphoid tumours
WHO classification of tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx,
trachea and parapharyngeal space

Malignant surface epithelial tumours Salivary gland tumours

Conventional squamous cell carcinoma 8070/3 Adenoid cystic carcinoma 8200/3
Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma 8051/3 Pleomorphic adenoma 8940/0
Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma 8083/3 Oncocytic papillary cystadenoma 8290/0
Papillary squamous cell carcinoma 8052/3
Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma 8074/3 Soft tissue tumours
Adenosquamous carcinoma 8560/3 Granular cell tumour 9580/0
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma 8082/3 Liposarcoma 8850/3
lnfl ammatory myofibroblastic tumour 8825/1
Precursor lesions
Dysplasia, low grade 8077/0 Cartilage tumours
Dysplasia, high grade 8077/2 Chondroma 9220/0
Squamous cell papilloma 8052/0 Chondrosarcoma 9220/3
Squamous cell papillomatosis 8060/0 Chondrosarcoma, grade 1 9222/1
Chondrosarcoma, grade 2/3 9220/3
Neuroendocrine tumours
Well-differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma 8240/3 Haematolymphoid tumours
Moderately differentiated neuroendocrine
carcinoma 8249/3
The morphology codes are from the lnternational Classification of Diseases
Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma for Oncology (ICD-0) {776A}. Behaviour is coded /Ofor benign tumours:
Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma 8041/3 /1 for unspecified, borderline, or uncertain behaviour; /2 for carcinoma in
Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma 8013/3 situ and grade 111 intraepithelial neoplasia; and /3 for malignant tumours.
The classification is modified from the previous WHO classification, taking
into account changes in our understanding of these lesions.

78 WHO classification of tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx, trachea and parapharyngeal space
TNM classification of carcinomas of the larynx

TNM classification•,b T3 Tumour limited to larynx, with vocal cord fixation

T4a Tumour invades cricoid or thyroid cartilage and/or
T - Primary tumour invades tissues beyond the larynx; for example, trachea,
TX Primary tumour cannot be assessed soft tissues of neck including deep/extrinsic muscle of
TO No evidence of primary tumour tongue (genioglossus, hyoglossus, palatoglossus, and
Tis Carcinoma in situ styloglossus), strap muscles, thyroid, oesophagus
T4b Tumour invades prevertebral space or mediastinal
Supraglottis structures, or encases carotid artery
T1 Tumour limited to one subsite of supraglottis, with normal
vocal cord mobility N - Regional lymph nodes (i.e. the cervical nades)
T2 Tumour invades mucosa of more than one adjacent NX Regional lymph nades cannot be assessed
subsite of supraglottis or glottis or region outside the NO No regional lymph node metastasis
supraglottis (e.g. mucosa of base of tongue , vallecula, or N1 Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node,;::; 3 cm in
medial wall of pyriform sinus), without fixation of the larynx greatest dimension
T3 Tumour limited to larynx with vocal cord fixation and/or in- N2 Metastasis as specified in N2a, N2b, or N2c below
vades any of the following: postcricoid area, pre-epiglottic N2a Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, > 3 cm
space, paraglottic space, inner cortex of thyroid cartilage but ;::; 6 cm in greatest dimension
T4a Tumour invades through the thyroid cartilage and/or N2b Metastasis in multiple ipsilateral lymph nodes,
invades tissues beyond the larynx; for example, !rachea, all ;::; 6 cm in greatest dimension
soft tissues of neck including deep/extrinsic muscle of N2c Metastasis in bilateral or contralateral lymph nodes,
tongue (genioglossus, hyoglossus, palatoglossus, and all;::; 6 cm in greatest dimension
styloglossus), strap muscles, thyroid , oesophagus N3 Metastasis in a lymph node > 6 cm in greatest dimension
T4b Tumour invades prevertebral space or mediastinal struc-
tures, or encases carotid artery Note: Midline nodes are considered ipsilateral nodes.

Glottis M - Distant metastasis

T1 Tumour limited to vocal cord(s) (may involve anterior or MO No distan! metastasis
posterior commissure), with normal vocal cord mobility M1 Distan! metastasis
T1a Tumour limited to one vocal cord
T1 b Tumour involves both vocal cords Stage grouping
T2 Tumour extends to supraglottis and/or subglottis, and/or StageO Tis NO MO
with impaired vocal cord mobility Stage 1 T1 NO MO
T3 Tumour limited to larynx with vocal cord fixation and/or in- Stage 11 T2 NO MO
vades paraglottic space and/or inner cortex of the thyroid Stage 11 1 T1-2 N1 MO
cartilage T3 N0-1 MO
T4a Tumour invades through the outer cortex of the thyroid Stage IVA T1-3 N2 MO
cartilage and/or invades tissues beyond the larynx; for T4a N0-2 MO
example, trachea, soft tissues of neck including deep/ Stage IVB T4b AnyN MO
extrinsic muscle of tongue (genioglossus, hyoglossus, AnyT N3 MO
palatoglossus, and styloglossus), strap muscles, thyroid, Stage IVC AnyT AnyN M1
T4b Tumour invades prevertebral space or mediastinal struc-
'Adapted from Edge et al. (625A} - used with permission of the American
tures, or encases carotid artery
Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), Chicago, lllinois; the original and prima-
ry source for this information is the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Seventh
Subglottis Edition (2010) published by Springer Science+Business Med ia - and Sobin
T1 Tumour limited to subglottis et al. (2228A}.
T2 Tumour extends to vocal cord(s), with normal or impaired "A help desk for specific questions about TNM classification is available at

TNM c lassification of carcinomas of the larynx 79

TNM classification of carcinomas of the hypopharynx

TNM classification•,b
M - Distant metastasis
T - Primary tumour MO No distan! metastasis
TX Primary tumour cannot be assessed M1 Distan! metastasis
TO No evidence of primary tumour
Tis Carcinoma in situ Stage grouping
T1 Tumour limited to one subsite of hypopharynx and/or Stage O Tis NO MO
s 2 cm in greatest dimension Stage 1 T1 NO MO
T2 Tumour invades more than one subsite of hypopharynx or Stage 11 T2 NO MO
an adjacent site, or measures > 2 cm but s 4 cm in Stage 111 T1 -2 N1 MO
greatest dimension, without fixation of hemilarynx T3 N0--1 MO
T3 Tumour > 4 cm in greatest dimension, or with tixation of Stage IVA T1-3 N2 MO
hemilarynx or extension to oesophagus T4a N0--2 MO
T4a Tumour invades any of the foliowing: thyroid/cricoid Stage IVB T4b Any N MO
cartilage, hyoid bone, thyroid gland, oesophagus, central AnyT N3 MO
compartment soft tissue (which includes prelaryngeal Stage IVC AnyT Any N M1
strap muscles and subcutaneous fat)
T4b Tumour invades prevertebral fascia, encases carotid
artery, or invades mediastinal structures

N - Regional lymph nodes (i.e. the cervical nodes)

NX Regional lymph nades cannot be assessed
NO No regional lymph node metastasis
N1 Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph nade, s 3 cm in
greatest dimension
N2 Metastasis as specitied in N2a, N2b, or N2c below
N2a Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, > 3 cm
but s 6 cm in greatest dimension
N2b Metastasis in multiple ipsilateral lymph nodes,
ali s 6 cm in greatest dimension
ªAdapted from Edge et al. {625AJ - used with permission of the American
N2c Metastasis in bilateral or contralateral lymph nodes,
Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), Chicago, lllinois; the original and prima-
ali s 6 cm in greatest dimension ry source for this information is the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual , Sevent11
N3 Metastasis in a lymph nade > 6 cm in greatest dimension Edition (201 O) published by Springer Science+Business Media - and Sobin
et al. {2228AJ.
bA help desk for specific questions about TNM classification is available at
Note: Midline nades are considered ipsilateral nades.

80 Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx, trachea and parapharyngeal space

Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx, Slootweg P.J.
Grandis J.R.
trachea and parapharyngeal space

/ntroduction was to achieve a universally accepted accepted distinction between low-, inter-
consensus in arder to put an end to the mediate-, and high-grade carcinoma has
Laryngeal and hypopharyngeal pathol- confusion that can arise from the use of been used, in line with the nomenclature
ogy mainly encompasses lesions of the severa! difieren! classification systems. for histologically similar lesions at other
covering mucous membrane, with un- Currently, a two-tiered classification body siles. Discussion of soft tissue and
derlying soft tissues, salivary gland tis- (consisting of low-grade and high-grade salivary gland lesions, as well as haema-
sue, and cartilage playing a minar role. dysplasia) is recommended, to which tolymphoid tumours, has been limited to
Therefore, this chapter emphasizes le- guidelines have been added on how to the specific entities that are often faund
sions that arise from the mucosa! lining. recognize carcinoma in situ within the in the laryngohypopharynx or that have
The main difference from the previous high-grade dysplasia group in case a an importan! differential diagnostic role
edition is in the discussion of mucosa! three-tiered system is preferred. For al this site.
premalignancies, about which the aim neuroendocrine carcinomas, the widely

Malignant surface epithelial tumours

ce// carcinoma
Zidar N.
Brandwein-Gensler M.
Cardesa A.
Helliwell T.
Hille J.
Nadal A.

Conventional squamous cell carcinoma
(SCC) is a malignant epithelial tumour with
Fig. 3.01 Macroscopic appearance of conventional squamous cell carcinoma. A Supraglottic carcinoma of the larynx:
evidence of squamous differentiation.
an ulcerated tumour with raised edges at the base of the epiglottis. B Subglottic carcinoma of the larynx: a partially
flat and partially exophytic nodular tumour of the subglottis, extending to the anterior commissure. C Hypopharyngeal
ICD-0 code 8070/3 carcinoma of the piriform sinus: a large, ulcerated tumour with raised edges in the piriform sinus, extending to the
aryepiglottic fold.
Epidermoid carcinoma been described in children (137,1766}. Etiology
The tumours are more common in men Cigarette smoking and (to a lesser ex-
Epidemiology (359,1947). although the male-to-female tent) alcohol consumption are the most
SCC of the larynx and hypopharynx is ratio is decreasing in sorne countries, important risk factors far laryngeal and
the second most common respiratory possibly due to increased incidence of hypopharyngeal SCC (953). Eliminat-
tract cancer, after lung cancer (359]. lt smoking among women over the past ing smoking and alcohol consumption
accounts for 1.6-2% of ali malignant tu- two decades (569). could prevent as many as 90% of laryn-
mours in men and 0.2- 0.4% in women Tracheal carcinoma is rare, with ap- geal cancers {695). Other factors, such
(238}. There is marked geographical proximately 1 tracheal carcin.oma far as gastro-oesophageal reflux, diet, nu-
variation in the frequency of SCC, both every 75 laryngeal cases; it accounts far tritional factors, and socioeconomic sta-
between countries and in different parts < 0.1% of cancer deaths. SCC accounts tus, have been linked to increased risk of
of the same country. far 55-73% of all tracheal carcinomas laryngeal cancer, particularly in patients
lt occurs most frequently in the sixth and (143,820) . who lack the majar risk factors (480,665,
seventh decades of lite. Rare cases have 762,1333}.

Malignan! surface epithelial tumours 81

HPVs play a limited role in the pathogen- lung, liver, and bones (2248); intracra- more mitoses, including abnormal mi-
esis of SCC of the larynx. In recent stud- nial metastases have also been reported toses; there is usually less keratinization.
ies, transcriptionally active HPVs were {544,2418). In poorly differentiated SCC, basal-type
detected in 4-15% of cases {417,922, The TNM staging system is widely used cells predominate, with frequent mitoses
1408,2095). Unlike in the oropharynx, the for SCC. lt is presented in the text on (includ ing abnormal mitoses), b arely
morphology of laryngeal SCC does not pages 79 and 80. discernible intercellular bridges, and
predict viral etiology {1408). minimal or no keratinization. Although
Macroscopy keratinization is more likely to be present
Localization Laryngeal and hypopharyngeal SCC in well - or moderately differentiated SCC,
There are geographical differences in the may present as an exophytic, flat, or it should not be cons idered an important
topographical distri bution of laryngeal nodular tumour with raised edges; as a histological criterion in grading SCC . Of-
SCC. The most common location for la- polypoid lesion; or as a depressed, en- ten, in the presence of an intact surface
ryngeal SCC is the supraglottis in sorne dophytic lesion. Central ulceration is fre- epithe lium, intraepithelial dysplasia may
countries (e.g. France, Spain , ltaly, Fin- quently present. be seen in direct continu ity with the SCC.
land, and the Netherlands) and the glot- Tracheal SCC usually presents as a Tumour growth at the invasive front can
tis in others (e.g. the USA, Canada, the polypoid mass projecting into the lu- show an expansive or cohesive pattern
United Kingdom, and Sweden) [143). The men. Rarely, it grows as a circumferential (characterized by large tumour islands
rarest localization of laryngeal cancer is mass. with well-defined pushing margins) and
the subglottis {2067). an infiltrative pattern (characterized by
Hypopharyngeal SCC occurs most fre- Cytology scattered small irregular cords or single
quently in the piriform sinus (60-85% of Aspirates of metastases are cellular, with tumour cells, with poorly defined infiltrat-
cases) and rarely in other localizations, sheets and small cl usters of malig nan! ing marg ins).
such as the posterior pharyngeal wall squamous cells with intracellular and
(10- 20%) and postcricoid area (5-15%) extracellular keratinization. Mixed inflam- lmmunophenotype
{971 ,2449). mation and necrosis can b e present. SCC expresses various epithelial mark-
Tracheal SCC is usually located in the ers (e.g. cytokeratins, p63, and EMA).
lower third of the trachea (> 50% of cas- Histopathology Well-differentiated SCC expresses me-
es) and less frequently in the upper or The main histological features of SCC dium/high-molecular-weight cytokerat-
middle third {820). are sq uamous differentiation and inva- ins (e.g. CK5/6) but not low-molecular-
sion. Squamous differentiation is charac- weight cytokeratins (e.g. CK8 and CK18),
Clinical features terized by keratinization (with or without similar to normal squamous epithelium.
The most common early symptoms of la- keratin pearl fo rmation) and/or intercel- Poorly differentiated SCC tends to lose
ryngeal SCC are hoarseness (with glot- lular bridges. lnvasion manifests as in- expression of medium/high -molecular-
tic and supraglottic SCC) and dyspnoea terruption of the basement membrane weight cytokeratins , and expresses low-
and stridor (with subglottic SCC). Other of the surface epithelium and the down- molecular-weight cytokeratins {1518} and
symptoms include dysphagia, change wards growth of tumour islands, cords, vimentin {2474).
in the quality of voice, sensation of a for- or isolated tumour cells in the underly-
eign body in the throat, haemoptysis, and ing tissue. lnvasion is almost always ac- Differentia/ diagnosis
odynophagia {707,1949). companied by a desmoplastic stromal We ll-differentiated SCC must be distin-
The most frequent symptoms of hy- reaction, which consists of proliferation guished from verrucous and papillary
popharyngeal SCC are odynophagia, of myofibroblasts, excessive deposition carcinomas, as well as fro m benign con-
dysphagia, and neck mass. Other symp- of an extracellular matrix, and neovascu- ditions such as p seudoepitheliomatous
toms include voice changes, otalgia, and larization [2728,2729}. Tumour cells may hyperplasia. Verrucous carcinoma lacks
constitutional symptoms {2449). invade the lymphatic and blood vessels atypia, which is always present in SCC.
Tracheal SCC usually presents with or spread in the perineural plane or along Papillae formation and the absence of
dyspnoea, wheezing or stridor, acute res- nerves. keratinization characterize papillary SCC,
piratory failure, cough, haemoptysis, and SCCs are traditionally graded as well , distinguishing it from SCC . Pseudoepi-
hoarseness {1970). moderately, or poorly differentiated, ac- theliomatous hyperplasia is a benign
Laryngeal, hypopharyngeal, and tra- cording to th e deg ree of differentiation, condition that consists of deep, irregular
cheal SCCs can spread directly to con - cellular pleomorphism, and mitotic ac- tangues of epithelium that lack the atypia
tiguous structures or via lymphatic and tivity. Well-differentiated SCC c losely and abnormal mitoses seen in SCC.
blood vessels, giving rise to lymph node resembles normal squamous epithe- Poorly diffe rentiated SCC must be dif-
and distant metastases. These tumours lium and contains large, differentiated, ferentiated from melanoma, lymphoma,
have a strong tendency to metastasize to keratinocyte-like squamous ce lls and and neuroendocrine carcinoma. The cor-
the regional lymph nades. The localiza- small basal-type cells, which are usually ree! diagnosis is best determined by the
tion and frequency of lymph node metas- located at the periphery of the tumour is- use of appropriate immunohistochem-
tases depend on the site of the primary lands. There are intercellular bridges and istry and special stains fo r demonstra-
tumou r. Haematog enous metastases are typically full keratinization; mitoses are tion of mucin production. Melanoma is
infrequent, but may occur in late stages scarce. Moderately differentiated SCC distinguished from SCC by its expres-
of the disease, most frequently to the exhibits more nuclear pleomorphism and sion of S100, HMB45, melan A and other

82 Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx, !rachea and parapharyngeal space

melanocytic markers. metalloproteinases {360,1515). Specific Other factors that may have a significan!
Neuroendocrine carcinoma expresses tumour suppressor microRNAs (the let-7 impact on the outcome of SCC include
neuroendocri ne markers (e.g. synapto- family, miR-7, and miR-206) are down- patient age at presentation {425,2184),
physin and chromogranin) but typically regulated {2627). comorbidity (concurrent diseases) {395},
lacks p63 expression and does not show and performance status (425).
significant squamous differentiation. Prognosis and predictive factors
whereas SCC does not express neu- The overall 5-year survival rate is 80- Histopatho/ogical prognostic factors
roendocri ne markers. Lymphoma is dis- 85% for glottic SCC, 65- 75% for supra-
tinguished from SCC by the presence of glottic SCC, about 40% for subglottic Differentiation. The reports on the prog-
CD45 (leukocyte common antigen) and SCC {1431, 62.5% for hypopharyngeal nostic significance of traditional grading
markers of 8 -cell or T-cell differentiation. SCC {2247). and 25- 47% for tracheal into well-, moderately, and poorly dif-
scc {820,1970}. ferentiated SCC are conflicting. Sorne
Genetic profile investigators have suggested that the
Laryngeal and hypopharyngeal SCCs Clinical prognostic factors grading system has a significan! asso-
develop as a result of multiple genetic ciation with survival {1896,2134,2607}.
abnormalities and the development of Stage remains the most significan! pre- whereas others have not confirmed this
aneuploidy {478,846). LOH and com- dictor of survival, and is discussed in observation {425,1113). The main criti-
parative genomic hyb ridization studies detail elsewhere. Depth of invasion and cism of this widely used system of grad-
have shown gains of 3q, 5p, 8q, 11q13, the presence of reg ional and distant me- ing is related to its subjective nature and
and 18p with losses at 3p, 5q, 8p, 9p, tastases are independent predictors of lack of objective criteria.
11 q23-24, 13q, and 18q {1117,2100, survival.
2310). Loss of multiple tumour suppres- Invasiva front. lt has been shown that
sors is common. with the most commonly Localization is an important prognos- the histological features at the invasive
affected genes including CDKN2A and tic factor {143}. The best prognosis has front are prognostically much more im-
TP53. Amplified and mutated oncogenes been reported for glottic SCC, and the portant than those in the central and su-
include EGFR, VEGFA (previously called worst prognosis for subglottic and tra- perficial parts of the tumour {284,285,
VEGF), PTGS2, PIK3CA, and matrix cheal SCC. 2677). A simple grading system has

Malignan! surface epithelial tumours 83

been proposed for evaluation of the in- Verrucous squamous
vasive front, which correlates closely with ce// carcinoma
prognosis. Four histological features are
evaluated: degree of keratinization, nu- Zidar N.
clear polymorphism, pattern of growth, Cardesa A.
and inflammatory response. The score Gillison M.
for each parameter is summarized as a Helliwell T.
total malignancy score, with a high score Hille J.
indicating poor prognosis {284,285}. Pat- Nadal A.
tern of invasion also features prominently
in a multiparameter risk model for see
{258}. Definition
Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma
Vascular and perineural invasion. The (VC) is a variant of wel l-differentiated
penetration of tumour cells in the lym- squamous cell carcinoma (SeC) that
phatic and/or blood vessels is associat- lacks the cytological features of malig- Fig. 3.03 Laryngeal verrucous carcinoma. A broad-
ed with a high probability of lymph node nancy, grows slowly, and is locally inva- based exophytic tumour with a warty surface.
and/or distant metastases. Vascular inva- sive but does not metastasize.
sion tends to occur in aggressive see Etiology
and is associated with recurrence and ICD-0 code 8051/3 ve has been etiologically linked to to-
poor survival (2678}. Similarly, perineural bacco smoking (1255,1565,1783,2252}.
invasion is associated with an increased Synonym Recent studies using highly sensitive and
risk of local recurrence, regional lymph Ackerman tumour (453} specific molecular methods suggest that
node metastases, and poorer survival ve is not associated with HPV infection
{258,684,2134,2241,2678}. Epidemiology (557,1760,1825).
ve is a rare tumour; in the USA, the in-
Extracapsular spread in lymph node cidence between 2000 and 201 1 was Localization
metastases. Metastases in the lymph 0.024 cases per 100 000 population . The larynx is the second most common
nodes are the single most adverse prog- Most cases present in older males, in site of occurrence of ve in the head and
nostic factor in head and neck see (710, their sixth or seventh decades of life (610, neck, after the oral cavity (1255}. Most
1353}. The presence of extracapsu lar 1565}. cases arise from the true vocal cords, but
spread in lymph nodes is also prognos- ve may also occur in the supraglottis and
tically important and is strongly associ- subglottis (610,1 255,1565}, hypopharynx
ated with both regional recurrence and {1255}, and !rachea {2278).
the development of distant metastases,
resulting in poorer survival (262,710,996,
2315). However, sorne studies have failed
to confirm the independent prognostic
significance of extracapsular spread

Resection margins. Resection margins

clear of tumour are associated with a
lower recurrence rate and better surviv-
al (1148,2211}. Margins are considered
clear if there is no invasive see, see
in situ, or dysplasia. An adequate mar-
gin of resection has not been precisely
defined, but a margin of 5 mm is gener-
ally believed to be adequate (995}. Sorne
studies have shown that even margins
of 1-2 mm are adequate, particularly in
glottic cancer (1698).

Molecular factors. A systematic review

failed to show any prognostic value of
p53 expression in laryngeal carcinomas
Fig. 3.04 Verrucous carcinoma. Fu\1-thickness view showing hyperkeratotic surface and projections and invaginations
of well-differentiated squamous epithelium, invading the stroma with well-defined pushing margins.

84 Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx, trachea and parapharyngeal space

Clinical features see are considered hybrid (mixed) Prognosis and predictive factors
The symptoms and signs of ve are simi- tumours {158}. ve is locally invasive and can cause
lar to those of conventional sce, with The diagnosis of ve requires careful clini- extensive destruction if left untreated. lt
hoarseness as the most common pre- cal and pathological correlation because does not metastasize to regional lymph
senting symptom. Other symptoms in- the histological features have a wide dif- nades or distant organs. lt has a better
elude airway obstruction, weight loss, ferential diagnosis, including epithelial prognosis than does conventional see;
dysphagia, and throat pain {1565,1783}. hyperplasia, squamous cell papilloma, the repo rted 5-year survival rate far la-
well-differentiated conventional see, ryngeal ve is 85-95% [610,1255}. The
Macroscopy papillary see, and hybrid carcinoma (in - most important prognostic factor is stage
ve presents as a large, tan to white, vasive see and VC). lnvasion below the at diagnosis; treatment is by surgery or
broad-based exophytic tumour with a basal cell layer of the neighbouring nor- radiotherapy (1052). Hybrid carcinoma
warty surface. On cut surface, it is usu- mal epithelium differentiates VG from ver- has the potential for metastasis and
ally firm, with sharply defined margins. rucous hyperplasia, but these diseases should be treated as conventional see
may occur concurrently, with a confluent (1783}.
Histopathology interface. Squamous cell papilloma has
VC consists of thickened, club-shaped thin, well-formed papillary fronds and is
projections and invaginations of well-dif- less keratinized. The lack of cytological Basa/oíd squamous
terentiated squamous epithelium, com- atypia in ve distinguishes it from con- ce// carcinoma
posed of one to several layers of basal ventional see, papillary see, and hybrid
cells and an expanded layer of spinous carcinoma {330}. An apparent discrep- Lewis J.S.
cells that lack cytological atypia . There is ancy between the clinical impression of Gillison M.
marked surface keratinization (so-called malignancy and benign-looking mor- Westra W.H .
church-spire ke ratosis). Mitoses are rare phology should raise the suspicion of ve. Zidar N.
and contined to the basal ce ll layer, and There is no specific immunohistochemi-
there are no abnormal mitoses. VC in- cal marker for ve {1759,1761}.
vades the stroma with a well-defined Definition
pushing border, and invasion below the Genetic profile Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma
level of adjacent epithelium may be dif- Molecular studies on ve are limited, and (BSee) is a clinically unfavourable vari-
ficult to demonstrate in small biopsies the genetic profile of laryngeal ve is ant of squamous cell carcinoma (SeC)
unless the edge of the carcinoma is in- largely unknown. The pattern of expres- composed of a prominent basaloid com-
cluded . Lymphoplasmacytic inflamma- sion of microRNAs in ve differs from that ponent and with evidence of squamous
tion is common. lntraepithelial microab- in conventional see; the importance of ce ll differentiation.
scesses may be present in association this finding in the pathogenesis and di-
with Gandida species superinfection. agnosis of ve remains to be determ ined ICD-0 code 8083/3
Ves that contain foci of conventional (1 758,1759}.

Malignant surface epithelial tumours 85

Epidemiology discern. Necrosis and mixed inflamma- overt histological evidence of squamous
Approximately 80% of patients with tion are often present. differentiation. However, there must be
BSCC are White men in their mid-60s. definitive immunohistochemical evidence
Histopathology of squamous differenti ation, and adenoid
Etiology BSCC consists of basaloid and conven- cystic carcinoma and neuroendocrine
Laryngeal and hypopharyngeal BSCC is tional squamous components {2521). The carcinoma must be ruled out.
strongly linked to tobacco use (reported tumours are submucosal, with rounded
in 80-90% of patients) and alcohol con - nests with smooth borders and peripheral Prognosis and predictive factors
sumption {658]. Transcriptionally active palisading. Th ey tend to be closely ap- lt has been debated whether BSCC has
high-risk HPV, an established etiological posed, with thin lines of hyalinized stroma a worse prognosis than conventional
factor at other sites, is consistently ab- between them, as if they are moulding to- SCC. Most investigators have found la-
sent in BSCC arising at these anatomical gether in a jigsaw-puzzle pattern. There ryngeal/hypopharyngeal BSCC to be
subsites {171,415}. is frequent comedonecrosis, and the tu- more aggressive than conventional SCC
mour cells are round to oval and hyper- {776) . Patients with laryngeal BSCC have
Localization chromatic. Nucleoli are usually lacking higher rates of nodal metastasis (-50-
The larynx is a common site for BSCC, but occasionally prominent. Gland-like 70%) (658), significantly higher rates of
with a predilection far the supraglottis . foci with basophilic myxoid or mucoid ma- distant metastasis, and poorer progno-
The tumours also occur in the hypophar- terial are common and mimic true gland sis than do patients with conventional
ynx (pirifo rm sinus) {658,775) and rarely formation. A variable degree of nuclear SCC {133,776,1439,2618). Active smok-
in the trachea (11 52). pleomorphism is present, and high mitotic ers and patients with nodal metastases
activity, apoptosis, and necrosis are com- at presentation have worse prognosis.
Clinical features mon. Stromal hyalinization is characteris- Given the relative rarity of laryngeal and
The symptoms and signs vary according tic; it can be linear between and around hypopharyngeal BSCC, no predictive
to the site of origin, but usually include nests and nodular within nests. The con- markers of proven clinical significance
dysphagia, hoarseness, weight loss, ventional componen! may include abrupt have been developed. Because HPV-
sore throat, cough, haemoptysis, and keratinization adjacent to basaloid cells , related oropharyngeal basaloid carcino-
neck mass. BSCC usually presents at an dysplastic changes in the squamous epi- mas can be otherwise indistinguishable
advanced stage at the time of initial diag- thelium, and conventional SCC. from laryngeal/hypopharyngeal BSCC,
nosis, with lymph node metastases and lmmunohistochemistry is strongly posi- any tumour that appears to arise in the
occasionally distant metastases {658). tive for high-molecular-weight cytokerat- larynx/hypopharynx but involves the oro-
ins, p63, and p40 (in a diffuse pattern). pharynx should be tested for p16 and/
Macroscopy BSCC is negative for synaptophysin and or high-risk HPV. This allows far the dis-
There is no characteristic gross appear- chromogranin {1649,2129}. The differ- t inction of aggressive BSCC from more
ance. The tumour usually appears as a ential diagnosis includes adenoid cystic prognostically favourable HPV-related
flat or slightly elevated lesion with central carcinoma - which lacks squamous oropharyngeal carcinomas that are histo-
ulceration and poorly defined borders. differentiation and shows partial p63 logically similar.
Rarely, it presents as a polypoid tumour reactivity {655) - and small cell
{658). neuroendocrine carcinoma - which has
angulated nuclei with speckled chromatin,
Cytology is positive for neuroendocrine markers,
Aspirates of metastatic BSCC are cellu- shows punctate perinuclear reactivity for
lar, with variably sized basaloid clusters cytokeratin (CAM5.2), and usually lacks
of malignant cells exhibiting numerous reactivity for high-molecular-weight cy-
mitotic figures and apoptotic bodies. tokeratins {2129}. The diagnosis of BSCC
Keratinization and definitive squamous can still be made for tumours with all of
differentiation may be rare and difficult to the basaloid features even if they lack any

86 Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx, !rachea and parapharyngeal space

Papil/ary squamous ce// site in the upper aerodigestive tract {587, Prognosis and predictive factors
carcinoma 1140,1 580,2030,2298,2394). PSCC has a better prognosis than con-
ventional squamous cel l carcinoma,
EI-Mofty S.K. Clinical features primarily due to low-stage presentation,
Cardesa A . The lesions are described as exophytic with a low metastatic potential {587,623,
Helliwell T. growths that may be painless or painful. 1580,2030,2394). HPV-related PSCCs
HilleJ . They can be pink, white, or both pink and of the oropharynx show a trend towards
Nada! A. white. Laryngeal tumours are associated better patient survival than is associated
with hoarseness and airway obstruction. with HPV-negative PSCC {1580).
Nodal metastasis is uncommon, and dis-
Definition tan! metastasis is rare (587,623,2030,
Papillary squamous cell carcinoma 2298,2394). Spindle ce// squamous
(PSCC) is characterized by a papillary ce// carcinoma
growth pattern, with thin fibrovascu lar Macroscopy
cores covered by severely dysplastic Grossly, the lesion is papillary, friable, Bishop J.A.
epithelial cells or immature basaloid cells and soft, with a pinkish -grey colour. Cardesa A.
with minimal or no maturation. Tumour size ranges from 0.2 to 4.0 cm Helliwell T.
{2298,2394). Hille J.
ICD-0 code 8052/3 Nada! A.
Epidemiology Aspirates of metastatic lesions show fea-
PSCC is uncommon; its exact prevalence tures of keratin izing or non-keratinizing Definition
in the head and neck is unknown . lt is squamous cell carcinoma. Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma (SC-
more common in male patients, with a SCC) is a variant of squamous cell carci-
male-to-female ratio of 2-3:1 (623,1140, Histopathology noma (SCC) characterized by predominan!
2030,2298, 2394). In one study, PSCC A significan! componen! of PSCC is malignan! spindle and/or pleomorphic cells.
constituted 0.5% of all laryngeal cancers composed of papillary projections with
(623). The average patient age is report- central fibrovascular cores. lnvasion ICD-0 code 8074/3
ed as mid-60s, with a slightly older aver- may be difficult to establish morpho-
age age among patients with oral PSCC logically, but is implied by metastatic
{587,728,2030,2298). potential. The papillae are cove red with
malignant epithelial cells with little ar
Etiology no keratinization. Two types of surface
Etiological factors inc lude tobacco use epithelium are described: one resem-
and alcohol consumption {728,2030, bles high-grade keratinizing epithelial
2394), and HPV has recently been dysplasia, and in the other, the epithelial
shown to be an etiological agent in a cells are immature and basaloid, with no
subset of PSCCs, particularly in the oro- evidence of maturation or keratinization.
pharynx and sinonasal tract {1140 ,1580, Laryngeal tumours are not frequently
2298). HPV-associated, whereas oropharyn-
geal tumours are typically strongly posi-
Localization tive for p16 and are HPV-related [1580, Fig. 3.08 Laryngeal spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma.
PSCC has been reported in almost every 2298). A polypoid mass involving the larynx.

Malignan! surface epithelial tumours 87

logous mesenchymal differentiation in
the form of malignan! bone, cartilage,
or skeletal muscle {1398,2396,2702).
sesee is usually overtly malignant,
with hypercellularity, necrosis, atypi-
cal mitotic figures, and hyperchromatic
nuclei demonstrating marked nuclear
pleomorphism. However, a subset of
sesees are deceptively bland in areas,
with or without prominent areas of hya-
linization, mimicking reactive myofibro-
blastic proliferation or granulation tissue.
The d iagnosis of sesee rests Oíl dem-
onstrating epithelial differentiation, either
on routine morphology (i.e. squamous
dysplasia of residual surface epithelium
or foci of conventional see mixed with
sarcomatoid tumour) or by immunohisto-
Synonyms Macroscopy chemistry for cytokeratins (e.g. AE1 /AE3),
Sarcomatoid carcinoma; carcinosarcoma sesee is usually a polypoid mass pro- EMA, p63, or p40 {1406,1749). Howev-
truding into the airway, often with an ul- er, as many as one third of sesees are
Epidemiology cerated surface mucosa {1 398,2396, purely spindled , and a significant subset
sesee is rare, accounting for < 1% of 2506). is negative for epithelial markers {1398,
all laryngeal malignancies {608,2396). 1749,2396,2506). True sarcomas of the
lt generally affects elderly patients, and Cytology larynx/hypopharynx are rare, and a ma-
has a male predilection {608,2396,2506). Aspirates of metastatic sesee often lignant spindle cell neoplasm arising at
show at leas! focal keratinizing see, but these sites is best cons idered an sesee
Etiology a malignan! spindle cel l componen! 'Tlay until proven otherwise.
sesee is linked to cigarette smok- be all that is observed in sorne cases.
ing and alcohol consumption. A subset Genetic profile
of sesees may be radiation-induced. Histopathology sesee harbours complex genetic al-
sesees of the larynx and hypopharynx sesee is derived from the squamous terations, similar to poorly differentiated
are almost always negative for HPV {201, epithelium and demonstrates divergen! sees {436,437).
2396,2555). differentiation by epithelial- mesenchy-
mal transition {437,1259,1749,27271. lt Prognosis and predictive factors
Localization c haracteristically grows as an exophytic Despite its poorly differentiated appear-
The larynx, especially the glottis, is the mass with a predominantly ulcerated sur- ance, sesee of the larynx/hypopharynx
most frequently involved site. The hy- face, sometimes containing remnants of (in particular the true vocal co rd) tends
popharynx is infrequently affected {608, dysplastic squamous epithelium and fre- to present at a low stage and, stage-for-
1398,1749,2396). quently showing areas of transition toma- stage, has a prognosis similar to that of
lignant spindled or pleomorphic tumour conventi onal see {187,608,1398,2396,
Clinical features cells. Most sesees demonstrate a hap- 2506}. Exophytic sesees are more eas-
Patients present with airway obstru ction hazard growth pattern of the spindled ily resected and have the best prognosis
and/or hoarseness (1398,2396) . ce lls, and 7- 15% of cases exhibit hetera- (2396).

88 Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx, trachea and parapharyngeal space

Adenosquamous carcinoma
Prasad M.L.
Cardesa A.
Helliwell T.
Nadal A.

Adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC) is
a malignan! tumour that arises from the
surface epithelium and shows both squa-
mous and glandular differentiation.

ICD-0 code 8560/3

. .. ,.:

Fig. 3.11 Laryngeal adenosquamous carcinoma. A blending of the squamous and glandular components.

Epidemiology in close proximity, an important diagnostic 3.01). Demonstration of mucin and carci-
ASC is rare. lt has a male predisposition feature. The adenocarcinoma consists of noembryon ic antigen helps to distinguish
and usually develops in the sixth or sev- cribriform and tubuloglandular structures ASC from adenoid SCC. Conventional
enth decade of life (patient age range: and tends to occur in the deeper parts of SCC invading or entrapping seromuci-
34- 81 years) /1209). the tumour /1209). lntraluminal (or rarely, nous glands is d ifferentiated by its lobular
intracytoplasmic) mucin may be demon- architecture and the benign cytomorphol-
Etiology strated by special stains, such as peri- ogy of its g landular cells /1209). Necrotiz-
As with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), odie acid-Schiff (PAS), Alcian blue, and ing sialometaplasia, wh ich is rare in the
smoking and alcohol consumption are like- mucicarmine. The tumour shows necrosis, larynx, is characterized by the retention
ly predisposing factors {1209). No associa- mitoses, and vascular and perineural in- of the lobular architecture of the seromu-
tion with HPV has been reported in ASC vasion consisten! with its high-grade na- cous glands (despite being replaced by
from the larynx and hypopharynx /1553). ture. Metastatic ASC may display only one squamous metaplasia), ischaemic necro-
componen!. sis of the acini, chronic inflammation, and
Localization lmmunohistochemistry shows the expres- pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia of the
The larynx is a frequently affected site in sion of p63 in the squamous componen!; overlying squamous epithelium (1962}.
the head and neck /60,1194,1209). A few carc inoembryonic antigen, low-molecu-
cases in the hypopharynx have been re- lar-weight cytokeratin (CAM5.2), and CK7 Prognosis and predictiva factors
ported /1314,1548,1553,2093}. in the adenocarcinomatous componen!; ASC is more aggressive than convention-
and high-molecular-weight cytokeratin in al SCC, with a propensity far recurrence
Clinical features both components /1314,1548}. • CK20 is and dissemination {60,703}. Reg ional
Patients may present with hoarseness, usually negative {1509}. lymph node metastases occur in about
sore throat, dysphagia, haemoptysis, or The differential d iagnosis includes mu- 75% of patients, and nearly 25% of pa-
neck mass (1209). coepidermoid carcinoma, adenoid SCC, tients develop distant metastases, most
and conventional SCC invading the se- co mmonly to lung /1 209}. C linical stage
Macroscopy romucinous glands. Distinction from mu- al presentation seems to co rrelate with
ASC may present as an exophytic or coepidermoid carcinoma is importan! be- prognosis. The 5-year survival rate is ap-
polypoid mass (median size: 4 cm) or as cause ASC has a worse prognosis (Table proximately 13- 50% {1194,1209,2093}.
mucosal induration or ulceration, similar
Table 3.01 Differences between adenosquamous and mucoepidermoid carcinoma
to SCC /825,1209}.
Adenosquamous carcinoma Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Cytology Evidence of origin from overlying squamous epithelium No evidence of origin from overlying squamous
Aspirates of metastases show features (e.g. dysplasia) epithelium
of keratinizing SCC. Malignan! glandular Keratinization in squamous cells, keratin pearls No keratinization or keratin pearls
components, including cells with intracy-
lnfiltrative glands al deeper parts Glands widespread with lobular arrangement
toplasmic mucin, can be seen.
Epidermoid and glandular cells closely intermingled
Squamous and adenocarcinoma adjacent to each other
within lobules of tumour
ASC has a biphasic morphology, with Secondary invasion of submucosal glands· Arising from submucosal glands
squamous and glandular differentiation. No intermediate cells lntermediate cells present
Origin from surface epithelium is support-
No MAML2 translocation Usually associated with MAML2 translocationª
ed by the presence of squamous dyspla-
sia. The squamous and adenocarcinoma- 8The presence of MAML2 lranslocalíon rules out adenosquamous carcinoma, bul MAML2 lranslocalíon is sorne-
tous components are distinct but located limes absenl in mucoepidermoíd carcinoma {1194}.

Malignan! surface epithelial tumou rs 89

Lymphoepithelial carcinoma
Bishop J.A.
Gaulard P.
Gillison M.

Lymphoepithelial carcinoma (LEC) is a
squamous cell carci noma morphological-
ly similar to non-keratinizing nasopharyn-
geal carcinoma, undifferentiated subtype.

ICD-0 code 8082/3

Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma

Epidemiology Localization Histopathology

LEC of the larynx, hypopharynx, and !ra- LEC occurs more frequently in the lar- LEC is defined by its resemblance to
chea is rare, with only about 40 reported ynx than in the hypopharynx. Rare cases non-keratinizing und ifferentiated naso-
cases. lt affects older patients (mean pa- have arisen in the !rachea (1363,1777, pharyngeal carcinoma (see Nasop haryn-
l ien! age: 62 years), and there is a male 2340). geal carcinoma, p. 65, Chapter 2). Unlike
predominance. Unlike nasopharyngeal in the nasopharynx, LEC uncommonly
carcinoma, which most frequently affects Clinical features harbours EBV in the larynx.
Asían patients, LEC in the larynx usually Patients present with hoarseness, neck
occurs in White patients {381,1507,2584, mass, dysphonia, dysphagia, neck pain, Prognosis and predictiva factors
2706}. and/or haemoptysis (604,1507,2584}. Accord ing to SEER data, laryngeal LEC
has a 5 -year disease-specific survival
Etiology Cytology rate of approximately 60% (381 }. Re-
There is an association with smoking and As pirates of metastases show findings gional lymph node metastasis occurs in
alcohol consumption {604,1507,25841. similar to those seen in aspirates of non- approximately 75% of cases, with dis-
There is also an association with EBV, keratinizing undifferentiated nasopharyn- tan! metastasis in approximately 25%
although not as strong an association as in geal carcinoma. (1507).
nasopharyngeal cases (1214,2584,2706).

90 Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx. !rachea and parapharyngeal space

Precursor lesions

Table 3.02 Morphological critaria far tha classification of laryngeal precursor lesions {797)
Low-grade dysplasia (including previous category of mild dysplasia):
Low malignan! potantial; a spactrum of morphological changas ranging from squamous hyperplasia toan
Gale N.
augmentation of basal and parabasal calls occupying as much as the lower half of the epithelium, while the upper
Hille J. portian ratains maturation
Jordan R.C.
Stratification is preserved: transition of basal cells ar augmented basal/parabasal
Nadal A .
cell layer with perpendicular orientation to tha basement membrane to prickle cells
Williams M.O. horizontally oriented in the upper part
Spinous layer: spectrum of changes ranging from increased spinous layer in the
Architectural criteria
whola thickness up to changas in which prickle cells are seen only in the upper
Definition epithalial hall
Dysplasia at this body site constitutes a Basal/parabasal layer: spectrum of changes, from 2-3 unchanged layers to
spectrum of architectural and cytological augmentation of basal and parabasal cells in the lower half of the epithelium
epithelial changes of the upper aerodi-
At most minimal cellular atypia
gestive tract, caused by an accumulation
Parabasal cells: slightly incraased cytoplasm comparad to basal cells, enlarged
of genetic changes that can be associ-
Cytological criteria nuclai, uniformly distributed chromatin, no intercellular bridges
ated with an increased likelihood of pro-
gression to squamous cell carcinoma. Rare regular mitoses in or near basal layer
Few dyskeratotic cells present
ICD-0 codes High-grade dysplasia (including previous categories of moderate dysplasia, severe dysplasia, and
Dysplasia, low grade 8077/0 carcinoma in situ):
Dysplasia, high grade 8077/2 A premalignant lesion; a spectrum of changes including immature epithelial cells occupying al leas! the lower half of
the epithelium and as much as the whole epithelial thickness
Synonyms Abnormal maturation
Squamous intraepithelial lesions; squa- Variable degrees of disordered stratification and polarity in as much as the whole
mous intraepithelial neoplasia epithelium
Altered epithelial cells usually occupying from half to the entire epithelial thickness
Epidemiology Architectural criteriaª
Two subtypes: keratinizing (spinous-cell type) and non-keratinizing (basal-cell type)
Dysplasia is seen mostly in adults and af- Variable degree of irregularly shaped rete (bulbous, downwardly extending), with an
fects men more often than women, with a intact basement membrane
male-to-female ratio as high as 4.6:1 {799}. No stromal alterations
This disparity is especially evident alter
Easily identified to conspicuous cellular and nuclear atypia, including marked
the sixth decade of life. Epidemiological
variation in size and shape, marked variation in staining intensity with fraquent
studies of laryngeal dysplasia are scarce. hyperchromasia, nucleoli increased in number and size
The annual incidence of laryngeal pre- Cytological criteriaª lncreased N:C ratio
cancerous mucosal changes in the USA
lncreased mitoses at or above the suprabasal level, with or without atypical forms
is 10.2 and 2 .1 lesions per 100 000 males
and females, respectively (245}. Dyskeratotic and apoptotic cells are frequent throughout the entire epithelium
ªComplete loss of stratification and polarity and/or severe cytological atypia and atypical mitoses qualifies as
Etiology carcinoma in situ if a three-liered system is used.
Cigarette smoking has been established
as the princ ipal risk facto r in laryng eal studies published since 2005 is 12% Voice change, hoarseness, sore throat,
carcinogenesis, especially in combina- (range: 0- 38%) (621,803,1644,1799}. and chronic cough are most common.
tion with alcohol abuse. The increased
risk is linked to age at the start of smok- Localization Macroscopy
ing, duration of smoking, and quality of Dysplasia can occur anywhere in the lar- Dysplasias are clinically identified as leu-
tobacco (2039,2451 }. Gastro-oesoph- ynx, but it occurs most frequently along koplakias (white patches), erythroplakias
ageal reflux disease is also considered one vocal cord and less frequently along (red patches), erythroleukoplakias (red
to be a possible risk factor {1395,2128}. both vocal cords. The commissures as and white patches), or chronic laryngitis.
High-risk HPV infection plays a minor role well as hypopharyngeal and. tracheal They present as small or large patches
in dysplasia development {62 1,803,1644, regions are rarely involved {801,1158, that are localized or diffuse , or as flat or
1799 }. Only integrated and transcription- 2349). exophytic and papillary lesions. Macro-
ally active HPV can play a significan! role scopic appearance does not have any
in carcinogenesis, and HPV 16 is the Clinical features specific connotations fo r microscopy,
most freq uent genotype (922,1408}. Th e The symptoms and signs vary accord- which must always be determined histo-
overall prevalence of HPV in dysplasia ing to the location and size of the lesion. logically (247,80 1}.

Precursor lesions 91
Table 3.03 Terminology and grading systems used for dysplasia I squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL) epithelial changes in arder to determine
Level of 1 1 the appropriate treatment {733,1574,
SIN Ljubljana 2076). A review of the currently used
abnormal WH02005 Amended Ljubljana WH02017
classification classification histological grading systems and their
maturation {146} classificalion {797}
{850} {799}
(WH02005) approximate relationship is presented in

Lower 113


l Squam~os
Low-grade SIL
Table 3.03 {2592).
In an effort to harmonize the various
concepts of the listed classifications,
with their various morphological crite-
dysplasia hyperplasia
ria and different terminology, a unified,
113 to 112 Moderate
ISIN 1 or SIN 2 two-grade system is proposed, with
clear morphological criteria far defining
Moderate Atypical
Upper 112 to 314 High-grade SIL the prognostic groups: low-grade (mild
dysplasia hyperplasia High-grade

Full thickness
l SIN 2
dysplasia) and high-grade (moderate
and severe dysplasia / carcinoma in situ)
- ,___ {797). lf a three-tiered system is preferred
Carcinoma Carcinoma far treatment purposes, the high-grade
Carcinoma in situ
in situ in situ category can be further separated into
*lf a three-tiered system is used, carcinoma in situ is separated from high-grade dysplasia. high-grade dysplasia and carc inoma in
SIN, squamous intraepithelial neoplasia. situ {797}. Far a morphological descrip-
tion of each grade of dysplasia, see Ta-
ble 3.02.
Ancil lary studies (e.g. p53, p16, Ki-67,
and EGFR) are currently not recommend-
ed for dysplasia classification.

Genetic profile
Accumulation of genetic alterations
produces aneuploidy in preneoplastic
cells (2072,2680). Laryngeal dysplas-
tic lesions show freq uent chromosomal
changes/LOH al 9p21, 17p13, 3p26,
Fig. 3.13 Leukoplakia of the left vocal cord. The anterior Fig. 3.14 Low-grade dysplasia. Hyperplastic squamous and 3p14, with alterations al 9p21 be-
part of the left vocal cord is irregularly thickened and epithelium shows augmented parabasal cells extending ing the earliest and most frequent, sug-
covered by whitish plaques. up to one third of the epithelium thickness; the upper half
gesting the implication of the CDKN2A
of the epithelium is unchanged.
gene in the early phases of neoplastic
Histopathology Although the grading of upper aerodi- transfarmation. The most likely target of
Several classification systems have been gestive tract dysplasia is to a certain 17p13 LOH is TP53 {1679). Other mo-
devised to represent the spectrum of his- degree a subjective process, grade is lecular alterations consistently detected
tological changes and their relation to bi- the most important prognostic factor far in premalignant laryngeal lesions include
ological behaviour, especially malignant the biological behaviour of disease, be- cyclin D1 overexpression (1814) and tel-
progression {732,797,1291,2582). cause clinicians need a descriptor of the omerase activity reactivation (1451 ,1496,

92 Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx, !rachea and parapharyngeal space

occurs in both children and adults. The
true incidence and prevalence of RRP
are uncertain. The best projected esti-
mates of annual incidence are 4.3 cases
per 100 000 c hildren and approximately
1.8 cases per 100 000 adults {331 ,570}.
The bimodal age distribution demon-
strates the first peak in children aged
< 5 years (juvenile cases) and the sec-
ond peak in patients aged 20-40 years
(adult cases) {331,1257). RRP is more
common in children and is the most ag-
gressive form of the disease, with 25% of
cases presenting during infancy {1969,
2604). There is no sex predominance
in children, but in adult patients there is
a male-to-female ratio of 3:2 {570,602,
1774). Although the disease is rare, mor-
bidity is notoriously high, compromising
functions such as vocalization, swallow-
ing, and breathing {821, 2605).
Fig. 3.16 High-grade dysplasia / carcinoma in situ. Prominent architectural disorder; epithelial cells show severe
cellular and nuclear atypia, mitoses are present, the basement membrana is intact, and a thick parakeratotic !ayer is
evident on the surface (see Table 3.02, p. 91 ). Etiology
HPV 6 and 11 are the most frequent
1497). None of these find ings are cur- Squamous ce// papílloma and genotypes (seen in 90% of cases) asso-
rently of diagnostic or prognostic utility. squamous ce// papíllomatosís ciated with RRP as well as solitary pap-
illomas {800,2605). A minority of cases
Prognosis and predictive factors Richardson M. (4- 5%) have coinfection with genotypes
A retrospective follow-up study found a Gale N. HPV 6 and 11, and fewer cases (3- 4%)
highly significan! difference in the risk HilleJ. with other HPV genotypes (e.g. 16, 31,
of malignan! progression between low- Zidar N. 33, 35, and 39) (260 5).
and high-grade lesions, at 1.6% and The modes of HPV transmission include
12.5%, respectively (797,1184). Certain sexual contact, non-sexual contact,
high-grade dysplasias (i.e. carcinomas Definition and maternal contact (direct or indirect)
in situ) are associated with higher risk of Squamous cell papilloma and squamous (1324). Most neonatal HPV infection oc-
progression to invasive growth (occurring cell papillomatosis are benign exophytic curs by vertical transmission at birth
in 40% of cases) and may require more squamous epithelial tumours cbmposed {2325). A triad of factors (first-born
extensive surgery or rad iation th erapy, of branching fibrovascular cores, usu- child, vaginal delivery, and maternal age
depending on the specific site (e.g. an- ally associated with HPV infection (geno- < 20 years) has been noted to correlate
terior commissure) and contributing risk types 6 and 11). with RRP in children {1192). Caesarean
factors (e.g. alcohol consumption and to- section provides a lower risk of trans-
bacco use) {2710). ICD-0 codes mission but is not completely protective
Squamous cell papilloma 8052/0 against infection. In contras!, active ma-
Squamous cell papillomatosis 8060/0 ternal genital HPV infection at the time of
delivery increases exposure to a signifi-
Synonyms can! viral load, with a high risk for trans-
Recurrent resp iratory papillomatosis; la- mitting infection {1324,2325). In adults,
ryngeal papillomatosis; juvenile papillo- the mode of viral transmission remains
matosis; adult papillomatosis unclear; transmission during sexual con-
tact and reactivation of a slow-progress-
Epidemiology ing latent infection from childhood have
Squamous cell papilloma is the most been suggested (1 199,1775,2028}. The
common benign epithelial tumour of the unpredictable c linical course of RRP
larynx. Recurren! respiratory papilloma- suggests possible host-specific genetic
tosi s (RRP) is characterized by multiple and immunological factors. Differences
contiguous, locally recurren! squamous in HPV-specific immune response have
cell papillomas, although solitary lesions been demonstrated between patients
present infrequently. RRP is a rare dis- with RRP and controls {234,331,1742,
ease involving the respi ratory tract that 2003}.

Precursor lesions 93
Localization features are seen in the upper layers of
The p apillomas usually involve th e vo- the epithelium. Mitotic features are seen
cal cords and ventricles, followed by along the basal to medial aspee! of the
transm ission to the false cords, epig lot- epith elium. Premature keratinization of
tis, subglottic area, hypopharynx, and individual epithelial cells contributes to
nasopharynx. Rarely (in 1-3% of cases), a disorganized appearance. Surface
the papillomas may extend to the lower keratinization is mínima!. Premalignant
respiratory trae!, which is associated with features are infrequent but should be re-
high mortality {821 ,1742,2325}. The d istri- ported if present.
bution of RRP follows a predictable pat- HPV genotype and variants can be de-
tern, with the tumours occurring at siles te rmined using sensitive conve ntional or
where c iliated and squamous epithe lium real-time PCR (1774}. A lthough far less
is juxtaposed. sensitive, and unable to detect H PV vari-
ants, in situ hybridization has also been
Clinical features used. Failu re to detect HPV by in situ hy-
The presentation includes progressive b ridization is considered cons istent with
hoarseness and stridor associated with a low copy numb er of HPV, below the de-
growths of exophytic lesions within the tection sensitivity threshold of the in situ
larynx. hybridization technique. However, spe-
cific patterns of in situ hybridization sig-
Macroscopy nals indicate that the viral status is either
The proliferative luminal growths are exo- episomal (a diffuse signa! pattern) or in-
phytic, sessile, or pedunculated masses tegrate d (a punctate signa! pattern). The
with bosselated surfaces. The papil la- mechanism of squamous cel l papi lloma
mas often g row as a friable cluster and recurrence in juveniles may be more al-
bleed easily w ith minar trauma. tributable to HPV integration (274} .

Histopathology Prognosis and predictiva factors

Squamous cell papillomas have a core The c li nical course of RRP is unpredicta-
composed of an arborizing fibrovascular ble and ranges from complete remission,
Fig. 3.17 Laryngeal papillomatosis. A Recurren! res-
network covered by squamous epithe- to relatively stable lesions, to an aggres-
piratory papillomatosis fills the endolaryngeal space.
lium. Parabasal cell hyperplasia is often sive c linical course of rapid progressive
B Endoscopic view of multicoated clusters of papillomas
seen involving the lower half of the epi- within a larynx. recurrences requiring surg ical interven -
thelium. Pronounced to subtle koi locyti c tion, and potentially life-threatening res-
p iratory obstruction {570,1522,2325}.
The clinical significance of variants of the
H PV 6 and 11 genotypes in patients with
RRP is unknown {1522}.
Sorne studies have found the HPV 11
genotype to be the most importan! risk
factor for aggressive c linical course, but
this finding has not been consistently rep-
licated (1774, 2605}. Other studies sug-
gest that pati ent age at onset is im portan!
(286}. Children diagnosed at < 3 years of
age are 3.6 times as likely to have more
than tour surgeries per year as are chil-
d ren diagnosed at an older age (1 774,
1969}. HPV 11 is more closely associated
with a younger age at diagnosis, and in
sorne studies it is associated with an ag-
gressive clinical course (2605}. In adults,
both HPV 11 and an observation time
> 1O years have been found to be as-
sociated with aggressive clinical course
(1774). These data suggest that there are
factors other !han HPV typ e and patient
age that determine disease course (286).
Fig. 3.18 Laryngeal papillomatosis. Florid papillomas line the endolarynx in this case of recurren! respiratory A retrospective sequence analysis of
papillomatosis. HPV in RRP showed no evidence of

94 Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx , !rachea and parapharyngeal space

Scanned by CamScanner
Moderately differentiated
neuroendocrine carcinoma
Perez-Ordonez B.
Bishop J.A.
Gnepp D.R.
Hunt J. L.
Thompson L.D. R.

Moderately differentiated neuroendocrine
carcinoma is an epithelial neoplasm
demonstrating neuroendocrine differen-
tiation with a histological grade between
well-differentiated and poorly differenti-
ated neuroendocrine carcinoma.

Clinical features 10 high-power fields), and necrosis is ab- ICD-0 code 8249/3
Patients present with hoarseness, dys- sent. The tumour stroma is often fibrotic
phagia, and airway obstruction {639, and highly vascular. Synonyms
2463). Rarely, a paraneoplastic syn- The neoplastic cells are positive for cy- Atypical carcinoid; neuroendocrine car-
drome (due to aberran! hormone pro- tokeratins, EMA, and al least one neu- cinoma, grade 11
duction by the tumour) may be identified roendocrine marker (e.g. synaptophysin,
(218 ,709,2463,2586]. chromogranin, or CD56). Peptides (e.g. Epidemiology
serotonin, calcitonin, and somatostatin) These are the most common neuroen-
Macroscopy may be positive, and TTF1 is variably docrine carcinomas of the larynx (2463,
The tumours present as submucosal positive. Ki-67 immunohistochem istry is 2586,2631). They occur more frequently
fleshy polypoid or sessile masses, not used in the grading of neuroendo- in men, with a male-to-female ratio of
0.5~3 cm in size (2586). crine tumours. 2.4:1, and have a peak incidence in the
sixth and seventh decades of life (mean
Histopathology Prognosis and predictiva factors patient age: 63 years) {2463,2586,2589).
The tum:Jur cells grow in nests, cords, The prognosis is difficult to determine
sheets, rnd trabeculae of round to slight- due to the rarity of this tumour, but seems Etiology
ly spindled cells with ample amphophilic to be good alter surgery or laser resec- Most patients are heavy tobacco users
to eosinophilic granular (sometimes on- tion. Recurrence and metastasis rates as (2463,2589}.
cocytic) cytoplasm . Gland-like structures high as 30% have been reported : with
or rosettes may be seen, exceptionally a 5-year survival rate of approximately Local ization
containing mucin vacuoles. The tumour 80% {639,2463). Older studies reported More than 90% of cases occur in the su-
nuclei exhibit stippled, evenly dispersed a more aggressive behaviour, due to the p raglottic reg ion {2463,2589).
chromatin in a salt-and -pepper pattern . inclusion of moderately differentiated
Minimal nuclear atypia is seen, mitotic neuroendocrine carcinomas {2229,2230,
rates are low (< 2 mitoses per 2 mm? or 2463).

96 Tumours of the hypopharynx. larynx. !rachea and parapharyngeal space

Poorly differentiated Localization
neuroendocrine carcinoma Within the larynx, the re is a predilection
for the supraglottic larynx, followed by
Perez-Ordonez B. the subglottis {848,855,2463).
Bishop J.A.
Gnepp D'. R. Clinical features
Hunt J.L. Patients present with non-specific symp-
Thompson L.D.R. toms, including hoarseness and/or dys-
phagia {848,855,1407,2463}. Many pa-
tients have regional or distan! metastases
Definition al presentation ["1612). Rarely, paraneo-
Poorly differentiated neuroendoc rine car- plastic syndromes are reported {709).
cinoma is a high-grade malignan! epithe-
Clinical features lial neoplasm with evidence of neuroen- Macroscopy
Patients present with hoarseness, docrine differentiation. Two subtypes are The tumour is a fleshy, ulcerated submu-
dysphagia, sore throat, and occasion - recogn ized: small cell neuroendocrine cosal mass {848,1404f.
ally haemoptysis {2586,2589}. Rarely, a carcinoma (SmCC) and large cell neu-
paraneoplastic syndrome (due to aber- roendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC). Histopathology
ran! hormone production by the tumour) SmCC grows in nests, sheets, and tra-
may be identified {709,2463). !CD-O codes beculae of cells, with occasional nuclear
Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma palisading or rosette -like structures. lt is
Macroscopy 8041/3 highly infiltrative, with frequent perineural
The tumours are tan-pink polypoid sub- Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma and lymphovascular invasion. The tu-
mucosal masses, 0.2- 4 cm in size, and 8013/3 mour is composed of small to medium-
often cove red by an ulcerated surface Synonyms sized cells with hyperchromatic nuclei,
mucosa (2586,2589}. Small cell carcinoma, neuroendocrine finely granular chromatin, and indistinct
type; oat cell carcinoma; neuroendo- nucleoli with scant cytoplasm. Nuclear
Histopathology crine carcinoma, grade 111 moulding, prominent crush artefact, ne-
The tumour cells grow in nests, cords, crosis, apoptosis, and DNA coating of
sheets, and trabeculae of round to Epidemiology vessel walls (the Azzopardi phenome -
slightly spindled cells with ample ampho- lt is th e second most common neuroen- non) are classic features , accompanied
philic to eosinophilic granular cytoplasm. docrine carcinoma of the larynx, tends to by a high mitotic rate (> 1O mitoses per
Gland-like structures or rosettes may be arise in older men (median patient age: 2 mm 2 or 10 high-power fields)
seen. The tumour nuclei may exhibit stip- 60 years), and has a male-to-female ra- LCNEC shows organoid nesting, pali-
pled, evenly dispersed chromatin or may tio of 2.3-4.3:1 {848 ,855,"1407,2463). sading, rosettes , and/or trabeculae. lt is
show more nuclear atypia with promi- composed of medium-sized to large cells
nent nucleoli. The defining featu res are Etiology with abundan! cytoplasm. The nuclei
necrosis and/or 2-1O mitoses per 2 mm 2 More than 90% of patients are cigarette have coarse chromatin (sometimes with
or iO high-power fields. Sorne tumours smokers {"1407,2463). An association a speckled, salt-and-pepper quality) and
demonstrate oncocytic cytoplasm or with HPV has been identified, but may usually have a single prominent nucleo-
stromal amyloid deposition . not be as significan! as the association lus. The tumour exhibits comedonecrosis
The neoplastic cells are positive for cy- of HPV with oropharynx or sinonasal tract and a high mitotic rate (> 10 mitoses per
tokeratins and at leas! one neuroendo- tumours {2382). 2 mm 2 or 1O high-power fields).
crine marker (e .g. synaptophysin, chro-
mogranin, or CD56). TTF1 is variably
expressed. These tumours are frequently
positive for calcitonin, which creates a
potential diagnostic pitfal l, particularly in
a lymph nade metastasis, where the tu-
mour can be mistaken for medullary thy-
roid carcinoma.

Prognosis and predictive factors

Approximately 30% of patients present
with advanced disease, with a recurrence
rate of about 60% and a 5-year survival
rate of 50% {2463,2589,2632). There are
no specific histological features that p re-
dict outcome.

Neuroendocrine tu mours 97
Rare examples of SmCC and LCNEC marker (e.g. synaptophysin, chromogra-
harbour a component of squamous cell nin , or C056). TTF1 immunoexpression is
carcinoma, either within the invasive tu- variable. SmCC and LCNEC are negative
mour or within the overlying mucosa (i.e. or only weakly positive for p63 and are
squamous cell carcinoma in situ). Com- consistently negative for CK5/6.
bined SmCC- LCNEC cases are rarely
seen (2631). Prognosis and predictive factors
Both SmCC and LCNEC are positive for These highly aggressive malignancies
cytokeratins (in particular low-molecu- have high rates of regional and distan!
lar-weight cytokeratins) by immunohis- metastasis, with about 70% of patients
tochemistry, and SmCC may exhibit a presenting with advanced disease, and
perinuclear or dot-like pattern. Neuroen- 5-year survival rates of 5- 20% (708,848,
docrine differentiation is confirmed by 1170,2463}.
staining with at least one neuroendocrine

98 Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx, !rachea and parapharyngeal space

Salivary gland tumours

Adenoid cystic carcinoma Prognosis and predictiva factors Prognosis and pred ictiva factors
Tracheal ACC o/ten presents at an ad- Complete resection is curative. Recurren!
Stenman G . vanced stage (2300). More than 50% of lesions are associated with an unfavour-
Gnepp D.R. patients have metastases, frequently to able clinical course.
Wenig B.M. the lungs {631 ). The 10-year survival rate
is influenced by margin status {2319).
In one study, most patients with larynge- Oncocytic papillary
Definition al ACC had T4 lesions at initial diagnosis, cystadenoma
Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a although 87.9% had NO disease and only
slow-growing and relentless salivary 6.1% had distant metastasis. The 5-year Bloemena E.
gland malignancy composed of epithelial disease specif ic survival rate was higher Bel! D.
and myoepithelial neoplastic cel ls that among patients with laryngeal ACC who Hunt JL
form various patterns , including tubular, underwent surgery versus !hose who did
cribriform, and solid forms. not {609).
See also the Adenoid cystic carcinoma Defin ition
section (p. 164) in Chapter 7. Oncocytic papillary cystadenoma is a
Pleomorphic adenoma cystic lesion lined by oncocytic epithe-
ICD-0 code 8200/3 lium, with occasional luminal papillary
Bel! O. projections.
Epidemiology Bullerdiek J.
ACC is uncommon at these siles, but is Hunt J.L. ICD-0 code 8290/0
the most common salivary gland malig-
nancy in this location {318,426,609,704, Synonyms
795,1058,1734,2371,2557]. There is no Definition Oncocytic cyst; oncocytic papillary cys-
sex predilection and the tumours occur Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is a benign tadenomatosis; oncocytic adenomatous
over a wide patient age range , but are tumour with variable cytomorphological hyperplasia; oxyphilic adenoma; onco-
most common in the sixth to eighth dec- and architectural manifestations. The cytoma; adenoma in laryngocoele
ades of life. identification of epithelial and myoepithe-
lial/stromal components is essential far Epidemiology
Localization the diagnosis of PA. The tumour affects elderly patients, in the
Most laryngeal tumours are subglottic, See also the P!eomorphic adenoma sec- sixth and seventh decades of life {253}.
with the supraglottis being the next most tion (p . 185) in Chapter 7 (Tumours of sa!i-
common location {609,1665,1734,2371, vary glands) . Localization
2699). The tumour occurs in the larynx, typically
ICD-0 code 8940/0 in the supraglottis {1382,2274).
Clinical features
Symptoms include airway obstruction, Synonym Clinical features
dysphagia, dyspnoea, cough, hoarse- Benign mixed tumour The symptoms are hoarseness, dyspho-
ness, sore throat, haemoptysis, and pain nia, and rarely, airway obstruction {175,
{1058,2557,2673) . Tracheal tumours may Localization 2274).
present with specific and asthma-mim- Only a few examples of PA in the larynx and
icking symptoms {1022) . hypopharynx have been reported in the
literature (612,2085). They are typically lo-
Macroscopy cated in the epiglottis or aryepiglottic folds.
The tumour is a submucosal mass with or
without surface ulceration . Clinical features
The common clinical presentatión of PA
Histopathology is that of a slow-growing, p ainless mass.
The histology is similar to that seen in
ACCs found in the majar and other minar Histopathology
salivary gland siles; see the Adenoid cys- See the Pleomorphic adenoma section
tic carcinoma section (p . 164). (p. 185) in Chapter 7.

Salivary gland tumours 99

The tumour consists of unilocular or mul-
tilocular cysts lined by oncocytic epitheli-
um, with occasional intraluminal papillary
projections. The lesion can be multifocal.
Hyperplastic cellu lar formation may re-
sult in more-solid nests of oncocytic cells

Cell of origin
The cell of origin is the minor salivary
gland duct cell {1382,2274).

Prognosis and predictive factors

These lesions show benign behaviour
but may recur. An association with squa-
mous cell carcino ma has been describ ed
in a case report (2274).

Soft tissue tumours

Granular ce// tumour Localization a substantial proportion of these lesions,

Laryngeal granular cell tumours most and care should be taken when evaluat-
Allen C.M. com monly involve the posterior third of ing a superficial biopsy sample to pre-
Gnepp D.R . the true vocal fold; tracheal granular cell vent an overdiagnosis of squamou s cell
Wen ig B.M. tumours usually affect the cervical por- carcinoma, because occasional tumours
tian {2602]. may be associated with mild to moderate
cytological atypia in the pseudoepithe-
Definition Clinical features liomatous hyperplasic component. The
Granular cell tumour is an uncommon Laryngeal granular cel l tumours usu- granular cells are often intimately associ-
benign tumour of Schwann-cell differen- ally present with hoarseness. ·Tracheal ated with nerves . The cytop lasmic gran-
tiation characterized by poorly demar- granular cell tumours may cause stridor, ules give a diastase-resistant positive
cated accumulations of plump granular cough, or haemoptysis {11 53). Other periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction. The
ce lls {2458). symptoms include sensation of a mass tu mour cells express 8 100 protein, CD57,
See also the Granular ce!! tumoursection and dysphagia. As many as 10% of cas- an d S0X10 {72}, as well as CD68.
(p. 121) in Chapter 4. es involve two or more tumours {2602).
Prognosis and predictive factors
ICD-0 code 9580/0 Macroscopy Surgical excision is curative. The risk of
Granular ce ll tumours present as sessile recurrence is low (< 10%).
Synonyms nodules measuring < 2 cm in diameter
Granular cell myoblastoma; granular cell (92). On cut surface, the tumours are
schwannoma; granular cell neurofibro- pale tan to yellowish-white. Líposarcoma
ma; Abrikossoff tumour
Histopathology Flucke U.
Epidemiology The tumour shows submucosal unen- Franchi A.
Granular cell tumou rs most trequently capsulated or poorly circumscrib ed cel- Thompson L.D.R.
occur in the third to fifth decades of lite lular p roliferation with syncytial, trabec u-
{1057). No sex predilection has been lar, or nested growth, composed of cells
noted far laryngeal granular cell tumour, with round to oval nuclei and abundant Definition
but tracheal granular cell tumour has a coarsely granular eosinophilic cyto- Li posarcoma is a malignant neoplasrn
female predilection. Black populations plasm. There is usually minimal nuclear recapitulating fat. Three b iologically dis-
appear to be disproportionately affected pleomorphism and mitotic activity. Pseu- tinct categories are recognized: well-
compared with other ethnic groups. doepitheliomatous hyperplasia of the differentiated/dedifferentiated (the most
overlying epithelium may also be seen in common), myxoid, and pleomorphic.

100 Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx, trachea and parapharyngeal space

infiltrate of plasma cells, lymphocytes,
and/or eosinophils.

ICD-0 code 8825/1

lnflammatory pseudotumour; plasma cell

lnflammatory myofibroblastic tumours of
the head and neck tend to occur in men
and are most common in adults, although
they can occur in children {462,2004).

Laryngeal inflammatory myofibroblas-
tic tumours primarily arise in the glottic
ICD-0 code 8850/3 sarcoma shows 12q13-15 amplification, regían {194,2509,2585). Non-Jaryngeal
including MDM2 and COK4 {192). sites include the oral cavity, sinonasal
Synonym tract, pharynx, tonsils, parapharyngeal
Well-differentiated liposarcoma: atypical Prognosis and predictiva factors space, salivary glands, and trachea
lipomatous tumour Multiple recurrences of lipoma-like/well- {404,405,573,961,1776).
differentiated lesions may occur alter
Epidemiology surgical treatment, with late dedifferen- Clinical features
These rare t1..1mours predominantly affect tiation. Tumour site and grade seem to Laryngeal inflammatory myofibroblastic
older males (mean patient age: 60 years) influence prognosis, with laryngeal lipo- tumours present with hoarseness, stridor,
(691,867}. sarcoma having a better outcome than dysphonia, ora foreign body sensation in
oral tumours, possibly due to earlier rec- the throat (194,2509,2585). In other sites,
Localization ognition {867). symptoms include obstruction, epistaxis,
The tumours occur in the pharynx, headaches, and dysphagia.
mouth, larynx, and neck. The tangue is a
common intraoral location {55,691,867}. lnflammatory Macroscopy
myofibroblastic tumour The tumour is a polypoid, pedunculated
Clinical features or nodular firm lesion with a smooth ap-
The tumour is a slow-growing, painless Wenig B.M. pearance and a fleshy to fi rm consist-
mass causing dysphagia and airway ob- Flucke U. ency, measuring 0.4- 3 cm in greatest
struction {867,1708). Franchi A. dimension.

Macroscopy Histopathology
The tumou rs present as submucosal, well- Definition The tumour is a submucosal storiform
circumscribed, fatty- fibrous nodules (1708). lnflammatory myofibroblastic tumour to fascicular loosely cellular proliferation
is a distinctive neoplasm composed of composed of spindle-shaped, stellate,
Histopathology myofibroblastic and fibroblastic spindle epithelioid, and/or axonal (spider- like)
The most common lipoma-like subtype cells accompanied by an inflammatory cells with enlarged round to oval nuclei,
shows variation in ad ipocyte size, with
hyperchromatic, enlarged nuclei. The ir-
regu lar fibrous septa have atypical stro-
mal cells {1708). Dedifferentiated non-
lipogenic areas can exhibit a wide variety
of growth patterns and cytomorphology
(e.g. spindle-cell, pleomorphic, giant-
cell, round-cel l, and meningothelial-like).
Heterologous elements (e.g. cartilage
and bone) are rare {1538). MDM2 and
CDK4 are positive in > 90% of the tu-
mours {192,1538}.

Genetic profile
Well -differentiated/ded ifferentiated lipo-

Soft tissue tumours 101

inapparent to prominent nucleoli, and
abundant fibrillar-looking cytoplasm . ln-
tranuclear inclusions may be present in
epithelioid cells. Mitotic figures may be
numerous but atypical mitoses are not
seen. There is a variable admixture of
lymphocytes, plasma cells, and/or eo-
sinophils. lnflammatory myofibroblastic
tumours are immunoreactive for actins
(focally to diffusely). Staining for desmin
and cytokeratin is reported in 33% {464)
to 77% {1581) of cases . ALK expression
is seen in 36-60% of cases {366,376,
481). Distinction from spindle cell squa-
mous cell carcinoma is critica!; areas of
squamous dysplasia or differentiation are
helpful in this differential diagnosis (see
Spind!e ce// squamous ce!/ carcinoma,
p. 87) .

Genetic profile
About 50-70% of cases (mainly in chil-
dren) have clona! rearrangements involv-
ing chromosome band 2p23 that fuse the
...~-' . ~
Fig. 3.30 lnfiammatory myofibroblastic tumour. A The myofibroblasts may also appear epithelioid or histiocytoid,
3' kinase region of the ALK gene {890). characterized by round to oval nuclei, enlarged nucleoli, and ample basophillc to eosinophilic granular cytoplasm;
Fusion partners include TPM3, TPM4, an inflammatory cell infiltrate is present. B The myofibroblasts include spindle-shaped to stellate cells with enlarged
CLTC, RANBP2, and ATIC/268,481,1351, round to oblong nuclei and abundan! basophilic-appearing fibrillar cytoplasm; cells with long cytoplasmic extensions are
1416,1808}. seen. C lmmunohistochemical expression of ALK, including cytoplasmic staining as well as staining of the intranuclear
Prognosis and predictive factors
For laryngeal inflammatory myofibro- (non-head and neck) inflammatory myo- a favou rable prognostic indicator {462).
blastic tumour, surgical resection is usu- fib roblastic tumour metastasize and ALK-negative cases may carry higher
ally curative {573,901 ,2004,2585), but may be associated with the presence ris k of metastasis and death from dis-
recurrence can rarely occur {901 ,2004, of RANBP2 and round cel l morphol- ease {462).
2585). Rare examples of extrapulmonary ogy {402,1539}. ALK reactivity may be

Cartilage tumours

Chondroma and Chondrosarcoma, grade 1 9222/1

chondrosarcoma Chondrosarcoma, grade 2/3 9220/3

Gale N. Epidemiology
Hunt J.L. Cartilaginous tumours account for
Lewis J.S. < 0.2% of ali laryngeal tumours, but
Thompson L.D.R. are the most common non-epithelial
tumours, with chondrosarcomas being
much more common than chondromas
Definition {347,460,711,1397}. Chondromas oc-
Chondroma is a benign mesenchymal cur across a wide patient age range,
tumour of larynx hyaline carti lage. Chon- of 24-7 9 years (mean: 56 years), with a
drosarcoma is a malignan! mesenchymal male-to-female ratio of 2:1 {1397). •
tumour of larynx hyaline cartilage. Chondrosarcomas tend to occur in
slightly older patients, with a patient age Fig. 3.31 Laryngeal chondrosarcoma. Cut section of a
ICD-0 codes range of 25- 91 years (mean: 63 years), chondrosarcoma arising from the cricoid cartilage and
Chondroma 9220/0 and have a male-to-female rati o of 3.2:1 showing a solid, focally lobular and glistening greyish-
Chondrosarcoma 9220/3 {611,1397,2387). Chondrosarcomas are blue surface.

102 Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx, !rachea and parapharyngeal space

significantly more common in Whites single nuclei surrounded by eosinophilic
than in Blacks, al a ratio of 7:1 (112). cytoplasm and there is usually only one
• cell per !acuna. Cellular pleomorphism,
Etiology mitoses, and binucleated chondrocytes
The etiology remains unclear, although are absent. Scattered foci of calcification
severa! hypotheses have been proposed. and ossification may be seen.
Disordered ossification, which is found Chondrosarcomas show variably in-
only in hyaline cartilage (cricoid and rare- \ . creas.ed cellularity, pleomorp hism, multi-
ly thyroid cartilage) in older patients and
whlch occurs in areas of muscle inser-

,1,- ,:-.

nucleation, and mitoses, features useful
in tumour grading. Most laryngeal chon -
~ - -" . . . ., .., ' f
tion, may serve as a nidus for tumour de- Fig. 3.32 Chondroma. Well-circumscribed tumour drosarcomas are low-grade (grade 1),
velopment (112). lschaemic changes in composed of hyaline cartilage, with low cellularity, lack showing a pattern of lobular disarray
chondroma may be a predisposing fac- of nuclear atypia of chondrocytes, and a single nucleus and destructive invasion o/ native carti -
tor (2387}. Other possible predisposing within a lacuna. lage and bone. Chondrosarcomas have
factors are radiotherapy, polytetrafluoro- higher cellularity !han chondromas, bi-
ethylene (Te/Ion) injection, and repeated tumour extent (112) CT reveals a hy- nucleation in !he !acunar spaces , slight
laryngeal trauma (1773). podense, well-defined tumour with inter- nuclear pleomorphism, and nuclear hy-
na! calcifications, cartilage destruction, perchromasia. Moderately differentiated
Localization and structural distortion {166,25 41 ,2619). (grade 2) tumours show a higher degree
The most common site for laryngeal FDG -PET may help with tumour grading, of cellularity and nuclear pleomorphism
chondromas is the cricoid cartilage (ac- metastasis detection, and local recur- than do grade 1 tumours, and may have
counting for -70% of cases), followed by rence assessment (1773). scattered mitoses. High-grade (grade 3)
the thyroid, arytenoid, and tracheal carti- tumours have high cellularity; significan!
lages, in decreasing order of frequency Macroscopy multinucleation, nuclear pleomorphism,
{112,1361,1397}. Chondrosarcomas de- Both tumours present as smooth, lobulat- and hyperchromasia; necrosis; and in-
velop in the same locations, specifically ed, submucosal masses covered by nor- creased mitoses. Ossification and calci -
along the anterior surface of !he posterior mal mucosa. On cut surface, the lesions fication can be seen in ali grades (112,
lamina of the cricoid cartilage {112,1773, are glassy, firm , white, or grey. Chon- 1397,2387).
2387}. Rare tumours arise in the epiglot- dromas are usually < 2 cm in diameter, Rare cases of laryngeal clear cell chon-
tis (2387}. whereas chondrosarcomas can be as drosarcoma have also been described,
large as 12 cm (mean diameter: 3.5 cm. characterized by a sharp transition of
Clinical features Dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas have conventional chondrosarcoma to a pop-
Both tumours grow slowly, commonly as foci with a fleshy appearance {347,809, ulation of large clear cells with distinct
endolaryngeal masses. The symptoms 1397,2387}. cellular membranes but lacking typical,
of chondroma and chondrosarcoma are dense chondroid matrix (45). High-grade
similar and depend on tumour size and H istopathology chondrosarcomas are rare, accounting
location. Slowly progressive hoarseness, Chondromas are composed of mature for only about 5% o/ ali laryngeal chon-
dyspnoea, dysphagia, and stridor are hyaline cartilage histologically resembling drosarcomas {2387). Dedifferenti ated
usually present. lf the tumour is located normal cartilage. Hypocellular areas con- laryngeal chondrosarcomas are exceed-
in the thyroid cartilage, the palien! may tain evenly distributed, bland-looking ingly rare; they show a biphasic appear-
present with a palpable neck mass {112, chondrocytes in an abundan! basophilic ance with well-differentiated chondro-
1773,2387). MRI may help in delineating matrix. Chondrocytes have small, uniform , sarcoma juxtaposed with a high-grade

, . B •,'P. tr
~ 'f ... ' • ,., - - - . . - .-
Fig. 3.33 Chondrosarcoma. A Neoplastic proliferation with increased cellularity, chondrocytes showing mild nuclear and cellular pleomorphism and hyperchromasia, and invasion
of the ossified region of the cricoid cartilage. B Moderately differentiated chondrosarcoma, grade 2. Remarkable cellularity, frequent binucleation in the !acunar spaces, and more
pronounced nuclear and cellular pleomorphism.

Cartilage tumours 103

Wmacytomas constitute 5- 6% of extra-
osseous plasmacytomas of the head
and neck (1 16,2078); nearly ali patients
are adults. Extramedullary myeloid sar-
coma and mast cell neoplasms are very
rare (1028}. Among patients with wide-
spread lymphoma or leukaemia , subtle
laryngeal involvement is common {1028).

Lymphoma and plasmacytoma involve
the larynx more often than the trachea.
Lymphoma involves the supraglottic lar-
ynx more often than the subglottic larynx.
Primary parapharyngeal or hypopharyn-
geal origin of haematolymphoid neo-
plasms is very rare. Lymphomas (545,
1028,1300,1444) and plasmacytomas
{1 483,2143,2304) are usually localized;
sorne MALT lymphomas involve multi-
ple mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
siles (997).

Clinical features
Patients present with coug h, dyspnoea,
and hoarseness (1300,1 444,2304 ,2718].

Lymphomas and extraosseous plasma-
cytomas are usually smooth-su rfaced,
raised or polypoid lesions {1028,1300,
2718). Lymphomas may be multinodular
and/or circumferential (586,2701 }.
1 -
Fig. 3.35 MALT lymphoma arising in the larynx. There is a dense, diffuse infiltrate of marginal zone cells; neoplastic Histopathology
cells invade a submucosal gland to form a lymphoepithelial lesion. The most common primary lymphoma at
this body site is MALT lymphoma (586,
non-cartilaginous sarcoma {809,2387). Haematolymphoid tumours 1300,1 444,2343,2718], but rare cases
lmmunohistochemistry is rarely neces- of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (1028),
sary, but the chondroid cells are immu- Ferry J. A. extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma (1 637},
noreactive with S100 protein and D2-40. Chuang S.-S. anaplastic large cell lymphoma (1220),
and other lymphomas have also been
Prognosis and predictive factors repo rted. Laryngeal extraosseous plas-
The 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year disease- Definition macytoma is sometimes associated with
specific survival rates for chondrosar- Haematolymphoid tumours are primary laryngeal amyloidosis (1483).
coma are 96.5%, 88.6%, and 84.8%, re- malignan! neoplasms of lymphoid, plas-
spectively, although the local recurrence ma cell, or myeloid origin . Prognosis and predictive factors
rate is relatively high (18-50%), usually The prognoses of lymphomas at this
dueto incomplete resection (611,2387). Epidemiology body site are similar to those of their
Tumour grade and tumour subtype do not Lymphomas arising in the larynx and counterparts in other sites. Extraosseous
seem to influence outcome (other than trachea are rare, accounting fo r < 1% plasmacytoma has a favourable progno-
possibly for dedifferentiated tumours) of neoplasms at these sites {717,1028, sis (1 028). al though patients may devel-
(1992), which encourages conservative, 1541]. Approximately 4% of head and op recurrences and a mi nority of cases
function-preserving surgery (including neck lymphomas arise in the larynx; progress to plasma cell myeloma (116,
laser therapy) as primary treatment (347, tracheal lymphomas are even less com- 2078).
2387]. Distant metastases are exceed- mon (934). Lymphomas affect women
ingly rare {460) . more often th an men. Laryngeal plas

104 Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx, trachea and parapharyngeal space



Tumours of the oral cavity and

mobile tongue •
Malignant surface epithelial tumours
Oral potentially malignant disorders and
oral epithelial dysplasia
Tumours of uncertain histogenesis
Soft tissue and neural tumours

Oral mucosal melanóma
Salivary type tumours
Haematolymphoid tumours

WHO classification of tumours of the oral cavity and
mobile tongue

Epithelial tumours and lesions Neurofibroma 9540/0

Squamous cell carcinoma 8070/3 Kaposi sarcoma 9 140/3
Oral epithelial dysplasia Myofibroblastic sarcoma 8825/3
Low grade 8077/0
High grade 8077/2 Oral mucosa! melanoma 8720/3
Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia
Salivary type tumours
Papillomas Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 8430/3
Squamous cell papilloma 8052/0 Pleomorphic adenoma 8940/0
Condyloma acuminatum
Verruca vulgaris Haematolymphoid tumours
Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferative
disorder 9718/3
Tumours of uncertain histogenesis Plasmablastic lymphoma 9735/3
Congenital granular cell epulis Langerhans cell histiocytosis 9751/3
Ectomesenchymal chondromyxoid tumour 8982/0 Extramedullary myeloid sarcoma 9930/3

Soft tissue and neural tumours

Granular ce ll tumour 9580/0 The morphology codes are lrom the lnternational Classilication ol Diseases lar
Oncology (!CD-O) (776A}. Behaviour is coded /0 far benign tumours;
Rhabdomyoma 8900/0 /1 far unspecified, borderline, or uncertain behaviour; /2 far carcinoma in
Lymphangioma 9170/0 situ and grade 111 intraepithelial neoplasia; and /3 lar malignan! tumours. The
Haemangioma 9120/0 classification is modified from the previous WHO classilication, taking into
account changes in our understanding of these lesions.
Schwannoma 9560/0

106 Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile tongue

TNM classification of carcinomas of the lip and oral cavity

TNM classification of carcinomas of the lip and oral cavity•,b N2b Metastasis in multíple ipsilateral lymph nodes,
ali s 6 cm in greatest dimension
T - Primary tumour N2c Metastasis in bilateral or contralateral lymph nodes,
TX Primary tumour cannot be assessed ali s 6 cm in greatest dimension
TO No evidence of primary tumour N3 Metastasis in a lymph node > 6 cm in greatest dimension
Tis Carcinoma in situ
T1 Tumour s 2 cm in greatest dimension Note: Midline nades are considered ipsilateral nodes.
T2 Tumour > 2 cm but s 4 cm in greatest dimension
T3 Tumour > 4 cm in greatest dimension M - Distant metastasis
T4a (lip) MO No distan! metastasis
Tumour invades through cortical bone, inferior alveolar M1 Distan! metastasis
nerve, !loor of mouth, or skin (of chin or nose)
T4a (oral cavity) Stage grouping
Tumour invades through cortical bone, into deep/extrinsic StageO Tis NO MO
muscle of tangue (genioglossus, hyoglossus, palatoglos- Stage 1 T1 NO MO
sus, and styloglossus), maxillary sinus, or skin of tace Stage 11 T2 NO MO
T4b (lip and oral cavity) Stage 111 T1-2 N1 MO
Tumour invades masticator space, pterygoid platas, or T3 N0-1 MO
skull base; or encases interna! carotid artery Stage IVA T1-3 N2 MO
T4a N0-2 MO
Note: Superficial erosion alone of bone / tooth socket by Stage IVB AnyT N3 MO
gingival primary is no! sufficient to classify a tumour as T4. T4b Any N MO
Stage IVC AnyT Any N M1
N - Regional lymph nodes (i.e. the cervical nodes)
NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
ªAdapted from Edge et al. (625A} - used with permission of the American
NO No regional lymph node metastasis
Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), Chicago, lllinois; the original and prima-
N1 Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, s 3 cm in ry source for this information is the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Seventh
greatest dimension Edition {201 O) published by Springer Science+Business Media - and Sobin
N2 Metastasis as specified in N2a, N2b, or N2c below et al. (2228AI.
hA help desk for specific questions about TNM classification is available at
N2a Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, > 3 cm
but s 6 cm in greatest dimension

TNM classification of carcinomas of the lip and oral cavity 107

Tumours of the oral cavity and Takata T.
Slootweg P.J.
mobile tongue

lntroductíon cavity and mobile tongue is squamous grading system and a binary system are
cell carcinoma (SCC) arising from the described . For other grading systems and
In the previous edition, tumours of the oral mucosa! epithelium . More than 90% of related terminology used for dysplasia/
cavity and oropharynx were discussed oral cancers are SCC. Most cases of oral squamous intraep ithelial lesion, refer to
together in one chapter. Now, diseases SCC are moderately to well differenti- the corresponding sections in Chapter 3
of these two anatomical reg ions are the ated. For more detailed information on (Tumours of the hypopharynx, larynx, tra-
subjects of two separate chapters; this subtypes of SCC, see the correspond- chea and parapharyngeal space, p . 77).
chapter being devoted to the oral cavity ing sections in Chapter 3 (Tumours of the Although the cause of oral SCC is mul-
and Chapter 5 (p. 133) to the oropharynx. hypopharynx, /arynx, trachea and para- tifactorial, accumulated information on
Furthermore, as in other chapters, in an pharyngeal space, p . 77). etiological and genetic factors in oral
effort to minimize overlap, only selected Oral potentially malignant disorders, SCC and related precursor lesions sup-
non-epithelial and soft tissue tumours, cl inical presentations carrying a risk of ports targeted diagnosis and therapy
salivary neoplasms and haematolym- cancer development. and oral epithelial of oral SCC. The content of th is chapter
phoid tumours are highlighted . The out- dysplasia, a spectrum of histological and reflects the increase in knowledge on
come of this approach is that the content cytological changes with an increased oral diseases and its practica! applica-
of this chapter is much reduced in com- risk of progression to SCC, are also im- tion in diagnosis and treatment. Hitherto
parison with the previous edition. portan! lesions for secondary prevention unrecognized new entities deserving to
Lesions that deserve prime attention in of oral SCCs. There are difieren! kinds of be listed as such in this chapter have not
this chapter are the mucosa! diseases. grading systems for epithelial dysplasia. been identified.
The most pivotal malignancy of the oral In this chapter, a traditional three-tiered

108 Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile tongue

Malignant surface epithelial tumours Sloan P.
Gale N.
Nylander K
Reibel J.
Hunter K. Salo T.
Lingen M. Zain R.B .

Squamous ce// carcinoma
oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is
a carcinoma with squamous differentia-
tion arising from the mucosal epithelium.
The proportion of cases that arise in clini -
cally evident oral potentially malignan!
disorders is unknown. lt is most frequent C•noe1 ofthf' 1/p and 01111»1ity
in the fifth and sixth decades of lite and
- 5.1•
is typically associated with risk factors - 3.8-5.1

such as smoking, alcohol consumption, 1:1 2.5-3.S

and betel-quid chewing. D u -2_5

D <1_9

ICD-0 code 8070/3

More than 90% of cancers in the oral BOl~ H XU

cavity are OSCCs. With respect to the

epidemiology of oral cancer, specific ge-
ographical regions must be considered
separately, because there is marked vari-
ation in incidence. Overall, oral cancer
(when oropharyngeal siles are included)
is the sixth most common cancer in the
world [2548). The GLOBOCAN project Csnc:e-r ol the lip 111'\d 0<a! cevity

estimated 300 373 new cases in 2012,

- 2 .2•
with a global age-standardized incidence - l.&-2.2
rate of 4.0 cases per 100 000 population
per year and a global mortality rate of

1,1.1 .c

0 .07-1 .1
1.9 deaths per 100 000 population per D <Q.e1

No Data
year [702). High incidence of oral can-
cer is found in southern Asia (e.g . India; B
Pakistan; Sri Lanka; and Taiwan, China),
Fig. 4.01 Worldwide age-standardized rate (ASR) of (A) incidence and (B) mortality per 100 000 population per year,
with age-standardized incidence rates of
both sexes, of lip and oral cavity cancer. Reprinted from GLOBOCAN 2012, Ferlay J et al. {702}.
> 10 cases per 100 000 population per
year in parts ot India and Pakistan (702). incidence of intraoral cancer is decreas- tobacco) or dipping (snuff). Smokeless
lncidence is also high in eastern and ing in sorne countries, whereas slight tobacco in chewing or dipping torms
western Europe (e.g. Hungary, Slovakia, increases among younger patients have causes oral cancer; however, sorne
Slovenia, and France), Latin America been reported in other countries (1456, studies (in particular studies ot Swedish
and the Caribbean (e.g. Brazil , Uruguay, 2159). snuft) show negligible risk {229,1072).
and Puerto Rico), and Melanesia (e.g. Areca nut and/or tobacco can be mixed
Papua New Guinea) (702). Worldwide, Etiology with other substances (e.g. slaked lime,
oral cancer incidence is higher among Smoking is by far the most importan! betel inflorescence, condiments, sweet-
males (5.5 cases per 100 000 popula- cause ot oral cancer. There is a dose- ening agents, and spices) to create b e-
tion per year) than temales (2.5 cases dependent increase in risk, and. risk de- tel quid. Betel- quid chewing increases
per 100 000). However, the rat io is the creases after smoking cessation {1071, the risk of oral cancer whether or not to-
reverse in India and Thailand, where the 2550). Alcohol consumption interacts bacco is added (900). HPV, in particu lar
reported male-to -temale ratios are 1:2 synergistica lly with smoking, resulting in type 16, is a recogn ized etiological factor
and U .56, respectively (1 280). Most a more than additive risk [121, 865,1073). in oropharyngeal cancer but is only seen
oral cance rs occur in patients aged 50- Smokeless tobacco is used orally in most in a small minority (3%) of osees (515,
70 years . As smoking rates decline, the parts ot the world, by chewing (chewing 840,1438,2135). Exposure to sunlight is

Malignan! surtace epithelial tumours 109

an established risk factor fo r lip cancer. Table 4.01 Subtypes of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity and mobile tongue
In Western Australia, lip cancer accounts Oral SCC subtype Features References
for as many cases as ali intraoral sites to-
Basaloid SCC High-grade carcinoma, more-frequent metastasis but overall
gether {7) . Poor oral health is associated prognosis comparable to that of conventional SCC {774,2653)
with oral cancer {591,899) but has not
been proven an independent risk factor Worse prognosis than conventional SCC in oral cavity and mobile
Spindle cell SCC tongue; typically occurs as postradiation recurrence or second {187,824}
{2547}. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables primary
seems to have sorne protective effect - ---
against oral cancer {264,1503}. Adenosquamous Highly infiltrative and aggressive, frequent metastasis, worse
carcinoma prognosis than conventional SCC (1194,1553,2113)
Oral cancer can affect any area of the Carcinoma Well differentiated, usually on mucoperiosteum, locally destructive --
oral mucosa. The most common siles for cuniculatum deep burrowing pattern, metastasis rare, recurs locally but rarely if (2312)
ever metastasizes
intraoral cance r in many populations are
the tongue, floor of the mouth, and gin- Well-differentiated non-metastatic variant with pushingsuperficial
Verrucous SCC invasion, exophytic, lacks atypia, good prognosis; may progress to {1517,1759,2060)
giva, accounting for more than half of all
invasiva conventional SCC
oral cancers (1337,1544,2423}. However,
site distribution varies depending on Lymphoepithelial Rare, present at high stage, 70% associated with regional lymph
carcinoma nade metastasis; not ali are EBV-positive (2034)
the prevailing risk factors. Among many
Asian populations, osee most common - Papillary SCC Keratinizing and non-keratinizing types, often arises on gingivae;
better prognosis than conventional SCC {1517,2060}
ly affects the buccal mucosa, due to to-
bacco chewing and betel-quid chewing. High-risk cutaneous variant that may occur on the lip; acantholysis
Acantholytic SCC can result in an adenoid appearance inpoorly differentiated intraoral {605,807,2730}
Clinical features scc
Oral cancers can be detected by visual
inspection and palpation followed by bi- Cytology differentiated; poorly differentiated squa-
opsy and histopathological examination. lntraoral tumours are usually evaluated mous cell carc inoma is less freq uent.
Evaluation of the neck is also importan!. by surgical biopsy. Meta-analys is shows Well-differentiated osee is characterized
Small cancers may be asymptomatic, that adjunctive tests cannot replace scal- by nests, cords, and islands of large cells
whereas advanced tumours give rise to pel biopsy and histological assessment with pink cytoplasm, prominent intercellu-
various symptoms and signs such as for oral cancer diagnosis {1985}. Fine- lar brid ges, and round nuc lei, which may
discomfort, pain, reduced mobility of the needle aspiration is useful for the detec- not be obviously hyperchromatic. Dys-
tongue, and irritation from wearing den- tion of lymph node metastasis. Aspirates keratotic cells and squamous pearls are
tures. The clinical presentation is that are cellu lar, with sheets and small clus- prominent. Cellular and nuclear pleomor-
of variably white, erythematous, mixed, ters of malignan! squamous ce lls with phism , nuclear hyperchromasia, and mi-
nodular, and ulcerated changes; when intracellular and extracellu lar keratiniza- totic figures (including atypical forms) in-
present, ulcerated changes often have tion. Mixed inflammation and necrosis crease with tumour grade. Grading alone
raised margins {120}. Non-healing ulcer- can be present. does not correlate well with p rognosis. In
ation is a feature suggestive of malignan- poorly differentiated osee, features of
cy; however, in a recent study, ulceration Histopathology squamous differentiation are minimal or
in osee (including its variants) was seen Most cancers of the oral cavity and absent, requiring immunohistochemical
in slightly less than hall of the cases (56). mobile tang ue are moderately or well confirmation; AE1 /AE3, e K5/6, p 63, and
eancer of the lower lip typically presents
as a crusting lesion, often preceded by
actinic cheilitis. An essential part of the
diagnostic procedure for oral cancer is
palpation of the lesion, typical ly revealing
induration. Untortunately, small cancers
are often unapparent to both patients
and health professionals, resu lting in di-
agnostic delay (872). One reason is that
small cancers can mimic other lesions
commonly seen in the oral cavity.

Squamous cell carcinomas are firm in-
fi ltrative tumours, with a tan or wh ite cut
surface .
,•. ,.
Fig. 4.02 Conventional, moderately differentiated oral squamous cell carcinoma showing keratin pearl formation.

110 Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile tongue

Genetic susceptibility
The evidence of inherited genetic sus-
ceptibility for the development of osee
is limited. osee may arise as part of a
more general cancer syndrome, such as
in patients with Li-Frau meni syndrome
(1924] or Fanconi anaemia (223} .

Prognosis and predictiva factors

eonventional osee is aggressive, with
a propensity for local invasion and early
lymph node metastasis. The most signifi-

can! prognostic factors are tumour size,
nodal status, and distan! metastasis.
;__... eonventional histological grading corre-
lates poorly with clinical outcomes (259).
Fig. 4.03 Oral squamous cell carcinoma of mobile tongue showing an adverse pattern of infiltration.
Histological risk factors associated with a
p40 are useful markers. Well-differentiat- Genetic profile worse prognosis include a non-cohesive
ed tumours tend to invade in large islands, Most osees are genetically unstable pattern of invasion {1424). perineural and
whereas less-differentiated tumours tend (183,1885,2070). with chromosomal loss lymphovascular invasion {2636,2640).
to have jagged or finger-like projections at 3p, 8p, 9p, 17p and gains at 3q and bone invasion {625], and thickness
or small islands and dispersed ind ividual 11q {396,2375}. These changes may ex- > 4 mm {57}. Margins from the resec-
cells at the invasive front. Significan! des- tend for sorne distance from the clinical tion specimen predict local control better
moplastic stroma with inflammatory host lesion, underpinning the clinical phe- than margins from the tumour bed {1562}.
response can be found around nests nomenon of f ield cancerization (249). High-grade dysplasia at a mucosa! mar-
of invading tumour cells. Adjacent mu- Genes reported to have a role in osee gin correlates with local recurrence and
cosa frequently shows various grades (e.g. TP53, CDKN2A , PTEN, HRAS, and second primary tumours (1424,2561). Ex-
of epithelial dysplasia. Perineural and PIK3CA) are mutated with sufficient fre- tracapsular spread f rom metastasis in the
lymphovascular invasion are seen, more quency to support their potential role neck, two or more positive nodes, and
frequently in poorly differentiated tumours as drivers in cancer development {818, involvement of levels IV and V correlate
{258,297,1424,2494). 1492,1712,1885,2288,2375}. with adverse outcome.

Malignan! surface epithelial tumours 11 1

Oral potentially malignant disorders Reibel J .
Gale N.
Tilakaratne W.M.
Westra W.H .
and oral epithelial dysplasia HilleJ.
Hunt J .L.
Williams M.O.
Vigneswaran N.
U ngen M . Fatani H A
Muller S. Odell E.W.
Sloan P Zain R.B.

Oral potentially malignant {1567,2629), and whether it plays a role in Oral epithelial dysplasia
disorders transformation has yet to be determ ined.
Definition Localization Oral epithelial dysplasia (OED) is a spec-
Oral potentially m alignant d isorders OPMDs can involve any intraoral site. trum of architectural and cytolog ical epi-
(OPMDs) are c linical presentations that Their distri bution varíes by specific d is- thelial changes caused by accumulation
carry a risk of cancer development in the order, with etiological factors, and to a of genetic changes , associated w ith an
oral c avity, whethe r in a clinically defin- certain extent patient age and sex {1704}. increased risk of progression to squa-
able precursor lesion or in clinically nor- Erythrop lakia is most frequently seen on mous cel l carcinoma.
mal oral mucosa. the soft palate, floor of the mouth, and
bucea! mucosa {1972). ICD-0 codes
Epidemiology Low grade 8077/0
In western countries, the reported preva- Clinical features High grade 8077/2
lence of leukoplakia generally ranges Most high-risk OPMDs form red, wh ite,
from 1% to 4%. Higher prevalence rates or sp eckled oral lesions. "Leukoplakia" Synonyms
are reported in parts of south-eastern is a clinical term used to describe white Epithelial precursor lesions; intraepithe-
Asia {1704}. The g lobal prevalence of leu- plaques of q uestionable risk, once other lial neoplasia; squamous intraepithelial
koplakia is 2- 3% {1871}. In contras\, oral specific con ditions and other OPMDs lesions
erythroplakia is a rare lesio n, w ith preva- have b een ruled out {2551}, which nor-
lence between 0.02% and 0.83% {1972} . mally requ ires biopsy. Leukopl akias can Histopathology
Men are affected m uch more commonly be homogeneously white or predomi- OED includes abnormal proliferation, matu-
than women. Other O PMDs can be com- nantly white with nodular, verrucous , or ration , and differentiation of epithelial cells.
mon, but have much lower transformation red areas . Predominantly wh ite examples The epithelium may be atrophic, acanthot-
rates. with red areas are called erythroleuko- ic, keratinized, or non-keratinized. Dyspla-
plakias (speckled leukoplakias). Oral sia is present in a minority of leukoplakias
Etiology erythroplakia is defi ned equivalently, but is a consisten! finding in erythroplakia
OPMDs have different causes. Tobacco but as a red patch. Specifically defined and erythroleukoplakia.
use (smoking and/or chewing) and al- OPMDs have characteristic presenta- Tab le 4.03 lists the architectural and cyto-
coho l consumption are associated with tions, and epithelial dysplasia may or logical disturbances that are used to diag-
sorne leukoplakias {1704). The use of may not be present. Other OPMDs have nose OED. The number and combination
areca nut, w ith o r without tobacco, caus- been reviewed elsewhere {2475). of featu res vary between lesions. There is
es oral submucous fibrosis {2404). For no good evidence to indicate how the pres-
many cases of OPMDs, no etiological Genetic susceptibility ence of individual features cou ld be trans-
factors are known . High-risk HPV infec- OPMDs are seen in the rare disorders lated into a grade of dysplasia . No specific
tion is only very rarely present in OPMDs Fanconi anaemia {889) and dyskeratosis combination of features reliably distinguish-
congenita {932), but no genetic predis- es hyperplasia from mild dysplasia. OED
Table 4.02 Oral potentially malignan! disorders position is present in most cases. may be diagnosed on the basis of architec-
Erythroplakia tural or cytological features alone.
Erythroleukoplakia Prognosis and predictive factors Traditio nally, OED is divided into th ree
Leukoplakia The transformation risk in many OPMDs grades of severity. Judging the number
is low, and many regress (1307}. For leu- of thirds of the epithelium affected is one
Oral submucous fibrosis
koplakia, a mean global transformation factor in defining a grade. Mild dysplasia
Dyskeratosis congenita rate of 1- 2% has been estimated {1871}. can be defined by cytological atypia lim-
Smokeless tobacco keratosis A meta-analysis of cases with oral epithe- ited to the basal third, moderate dysplasia
Palatal lesions associated with reverse smoking lial dysplasia found a transformation rate by extension into the middle third , and se-
of 12% (1579). Presence of oral epitrielial vere dysplasia by extension into the upper
Chronic candidiasis
dysplasia is the most important prognos- third. However, arch itectural and cytologi-
Lichen planus tic factor for malignant transformation, cal atypia and the architecture of the con-
Discoid lupus erythematosus but clinical characteristics such as ap- nective tissue interface should increase the
pearance (homogeneous vs. non-homo- grade. Marked atypia in the basal third of
Syphilitic glossitis
geneous), size, and site also have impli- the epithelium may be sufficient for a di-
Actinic keratosis (lip only)
cations for clinical management {1704}. agnosis of severe dysplasi a. Carcinoma in

112 Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile tangue

Table 4.03 Diagnostic criteria for epithelial dysplasia; adapted from Barnes Letal. {146) {316,2017) in combination with two addi-
Architectural changas _____ Cytological changes tional markers at 4q and 17p {2712}.
Irregular epithelíal stratification Abnormal variation in nuclear size
Prognosis and predictive factors
Loss of polarity of basal cells Abnormal variation in nuclear shape Although the presence of dysplasia
Drop-shaped rete ridges Abnormal variation in cell size corre lates with the development of
lncreased number of mitotic figures Abnormal variation in cell shape squamous cell carcinoma, most OEDs
never progress to carc inoma. A meta-
Abnormally superficial mitotic figures lncreased N:C ratio
analysis of lesions with OED showed a
Premature keratinization in single cells Atypical mitotic figures transformation rate of 12% [1579). Gen-
Keratin pearls within rete ridges lncreased number and size of nucleolí erally, the more advanced the degree
Loss of epit11elíal cell cohesion Hyperchromasia of dysplasia, the higher the likelihood of
developing squamous cell carc inoma
Table 4.04 Grading systems for epithelíal dysplasia
{1366,1579,2176,2552}. The 15-year
mal ignan! transformation rates of mild,
WHO dysplasia grade Binary system
moderate, and severe dysplasia (as
Mild dysplasia Low-grade dysplasia defined by the traditional three-grade
- - system) are approximately 6%, 18% ,
Moderate dysplasia
and 39%, respectively, and the pres-
e -- High-grade dysplasia
Severe dysplasia ence of dysplasia indicates long-term

risk {2250) . The general problem of low

The cut-off point betweenlow-grade and high-grade dysplasia, as suggested by Kujan O et al. {1291), is tour
architectural and five cytological changes (see Table 4.03}, irrespective of the level within the epithelium. reproducibility of curren! diagnostic c ri-
According to Nankivell P et al. {1702), a cut-off point of tour architectural and four cytological changes may improve teria underlies the poor correlation with
prognostication. transformation found in sorne studies
situ in the oral cavity is considered synony- HPV has been described, histologically
mous with severe dysplasia. characterized by epithelial hyperplasia
Dysplasia grading is poorly reproducible and marked karyorrhexis and apoptosis Prolíferative verrucous
between observers. Sorne studies show throughout the epithelium {2629). Accord- leukoplakia
good prognostic value (2250). but others ing to conventional criteria, these qualify
find a poor association with outcome {721, as severe dysplasia, but the risk of trans- Definition
1505) . Consensus grading after review by formation has yet to be determined . lmmu- Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL)
more than one pathologist may enhance nostaining far p16 alone cannot be used is a distinct and aggressive form of oral
diagnostic reliabil ity (733,2249,2250). To as a surrogate marker for HPV infection in potenti ally malignan\ disorder {2551). lt is
improve reproducibility, sorne authors ad- OED. multifocal, has a progressive course, and
vocate a binary system (1291 ,1702,2553}, is associated with high recurrence and ma-
in line with proposals for laryngeal lesions Genetic profile lignan! transformation rates {2,839,936).
(798), but binary scoring requires validation Prognostic genetic and molecular mark-
befare it can be routinely applied in the oral ers for malignan! transformation have Epidemiology
cavity. been reported {1902,1971). most notably PVL is rare in comparison with conven-
An unusual subset of OEDs positive for LOH at chromosomal arms 3p and 9p tional oral leukoplakia. lt occurs in older
Table 4.05 Selected recen! reports on malignan! transformation of oral leukoplakia; in part adapted from Warnakulasuriya S and Ariyawardana A {2549)
Observation period of malignan!
Authors/year Country Cases Notes
(years) transforma-

Saito T et al. 2001 {2046) Japan 142 a, b 4 (0.6-16) 6.3%

~ lmstrup P et al. 2006 {1016) Denmark 254 a, b 6 (1.1-20.2) 6.7%
Warnakulasuriya Set al. 2011 {2552); 9 6.9%
United Kingdom 335 a,b
Sperandio M etal. 2013 {2250)

Ho MW et al. 2012 {1007) United Kingdom 83 a,c

·- 5 24.1%
Liu W et al. 2012 {1450) China 320 a, c 5.1 (1-20) 17.8%
Brouns E et al. 2014 {276)
Dos! F et al. 2013 {600)
- a,b
4.7 (1-14.9)
Not available
Mehanna HM et al. 2009 {1579) Meta-analysis 992 c, d Not applicable 12.1%
>- -
"rreated and untreated cases. bWith and without dysplasia. coysplasias only. dlncludes clinical diagnoses other !han leukoplakia. "Annual transformation rate: 1%.

Oral potentially malignan! disorders and oral epithelial dysplasia 113

exophytic growth resulting in a warty (ver-
rucoid) surface with focal erythematous
areas, and (4) development of verrucous
or squamous cell carcinoma {839}. How-
ever, not every PVL goes through these
clinical stages, and development of car-
cinoma has been noted in PVL clinically
presenting as multifocal flat patches.

Fig. 4.04 Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia. A61-year-old woman presented with an advanced proliferative verrucous
Histopathology corresponds to the varied
leukoplakia involving the dorsal (A) and ventral surfaces of the tongue and palate (B). The patient had undergone clinical features of PVL: localized flat or
multiple biopsies and surgeries during the previous 4 years, which had resulted in diagnoses of invasive and in situ verrucous hyperorthokeratosis with mini-
squamous cell carcinomas. mal or no dysplasia, resulting in the un-
derestimation of risk of malignan! trans-
patients (aged > 60 years), with a female- Localization formation of these lesions during their
to-male ratio of 4:1 {2,311}. PVL frequently involves gingiva, alveolar early stages. Dysplasia develops only
mucosa, and palate {839). The lateral during th e late stages of PVL, before pro-
Etiology and ventral surfaces of the tangue and gressing into either verrucous or squa-
The etiology is unknown. In Europe and floor of the mouth are rarely involved dur- mous cell carcinoma (839). Definitive
North America, PVL is not associated ing the early stages of PVL. diagnosis of PVL requires clinical and his-
with known risk factors of oral cancers topathological correlation. PVL frequently
(i.e. tobacco use and alcohol consump - Clinical features shows interface mucositis characterized
tion). Neither HPV nor any other virus is PVL exhibits varied clinical features in four by a band-like, lymphohistiocytic infiltrate
associated with the development of PVL clinical stages: (1) focal flat white kerato- subjacent to the basal cells; therefore, it
(81 1). sis, (2) diffuse and multifocal white patch- may be misdiagnosed as lichen planus
es, (3) slowly progressive horizontal and in early stages {311,839}. However, the

f'l'\,~ ·f l::.~
Fig. 4.05 Oral epithelial dysplasia. A Hyperkeratosis with normal architecture and cytology. B Mild dysplasia: lack of polarization of basal cells, abnormal variation in nuclear size,
shape, and stainability (hyperchromasia), and increased number of mitotic figures. Changes are confined to the basal third of the epithelium. C Moderate dysplasia: drop-shaped
rete ridges, mild abnormal variation in nuclear size and stainability (hyperchromatism), increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, and atypical mitotic figures in the basal/parabasal area.
Changes extend to the mid-third of the epithelium.

114 Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile tangue

presence of any dysplasia precludes the suppressor proteins p16 (p161NK4a) and rate of 30-40% (2,311 ). Carcinomas aris-
diagnosis of lichen planus. Diagnosis p14ARF, is more frequent in PVL {1279} ing from PVL have better prognosis and
also requires the distinction of PVL from than in other oral potentially malignan! long -term survival !han do conventional
other white oral lesions by correlating the disorders. Like other oral potentially ma- oral cancers. The development of multi-
clin ical and microscopic presentations lignan! disorders, PVLs also develop ple primaries at different locations is not
both retrospectively and prospectively chromosomal instability, and DNA an- uncommon in patients with PVL {36).
through clase surveillance. euploidy can predict their risk of devel-
oping into carcinoma {1234).
Genetic profile
lnactivation (by homozygous deletion) Prognosis and predictiva factors
of COKN2A (also called P16/NK4a and As many as 70% of PVLs develop into
P14ARF), which codes for the tumour invasive cancer, resulting in a mortality


Squamous ce// papilloma Etiology dome-shaped and have a more nodular,

HPV infection has been reported, with papillary, ar verrucous surface (1925,
Muller S. the most common types being 6 and 11 2284). Most squamous cell papillomas
Gale N. (886,1168,1668,2324}. Reported preva- are solitary and grow rapidly to about
Odell E.W. lence rates of HPV DNA in oral squa- 0.5 cm. Clinically distinguishing oral
Richardson M. mous cell papillomas range from 0% to squamous cel l papilloma from verruca
Syrjanen S. 100% (average: 34%) {1168,1668). This vulgaris, condyloma acuminatum, and
considerable variation may be due to dif- multifocal epithelial hyperplasia is diffi-
ferences in the HPV detection techniques cult [2325). Multiple papillomas can be
Definition used . seen in the setting of solid organ trans-
Squamous cell papilloma is a benign hy- plant and HIV infection .
perplastic exophytic localized prolifera- Localization
tion with a verrucous or cau liflower-like Any oral site can be involved, but the Histopathology
morphology [2284l. most common sites are the soft palate, The lesions are exophytic, composed
tangue, lips, and gingiva (1914,1925, of papillary proliferations of hyperplas-
ICD-0 code 8052/0 2284). tic stratified epithelium that are either
covered by a layer of parakeratin or or-
Epidemiology Clinical features thokeratin of variab le thickness or are
Squamous cell papillomas are common Squamous cell papillomas may" be pe- non-keratinized (2284} . The finger-like
and can occur in patients of any age, dunculated or sessile. The pedunculated epithel ial projections extend from a nar-
although they occur more frequently lesions are composed of a cluster of fin- row base, supported by fibrovascular
in the third to fifth decades of lite ger-like fronds and may be white or mu- cores containing dilated capillaries. The
{1914,1925,2284) . There is an equal sex cosa! in colour, depending on the degree stroma may be oedematous or hya-
distribution. of keratinization. The sessile lesions are linized. Koilocytes are infrequent and

Papillomas 115
mitotic activity unusual, except in the set- Etiology Histopathology
ting of trauma or inflammation [2284). HPV type 6 or 11 is identified in most Histopathology shows a hyperplastic
cases. Neither histological appearance squamous proliferation associated with
Prognosis and predictiva factors nor HPV type is an accurate indicator of fibrovascular cores, exophytic growth,
Treatment is simple excision, and recur- genital origin, and non-sexual transmis- and a broad base. Basilar nuclear en-
rence is unusual {1914). There have been sion is possible {2325}. largement may be present, but keratino-
no reports of malignan! transformation or cyte maturation is maintairied, typically
dissemination. Localization without the keratinizati on seen in verruca
CAs most o/ten occur on the labial mu- vulgaris. Compared with squamous cell
cosa, soft palate, and frenulum {2284}. papillomas, CAs have broader papillae,
Condyloma acuminatum wh ich are o/ten blunted. The rete pro-
Clinical features cesses are bulbous, short, and straighter
Vigneswaran N. Clinically, CA presents as a single or than those seen in papillomas, and
Lippman S. cluster of asymptomatic, painless ses- koilocytes are more readily identified
Muller S. sile masses with an exophytic growth [77). In situ DNA hybridization or PCR
Williams M.O. pattern. The surface is finely nodular, amplification studies may be required
pink to slightly red , and tlatter than that far detection and typing of HPV to distin-
of verruca vulgaris. The lesions are larger guish these lesions from other exophytic
Definition than squamous cell papillomas; reaching growths, including verrucous squamous
Oral condyloma acuminatum (CA) is the 15 mm in diameter {976,2284). ce ll carcinoma.
oral equivalent to anogenital CA.
Prognosis and pred ictiva factors
Synonym Recurrence after excision is common and
Venereal condyloma more frequent than in squamous cell pap-
illomas. Malignant transformation has not
Epidemiology been reported in oral CA. HPV vaccines
Oral CAs are frequently transmitted that protect against types 6 and 11 could
sexually, with a peak incidence in young also help to prevent associated CA {993}.
adults and a male predominance {1258,
2284). Autoinocu lation in patients with
genital CA has been reported. Occur-
rence in children may be associated with Fig. 4.09 Condyloma acuminatum. Clinically, a sessile,
sexual abuse {2284). Multiple CAs may flnely nodular, pink mass is identifled on the frenulum of
indicate immunodeficiency. the tangue.

116 Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile tang ue

Verruca vulgaris The elongated rete ridges converge to- Epidemiology
wards the centre. A prominent granular M ultifocal epithelia l hyperplasia (MFEH)
Muller S. cell layer with keratohyalin granules often is more prevalen! in ch ildren and ado-
Lippman S. shows koilocytic changes. lescents with a female predominance as
Wil liams M.O. high as 5:1 {1965,2042). First reported in
Prognosis and predictive factors Native Americans and Eskimo peoples,
Spontaneous regression is seen, par- it is panracial, documented in a lmost
Definition ticu larly in ch ildren. Treatment is simple every ethnic group and geographical
Verruca vu lgaris (VV) is a benign virus- excision, and recurrence can occur (886, reg ion {2042).
induced hyperplastic localizad pro lifera- 1455,1925).
tion w ith a verrucous or caulif lower-like Etiology
morphology {2284). HPV types 13 and 32 are implicated.
Mulüfocalepfthellalhyperplasia However, other genotypes such as 1, 6,
Epidemiology 11 , 16, 18 and 55 have also been detect-
VV is the most common HPV-related le- Vigneswaran N. ed {974,2042}. MFEH in o lder patients is
sion of the skin, but can also occur in the Carlos R. mainly caused by HPV 32 (2042). Low
oral mucosa, perhaps as a result of au- Lippman S. socioeconomic status, malnutrition and
toinoculation {886,1925). Oral VV is most Mosqueda-Taylor A. c rowded living conditions are thought
common in the third to fourth decade of Muller S. to be contributing factors. These prob-
life, w ith a slight male pred ilection. Williams M.O. ably explain the striking epidemio logi-
cal d ifferences between developed and
Etiology developing countries . HIV patients have
Commonly reported HPV types include Definition increased risk for MFEH (2042,1 233}.
2, 4, 40, and 57 {541,1455,2284). Multifocal benign squamous epithe-
lial proliferation exclusively affecting oral Localization
Localization mucosa, caused by human papilloma The most common locations for MFEH
The most common ly reported oral sites virus (HPV) {1965,2042). are the lips, buccal mucosa, and bor-
are the lips, hard palate, anterior tongue, ders of the tongue. Hard palate and g in-
and gingiva. Synonyms giva are rare ly affected {2042}. The low-
Heck disease; focal epithelial hyperplasia e r lip is characteristically more affected
Clinical features than the upper lip, and most lesions in
VV is asymptomatic. lt may be peduncu- the buccal mucosa are located along the
lated or sessile with a rough pebbly or occlusal plane.
papillary white surface {1455,1925,2284).
VVs grow rapidly (to a maximum size Clinical features
of < 5 mm), and multiple or cluste red MFEH presents as multiple papules sim-
lesions can occur. ilar in colour to the adjacent mucosa,
measuring up to 5-10 mm. They may
Histopathology coalesce, forming plaques that may be-
VVs are exophytic, composed of papil- come secondarily ke ratinized. The most
lary proliferations of hyperplastic strati- common appearance is a papulonodula r
fied epithelium that are covered by a Fig. 4.11 Multiple papules in the lower lip mucosa of a form w ith a smooth surface that occurs in
thick layer of orthokerati n ¡1925,2284). 15-year-old boy. the non-keratinized mucosa.

Papillomas 117
functional inactivation of the RB gene
and hence p16 immunohistochemistry
has no diagnosti c role.

Genetic susceptibility
Familia! transmission of MFEH is linked to
the presence of HLA-DRB1*0404 (810).

Prognosis and predictive factors

Most lesions in children spontaneously
disappear al puberty or with improved
living conditions.

Fig. 4.12 Focal epithelial hyperplasia, viral change and mitosoid body (inset).

Histopathology representing a cytopathic nuclear viral

MFEH shows mild hyperkeratosis and damage, are noted within ali epithelial
prominent acanthosis, with preserva- layers {2042). The mitosoid figures are
tion of normal cell maturation {2042). the most importan! feature of this entity;
Occasional koilocytes and "mitosoid" they are not present or are extremely rare
figures composed of cells with karyor- in other HPV-related lesions. HPV sub-
rhectic nuclei that may mimic mitoses, types implicated in MFEH do not cause

118 Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile tangue

Tumours of uncertain histogenesis

congenital granular ce// epulis overlying surface epithelium is usually at-

tenuated, and pseudoepitheliomatous
Allen C.M . hyperplasia is not a feature. The tumour
Bullerdiek J. nuclei are typically small, uniform, and
RoJY pale-staining, with no evidence of mitotic
activity {428). In most cases , numerous
small, thin-walled blood vessels are uni-
Definition formly distributed throughout the lesion .
Congenital granular cell epulis is a rare Unlike the lesiona! cells of granular cell
benign tumour that affects the alveo- tumour of the tangue, those of congenital
lar processes of newborns and is com- Fig. 4.14 Congenital granular cell epulis of the maxilla. granular cell epulis show no reactivity for
posed of sheets and nests of cells with S100 protein.
abundan! granular cytoplasm {479).
Prognosis and predictiva factors
Synonyms Conservative excision is the treatment
Congenital epulis; congenital epulis of of choice, particularly if the lesion in-
the newborn; congenital gingival granu- terferes with eating or breathing !1304).
lar cell tumour; Neumann tumour Excisional biopsy may also be indicated
if the clinical diagnosis is uncertain. For
Epidemiology smaller lesions, observation may be ap-
Congenital granular cell epulis affects propriate, because spontaneous regres-
newborns. Most series identify a striking sion has been noted occasionally. Recur-
female predilection {2698). Fig. 4.15 Congenital granular cell epulis. Lesiona! rence is not seen.
cells with small, uniform nuclei and abundan! granular
Localization cytoplasm.
Most cases develop on the maxillary Ectomesenchymal
anterior alveolar process, although the from < 1 cm to severa! centimetres in di- chondromyxoid tumour
mandibular anterior alveolar process can ameter {1293).
also be affected {428}. Bishop J. A.
Histopathology Gnepp D.R.
Clinical features Congenital granular cell epulis is char- Ro J.Y.
Congenital granular cell epulis typically acterized by sheets and nests of larg e
presents as a pedunculated soft tissue polygonal cells with demarc ated cell
mass of normal mucosa! colour, ranging membranes and granular cytoplasm . The Definition
Ectomesenchymal chondromyxoid tu-
... mour (EMCMT) is a benign mesenchy-

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ICD-0 code 8982/0

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,.~ " , ,. .... f # _,
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About 60 cases of EMCMT have been
~ .... __, "' " .... , ' ,, ,. ' ,.,, , ' ..... • • • . .. • • tlll!" reported, affecting a wide patient age
1'4 , .,. ~·" 1111! .. ~

~" L ' .....

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.M ' ',, . ; _ , . , • •" ' , • ' • , '• ... - .. .
. •• ~· ., ~ . .. ..l.¡ t ., •. ,,, .. ..... t ~- 1 ... t range (7- 78 years), with a mean patient
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Fig. 4.13 Congenltal granular cell epulis. Bland, attenuated surface oral epithelium and underlying sheets of uniformly
- . ' . "} '
age of 37 years. No sex predilection is
apparent (44,2218}.

distributed lesiona! cells with scattered delicate blood vessels.

Tumours of uncertain histogenesis 119

Localization Histopathology EMCMT is consistently immunoreactive
In the oral cavity, EMCMT arises almos! ex- EMCMT is an unencapsulated but fa r GFAP and usually immunoreactive far
clusively in the dorsum of the anterior tangue. generally well-circumscribed neoplasm S100 protein and CD57. lmmu nostaining
Rare cases have been reported in the poste- within the tangue submucosa. Entrap- far cytoke ratins, EMA, actin, and p63 is
rior tangue and hard palate {44,1735). ment of skeletal muscle fi bres may be variable [44,2218).
seen. At low power, EMCMT grows as
Clinical features lobules of cells separated by fibrous Cell of origin
EMCMT presents as a longstanding bands, with freq uent slit-like clefts within The cell of orig in is unknown . EMCMT
(present fo r months or even years), pain- the tumour. The tumour cells are round, may arise from undifferentiated ectomes-
less, submucosal tangue mass without fusiform, or spindled cells arranged in enchymal cells from the embryonic neu-
ulceration. cords, sheets , or a reticulated pattern ral crest mesenchyme of the first b ranchi-
within a myxoid or chondromyxoid al arch [2218). Minar salivary gland origin
Macroscopy stroma. Tumour cells have moderate is less likely, given th e inconsistent cy-
EMCMTs are generally small (< 2 cm), amounts of eosinophilic to amphophilic tokeratin immunostaining and absence of
circumscribed, tan-g rey nodules with a cytoplasm, indistinct cel l borders, and minor salivary glands in the dorsal ante-
gelatinous gross appearance. nuclei with irregular membranes (e.g. rior tangue {880}.
with indentations or pseudoinclusions).
Cytology Hyperchromatic nuclei and nuclear Prognosis and predictive factors
Cytology shows cellu lar smears with enlargement or multinucleation may be The prognosis is excellent, with a low risk
myxoid to thick fibrillary tissue fragments, encountered . Mitotic figures are rare. of recurrence.
with clusters of oval, polygo nal, or spin- Plasmacytoid cells and ductal structures
dled cells with uniform nuclei [440). are not encountered. •

120 Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile tangue

Soft tissue and neural tumours

Granular ce// tumour

Allen C.M.
Gnepp D.R.
Ro J.Y.

Granular cell tumour is an uncommon
benign tumour of Schwann-cell differen-
tiation characterized by poorly demar-
cated accumulations of plump granular
cells (2458).

ICD-0 code 9580/0

Granular cell myoblastoma; granular cell
schwannoma; granular cell neurofibro-
ma; Abrikossoff tumour (ali obsolete)

Most granular cell tumours are diagnosed
duri ng the third to fifth decades of lite,
although they may occur in patients
of any age. Most reports describe a
female-to-male ratio of 2:1, anda higher Clinical features granular cell tumours have a significan!
incidence in Black populations has been Granular cell tumour presents as a non- degree of background fibrosis, with rela-
noted . tender, rubbery-firm, slow-growing, ses- tively few lesiona! cells. The cytoplasmic
sile, submucosal mass. On palpation, the granules give a diastase-resistant posi-
Localization tumour often feels demarcated, but not tive peri odic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction.
Although granular cell tumour can affect encapsulated. lf the tumour is near the lmmunohistochemistry is positive for
any subcutaneous ar submucosal site, surface, a yellowish to creamy-white col- S100 protein, CD57, and SOX10 {72).
approximately 30-40% of cases occur our is afien apparent. Most granular cell CD68 antibodies also label th e cytoplas-
on the tangue. The buccal mucosa is the tumours are solitary, but multiple tumours mic granules . Pseudoepitheliomatous
second most common intraoral site. have infrequently been reported (2074). hyperp lasia overlies a substantial propor-
tion (30- 50%) of these lesions; therefore,
Macroscopy care should be taken when evaluating a
On cut surface, the tumour is a pale tan superficial biopsy sample to preven! an
to yellowish-white submucosal nodule. erroneous diagnosis of squamous cell
carcinoma. Rare cases of granular cell
Histopathology tumour with concurren! squamous cell
This unencapsulated submucosal tumour carcinoma have been reported, so care -
intermingles with the adjacent normal tis- ful and thorough evaluation of sections is
sue. The lesiona! cells usually appear po- necessary {1 68l. Rare examples of ma-
lygonal and exhibit abundan! eosinophil- lignant granular cell tumour (character-
ic granular cytoplasm . The tumóur nuclei ized by pleomorphism , mitotic activity,
may be centrally or eccentrically located spindle-shaped lesiona! cells, and ne-
and are typically uniformly small, round, crosis) have also been described (2458).
Fig. 4.17 Granular cell tumour. Sessile nodule of the and pale-staining . The granular cells are
dorsal tangue showing intact surface mucosa that is often intimately associated with adja-
stretched by the underlying tumour. cent muscle fascicles or nerves. Sorne

Soft tissue and neuml tumours 121

Cell of origin space (affected in 36% of cases), larynx Genetic profile
lmmunohistochemical studies suggest (15%), submandibular (14%), paratrache- Aberrations of the PTCH1 locus have
differentiation consistent with an origin al region adjacent to the thyroid gland been reported in fetal rhabdomyomas
from Schwann cells {1976}. (12%), tangue (11 %), and floor of the {982\, which may be associated with
mouth (9%) {540). naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome.
Prognosis and predictive factors
Although recurrence is possible, the like- Clinical features Prognosis and predictive factors
lihood seems to be low, even when le- The tumours present as soft, painless Recurrences are uncommon after surgi-
siona! tissue appears to have been tran- and non-tender masses. cal excision. Malignant transformation
sected at the margins {2458}. does not occur.
Rhabdomyoma presents as a well-de-
Rhabdomyoms lineated, rounded or coarsely lobulated, Lymphangioma
sessile or pedunculated smooth submu-
Bullerdiek J. cosal mass that is greyish-yellow to red- Bullerdiek J.
Ro J .Y. dish-brown on cut surface. The tumours Flucke U.
Thompson L.D.R. can be 0.5-10 cm, with most examples
measuring 1-3 cm . There is no haemor-
rhage or necrosis. Definition
Definition Lymphangioma is a congenital malfor-
Rhabdomyoma is a benign tumour with Histopathology mation of lymphatic vessels.
skeletal muscle differentiation. The adult type is composed of variably
sized, deeply eosinophilic polygonal ICD-0 code 9170/0
ICD-0 code 8900/0 cells and cells with vacuolated cytoplasm
(spider cells). Rod-shaped cytoplasmic Synonyms
Epidemiology crystals (so-called jackstraws) or cross Lymphangioepithelioma (obsolete);
Rhabdomyoma is divided into fetal, ju- striations may be seen. Necrosis and mi- lymphangiomatous polyp
venile, and adult subtypes on the basis toses are absent. The fetal type is com-
of histology rather than patient age. For posed of an intimate, haphazard-looking Epidemiology
adult rhabdomyoma, patient age var- mixture of round or spindled mesen- Lymphangiomas are rel atively uncom-
íes broadly (with a median age in the chymal cells and differentiated cells mon. They are usually diagnosed in in-
sixth decade of life {457)). Fetal rhabdo- with myofibrils within an occasionally fancy or early childhood.
myoma usually occurs in newborns and myxoid mucopolysaccharide-rich matrix .
during early childhood . There is a male There is a gradient of cellularity or matu- Localization
predominan ce. ration towards the periphery. Strap cells The skin and subcutaneous tissue of the
with eosinophilic cytoplasm, occasionally head and neck region is the most com-
Localization with cross striations, may be seen. 'íhere mon localization far lymphangiomas, but
Rh abdomyomas occur predominantly is immunopositivity for SMA, desmin, my- they are only occasionally re ported in
in the head and neck. About 15% of pa- oglobin, and MYOD1; fetal myosin may the oral cavity. lntraoral lymphan giomas
tients with adult rhabdomyoma present be seen in th e fetal type. S100 protein arise most commonly on the dorsum of
with multifocal disease (1427}. Common and GFAP may be focally expressed . the tangue, followed by the palate, buc-
localizations are the parapharyngeal ea! mucosa, gingiva, and lips {2450}.

122 Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile tongue

pericytes. The lumina may be subtle or
d ilated, especially in infantile haemangi-
omas {280,1 141). Cavernous haemangio-
mas show larger dilated vascular spaces
lined by endothelial cells. The endothe-
lial cells are positive for CD34, CD31 ,
and ERG {280,1611). GLUT1 is positive
in infantile haemangioma but negative
in pyogenic granuloma, vascular ecta-
sias, and congenital haemangioma {280,
1141,1746). Haemangiomas must be dis-
tinguished from pyogenic granulomas,
which are ulcerated reactive lesions fre-
quently arising on the g ingiva and char-
acterized by lobular accumulations of
maturing vascular granulation tissue.

Clinical features Haemangioma Genetic susceptibility

Clinical behaviour varíes, with erratic Haemangiomas have been described
growth, progression, or even spontaneous Bullerdiek J. in carriers of various chromosomal ab-
regression during the first two decades Flucke U. normalities {39,2425,2484) and are fre-
of lile. Symptoms are related to size and quently associated with full or partial
perturbation of structure {280,2450). The polysomy 13 {108,1443,2007] .
lesions can be pedunculated or sessile. Definition
Oral haemangiomas are benign vascu lar Prognosis and predictiva factors
Histopathology hamartomas affecting the mucosa. They lnfantile haemangiomas initially grow rap-
The malformations consist of variably are distinct from vascular ectasias, vas- idly, but most subsequently involute and
sized, irregular, thin-walled fluid-fil led cu lar malformations, and s (also called require no intervention. Successful treat-
spaces lined by lymphatic endothe- lobular capillary haemangiomas). ment options are beta blockers, steroid
lium surrounded by a stroma of fibrous, injection, endovascular sclerotherapy,
smooth-muscle, and adipose tissue, ICD-0 code 9120/0 and surgery {15,1669,2577).
along with lymphocytes {280}. The vas-
cular endothelial cells are immunoposi- Epidemiology
tive for CD31 or CD34 {1186), podoplanin Haemangiomas are frequent childhood Schwannoma and neurofibroma
(as recognized by 0 2-40), PROX1, and tumours with a female predominance.
VEGFR3. Lymphatic endothelial cells They occur commonly in the head and Flucke U.
stain for LYVE1 {280,1163,1536}. The neck region in both children and adults, Wenig B.M.
wal ls of the lymphatic vessels stain posi- but only rarely in the oral cavity (including
tively for SMA (1186,1977}. the tangue) {11,235,1290). However,
haemangioma (infantile haemangioma) Definition
Genetic susceptibility is the most common benign tumour of Schwannoma and neurofibroma are be-
Like other vascular anomalies, malfor- the oral cavity and mobile tongue in the nign peripheral nerve sheath tumours.
mations of lymphatic vessels are com - paediatric population {1502,2080) Schwannoma consists of Schwann cells,
mon in Proteus syndrome {465}, wh ich is and neurofibroma consists of an admix-
caused by a somatic activating mutation Localization ture of Schwann cells, fibroblasts, peri-
in AKT1 {1437). Other genetic disorders In the oral cavity, haemangioma can neurial-like cells, and axons.
associated with lymphang ioma include arise in the tongue, lips, buccal mucosa,
Turner syndrome {45,X syndrome) and gingiva, and palate {1502,1669,2682}. ICD-0 codes
trisomy 21 {280}. Schwannoma 9560/0
Clinical features Neurofibroma 9540/0
Prognosis and predictiva factors The tumours present as smooth reddish-
Recurrences may occur alter surgical purple polypoid or pedunculated mass- Synonyms
resection {280}. es, often with increasing size and occa- Schwannoma: neurilemmoma;
sional bleeding. neurinoma

Histopathology Epidemiology
Capillary haemangiomas consist of Schwannomas usually occur in adults.
multilobular arrangements of proliferat- Neurofibromas are the most common
ing endothelial cells and capillaries of benign peripheral nerve sheath tumour
various shapes and sizes surrounded by affecting infants, ch ildren , adolescents,

Soft tissue and neural tumours 123

and adults {357,933,2005) . random rearrangement of spind le cells in a Kaposi sarcoma
collagenous to myxoid stroma. The nuclei
Etiology are wavy and the cytoplasm inconspicu- Thompson L.D.R.
Most lesions occur sporadically (933, ous. Mitotic figures are usually absent. The Ro J.Y.
2005). collagen bundles typically have a so-called Wenig B.M.
shredded-carrots appearance {2005}.
Localization Schwannomas show strong and diffuse
lntraorally, the tangue is the most corn- nuclear and cytoplasmic S100 protein Definition
mon site, followed by the palate, bucea! expression, as we ll as nuclear S0X10 Kaposi sarcoma is a locally aggressive
mucosa, floor of the mouth, lips, gingiva, reactivity. Scattered CD34-positive cells vascular neoplasm of intermediate type,
and jaws {656,933,1311,1440,1499}. may be seen. In contras!, neurofibromas uniform ly associated with HHV8.
show heterogeneous expression of these
Clinical features markers (357,952,1183,1797,2005}. ICD-0 code 9140/3
Patients present with a slow-growing,
sometimes painful, submucosal mass. Genetic profile Synonym
Multiple neurofibromas are associated Schwan nomas are characterized by loss Kaposi disease
with neurofibromatosis type 1 {357,933, of chromosome 22 and inactivating mu-
952). tations in NF2 {2267}. Neurofibromas Epidemiology
are characterized by inactivation of NF1 Kaposi sarcoma is separated into tour
Macroscopy {357}. distinct epidemiological categories (Ta-
Both lesions are nodular with a tan- ble 4. 06); of these, only the AIDS-related
white, glistening cut surface. An associ- Genetic susceptibility (HIV-1-related) type is associated with
ated nerve can occasionally be identified Neurofibroma is associated with neurofi- oral manifestations {697,1812,1897). As
{357,2005). bromatosis type 1 (357,2005}. many as 20% of individuals with HIV-1
infection develop oral Kaposi sarcoma,
Histopathology Prognosis and predictiva factors usuall y in the fou rth to fifth decades of
In mucosal sites, schwannomas are typi- Both tumours follow a benign clinical lite. In industrialized countries, it is most
cally submucosal and circumscribed but course. Neurofibromas have the potential common in horno- and bisexual HIV-1-
unencapsulated. They are composed of for malignan! transformation, especially infected men, whereas there is no sex
a spindle-cell proliferation arranged in al- in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 difference in developing countries {1811,
ternating cellular Antoni A and hypocellu- (357,933,952,2005,2069}. 2538).
lar Antoni B areas. The spindle cells have
oval, tapered, or buckled nuclei with poorly Etiology
defined eosinophilic cytoplasm. Nuclear Kaposi sarcoma is always associated
palisading is a frequent feature, occasion- with the gamma-2 herpesvirus HHV8
ally with Verocay body formation. Degen- (also called Kaposi sarcoma- associ-
erative nuclear atypia and mitotic figures ated herpesvirus; KSHV). The neoplasm
should not be interpreted as ominous develops in a complex dynamic with
signs. Associated hyalinized blood vessels HIV-induced immunosuppression and
and foamy histiocytes are common. Haem- environmental and genetic factors alter
orrhage and lymphocytes may be present exposure to HHV8 in saliva or blood (122,
{952,2005). 1347}.
Neurofibromas are characterized by

124 Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile tangue

Table 4.06 Clinical and epidemiological forms of Kaposi sarcoma. Adapted from Barnes Letal. (146) and Fletcher CDM et al. {735} Myofibrob/astic sarcoma
Type Risk group Siles of involvement Clinical course
> 70% elderly men; Flucke U.
Classic Skin of lower extremities lndolent
Slavic, Jewish, ltalian Franchi A.
Skin of extremities; visceral
Endemic involvement common; lym- lndolent in adults;
Children and middle-aged men
(African) phadenopathic type common aggressive in children Definition
in children Mycfibroblastic sarcoma is a low-grade

Solid organ transplant recipients malignant infiltrative tumour of the deep

latrogenic/ Variable; may resolve
(0.5% of renal transplant patients}; Skin of extremities; may have soft tissue, with a predilection for the
transplant- upon cessation of im-
patients receiving immunosuppres- visceral involvement head and neck. lt has a variety of ap-
associated munosuppressanls
sive therapy pearances, from fasciitis-like or fibroma-
HIV-infected patients; more com- Skin of head and neck, tosis-like to fibrosarcoma-like.
mon in horno- and bisexual men extremities, genitals, mucosa
AIDS-related Aggressive
at younger age than classic Kaposi of upper aerodigestive tract; 1
ICD-0 code 8825/3
sarcoma lymph nodes
Localization mitoses {299,697,1811). Papillary tufting Myofibrosarcoma
The hard palate, followed by the gingiva within large dilated anastomosing ves-
and tongue, is the most common oral site. seis is seen in lymphang iomatous Kaposi Epidemiology
Up to 70% of patients with cutaneous Ka- sarcoma {1931}. The neoplastic cells are The tumours can occur in patients of any
posi sarcoma also have oral lesions. positive for HHV8, podoplanin (as recog- age, with a mean patient age of 40 years
nized by 02-40), LYVE1, VEGFR3, PROX1, !724,1591).
Clinical features CD34, CD31, FLl1 , and ERG, with HHV8
Patients present with multiple red to viola- positivity being most specific !1813). Localization
ceous macules or papules that progress The oral cavity, including the tongue, is
to plaques or nodules. Bleeding, ulcera- Cell of origin a preferred site. Rarely, these tumours
tion, and pain may be seen in advanced Phenotypically, the cells of orig1n are arise in the nasal cavity and paranasal
disease. Lymphoedema is uncommon lymphatic endothelial cells {322}. sinuses. Origin in bone, notably gnathic
!697,1812,1837). bone, can also occur. Low-grade myofi-
Prognosis and predictiva factors broblastic sarcoma can arise subcutane-
Histopathology Oral Kaposi sarcoma has a higher fatal- ously or in a submucosal localization but
The histopathological appearance devel- ity rate than does AIDS-related Kaposi is in most cases deep-seated {312,724,
ops with disease progression. The patch sarcoma of the skin, due to associated 1268,1591).
stage shows irregularly shaped, slit-like poor prognostic factors such as immune
vascular spaces dissecting collagen bun- status (e.g. CD4 count < 300 cells/ml), Clinical features
dles, often parallel to the epithelium, with ulceration, and nodular type {4.58,1545). Myoíibroblastic sarcoma presents as a
extravasated erythrocytes and lympho- Kaposi sarcoma is often multifocal but painless swelling or enlarging mass !1591 ).
cytes: the plaque stage shows further spin- rarely metastasizes.
dle-cell proliferation associated with intra- Macroscopy
and extracellular hyaline globules; and The lesions are firm, with fibrous cut sur-
the nodular stage shows widely infiltrat- faces and typically poorly defined mar-
ing atypical spindled cells with increased gins {1591).

Soft tissue and neural tumours 125

desmin , calponin, and CD34. In rare
cases, h-caldesmon is detected , with only
focal expression {724,1591). Expression of
beta-catenin does not ru le out this tumour
type (335).
At the ultrastructural level, the neoplastic
cells are spindle-shaped, with oval, often
indented nuclei. The cytoplasm contains
numerous rough endoplasmic reticulum
cisternae (which often contain floccu lent
material) and subplasmalemmal bundles
of actin filaments, with or without focal
densities, sometimes associated with
subplasmalemmal attachment plaques
Pinocytotic vesicles and fibronexus junc-
tions are present in sorne cases {681,725).
Histopathology nuclei are atypical and show hyperchro-
The p attern is that of a rather ce llular, masia. Mitotic figu res are variably present. Genetic profile
fibromatosis-like or fibrosarcoma-like There are scant or moderate amounts of Complex genetic aberrations have been
lesion composed of fascicles or broad cytoplas m. The background can be col- identified (734).
sheets of cells, with or without focal lagenous or myxoid. Transformation into
herringbone or storiform arrangement. high-grade sarcoma has been reported Prognosis and predictiva factors
Checkerboard -like infiltration of the adja- {312,724,1591 ). lmmunohistochemistry Local recu rrences are common, but
cent voluntary muscle is a key diagnos- shows a myofibroblastic immunopheno- metastatic spread (to lung, soft tissue, or
tic feature. The tapered myofibroblastic type, with variable expression of SMA, bone) occurs rarely {1591}.

Oral mucosal melanoma Williams M.O.

Speight P.
Wenig B.M.

Definition Etiology
Oral mucosal melanoma is a malignant Mucosal melanomas, which are biologi-
neoplasm of melanocytes. cally distinct from lesions of cutaneous
origin, are caused by unknown factors . ,
ICD-0 code 8720/3
Epidemiology Most cases arise on the palate or gingiva •
Oral mucosal melanoma is a rare en- {546,1958,2243,2338}.
tity, accounting fo r only about 0.5% of
melanomas. There is a slight male pre- Clinical features
dominance, and the median patient age The neoplasm, wh ich is often asymptomat-
at diagnosis is 55-66 years {385,1584, ic, presents as a 1.5 - 4 cm, blackish-
2238). grey, irregular, flat or nodular lesion , with

. .. ,..... .
~· .. :•
.!--;. ·1"'"'
..&-ll•..1•.....•:.....t.-.. -' ~' ....., .... ... _,: .J,! --
Fig. 4.24 Oral mucosa! melanoma. Clinical presentation Fig. 4.25 Oral mucosa! melanoma. A Large epithelioid cells with ample eosinophilic cytoplasm are scattered within
shows an irregular, variably pigmented lesion on the hard the epithelial junction and submucosa. Pigmentation may not be identified. B S100 lmmunohistochemical staining
palate. highlights the melanocytic cells, showing both an in situ and an invasive pattern of growth.

126 Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile tang ue

ulceration present in one third of cases . invasive nests, and single cells infiltrate Prognosis and predictive factors
Lymph node metastases at presentation the submucosa. The cells are usually Cutaneous melanoma prognostic tactors
are common, present in about 30% of epithelioid, with prominent nucleoli, but (e.g . Clark leve! of invasion and Breslow
cases /984). spindled cells may be seen. tum our thickness) do not apply. The over-
all prognosis is poor, with a median sur-
Cytology Genetic profile vival of 2 years (11 31,1480,19 18,2238}.
Aspirates of metastatic oral melanoma are Associated mutations include alterations
identical to those of cutaneous melanoma. in KIT (occurring in 10- 30% of cases),
Preparations show malignan! epithelioid, RAS genes (in 10- 20%), and BRAF (in
spindled, or undifferentiated cells. < 10%) {343,1475,1996}.

Histopathology Genetic susceptibility

Atypical pigm ented melanocytes are lncidence varíes among different ethnici-
present at the junction (in situ) and/or ties (1475,2243,2338}.

Salivary type tumours

Mucoepídermoíd carcinoma Macroscopy (678,1834,1900,2082}. PA with in the mo-
Many ap pear as bluish , domed swellings. bile tangue is uncommon {2355,2504).
lnagaki H.
Bell D. Histopathology and genetic profile Clinical features
Brandwein-Gensler M. See the Mucoepidermoid carcinoma The tumour presents as a slow-growing,
section (p. 163) in Chapter 7 (Tumours of painless, submucosal, fi xed (hard pal-
salivary glands) . ate), or mobile (bucea! mucosa) mass.
Definitlon Palatal PAs are located laterally and rare-
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is a d is- Prognosis and predictive factors ly cross the midline. The tumour is typi-
tinctive salivary gland malignancy com - This tumour has a favourable outcome. Most cally detected early and rarely attains a
posed of mucinous, intermediate (clear- patients present with low-grade tumour and size > 1-2 cm.
cell), and squamoid tumour cells forming low-stage tumour (1700,1769}.
cystic and salid patterns. Macroscopy
See also the Mucoepidermoid carcinoma lntraoral PAs often lack encapsulation.
section (p. 163) in Chapter 7 (Tumours of Pleomorphíc adenoma Palatal examples frequently involve the
salivary glands). periosteum or bone.
Bel! D.
ICD-0 code 8430/3 Brandwein-Gensler M. Histopathology
Chiosea S. PAs at these sites d isplay plasmacytoid
Synonym myoepithelial cytological features and
Mucoepidermoid tumour are often unencapsulated. Cutaneous
(not recommended) Definition adnexal d ifferentiation can be seen in
Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is a benign palatal and lip PAs (i.e. tricholemmal, se-
Epidemiology tumour with variable cytomo rphological baceous, and infundibular cystic features
lt is a rare tumour (213} that most com- and architectural manifestations. The with trichohyalin granules) (2098] . Ec-
monly manifests as intraoral salivary gland identification of epithelial and myoepithe- tomesenchymal chondromyxoid tumour
carcinoma (in 37- 53% of cases), with a lial/stromal components is essential for is the main d ifferential diagnostic consid -
slight female predilection. A wide patient the diagnosis of PA. eration, especially in the tangue (52)
age has been reported, with the mean age See also the Pleomorphic adenoma sec-
in the sixth decade of lite [292,2402} . tion (p. 185) in Chapter 7 (Tumours of sa/i- Genetic profile
vary glands). See the Pleomorphic adenoma section
Localization (p. 185) in Chapter 7 (Tumours of salivary
The palate is the most common intraoral ICD-0 code 8940/0 glands).
site, accounting for > 50% of intraoral
cases {292,2402). Synonym Prognosis and predictive factors
Benign mixed tumour Prognosis of PA is generally good . PA
Clinical features does not recur alter adequate surgical
The tumou rs are often asymptomatic , but Localization excision. See also the P/eomorphic ade-
may cause symptoms, depend ing on the PAs ot the oral cavity most commonly noma section (p. 185) in Chapter 7 (Tu-
site and histological grade. arise in the palate, upper lip, and cheek mours of salivary glands) .

Salivary type tumours 127

Haematolymphoid tumours Ferry J.A.
Li X.-0.

Oral haematolymphoid tumours are neo-
plasms of lymphoid, plasma cell, histio-
cytic/dendritic, and myeloid origin arising
in the oral cavity.

Lymphoma accounts for 3.5% of oral cav-
ity malignancies (897). Approximately 2%
of extranodal lymphomas arise in the oral
cavity {761,2339). Among immunocom-
petent patients, lymphomas mainly af-
fect older adults, and only rarely children.
Th ere is a slight male preponderance
{897,909,1211 ,2464}. Almost ali HIV-pos-
itive patients are young to middle-aged
adult men {909}. The oral cavity is the
most common head and neck site for
involvement by myeloid sarcoma {2724).
Oral p lasmacytoma is rare, accounting
for 0-6% of head and neck extraosseous
plasmacytomas (116,2078). Histiocytic/ Macroscopy lymphoma (see Plasmablastic lympho-
dendritic cell neoplasms are rare (1810). Oral haematolymp hoid tumours p resent ma, p. 129), and Burkitt lymphoma (878,
as poorly defined or discrete masses, 909). Most immunodeficiency-associated
Etiology with or without ulceration. lymphomas are EBV-positive (560,909}.
Most lymphomas arise sporadically. A Lymphomas must be distinguished from
minority of patients are HIV-positive (878, Histopathology indolent and self-limited disorders, such
909,1211) or iatrogenically immunocom- Lymphomas occurring in immunocom- as primary mucosa! CD30-positive T-cell
promised (1387,1652). petent patients are heterogeneous. Dit- lymphoproliferative disorder (see below)
fuse large B-cell lymphoma is most com- {1000,2057) and EBV-positive mucocu-
Localization mon (909,1211}, with germinal-centre taneous ulcer (595). The latter presents
Lymphomas most often involve the pal- and non-germinal-centre B-cell pheno- as a circumscribed ulcerative lesion in
ate or gingiva (and may involve subja- types reported {1790). Others include the tangue or bucea! mucosa of immu-
cent bone), and less often involve the follicular lymphoma {909,1211); MALT nocompromised or elderly patients and
tangue, bucea! mucosa, floor of the lymphoma (909,1211); Burkitt lympho- is characterized by a polymorphous in-
mouth, or lips . One third to half of ali ma {1952}; mantle cell lymphoma {898, filtrate with atyp ical large B cells often
lymphomas arise from bone; the rest 2464}; rare B-lymphoblastic lymphoma resembling Reed-Stern berg cells. EBV-
arise from the mucosa {1211,1952, (2464); and high-grade B-cell lymphoma, positive mucocutaneous ulcer regresses
2464). Most patients have localized NOS {1790}. Burkitt lymphoma is among spontaneously or has a relapsing-remit-
(stage 1/1 L) disease (897). the most freq uent of the rare p aediatric ting course.
lymphomas (1952). T-cell and NK-cell
Clinical features lymphomas are rare in western popula- Prognosis and predictive factors
Non-tender swelling - is most common tions {1211 } but are not infrequent among Outcome depends on the type of lym-
(897,1211,1952,2464), followed by ulce- Asians {1952). HIV-positive patients fre- phoma, disease stage, and patient char-
ration (12 11}, pain, paraesthesia, and quently develop diffuse high-grade B- acteristics, including HIV status (878,897,
numbness (1211,2464}. Systemic symp- cell lymphomas, including diffuse large 909,2464).
toms are uncommon {2464). B-cell lymphoma (909), plasmablastic

128 Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile tangue

CD30-positive T-ce/1
/ymphoproliferative disorder
Feldman A. L.
Soy S.
Ferry J.A.
Ko Y.-H.
Li X.-0.
Pileri S.A.

CD30 -p ositive T-cell lymphoproliferative
disorder (TLPD) is a neo plastic prolifera-
tion of large, CD30-positive T cells aris-
ing in the oral cavity or occasionally other
Fig. 4.27 Primary CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder of the tongue. There is ulceration and infiltration
mucosal siles in the head and neck. This of the skeletal muscle.
entity constitutes a clinicopathological
spectrum of lymphoproliferative lesions,
analogous to the spectrum observed in
primary cutaneous CD30-positive TLPD.
This disorder must be distinguished from
reactive inflammatory conditions of the
oral cavity and from secondary involve-
ment by systemic anaplastic large cell

ICD-0 code 9718/3

There is a male predominance, with a
male-to-female ratio of 2:1. The d isorder cases show a diffuse or sheet-like g rowth observed in sorne primary cutaneous
primarily affects adults, with a mean pa- p attern. A mixed inflammatory back- cases of CD30-positive TLPD and ALK-
tient age in the sixth d ecade of lite {2108, ground may be present, including areas negative anaplastic large cell lympho-
2542). with prominent eosinophils or neutrophils mas {2108}.
{58,2108,2542]. So rne cases of !raumatic
Localization ulcerative granuloma with stromal eosin- Prognosis and predictive factors
The proliferation typically presents in the ophilia may represen! the indolent end Most cases show complete resolution
oral cavity or tongue, but similar lesions of the spectrum of CD30-positive TLPD with local therapy (excision with or with-
have been described in the nasophar- {1 00 0). out radiotherapy), with or without the
ynx, conjunctiva, and orbit {2013,2108, By definition, CD30 is positive, and stain- addition of systemic chemotherapy {23,
2339,2542) . ing is strong and uniform. The large lym- 2108,2542). Occasional cases show
p hoid cells typically show a T-cell phe- spontaneous regression.
Clinical features notype, but often demonstrate loss of
CD30-positive TLPD typically presents one or more pan-T-cell antigens. CD4 is
with a mass lesion, often with ulcera- expressed more frequently than CDS. Plasmablastic lymphoma
tion. Spontaneous regression may occur Cytotoxic markers (i.e. TIA1, g ranzyme B.
(716). Clinical history and staging are im- and perforin) are often expressed, and Boy S.
portan! for excluding secondary involve- EMA may be positive. CD56, ALK, and Ferry J.A.
ment by a systemic lymphoma. EBV are negative {2542). The EBV-pos-
itive cases that have been reported in
Histopathology children most likely represen! ch ro nic ac- Definition
Primary mucosal CD30-positive TLPD tive EBV infection instead {1019). Plasmablastic lymphoma (PBL) is a high-
demonstrates a morphological spectrum grade B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma with
similar to that observed in primary cutane- Genetic profile plasma cell immunophenotype and a pre-
ous cases . The neoplastic cells are large Clonal T-cell receptor gene rearrange- dilection for extranodal sites. Diagnosis is
atypical lymphoid cells with pleomorphic ments have been detected in most cases challenging due to the overlap with plasma
nuclei and abundan! cytoplasm. Cells re- {2108,2542). Occasional cases carry re- cell neoplasms and 8-cell lymphomas with
sembling the hallmark cells of anaplastic arrangements of the DUSP22- IRF4 locus plasmablastic differentiation. ALK-positive
large cell lymphoma often are seen. Most on 6p25.3, similar to the rearrangements large 8 -cell lymphoma is excluded.

Haematolymphoid tumours 129

Fig. 4.29 Plasmablastic lymphoma. Typical appearance
in a 39-year-old HIV-positive man; the palate and bucea!
vestibule are most commonly affected in oral mucosa!
plasmablastic lymphoma.

ICD-0 code 9735/3 of reactive T cells, mature plasma cells, Langerhans ce/1 histiocytosis
and pleomorphic giant cells. The neo-
Epidemiology plastic cells are negative far CD19, CD20, Pileri S.A.
PBL is strongly associated with HIV- PAX5, ALK, and HHVB, although there is Feldman A. L.
related immunosuppression , in the set- controversy regarding the allowance of Cheu k W.
ting of which it is AIDS-defining . lt also sorne positivity for B-cell markers (246). Slater L.
occurs in HIV-negative older adults and Variable expression of CD4b, CD10,
iatrogenically immunocompromised pa- CD79a, CD56, EMA, CD38, VS38c,
tients. HIV-associated PBL affects males, CD138, CD30, and cytoplasmic immu- Definition
usually with advanced-stage disease, al noglobulins has been described . MUM1/ Langerhans ce ll histiocytosis is a neo-
an average age of about 40 years. HIV- IRF4, PRDM1/BL1 MP1, and XBP1 typi- plastic proliferation of Langerhans cells
negative PBL more commonly affects cally show strong, diffuse positivity, and (1888).
females (aged > 60 years) with localized the Ki-67 index is usually > 80%. EBV is
disease. Post-transplant PBL, which is positive in > 70% of HIV-associated and ICD-0 code 9751 /3
rare, usually affects older patients with post-transplant cases and in 50% of HIV-
advanced-stage disease. negative cases. Synonyms
Histiocytosis X; eosinophilic granuloma;
Etiology Genetic profile Hand- Schüller- Christian disease; Letter-
PBL is associated with EBV infection, MYC aberrations (translocations or gains) er- Siwe disease
which is known to cause a surge in occur in about half of ali cases (248,1652,
plasmablasts (720), and MYC deregula- 2455) Epidemiology
tion, which enhances cellular prolifera- This is a rare tumour, with an annual in-
tion {350,1235), but the exact molecular Prognosis and predictiva factors cidence of 5 cases p er 1 million pop-
pathogenesis is unknown. PBL is highly aggressive, with poor sur- ulation. The peak incidence is among
vival (6- 12 months) (349,350,1467,1652) . patients aged 3- 5 years and there is a
Localization Favourable prognostic factors include slight male predominance, with a male-
Head and neck siles, especially the oral EBV and CD45 positivity {1445,1652}. to-female ratio of 1.5-2:1 {914,977,1 729,
cavity (560}. oropharynx, nasopharynx, low stage, HIV negativity, younger pa- 2058).
and sinonasal trae!, are affected. Lymph tient age, and absence of MYC-IGH gene
nodes are occasionally involved, typi- fusion {350,351}. Localization
cally in HIV-negative patients. Head and neck involve ment occurs in

~-::~- -i¡"'· _.ll. v -~ _ ·

Clinical features
A mass in the mouth, nose, ar sinuses is
the most common clinical presentation,

g . ,~r ~Vi ..1

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.o.· i,,u.

.... - 1'i!~i....-..
\j~ -

¡ -~ -~
~ ~ ••
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:;;'1 .'
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with skin ar nada! involvement usually

seen in post-transplant PBL (350,1445,


. , ,. ~ ~ G I\ _. ~~ .~


' 11< ··4·:~ :
. • ( 'IJ
~- ';JI
-··· ~~¡fi
/ ~f~ ,1
,-f ~ -
. , ~.:\. '",~·
0 1
PBL exhibits a mixture of immunoblast-like ,l.'I..~
1' l.>rr '
~.u0 ·?.''{a;· ·,·:,
...,,... ·~'(.; ~· ·t~ ~ J
~ ~~
- , , ~ ~~~t ~~"';e ~•'*-,._ :a~·h;::.
-"' . - ,; t ~ - ,,., ., !
cells and plasmablasts (medium-sized to
large cells with round nuclei, clumped
_ . . ., • . ~..
Fig. 4.31 Langerhans cell histiocytosis. A Neoplastic cells show a large rim of acidophilic cytoplasm and grooved
chromatin, large nucleoli, and ampho- nuclei; in this case, mild atypia can be seen, as well as sorne eosinophils. B Neoplastic cells express CD207 (langerin),
philic cytoplasm) with varying numbers as shown by immunoperoxidase.

130 Tumours of the oral cavity and mobile tongue

60-80% of cases (287,1410,1730). of which not uncommon in head and neck tumou rs Clinical features
25% are part of multisystemic disease (287,1943}. The clinical presentation is often non-
{1730}. The most commonly involved specific.
sites are bone (skull vau lt, temporal bone,
orbit, and jawbone). scalp and peri auric- Extramedullary myeloid Histopathology
ular skin, cervical lymph nodes, parana- sarcoma The tumour mass consists of diffuse
sal sinuses. and oral mucosa (977,1093}. sheets of myeloblasts characterized by
Li X.-0. round to folded nuclei, fine chromatin,
Clinical features Gaulard P. small nucleoli, and scant to moderate
Depending on the site of involvement, amounts of eosinophilic cytoplasm, in-
the clinical presentation may include pain termingled with a variable number of
and swelling, orbi tal mass. skin rash, cer- Definition eosinophilic myelocytes. lmmunohisto-
vical lymphadenopathy, aura! discharge, Extramedullary myeloid sarcoma is a tu- chemically, the tumour cells express vari-
earache, vertigo, facial nerve palsy, and mour mass consisting of myeloid blasts ous myeloid or myelomonocytic mark-
oral ulcer or mass. with or without maturation. involving an ers, such as myeloperoxidase, CD68 (as
extramedullary anatomical site. lt occurs recognized by KP 1), lysozyme, CD33,
Histopathology de novo or can precede. coincide with. or C034 , KIT/C01 17, and CD163. CD43 is
The neoplastic cells have grooved nuclei follow the presentation of acule myeloid commonly positiva.
with minimal atypia {1888]. They are ad- leukaemia, or can constitute blastic trans-
mixed with a variable number of inflam- formation of a myelodysplastic syndrome Genetic profile
matory cells and express S100, CD1a, or myeloproliferative neoplasm {1887}. A variety of chromosomal aberrations,
and CD207 (langerin). Ultrastructurally, such as monosomy 7, trisomy 8, and
they contain Birbeck granules {1344, ICD-0 code 9930/3 inv(16), have been reportad [1887}. The
1888}. t(8;21)(q22;q22) translocation is more
Synonyms common ly observad in paediatric series
Genetic profile Granulocytic sarcoma; ch loroma [1887,2 107}. About 16% of cases har-
Clona! rearrangement of IGH and/or bour NPM1 mutations {688}.
T-cell receptor genes occurs in 30% of Epidemiology
cases (403}. sometimes signifying trans- Extramedullary myeloid sarcoma has Prognosis and predictiva factors
differentiation of a lymphoid malignancy been reported to occur in 3-8% of pa- The prognosis varíes, but is often unfa-
(699,2596}. BRAFV600E mutations (or tients with acute myeloid leukaemia [319} . vourable. Patients without bone marrow
less commonly, MAP2K1 or ARAF muta- The median age of patients with head involvement and those who undergo al-
tions) occur in about half of ali cases [118, and neck involvement is 61 years (range: logeneic or autologous stem cell trans-
1719, 1720). 1-85 years), with a male-to-female ratio plantation seem to have a better out-
of 1.2-2.4:1 {2505,27241. come {1887.2505,27241.
Prognosis and predictiva factors
Patients without high-risk organ involve- Localization .
ment (e.g . of liver, spleen, bone marrow, Any head and neck site can be involved,
or lung) have a favourable prognosis, with the oral cavity being most frequently
with a mortality rate of < 10% {79 1,977]. affected {2724}. Rarely, the nasopharynx
However, permanent organ damage is involved {61,1957,2505}.
(e.g. permanent hearing loss. loss of
dentition) and disease reactivation are

Haematolymphoid tumours 131


Tumours of the oropharynx

(base of tongue, tonsils, adenoids)
Squamous cell carcinoma
Salivary gland tumours
Haematolymphoid tumours
WHO classification of tumours of the oropharynx
{base of tongue, tonsils, adenoids)
Squamous cell carcinoma Lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin lymphoma 9651 /3
Squamous cell carcinoma, HPV-positive 8085/3* Lymphocyte-depleted classical Hodgkin
Squamous cell carcinoma, HPV-negative 8086/3* lymphoma 9653/3
Burkitt lymphoma 9687/3
Salivary gland tumours Foll icular lymphoma 9690/3
Pleomorphic adenoma 8940/0 Mantle cell lymphoma 9673/3
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 8200/3 T-lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma 9837/3
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma 8525/3 Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma 9758/3

Haematolymphoid tumours
The morphology codes are from the lnternational Classification of Diseases
Hodgkin lymphoma, nodular lymphocyte far Oncology (ICD-0) 1776A}. Behaviour is coded /0 far benign tumours;
predominan! 9659/3 /1 far unspecified, barderline, ar uncertain behaviour: /2 far carcinoma in
Classical Hodgkin lymphoma situ and grade 11 1 intraepithelial neoplasia; and /3 far malignan! tumours.
The classification is modified from the previous WHO classification, taking
Nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin lymphoma9663/3 into account changes in our understanding of these lesions.
Mixed cellularity classical Hodgkin lymphoma 9652/3 'These new codes were approved by the IARC/WHO Committee for ICD-0.

TNM classification of carcinomas of the lip and oral cavity

TNM classification of carcinomas of the lip node, > 3 cm but::,; 6 cm in greatest dimension
and oral cavitya,b N2b Metastasis in multiple ipsilateral lymph
nodes, ali ~ 6 cm in greatest dimension
T - Primary tumour N2c Metastasis in bilateral or contralateral lymph
TX Primary tumour cannot be assessed nodes, all ::,; 6 cm in greatest dimension
TO No evidence of primary tumour N3 Metastasis in a lymph node > 6 cm in greatest
Tis Carcinoma in situ dimension
T1 Tumour ~ 2 cm in greatest dimension
T2 Tumour > 2 cm but ~ 4 cm in greatest dimension Note: Midline nodes are considered ipsilateral nodes .
T3 Tumour > 4 cm in greatest dimension
T4a (lip) M - Distarit metastasis
Tumour invades through cortical bone, inferior MO No distant metastasis
alveolar nerve, floor of mouth, or skin (of chin or M1 Distant metastasis
T4a (oral cavity) Stage grouping
Tumour invades through cortical bone, into deep/ Stage O Tis NO MO
extrinsic muscle of tongue (genioglossus, Stage 1 T1 NO MO
hyoglossus, palatoglossus, and styloglossus), Stage 11 T2 NO MO
maxillary sinus, or skin of face Stage 111 T1-2 N1 MO
T4b (lip and oral cavity) T3 N0-1 MO
Tumour invades masticator space, pterygoid Stage IVA T1 - 3 N2 MO
plates, or skull base; or encases interna! T4a N0-2 MO
carotid artery Stage IVB Any T N3 MO
Note: Superficial erosion alone of bone / tooth socket by T4b Any N MO
gingival primary is not sufficient to classify a tumour as T4. Stage IVC Any T Any N M1

N - Regional lymph nodes (i.e. the cervical nodes)

•Adapted from Edge et al. {625A) - used with permission of the American
NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), Chicago, lllinois; the original and prima-
NO No regional lymph node metastasis ry source far this information is the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual , Seventh
N1 Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, Edition (2010) publlshed by Sprlnger Science+Business Media - and Sobin
::,; 3 cm in greatest dimension et al. 12228A} .
N2 Metastasis as specified in N2a, N2b, or N2c below "A help desk for specific questions about TNM classification is available at
N2a Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph

134 Tumours of the oropharynx (base of tangue, tonsils, adenoids)

TNM classification of carcinomas of the oropharynx

TNM classifícation of carcinomas of the oropharynx•,b N2b Metastasis in multiple ipsilateral lymph
nodes, all:::; 6 cm in greatest dimension
T - Primary tumour N2c Metastasis ih bilateral or contralateral
TX Primary tumour cannot be assessed lymph nodes, ali :::; 6 cm in greatest
TO No evidence of primary tumour dimension
Tis Carcinoma in situ N3 Metastasis in a lymph node > 6 cm in greatest
T1 Tumour :::; 2 cm in greatest dimension dimension
T2 Tumour > 2 cm but:::; 4 cm in greatest dimension
T3 Tumour > 4 cm in greatest dimension, or Note: Midline nodes are considered ipsilateral nodes.
extension to lingual surface of epiglottis
T4a Tumour invades any of the following: larynx, M - Distant metastasis
deep/extrinsic muscle of tongue (genioglossus, MO No distant metastasis
hyoglossus, palatoglossus, and styloglossus), M1 Distant metastasis
medial pterygoid, hard palate, mandible; note
that mucosal extension to lingual surface of Stage grouping
epiglottis from primary tumours of the base of the Stage O Tis NO MO
tongue and vallecula does not constitute invasion Stage 1 T1 NO MO
of the larynx Stage 11 T2 NO MO
T4b Tumour invades any of the following: lateral Stage 111 T1-2 N1 MO
pterygoid muscle, pterygoid plates, lateral T3 N0-1 MO
nasopharynx, skull base; or encases the carotid Stage IVA T1-3 N2 MO
artery T4a N0- 2 MO
Stage IVB T4b Any N MO
N - Regional lymph nodes (i.e. the cervical nades) AnyT N3 MO
NX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed Stage IVC AnyT Any N M1
NO No regional lymph node metastasis
N1 Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node,
ªAdapted from Edge et al. {625AJ - used with permission of the American
:::; 3 cm in greatest dimension
Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), Chicago, lllinois; the original and prima-
N2 Metastasis as specified in N2a, N2b, or N2c below ry source for this information is the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Seventh
N2a Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph Edition (201 O) published by Springer Science+Business Media - and Sobin
node, > 3 cm but :::; 6 cm in greatest et al. {2228AJ.
dimension bA help ctesk for specific questions about TNM c lassification is available at

TNM classification of carcinomas of the oropharynx 135

Tumours of the oropharynx
(base of tongue, tonsils, adenoids)

1ntrod uction EI-Naggar A.f<.

Takata T.

Like the nasopharynx, th e orophar- and ethnic differences in the prevalence to the paren! Chapter 7 (Tumours ot sali-
ynx is characterized by lymphoid- of HPV-associated squamous cell car- vary glands, p. 159). Similarly, only hae-
based mucosa and is the target of cinoma, a separate entry for HPV-nega- matolymphoid disorders commonly en-
viral-associated carcinoma. The high tive oropharyngeal squamous cell carci- countered at th is location are presented
incidence of HPV-associated oro- noma has been included. and discussed.
pharyngeal carcinoma has been firmly To minimize redundancy and to maintain
validated and this carc inoma is now consistency, only selected salivary neo-
considered a distinct entity. Accordingly, plasms commonly reported in the oro-
a separate chapter on tumours of pharynx are briefly discussed in this
the oropharynx has been estab- chapter. For more detailed information on
lished. Because of the geographical these tumours, the readers are referred

Squamous cell carcinoma

Table 5.01 Comparison of HPV-positive and HPV-negative oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
Squamous ce// carcinoma,
HPV-positive Characteristics HPV-positive HPV-negative

Median age 50-56 years 60-70 years

Westra W.H. -- -
Boy S. Risk factors Sexual behaviour Smoking and alcohol use
1- -
EI-Mofty S.K. Lymph nade metastasis Frequently cystic Uncommonly cystic
Gillison M. -- Reticulated epithelium of
- --
Schwartz M.R. Postulated origin Surface epithelium
invaginated crypts
Syrjanen S. - ·,- -
Yarb rough W.G . Dysplasia Rare Often present
Morphology Commonly non-keratinizing SCC Conventional SCC
Grading Not applicable Applicable
p16 immunostaining Positive Negative
Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcino-
ma (OPSCC) associated with high-risk Overall survival rate (3 years) 82% 57%
HPV (OPSCC-HPV) is an epidemiologi-
cally, pathologically, and clinically dis- Etiology Clinical features
tinct form of head and neck squamous OPSCC-HPV is caused by high-risk Unlike HPV-negative OPSCC, OPSCC-
cell carcinoma. HPV, with type 16 responsib le for > 90% HPV typically presents at an advanced
of all cases {507,841,2105). Oral sex is clinical stage, often as a small primary
ICD-0 code 8085/3 an established risk factor for oral HPV in- tumour with nodal involvement. Cervi-
fection. lndividuals with OPSCC-HPV are cal lymphadenopathy, which may be
Synonym less likely than patients with HPV-nega- cystic, is the most common clinical
Non-keratinizing squamous cell tive OPSCC to be smokers; yet tobacco presentation .
carcinoma smoking is associated with significantly
higher oral HPV prevalence and thus Macroscopy
Epidemiology may play sorne role in the progression Although primary tumours may be large,
The incidence of OPSCC-H PV has ris- from oral HPV infection to OPSC(_-;-HPV most are small and not apparent on
en over the past three decades {391 , (685). gross inspection. Nodal metastases are
392,1980). Patients w ith OPSCC-HPV often large and cystic {862}.
are typ ically male, Wh ite, and of higher Local izati on
socioeconomic status {392,841}. The OPSCC-HPV has a strong predilection Cytology
median patient age is 50-56 years (79, for the base of tangue and the palatine Aspirates of metastatic lesions are cel-
841), with a male-to-female ratio of 4:1. tonsils {169). lular, with tumour cells forming cohesive

136 Tumours of the oropharynx (base of tangue, tonsils, adenoids)

sheets and clusters and having hyper- The morphological spectrum of OPSCC- PCR-based assays) performed individu-
chromatic, pleomorphic, and overlap- HPV includes variants with papillary (635, ally or in combination (2598}. Oiffuse im-
ping nuclei {1115). The presence of 1580), adenosquamous {1553), lympho- munoreactivity for p16 is a reliable surro-
squamous differentiation and keratiniza- epithelioma-like (2187), sarcomatoid gate marker for the presence of high-risk
tion is uncommon. Demonstration of p16 (201), and small-cell features {204) . Tu- HPV in oropharyngeal carc inomas, and
or HPV in tumour cells strongly suggests mours resembling basaloid squamous may be sufficient as a standalone test
an oropharyngeal primary. cell carcinoma have also been described for HPV status in tumours with appropri-
{171), as have tumours with populations of ate morphology arising at this site {1401}.
Histopathology ciliated cells (206). The clinical behaviour The possibility of loss of p16 expression
OPSCC-HPV generally exhibits distinc- of the morphological variants (oth er than should also be considered (especially
tive non-keratinizing morphology; grad- the small -cell variant) is similar to that of in patients with traditional risk factors),
ing is not currently advocated . Unlike in OPSCC-HPV with typical morphology. and additional testing for high-risk virus
HPV-negative cases, dysplasia of the HPV-related small ce!! neuroendocri ne should be performed. Positive HPV test-
surface epithelium is rarely identified . carcinoma has an aggressive clinical ing may also point to the oropharynx as
OPSCC-HPV arises from crypt epithe- behaviour and is morphologically char- the most likely primary site for cervical
lium and grows b eneath the surface acterized by small anaplastic cells with lymph node metastasis of undetermined
epithelial lining as nests and lobules, o/- hyperchromatic moulded nuclei, numer- primary (170}.
ten with central necrosis {2599}. Tumour ous mitoses, and necrosis. Recognition When p16 or HPV testing is not available,
nests are o/ten embedded in lymphoid of the small-cell variant is facilitated by OPSCC can be diagnosed as "squa-
stroma, and may be penetrated by lym- an immunohistochemical profile that in- mous cell carcinoma, HPV status un-
phoid cells. Tumour cells display a high eludes weak expression of squamous known " or, if the tumour shows th e char-
N:C ratio anda high mitotic and/or apop- markers (e.g. p63, p40 , and CK5/6) and acteristic non-keratinizing morphology,
totic rate, which often imparts a b asaloid acquisition of neuroendocrine ,markers as "squamous cell carc inoma, HPV not
appearance. (e.g . synaptophysin, chromogranin, and tested, morphology highly suggestive of
Histological grading is not currently ad- CD56). HPV association".
vocated. Keratinization is absent or in-
consp icuous in most cases (414,8421, HPV detection Genetic profile
although a small subset of cases show HPV can be detected by molecular HPV oncoproteins E6 and E7 inacti-
keratin formation. assays (e.g. in situ hybrid ization and vate p53 and RB by targeting them for

Squamous cell carcinoma 137

protein degradation. Somatic mutations
in TRAF3, an immune regulator, are
unique to OPSCC- HPV.
Oncogenic PIK3CA mutation or gene
amplification is significantly more com-
f HPV Viral/ Viral
mon in OPSCC-HPV than in HPV-nega- lnfection lntegration Transcrlptlon
tive cases {1817,2375).

Prognosis and predictive factors

OPSCC-HPV is associated with signifi-
cantly better survival outcomes than is
HPV-negative OPSCC (79, 686,191 1}, but
this favourable prognosis may be tem-
pered by th e adverse effects of cigarette
smoking (79,843].
The risk of tumour recurrence and of the
d evelopment of second primary malig-
nancies is lower with HPV-positive OP-
SCCs than with HPV-negative cases, but
longer follow-up data are needed {79}.

Squamous ce// carcinoma,

HPV-negative Fig. 5.02 Pathogenetic pathway of HPV in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Viral DNA is integrated into host
DNA. Transcription of HPV E6 and E7 mRNA leads to inactivation of p53 and RB proteins, and indirectly to accumulation
of p16. Curren! methods can detect HPV at the level of DNA (in situ hybridization or PCR), mRNA (in situ hybridization
Syrjanen S.
or RT-PCR), and protein (p16 immunohistochemistry as a surrogate marker). Reprinted from Bishop JA et al. {200).
Assaad A.
EI -Mofty S.K .
Katabi N. Clinical features cel l carcino ma al other head and neck
Schwartz M.R. Patients typically present with sore throat siles.
and diflículty in swallowing or a neck mass
{487). Genetic profile
Definition See the Squamous ce!! carcinoma sec-
HPV-negative oropharyngeal squamous Macroscopy tion (p. 109) in Chapter 4. The TP53gene
cell carcinoma (OPSCC) is a subset of See the Squamous ce!/ carcinoma sec- is commonly mutated, in contras! to the
OPSCC that lacks association with high- tion (p. 109) in Chapter 4. wildtype TP53 found in OPSCC-HPV.
risk HPV.
Cytology Prognosis and predictive factors
ICD-0 code 8086/3 Aspirates of metastatic lesions usually See Table 5.01 (p. 136).
show featu res of keratinizing squamous
Synonym cell carcinoma, with sheets and small
Keratin izing squamous cell carcinoma clusters of malignan! squamous cells
with intracellular and extracellular kerati-
Epidemiology nization. Occasional cases have cyto-
Patients with HPV-negative OPSCC are logical features identical to those of HPV-
older on average than patients with HPV- positive tumours (i.e. non-keratinizing
related OPSCC (OPSCC -H PV; see Tab le squamous cel l carc inoma) (241,637}.
5.01, p. 136) (247 1\.
Etiology Unlike OPSCC-HPV, HPV-negative OPSCC
See the Squamous ce// carcinoma sec- typically exhibits differentiated squamous
tion (p . 109) in Chapter 4. features (i.e. kerati nization, desmoplastic
stromal reaction, and surface dysplasia)
Localization identical to !hose of squamous cell 9arcino-
Whereas most examples of OPSCC- mas at other head and neck mucosal sites
HPV target the base of tongue and the {1 405). HPV status is negative (by p16
palataine tonsils, HPV-negative OP- immunohistochemistry and/or molecular
SCC more commonly involves the soft detection of HPV). The histological grad-
palatine. ing is similar to that used for squamous

138 Tumours of the oropharynx (base of tongue, tonsils, adenoids)

Salivary gland tumours

Pleomorphic adenoma Localization Adenoid cystic carcinoma

Pleomorphic adenoma of the base of
Bell D. tangue, tonsils, and adenoids is rare (179, Stenman G.
Bullerdiek J . 1710,2687). Bel! D.
Katabi N. Gnepp D.R .
Clinical features
Presenting symptoms include a slow-
Definition growing mass and mild dysphagia (1710}. Definition
Pleomorphic adenoma is a benign tu- Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a slow-
mour with variable cytomorphological Histopathology growing and relentless salivary gland
and architectural manifestations. The Pleomorphic adenomas of the minar malignancy composed of epithelial and
identification of epithelial and myoepi- salivary glands, compared with those myoepithelial neoplastic cells that form
thelial and stromal components is es- occurring in majar glands, are typically various patterns, including tubular, cribri-
sential fa r the diagnosis. See also the more cellular, with a less predominan! form, and salid forms.
Pleomorphic adenoma section (p. 185) stromal componen! (930,2123}. Both epi- See also the Adenoid cystic carcinoma
in Chapter 7. thelial and myoepithelial components are section (p. 164) in Chapter 7.
found, in varying compositions (2082}.
ICD-0 code 8940/0 ICD-0 code 8200/3
Prognosis and predictive factors
Synonym Complete excision is generally curative. Re- Epidemiology and clinical features
Benign mixed tumour currence is not uncommon, due to micro- See the Adenoid cystic carcinoma sec-
scopic satellite extension. The myxoid variant tion (p. 164) in Chapter 7.
may have a higher recurrence rate (2082).
The histology is identical to adenoid
cystic carcinomas of majar and other
minar salivary gland sites; see the Ade-
noid cystic carcinoma section (p. 164) in
Chapter 7 (Tumours of sa/ivary glands).

Genetic profile
See the Adenoid cystic carcinoma sec-
tion (p. 164) in Chapter 7.

Prognosis and predictive factors

The prognosis is similar to that of ad-
enoid cystic carcinomas from the majar
and other minar salivary gland siles (22,
1104); see the Adenoid cystic carcinoma
section (p. 164) in Chapter 7.

._,.,. ' ~ ..mi~ :11:iia:.':i~,;t; .
Fig. 5.03 A Unencapsulated submucosal pleomorphic adenoma of soft palate. B Pleomorphic adenoma. Myoepithelial
cell nests in fibromyxoid and hyalinized stroma.

Salivary gland tumours 139

,J n

)J n
uil (ºu ni

g¡ it

ol. ñJ'f[ í1
t,1 ~;
ti tt
~ ~t

UAJ'~) n

., 10 11

}i ( ,
' ,..

• t•
rJ t\
13 14
" "16
, , r1
17 18

?! ,._ . . ..'\ )
B . 20
,\ f.
t"i G
22 X

B Karyotype of the same case shown in Fig. A, with a 1(6;14)

Polymorphous adenocarcinoma Localization Cytology

Polymorphous adenocarcinoma occurs The cytological features are not specific
Fonseca l. predominantly at th e junction of the hard far the diagnosis.
Bell D. and soft palate {239,461,1915,2198).
Gnepp D.R. H istopathology
Seethala R. Clinical features See the Polymorphous adenocarcinoma
Weinreb l. The tumours presentas pain less masses section (p. 167) in Chapter 7.
Genetic profile
Definition Macroscopy The genetic profile {2569,2574) is dis-
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma is a Polymorphous adenocarcinoma pre- cussed in the Polymorphous adenocarci-
malignant neoplasm characterized by sents as a firm, circumscribed, unencap- noma section (p. 167) in Chapter 7.
cytological uniformity, morphological di- sulated, yellowish-tan tumour {1832).
versity, and an infiltrative growth pattern. Prognosis and predictive factors
See also the Polymorphous adenocarci- The overall survival rate is excellent (352,
noma section (p. 167) in Chapter 7. 671 ,1231,1832). but aggressive behav-
iour can occur. See the Polymorphous
ICD-0 code 8525/3 adenocarcinoma section (p. 167) in
Chapter 7.
Polymorphous low-grade adenocarci-
noma; terminal duct carcinoma; cribriform

The female-to-male ratio is 2:1, and Fig. 5.05 Polymorphous adenocarcinoma. The cribriform
> 70% of patients are aged 50- 70 years variant is frequently characterized by the presence of
{239,1832,1915,2198). optically clear nuclei.

140 Tumours of the oropharynx (base of tang ue, tonsils, adenoids)

Haematolymphoid tumours

/ntroduction Localization excluded befare diagnosing lymphoma.

Within the Waldeyer ring, lymphoma EBV-positive mucocutaneous ulcer is also
Ferry J.A. most common ly involves tonsil, followed an importan! differential diagnosis far cir-
Ko Y. -H. by nasopharynx, with the base of tangue cumscribed ulcers {595}. MALT lymphoma
leas! o/ten affected [37,682,1338,1 372} . should be distinguished from atypical mar-
Most lymphomas are localized (stage 1/11) ginal zone hyperplasia of mucosa-associ-
Definition {37,905,1338,1372}. ated lymphoi d tissue - a rare monotypic,
Oropharyngeal haematolymphoid tu- polyclonal lymphoproliferative disorder in-
mours are neoplasms of lymphoid, plas- Clinical features volving the tonsils of children (101}.
ma-cell, histiocytic/dendritic, or myeloid Dysphagia, odynophagia, and cervical
origin arising in the oropharynx. lymphadenopathy are common (934, Prognosis and predictive factors
1260,1338,2183}. The prognosis is relatively favourable.
Epidemiology Outcome is worse with older patient age
The Waldeyer ring (pharyngeal lymphoid Macroscopy (682,1372}, T-cell phenotype {1372}, non-
ring) is the most common extranodal head Tonsillar ar base-of-tongue swelling, with tonsil primary, and high levels of lactate
and neck site for development of lympho- or without ulceration, is apparent macro- dehydrogenase (682}.
ma {100}, affected in 36% {666,934} to scopically (905,934}.
67% (37,682} of cases. Patients can be
affected in childhood (905} through ad - Histopathology Hodgkin /ymphoma
vanced age {1338,1372,1429,1790}, with Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is most
mean and median palien! ages in the common by far {37,682,1372), with ger- Jaffe E.S.
sixth (37,682,1372} and seventh (1790} minal-centre and non- germinal-cen tre Ott G.
decades of life. The male-to-female ratio B-cell phenotypes reparted (1790,1968).
is about 1-2:1 (905,1338 ,1 372,1790}, al- Others include MALT lymphoma {333,
though MALT lymphomas show a slight 1260,1372,2239}; extranodal NK/T-cell Definition
female preponderance (1260}. lymphoma (1372); mantle cell lymphoma Hodgkin lymphoma is a B-cell-derived
Oropharyngeal p lasmacytoma accounts {1260,1372, 1790); fol licular lymphoma neoplasm in which relatively few neo-
far 13-19% of all head and neck extra- (1260,1372}; peripheral T-cell lymphoma, plastic cells are seen, in a background
osseous p lasmacytomas {11 6,494,2078}. NOS (1372}; and rare classical · Hodgkin rich in inflammatory cells. Th e two major
Myeloid sarcoma {2724} and histiocytic/ lymphoma (1939). Burkitt lymphoma is forms are classical Hodgkin lymphoma
dendritic cell neoplasms {1810} are rare. rare in adults (1372) but common among and nodular lymphocyte-predominant
children (905}. Hodg kin lymphoma . The characteri stics
Etiology lnfectious mononucleosis can mimic dif- of the neoplastic cells and the nature of
A few patients are immunocompromised; fuse large B-cell lymphoma and classical the infl ammatory background differ in
their lymphomas may be EBV-positive (1790}. Hodgkin lymphoma (1479}, and should be these two majar subtypes (1524) .

Q ·• . •

• o


Haematolymphoid tumours 141

cells have lobulated nuclear contours, Epidemiology
basophilic nucleoli, anda thin rim of pale BL accounts for < 1% of ali peripheral B-
cytoplasm. The neop lastic cel ls (i .e . ce ll lymphoma cases {2377). Three vari-
lymphocyte-predominant [LP] cells) re- ants are recognized: endemic (occurring
tain expression of most B-cell antigens, in malaria-endemic reg ions of the world),
including CD20, CD79a, PAX5, and sporadic (occurring where malaria is not
OCT2, and are posit ive for BCL6. A nod- endem ic) , an d im munodefic iency-as-
ular growth pattern is usually evident, sociated (occurring in immunocompro-
with the B cells often distributed within mised, typical ly HIV-positive, patients)
the remnants of primary follicles. Nor- [1639). Despite their common morphol-
mal small B cells are frequent, particu- ogy and phenotype, these variants differ
larly early in the course of the disease. in terms of patient age and pathobiology.
The LP cells are rosetted by T cel ls Endemic BL occurs in children and ado-
with the phenotype of T follicular helper lescents, whereas sporadic and immu-
(TFH) cells, expressing CD4 and PD1 nodeficiency-associated Bls typically

Fig. 5.07 Classical Hodgkin lymphoma of the tonsil. (CD279), and T cel ls usually become occur in adults {1639].
High-power view shows classic Reed-Sternberg cells more numerous over time. Overlap with
and variants in a background of small lymphocytes. T-ce ll lymphoma or histiocyte-rich large Etiology
B-cell lymphoma may be seen {949} . In endemic BL, the neoplastic cells invari-
ICD-0 codes Primary nodular lymphocyte-predomi- ably contain EBV {1639). However, recent
Hodgkin lymphoma, nodular lymphocyte nant Hodgkin lymphoma in the Waldeyer data suggest that the pathogenesis of this
p redominan! 9659/3 ring is rare. variant may be polymicrobial {3,2460).
Classical Hodgkin lymphoma EBV infection is detected in about 30% ot
Nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin sporadic cases and 25-40% of immuno-
lymphoma 9663/3 Burkitt lymphoma deficiency-associated cases {1639).
Mixed cellularity classical Hodgkin
lymphoma 9652/3 Pileri S.A. Localization
Lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin Nakamura S. lnvolvement of the head and neck (espe-
lymphoma 9651/3 cial ly the jawbones) is frequent in endem-
Lymphocyte-depleted c lassical ic BL but rare in the other variants {1639).
Hodgkin lymphoma 9653/3 Definition
Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is a peripheral B- Clinical features
Synonym cell lymphoma that has an extremely high Patients often present with bulky disease
Hodgkin disease proliferation rate and often presents in and a high tumour burden, sometimes
extranodal sites. lt is composed of mono- with leukaemic spread [2244). A pure
Localization morphic medium-sized cells. Transloca- leukaemic presentation, which is exceed-
Both form s of Hodgkin lymphoma pre- tion involving MYC is highly characteristic ingly rare, is usually associated with CNS
sent most often in lymph nades. Primary but not specific. The diagnosis requires involvement {2244).
presentations in oropharyngeal lymphoid the combination of morphology, pheno-
tissue are rare {1103,1 175). type, and genetics. Histopathology
The neoplastic cells tend to be cohesive
Histopathology ICD-0 code 9687/3 and undergo apoptosis [1639,2434).
In classical Hodgkin lymphoma, the neo-
plastic cells (i.e. Reed-Sternberg cells
and variants) frequently show downregu-
lation of the B-cell programme. They are
positive for PAX5 but most often negative
for CD20 and CD79a. There is positivity
for CD30 in virtually all cases and forCD15
in most. The inflammatory background is
composed mainly of T cells, with variable
numbers of plasma cells, histiocytes,
and eosi nophils. EBV sequences are
found in 15- 25% of cases overall, but the
incidence of EBV positivity in classical
Hodgkin lymphoma involving the Wal-
deyer ring (pharyngeal lymphoid ri ng) is
higher: approximately 65% in one study
{11 75). In nodular lymphocyte-predomi-
nant Hodgkin lymphoma, the neoplastic

142 Tumours of the oropharynx (base of tang ue, tonsils, adenoids)

Follícular /ymphoma
Ott G .
Nakamura S.

Follicular lymphoma is a malig nan! lym-
phoma composed of centroblasts and
centrocytes, with at least a partially fol-
licular pattern.

ICD-0 code 9690/3

Cases involving the Waldeyer ring (pha-
Fig. 5.09 Burkitt lymphoma. MYC gene rearrangement, as shown by a dual-colour break-apart probe (in situ
hybridization, DAPI nuclear staining).
ryngeal lymphoid ring) typically con-
stitute secondary tonsillar extension in
They are intermingled with phagocytizing infection within the non-neoplastic tissue individuals with widespread nada! dis-
macrophages, which contribute to the in > 50% of cases; expression of EBV lyt- ease (95}. lsolated manifestation in the
characteristic starry-sky pattern (1639, ic genes, inversely associated with TCF3 oropharynx, wh ich is rare, is more often
2434). The number of mitotic figures is ex- activity; recurren! alterations in genes seen in children and young adults.
ceed ingly high. Features of plasma-ce!! rarely mutated in the sporadic variant
differentiation can be seen, especially in (AR/01A, CCNF, and RHOA) ; and fewer Histopathology
the immunodeficiency-associated varí- mutations in genes commonly altered in The cytomorphology of fallicular lympho-
an! {2434). On immunophenotyping, the sporadic cases (MYC. /03, TCF3, and ma in the tonsil is the same as that of its
neoplastic cells are positive far CD20, TP53) {3, 2099). counterpart in the lymph nade. Crowded
CD1 0, and BCL6; negative far BCL2; and atypical follicles that consist of centro-
positive for MYC and Ki-67 (with a Ki-67 Prognosis and predictiva factors blasts and centrocytes efface the normal
proliferation index of 100%) {2434}. In Both endemic BL and sporadic BL are architecture. The follicles are uniform in
situ hybridization for EBV-encoded small highly aggressive but potentially curable. size and poorly demarcated; the starry-
RNA (EBER) reveals a variable preva- Staging is perfarmed according to the sky pattern is usually absent. Large
lence of EBV infection, depending on the system developed by Murphy and Hustu B-cell lymphoma with or without a follicu-
BL variant {1639,2434}. {1677} and modified by Magrath (1511). lar componen! in Waldeyer ring arising in
lntensive chemotherapy regimens are children or young adults more often fea-
Genetic profile associated with cure rates of 90% and tures large, expansile follicles composed
The tumours cells carry clona! rearrange- 60- 80% far patients with low- and high- of centroblasts or intermediate-sized
ments of the IG gene family, with somatic stage disease. respectively {1639}. with blastoid cells exclusive ly, as well as at-
hypermutation. FISH shows MYC translo- particularly excellent results in childhood tenuated mantle zones (1446,1 477,1785,
cation at band 8q24 to the IG H region at [1639}. 1942).
14q32 or less frequently to IGL at 22q11 Classic follicular lymphoma expresses
or IGK at 2p12 (178,1844). In about 10% CD20 and germinal centre markers (e.g.
of cases, FISH fails to demonstrate MYC
translocation, but mostly due to techni-
cal limitations {1639}. The few BL cases
that actually lack MYC translocation are
characterized by deregulation of genes
on 11q {2050}. Gene expression profil-
ing studies have shown that the endemic
and immunodeficiency-associated BL
variants have almost identical signatures,
whereas the endemic and sporadic vari -
ants have been found to diverge in their
expression of 124 genes dependen! on
RBL2 activity {531,1884). Next-genera-
tion sequenc ing has highlighted differ-
ences between endemic BL and sporadic
BL (3}. The endemic variant shows cyto- ,;j¡_,!"..4.};
megalovirus and HHV8 (also called Ka- Fig. 5.10 Follicular lymphoma of the tonsil. The tonsillar parenchyma shows infiltration by crowded atypical follicles
posi sarcoma- associated herpesvirus) that efface the normal architecture.

Haematolymphoid tumours 143

CD10, BCL6, and HGAL), and is BCL2-
positive in 85- 90% of cases. In contras!,
large B-cell lymphoma with IRF4 re-
arrangement of the tonsil, which has a fol-
licular growth pattern in many cases and
arises in children and young adults, con-
sistently and strongly expresses MUM1/
IRF4 in addition to germinal centre mark-
ers. lt variab ly expresses BCL2, and has a
high proliferation index {1446,1942,2051).

Genetic profile
Typical follicular lymphoma involving the
tonsil in the setting of widespread disease
usually harbours the t(14;18)(q32;q21)
translocation. In contras!, MUM1/IRF4 -
positive large cell lymphomas occurring
in chi ldren and young adults lack the
1(14;18) translocation, and a MUM1/IRF4 most common extranodal site, involved 2623). Mutations involving ATM and TP53
translocation can be demonstrated in in 6.2% of MCLs [68). MCL accounts for are common, occurring in 41% and 28%
about 50% of cases [1446,2051). In the 2.6% of al! Waldeyer ring (pharyngeal of cases, respectively (165,1116).
4th edition update of the WHO classifi- lymphoid ring) non-Hodgkin lymphoma
cation of tumours of haematopoietic and cases, occurring most often in the tonsi l Prognosis and predictive factors
lymphoid tissues, MUM1/IRF4+ lympho- [1372,2217). MCL is an aggressive non-Hodgkin lym-
ma in children and young adults is classi- phoma, with a median overa!! survival of
fied as "large B-cell lymphoma with IRF4 Clinical features < 4 years (1393,2064}. The Mantle Ce!!
rearrangement" instead of a form of follic- Patients typically have a mass causing Lymphoma lnternational Prognostic ln-
ular lymphoma. odynophagia and dysphagia. MCL of the dex correlates well with prognosis [2513}.
head and neck presents with advanced Adverse prognostic factors include blas-
Prognosis and predictiva factors disease at diagnosis less commonly (in toid or pleomorphic morphology, diffuse
MUM1/ IRF4 expression and/or MUM1/ 41% of cases) than does lymphoma of p attern, high proliferation index, high
IRF4 translocation in follicular lymphoma the lymph nades (in 87%) {68}. expression of p53 protein , and MYC ab-
of the tonsil is associated with favourable errations with overexpression (182,434,
outcome. Histopathology 2403}. Patients with primary extranodal
MCL shows a diffuse, vaguely nodular disease (including in the head and neck)
or mantle-zone pattern, with proliferation have better survival than do those with
Mantle ce// lymphoma of small to medium-sized lymphoid cells nodal disease [68).
with slight nuclear irregularity. Epithe-
Ko Y.-H . lioid histiocytes may be evenly scattered
Ferry J.A. throughout the tumour. T-lymphoblastic
Sorne cases have blastoid or pleomor-
phic morphology [27,2674). In rare cas-
Detinition es, cyc lin D1- positive lymphocytes are Ferry J.A.
Mantle cell lymphoma (mantle cell neopla- localized within mantles of hyperplastic Gaulard P.
sia) is a mature B-cell neoplasm of small lymphoid follicles (with in situ mantle ce!!
to medium-sized lymphoid cells, usually neoplasia) {1264). The neoplastic cells
characterized by CCND1 trans location are positive for slgM, lgD, CD20, and Definition
leading to cyclin D1 overexpression . CD5 and negative for CD10, CD23, and T-lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma
BCL6. Cyclin 0 1 is expressed in virtually (T-LBL/L) is a neoplasm of lymphoblasts
!CD-O code 9673/3 al! cases. SOX11 is useful for identifying committed to T-cell lineage.
rare cyclin 01- negative MCL {310,1693].
Epidemiology Aberran! immunophenotypes (e.g. with !CD-O code 9837/3
The overall incidence of MCL is ap- CD5 negativity, CD10 positivity, or CD23
proximately 0.5 cases per 100 000 per- positivity) may occur (34,2258,2479, Epidemiology
son-years. The male-to -female ratio is 2723). . lnvolvement of head and neck by
2.3- 2.5:1. The median patient age al di- T-LBL/L is rare. Among 109 reported
agnosis is 70 years {1393, 2216,2725). Genetic profile cases of nasopharyngeal lymphoma,
Most cases have CCND1- /GH transloca- only one (0 .9%) was T-LBL/L (1054}. In
Localization tion. Cyclin 01-negative MCL may have a large series of chi ldhood non-Hodgkin
The head and neck region is the second CCND2 translocation {1597,2052,2164, lymphomas, 1% of al! lymphomas and

144 Tumours of the oropharynx (base of tongue, tonsils, adenoids)

have clonal IGH . Cytogenetic and mo-
lecular genetic changes are heteroge-
neous. Many cases have an abnormal
karyotype; translocations involving T-cell
receptor genes are common {884,1889,
2329}. Activation of Notch signalling and
loss of CDKN2A (also called P16/NK4a
and P14ARF), which codes far the tumour
suppressor proteins p16 (p161NK4a) and
p14ARF, are also common (2476) .

Prognosis and predictive factors

The outcome appears to be similar to that
of T-LBL/L in other siles.

Follicular dendritic
ce// sarcoma
Cheuk W.
11: Pileri S.A.

Fig. 5.1 2 A,B lndolent T-lymphoblastic proliferation. A The interfollicular compartment is filled and expanded by
Follicular dendritic cell (FDC) sarcoma is
a proliferation of TdT-positive T cells. B High-power view shows a population of relatively small, uniform cells,
sorne with minimally enlarged nuclei and fine chromatin. C T-lymphoblastic lymphoma involving the tonsils. a tumour of nodal and extranodal sites
In contras! with indolent T-lymphoblastic proliferation, there is a monotonous infiltrate containing medium-sized bias! that exhibits phenotypic featu res of FDCs.
cells with convoluted nuclei and fine chromatin.
ICD-0 code 9758/3
5% of all T-LBUL cases were T-LBL/L of disorder characterized by a prolifera-
the head and neck (2642] . Patient age tion of immature T cells in lymphoid tis- Epidemiology
ranges from childhood to advanced age sue. Patients present with sore throat, FDC sarcoma accounts far < 1% of all
(771,2642}. hoarseness, or airway obstruction . Ex- head and neck tumours, although the
amination reveals prominent hypertrophy head and neck region is the most com-
Localization of oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal mon anatomical site of occurrence of this
T-LBL/L cases have been reported in- lymphoid tissue, sometimes with cervi- tumour. lt typically affects patients in mid-
volving the oropharynx {2642). nasophar- cal lymphadenopathy {2290,24'89}. Mi- adulthood (mean patient age: 42 years).
ynx (1054,2642). salivary gland {2642). croscopic examination reveals sheets or Although the patient age range is wide
tangue (771}. and larynx (1541}. Staging c lusters of small to medium-sized ce lls (9- 80 years), only 6% of al i cases occur
may reveal widespread disease involving with fine chromatin, inconspicuous nu- in children (1187}. There is no sex predi-
lymph nodes, mediastinum, and/or bone cleoli, and a high mitotic rate, but with no lection (1488,1810).
marrow (771,1541]. significan! cytological atypia and sparing
fallicles. The cells are positive for CD3 Etiology
Clinical features and TdT, and have a high proliferation A minority (15%) of FDC sarcomas arise
The symptoms are related to the pres- index. T-cell receptor genes are not clon- in the setting of hyaline-vascular Castle-
ence of a mass. ally rearranged. The appearance resem- man disease, and a hyperplasia-dyspla-
bles that of the normal thymic cortex, sia- neoplasia model of FDC proliferation
Histopathology although without thymic epithelium. After has been proposed (373,379,412]. Sorne
Evaluation reveals a diffuse infi ltrate of therapy (surgical excision or chemo-
small to medium-sized cells with oval or therapy) indolent T-lymphoblastic proli-
slightly to prominently irregular nuclei , feration may rep eatedly recur, although
dispersed to finely stippled chromatin, without progression to bone marrow or
variably conspicuous nucleoli, and scant peripheral blood involvement {1764,1765,
cytoplasm . Mitoses are frequent. T-LBL/L 2290,2489}.
is typically positive for CD3, TdT, CD?,
and CD1a; variably positive for CD10; Genetic profile
and either double-positive or double- Limited information is available about
negative for CD4 and CD8. head and neck cases, but T-LBL/L in Fig. 5.13 Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma of the tonsil.
The differential diagnosis inc ludes indo- general has clonally rearranged T-cell The surface epithelium is intact; this tumour shows partial
lent T-lymphoblastic proliferation; a rare receptor genes, and a minority of cases involvement of !he tonsil (left field) and exhibits pushing borders.

Haematolymphoid tumours 145

studies have found clona! abnormalities in Macroscopy The tumour cells are positive for FDC
FDCs in hyaline-vascular Castleman dis- The mean size of FDC sarcomas in the head markers such as CD21, CD23, CD35,
ease, which may precede FDC sarcoma and neck is 4.5 cm (1810). The tumours clusterin , CXCL13, and podoplanin (as
overgrowth (469, 1840). Overexpression are solitary, round to ovoid circumscribed recognized by 02-40). Cytokeratin is
of EGFR has been demonstrated in FDC masses with a fleshy cut surface. Areas of negative and EMA is often positive. Ex-
sarcomas and dysplastic FDCs in hyaline- haemorrhage and necrosis may be present. ceptionally, the cells can be positive for
vascular Castleman disease , providing cytokeratin and TTF1 (11 05,2452).
a further link between the two conditions Histopathology
{2311). Ligand-dependent EGFR activation, The morphological features are 'Similar Prognosis and predictive factors
which may be importan! for the survival and to !hose of FDC sarcoma in other parts FDC sarcoma is a low- to intermediate-
proliferation of neoplastic FDCs, could be a of the body. The tumours, which tend to grade malignan! tumour with a recurrence
potential therapeutic target {2496). have pushing invasive fronts, are com- rate of ;::: 40% and a distan! metastasis
posed of spindle to ovoid cells arranged rate of;::: 25% {377,1810}. The overall and
Localization in fascicular, whorled, or storiform pat- disease-specific survival rates, respec-
In the head and neck region, the most terns, accompanied by an admixture tively, are 91% and 64% at 2 years and
frequently affected siles are the cervi- of small lymphocytes or lymphoid ag- 81% and 34% at 5 years. Surgery is po-
cal lymph nodes (involved in 40-50% gregates around blood vessels. The tentially curative for early-stage disease,
of cases), followed by the Waldeyer ring tumour cells have a moderate amount but late recurrence and metastasis can
(pharyngeal lymphoid ring; in 24-40%) of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm and in- occur many years after initial presentation
and the soft tissue of the neck (in 10%) distinct cell bord ers, imparting a syn - {438). The most common metastatic sites
{11 87,1810). Other head and neck mu- cytial appearance. The nuclei are oval are lung, liver, and lymph nodes. Large
cosa! sites can also be affected. or elongated, with vesicular or granular tumour size (> 4- 6 cm) has consistently
fine ly dispersed chromatin, small dis- been shown to co rrelate with poor prog-
Clinical features tinct nucleoli, and a smooth nuclear nosis {1810,2088}. Other proposed poor
Cases with lymph node involvement membrane. Nuclear pseudoinclusions, prognostic factors include disseminated
present with a neck mass. Tumours binucleated tumour cells, and multinu- disease, extensive necrosis, high mi-
arising in the Waldeyer ring present with cleated tumour cells are often seen. The totic rate (> 5 mitoses per 10 high-power
intraoral swelling or dysphagia. Sys- mitotic rate is usually 0- 1O mitoses per fields), and significan! nuclear atypia (377,
temic symptoms are rare. Most p atients 10 high-power fields. High-grade nucle- 521,1856).
(80- 90%) have localized disease at ar pleomorphism, atypical mitoses, and
presentation. coagulative necrosis are uncommon.

146 Tumours of the oropharynx (base of tangue, tonsils, adenoids)


Tumours and tumour-like lesions of

the neck and lymph nodes
Tumours of unknown origin
Haematolymphoid tumours
Cysts and cyst-like lesions
WHO classification of tumours and tumour-like lesions of the
neck and lymph nodes

Tumours of unknown origin

Carcinoma of unknown primary The morphology codes are from the lnternational Classification of Diseases
for Oncology (ICD-0) {776A}. Behaviour is coded /0 for benign tumours;
Merkel cell carcinoma 8247/3 /1 for unspecified, borderline, or uncertain behaviour; /2 for carcinoma in
Heterotopia-associated carcinoma 8010/3 situ and grade 111 intraepithelial neoplasia; and /3 far malignan! tumours.
The classification is modified from the previous WHO classification, taking
into account changes in our understanding ot these lesions.
Haematolymphoid tumours

Cysts and cyst-like lesions

Branchial cleft cyst
Thyroglossal duct cyst
Dermoid and teratoid cysts

lntroduction Schwartz M.R .

Vielh P.

The neck contains lymph nodes, soft small size of samples obtained, adjunc - lymphoid lesions), gene rearrangements,
tissue, fascia, skeletal muscle, nerves, tive tests are useful in the evaluation of in situ hybridization, cytogenetics. and
blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, carti- cytological and tissue specimens. These PCR.
lage, bone, and paraganglia. Tumours tests include immunohistochemistry,
and tumour-like lesions can arise in any flow cytometry (for haematopoietic and Lymph nodes
of these components. An understanding The lymph nodes are the most frequent
of anatomy is critica! in the evaluation of site of tumours in the neck. Lymph nodes
lesions in the neck. Table Fig. 6.0 1 sum- can be involved by metastatic tumours,
marizes the levels used to classify the lo- la - Submental tJiangle haematolymphoid tumours, and benign
lb - Submandibular triangle
cation of lymph nodes in the neck. , Ita • Anterior-inferior to spinal accessory
llb • Posterior-superior to spinal accessory
Table 6.01 Systematic approach to the evaluation of
The general diagnostic approach to le- fine-needle aspirations from the neck
......_ 111 - Middle 113 of interna! jugular vein
sions of the neck includes identification IV- Lower 1/3 of Interna! jugular vein
v - Postenor tnangle Is the aspírate satisfactory for evaluation?
of where in the neck the lesion is, as well VI - Antenor cen~al cornpanment
as clinical features such as patient age, What is the cellularity?
sex, and cl inical presentation. Correlation
with rad iographical fin dings, including
d) Is the lesion viable?
Is the lesion salid or cystic?
determination of location, adjacent struc-
tures, size, solid versus cystic nature, What type of general process is it - neoplastic, infec-
tious, or other?
and whether the lesion is circumscribed
or infiltrative, is helpful. Is it a haematopoietic, epithelial, mesenchymal, or
Given the close proximity of vital struc- neurogenic process?
tures in the neck, core needle. biop- Is it a polymorphous or monomorphous population?
sies are generally performed only by Are the cells cohesiva (favours epithelial lesion) or
experienced c linicians. Fine-needle dyshesive (favours haematopoietic, neuroendocrina)?
aspiration and excision are more fre- What sized cell groups are present?
quently employed. Table 6.01 p resents
What is in the background (e.g. necrosis, mucín,
a systematic approach to the evalua-
clean background, lymphoglandular bodies)?
tion of fine-needle aspirations from the Fig. 6.01 Schematic anatomy of relevan! siles for the
neck. Given the complexity and the recording of tumours in neck lymph nades. Is the lesion benign, malignan!, or indetermínate?

148 Tumours and tumour-líke lesions of the neck and lymph nodes
Table 6.02 Lymph nodes most commonly involved by head and neck carcinoma the most common malignancy in neck
Slte Most commonly involved nodes (in descendlng order of frequency) nades. Table 6.02 summarizes the most
oral tongue ] Subdigastric, submandibular, midjugular common sites of metastases from key

Retromotar trigone IAngle of mandible, midjugular primary sites in the head and neck {47,
floor of mouth Jugulodigastric, submandibular The evaluation of cervical nodal metas-
Angte of mandible, midjugular, lower jugular, ipsilateral and contralateral posterior tases of unknown primary has changad
Tonsils cervical, parapharyngeal dramatical ly over the past decade (1934,
Base of tangue 1 Midjugular, lower jugular; bilateral involvement common 2189,2292). This is due largely to the
marked increase in incidence of HPV-re-
Pharyngeal wall Subdigastric, midjugular, posterior cervical, parapharyngeal, retropharyngeal
lated oropharyngeal squamous cell car-
Supraglottic larynx Subdigastric, midjugular cinomas. Many carcinomas previously
Glottis Typically no nodal metastases diagnosed as cervical nodal metastases
Hypopharynx Upper, mid-, and lower jugular of unknown primary are now identified as
being from occult oropharyngeal prima-
Jugular, posterior cervical, supraclavicular; bilateral involvement common; wide
distribution common
ries (2491, 2672). These cases often pre-
sent with small primaries and large bulky
Paranasal sinuses Subdigastric, submandibular cervical nodal metastases (80,392,862}.
Ala nasi and nasal vestibule Submandibular Evaluation of nodal metastases far p16
Skin; upper/midface, temporal Preauricular, intraparotid, periparotid expression (a surrogate marker for high-
risk HPV intection) and/or for high-risk
Skin; posterior scalp, neck 1 Postauricular, occipital, posterior triangle
HPV by molecular tests helps in the iden-
tification of likely HPV-related primaries.
processes. commonly from primaries outside the Although rare, ectopic thymic tissue and
The most common malignancies in neck head and neck) and metastatic mela- thymic tumours may be encountered and
nodes are metastatic carcinoma from noma. Metastatic squamous cell carci- should be considered in the differential
primaries in the head and neck (and less noma from a head and neck primary is diagnosis {200,637,1 277,20221.

lntroduction 149
Tumours of unknown origin

Carcinoma of unknown primary cervical nodal CUPs, constitute only

1-2% of head and neck malignancies
LewisJ.S. (911,2293}. The literature contains only
Richardson M. limited data addressing squamous cell
Syrjanen S. carcinoma (SCC) versus undifferentiated
Westra W.H. carcinomas as cervical CUPs; most se­
ries group the two tumour types. SCCs
constitute 75-80% of cases and undif­
Definition ferentiated carcinomas 2-20% {883,911,
Metastatic carci,oma of unknown prima­ 1129,2293,2412}, depending on geo­
ry (CUP) is usually squamous or undif­ graphical location. For example, in areas Fig. 6.03 Lymph node with metastatic non-keratinizing
ferentiated and metastatic to neck lymph of endemic EBV infection such as south­ squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary mimicking
nades with no known primary tumour eastern Asia, the proportion of CUPs that branchial cleft cyst. A primary oropharyngeal carcinoma
identified at initial presentation or after a are undifferentiated carcinomas may be was subsequently identified.
thorough clinical work-up. higher {2412}.

ICD-0 codes Localization

Coding should be according to the CUPs occur most commonly in level 11
morphology type. nades, followed by level 111 nodes, and
< 10% of patients have bilateral neck
Synonym involvement (883,2293). Approximately
Cancer of unknown primary 50% of cases involve a single lymph
nade. Most are of N stage N2a, b, or e
Epidemiology (2412). In patients with CUP, the distribu­
Although the reported figures have var­ tion of lymph node involvement may pro­
ied over time and by study type, in gen­ vide clues as to the site of tumour origin Fig. 6.04 Metastatic non-keratinizing squamous cell
eral, cervical metastatic carcinomas with [1670l. EBV-related undifferentiated car­ carcinoma of unknown primary. lmmunostaining for p16
no primary tumcur immediately apparent cinomas of the nasopharynx initially me­ shows strong, diffuse nuclear and cytoplasmic positivity.
al initial presentation (i.e. CUP) constitute tastasize to retropharyngeal lymph·nodes
about 5% of all head and neck malig­ and level 11 and V nades. HPV-related lymph nades. Supraclavicular metasta­
nancies (911,1842}. However, extensive oropharyngeal carcinomas typically me­ ses are more suggestive of a primary ori­
clinical and radiographical work-up will tastasize to levels 11 and 111 f448,1670). gin outside the head and neck.
identify primary tumour in most patients, Carcinomas of the facial skin and scalp
and the remaining cases, so-called true frequently metastasize to intraparotid

A ~~~l~~ ·~·~~~J~• .~
~~_S!~:&r _ _ _ ,'!;_~ _L _ ·• ., _
Fig. 6.02 Metastatic non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary with cystic change. A Low-power view displaying multiple cystic spaces with eosinophilie,
proteinaceous contents and lined by a thin layer of tumour cells. B Tumour cells lining the cystic spaces show prominent mitotic activity and no obvious squamous maturalion; these
are typical features oí (although not completely specific far) HPV-related carcinomas.

150 Tumours and tumour-like lesions of the neck and lymph nades
Clinical features cells or be lymphoepithe lial. In lympho- Merkel cell carcinoma
CUP most commonly occurs in patients epithelial cases, the tumour cells have
in their fifth or sixth decade of lite, and a syncytial appearance, with poorly de- Perez-Ordonez B.
frequently occurs in current or former fined cell borders, modest eosinophilic Gnepp D.R.
smokers. The male-to-female ratio is cytoplasm, and large round vesicular Thompson L.O.R.
2. 4:1 [1100,2540). The tumours present nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Most tu- Williams M.O.
with symptoms of a neck mass and less mours, despite being histologically undif-
often with pain, weight loss, and/or dys- ferentiated, show immunohistochemical
phagia {883). evidence of squamous differentiation, Definition
being positive for p63, p40, and CK5/6 Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a prima-
Cytology {1 202,2186}. ry neuroendocrine carcinoma of lymph
The cyto logy of aspirates of metastatic Neuroendocrine carcinomas and ad- nodes with microscopic, immunohisto-
lesions may be helpful in determining enocarcinomas arising in head and neck chemical, and genetic teatures similar to
possible primary sites. Far SCC, see Ta- sites occasionally present with nodal those of cutaneous MCC.
ble 5.01 (p. 136), Chapter 5. Many CUPs disease, but the primary site is usually
are associated with HPV or EBV. Oetec- evident on microscopic examination and ICD-0 code 8247/3
tion of HPV ONA or p16 immunopositivity clinical evaluation.
suggests the oropharynx as a likely pri- Synonyms
mary site, whereas identification of EBV Prognosis and predictive factors Extracutaneous Merkel cell carcinoma;
suggests a nasopharyngeal origin. The survival rates vary with clinical stage Merkel cell carci noma of lymph node;
and tumour type, and are better for CUP nodal Merkel cell carc inoma; unknown
Histopathology related to high-risk HPV {1128,2189,2421 , primary Merkel cell carcinoma; Merkel
The morphology of CUPs mirrors that 2576]. cell carcinoma of unknown primary
of tumours of known primary site. A
large proportion of the tumours are non-
keratinizing , consisting of large, round ed
nests or ribbons of cells with a high N:C
ratio, hyperchromatic ovoid nuclei with
inconspicuous nucleoli, brisk mitotic ac-
tivity, frequent apoptosis, and numerous
foci of necrosis {1405]. Cystic change is
particularly common in non-keratinizing
SCC metastases {862); these features
are strongly associated with HPV-related
oropharyngeal carcinoma. More rarely,
cystic tumours have gland formation and
even ciliated lining cells; these cases
should not be misinterpreted as carcino-
ma arising in a branchial cleft cyst (206,
1946). Other tumours are conventional
keratinizing SCC.
Undifferentiated carcinomas can either con-
sist of nondescript sheets of pleomorphic

Tumours of unknown origin 151

- -
Fig. 6.07 Merkel cell carcinoma of lymph node. A Tumour composed of small cells with inconspicuous cytoplasm and largely round to oval nuclei with dense chromatin; note the
absence of nucleoli. B Perinuclear CK2D staining.

Epidemiology Cytology a 2-year disease-specific survival of

Nodal MCCs are extremely rare, ac- Aspirates of metastatic lesions show 76.9% and can metastasize to brain.
counting for only 0.05% of all MCCs cytological find ings identical to those of liver, bone, and non-regional lymph
{237l, They may represent metastasis small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas nodes {1807,2358). The only prognoslic
from a regressed dermal primary. from other sites {491). factor is high-stage disease.

Etiology Histopathology
Origin vía malignant transformation of The pathological and immunohistochem-
pre-existing intranodal epithelial rests or ical features are similar to those of cuta- Heterotopía-assocíated
pluripotent stem cells has been postu- neous MCCs. Tumours grow in sheets, carcinoma
lated {670}. Merkel cell polyomavirus has with geographical necrosis, solid and
been detected in 31% of nodal MCCs organoid nests, trabecu lae. and cords, Ro J.Y.
{543,1807). An association with other often separated by fibrovascular septa. Brandwein-Gensler M.
malignancies, particularly small lympho- Tumour cells are medium-sized and Schwartz M.R.
cytic lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic have scant cytoplasm, a high N:C ratio,
leukaemia, has been noted in as many as and round to ovoid nuclei with finely dis-
36% of cases {1807,2358}. persed salt-and-pepper chromatin with Definition
inconspicuous or small nucleoli. Rare Heterotopia-associated carcinoma is a
Localization cases have moderate amounts of cyto- carcinoma arising from heterotopic tissue
The head and neck lymph nodes are plasm with dense chromatin and visible elements (i.e. histologically normal tissue
one of the most common sites of nodal nucleoli {670,18071. of a particular type that is present at an
MCC (affected in 21% of cases), second MCCs show diffuse expression of abnormal anatomical site). In the neck,
only to the ing uinal nodes (affected in pancytokeratins. low-molecular-weight most heterotopias consist of salivary or
56%) {1807,2358). lt is unclear whether cytokeratins, and CK20, usually in peri- thyroid tissue, but heterotopic gastric and
a subset of parotid gland small cell neu- nuclear dots. Synaptophysin, chromogra- colonic tissues have also been (rarely)
roendocrine carcinomas may be nodal nin A, and CD56 are also positive. TdT reported. Most carcinomas arising from
MCCs. and PAX5 are expressed in two th irds of heterotopic tissue are of salivary gland or
cases. TTF1 and CK7 are usually nega- thyroid origin.
Clinical features tive {1807). Merkel cell polyomavirus large
Nodal MCC presents as an enlarged T antigen and DNA are detected by im- ICD-0 code 8010/3
lymph node. lt is most common in Cau- munohistochemistry and PCR in 31% of
casian males (male-to-female ratio: cases {543,1807}. Ultrastructurally, tu- Synonyms
4.5:1). The reported patient age range mour cells contain perinuclear globular Choristoma; ectopia; accessory tissue-
is 48- 92 years (mean: 65 years) {1807, aggregates of intermediate filaments and associated carcinoma
2358). Clinical history, physical examina- neurosecretory granules 1670).
tion, imaging, and follow-up are negative Epidemiology
for cutaneous MCC. Prognosis and predictive factor~ Carcinomas arising from ectopic thyroid
Nodal MCCs are classified as stage IIIB tissue or ectopic salivary tissue are rare,
Macroscopy or IV disease and have a lower and < 1% of carcinomas arise in hetero-
Nodal MCCs replace most of the in- recurrence rate and better survival (me- topic thyroid or salivary tissue. Of the tew
volved lymph nodes, display central dian: 104 months) than do known cu- reported heterotopia-associated carcino-
necrosis, and range in size from 1.5 to taneous MCCs of similar stage (567, ma cases, most thyroid and salivary can-
27 cm (mean: 6 cm) {1807,2358). 2358). Stage III B nodal MCCs have cers presented during the third and sixth

152 Tumours and turnour-like lesions of the neck and lymph nodes
ctecades of lile, respectively {523,1555).
They occur more commonly in women.

Heterotopia-associated salivary carcino-
ma is usually seen in periparotid lymph
nodes or along low anterior sternocleido-
rnastoid muscle, with a right-side pre-
dilection {920). Heterotopia-associated
thyroid carcinoma has been reported in
lingual thyroid, thyroglossal duct cysts.
ectopic intratracheal thyroid, midline
ectopic thyroid , lateral neck, and branchi-
al cleft cysts (706,1251).

Clinical features
Heterotopia-associated carcinoma usu-
ally presents as a mass, but may be de-
~-~··· ---~....... ---""--'---~--- , _
,__._...._. _....._'"' ~

~ ~~
_-..,'!_... ,_
Fig. 6.08 Heterotopia-associated carcinoma. A Primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma in periparotid lymph node.
B Primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma in periparotid lymph node with mucinous carcinoma component.
tected incidentally.

The lesions are usually 1.5-3.0 cm, but
may reach > 4 cm.

Aspirates show cytological features
identical to those of aspirates of the same
lesions arising in their typical primary

Papillary thyroid carcinoma is by far the
most common thyroid malignancy in het-
erotopic siles. followed by follicular carci- -:.-....;
noma, squamous cell carcinoma, Hurthle Fig. 6.09 Papillary thyroid carcinoma arising in association with thyroglossal duct cyst. Papillary structures and
cell carcinoma, anaplastic carc inoma, occasional psammoma bodies are seen; at the right, a respiratory epithelium-lined cyst and skeletal muscle fibres are
and medullary carcinoma (1251}. seen; also seen are scattered benign thyroicl follicles.
Tumours arising in heterotopic salivary
gland tissue are rare, and about 80% The major differential diagnosis is metas- Prognosis and predictive factors
are benign. Mucoepidermoid carcino- tasis to lymph node. Most cases of carci- The most importan! prognostic factors
ma is the most common carcinoma in noma in lateral neck ectopic thyroid are are tumour size, stage, and grade. With
this setting, followed by acinic cell car- thought to constitute nodal metastasis reported follow-up ranging from 1 month
cinoma; adenocarcinoma, NOS; and trom an undetected primary in the thyroid to 17 years , most patients are alive and
cystadenocarcinoma. Other types of gland. Most alleged carcinomas aris- disease-free {523 ,1251}.
carcinoma have also been reported, ing in branchial cleft cysts are thought
but unlike among eutopic salivary gland to be metastatic squamous cell carci-
carcinomas, adenoid cystic carcinoma is noma from an undetected oropharyngeal
particularly rare {1725). carcinoma.

Tumours of unl<nown origin 153

Haematolymphoid tumours Wakely P.E.
Li X.-0.
Schwartz M.R.

Definition various extranodal siles in the head and {2522}. Accurate distinction of lymphoma
Lymphomas are neoplastic clonal prolif- neck [2373}. from other non-lymphoid neoplasms and
erations of lymphoid cells. This category from reactive conditions is possible when
is subdivided into Hodgkin lymphoma Clinical features cytology is coupled with appropriate an-
(HL) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Lymphomas commonly present as a cillary tests such as flow cytometry, im-
painless nodal swelling in the neck. In munohistochemistry, in situ hybridization
Epidemiology sorne lymphomas, a concomitant anterior FISH, cytogenetics , and/or assessment
Both HL and NHL are more common in mediastinal mass is present. Non-specif- of gene rearrangements. A variety of
developed countries. There is a slight ic constitutional symptoms include weak- NHLs can be subclassif ied in this man-
male predominance. Caucasians have ness and fatigue. Lymphomas may be ner. Fine-needle aspiration is particularly
the highest incidence of NHL, whereas associated with so-called B symptoms: applicable in cases where recurrent lym-
the indigenous peoples of North Amer- fever, weight loss, and night sweats. phoma is suspected.
ica are leas! affected. After the age of
10 years, the incidence of NHL increases Macroscopy Histopathology
with each passing decade. The incidence Enlarged neck nodes may be single or The characteristic low-power appearance
of HL spikes in the second to fourth dec- matted together as a group. The cut sur- of ali nodal-based NHLs is partial or com-
ades of lite. NHLs are subdivided into face shows a homogeneous pale-tan to plete alteration of the normal architecture
B-cell, T-cell, and NK-cell types, with off-white, soft or firm, bulging mass. Yel - of the lymph node by a proliferation of ab-
80- 85% of being B-cell neoplasms. Fol- lowish necrotic foci may exist in sorne normal lymphoid cells. This proliferation
licular lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell high-grade lymphomas. Sorne HL sub- may show a follicular, sinusoidal, mantle-
lymphoma are the most common NHLs types display a nodular cut surface zone, or diffuse confluent pattern of ef-
encountered in neck nades. HL has two showing a variable amount of fibrosis that facement. Higher-grade lymphomas are
major subtypes: classical and nodular manifests as strands of connective tissue associated with increased mitotic figures,
lymphocyte-predominant, with the classi- arborizing throughout the node. tingible body macrophages, and necro-
cal variant constituting 95% of ali cases. sis (manifesting as individual cell apop-
Cytology tosis or geographical zones of necrosis).
Localization The use of cytopathology in the diagno- The cells of large cell lymphoma have a
Lymphomas typically arise from lymph sis of haematolymphoid neoplasms has diameter 2- 4 times that of small resting
nodes in the anterior or posterior cer- evolved over the past three decad'es . Al- lymphocytes, rou nd to ovoid nuclei with a
vical, postauricular, occipital, or su- though the diagnostic standard for newly vesicular appearance, coarsely granular
praclavicular reg ions. HL may arise in diagnosed patients remains histopathol- chromatin, and discrete nucleoli. The cyto-
a single node or a chain of nodes, but ogy in many centres, fine-needle aspi- plasm is modest in amount and basophilic.
only rarely in extranodal siles. Although ration cytopathology has proven useful More anaplastic forms of large cell lym-
typically nodal, NHL may develop in in centres that use ancillary techniques phoma display multinucleation, irregular

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• -.

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Fig. 6.10 A Mantle cell lymphoma. An isomorphic population of small lymphocytes displays irregular nuclear contours, evenly dispersed chromatin, absent nucleoli, and minimal
cytoplasm (Romanowsky stain). B Hodgkin lymphoma. A classic Reed- Sternberg cell dwarfs surrounding lymphocytes and neutrophi/s; huge nuclei mirroring one another contain
enlarged misshapen nucleoli (Papanicolaou stain).

154 Tumours and tumour-like lesions of the neck and lymph nodes
nuclear contours, and large acidophilic lacunar-type Reed-Sternberg cells, which Prognosis and predictiva factors
nucleoli. Small cell subtypes of NHL have have polylobated nuclei and a retracted The prognosis of NHL is highly vari-
a monotonous population of lymphocytes cytoplasm in formalin-fixed tissue. Positive able, depending on histological type
that are slightly larger than mature resting CD30, CD15, and PAX5 staining is helpful and the lnternational Prognostic lndex,
lymphocytes. Depending on the subtype, for recognizing these cells. which consists of cl inical stage, serum
nuclei are rounded or angulated with finely lactate dehydrogenase, patient age,
granular or clumped chromatin. Nucleoli, if Genetic profil e performance status, and involvement
visible, are small. Most NHLs show clonal rearrangements of extranodal sites {2732). HL is curable
Reed- Sternberg cells and variants are a of either IG genes (in 8-cell lympho- by rad iation and chemotherapy in about
minor componen! of the polymorphous mas) or T-cell receptor genes (in T-cell 85% of cases. Clinical stage is the prin-
population of lymphocytes, eosinophils, lymphomas). Severa! B-cell lympho- cipal prognostic factor in determining
plasma cells, and neutrophils in classical mas have characteristic genetic abnor- survival.
HL. The common nodular sclerosis variant malities that can be used in differential
of classical HL typically contains so-called diagnosis.

Cysts and cyst-like lesions

Branchial cleft cyst for 20% of cases) and 20- 40 years (ac- Clinical features
counting for 75%). Males and females are Patients present with painless cervical
Ro J.Y. equally affected {599,906}. swelling. Bilateral lesions suggest syn-
Bell D. dromic or famil ia! association. Dyspha-
Gnepp D.R. Etiology gia, dysphonia, dyspnoea, and stridor
Wenig B.M . Branchial cleft cysts were previously de- may occur. Spontaneous rupture of an
scribed as congenital malformations re - infected cyst may occur, resulting in a
sulting from imperfect obliteration of the purulent draining sinus to the skin or
Definition branchial clefts, arches, and pouches. pharynx.
A branchial cleft cyst is a lateral neck cyst, Other theories of their etiology include
derived most often (approximately 90% cervical lymph node cystic transforma- Macroscopy
of ali cases) from remnants of the sec- tion and incomplete obliteration of cervi- The cysts are unilocular and contain
ond branchial apparatus. First, third, and cal sinus or thymopharyngeal ducts {251, clear to grumous material. They have a
fourth branchial cleft anomalies are rare. 594,866,2173). wide size range, and can reach 10 cm .

Synonyms Localization Cytology

Lateral neck cyst; cervical lymphoepithe- The typical localization is the lateral neck Preparations show neutrophils, lympho-
lial cyst near the mandibular ang le, along the an- cytes, and debris admixed with mature
terior border of sternocleidomastoid mus- squamous cells, including degenerate
Epidemiology cle, but these cysts can occur anywhere forms {906,2378).
Branchial cleft cyst accounts for about from the hyoid bone to the suprasternal
20% of cervical cysts and 90% of lateral notch. They are equally distributed on the Histopathology
cervical cysts (879). lt has bimodal pa- left and right sides of the neck, with rare Branchial cleft cysts are usually unilocu-
tient age peaks at < 5 years (accounting bilateral occurrence {599,906}. lar. They are lined by stratified squamous

Fig. 6.11 Branchial cleft cyst. A Scattered mature squamous epithelial cells are seen admixed with neutrophils, lymphocytes, histiocytes, and necrotic debris (Diff-Quik stain).
B A unilocular cyst, lined by stratified squamous epithelium. Under the epithelial lining, lymphoid tissue with germinal centres is present. CThe cyst is lined by respiratory epithelium,
with scattered goblet cells; beneath the cyst, only a few lymphocytes and eosinophils are present.

Cysts and cyst-like lesions 155

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;/,t:;•1f '~'t::_¡_'r_.',:.' ,1 ·-.,•·::\,\._,~,.,,~ ~L\'·
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-~ ~- ~ · • ' ":,:,.. ~ ~,._',",,.... H.:..:.... ' .,.,,. , _ _ -
Fig. 6.12 Thyroglossal duct cyst. A The cyst is lined by benign epithelium that is variable, even within the same cyst, and consists of columnar, cuboidal, and flat cells; the cyst
contents are thin and mucinous, unless infected; thyroid follicles {al lower left) are seen in 31-62% of cases (1454,2560}. B The cyst is lined by ciliated pseudostratified respiratory
and squamous epithelium and cuboidal cells; a subepithelial lymphoid infiltrate is present.

epithelium in 90% of cases and less com· Epidemiology cells or ci liated columnar cells . Thyroid
monly by respiratory epithelium, with oc- TGD cyst is the most common congenital follicular epithelium is sometimes seen.
casional goblet cells and transitional areas mass in the neck, presenting in patients
in both epithelial types. The lumen is fi lled of any age, with no sex predilection (277, Histopathology
with keratin debris. Lymphoid tissue with 547,1334,1434). Thyroglossal tract rem- TGD cyst is lined by benign epithe lium,
germinal centres is present in the wall. Car- nants are found in 7% of autopsies (651, usually respiratory or squamous in type,
cinoma either does not occur in branchial 1310}. and may show thyroid follicles and mu-
cleft cysts or is vanishingly rare (251) . cous glands in the wall. Severe inflam-
Presumed branchial clefl cysts with cyto- Etiology mation, abscess , and granulomatous
logical atypia in patients aged > 40 years The TGD arises from the endoderm at reaction with choleste rol granulomas
should raise the possibility of metastatic the base of tangue and descends in the may obliterate the cyst lining . Malignancy
carcinoma from the oropharynx. In this set· midline of neck to form the thyroid gland. (most often papillary thyroid carcinoma)
ting, the value of p16 immunostaining for Persistence of TGD with accumulation of can infreq uently supervene.
differential diagnosis is limited, because secretions from its epithelium may lead to
p1 6 is overexpressed in almost 50% of cyst formation (51). Genetic susceptibility
branchial cleft cysts (326,2663}. TGD cyst may rare ly be inherited in an
Localization autosomal dominan! manner (2089}.
Prognosis and predictive factors The typical localization is th e midline of
Branchial cleft cysts are benign. After the neck or within 2 cm of it, at the l'evel of Prognosis and predictive factors
complete surgical excision, there is only the hyoid, infrahyoid, or suprahyoid (sub- Recu rrences may occu r after inadequate
a low risk of recurrence (< 3%) without mental). Uncommon locations include excision (547). The p rog nosis of papillary
infection befare surgery, but the risk in- intralingual, intrahyoid, an d intrathyroidal thyroid carcinoma complicating a TGD
creases to nearly 20% if the cyst is in- {1334,2240). cyst is excellent [439,948 ,1827).
fected or previously incised, drained, or
incompletely removed . Clinical features
TGD cysts may present as an asymp- Ranula
tomatic mass, draining sinus, fistula, or
Thyroglossal duct cyst recurren! swelling that moves with swal- Katabi N.
lowing. Ultraso nography confirms the Gnepp D.R.
Prasad M.L. presence of thyroid gland and detects Wen ig B.M.
Bell D. any associated malignancy [439).
Gnepp D.R.
Richardson M. Macroscopy Definition
The cysts are generally < 2 cm in size Extravasation of mucus with in an intraoral
(range: 0.5-10 cm) (51,790). The cyst cystic cavity, usually associated with the
Definition contents are thin and mucoid, unless sublingual gland {647).
A thyrog lossal duct (TGD) cyst is a cystic infected. Solid areas should raise ·suspi-
dilatation of a persisten! TGD. c ion for malignancy {439). Synonyms
Mucocoe le; retention cyst; mucus
Synonyms Cytology extravasation
Thyroglossal duct remnant; thyroglossal Asp irates show inflammatory cells and
cyst (1640) debri s admixed with mature squamous

156 Tumours and tumour-like lesions of the neck and lymph nodes
by epithelium, which can be squamous,
cuboidal, or columnar. A plunging ranula
is a pool of mucin surrounded by fibrous
tissue and inflammatory cells (frequently
histiocytes), without an epithelial lining.
Mucicarmine staining or periodic acid-
Schiff (PAS) with diastase may be helpfu l
in identifying extravasated mucin.

Prognosis and predictive factors

Complete excision, including removal of Fig. 6.14 Dermoid cyst. Cut surface of a midline neck
the traumatized salivary duct, is the treat- dermoid cyst; the cyst is unilocular and filled with keratin.
ment of choice {2720}. lnadequate exci-
sion can result in recurrence.

Dermoid and teratoid cysts

Epidemiology Chiosea S.
These are rare lesions. There is no sex Gnepp D.R .
predilection, and they can affect patients Wenig B.M.
of any age (2592) .

Etiology Definition
Trauma to an excretory duct is the most A dermoid cyst is a cyst containing ec-
common etiology. toderm- and mesoderm-derived tissues.
The additional presence of endodermal
Localization derivatives defines a teratoid cyst. or fistula. Midline nasal dermoid cysts
Simple ranulas occur in the (lateral) !loor must be assessed (by imaging studies)
of the mouth in association with the ex- Synonyms for intracran ial or deeper soft tissue and/
cretory duct of the sublingual gland Nasal dermoid sinus cyst; cystic der- or bony extension.
{2592). In plunging ranula, extravasated moid; cystic teratoma
mucin dissects through the muscle of the Macroscopy
floor of the mouth into the neck {2720). Epidemiology The cysts can reach 12 cm in size
Dermoid cysts of the head and neck ac- and have keratinous (yellowish-white)
Clinical features count for as many as 7% of ali dermoid contents.
There are two types of ranulas: simple cysts {1929}. There is no cleaf sex pre-
and plunging (deep) {2592,2720}. Simple dilection [1815}. About two thirds of der- H istopathology
ranulas presentas a painless mass in the moid cysts are recognized in patients Dermoid cysts are lined by squamous
oral cavity floor. Plunging ranulas present aged < 5 years. epithelium with mature cutaneous ad-
as a painless neck mass. Ranulas are nexal structures (e.g. sebaceous glands
usually unilateral and unifocal, but may Localization and hair follicles). The absence of cuta-
be bilateral or multiple {2592). The cysts are predominantly subcuta- neous adnexal structures is indicative of
neous. The most common sites are the epidermoid cyst. ldentification of endo-
Macroscopy midline neck or nose, nasolabial fold, and dermal derivatives (e.g. gastrointestinal
Ranulas usually present as blue, fluctu- lateral third of the eyebrow (i.e . embryo- or respiratory mucosa or smooth muscle)
ant, painless masses, and can reach sev- logical fusion lines) (1780}. Lateral der- is diagnostic of a teratoid cyst.
era! centimetres in size {142}. moid cysts are rare {2372).
Prognosis and predictive factors
Histopathology Clinical features Complete surgical excision is the primary
A simple ranula is a pseudocyst that Dermoid cysts present as a non-pulsatile treatment {1780). Recurrence is rare.
contains mucin and may be focally lined painless mass, pit (with protruding hair),

Cysts and cyst-like lesions 157


Tumours of salivary glands

Malignant tumours
Benign tumours
Non-neoplastic epithelial lesions
Benign soft tissue lesions
Haematolymphoid turnours
WHO classification of tumours of salivary glands

Malignant tumours Lymphadenoma 8563/0*

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 8430/3 Cystadenoma 8440/0
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 8200/3 Sialadenoma papilliferum 8406/0
Acinic cell carcinoma 8550/3 Ouctal papillomas 8503/0
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma 8525/3 Sebaceous adenoma 8410/0
Clear cell carcinoma 8310/3 Canalicular adenoma and other
Basal cell adenocarcinoma 81 47/3 ductal adenomas 8149/0
lntraductal carcinoma 8500/2
Adenocarcinoma, NOS 8140/3 Non-neoplastic epithelial lesions
Salivary duct carcinoma 8500/3 Sclerosing polycystic adenosis
Myoepithelial carcinoma 8982/3 Nodular oncocytic hyperplasia
Epithelial- myoepithelial carcinoma 8562/3 Lymphoepithelial sialadenitis
Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma 8941/3 lntercalated duct hyperplasia
Secretory carcinoma 8502/3*
Sebaceous adenocarcinoma 8410/3 Benign soft tissue lesions
Carcinosarcoma 8980/3 Haemangioma 9 120/0
Poorly differentiated carcinoma Lipoma/sialolipoma 8850/0
Undifferentiated carcinoma 8020/3 Nodular fasciitis 8828/0
Large ce ll neuroendocrine carcinoma 80 13/3
Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma 8041/3 Haematolymphoid tumours
Lymphoepithelial carcinoma 8082/3 Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of
Squamous cell carcinoma 8070/3 mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
Oncocytic carcinoma 8290/3 (MALT lymphoma) 9699/3
Uncertain malignant potential
Sialoblastoma 8974/1

Benign tumours
Pleomorphic adenoma 8940/0 The morphology codes are from the lnternational Classification of Diseases
for Oncology (ICD-0) !776AJ. Behaviour is coded /O for benign tumours;
Myoepithelioma 8982/0 /1 for unspecified, borderline, or uncertain behaviour; /2 for carcinoma In
Basal cell adenoma 8147/0 situ and grade 111 intraepithelial neoplasia; and /3 for malignant tumours.
Warthin tumour 8561/0 The c lassification is modified from the previous WHO classification, taking
into account changes in our understanding of these lesions.
Oncocytoma 8290/0 *These new codes were approved by the IARC/WHO Committee for ICD-0.

160 Tumours of salivary glands

TNM classification of carcinomas of the
major salivary glands

TNM classificationª·b,c M - Distant metastasis

MO No distan! metastasis
T - Primary tumour M1 Distan! metastasis
TX Primary tumour cannot be assessed
TO No evidence of primary tumour Stage grouping
T1 Tumour 5 2 cm in greatest dimension, without Stage 1 T1 NO MO
extraparenchymal extension Stage 11 T2 NO MO
T2 Tumour > 2 cm but 5 4 cm in greatest dimension, Stage 111 T3 NO MO
without extraparenchymal extension T1- 3 N1 MO
T3 Tumour > 4 cm and/or with extraparenchymal extension Stage IVA T1 - 3 N2 MO
T4a Tumour invades skin, mandible, ear canal, or facial nerve T4a N0- 2 MO
T4b Tumour invades base of skull or pterygoid plates, or Stage IV B T4b Any N MO
encases carotid artery Any T N3 MO
Stage IVC Any T Any N M1
Note: Extraparenchymal extension is clinical or macroscopic evi-
dence of invasion of soft tissues or nerve, except !hose tissues/
nerves listed under T4a and 4b. Microscopic evidence alone
ªThis classification applies to carcinomas of the majar salivary glands: pa-
does not constitute extraparenchymal extension for classification
rotid, submandibular (submaxillary), and sublingual; carcinomas arising in
purposes. minar salivary glands (i.e. the mucus-secreting glands in the lining mem-
brane of the upper aerodigestive tract) are not included in this classification,
N - Regional lymph nades (i.e. the cervical nades) but instead at their anatomical site of origin (e.g. the lip).
NX Regional lymph nades cannot be assessed bAdapted from Edge e t al. {625AJ - used with permission o f the American
Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC), Chicago, lllinois; the original and prima-
NO No regional lymph node metastasis ry source far this information is the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Seventh
N1 Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph node, 5 3 cm in Edition (2010) published by Springer Science+Business Media - and Sobin
greatest dimension et al. {2228A).
N2 Metastasis as specified in N2a, N2b, or N2c below ºA help desk far specific questions about TNM classification is available at
N2a Metastasis in a single ipsilateral lymph nade, > 3 cm but
5 6 cm in greatest dimension
N2b Metastasis in multiple ipsilateral lymph nades, all 5 6 cm
in greatest dimension
N2c Metastasis in bilateral or contralateral lymph nades, ali
5 6 cm in greatest dimension
N3 Metastasis in a lymph node > 6 cm in greatest dimension

Note: Midline nades are considered ipsilateral nades.

TNM c lassification of carcinomas of the majar salivary glands 161

lntroduction EI- Naggar A.K .

In this volume, Chapter 7 is the main multítude of existing entitíes and the re- the biological and therapeutíc stratifica-
reference on ali salivary gland tumours markable overlap of cellular and pheno- tion of certain salivary carcinomas is in-
occurríng throughout the head and neck. typic features wíthin and between sali- evitable, none of the reported markers
In recognition of cytology as an initial vary gland carcinomas, only thoroughly are yet clínically applicable.
tool in assessing salivary gland masses, documented new phenotypes were con- As in other chapters of this 4th edítion
it has been included, when appropriate, sidered . This approach led to the inclu- volume, poorly dífferentiated carcino-
in most malignan! and selected benign sion of secretory carcinoma as the only mas (small cell and large cell) have
entities. new entity in this edítion. Reported entí- been renamed poorly differentiated neu-
To allow flexíbility in grading and the ties and subentities lacking consensus roendocríne and non-neuroendocrine
enrolment of patients ín clínica! Iríais support and/or validatíon by independent carcinomas far consistency. Lastly, sialo-
the term "low-grade" has been omitted investigators have not been included in blastoma and paraganglíoma have been
across entities. thís editíon. reclassif ied from indeterminate to malig-
Another notable modification in this edi- In this chapter, efforts were made to limít nan! and coded accordingly.
tíon is the grouping of rare epithelial the hístomorphological, lineage, and bío-
carcinoma subtypes that share similar log ícal features discussed to those con-
patholog ical and clinical characteristics sidered to be validated and re levan! to
under "adenocarcinoma, NOS", includ- curren! diagnostíc and clinical practice.
íng cystadenocarcinoma, mucinous ade- Similarly, only molecular and cytogenetic
nocarcinoma, and intestinal adenocarcíno- fíndings that have been ídentified by ín-
ma. Similarly, ductal papilloma subtypes dependent authors and in large series
(intraductal and inverted) are discussed are díscussed. Although the future ínte-
together in a single section. Given the gration of molecular genetíc findings into

162 Tumours of salivary glands

Malig nant tumours

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma bular gland, and other intraoral minar sal- demonstrate intracytoplasmic staining in
ivary gland sites (309,1899). Primary in- mucinous cells.
Brandwein-Gensler M. traosseous (central) MECs are rare (275, The rare oncocytic variant is composed
Bell D. 1425) mainly of polygonal/columnar oncocytic
lnagaki H. cells with scattered mucocytes, and few
Katabi N. Clinical features if any squamoid cells [782). The scleros-
Leivo l. The clinical presentation varíes depend- ing variant is characterized by dense
Seethala R. ing on tumour site, size, and grade. Cyst- hyalinizing fibrosis {1585,2360). Salid
Triantafyllou A. ic intraoral MEC can mimic a mucocoele. MECs tend to demonstrate predominan!
Mucinous MEC may fluctuate in size due squamoid and intermediate cells, with
to cyst rupture and may present as a mu- a subtle transition between these two
Definition cin-draining cutaneous fistula. components.
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) is Low-grade MEC is cystic, mucous cell-
a distinctive salivary gland malignancy Macroscopy rich, and well circumscribed . lntermedi-
composed of mucinous, intermediate MECs typically present as a soft or firm ate gmdc MECs are generally more salid
(clear-cell), and squamoid tumour cells circumscribed or infiltrative mass, com- and less circumscribed and show a di-
formi ng cystic and salid patterns . monly with a cystic component. versity of appearances, including mucin
extravasation. High-grade MEC displays
ICD-0 code 8430/3 Cytology one or more of the following features: nu-
Aspirates of low-grade, mostly cystic le- clear anaplasia; necrosis; increased mi-
Synonym sions show predominately mucus and totic rate; and perineural, lymphovascular,
Mucoepidermoid tumour macrophages. Occasional bland epi- or bony invasion {105,124,255,876}. The
thelial cells may be seen. Aspirates of diagnosis of high-grade MEC requires al
Epidemiology higher-grade lesions are more cellular, least focal intracellular mucin positivity;
MEC occurs overa wide age distribution, showing an admixture of epithelial cell the tumours typically contain foci of low or
and is the most common salivary gland types typical of the lesions. Cytological intermediate MEC. The diagnosis should
malignancy in children and young adults, pleomorphism, mitotic activity, and ne- be reconsidered in the presence of kera-
with a peak incidence in the second dec- c rosis may be seen {1248). tin pearls, extreme nuclear pleomorphism,
ade of life {1995). or a history of skin cancer. Necrotizing
Histopathology sialometaplasia, pleomorphic adenoma
Etiology MEC is characterized by variable com- with squamous metaplasia, and scleros-
MEC may develop secondary to radiation ponents of squamoid, mucin-producing, ing polycystic adenosis can be misclas-
or chemotherapy during childhood, with a and intermediate-type cells, with a cystic sified as MEC. Cystic oncocytic MEC with
median latency period of 8 years {2495). and salid growth pattern. Overt keratini- lymphoid componen! can mimic Warthin
zation is rare. Oncocytic, clear-cell, and tumour (MEC may develop in Warthin tu-
Localization sclerosing variants have been described . mour) . The sclerosing variant can be mis-
The parotid is the most common site far Mucicarmine staining and periodic taken far sclerosing sialadenitis.
MEC, followed by the palate, submandi- acid-Schiff (PAS) stain with diastase

, ~ -
Fig. 7.01 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma. A Circumscribed tumour with dominan! clear-cell composition. B Oncocytic variant. The finding of larger intermediate cells with clear
cytoplasm guides this diagnosis to mucoepidermoid carcinoma; intracytoplasmic mucin is also present. C lntracytoplasmic mucin is a requisite finding.

Malignan! tumours 163


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Genetic profile Epidemiology finding of necrosis and/or haemorrhage

Most MECs are characterized by a The annual incidence of ACC is about may indicate the presence of high-grade
t(11;19)(q21;p13) translocation and 2 cases per 100 000 population in the tumour {2117).
CRTC1-MAML2 gene fusion (1 122,2116), USA {646}, and the median patient age
whereas a small subset show a 1(11;15) at diagnosis is 57 years. There is no eth- Cytology
(q21 ;q26) translocation and CRTC3- nic predilection, and the female-to-male Aspirates are composed of groups of
MAML2gene fusion (1700\. Tumours with ratio is about 1.5:1 {244,646}. ACC ac- compact uniform basaloid cells, usually
translocation and gene fusion tend to be counts for < 1% of ali head and neck associated with metachromatic spheres
of low to intermediate grade (1122,2116) cancers and < 10% of ali salivary gland or cylinders of acellular hyaline stroma
and reported in younger patients {1700), neoplasms. {1247,1671,1690\. Neither the cytological
but high-grade MEC can also be fusion- features of a high-grade malignancy nor
positive. Rare cases with t(6;22)(p21 ;q12) Localization keratinization is seen.
translocation and EWSR1-POU5F1 gene ACC occurs most frequently in the major
fusion have been reported (1638). Al- salivary glands, but more than one third Histopathology
though these fusion find ings have been of cases occur in minor glands in the oral ACCs can manifest a variety of tubular
validated, their diagnostic and c linical cavity, sinonasal trae!, or (rarely) other and cribriform structures with variably
implications in the pathological evalua- siles {244,646}. solid components. The most recogniz-
tion of these tumours remain uncertain. able architectural form is the cribriform
Clinical features pattern, characterized by nests of tumour
Prognosis and predictive factors Patients usually present with swelling cells interrupted by sharply punched-out
Low- and intermediate-grade MECs are or masses, and may have numbness, spaces fi lled with basophilic matrix. The
less aggressive and are generally cured paraesthesia, or pain. lnvolvement of tubular pattern is composed of bilayered
by complete surgical excision {1 195, motor nerves can cause facial or tongue tubu les with true lumina. The tumour
1569}. The 10-year overa!! survival rates weakness (517,2253). cells show scant cytoplasm and typically
for low-, intermediate-, and high-grade have small angulated and hyperchro-
MECs are approximately 90%, 70%, and Macroscopy matic nuclei. The solid growth pattern is
25% , respectively (1899). ACC typically presents as a firm, grey- characterized by sheets of tumour cells
ish-white, unencapsulated and infiltrative without lumen formation and may consist
mass of variable size (2251). The rare of epithelial or myoepithelial elements.
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
Stenman G.
Licitra L.
Said-AI -Naief N.
van Zante A.
Yarbrough W.G .

Adenoid cysti c carcinoma (ACC) is a
slow-growing and relentless salivary
gland malignancy composed of epithelial
and myoepithelial neoplastic cells that
form various patterns, including tubular,
cribriform, and solid forms.
Fig. 7.03 Adenoid cystic carcinoma. Spectral karyotype of a MYB-NFIB fusion-positive tumour with a t(6;9)(q22·
ICD-0 code 8200/3 23;p23-24) chromosomal translocation as the sole cytogenetic anomaly.

164 Tumours of salivary glands

Perineural invasion is virtually ubiquitous. prognosis, whereas losses of 14q are common ly to the lungs , tollowed by
Rarely, ACC can undergo high-grade exclusively seen in mainly tubular and bone, liver, and brain (2185}. Factors
transformation or dedifferentiation; this cribriform pattern tumours (1862,1955}. that influence survival include tumour
diagnosis should not be made in the ab- Whole-exome sequencing of ACCs has stage, node status, patient age, tumour
sence of conventional ACC (1681 ,2117). revealed a wide mutational diversity and site, large nerve perineural invasion, and
lmmunohistochemical stain ing for KIT a low exonic somatic mutation rate, with surgical margins (71,449,1981). Gener-
(CD117) is typical ly restricted to inner mutations in genes involving a wide va- ally, tumours with tubular and cribriform
epithelial cells and p63 and SMA to pe- riety of pathways, including f ibroblast growth patterns have a less aggressive
ripheral myoep ithelial ce lls {78}. MYB and growth factor, insulin-like growth factor, clinical course than do tumours with a
MYB-NFIB antibodies are currently being Pl3K and NOTCH signalling (PIK3CA, salid componen! constituting more than
evaluated {270,2597). FOX03, INSRR, NOTCH1, and NOTCH2) one third of the tu mour {509,2328].
The majar entities to be distinguished (1002,2277}. KIT and EGFR, which are Radical surgical excision, with or without
from ACC are pleomorphic adenoma, frequently overexpressed in ACC, are postoperative radiation, is the treatment
polymorphous adenocarcinoma, epithe- only rarely mutated or amplified (516, of choice; overall survival is poorer with
lial-myoepithelial carcinoma, and basal 1002,1625,2277}. a single-modality approach {1981}. lnten-
cell adenocarcinoma. sity-modulated rad iotherapy plus carbon
Genetic susceptibility ion boost has recently been shown to im-
Genetic profile Germline BRCA mutations and genetic prove locoregional control and progres-
The key genomic alterations are a t(6;9) variants in DNA double-strand break re- sion -free and overall survival {1 126,1 127,
chromosomal t rans location or more pair genes have been associated with an 1348).
rarely a t(8;9) translocation, resulting increased risk of salivary gland cancers,
in fusions involving the MYB or MYBL1 including ACC (2157,2658}.
oncogenes and the transcription fac-
tor gene NFIB (266,1629,1745,1861 }. Prognosis and predictive factors
MYB/MYBL 1 activations due to gene fu- The 10-year survival rate is 50- 70% (459,
sion or other mechanisms are foun d in 1535,1981 }, and the local recu rrence rate
> 80% of ACCs and may be useful po- is highly variable. Lymph node involve-
tential therapeutic targets {270,1630, ment is uncommon, but is more frequent
2271 }. Losses of 1p and 6q are associ- in solid variants (2477}. Distan! metasta-
ated with salid form tumours with poor sis is reported in > 50% of cases, most

Malignant tumours 165

Acinic ce// carcinoma
Simpson R.H.W.
Chiosea S.
Katabi N.
Leivo l.
Vielh P.
Williams M.O.

Acinic cell carcinoma is a malignant sali-
vary gland neoplasm composed of can-
cer cells with acinar features. A subset of
this entity has been reclassified as secre-
tory carcinoma (208}.

ICD-0 code 8550/3

Acinic cell adenocarcinoma; acinar cell

The mean patient age at presentation is Macroscopy
approximately 50 years, with a female-to- Most tumours are circumscribed (occa-
male ratio of 1.5:1 {430,1826}. About 35% sionally cystic) solitary nodules of varying
of patients are aged > 60 years, and 4% size, but sorne are poorly defined.
are aged < 20 years. Acinic cell carcino-
ma is the second most common salivary Cytology
gland malignancy in ch ildren. Aspirates are usually cellular, and com-
posed of sheets, microcystic structures,
Localization or follicles of serous acinar cells. The
More than 90-95% of acinic cell carcino- cells typically display granular cyto- 1 .;. ' •

mas occur in the parotid glands. plasm encasing hyperchromatic, round, Fig. 7.08 Acinic cell carcinoma. D0G1 stains most acinic
relatively monomorp hic nuclei. Admixed cell carcinomas.
Clinical features capillaries are often seen {48,1245!.
The tumours typically present as slow- A subset of tumours may display an un-
growing, solitary, unfixed masses, but Histopathology differentiated componen!, predominantly
sorne are multinodular and/or fixed to Acinar and ductal cells with variable salid or cribriform with glandular patterns
skin. One third of patients experience vacuolated, clear, oncocytic, and hobnail and areas of necrosis (poorly differenti-
pain and 5-10% develop facial paralysis. features forming salid, microcystic, and ated transformation ar dedifferentiation)
follicular patterns are present. The pap- \430,2199,2384}.
illary cystic component, if present, has Although non-specific, DOG1 and
macrocystic spaces with papillary prolif- SOX1 O are immunopositive in acinar and
erations. A prominent lymphoid infiltrate intercalated duct cells {408,1767). Acinic
can be seen \103,1604). The acinar cells cell carcinoma is usually immunonega-
are large and polygonal, with basophilic tive for mammaglobin, which is useful in
granular cytoplasm and round, eccentric its distinction from secretory carcinoma.
nuclei. The granules give a diastase-re-
sistant positive periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) Genetic profile
reaction, which may be focal, but the test Pl3K pathway alterations have been
is not necessary far diagnosis. Acinic cell reported (581}, but the biological and
carcinomas rarely show mitoses, .!1ecro- therapeutic significance of these findi ngs
sis, or significant pleomorphism, and can remains unknown (669}.
be considered low-/intermediate-grade
malignancies. The presence of neural in- Prognosis and predictive factors
vasion and stromal hyalinization is associ- Although acinic cell carcinoma is general·
ated with aggressive behaviour (152,641, ly not aggressive, a proportion can metas·
649,2255). tasize to cervical lymph nades and lung.

166 Tumours of salivary glands

A recurrence rate as high as 35% has Macroscopy
been reported {649,928,973,1013,1400, PACs typically present as firm , c ircum-
1703,2405}. The 20-year survival rate is scrib ed, unencapsulated, yellowish-tan
approximately 90%, with a slightly better lobulated nodules of variable size (aver-
rate for females {1826}. age: 2.1 c m) {1832}.
Poor prognostic factors include large tu -
rnour size, involvement of the deep lobe Cytology
of the parotid gland , and incomplete re- Due to their locations, PACs are rarely
section. Multiple recurrences and cervi- sampled by aspiration. lf accessible,
cal lymph node and distan! metastases smears show sheets and clusters of
predict poor prognosis. Compared with Fig. 7.10 Polymorphous adenocarcinoma. Note the
epithelial cells, with papillary formations.
conventional acinic cell carcinomas, cas- multinodular surface and the haemorrhage. The cytological features ot high-grade
es with high-grade transformation have malignancy and squamous d itterentia-
been reported to be associated with a Epidemiology tion are not seen unless dedifferentiation
shorter mean overall survival (40 months PAC is the second most common is present {1250).
versus 125 months) {430}. intraoral malignan! salivary gland tumour,
accounting for 26% of ali carcinomas al Histopathology
this site (2524). The female-to-male ratio PAC is typically submucosal in location
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma is about 2:1. The patient age ranges from and unencapsulated. The tumour histo-
16 to 94 years, with a mean of 59 years pathology is characterized by cytolog i-
Fonseca l. {1832). More than 70% of patients are cal unitormity, histological d iversity, and
Assaad A. aged 50- 70 years {1832). Few examples an infiltrative growth pattern. Due to the
Katabi N. of PAC have been reported in chi ldren aggressive clinical behaviour of sorne ot
Seethala R. {1 231,1832,2430). these tumours, the term "low-grade" is
Weinreb l. omitted but can be used on a case-by-
Wen ig B.M . Local ization case basis. Neoplastic cells are small to
App roximately 60% of PAC cases involve medium-sized and uniform in shape, with
the palate. Other intraoral locations are bl and, minimally hyperchromatic, oval nu-
Definition the bucea! mucosa, retromolar region, clei and only occasional nucleoli. Mitoses
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma (PAC) is upper lip, and base of tangue {1231, are uncornmon and necrosis is seen in
a malignan! epithelial tumo ur character- 1832). Uncommon locations include the high-grade transfo rmation. A salient and
ized by cytological uniformity, morpho- majar salivary and lacrimal glands, naso- prominent teature is the wide variation
logical diversity, and an infiltrative growth pharynx, and nasal cavity (1231,1832, of morphological configurations within
pattern. 2587}. and between tumours. The main micro-
scopic architectural patterns are lobular,
ICD-0 code 8525/3 Clinical features trabecular, microcystic or cribriform (as
PACs typically present as a · painless in adenoid cystic carcinoma), salid, and
Synonyms mass ot variable duration (from a few papillary-cystic. An eddy-like pattern can
Polymorp hous low-grade adenocarci- weeks to 40 years) {352) . Bleeding, telan- be observed al the peripheral boundaries
noma; terminal duct carcinoma ; lobular g iectasia, and ulceration of the overlying of tumour. Foci ot oncocytic, clear, squa-
carcinoma; cribriform adenocarcinoma mucosa may occasionally be found. mous, or mucous cells can be observed .
of tongue/minor salivary glands Tumour stroma can be mucinous or hya-
linized. Perineural involvement is common.

-A , ·. >
.. .1. ... ·.:.!.;.,,. \, -
~-11..J..W:.u.i<- r l -
,Ir/ J.
~ -._... ' -
Fig. 7.09 Polymorphous adenocarcinoma. A Tumour of minor salivary gland presenting as submucosal, well-circumscribed nodule. B A storiform pattern may be present in the
periphery; neurotropism is common.

Malignan! tumours 167

lnvasion into adjacent bone may be seen Prognosis and predictive factors in the fifth to eighth decades of life. CCC
in tumours of the palate or mandible. A cri- The overall survival of patients with PAC is rare in chi ldren.
briform variant {1604A), initially reported is generally good {352,671,1231 ,1832,
at the base of tangue and later in other 2118). A review of larg e series with long- Localization
minor salivary gland siles, is considered term follow-up found local recurrence CCCs most frequently occur in intraoral
by sorne authors to constitute a separate rates of 10- 33% (average: 19%) {1231 , salivary gland sites (p alate and base of
entity {1604A,2198}; however, this phe- 1832). Of these, 50% occurred 5 years tangue) {1 614,2 137,2182,2530) but may
notype is considered a feature within the after initial diagnosis {1231,1832). The also occur in other siles {361,659,783,
PAC morphological spectrum by others. range of reported regional metastasis 784,951,988 ,1694,1755,1993,2053,2231,
According ly, this variant is considered an rates is 9-1 5% {352,1231 ,1832). Distant 2308,2719}.
emerging entity pending further evidence metastases have seldom been reported
to justify a separate classification {2655A}. {352,1231 ,1832,2118}. Deaths have oc- Clinical features
The tumour cells are immunoreactive for curred after prolonged periods {352,1231, CCC most commonly presents as swell-
cytokeratins (e.g. CK7, in 100% of cases) 1832). High-grade transformation of PAC ing and may be ulcerated or associated
11577), S100 protein (in 97%), CEA (54%), has been reported and is associated with with p ain, bone invasion , and soft tissue
GFAP (15%), MSA (13%), and EMA (12%) an unfavourable prognosis {1681,2180}. fixation .
{1855,1916,2587). Expression of galec-
tin 3 has been reported to be significan! Macroscopy
in PACs {1850}. BCL2 is overexpressed in Clear ce// carcinoma Tumours present as a poorly circum-
most cases {185 5), and mammaglobin is scribed, solid, greyish-white mass.
positive in 67- 100% of tumours 1207,1927). Wenig B.M . Prominent hyalinization may be grossly
Staining for p63 is reported in 100% of Bell D. apparent.
cases, whereas p40 is consistently nega- Chiosea S.
tive; this pattern is helpful (although not in- lnagaki H. Cytology
fallible) in the differential diagnosis {2011}. Seethala R. As pirates comprise groups (often sheets)
KI T (CD117) positivity has been described of cohesive small and large epithelial
in about 60% of tumours {1 850). cells with prominent cell borders and uni-
Definition form, round to ovoid nuclei with granular-
Genetic profile Clear cell carcinoma (CCC) is a low-grade looking chromatin, small nucleoli, and
A variety of molecular and genetic find- salivary gland carcinoma composed of abundan! clear cytoplasm.
ings have been reported in PAC, among malignan! cells with clear cytoplasm, with
these are HRAS mutations {2569]. in- or without hyalinization. lt has a squamoid Histopathology
c luding alterations of th e PRKD gene phenotype and lacks features of other CCCs are unencapsulated and infiltrative
family {2574): rearrangements of PRKD1, clear cell-rich salivary gland carcinomas. with salid sheets, nests, cords, trabecu-
PRKD2, and PRKD3 {2574} and activat- lae, and single-cell growth patterns. Peri-
ing mutation of PRKD1 (p.Glu710Asp, ICD-0 code 8310/3 neural and bone invasion are common.
exon 15). This activating mutation has Ducts and gland-like spaces can be
also been rarely detected in other sali- Synonym seen. Most cases are characterized by
vary gland tumours {2569). PRKD1 and Hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma sclerotic or hyalinized strorna surround-
PRKD3 rearrangements have also been ing tumour nests juxtaposed to variable
found in clinically aggressive tumours. Epidemiology fibrocellular myxoid stroma {1614}. The
The diagnostic and biological signifi- CCC is more common in women {1614, tumo ur cells are polygonal, with distinct
cance of these findings is unknown. 1755,2137,2231} and typically presents cell borders and lightly eosinophilic to

168 Tumours of salivary glands

clear cytoplasm /1614). CCC may also Basal ce// adenocarcinoma Localization
show overt squamous and even muci- Most BACs occur in the parotid gland
nous differentiation. Fonseca l. /502,650,745,1816}.
lntracytoplasmic glycogen that gives Gnepp D.R.
a diastase-sensitive positive period ic Seethala R. Clinical features
acid- Schiff (PAS) reaction is present in Simpson R.H .W. BAC usually presents as a slow-growing
CCC. The tumour may also show pune - Vielh P. nodule. A subset of basal cell adenocar-
tate or even overt intracytoplasmic muci- Williams M.O. cinomas may be associated with multiple
carm ine staining. CCCs are positive for skin adnexal tumours (650,1069,2111,
cytokeratins and p63, and negative for 2691).
other myoepithelial markers /361,1326, Definition
1614, 2137,2182,2530). Basal cell adenocarc inoma (BAC) is a Macroscopy
salivary gland malignancy with variable BAC presents as an unencapsulated,
Genetic profile basal and myoepithelial neoplastic cells firm, light-tan mass .
CCC shows consistent EWSR1-ATF1 forming nests and glandular structures.
gene fusion (84,2137,2354,2566}. Cytology
ICD-0 code 8147/3 Aspirate smears are cellular and show
Prognosis and predictiva factors basaloid clusters of monomorphic small
CCCs are low-grade malignancies as- Synonyms cells, with sean! cytoplasm and frequent
sociated with a good prognosis after Basal ce ll adenocarcinoma ex monomor- naked nuclei (1241,24321. Stroma is sean!
complete surgical excision. Local recur- phic adenoma; malignant dermal ana- to absent; in the membranous type, it con-
rence and nodal metastases may occur logue tumour sists mainly of hyaline matrix that ranges
{2231}. Distant metastasis and death due from interdigitating strands to small cylin-
to disease occur rarely {1754). lnstances Epidemiology . droma-like droplets . Squamoid and seba-
of high-grade transformation of CCC with BAC is rare {502,745,1816,2709}. Most ceous features may be noted /2262).
EWSR1 rearrangement have been re- patients are in th eir sixth or seventh dec-
ported {1135). ade of lile {502,745,1816,2709}. There is Histopathology
no sex predilection {650,2709). Tumours may exhibit solid, tubular, tra-
becular, and membranous patterns with
infiltrative borders . Tumour cells typically

Malignan! tumours 169

display peripheral palisading of basal Genetic profile lntraductal carcinoma
cells with occasional inner lighter epithe- A subset of these tumours, mainly of
lial cells with variable deposition of base- the membranous type, contain CYLD Loening T.
ment membrane-like material. Perineural alterations {435). Leivo l.
and vascular invasion is found in about Simpson R.H .W.
one quarter of cases. Genetic susceptibility Weinreb l.
Compared with adenoid cystic carci - Rare examples of BACs occur in the set-
noma, BAC shows more vesicular nu- ting of familial/multiple cylindromatosis
clei, peripheral palisading, and squa- syndromes, such as Brooke-Spiegler Definition
mous and sebaceous elements. BACs syndrome (multiple familia! trichoepithe- 1ntraductal carcinoma is characterized
are distinguished from adenomas by lioma), presumably in association with by intracystic/intraductal proliferations of
their infiltrative features and perineu- germline CYLD mutations {435). neoplastic epithelial cells {225).
ral and angiolymphatic invasion, and
may show increased mitotic activity and Prognosis and predictiva factors ICD-0 code 8500/2
necrosis. They consist of small nests, Local recurrence occurs in approximate-
cords, and ducts with peripheral basal ly one third of BACs {1674), but complete Synonyms
and inner cuboidal epithelial cells. surgical excision with clear margins is Cribriform cystadenocarcinoma, l0w-
Staining for cytokeratins and myoepithe- curative in most cases. Regional lymph grade; intraductal carcinoma, low-grade;
lial markers highlights the dual-cell com- node metastasis, distant metastasis, and salivary duct carcinoma
position of BAC. disease-related death are rare.
These are rare tumours, with insufficient
epidemiological data {561,1077,1303,

The parotid gland is the most common
site {256 ,561,1303).

170 Tumours of salivary glands

(with or without necrosis) and numerous
mitotic figures characterize intermedi-
ate- and high-grade forms of intraductal
carci noma {256,561,2361,2573). These
lesions must be distinguished from vari-
ants of adenocarcinoma, NOS, including
cystadenoca re in orna.

Prognosis and predictiva factors

The prognosis is excellent alter complete
excision. Nodal and distan! metastases
have not been reported to date. The signif-
icance of focal invasion by these lesions is
uncertain {256,561 ,1303,1313,1697,2178}.

Adenocarcinoma, NOS
Leivo l.
Brandwein-Gensler M.
Fonseca l.
Katabi N.
Loening T.
Simpson R. H.W.

Salivary gland adenocarcinoma, NOS,
represents a spectrum of epithelial car-
cinomas forming ductal and/or glandular
structures (with or without cystic forma-
tion) exclusive of known epithelial salivary
gland carcinomas .

ICD-0 code 8140/3

Unclassified adenocarcinoma; d uctal
carcinoma/adenocarcinoma; cystadeno-
carcinoma; mucinous cystadenocarci-
noma; papillary cystadenocarcinoma; in-
testinal-type adenocarcinoma [53,1621,
- ·~ "-.a
Fig. 7.15 lntraductal carcinoma. A Low-power view of lobular and cystic areas. This cyst is lined by epithelium
with partly rigid (cribriform) structures; the arrow indicates a neighbouring invasive carcinoma. B Mixture of cysts Epidemiology
and smaller ducts, as well as of florid and atypical ductal hyperplasia (equivalen! to low-grade intraductal carcinoma). Adenocarcinoma, NOS, accounts for
C lntraductal carcinoma (intermediate to high grade). Large ducts lined by neoplastic cells with micropapillary features. approximately 10-15% all salivary gland
carcinomas (213,2256,2524}. The aver-
Clinical features intermediate-grade, or high-grade intraduct- age patient age is about 58 years, but a
Patients may present with a swelling, which al carcinoma on the basis of the degree of wide age range has been reported {213,
is commonly asymptomatic {1303,2573). the cytological abnormalities. 2520) . These tumours are extremely rare
Low-grade tumours are mostly cystic with in children {1521).
Macroscopy cribriform and papillary patterns, simi-
The repo rted tumours have been de- lar to breas! lesions, ranging fr9 m florid Localization
scribed as typical ly small, unencapsulat- ductal hyperplasia to ductal carcinoma More than 50% of these tumours arise in
ed, and cystic {256,561}. in situ {256,561}. The tumour cells are the parotid gland {213,750,2256); 40%
monotonous and may display cuboidal, arise in minar glands, most often in the
Histopathology mucinous, and apocrine features, with hard palate, buccal mucosa, and lips
These lesions display a range of cytological occasional intracytoplasmic iron p ig - [750,2524, 2536).
features and can be graded as low-grade, ment. Moderate to marked cellular atyp ia

Malignan! tumours 171

including small confluent nests or cords,
large islands with intervening connective
tissue, and solid densely cellular strorna.
Tumours can be graded (on the basis ot
the degree of cellular atypia) as low-, in-
termediate-, or high-grade. Ductal and
glandular structures are common in low-
and intermediate-grade tumours but less
frequent in high-grade tumours.
For the diagnosis of adenocarcinorna,
NOS, to be rendered, the most common
primary subtypes must first be exclud-
ed, including salivary duct carcinoma,
high-grade mucoepidermoi d carcinoma,
polymorphous adenocarcinoma and
metastatic adenocarcinoma [1737). lrn-
munohistochemistry can be helpful in
distinguishing adenocarcinoma, NOS,
from acinic cell carcinoma (CK18, DOG1)
(1081}, and from tumours with myoepi-
thelial/basal-cell composition (calponin,
SMA, CK5/6, p63).
The uncommon subtypes of these tu-
mours include mucinous adenocarcino-
ma with variable cystic formation (former-
ly called cystadenocarcinoma) [53,750,
1621,2603,2659A}, and intestinal-type
adenocarcinoma [173,838,2215}. lntesti-
nal-type adenocarcinomas can be posi-
tive for CK20 and CDX2. These tumours
have an aggressive clinical course.
Whether they constitute a separate entity
is unclear.

Prognosis and predictive factors

Prognosis is influenced by tumour loca-
tion, tumour grade, and clinical stage
[214,2256,2520,2524}. High-grade ad-
enocarcinoma, NOS, is an aggressive
malignancy {2520}. A study of adeno-
carcinoma, NOS (excluding the cystad-
enocarcinoma and intestinal subtypes)
Clinical features areas of necrosis and haemorrhage. reported 15-year survival rates for low-,
Most tumours of major glands present intermediate-, and high-grade tumours of
as asymptomatic solitary firm or cystic Cytology 54%, 31%, and 3%, respectively {22561.
masses. Occasionally, they may be pain- The cytological features are non-specific Generally, survival of adenocarcinoma
ful. Tumours in the palate are often ulcer- and depend on the neoplasm's grade with significan! cystic formation is excel-
ated and may erode bony structures. The and other histological féatures [2256). lent after adequate surgical resection,
duration of these tumours varíes consid - with few reported recurrences {750}. The
erably, from 1 to 10 years [2256). Histopathology reports of intestinal-type adenocarci-
Tumours display ductal or glandular prolif- noma suggest an aggressive behaviour
Macroscopy erations with or without cystic formation . The {173,838}, but further validation of these
The tumours may be partly circum- tumour cells can be cuboidal, columnar, findi ngs is needed.
scribed, but may have an irregular and polygonal, clear, mucinous, oncQcytoid,
infiltrative appearance. The cut surface is and/or plasmacytoid in morphology and
commonly tan or yellow, with or without arranged in a variety of growth patterns,

172 Tumours of salivary glands

Salivary duct carcinoma
Nagao T.
Licitra L.
Loening T.
Vielh P.
Williams M.O.

Salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) is an ag- Fig. 7.20 Salivary duct carcinoma A Sarcomatoid variant. Biphasic neoplasm with both conventional salivary duct
gressive epithelial malignancy resem- carcinoma (left) and sarcomatoid elements with a fascicular pattern of atypical spindle cells (right). B Mucin-rich
bling high-grade mammary ductal car- variant. Mucin lakes containing islands of carcinoma cells (right) in addition to the conventional salivary duct carcinoma
cinoma. lt can occur de novo or as the component (left).
outcome of a malignan! component of
carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma. C linical features configurations and flat sheets of epithelial
SDC presents as a rapidly growing tu- tumour cells with necrotic backgrounds
ICD-0 code 8500/3 mour, commonly associated with facial {1205,1249}. The tumour cells are large
nerve palsy, pain , and cervical lymphad- and polygonal, with abundan! cytoplasm.
Synonym enopathy. In cases ari sing as carcinoma The nuclei are pleomorphic and have
High-grade ductal carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma, a rapid in- prominent nucleoli.
crease in size of a longstanding pre-ex-
Epidemiology isting mass is commonly reported. Histopathology
SDC accounts foras many as 10% of ali The tumour has a striking resemblance
salivary gland malignancies {850). lt has Mac roscopy to high-grade ductal carcinoma of the
a distinct male predilection and generally The tumours vary in size and are infil- breast, including large ducts with come-
affects elderly individuals, with peak inci- trative. On cut surface, they are grey to donecrosis and cribriform and Roman-
dence in the sixth and seventh decades white, with occasional small cysts and bridge-like features. Both lymphovascular
of lite {143,1106,111 9). foci of necrosis. and perineural invasion is common. A hya-
linized nodule suggestive of a pre-existing
Localization Cytology pleomorphic adenoma may be identified .
Most tumours arise from the parotid Aspirates are cellular and typically con- SDC cells are typically apocrine, onco-
gland {1106,1 119,2470}. tain 30 clusters, sometimes with papillary cytoid, and characterized by abundan!

Fig. 7.19 Salivary duct carcinoma. A lnvasive micropapillary variant. Morula-like small cell clusters without fibrovascular cores, surrounded by a clear space. BCarcinoma cells show
a diffuse nuclear immunopositivity far androgen receptor. C Diffuse and strong membranous immunostaining far ERBB2/HER2.

Malignan! tumours 173

Myoepithelial carcinomas are uncommon
and can present in patients of any age,
with no sex predilection.

Most cases occur in the parotid gland.
The palate and submandibular gland are
the next most common sites.

Clinical features
Patients present with a painless mass,
occasional ly with a recent rap id increase
in size. Facial weakness/paresis may oc-
cur if there is facial nerve involvement.
Fig. 7.21 Salívary duct carcinoma. FISH analysis is positive for ERBB2 (also called HER2) gene amplification,
showing numerous red signals (ERBB2) versus a normal number of green signals (centromere 17).
Myoepithelial carcinomas typically pre-
cytoplasm and large pleomorphic nuclei Prognosis and predictive factors sent as unencapsulated soft to firm
with coarse chromatin and prominent nu- SDC is one of the most aggressive ma- masses. The cut surface is grey to tan-
cleoli. Mitotic figures are easily identifia- lignant salivary gland tumours, with fre- white and occasionally haemorrhagic,
ble. Rhabdoid features {1315), squamous quent local recurrence and reg ional with cystic degeneration and necrosis.
features, and osteoclast-like giant cells lymph node and distant metastasis {143,
are rare {2433). Several histological mani- 11 06,1119). Of the reported patients with Cytology
festations of SDC have been described SDC, 55- 65% have died of disease, usu- Aspirate smears show a mixture of spin-
{2610), including sarcomatoid {975,1682), ally within 5 years {1106,1119,1146). dled, epithelioid, and/or plasmacytoid
mucin-rich {2181), invasive micropapillary cells in small groups or large fragments.
{1683), and oncocytic carcinomas {2178). Nuclei can be round or oval, with variable
Approximately 70% ot SDCs in both men Myoepithelial carcinoma cytoplasmic features (421).
and women show diffuse nuclear stain-
ing for androgen receptor {578,1171,1558, Bell D. Histopathology
2610). Estrogen receptor and progester- Di Palmas. Myoepithelial carcinomas are composed
one receptor are negative {578,1171,1396, Katabi N. of disorganized nodules of malignant
2606). High ERBB2 (also called HER2) Schwartz M.R. myoepithelial cells, with pushing to in-
expression is found in approximately 25- Seethala R. filtrative borders. The tumour cells can
30% of cases {578,1465,1558,2611). Skálová A. form solid, trabecular, and reticular pat-
terns. The stroma can be myxoid and/or
Genetic profile hyalinized. The tumour may display cen-
AR copy-number gain and splice vari- Definition tral necrosis and pseudocyst formation.
ants (as seen in prostate) have been Myoepithelial carcinoma is a malignancy Tumour cells display a mixture of spin-
identified in both sexes {1464). ERBB2 entirely composed of neoplastic myoepi- dle, plasmacytoid, epithelioid, and clear-
(also called HER2) gene amplification is thelial cells with an infiltrative growth . cell morphological features. Vacuolated/
seen in as many as 25% of cases 1431, signet ring- like morphologies have also
1558,1705,2611). PLAG1 and/or HMGA2 ICD-0 code 8982/3 been described {148,852}.
rearrangements are identified in most The tumours typically express myo-
cases of SDC ex pleomorphic adenoma Synonym epithelial markers such as SMA and
(123,1196). Malignant myoepithelioma p63, as well as S100 and cytokeratins.

174 Tumours of salivary glands

Genetic profile
An EWSR1 gene rearrangement has
been described in a subset of myoepi-
thelial carcinomas that have aggressive
features and are composed predomi-
nantly of clear cells, with frequent necro-
sis !2204).

Prognosis and predictive factors

Myoepithelial carcinomas are associated
with diverse clinical outcomes and have
a propensity for distan! (usually lung) me-
tastasis rather !han regional lymph node
metastasis !577,1 271,2083,2297). About
one third of patients are cured with resec-
tion and one third experience metastatic
and progressive disease (1271).

Seethala R.
Bell D.
Fonseca l.
Katabi N.

Localization ductal cells with dense eosinophilic cy-

Definition Most cases arise in the parotid gland and toplasm and outer abluminal polygonal
Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma (EMC) submandibular gland {2115,2486). Less myoepithelial cells with classically clear
is a malignan! salivary gland tumour common siles include the sinonasal cav- cytoplasm (744,2114,2115). Solid over-
composed of a biphasic arrangement of ity and palate {2115). growth and necrosis may be present.
inner luminal ductal cells and outer myo- Perineural invasion is common and
epithelial ce lls. Clinical features vascular invasion less so {744,2115). A
EMC typically presents as a slow-grow- spectru m of phenotypes (i.e. oncocytic,
ICD-0 code 8562/3 ing painless mass. Facial nerve symp- spindled, clear, sebaceous) may be seen
toms and lymphadenopathy are·rare. in both ce ll components in a small sub-
Synonym set of tumours. Myoepithelial anaplasia
Adenomyoepithelioma Macroscopy and high-grade transformation have also
EMC is characteristically a multinodu- been described {211 4,21 15,2 119).
Epidemiology lar, fi rm to rubbery mass with a pushing Low-molecular-weight cytokeratins are
EMC is an uncommon salivary gland border. Partial encapsulation and cystic strongly positive in the ductal componen!
neoplasm, accounting for < 5% of all change are noted in 30% of cases (2115}. and are less intense in the myoepithelial
salivary gland malignancies !2486). lt EMCs of the minor salivary and sinonasal componen!. Myoepithelial markers (e. g.
predominates in the sixth and seventh seromucinous glands are submucosal SMA, HH F35, p63, and calponin) high-
decades of lite and has a slight female and less delineated, and 40% of cases light the abluminal compartment (21 15).
predilection. show overlying mucosal ulceration. S100 stains both the myoepithelial and the
ductal components to variable degrees.
The tumour cells present as 30 clus- Genetic profile
ters with a dual-cell population of larger No characteristic genetic landmarks
pale myoepithelial cells and smaller eo- have been identified.
sinophilic ductal cells. Naked nuclei are
common and stroma is sean!, with sorne
hyaline globules (1616). ·

Fig. 7.23 Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma. This

parotid tumour shows a multinodular pattern of invasion, EMC displays a multinodular pattern and
abutting dermis; tumour nodules are firm and white, with is characterized by a biphasic or bilay-
central haemorrhage and cystic degeneration. ered arrangement of small inner luminal

Malignan! tumours 175

Prognosis and predictive factors
EMC is usually indolent, but local recur-
rence is not uncommon {2115}. Lymph
node and d istan! metastasis is rare. In the
SEER database, the d isease-specific sur-
vival rate is 80% at 180 months \2486). Sig-
nifican! prognostic factors include tumour
size, margin status, high-grade transforma-
tion , myoepithelial anaplasia, necrosis, and
angiolymphatic invasion \744,2021,2115}. A _ -.,1..___ _ _ _ !/
Fig. 7.25 Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland. A Well-circumscribed heterogeneous mass
with peripheral hyalinized pleomorphic adenoma. B Minimally invasive carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma shows
Carcinoma ex p/eomorphic a hyalinized pre-existing pleomorphic adenoma with a 3 mm focus of carcinoma extending beyond the pleomorphic
adenoma capsule (arrows).
Wi lliams M.O. PA componen! is grossly visible in most (often low-grade), w hich accounts for
lhrler S. cases, usually as a sclerotic, calcified 35% of cases \1197,1399,2203,2204).
Seethala R. no dule. lntracap sular carcinomas constitute car-
cinomas confined within the PA. They
Cytology are typically ductal and high-grade \63,
Definition Smears typically show teatures of PA or 576,892,1399). Minimally invasive carci-
Carcino ma ex pleomorphic adenoma high-grade adenocarcinoma. Rarely, both noma ex PA may constitute early disease
(PA) is an ep ithelial and/or myoepithelial components are identified \1240,1242). [2415,2564). Assessing this feature is not
malignancy developing from primary or always feasible in tumours w ith positive
recurren! PA. The carcinoma componen! Histopathology margins o r in those orig inating in minor
can be e ither purely epithelial or myoepi- Carcinoma ex PA should not be consid- salivary gland siles or within multinodu-
thel ial in presentation, with infiltration into ered a standalone d iagnosis, because the lar/recurrent PA \892).
the surrounding g landular and extraglan- type and extent of the carcinoma compo-
dular tissue. nent impact the management of patients. Genetic profile
The histological type of the malignan! Carcinoma ex PA shares fusion genes
ICD-O code 8941/3 com ponen! must be recorded. Most tu- identified in PA (i.e. the transcription fac-
mours are high-g rade adenocarcinoma, tor genes PLAG1 and HMGA2) [1860,
Epidemiology typically of salivary duct carcinoma phe- 2009,2510). The alterations frequently
Carcinoma ex PA accounts for 3 .6% notype \1 197,1399) . Other common carci- reported in the salivary duct carcinoma
of all salivary gland tumours (range: nomas include myoepithelial carcinoma subtype are mutations in TP53 (present
0 .9- 14%) and 12% of all salivary g land
malignancies (range: 2 .8- 42.4%). On Pleomorphic lntracapsular • Minimally invasive Widely invasive
adenoma(PA) carcinoma Breach of the PA capsul e Extending lnto the gland
average, 12% of cases (range: 7- 27%)
Abnormal proliferatlon by carcinoma cells, and often soft tlssue. The
develop in the setting of recurren! PA Precursor leslo n: Mixed
measured in mm PA compone n! may be
luminal cells( q within/betwee n existing
(63,104,1399,1453) . This malignancy oc- formlng ducts ( ( ) ) ducts in a PA hyalinized
curs slightly more often in women than and a blumlnal ( Abnormal Lumina1(~ loroliteration
supportlng cells • Nuclear enlargement
in men, with peak incidence in the sixth • Promlnent nucleoll
and seventh decades of life (one dec-

ade later than the peak incidence of PA)

Most cases of carcinoma ex PA arise in
the parotid gland (1 197,1 228,2415,2564).

Clinical features
Carcinoma ex PA often presents as a rap- r lumlna~ ducta l) . .
Express CK7, CK18
idly growing mass (which may be painful)
Ab luminal , "'
within a pre-existing, longstanding mass (myoepithellal) \ •
(PA). Express CK14, p63, SMA
• Interna! proliíeratlon of
abluminal cells may be difficult
Macroscopy to call carcinoma ex~PA until
lnvaslve (next lnset)
The gross appearance of carcinoma ex
PA varíes, and as many as 64% of cas- Fig. 7.26 Schematic illustration of the development of carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma as a multistep progression
es are infiltrative \1399,1453) . A residual from pleomorphic adenoma.

176 Tumours of salivary glands

in 50-75% of cases), amplification in Epidemiology presents as a painless, slow-growing
MDM2 and HMGA2 (12q13-1 5; in 50%), A 2008 study of mammary acinic cell mass.
and amplification in ERBB2 (also called carcinomas found secretory carcinoma
HER2; in 31 - 38%) {431,1860,1988,2009}. to be distinct from acinic cell carc i- Macroscopy
Recen! genomic studies have shown that noma {1975). Secretory carcinoma was Grossly, tumours are poorly defined and
most tumours have a high degree of ge- fi rst documented in salivary glands in a rubbery, with a light-tan cut surface . Oc-
netic instability and many copy-number 2010 study {2202}, and 232 cases have casionally, cyst formation with yellowish-
alterations /954,2510,2661}. been reported since. Secretory carci- white ·fluid is encountered.
noma usually presents in adults, with a
Prognosis and predictive factors mean patient age of 46. 5 years (range: Cytology
Carcinoma ex PA is an aggressive malig - 10- 86 years) and an equal sex distribu- Aspirate material consists of cohesive
nancy, with local or distan! metastasis oc - tion /196,208,429,1514,2132,2138,2191, epithelial ce lls and/or papillary fragments
curring in as many as 70% of cases and 2202}. or dispersed cells, sometimes with cystic
a 5-year overall survival rate of 25-65%. debris. The neoplastic cells are p heno-
More-favourable outcomes are seen with Localization typically epithelial, with abundan! and
intracapsular and minimally invasive tu- The most common site of occurrence is variable, granular to vacuolated , eosino-
mours, together accounting for 21-58% the parotid gland, followed by the oral philic to clear cytoplasm and single nu-
of cases /892,1 197,1399,2564). lntraca- cavity an d submandibular gland (196, cleoli {210,891 ,11 56,1935,2062}.
psular carcinoma ex PA has a very low 208,429,2132,2138,2191 ,2202}.
reported rate of recurrence or regional Histopathology
metastasis {576,580,1082,1453}. More- Clinical features Secretory carcinoma can be circum-
recent studies have found minimally in- Secretory carcinoma most commonly scribed or (often) infiltrative, with occa-
vasive tumours (defined as < 4-6 mm
extension beyond the pleomorphic ad-
enoma border) to be prognostically fa-
vourab le {892,11 97,1399,2564}, with this
criterion showing superior prognostic
significance over pT classification alone
/241 5,2564). The risks of local recur-
rence, metastasis, and fatal outcome are
greatly increased with invasive tumours.
Further validation of this preliminary
threshold for defining extent of invasion
is required.

Secretory carcinoma
Skálová A.
Bell D.
Bishop J.A.
lnagaki H.
Seethala R.
Vielh P.


Secretory carcinoma is a generally low-

grade salivary gland carcinoma charac-
lerized by morphological resemb lance
to mammary secretory carcinoma and
ETV6-NTRK3 gene fus ion.

ICD-0 code 8502/3

Mammary analogue secretory carcinoma

Malignan! tumours 177

sional perineural invasion. The tumours Sebaceous adenocarcinoma nerve paralysis, and occasionally with
exhibit a lobulated growth pattern with fi- fixation to the skin. In rare cases, patients
brous sepia and are composed of micro- Gnepp D.R. develop a non-tender mass.
cystic/solid, tubular, follicu lar, and pap- Assaad A.
illary-cystic structures with distinctive Ro J.Y. Macroscopy
luminal secretion. The tumour cells have Tumours range from 0.6 to 9.5 cm in
eosinophilic granular or vacuolated cyto- greatest dimension and are frequently
plasm with small, uniform nuclei. Unlike well circumscribed or partially encapsu-
acinic cell carcinomas, secretory carci- Definition lated, with pushing or locally infiltrati ng
nomas show no secretory zymogen cyto- Sebaceous adenocarcinoma is a malig- margins. Their cut surfaces can be yel-
plasmic granules that give a true positive nant tumour composed mainly of neo- low, tan -white, greyish-white, white, or
periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction . Se- plastic sebaceous cells of variable ma- pale pink {851 ).
cretory carcinoma with high-grade trans- turity arranged in sheets and/or nests,
formation has been reported {2201}. that display variable degrees of pleomor- Cytology
Secretory carcinomas are characteristi- phism, nuclear atypia, and invasiveness. Smears are cellular, showing neoplastic
cal ly positive for S100 protein and mam- cells arranged in groups and scattered
maglobin. Most cases are DOG1-nega- ICD-0 code 8410/3 single pleomorphic tumour cells with
tive {408}. vacuolated cytoplasm.
Genetic profile Sebaceous adenocarcinomas are rare Histopathology
Secretory carcinoma harbours a recur- tumours with a biphasic age distribution. The adenocarcinomas are arranged
rent translocation t(12;15)(p13;q25), The peak incidences are in the third and in multiple, variably sized nests and/or
which results in fusion of the ETV6 gene seventh to eighth decades of life, with a sheets composed of tumour cells with hy-
on chromosome 12 and the NTRK3 gene wide patient age range (6-93 years) {64, perchromatic nuclei, abundant clear vac-
on chromosome 15. The presence of 851}. The male-to-female ratio is approxi- uolated to eosinophilic cytoplasm, and
ETV6-NTRK3 fusion has not yet been mately 1:1 {64,2337). mild to marked cellular pleomorphism.
demonstrated in any other salivary gland Cellular pleomorphism and cytological
tumours. Rarely, ETV6 can be fused with Localization atypia are much more prevalen! than in
non-NTRK3 partners {1102A}. However, To date, about 50 cases of salivary gland sebaceous adenomas. Tumour necrosis
the fusion has been considered to be a sebaceous adenocarcinoma in head and is frequent. Perineural invasion is noted
multilineage alteration in several non-sal- neck siles have been reported {64,851, in approximately 20% of cases, whereas
ivary gland tumours (76,1275,1325,1374). 1530,2337,2537}. In the parotid gland, vascular invasion is rare. Rare oncocytes
35 cases arase de novo and 2 tumours and foreign-body giant cells with histio-
Prognosis and predictiva factors occurred as the carcinoma component cytes may be observed. Sebaceous ade-
Secretory carcinoma is usually an indo- of carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma nocarc inoma is typically positive for EMA,
lent salivary gland malignancy. Lymph {466]. Only 3 tumours have been report- CA15-3, and androgen receptor; nega-
nade metastases are reported in as ed in the submandibular gland, and the tive with BerEP4; and positive with anti-
many as 25% of cases, but distant me- rest occurred in various minor glands. adipophilin {83).
tastases are rare {430,1514,2130,2132,
2138,2201,2447}. High clinical stage and Clinical features
high-grade transformation are the main Patients typically present with a painful
adverse prognostic factors. mass and varying degrees of facial

178 Tumours of salivary glands

Prognosis and predictiva factors ICD-0 code 8980/3 Macroscopy
The tumours may recur and can rarely Carc inosarcoma usually presents as
metastasize. The 5-year overall survival Epidemiology a large mass of variegated fleshy tu-
rate is 62% , which is slightly lower than in Carcinosarcoma is a rare entity, with mour with necrotic and haemorrhagic
sebaceous adenocarcinoma in the skin < 100 reported cases. The mean patient features.
or orbit (84.5%) {851). Oral tumours may age at diagnosis is in the sixth to seventh
have a better prognosis: none of 6 tu- decade of lite, with a wide age range po- Cytology
mours included in a recent review had re- tentially affected {849,2275,2480}. There Asp iration preparations typically show
curred or metastasized; however, fol low- is amale predominance. highly pleomorphic malignan! cells with
up was < 5 years for 4 of the cases (42). epithelial and mesenchymal characteris-
Etiology tics {1099,1343).
Carcinosarcomas have been described
Carcinosarcoma arising both de novo and from longstand- Histopathology
ing or recurrent pleomorphic adenomas Carcinosarcoma is composed of a malig-
Williams M.O. (carcinosarcoma ex pleomorphic adeno- nan! epithelial componen! - typically poor-
Di Palma S. ma) {938,1317,2346). ly differentiated (adeno)carcínoma, NOS -
Gillison M. and a high-grade sarcoma componen!,
Nagao T. Localization which can be chondrosarcoma, osteosar-
Simpson R.H.W. Most carcinosarcomas arise in the majar coma, or pleomorphic rhabdomyosarco-
sali vary glands, with two thirds of cases ma. Staining for cytokeratins predominant-
arising within the parotid (2275( ly highlights the carcinoma componen!,
Definition and there is gain of mesenchymal markers
Carcinosarcoma is a biphasic salivary gland Clinical features in the sarcoma componen!.
malignancy composed of distinct carcinoma Patients often present with a rapidly grow- Carcinosarcoma should not be confused
and heterologous sarcomatous components. ing mass. with sarcomatoid carcinoma or with de-

Malignan! tumours 179

differentiation within distinct salivary
gland carcinomas, including salivary
duct carcinoma, for management pur-
poses {1096,1482,1533}.

Prognosis and predictive factors

Th is is an aggressive malignancy,
with morbidity due to both local recur-
rence and metastatic spread (to lung,
bone, and CNS). Surgery combined with
radiation therapy may aid local control.
Mean survival is< 2.5 years {2275,2480).

Poor/y differentiated
Chiosea S.
Gnepp D.R.
Perez-Ordonez B.
Weinreb l.

Poorly differentiated carcinomas of sali-
vary glands are primary carcinomas
showing large and small cell types with Fig. 7.31 Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. A Small cell carcinoma invading adjacent salivary tissue. BCoagulative
or without neuroendocrine differentiation. necrosis, tumour cells with nuclear moulding and scant cytoplasm. C Positive synaptophysin immunohistochemistry.
These diagnoses can only be made alter
excluding metastasis and other primary endocrine carcinoma and non- intratumoural blood vesse ls. LCNEC
salivary gland tumours. neuroendocrine carcinoma present with cells have relatively abundant cytoplasm
a painless mass. Sorne present with and prom inent nucleoli {2044,2655). A
ICD-0 codes facial nerve paralysis. More than 50% of case of SmCC arising in pleomorphic
Undifferentiated carcinoma 8020/3 patients with SmCC present with regional adenoma has been reported {452). The
Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma lymph nade metastases {346,1170,1689, tumour cells may express synaptophysin
8013/3 2131). and/or chromogran in by immunohisto-
Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma chemistry {413). SmCC can show perinu-
8041/3 Macroscopy clear dot-like positivity for pancytokerat-
High-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma ins and CK20, similar to the expression
Synonyms usually presents as a poorly defined firm pattern seen in cutaneous Merkel cell
Large cell carcinoma; neuroendocrine white mass measuring 2- 5 cm. carcinoma {413,2525). Whether these tu-
carcinoma; anaplastic/undifferentiated mours constitute primary Merkel cell car-
carcinoma; small cel l carcinoma (SmCC) Cytology cinoma is still uncertain. One case each
The cytological features seen in aspi- of parotid and submandibular gland Mer-
Epidemiology rates are identical to those seen in aspi- kel cel l carcinoma- like carcinoma with
Among the reported cases of these tu- rates of SmCCs or LCNECs from other polyomavirus has been reported {543,
mours {213 1). the median patient age sites {1243}. 1469). The small-cell variant should be
at presentation is 64 years (range: distinguished from small round blue cell
5- 91 years), and the male-to-female ratio Histopathology tumours (e.g. desmoplastic small round
is about 2.4:1 {413,859,1206,2660}. Both SmCCs and LCNECs are high- cell tumour and other Ewing family tu-
grade carcinomas characterized by mours), salid adenoid cystic carcinoma
Localization organoid cellular growth with minimal (197,1411 ,1809). metastatic neuroblas-
Most large cel l neuroendocrine carci- differentiation, high mitotic rates, and toma, lymphomas, and melanoma.
nomas (LCNECs), small cell neuroen- the frequent prese nce of coagulative
docrine carcinomas (SmCCs), and non- necrosis. SmCCs are distinguishea from Genetic profile
neuroendocrine carcinomas of salivary LCNEC by their scant cytoplasm, smaller Sufficient data are not yet available. RB1
glands occur in the parotid gland {2660}. ce ll size (< 2-3 times the diameter of a inactivation in virus-negative Merkel cell
normal lymphocyte), angulated moulded carcinoma has been reported in 4 cases
Clinical features nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli, and of salivary gland neuroendocrine carci-
Most patients with high-grade neuro- smudgy basophilic material surrounding noma, but the significance of this finding

180 Tumours of salivary glands

is unknown. Mutations and copy-num-
ber variation have also been re ported
in TP53, NOTCH1, PTEN, and CDKN2A
(also called P16) {881,1689).

Prognosis and predictive factors

The 2-year overall survival rate for pa-
tients with SmCC is 56% {2131). In one
study, 3 of 7 patients with well-charac-
terized cases of LCNEC died of disease
despite receiving chemoradiotherapy

Lymphoepithelial carcinoma
Lewis J.S.
EI-Mofty S.K.
Nicolai P.

Lymphoepithelial carcinoma (LEC) is an
undifferentiated carcinoma character-
ized by a syncytial growth pattern and a
dense, non-neoplastic lymphoid infiltrate.

ICD-0 code 8082/3

Malignan! lymphoepithelial lesion; undiffer-
entiated carcinoma with lymphoid stroma;
lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma.
- L
Epidemiology Fig. 7.33 Lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the parotid gland. High-power view showing haphazardly arranged
LEC is an uncommon salivary gland ma- tumour cells with poorly defined borders (syncytial appearance), vesicular chromatin with prominent nucleoli, dense
lignancy, with an incidence of < 1%. LEC lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate, 'and apoptotic bodies .
is rare in western countries but is more
common in certain populations, includ- nerve paralysis (2 154,2533].
ing North American Eskimo peoples (the
lnuit in particu lar), the indigenous peo- Macroscopy
ples of Greenland {43). South-Eastern Grossly, the tumours are well circum-
Asians {2154,2426). Japanese {16841, scribed and lobulated, with a fi rm, tan -
and Northern Africans {926,1391). The wh ite cut surface (2584).
average patient age is in the sixth dec-
ade of lite, and there is no clear sex Cytology
predilection. Aspirate smears show single to clus-
tered, medium-sized to large, polygonal
Etiology and spind led cells with prominent nu-
Overall, most LECs are associated with cleoli. Most LECs have an admixed , het-
EBV infection (1301). but in western pop- erogeneous population of lymph oid cells
ulations, only a minority of cases are re- (910,2041). The cytological find ings are
lated to EBV (69]. identical to !hose seen in aspirates of
metastatic undifferentiated non-keratiniz- Fig. 7.34 Lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the parotid
Localization ing nasopharyngeal carcinomas. gland. In situ hybridization far EBV-encoded small RNA
Most LECs arise in the parotid gland. (EBER) shows extensive, strong nuclear positivity.
Clinical features The tumours consist of sheets, nests, generally round nuclei with promi-
Patients typically present with a painless and cords of cells with modest eosino- nent nuc leoli and indistinct cel l bor-
mass {1301). Very few have pain or facial philic cytoplasm and large, vesicular, ders. There is typically abundan!

Malignan! tumours 181

lymphoplasmacytic cell infiltrate in and
around the tumour nodules {2084,2154,
Squamous differentiation, spindle-cel l
features, and basaloid features are oc-
casionally present. Mitotic activity is
brisk, and areas of necrosis may be
present (769,2584). The tumours
are positive for cytokeratins and are
typically diffusely positive far EBV-
encoded small RNA (EBER) by in
situ hybridization (2584). The differ-
ential diagnosis far primary LEC in-
eludes primary undifferentiated carci-
noma and metastatic undifferentiated
nasopharyngeal carcinoma (2533}.

Prognosis and predictiva factors

Nodal metastases occur in as many struction and lithiasis as a result of ductal Oncocytic carcinoma
as 40% of patients {1413,2533). Dis- squamous metaplasia and dysplasia.
tant metastases occur in 10-20% of Nagao T.
patients. Overall and progression-free Clinical features Fonseca l.
survival rates at 3 years of more than Patients usually present at advanced Seethala R.
90% have been reported (1413), and disease stage, with a painful mass and
the 5-year overall survival rate averag- facial nerve palsy.
es 70- 80% across studies {1038,1413, Definition
2154,2533}. Macroscopy Oncocytic carcinoma is a malignant epi-
Most tumours are firm and infiltrative. thelial neoplasm composed exclusively
of neoplasti c oxyphilic cells and does not
Squamous ce/1 carcinoma Histopathology display any histopathological features of
The tumours are typically moderately to other specific salivary gland tumour types.
Chiosea S. well-differentiated SCCs with infi ltrative
Hunt J.L. growth, desmoplasia, and infiltration of ICD-0 code 8290/3
Nagao T. periglandular soft tissue arising from or
Westra W.H. near a majar salivary duct. The findings of Synonyms
squamous dysplasia and transition from Malignant oncocytoma; oncocytic
dilated salivary duct support a primary adenocarcinoma
Definition salivary gland origin. Oral mucosa! dys-
Primary salivary gland squamous cell plasia extending into the submandibular Epidemiology
carcinoma (SCC) is rare and the diagno- salivary duct should be ruled out {519} . Oncocytic carcinoma is an extremely
sis can only be made after the exclusion Most parotid SCCs derive from primary rare salivary gland malignancy.
of prior cutaneous SCC. cutaneous SCC, most commonly through
metastasis. The differential diagnosis Localization
ICD-0 code 8070/3 includes cystic metastatic SCC {1686, Most reported cases have been located
2543). in the parotid gland. The submandibular
Epidemiology Squamous differentiation may be seen gland is the second most common site.
Primary salivary gland SCC is very rare in salivary gland carcinomas undergoing
{407.746,2254). The majority of published high-grade transformation {2 117}. The ab- Clinical features
cases most likely constitute squamous sence of mucous and intermediate cells Patients usually present with painless,
differentiation of other salivary gland car- and keratinization excludes high-grade slow-growing swellings.
cinomas or metastatic SCC from dermal mucoepidermoid carcinoma {407).
primary {401,741,817,1543}. Macroscopy
Prognosis and predictiva factors The tumour is generally described as a
Localization The prognosis and predictive factors are greyish-yellow, irregular but well-defined
The reported cases have been limited to unknown due to the entity's rarity. · mass.
the parotid.
Etiology Oncocytic carcinoma is characterized
Primary salivary gland SCC may arise by large polyhedral cells (with abun-
in patients with longstanding ductal ob- dant granular eosinophilic cytoplasm

182 Tumours of salivary glands

and round to oval vesicu lar nuclei) form- Sialoblastoma Epidemiology
ing organoid nests and trabeculae with Most tumours are identified at birth or
infiltrative features. Tubular stru ctures, Brandwein-Gensler M. shortly afterwards, with no sex predilection .
nuclear pleomorphism and vascular in- Li J. Occasional sialoblastomas may present in
vasion may be seen {1570,2302). RoJ.Y. the second decade of lite (1835,2073).
The differential diagnosis includes the Simpson R.H.W.
oncocytic variant of mucoepidermoid Skálová A. Localization
carcinoma as well as salivary duct car- Most sialoblastomas arise in the parotid
cinoma. Oncocytic mucoepidermoid {495,1662,2497).
carcinoma disp lays the features typi- Definition
cal of mucous ce lls {808,2571). Salivary Sialoblastoma is a rare primitive basa- Clinical features
duct carcinoma can mimic oncocyti c loid salivary g land tumour of infancy with Most affected infants present with facial
carcinoma but exhibits other patterns, marked resemblance to salivary g land swelling and occasional skin ulceration.
especially comedonecrosis. anlage structures and uncertain malig- There have been case reports o/ concu r-
Cases previously diagnosed as high- nan! p otential. rent sialoblastoma and hepatoblastoma
grade oncocytic carc inoma may in fact [2286), sebaceous naevi {887,2236). and
constitute a subtype of salivary duct car- ICD-0 cede 8974/1 congeni ta l naevus {21 12}
cinoma {713).
Synonyms Macroscopy
Prognosis and predictive factors Congenital basal cell adenoma; congeni- Th e gross appearance is that of an ex-
The rarity of this entity precludes a re li- tal hybrid basal cel l adenoma~adenoid pansile lobulated mass that either is cir-
able assessment of its biological behav- cystic carcinoma; embryoma cumscribed or extends into surrounding
iour. Complete excision is generally cu- ti ssues.
rative {1570).

Malignan! tumours 183

~ - -~ -~,.,,,._
Fig. 7.38 Sialoblastoma. A Adenoid cystic-like pattern.

Histopathology Sorne tumours display malignan! cyto- recurrence (single or multiple) or disease
Two distinct patterns are observed; one logical features (e.g. brisk mitotic rate, persistence is reported in approximately
consists of differentiated budding ducts necrosis, pleomorphism, and perineural one quarter of patients {1041 ,2366,2483,
and the other is solid, organoid, and invasion), especially with disease pro- 2612). lsolated metastasis (to cervical
lobular. The budding ducts have columnar gression (1781). lymph node or lung) is uncommon (re-
cells or primitive basaloid-appearing ported in 3 of 38 cases).
reserve cells. The solid form is composed Prognosis and predictive factors
of cuboidal epithelial cells with round to Primary resection is curative for two
oval nuclei, single or few nucleoli , fine thirds of patients {320,524,2019,2483).
chromatin, and pink cytoplasm. Subtle lncreased mitotic rate, high Ki-67 prolif-
peripheral palisading and cribriform erative index, and tumour necrosis are
pseudoglands may be seen. associated with poor prognosis. Local

184 Tumours of salivary glands

Benign tumours

Pleomorphic adenoma Localization it characteristicaliy appears magenta

Most examples occur in the parotid, with on air-dried Romanowsky preparations
Bell D. the remainde r occurring in other sites /1244,2503}.
Bullerdiek J. (typicaliy the palate and submand ibular
Gnepp D.R. gland) {677,2251}. PA is usually solitary, Histopathology
Schwartz M.R . but metachronous and synchronous tu- The tumours are composed of variable
Stenman G. mours do occur {482,857,1048,1615, epithelial and myoepithelial/stromal com-
Triantafyliou A. 2079}. ponents in a mixture of patterns . Spin-
dled myoepithelial cells stream from the
Clinical features ductal elements into the chondromyxoid
Definition PA is a slow-growing, painless mass, stroma. Celis may show a spectrum of
Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is a benign wh ich may be present for many years. phenotypes , including oval, spindled,
tumour with variable cytomorphological The symptoms and signs depend on the epithelioid, clear, and plasmacytoid (hya-
and architectural manifestations. The location (2251). Facial nerve weakness line). Verocay-like arrangements can be
identification of epithelial and myoepithe- and rapid enlargement are more likely to seen. Squamous metaplasia and keratin
lial/stromal components is essential for be associated with tumours of large size pearls are not unusual. Mucous cells, se-
the diagnosis of PA. and with malignan! transformation {217). bocytes, and oncocytic phenotypes are
PA in the deep lobe of the parotid may less com mon (2420).
ICD-0 code 8940/0 present as an oral retrotons illar mass or a The stromal elements can be myxoid,
parapharyngeal space tumour. lipomatous, chondromatous, and/or os-
Synonym seous. Tyrosine-rich crystalloids, colla-
Benign mixed tumour Macroscopy genous stellate fibriliar structures, and
PAs typicaliy present as a single, firm, microliths can be present (2420}. Ductal
Epidemiology mobile, well-circumscribed mass. On cut atypia, diffuse fibrosis, and necrosis
PA is the most common salivary gland surface, they vary from light tan to grey, should prompt more extensive sampling
tumour in both c hildren and adults, ac- with or without cartilaginous features to exclude malignancy. lntravascular tu-
counting for the majority of ali salivary {1863}. Degenerative and cystic changes mour cells may be an artefactual finding
gland neoplasms. The annual inci- can be seen. Haemorrhage and infarc- caused by either f ine-needle aspiration
dence is approximately 2~3.5 cases per tion may occur secondary to prior fine- or intraoperative trauma {2192}.
100 000 population {1895}. PA occurs in needle aspiration. Recurren! tumours
individuals of ali ages, but is most com- characteristically present as multiple Genetic profile
mon in the third to sixth decades of life; nodules of variable size. Approximately 70% of PAs show trans-
the average patient age at presentation is locations (with breakpoints in 8q12
approximately 45 years /1895,2251). The Cytology and 12q14-15) or intrachromosomal re-
female-to-male ratio is 2: 1. Aspiration preparations contain variable arrangements with sporadic non-clon a!
combinations of bland ductal epithe- changes (2269,2270). The transloca-
Etiology lial celis, myoepithelial cells, and chon - tions and rearrangements resu lt in gene
The incidence o/ PA has been reported to in- dromyxoid stroma. ldentification of the fus ions involving the transcription fac-
crease 15- 20 years alter exposure to radiation. typical fibrillary stroma is essential, and tor genes PLAG1 on 8q12 {1190) and

)~ .

Fig, 7.39 Pleomorphic adenoma. A Grossly, pleomorphic adenoma is typically a single, firm, mobile, well-circumscribed Fig. 7.40 Pleomorphic adenoma, well delineated from
mass. B Recurren! tumours characteristically presentas multiple nodules of variable size. the salivary gland by a fibrous capsule.

Benign tumours 185

HMGA2 on 12q14-1 5 {828,829,2269, PAs (1613,22721. A recent study demon- followed by head and neck and lung
2270). PLAG1 encodes a cell cycle strated that myoepithelial cells n PA ex- {1532). The prognosis of most histologi-
progression- related zinc finger prote in press th e stem ce ll marker CD44 (1070). cally benign lesions is generally good.
that is activated due to promoter swap-
ping with various fusion partner genes Prognosis and predictive factors
(i.e. CTNNB1, FGFR1, LIFR, CHCHD7, or Recurrence rates are low. Complete re- Myoepithelioma
TCEA 1). Overexpression leads to deregu- section ensures the lowest rates (470}.
lation of PLAG1 target genes, most impor- Tumour disruption and spillage have also Fonseca l.
tantly /GF2 (2270,2515) . HMGA2 encades been reported as variables with an inde- Bell D.
a high-mobility group protein that func- pend ent effect on recurrence; 26.9% of Bishop J.A.
tions as an architectural transcription fac- punctured tumours and 80% of cases Gnepp D.R.
tor. The gene is activated by gene fusions with spillage recurred {1982). Female
in wh ich the 3' end of HMGA2 is replaced sex, young age at initial treatment, and
by the 3' ends of the fusion partner genes enucleation rather !han parotidectomy Definition
NF/8, WIF1, or FHIT In a subset of tu- may be risk factors far recurrence (2622). Myoepithelioma is a benign salivarygland
mours, the HMGA2- WIF1 fusions are co- Malignan! transformation occurs in ap- tumou r composed almos! exclusively of
amplified with the MDM2 gene on 12q15 proximately 6.2% of PAs (849). Multiple cells with myoepithelial differentiation.
{1860}. HMGA2 fusions actívate expres- recurrences, deep parotid lobe location ,
sion of the cell cycle regulators cyclin A1 male sex, and older patient age are as- /:i .
and cyclin B2 (2270). PLAG1 and HMGA2 sociated with increased malignancy. 1-.,,:-:·., f
fusions have not been encountered in any
subtype of salivary gland tumour except Metastasizing pleomorphic adenoma fAJ,,. ',;''/ ft_
carcinoma ex PA, and may therefore be Metastasizing PA is histologically indis- '. , . . ' . ' 1 '.
used as biomarkers to distinguish PA from :,• ~ ¡, . ,. ,/··
tinguishable from PA, but produces sec - ., í ~-
its morphological mimics {1196,2269, ondary tumours in distant sites. To d ate, .. ' . ' .{ ..
: -~· .. ) . ,.,¡;,"·· .,,
2270f. Downregulation of WIF1 (WNT in- 81 cases have been d escribed {1252). , <', if
hibitory factor 1) was recently described Metastasizing PA often occurs after mul-
in a subset of PAs, associated with an in- tipl e local recurrences, with a reported ., . ~ ..
creased risk of malignan! transformation interval between diagnosis of primary PA Fig. 7.43 Myoepithelioma. Gross view showi.ng a WS:
{1951}. Mutation and overexpression of and distant metastases of 3- 52 years. circumscribed tumour with a tan-fleshy, part1ally cys
HRAS has also been found in a subset of The most common distan! site is bone, cut surface.

186 Tumours ot salivary glands

Fíg. 7.44 Myoepithelioma. A Epithelioid cell type. B Plasmacytoíd cell type. C Organoid arrangement of epithelioid myoepithelial cells.

ICD-0 code 8982/0 Histopathology Basal ce// adenoma

Myoepithelioma can display spindle, plas-
Synonyms macytoid, hyaline, epithelioid, and clear- Li J.
Myoepithelial celi tumour; myoepithelial cell features. The tu mours typically show Fonseca l.
adenoma; monomorphic adenoma nests or cards of round to polygonal cells,
with centrally located nuclei and a variable
Epidemiology amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Occa- Definition
Myoepitheliomas account for 1.5% of sional ducts and intercellular microcystic Basal cell adenoma (BCA) is a benign
ali tumours in the majar and minar sali- spaces may be present. The reticu lar vari- salivary gland neoplasm composed of
vary glands and constitute 2.2% and ant of myoepithelioma is characterized by small basaloid cells, with occasional in-
5.7%, respectively, of ali benign majar net-like arrangements of interconnected ner ductal epithelial cells forming nests
and minar salivary gland tu mours. Males cel l cords (526). lntracellular mucin and and cords .
and females are affected with equal signet ring-shaped celis have also been
frequency (59,144,526,2110,2179,2437). recently described (852,853f. ICD-0 code 8147/0
Most tumours occur in adults, but rare Myoepitheliomas are positive for cyto-
examples in children have been reported keratins (CK7 and CK14). The tu mour Synonyms
{1328,2662). The patient age range is cells variably display immunoreactivity Monomarphic adenoma; basaloid sali-
9-85 years (mean: 44 years), with an in- to anti-alpha-SMA, MSA, calponin, S100, vary gland adenoma; membranous
cidence peak in the third decade of life. and GFAP. Occasional myoepitheliomas adenoma
(especially cases of the p lasmacytoid
Localization variant) may not stain with any of the myo- Epidemiology
Myoepitheliomas develop most com- epithelial markers. BCAs account for 1- 3.7% of ali salivary
monly in the parotid gland, foliowed by gland tumou rs {668,2402). They are most
the hard and soft palate (accounting for Prognosis and predictiva factors frequent in elderly adults; the average
40% of cases) {647}. Myoepitheliomas are benign neoplasms. patient age al presentation ranges from
Recu rrences are infrequent and are more 57 years to > 70 years, with a slight fe-
Clinical features commonly associated with incomplete ex- male predilection.
Myoepitheliomas are well -circumscribed cision {1378,2110}. Myoepitheliomas may
salid tumours. They typically present as rarely undergo malignan! transfarmation Localization
painless slow-growing masses {59,2179, to malignan! myoepithelial carcinoma, Most BCAs arise in the majar salivary
2437}. especially in longstanding tumours and glands. The parotid gland is the most
in cases with multiple recurrences (59). common site (accounting for > 80% of
Myoepitheliomas have a salid, tan to
yel low appearance, with glistening cut

Smears show single cells and celi clus-
ters with a variable stroma component.
The neoplastic celis are typically b land
and can appear spindled, epithelioid, or
plasmacytoid. Cytoplasmic features vary
between tumours. Fíg. 7.45 Basal cell adenoma. A Solid pattern: various shapes and sizes of islands of basaloid cells, with peripheral
palisading. B Tubular pattern: numerous small lumina lined by duela! cells. One to severa! layers of basaloid cells
surround ductal cells.

Benign tumours 187

Prognosis and predictive factors
The prognosis is generally very gooct,
with a very low recurrence rate; except
far the membranous type, which has a re-
currence rate of approximately 25%. Ba-
sal celi carcinoma transformation of BCA
occurs rarely, with a higher frequency in
the membranous type (153).

Warthin tumour
Nagao T.
Gnepp D.R.
Simpson R.H.W.
Vielh P.

Warthin tumour is a benign salivary gland
tumour composed of oncocytic epithelial
Fig. 7.46 Basal cell adenoma. A Focally, cystic degeneration is common. B Trabecular pattem of basal cell adenoma. celis lining ductal, papillary, and cystic
e CK7 immunopositivity is confined to the ductal cells. D SMA immunoexpression is typically localized in peripheral structures in a lymphoid stroma.
tumour cells, indicating myoepithelial differentiation.
ICD-0 code 8561/0
cases), foliowed by the submandibu lar Histopathology
gland. BCA is extremely rare in th e minor The tumours show a mixture of solid, tra- Synonyms
glands (2402,2615}. becular, tubular, and membranous pat- Adenolymphoma; papiliary cystadenoma
terns. They are composed of basaloid lymphomatosum; cystadenolymphoma
Clinical features cells with scant cytoplasm, indistinct cell
The tumours are typically wel l-defined borders, and round to oval nuclei, and Epidemiology
and movable solitary masses. The mem- may show peripheral palisading. Large Warthin tumour is the second most com-
branous type may present as multiple cells with paler-staining nuclei may be mon salivary gland tumour, accounting
nodules and may coexist with dermal present in the centre of the basaloid for approximately 5- 15% of ali salivary
cylindromas or trichoepitheliomas (1069, nests . The membranous pattern features gland tumours. These tumours com-
2111,2691). prominent hyaline material, with intercel - monly affect individuals in their sixth
lular coalescing droplets within tumour to seventh decade of lite. A slight male
Macroscopy nests {1208,1412,1485,2401,2615}. predominance has been reported (679}.
BCAs present as well-circumscribed, Pancytokeratin staining is positive in ali Warthin tumours have been linked to cig-
usually encapsulated nodules measur- tumour cells but most intense in ductal arette smoking {1895A,2038A}.
ing 0.2- 5.5 cm {2615}, except for the cells. The palisading cells stain for myo-
membranous type, which may be mul- epithelial markers, indicating basal/ Etiology
tinodular. On cut section, they are solid myoepithelial differentiation {1642,1685}. Radiation exposure has been suggest-
and homogeneous or partially cystic, ed to be associated with tumorigenesis
with a greyish-white to pinkish-red colour Genetic profile {2048}. A relationship between Warthin
{2401). Histologicaliy this entity can only A few studies have reported frequent al - tumours and autoimmune diseases (804,
be distinguished from its malignant coun- terations at chromosomes 8p22, 19q13.4, 1778} and EBV infection has also been
terpart by the lack of invasiveness into and 16q12-13 {435,6421, anda case re-
surrounding tissues. port of t(7;13) and inv(13) has been pub -
lished {2190).
Aspirate smears typicaliy show numer- Genetic susceptibility
ous uniform basaloid celis with round Sorne BCAs occur in the setting of
or oval nuclei and scant cytoplasm. The Brooke-Spiegler syndrome (multiple fa-
celis form irregular nests and trabeculae, milia! trichoepithelioma), a rare autoso-
and occasionally tubu lar or peripheral mal dominant hereditary disorder caused
palisading structures. Background stro- by mutations of the CYLD gene on chro-
ma both separate from and intermixed mosome 16 {1208,2111}.
with the epithelial cells may be seen Fig. 7.47 Warthin tumour presenting as a well-circum·
(1159,1241,2499}. scribed, mottled light-tan mass.

188 Tumours of salivary glands

reported [2071}, but has not been sub- Histopathology with eosinophilic granular cytoplasm
stantiated !2469). The tumours are composed of varying resulting from an accumulation of
proportions of papillary-cystic struc- mitochondria.
Localization tures lined by oncocytic epithelial cells
The tumours are almost exclusively re- and a lymphoid stroma with germinal ICD-0 code 8290/0
stricted to the parotid gland but sorne- centres !2121 }. The epithelial componen!
times occur in the periparotid lymph is formed of inner columnar and outer Synonyms
nodes (645,2465). Most tumours are cuboidal cells. Limited foci of squamous, Oncocytic adenoma; oxyphilic adenoma
located in the inferior pole of the parotid mucous, ciliated, and sebaceous cells
gland. The tumours occasionally oc- can be present. Epidemiology
cur multifocally, either synchronously or A granulomatous reaction with Langhans- Oncocytoma is uncommon, account-
metachronously, in the same or bilateral type giant cells may be seen {2033}. ln- ing for about 2% of all salivary gland
glands (1329,1513). They may be asso- farcted or metaplastic tumours may have neoplasms. lt occurs most commonly in
ciated with other types of salivary gland marked mucinous or squamous meta- the sixth to eighth decades of life, with a
tumours (857). plasia and stromal reaction, which may mean patient age of 64 years and no sex
present diagnostic challenges (579,680, predilection overall. However, a marked
Clinical features 1095,211 6,2121,2203}.
Patients present with painless, slow- .
growing, and fluctuant swellings. Pain or Prognosis and predictiva factors
facial nerve palsy is uncommon {679l but Complete surgical excision with an ad-
may occur in the metapl astic (or infarct- equate margin is usually curative (664).
ed) variant (680). On technetium-99m The local recurrence rate is low; when
pertechnetate imaging, Warthin tumours recurrence does occur, it is probably
present as hot lesions. due to multifocal tumours or inadequate
excision {667}. Malignan! transformation
Macroscopy in Warthin tumour is extremely rare; how-
Most Warthin tumours are well-circum- ever, there are a few reported examples
scribed spheric al to oval masses. Solid in both the epithelial !748,749,1225,1688, Fig. 7.49 Oncocytoma of the parotid gland with central
areas and multiple cysts with papillary 2195,2614) and the lymphoid component fibrosis.
projections are apparent on the cut sur- {131,298,1583,1868).
face. The cystic spaces often contain
mucoid, creamy white, or brown fluid.
Smears typically show bland, oncocytic Katabi N.
epithelial cells with polymorphous lym- Assaad A.
phocytes and cellular debris {128,736,
1246). Squamous cells and mucinous dif-
ferentiation with mixed inflammation and Definition
cytological atypia can be uncommonly Oncocytoma is a benign salivary gland
seen !736,2487, 2502). tumour composed predominantly of on-
cocytes, which are large epithelial cells

Benign tumours 189

female predilection has been reported to as clear cell oncocytoma {1570}. ICD-0 code 8563/0
among patients with clear cell oncocy- The tumour cells stain with phospho-
toma (143]. tungstic acid haematoxylin . Although Epidemiology
oncocytoma is traditionally thought of as These are rare tumou rs with no sex pre-
Etiology a neoplasm vyith a single cell type, a ba- dilection. The palien! age range is 10-
There is a link between radiation and on- sal cell popÚlation (positive for p63 and 78 years (median: 65 years) {2120). Non-
cocytoma {1181]. CK5/6) is present in ali oncocytomas sebaceous cases account for one third
{2563). of lymphadenomas, and tend to affect
Localization The find ing of multiple unencapsulated younger individuals (median patient age:
Most cases occur in the parotid. Onco- nodules and residual non-oncocytic sali- 50 years), including children (527,1500,
cytoma may also occur in the subman- vary gland parenchyma within the nod- 1647,2562}.
dibular gland and minar salivary glands ules favours nodular oncocytosis rather
(2393}. than oncocytoma {831,2242). The ab- Localization
sence of lymphoid stroma and papillary The parotid gland is the most common
Clinical features cystic architecture distinguishes oncocy- site (affected in > 80% of cases). Tu-
Symptoms vary according to site of oc- toma from Warthin tumour {216,2563}. mours in the minar salivary glands of
currence. Oncocytoma usually presents the oral cavity and in the submandibular
as a unilateral painless swelling. Rare bi- Prognosis and predictive factors gland have,also been reported, as have
lateral cases have been reported !571}. Surgical excision is the treatment of multiple synchronous tumours {4,2120}
choice. True recurrences are rare, but Non-sebaceous 11ymphadenomas ap-
Macroscopy additional oncocytomas may arise in re- pear to occur excl4sively in the parotid
Oncocytomas are well -circumscribed, sidual parotid . An association between gland or periparotfd area {1 442,1500,
lobulated , reddish-brown nodules. marked clear-ce ll change and recurren! 1647,2562}.
and bilateral disease has been reported
Cytology (532). Clinical features
Smears show oncocytic cells with granu- Lymphadenoma presents as a painless,
lar eosinophilic cytoplasm arranged in slow-growing, and mobile mass of a few
sheets, papillary structures, and si ngle Lymphadenoma months' to severa! years' duration {1442}.
cells . Cytological atypia is minimal al
most (1417] . Prasad M.L. Macroscopy
Chiosea S. The tumours measure 0.6- 6 cm (median:
Histopathology lhrler S. 2 cm). They are usually encapsulated
The oncocytes are characterized by Skálová A. and have a solid or multicystic, grey to
abundan! eosinophilic granular cyto- yellow cut surface. The cyst contents are
plasm and centrally located vesicular nu- frequently gelatinous and sebaceous
clei, typically with a single prominent nu- Definition {2120) .
cleolus. The oncocytes are arranged in Lymphadenoma is a rare benign salivary
sheets, nests, trabeculae, and duct-like gland tumour that consists of a well-cir- Cytology
pattern s, separated by thin fibrovascular cumscribed biphasic proliferation of epi- Preparations are hypercellular, with frag-
stroma. Microcysts and macrocysts may thelial cells and reactive lymphoid tissue. ments of tightly cohesive, bland epithelial
be observed . Occasionally, the entire tu - Sebaceous and non-sebaceous forms cells. Most cells appear basaloid; how-
mour may consist of clear cells , referred can be distinguished. ever, cytoplasmic characteristics vary,

190 Tumours of salivary glands

with sorne cells having abundan! foamy Cystadenoma presents as a slow-growing painless
cytoplasm. Background polymorphous mass. Minor gland tumours present as
1ymphocytes are present {3481. Budnick S. smooth-surfaced nodules, frequently
Simpson R.H.W. with a cyst-like appearance. The clini-
Histopathology cal differential diagnosis often includes
The epithelial component, which consti- mucocoele.
tutes 20- 70% of the tumour, shows anas- Definition
tomosing cords and nests of basaloid Cystadenoma is a rare benign salivary Macroscopy
cells, as well as tubuloglandular struc- gland neoplasm characterized by a pre- Most tumours are multicystic; the gross
tures. Small to medium-sized cysts and dominantly multicystic growth pattern , appearance shows multiple small cysts,
intraepithelial lymphocytes are frequently with the cysts lined by proliferative, fre- often including normal minor salivary
seen and can be associated with eosino- quently papillary epithelium that often gland at the periphery. lntraluminal pro-
philic, hyaline, basement membrane-like shows oncocytic differentiation. liferation may be evident.
material. Sebaceous differentiation is
typically seen in sebaceous lymphad- ICD-0 code 8440/0 Histopathology
enoma. Rupture and leakage of sebum The tumours are well circumscribed and
may elicit an epithelioid granulomatous Synonyms freq uently present as multicystic lesions,
response with foreign-body giant cells Cystic duct adenoma; intraductal papil- although 20% are unilocular {2714}. The
{1442,1500,2120,2562} . Squamous dif- lary hyperplasia (non-neoplastic); Warthin cysts are separated by generally thin fi-
ferentiation with keratinization may be tumour without lymphoid component brous connective tissue. The lumen usu-
seen, especially alter fine-needle aspi- ally shows papillary projections lined by
ration biopsy. The lymphoid component Epidemiology columnar and/or cuboidal epithelium ,
consists of reactive lymphoid follicles with Cystadenoma accounts foras many as 4% frequently with sorne degree of onco-
germinal centres. lmmunohistochemistry of all salivary gland neoplasms {24091. The cytic differentiation. The oncocytic pat-
is generally not helpful. Lymphadenoma tumour is more common in women than in tern may predominate. Mucous cells may
can readily be distinguished from lym- men {2591}. The average patient age is in be seen, and apocrine differentiation
phoepithelial carcinoma and metastatic the fifth to seventh decade of lite {27141. has been reported ; squamous epithe-
carcinoma {1442,1500,2120,2562}. lium may be present focally but rarely
Localization predominates. The lumen may contain
Prognosis and predictiva factors The localization of the tumour varíes by eosinophilic material with scattered epi-
Lymphadenomas are benign tumours study, but there appears to be a relatively thelial, inflammatory, or foamy cells. The
cured by complete excision. Rarely, equal distribution between the minor and surrounding fibrous stroma often con-
malignan! transformation may occur in major salivary glands. The parotid is in- tains seromucous glands. The tumours
sebaceous cells (sebaceous lymphad- volved in about 45-50% of cases, with do not show cytological atypia, mitoses,
enocarcinoma) or basal cells (basal cell the minor glands of the lip and buccal or an invasive growth pattern.
adenocarcinoma). Lymphadenocarci- mucosa being the next most .common
noma typically shows residual benign siles (2409). Prognosis and predictive factors
lymphadenoma {497,854,21 20). The tumours are benign, and conserva-
Clínica! features tive local excision is appropriate. Recur-
In the major salivary glands, the tumour rence is rare.

Benign tumours 191

Sía/adenoma papilliferum Macroscopy Cases with malignan! transformation
Sialadenoma papilliferum is usually poly- have been reported (1448,1910,2165).
Foschini M.P. poid and pedunculated , with a verrucoid
Bell D. surface and well-circumscribed margins.
Katabi N. On cut section, cystic spaces are occa- Ductal papillomas
sionally visible.
Richardson M.
Definition Histopathology Bell D.
Sialadenoma papilliferum is an exophy- At low power, b oth surface and submu- Foschini M.P.
tic lesion with an inward papillary pro- cosal components can be observed. Gnepp D.R.
liferation of mucosa! and salivary duct The surface component displays papil- Katabi N.
epithelium. lary projections that are lined by squa-
mous epithelium and extend to submu-
ICD-0 code 8406/0 cosa to form cystic-like spaces. At higher
power, acanthosis and parakeratosis of Definition
Epidemiology the squamous epithelium can be seen. Ductal papillomas are luminar ductal
Sialadenoma papilliferum is rare and The ductal structures are lined by lu- epithelial proliferations that occur at vari-
mainly affects adults, with the peak inci- minar cuboidal cells (luminal cells) and ous siles within the salivary duct system.
dence in the eighth decade of lite. Oc- flattened myoepithelial cells (abluminal Based on their growth pattern , they can
casional cases have been reported in cells). Rare mucocytes can be present be subc lassified as either intraductal
adolescents and children. Females and among the luminal cells. lnflarrimatory papilloma or inverted ductal papilloma.
males are equally affected. infiltration may be present.
On immunohistochemistry, myoepithelial ICD-0 code 8503/0
Etiology cells (positive for SMA, S100, and GFAP)
The etiological factors are unknown. and cel ls positive only for the high-mo- Synonym
lnflammation and sialolithiasis have been lecular-weight cytokeratins CK13 and Epidermoid papillary adenoma
suggested as possible causes. CK14 can be seen (1512).
Localization Prognosis and predictiva factors The precise incidence of du ctal papil-
The intraoral minor salivary glands are Surgical excision is curative. Recur- loma is unknown, but both intraductal
frequently affected, with the hard pal - rences are exceed ingly rare {261,1891}. papilloma and inverted papilloma are
ate and bucea! mucosa being the most
common si tes of origin (693,1288,2441).
Rare cases have been described in the
parotid {1466}.

Clinical features
Sialadenoma papilliferum presents as a
longstanding exophytic papillary mucosa!
lesion, most often clinically diagnosed as
squamous cell papilloma. Parotid lesions
can present as ulcerated cutaneous le- A\;,,,,~ - ..__,__.... _ --
sions, simulating a malignant tumour. Fig. 7.54 lntraductal papilloma. A lnterlobular duct containing a delicate papillary network of cuboidal and columnar
cell-lined vascular fronds. B The surrounding ductal lining and the columnar ductal lining cells are similar.

192 Tumours of salivary glands

considered to be rare (261,2049). The le- with occasional surface access. The 59 years (range: 22-90 years). There is a
sions arise in adults (patient age range: proliferative components display broad slight male predominance, with a male-
22-77 years), with no sex predilection sheets of monotonous epithelial cells to-female ratio of 4:3. Unlike with cutane-
(261). Rare occurrence in children has with central thin fibrovascular cores. Oc- ous sebaceous neoplasms, there is no
also been reported (1747). casional microcysts within the epithelium increased risk of developing a visceral
are noted. The differential diagnosis for carcinoma.
Etiology intraductal papillomas includes mucoepi-
The etiology of ductal papilloma remains dermoid carcinoma {1287); however, in- Localization
unknown. Masticatory trauma and an as- traductal papilloma lacks the multicystic, About 61% of cases occur in the major
sociation with HPV have been reported multinodular, and infiltrative growth pat- salivary glands: 48% in the parotid gland
(20491. tern of mucoepidermoid carcinoma. and 13% in the submandibular gland.
The other 39% occur in the minar sali-
Localization Prognosis and predictive factors vary glands, most commonly in the buc-
The oral minor salivary glands are the Complete excision is curative. No cases ea! mucosa and lower molar/retromolar
most common siles of occurrence. The of malignan! transformation have been reg ions.
tumours occur most frequently in the reported {32,261).
lower lip, followed by the cheek mucosa, Clinical features
floor of the mouth, palate, and tangue. Patients present with a painless mass.
There have been reported cases in ali Sebaceousadenoma
majar salivary glands, most commonly in Macroscopy
the parotid (261,1164,1747) . Gnepp D.R. Sebaceous adenomas range in size from
Bel! D. 0.4 to 6 cm. They are typically well cir-
Clinical features Hunt J.L. cumscribed to encapsulated, and are
Both inverted and intraductal papillomas Seethala R. greyish-white to yellowish-grey on cut
present as painless submucosal nodules surface.
of duration that varíes from a few weeks to
severa! years. Definition Cytology
Sebaceous adenoma is a rare, usually Smears are cellular and show aggre-
Macroscopy well-circumscribed tumour composed of gates of bland basaloid cells with various
The reported size range is 0.5- 2 .0 cm. irregularly sized and shaped nests of se- numbers of cytoplasmic vacuoles {88).
The tumours often present as nodular (in- baceous cells without cytological atypia,
traductal papillary) growths {1164). often with areas of squamous differentia-
tion and cystic change.
lntraductal papilloma arises in the termi- ICD-0 code 8410/0
nal portian of the salivary gland excretory
duct, at the junction with the mucosa! Epidemiology
surface. The lesion is typically well cir- Sebaceous adenomas are rare, accoun-
cumscribed, with broad luminal papillary ting for approximately 0.1% of salivary
projections composed of cylindrical or gland neoplasms and slightly less than
epidermoid cells lined by columnar gob- 0.5% of ali salivary gland adenomas
let cells (11 64). lnverted ductal papilloma {851). Slightly more than 30 cases have
typically manifests asan unencapsulated been reported to date {88,851,2705). Fig. 7.56 Sebaceous adenoma. Squarnoid cell nests
endophytic squamoid cell proliferation The mean patient age at presentation is with sebaceous differentiation in a lymphoid si roma .

Benign tumours 193

Sebaceous adenomas are well circum-
scribed and do not show any invasion.
They are composed of variously sized
sebaceous cell nests, which vary in tor-
tuosity and frequently are embedded in
a fibrous stroma. The tumours can be
microcystic or may contain dilated sali-
vary ducts with foci of sebaceous differ-
1.._~t l
111w.1. .
. ,
entiation. Pleomorphism and cytological

.. t ,., . '
atypia are minimal; necrosis and mitoses Fig. 7.57 Canalicular adenoma. A Multiple canalicular adenomas and adenomatous changes in a minor salivaiy gland.
are not usually found. Sebaceous adeno- B Thin anastomosing cords and paucicellular stroma.
mas often contain areas of squamous
differentiation and occasionally show Epidemiology found within the affected salivary gland.
marked oncocytic metaplasia. Histio- Canalicular adenomas occur in the fourth Cyst formation can be present and may
cytes, foreign-body giant cells, or both to seventh decades of lite and rarely be- be accompanied by haemorrhage and
may be seen focally. The sebocytes in fo re the age of 50 years. Men are more haemosiderin-laden macrophages.
salivary gland sebaceous adenomas often affected than women (292,2385}. In The tumour cells are uniform columnar
have an immunohistochemical staining western countries, canalicular adenoma to cuboidal epithelial cells arranged in
profile similar to that seen in sebaceous accounts for 0.5- 12% of ali minor sali vary anastomosing, branching, or budding
adenomas elsewhere, staining positive gland tumours (292,1900,2524,2676}. In parallel co rds, which are sometimes
for p63, EMA, adipophilin, and perilipin. series from China, no canalicular ad- widely separated or sometimes join and
lf there is a lymphoid background, the di- enomas were repo rted in minar salivary form beaded edges. The tumour cell
agnosis of sebaceous lymphadenoma is glands (2536,2546). nuclei are monomorphous, with finely
more appropriate . dispersed chromatin and inconspicuous
Localization nucleoli. Mitoses are rare.
Prognosis and predictive factors Canalicular adenoma is a tumour of the The cells are positive for cytokeratins.
These are benign tumours. lf completely minor salivary glands. Most cases (80%) S100 shows strong and consisten\ nucle-
excised, they do not recur. occur in the upper lip. The bucea! muco- ar and cytoplasmic staining. p63 is nega-
sa, and rarely the palate and other sites, tive and KIT (CD117) is positive {627,628,
may also be involved (2385). 786,919,2385,2676,2704}.
Canalicular adenoma and The difference between canalicular ade-
other ductal adenomas Clinical features noma and reported cases of striated ad-
Patients present with an asymptomatic, enoma (2572) is arbitrary, and the clinical
Bloemena E. painless swelling, or the tumour is discov- relevance of these variants is unknown.
Katabi N. ered incidentally during dental examina- The exclusive luminal differentiation of
tion. In about 13% of cases, the rumours canalicular adenoma is a distinguishing
present multifocally (including bilaterally), feature from basal cell adenoma and ad-
Definition typically in the upper lip and bucea! reg ion enoid cystic carcinoma.
Canalicular adenoma is a benign salivary (518,1529,2020,2059,2385}.
gland tumour composed of monomor- Prognosis and predictive factors
phous epithelial ductal cells arranged in Macroscopy The prognosis is excellent, and local ex-
anastomosing cords within cell-poor vas- Canalicular adenomas are well-circum- cision is curative. Due to the multifocal
cular stroma. scribed brown to yellowish tumours growth of these tumours, it is difficult to
(1055, 2059,2385} . ascertain whether a recurrence of cana-
ICD-0 code 8149/0 licular adenoma is a true recurrence ora
Histopathology result of multinodularity.
Synonyms The tumours are well delineated and
Ductal adenoma; striated duct adenoma lobulated . Multiple small nodules can be

194 Tumours of salivary glands

Non-neoplastic epithelial lesions

Sclerosing polycystic Clinical features Nodular oncocytic

adenosis Sclerosing polycystic adenosis is a pain- hyperplasia
less slow-growing mass, usually of < 1
Seethala R. year in duration. Pain and ting ling are rare. Slater L.
Gnepp D.R. Bell D.
Skálová A. Macroscopy Gnepp D.R.
Slater L. The tumours are firm and well delineated,
Wílliams M.O. with a mean size of 3.0 cm. The cut sur-
tace is pale, glistening, and multicystic . Defin ition
Nodular oncocytic hyperplasia (NOH) is
Definition Histopathology a rare lesion characterized by multiple
Sclerosing polycystic adenosis is a be- Sclerosing polycystic adenosis is a well- non-neoplastic nodular proliferations
nign salivary gland lesion with close mor- circumscribed lobular proliferation of composed of cells with abundan! granu-
phological resemblance to fibrocystic ducts with granular, vacuolated, or apo- lar eosinophilic cytoplasm (oncocytes)
changes and sclerosing adenosis of the crine cellular features and with acini con- and/or clear cytoplasm (clear cells) in
breast (2219}. taining coarse red zymogen granules em- one or both parotid glands .
bedded in a f ibrosclerotic stroma. Ductal
Synonyms elements may be proliferative, creating a Synonyms
Sclerosing adenosis; sclerosing polycys- resemblance to low-grade ductal carci - Multifocal nodular oncocytic hyperplasia
tic sialadenopathy; polycystic adenosis; noma in situ (858,1869,2196}. (MNOH); nodular oncocytosis; clear cell
sclerosing polycystic adenoma oncocytosis
Genetic profile
Epidemiology The occurrence of X-chromosome in- Epidemiology
This is a rare lesion, with about 60 re- activation, wh ich has been detected in NOH accounts for < 1% of salivary gland
ported cases. The mean patient age is certain cases by the human androgen tumours. The average patient age at
about 40 years (range: 7-84 years), with receptor (HUMARA) assay, suggests presentation is approximately 57 years
a female-to-male ratio of 1.3:1. that sclerosing polycystic adenosis may (range: 39- 80 years), and 85% of cases
be monoclonal in nature (2194). occur in women.
Most cases (> 70%) involve the parotid, Prognosis and predictive factors Etiology
but sclerosing polycystic adenosis can Sclerosing polycystic adenosis recurs in The cause of NOH remains largely un-
also occur in the submandibular gland, 11% of cases that are multifocal or incom- known . Recent evidence suggests that
oral cavity, and (rarely) nasal cavity pletely excised {858). One case showed HPV infection (HPV 53) and mutations
(2295) malignan! transformation alter 3 recur- in mitochondrial DNA (m.4561TA) could
rences overa span of 32 years (321). play a role in inducing the lesions (1306).

Non -neoplastic epithelial lesions 195

Localization acinic cell carcinoma or metastatic renal Localization
NOH occurs exclusively in the parotid cell carcinoma. The nodules are com- The typical localization is the parotid
gland. lt presents as bilateral parotid tu- posed of uniform polygonal cells with gland and less frequently the subman-
mours in approximately 40% of cases. granular eosinophilic and/or clear cyto- dibular glands {648}.
plasm and centrally located uniform oval
Macroscopy pyknotic (dark) and/or pale nuclei with Clinical features
Affected parotid glands show scattered, small nucleoli. The lesions present as painless swelling
we ll-circumscribed, brown or mahogany of the affected gland, either unilaterally or
to whitish-tan nodules ranging in size Prognosis and predictive factors bilaterally {1501).
from 0.2 to 2.5 cm (2435). A large domi- NOH is a benign, non-neoplastic condi-
nant mass may constitute an oncocyto- tion; malignan! transformation has not Cytology
ma arising within NOH, especially if the been reported. Smears show polymorphous lympho-
mass is well circumscribed and partially cytes with variable amounts of benign
encapsulated {1068,2155). salivary gland epithelium and reactive
Lymphoepithelial sía/adenitis stromal tissue.
There are irregularly shaped, unencap- Bloemena E. Histopathology
sulated oncocytic nodules scattered Bell D. Lymphoepithelial sialadenitis is charac-
within normal parotid architecture {1806). Chiosea S. terized by parenchymal atrophy and
The nodules are composed of densely islands of epimyoepithelial cell prolifera-
packed, back-to-back acinar or tubu- tion in lymphoid infiltrate. The lobular ar-
loacinar structures {882,2081). As the Definition chitecture of the gland with interlobular
lesiona! nodules expand and coalesce, Lymphoepithelial sialadenitis is a benign fibrous sepi a is usually preserved {1083J.
adjacent normal parotid serous acini, lesion characterized by acinar atrophy, Unlike in chronic sclerosing sialadenitis,
ducts, and adipocytes focally become ductal hyperplasia, and epimyoepithelial fibrosis and obliterative phlebitis are not
entrapped within nodules. This finding islands in lymphoid stroma . observed in lymphoepithelial sialadenitis
may be helpful in distinguishing NOH {830).
with clear-cell features from clear cell Synonyms
Benign lymphoepithelial lesion; myoepi-
thelial sialadenitis

The patients affected are predominantly
females (with a female-to-male ratio of
3:1) in their fourth to seventh decade of ~ ~~~·
.,·.: ,~
, :\~.. ~f '
life {648) .

Fig. 7.60 Nodular oncocytic hyperplasia. Variable

nodules scattered within the parotid gland.
Lymphoepithelial sialadenitis is consid-
ered an autoimmune lesion and is one
of the cardinal components of Sjógren
syndrome. However, lymphoepithelial si-
aladenitis can also occur as an isolated
salivary gland lesion {1501 ).
-~ ' .
Fig. 7.61 Lymphoepithelial sialadenitis in which ~e
epimyoepithelial islands are highlighted by cytokeratin
(MNF116) staining; normal salivary gland parenchymals
seen at the left.

196 Tumours of salivary glands

Prognosis and predictiva factors Synonyms Clinical features
Patients with lymphoepithelial sialadenitis lntercalated duct adenoma; adenoma- Most cases are incidental, detected with
are at risk of developing MALT lymphoma tous ductal proliferation other salivary gland lesions (e.g. basal
(648). The period from the diagnosis of cell adenoma or epithelial-myoepithelial
lymphoepithelial sialadenitis to the devel- Epidemiology carcinoma) {418,1642,2570).
opment of malignant lymphoma is highly Fewer than 80 cases have been reported
variable in duration: from 6 months to (190,408,418,575,1494,1642, 1713,2570, Macroscopy
29 years (620,648,689}. 26901, with a male-to-female ratio of 3:2. Grossly visible lesions are well circum-
The mean patient age at presentation is scrib ed and tan (1713}.
about 52 years.
lntercalated duct hyperplasia Histopathology
Etiology lntercalated duct hyperplasia manifests
Chiosea S. lntercalated duct hyperplasia is consid- as a nodular formation composed of
Seethala R. ered a reactive or hyperplastic process small ductules of attenuated myoepithe-
Williams M.O. (1642,2570,2690}. A precursor role far lial and cuboidal ductal cells. lt is consid-
sorne salivary gland tumours h·as been ered hyperp lastic {2570}. lf well circum-
suggested (418,575,2570). scribed, it must be distinguished from the
Definition striated form of ductal adenoma.
lntercalated duct hyperplasia/lesion is a Localization
salivary ductal proliferation resembling The majority (85%) of cases arise in the Prognosis and predictiva factors
intercalated ducts. parotid, 11% in the submandibular gland, lntercalated duct hyperplasia is a benign
and 4% in the oral cavity {190,408,418, hyperplastic lesion .

Non-neoplastic epithelial lesions 197

Benign soft tissue lesions

Haemangioma Macroscopy Prognosis and predictiva factors

The neoplasm presents as a nodular, lnfantile lesions grow rap idly initially, and
Flucke U. greyish-red mass, with a usually salid cut most involute subsequently. Successful
Bullerdiek J. surface (280,1680}. treatment options include propranolol,
lhrler S. steroid injection, endovascular sclero-
Histopathology therapy, and surgery (2577 }.
The lesions are lobulated and composed
Definition of thin-walled vessels of various sizes
Haemangioma is a benign vascular le- and shapes. Lumina may be subtle, with lipoma/ sialolipoma
sion characterized by a proliferation of densely packed endothelial cells, es-
endothelial cells and pericytes. pecially in the early stage. Larger, more lhrler S.
obvious lumina are a sign of maturation. Bullerdiek J.
ICD-0 code 9120/0 There is no nuclear atypia. Mitotic figures Flucke U.
may be present. The lesions surround Wenig B.M.
Synonym and replace pre-existen! salivary gland
Benign haemangioendothelioma tissue (280,1531,1680}.
On immunohistochemistry, CD34 stain- Definition
Epidemiology ing highlights the endothelial ce lls and Salivary gland lipoma and sialolipoma
Haemangiomas are the most common SMA staining highlights the pericytic are neoplastic lip omatous growths within
benign salivary gland tumours in infants, componen! (280}. major salivary glands. Sialolipoma also
and account for about 50% of parotid contains epithelial components, whereas
tumours. The female-to-male ratio is 2:1 ordinary lipoma does not.
(177,1281,1385, 25 77).
ICD-0 code 8850/0
Haemangiomas occur almost exclusively Synonyms
in the parotid gland (1281,2577). Salivary lipoma; adenolipoma; oncocytic
si alolipoma; oncocytic lipoadenoma
Clinical features
Patients present with a mass {177}. Most Epidemiology
tumours are limited to th e parotid gland, Lipoma and sialolipoma constitute :::; 0.5%
but extensive lesions also involve the of salivary gland tumours. Ordinary lipo-
surrounding tissue . They can cause dis- mas are about twice as common as sialol-
figurement and distortion of anatomical ipomas . Both forms manifest in patients of
structures. Shunting has been reported Fig. 7.65 Sialolipoma presenting as well-circumscribed, middle to older age, and ordinary lipoma
as a rare complication (2577). homogeneous yellow mass. shows amale predominance {18,2264}.

Most lipomas and sialolipomas (~ 90%)
develop in the parotid glands. They de·
velop rarely in the submandibu lar glands
and only exceptionally in the minor sali-
vary glands (16,1687,2264}.

Clinical features
Lipomas and sialolipomas are usually
slow-growing and clinically asymptomat-
ic (16,18,1687,2264}.

198 Tumours of salivary glands

Local ization
Nodular fasciitis usually develops in the
parotid gland (400,1849/, with one re port-
ed case in the submandibular gland (1111 l.

Clinical features
Nodular fasciitis typically grows rapidly,
usually without clinical symptoms or pain.

Grossly, nodular fasciitis may appear cir-
cumscribed or infiltrative, but is not en-
capsulated. lt is typically about 2- 4 cm
[341,400,986,11 11,2035).
Macroscopy Nodular fasciítis
Lipomas/sialolipomas are well -circum- Histopathology
scribed yellowish tumours. lhrler S. The neoplasm typically presents as a
Bullerdiek J. fibroblastic/myofibroblastic proliferation
Histopathology Flucke U. with a tissue culture- like growth pattern
Salivary gland lipomas are similar to other and no cellu lar atypia. Lesions in the
lipomas and may have an incomplete rim salivary glands are histologically and im-
of atrophic salivary gland parenchyma. Definition munohistochemically identical to conven-
Variants of ordinary lipoma (e.g. spindle Nodular fasc iitis is a self-limiting fibrous tional subcutaneous cases . lncreased
cell lipoma, angiolipoma, and pleomor- neoplasm composed of fibroblastic/myo- mitotic activity and/or focal infiltration can
phic lipoma) are extremely rare {16,18, fibroblastic cells. lead to misdiagnosis as sarcoma. Misdi-
2264/. agnosis is also possible on cytological
Sialolipomas can demonstrate a range of ICD-0 code 8828/0 specimens (400,1849 ,2035}.
non-oncocytic to oncocytic features [16,18,
1239). They contain lobules of parotid pa- Synonym Genetic profile
renchyma with evenly interspersed adipose Pseudosarcomatous fasciitis Rearrangement of the USP6 gene is found
tissue and occasionally focal sebaceous a large proportion of cases (661 ,1771}.
differentiation (18,1112,1687). Epidemiology
The differential diagnoses include other Only about 30 cases have been report- Prognosis and predictive factors
salivary gland tumours with lipomatous ed, accounting for about 1% of ali cases Conservative surgery is sufficient. Recur-
metaplasia (e.g. pleomorphic adenoma and of nodular fasciitis. The lesion ari~es most rence is very rare, even with incomplete
myoepithelioma (2200)) and atrophic sali- frequently in the third and fourth decades excision. Spontaneous regression has
vary gland parenchyma (16,18,1112,1687). of lite and rarely in children, with no sex been described in cases diagnosed by
predilection (400,1849). cytology using fine-needle aspiration
Prognosis and predictive factors (341, 986,1849}.
Ali cases are cured by excision, with no Etiology
reported recurrences. The etiology is unknown. Post-traumatic
development has been reported in a mi-
nority of cases (20 14).

Benign soft tissue lesions 199

Haematolymphoid tumours

Cheuk W.
Ferry J.A.

Salivary gland lymphomas are uncom-
mon. They constitute 1.7-6% of ali sali-
vary gland neoplasms (847,2103) and
6-26% of ali extranodal lymphomas in
the head and neck region (423,666,934,
947,1711). Primary salivary gland lympho-
ma that manifests initially in the salivary
gland is more common than secondary
lymphoma as part of disseminated dis-
ease (1804}. The parotid gland is the most
common site (affected in approximately
70% of cases), followed by the subman-
dibular gland (approximately 20%) and
the minor salivary gland (< 10%) (944,
The parotid gland contains intraglandular
lymph nodes, and lymphoma may arise in
glandular parenchyma (extranodal lym-
phoma) or within the intraparotid lymph
nodes (nodal lymphoma) (209?¡. lt is
often difficult to distinguish between the
two, because intraparotid lymph nodes
in turn may harbour salivary gland inclu-
sions that can undergo proliferation when enlarging masses, but sorne have pain, and there is no association between fol-
involved by lymphoma (21). MALT lym- facial nerve paralysis, or cervical lymph licular lymphoma and autoimmune dis-
phoma, foll icular lymphoma, and diffuse node enlargement. Sorne cases present ease {1262,1692}. Morphologically, sali-
large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) together with features of obstructive sialadenitis vary gland follicular lymphoma is similar
account fo r most cases of lymphoma in {1350). B symptoms are very rare. More to follícular lymphoma occurring in other
the gland parenchyma, whereas lym- than 80% of cases present with localized parts of the body.
phoma arising from intraglandular lymph disease (stage I or 11). DLBCLs account for 7- 27% of salivary
nodes shows a much wider spectrum, gland lymphomas {619,1262,1692,2008),
consisten! with its nodal counterparts Lymphoma subtypes and a substantial proportion of cases
elsewhere in the body (1107}. MALT lymphoma is the most common pri- have a MALT lymphoma componen! con-
mary salivary gland lymphoma. stituting transformation {1262}. DLBCL
Clinical features The frequency of fol licular lymphoma has a more aggressive clinical behaviour
Salivary gland lymphoma usual ly affects of the salivary gland varies significantly than do MALT lymphoma and follicular
patients in late adulthood, with a median across studies, from 0- 8% in sorne se- lymphoma o! the salivary gland. Accord-
patient age of 57-63 years (1262,1804, ries {619,1107,2008} to 22-30% in oth- ing to the lnternational Extranodal Lym-
2407). There is a slight female prepon- ers {126 1,1262,1692}, despite thf¡) fact phoma Study Group series, salivary gland
derance, probably dueto cases of MALT that strict criteria have been applied to DLBCLs, like other extranodal DLBCLs of
lymphoma arising in association with exclude nodal disease arising in intra- the head and neck region, are associated
Sjogren syndrome, which is much more glandular lymph nades. Patients with fol- with worse survival than are their nodal
common in females. Bilateral disease is licular lymphoma are on average about counterparts of similar stage (1596}
seen in 2.3-10% of cases {698,2008). 10- 15 years younger than those with Rare cases of mantle cell lymphoma,
Most patients present with painless MALT lymphoma of the salivary gland, chronic lymphocytic lymphoma, Burkitt

200 Tumours of salivary glands

lymphoma, peripheral T-cell lymphoma,
extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, ana-
plastic large cell lymphoma, adult T-cell
lymphoma/leukaemia, classical Hodgkin
1ymphoma, and n~dular lymphocyte-
predominant Hodgk1n lym phoma have
been reported in the salivary glands, with
most cases probably constituting nodal
disease within the salivary gland 121,
1267,2407,2666). The prognosis of these
1ymphomas does not seem to differ from
that of lymphomas of the same type aris-
ing in other parts of the body. Rare cases
of lymphoma have been reported in the
lymphoid stroma of Warthin tumour; most
commonly follicular lymphoma, followed
by DLBCL and others 1833,1793,2086).
Most patients have disseminated lympho-
ma at diagnosis or subsequently, sug-
gesting that this composite tumour may
constitute a nodal extension of systemic
lymphoma, which is consisten! with the
hypothesis that Warthin tu mour derives
from neoplastic proliferation of salivary
gland remnants entrapped in an intra-
glandular lymph node. Other haemato-
lymphoid tumours (e.g. myeloid sarcoma
1313), histiocytic neoplasms {2101), and
plasmacytoma {40,1588)) are very rare in
the salivary glands.

Extranodal marginal zone gland MALT lymphoma is 0.086 cases (also called A20), has been associated
/ymphoma of mucosa- per 100 000 pop ulation, with no sig - with lymphoma development (915,1743).
nifican! change over the past two dec- Hepatitis C infection may be another pre-
associated lymphoid tissue ades {2485). The median patie~t age is disposing factor in 25% of salivary gland
(MALT lymphoma) 58 years. There is a significan! female MALT lymp homas 191). lgG4-related
predominance (female-to-male ratio: disease is an idiopathic, mass-forming
Cheuk W. 1.5-3:1) dueto a strong association with chronic inflammatary lesion that frequent-
OttG. Sjogren syndrome {74,1033,2485). ly involves the salivary gland and ocular
adnexa, and there is anecdotal evidence
Etiology of the development of MALT lymphoma in
Definition A well -established etiological factor of this setting {419,1757).
Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma MALT lymphoma is chronic inflammation
of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue related to infectious disease or autoim- Localization
(MALT lymphoma) is an indolent mature mune disorder, which leads to the de novo MALT lymphoma arising in the head and
8-cell neoplasm showing architectural formation of lymphoid tissue in organs neck region most frequently affects ocu-
and cytological similarities with reactive otherwise devoid of mucosa-associated lar adnexa (accounting for 60% of cas-
mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues oc- lymphoid tissue. Lymphoepithelial sialad- es), followed by the majar and minar sali-
curring in various extranodal sites {1094). enitis is the precursor lesion for salivary vary glands (30- 40% of cases) and less
gland MALT lymphoma. Among patients commonly the Waldeyer ring (pharyngeal
ICD-0 coda 9699/3 with Sjogren syndrome, the risk of devel- lymphoid ring) {2303,2594). lnvolvement
oping lymphoma is 5- 20 times as high as of the larynx, oral cavity, or sinonasal
Epidemiology the risk in the general population {1743, tract is rare {1541 ,1873,2363).
The head and neck region is the second 2514). Monoclonal B cells are detected
most frequent site of MALT lymphoma, frequently (in > 50% of cases) in tissues Clinical features
following the gastrointestinal tract. MALT from patients with Sjogren syndrome, and Most patients present with painless en-
lyrnphoma is the most common type of selective expansion of these monoclo- larging masses. Sorne may have pain,
lyrnphoma in the salivary glands. In the nal B cells, with the acquisition of further facial nerve paralysis, or cervical lymph
USA, the annual incidence of salivary mutations such as in the TNFAIP3 gene node enlargement. Laryngeal tumours

Haematolymphoid tumours 201

may present with hoarseness and stridor. small lymphocytes and accompanied by CD43 or T-bet can aid in the diagnosis of
B symptoms are rare. basement membrane-like material. In lymphoma, as can the demonstration of
later stages, the infiltrate can be nodular, immunoglobulin light chain restriction in
Macroscopy perifollicular, and diffuse, often featuring lymphoid cells (optimally by flow cytom-
The tumours are non-circumscribed, a mixture of cell types including small etry) and/or in plasma cells on paraffin
firm, and tan-coloured. lnterspersed lymphocytes, centrocyte-like cells, and sections (if there is plasmacytic differen-
cysts formed by dilated ducts are a monocytoid cells. lntermediate-sized to tiation). A small subset of MALT lympho-
common fi nding in salivary gland MALT large blastic cells are often inters persed mas (< 4% of cases) that express CDS
lymphoma. in small numbers. Plasma-cell differentia- may be associated with a more aggres-
tion occurs in one third of cases. sive behaviour (714,2593).
Histopathology In the Waldeyer ring, the diagnosis of
The histological features of MALT lym- MALT lymphoma is more difficult to Genetic profile
phoma in the head and neck region are make, because the epithelium is normall y lmmunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH) and
similar to !hose of MALT lymphoma oc- heavily infiltrated by lymphoid cells. The light chain (IGL) genes are clonally rear-
curring elsewhere, with confluent sheets diagnosis rests on the presence of dense ranged , and show variable mutated re-
of lymphoid cells effacing the architec- lymphoid infiltrates effacing the normal gions. Trisomy 3 and 18 are common in
ture. In salivary glands, early lesions architecture. head and neck MALT lymphomas (2356).
consist of lymphoid cells that form so- The lymphoma cells express B-lineage Among the recurrently observed translo-
called collars around frequently oblit- markers such as CD20, CD22, and cations in MALT lymphoma, the !(14;18)
erated ducts, and often have a mono- PAX5. They usually express lgM and (q32;q21) (/GH-MALT1) translocation
cytoid appearance. These collars are sometimes express lgG or lgA, • but do is seen in only a small proportion of
not seen in lymphoepithelial sialadenitis not express lgD. They are typically nega- cases, and t(1 1;18)(q2 1;q21) (BIRC3/
of Sjógren syndrome unassociated with tive for CD5, CD10, BCL6, CD23, and AP/2-MALT1) is even rarer {2291). lnacti-
lymphoma, where the epimyoepithelial cyclin 01. IRTA1, a marker of marginal- vating mutations, deletions, and promot-
islands are predominantly composed of zone- cell differentiation, is positive in the er hypermethylation of the TNFAIP3 gene
proliferating epithelial cells insinuated by majority of cases {687). Coexpression of (also called A20) have been described
mainly in translocation-negative salivary
gland MALT lymphomas {387).

Prognosis and predictiva factors

Most patients with head and neck MALT
lymphoma have localized disease at
presentation {939), and the 5-year dis-
ease-free survival and overall survival
rates, respectively, are 54% and 82-95%
in salivary gland MALT lymphoma [74,
2485). Large-cell transformation is as-
sociated with a more aggressive clinical
course {945}.

Fig. 7.71 Tonsil MALT lymphoma. The normal lobular architecture of the tonsil has been effaced by dense and expansile
sheets of lymphoma cells.

202 Tumours of salivary glands


Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

Odontogenic carcinomas
Odontogenic carcinosarcoma
Odontogenic sarcomas
Benign epithelial odontogenic tumours
Benign mixed epithelial and mesenchymal odontogenic tumours
Benign mesenchymal odontogenic tumours
Odontogenic cysts of inflammatory origin
Odontogenic and non-odontogenic developmental cysts
Malignant maxillofacial bone and cartilage tumours
Benign maxillofacial bone and cartilage tumours
Fibro-osseous and osteochondromatous lesions
Giant cell lesions and bone cysts
Haematolymphoid tumours
WHO classification of odontogenic and
maxillofacial bone tumours

Odontogenic carcinomas Malignant maxillofacial bone and cartilage tumours

Ameloblastic carcinoma 9270/3 Chondrosarcoma 9220/3
Primary intraosseous carcinoma, NOS 9270/3 Chondrosarcoma, grade 1 9222/1
Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma 9270/3 Chondrosarcoma, grade 2/3 9220/3
Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma 9341/3* Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma 9240/3
Ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma 9302/3* Osteosarcoma, NOS 9180/3
Low-grade central osteosarcoma 9187/3
Odontogenic carcinosarcoma 8980/3 Chondroblastic osteosarcoma 9181/3
Parosteal osteosarcoma 9192/3
Odontogenic sarcomas 9330/3 Periosteal osteosarcoma 9193/3

Benign epithelial odontogenic tumours Benign maxillofacial bone and cartilage tumours
Ameloblastoma 9310/0 Chondroma 9220/0
Ameloblastoma, unicystic type 9310/0 Osteoma 9 180/0
Ameloblastoma, extraosseous/peripheral type 9310/0 Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy 9363/0
Metastasizing ameloblastoma 9310/3 Chondroblastoma 9230/1
Squamous odontogenic tumour 9312/0 Chondromyxoid fibroma 9241/0
Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour 9340/0 Osteoid osteoma 9191 /0
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour 9300/0 Osteoblastoma 9200/0
Desmoplastic fibroma 8823/1
Benign mixed epithelial and mesenchymal
odontogenic tumours Fibro-osseous and osteochondromatous lesions
Ameloblastic fibroma 9330/0 Ossifying fibroma 9262/0
Primordial odontogenic tumour Familia! gigantiform cementoma
Odontoma 9280/0 Fibrous dysplasia
Odontoma, compound type 9281/0 Cemento-osseous dysplasia
Odontoma, complex type 9282/0 Osteochondroma 9210/0
Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour 9302/0
Giant cell lesions and bone cysts
Benign mesenchymal odontogenic tumours Central giant cell granuloma
Odontogenic fibroma 9321/0 Peripheral giant cell gran uloma
Odontogenic myxoma/myxofibroma 9320/0 Cherubism
Cementoblastoma 9273/0 Aneurysmal bone cyst 9260/0
Cemento-ossifying fibroma 9274/0 Simple bone cyst

Odontogenic cysts of inflammatory origin Haematolymphoid tumours

Radicular cyst Solitary plasmacytoma of bone 9731/3
lnflammatory collateral cysts

The morphology codes are from the lnternational Classification of Diseases

Odontogenic and non-odontogenic developmental cysts
for Oncology (ICD-0) (776AJ . Behaviour is coded /O for benign tumours;
Dentigerous cyst /1 for unspecified. borderline, or uncertain behaviour; /2 for carcinoma in
Odontogenic keratocyst situ and grade 11 1intraepithelial neoplasia; and /3 for malignant tumours.
Lateral periodontal cyst and botryoid odontogenic cyst The classification is modified from the previous WHO classification, taking
into account changes in our understanding of these lesions .
Gingival cyst "These new codes were approved by the IARC/WHO Committee for ICD-0.
Glandular odontogenic cyst
Calcifying odontogenic cyst 9301/0
Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst
Nasopalatine duct cyst

204 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

lntroduction Takata T.
Slootweg P.J.

In comparison with the previous edition, been retained, leaving out adjectives or genic cyst (COC). lt was concluded that
the numl.Jer of entiti es discussed in this prefixes such as primary, dedifferenti- most cases of KCOT and CCOT behave
chapter has increased by almos! 50% . ated, etc. The same considerations have c linically as non-neoplastic lesions and
Reasons for this are the addition of the led to the recognition of only one type are treated as cysts. Therefore, there was
odontogenic cysts, a group of diseases of odontogenic sarcoma; adjectives consensus that they should be reclassi-
left out befare but now included given such as ameloblastic and prefixes like fied as OKC and COC, respectively, until
that sorne of them may recur, and the fibro-odonto- and fibrodentino- have no there is more definite evidence for clas-
addition of selected bone tumours and diagnostic or clinical relevance. Am elo- sifying them as KCOT and CCOT, thus
haematolymphoid disorders that either blastic fibro-dentinoma and ameloblas- reintroducing the time-honoured names
have the jaws and other maxillofacial tic fibrodentinoma have been dropped in use befare their labelling as tumours in
bones as a predilection site orare impor- as well-defined entities deserving their the previous WHO classification.New en-
tan! in view of their differential diagnosis. own place, because there was a general tities that have been identif ied since the
The emphasis in this chapter lies on the feeling th at they in most cases represen! previous WHO classification have been
odontogenic tumours (OGTs). OGTs are developmental stages of either complex added: sclerosing odontogenic carcino-
rare, constituting < 1% of ali oral tumours. or compound odontoma and that re- ma, odontogenic carcinosarcoma, and
Most OGTs are benign, but sorne show taining them as separate entities would primordial odontogenic tumour. Regard-
locally aggressive growth and a high rate therefore be illogical. Odonto-ameloblas- ing the bone lesions, within the group of
of recurrence. OGTs are derived from toma has also been dropped as available ossifying fibromas , the prefix cemento-
cells of odontogenic apparatus and th eir data on this condition were considered to has been added to the variant that is
remnants. Both benign and malignan! be insufficient to justify its recognition as confined to the jaws and that, although
OGTs are subclassified into epithelial a genuine entity, lesions reporte d under strictly speaking, should be listed among
tumours, mixed epithelial and mesenchy- this label probably being a coincidental the mesenchymal odontogenic tumours,
mal tumours , and mesenchymal tumours. mixture of an ameloblastoma or other nevertheless has been included among
Classification of odontogenic tumours is epithelial odontogenic tumour with an the fibro-osseous lesions in view of differ-
in general a hotly debated subject, and odontoma or a developing tooth. Much ential diagnostic consi derations. Finally,
attempts have been made to simplify discussion has been devoted to the dis- fami lia! gigantiform cementoma remains
the classification as much as possible, tinction between non-n eoplastic and ne- an enigmatic cond ition evad ing precise
leaving out any unproven references oplastic cystic lesions, which especially characterization but has nevertheless
to histogenesis or precursor lesions. concerned the odontogenic keratocyst been mentioned in the hope of more clar-
As a consequence, only one type of (OKC) / keratocystic odontogenic tumour ity in the near future.
ameloblastic carc inoma and one type (KCOT) and the calcifying cystic odonto-
of primary intraosseous carcinoma have genic tumour (CCOT) / calcifying odonto-

lntroduction 205
Odontogenic carcinomas

Ameloblastic carcinoma
Odell E.W.
Muller S.
Richardson M.

Ameloblastic carcinoma (AC) is a rare
primary epithelial odontogenic malignant
neoplasm. lt is the malignant counterpart
of ameloblastoma.

ICD-0 code 9270/3

Synonyms Fig. 8.02 Ameloblastic carcinoma arising in the right maxllla, on CT (left) and MRI (right), showing a large, expanding
AC, secondary or dedifferentiated types; mass with cortical destruction and internal signal intensity variation.
intraoral basal cell carcinoma of the gin-
giva (obsolete) thirds of ali lesions occurring in the man- the organized stratification of basal cells,
dible {1182}. Most cases arise de novo, stratum intermedium, and stellate re-
Epidemiology but sorne arise in pre-existing amelo- ticulum that is typical of ameloblastoma,
In the USA. the overall annual incidence blastomas. ACs are more frequent in the which is more marked in higher-grade le-
of malignan! ameloblastomas (i.e. both mandible than in the maxilla {1182,1714). sions. The centre of epithelial sheets or
AC and the rarer metastasizing amelo- A very small number of cases have been islands may be replaced by salid basa-
blastoma) is 1.79 cases per 10 million described arising in peripheral amelo- loid epithelium, acanthomatous epithe-
population, increasing with patient age blastoma (1877}. The primary and sec- lium, or spindle cells, or may show cystic
(1997}. but only about 100 cases have ondary types have similar histological degeneration.
been reported (1182). Males are at slight- features and behaviour. Defining the borderline between amelo-
ly greater risk than females, and most blastoma and AC is difficult, and overdi-
cases arise in patients aged > 45 years, Clinical features agnosis is to be avoided {863}. Malignan\
with a small incidence peak in childhood . Large and longstanding lesions show features such as pleomorphism, in-
In China, malignan! ameloblastomas ac- poorly defined or irregularly marginated creased N:C ratio, nuclear hyperchroma-
count for approximately 2% of ali amelo- radiolucencies consisten! with malig- tism, mitotic activity, abnormal mitoses,
blastomas, and the mean palien! age is nancy, often with cortical expansion, and vascular or perineural invasion may
younger (1414). perforation, and infiltration into adjacent ali be present. Necrosis is useful and
structures. However, sorne cases have ranges from subtle clusters of apoptotic
Localization appeared as benign radiolucencies. A cells within islands to overt comedone-
The posterior segments of the jaws are single case with hypercalcaemia has crosis or more extensive necrosis. Mitotic
the most common site, with half to two been reported (490). activity alone cannot be interpreted as
a feature of malignancy. Mitotic figures
H istopathology are more frequent alter incisional biopsy.
AC is defined by the combination of cy- Cellularity and mitotic activity are also
tological features of malignancy and the more marked in maxillary than in man-
histological pattern of an ameloblastoma, dibular ameloblastomas and do not by
in either the primary or a metastatic le- themselves indicate malignancy. lnfiltra-
sion . AC can have the follicular or plexi- tion must also be evaluated cautiously
form patterns of ameloblastoma or ·can because benign ameloblastoma infil-
be formed of sheets, nests, or broad trates the medullary cavity of bone .
trabeculae of epithelium. The peripheral ACs express SOX2 (1375} and have a
cell layer shows peripheral palisading, higher Ki -67 proliferation index than do
Fig. 8.01 Ameloblastic carcinoma.A very large ulcerated and reverse nuclear polarity is usually benign ameloblastomas {233}. but these
tumour arising in the mandible. present at leas! focally. There is loss of features provide no proven additional

206 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

Fig. 8.03 Ameloblastic carcinoma. A Architectural features of ameloblastoma, a peripheral basaloid !ayer and stellate reticulum-like central epithelium, but with frequent mitotic
figures and atypia. B Marked atypia and a peripheral basal !ayer of palisading cells with reversed nuclear polarity. C Loss of ameloblastoma architecture and progression to higher-
grade spindle morphology. D Focus of incipient necrosis consisting of numerous clustered apoptotic cells.

diagnostic value over routine histological cervical lymph node metastases are unu- of carcinoma. lt is assumed to arise from
features. sual {1284l. The median overall survival is odontogenic epithelium. Sorne cases
Occasional lesions have a partial or 17.6 years, with maxillary lesions twice as arise in odontogenic cysts or other be-
completely spindle-celi morphology and likely as mandibular lesions to cause death nign precursors.
may be difficult to distinguish from od- {1997), but many series report shorter me-
ontogenic carcinosarcoma or sarcoma, dian survivals (-5 years) {1284). ICD-0 code 9270/3
because not ali reported examples have Radical surgical excision is the primary
retained keratin immunopositivity {1165, treatment, with a local recurrence rate of Synonyms
2703). Sorne of these spindle-cell lesions 28% {2681). Radiotherapy seems to pro- Primary intraosseous squamous celi car-
have foliowed an aggressive course. vide little additional benefit but tends to cinoma: primary intra-alveolar epider-
lf the features of ameloblastoma are not be used in the salvage setting . Aggres- moid carcinoma: primary odontogenic
evident in a cytologically malignant odon- sive multimodality treatment from the out- carcinoma
togenic neoplasm, an alternative diagno- set has been recommended !1 4 14).
sis of primary intraosseous carcinoma or Epidemiology
clear cell odontogenic carcinoma should PIOC is rare. As of 2011, only 116 cases
be considered. The distinction between Primary intraosseous arising in cysts had been reported !224) .
these entities is not well defined, and AC carcinoma, NOS As of 2001, 35 cases with no precursor
may show both keratinization and clear- lesion had been reported {2379}. The
cell change. stringent diagnostic criteria for confident
Odeli E.W. diagnosis of odontogenic origin are dif-
Genetic profile Alien C.M. ficult to assess with certainty, and a pre-
BRAF mutations identical to those seen Richardson M. cursor benign lesion can be confidently
in ameloblastoma have been described excluded or confirmed in only a minority
in AC {283 l. of cases {654}. Ali types of PIOC (wheth-
Definition er developing in cysts or not) show a
Prognosis and predictive factors Primary intraosseous carcinoma, NOS male predilection, with a male-to-female
Approximately one third of patients de- (PIOC) is a central jaw carcinoma that ratio of almost 2:1 (reflecting the preva-
velop pulmonary metastases, whereas cannot b e categorized as any other type lence of cysts) and a mean patient age

Odontogenic carcinomas 207

cortication or tooth resorption. Advancect
lesions develop fully malignan\ appear-
ances. The only evidence of the be-
nign precursor cyst may be in previous

Almost ali lesions are squamous in type
and composed of islands or small nests
of neoplastic squamous epithelium, with
prickle-cell differentiation and without
prominent keratinization (654,672}. Many
appear cytologically bland, and most are
considered moderately differentiated.
Necrosis is unusual. Sorne show limited
peripheral palisading or a plexiform pat-
Fig. 8.04 Primary intraosseous carcinoma. Subtle early signs of intraosseous carcinoma in the dental follicle of the
unerupted lower premolar, with slight expansion and loss of cortication (left); 2 years later, there is extensive destruction tern that suggests their odontogenic ori-
and pathological fracture (right). gin (654}.
PIOC is a diagnosis of exclusion. This
at diagnosis of 55-60 years {224,1049). radiographical findings. More-advanced requires histological, rad iographical,
although the age range is broad, and lesions cause non-specific signs and and clinical information to exclude me-
cases have been reported in children. symptoms suggesting malignancy: tastases (which are much more com-
slow-growing swelling of the jaw, pain, mon), mal ignan\ odontogenic tumours of
Localization ulceration, loosening ofteeth, non -healing specific types, carcinomas of the maxil-
PIOC is more frequent in the posterior extraction sockets, pathological fracture, lary antrum and nasal mucosa, and in-
body and ramus of the mandible than and nerve signs. Radiographically, the traosseous salivary gland neoplasms.
in the maxilla. Maxillary lesions are usu- tumours produce a poorly defined, non- These distinctions are often impossible
ally in the anterior segment {224,2379, corticated radiolucency, often with root on histological grounds alone. Nega-
2736). Determining origin is important for resorption and cortical perforation (2736}. tive CK19 staining indicates that an od-
diagnosis. Carcinoma arising in the oral Cases arising in cysts may produce an ontogenic epithelial origin is unlikely.
mucosa and infiltrating the mandible, an apparently multilocular or scalloped Particularly close mimics are squamous
antral primary, and metastatic carcinoma radiolucency. Approximately 40% of odontogenic tumour and salid odonto-
must be excluded, and ulceration to the pati ents have metastasis at presentation genic keratocyst, whereas keratinizing
oral cavity is normal ly considered to pre- {2736}. ameloblastom a and central high-grade
elude definitive diagnosis. PIOC in the Radicular/residual cysts are the most mucoepidermoid carcinoma are more
mandible usually arises above the inferior common precursors , followed by den- readily distinguished .
dental canal, whereas metastases usu- tigerous cysts and odontogenic kerato- When cases arise in odontogenic cysts,
ally have their epicentre below it. Cases cysts, reflecting their relative prevalence. there may be a histological transition
arising in cysts are more common in the When the tumour is detected early, the between the carcinoma and the benign
mandible {224). rad iological features appear benign and precursor, but the carcinoma eventually
the carcinoma is an incidental histologi- effaces the res idual benign lesion. Hall
Clinical features cal find ing on enucleation {1217,1516). are well differentiated and half moderate-
Most lesions are asymptomatic incidental More frequently, there is subtle loss of ly differentiate d. Occasionally, dysplasia

208 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

may be encountered in the cyst epithe- Epidemiology is poorly defi ned radiolucency with fre-
lium , or there may be a verrucous cyst lin- Fewer than 10 cases have been reported quent cortical bone destruction, tooth
ing similar in appearance to a verrucous {1061,1075,1092), with 3 cases discussed root resorption, and extension beyond ra-
dysplastic lesion of oral mucosa 193, in the first report 11273), but the entity diographical margins. Sinus involvement
2442). These cases behave as dysplastic may be underrecognized or described has been reported.
1esion or carcinoma in situ when they are under another name (1075,2087). Males
limited to the cyst. and females are equally affected. Histopathology
Squamous cell carcinoma has also been SOC is characterized by single-file thin
reported to arise in ameloblastoma and Localization cords, nests, and strands of epithelium
other benign odontogenic tumours. The mandible is more frequently affected, in a densely sclerotic stroma. Epithelium
When a carcinoma is squamous and the in the premolar and molar reg ions. The or stroma may domínate in different ar-
histological features of specific malignan! reported cases in the maxilla occurred in eas. The epithelium may be compressed
odontogenic carcinomas are absent, the the anterior and molar regions . and only visible on immunohistochem-
carcinoma is best classified as PIOC. istry. Cytologically, individual epithelial
Clinical features cells are bland, with infrequent mitoses.
Prognosis and predictive factors SOC presents as swelling, sometimes Their cytoplasm may show vacuolation
An insufficient number of cases has with nerve signs. Radiographically there or partial clearing. There is no squamous
been reported to determine outcome, but
prognosis is generally poor and is best
predicted by histological grade 11049).
Radical resection has been the primary
treatment modality 1654,2736}. with neck
dissection for metastasis or reconstruc-
tion. Multimodality treatment provides
added benefit and has been reported
to provide a 3-year survival rate of 40%.
As many as 60% of lesions recu r locally
11049) ; in one series, patients with local
recurrence all died of the disease 12736).
Distan! metastasis is infrequent and is
usually to lung (2444). As of 2001, the
5-year survival rate of reported cases
was 52% 12379).
Cases arising in cysts often appear to
be better differentiated and have a more
prolonged course, but the 5-year survival
rate of reported cases is slightly lower, at
40% [224}. When cysts are found to har-
bour incidental dysplasia or carcinoma in
situ alter enucleation, conservative clase
follow-up is appropriate 1224). Fig. 8.06 Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma. A Fine epithelial strands infiltrating around a muscle fibre. B CK19 immuno-
positivity reveals unsuspected fine strands of dispersed carcinoma cells, consistent with an odontogenic origin.

Sclerosing odontogenic
Odell E.W.
Koutlas l.

Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma
(SOC) is a primary intraosseous carci-
noma of the jaws, with bland cytology,
rnarkedly sclerotic stroma, and aggres-
sive infiltrat ion.

ICD-0 c ede 9270/3

Fig. 8.07 Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma. High-power view shows cytologically bland epithelium in a dense
collagenous stroma.
. "

Odontogenic carcinomas 209

differentiation. Despite the benign appear- by sheets and islands of vacuolated and
ance, there is invasion of skeletal muscle. clear cells.
and perineural infiltration is characteristic.
Necrosis is not reported {1273,1986}. ICD-0 code 9341/3
The epithelial cells are immunopositive for
CK19, CKS/6, and p63 but are only focally Synonyms
and subtly positive for CK7 {1092,1273, Clear cell odontogenic tumour; clear cell
2348) and negative for CAM5.2 {1 061, ameloblastoma (both obsolete)
1273]. Membrane staining for E-cadherin
is variable. Epidemiology
Diagnosis mus! exclude metastasis, epi- Nearly 100 well-characterized cases Fig. 8.09 Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma. Resection
thelium-rich central odontogenic fibroma, have been reported. The incidence is specimen showing a poorly defined destructive
calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour, unknown. The carcinoma is more com- radiolucency in the posterior body and ramus of mandible.
clear cell odontogenic carcinoma (1061, mon in women than in men (with a male-
1273,2348). and desmoplastic amelo- to-female ratio of 1:1 .6), and the mean basaloid cell population of small dark un-
b lastoma. This may be difficult in small patient age at diagnosis is 53 years. Most vacuo lated cells (biphasic pattern). Much
biopsies. Despite its resemblance to ep- cases arise in patients aged 40- 70 years less frequently, the pattern may be focal-
ithelium-rich central odontogenic fibroma (1484). ly reminiscent of ameloblastoma, with an
{2348} and its benign-looking epithelial outer !ayer of columnar clear cells show-
islands, SOC shows aggressive infiltra- Localization ing reversed nuclear polarity. Completely
tion. lt is unclear whether SOC is a distinct The mandible is the site of origin three clear-cell examples (monophasic pat-
entity ora histopathological pattern {1074, times as freq uently as the maxilla, with tern) are rare. The histological appear-
2641], but it merits recognition so that its 43% of ali lesions arising in the posterior ance can be bland , with only mild atypia
characteristics may be defined more fully. body and lower ramus {1484). and few mitoses. Necrosis, overt cytolog-
ical malignancy, and perineural spread
Prognosis and predictiva factors Clinical features are seen in higher-grade examples.
SOC is a low-grade carcinoma. Resec- Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma may The clear cells are negative for mucin but
tion has been the main treatment, and cause non-specific signs and symptoms, are glycogen-rich, as evidenced by di-
only one recurrence has been reported, such as slow-growing swelling of the jaw, astase-labile periodic acid- Schiff (PAS)
fol lowing initial curettage (1092). No role pain, ulceration, loosening of teeth, nerve positivity, although glycogen may be lost
for radiotherapy is defi ned . Metastasis is signs, and a poorly defined rad iolucency, during fixation or decalcification. The
not described. often with root resorption and sometimes clear cells are immunopositive for vari-
soft tissue invasion (624,1484). Many ous cytokeratins, but CK14, CK19, and
cases are asymptomatic. and small le- pancytokeratin AE1/AE3 are the most
C/ear ce// odontogeníc sions may appear deceptively localized useful and re liable diagnostic markers.
carcinoma rad iographically. The cells are negative for vimentin, S100
protein, desmin, SMA, HMB45, alpha-
Odell E.W. Histopathology 1-antic hymotrypsin, CD10, CD31, CD45.
Bilodeau E.A. The tumour is composed predominantly and GFAP {129,1423,1484,2711 ). The Ki-
Maiorano E. of epithelial cells that have clear to faintly 67 proliferative index is highly variable.
Neville B.W. eosinophilic cytoplasm, well -demarcat- Dentinoid has been reported in 7% of
ed cell membranes, and irregular small cases [1484] but is generally a minar
dark-staining nuclei {129,935}. The clear inductive c hange. However, occasional
Definition cells are organized in lobular sheets, lesions have shown extensive dentinoid
Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma is an islands, trabeculae, or strands. and at and may be a separate entity [1658).
odontogenic carcinoma characterized their periphery there is almost always a The appearances are distinctive bu!

210 Odon togenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

not pathognomonic, and diagnosis re- Ghost ce// odontogenic Localization
quires exclusion of other clear cell-rich carcinoma GCOC is twice as common in the max-
neoplasms, including salivary gland illa as in the mandible. Mandibular
neoplasms, melanoma, metastatic renal Ode/1 E.W. lesions are usual/y in the molar area. Ali
ce/1 carcinoma, and the clear-ce/1 vari- Ledesma-.Montes C. reported cases have been intraosseous.
ant of calcifying epithelial odontogenic App roximately 40% of cases have been
tumour [513). Ameloblastoma with clear- confirmed to arise in a benign precursor,
ce/1 differentiation and clear ce/1 calcify- Definition a calcifying odontogenic cyst, or a denti-
ing epithelial odontogenic tumour can be Ghost ce/1 odontogenic carcinoma nogenic ghost cel/ tumour (DGCT) {556);
problernatic differential diagnoses, but (GCOC) is an odontogenic carcinoma the rest arise de novo {1357).
clear-ce/1 change in these lesions is usu- characterized by ghost-cel/ aberran!
ally focal. keratin ization and dentinoid deposition in Clínica/ features
variable quantities. GCOC causes non-specific signs and
Genetic profile symptoms suggesting malignancy: slow-
More than 80% of cases show rearrange- ICD-0 code 9302/3 growing swelling of the jaw, p ain, ulcera-
rnents of EWSR1 {191); on the basis of tion , loosening of teeth, nerve signs, root
fewer cases, ATF1 was confirmed as the Synonyms reso rption, and sometimes soft tissue
translocation partner (191 ,2667). This Calcifying ghost ce// odontogenic carci- invasion. lmaging shows a poorly demar-
is the same translocation found in clear noma; malignan! epithelial odontogenic cated, osteolytic radiolucency, with half
ce/1 salivary gland carcinoma, and given ghost ce// tumour; carcinoma arising in a of al/ cases showing variable radiopaque
their rnorphological similarity, it has been calcifying odontogenic cyst; aggressive material (556), reflecting mineralization in
theorized that these are related tumours epithelial ghost ce// odontogenic tumour; ghost cel/s, dentinoid formation, ar resid-
[84). A single case has been reported to malignan! calcifying odontogenic cyst; ual benign precursor. Displacement and
harbour a BRAF V600E mutation, but this malignant calcifying ghost cel/ odonto- resorption of tooth roots are common.
rnay suggest clear cell ameloblastic car- genic tumour
cinoma {589). The exorne sequence of a Macroscopy
different single case has been published Epidemiology Appearances range from salid to multi-
[332] . GCOC is about the rarest of the ghost cystic, usual/y with a gritty consistency
ce// lesions, accounting for < 3% of al/ on section .
Prognosis and predictive factors cases {1357). Approximately 40 cases
Clear ce/1 odontogenic carcinomas vary have been reported , with more than half Histopathology
in behaviour from indolent tumours to occurring in Asian patients {556}. The GCOC, DGCT, and calcifying odonto-
cases that frequently recur. The tumours carcinoma is tour times as com mon in genic cyst form a spectrum of histological
have metastasized in approximately 12% men as in women, with p eak incidence appearances and behaviour {1357,1373].
of reparted cases, usua/ly to cervical in patients aged 40- 60 years {556) . The The diagnosis of GCOC requires cyto-
lymph nodes and lungs, and less fre- patient age range is 11-79 year~ (mean: logical evidence of malignancy, including
quently to bone. Metastases at presen- 39.7 years) {30,556}. mitotic activity; pleomarphism and hyper-
tation are rare. The outcome has been
death in 15% of cases, with a median
survival of 14 years. Recurrence and me-
tastasis may develop after many years
(624,1 484).
Complete surgical resection is the pri-
mary treatment. Adjuvant radiotherapy
does not have a defined role, but may be
approp riate far cases showing soft tissue
extension, aggressive growth, or incom-
plete surgical margins {624).

Odontogenic carcinomas 211

chromatism; necrosis; and an infiltrative occur in many odontogenic tumours and (242). This APC mutation is possibly a
growth pattern associated with ghost do not alone indicate malignancy or the link between one case of GCOC and
ce ll keratinization, dentinoid formation, diagnosis. Two thirds of cases are im- Gardner synd rome (familia! colorectal
or evidence of a DGCT or calcifying od- munopositive far p53 protein (556,1486, polyposis) (727).
ontogenic cyst precursor. The malignan! 1664). Not all carcinomas arising in cal-
epithelial cells form sheets, strands, and cifying odontogenic cyst and DGCT are Prognosis and predictive factors
islands in a fibrous or hyalinized stroma. necessarily GCOCs; they should be di- The prog nosis is unpredictable due to the
The cells are unifo rm, small basaloid cells agnosed according to their predominan! wide variety of growth patterns reported
with round dark nuclei in most cases, but differentiation pattern. with the tumours ranging from slow-grow'.
can be larger with pleomorphic vesicu lar The diagnosis of GCOC (versus DGCT) ing, locally invasive carcinomas to highly
nuclei. Mitoses are frequent. Ghost ce lls is favoured by p53 positivity and a high aggressive and rapidly growin g tumours
(i.e. keratinizing cells with aberran! ter- proliferative fraction. Although cut-off with local recurrence and metastasis (90).
minal differentiation) are large, rounded values have not yet been defined (556, Most are relatively low-grade. Wide sur-
pale-staining cells with empty central nu- 868,874,1486}. expression of these mark- gical resection is the primary treatment
clear spaces, found in varying numbers. ers increases upan transformation (1664, and is successful in two thirds of report-
They may be dispersed, isolated, or in 2726l . Overlap lesions between GCOC ed cases. Only a minority of cases have
clusters (1357,1373,1486,1 986l. Dentinoid and calcifying odontogenic cyst have been treated with adjuvant radiotherapy,
may be present and the amount of ghost been reported {94). and its role remains undefined {30). Ag-
cell keratinization and dentinoid are highly gressive multimodality therapy with im-
variable; both can be formed by the ma- Genetic profile munotherapy has proven successful in a
lignan! epithelium and in one pattern are A single case has genomic and exorne case with regional lymph node metasta-
widely and evenly dispersed. In the other sequencing data showing a distinc- sis {30}. Death followed local recurrence
pattern, ghost cell keratinization and den- tive molecular profile, including (among in 3 cases and distan! metastasis in
tinoid are more localized, possibly asso- many changes) multiple changes in the 2 cases among 25 reported cases (90).
ciated with an overgrown or residual be- SHH signalling pathway, a deleted exon The overall 5-year survival rate in th e first
nign precursor. Small foci of ghost cells in UBR5, and a novel APC mutation 16 reported cases was 73% (1486).

212 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

Odontogenic carcinosarcoma EI-Mofty S.K.

Definition occasional multinucleation and mitosis.

Odontogenic carcinosarcoma is ex- The epithelial componen! is frankly ma-
tremely rare. lt is a true malignant mixed lignan!, with large hyperchromatic nuclei
odontogenic neoplasm similar in pat- and an increased N:C ratio. The typical
tern to ameloblastic fibrosarcoma, but ameloblastic features such as peripheral
in which both the epithelial and the mes- nuclear palisading and inner stellate re-
enchymal components are cytologically ticulum may be lost focally. Ameloblastic
malignan! {1276). carcinoma associated with malignan!
spindle-cell proliferation {427,2167,2350,
ICD-0 code 8980/3 2686) is best classified as sarcomatoid
ameloblastic carcinoma rather than true
Synonyms odontogenic carcinosarcoma.
Ameloblastic carcinosarcoma; malignant In one case. p53 and Ki-67 immunostain-
odontogenic mixed tumour ing showed p53 positivity in 90% of the
cells and a Ki-67 proliferation index of
Epidemiology Fig. 8.11 Odontogenic carcinosarcoma. CT shows a 45% in high-staining areas. in both the
Odontogenic carcinosarcoma is very large, expansive, radiolucent lesion in the left mandible.
carcinoma and the sarcoma components
Reprinted from Delair D et al. {558}.
rare, with only a few single-case reports {558f.
published [558,1294,2205}. The tumours Radiographically, the lesions are large,
may be preceded by ameloblastic fi bro- expansile radiolucencies with poorly de- Prognosis and predictiva factors
ma or ameloblastic fibrosarcoma. fi ned borders. Cortical perforation and Due to the very limited number of re-
root resorption have been reported. ported cases and to insufficient follow-
Localization up, prognostic information is lacking. In
The mandible is the only reported site of Macroscopy one reported case {1294). a 51-year-old
occurrence. The tumours are multinodular and tan, man had multiple recurrences during a
with a fleshy appearance [558). 5-year period following segmenta! re-
Clinical features section; distant metastasis to lung and
Cases have been reported in two men Histopathology . bone occurred 1 year after re-resection
(aged 52 and 55 years) [1294,2205} and The overall architecture resembles that of the recurren! tumour. In another case,
in a 19-year-old woman [558). The size of ameloblastic fibroma, with budding in a 19-year-old woman [558). there was
of the lesions was 6.0- 8.0 cm. The tu- and branching epithelial cords widely no evidence of recurrence 2 years alter
mour presents as expansion of the body separated by hypercellular fi broblastic hemimandibulectomy.
of the mandible and ramus, of severa! stroma. The cells in the sarcomatous
months' duration. lt may be painless or componen! are markedly pleomorphic,
associated with numbness of the lip. with enlarged and bizarre nuclei and

Odontogenic carcinosarcoma 213

Wright J.M.
Odontogenic sarcomas

admixed with the AFS, further suggesting

an origin from AF.

The ratio of mandibular to maxillary inci-
dence is approximately 4:1, and there is
a predilection for the posterior jaws (267f.

Clinical features
Th e clinical features are those of any low-
grade malignancy an expansile mass
with nerve deficit. Most odontogenic
sarcomas are poorly marginated lesions.
AFS. is always radiolucent, but lesions
producing dentin (with or without enamel)
. can contain opacities.
Fig. 8.1 3 Odontogenic sarcoma. Asymmetrical, poorly marginated radiolucency of the right posterior mandible.

Definition overall mean patient age of 27.3 years, Histopathology

Odontogenic sarcomas are a group of which is considerably older than the Odontogenic sarcomas are mixed odon-
mixed odontogenic tumours in which mean age for AF {836}. Cases in which togenic tumours in which the epithelial
the epithelial component is cytologically previous AF can be demonstrated occur componen! is bland and cytologically be-
benign and the mesenchymal compo- ata mean patient age of 33 years [1675). nign and the mesenchymal componen\
nent shows cytological features of malig- and cases in which the benign AF cannot is malignant. The epithelial component
nancy. Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma (AFS) be demonstrated occur 10 years earlier ranges from lamina-like strands to larger
is by far the most common type, and is {267). Males are affected about 1.5 times islands of epithelium with peripheral pali-
generally considered to be the malignan! as frequently as females. sading. The amount of epithelium varies,
counterpart of ameloblasti c fibroma (AF). most likely in relation to the age of the
Sorne odontogenic sarcomas (amelo- Etiology neoplasm as the malignant mesenchy-
blastic fibrodentinosarcomas) produce The etiology is unknown, but AFS is gen- mal component overgrows the benign
dentin/dentinoid. Others (ameloblastic erally thought to arise in a pre-existing epithelial component. The stromal com-
fibro-odontosarcomas) produce enamel/ benign AF, although this benign precur- ponent displays nuclear crowding, with
enameloid and dentin. sor lesion is only demonstrated in about hypercellularity and variable degrees of
hall of all cases {1327). This fi nding has cytological atypia, including increased
ICD-0 code 9330/3 led sorne authors to speculate that sorne mitoses.
AFSs arise de novo, but the lack of doc-
Epidemiology umentation of a pre-existing AF does Prognosis and predictive factors
AFSs can occur in patients of any age not prove a de novo origin. Addition- Odontogenic sarcomas are considered
(reported range: 3-89 years), with an ally, sorne cases have clearly benign AF low- to intermediate-grade sarcomas,
although anaplastic variants have been
reported. About one third of patients ex-
perience recurrence, but distan\ metas-
tasis is seen in < 5% of patients, and the
overall mortality rate is about 25% [836).

214 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

Benign epithelial odontogenic tumours

Vered M.
Muller S.
Heikinheimo K.

Ameloblastoma is a benign intraosseous
progressively growing epithelial odonto-
genic neoplasm characterized by expan-
sion and a tendency for local recurrence
if not adequately removed.

ICD-0 code 9310/0

Conventional ameloblastoma; classic
intraosseous ameloblastoma; solid/multi- Fig. 8.16 Ameloblastoma. A The radiographical presentation is that of an extensive multilocular (so-called soap-
bubble) radiolucency involving the posterior mandible, ascending ramus, and coronoid process; root resorption and
cystic ameloblastoma
tooth displacement are observed. B This tumour is located in the area of a missing lateral maxillary incisor and presents
as a mixed radiolucent and radiopaque lesion; histopathologically, it was diagnosed as a desmoplastic ameloblastoma.
Although rare (with an estimated annual occur most often in the posterior re- {1881, 2313). Rarely, incipient, root-relat-
incidence of only about 0.5 cases per gion, fol lowed by the anterior mandible, ed ameloblastomas can be incidentally
million population), ameloblastoma is the posterior maxilla, and anterior maxilla discovered {1078).
most common odontogenic tumour, ex- {291,785,980,1646,2171). Desmoplastic
cluding odontomas {291,981). The peak ameloblastoma has a predilection for the Macroscopy
incidence of diagnosis is in the fourth and anterior region of the jaws, especially the Ameloblastomas range from entirely
fifth decades of lile, with a patient age maxilla {1881). Ameloblastomas· of the salid to variably cystic.
range of 8- 92 years and no sex predi- sinonasal trae! are rare {2090}.
lection {291,785,980). For BRAFV600E- Histopathology
mutant cases, the reported mean patient Clinical features The most common type is the fo llicu-
age at diagnosis is about 34 years, com- The early manifestation is of a slow, pain- lar type, which resembles the epithelial
pared with about 54 years for BRAF- less expansion, which can later exhibit componen! of the enamel organ within
wildtype cases {279). accelerated growth {369). With increas- a fibrous stroma; the peripheral cells are
ing size, complications include loosen - columnar to cuboidal (ameloblast-like),
Localization ing of teeth, malocclusion, paraesthesia, with hyperchromatic nuclei arranged in
Approximately 80% of ali ameloblas- pain, soft tissue invasion, facial deform- a p alisading pattern with reverse polarity
tomas are fo und in the mandible; they ity, limited mouth opening, difficulty with {2500). The central core is reminiscent of
mastication, and airway obstruction. Un- stellate reti culum, with Joosely arranged
controlled tumour growth can be fatal. angular cells that often undergo cystic
Radiographically, a corticated multilocu- change. The second most common
lar so-called soap-bubble or honeycomb type is the plexiform type, composed of
radiolucency is common (although not anastomosing strands of ameloblasto-
pathognomonic). A unilocular appear- matous epithelium with an inconspicuous
ance is less common. Buccal anc;J lingual stellate reticulum and cyst-like stromal
expansion is often observed. Resorption degeneration . Other histopathological
of involved roots and association with an types include acanthomatous, granular,
unerupted tooth may occur. Desmoplas- and basaloid {980}. The desmoplastic
tic ameloblastoma may show a mixed ameloblastoma consists of cuboidal to
Fig. 8.15 Ameloblastoma. Gross specimen showing a rad iolucent and radiopaque appearance flat peripheral ce lls with central spindle-
tumour that is partly salid and partly cystic. mimicking th at of a fibro-osseous lesion shaped cells and densely collagenous

Benign epithelial odontogenic tumours 215

~ .. - -~
...._.-.. ,.•, -• ."' ~ , •4"~ ... ,,
\ ~~~- :!..., ,. F
- . , .,,.,J
-· -

stroma with possible metaplastic bone.

Admixed histopathological types can be
MAPK Hedgehog found in each ameloblastoma. Rarely,
pa thway a, pathway ameloblastoma can arise in association
I PTCH ~ with odontoma, and this has historically

:erut: -- been referred to as odontoameloblasto-

ma (1 655) .

/ Cell of origin
Ameloblastoma originates from dental
lamina, as indicated by the expression
of early dental epithelial markers such as
PITX2, MSX2, DLX2, RUNX1, and !SL1
T A C A G A/ T G A A A T {968,11 61).

Genetic profile
Mutations in genes that belong to the
MAPK pathway are present in almost
90% of ali ameloblastomas (279}, with
BRAFV600E being the most common
mutation [279,589,1309,2321). Addi-
A e tional MAPK pathway mutations inciude
KRAS, NRAS, HRAS, and FGFR2 muta-
Fig. 8.18 Ameloblastoma. A Mutated pathways in ameloblastoma, with proteins encoded by the mutated genes
indicated in purple. B Positive immunohistochemical staining far V600E-mutant BRAF in lhe tumour epithelium; staining
tions [279,232 1). The high frequency and
is cytoplasmic. e Sanger sequencing electropherogram of a BRAF V600E-mutant ameloblastoma. The point mutation the pattern of mutual exclusivity of these
(C 1799 T->A) responsible far lhe V600E substitution is indicated by the arrow. mutations emphasize the importance of

216 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

T ble a01 Prevalence of mutations in maxillary and mandibular ameloblastomas {279,1309, 2321} rad iolucency, often associated with an
Prevalence of mutations unerupted tooth, most often the mandib-
Locatlon of ameioblastoma
ular third molar. Cases unrelated to tooth
impaction may have a scalloped outline
Maxilla 20% 40% 15% 55%
{675,1874). Root resorption is common,
Mandible 1
72% 5% 5% 1
5% and cortical perforation is present in ap-
proximately one third of cases {2015).
the MAPK pathway in the pathogenesis preponderance overall, but UAM notas-
of ameloblastoma (279,1309,2321 ). Non- sociated with an impacted tooth shows a Macroscopy
MAPK pathway mutations include SMO, minor female predilection (12,1345,1376, UAM presents as a monocystic lesion,
SMARCB1, CTNNB1, and PIK3CA muta- 1420,1874). occasionally with thickenings that can fill
tions, among which SMO mutations are the entire lumen.
very common, suggesting a functional Localization
role (279,2321). These non-M APK path- UAMs are most often located in the man- H istopathology
way mutations tend to co-occur with the dibular third molar area and ascending The luminal type shows a simple cyst
MAPK pathway mutations. ramus, followed by the body and sym- lined by ch aracteristic ameloblastoma-
physis {12,1368,1420,1874). Most maxil- tous epithelium (with peripheral palisad-
Prognosis and predictive factors lary cases occur in the posterior areas . ing and nuclear polarization and over-
Curren! treatm ent is wide surgical exci- UAMs can also be found in inter-rad icular lying loosely arranged cells that may
sion, including an area of bone beyond or periapical locations and edentulous resemble stellate retic ulum). Usually, this
radiographical margins. Conservative areas {1376). pattern is only focal, and in other areas
surgery yields a high recurrence rate ameloblastomatous features are less pro-
(60- 80%) {1907) . Histological type does Clinical features nounced. The intraluminal type is charac-
not determine prognosis {1907). More UAM usually occu rs asan asymptomatic, terized by intraluminal extensions of the
than 50% of recurrences occur withi n painless jaw expansion. Radiographical- lining epithelium, usually in a plexiform
5 years alter initial treatment. Follow-up ly, it presents as a well-defined unilocular pattern . A definitive diagnosis of UAM
should be at leas! 25 years, but lifelong
follow-up should be considered {981).
BRAF-targ eted therapy offers a novel op-
tion to com plement surgery in selected
cases of aggressive and/or recurren!
ameloblastoma {279,2321).

unicystic type
Vered M.
Muller S.
Heikinheimo K.

can be made only after careful examina-

Definition Fig. 8.19 Unicystic ameloblastoma. The radiographical
tion of the entire lesion. About half to two
Unicystic ameloblastoma (UAM) is a vari- presentation is that of an extensive, well-defined thirds of Jesions previously diagnosed
ant of intraosseous ameloblastoma that unilocular radiolucency in association with an impacted as UAM may have a mu ral componen!
occurs as a single cystic cavity, with or and displaced mandibular third molar. (1874); and there is sorne evidence that
without luminal proliferation. these behave more aggressively, like
conventional ameloblastoma {1420).
ICD-0 code 9310/0
Genetic profile
Epidemiology In the few studies carri ed out to date,
UAM accounts for 5- 22% of ali amelo- BRAFV60 0E has been the most com-
blastomas {1874). Approximate ly 50% mon mutation {279,589}.
of cases are diagnosed in the second
decade of lite, with a patient age range Prognosis and predictiva factors
of 1-79 years {12,999,1420). The mean Because UAM radiographically mimics
patient age is 16 years for cases associ- a cyst, initial treatment often consists
ated with an impacted tooth and 35 years Fig. 8.20 Unicystic ameloblastoma. Gross specimen of enucleation. Further treatment is de-
in the absence of impaction {1345, showing the characteristic single cystic cavity. lntraluminal termined by the pattern and extent of
1376,1420,1874). There is a slight male proliferations occupy a large part of the lumen. the ameloblastomatous proliferation in

Benign epithelial odontogenic tumours 217

• less, sessile, exophytic lesion with a
smooth or papillary/granular surface; the
oral mucosa can be of normal colour or
red to dark red. The mean diameter is
about 1.3 cm. Adjacent teeth may be tilt-
ed. Duration can be as long as 20 years
(1877). The clinical impression is often of
a reactive lesion. Radiographically, a su-
perficial erosion or bony depression (cup-
ping, saucerization) may be seen.

The tumour presents as a firm mass with
Fig. 8.22 Unicystic ameloblastoma. lmmunohistochemistry for V600E-mutant BRAF shows positive cytoplasmic
staining of the neoplastic epithelium. occasional tiny cystic spaces.

relation to the cyst lumen upon removal areas, showing microscopic features of Histopathology
of the entire lesion and processing of ameloblastoma. Ali histopathological features of intraos-
multiple blocks. When mural involvement seous ameloblastoma can be encoun-
is identified. the tumour may behave bio- ICD-0 code 9310/0 tered {2225). The malignant variant of ex-
logically as AM and requires either addi- traosseous ameloblastoma is extremely
tional surgery or more careful follow-up. Synonyms rare (1877,2335}. Differential diagnosis
Any recurrence should be managed as Soft tissue ameloblastoma; ameloblas- may include basal cell carcinoma of oral
AM. Whether lesions with mural involve- toma of mucosal origin; ameloblastoma mucosal origin, extensions from skin tu-
ment should remain a more aggressive of the gingiva mours (2633}, or salivary gland tumours
subtype of UAM or be reclassified as with a peripheral palisading pattern
conventional AM requi res further study. Epidemiology {1877}.
In general, UAMs require long-term fol - The extraosseous type accounts· for
low-up, because recurrence may occur 1-10% of all ameloblastomas (1877,2478). Prognosis and predictive factors
1O years ar longer after initial treatment. The mean palien! age is 50- 54 years, with a Conservative removal with free marg ins
range of 9-92 years . Approximately two is expected to be curative. Recurrence is
thirds of ali cases occur in the f ifth to sev- rare, but long-term follow-up is warranted.
Ameloblastoma, enth decades of life {1877). The male-to-
extraosseous/peripheraltype female ratio is 1.4:1.
Vered M. Localization
Muller S. The most common location is th e soft tis- Odell E.W.
Heikinheimo K. sues in the mandibular retromolar area, Tilakaratne W.M.
followed by the maxillary tuberosity. Most
tumours are found on the lingual aspee!
Definition of the mandible. Definition
Extraosseous ameloblastoma is a benign Metastasizing ameloblastoma is an
tumour that occurs in the soft tissues Clinical features ameloblastoma that metastasizes
of the gingiva or edentulous alveolar Extraosseous ameloblastoma is a pain- despite its benign histolog ical appearance.

ICD-0 code 9310/3

In the USA, the overall annual incidence
of malignan! ameloblastoma (i.e. both
ameloblastic carcinoma and the rarer me-
tastasizing ameloblastoma) is 1.79 cases
per 10 million population, increasing with
p atient age (1 997).

The primary site is more frequently the
mandible than the maxilla, and the pri-
mary lesion is usually a solid ar mul-
ticystic type of ameloblastoma (590}.
Metastatic deposits are most frequent

2 18 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

in 1ung (occurring in 70% of cases), fol-
lowed by lymph nodes (28%), and bone
(12%) (590,1296,1346,2212l.

Clinical features
Metastasizing ameloblastoma is defined
by its clinical behaviour rather !han its
histology; the diagnosis can be made
only in retrospect, after the occurrence of
metastatic deposits. The term "atypical
ameloblastoma" has been used to de-
note lesions with fatal outcome for vari-
ous reasons (i.e. metastasis, histological
atypia, or relentless local spread) (70 }.
but should be avoided. There is usually a Fig. 8.24 Squamous odontogenic tumour. Characteristic radiolucency contacting tooth roots.
long laten! period before metastasis, and
sorne cases occur after repeated surgi- Definition presence of bony expansion is a function
cal intervention f590l . Squamous odontogenic tumour (SOT) is of the duration of the tumo ur. Affected
a benign epithel ial odontogenic tumour teeth may become mobile.
Histopathology in which the tumour cells show terminal Radiographically, most lesions present as
For this diagnosis to be made, both pri- squamous differentiation. unilocular rad iolucencies, although m ulti-
mary and metastatic lesions must have locularity has been reported. Most lesions
histological features of benign amelo- ICD-0 code 9312/0 show continuity with one or more tooth
blastoma. There are no specific features roots. One of the more characteristic ra-
predictin g metastasis. Metastatic amelo- Epidemiology diographical presentations is a triangular
blastomas with significan! atypia are S0Ts are rare neoplasms, with < 50 cas- radiolucency between teeth showing root
ameloblastic carcinomas {1726}. es pl..Jblished. Th ey show a wi de patient divergence, with the base of the triangle
age distribution, with a mean age of towards the root apices (1151}. Lesions
Prognosis and predictiva factors about 38 years. The male-to-female ratio may or may not show cortication in their
The overall 5-year survival rate is 70%, is 1.8:1 {119). margins. Root resorption is rare. A single
but survival depends on the site of me- case of squamous cell carcinoma in asso-
tastasis and surgical accessibility. Ra- Localization ciation with SOT has been reported (1079}.
diotherapy and chemotherapy have no Most SOTs presentas single intraosseous
proven benefit f 590}. tumou rs. The maxilla and mandible are Macroscopy
affected equally, and there is a predilec- Most lesions are curetted and show non-
tion for the anterior maxil la and posterior descript frag ments of soft ti ssue.
Squamous odontogenic mandible. Rarely, multifocal and ·extraos-
tumour seous tumours have been reported (1024, Histopathology
1624}. The tumour consists of islands of b land
Wright J.M. terminally differentiated squam ous epi-
Devilliers P. Clinical features thelium of va ryi ng shape and size. The
Hille J. Most patients are young and asympto- islands are occasionally tightly packed
matic. The tumours grow slowly, and the together in a jigsaw-puzzle architecture.

Benign epithelial odontogenic tumours 219

The peripheral layer of cells is charac- tumour that secretes an amyloid protein Clinical features
teristical ly flattened. Centrally, there is a that tends to calcify. Patients tend to be asymptomatic and the
tendency for microcystic degeneration, neoplasm grows slowly, ultimately pro-
individual cell keratinization, and calcifi- ICD-0 code 9340/0 ducing bony expansion . Radiographical-
cation. Mitoses are rarely encountered. ly, about two thirds of lesions are mixed
The tumou r can be misdiagnosed as Synonym radiolucent and radiopaque and about
ameloblastoma, acanthomatous or des- Pindborg tu mour one third are radiolucent, but predomi-
moplastic variants, or squamous cell car- nantly radiopaq ue tumours have also
cinoma, but it does not have peripheral Epidemiology been seen. The degree of calcification
palisading with reverse nuclear polarity, CEOT is relatively rare, accounting for correlates with the age of the lesion. The
and the cytological features are bland. :<::: 1% of specimens submitted to oral classic so-called driven-snow appear-
Proliferations with microscopic featu res pathology laboratories. lt can occur in ance is not common. Lesions are most
similar to those of SOT have been re- patients of any age, with a predilection for frequently unilocular, but about one quar-
ported in the walls of od ontogenic cysts, individuals in their third to sixth decade of ter are multilocular. Borders tend to be
but these proliferations do not develop lite. The mean patient age at diagnosis is well defined, if not corti cated , but about
into SOTs, and have been called SOT-like about 40 years. Th e sexes are equally af- one fifth of lesions are diffuse {1178).
proliferations (2643). fected, but the peak incidence is about a About 50-60% of lesions are associated
decade earlier in males than in females . with unerupted teeth (1178,"1876 }.
Genetic profile
NOTCH receptors and their ligands may Localization Macroscopy
play a role in the cytodifferentiation of The mandible is affected twice as often There are no characteristic gross patholog-
SOT [2172). as the maxilla, and there is a predilection ical features. The tumours are solid, with
for the body. Approximately 6% of cases variable amounts of calcification. Rarely,
Genetic susceptibility are extraosseous (1876). cystic variants have been reported (877).
Genetic susceptibility is minimal. An iso-
lated familia! case, affecting three family Histopathology
members, has been re ported (1377}. CEOTs display a variety of architectural
patterns, ranging from small or almost in-
Prognosis and predictive factors conspicuous islands, cords, or trabecu-
Most SOTs have been removed conserv- lae to large sheets of neoplastic epithelial
atively by surgery. Recurrence is rare. cells. The cells tend to be polyhedral,
with abundant well-defined cytoplasm;
intercellular bridges can be seen in sorne
Calcifying epithelial tumours. The tumour nuclei are charac-
odontogenic tumour teristically pleomorphic, and giant nuclei
are often seen. Despite this pleomor-
Wright J.M. phism, which might raise the possibility
Devilliers P. of malignancy, the mitotic rate is very low.
The neoplastic cells secrete a unique
odontogenic amyloid protein provision-
Definition ally called AODAM, which is encoded by
Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour Fig. 8.27 Calcifying epithelial odontógenic tumour.
exons 5-10 of the odontogenic amelo-
(CEOT} is a benign epithelial odontogenic Characterislic radiographical features of an expansile, blast-associated protein (OOAM) locus
mixed radiolucenVopaque lesion. (1676,2233). As AODAM is secreted

220 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

extracellularly, it forms small rounded to and they have a different immunohisto-
irregular homogeneous masses of lightly chemical phenotype.
eosinophilic hyaline material that stain
positively for amyloid. As more protein is Genetic profile
secretad, the masses tend to coalesce PTCH mutations have been reported in
and ultimately calcify, often in concentric CEOT, but the tumour is nota componen!
rings (so-called Liesegang rings). The of naevoid basal cell carcinoma syn-
neoplasm will infiltrate adjacent bone. drome {1843) .
variations include clear-cell change indi-
cating glycogen accumulation, which can Prognosis and predictiva factors
be focal or diffuse; a clear-cell varían! of Although the tumours infiltrate medullary Fig. 8.29 Follicular adenomatoid odontogenic tumour
CEOT is well documentad (985}. Variable bone, they are not as biologically aggres- (asterisk) in the anterior maxilla of a 16-year-old girl.
numbers of Langerhans cells have been sive as ameloblastoma. Most cases are
reportad in CEOT {2344). The tumours treated with local surgical removal, and the Localization
are well documentad as hybrid lesions overall recurrence rate is about 15% (759}. More than 95% of AOTs are intraosseous,
with other odontogenic neoplasms, par- but extraosseous variants have been
ticularly with adenomatoid odontogenic documentad. The tumours are twice as
tumour (1875}, but the CEOT-like areas Adenomatoid common in the maxilla as in the mandí-
tend to be focal, and the hybrid tumours odontogenic tumour ble and have a very strong predilection
behave biologically like adenomatoid od- for the anterior jaws. About three quar-
ontogenic tumours. CEOTs must be dis- Wright J.M. ters of cases occur in association with
tinguished from CEOT-like areas found in Kusama K. unerupted teeth in a pericoronal relation-
the follicles of unerupted teeth (110). ship, which has led sorne authorities to
CEOT must be distinguished from amelo- subclassify the tumours as follicular or
blastoma, but CEOT lacks peripheral pal- Definition extrafollicular. Unerupted caninas are af-
isading and secretes an amyloid protein Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour (AOT) fected in about 60% of cases {1875,1880,
that calcifies. The cytological atypia that is a benign epithelial tumour that shows 1882,1987).
characterizes CEOT raises the possibility duct-like structures.
of malignancy, but the lack of mitoses, Clinical features
the low Ki-67 proliferation index, and ICD-0 code 9300/0 AOTs have limitad growth potential and
the presence of stromal amyloid protein are considerad by many to be hamar-
with calcification should allow for the dis- Epidemiology tomas. Patients are invariably asympto-
tinction. However, malignan! variants of AOTs account for < 5% of odontogenic matic, and bony expansion may or may
CEOT have been documentad {562}. tumours {520,1875) and occur twice as not be present. On imaging, the tumours
Clear-cell change raises the possibility frequently in females as in males. They tend to be well defined and symmetrical.
of clear cell odontogenic carcinoma or have a strong predilection for i[ldividu- The lesions progress to produce cortical
metastatic clear cell carcinoma. Howev- als in their first three decades of lite, expansion slowly, but in about two thirds
er, clear cell CEOT is distinct from clear with about two thirds of all cases occur- of cases, small foci of radiopacity can be
cell odontogenic carcinoma in that it se- ring in teenagers and 87% of all cases detectad. AOTs can be radiographically
cretes an amyloid protein that calcifies, occurring in the second or third decade indistinguishable from dentigerous cysts,
and it lacks the EWSR1 and ATF1 gene of lite {1880,1987}. Tumours occurring in unless they extend apically beyond the
rearrangement of clear cell odontogenic patients older than th ei r mid-30s are dis- cementoenamel junction of the affected
carcinoma. Metastatic clear cell carci- tinctly uncommon {1882}. tooth. Teeth are frequently displaced but
nomas do not secret a calcifiable matrix root resorption is rare. The lesions slowly

Benign epithelial odontogenic tumours 221

progress to produce cortical expansion, inconspicuous . There is frequently eosin- current consensus is that the CEOT-like
but cortical perforation is unusual. Extra- ophilic material within the tumour, rnost areas are simply part of the histological
osseous variants produce gingival swell- likely constituting a secretory product of spectrum of AOT {1654,1875).
ings without characteristic features. the turnour. There are often patterns of
anastornosing larnina-like cords of tu- lmmunophenotype
Macroscopy mour cel ls in a plexiform pattern, which The Ki-67 index and BCL2 index are
Most AOTs enucleate and are smooth, is more prominent at the periphery. Small lower in AOT than in solid ameloblastoma
rounded , symmetrical masses. On cut foci of calcification are frequently seen, {1 964). The expression of amelogene-
surface, the lesions range from solid to and this phenomenon has been likened sis-related proteins such as odontogenic
cystic, and follicular lesions often contain to an abortive attempt at enamel matrix ameloblast-associated protein, amelotin,
the affected tooth. secretion. Sorne tumours contain larger ameloblastin, and amelogenin {496}, as
areas of calcified rnatrix, sorne of which well as TGF-beta 1 / SMAOs {1185}. has
Histopathology has been reported to be dentinoid or been shown to be more intense in AOT
The tumours tend to be encapsulated cementoid. Many tumours contain mac- than in ameloblastoma. Strong cytoplas-
but produce a variety of architectural rocystic or variably sized microcystic mic expression of beta-catenin has been
patterns, rnost notably multiple, variably areas. demonstrated, although no molecular
sized nodules of nondescript to sp in- AOT and AOT-like areas have been anomaly within the beta-catenin gene
dled epithelial cells with minimal stroma. recognized with other odontogenic tu- (CTNNB1) is evident {941). These find-
Within these nodules are variably sized mours, such as odontomas, adenoma- ings may reflect the hamartomatous be-
rosette- or duct-like spaces, from wh ich toid dentinoma, and calcifying epithelial haviour of AOT.
the tumour gets its name. These are odontogenic tumour (CEOT). More than
lined by a columnar or cuboidal epithe- 25 cases of AOT/CEOT have been re- Prognosis and predictiva factors
lium, with the nuclei tending to be dis- ported, and sorne authors recommend AOTs are encapsulated and they invari-
p laced away from the lumen. In sorne the designation "combined epithe- ably enucleate. Recurrence rates are ex-
turnours, the duct-like spaces can be lial odontogenic tumour" {1882). but the ceeding ly low.

Benign mixed epithelial and

mesenchymal odontogenic tumours .

Ameloblsstic ñbroms
Muller S.
Vered M.

Ameloblastic fibroma (AF) is a rare, be-
nign, true mixed tumour composed of
odontogenic mesenchyme resembling
dental papilla and epithelial tissue re-
sembling odontogenic epithelium, in
which no dental hard tissues are present.

ICD-0 code 9330/0

AF constitutes 1.5- 6.5% of ali
odontogenic tumours {293,1879). The Fig. 8.30 Ameloblastic fibroma of the right mandible in a 12-year-old patient. presenting as a multilocular radiolucency
mean patient age is 14.9 years (range: with sclerotic border. The first molar is impacted and displaced, the tooth bud of the second premolar is displaced, and
7 weeks to 57 years) {293,1653). Most the roots of the primary second molar are resorbed.

222 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

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tumours (80%) occur in patients younger are occasional thickenings, with a stellate Primordial odontogenic tumour
than 22 years (i.e. befare the end of reticulum-like area notable between the
odontogenesis). The male-to-female ratio peripheral cuboidal cells. The epithelial Mosqueda-Taylor A.
is 1.4:1 . componen! can also show a pattern re- Neville BW
sembling the follicu lar stage of the enam-
Localization el organ . A collagenous capsule may be
The ratio of mandibular to maxillary locali - observed. On the basis of histopatho- Definition
zation is 3.3:1. The posterior area of the logical features, it is not possible to dis- Primordial odontogenic tumour is a
jaws is the most common location (affected tinguish between AFs (true neoplasms) tumour composed of variably cellu lar
in 82% of cases), particularly the mandible and early-stage odontomas befare they loase fibrous tissue with areas similar to
(74%); a minority of cases occur in either differentiate and mature (290,293l. How- the dental papilla, entirely surrounded
the anterior region or both the posterior ever, rare AFs show formation of dental by cuboidal to columnar epithelium re-
and anterior regions (-10% each) (293). hard tissues and reach an exceptional sembling the interna! epithelium of the
size. enamel organ.
Clinical features These lesions have been referred to as
AFs are usually slow-growing, painless ameloblastic fibrodentinomas or amelo- Epidemiology
tumours. They can cause jaw expansion blastic fibro-odontomas (293). but are This is a recently described tumour, with
and (rarely) reach remarkable size, with most likely developing odontomas. only 7 cases reported to date. The re-
facial deformity. Radiographically, AF is an ported patient age range is 3- 19 years,
incidental finding in 12% of cases, but the Genetic profile with a mean pal ien! age of 12.5 years
majority (56%) present as well-defined, lnitial investigations found BRAFV600E and no sex predilection (1659,2206).
usually small, unilocular rad iolucencies mutation (in 2 cases {279l) and a low
(293). Multilocular tumours are frequently freque ncy of fractional allelic loss of Localization
associated with larger lesions. Association tumour suppressor gene loci (805). Primordial odontogenic tumour occurs
with an impacted tooth (usually a first or intraosseously, with a marked preference
second permanent molar) is seen in 80% Prognosis and predictiva factors for the mandible; the ratio of mandibular
of cases. Root resorption and cortical Small, asymptomatic tumours, especially to maxillary incidence is 6:1.
perforation are uncommon. in young children, are removed conserv-
atively; however, ultraconservative treat- Clin ical features
Macroscopy ment might result in recurrence, which AII cases have been found as well-de-
The tumour is a solid, possibly encapsu- occurs in about 16% of cases. Extensive, fined radiolucencies associated with an
lated mass with a smooth outer surface. destructive tumours should be treated unerupted tooth (most commonly the lower
radically. Sarcomatous transformation is third molar), producing an apparent peri-
Histopathology rare, although about 50% of such cases coronal relationship on radiographical im-
The mesenchymal componen! is myxoid are reported to have developep in the age. Most primordial odontogenic tumours
and cel l-rich and resembles the dental setting of a recurren! AF (38,1327). are asymptomatic , but they may cause
papilla of the tooth bud. The epithelial cortical expansion with displacement and
componen! can demonstrate a pattern root resorpti on of neighbouring teeth.
of narrow, elongated strands of two tight
and parallel-running layers of cuboidal to
columnar cel ls. Towards the edges, there

Benign mixed epithelial and mesenchymal odontogenic tumours 223

Fig. 8.32 Primordial odontogenic tumour. A,B Well-defined radiolucencies surrounding and displacing an embedded tooth; note in both cases the resorption of the roots of adjacent
molar teeth. Reprinted from Mosqueda-Taylor A et al. (1659). C Macroscopic aspect of the tumour shown in panel B, with adjacent removed teeth; salidwhite mass with no evidence
of cystic changes. Note the tooth displaced towards the periphery of the tumour (top).

Macroscopy low (< 2%). Th e epithelial componen! into compound odontoma and complex
The crown of the adjacent tooth was is strongly positive for pancytokeratins odontoma.
embedded in the tumour in 3 of the (AE1/AE3), CK5, and CK14, whereas
repo rted cases; in the other 4 cases, the CK19 is variably expressed by columnar ICD-0 codes
associated teeth were easily detached cells. Given the relatively young palien! Odontoma 9280/0
from the tumours. Al i lesions were well age at presentation of ali cases and the Odontoma, compound type 9281/0
circ umscribed and salid, forming multi- apparent relationship of the lesion with Odontoma, complex type 9282/0
lobulated whitish masses, with no cystic uneru pted teeth, the tumoural ti ssue may
spaces on sectioning. constitute a mesenchymal proliferation Epidemiology
very similar to the dental papilla of a de- Odontomas are the most common odon-
H istopathology veloping tooth. togenic tumours. They are typically diag-
The tumour is composed of loose fi- nosed during the first two d ecades of lile
brous tissue containing variable num- Prognosis and predictiva factors and have no sex predilection (2235).
bers of fusiform and stellate fibroblasts , The tumours are cured by local excision,
with minimal collagen production. Sorne with no recurrences repo rted after follow- Etiology
areas have the appearance of cell-rich up of 6 months to 20 years. The etiology is unknown, but genetic muta-
mesenchymal tissue. A characteristic tion in a tooth germ is a possible factor (956,
finding is that the entire periphery of the 1898,2731). Lesions formerly designated as
tumour is covered by columnar or cuboi- Odontoma ameloblastic fibro-odontoma probably rep-
dal epithelium, which in sorne areas resent immature stages of complex odon-
shows scant, superficial layers of fusi- Vered M. toma in most instances.
form cells surrounded by a thin fibrous Fowler C.B.
capsu le. Occasionally, epithelial islands Neville B.W. Localization
or cords are seen within the lesion as a Soluk Tekke~in M. Although odontomas can occur in any
result of tangential sectioning, due to the tooth-bearing area, compound odontornas
infolding of the surface. No evidence of are mainly located in the anterior maxilla,
odontoblastic differentiation or dentine Definition whereas complex odontomas are found
has been found to date. The tu mour mes- Odontomas are mixed epithelial and most often in the posterior mandible, fol-
enchymal cells are positive for vimenti n mesenchymal tumour-like malformations lowed closely by the anterior maxilla (2235).
and negative for alpha-SMA , desmin, (hamartomas) composed of dental hard
S100, and CD34. The Ki-67 index is very and soft tissues. They are subdivided

224 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours


Fig. 8.34 Compound odontoma. A Compound odontoma located between the roots of the canine and second Fig. 8.37 Compound odontoma. Microscopic section
premolar; the first premolar is impacted and displaced; the radiopaque product appears as tooth-like structures. shows structures reminiscent of single-rooted, small
B Macroscopic view shows numerous rudimentary teeth of various shapes and sizes. teeth.

The radiological features of co mpound

odontomas are frequently diagnostic,
although complex odontomas may be
confused with other highly calcified bone
lesions (2309l.

Compound odontomas usually appear
as a cluster of white, tooth-like structures
or denticles of varying size and shape.
B Complex odontomas appear asan amor-
Fig. 8.35 Complex odontoma. A Complex odontoma associated with an impacted maxillary third molar; !he radiopaque phous, white, bony, hard mass. Both may
product consists of a mostly homogeneous mass of calcified tissue. B Macroscopic view shows an irregular hard mass be surrounded by varying amounts of
attached to a molar tooth. capsu le-like, tan-coloured soft tissue.

Clinical features Radiographically, odontoma is typically Histopathology

Odontomas are frequently associated located between roots or over the crown Compound odontoma consists of multi-
with an unerupted tooth and are usu- of an impacted tooth and presents as a ple rudimentary teeth exhibiting dentin,
ally detected on routine radiog raphs. Al- well-demarcated radiopacity surround - cementu m, enamel matrix, and pulp . Ad-
though asymptomatic, they may become ed by a thin soft tissue capsule and an jacent fibrous connective tissue consist-
secondarily inflamed due to trauma or adjacent corticated layer of bone. The en! with dental follicle is often present.
eruption, and they can cause impaction, radiopaque product in compound od- Early-stage odontomas show tissue that
malposition, diastema, aplasia, malfor- ontomas consists of numerous footh-like resembles a developing tooth germ , with
mation , and devitalization of adjacent structures, whereas in complex odonto- little mineralized product. Mature com-
teeth. The diameter ranges from < 1 cm mas it consists of a disorganised mass p lex odontomas consist primarily of tubu-
to 6 cm, with larger odontomas produc- of calcified tissue. An early-stage (devel- lar dentin that encloses zones of enamel
ing expansion of the jaws. Multifocal od- oping) odontoma may appear as a radio- matrix; reduced enamel epithelium with
ontomas have been reported (2309). lucency with focal areas of calcif ication . occasional scattered ghost cells may

. ~~w.(~~-,.,_
Fig. 8.36 Complex odontoma. A Section alter decalcification shows a conglomerate of dentin admixed with small areas of enamel matrix (arrows); clefts or hollow circular structures
(asterisks) represen! !he mature enamel that was removed during demineralization. B Enamel matrix (asterisk) and partially decalcified enamel (upper-right) surrounded by reduced
enamel epithelium (arrow).

Benign mixed epithelial and mesenchymal odontogenic tumou rs 225

surround clefts or hollow circular struc-
tures, which represen! mature enamel that
was removed during demineralization.
A !hin layer of cementum is often pres-
ent at the periphery of the mass. The soft
tissue capsule, if present, often includes
immature connective tissue with cords
or islands of ameloblastic epithelium - a
pattern similar to that seen in ameloblas-
tic fibroma (2235). Rarely, an ameloblas-
toma may arise in association with an
odontoma; such cases have historical ly
been called odontoameloblastoma, an
entity dropped now (1655).
Fig. 8.38 Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour. Unilocular radiolucent- radiopaque lesion with well-defined borders in a
Genetic susceptibility 60-year-old woman.
Multifocal odontomas or supernumerary
teeth may occur in patients with Gardner of basaloid to stellate reticulum cells. Th e Local ization
syndrome (familia! colorectal polyposis). tumour characteristically contains aber- The most frequently affected intraosse-
rant keratinization, with a vari able number ous siles are the posterior maxilla and
Prognosis and predictive factors of ghost cells and material morphologi- mandible, and there is a slig ht predilec-
Odontomas are removed by conserva- cally resembling dentinoid or osteodentin tion for the mandible (affected in 53% of
tive surgery, due to their low growth (289,1648,2307}. cases) (289 ). Sporad ic peripheral cases
potential. Recurrence after complete have been reported in the gingiva and al-
removal is unusual. The prognosis is ex- ICD-0 code 9302/0 veolar mucosa (323}.
cellent (2235}.
Synonym Clinical features
Calcifying ghost cell odontogenic tumour Most patients w ith DGCT present with
Dentínogeníc ghost ce// progressive swelling caused by cortical
Epidemiology bone expansion. Rad iographically, 78%
DGCT is the rarest of the ghost cell le- of lesions are unilocular and 22% are
Carlos R. sions , accounting for < 3% of ali cases multi locular. Most lesions are mixed ra-
Ledesma-Montes C. {1357). Approximately 45 cases have diolucent and radiopaque (78%) or com-
been reported, with more than half occur- pletely radiolucent, and most (6 8%) have
ring in Asian patients (556). The tumour well-defined bord ers. Poorly d efined
Definition is twice as common in men as in women, bord ers are seen in 32% of the reported
Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour (DGCT) with peak incidence in patients agea 40- cases with available rad iological informa-
is a benign but local ly infiltrating neo- 60 years (556}. The reported patient age tion. Pain occurred in 52% of the cases,
plasm of odontogenic epithelium. lt has range is 11- 79 years (mean: 39.7 years) whereas the other 48% we re completely
biphasic morphology, consisting of a (30,556). asymptomatic. Root resorption is thought
predominan! ameloblastomatous prolif- to be present in approximately 18% of
eration and a less prominent component cases; however, this fig ure may in fact be

226 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

higher, as most reports do not mentían
th is finding. DGCT can occas1onally be
associated with an odontoma (289,1076,

The tumours are salid, with macroscopic
areas of calcification. Microcystic areas
rnay be present, but they do not con-
stitute a significant area of the tumour,
generally accounting for < 5% of th e re-
sected specimen.

The main histological componen! is od-
ontogenic epithelium, with areas closely
resembling ameloblastoma. Microcystic
spaces can be present within the epithe-
lium . Sorne tumours have a significan!
componen! of basaloid hyperchromatic
and isomorphic cel ls, displayed in sheets.
Mitotic f igures are rare . A striking feature
is the presence of aberrant keratinization
with occasional calcification - the so-
called ghost cells, wh ich are present in
variable numbers. When the keratinized
cells com e in contact with the connective
tissue, an inflammatory foreign body re- may represen! hyalinization or induction In 21 cases, conservative surgery (i.e.
action with multinucleated giant cel ls can of the adjacent connective tissues as a enucleation, curettage, or simple exci-
be elicited . Dentinoid or osteodentin-like result of signalling from the odontogenic sion) was perform ed, with a recurrence
material is formed directly adjacent to the epithelium. The epithelial cells can ex- rate of 73% after a follow-up period of
epithelial cel ls, which are often trapped press CK5, CK7, CK14, and CK19. The 1- 20 years. In the 19 reported cases
in small groups within this otherwise acel- Ki-67 proliferation index is < 5% . CD138 treated with more radical surgery (i.e.
lular material. These trapped cells may (also called syndecan-1) and MMP9 pro- marginal or segmental resection), the
have c lear cytoplasm. Mature connec- tein expression have been assessed in recurrence rate was 33% after a follow-
tive tissue may be admixed with th e main tumour and stromal cells, bu t the num- up period of :::: 1 year. There is a single
odontogenic epithelial componen! of the ber of cases is limited and expression is case report of malignan! transformation
tumour. Special care must be taken to varied; more studies are necessary to es- occurring after five recu rrences. On the
distinguish DGCT from ameloblastoma tablish the roles of CD138 and MMP9 in basis of the limited number of cases,
with ghost cells, a phenomenon well de- the locally invasive nature and biological the recomm ended surgical treatment is
scri bed in ameloblastomas and other od- behaviour of this tumour {868,874]. segmental resection (i.e. wide local re -
ontogenic lesions {289,323,1648,2307). section), performed in a manner similar
The proportion of ghost cells (> 1- 2%) Prognosis and predictive factors to that recommended for ameloblasto-
and the presence of dentinoid are impor- Oue to the small number of reported mas. Long -term postsurgical follow-up
tan! features in establishing the diagnosis cases, conclusions cannot be drawn is necessary. Peripheral (extraosseous)
of DGCT. regarding the optimal treatment op- tumours are managed by simple exci-
True dentinoid is difficult to prove as part tion for DGCT. However, treatm ent is sion, and recurrences are rare {289,323,
of this tumour, and in sorne instances it known for 40 of th e 45 reported cases . 1357,2307).

Benign mixed epithelial and mesenchymal odontogenic tumours 227

Benign mesenchymal odontogenic

Odontogenic fibroma calcifications associated with the odonto-

genic epithelium. A wel l-defined capsule
van Heerden W.F.P. is rare. Similar features are seen in peri ph-
Kusama K. eral odontogen ic fibroma.
Neville B.W. Central odontogenic fibroma with amyloid-
like protein deposition and central odon-
togenic fibroma associated with a central
Definition giant cell granuloma have been described
Odontogenic fibroma is a rare neoplasm as ra re variants {673,2689}.
of mature fib rous connective tissue, with An unusual tumour, called granular cell od-
variable amounts of inactive-looking od- Fig. 8.41 Central odontogenic fibroma. Radiograph of ontogenic tumour, has been repo rted and
ontogenic epithelium, with or without left mandible showing well-defined radiolucency with is considered to be a variant of central od-
evidence of calc ification. There are two radiopacities. ontogenic fibroma. lt is composed of stro-
clinical variants: intraosseous or central mal granular cells, with variable amounts
odontogenic fibroma and extraosseous present as well -defined unilocular ra- of odontogenic epithelium (2077).
or peripheral odontogenic fibroma. diolucencies, but larger tumours may Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma may
become multilocular. Corticated margins share sorne histological features with
ICD-0 code 9321/0 are often present. Oivergence or resorp- central odontogenic fibroma and should
tion of the roots of adjacent teeth may be be considered in the differential diag-
Epidemiology noted. Peripheral odontogenic fi broma nosis. However, sclerosing odontogenic
Central odontogenic fibroma has a wi de usually develops as a slow-growing, ses- carcinoma is characterized by an infil-
patient age range and a slight female sile gingival mass with an intact mucosa! trative pattern and prominent perineural
predilection. Peripheral odontogenic fi- surface. infiltration.
broma is more common than central
odontogenic fibroma, occurs twice as Histopathology Prognosis and predictiva factors
frequently in females as in males , and Central odontogenic fibroma is composed Central odontogenic fi broma is usually
has an age peak in the second to fourth of moderately cellular or collagenous treated by enucleation and curettage,
decades of life [673 ,1657). connective tissue with varying amounts which sometimes req uires removal of
of inactive-looking odontogenic epithe- adjacent involvcd tccth. Rccurrence is
Localization lial island s or strands. The epithelium may uncommon. Peripheral odontogenic fi-
Odontogenic fibroma occurs with rela- vary from being totally absent to being broma is treated by surgical excision,
tively equal frequency in the maxilla a conspicuous feature. Hard tissue for- which should proba bly extend down to
and mandible. Most maxi llary central mation may be present, with /satures of the periosteum, because a recurrence
odontogenic fi bromas occur anterior to mineralized dentinoid or cementum-like rate of 50% has been reported (1994).
the fi rst molar, whereas about hall of ali
mandibular central odontogenic fibromas
are found posterior to the first molar [673,
1657). Peripheral odontogenic fibromas
tend to be more com mon in the anterior
gingival regions (673). Small radiolucen-
cies with central odontogenic fibroma-
like /satures sometimes occur aroun d
crowns of impacted teeth, but these
should be cons idered hyperplastic den-
tal follicles rather than true neoplasms.

Clinical features
Small central odontogenic fibromas are
often asymptomatic , although larger tu-
mours may present with pain , bony ex-
pansion, and loosening of teeth . Small
central odontogenic fibromas usually

228 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

odontogenic myxoma/ Clinical teatures odontogenic myxomas (designated myx-
Odontogenic myxomas are asympto- ofibromas) produce collagen fibres, but
myxofibroma matic radiolucencies when small and these lesions always retain sorne degree
Qdell E.W. cause painless expansion with continued of prominent ground substance on Alcian
Adebiyi K. growth. Cortical perforation may develop blue staining. There is no evidence that
when they are large. Unilateral sinonasal the myxofibromatous variant behaves
obliteration may mimic nasal polyposis. differently.
Definition Radiographically, odontogenic myxomas Histochemistry and immunochemistry
odontogenic myxoma is a benign odon- appear as unilocular or multilocular ra- reveal the ground substance to be rich
togenic neoplasm characterized by stel- diolucencies, sometimes showing a fine in acid mucopolysaccharide, primarily
late and spindle-shaped cells dispersed soap-bubble or honeycomb appearance, hyaluronic acid, and to a lesser deg ree
in an abundan! myxoid extracel lular ma- occasionally with fine straight tennis- chondroitin sulfate. Orosomucoid 1 pro-
trix. When a greater amount of collagen racket trabeculations {1 744). The margins tein is consistently overexpressed [812}.
is evident, the term "odontogenic myxofi- of the tumour appear wel l defined and Dispersed microscopic rests of odonto-
broma" may be used. corticated on routine radiographs , but genic epith elium are present in about 5%
these provide inaccurate representations of lesions {1549} and are not requ ired for
ICD-0 code 9320/0 of the actual anatomical limits, wh ich histological diagnosis.
are relatively diffuse and better defined Histologically, odontogenic myxoma is
Epidemiology by CT or MRI {1219). Root displacement almost identical to the dental papilla of
In most studies, odontogenic myxoma occurs , as does roo! resorption. Larger a developing tooth, normal dental fol-
is the third most frequent odontogenic odontogenic myxomas may present with licle, and myxoid enlarged or so-called
tumour (after odontoma and ameloblas- a periosteal reactive bone layer. hyperplastic dental follicle. Misdiagnosis
toma) {291,1763,2332). lt has been esti- of these entities should be avoided by
mated to account for 2- 5% of cases in Macroscopy correlation with the clinical and radio-
A/rica {1763). China (1137). and the USA Gross examination reveals a greyish- graphical features [1227). For maxillary
(291). The patient age range of reported wh ite mass with a typical translucen! cases, confusion with nasal polyps is a
cases is 1- 73 years, with most cases di- mucinous appearance. The cons isten cy risk. Because any odontogenic tumour
agnosed in the second to fourth decades varíes from gelatinous to firm, depend ing forming dental hard tissues can contain
of life {1549) . In most series, odontogenic on the amount of collagen present, and areas of fo llicle and dental papilla-like
myxoma is up to twice as common in fe- fine white bands of col lagen may be vis- tissue, areas similar to myxoma can be
males as in males {1549,1744). but not in ible on the cut surface. found as a componen! of many odonto -
all African populations {1763). genic tumours, particularly primordial
Histopathology odontogenic tumour {1659).
Localization Odontogenic myxoma consists of ran - Odontogenic myxoma permeates the
Two th irds of odontogenic myxomas are domly oriented ste llate, spindle-shaped, surrounding medullary spaces of bone,
located in the mandible, and one th ird in and round cells with long, fine, anas- driven by matrix secretion rather than
the maxilla {15 49). Odontogenic myxo- tomosing, pale or slightly eosinophilic cellular infiltration. This produces a pseu-
mas are most common in the molar re- cytoplasmic processes. The cel ls are domalignant growth pattern , so the dif-
gions . Maxillary lesions tend to obliterate evenly dispersed in an abundan! alcian- fe rential diagnosis may include myxoid
the maxillary sinuses as an early feature, ophilic myxoid ground substance that nerve sheath tumours, chondromyxoid
and expansion is an early and consisten! characteristically contains minimal fine fibroma, low-grade myxofibrosarcoma,
feature in all. Very occasional cases have collagen libres . Binucleated cells, mild and other myxoid sarcomas. However,
been reported to occur extraosseously in pleomorphism, and mitotic figures may the histological appearance of odonto-
the ging iva {1960). occur and can mimic atyp ia (136}. Sorne genic myxomas is generally distinctive.

Fig. 8.43 Odontogenic myxoma in the body of the mandible, showing thin expanded cortex and bony septa in bone Fig. 8.44 Odontogenic myxoma. Radiograph showing
window (left) and low soft-tissue density (centre). The high proton density resulting from the high water content in the a myxoma in the posterior mandible, with characteristic
myxoid tissue gives a hyperintense signa! on T2-weighted MRI (right). straight and criss-crossing septa.

Benrgn mesenchymal odontogenic tumours 229

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Fig. 8.46 Odontogenic myxoma. A Normal dental follicle resembling myxoma. The smooth periphery and a few residual cells of the reduced enamel epithelium indicate the correct
diagnosis. B Cytological atypia, hyperchromatism, and anisonucleosis are seen in a minority of lesions.

Genetic profile Cementoblastoma mean of 20.7 years . Three quarters of

Odontogenic myxoma has been associ- patients are aged < 30 years {260,633).
ated with tuberous sclerosis (946) and EI-Mofty S.K. The sex distribution varies among dif-
naevoid basal cell carc inoma syndrome ferent series, from male p redominance
{2146) in isolated cases but is not geneti- to equal d istribution to female predomi-
cally related to Carney complex or other Definition nance {633).
soft tissue myxomas or their associated Cementoblastoma is a distinctive benign
syndromes (870). odontogenic tumou r that is intimately as- Localization
sociated with the roots of teeth . lt is char- The mandibular molars and premolars
Prognosis and predictiva factors acterized by the formation of calc ified are the most common siles of cemento-
The permeative margin makes effective cementum-like tissue, which is deposited b lastoma, with > 75% of the cases oc-
curettage difficult. Small lesions are usual- directly on a tooth root. curring in th is location. The maxillary mo-
ly treated conservatively by curettage, with Jars and premolars are the second most
the expectation of Jow risk of recurrence, ICD-0 code 9273/0
but larger lesions require complete exci-
sion with free margins (228). Recurrence Synonyms
rates in various studies average about Benign cementoblastoma;
25%, but the prognosis is good. Recur- true cementoma
rence usually follows incomplete removal
within 2 years, but may occur much later. Epidemiology
A single case of possible malignan! be- Cementoblastoma is a relatively rare
haviour has been reported (1800), but tumour, accounting far 1- 6% of ali od-
there are no accepted criteria to define ontogenic tumours (1487,1656}. Only Fig. 8.47 Cementoblastoma. Radiograph showing
malignancy, and Jarge benign lesions may about 100 cases have been reported in a cementoblastoma associated with the roots of
prove difficult to eradicate without radical the literature to date (260}. The reported the mandibular second molar and obliterating sorne
surgery. patient age range is 8-4 4 years . with a radiographical details of the roots.

230 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

;.a......__ _ ..n.._.....__--,,__.....,_ ___;;;.__,,... "' ' ..• \
Fig. 8.48 Cementoblastoma. A Thick trabeculae of cementum attached to a tooth root. B Radiating columns of calcified matrix rimmed with plump cementoblasts at the periphery
of the lesion.

common site. Association with primary by a grey to tan layer of irregular soft tis- they do not originate from the surface of
teeth is very rare 1260,633}. sue. The tumours are usually excised in- the roots and do not adhere to it.
tact with the tooth, with an average size
Clinical features of 2.0 cm. Prognosis and predictiva factors
Cementoblastoma is associated with lncomplete removal commonly leads to
buccal and lingual/palatal expansion Histopathology recurrence {11 23).
of the affected bony cortical plates. A Calcified cementum-like tissue is de-
characteristic feature is pain, commonly posited in thick trabeculae on an intact
described as sharp and similar to tooth- or partially resorbed root. The formed Cemento-ossifying fibroma
ache. The tumour is slow-growing but cementum is strongly basophilic and
can attain a large size if left untreated shows numerous irregular reversa! lines Odell E.W.
(633,1123). resembling Pagel disease of bone (os-
The radiographical appearance is char- teitis deformans). Plump, active-looking
acteristic and almos! pathognomonic. cementoblasts rim the trabeculae, which Cemento-ossifying f ibroma (COF) is a
The tumour presents as a well-defined are present in fibrovascular stroma with distinct type of ossify ing fibroma that
radiopaque mass that obliterates the ra- numerous dilated vessels and occasion- occurs in the tooth-bearing areas of the
diographical details of the root of the af- al clusters of multinucleated osteoclast- jaws and is believed to be of odonto-
fected tooth. A thin radiolucent zone sur- like cells. Characteristically, rad iating genic origin. lt is a benign fibro-osseous
rounds the central opacity. Cortical plate columns of uncalcified matrix surfaced lesion and is discussed in more detail in
expansion and deviation of the surround - with plump cementoblasts a'nd inter- the Ossifying fibroma section on pages
ing teeth roots occur as the tumour grows spersed with fibrovascular tissue are 251-252.
{260,633}. present at the periphery of the densely
calcified mass . These peripheral micro- ICD-0 code 9274/0
Macroscopy scopic fields of cementoblastoma bear
Grossly, cementob lastoma presents as significan! resemblance to osteoblasto-
a calcified mass that is adherent to the ma. Although osteoblastomas of the jaws
root or roots of a tooth and surrounded may grow to envelop the roots of teeth,

Benign mesenchymal odontogenic tumours 231

Odontogenic cysts of Speight P.
Soluk Tekke~in M.
inflammatory origin

Radicular cyst
Radicular cyst is an odontogenic cyst of
inflammatory origin associated with non-
vital teeth. A residual cyst is a radicular
cyst that remains in the jaws after extrac-
tion of the affected tooth.

Fig. 8.51 Radicular cyst. A An inflamad fibrous wall lined by hyperplastic arcading epithelium; foamy histiocytes
(arrows) are seen in the infiltrate. B A nodule of cholesterol clefts.

Fig. 8.49 Radicular cyst. Typical radiographical appear-

ance of a well-demarcated radiolucency at the apex of a
non-vital tooth that has been root treated.

Fig. 8.52 Radicular cyst. Focal accumulation oi hyaline bodies in the epithelial lining.

range, with peak incidence in the fo urth Clinical features

and fifth decades of life. A slight male Many rad icular cysts are symptomless
predilection has been reported (1149 }. and discovered inc identally on radiologi-
cal examination of a carious or non-vital
Etiology tooth. Overall, radicular cyst is probably
The epithelial lining derives from prolifer- the single most common cause of expan-
ation of the remnants of the Hertwig epi- sion of th e jaws . Radiographs show a
thelial root sheath (epithelial cell rests of round or oval, unilocular, well-d emarcat-
Malassez) in the periodontal ligamen! as ed radiolucency at the apex of a tooth,
Fig. 8.50 Radicular cyst. A residual cyst appears as a result of inflammation following pulpal usually about 1-2 cm in diameter. Large
corticated radiolucency at the site of previous tooth necrosis, usually due to dental caries. A lesions can also occur. Residual cysts
extraction. cyst cavity is formed, which enlarges as are found as well-defined rad iolucen-
a result of hydrostatic pressure accom- cies at a site of previous tooth extraction.
Synonyms panied by bone resorption. Radicular cyst is always associated with
lnflammatory dental cyst; dental cyst; a non-vital tooth, and this is an important
periapical cyst; apical periodontal cyst Localization criterion for diagnosis.
The maxilla is the most commcin site,
Epidemiology with 50% of cases arising in the anterior Histopathology
Radicular cysts are th e most common region (1149}. Radicular cyst is almos! Radicular cysts have a wall composed
cyst of the jaws and account for about always located at the tooth apex, but a of inflamed fibrous or granulation ti s-
55% of ali odontogenic cysts {1 145,1149). lateral radicular cyst may be associated sue lined by non-kerati nized stratified
They occur over a wide patient age with a lateral root canal. squamous epithelium. The epithelium is

232 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

proliferative, with elongat~d. rete pegs,
often forming a charactenst1c arcad1ng
pattern . Mature cysts and residual cysts
are less inflamed and may show a more
regular thin epithelium. The inflamma-
tory infiltrate is mixed, and may contain
prominent foamy histiocytes or deposits
of cholesterol crystals with foreign-body
giant cells, which may form luminal nod-
ules. Hyaline or Rushton bodies are of-
ten seen and are characte ristic (although
not specific) of radicular cyst {113}. Other
changes include mucous metap lasia
with goblet cells, cilia, or small areas of
keratinization .
Fig. 8.53 lnfiammatory collateral cyst. The paradental Fig. 8.55 Paradental cyst appearing as an open
Prognosis and predictive factors cyst appears as well-demarcated, corticated radiolucency pocket, composed of an inflamed fibrous wall lined by
at the distobuccal aspee! of a partially erupted lower third hyperplastic cpithclium.
Depending on their specific clinical and
molar. The periodontal ligamen! and lamina dura are
radiological features, periapical lesions
intact (arrows).
are often treated by extraction of the from the follicular space surrounding a
tooth or apicoectomy with enucleation of partially erupted tooth [471 }. PCs tend
the cystic cavity, or by non-surgical root to be mesially located on mesioangular
canal treatment. Although lesions may impactions, distal on distoangular impac-
persist as residual cysts, recurre nce is tions, and buccal on vertical impactions
rare (1727). {471).
MB BCs often present with painless
swelling, but infection with pain and sup-
/nf/smmatory collateral cysts puration may be seen. The tooth is usu-
ally ti lted buccally, with deep periodontal
Definition pockets. Radiology shows a we ll-demar-
lnflammatory col lateral cysts (ICCs) arise cated buccal radiolucency, which may
on the buccal aspect of the roots of par- extend to the lower border of the man-
tially or recently erupted teeth as a result dible {1878). A periosteal reaction with
of inflammation in the pericoronal tissues . Fig. 8.54 lnflammatory collateral cyst. The mandibular laminated new bone formation may b e
There are two main types: paradental buccal bifurcation cyst is corticated and overlies the roots visible {2 151).
cysts (PCs) arise on the lower third mo- of a lower second molar tooth.
lars and mandibular buccal bifurcation Histopathology
cysts (MBBCs) arise on the lower first or (471 ]. ICC may arise from proliferation of The histology is not specific, and is indis-
second molars. the reduced enamel epithelium, but re- tingu ishable from that of a radicular cyst.
cent studies suggest an origin from sul- Cholesterol clefts, foamy macrophages,
Synonyms cular or junctional epithelium {1552). and haemosiderin deposits may be seen.
lnflammatory paradental cyst The lining may be attached at the cemen-
Mandibular buccal bifurcation cyst: Localization toenamel junction or be continuous with
mandibular infected buccal cyst; juvenile More than 60% of ICCs are PCs on man- the epithelium of the pericoronal tissues,
paradental cyst dibular third molars. Most of the remain - forming an invagination or pocket pro-
der are MBBCs. Bilateral cases are not trudi ng down the root of the tooth {492,
Epidemiology uncommon {1878,2151]. Lesions in the 539,1552}.
ICCs account for as many as 5% of all maxilla are very rare and may arise in as-
odontogenic cysts (492,1149}. The peak sociation with an erupting canine. Prognosis and predictive factors
incidence of PCs is among patients aged ICCs are treated by simple enucleation.
20-40 years . The male-to-female ratio is Clinical features lnvolved third molars are usually extract-
2:1 (492,1878}. PCs are usually associated with a history ed, but molars involved by MBBC may be
of longstanding pericoron itis, with asso- conserve d.
Etiology ciated symptoms of pain, swelling, and
The etiopathogenesis is uncertain. ICCs trismus. The associated teeth are vital.
are of inflammatory origin, associated PCs are well demarcated, often corti-
with pericoronitis. Cyst formation may be cated, and superimposed over the bue-
exacerbated by a down-growth of enam- cal aspee! of the roots of the teeth. The
el on the buccal aspect of the involved periodontal ligamen! and lamina dura are
tooth (492,751} or by food impaction normal (492}. and the lesion is distinct

Odontogenic cysts of inflammatory origin 233

Odontogenic and non-odontogenic
developmental cysts

Dentigerous cyst of about 3:2 (1149,2713). Eruption cysts and small lesions are often discovered
account for < 2% of cases and occur in on radiological investigation for a miss-
Speight P. children {1149). ing tooth. However, the cyst may reach
Fantasía J.E. a large size and present as a slowly en-
Neville B.W. Etiology larging expansion of the jaw. lf the cyst
Dentigerous cyst is a developmental is infected, there may be pain and swell-
cyst, but the pathogenesis is uncertain. ing. Radiographs show a unilocular, well-
Definition The cyst arises due to an accumulation demarcated radiolucency, often with a
Dentigerous cyst is an odontogenic cyst of fl uid between the reduced enamel corticated margin, that surrounds the
that is attached to the cervical region epithelium of the dental follicle and the crown of the unerupted tooth, which may
of an unerupted tooth and envelops the crown of the unerupted tooth. be displaced. Eruption cyst presents as a
crown. Eruption cyst is a variant of denti- smooth, soft swelling overlying an erupt-
gerous cyst found in th e soft tissues over- Localization ing tooth. lt is often translucen!, but trau-
lying an erupting tooth . About 75% of dentigerous cysts are as- ma may resu lt in haemorrhage, imparting
sociated with unerupted mandibular third the appearance of a haematoma.
Synonym molars (1149,2713). Other common siles,
Follicular cyst in descending order of frequ ency, are the Macroscopy
maxillary canines, maxillary third molars, The cyst is attached to the cervical re-
Epidemiology and mandibular second premolars {1149, gion of the tooth at the cementoenamel
Dentigerous cysts account for about 20% 2713}. Eruption cysts most com monly oc- junction and is lined in part by the crown
of ali odontogenic cysts (1145,1149) and cur overlying mandibular dec iduous inci- of the involved tooth.
are the second most common cyst of the sors or maxillary f irst permanent molars
jaws . They occur overa wide patient age [28,222}. H istopathology
range, with peak incidence in the second Typical histology shows an uninflamed
to fourth decades of lile. There is a male Clinical features wall of loose fi brous tissue, often with
predilection, with a male-to-female ratio Dentigerous cyst is usually symptomless, a slightly myxoid appearance, lined by
thin, regular epithelium 2-4 cell layers
thick. The wall may contain small qui-
escent rests of odontogenic epithelium.
Metaplastic changes may include mu-
cous cells and ci lia (1432,2345). Hyaline
or Rushton bodies are also occasionally
seen (1432). Dentigerous cyst is often in-
flamed and may exhibit epithelial hyper-
plasia, with adjacent cholesterol crystals.

B Prognosis and predictiva factors

Fig. 8.56 Dentigerous cyst. A Radiology shows a well-demarcated radiolucency enveloping the crown of a lower third Dentigerous cysts are treated by enucle-
molar tooth. B lntact specimen associated with a canine tooth; the cyst wall surrounds the crown of the tooth. ation, with removal of the impacted tooth.

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· -: , ¡.:,. ~ ~ .,. .,. :rv • • .... .:~,-- :. ~'(,(¡•t:,,;t:. ..¿ . • -- .. 11
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.:..<,~-~ ::;' .
.. ,.- . ; ···'- -· .
.;¡{.'~~·:r~ . • -~· ;, .-..: ~:;__--~ .: ·~~~·::~• .·.~:·-~·
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-i.--x·· .~-./ /., ·:~)f )}{(tj~
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"-~ ~ ~-~. ·~.. ~ ·~
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Fig. 8.57 Dentigerous cyst. A Low-power histology shows a thin, regular lining. The cyst is attached to the tooth in the region of the cementoenamel junction (arrow).
wall is uninflamed, with a loase myxoid appearance. C Mucous metaplasia.

234 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

Eruption cyst can be marsup ialized to al-
low the affected tooth to erupt normally.
They do not recur.

Odontogenic keratocyst
Speight P.
Devilliers P.
Li T.-J.
Odell E.W.
Wright J .M.

Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is an od-
ontogenic cyst characterized by a thin, Fig. 8.58 Odontogenic keratocyst. A patient with naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome with multiple odontogenic
regular lining of parakeratinized stratified keratocysts in the mandible and maxilla.
squamous epithelium with palisading hy-
perchromatic b asal cells.

Keratocystic odontogenic tumo ur

OKCs account for 10-20% of odonto-
genic cysts and are the third most co m-
mon cyst of the jaw s (1145,1149). They
occur over a wide patient age range,
with a p eak incidence in the second
to third d ecades of life and a second,
smaller peak among p atie nts aged
50- 70 years {1149). Most studies find Fig. 8.59 Odontogenic keratocyst. A A unilocular radiolucency at the angle of the mandible extending to the posterior
a slight male predilection [2153}. As aspee! of the ramus (arrows). B An extensiva multilocular lesion from the midline, filling the body of the mandible and
many as 5% of ali OKCs occur as part extending into the ramus; the lesions are well demarcated and mostly corticated.
of naevoid basal ce!! carcinoma syn-
drome (Gorlin synd rome) (1419}; these
cases tend to be multip le and to occur . ,
in younger patients (2638).

OKC is a developmental cyst that aris-
es from remnants of the dental lamina.
There is an association with mutation or
- - ' . , ,..,~.,
111; ....... • ..
inactivation of the PTCH1 gene, which
activates the SHH signalling pathway l ~
• ..... • ' •
§l .. 1.- -) \'
and results in aberrant cell proliferation of -

the OKC epithelium (1419,2153).

OKCs are most frequently (in 80% of
cases) found in the mandible, with as
many as hall of ali lesions located in the
posterior body and ramus {1 149,2153).
Cysts found in the posterior maxilla are
more often associated with naevoid ba-
sal ce!! carcinoma synd rome (2639).

Clinical features
OKCs are frequently large at first p resen-

Odontogenic and non-odontogenic developmental cysts 235

support a neoplastic origin of OKC. lt is
felt therefore that OKC remains the rnost
appropriate name for this lesion.

Prognosis and predictive factors

Treatment is most often by enucleation, or
by surgical resection for large lesions. Re-
currences were more frequent in the past
but are dramatically reduced with meticu-
lous treatment. A systematic review found
an overall recurrence rate of about 25%
but the recu rrence rate after enucleatio~
with Carnoy's solution was 8% (1144). Re-
currence after resection was rare (occur-
., ;{, ring in < 2% of cases). Recurrences rnay
. • k-:s[;_~
be due to incomplete removal or the pres-
Fig. 8.61 Odontogenic keratocyst. Enucleated specimens are often fragmented, but show a typical uninflamed fibrous
ence of persisten\ daughter cysts. Large
wall with thin, regular, folded epithelial lining.
lesions can be marsupialized fol lowed by
tation . Most lesions present as painless Mitotic figures are often seen, but these enucleation (1906), and meta-analysis
radiolucencies and are found inciden- are normal. 1nflamed lesions lose these suggests that this approach is associated
tally during radiographical examination typical features and are lined by non- with lower recurrence rates than surgery
for other reasons. Large lesions may specific stratified squamous epithelium (2649). There is no evidence of any dit-
cause displacement of teeth. Maxillary with sorne degree of hyperplasia. ference in behaviour between syndrornic
lesions may displace the orbit and are OKCs may show small satellite cysts and sporadic OKCs and the management
more often infected. Radiology shows a or solid islands in the wal l, or may have is the same (718].
well-demarcated radiolucent lesion, of- budding of the basal layer. These fea-
ten with a corticated margin. The lesions tures are more common ly seen in cysts Lateral periodontal cyst
may be unilocular (with or without a scal- associated with naevoid basal cell car- and botryoid odontogenic cyst
loped margin) or may be multilocular. cinoma syndrome (2637]. Occasionally,
The posterior body and lower ramus of OKCs are of the so -called solid variant: Speight P.
the mandible is the most common site, composed of multiple small cysts and Fantasía J .E.
and lesions often surround the crown of epithelial islands in a dense collagenous Neville B.W.
the third molar, resulting in an appear- stroma [2493). Careful examination is
ance similar to that of dentigerous cyst. essential to differentiate this lesion from
Lesions tend to grow in a posteroante· squamous cell carc inoma ar acanthoma- Definition
rior direction, resulti ng in large lesions tous ameloblastoma. The true nature of Lateral periodontal cyst (LPC) is a de-
with relatively little swelling or cortical this variant and its relationship to ccinven- velopmental odontogenic cyst lined by
expansion. tional OKC is uncertain, and further re- non-ke ratinized epithelium, occurring on
About 10% of patients have multiple search is needed. the lateral aspee! or between the roots of
OKCs (either metachronous or synchro- erupted teeth. Botryoid odontogenic cyst
nous), and half of these patients have Genetic profile (BOC) is the multicystic variant of LPC
naevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome A variety of molecular and genetic altera- {2556].
(2153,2639). In addition to multiple tions have been identifi ed in OKC {871,
OKCs, patients with naevoid basal cell 1419}. the most notable of whic h are al- Epidemiology
carcinoma syndrome have multiple ba- terations in the PTCH1 gene. Naevoid ba- LPCs/BOCs account for < 1% ot odonto-
sal cell carcinomas and other develop- sal cell carcinoma syndrome and basal genic cysts [1149,2150]. They occur over
mental anomalies. carcinomas are associated with muta- a wide p atient age range, with peak inci-
tions and inactivation of the PTCH1 gene, dence in the sixth and seventh decades
Histopathology and similar changes are found in as many of life {1953). A slight male pred ilection
Typical histology shows an uninflamed as 80% of both syndromic and sporadic has been noted in most series (2150).
f ibrous wall lined by a folded, thin, regular OKCs {1 419,1938). Loss of heterozygo-
parakeratinized epithelium 5-8 cell layers sity (LOH) on the 9q22.3 region (where Etiology
thick, without rete ridges. The parakeratin the PTCH1 gene has been mapped) has LPC/BOC arises from odontogenic
surface is typically corrugated, and the been found in other developmental.cysts, epithelial remnants, but the source is
basal layer is we ll defined and often including dentigerous cyst [1394, 1841), controversia!. Origin from dental lamina,
palisaded, with hyperchromatic nuclei but this work needs confi rmation, and reduced enamel epithelium, or rests of
and focal areas showing reversed nuclear sequencing data on these lesions has Malassez has been proposed.
polarity. These features are diagnostic not yet been presented. Further research
and · distinguish OKC from other jaw is needed, but at the present time there Localization
cysts that can show keratinization. appears to be insufficient evidence to LPCs/BOCs most frequently occur in the

236 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

mandible, with < 20% arising in the max- Macroscopy the epithelial lining from the connective
illa. Almos! all lesions have been reported LPC is unicystic and may contain clear tissue wall is a common finding . The
to arise anterior to the molars, in particular fluid. BOC may show a bosselated sur- fibrous wall is uninflamed, but nay show
in the premolar region {2150}. Multifocal face due to the presence of multiple cyst- a hyalinized band immediately beneath
occurrence has been reported {2188}. ic compartments. the cyst lining .
The microscopic appearance of BOC is
Clinical features Histopathology similar to that of LPC, except there are
LPCs/BOCs are usually asymptomatic, LPC has a characteristic histopathology multiple cystic spaces .
and most are identified incidentally on that is similar to that of gingival cyst
radiographs. lnfrequently, there is ex- of the adult. lt exhibits a thin lining of Prognosis and predictive factors
pansion of bone, usually on the buccal non-keratinized epithelium, typically LPC can be treated by enucleation, with-
aspee!. On rad iographs, LPC is a we ll- consisting of a single or double !ayer out the removal of the adjacent tooth or
demarcated, often corticated unilocular of cells, with focal plaque-like epithelial teeth. Recurrence of simple unilocular
radiolucency juxtaposed to th e lateral thickenings {1953). These often have cysts is rare , but recurrence is document-
surface of the tooth root. Most lesions are a whorled appearance, and the cells ed in as many as 20% of BOCs, probably
:::; 1 cm in size. BOC often has a multiloc- may have clear cytoplasm due to due to the multicystic nature of the lesion
ular radiograph ical appearance {2068}. accumulation of glycogen. Separation of {1953,2068}.

Fig: 8.63 Lateral periodontal cyst. Radiography shows

a corticated radiolucency between the roots of the
mandibular left second incisor and canine.

Odontogenic and non-odontogenic developmental cysts 237

Fig. 8.65 Gingival cyst of the adult presenting as a Fig. 8.66 Gingival cyst of the adult. A Plaque-like thickenings have a whorled appearance; note the basilar clear cells
blister-like lesion (arrow). in the adjacent thin epithelial lining. B There is a !hin epithelial lining with focal thickenings.

Gingival cyst premolar/canine region {2150,2519). In into the lumen or into the connective tis-
th e maxillary gingiva, ging ival cysts may sue wall. Clear cells are often present.
Speight P. be seen in the incisor and premolar/ca- Occasionally, the cyst lining is thicker and
Kessler H. nine areas . They are found on the bue- appears stratified squamous in character.
cal surface of the alveolus in almost ali The connective tissue wall may contain
cases. In infants, the cysts occur on the islands of epithelium resembli ng epithe-
Definition edentulous alveolar ridg e ot the mandible lial plaques. Gingival cysts of the infant
Gingival cysts are odontogenic cysts or maxilla. are rarely seen histologically, but most
found in the alveolar mucosa. They can appear to be lined by thin keratinized
arise in adults and in infants. Clinical features epithelium (2 149).
Gingival cysts of the infant present as
Synonyms small (< 2 mm) white nodules on the alve- Prognosis and pred ictiva factors
Alveol ar cyst; Bohn nodules (in infants) olar mucosa, and are often multiple. Gin- In ;:irl 11lts , simple excision is the treatmP.nt
gival cysts of the adult typically present of choice and is typically curative. Recur-
Epidemiology as a painless, small , dome-shaped eleva- rence has not been reported. Gingival
Gingival cyst of the adult is rare, ac- tion of the attached gingiva, resembli ng cysts of the infant undergo involution or
counting for < 0.5% of odontogenic a blister. Occasional lesions are found in resolve spontaneously and do not need
cysts {1149). lt occurs in adults aged the moveable mucosa, at its junction with to be treated.
40-60 years, with a slight female predi - the attached gingiva. Lesions often have
lection {1149,2519). Gingival cyst of the a light-blue to bluish-grey, translucent
infan'. is common . lt is found in as many appearance, but may appear clear. Ra- Glandular odontogenic cyst
as 90% of neonates, but is rare in infants diographs fail to reveal the lesion in most
aged > 3 months. cases, although superficial erosion of the Speight P
underlying bone cortex may occasionally Fowler C.B.
Etiology be seen radiograph ically. Kessler H.
The etiology is unknown. Gingival cysts
are thought to be developmental cysts Histopathology
that arise from remnants of the dental The cyst lies just below the normal oral Definition
lamina in the ging ival or alveolar soft tis- epithelium and is typically uninflamed Glandular odontogenic cyst (GOC) is a
sues (rests of Serres). and lined by thin epithelium com posed developmental cyst with epithelial fea-
of a single or double layer of cuboidal tures that simulate salivary gland or glan-
Localization to squamous cells without rete ridges . dular differentiation.
In adults, most gingival cysts (as many Focal, abrupt thickening is often pres-
as 75%) occur in the mandible in the ent, producing plaques that protrude

238 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

Calcifying odontogenic cyst
Speight P.
Ledesma-Montes C.
Wright J.M.

Calcifying odontogenic cyst (COC) is a
simple cyst lined by ameloblastoma-like
epithelium, which contains focal accu-
mulations of ghost cells.

ICD-0 code 9301/0

Fig. 8.68 Glandular odontogenic cyst. Radiography shows an extensive multilocular lesion crossing the midline and
filling the body of the mandible.
Calcifying cystic odontogenic tumour;
Synonym cyst, from 2-3 cell layers of flattened calcifying ghost cell odontogenic cyst;
Sialo-odontogenic cyst squamous or cuboidal cells to thicker, Gorlin cyst
stratified squamous epithelium, and (2)
Epidemiology a luminal layer of cuboidal to low colum- Epidemiology
GOC is rare, accounting far < 0.5% nar cells, sometimes referred to as hob- COC is rare, accounting far < 1% of all
of all odontogenic cysts (1149). lt oc- nail cells, present al least focally. Other odontogenic cysts (1149). lt occurs over
curs over a wide patient age range, criteria are present in most cases: (3) a wide patient age range, with a mean
with an incidence peak in patients aged intraepithelial microcysts, (4) apocrine pal ien! age of about 30 years [288,1357).
40-70 years. There is no sex predi lection . metaplasia of the luminal cells, (5) clear
cells in the basal and parabasal layers,
Etiology (6) papillary projections (tufting) into th e
The etiology is unknown. GOC is thought lumen, and (7) mucous cells. The other
to be a developmental cyst that arises three microscopic criteria for diagnosis
from remnants of the dental lamina. are (8) epithelial spheres similar to !hose
seen in lateral periodontal cyst, which
Localization are frequently identified; (9) cilia, which
GOC occurs exclusively in the jaws, with are occasionally seen ; and (10) multiple
the mandible involved in about 75% of cystic compartments, which are sorne-
cases. Lesions in the maxilla tend to oc- times present. GOC may share sorne
cur anteriorly (752). features with central mucoepitiermoid
carcinoma, and great care must be taken
Clinical features in the interpretation of incisional biopsies.
The most common presentation is painless However, GOCs have been found to be
swelling. Radiographs reveal a well-de - consistently negative far MAML2 gene
fined unilocular or multilocular radiolucent rearrangements {209). This suggests
lesion, which may have a scalloped border. that the two are separate entities, but the
GOC is typically associated with the roots number of cases tested is small, and this
of multiple teeth, and tooth displacement finding does not preclude the possibility
or root resorption is common (813). Asso- that central mucoepidermoid carcinoma
ciation with an impacted tooth is extremely could develop from a pre-existing GOC.
rare, and extreme caution should be exer-
cised in diagnosing GOC when the lesion Prognosis and predictive factors
is in a dentigerous relationship. Mandibu- Enucleation is the most common treat-
lar lesions may reach a large size and can ment far GOC, but is associated with a
cross the midline (813,1176). high recurrence rate (30-50%) (1179).
Recurrence can be late, with one study
Histopathology reporting a mean time to fi rst recu rrence
Statistical analysis has shown that a of 8 years (752). Far this reason·, resec-
confident diagnosis of GOC can be tion has been advocated, particularly for
made when at least 7 of 10 specific cri- large or multilocular lesions (11 79).
Fig, 8.69 Calcifying odontogenic cyst. Typical
teria are present (752,1177). Sorne crite- radiology shows a well-demarcated unilocular
ria are present in all cases: (1) variab le radiolucency. A Tooth resorption may be seen.
lhickness of the epithelium lining the B Many cases show foci of calcified tissue.

Odontogenic and non-odontogenic developmental cysts 239

genic ghost cell tumour and ghost cen
odontogenic carcinoma (1357} . There has
been considerable debate as to whether
it is a neoplasm or a developmental cyst
{1021,1357,2410). On the basis of its be-
haviour and clinicopathological features
COC is now thought to be a developmen'.
tal cyst that arises from the dental lamina
{1021,1422,1 973,2148,2410 ).

Localizati on
COC can arise in either jaw, usua\ly in
the anterior regions (288,1357}. Lesions
associated with odontomas have a pre-
dilection far the anterior maxilla {1357).
Occasional lesions (as many as 10%) are
extraosseous and are found in the ante-
rior reg ions of either jaw (102 1).

Clinical features
The most ·common presentation is a
painless swe\ling of th e jaws. Radio-
graphs revea\ a wel\-defined radiolu-
cent lesion, which is usually uni\ocular
and may have a scalloped border. Tooth
displacement and root resorption are
common (288,2357}. About half of all
cases have amounts of calcified tissue
(288} oran associated odontoma {1001,
1357). Extraosseous lesions present as
gingival swellings, sometimes with pain
or tenderness.

COC is unicystic and is lined by epithe-
lium of variable thickness. Sorne areas
may be only a few cells thick or may
show squamous change. However, the
key diagnostic feature is the presence
of a we\1-defined basal layer of palisad-
ing columnar cells and a thick overlying
\ayer resemb ling the stellate reticulum of
the enamel organ, with focal accumula-
tions of ghost cells, which may calcify.
Many lesions show luminal projections of
ghost cells or of ameloblastoma-like epi-
thelial proliferations. Small satellite cysts,
islands of epithelium , or ghost cells may
be seen in the fibrous capsu le. A vari-
able amount of dentinoid is sometimes
laid down adjacent to the epithelial lining
{288,102 1}. In about 20% of cases, den-
tal hard tissues resembling an odontoma
are found (1 0 01,1021,1357}. Occasion-
ally, areas resembling ameloblastic fi-
broma , ameloblastic fibro-odontoma, or
COC associated with odontoma has a Etiology adenomatoid odontogenic tumour can
peak incidence in the second decade of COC is one of a group of ghost cell le- be detected (1357}.
lite (288,1021}. There is no sex predilection. sions of the jaws, along with dentino-

240 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

prognosis and predictive factors
Enucleation is the treatment of choice.
Recurrence is rare and has been report-
ed to occur in < 5% of cases (288 1.

odontogenic cyst
Speight P.
Fantasía J. E. Fig. 8.71A Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst. Radiology
. ._. •
·~ .,\ ~~
.. - ~ ..-:.' ( '
... ;:v..-:

Fig. 8.71 B Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst. A thin,

Neville B.W. shows a well-demarcated unilocular radiolucency regular, epithelial lining with a thick keratin !ayer that is
associated with an unerupted third molar. lamellated and extends into the lumen.

Definition shows a well-demarcated unilocular ra- Synonym

Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst (OOC) diolucent lesion, often with a corticated lncisive canal cyst
is an odontogenic cyst that is entirely or margin. Occasional cases are multilocu -
predominantly lined by orthokeratinized lar {597,598}. The posterior body of the Epidemiology
stratified squamous epithelium. mandible is the most common site, and NDC accounts for about 5% of ali cysts
about half of ali lesions are associated of the jaws, and for as many as 80%
Synonym with an impacted tooth, often resulting in of ali non-od ontogenic cystic lesions
OOC was originally retened to as an an appearance similar lo lt 1al oí dentiger- {520,1150}. lt occurs most frequently in
orthokeratinized variant of odontogenic ous cyst {499,598}. Rare cases of multi- patients aged 30-60 years , w ith a male-
keratocyst {2 153,2644). However, this ple cysts have been reported, but there to -female ratio of about 3:1 {2152}.
terminology should be avoided, be- is no evidence of any association with
cause OOC is a distinct entity. naevoid basal ce ll carcinoma syndrome Etiology
(Gorlin syndrome) {410}. NDC is a developmental cyst, thought to
Epidemiology arise from epithelial remnants of the na-
Due to changes in terminology, the true Histopathology sopalatine duct within the incisive canal.
prevalence of OOC is uncertain, al- Histology shows an un inflamed fibrous
though it is known to be rare. In most wall lined by thin, regular epithelium Localization
series of keratinizing odontogenic cysts, 5- 8 cell layers thick, but w ithout rete ridg- NDCs are found exclusively in the midline
OOCs account for about 10% of cases es. The surface exhibits orthokeratiniza- of the anterior hard p alate.
(499,2644}. Therefore, OOCs probably tion, with a prominent g ranular cell layer.
account for about 1% of ali odontogenic Unlike in odontogenic keratocyst, the ker- Clinical features
cysts overall. They occur over a wide atin surface is not corrugated, but is thick Most lesions present towards th e oral
patient age range, w ith peak incidence and lamellated. The basal cells a:re flat or cavity and present as a sessile swelling
in the third and fourth decades of life cuboidal, but do not show palisading or just posterior to the incisors. Occasion-
(2644). Most studies show a male predi- hyperchromatic nuclei {2644}. Focal ar- ally, a lesion may arise deeper w ithin the
lection {598,2644}. eas may be non-keratinized or parakerati-
nized, but these areas constitute a minar
Etiology componen! of the lining and are often as -
OOC is a developmental odontogenic sociated w ith inflammation {2644}.
cyst, but its pathogenesis is uncertain .
An origin from remnants of the dental Prognosis and predictive factors
lamina is most likely {14211. Treatment is by enucleation. Recurrence
is rare and has been reported in < 2% of
Localization cases {499,597,598}.
OOCs are most frequently found in the
mandib le (accounting for 90% of cases),
with about 75% of ali lesions found in the Nasopalatine duct cyst
posterior regio ns {499,598,1421 J. Multi-
ple and bilateral cases have been report- Speight P.
ed {410,1892}. Wright J.M .

Clinical features Fig. 8.72 Nasopalatine duct cyst. An anterior occlusal

radiograph shows a typical nasopalatine duct cyst; the
OOC usually presents as a painless Definition lesion is in the midline of the anterior hard palate and
swelling {499,598}. but many are found Nasopalatine duct cyst (NDC) is a non-od- has a well-demarcated, corticated margin. The anterior
incidentally durin g radiog raphical ex- ontogenic cyst of developmental origin that incisor teeth appear normal and the lamina dura and
amination for other reasons. Radiology arises in the midline of the anterior maxilla. periodontal ligament are intact (arrow).

Odontogenic and non-odontogenic developmental cysts 241

On rad iology, the normal incisive ca-
nal can be as large as 6 mm; therefore
small rad iolucencies of ~ 6 mm that ar~
asymptomatic and with vital teeth can be
considered to be within normal anatomi-
cal limits and only need to be followed
radiographically (2152,2320}.

H istopathology
In > 90% of cases, NDCs are lined by
stratified squamous epithelium, with fo-
cal areas of cuboidal, columnar, or cili-
ated change. About half of all cases con-
tain areas of respiratory epithelium, but
< 10% of cases are lined entirely by res-
piratory epithelium {2152,2320}. The cyst
walls contain prominent neurovascular
Fig. 8.73 Nasopalatine duct cyst. Histology shows the varied epithelial lining; it is mostly simple non-keratinized squamous bundles and occasionally contain small
epithelium, but areas with goblet cells (arrow) and well-formed respiratory epithelium (arrowhead) may also be seen. mucous glands or cartilage. Traumatized
cysts are inflamed.
incisive canal and present as a swelling in the midline of the hard palate, between
on the labial alveolus oras bulging of the the roots of the incisors, which may be Prognosis and predictive factors
floor of the nose (362,2152). displaced but are vital. The lamina dura NDCs can be enucleated and do not
NDCs are often traumatized and may of the teeth is intact. normally recur.
become infected. Radiology is almost The average cyst diameter is about
always diagnostic and shows a well-de- 18 mm (2320), and lesions may have a
marcated, often corticated rad iolucency characteristic heart shape .

242 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

Malignant maxillofacial bone and
cartilage tumours

Chondrosarcoma chondromatosis should be ruled out, es-

pecially if the tumour shows a lobular ar-
Baumhoer D. chitecture and no unequivocal signs of
Casiraghi O. infiltrative growth. Well-differentiated
Coleman H. tumours resemble hyaline cartilage and
Hunt J.L. show oval to polygonal cells within !acu-
Triantafyllou A. nar spaces surrounded by a cartilagi-
nous matrix. The nuclei are small and
uniform, with round to oval outlines and
Definition evenly distributed dense chromatin. Bi-
Chondrosarcoma, NOS, is a malignant Fig. 8.74 Chondrosarcoma (T) involving the lower part and multinucleation frequently occurs.
bone tumour that produces cartilaginous of the nasal septum and nasal fossa, showing a ver¡ high With increasing grade, the nucleoli be-
matrix. signal on axial T2-weighted MRI. come discernible due to open chroma-
tin. Nuclear atypia, increased cellularity,
ICD-0 codes Macroscopy decreased volume of cytoplasm, myxoid
Chondrosarcoma Chondrosarcomas often exhibit a lobular background, and mitoses are also asso-
Chondrosarcoma, grade 1 9222/1 architecture, with a glistening bluish-grey ciated with higher tumour grade. High-
Chondrosarcoma, grade 2/3 9220/3 or white salid cut surface. grade lesions usually show ¿: 2 mitoses
per JO high-power fields and marked
Synonyms Histopathology cellular pleomorphism. lmmunohisto-
Chondrosarcoma, grade I; atypical carti- Chondrosarcoma generally shows oste- chemistry is of limited diagnostic value;
laginous tumour odestructive growth, with entrapment of however, the tumour cells usually stain
pre-existing trabecular bone and/or corti- with antibodies against 8100, S0X9, and
Epidemiology cal permeation. Because chondromas in podoplanin {1756).
These tumours are rare in the jaw and the maxillofacial bones are exceptionally
facial bones, and account far approxi- rare, tumours with pure cartilaginous dif- Genetic profile
mately 3-4% of ali chondrosarcomas ferentiation should always be assumed Chondrosarcomas harbour IDH1/2 muta-
{2045,2446). Patients of any age can be to be chondrosarcoma until proven oth- tions in 49-61% of cases {65,66,1216).
affected, but there is a slight predilection erwise. Chondroblastic osteo~arcoma Genetic testing might be useful to ex-
far middle-aged men {1254). is far more common than chondrosar- elude chondroblastic osteosarcoma, par-
coma, especially in the jawbones, re- ticularly on smal l needle-core biopsias.
Etiology quiring a thorough histological search
Chondrosarcomas in the maxillofacial to exclude neoplastic osteoid deposits.
skeleton generally develop sporadically; In the temporomandibular joint, synovial
manifestations of Ollier disease and Maf-
fucci syndrome with malignant transfor-
mation are exceedingly rare {1067).

The maxilla and the nasal septum seem
to be more frequently involved than the
mandible; however, chondrosarcoma
can occur in any maxillofacial bone

Clinical features
The symptoms are non-specific and de-
pend on the site of origin. lnvolvement of
the nose can resu lt in nasal obstruction;
in ali other sites, asymptomatic or painful
swellings are the most common finding.
Fig. 8.75 Chondrosarcoma. Cartilaginous tumour cells and matrix encasing !amellar bone as a sign of osteodestructive growth.

Malignan! maxillofacial bone and cartilage tumours 243

Prognosis and predictive factors
Histological grade and complete resec-
tion with clear surgical margins are the
most importan! prognostic factors.

Baumhoer D.
Casiraghi O.
Hunt J.L.
Triantafyllou A.
Macroscopy osteosarcoma is an aggressive high-
The tumours are often well defined and g rade tu mour, p eriosteal osteosarcoma
Definition have a grey to pink cut surface. Foci of is of intermediate grade, and low-grade
Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma is a bi- calcifications and/or necrosis can be central and parosteal osteosarcomas are
phasic malignant tumour composed of prominent. low-grade subtypes.
small round blue cells and islands of dif-
ferentiated hyaline cartilage. Histopathology ICD-0 codes
Although the proportions vary, mesen- Osteosarcoma, NOS 9180/3
ICD-0 code 9240/3 chymal chondrosarcomas always show Low-grade central osteosarcoma 9187/3
small round blue cells with intermingled Chondroblastic osteosarcoma 9181/3
Epidemiology islands of highly differentiated carti- Parosteal osteosarcoma 9192/3
Mesenchymal chond rosarcomas are lage. The small round blue tumour cells Periosteal osteosarcoma 9193/3
ve ry rare. They generally develop in the have ovoid and hyperchromatic nuclei
second to fourth decade of lite. There is and scant cytoplasm. Mitoses, includ- Synonyms
no sex predilection (768,"1696,1845]. ing atyp ical forms, are com mon. Occa- Osteogenic sarcoma; intraosseous well-
sionally, the round cells develop a more differentiated osteosarcoma (9187/3)
Localization spindle-shaped morphology, and there
The tumours can develop in bones (ac- is generally a prominent, haemangioper- Epidemiology
counting for 65-79% of cases) and adja- icytoma-l ike vascular pattern. lmmuno- Osteosarcoma is rare, with an overall an-
cent soft tissues. The cran iofacial bones histochemically, the tumour cells express nual incidence of approximately 4 cases
(especially the jaws) are most commonly S0X9 {690,2558}. per 100 000 population. Most cases are
affected {1696,2280 ,2341 ,2490] . high-grade tumours that affect the meta-
Genetic profile physis of long bones in children andado-
Clinical features Mesenchymal chondrosarcomas • typi- lescents, with a particular predilection for
Th e symptoms are non-specific and de- cally show HEY1-NCOA2 fusions {1699, the femur, tibia, and humerus. The fourth
pend on the site of orig in . 1751,2539). IDH1 and IDH2 mutations most com mon site of origin is the jaw-
are absent {522}. bo nes, accounting for about 6% of cas-
es. Osteosarcomas in th is location tend
Prognosis and predictive factors
Because d istant metastases can occur
alter years to decades, long-term fo llow-
up is necessary. However, tumours of the
jaws seem to have a favourable outcome

Baumhoer D.
Lopes M.
Raubenheimer E.

Fig. 8.76 Sinonasal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma. Fig. 8.78 High-grade osteosarcoma of the mandible. CT
The tumour involves the maxillary sinus, nasal cavity, Osteosarcoma constitutes a group of
shows a heavily mineralized tumourwith osteodestruclive
and ethmoidal sinus, and shows central calcifications, as malignan! bone tumours whose neo-
growth and an aggressive-appearing periosteal reaction.
shown on axial bone-window CT. plastic cells produce bone. Conventional

244 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

Pagel disease of bone (osteítis defor- Histopathology
mans) increases the risk for developing Conventional osteosarcoma is defined
secondary osteosarcoma {411 ,2145). by highly atypical cells producing neo-
plastic osteoid . High-grade osteosar-
Localization comas consist of anaplastic and highly
There is a predilection for the jawbones pleomorphic cells with a broad spectrum
(particularly the mandible), but any cranio- of morphologies. Osteoblastic differ-
facial bone can be involved {160,2461). entiation is evidenced by polygonal ar
epithelioid cells, whereas the cells in
Clinical features chondroblastic and fibroblastic variants
The symptoms, which are non-specific, resemble highly atypical chondrocytes
include pain, swelling, and loosening of and f ibroblasts, respectively. Low- and
teeth. Radiographicall y, osteosarcomas intermediate-grade subtypes generally
presentas mixed rad iolucencies correlat- demonstrate more subtle atypia; mitotic
ing with the amount and kind of neoplas- activity can be scarce. The extent of ma-
Fig. 8.79 High-grade osteosarcoma of the maxilla. Low- tic matrix. Aggressive features, including trix can vary significantly, rang ing fro m
magnification view showing a polypoid osteosarcoma cortical permeation and periosteal re - focal , immature, and lace-like osteoid to
attached to the alveolar bone and in clase contact with action, generally reflect the histological heavily mineralized sclerotic bone. The
the gingival surface and the palatal mucosa. grade. With gnathic tumours, widening tumours generally show an aggressive
of the periodontal ligamen! space of the and osteodestructive growth replacing
to develop 10- 20 years later than do their involved teeth may be observed. the marrow spaces. As a result, pre-
peripheral counterparts, and affect men existing trabeculae become surrounded
and women equally (160,1369). Similar Macroscopy and eroded by tumou r infiltrates and en-
to the proportion seen in the peripheral Depending on the type, amount, and cased by neoplastic bone . Frequently,
skeleton, 2-8% of ali maxillofacial osteo- mineralization of the lesiona! matrix, oste- fibroblastic components and/or neoplas-
sarcomas are low- or intermediate-grade osarcoma can present with tan-white and tic cartilage can also be found , and the
tumours, with a predominance of the low- salid or more grey, glistening, and soft predominan! matrix defines the tumours
grade central subtype {160,1369). cut surfaces. Areas of haemorrhage, ne- as osteoblastic, chondroblastic, and fi-
crosis, and cystic change are frequently broblastic subtypes. Chondroblastic
Etiology observe d. osteosarcoma is proportionally more
Most cases develop spontaneously; comm on in the jawbones and can histo-
however, prior radiotherapy or underlying logically mimic chondrosarcoma, which
is far less frequent in the maxillofacial
bones {455). Small-cell and telangiec-
tatic variants have been reported but are
exceptionally rare. Low-grade central
and parosteal osteosarcomas consist of
irregular woven bone trabeculae embed-
ded in a fibroblastic stroma with only min-
imal atypia. The stromal componen! can
predominate and is of low to moderate
cellularity. Rarely, scattered foci of atypi-
cal cartilage can be present. Positive
staining with antibodies against MDM2
and CDK4 might aid in distinguishing
low-grade osteosarcoma from benign
fibro-osseous mimics (615,2684). Peri-
osteal subtypes generally demonstrate
a predominan! chondroblastic differen-
tiation, with intermediate-grade atypia.

Genetic profile
Peripheral osteosarcomas have highly
.,..·.~• ..·
complex karyotypes, with abundan! struc-
tural and numerical aberrations frequently
caused or influenced by chromothripsis
(1167). Whether the favourable outcome of
gnathic osteosarcomas is associated with
Fig. 8.80 High-grade chondroblastic osteosarcoma. A Highly pleomorphic tumour cells producing neoplastic lace-like
osteoid. B Highly pleomorphic tumour cells producing neoplastic cartilage. C Spindle-cell proliferation showing only differences in their genomic landscapes
minar atypia and immature deposits of bone. is yet to be determined. Low-grade central

Malignan! maxillofacial bone and cartilage tumours 245

and parosteal osteosarcomas show am- Prognosis and predictiva factors typically be cured by complete resection
plifications of the MDM2 gene in as many Osteosarcomas of the jaws metastasize without additional treatment modalities
as 29% and 79% of cases, respectively far less frequently (in 6-21% of cases), {160). These prognostically favourable
(1820,2056), whereas MDM2 amplifica- and later on in the course of disease, than characteristics are restricted to tumours
tion is found in only 12% of conventional do their peripheral counterparts, which is of the jaws only. Extragnathic osteosar-
osteosarcomas (1582}. why resection with clear margins is the comas of the skull or fac ial bones behave
most important prognostic factor - re- as aggressively as tumours of the periph-
Genetic susceptibility sulting in 10-year survival rates of > 80% eral skeleton and are general/y treated
The risk of osteosarcoma is increased in {160,455,895}. The role of (neo)adju- accordingly (by chemotherapy and sur-
several rare tumour syndromes, includ- vant treatment for osteosarcomas of the gery) (1 118).
ing Li- Fraumeni syndrome, retinoblas- jawbones is controversia!, especially for
toma, Werner syndrome (adult progeria), cases in which a complete resection is
and Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (poi- surgically feasible {160,111 8,1828,2220,
kiloderma atrophicans with cataract). 2374). Low-grade osteosarcomas can

Benign maxillofacial bone and

cartilage tumours

Chondroma Osteoma asymptomatic {1691}. Rad iographically,

osteoma presents as a well-demarcated
Toner M. Toner M. radiopaque mass, usual/y < 2 cm in size.
van Heerden W. F.P. Al len C.M. Sino-orbital osteomas may present with
Castle J. pain, headache, or visual changes.

Definition Histopathology
Chondroma is a benign neoplasm of hya- Definition Osteomas are composed of !amellar
line cartilage that arises within the medul- Osteoma is a benign neoplasm com- bone (compact, trabecular, or a com-
lary cavity of bone. posed of mature bone, limited almost ex- bination of both) that merges with and
clusively to the craniofacial bones·. may protrude from the surface of the
ICD-0 code 9220/0 bone (11 80}. Sorne examples have more
ICD-0 code 9180/0 abundan! fibrous stroma and sorne con-
Synonym tain osteoblastoma-like areas, which are
Enchondroma Epidemiology thought to represen! remodelling within
Most osteomas occur in the third to fifth the lesion rather than constituting a tu-
Localization decades of lite, with a male predomi- mour subtype. This is more common in
Chondromas are very rare in the head nance {1336). sino-orbital osteomas but is not associat-
and neck reg ion, with only isolated cases ed with a more aggressive clinical course
described {1088). Localization {1571).
Both surface and central osteomas are
Clinical features more common in the mandible than in Genetic susceptibility
This is a slow-growing painless tumour. lt the maxilla, with the mandibular condyle Multiple osteomas may be a manifesta-
is usually radiolucent, with central areas being a common site (1180}. Central os- tion of fam ilia! adenomatous polyposis
of rad iopacity. teomas are usually mandibular or sino- (Gardner syndrome), an autosomal domi-
orbital in location. Sino-orbital cases nan! disorder characterized by mutation
H istopathology occur in the nasal cavity, orbit, and para- of the APC gene {1359). In this setting,
The tumour consists of mature bland nasal sinuses (most commonly the frontal the osteomas may increase in size over
cartilage with a circumscribed edge, sinus) {1571) . • time.
without atypia or cellularity. Because
benign chondromas are so rare in the Clinical features Prognosis and predictive factors
craniofacial region, malignancy must be Surface osteomas can present as a Recurrence is rare alter surgical excision.
considered in a/1 cartilaginous lesions in painless swelling on the surface of the
this area. bone, whereas central lesions are often

246 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

Melanotíc neuroectodermal with cords and trabeculae intersected by
tumour of infancy dense fibroblastic stroma . The melanotic
epithelioid cells generally surround nests
Prasad M.L. of small cells, but may form solid and
Nelson B. l tihulogl;mrltil;ir structures. The intracy-
Tilakaratne W.M. top lasmic melanin corresponds to mela-
nosomes ultrastructurally {553,1872).
lnfiltration of bone and entrapped odon-
Detinition togenic tissue is frequently present. Mi-
Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of in- toses and necrosis are generally absent
fancy (MNTI) is a locally aggressive, rap- Fig. 8.81 Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy. but may be seen {1 47).
idly growing tumour consisting of a bipha- A 6-month-old infant presented with a rapidly growing The presence of characteristic clini-
sic population of small neuroblast-like and mass in the maxillary alveolar ridge. The mass is well cal and histological features may obvi-
larger melanin-producing epithelioid cells. defined, with focal dark-brown discolouration and a tooth ate the need for immunohistochemis-
bud protruding from its surface. try. Both small and large tumour cells
ICD-0 code 9363/0 express vimentin, synaptophysin, and
neuron-specific enolase. The epithe lioid
Synonyms Clinical features cells are also positive for pancytokeratin
Melanotic progonoma; retina! anlage The tumour presents as a sessile, pain- markers and HMB45 , but negative for
tumour (both synonyms are obsolete and less, rapidly enlarging mass in the up - other melanoma markers. The tumour
not recommended) per alveolus, causing facial deformity cells are typ ically negative for chro-
and feed ing disruption. lt may be bluish- mogranin, neu rofilaments, S100 protein,
Epidemiology black in colour, due to its melanin con - and desmin, although focal rhabdomyo -
MNTI is rare. More than 90% of tent. lmaging shows a mass that destroys blastic and glial differentiation has been
patients are infants, with a median age of the maxillary bone; may extend into the rarely reported {652,1872).
5 months, although exceptional cases at sinus, nasal cavity, or orbit; and may en - MNTI must be distinguished from other
birth or in adults have also been report- trap developing tooth buds . A subset of malignan! small round blue cell tumours,
ed . There is a slight male predilection tumours produce vanillylmandelic acid which have worse prognoses (e.g.
[394,1 173,1285,1944}. {394,1944). Ewing sarcoma / primitive neuroecto-
dermal tumour, rhabdomyosarcoma,
Localization Macroscopy and lymphoma). These tumours do not
More than 90% of cases occur in the The median tumour size is 3.5 cm (range: have the characteristic biphasic mor-
craniofacial regions, most commonly in 1- 20 cm) {1173,1944). Th e tumours are phology of MNTI, and have distinctive
the maxilla (accounting for > 60% of cas - smooth, firn, unencapsulated, general ly immunohistochemical profiles. In MNTI,
es), followed by the skull , mandible (6% of non-ulcerated, and pigmented. abundan! melanin pigment is usually
cases), and brain {1285,1944,2031). Out- apparent at low magnification, or can
side the head and neck, the most com- H istopathology b e demonstrated by Fontana- Masson
mon siles are the testis and epididymis. The tumour consists of a biphasic staining if necessary. CD99 may show
Rare cases occur in the ovary, uterus, population of small neuroblast-like cells membranous expression in the small
mediastinum, scapula, and bones and and larger melanin-producing epithelioid and large tumour cells of sorne MNTls
soft tissues of the extremities {130,2445). cells arranged in an alveolar architecture, {1 47] .

Benign maxillofacial bone and carti lage tumours 247

- ·~
B Chondroblasts stain positive with cytokeratins.

Genetic profile Chondroblastoma Histopathology

Most MNTls are diploid but sorne are The tumour cells are polygonal, with well-
aneuploid {1173,1872}. BRAFV600E Baumhoer D. defined borders and nuclear grooves.
mutation has been reported in one case · van Heerden W.F.P. lntermingled multi nucleated giant cells,
{869). chondro-osteoid matrix, and co-called
chicken-wire calcifications can be found
Prognosis and predictiva factors Definition in varying amounts. The tumour cells
Despite rapid growth and local destruction, Chondroblastoma is a benign chon- at least focally express S100, S0X9,
most MNTls are cured by complete exci- droid-producing neoplasm composed of cytokeratins (CK8, CK18, and CK19), and
sion. Recurrence occurs in approximately chondroblasts. p63 {1008 ,2126}.
20% of cases, usually within 6 months of
treatment (1285,2031). The risk of recur- ICD-0 code 9230/1 Genetic profile
rence appears to correlate with patient H3F3B point mutations are highly spe-
age at diagnosis; it is highest in patients Epidemiology cific for chondroblastoma (172}.
diagnosed within 2 months of birth, low- Chondroblastoma of the maxillofacial
est in those diagnosed alter 4.5 months of bones is exceptionally rare, with < 100 Prognosis and predictive factors
age, and intermediate in those diagnosed cases reported in the literature {957, As many as 50% of cases recur, and me-
at 2-4.5 months of age {1944}. The tu - 2263). tastasis has rarely been reported (180}.
mours rarely (in -3% of cases) behave in a
malignan\ fashion, with distan\ metastases Localization
consisting of small neuroblast-like cells The tumours develop almost exclusively
{553,1285,1872,2031). No histological fea- around the temporomandibu lar joint,
tures or biological markers are known to particularly in the squamous part of the
predict behaviour. temporal bone {185,957,1269,2263}.

B Higher magnification sha::S stellate and

248 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

Chondromyxoid fibroma
Baumhoer D.
van Heerden W.F.P.

Chondromyxoid fibroma is a benign car-
tilaginous bone tumour with a character-
istic lobular architecture and a chondro- •·
rnyxoid background.

ICD-0 code 9241/0

Chondromyxoid fibroma is rare, and
tumours of the maxillofacial bones ac- Radiographically, cortical sclerosis sur- but more commonly present with
count fa r only 5% of all cases {2646). rounds a radiolucent nidus. In gnathic le- localized swelling and pain that may
sions , the nidus may be more radiopaque mimic toothache, not relieved by aspirin.
Localization {2280). Most osteoid osteomas do not Plain radiography shows a circumscribed
There is a slight predilection far the jaw- grow beyond 20 mm in diameter {73 ). round to oval lesion varying from rad io-
bones, but all bones can be affected lucent to radiopaque, without a sclerotic
/1 11,715,927,1504 ,1566}. Histopathology border or periosteal reaction. Root re-
Histologically, osteoid osteoma is essen- sorption is rare {328), but the tumour may
Histopathology tially identical to osteoblastoma. Osteoid mimic malignancy rad iologically.
The spindle-shaped to stellate tumour osteoma is distinguished from osteoblas-
cells generally show abundan! eosino- toma only on the basis of tumour size Histopathology
philic cytoplasm, grow in lobules with (;::; 20 mm) and the presence of a sur- The tumour is composed of haphazard
hypocellular centres and more hypercel- round ing zone of sclerotic bone {1733}. mineralized trabecu lae of bone and oste-
lular peripheries, and are surrounded by oid rimmed by osteoblasts and with a cel-
a chondromyxoid matrix. Hyperchromatic Prognosis and predictiva factors lular vascular fibrous stroma and occa-
nuclei, multinucleated giant cells, calcifi- Recurrence al ter treatment is very rare . sional osteoclasts. Sorne of the bone may
cations, and/or hyaline cartilage can com- be strongly haematoxophilic, resulting in
monly be observed 12646). the characteristic so -called blue-bone
Osteoblastoma appearance. Mitoses are rare . In sorne
cases, the osteoblasts appear epithe-
Osteoid osteoma Toner M. lioid, with admixed immature bone, which
Allen C.M. raises concern of malignancy. These tu-
Toner M. Castle J. mours have been called aggressive or
Allen C.M. epithelioid osteoblastoma. Although this
Castle J . morphology can be associated with a
Definition clinically aggressive course, this is not al-
Osteoblastoma is a benign bone-forming ways the case. Tumour size > 4 0 mm and
Definition tumour with prom inent osteoblastic rim- an anatomical site that makes removal
Osteoid osteoma is a benign bone- ming, form ing a mass > 20 mm in size. difficult are better predictors of behaviour
forming tumour characterized by limited for such lesions [942,2280). The absence
growth potential . ICD-0 code 9200/0 of nuclear atypia, permeative growth into
surrounding bone, and atypical mitoses
ICD-0 code 9191/0 Epidemiology distinguish osteoblastoma from osteo-
This is a rare tumour occurring mostly in sarcoma {1489). Cementoblastoma is a
Epidemiology the second to third decades of lite, with a tumour that arises from and is fused to
Osteoid osteoma is very rare in the maxil- slight male predominance {1147). dental roots . The histology of osteoblas-
lofacial bones. toma and cementoblastoma are identical
Localization except that the blue-bone appearance is
Clinical features About 10% of osteoblastomas are found uncommon in cementoblastoma (see Ce-
Osteoid osteoma typically presents with in the craniofacial bones, most common- mentoblastoma, p. 230) 11963).
pain disproportionate to the tumour size. ly the posterior mandible (328).
The pain is often nocturnal and relieved Prognosis and predictive factors
by aspirin, although relief with aspirin Clinical features Recurrence may occur alter incomplete
is less common far jaw tumours {1147). Osteoblastomas can be asymptomati c removal.

Benign rnaxillofacial bone and cartilage tumours 249

Desmoplastic fibroma
Flucke U.
Coleman H.

Desmoplastic fibroma is a locally aggres-
sive (myo)fibroblastic lesion of bone.

ICD-0 code 8823/1

Desmoid tumour of bone

Most patients are aged < 30 years
(mean: 16 years) (2634).

Local ization
Approximately 86% of gnathic cases oc-
cur in the mandible, with a predilection
for the ramus and angle region f2352,

Clinical features
The lesions are slow-growing and com-
monly painless {2634). They are radio-
graphically well defi ned, without minerali-
zation (1089).

The lesions are firm and white, with a
coarse cut surface and focal myxoid
Fig. 8.86 Osteoblastoma. A Characteristic, so-called blue-bone appearance in a mandibular osteoblastoma. areas. Cortical perforation with extension
B Epithelioid osteoblasts in a mandibular osteoblastoma. into soft ti ssue may occur (738}.

Histology shows an infiltrative/permeative
lesion composed of fascicles of uniform
(myo)fibrob lasts with slender tapering
nuclei. Mitoses are occasionally present,
but are never atypical. The background
stroma is collagenous, but may have
myxoid areas . Coarse keloid-like col la-
gen bundles are occasionally observed.
There are small capillaries with para\lel
a\ignment to the fascicles. Perivascu-
lar oedema is typical (738,2043). The
tumour cells are variably SMA-positive,
and nuclear beta-catenin expression has
been reported in rare cases {738,959).

Genetic profile
Activating CTNNB1 hotspot mutations or
APC mutations are driving events [738,

Prognosis and predictive factors

Recurrence may occur {2634).

250 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

Fibro-osseous and
osteochondromatous lesions

ossifying fibroma
EI-Mofty S.K.
Nelson B.
Toyosawa S.

Ossifying fibromas are benign fibro-
osseous neoplasms affecting the jaws
and the craniofacial skeleton. The three
clinicopathological variants that have
been identified are ossifying fibroma of
odontogenic origin - also cal led cemen-
to-ossifying fib roma (COF) - and two d is-
tinct juvenile ossifying fi bromas: juvenile Fig. 8.89 Juvenile trabecular ossifying fibroma. Fig. 8.91 Juvenile psammomatoid ossifying fibroma.
CT showing a circumscribed, expansive lesion of the CT shows an expansile, well-defined, but incompletely
trabecular ossifying fibroma (JTOF) and
maxilla; cortical thinning is observed. corticaled /esion with ground-glass appearance at the
juvenile psammomatoid ossifying fibro- ethmoid area.
ma (JPOF) {632,2208).
minantly affects children and adoles- JTOF occurs in the maxilla and mandible,
ICD-0 code cents , with a mean pati ent age of 8.5- with the maxilla being a more common
Ossifying fibroma 9262/0 12 years {632). The sexes are equally site. Extragnathic occurrence is extreme-
affected. ly ra re.
Synonyms JPOF is a rare tumour. The reported JPOF may occur in the jaws but it pre-
Cemento-ossifying fibroma: central os- mean patient age ranges from 16 to 33 dominantly affects the extragnathic cra-
sifying fibroma; cementifying fibroma; years. However, the overall patient age niofacial bones, particularly the periorbi-
periodontoma range is wide; cases have been reported tal frontal and ethmoid bones {632).
Juvenile ossifyi ng fibroma: juveni le active in patients as young as 3 months and as
ossifying fi broma; juvenile aggressive os- o ld as 72 years {632,638,221 4). There is Clinical features
si fying fibroma no sex predilection. COFs present as a painless expansion of
the bucea! and lingual plates of the af-
Epidemiology Localization fected bone. Large lesions can expand
COF is rare. The peak incidence is in the COF occurs exclusively in the tooth- the inferior border of the mandible or the
third and fourth decades of lile. There bearing areas of the mandible and max- floor of the maxillary sinus. Radiographi-
is a definite female predilection, with a illa. The mandible is far more commonly cally, early lesions are typically rad io lu-
female-to-male ratio as high as 5: 1 {638, involved than the maxilla. The mandibu- cent. Over time, the tumour becomes
674). lar premolar and molar area is the most p rogressively more radiopaque {638,
JTOF is a rare bone tumour. lt precio- common site. 676,2208). JTOFs are characterized by

Fig. 8.88 Cemento-ossifying fibroma. Radiography

showing a well-defined, expansive radiolucent lesion with
radiodense areas present in the mandibular molar area.

Fibro-osseous and osteochondromatous lesions 251

progressive and sometimes rapid expan - capsu lated. lt is composed of hyper- dental cementum . At the periphery of the
sion of the affected bone. In the maxilla , cellular fib roblastic stroma containing lesion, these structures may coalesce
obstruction of the nasal passages and variable amounts of calcified structures. and form bone trabeculae. Cystic degen-
epistaxis can occur. Radiographically, The stromal cells have hyperchromatic eration and aneurysmal bone-cyst forma-
the tumour is expansile and fairly well de- nuclei but no marked atypia. Mitosis is tion may occur.
marcated. lt may be radiolucent or may not easily found. The calc ified structures
show various deg rees of opacification. are composed of variable amounts of os - Genetic profile
Cortical thinning and perforation can oc- teoid or bone and lobulated basophilic Mutati ons in COC73 (also called HRPT2)
cur [632,2213). masses of cementum -like tissue. These have been reported in sporadic cases
JPOFs present as bony expansions that structures may coalesce and form curvi- (537,1890). COF lacks the GNAS gene
may involve the orbit or nasal bones and linear trabeculae, wh ich may be acellular. mutation that is characteristic of fibrous
sinuses. Tumour expansion can resu lt in The ratio of bone to cementum- like tissue dysplasia.
proptosis, visual symptoms, and nasal varies from lesion to lesion; in sorne tu-
obstruction. The rapid tu mour growth mours, one type of calc ified tissue may Genetic susceptibility
that has been observed in sorne cases domínate. Osteoblastic rimm ing of the Multiple ossifying fibromas may be as-
is most likely caused by secondary an- bone trabecu lae is evident. Polarized sociated with hyperparathyroidism-jaw
eurysmal bone -cyst formation (632,638 }. light microscopy shows both woven and tumou r syndrome, which is caused by
!amellar bone. The cementum-like tissue COC73 (also called HRPT2) mutations
Macroscopy is o/ten woven, and may show a charac- {340). Lesions with similar histological
An important feature of COF is that it teristic quilted pattern. features have been reported in a familia!
is wel l defined and can be shelled out JTOF is unencapsulated but neverthe- setting as g igantiform cementoma (see
relatively easily from the surrounding tis- less maintains a well-delineated border. next section) {634f.
sue. Grossly, the tumour is submitted in lt has a characteristic loose archif'ecture,
one piece or in large fragments that are with hypercellular stroma composed of Prognosis and predictive factors
yellowish-tan and may be haemorrhag ic spindle cells with little collagen produc- COF is a slow-growing benign neoplasm.
and feel gritty when cut with a scalpel tion. Osteoid develops directly from the lt can be surgically excised conservative-
{638,676}. On cut surface, JTOF shows fibrous stroma and forms long slender ly, with no recurrence in most cases. Un-
curvilinear haemorrhagic strands not strands that have been likened to paint treated tumours can attain a massive size
seen in other types of ossifying fibroma brush strokes. Irregular mineralization and may require en bloc resection. Sar-
[2210). takes place at the centre of the strands, comatous transformation has not been
resulting in the production of immature documented {633,638,674}.
Histopathology bone trabeculae that are devoid of osteo- Multiple recurrences have been reported
COF is wel l defined and may be en- blastic rimming and show no evidence following conservative excision of both
of maturation. Aggregates of osteoclas- JTOF and JPOF. Malignant transforma-
tic giant cells are typically found in the tion has not been reported {632].
stroma. Occasional mitoses may be ob-
served in the stromal cells . Aneurysmal
bone-cyst formation has been reported
in sorne cases [632,2208,2213).
JPOF is unencapsulated and is charac-
terized by multip le small uniform ossi-
cles (psammomatoid bodies) embedded
in cel lular stroma composed of spin-
Fig. 8.93 Cut surface of specimen of juvenile trabecular dled and stellate cells {632,638 ,2214).
ossifying fibroma. Curvilinear haemorrhagic strands The psammomatoid bodies are baso-
create a distinct pattern typical for this lesion. philic and bear sorne resemblance to

252 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

Familia/ gigantiform
EI-Mofty S.K.

Familia! gigantiform cementoma (FGC)
is a rare form of fibro-osseous lesion of
the jaws characterized by early onset of
multifocal/multiquadrant progressively
expansive lesions that may be massive
and cause remarkable facial deformity.
No other bones are affected .. Autoso-
mal dominant inheritance is seen among and extensive involvement of the jaws. Oefinition
sorne cases whereas others are familia!. Simple cosmetic recontouring proce- Fibrous dysplasia (FO) is a skeletal
Sporadic cases without known heritable dures result in recurrences, which may anomaly in which normal bone is re-
features have also been described. be multiple and occasionally at a more placed and distorted by poorly organized
accelerated rate {3A,634,676,2138A}. and inadequately mineralized immature
bone and fibrous tissue. lt may involve a
single bone (monostotic FO) or multiple
Fibrous dysp/asia bones (polyostotic FO). A variety of endo-
crinopathies accompany polyostotic FO
EI-Mofty S.K. in McCune-Albright syndrome. Although
Nelson B. FO occurring in multiple adjacent cranio-
Toyosawa S. facial bones is considered to be monos-
totic, the term "craniofacial fibrous dys-
plasia" is preferred far such cases {2523}.

Fig. 8.95 Familia! gigantiform cementoma in a 3-year-

old female palien!. CT sean showing bilateral, massive
expansive masses of the maxilla and mandible with well-
circumscribed borders presenting as radiolucent areas
containing radiopaque calcifications.

The microscopic features of FGC are
analogous to those of cemento-ossifying
fibroma characterized by hypercellular fi-
Fig. 8.97 Fibrous dysplasia. A Waters' (occipitomental) view of craniofacial fibrous dysplasia involving the right maxilla,
broblastic stroma with monomorphic ap-
showing ground-glass appearance, with indistinct borders. B Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia involving the maxilla and
pearing spindle shaped fibroblasts and base of the skull, with obliteration of the maxillary sinus. Frontal (coronal) bone-window CT.
collagen fibres. Oispersed throughout
the stroma are mineralized structures of
immature bone trabeculae and cemen -
tum-like tissue. The latter is formed of
hypocellular basophilic and curvilinear
structures resembling cementicles that
are normally seen in the periodontal liga-
ment. Under polarized light, Sharpey's
fibres are seen to project radially from
these spheroidal deposits.

Prognosis and predictiva factors

Surgical management of FGC is a chal-
lenge due to rapid regrowth of the lesions

Fibro-osseous and osteochondromatous lesions 253

Synonym ground-glass appearance, with indistinct should be delayed foras long as possible
Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia borders that blend imperceptibly with the {2523). Simple contouring of the affected
surrounding uninvolved bone (596). In af- facial or skull bones to normal dimension
Epidemiology fected jaws, narrowing of th e periodontal has proven to be adequate. Very rareJy,
FO accounts far approximately 7% of ali ligament spaces and effacement of the spontaneous malignant transformation
benign bone tumours {618). lt appears lamina dura surrounding the teeth are occurs (2027).
to be a disorder of growing bones; most suggestive of FO.
cases are initi ally identified in children
and adolescents. Monostotic FO is 6- 10 Macroscopy Cemento-osseous dysplasia
times as common as polyostotic FO The affected bone is ru bbery, compress-
(735). ible, and greyish-white, with a gritty tex- EI-Mofty S.K.
ture when cut with a scalpel. Nelson B.
Etiology Toyosawa S.
FO is caused by postzygotic activating Histopathology Wright J.M.
missense mutations in the GNAS gene, The lesions consist of fibrous and osseous
which encades the alpha subunit of the tissue in varying proportions depending
stimulatory G protein (G 5 -alpha) {186, on the disease stage. The fibrous tissue Definition
2158,2575). Constitutively active G5 - consists of bland fibroblastic cells. Mitotic Cemento-osseous dysplasia (COO) is a
alpha stimulates adenylyl cyclase activ- figures are uncommon. The osseous tis- non-neoplastic fibro-osseous lesion of
ity, resulting in overexpression of cAMP sue is composed of irregularly shaped tra- the tooth-bearing regions of the gnathic
and subsequent changes in the proper- beculae of immature woven bone without bones.
ties of bone osteoprogenitor cells, lead- osteoblastic rimming {41). These trabecu-
ing to abnormal bone formation (1989, lae often assume curvilinear forms, which Synonyms
1990,1991}. have been likened to Chinese characters Osseous dysplasia; cementa! dysplasia;
in appearance. The lesiona! bone fuses cementoma
Local ization with the adjacent normal bone (41,2209).
The milder forms of FO affect only a few Unlike FO in long bones, craniofacial le- Epidemiology
bones (usually asymmetrically), localized sions may undergo progressive matura- COO is the most common benign fibro-
to one region of the body. The cranio- tion to !amellar bone (2209,2523). A small osseous lesion of the jaws. There is a
facial bones and the femur are the two proportion of cases contain nodules of strong predilection far middle-aged
most common sites of both monostotic hyaline cartilage. Cases with abundant Black women; an age-adjusted preva-
and polyostotic FOs, but any bone can cartilage have been termed fibrocartilagi- lence rate of 5.5% among Black females
be affected (735). In the gnathic bones, nous dysplasia (1098). has been reported {62,529,2127).
FO occurs more often in the maxilla than
in the mandible, and may extend to in- Genetic profile Localization
volve adjacent bones such as the zygo- Activatin g missense mutations in the COO occurs exclusively in th e tooth-
matic and sphenoid bones {2523}. GNAS gene have been detecteá in mon- bearing regions of the jaws.
ostotic and polyostotic FOs, as well as in
Clinical features McCune-Albright syndrome. Clinical features
The initial presentation usually consists of COO has traditionally been divided into
painless swelling of the jawbones, often Prognosis and predictive factors three variants (largely on the basis of ana-
leading to facial asymmetry. The disease In most cases, the lesions seem to sta- tomical location): periapical COO is asso-
is typically diagnosed within the first two bilize with skeletal maturation; therefore, ciated with the apical areas of mandibular
decades of life (2523). Jaw involvement surgical intervention in younger patients anterior teeth; focal CO O is associated
may lead to displacement of teeth and
malocclusion, although the dental arch
is generally maintained {35). Cases af-
fecting the paranasal sinus, orbits, and
foramina of the base of the skull can pro-
duce a variety of symptoms, includ ing
nasal obstructi on, visual loss, headache,
and hearing loss (634). In McCune-
Albright syndrome, café-au-lait skin pig-
mentation and endocrine abnormalities
are present {618).
The radiographical appearance of FO
depends on the stage of development.
Early lesions may appear radiolucent,
whereas later lesions may appear scle- Fig. 8.99 Cemento-osseous dysplasia. Radiography shows lesions of mixed radiolucent and radiopaque florid
rotic. Classic lesions typically have a cemento-osseous dysplasia in both quadrants of the mandible.

254 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

The reported siles are the skul l base,
maxillary sinus, zygoma, and mandible
(condyle and coronoid processes).

Clinical features
The symptoms are related to tumour lo-
cation . Asym metry, malocclusion, pain,
and limited mouth opening are the most
common features of cases in the mandi-
ble {2023). lmaging reveals a lobulated
bony outgrowth in continuity with the
with a single tooth; and florid COD has Prognosis and predictive factors cortex and medulla of the bone of origin,
multifocal (multiquadrant) involvement. Once a diagnosis of periapical and focal with a !hin cartilaginous cap (although
The lesions are usually asymptomati c COD has been established, patients re- the cap is not always visible).
and may only be discovered on routine quire no treatment and can be monitored
dental radiographs {1791}. COD is as- during routine dental appointments. lndi- Macroscopy
sociated with vital teeth; however, it may viduals with florid COD may require clase Osteochondromas can be sessile or pe-
also be found in edentulous areas. The clinical follow-up for complications of os- dunculated.
lesions are generally non-expansive, but teomyelitis {529,1316} .
florid cases are the exception; they may Histopathology
be expansile and present with pain and The tumour consists of perichondrium
discharge secondary to infection {529, Osteochondroma covering a hyaline cartilaginous cap and
1316}. bony stalk {2010}. The cartilaginous cap
Radiographical evaluation of COD is es- Toner M. is typically < 2 cm in thickness. The oste-
sential. ldeally, these lesions should be van Heerden W.F.P. ochondral junction resembles the growth
identified clinically and radiographically, plate, and the zone of endochondral os-
without the need for biopsy. The lesions sification matures into cancellous bone.
may be radiolucent, radiodense, or mixed . Definition There is minimal atypia, and binucleated
Serial radiographs may show increased Osteochondroma is a cartilage-capped forms are rare. The cortex and medulla
density and calcification as a lesion ma- bony projection arising on the externa! are continuous with the underlying bone.
tures . A focus of COD is generally well de- surface of bone, continuous with under- Absence of BCL2 expression may be
fined and demonstrates a thin radiolucent lying bone. Categorization as a benign helpful in distinguishing osteochondroma
rim. The periodontal ligamen! should ap- neoplasm rather than a reactive lesion is from chondrosarcoma {925).
pear intact, and the lesion should not be favoured {2023).
fused to the roots (529,634,1 316}. Genetic profile
ICD-0 code 9210/0 Homozygous deletion of the EXT1 gene,
Macroscopy located at 8q22-24.1, occurs in chon-
The lesions are grossly fragmented, grit- Synonym drocytes in sporadic osteochondromas.
ty, and tan and brown . Osteochondromatous exostosis Abnormal ities of both EXT1 and EXT2 are
associated with hereditary multiple os-
Histopathology Epidemiology teochondromas (201O).
AII the variants of COD have analogous Osteochondroma is one of the most
microscopic features, characterized by a common lesions of the axial skeleton but Genetic susceptibility
variably cellular fibrous stroma with areas is much rarer in the maxillofacial bones, About 15% of patients with osteochon-
of swirling and/or loose collagen . Within because it occurs at sites of endochon- dromas have hereditary multiple osteo-
the stroma are mineralizing tissues con- dral ossification, which are limited in this chondromas/exostoses, but this condi-
sisti ng of osteoid, bone, and cementum- region. Less than 1% of all osteochon- tion rarely involves the maxillofacial
like material. As the lesions mature, they dromas occur in the head and neck. bones {2010}.
become increasingly calcified {1316). Osteochondromas in the maxillofacial
Dense hypocellular sclerotic masses bones occur in the fourth to fifth dec- Prognosis and predictive factors
may form, especially in florid COD. Os- ades of lile, which is later than elsewhere Excision is curative, although recurrence
teoblastic rimming is generally rare. The in the body. is possible following incomplete removal.
vascularity is pronounced and results in Malignan! transformation is very rare.
free blood within biopsied specimens. Etiology
No capsule is identified. lnflammation Trauma may be an etiological factor
may be seen in cases of florid COD that {2023}. An association with externa! ra-
become infected {634). Cystic changes diation therapy in childhood has been
resembling simple bone cyst may occur suggested.
in flori d cases .

Fibro-osseous and osteochondromatous lesions 255

Giant cell lesions and bone cysts

Central giant ce// granuloma osteoclast-type multinucleated giant cells

in a vascu lar background , with haemor-
Raubenheimer E. rhage and haemosiderin pigment. The
Jordan R.C. lesion may have a lobular architecture
separated by fibrous sepia with osteoid
and woven bone. Other giant cell lesions
Definition with similar teatures (such as cherubisrn,
Central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) is a hyperparathyroidism, and aneurysrnal
localized, benign but sometimes aggres- bone cyst) must be excluded. The gi-
sive osteolytic lesion of the jaws charac- ant cells in CGCGs show reactivity tor
terized by osteoclast-type giant cells in a Fig. 8.102 Central giant cell granuloma. Occlusal osteoclast and macrophage markers
vascu lar stroma. radiograph showing mandibular expansion and {729,2413,2492). The mononuclear stro-
tooth displacement in a multilocular central giant cell mal cell is the proliferative componen!.
Synonyms granuloma.
Central giant cell lesion ; reparative giant Genetic profile
cell granuloma (obsolete) resorption . More advanced lesions may CGCG does not have a defined genetic
be multilocular. About 30% of cases fol- protile, and lacks the point mutations in
Epidemiology low an aggressive clinical course char- the histone H3F3A gene that character-
CGCGs account far 10% ot benign gnath- acterized by pain, tooth resorption and ize giant cell tumour of b one (1922}.
ic tumours. Most cases occur in females displacement, cortical perforation, and
and in patients aged < 20 years (729). invasion of perignathic tissues (2492). Genetic susceptibility
MR I and PET-CT are helpful in delineat- Most CGCGs have no genetic asso-
Localization ing soft tissue involvement and multicen- ciation , but a minority of cases (most
The lesions are more frequent in the ante- tricity, respectively {1572). cornmonly cases associated with neu-
ri or jaws, in particular the mandible. Mul- rofibromatosis type 1, Noonan. syn-
tiple lesions should raise suspicion for Macroscopy drome, ar LEOPARD syndrome) arise in
Noonan syndrome, LEOPARD syndrome, The lesion has a fleshy, reddish-brown, patients with germline mutations in the
or neurofibromatosis type 1 [2492). haemorrhagic appearance. genes encoding specific proteins of the
RAS/MAPK pathway {729,1723}.
Clinical features Histopathology
CGCGs generally present as slow- CGCG is characterized by an unencap- Prognosis and predictiva factors
growing, asymptomatic, expansile, well - sulated proliferation of mononuclear Most CGCGs respond favourab ly to lo-
defined radiolucencies, without tooth spindle-shaped and polygonal ce lls with cal c urettage. A higher recurrence rate

Fig. 8.101 Central giant cell granuloma presenting as a Fig. 8.103 C~ntr; I giant cell granuloma. Osteoclast-like giant c;lls and mononuclear cells in a vascular stroma with
well-circumscribed radiolucency in the anterior mandible. reactive osteoid formation.

256 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

is associated with an aggressive clini-
cal course [2492) and association with
Noonan syndrome or neurofibromatosis
type 1 [729). To limit the extent of resec-
tion of large lesions, intralesional or sys-
temic pharmacological agents such as
steroids, calcitonin , interferon, and the
RANK ligand inhibitor denosumab may
be considered [54,2492).

Fig. 8.104 Peripheral giant cell granuloma. A Manifesting as a broad-based, non-ulcerated polyp on the alveolar
Peripheral giant ce// granuloma mucosa of the right mandible. B Cut surface of an excision specimen, showing a fleshy reddish-brown appearance.

Raubenheimer E.
Jarcian R.C.

Peripheral giant cell granuloma is a re-
active localized proliferation of mononu-
clear cells and osteoclast-type giant cells
in a vascular stroma outside bone. lt oc-
curs in the gingiva or alveolar mucosa.

Giant cell epulis

Peripheral giant cell granuloma is the
most common giant cell lesion affecting
the oral tissues {2136).
proliferation of mononuclear spindle- Epidemiology
Etiology shaped and polygonal cells with giant The incidence of cherubism is unknown,
The lesion occurs as a result of local ir- cells in a vascularized background. Foci but the condition is rare (367). Cherub-
ritation of the mucoperiosteum or the cor- of haemorrhage, haemosiderin pigment, ism presents in childhood ar preadoles-
onal part of the periodontal ligamen! by and scattered deposits of immature bone cence and is most often followed by par-
dental calculus deposits or other types of are frequent. • tial or complete regression in adulthood.
chronic irritation {388). Most cases are familial, with variable
Prognosis and predictive factors penetrance and expressivity. De novo
Localization Surgical removal is advised, and the cases from sporadic mutati ons can also
Peripheral giant cell granuloma is more recurrence rate is low. The lesions may occur.
common in the gingiva and edentulous even regress after removal of the irritan!.
alveolar ridge of th e mandible, but can Etiology
also affect the maxilla {2136). Mutations of the SH3BP2 gene, located
Cherubism on chromosome 4p16.3, have been iden-
Clinical features tified in about 80% of cases of cherub-
The proliferation presents as a sessile or Jordan R.C. ism (1523). The majority of mutations
pedunculated soft-pink to purplish-blue Raubenheimer E. occur in exon 9, within a proline-rich se-
lump with a smooth, ulcerated , or papil- quence 6 amino acids long , resu lting in a
lomatous surface {2136}. A shallow in- constitutively active form that increases
dentation of the adjacent alveolar bone Definition the activity of osteoclasts {2443).
may be present {388). Cherub ism is an autosomal dominan! in-
herited condition characterized by sym- Localization
Macroscopy metrical expansion of the ma>.<illa and Both jaws are affected bilaterally, with
Due to vascularity, the cut surface of the mandible as bone is replaced by cyst-like the mandible affected more extensively
specimens often has a fleshy redd ish- and giant cell lesions {729). than the maxilla. The condition appears
brown appearance. to start around the first molars, but typi-
Synonyms cally spares the condyles. In the maxilla,
Histopathology Familia! fibrous dysplasia; juvenile fibrous cherubism begins in the tuberosity and
Histology shows an unencapsulated dysplasia (both terms are obsolete) subsequently affects other areas.

Giant cell lesions and bone cysts 257

Fig. 8.106 Cherubism. A A child showing bilateral maxillary and mandibular bone expansion, with malpositioned and Fig. 8.108 Aneurysmal bon e cyst. Panoramic radiograph
displaced teeth. B Panoramic radiograph showing multifocal radiolucent lesions of the maxi\la and mandible, with showing the features of an aneurysmal bone cyst
missing and displaced teeth. involving the right mandible of an 8-year-old boy.

Clinical features Noonan syndrome {1723), and the bone separated by fibrous septa containing
Slow, symmetrical expansion of the jaws lesions of hyperparathyroidism. Variably osteoclast-type giant cells.
occurs befare the age of 6 years. Expan- cellular mesenchymal tissues contain fo -
sion of the maxilla may cause retraction cally aggregated clusters of multinucle- ICD-0 code 9260/0
of the facial skin, including the eyelids, ated giant cells. Eosinophilic cuff- like
leading to scleral exposure and the char- perivascular deposits can be seen, but Epidemiology
acteristic so-called heavenly gaze, which are nota consisten! finding . ABC is rare, with an estimated annual in-
is similar to the facial appearance of putti cidence of approximately 0.15 cases per
(angelic children) in Renaissance paint- Genetic susceptibility 1 million population (1381]. About 1.5%
ings (incorrectly referred to as cherubs The condition occurs in famil ies and is of ali cases occur in the jaws. Ali age
in the Baroque period of art). Females inherited in an autosomal dominant man- groups are affected, but > 80% of cases
are typically more severely affected than ner (729]. occur in younger patients, usually within
males (1921]. Bone expansion leads to the first two decades of lite. The sexes
tooth displacement, altered tooth erup- Prognosis and predictive factors are equally affected overall, but a male
tion, loosening of teeth, speech altera- Most cases regress alter puberty {1921), predilection has been reported for cases
tion, and visual impairment {1921}. Ra- but sorne cases show continued growth of the jaws [1663].
diographically, the affected bones have with little regression {345}. Befare pu-
a multiloculated, so-called soap-bubble berty, surgery should be performed only Localization
radiolucent quality {1967}. The cortices in severe cases, where it wi ll provide a More than 60% of cases occur in the
may be thinned, and with time the fibrous functional benefit. mandible; more frequently in the poste-
tissue is replaced by new bone, leading rior reg ions {1663}. Maxillary lesions have
to sclerosis. a more uniform anatomical distribution.
Aneurysmal bone cyst Other sil es in the craniofacial complex
Macroscopy can also be affected .
Similar to the appearance of other Jordan R.C.
giant cell lesions, the tissue may be red Koutlas l. Clinical features
and haemorrhagic with areas of cystic Raubenheimer E. There is enlargement, which is frequently
change . painful {1663}. The teeth remain vital,
but tooth mobility and displacement are
Histopathology Definition common. Maxillary tumours c an extend
The histology is not specific, and may re- Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is a cystic to the sinuses, nose, and orbits and can
semble that of other giant cell lesions of or multicystic expansile osteolytic neo- result in exophthalmos. Radiographically,
the jaws, such as giant cell granu loma, plasm composed of blood-filled spaces there is expansion with well -delineated

258 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours

unilocular or multilocular radiolucencies. Simple bone cyst predom inance have been reported for
Perforation of the cortex can occur with SBCs associated with florid osseous
extension to the adjacent soft tissues. Raubenheimer E. dysplasia (368}.
Root resorption is seen . CT may revea! van Heerden W.F.P.
bone septa compartmentalizing the le- Wright J.M. Etiology
sion. CT and MRI demonstrate flu id-fluid The etiology is unknown. Trauma does
levels that are characteristic of (but not not seem to play a role; the incidence
specific for) ABC (2427). Definition in patients with a history of trauma is the
Simple bone cyst (SBC) is an intraosse- same as that in the general populati on
Macroscopy ous cavity that is devoid of an epithelial {2301}.
The cysts are haemorrhagic and multi- lining and is either empty or filled with se-
cameral, featuring fibrous septa of vari- rous or sanguineous flu id. Localization
able thickness. Solid areas may be iden- SBCs are usually solitary and typically
tified; these constitute either the solid Synonyms affect the metaphysis of long bones. In
portion of the primary tumour or a portian Traumatic bone cyst; haemorrhagic bone th e head and neck region, they occur
of tumour that has undergone second- cyst; unicameral bone cyst; solitary bone mostly in the mandible, with a predilec-
ary ABC- like changes. 'Rarely, the entire cyst tion for the body of the mandible (1025).
Jesion is salid. Multiple SBCs account for 13% of cases
Epidemíology {2301)
Histopathology SBCs have an equal sex distribution
ABC is composed of blood-filled or and occur in young patients (in the sec- Clinícal features
empty sinusoidal spaces that are lined ond or third decades of life) (1025}. One Although a small number of cases mani-
by macrophages and fibroblasts and third are associated with florid osseous fest with a pathological fracture, SBCs
are separated by fibrous septa contain- dysplasia in populations where florid os- are generally asymptomatic, and are
ing scattered multinucleated osteoclast- seous dysplasia is common (368]. An usually found incidentally during rou-
like giant cells. Woven bone can appear older average patient age and a female tine examination. Radiologically, they
prominently basophilic (the so-cal led
blue-bone appearance), but this is not
diagnostic. The solid variant can featu re
cellu lar areas (which may be mitotically
active) and few inconspicuous cystic
spaces. ABC-like areas (secondary ABC)
can occur in a variety of other disorders
of bone, including osteoblastoma, fibrous
dysplasia, and ossifying fibromas.

Genetic profile
Rearrangements of CDH11 and/or USP6 Fig. 8.109 Simple bone cyst cavity in the left mandible. A Note the scalloping between the roots of the associated teeth.
are seen in 69% of primary ABCs (1772} B Florid osseous dysplasia with a multilocular simple bone cyst cavity in the right mandible.
but not in secondary ABCs. Other fusion
partners for CDH11 include COL1A1,
OMD, THRAP3 (also called TRAP150),
and CNBP (also cal led ZNF9) . Fusion
results in the upregulation of USP6. Al-
though the mechanism is not wel l under-
stood, USP6 upregulation may affect ac-
tin remodelling and vesicular trafficking,
which regulate cell moti lity and invasive-
ness (1550}. Familia! cases have been
described (1 380}, but not in the jaws or

Prognosis and predictiva factors

ABC can be treated with curettage, but
en bloc resection may be necessary for
large , destructive tumours. The recur-
rence rate is approximately 10%, with
soft tissue extension.
Fig. 8.110 Simple bone cyst. Curettings of the wall of a simple bone cyst cavity showing connective tissue, lace-like
osteoid, and !amellar bone.

Giant cell lesions and bone cysts 259

are well-defined radiolucencies that sanguineous fluid. The inferior alveolar often sufficient to stimulate bleeding and
frequently extend between the roots nerve is often visible inside the cavity facilitate osteogenesis. Spontaneous heal-
of associated teeth, without resorption {2038}. ing has been reported. One quarter of soli-
or displacement {1025). Larger exam- tary SBCs recur. Cases of multiple lesions
ples may be multilocular. A minority of Histopatholqgy have a higher recurrence rate {1025). Lack
cases (17.6%, 2.9% , and 11 .8%, respec- The term "simple bone cyst" is in fact of bone formation can usually be demon-
tively) show bone expansion, loss of the somewhat of a misnomer, because the strated within the first year after treatment,
periodontal ligament space, and efface- specimens never have an epithelial lin- and regular follow-up is recommended
ment of the lamina dura. Expansion of ing . Compressed connective tissue is {2038}. Curettage is not recommended for
the cortical plates and loss of the lamina often seen lining the cavity, sometimes cases associated with uncomplicated ma-
dura are more frequent in cases associ- with myxomatous change and often with ture florid osseous dysplas·a, due to the
ated with osseous dysplasia (368}. immature lace-like osteoid or spiky col- likelihood of inducing sequestration of the
lagen deposits (161 }. hypovascular mineralized masses.
Upon surgical exp loration, the cavity Prognosis and predictive factors
is either empty or filled with serous or Surgical exploration and curettage are

Haematolymphoid tumours Feldman A.L.

Ott G.

Solitary plasmacytoma of bone plasmacytoma with :?: 10% clonal plasma

cells in the bone marrow qualifies instead
Definition as plasma cell myeloma.
Solitary plasmacytoma of bone (SPB) is
a localized proliferation of monoclonal Histopathology
plasma cells involving bone. No other The histopathological features are similar
bony lesions are present on imaging to those of plasma cell myeloma. Typical-
studies, and there are no diagnostic clini- ly, the plasma-cell nature of the tumour is
cal features of plasma cell myeloma. Min- readily apparent, although br sorne poor-
imal bone marrow involvement (< 10% ly differentiated (e.g. anaf:lastic) cases,
plasma cells) may be seen in a subset of immunohistochemistry or additional stud-
Fig. 8.111 Solitary plasmacytoma involving the mandible ies may be required to confirm lincngc.
of a 73-year-old man. The tumour is composed of sheets
The immunophenotype of SPB is also
of plasma ce lis.
ICD-0 code 9731/3 similar to that of plasma cell myeloma.
th an in the maxilla, most commonly in the lmmunohistochemistry for the kappa
Synonyms bone marrow-rich areas of the body, an- and lam bda immunoglobulin light chains
Plasmacytoma of bone; osseous plasma- gle, and ramus {24). can be helpfu l to supp ort plasma cell
cytoma clonality.
Clinical features
Epidemiology The most common symptoms of head Prognosis and predictive factors
SPB is rare, accounting far 3-5% of ali and neck SPB are pain in the jaws and Most patients achieve local control with
plasma ce ll neoplasms. There is a male teeth, migration of teeth, haemorrhage, radiotherapy. Median overall survival
predominance, with a male-to-female and swelling {1901). A monoclonal serum is about 10 years {1087}. About 10% of
ratio of 2:1, and the median patient age is or urine paraprotein (M protein) may be cases with no bone marrow involvement
55 years {1087}. present, but hypercalcaemia, renal insuf- and 60% of cases with minimal involve-
ficiency, and anaemia are absent (1087, ment progress to plasma cell myeloma
Localization 1950). On imaging studies, multifocal within 3 years (1950}. Adverse prognos-
SPB presents as a solitary bone lesion, bone involvement is absent {582.,1667) . tic factors include older age, lesion size
with the axial skeleton (in particular the Two types of SPB have been defined: > 5 cm, monoclonal free light chains
vertebrae) involved more frequently than one with no bone marrow involvement in urine, an abnormal serum free light-
the appendicular skeleton [1087] . In the and the other with minimal involvement chain ratio, and persistence of M protein
head and neck region, thi s lesion occurs (< 10% clonal plasma cells in the bone 1-2 years after diagnosis {585,588,1087,
much more frequently in th e mandible marrow) (992,1803,1950} . A solitary 1426,2429,2608}.

260 Odontogenic and maxillofacial bone tumours


Tumours of the ear

Tumours of the externa! auditory canal
Tumours of the middle and inner ear
WHO classification of tumours of the ear

Tumours of the externa! auditory canal Vestibular schwannoma 9560/0

Squamous cell carcinoma 8070/3 Meningioma 9530/0
Adenocarcinoma 8420/3 Middle ear adenoma 8140/0
Ceruminous adenocarcinoma 8420/3
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 8200/3
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 8430/3
Ceruminous aoenoma 8420/0

The morphology codes are from the lnternational Classification of Diseases

Tumours of the middle and inner ear far Oncology {ICD-0) {776A}. Behaviour is coded /O far benign tumours;
Squamous cell carcinoma 8070/3 /1 far unspecified, borderline, or uncertain behaviour; /2 far carcinoma in
Aggressive papillary tumour 8260/1 situ and grade 111 intraepithelial neoplasia; and /3 far malignan! tumours.
The classification is modified from the previous WHO classification, taking
Endolymphatic sac tumour 81 40/3
into account changes in our understanding of these lesions.

262 Tumours of the ear

Tumours of the ear

Jntroduction been extensively discussed elsewhere doubt in a given patient. Otosclerosis has
and have no specific site-related fea- been added as a new entity, because
Slootweg P.J. tures requi ring further consideration. For there are sorne indications of a poten-
Takata T. tumours of the externa! auditory canal, tially neoplastic behaviour of this lesion.
site-specific features of squamous cell Several refinements have been made in
carcinoma are briefly mentioned, the th e c lassification and nomenclature of
Tumours of the ear can be subdivided main discussion being devoted to lesions adenoma and adenocarcinoma. Mid-
into those of the externa! auditory canal, from the ceruminous glands, which are dle ear paraganglioma, also known as
the middle ear, and the inner ear. In this specific to this site. For practica! reasons , glomus jugulare tumour, is discussed in
edition, the number of entities included tumours of the middle and inner ear are Chapt er 10.
has been reduced, by omitting tumours listed together, because their site of ori-
that can occur at these siles but have gin cannot always be determined beyond

Tumours of the external auditory canal

Squamous ce// carcinoma

Sandison A .
Thompson L.D.R.

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the
externa! auditory canal is a malignan!
neoplasm of squamous epithelium ari-
sing within the externa! auditory canal.

ICD-0 code 8070/3

Synonyms Etiology
Epide rm oid carcinoma, squamous Whereas actinic overexposure and frost-
carcinoma bite are suggested etiolog ies for pinna
carcinomas, chronic inflammati on and
Epidemiology radiation are suggested etiologies for
The annual incidence of SCC of the ex- carcinomas of the externa! auditory ca-
terna! auditory canal is about 1 case per nal and middle ear {730,1 4 61,1787,2169}.
1 million population [1787). Patients are Rarely, papilloma may transform into
usually aged 55-65 years, and· there is scc {1595).
a female predominance, in contrast to
Fig. 9.01 Squamous cell carcinoma of the externa! the male predominance seen with pinna Localization
auditory canal. Subtotal pinnectomy specimen showing tumours {1142). Tumours usually arise on the pinna; few
an ulcerated tumour occluding the ear canal; this tumour cases affect the externa! auditory canal
extended into the adjacenl parotid gland. {2162,2595,2624).

Tumours of the externa! auditory canal 263

Clinical features ceruminous glands of the externa! audi- invasion and comedonecrosis are often
An excoriated or ulcerated mass affec- tory canal. present. Cytoplasmic apocrine features
ting the pinna. Otitis media, otitis externa, are common. There is nuclear pleomor-
pain, hearing changes, cholesteatoma, ICD-0 codes phism, with prominent nucleoli easily
and stenosis are common presenting Adenocarcinoma 8420/3 identified along with increased mitoses.
symptoms (456,1031,2595}. with nerve Adenoid cystic carcinoma 8200/3 Ceroid pigment is absent. Adenocarci-
symptoms noticed later (1979,2715}. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 8430/3 nomas are subclassified as adenocar-
cinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, and
Macroscopy Synonyms mucoepidermoi d carcinoma. Adenoid
The gross appearance is that of a warty, Ceruminal adenocarcinoma; cystic carcinoma and mucoepidermoid
exophytic mass, possibly occluding the cylindroma (to be discouraged) carcinoma are histologically identical to
externa! auditory canal and invading the their salivary gland counterparts . There
tympanum. Epidemiology is a biphasic immunohistochemistry: lu-
Ceruminous adenocarcinoma is rare, ac- minal cells are positive for CK7 and KIT
Histopathology counting for < 2.5% of ali externa! audi- (CD117); basal cells are positive for p63,
The histology is similar to that of SCC tory canal neoplasms [493,1865 ,2390). S100 protein, and CK5/6 (493 ,1102,1478}.
occurring elsewhere. Spindle-cell and
acantholytic morphologies may be seen, Localization Genetic profile
as well as (rarely) verrucous SCC. Des- The tumours occur in the outer half of the Adeno id cystic carc inomas are charac-
moplastic stroma and inflammation are of- externa! auditory canal, excluding direct terized by a t(6;9) chromosomal translo-
ten present (456,1031,1563,1787,2260). extension from parotid gland (493,1110, cation resulting in a MYB-NF/8 gene fu-
1865}. sion, similar to that seen in adenoid cystic
Prognosis and predictiva factors carcinomas of the salivary glands (1861,
Externa! auditory canal SCC is aggres- Clinical features 1862}. No genetic data are available on
sive, afien with local recurrence and Women are more often affected , with cerum inous adenocarcinoma or mucoepi-
lymph nade metastases, and frequently a female-to-male ratio of 1.5:1. The dermoid carcinoma.
involving vital structures. Poor prognostic average patient age is 50 years (range:
factors include high clinical stage, tumour 21- 92 years). Patients present with pain, Prognosis and predictiva factors
depth > 8 mm, and lymphovascular inva- hearing loss, and tinnitus (493,552,1498, Recurrences are common. associated
sion (456,730,1563,1752,1787,2595}. 1605). lmaging defines tumour extent with positive margins or high-grade his-
and excludes direct extension from the tology. Death results from the destruction
parotid gland or nasopharynx. of local vital structures or distan! blood-
Ceruminous adenocarcinoma borne metastases (to the lungs) (493,
Macroscopy 1110,1528,1865}.
Sandison A. The tumours can be as large as 3 cm,
Stenman G. with a mean size of 1.4 cm.
Thompson L.D.R.
The unencapsulated cellular tumour in-
Definition filtrates soft tissue and bone, showing
Ceruminous adenocarcinoma is a variable salid, cystic, cribriform, glandu-
malignan! neoplasm derived from the lar. and single-cell patterns. Perineural

264 Tumours of the ear

Ceruminous adenoma pleomorphic adenoma, and cerumi-
nous syringocystadenoma papilliferum.
Sandison A. The histological features of these sub-
Thompson L.D.R. types are similar to those of the named
variant (i.e. pleomorphic adenoma), but
there are concu rrent histological fea-
Definition tures of ceruminous differentiation. lnner
Ceruminous adenoma is a benign tumour cuboidal cells are positive for CK7, pan-
of the wax-producing glands of the exter- cytokeratin, and CD117 and may show
na! auditory canal. decapitation secretion and acid-fast
- -
Fig. 9.05 Ceruminous adenoma. lmmunostaining for fluorescent yellow ceroid pigment {324,
ICD-0 code 8420/0 CK5/6 highlights the basal cells. 2390,2600). Neuroendocrine markers
are negative (1340,2390). Differential
Synonyms Clinical features diagnoses include middle ear adeno-
Ceruminoma; ceruminal adenoma; Symptoms include hearing loss and ma and cerum inous adenocarcinoma.
ceruminous pleomorphic adenoma; otorrhoea; pain is rare, unless associated
ceruminous syringocystadenoma with inflammation [1090}. Prognosis and predictive factors
papilliferum Recurrence is unlikely after complete
Macroscopy excision {1340}.
Epidemiology The tumour presents as a superficial,
There is a wide patient age range skin-covered, non-ulcerated mass as
(12- 85 years), with a mean patient age in large as 4 cm in size.
the fifth decade of lite. There is an equal
sex distribution {23901, and children are Histopathology
rarely affected (1510). Histology shows unencapsulated, cir-
cumscribed, regular bilayered glands in
Localization fibrous stroma. The growth pattern is vari-
These tumours are confined to the skin able, and the tumour may be pseudo-infil-
over the cartilaginous externa! auditory trative. Three histological types are recog -
canal (the outer half). nized: ceruminous adenoma, ceruminous

Tumours of the externa! auditory canal 265

Tumours of the middle and inner ear

Squamous ce// carcinoma extension. Nodal metastases, wh ich are

unusual, affect neck levels 11 and 111
Sandison A. {834). Distant metastases are rare. SCC
Thompson L.D.R. may be mistaken for chron ic otitis media.
Wenig B.M.

Aggressive papillary tumour

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the Sandison A .
middle ear is a malignant neoplasm of
squamous epithelium arising within the Fig. 9.07 Squamous cell carcinoma of the middle ear. Al
middle ear. surgery, the well-differentiated tumour (indicated by the Definition
arrow in Fig. 9.06) was found to be extensively infiltrating Aggressive papillary tumour is a locally
ICD-0 code 8070/3 the middle ear and surrounding structures. invasive, papillary epithelial neoplasm .

Epidemiology embryonic epithelial rest associated with ICD-0 code 8260/1

SCC is rare in the middle ear. The mean congenital cholesteatoma). lntracranial
p atient age at presentation is 60 years spread occurs with erosion through the Synonym
(range: 21-89 years). There is a reporte d thin bony plate overlying the carotid ca- Papillary adenocarcinoma of the middle
predilection fo r the left ear of elderly men nal in the medial wall of the middle ear ear
{834). at the junction with the Eustachian tube.
Direct spread into the inner ear (via peri- Epidemiology
Etiology neural invasion along the eighth cranial The mean patient age at presentation
The etiology is unknown, but chronic nerve) is uncommon {1603). is 34 years (range: 16- 55 years), with
otitis media is a predisposing factor in patients often symptomatic for severa!
75-85% of cases (1043). Clinical features years befare diagnosis. The tumour is
Patients report aural discharge and con- rare, with relatively few cases reported in
Localization ductive hearing loss. Otalgia, bleeding, the literature, but there appears to be a
SCC of the middle ear can originate in and fac ial palsy are common {701,834, female predominance.
the middle ear or can extend from an 1389).
externa! auditory canal SCC. lt does not Localization
arise from the epidermoid formation (an Macroscopy The tumour can be found in any area of
A plaque-like or polypoid mass may the middle ear, including the mastoid pro-
be seen or palpated in the ear canal. cess and air cells, and may fill the tym-
Tumour may fill the middle ear and ex- panic cavity. In ali but 3 of the described
tend into the mastoid air space. cases (510,1084,2268), there was exten-
sive invasion outside the middle ear, in-
Histopathology volving the apical portion of the petrous
The histology is similar to that described bone in most cases. In a few cases, the
at other sites. There may be associated tumour reached the cerebellopontine
carcinoma in situ of cuboidal middle ear angle and the cerebellum. In cases with
epithelium . widespread involvement of the temporal
bone, origin from the endolymphatic sac
Prognosis and predictiva factors has been suggested {964).
The prognosis is generally poor, due to
advanced disease at presentation and Clinical features
delayed diagnosis. Outcome is related Patients present with cli nical and audio-
to stage at presentation {1 15), with a logical features that suggest a tumour
wide range of reported 5 -year survival in the middle ear. In almost ali reported
Fig. 9.06 Squamous cell carcinoma of the middle ear.
rates (25-83%) following surgery and ra- cases, there has been extensive inva-
Axial slice from a CT of left temporal bone showing the
tumour (arrow) causing cortical bone breach posteriorly diotherapy {701,1341 ,1389,1557). Death sion outside the middle ear [614,793,794,
with extension into a few mastoid air cells. usually results from direct intracranial 1908,2285).

266 Tumours of the ear

A ·~~~
·,,. · ._,· - B
.. ...

Fig. 9.08 Aggressive papillary tumour of the middle ear. A The tumour shows a papillary glandular patlern, with complex papillae lying loase ar infiltrating loase fibrous connective
tissue. B The papillae are lined by peripheral basal and inner cuboidal to columnar epithelial cells with uniform nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm.

Macroscopy surgery and postoperative radiotherapy {955,1600). As tumours grow, they may
The middle ear cleft (including the mas- {614). destroy petrous temporal bone and ex-
toid air cells) is usually filled with a papil- tend into the middle ear and the middle
lary tumour. Bone invasion is often seen. and posterior cranial fossae and into the
Endo/ymphatic sac tumour cerebellopontine angle (150,964).
Histopathology Correlation with imaging helps distin-
A papillary glandular pattern is present, Sandison A. guish ELST from middle ear adenoma,
with complex interdigitati ng papillae ly- meningioma, and choroid plexus papil-
ing loosely or infiltrating fibrous con- loma. Jugular glomus tumours and mid-
nective tissue. The papillae are lined Definition dle ear paraganglioma involve the jugular
by basal and low cuboidal to colum- Endolymphatic sac tumour (ELST) is a foramen and the middle ear rather than
nar epithelial cells with uniform nuclei, low-grade malignant epithelial tumour extending into the retrolabyrinthine tem-
eosinophilic cytoplasm, and indistinct arising from the endolymphatic sac in the poral bone. Schwannoma is usually well
cell borders. Thyroid follicle- like areas temporal bone. circumscribed and c entred on the jugu-
may be present, resemb ling endolym- lar foramen, and does not involve the ret-
phatic sac tumour. ICD-0 code 8140/3 rolabyrinth ine temporal bone.
The tumours express cytokeratin, EMA,
and S100. Metastatic papillary carci- Synonyms Clinical features
noma of the thyroid can be excluded by Low-grade papillary adenocarcinoma of Non-specific presenting symptoms in-
immunostaining for thyroglobulin. endolymphatic sac origin; Heffner tumour elude hearing loss, tinnitus, aura! fullness,
and vertigo {1470,1527). As the tumour
Cell of origin Epidemiology spreads, patients may develop facial nerve
Both the endolymphatic sac and the ELST is rare. lt occurs mostly in adults, paralysis and/or cerebellar disorders.
middle ear epithelium have been con - over a wide age range; it has been
sidered as possible sites of origin described in a 4-year-old child {1305). Histopathology
(1673,2174). There may be a slight female predomi- The architecture is variable; the tumour
nance. About one third of cases are as- can be both papillary and cystic. There is
Genetic susceptibility sociated with von Hippel- Lindau disease usually a single !ayer of tumour cells, but
Sorne cases of aggressive papillary (VHL), an autosomal dominan! familial the tumour may appear bilayered. The
tumour of the middle ear have been asso- cancer syndrome {1527). tumour cells may be flattened, attenuated,
ciated with von Hippel-Lindau disease. and cuboidal or columnar, with bland, ec-
Etiology centrically located nuclei and pale eosin-
Prognosis and predictive factors About 10% of patients with VHL develop ophilic or clear cytoplasm . Small glands
Complete surgical excision is the treat- ELST, of which about 30% of cases are and follicular structures may be present,
ment of choice. However, surgery bilateral (1527,1578). The prevalflnce of containing deeply eosinophilic colloid-
carries the risk of high morbidity, because VHL is approximately 1 case per 39 000 like secretions that give a strongly posi-
resection may necessitate the sacrifice population {1470). tive periodic acid- Schiff (PAS) reaction
of cranial nerves. Various treatment mo- and resembling thyroid tissue. PAS may
dalities may be employed {depending on Localization demonstrate intracytoplasmic inc lusions
the stage at presentation), including ra- Early-stage tumours are confined to in tumour cells. Mucin stains are negative.
diotherapy alone and the combination of the endolymphatic sac in the inner ear Mitoses and necrosis are not seen .

Tumours of the middle and inner ear 267

Genetic profile Otosclerosis
The VHL gene, mapped to chromosome 3
(3p25-26) {2124), is a tumour suppressor Sandison A.
gene \1342). lts product forms a multipro-
tein complex with a role in oxygen sens-
ing. The VHL gene regulates VEGF. ln- Definition
activation results in upregulation of VEGF Otosclerosis is a bone lesion that devel-
and ang iogenesis. A loss-of-function mu- ops in the otic capsule and may affect
tation results in overexpression of HIF1 , hearing and balance.
promoting angiogenesis and tumori-
genesis. Genetic analysis of the heredi- Synonym
tary fo rm of ELST has shown inherited Otospongiosis
(germline) mutations together with dele-
tion of the wildtype VHL allele, supporting Epidemiology
Fig. 9.09 Endolymphatic sac tumour. On axial Knudson's hypothesis of the sequence of Otosclerosis affects about 3 in 1 000
postcontrast MRI, the tumour presents as a large events required for tumorigenesis {1253, White adults (2025); it is rare in Asians
heterogeneous mass centred on !he left cerebellopontine 2197} and supporting the clinical {1527) and Africans. The reported incidence
angle cistern; fluid levels are seen in cystic components.
and genetic {2512) association of the is higher in patients with hearing loss
There is distortion and mass effect on !he left cerebellar
tumour with VH L. (5-9%) and higher still in patients with
conductive hearing loss in particular
The tumour is poorly defined, and Genetic susceptibility (18- 22%) (550,1188}. Hearing loss usu-
diagnosis may be obscured by adjacent Screening far ELST by audiologi- ally develops in the third to fifth decade
vascular granulation tissue in subsurface cal testing and MRI with gadolinium of lite, and there is a female-to-male
tissue, associated with haemosiderin is recommended for individuals who ratio of 2-3:1 . Althoug h < 0.5% of affected
deposition, chronic inflammation, cho- have been d iag nosed with or who people develop symptoms, an autopsy
lesterol clefts, and dystrophic calcifica- have a family history of VHL {1578}. study has shown that silent, so-called
tion. ELST may be misdiagnosed as a Patients with sporadic ELST should be histological otosclerosis may have a
reactive or inflammatory process, es- screened for VHL. much higher incidence {549}.
pecially if biopsies are small and not
representative. Prognosis and predictiva factors Etiology
The differential diagnosis includes me- Complete surgical excision may be The etiology is not understood. Otoscle-
tastases. lmmunostaining for CD10, curative {1470). However, surgery car- rosis has been considered to be a disor-
CAIX, and PAX8 is positive in renal cell ries the risk of high morbidity, because der of bone remodelling of the otic cap-
carcinoma, but negative in ELST. Meta- it may require resection of petrous tem- sule possibly associated with abnormal
static thyroid carcinoma can be exclud- poral bone and mastoid, necessitating collagen synthesis, aberrant expression
ed with TTF1 and thyroglobulin immu- sacrifice of cranial nerves. Advanced of inflammatory mediators, or viral in-
nostains. Metastatic prostate carcinoma tumours may be treated by radibtherapy fection \1188,2025). However, the argu-
expresses prostate-specific antigen and alone or by a combination of surgery ment has recently been made that oto-
P504S. and postoperative radiotherapy. The sclerotic plaques behave like low-grade
prognosis depends on the tumour size neoplasms, in that pre-existing normal
Cell of origin at presentation and the adequacy of structures in the cochlear and vestibular
The tumour is thought to arise from papil- surg ical excision. Rarely, distant metas- otic capsules are invaded and replaced
lary epithelium of the endolymphatic sac. tases have been described (2365). {1602}. Autopsy studies have also shown

268 Tumours of the ear
as 50% of recorded cases are sporad -
Otic capsule ic {2025). Multiple gene loci have been
identified that may be associated with
otosclerosis, but the mechanism is un-
known [1188). A recent systematic litera-
ture review determined that the available
data are insufficiently robust to guide ge-
netic counsell ing {212).

Prognosis and predictive factors

The prognosis is good. Untreated, oto-
sclerosis leads to very significan! hearing
loss, but total deafness is rare . Medical
treatment options are available, but the
best treatm ent is surgery, and the aim is
to improve the conductive hearing loss
{2025). Complications include a low risk
of sensorineural hearing loss, which can-
not be improved, and facial nerve injury.
Tinnitus may become worse.

Sandison A.

Cholesteatoma is a cystic or open mass
of keratinizing squamous epithelium
Fig. 9.11 Otosclerosis. Otosclerotic plaque in the cochlear part of the otic capsule. The lesion appears to arise from
in air-filled spaces of temporal bone.
periosteum and infiltrates into cochlea, vestibular region, and stapes joint. The basophilic front contains primitive
osteoblasts and Volkmann canals (perforating holes), whereas there is more mature, spongiform bone behind this, Although not neoplastic, it has a propen-
closer to the origin. Adapted from Michaels L and Soucek S {1602). sity to erode local structures and to recur
after excision .
that, like neoplasms, the lesions continue conductive hearing loss, which is bilat-
to grow and expand throughout life {1602). eral in 80% of cases {2025) . Epidemiology
The reported annual incidence of
Localization Macroscopy c ho lesteatoma is 3-15 cases per
Disease is usually bilateral and sym- Biopsy is seldom performed. Morpho- 100 000 ch ildren and 9 - 13 cases per
metrical. A bony plaque develops in the logy is based on analysis of temporal 100 000 adults. A male predominance
otic capsule (predominantly in the region bones examined at autopsy. Stapedec- has been reported.
posterior to the coc hlea), which the n tomy specimens may contain otosclerotic Congenital cholesteatoma affects infants
involves the stapes footplate, resulting in plaque tissue, w hich is usually associat- and young ch ildren. In one large series,
conductive hearing loss {1601,2025). The ed with the anterior par! ot the foot plate. 72% of cases occurred in males (1912).
lesion broadly expands in all directions Acquired cholesteatoma affects older
into the otic capsule. lt passes through Histopathology children and young adults.
the stapedovestibular joint and along the Otosclerosis presents as well-demarcat- Cholesteatoma is more prevalen! in de-
stapes footplate. lnferiorly and laterally, ed tumour-like masses ot predominantly veloping countries, but there does not
it may involve branches of the vestibulo- immature trabecular bone and vascu lar appear to be an association with socio-
cochlear nerve (eighth cranial nerve) to stroma forming in the otic capsule. Le - economic status {1212,1481,1779). There
the saccule. Anterior cochlear plaques of siona! cellularity varies, and active bone is an ethnic predilection, with the d isease
otosclerosis may also be present. These remodelling may be identified, with cyto- seen most commonly in White people,
have a wide area of contact w ith the peri- logical atypia of osteocytes {1601,2025). followed by Africans; it is rarely seen in
osteum bordering the canal for the inter- One study reported histological changes non- lndian Asians {1299,1724).
na! carotid artery. Occasional plaques in patients' stapes bone suprastructu re
have been described in other locations {344). Etiology
within the otic capsule. Congenital cholesteatoma develops be-
Genetic profile hind the intact eardrum and is believed
Clinical features There is a strong familia ! link (-60%) in to originate from an embryonic rest (the
Patients usually present with progressive clinical otosclerosis cases, but as many epidermoid formation) (1598). Acquired

Tumours of the middle and inner ear 269

Genetic profile
Clinically, cholesteatoma behaves as a
low-grade neoplasm, and recen! stud-
ies have shown altered exp ression in
cholesteatoma of several genes associ-
ated with intercellular signalling and cell-
growth control. These alterations include
upregulation of EGFR, TGF-alpha, and
metalloproteinases, as well as downregu-
lation of tumour suppressor genes and
altered expression of proto-oncogenes
{1298,1299}. The mechanisms involved
in the development of cholesteatoma are

Fig. 9.12 Cholesteatoma. Non-echoplanar imaging Fig. 9.14 Cholesteatoma. Strips of keratinizing squamous Prognosis and predictive factors
diffusion study showing high signal in the left petrous epithelium with abundan! keratin ílakes are usually seen; Treatment is surgery. The risk of recur-
apex, characteristic of cholesteatoma. there may be associated chronic inílammation and foreign rence is high, and follow-up is by surgery
body-type reaction in underlying stroma, as shown. and direct observation . Follow-up scans
with diffusion-weighted MRI may be
Clinical features effective for detecting disease recur-
Patients typically report hearing loss rence {1136}. Long -term follow-up is
associated with foul-smelling aural dis- required , because late recurrence can
charge. The mass can remain unde- occur. Rare com plications of surgery
tected an d grow large, with a ris k of in- include complete neurosensory hearing
tratemporal or intracranial complications. loss in the affected ear and damage to
Destruction of the bone overlying the the facial nerve (the risk is usually < 1%).
semicircular canals can resu lt in dizzi-
ness and b alance disorders, and facial
Fig. 9.13 Cholesteatoma of the externa! ear canal. paralysis may resu lt if the fac ial nerve ca- Vesübularschwannoma
Otoscopy shows drum retraction, ulceration, and nal is affected {1299).
haemorrhage. Sandison A.
Macroscopy Thompson L.D.R.
cholesteatoma is associated with a per- Cholesteatoma presents as a pearly- Wenig B.M.
forated eardrum. Most cases are associ- white mass in the middle ear cavity.
ated with recurrent infection resulting in Cholesteatoma of the ear canal may be
squamous epithelium growing down into difficult to distinguish from other • inflam- Definition
the middle ear from the tympan ic mem - matory/infective disorders or squamous Vestibular schwannoma is a benign pe-
brane {2583). Acqui red cho lesteatoma is neoplasia {969,1821}. ripheral nerve sheath tumour arising with-
also known to occur following tympanic in the interna! auditory canal or within the
membrane retraction, due to deep in- Histopathology labyrinth.
growth of squamous epithelium from the Biopsied cholesteatoma material typical -
fundus of th e retraction pocket into the ly consists of abundant anucleate keratin ICD-0 code 9560/0
middle ear. Cholesteatoma may also de- squames that make up the corneal layer
velop following a blast injury that causes of the squamous epithelium, together Synonyms
perforation of the tympanic membrane with otherwise normal ke ratinizing squa- Acoustic neuroma; vestibular neuroma;
(1282}. Cytokines and inflammatory me- mous epithelium. There may be evidence neurilemmoma
diators have been implicated in the de- of increased proliferation of the deeper
velopment of cholesteatoma {424,1298). epithelial layers of the cholesteatoma ma- Epidemiology
trix, with down-growths into the underly- Vestibular schwannoma is the most com-
Localization ing stroma. The granular layer is usually mon tumour of temporal bone, account-
Congenital cholesteatoma arises in the prominent and a helpful diagnostic find- ing for 5- 10% of all intracranial tumours
anterior superior quadrant of the meso- ing . The epithelium lacks atypia and of- and 80- 90% of all cerebellopontine angle
tympanum. Acquired cholesteatoma ten lacks rete pegs, yielding an atrophic tumours; however, it is found incidentally
most commonly arises in the superior appearance. There is usually an inflamed in < 1% of adult autopsies performed for
posterior middle ear (1599). Rarely, cho- fibrous connective tissue stroma, a help- otherreasons {250,1386!. Overall, patients
lesteatoma is diagnosed in the externa! ful fi nding for the diagnosis. Concurren! typically present in their fifth to sixth dec-
ear canal, where it must be distinguished disorders (otic polyp, cho lesterol granu- ade of life, but patients with neurofibroma-
from infection and other inflammatory loma, encephalocoele) may be present. tosis type 2 (N F2) present significantlY
conditions {969,182 1}. younger (1 701}.

270 Tumours of the ear

unsteady gait, and balance alterations greater risk of recurrence or malignan!
may also occur. transformation (167,2559). However, a
Facial pain, weakness, and loss of taste watchful waiti ng approach (vs surgery)
are more common with brain stem com- may be employed, because the tumou rs
pression by the tumour (250). A fu nnel- grow 1-4 mm per year {1449,1738}.
shaped widening of the interna! audi-
tory canal or a mushroom-shaped mass
(with the stalk in the canal and the flange Meningioma
within the cerebellopontine angle) can
be seen as a hyperintense area on T2- Sandison A.
weighted MRI (1525). The tumours are Thompson L.D.R.
radiographically staged on the basis of
location, size, and extent (2125).
Fig. 9.15 Vestibular schwannoma. On coronal slice from Definition
postcontrast MRI, the well-circumscribed lesion in the Macroscopy Meningioma is a benign neoplasm of
right cerebellar pontine angle can be clearly seen; the A smooth, lobulated tumour mass creates meningothelial (arachnoid) cells.
tumour is bright in comparison with the adjacent brain a globular, eccentric mass, frequently
tissue and contains cystic hypointense areas. attached to the eighth cranial nerve, ICD-0 code 9530/0
which may be stretched or comp ressed.
The tumou rs are usually < 2 cm (due to Epidemiology
anatomical confines), with a firm, yellow- Meningiomas constitute about 20-36 %
ish-tan, solid to cystic appearance. of intracranial neoplasms. Primary

H istopathology
The histological features are characteristic
of a schwannoma, with cel lular (Antoni A)
areas of closely packed spindle cells with
nuclear palisading, adjacent to microcyst-
ic or loosely reticular (Antoni B) areas. The
High-power view cells are fusiform, with fibril lary cytoplasm
and buckled nuclei. They lack significan!
pleomorphism, with limited mitoses and
Etiology no necrosis. Perivascular hyalinization of
For most cases the etiology is unknown, medium-sized vesse ls is characteristic.
but trauma dueto extended occupational Ancient change (nuclear degeneration)
exposure to excessively loud noise may is usually only focal, whereas significan!
be a potential risk factor, whereas mobile pleomorphism, necrosis, and iñcreased
phone use is nota demonstrated risk fac- mitoses suggest malignant peripheral
tor (1651). lnherited cases (associated nerve sheath tumour (135).
with NF2) are uncommon (1 701). The tumour cells are strongly positive for
S100 protein and S0X10; GFAP staining
Localization is weak to absent; and CD34, NFP, BCL2,
Most cases are unilateral and sporad ic and EMA are negative (1608,2416). The
cerebellopontine angle tumours arising Ki-67 proliferation index is higher in NF2-
within the vestibular division of the eighth associated tumo urs than in sporadic
cranial nerve, rarely affecting the cochle- lesions {25}. The tumours should be dis-
ar d ivision (1717,2012}. When the tumours tinguished from meningioma , neurofi-
are bilateral or multicentric, there may be broma, solitary fibrous tumour, p aragan-
association with NF2 (1701). Rarely, the g lioma, and malignan! peripheral nerve
interna! auditory meatus may b e involved sheath tumou r.
Genetic profile

Clinical features NF2 gene mutations (usually resulting in
The most common clinical manifesta- loss of merlin) are identified in .< 5% of
tio ns, usually present for many years,
are unilateral progressive sensorineu-
tumours , most commonly in patients
< 21 years of age {913}.
Fig. 9.1 7 Meningioma of themiddle ear. AThe characteristic
whorled architecture of meningothelial meningioma is noted
ral hearing loss (occurring in > 90% of
beneath an intact squamous epithelium. B Lobules and
cases) and tinnitus (in 70% of cases) Prognosis and predictive factors nests of bland epithelioid tumour cells are seen in syncytial
{2237,2261,2456). Headache, vertigo, Larger tumour size (> 18 mm) and NF2 architecture. C There is strong CAM5.2 reaclivity in a pre-
association are features associated with psammomatous pattern, quite characteristic of meningioma .

Tumours of the middle and inner ear 271

extracranial (i.e. ectopic or extracalva- are meningothelial, psammomatous, and the middle ear cavity, including in the
rial) meningiomas of the ear and tem- fibroblastic. Lesiona! cells express EMA, tympanic membrane, and occasionally
poral bone are rare, accounting for only CAM5 .2, and pancytokeratin as well as extend into the mastoid, Eustachian tube
about 2% of ali meningiomas and about CK7 {pre- psammoma- body pattern), or externa! auditory canal {19,99,2055,
10% of ear and temporal bone tumours but Si00 prote in (weakly), claud in 1, 2414). '
{2029,2386}. Meningioma affects wom- progesterón e receptor, and vimentin are
en more often than men, with a female- also positive. lmmunostaining for GFAP, Clinical features
to-male ratio of 2:1. The mean patient SMA. synaptophysin, and chromogranin The most common presenting symptorn
age at presentation is 50 years (range: is negative. is unilateral hearing loss (of the conduc-
10-90 years). The average patient age tive type if the ossicular chain is involved)
is older among women than among men Genetic susceptibility (19,614,2055,2414). Pressure, fullness,
(1920,2279,2386}. Meningiomas are well described in tinnitus, discharge, bleed ing, and otitis
neurofibromatosis type 2, with chromo- media are uncommonly seen. Otoscopic
Etiology some 22 deletions being the most con- examination shows a soft tissue mass
The roles of radiation exposure and sisten! cytogenetic findi ng. behind a usually intact tympanic mern-
sex hormones in the genesis of ear brane. Nerve compression is uncommon
and temporal bone meningiomas are Prognosis and predictiva factors {1371} and serological evidence of neu-
unproven. Composite tumours as a The prognosis is good, with a 5-year roendocrine function is rare. CT (without
result of a schwannoma merging with a survival rate of about 85%, although re- contras!) or MR I visualizes tumour ex-
meningioma may be seen in the setting current or persisten! tumour is common tent and exact location. There is usually
of neurofibromatosis type 2 {1701). (seen in 20% of cases). Mastoiditis and no temporal bone destruction, although
meningitis are the most common com- ossicular encasement is common (593,
Localization plications of surgery (2029,2279,2386, 1846,2414).
The tumours involve subsites in the tem- 2647).
poral bone, in arder of frequency: the Macroscopy
middle ear, interna! auditory meatus, jug- The tumour is white, grey, or reddish
ular foramen, and roo/ of the Eustachian Middle ear adenoma brown. lt is unencapsulated, frequently
tube (1920,2029,2386}. entrapping and destroying the ossicles.
Sandison A. Most tumours are < 1 cm in size {19,
Clinical features Bell D. 2055,2414).
Patients present clinically with hearing Thompson L.D.R.
loss, tinnitus, otitis media, pain, head- Histopathology
aches, dizziness, and/or vertigo, with The tumours lack a surface origin, show-
symptoms usually having been present Definition ing an infiltrative, unencapsulated, mod-
for years {2029,2279). Direct extension Middle ear adenoma is a benign neo- erately cellular growth of a variety of pat-
from the CNS must be radiographi- plasm of the middle ear showing cyto- terns, including glandular, trabecular,
cally or clinically excluded {2029,2386}. morphological and immunohisfochemi- salid, acinar, cribriform , pseudoalveolar,
En plaque tumours must be excluded. cal evidence of dual neuroendocrine and organoid, nested, diffuse , and single-
lmaging usually shows bone erosion, mucin-secreting differentiation. cell. The duct-like structu res show a
sclerosis, and hyperostosis with temporal loosely cohesive back-to-back appear-
air ce!! opacification (2163,2279,2647). ICD-0 code 8140/0 ance, and are often separated by a fi-
brotic to desmoplastic stroma. The neo-
Macroscopy Synonyms plastic cells show a dual cell population
Macroscopically, there is a gritty, granu- Neuroendocrine adenoma of the middle of inner, luminal, slightly flattened eosino-
lar mass infiltrating bone. The mass is ear; middle ear adenomatous tumour; philic cells frequently associated with a
usually < 1.5 cm in size, due to the ana- carci noid of the middle ear; middle ear secretion, subtended by a basal, cuboi-
tomical confines of the region. adenoma with neuroendocrine d ifferen- dal to columnar cell population (19,1478,
tiation; amphicrine adenoma 2414} . The cells may have an eccentric
Histopathology (plasmacytoid) placement of a round
Microscopical ly, the tumour infiltrates Epidemiology to oval nucleus, showing delicate, fine,
bone and soft tissues of the reg ion, show- This is a rare tumour of the middle ear, salt-and-pepper nuclear chromatin distri-
ing a well-developed meningothelial and accounting for < 2% of ear tumours. lt bution. The nucleoli are small {99,1984,
whorled architecture. Lobules and nests has an equal sex distribution and has 2554). Mitoses are sparse, and there is
of bland epithelioid tumour cells are been reported over a wide patient age no necrosis, perineural invasion, or lym-
seen in a syncytial architecture. Nuclei range (13- 80 years), with a mean patient phovascular invasion. lsolated pleomor-
are round to oval, with delicate nuclear age at presentation of 45 years {19,593, phism may be seen, but is not profound.
chromatin distribution and frequent in- 1846,2414) . Concurren! cholesteatoma or cholesterol
tranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions. Psam- granuloma may be seen .
moma bodies or pre-psammoma bodies Localization There is variable but consistently present
may be seen. The most common types These tumours can arise anywhere in reaction with pancytokeratin, CAM5.2,

272 Tumours of the ear

CK7 (luminal cells), CK5/6 and p63 dense-core neurosecretory granules. Prognosis and predictive factors
(abluminal cells), synaptophysin, chro- There are also transitional forms of both Th e tum our usually peels away easily, but
mogranin, and CD56, along with various types, confirming the dual differentiation if middle ear bones are not included in
polypeptides (e.g . human pancreatic {2554}. Mucoprotein luminal and cyto- the resection, recurrence or p ersistence
polypeptide) and transcription factors plasmic secretions are highlighted with is seen in about 15% of cases {614,1846,
(e.g. ISL1 ). S100 protein, SMA, TTF1, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and Alcian 2414). Parotid gland involvement via
CDX2, and PAX8 are negative {19,1478, b lue staining, and neurosecretory gran- direct extension from a widely infiltrative
2414). Sorne cases may not show immu- ules are highlighted by Grimelius stain tumour does not constitute metastatic
nohistochemical neuroendocrine mark- {2414,2554}. Although it is not wrong to disease (1371,1643,1954l A metastatic
ers, but these do not require a separate consider these tumours carcinoids {572, potential may exist; there is no indisput-
designation. Ultrastructural examination 1643,1954,2055}. it is appropriate to refer able evidence and further investigation is
shows two distinct cell types: type A api - to these tumours as adenoma with neu- required.
cal cells with microvilli and secretory mu- roendocrine features, in line with curren!
cus granules and type B cells with solid, tumour taxonomy.

Tumours of the middle and inner ear 273

Paraganglion tumours
Carotid body paraganglioma
Laryngeal paraganglioma
Middle ear paraganglioma
Vagal paraganglioma
WHO classification of paraganglion tumours

Carotid body paraganglioma 8692/3* The morphology codes are from the lnternational Classification of Diseases
far Oncology (ICD-0) {776AI. Behaviour is coded /0 for benign tumours;
Laryngeal paraganglioma 8693/3* / 1 for unspecified, barderline, or uncertain behaviour; /2 for carcinoma in
Middle ear paraganglioma 8690/3* situ and grade 11 1 intraepithelial neoplasia; and /3 far malignant tumours.
Vagal paraganglioma 8693/3* The classification is modified from the previous WHO c lassification, taking
into account changes in our understanding of these lesions.
'These new codes were approved by the IARC/WHO Committee for ICD-0.

Paraganglion tumours

lntroduction with as many as 40% of ali cases be- "jugulotympanic paraganglioma" to "mid-
ing associated with germline mutation dle ear paraganglioma".
Chan J.K.C . in a known susceptibility gene {512, The term "malignan! paraganglioma", tra-
722}. As a result, the Endocrine Soci- ditionally used to refer to tumour compli-
ety guidelines recommend referring ali cated by metastasis, is no longer used
There have been remarkable advances patients with paraganglioma (including in this classification because it is now
in our knowledge of the molecular ge- patients with an apparently sporadic tu- recogn ized that all paragangliomas have
netics of paragangliomas since publica- mour) for c linical genetic testing {1383}. sorne potential for metastasis (albeit vari-
tion of the 3rd edition of the WHO clas- In this 4th edition of the WHO c lassifi- able). Tumours previously referred to as
sification {304,722}. Paraganglioma has cation, head and neck paragangliomas "malignant paraganglioma" can be de-
been shown to have the highest degree are classified as in the previous edition, scribed as "metastasizing paraganglio-
of heritability among human neoplasms, with one change in terminology, from ma" or "paraganglioma with metastasis" .

276 Paraganglion tumours

Kimura N. Lam A.K.Y.
Carotid body paraganglioma Capella C. Tischler A.S.
GillA. Williams M.O.
Komminoth P.

Definition produce catecholamines are rare (ac- Histopathology

Carotid body paraganglioma is a neu- counting for < 5% of cases) {67,1332, The organoid (Zellballen) pattern of the
roendocrine neoplasm ans,ng from 1753,1937,2047}. but are more common normal paraganglion is typically seen.
the carotid body paraganglia near the in metastatic tumours {1576}. lmaging However, a wide range of variant mor-
carotid bifurcation. with contrast confirms a hypervascu- phology may be observed, including
lar, well-defined mass at the carotid trabecular, spindled, and angioma-like
ICD-0 code 8692/3 bifurcation. patterns, as well as a sclerosing pat-
tern characterized by extensive colla-
Synonyms Macroscopy gen deposition with features mimicking
Carotid body tumour; chemodectoma; Paragangliomas are firm, rubbery, and those of an invasive malignan! neoplasm
non-chromaffin paraganglioma often well circumscribed . The tumour {1321). The tumours are composed of
size range is 2-6 cm, which may include two cell types: chief cells, which have
Epidemiology a portian of the arterial wall with lumen. abundan! pale eosinophilic cytoplasm
Carotid body paragangliomas account with slightly to moderately atypical nu-
for the majority (60%) of head and neck Cytology clei, and sustentacular cells, which are
paragangliomas. They present in adults Aspirates are usually bloody, with low slender, spindled, and located peripher-
in their fifth or sixth decade of life (or to moderate cellularity, showing single ally in the nests. A prominent vascular
about a decade younger in metastatic or clusters of cells with poorly defined network separates the tumour nests . Mi-
cases) {389,1576). There is a female-to- borders and basophilic cytoplasm. Nu- totic f igures are usually rare. There is no
male ratio of 2 :1, and this female pre- clei are round to elongated, with mild to cellular polarity within the nests, which
dilection is even more pronounced in moderate pleomorphism and prominent helps to distinguish these tumours from
popu lations living at high altitudes, where nucleoli. Reddish cytoplasmic granules other neuroendocrine tumours, such as
the female-to-male ratio is 8:1 {1365, may be identified on Giemsa-stained carcinoid.
2006). Bilateral paragangliomas occur in preparations {931). The chie! cells express synaptophysin,
as many as 10-25% of cases, with 4- 6% chromogranin A, CD56, and somatostatin
of cases being metastatic {67,1332,1753,

Carotid body paragangliomas are pre-
dominately parasympathetic, with genet-
ic factors identified in one third of cases.
Chronic hypoxia, including that due to
living at high altitudes, is a risk facto r

Caroti d body paragangliomas arise at
the bifu rcation of the common carotid ar-
tery. They may be associated with the ex-
terna! or interna! carotid branch and may
grow circumferenti ally around the vessel
(Shamblin class 111 ) {2141).

Clinical features
The usual presentation is an asympto-
matic or pulsatile high neck mass near
the anterior border of th e sternocleido-
mastoid muscle near the mandible. Pain, Fig. 10.01 Carotid body paraganglioma. A Circumscribed bilateral carotid body paragangliomas (arrows) on coronal
syncope, and Horner syndrome (oculo- contrasted CT. B Angiography of the larger, right paraganglioma shows the highly complex vascular network of vessels
sympathetic palsy) are rare manifesta- (arrow) that often necessitates embolization prior to resection. e On cut surface, the tumour has a homogeneously
tions. Clinically functional tumours that tan-pink, elastic, firm appearance, with areas of fibrosis.

Carotid body paraganglioma 277

receptor 2A (653,1232}, and are typi - and glomus tumour. The combination of gain-of-function mutations not requiring
cally negative far cytokeratin, carci- positive immunostaining far chromogra- a second hit, although allelic imbalance
noembryonic antigen, and calcitonin. nin A, synaptophysin, GFAP, S100 pro- can occur (1256). lnheritance of three
Approximately 30% express tyrosine hy- tein, and tyrosine hydroxylase and the genes (SOHO, SDHAF2, and MAX) in-
droxylase, which is requi red far catecho- absence of cytokeratin is helpful far dis- volves a parent- of-origin effect, such that
lamine synthesis {1786), but staining is tinguishing paragangliomas from · these transmission can occur from either par-
often only focal {2408), consistent with tumours. ent, but an affected child usually devel-
the typical lack of clinical function. The ops paraganglioma only if the mutated
sustentacular cells express S100 protein Genetic susceptibility gene was received from the father (164).
and GFAP, but are negative far epithelial Collectively, phaeochromocytomas, sym- This may lead to generation skipping of
and neuroendocrine markers. The Ki-67 pathetic paragangliomas, and head and tumour susceptibility in affected families,
(M IB1) proliferation index is generally neck (parasympathetic) paragangliomas which mus! be considered when family
< 1%, consistent with the slow growth of are the most hereditarily driven of all hu- history is examined. To date, genomic
carotid body paragangliomas (555). The man tumours, with at least 19 suscepti- imprinting at the disease gene locus has
loss of immunohistochemical staining of bility genes identified to date (1 798} (see not been unequivocally identified as the
neoplastic chief cells far the SDHB pro- Table 10.01). Tumour location, multiplic- mechanism of this parent-of-origin effect,
tein has recently been found to be signifi- ity, biochemical function, metastatic risk, and severa! other mechanisms have also
cantly correlated with germline mutation and syndromic associations depend on been proposed {164).
of any of the SDH complex genes, but is the specific gene involved . A predis- Th e highest rates of head and neck para-
not seen in sporadic ar non- SDH-mutant posing germline mutation is present in ganglioma are associated with germline
cases (2472). This immunohistochemical :;,: 30% of all patients and in 7- 13% of mutations in SDHD or SDHC, followed by
test can therefore be used as a screening those presenting with an apparently spo- S0HAF2 and SOHB (Table 10.01) (176,
method to guide genetic testing. rad ic tumour {272). Most mutated genes 1060). These genes, along with SOHA.
Tumours that should be distinguished causing hereditary paragangliomas have are collectively known as the SDH genes.
from paragangliomas include carcinoid an autosomal dominant mode of inher- Most head and neck paragangliomas in
and well-differentiated neuroendocrine itance, with loss or inactivation of the SOHD-mutation carriers are multiple,
tumour, medullary thyroid carcinoma, hy- wildtype allele in a tumour. Exceptions and approximately 85% are carotid body
alinizing trabecular tumour of the thyroid are th e RET proto-oncogene and EPAS1 paragangliomas {307,1824). In contrast.
gland, and (rarely) haemangiopericytoma (also called HIF2A), which exhibits SOHC mutation is usually associated with

278 Paraganglion tumours

and paraganglioma syndromes overlap
or are part of the same disease. Another
condition in which paraganglioma can
be found is Carney triad {338). Affected
individuals (mostly females) present with
paraganglioma, gastrointestinal stromal
tum our, and pulmonary chondroma. To
date, no inherited trait has been estab-
lished, although Carney triad can rarely
be allelic to Carney~Stratakis syndrome
(231}. Deletions within the 1pcen13-q21
region (which harbours the SDHC gene)
and aberrant DNA hypermethylation of
SDHC have been proposed as possible
single head and neck paragangliomas. the development of pituitary adenoma, mechanisms of tumour development in
SDHB mutation is associated mainly paraganglioma, and phaeochromocy- Carney triad (924,1560}.
with extra-adrenal abdominal and pelvic toma, called the 3P association, has ex- Somatic mutations of hereditary suscepti-
paragangliomas (227}, although tumours panded the spectrum of tumours consid- bility genes are found in as many as 20%
can also be found in the head and neck ered to be SDH-associated (2650). of truly sporadic phaeochromocytoma/
{844). Most hereditary paragangliomas The fami lia! occurrence of combined gas- paraganglioma cases without indication
have syndromic associations with other trointestinal stromal tumour and paragan- of heritable disease {512). SDH genes
endocrine and/or non-endocrine tumours glioma has been termed Carney-Stra- are seldom or never mutated in the non-
that have only recently been recognized takis syndrome (or paraganglioma and fami lial, sporadic tumours, whereas so-
{512,1798}. gastric stromal sarcoma) (339}. Since matic NF1 mutations are common {512)
These tumours can present before, after, the initial description of this association (see Table 10.01). However, these driver
or simultaneously with paraganglioma, in 2002, it has been demonstrated that gene mutations alone are not sufficient
making it difficult to recognize index most of these patients harbour mutations for tumorigenesis in either hereditary or
patients. The identification of an associa- in one of the SDH genes (1823,2289}, in- sporadic tumours, and the complete set
tion of germline SDH gene defects with dicating that Carney~Stratakis syndrome of requirements remains unknown.

Table 10.01 Major mutated genes causing hereditary head and neck paraganglioma (HNPGL)
1 Frequency Thoraco- Other
Number of Rlskof
Gene Syndrome Chromosome lnheritance of HNPGLin PCC abdoml- syndromic References
tumours metastasis
gene carriers nal PGL leslons

{1762, 1798,
SDHD PGL1/CSS 11q23 AD-PT 79-89% Multiple 4% 14- 53% 12- 39% RCC, GIST, PA
73-86% Multiple Low - - None reported (1762,1798}

SDHC PGL3/CSS 1q23.3 AD 88% Single 3% < 3% Very rare RCC, (GIST) (1798,1 824}

! (227,1762,
SDHB PGL4/CSS 1 1p36.3 AD 27- 62% Multiple 23% 18-28% 52- 84% 1 RCC, GIST, PA
r-- - - - ....
SDHA PGL5/CSS 5p15.33 AD ? Single Low Rare + (303,1 798}
f- -
VHL VHL 3p25-26 AD 0.5% Single 4% 10-34% Rare RCC, HB {1762,2527}

RET MEN2 10q11.2 AD Very rare Single <5% 50% Rare {488,2526}

NF1 NF1 '

17q11.2 AD Very rare Single 12% 1- 5% Rare
spots, NF,
PNST, SOM, (488,1739)
1 Lisch nodules,
1 1 GIST
TMEM127 Non-syndromic 2q11 .2 AD 1- 2% Multiple Low + + None reported {1762)
Parentheses within the column "Other syndromic lesions" lndicate that the lesion is not obligatory and/or is a rare componen! of the syndrome. AD, autosomal dominan!; AD-
PT, autosomal dominan! with paternal transmission (disease is inherited only from paternal carrier); CSS, Carney- Stratakis syndrome (paraganglioma and gastric stromal
sarcoma); GIST, gastrointestinal stromal tumour; GNM, ganglioneuromatosis; HB, haemangioblastoma; HPT, hyperparathyroidism; MEN2, multiple endocrine neoplasia type
2; MTC, medullary thyroid carcinoma; NF, neurofibroma; NF1, neurofibromatosis type 1; PA, pituitary adenoma; PCC, phaeochromocytoma; PGL, paraganglioma; PGL1 - 5,
paraganglioma syndrome types 1- 5; PNST, peripheral nerve sheath tumour; RCC, renal cell carcinoma; SOM, duodenal somatostatinoma; VHL, von Hippel-Lindau disease.

Carotid body paraganglioma 279

A variety of other changes, including mu- Table 10.02 PhaeochromocytomaI paraganglioma susceptibility genes
tations of additional genes, copy-number Types of mutalions Genes
chan ges reflected in chromosomal gains Germline only SDHA, S0HAF2, SDHC, KIF18, TMEM127, FH
or losses, and epigenetic modifica-
Germline and somatic NF1, RET, VHL, SDHD, SOHB, MAX
tions, have been identified. SDH-mutant
tumours show frequent combinations Somaticonly HRAS,ATRX
of -1p and +1q, whereas VHL-mutant Somatic and somatic mosaicism EPAS1 (also called HIF2A)
tumours have combined deletions at 3pq MEN1, EGLN1 (also called PDH2), EGLN2 (also called PDH1),
and 11p. Gains of genomic material oc- Single patients or families
cur less frequently, and amplifications
have not been reported . SDH genes (in
Table 10.03 The most importan! somatic mutations in sporadic phaeochromocvtoma/oaraaanalioma
particular SDHB) in SDH-mutant para-
Gene Frequency of mutation References
gangliomas are hypermethylated, lead-
ing to silencing of genes involved in neu- NF1 21-41% {305,2581}
roendocrine differentiation ¡353,1390). In ATRX 12.6% {723)
contrast, sporadic tumours and tumours (498,1491,1788}
HRAS 5-10%
with mutant RET, NF1, MAX, TMEM127,
or HRAS are associated with widespread VHL 9.2% {308}
hypomethylation outside of CpG islands EPAS1 (also called HIF2A) 5-7.4% (475,2580}
{1390). lt has been suggested that DNA CDKN2A 7% (355}
methylation profiling might be useful to (308}
RET 5%
predict tumour aggressiveness {536).
The expression profiles of microRNAs are TP53 2.35-10% {355,1491}
reported to be differentially expressed in MET 2.5% (355}
genetic subtypes of paraganglioma and BRAF 1.2% (1491}
to correlate with transcriptome-based
MAX 1.65-2.5% {306,308}
classifications {355,1080).
More recently, a refined classification IDH1 Very rare (788}
based on integrated genomic analyses, KIF18 Very rare (2096}
including chromosomal changes, micro- SDH family Very rare {162,501,1824,2473}
RNA profiles, and epigenetic alterations
{354,355,740}, has been proposed .
resection occurs in < 10% of cases, but the cervical nodal metastasis and distan! me-
Prognosis and predictiva factors rate may exceed 50% among patients with tastasis) is 88% . Patients with distan! me-
Carotid body paragangliomas are slow- SDHB mutations, suggesting that treat- tastases and patients with SDHB-mutant
growing tumours. The most common ment strategies can be tailored according paragangliomas have the lowest 5-year
treatment is surgery with or without adju- to genotype {651A). There are no validated survival rates: 11% and 36.5%, respectively
vant radiation, although more conserva- histological criteria to predict metastasis at (302,1365,2133).
tive approaches have been suggested present. The overall 5-year survival rate for
{2133,651A). Overall, recurrence alter metastasizing paraganglioma (including

280 Paraganglion tumours

Laryngeal paraganglioma Kimura N.
Capella C.
Komminoth P.
Lam A .K.Y.
GillA. Tischler A.S.
Williams M.O.

Definition aryepiglottic fold 1140). Subglottic para- should be taken to avoid misdiagnosis of
Laryngeal paraganglioma is a neuroen- gangliomas (15% of cases) arise from the laryngeal carcinoid tumours or neuroen-
docrine neoplasm derived from either the inferior pair of laryngeal paraganglia, and docrine carcinomas as paragangliomas
superior or the inferior paraganglia of the may extend laterally to present as thy- [140,1678).
larynx. roid masses (1678). Right-side laryngeal
paragangliomas are more common; the Genetic susceptibility
ICD-0 code 8693/3 ratio of right-side to left-side incidence is In head and neck paragangliomas,
2 .3:1 (140). germline mutations of the succinate
Synonyms dehydrogenase genes (SDHA , SOHB,
Chemodectoma; non-chromaffin Clinical features SDHC, and SOHO) are particularly com-
paraganglioma Paragangliomas may present with dys- mon [163,814,837,2024]. and these muta-
phagia, dyspnoea, or stridor, but th e tions have been reported or presumed in
Epidemiology symptoms largely depend on location; laryngeal paragangliomas {814,2024l.
True laryngeal paragangliomas are very supraglottic tumours more com monly
rare. Sorne cases previously reported as present with hoarseness, whereas sub- Prognosis and predictive factors
laryngeal paraganglioma may in fact be glottic tumours more commonly present Surg ical excision is the treatment of
misidentified carcinoid tumours, and only as a mass (often in the thyroid) (1678, choice j705}. Recurrence after surgery
76 definite cases of laryngeal paragangli- 2223). Symptoms due to catecholamine has been reported in as many as 17% of
oma had been reported by 2004 (1678). production occur rarely, if ever {140, patients, 1-1 6 years after excision (140).
Unlike other neuroendocrine tumours of 1678). and most tumours reported as However, given the frequent association
the larynx, paraganglioma is more com- functional laryngeal paraganglioma are with germline mutation, many such ca-
mon in females, with a female-to-male probably misidentified atypical carci- ses may in fact constitute second prima-
ratio of 3:1 {1678,1893}. Most tumours noids (1097,1160,2498}. ry tumours rather than true recurrence.
present in the fourth to sixth decades Metastasis is exceptional; the few cases
of life, but a wide patient age range has Macroscopy previously reported as "malignan!" la-
been reported (5- 83 years) (1678). Laryngeal paragangliomas are usually ryngeal paraganglioma were in fact mis-
well-circumscribed submucosal masses identified atypical carcinoids {140). The
Localization (140). best estímate of the rate of metastasis is
The larynx contains two pairs of paragan- 2% (533,705,2026).
glia: superior and inferior (140). Supra- Histopathology
glottic paragangliomas (82% of cases) The morphology and immunohistochemi-
appear to arise from the superior pair of cal profile are similar to !hose of paragan-
laryngeal paraganglia, and present as gliomas at other siles (see Carotid body
a submucosal mass in the reg ion of the paragang/ioma, p. 277). Particular care

Fig. 10.04 Laryngeal paraganglioma. A Contrast-enhanced sagittal CT shows an enhancing heterogeneous mass
(arrow) filling the left supraglottic region. B Nests of paraganglion cells (arrow), called Zellballen, are noted beneath the
squamous mucosa, accompanied by prominent vasculature.

Laryngeal paraganglioma 281

Middle ear paraganglioma Kimura N.
Capella C.
Lam A.K.Y.
Tischler A.S.
Gill A. Williams M.O.
Komminoth P.

Middle ear paraganglioma is a neuro-
endocrine neoplasm arising from the
paraganglia in the adventitia of the jugu-
lar bulb or on the medial promontory wall
of the middle ear.

ICD-0 code 8690/3

Synonyms B
Jugulotympanic chemodectoma; glomus Fig. 10.05 Middle ear paraganglioma. A Typical appearance on axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MRI. The
jugulare tumour; glomus tympanicum contrast-enhanced jugular foramen neoplasm (arrows) has the typical salt-and-pepper appearance, due to the
tumour combination of foci of haemorrhage (the sal!) and flow voids (the pepper). B On otoscopy, the tumour is recognizable
as a vascular mass appearing behind the intact tympanic membrane.
Middle ear paragangliomas account far Histopathology
about 29% of all head and neck para- The histology and immunoprofile are similar
gangliomas {660,2721). About 66-90% to those of carotid body paraganglioma
of middle ear paragangliomas occur (see Carotid body paraganglioma,
in women. The patient age range is p. 277). Lack of immunoreactivity for
26-79 years (mean: 55 years), and bi- cytokeratins and p63 is useful in the
modal incidence peaks are seen in the differential diagnosis from middle ear
fourth and seventh decades of life {336). adenoma {1478).
In men, the tumour presents ata younger
age and the fami lia! type occurs more
frequently. ·-. '
Fig. 10.06 Middle ear paraganglioma showing nests of
tumour cells with rich vascular network.
Genetic susceptibility
Hereditary syndromes such as neurofi-
bromatosis and phaeochromocytoma-
Localization paraganglioma syndrome have been
Most middle ear paragangliomas are jug- (e.g. dysphonia and dysphagia) may be reported in patients with middle ear
ular neoplasms, originating from a para- noted. On otoscopic examination, the paraganglioma (226,548,2091) . Mid-
ganglion in the adventitia of the jugular tumour is recogn izable as a red, vascular dle ear paraganglioma can occur in
bulb. Less commonly, they are tympanic mass either appearing behind the intact familia! settings, typically with multiple
neoplasms, arising from a paraganglion tympanic membrane or protruding through tumours and together with carotid body
associated with the tympanic nerve the tympanic membrane into the externa! paraganglioma.
(nerve of Jacobson). Jugular neoplasms canal. Neurosecretory function is rare.
invade petrous bone, whereas tympanic Prognosis and pred ictiva factors
neoplasms occupy the middle ear cavity. Macroscopy Metastasis has been reported in as many
Middle ear paragangliomas can be bilat- The neoplasm presents as an irregular, as 5% of cases (1526). In older patients,
eral and associated with paragangliomas red, fleshy mass. The jugular variety in- the tumour often remains stable far many
of other sil es (e .g. carotid body and vagal vades the petrous portian of the tempo- years and may have slow growth with
paragangliomas) (336). They can also ral bone as well as the middle ear cavity. progressive cranial neuropathy; there-
coexist with phaeochromocytoma. Massive middle ear paragangliomas with fore, observation can be a reasonable
extensive erosion of the petrous bone management strategy (337). Lack of im-
Clinical features and intracranial impingement are rare. In munostaining far SDHB is associated
Patients commonly present with pulsa- exceptional cases, the tumour extends with an increased risk of metastasis.
tile tinnitus, subjective hearing loss, and intravenously. The tumou r appearance
aural fullness. Otalgia and symptoms can be modified by preoperative ·1umour
suggestive of lower cranial neuropathy embolization and/or radiotherapy.

282 Paraganglion tumours

Vagal paraganglioma Kimura N.
Capella C .
Komminoth P.
Lam A. K.Y.
Gill A. Tisch ler A.S.

Definition Macroscopy
Vagal paraganglioma is a neuroendo- Most vagal paragangliomas are globoid
crine neoplasm arising from paraganglia or elongated tumours, partially or com-
in the vaga l trunk near its exit from the pletely surrounded by a fib rous capsule.
brain stem. Paragangliomas associated The most rostral examples can be cone-
with peripheral vagus nerve branches shaped because of adhesion to the skull
are usually defined by their anatomical base, or dumbbell-shaped because of
site (e.g. laryngeal paragangliomas). intracran ial extensio n through the jugu-
lar foramen {970}. The cut surface is
ICD-0 code 8693/3 variably pinkish-grey, p inkish-tan, o r
yellowish-tan, w ith areas of fibrosis and
Synonyms haemorrhage.
Glomus vagale tumour; chemodectoma;
non-chromaffin paraganglioma Histopathology
Vagal paragangliomas are morpholog i-
Epidemiology Fig. 10.07 Vagal paraganglioma. MR angiogram showing ca lly and immunohistochemically similar
Vagal paragangliomas account for ap- a vagal paraganglioma on the left (red arrow) and a
to other paragangliomas in the head and
carotid paraganglioma on the right (white arrow). The
proximately 13% of a ll head and neck neck (see Carotid body paraganglioma,
vagal tumour is located well above the carotid bifurcation,
paragangliomas. They are the third most displacing it anteriorly and medially. p. 277).
common paragangliomas in this body
site, alter carotid body and middle ear tu- Clinical features Genetic susceptibility
mours {660,2721). They usually present The signs and symptoms depend on the The p redisposing mutations usually
in middle-aged patients (mean patient tumour location in relation to the vagus involve one of the genes encoding suc-
age: 41-47 years (660}) but have also nerve, the consequent location w ithin cinate dehydrogenase subunits. Rare
been reported in chi ldren and in elderly the parapharyngeal space {970}. tumour cases involve mutations of S0HAF2,
patients. Most series show a female size, and the presence or absence of the gene encoding the flavination factor
predominance (with 50- 85% of cases infiltration. Cranial nerve palsies can be for SDHA {1295). In a series of 37 vagal
occurring in females) (188, 1618,1722, caused by direct involvement of the va- paragangliomas w ith an inherited basis,
2226}. Multicentric tumours are seen gus nerve or compression of nerves IX, 33 cases (89%) harboured mutations
in 17- 37% of cases overall and in as XI, and XII. Other reported manifestations in SDHD, 3 cases (8%) in SDHB, and
many as 80% of cases in patients with a include Horner syndrome (oculosympa- 1 case (3%) in SDHC {2334).
positive family history (327). Vaga! para- thetic palsy) caused by damage to the
gangliomas can occur bilaterally and in cervical sympathetic chain and slow- Prognosis and predictive factors
combination with other paragangliomas growing masses that displace or infiltrate The prognosis depends on tumour
[2721}. adjacent t issues (970). Historically, many location, size, and genotype, as well as
patients presented with palpable masses comorbid ities. including other paragan-
Localization in the neck or pharynx and intracranial g liomas. Currently, the majar treatment
Vaga! paragangl iomas arise from micro- extension with damage to multiple era- options are external-beam radiotherapy
scopic variably distributed paraganglia nial nerves (970,2448). In recent stu dies. and stereotactic radiosurgery, which
within or adjacent to the vagal nerve and vaga! paragangliomas are sometimes are sometimes used in combinations
its ganglia. Most tumours occur within the first detected by imaging of patients with that may include chemotherapy {327f.
first 2 cm of the nerve, at th e level of the a personal or family history of paragangli- Although the surgical cure rate is > 90%,
inferior (nodose) ganglion, but sorne are omas or as incidentalomas, and as many almost all surgically treated patients have
more rostral o r more caudal. Anatomical as 70% of these patients are asympto- severe vagal nerve deficits, and as many
imaging typically shows tumours supe- matic {1 332). as 61% have postoperative neurologi-
rior to the carotid bifurcation, displacing Less than 4% of vagal paraga[)gliomas cal compl ications caused by damage to
the bifurcation anterio rly and medially are clinically functional, producing nor- other cranial nerves {327}. In contras!,
but not enlarging it. These findings dis- epinephrine or dopamine {660,893}. In two series that monitored vagal and other
tinguish vagal paragangliomas from their suspected functional cases, care must head and neck paragangliomas for peri-
carotid body counterparts. be taken to rule out the possibility that the ods of 1- 17 years showed that untreated
hormone is being produced by a second tumours usually grow very slowly or re-
primary tumour. main stable for long periods (111 4,1332}.

Vagal paraganglioma 283

indicating that clase abservation without tumaurs versus in 2- 6% af caratid bady 73% of cases), followed by bane, lung,
treatment can be an optian {252}. and middle ear tumaurs (327) . However, and liver {970}. Because metastases may
In sorne series, vagal paragangliamas in sorne cases, the passibility of a sec- accur after years ar decades, lang-terrn
have been reparted to have a higher fre- and primary rather than metastasis may follaw-up is required. Overall survival
quency of metastasis than ather head nat have been ruled out. The most cam- with distan! metastases varies, but can
and neck paragangliamas, with metasta- mon site af metastasis is the cervical exceed 1O years even without treatment.
sis accurring in as many as 16% of vagal lymph nades (accounting far as many as

284 Paraganglion tumaurs


Dr Kehinde ADEBIYI Dr Elizabeth A. BILODEAU Dr Steve BUDNICK

Oepartment of Oral Pathology and Oepartment of Diagnostic Sciences Atlanta Oral Pathology
Oral Medicine University of Pittsburgh 1209 Springdale Road
Lagos State University College of Medicine School of Dental Medicine Decatur GA 30033
Lagos 3501 Terrace Street, Gi35 Salk Annex USA
NIGERIA Pittsburgh PA 15261 USA Tel. + 1 678 592 3386
Tel. +234 8033 447 558 Tel. +14123837949 sbudnic@gmail.com
kenad@justice.com elizabeth.bilodeau@dental.pitt.edu


Division of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology & Radiology Department of Pathology University of Bremen
College of Dentistry, The Ohio State University Johns Hopkins University Leobenerstrasse, ZHG
Central Ohio Skin & Cancer, lnc School of Medicine 28359 Bremen
300 Polaris Parkway, Suite 3300 401 North Broadway, Weinberg 2249 GERMANY
Westerville OH 43082 Baltimore MD 21231 Tel. +49 42121861501
USA USA Fax +49 421 218 61505
Tel.+ 1 614 823 5597 Tel. +1410 955 8116 bullerd@uni-bremen,de
Fax+ 1 614 823 5468 Fax +1410 955 0115
drcarlallen@cohskin.com jbishop@jhmi.edu


Virginia Masan Medical Center Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of Surgical and
1100 9th Avenue Department of Pathology Morphological Sciences
Seattle WA 98101 VU University Medical Center, University of lnsubria - Varese
USA Academic Centre for Dentistry Via O. Rossi 9
Tel. +12066241144 De Boelelaan 11 í 7 21100 Varese
adel.assaad@virginiamason.org 1081 HV Amsterdam ITALY
THE NETHERLANDS Tel. +39 332 270 601
Tel. +31 20 444 40 14 Fax +39 332 270 600
e.bloemena@vumc.nl carlo.capella@uninsubria.it

Dr Daniel BAUMHOER' DrSonja BOY Dr Antonio CARDESA

Department of Pathology Unit of Oral Pathology Department of Anatomic Pathology
University Hospital Base! School of Oral Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona
Schoenbeinstrasse 40 Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Res. lnstitute
4031 Basel Molotlegi Street Villarroel, 170
SWITZERLAND 1 Ga-Rankuwa, Pretoria 08036 Barcelona
Tel.+41613286892 SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN
Fax +41 61 265 35 13 Tel. +27 82 654 3256 Tel. +34 93 227 5450
daniel,baumhoer@usb.ch Fax +27 12 521 427 4 Fax +34 93 227 5717
sonja.iaop@gmail.com acardesa@clinic.ub.es


Oepartment of Pathology Department of Pathology & Anatomical Sciences Oral Pathology, Clínico de Cabeza y Cuello
University of Texas State University of New York at Buffalo Hospital Herrera-Llerandi
MD Anderson Cancer Center Erie County Medica! Center 6a. Avenida 7-39 Zona iO
í 515 Holcombe Boulevard, Unit 0085 462 Grider Street Edificio 1-as Brisas of. 501
Houston TX 77030 Buffalo NY 14215 0101 O Guatemala City
Tel. +1713792 2041 Tel. +1716898 3114 Tel. +502 2362 6001 ext
Fax+17137458610 Fax + 1 716 898 3090 Fax +502 2362 6003
diana.bell@mdanderson.org mgensler@buffalo.edu monchorcb@yahoo.com

*lndicates participation in the Working Group Meeting on the WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours that was held in Lyon, France,
14-16 January 2016.
# lndicates disclosure of interests.

Contributors 285
Gustave Roussy, Université Paris-Saclay Tissue Pathology & Diagnostic Oncology Pathology and Clinical Laboratory
Département de Biologie et Pathologie lnstitute for Clinical Pathology and Medicine Administration
Médicales Medica! Research King Fahad Medica! City
114 Rue Édouard-Vaillant Sydney Westmead, Locked Bag 9001 Riyadh
94805 Villejuif NSW, 2145 Sydney SAUDI ARABIA
FRANGE AUSTRALIA Tel. +966 112889000 ext. 11540
odile.casiraghi@gustaveroussy.fr Tel. +61 2 9845 7772 emsaffana@yahoo.com
Fax +61 2 9687 2330

Dr James CASTLE Dr Patricia DEVILLIERS Dr Andrew L. FELDMAN#

Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Department of Anatomic Pathology Department of Laboratory
Naval Postgraduate Dental School, NMPDC Dynamic Pathology Medicine and Pathology
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center 14730 Second Avenue Circle Northeast Mayo Clinic
8955 Wood Road Bradenton FL 34212 200 First Street Southwest
Bethesda MD 20889-5628 USA Rochester MN 55905
USA Tel. + 1 205 790 5866 USA
Tel.+ 1 301 295 5373 dynamicpathology@gmail.com Tel. + 1 507 284 4939
Fax +1 301 2951216 Fax+ 1 507 284 5115
james.t.castle4.mil@maiLmil feldman.andrew@mayo.edu

Dr John K.C. CHAN" Dr Silvana DI PALMA Dr Judith A. FERRY'

Department of Pathology Department of Histopathology Department of Pathology
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Royal Surrey County Hospital Massachusetts General Hospital
Gascoigne Road, Kowloon Egerton Road 55 Fruit Street
Hong Kong SAR Guildford, Surrey GU2 ?XX Bastan MA 02114
Tel. +852 3506 6830 Tel. +441483 571 122 ext. 2371 Tel. +1617726 4826
Fax +832 2385 2455 Fax +441483 452 718 Fax+16177269312
jkcchan@ha.org.hk sdipalma@nhs.net jferry@partners.org


Department of Pathology Department of Pathology and lmmunology Department of Pathology
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Washington University School of Medicine Radboud University Nijmegen Medica! Center
Gascoigne Road, Kowloon Campus Box 8118, 660 South Euclid Avenue PO Box 9101
Hong Kong SAR Saint Louis MO 631 iO 6500 HB Nijmegen
Tel. +852 3506 5739 Tel. + 1 314 362 2681 uta.flucke@radboudumc.nl
Fax +852 2385 2455 Fax +1 314 747 4392
cheuk_wah@hotmail.com clmofty@path.wustl.edu


Department of Pathology University of Texas Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de
UPMC Presbyterian Hospital MD Anderson Cancer Center Lisboa & Instituto Portugués de Oncología
200 Lothrop Street, PUH A610.3 1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Unit 0085 Francisco Gentil - Lisboa
Pittsburgh PA 15213 Houston TX 77030 Avenida Professor Egas Moniz
USA USA 1649-028 Lisbon
Tel. +1412647 5565 Tel. +1713792 3109 PORTUGAL
Fax +1412647 7799 Fax +17137451105 Tel. +351 217229825
chioseasi@upmc.edu anaggar@mdanderson.org Fax +351 217200475

Dr Shih-Sung CHUANG# Dr John Edward FANTASIA Dr Maria Pia FOSCHINI

Department of Pathology Department of Dental Medicine Dipartimento di Scienze
Chi Mei Medica! Center Long lsland Jewish Medica! Center Biomediche e Neuromotorie
901, Chung Hwa Road Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine University of Bologna
7i004 Tainan 270-05 76th Avenue Via Altura 3
Taiwan New Hyde Park NY 11040 40123 Bologna
Tel. +886 6 281 2811 ext. 53686 Tel. +1718470 7116 Tel. +39 051 6225523
Fax +886 6 251 1235 Fax +1516470 5644 Fax +39 051 6225759
cmh5301 @mail. chimei .org. tw jfantasia@northwell.edu mariapia.foschini@unibo.it

286 Contributors
Dr Craig B. FOWLER Dr Maura GILLISON Dr Jennifer L. HUNT
Oepartment of Oral and Division of Medica! Oncology Department of Pathology
Maxillofacial Pathology The Ohio State University University of Arkansas far Medical Sciences
University of Kentucky College of Dentistry 420 West 12th Avenue, Room 690 4301 West Markham Street, Mail Slot #517
800 Rose Street. MN528 Columbus OH 4321 O Little Rock AR 72205
Lexington KY 40536-0297 USA USA
USA Tel. +1614247 4589 Tel. +15016865170
Tel. + 1 859 323 5515 Fax+ 1614688 4245 Fax +1 5012961184
Fax + 1 859 323 2525 maura.gillison@osumc.edu; gillison.3@osu.edu jlhunt@uams.edu

Dr Alessandro FRANCHI Dr Douglas R. GNEPP• Dr Keith HUNTER

Oipartimento di Chirurgia e Medicina Department of Head and Neck Pathology Oepartment of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology
Traslazionale (OCMT) University Pathologists Diagnostics University of Sheffield
UniversitB degli Studi di Firenze 1030 President Avenue, Suite 213 19 Claremont Crescent
e/o Anatomia Patologica - Largo Brambilla Fall River MA 02720 Sheffield S10 2TA
ITALY Tel. + 1 401 996 3981 Tel. +4411042717956
Tel. +39 55 447 8102 Fax + 1 508 235 6310 Fax +44 1104 271 7863
Fax +39 55 275 1731 douglasgnepp@gmail.com k.hunter@sheffield.ac. uk
al e ssand ro. franc hi@u nif i. it

Dr Christopher A. FRENCH# Dr Jennifer R. GRANDIS• Dr Stephan IHRLER

Department of Pathology Department of Otolaryngology Labor für Dermatohistologie und
Brigham and Women's Hospital Head and Neck Surgery Oralpathologie
Harvard Medical School University of California, San Francisco Bayerstrasse 69
77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Room 630G 550 16th Street, Box 0558 80335 Munich
Bastan MA 02115 San Francisco CA 94143 GERMANY
USA USA Tel. +49 89 9788 0450
Tel.+16175254415 Tel.+14155148899 Fax +49 89 3402 327 4
Fax+ 1 617 525 4422 jennifer .grandis@ucsf.edu ihrler@dermpath-muenchen.de

Dr Nina GALE* Dr Kristiina HEIKINHEIMO Dr Hiroshi INAGAKI#

lnstitute of Pathology Department of Oral Diagnostic Sciences Department of Pathology and
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana lnstitute of Dentistry Molecular Diagnostics
Korytkova 2 University of Eastern Finland Nagoya City University
1000 Ljubljana Yliopistonranta 1, Box 1627 i Kawasumi Mizuho-ku Aichi Prefecture
SLOVENIA 70211 Kuopio 467-8601 Nagoya
Tel. +386 1 543 7151 FINLAND JAPAN
Fax +386 1 543 7104 Tel. +358 50 564 2669 Tel. +81 52 853 8005
nina.gale@mf.uni-lj.si krihei@uef.fi hinagaki@med.nagoya-cu.ac.jp

Dr Philippe GAULARD Dr Tim HELLIWELL Dr Elaine S. JAFFE#

Department of Pathology Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine Laboratory of Pathology, Center for Cancer
Henri Mondar Hospital, INSERM U841 University of Liverpool Research, National Cancer lnstitute
51 Avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny Duncan Building, Daulby Street Building 10, Room 3S 235, 10 Center Orive
9401 O Créteil Liverpool L69 3GA MSC-1500
FRANGE UNITED KINGDOM Bethesda MD 20892-1500
Tel. +33149812743 Tel. +441517064492 USA
Fax +33 1 49 81 27 33 Fax +44 151 706 5859 Tel. + 1 301 480 8040
philippe.gaulard@hmn.aphp.fr trh@liv.ac.uk Fax + 1 301 480 8089

Dr Anthony GILL DrJos HILLE Dr Robert JAKOB•

Department of Anatomical Pathology Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Data Standards and lnformatics
Royal North Shore Hospital University of the Western Cape & National lnformation, Evidence and Research
Reserve Road Health Laboratory Service World Health Organization (WHO)
NSW 2065 St Leonards Tygerberg, Cape T own 20 Avenue Appia
Tel. +61 2 9926 4399 Tel. +27 21 938 4041 SWITZLERAND
Fax +61 2 9926 4084 Fax +27 21 938 6559 Tel. +4122791 58 77
affgill@med.usyd.edu.au jhille@sun.ac.za Fax +41227914894

Contributors 287
Dr Richard C. JORDAN Dr loannis KOUTLAS Dr limo LEIVO
Department of Oral Pathology Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Department of Pathology
Pathology & Radiation Oncology University of Minnesota School of Dentistry University of Turku
University of California, San Francisco i6-i 16B Moas Tower Kiinamyllynkatu 1O
i 701 Divisadero Street, Room 280 515 Delaware Street Southeast 20520 Turku
San Francisco CA 94115 Minneapolis MN 55455 FINLAND
USA USA ilmo.leivo@utu.fi
Tel. +1415608 9378 Tel. +1612624 8607
Fax +1415353 7553 Fax + 1 612 626 3076
richard .jordan@ucsf.edu koutlOOi@umn.edu

Dr Nora KATABI Dr Kaoru KUSAMA Dr James S. LEWIS#

Department of Pathology Division of Pathology, Department of Department of Pathology,
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Diagnostic and Therapeutic Sciences Microbiology, and lmmunology
1275 York Avenue Meikai University School of Dentistry Vanderbilt University Medical Center
New York NY 10065 1-1 Keyakidai, Sakado 12'11 Medical Center Orive, Room 30200
USA 350-0283 Saitama Nashville TN 37232
Tel. +12126393349 JAPAN USA
katabin@mskcc.org Tel. +81 49 279 2773 Tel. + 1 615 343 0233
Fax +8149286 6101 Fax+16153221303
kusama@dentmeikai.ac.jp james.lewis@vanderbilt.edu

Dr Harvey KESSLER# Dr Hans Michael KVASNICKA Dr Jean E. LEWIS

Oepartment of Diagnostic Sciences Senckenberg lnstitute of Pathology Department of Pathology
Texas A&M University Baylor College of University of Frankfurt Mayo Clinic
Dentistry Theodor-Stern-Kai 7 200 First Street Southwest
3302 Gastan Avenue 60590 Frankfurt am Main Rochester MN 55905
Dallas TX 75246 GERMANY USA
USA Tel. +49 69 6301 4900 Tel. + 1 507 288 6878
Tel. +1214828 8116 Tel. +49 69 6301 3903 Fax + 1 507 284 1599
Fax+12148288306 hans-michael.kvasnicka@kgu.de lewis.jean2@mayo.edu

Dr Noriko KIMURA' Dr Sunil R. LAKHANJ• Dr Jiang LI

Clinical Research, Pathology Division Department of Molecular & Cellular Pathology Department of Oral Pathology
National Hospital Organization Hakodate University of Queensland 9th People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong
Hospital The Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital University, School of Medicine
18-16 Kawahara Level 6, Building 71/918 639 Zhi-Zao-Ju Road
041-8512 Hakodate QLD 4069 Brisbane Herston 200011 Shanghai
Tel. +81 138 51 6281 Tel. +61 7 3346 6052 Tel. +86 136 11791235
Fax +81 138 30 1020 Fax +61 7 3346 5596 Fax +86 21 5331 5687
kimura-path@hnh.hosp.go.jp s.lakhani@uq.edu.au lijiang 182000@yahoo.com

Dr Young-Hyeh KO Dr Alfred King Yin LAM Dr Tie-Jun LI

Department of Pathology School of Medicine Department of Oral Pathology
Samsung Medica! Center, Sungkyunkwan Griffith University Peking University School of Stomatology
University Gold Coast Campus 22 South Avenue
50 lrwondong Gangnamgu OLD 4222 Gold Coast Zhonguancun Haidian District
135-710 Seoul AUSTRALIA 100081 Beijing
REPUBLIC OF KOREA Tel. +61 7 5687 6543 CHINA
Tel. +82 2 3410 2762 Fax +61 7 5687 6797 Tel. +86 106 217 9977 ext. 2203
Fax +82 3 341 O 0025 a.lam@griffith.edu.au Fax +86 106 217 3402
yhko3i O@skku.edu litiejun22@vip.sina.com

Dr Paul KOMMINOTH Dr Constantino LEDESMA-MONTES Dr Xiao-Qiu LI

lnstitute of Pathology Laboratorio de Patología Clínica Department ot Pathology
Stadtspital Triemli Facultad de Odontología Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center
Birmensdorferstrasse 497 National Autonomous University of Mexico 270 Dong-An Road
8063 Zurich Circuito Institutos S/N 200032 Shanghai
SWITZERLAND Ciudad Universitaria Col Copilco CU CHINA
Tel. +4144466 21 22 MEXICO Tel. +86 21 3477 8242
Fax +41 44 466 21 38 Tel. +52 55 5622 5562 Fax +86 21 6417 0067
paul.komminoth@triemli.stzh.ch Fax +52 55 5550 3497 leexiaoqiu@hotmail.com

288 Contributors
Department of Head and Neck Cancer Departamento de Atención a la Salud Oral Pathology, Department of Stomatology
Medical Oncology, Fondazione IRCCS Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Medical University of South Carolina College
lstituto Nazionale dei Tumori Xochimilco ot Dental Medicine
Via G. Venezian 1 Calzada del Hueso í "100, Col. Villa Quietud í 73 Ashley Avenue, Room 539
20133 Milan 04960 DF Mexico City Charleston se 29403
Tel. +39 2 2390 2150 mosqueda@correo.xoc.uam.mx Tel. + 1 843 792 4495
Fax +39 2 2390 3769 Fax + 1 843 792 3697
lisa.licitra@istitutotumori.mi.it nevílleb@musc.edu


Oepartment of Pathology Department of Otolaryngology Department ot Otorhinolaryngology -
University of Chicago School of Medicine Head and Neck Surgery Head and Neck Surgery
584 í South Maryland Avenue, MC6101 Emory University University ot Brescia - Spedali Civili Brescia
Chicago IL 60637 í 209 Springdale Road Piazzale Spedali Civili 1
USA Atlanta GA 30306 25123 Brescia
Tel.+ 1 773 702 5548 USA ITALY
Fax + 1 773 834 7644 Tel.+ 1404501 7445 Tel. +39 303 995 319
mark.lingen@uchospitals.edu Fax + 1 404 501 7460 Fax +39 303 995 212
smullerdmd@gmait.com pieronicolaí@virgilio.it


Moores Cancer Center Department of Anatomic Pathology Department ot Medical Biosciences
University of California, San Diego Medica! Faculty, University of Barcelona Umeá University
3855 Health Sciences Orive, MC 0658 August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Res lnstitute 2 Sjukhusomrádet
La Jolla CA 92093 Casanova, í 43 901 85 Umei\ SE
USA 08036 Barcelona SWEDEN
Tel.+ 1 858 822 1222 SPAIN Tel. +46 90 785 15 91; +46 70 558 05 23
Fax + 1 858 822 0207 Tel. +34 93 227 5450 karin.nylander@umu.se
slippman@ucsd.edu Fax +34 93 227 5450

Dr Thomas LOENING Dr Toshitaka NAGAO' Dr Edward W. ODELL'

Gerhard Seifert Reference Centre Department of Anatomic Pathology Department of Head and Neck/Oral Pathology
Hansepathnet Tokyo Medical University King's College London, Guy's and St Thomas'
Papenreye 23 6-7-í Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku NHS Foundation Trust
22453 Hamburg 160-0023 Tokyo Floor 4 Tower Wing, Guy's Hospital
Tel. +49 40 554 952 83 Tel. +81 3 3342 6111 UNITED KINGDOM
Fax +49 40 554 952 60 Fax +81 3 3342 2062 Tel. +44 207 188 4378
loening@hansepathnet.de nagao-t@tokyo-med.ac.jp edward.odell@kcl.ac.uk

Dr Marcio LOPES Dr Shigeo NAKAMURA Dr Hiroko OHGAKI'

Oral Diagnosis, Piracicaba Dental School, Department ot Pathology and Laboratory Section of Molecular Pathology
State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) Medicine lnternational Agency far Research on Cancer
Cidade Universitária 'Zeferino Vaz', Sarao Nagoya University Hospital í 50 Cours Albert Thornas
Geraldo - Campinas 65, Tsurumai-cho, Showa-ku 69372 Lyon Cedex 08
13083-970 Piracicaba, Sao Paulo 466-8560 Nagoya FRANGE
BRAZIL JAPAN Tel. +33 4 72 73 85 34
Tel. +5519 3412 5319 Tel. +8152744 2896 Fax +33 4 72 73 86 98
Fax +55 19 3412 5218 Fax +81 52 744 2897 ohgakih@iarc.fr
malopes@fop.unicamp.br snakamur@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp


Department of Emergency and Organ Department of Anatomic Pathology Departments ot Laboratory Medicine and
Transplantation, Pathological Anatomy Naval Medical Center San Diego Pathology and Anatomic Pathology
University of Bari Aldo Moro 34800 Bob Wilson Orive Mayo Clinic
Policlinico, Piazza G. Cesare, í 1 San Diego CA 92134-5000 200 Second Street Southwest
70124 Bari USA Rochester MN 55905
ITALY brenda. l. nelson24. mil@mail.mil USA
Tel. +39 080 547 8292 Tel. +15072842511
Fax +39 080 547 8263 Fax+ 1 507 285 1599
eugenio.maiorano@uniba.it oliveira.andre@mayo.edu

Contributors 289
DrGerman on Dr Jesper REIBEL Dr Ann SANDISON'
Department of Clinical Pathology Department of Odontology Department of Histopathology
Robert Bosch Hospital University of Copenhagen Charing Cross Hospital
Auerbachstrassse i iO 20 Noerre Alié Fulham Palace Road
70376 Stuttgart 2200 Copenhagen N London W6 BRF
Tel +49 711 8101 3394 Tel +45 353 26720 Tel +44 20 3311 7139
Fax +49 711 8101 3619 jrei@sund.ku.dk Fax +44 20 33111364
german.ott@rbk.de ann.sandison@imperial.nhs.uk


Department of Laboratory Medicine and Department of Pathology and Department of Pathology
Pathobiology, University of Toronto Laboratory Medicine Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine
Toronto General Hospital Medicar University of South Carolina Mithatpasa Cad. No:1606 Saglik Yerleskesi
200 Elizabeth Street, Room i i E-444 Children's Hospital 35340 lnciralti-Balcova
Toronto ON MSG 2C4 165 Ashley Avenue, Room EH303D4 TURKEY
CANADA Charleston se 29425 Tel. +90 232 412 3408 ext. 3408
Tel + 1416340 3852 USA Fax +90 232 277 7274
Fax+14163405517 Tel. +18437921994 sulen.sarioglu@deu.edu.tr
bayardo.perez-ordonez@uhn.ca richardm@musc.edu

Dr Bengt Fredrik PETERSSON DrJae Y. RO Dr Mary R. SCHWARTZ

Department of Pathology Department of Pathology & Genomic Department of Pathology and
National University of Singapore Medicine, Houston Methodist Hospital Genomic Medicine
Yang Loo Lin School of Medicine Weill Medical College of Cornell University Houston Methodist Hospital
NUHS Tower Block Kent Ridge Road, (S), 6565 Fannin Street 6565 Fannin Street, M227
119228 Houston TX 77030 Houston TX 77030
1i 9077 Singapore USA USA
SINGAPORE Tel. +1713441 2263 Tel. +17134416482
Tel +65 6772 4304 Fax +17137931603 mschwartz@houstonmethodist.org
bengUredrik_petersson@nuhs.edu.sg jaero@houstonmethodist.org

Dr Stefano A. PILERI# Dr Brian ROUS* Dr Raja SEETHALA•

Haematopathology Unit National Cancer Registration Service, Department of Anatomic Pathology
European lnstitute of Oncology Eastern Office UPMC Presbyterian Hospital
40121 Milano, ITALY Victoria House, Capital Park 200 Lothrop Street, Room A614
Tel. +39 02 57 489521; stefano.pileri@ieo.it Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5XB Pittsburgh PA 15213
University of Bologna School of Medicine Tel +44122 321 3625 Tel + 1412647 9051
40138 Bologna, ITALY Fax +44122 321 3571 Fax+ 14126477799
Tel. +39 05i 636 3044: stefano.pileri@unibo.it brian.rous@phe.gov.uk seethalarr@upmc.edu

Dr Manju Lata PRASAD Dr Nasser SAID-AL-NAIEF Dr Roderick H.W. SIMPSON'

Department of Pathology OMFP Laboratory Department of Anatomical Pathology
Yale University School of Medicine OHSU School of Dentistry University of Calgary
31 O Cedar Street, PO Box 208023 2730 Southwest Moody Avenue, CLSB 5N008 1403 29th Street Northwest, Foothills Medical
New Haven CT 06520-8023 Portland OR 97201 Centre, 11 th Floor
USA USA Calgary AB T2N 2T9
Tel + 1 203 785 4479 Tel +1503494 0041 CANADA
Fax + 1 203 737 2922 saidalna@ohsu.edu Tel. + 1 403 944 8506
manju.prasad@yale.edu Fax +1403944 4748
roderi ck. si m pson@docto rs. org .uk


Oral Pathology Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases Department of Pathology
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University University of Helsinki Charles University in Prague
Molotlegi Street Box 41 (Mannerheimintie 172) Faculty of Medicine in Plzen
Ga-Rankuwa 0208 00014 Helsinki Faculty Hospital, Ed. Benese i3
Tel +27 12 521 4839 Tel +358 40 544 1560 CZECH REPUBLIC
ejraub@fox5.co.za tuula.salo@helsinki.fi Tel +420 377 402 545
Fax +420 377 402 634

290 Contributors
Dr Leland SLATER Dr Edward B. STELOW• Dr Arthur S. TISCHLER
Scripps Oral Pathology Service Department of Pathology, Division of Surgical Department of Pathology
5190 Governor Orive, Suite 106 Pathology and Cytopathology Tufts Medica! Center
San Diego CA 92122 University of Virginia School of Medicine 800 Washington Street, Box 802
USA PO Box 800214 Bastan MA 021 1 1
Tel. + 1 858 784 0600 Charlottesville VA 22908-0214 USA
Fax + 1 858 784 0604 USA Tel. +16176361038
lee.slater36@sbcglobal.net Tel. +14349824185 Fax +1617636 8302
Fax + 1 434 982 6130 atisch Ie r@tufts med icalce nte r. org

Dr Philip SLOAN# Dr Góran STENMAN' Dr Mary TONER

Department of Cellular Pathology Department of Pathology and Genetics Department of Histopathology, CPL
Newcastle University Sahlgrenska Cancer Center Trinity College
New Victoria Wing, RVI University of Gothenburg St. James's Hospital
Newcastle upan Tyne NE1 4LP SE-405 30 Gothenburg Dublin 8
Tel. +441912821517 Tel. +46 31 786 6733 mtoner@tcd.ie
Fax +441912825892 goran.stenman@gu.se
philip .sloan@ncl.ac. uk


Department of Pathology Department of Oral Pathology, lnstitute of Department of Oral Pathology
Radboud University Nijmegen Medica! Center Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry
Geert Grooteplein Zuid 10, Route 812 Turku and University Hospital Turku 1-8 Yamada-Oka, Suita
PO Box 9101 Lemmink8.isenkatu 565-0871 Osaka
6500 HB Nijmegen 20520 Turku JAPAN
THE NETHERLANDS FINLAND Tel. +81 6 6879 2891
Tel. +31248186232; +31657595780 Tel. +358 2 333 8349 Fax +81 6 6879 2895
piet.slootweg@radboudumc.nl Fax +358 2 333 8399 toyosawa@dent.osaka-u.ac.jp


Department of Tumour Pathology Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathobiology Department of Oral and
lnstitute of Oncology, lstanbul University lnstitute of Biomedical & Health Sciences Maxillofacial Pathology
Capa/Fatih Hiroshima University School of Dentistry, University of Liverpool
34093 lstanbul i-2-3 Kasumi, Minami-ku Pembroke Place
TURKEY 734-8553 Hiroshima Liverpool, Merseyside L3 5PS
Tel. +90 212 414 2434 JAPAN UNITED KINGDOM
Fax +90 212 534 8078 Tel. +8182257 5631 Tel. +441517065243
msoluk@istanbul.edu.tr Fax +8182257 5619 a.triantafyllou@liverpool.ac.uk


Unit of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Department of Pathology, Southern California Department of Oral Pathology & Oral Biology
School of Clinical Dentistry Permanente Medical Group School of Dentistry, University of Pretoria
University of Sheffield Woodland Hills Medica! Center PO Box 1266
19 Claremont Crescent 5601 De Soto Avenue 0001 Pretoria
Sheffield S10 2TA Woodland Hills CA 91365 SOUTH AFRICA
UNITED KINGDOM USA Tel. +2712 319 2320
Tel. +44 7774 704 869 Tel.+ 1 818 719 2613 Fax +27 12 321 2225
p.speight@sheffield.ac.uk Fax+18187192309 willie.vanheerden@up.ac.za

Dr Stefan STEENS Dr Wanninayake M. TILAKARATNE Dr Annemieke VAN ZANTE

Department of Radiology and Department of Oral Pathology, Faculty of Department of Pathology
Nuclear Medicine Dental Sciences University of California, San Francisco, School
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center University of Peradeniya of Medicine
Geert Grooteplein Zuid iO, Route 766, Room 17 Peradeniya 1600 Divisadero Street, MZ Building B
6525 GA Ni¡megen SRI LANKA San Francisco CA 94143
THE NETHERLANDS Tel. +94 81 239 7435 USA
Tel. +31 24 361 44 99 Fax +94 81 238 8948 Tel. +1415885 7256
stefan.steens@radboudumc.nl wmtilak@pdn.ac.lk annemieke.vanzante@ucsf.edu

Contributors 291
Dr Marilena VERED Dr llan WEINREB Dr John M. WRIGHT'
Department of Oral Pathology & Department of Laboratory Medicine and Department of Diagnostic Sciences
Oral Medicine Pathobiology, University of Toronto Texas A&M University Baylor
School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University Toronto General Hospital College of Dentistry
Room 246 200 Elizabeth Street, Room i I E-444 3302 Gastan Avenue
IL-69978 Tel Aviv-Yafo Toronto ON M5G 2C4 Dallas TX 75246
Tel. +972 3 640 9305 Tel. +1416340 5146 Tel. +12148288118
Fax +972 3 640 9250 Fax+14163405517 Fax+ í 214 828 8306
mvered@post.tau.ac.il ilan.weinreb@uhn.ca jwright@bcd.tamhsc.edu

Dr Philippe VIELH' Dr Bruce M. WENIG' Dr Wendell G. YARBROUGH

Département de Pathologie Moffitt Cancer Center Department of Surgery
Laboratoíre National de Santé Section Head, Head and Neck, and Yale University Medical Center
1 Rue Louis Rech Endocrine Pathology Senior Member Yale Otolaryngology, PO Box 208041
L-3555 Dudelange Anatomic Pathology Department of Pathology New Haven CT 06520-8041
LUXEMBOURG 12901 Magnolia Orive USA
philippe.vielh@lns.etat.lu Tampa, FL 33612 USA Tel. + 1 203 785 4862
Fax+ 813-632-1708 Fax + 1 203 200 2028
bruce.wenig@moffitt.org wendell.yarbrough@yale.edu

Dr Nadarajah VIGNESWARAN Dr William H. WESTRA' Dr Rosnah Binti ZAIN*

Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Department of Pathology Department of Oral Cancer
University of Texas Health Science Center at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Research & Coordinating Centre
Houston School of Dentistry 401 North Broadway Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya
7500 Cambridge Street, Suite 1210 Baltimore MD 21287 50603 Kuala Lumpur
Houston TX 77054 USA MALAYSIA
USA Tel. +1410614 3964 Tel. +601 2609 5428
Tel. + 1 713 486 4410 Fax+14109550115 Fax +603 7954 7301
nadaraíah.vigneswaran@uth.tmc.edu wwestra@jhmi.edu rosnahmz@um.edu.my

Dr Paul E. WAKELY, Jr Dr Michelle D. WILLIAMS Dr Nina ZIDAR

Department of Pathology Department of Pathology lnstitute of Pathology
The Ohio State University University of Texas Faculty of Medicine
Wexner Medical Center MD Anderson Cancer Center University of Ljubljana
405 Doan Hall, 410 West 10th Avenue 1515 Holcombe Boulevard Unit 0085 Korytkova 2
Columbus OH 43210 Houston TX 77030 iOOO Ljubljana
Tel. +1614293 9235 Tel. + 1 713 794 1765 Tel. +3861 543 7149
Fax + 1 614 293 7626 Fax +17135631848 nina.zidar@mf.uni-lj.si
paul.wakely@osumc.edu mdwillia@mdanderson.org

Declaration of interests

Dr Chuang reports having received travel Dr Kessler reports receiving personal con- Dr Neville reports receiving royalties from
support from Millennium: The Takeda Oncol- sultancy fees far medicolegal work from two Elsevier.
ogy Company. law firms representing defendants in tobacco
litigation. Dr Pileri reports receiving personal consul-
Dr Feldman reports holding intellectual prop- tancy fees from Takeda.
erty rights far a patent held by the Mayo Clinic Dr J.S. Lewis reports having received per-
on the activity of interferon regulatory factor sonal research support, through Washington Dr Sloan reports having received persona!
4 (IRF4) in T-cell lymphomas. Dr Feldman re- University in St. Louis, from Advanced Cell consultancy fees from Navidea Biopharma~
ports being part of a pending patent applica- Diagnostics. ceuticals. Dr Sloan reports having provided
tion, with the Mayo Clinic, far detecting trans- expert testimony to the European Medicínes
locations of TBL 1XR1 and TP63 nucleic acid. Dr Licitra reports receiving personal consul- Agency for Navidea Biopharmaceuticals.
tancy fees from Eisai, Bristol-Myers Squibb,
Dr French reports receiving personal consul- MSD, Merck Serano, Boehringer lngelheim, Dr Speight reports receiving royalties from
tancy fees from GlaxoSmithKline Debiopharm, Sobi, Novartis, AstraZeneca, Blackwell Munksgaard.
Bayer, and Roche. Dr Licitra reports that the
Dr lnagaki reports having received personal Fondazione IRCCS lstituto Nazioñale dei Dr Syrja.nen reports receiving personal con-
consultancy fees from Kyowa Hakko Kirin. Tumori receives research support from Ei- sultancy fees from Bionit. Dr Syrjanen reports
Dr lnagaki reports having received personal sai, MSD, Merck Serono, Boehringer lngel- receiving travel support from EHNS/AXON.
speaker's fees from Kyowa Hakko Kirin and heim, Novartis, AstraZeneca, and Roche.
Zenyaku Kogyo. Dr Ucitra reports receiving travel support
from Merck Serano, Debiopharm, Sobi, and
Dr Jaffe reports receiving royalties from Elsevier. Bayer.

292 Contributors
IARC/WHO Committee for the lnternational Classification of
Diseases for Oncology (ICD-0)

Dr Freddie BRAY Dr Hiroko OHGAKI

Section of Cancer Surveillance Section of Molecular Pathology
lnternational Agency for Research on Cancer lnternational Agency for Research on Cancer
150 Cours Albert Thomas i50 Cours Albert Thomas
69372 Lyon Cedex 08 69372 Lyon Cedex 08
Tel. +33 4 72 73 84 53 Tel. +33 4 72 73 85 34
Fax +33 4 72 73 86 96 Fax +33 4 72 73 86 98
brayf@iarc.fr ohgakih@iarc.fr

Dr Adel K. EL-NAGGAR Dr Marion Pli'lEROS

University of Texas Section of Cancer Surveillance
MD Anderson Cancer Center lnternational Agency for Research on Cancer
1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Unit 0085 150 Cours Albert Thomas
Houston TX 77030 69372 Lyon Cedex 08
Tel. +1713792 3109 Tel. +33 4 72 73 8418
Fax +17137451105 Fax +33 4 72 73 80 22
anaggar@mdanderson.org pinerosm@iarc.fr

Mrs April FRITZ Dr Brian ROUS

A Fritz and Associates, LLC National Cancer Registration Service,
21361 Crestview Road Eastern Office
Reno NV 89521 Victoria House, Capital Park
USA Fulbourn, Cambridge CB21 5XB
Tel. + 1 775 636 7243 UNITED KINGDOM
Fax+18888913012 Tel. +44122 321 3625
april@afritz.org Fax +44 122 321 3571

Dr Robert JAKOB Dr Pieter J. SLOOTWEG

Data Standards and lnformatics Department of Pathology
lnformation, Evidence and Research Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center
World Health Organization (WHO) Geert Grooteplein Zuid 10, Route 812,
20 Avenue Appia PO Box 9101
1211 Geneva 27 6500 HB Nijmegen
Tel. +41 22 791 58 77 Tel. +31 24 8186232; +31 6 57595780
Fax+41227914894 piet.slootweg@radboudumc.nl


Faculty of Medicine Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer
University of Zurich Research, Cancer Human Biobank
Pestalozzistrasse 5 National Cancer lnstitute
8032 Zurich 6110 Executive Boulevard, Suite 250
SWITZERLAND Rockville MD 20852
Tel. +41443622110 USA
kleihues@pathol.uzh.ch Tel. + 1 301 443 7947
Fax+ 1 301 402 9325

ICD-0 Committee 293

Sources of figures and tables

molecular genetic analysis of 3.01A-C Zidar N

Sources of figures 39 cases. Diagn Pathol. 9:í31. 3.02A-D Zidar N
1.42A,B Thompson LDR 3.03 Zidar N
1.01 Bishop JA 1.43A,B Thompson LDR 3.04 Zidar N
1.02A-C Bishop JA 1.44A,B Thompson LDR 3.05A-C Zidar N
1.03A-C Bishop JA 1.45A,B Thompson LDR 3.06A-C Lewis JS
1.04A,B Bishop JA 1.46A,B Thompson LDR 3.07A El-Mofty SK
1.05 Lewis JS 1.47 Wenig BM 3.07B Thompson LDR
1.06A,B Bishop JA 148 McDermott M 3.08 Thompson LDR
1.07A-C Thompson LDR Paediatric Laboratory Medicine 3.09A-C Bishop JA
1.0BA,B Bishop JA Our Lady's Children's Hospital, 3.10 Bishop JA
1.09A-D French CA Crumlin, Dublin, lreland 3.11 Thompson LDR
1.10 French CA 149A,B Chuang S-S 3.12 Bishop JA
1.11A-D Thompson LDR 1.SOA,B Chan JKC 3.13 Gale N
1.12A-D Stelow EB 1.51A-C Chuang S-S 3.14 Gale N
1.13A,B Nicolai P 1.52A,B,D Chan JKC 3.15A,B Gale N
1.14 Stelow EB 1.52C Chuang S-S 3.16 Gale N
1.15A,B Stelow EB 1.53 Chan JKC 3.17A Gale N
1.16A,B Stelow EB 1.54 Chan JKC 3.17B Attwood R
1.17A Franchi A 1.55A,B Feldman AL Division of Otorhinolaryngology,
1.17B Wenig BM 1.56A Slootweg PJ Head & Neck Surgery
1.17C,D Thompson LDR 1.568 Wenig BM Stellenbosch University and
1.18A,B Hunt JL 1.57 Bell D Tygerberg Academic Hospital
1.19A,B Hunt JL 1.58 Ginsberg LE Cape Town, South Africa
1.20 Hunt JL Division of Diagnostic lmaging 3.18 Richardson M
1.21A-C Wenig BM MD Anderson Cancer Center 3.19A,8 Richardson M
1.22A Perez-Ordonez B Houston (TX), USA 3.19C Gale N
1.22B Eusebi V 1.59 Bell D 3.20A,8 Slootweg PJ
University of Bologna, ltaly 1.60A,8 Thompson LDR 3.21 Perez-Ordonez B
1.23A,B Bell D 1.61 Williams MD 3.22A,8 Thompson LDR
1.24 Franchi A 1.62 Williams MD 3.23 Thompson LDR
1.25 Franchi A 1.63A-D Williams MD 3.24 Perez-Ordonez B
1.26 Flucke U 1.64A,B Williams MD 3.25A,8,D Bishop JA
1.27A Franchi A 3.25C Thompson LDR
1.27B-D Thompson LDR 2.01 Reproduced with permission 3.26 Perez-Ordonez B
1.28 Thompson LDR from the Census and Statistics 3.27 Bloemena E
1.29 Thompson LDR Department, Departmerit of 3.28 Flucke U
1.30 Thompson LDR Health, Hong Kong Cancer 3.29 Wenig BM
1.31 Thompson LDR Registry, Hospital Authority, 3.30A-C Wenig BM
1.32A,B Lewis JE http://www.chp.gov .hk/en/ 3.31 Gale N
1.33A-D Lewis JE content/9/25/54.html. 3.32 Gale N
1.34A-D Reprinted from Wang X, 2.02 LeeAWM 3.33A,B Gale N
Bledsoe KL, Graham RP, et al. Department of Clinical 3.34 Chan JKC
(2014). Recurren! PAX3-MAML3 Oncology, University of Hong 3.35 Ferry JA
fusion in biphenotypic sinonasal Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
sarcoma. Nat Genet. 46:666-8. 2.03A,B Chan JKC 4.01A,8 Reprinted from Ferlay J,
With permission from Macmillan 2.04A-C Chan JKC Soerjomataram 1, Ervik M, et al.
Publishers Ud. 2.05A-C Chan JKC (2013). GLOBOCAN 2012 v1.0,
1.35 8ell D 2.06A-C Chan JKC Cancer lncidence and Mortality
1.36A,8 8ell D 2.07 Chan JKC Worldwide: IARC CancerBase
1.37A Flucke U 2.08A,B Chan JKC No. i i [Internet]. Lyon, France:
1.378 Wenig BM 2.09 Stelow EB IARC; Available from:
1.38A,B Thompson LDR 2.10A Chiosea S http://globocan.iarc.fr,
1.39 Thompson LDR 2.10B SkálováA accessed on 3 March 20i 6.
1.40A Thompson LDR 2.11 Thompson LDR 4.02 Sloan P
1.408 Wenig BM 2.12A-D Thompson LDR 4.03 Sloan P
1.41A Flucke U 2.13 Mahajan A 4.04A,B Vigneswaran N
1.41B Reprinted from Flucke Diagnostic Radiology 4.05A-C Reibel J
U, Vogels RJ, de Saint Yale University School of 4.06A,B Reibel J
Aubain Somerhausen N, Medicine 4.07A Odell EW
et al. (2014). Epithelioid New Haven (CT), USA 4.078 MullerS
hemangioendothelioma: 2.14A-D Prasad ML 4.08A,B MullerS
clinicopathologic, 2.15A,B Baumhoer D 4.09 Vigneswaran N
immunhistochemical, and 4.10A,B MullerS

294 Sources of figures

4.11 Takata T Korea University Anam Hospital 7.45A,B Li j
4.12 Odell EW Seoul, Republic of Korea 7.46A-D Li j
4.13 Allen CM 6.09 Cho KJ 7.47 Nagao T
4.14 van der Waal 1 Asan Medical Center 7.48A,B Nagao T
Department of Pathology University of Ulsan College of 7.49 EI-Naggar AK
VU University Medical Center Medicine 7.50 EI-Naggar AK
Amsterdam, The Netherlands Seoul, Republic of Korea 7.51A Reprinted from Weiler C,
4.15 Allen CM 6.10A,B Wakely PE Agaimy A, Zengel P, et
4.16A·D Bishop JA 6.11A,C Ro JY al. (20i2). Nonsebaceous
4.17 Allen CM 6.118 See above (6.09) lymphadenoma of salivary
4.18A·D Allen CM 6.12A,B Prasad ML glands: proposed development
4.19A,B Thompson LDR 6.13 Katabi N from intraparotid lymph nades
4.20 Flucke U 6.14 Chiosea S and risk of misdiagnosis.
4.21A,B Wenig BM 6.15 Chiosea S Virchows Arch. 460:467-72.
4.22A,B Thompson LDR 7.518 Prasad ML
4.23 Flucke U 7.01A,B,C Brandwein-Gensler M 7.52A,B Budnick S
4.24 Williams MD 7.02A,C Bell D 7.53A,B Bell D
425A,B Williams MD 7.02B EI-Naggar AK 7.54A,B Richardson M
4.26 Ferry JA 7.03 Stenman G 7.55A,B Richardson M
4.27 Feldman AL 7.04A,B Stenman G 7.56 Nagao T
4 28A,B Feldman AL 7.05A,B van Zante A 7.57A Bloemena E
4.29 BoyS 7.05C Stenman G 7.57B EI-Naggar AK
4.30A,B Chan JKC 7.06 EI-Naggar AK 7.58A,B Seethala R
4.31A,B Pileri SA 7.07A-D Simpson RHW 7.59A,B Slater L
4.32A,B Li X-O 7.08 Simpson RHW 7.60 Bell D
7.09A,B Fonseca 1 7.61 Bloemena E
5.01A·D Westra WH 7.10 Fonseca 1 7.62 Bell D
5.02 Reprinted from Bishop JA, 7.11A,B Skálová A 7.63A,B Seethala R
Ma XJ, Wang H, et al. (2012) 7.12A,B Wenig BM 7.64 Bullerdiek J
Detection of transcriptionally 7.13A,B Wenig BM 7.65 EI-Naggar AK
active high-risk HPV in patients 7.13C Seethala R 7.66 Bullerdiek J
with head and neck squamous 7.14A,B Fonseca 1 7.67 Flucke U
cell carcinoma as visualized 7.14C Williams MD 7.68A-C Cheuk W
by a novel E6/E7 mRNA in situ 7.140 Seethala R 7.69A-C Cheuk W
hybridization method. Am J 7.15A Weinreb 1 7.70A,B Cheuk W
Surg Pathol. 36: 187 4-82. 7.15B Loening T 7.71 Cheuk W
With permission from Wolters 7.15C Leivo 1
Kluwer Health. 7.16A Leivo 1 8.01 Muller S
5.03A,B Bell D 7.16B-D Loening T 8.02 Odell EW
5.04A Reprinted from Li J, 7.17 Leivo 1 8.03A-D Odell EW
Perlaky L, Rao P, et al. 7.18A-C Nagao T 8.04 Odell EW
(2014). Development and 7.19A-C Nagao T 8.05A,B Odell EW
characterization of salivary 7.20A,B Nagao T 8.06A,B Koutlas 1
adenoid cystic carcinoma cell 7.21 Nagao T 8.07 Odell EW
line. Oral Oncol. 50:991-9, with 7.22A Skálová A 8.08A,B Odell EW
permission from Elsevier. 7.22B,C Bell D 8.08C Bang G
5,048 Bell D 7.23 Seethala R e/o Bang AK
5.05 Skálová A 7.24A,B Seethala R Dept. of Archaeology, History,
5.06A,B Jaffe ES 7.24C,D Fonseca 1 Cultural Studies and Religion
5.07 Jaffe ES 7.25A WilliamsMD University of Bergen
5.0SA,B Pileri SA 7.25B lhrler S Bergen, Norway
5.09 Pileri SA 7.26 Williams MD 8.09 Odell EW
5.10 OttG 7.27A-F Skálová A 8.10 Takata T
5.11 Ko Y-H 7.28A,B RoJY 8.11 Reprinted from Oral Surg
5.12A,B Ohgami RS 7.29A Williams MD Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral
Department of Pathology 7.29B Nagao T Radial Endod. 103. Delair D,
Stanford University 7.30A,B Williams MD Bejarano PA, Peleg M, et al.
Stanford (CA), USA 7.31A-C Chiosea S Ameloblastic carcinosarcoma
5.12C Chan JKC 7.32 Lewis JS of the mandible arising in
5.13 Chan JKC 7.33 Lewis JS ameloblastic fibroma: a case
5.14A-C Chan JKC 7.34 Lewis JS report and review of literature.
5.15A-C Chan JKC 7.35 Bell D Pages 516-20 (2007). With
7.36A,B Nagao T permission from Elsevier.
6.01 MD Anderson Cancer Center 7.37A,B Brandwein-Gensler M 8.12A,B See above (8.11)
©'89 MDACC 7.3SA,B Brandwein-Gensler M 8.13 WrightJM
6.02A,B Lewis JS 7.39A,B Bell D 8.14A WrightJM
6.03 Chan JKC 7.40 Bell D 8.14B Odell EW
6.04 Lewis JS 7.41A,B Bell D 8.15 Slootweg PJ
6.05A,B Lewis JS 7.42A·C Bell D 8.16A Vered M
6.06 Perez-Ordonez B 7.43 Bell D 8.16B Muller S
6.07A,B Perez-Ordonez B 7.44A Fonseca 1 8.17A-D Vered M
6.08 KimCH 7.44B Bishop JA 8.18A-C Heikinheimo K
Department of Pathology 7.44C Bell D 8.19 Vered M

Sources of fígures 295

8.20 Muller S 8.62A Neville BW 9.03A,B Thompson LOR
8.21 Wright JM 8.62B Speight P 9.04A,B Thompson LDR
8.22 Heikinheimo K 8.63 Neville BW 9.05 Thompson LDR
8.23 Reprinted from Dissanayake 8.64 Neville BW 9.06 Sandison A
RK, Jayasooriya PR, 8.65 Kessler H 9.07 Sandison A
Siriwardena DJ, et al. (2011). 8.66A Speight P 9.08A,B Sandison A
Review of metastasizing 8.668 Kessler H 9.09 Sandison A
(malignant) ameloblastoma 8.67A-C Speight P 9.10A,8 Sandison A
(METAM): pattern of metastasis 8.68 Speight P 9.11 Adapted with permission
and treatment. Oral Surg Oral 8.69A Speight P from Michaels L, Soucek S.
Med Oral Pathol Oral Radial 8.69B WrightJM Atypical mature bone in the
Endod.111:734--41. 8.70A,B Speight P otosclerotic otic capsule
With permission from Elsevier. 8.70C WrightJM as the differentiated zone
8.24 WrightJM 8.71A-8 Neville BW of an invasive osseous
8.25A,B WrightJM 8.72 Speight P neoplasm. Acta Otolaryngol.
8.26A,B WrightJM 8.73 Speight P 2014:134: 118-23.
8.27 WrightJM 8.74 Casiraghi O 9.12 Madani G
8.28A,8 WrightJM 8.75 Baumhoer D lmaging
8.29 Kusama K, lde F 8.76 Casiraghi O Charing Cross Hospital
Division of Pathology 8.77A Slootweg PJ Imperial College Healthcare
Department of Diagnostic & 8.778 Baumhoer D London, United Kingdom
Therapeutic Sciences 8.78 Lopes M 9.13 Sandison A
Meikai University School of 8.79 Slootweg PJ 9.14 Sandison A
Dentistry, Saitama, Japan 8.80A,C Baumhoer D 9.15 Sandison A
8.30 Muller S 8.80B Lopes M 9.16 Thompson LDR
8.31A,B Vered M 8.81 Manojlovié S 9.17A-C Thompson LDR
8.32A,B Reprinted with permission Department of Pathology 9.18A-D Thompson LDR
from Mosqueda-Taylor A, Pires University of Zagreb School of
FR, Aguirre-Urízar JM, et al. Medicine 10.01A,8 Williams MD
(2014). Primordial odontogenic Zagreb, Croatia 10.01C Kimura N
tumour: clinicopathological 8.82A,8 Prasad ML 10.02A-D Kimura N
analysis of six cases of a 8.83A,8 Baumhoer D 10.03A,B Kimura N
previously undescribed entity. 8.84A,8 Baumhoer D 10.04A,B Williams MD
Histopathology. 65:606-12. 8.85 Baumhoer D 10.05A,B Capella C
8.32C Pires FR 8.86A Toner M 10.06 Lam AKY
Department of Oral Pathology 8.868 Baumhoer D 10.07 Tischler AS
Rio de Janeiro State University 8.87 Reprinted with permission
Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil from Flucke U, Tops BB,
8.33A,C See above (8.32C) van Diest PJ, et al. (2014). Sources of figures on front cover
8.33B See above (8.32A,B) Desmoid-type fibromatosis
8.34A Fowler CB of the head and neck region Top left Jordan RC (see Fig. 8.106A)
8.34B Neville BW in the paediatric population: Top centre Maha¡an A (see Fig. 2.13)
8.35A Fowler CB a clinicopathological and Top right Gale N (see Fig. 3 31)
8.35B Soluk Tekke~in M genetic study of seven cases. Middle left Stenman G (see Fig. 7.04B)
8.36A Neville BW Histopathology. 64:769-16. Middle centre Leivo 1(see Fig. 7.17)
8.36B Vered M 8.88 Toyosawa S Middle right Kimura N (see Fig. 10.02C)
8.37 Vered M 8.89 EI-Mofty SK Bottom left Pileri SA (see Fig. 5.09)
8.38 Carlos R 8.90A,B EI-Mofty SK Bottom centre Ferlay Jet al. (see Fig. 4.01)
8.39A,8 Carlos R 8.91 EI-Mofty SK Bottom right Stenman G (see Fig. 7.03)
8.40 Carlos R 8.92A,B EI-Mofty SK
8.41 van Heerden WFP 8.93 Slootweg PJ
8.42 van Heerden WFP 8.94 EI-Mofty SK
8.43 Odell EW, Nortje CJ, van 8.95 EI-Mofty SK
Rensburg LJ e/o Odell EW 8.96A,8 EI-Mofty SK
8.44 Thompson LDR 8.97A,8 Toyosawa S
8.45A,B Odell EW 8.98A,8 Toyosawa S
8.46A,B Odell EW 8.99 Nelson B
8.47 EI-Mofty SK 8.100A,B Nelson B
8.48A,8 EI-Mofty SK 8.101 Raubenheimer E
8.49 Soluk Tekke~in M 8.102 Jordan RC
8.50 Soluk Tekke~in M 8.103 Baumhoer D
8.51A,8 Speight P 8.104A,B Raubenheimer E
8.52 Speight P 8.105 Raubenheimer E
8.53 Speight P 8.106A,B Jordan RC
8.54 Speight P 8.107A-C Koutlas 1
8.55 Speight P 8.108 Koutlas 1
8.56A,B Neville BW 8.109A WrightJM
8.57A-C Speight P 8.109B van Heerden WFP
8.58 Li T-J 8.110 Raubenheimer E
8.59A,B Li T-J 8.111 Feldman AL
8.60A,B,D Speight P
8.60C Li T-J 9.01 Sandison A
8.61 Speight P 9.02 Sandison A

296 Sources of figures

Sources of tables

í .01 Lewis JS
í .02 Reprinted from Neurosurgery
Clinics of North America,
Volume 24, lssue 1, January
2013, Ow TJ, Bell D,
Kupferman ME, et al., pages
51-65, copyright (2013), with
permission from Elsevier.
1.03 Bell D
í .04 Williams MD

2.01 Chan JKC

2.02 Chan JKC

3.01 Cardesa A Prasad ML

3.02 Gale N
3.03 Gale N

4.0i Sloan P
4.02 Consensus group
4.03 Consensus group
4.04 Consensus group
4.05 Adapted with permission
from Warnakulasuriya S,
Ariyawardana A (2016).
Malignant transformation of
oral leukoplakia: a systematic
review of observational studies.
J Oral Pathol Med. 45155-66.
4.06 Adapted from Barnes L, Eveson
JW, Reichart P, et al., eds
(2005). WHO Classification
of Tumours. Pathology and
Genetics of Head and Neck
Tumours. Lyon: IARC Press;
and Fletcher DCM, Bridge JA,
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F (2013). WHO Classification
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Bone. Lyon: IARC Press

6.01 Schwartz MR
6.02 Schwartz MR

8.01 Heikinheimo K

"10.01 Komm noth P

10.02 Komm noth P
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References 339
Subject index

Ameloblastoma of mucosa! origin 218 BOC See Botryoid odontogenic cyst

Ameloblastoma of the gingiva 218 Bohn nodule 238
ABC See Aneurysmal bone cyst Ameloblastoma, unicystic type 217, 2"18 Botryoid odontogenic cyst 236, 237
Abrikossoff tumour 100, 121 Amphicrine adenoma 272 Botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma 36
AC See Ameloblastic carcinoma Anaplastic large cell lymphoma 75 Branchial cleft cyst 148, 155
ACC See Adenoid cystic carcinoma Anaplastic/undifferentiated carcinoma 180 BRCA 165
Accessory tissue-associated carcinoma i 52 BRD4 21
Androgen receptor 74, 75, 173, 174, 178,
Acinic cell carcinoma 160. 166 Brooke-Spiegler syndrome 170, i 88
Ackerman tumour 84
Aneurysmal bone cyst 204, 258 BSCC See Basaloid squamous cell
Acoustic neuroma 270
Angiocentric lymphoma 52 carcinoma
ACTB-GLI i fusion 45
Angiofibroma 74 BSNS See Biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma
Adenocarcinoma 12, 160, 171, 172, 264
Angiosarcoma 12, 38 Burkitt lymphoma 52, 75,128,134,141,142,
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 71, 99, 139, 164
Anti-adipophilin 178 143
Adenolipoma 198
Antoni A/ Antoni B 124
Adenolymphoma 188
Adenoma in laryngocoele 99
AOT See Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour CA See Condyloma acuminatum
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumour 204, 221
Adenomatous ductal proliferation 197 APC 43,212,246,250 CA15-3 178
Adenomyoepithelioma 175 Apical periodontal cyst 232 CAIX 26, 268
Adenosquamous carcinoma 78, 89, 1í O ARAF 131 Calcifying cystic odontogenic tumour 239
Adult neuroblastoma 56 ARID1A 143 Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour 204,
AdulHype fibrosarcoma 34 ASC See Adenosquamous carcinoma 220-222
AE1 19, 22, 32, 49, 88,110,210, 224 ATF1 169,211,221 Calcifying ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma
AE1/AE3 19,224 ATG5 53 211
AE3 19, 22, 32, 49, 88, 110, 210, 224 ATIC 102 Calcifying ghost cell odontogenic cyst 239
Aesthesioneuroblastoma 57 ATM 36, 144 Calcifying ghost cell odontogenic tumour 226
Aesthesioneurocytoma 57 Atypical carcinoid 96 Calcifying odontogenic cyst 204, 239, 240
Aesthesioneuroepithelioma 57 Atypical cartilaginous tumour 243 Calponin 17, 32, 126, 172, 175, 187
AF See Ameloblastic fibroma AURKA 42 CAM5.2 22, 32, 59, 86, 89,210, 272, 273
AFS See Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma CAMTA1 46
Aggressive epithelial ghost cell odontogenic B
Canalicular adenoma i 60, 194
tumour 211 Cancer of unknown primary í 50
BAC See Basal cell adenocarcinoma
Aggressive fibromatosis 43
Basal cell adenocarcinoma 160,169,170 Capillary haemangioma 47, 48
Aggressive papillary tumour 262, 266, 267
Basal cell adenoma 160, 187, i88 Carcinoid 95
AIM1 53
Basaloid salivary gland adenoma 187 Carcinoid of the middle ear 272
AKT1 123
Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma 18, 64, Carcinoma arising in a calcifying odontogenic
Alcohol consumption 28, 65, 81, 86-90,
65,68,69, 78,85,86 cyst 21 i
93, 109, 112, 114
BCA See Basal cell adenoma Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma 160,
ALK-positive large B-cell lymphoma 129
BCL2 42, 44, 50, 59, 143, 144, 168, 222, 176
Alpha-fetoprotein 27
255,271 Carcinoma of unknown primary i 48, 150,
Alveolar cyst 238
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 37 151
Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma 12, 18, 36
Benign cementoblastoma 230 Carcinosarcoma 26, 88,160,179,204,205,
Ameloblastic carcinoma 204,206,207,213
Ameloblastic carcinosarcoma 213 Benign haemangioendothelioma 198 207,213
Ameloblastic fibroma 204,213,214,222, Benign lymphoepithelial lesion 196 Carotid body paraganglioma 277-279,
223,226,240 Benign mixed tumour 33, 99, 127, 139, i85 281-283
Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma 214 Benign peripheral nerve sheath tumour 48, Carotid body tumour 277
Ameloblastoma 204,211, 215-218 49, 123, 270 Cartilage tumours 78, í 02
Ameloblastoma, extraosseous 218 Benign soft tissue tumours 12, 47 Cavernous haemangioma 47
Ameloblastoma, peripheral type 218 Biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma 12, 40, 41 CCC See Clear cell carcinoma

340 Subject index

CCND1 144 Chloroma 131 CUP See Carcinoma of unknown primary
CCNF 143 Cholesteatoma 262, 269, 270 CXCL 13 146
CD1a 131,145 Chondroblastic osteosarcoma 204, 244 CYLD 170, 188
CD4 53, 125, 129, 142, 145 Chondroblastoma 204, 248 Cylindrical cell carcinoma 16
CD5 53, 144, 202 Chondroma 78, 102,103,204,246 Cylindrical cell papilloma 29
CDS 53, 129, 145 Chondromesenchymal hamartoma 12, 51, 52 Cylindroma 169, 264
CD10 26,130, 143-145, 200,202,210,268 Chondromyxoid fibroma 204, 248, 249 CYP2E1 69
CD20 37, 55,130, 142-144, 202 Chondrosarcoma 78, 102, í03, 204, 243 Cystadenocarcinoma 153, 162, 170- 172
CD21 146 Chordoma 76 Cystadenolymphoma 188
CD23 144,146,202 Choristoma 152 Cystadenoma 160, 191
CD30 27, 53,106, 128-130, 142,155 CIC-DUX4 fusion 57 Cystic dermoid 157
CD30-positive T-cell lymphoproliferative CK1/2/10/11 29 Cystic duct adenoma 191
disorder 129 CK8 19, 82, 248 Cystic teratoma 157
CD31 38, 44, 46, 48, 75, 123,125,210 CK10 29
CD33 131 CK10/13 29 D
CD35 146 CK14 187,192,210,224,227
02-40 38, 104, 123, 125, 146
CD43 131, 202 CK17 32
Dandy.-Walker syndrome 72
CD44 186 CK18 19, 51, 59, 82,172,248
DDX3X 53
CD45 19, 83, 130, 21 O CK19 32, 70, 76, 208-210, 224,227, 248
Dental cyst 232
CD57 53, 100, 120, 121 CK20 22, 24, 26, 32, 69, 89,152,172,180
Dentigerous cyst 204, 234
CD68 100,121,131 Classical Hodgkin lymphoma 134, 141, 142
Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour 204, 211,
CD79a 55, 130, 142 Classic intraosseous ameloblastoma 215
CD99 37,42,56,57, 59,247 Claudin 5 38
Dermoid cyst 157
CD138 55,130,227 Clear cell ameloblastoma 210
Dermoid polyp 72
CD163 131 Clear cell carcinoma 160, 168, 169
Desmoid tumour 43, 250
CD207 130, 131 Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma 204, 21 O
Desmoid tumour of bone 250
CDC73 252 Clear cell odontogenic tumour 210
Desmoid-type fibromatosis 12, 43
CDH11 259 Clear cell oncocytosis 195
Desmoplastic fibroma 204, 250
CDK2NA 36 CLTC 102
DGCT See Dentinogenic ghost cell tumour
CDK4 101, 245 Clusterin 146
CDKN2A 24, 83, 92,111,115,145,181,280 CNBP 259
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 52, 61, 64, 75,
CDX2 24,26,32, 172,273 COC See Calcifying odontogenic cyst
Cementa! dysplasia 254 COD See Cemento-osseous dysplasia
DLBCL See Diffuse large 8-cell lymphoma
Cementifying fibroma 251 COF See Cemento-ossifying fibroma
DLX2 216
Cementoblastoma 204, 230, 231, 249 COL1A1 259
DOG1 26,166,172,178
Cementoma 204, 205, 230, 252-254 Colloid-type adenocarcinoma 23
Ductal adenoma 194
Cemento-osseous dysplasia 204, 254, 255 Colonic-type adenocarcinoma 23
Ductal carcinoma/adenocarcinoma 171
Cemento-ossifying fibroma 204, 231, 25 i, Columnar cell papilloma 29
Ductal papilloma 192
253 Condyloma acuminatum 106, 116
DUSP22-IRF4 rearrangement 129
Central giant cell granuloma 204, 256 Congenital basal cell adenoma 183
Oysplasia 91
Central giant cell lesion 256 Congenital epulis 119
Central odontogenic fibroma 228 Congenital gingival granular cell tumour 119
Central ossifying fibroma 251 Congenital granular cell epulis 106, 119
CEOT See Calcifying epithelial odontogenic Congenital hybrid basal cell adenoma E6 28, 29, 137, 138
tumour adenoid cystic carcinoma 183 E7 28, 29, 137, 138
Ceruminal adenocarcinoma 264 Congenital pleomorphic adenoma 71 EBV-encoded small RNA íB, 22, 53, 54, 68,
Ceruminal adenoma 265 Conventional ameloblastoma 215 128,130,142,143,181,182
Ceruminoma 265 Conventional squamous cell carcinoma 81 Ectomesenchymal chondromyxoid tumour
Ceruminous adenocarcinoma 262, 264 Costello syndrome 37 106,119,120,127
Ceruminous adenoma 262, 265 Craniofacial fibrous dysplasia 254 Ectopic pituitary adenoma 64, 72, 73
Ceruminous pleomorphic adenoma 265 Craniopharyngioma 64, 73 ELST See Endolymphatic sac tumour
Ceruminous syringocystadenoma papilliferum Cribriform adenocarcinoma 140, 167 Embryoma 183
265 Cribriform cystadenocarcinoma, low-grade Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma i 2, 36
Cervical lymphoepithelial cyst 155 170 EMC See Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma
CGCG See Central giant cell granuloma CRTC1-MAML2 gene fusion í64 EMCMT See Ectomesenchymal
Chemodectoma 277, 281-283 CRTC3-MAML2 gene fusion 164 chondromyxoid tumour
Cherubism 204, 257, 258 CTNNB1 43,44, 73, 75,186,217,222,250 Enchondroma 246

Subject index 341

Endolymphatic sac tumour 262, 267, 268 FDC See Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma HER2 173,174,177
ENKTL See Extranodal NK{T-cell lymphoma FDG-PET 103 Hereditary multiple osteochondromas 255
Enteric-type adenocarcinoma 23 FGC See Familia! gigantiform cementoma Heterotopia-associated carcinoma 152, 153
Eosinophilic granuloma 130 FGFR2 216, 217 HEYI-NCOA2 gene fusion 244
EPAS1 278, 280 Fibroblastic osteosarcoma 34 High-grade non-lTAC See High-grade
Epidermoid carcinoma 14, 81,263 Fibroneuroma 49 non-intestinal-type adenocarcinoma
Epidermoid papillary adenoma 192 Fibrosarcoma 12, 34 HHF35 175
Fibrous dysplasia 204, 253 HHV8 124, 125, 130, 143
Epiphora 38
FLl1 38, 46, 48, 56, 57, 59, 125 HIF2A 278, 280
Epithelial hamartoma 32
FNCLCC 36 High-grade ductal carcinoma 173
Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma 160, 175
Focal epithelial hyperplasia 117
Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma 12, 38, High-grade myxotibrosarcoma 35
Follicular cyst 234
45, 46 High-grade non-intestinal-type
Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma 145
ER-alpha 72 adenocarcinoma 24-26
Follicular lymphoma 134, 143,154,200
ERBB2/HER2 173, 174, 177 Histiocytosis X 130
FOX01 37, 41
ERG 38, 46, 123, 125 HIV 52, 115, 117, 124, 125, 128, 130, 142
FOX03 53, 165
ESR1 69 HL See Hodgkin lymphoma
Fungitorm papilloma 30
ETV6 177, 178 HMB45 34, 47, 61, 82,210,247
ETV6-NTRK3 gene fusion 177, 178 G HMGA2 174,176,177,186
Everted papilloma 30 Hodgkin lymphoma 68, 75,129,134,141,
Gardner syndrome 43, 212, 226, 246
Ewing sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal 142, 144, 154, 201
GATA2 72
tumour 56, 61 Horner syndrome (oculosympathetic palsy)
GCOC See Ghost cell odontogenic
EWSRI-ATF1 gene fusion 169 48,277,283
EWSRI-FLl1 gene fusion 57 Ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma 204, 211, HPV 6 28, 29, 93-95
EWSR1 gene rearrangement 175 212 HPV 11 94
EWSRi-POU5F1 gene fusion í64 Giant cell angiotibroma 45 HPV 16/18 28, 29
Exophytic papilloma 30, 31 Giant cell epulis 257 HPV32 117
EXT1 255 Gígantiform cementoma 204, 205, 252, 253 HPV-negative sinonasal squamous cell
EXT2 255 Gingival cyst 204, 238 carcinoma 17
Extracranial pituitary adenoma 72 Glandular hamartoma 31, 32 HPV-positive sinonasal squamous cell
Extracutaneous Merkel cell carcinoma 151 Glandular odontogenic cyst 204, 238, 239 carcinoma i 7
Extramedullary myeloid sarcoma 52, 64, 75, Glomus jugulare tumour 282 HPV 16, 17, 21, 25, 28, 29, 69, 86, 136-138,
104,106,131 Glomus tympanicum tumour 282 149, 151
Extramedullary plasmacytoma 54, 55 Glomus vagale tumour 283 HRAS 37,111,168,186,216,280
Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of GLUT1 123 Human papilloma virus 16
mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue GNAS 252, 254 Hyperparathyroidism jaw tumour syndrome
See MALT lymphoma GOC See Glandular odontogenic cyst 252
Gorlin cyst 239
Extranodal NK{T-cell lymphoma 12, 52-54,
Granular cell myoblastoma 100, 121
75, 141
Granular cell neurofibroma "100, 121
Extranodal NK{T-cell lymphoma, nasal-type ICC See lnflammatory col lateral cyst
Granular cell schwannoma 100, 121
52 ID3 143
Granular cell tumour 78, 100, í06, 121
Extraosseous ameloblastoma 218 1DH1/2 mutation 243, 244, 280
Granulocytic sarcoma 13 í
Extraosseous plasmacytoma 12, 52, 54, 55, lgA 54, 55, 67, 202
GSTM1 69
64, 75,104 IGF2 186
Extrasellar pituitary adenoma 72 H lgG 55, 67, 202
lncisive canal cyst 241
F H3F3A/ H3F3B point mutation 248, 256
lnfantile fibromatosis (desmoid variant) 43
HACE1 53
Faciocutaneoskeletal syndrome 37 Haemangioblastoma 38, 279 lnfectious mononucleosis 141
Familia! adenomatous polyposis 43, 246 Haemangioma 12, 47, 106, 123, 160, 198 lnflammatory collateral cyst 204,233
Familia! fibrous dysplasia 257 Haemangiopericytoma 45 lnflammatory dental cyst 232
Familial gigantiform cementoma 253 Haemangiosarcoma 38 lntlammatory myofibroblastic tumour 78, 101,
Familial/multiple cylindromatosis syndrome Haemorrhagic bone cyst 259 102
170 Hairy polyp 64, 72 lnflammatory paradental cyst 233
FANCA 36 Hand-"Schüller-Christian disease 130 lnflammatory pseudotumour 101
Fanconi anaemia 111, 112 Heck disease 117 INSRR 165
FO See Fibrous dysplasia Heffner tumour 267 lntercalated duct adenoma 197

342 Subject index

lntercalated duct hyperplasia "160, 197 Laryngeal paraganglioma 275, 276, 281 Malignant tibrous histiocytoma 35
lntestinal-type adenocarcinoma i2, 14, 15, Lateral neck cyst i 55 Malignant haemangioendothelioma 38
23-26, 171,172 Lateral periodontal cyst 204, 236, 237 Malignant lymphoepithelial lesion 181
lntraductal carcinoma 160, 170, i7í LCNEC See Large cell neuroendocrine Malignant midline reticulosis 52
lntraductal papillary hyperplasia carcinoma Malignant myoepithelioma 17 4
(non-neoplastic) 191 LEC See Lymphoepithelial carcinoma Malignant neurilemmoma 39
lntraoral basal cell carcinoma of the gingiva Leiomyoma 12, 47 Malignant oncocytoma i 82
206 Leiomyosarcoma 12, 34, 35, 47 Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour
lntraosseous well-differentiated osteosarcoma LEOPARD syndrome 256 39,40
244 Lethal midline granuloma 52 Malignant rhabdomyoma 36
lnverted Schneiderian papilloma 28 Letterer-Siwe disease 130 Malignant schwannoma 39
lnverting papilloma 28 LG non-lTAC See Low-grade Malignant surface epithelial tumours 77, 78,
ISL 1 216,273 non-intestinal-type adenocarcinoma 81, 105, 109
ITAC See lntestinal-type adenocarcinoma Li-Fraumeni syndrome 37, 1i 1, 246 Malignant teratoma 26
Lipoma 101,198,199 MALT lymphoma 52, 54, 55, 75, 104, 128,
J 141,160,197,200,201,202
Liposarcoma 78, 100
JAK3 53 LMP1 53, 69 MAML2 89, 164, 239
JAK/STAT 53 Lobular capillary haemangioma 47, 48 MAML3 40, 41
JPOF See juvenile psammomatoid ossifying LOH 29, 83, 92, 113, 236 Mammary analogue secretory carcinoma 177
fibroma Low-grade adenocarcinoma 24, 30, 70, i 40 Mandibular buccal bifurcation cyst 233
JTOF See Juvenile trabecular ossifying Low-grade central osteosarcoma 204, 244 Mandibular infected buccal cyst 233
fibroma Low-grade non-intestinal-type adenocarci- Mantle cell lymphoma 75,128, i34, 14i,
Jugulotympanic chemodectoma 282 noma 24-26 144, 154, 200
Juvenile active ossifying fibroma 25 í Low-grade papillary adenocarcinoma of MAP2K1 131
Juvenile aggressive ossifying fibroma 251 endolymphatic sac origin 267 MAPK 216,217, 256
Juvenile angiofibroma 74 Low-grade papillary tumour 24 MCC See Merkel cell carcinoma
Juvenile fibrous dysplasia 257 Low-grade salivary duct carcinoma 170 McCune-Albright syndrome 253, 254
Juvenite nasopharyngeal angiofibroma 74 MDM2 101,177,186,245,246
Low-grade sinonasal sarcoma 40
Juvenile ossifying fibroma 25 í Low-risk HPV 28 MEC See Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Juvenile paradental cyst 233 MED12 36
LPC See Lateral periodontal cyst
Juvenile psammomatoid ossifying fibroma Melanoma 12, 18, 34, 35, 60, 61, 82,105,
LTA See Lymphotoxin alpha gene
251, 252 Lymphadenoma 160, 190, 191
Juvenile trabecular ossifying fibroma Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy
Lymphangioepithelioma i 22
251, 252 Lymphangioma í06, 122, 123
Melanotic progonoma 247
Lymphangiomatous polyp í 22
K Lymphocyte-depleted classical Hodgkin
Membranous adenoma 187
Meningioma 12, 50, 262, 271, 272
Kaposi sarcoma i06, 124, 125, 143 lymphoma 142
Merkel cell carcinoma 148,151,152,180
Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus 124 Lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin
Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma 204, 244
Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma 12, lymphoma i42
Mesenchymoma 51
14,29, 64,65,68, 138 Lymphoepithelial carcinoma 12, 18, 65, 78,
Metastasizing ameloblastoma 204,218,219
Keratocystic odontogenic tumour 235 90,110,160,181,182
MFEH See Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia
KIF18A 42 Lymphoepithelial sialadenitis 160, 196, 197,
MIB1 278
KIT See CD117 201
Microglandular adenosis of nose 32
K-NPC See Keratinizing nasopharyngeal Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma 18, 90,
Middle ear adenoma 262, 272, 273
carcinoma 137, 181
Middle ear adenomatous tumour 272
KRAS 24,216 Lymphotoxin alpha gene 54
Middle ear adenoma with neuroendocrine
KSCC See Keratinizing squamous cell Lysozyme 32, 131
differentiation 272
carcinoma LYVE1 123,125
Middle ear paraganglioma 263, 276, 282
KSHV See Kaposi sarcoma-associated
M Midline carcinoma of children and young
adults with NUT rearrangement 20
Malignant angioendothelioma 38 MIR143-NOTCH fusion 44
Malignant calcifying ghost cell odontogenic Mixed cellularity classical Hodgkin lymphoma
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 106, 130 tumour 211 142
Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma í 2, 2i, Malignant calcifying odontogenic cyst 211 MMP9 227
22, 78, 97, 98, 160, 180, 181 Malignant epithelial odontogenic ghost cell MNOH See Multifocal nodular oncocytic
Laryngeal granular cell tumour 100 tumour 211 hyperplasia

Subject index 343

MNTI See Melanotic neuroectodermal Neuroectodermal/melanocytic tumours Odontogenic myxoma 204, 229, 230
tumour ot infancy 12, 56 Odontogenic sarcoma 203, 204, 214
Moderately differentiated neuroendocrine Neuroendocrine adenoma of the middle ear Odontoma 204, 224
carcinoma 96 272 OED See Oral epithelial dysplasia
Monomorphic adenoma 187 Neuroendocrine carcinoma 12, 21, 83, 95-97 OGG1 69
Monostotic fibrous dysplasia 253 Neuroendocrine tumours 78, 95 OKC See Odontogenic keratocyst
MPNST See Malignant peripheral nerve Neurotibroma 12, 49, 50,106, 123, 124 Olfactory neuroblastoma 12, 18, 57-59
sheath tumour Neurofibromatosis type 1 37, 39, 40, 49, 50, Olfactory placode tumour 57
MSA 36, 37, 41, 44, 47,168,187 124,256,257,279,280 OMD 259
MSX2 216 Neurotibromatosis type 2 51, 124, 270-272 OMP 59
MUC2 24, 26 Neurofibrosarcoma 39 ONB See Olfactory neuroblastoma
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma 171 NFI See neurofibromatosis type 1 Oncocytic adenocarcinoma 182
Mucocoele 156 NF2 See neurofibromatosis type 2 Oncocytic adenoma 189
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 127, 163 NFP 49,50, 56,271 Oncocytic adenomatous hyperplasia 99
Mucoepidermoid tumour 127, 163 NK-cell lymphomas 128 Oncocytic carcinoma 160, 182, 183
Mucosal melanoma 12, 60 NKSCC See Non-keratinizing squamous cell Oncocytic cyst 99
Multifocal adenomatous oncocytic carcinoma Oncocytic lipoadenoma 198
NK/T-cell lymphorna 75 Oncocytic papillary cystadenoma 78, 99,
hyperplasia 195
Nodal Merkel cell carcinoma 151 100
Multifocal epithelial hyperplasia í06, 117,
Nodular fasciitis 160, 199 Oncocytic papillary cystadenomatosis 99
Nodular oncocytic hyperplasia 160, 195, 196 Oncocytic papilloma 29, 30
Multifocal nodular oncocytic hyperplasia 195
Oncocytic Schneiderian papilloma 29
Multiple familia! trichoepithelioma 170, í88 Nodular oncocytosis 190, 195
Oncocytic sialolipoma í98
MUM1/IRF4 55, 130, 144 Nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin
Oncocytoma 99, 160, 182, 189, 190, 196
MYB 17, 71,164,165,264 lymphoma i 42
OOC See Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst
MYBL1 165 NOH See Nodular oncocytic hyperplasia
OPMDs See Oral potentially malignant
MYB-NFIB genefusion 71,164,165,264 Non-chromaftin paraganglioma 277, 281,
MYC 130, 142-144 283
OPSCC See Oropharyngeal squamous cell
MYC-IGH fusion í30 Non-intestinal type adenocarcinoma 14, 24
MYCL 69 Non-lTAC See non-intestinal type
Oral condyloma acuminatum 116
MYF4 37 adenocarcinoma
Oral epithelial dysplasia 106, 112-114
MYOCD 36 Non-keratinizing carcinoma 65
Oral mucosal melanoma i06, 126
MYOD1 37, 41,122 Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
Oral potentially malignant disorders 108,112
Myoepithelial carcinoma 160, 174 12, 15, 18, 64-69, 136
Oral potentially malignant disorders and oral
Myoepithelial sialadenitis 196 Noonan syndrome 256-258
epithelial dysplasia 112
Myoepithelioma I i9, 160, 186, 187 Notch 41, 145, 220
Oral squamous cell carcinoma 109-11 i
Myofibroblastic sarcoma 106, 125, 126 NOTCH1/NOTCH2 165,181
Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
Myofibrosarcoma 125 NPC See Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Myoglobin 37, 122 NPM1 131
Orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst 204,241
Myosarcoma 36 NRAS 61,216
osee See Oral squamous cell carcinoma
Myosin 37, 122 NTRK3 177, 178
Osseous dysplasia 254
NUT carcinoma i2, 14, 17, 18, 20-22, 61
N Osseous plasmacytoma 260
NUTM1 20, 21
Ossifying fibroma 204,231,251
NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion 44, 45 NUT midline carcinoma 20
Osteoblastoma 204, 249, 250
Nasal chondromesenchymal hamartoma 51
o Osteochondroma 204, 255
Nasal dermoid sinus cyst 157 Osteochondromatous exostosis 255
Nasopalatine duct cyst 204, 241, 242 Oat cell carcinoma 97 Osteogenic sarcoma 244
Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma 74 ODAM See Odontogenic Osteoid osteoma 204, 249
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 18, 64, 65, 67, ameloblast-associated protein Osteoma 204, 246
69,90 Odontogenic ameloblast-associated Osteosarcoma 204, 244
Nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcinoma protein 220 Otosclerosis 262, 263, 268, 269
64, 70 Odontogenic carcinosarcoma 204, 21'3 Otospongiosis 268
NCOA2 37, 244 Odontogenic cyst 204,208,211,212,232, Oxyphilic adenoma 99, i 89
NDC See Nasopalatine duct cyst 234-241
Neumann tumour 119 Odontogenic fibroma 204, 228
Neurilemmoma 39, 48,123,270 Odontogenic keratocyst 204, 235, 236
Neurinoma 123 Odontogenic myxofif)roma 229

344 Subject index

p Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma ROR2 36
140, 167 Rothmund-Thomson syndrome 246
p14ARF/p161NK4a 115,145 Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia 253, 254 RRP See Recurrent respiratory
PA See Pleomorphic adenoma Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) injection 103 papillomatosis
PAC See Polymorphous adenocarcinoma Poorly differentiated carcinoma 160, i 65, RUNX1 216
Papillary adenocarcinoma of the middle ear 180
266 Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine
Papillary cystadenocarcinoma í 71 carcinoma 21, 22, 78, 97 S45F/S45P 43
Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum í 88 PRDM1 53, 130 Salivary duct carcinoma 160, 173, 174
Papillary squamous cell carcinoma 78, 87 Primary intra-alveolar epidermoid carcinoma Salivary gland adenocarcinoma 171
Papilloma i06, 1í 5
207 Salivary gland anlage tumour 64, 71
Paraganglioma 162, 263, 267, 271, 276-280,
Primary intraosseous carcinoma 204, Salivary type tumours 127
281-283 207-209 Sarcomatoid carcinoma 17, 34, 88,179
Paranasal sinus tumours 38, 58
Primary intraosseous squamous cell sse See Simple bone cyst
Paranasal tumours 52
carcinoma 207 see See Squamous cell carcinoma
Paraneoplastic syndromes 58
Primary odontogenic carcinoma 207 Schneiderian carcinoma i 6
Parosteal osteosarcoma 204, 244
Primordial odontogenic tumour 204, 223, 224 Schneiderian papilloma 28-30, 40
PAX3 37, 40, 41
PRKD1, PRKD2, PRKD3 168 Schneiderian papilloma, inverted type 28
PAX7 37
Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia 47, 106, Schwannoma 12, 48, 106, 123, 124, 267
PAXB 26,268,273
113-115, 123 Sclerosing adenosis 195
PBL See Plasmablastic lymphoma
PROX1 123, 125 Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma 204, 209,
Periapical cyst 232
PSCC See Papillary squamous cell 228
Periodontoma 251
carcinoma Sclerosing polycystic adenoma 195
Periosteal osteosarcoma 204, 244
Pseudosarcomatous fasciitis 199 Sclerosing polycystic adenosis 160, 195
Peripheral giant cell granuloma 204, 257
PTCH 221 Sclerosing polycystic sialadenopathy 195
Peripheral neuroblastoma 56
PTCH1 59,122,235,236 sesee See Spindle cell squamous cell
Peripheral neuroectodermal tumour 56
PTEN 36,111,181 carcinoma
Peripheral neuroepithelioma 56
PTGS2 83 soe See Salivary duct carcinoma
Peripheral T-cell lymphoma 52, 53, 75, 141,
PTPRK 53 SDH 278-280
PVL See Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia SDHA 278-281, 283
Pyogenic granuloma 47, 123 SDHAF2 278-280, 283
syndrome 282
SDHB 278-283
PIK3CA 69, 83,111,138,165,217 R
Pindborg tumour 220 SDHC 278-281, 283
PIOC See Primary intraosseous carcinoma Radicular cyst 204, 232 SDHD 278-281, 283
PIT1 72 RANBP2 102 Sebaceous adenocarcinoma 160, 178
Pituitary adamantinoma 73 Ranula 148, 156, 157 Sebaceous adenoma i 60, 193
PITX2 216 RAS 26,127,217,256 Secretory carcinoma 160,177, i78
PLAG1 174,176,185,186 RB1 36, 180 Septal papilloma 30
PLAP 27 RBL2 143 Seromucinous adenocarcinoma 24
Plasmablastic lymphoma 106, 129, i30 REAH See Sinonasal respiratory epithelial Seromucinous hamartoma 12, 32
Plasma cell gran uloma 101 adenomatoid hamartoma SF1 72
Plasmacytoma 12, 52, 54, 55, 64, 75, i04, Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis 93-95 SH3BP2 257
128,141,201,204,260 Renal cell-like carcinoma 24, 26 SHH signalling pathway 59,212,235
Pleomorphic adenoma i2, 33, 78, 99, i06, Reparative giant cell granuloma 256 Sialadenoma papilliferum 160, 192
127, 134, 139, 160, 185, 186 Respiratory epithelial adenomatoid Sialoblastoma i 60, 183, 184
Pleomorphic liposarcoma 35 hamartoma 31 Sialolipoma 160, 198
Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma 12, 36 RET 278-280 Sialo-odontogenic cyst 239
Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma, adult type Retention cyst 156 Simple bone cyst 204, 259
36 Retina! anlage tumour 247 Sinonasal ameloblastoma 12, 51
Podoplanin 123, 125,146,243 Retinoblastoma 57, 246 Sinonasal angiosarcoma 38
Poikiloderma atrophicans with cataract Rhabdomyoma 106, 122 Sinonasal Burkitt lymphoma 52
See Rothmund-Thomson syndrome Rhabdomyosarcoma 12, 36, 37, 57 Sinonasal cavity tumours 38
Polycystic adenosis 160, 163, 195 Rhabdosarcoma 36 Sinonasal exophytic papilloma 30
Polymorphic reticulosis 52 RHOA 143 Sinonasal fibrosarcoma 34
Polymorphous adenocarcinoma i34, 140, RIC8B 59 Sinonasal glomangiopericytoma i2, 44
160, 167, 168 Ringertz tumour 30 Sinonasal haemangiopericytoma-like tumour 44

Sub¡ect índex 345

Sinonasal keratinizing squamous cell ssx 41, 42 u
carcinoma 14 STAT3 53
STAT6 44, 45, 51 UAM See Unicystic ameloblastoma
Sinonasal mucosal melanoma 60, 61
Sinonasal neuroendocrine carcinoma 21, 22 Striated duct adenoma 194 UBR5 212
Sturge--Weber syndrome 48 Unclassified adenocarcinoma 171
Sinonasal neurofibroma 49
Swedish snuff 109 Undifferentiated carcinoma 65, 160, 180,181
Sinonasal non-intestinal-type
Synovial sarcoma 12, 34, 41, 42 Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma
adenocarcinoma 24
Synovioma 41 12,34,35
Sinonasal papilloma 12, 28
Unicameral bone cyst 259
Sinonasal oncocytic papilloma 29
T Unicystic ameloblastoma 217, 2"18
Sinonasal papilloma, exophytic type 30
Unknown primary Merkel cell carcinoma 151
Sinonasal papilloma, inverted type 28 t(6;22)(p21;q12) translocation 164
t(11; 18)(q21 ;q21) (B1RC3/APl2-MALT1) USP6 199, 259
Sinonasal papilloma, oncocytic type 29
Sinonasal respiratory epithelial adenomatoid translocation 202
t(11; 19)(q21;p13) translocation 164
hamartoma 31, 32
Sinonasal rhabdomyosarcoma 36 t( 12;15)(p13;q25) translocation 178 Vaga! paraganglioma 276, 283
Sinonasal schwannoma 48 t(14;18)(q32;q21) (IGH-MALT1) VC See Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma
Sinonasal teratocarcinosarcoma 26 translocation 202 VEGF 83,268
Sinonasal tract meningioma 50 t(15;i9) carcinoma 20 VEGFA 83
Sinonasal tract tumours 56 t(X;1S)(p11;q11) translocation 41, 42 VEGFR3 123, 125
Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma 12, 14, T41A 43 Venereal condyloma 116
16, 18, 19,26,30 T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder 128, 129
Verruca vulgaris 106, 117
Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma 12, 21, TCF3 143 Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma 29, 78,
22, 78, 97, 98, 160, 180, 181 Teratocarcinosarcoma 26, 27
84, 85, 116
SMARCB1 16, 17, 19-21, 39, 61,217 Teratoid cyst 157
Vestibular neuroma 270
SmCC See Small cell neuroendocrine Teratoid potyp 72
Vestibular schwannoma 262, 270, 271
carcinoma VHL See Von Hippel-Lindau disease
Terminal duct carcinoma 140, 167
SMO 217 Van Hippel-Lindau disease 48, 267, 268,
Terminal tubulus adenocarcinoma 24
SNUC See Sinonasal undifferentiated 279,280
TFE3 46
carcinoma VV See Verruca vulgaris
TGD cyst See Thyroglossal duct cyst
SOC See Sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma
Soft tissue ameloblastoma 218
TGF-alpha 270
TGF-beta 1 /SMAD 222
Solid/multicystic ameloblastoma 215
THRAP3 259 Warthin tumour 160,163, 188-191, 201
Solitary bone cyst 259
Thyroglossal duct cyst 156 Well-differentiated liposarcoma 101
Solitary fibrous tumour 12, 45
Thyroglossal duct remnant í 56 Well-differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma
Solitary plasmacytoma of bone 204, 260
Thyroid-like low-grade nasopharyngeal 78,95,96
SOT See Squamous odontogenic tumour
papillary adenocarcinoma 70 Werner syndrome 246
SOX2 20,206
T-LBL/L See T-lymphoblastic leukaemia/ WHSC1L1 21
SOX11 144
lymphoma WWTR1-CAMTA1 fusion 46
SPB See Solitary plasmacytoma of bone
TLE1 41,42
Spindle cell melanoma 34 TLPD See T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder X
Spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma 12, 34, 36, T-lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma 134,
37 XBP1 130
Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma 12, TMEM127 279,280 XRCC1 69
17, 78,87,88, 102 TNFAIP3 201, 202
Sé¡uamous cell carcinoma 109, 182,263,
Tobacco 14,65,81,84,86,87,91, 93,95,
266 96,109,110,112,114,136 YAP1-TFE3 fusion 46
Squamous cell carcinoma, HPV-negative TPIT 72
138 TPM3 102
Squamous cell carcinoma, HPV-positive 136 TPM4 102
Squamous cell papilloma 78, 85, 93, 106, TRAF3 138
115,116 Transitional cell carcinoma 16
Squamous cell papillomatosis 78, 93 Transitional cell papilloma 30
Squamous intraepithelial lesion 91,112,316 Traumatic bone cyst 259
Squamous intraepithelial neoplasia 91, 92 True cementoma 230
Squamous odontogenic tumour 204,219 TIF1 21, 70, 96-98, 146,152,268,273
SS18 41, 42 Tubulopapillary low-grade adenocarcinoma
SS18-SSX fusion 41 24

346 Subject index

List of abbreviations

3D Three-dimensional
AJCC American Joint Committee on Cancer
BCL2 B-cell lymphoma 2 protein
BCL6 B-cell lymphoma 6 protein
cAMP Cyclic adenosine monophosphate
CDK4 Cyclin-dependent kinase 4
CNS Central nervous system
CT Computed tomography
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
EBER Epstein-Barr virus-encoded small ribonucleic acid
EBV Epstein-Barr virus
EGFR Epidermal growth factor receptor
EMA Epithelial membrane antigen
FDG-PET í 8F-Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography
FISH Fluorescence in situ hybridization
FLAIR Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
GFAP Glial fibrillary acidic protein
H&E Haematoxylin and eosin
HHV8 Human herpesvirus 8
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
HPV Human papillomavirus
ICD-0 lnternational Classification of Diseases for Oncology
lg lmmunoglobulin
LOH Loss of heterozygosity
MAPK Mitogen-activated protein kinase
MDM2 Mouse double minute 2 homologue
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
mRNA Messenger ribonucleic acid
N:C ratio Nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio
NKcell Natural killer cell
PAS Periodic acid-Schiff
PCR Polymerase chain reaction
PET Positron emission tomography
PET-CT Positron emission tomography-computed tomography
RB Retinoblastoma protein
RNA Ribonucleic acid
RT-PCR Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
SDHA Succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein subunit, mitochondrial
SDHB Succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur subunit, mitochondrial
SEER Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results
SMA Smooth muscle actin
SMARCB1 SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily B member 1
STAT6 Signal transducer and activator of transcription 6
TdT Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
TNM Tumour, nade, metastasis

List of abbreviations 347

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