BIOL 101 Feb 23, 2014

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End Semester Examination

Level : B.Sc. / B. Pharm/ B. Tech. Course : BIOL 101
Year : I Semester: I

Exam. Roll No. : Time: 30 mins. F. M.: 20

Registration No.: Date :

Choose and tick (√ ) the most appropriate answer: [10 Q0.5 = 5]

1) In genetic cross having recessive epistasis, F2 phenotypic would be

[ ] 9:6:1 [ ] 15:1 [ ] 9:3:4 [ ] 12:3:1

2) Nissl’s granules could be seen in

[ ] neuron [ ] myofibrils [ ] bone cells [ ] gland cells

3) Virus free plants obtained from

[ ] callus culture [ ] embryoid culture
[ ] root apex culture [ ] shoot apex culture

4) Photochemical smog is related to pollution of

[ ] soil [ ] water [ ] air [ ] noise

5) Ferrodoxin is a component of
[ ] dark reaction [ ] light reation [ ] photosystem II [ ] photosystem I

6) Microorganism responsible for yoghurt production is

[ ] Lactobacillus [ ] Streptomyces
[ ] Aspergillus [ ] Saccharomyces

7) Eutrophication is caused by
[ ] sulphur dioxide [ ] sodium [ ] lead [ ] phosphate

8) Crossing over is advantageous because it brings about

[ ] variation [ ] linkage [ ] stability [ ] inbreeding

9) Secretion of gastric juice is stopped by

[ ] gastrin [ ] pancreozymin [ ] cholecystokinin [ ] enterogastrone

10) The metamorphosis of the tadpole larva of frogs is controlled by

[ ] thyroxine [ ] secretin [ ] oxytocin [ ] adrenaline

Fill in the blanks: [10 Q.  0.5 =5]
1) Density of population D is ………………………….

2) Ozone layer is present in the …………………………………..

3) Procambium forms ……………………………………………….

4) At symptome stage, population is……………………………….

5) The stored food material in muscle is…………………………………..

6) In fluid mosaic model, proteins are of …………………………. types

7) The ATP is formed in…………………………………….

8) Barley malt is used as a raw material for the preparation of…………………

9) Rennin used in cheese industry is………………………………..

10) Chromosomes are best seen in………………………………………..

Define in one sentence: [10 Q1=10]
1) Binomial nomenclature

2) Cell cycle

3) Genetic recombination

4) Lenticel

5) Genetic counseling

6) Hypophysis

7) Global warning

8) Microbial mining

9) Biopiracy

10) Monoclonal antibody

End Semester Examination

Level : B.Sc. / B.Pharm/ B. Tech. Course : BIOL 101

Year : I Semester: I
Time : 2 hrs 30 mins. F. M. : 55
Attempt any THREE questions: [ 3 Q.  7 = 21]
1) What do you understand by respiration? Explain different steps occurring in glycolysis.

2) Define biotechnology. What is the importance of yeast in alcohol production? Give a

process of manufacture of alcohol.

3) Explain the phenomenon of linkage. How does it differ from Mendel’s concept?
What is biodiversity? What kind of threats to the biodiversity may lead to its loss?

4) Write short notes on: [4Q.4 =16]

a) Herbarium technique
b) Maturation promoting factor
c) Photorespiration
d) DNA fingerpring

5) Give TWO major differences between: [4 Q.  2 = 8]

a) Somaclonal variation and somatic embryogenesis

b) Tendon and ligament
d) Allelic and non allelic genetic interaction
e) Mitosis and meiosis

6) Give reason why/how (50 words only): [5 Q.  2 =10]

a) Injury to cartilage takes a long time to heal.
b) A plant cell divides by cell plate formation.
c) Dicot stem shows secondary growth.
d) Antibiotics effectively destroy the bacteria.
e) Red light is more effective in the process of photosynthesis as compared to the blue
Choose and tick (√ ) the most appropriate answer: [10 Q. x 0.5 = 5]
1) In genetic cross having recessive epistasis, F2 phenotypic would be
[ ] 9:6:1 [ ] 15:1
[ √ ] 9:3:4 [ ] 12:3:1
2) Nissl’s granules could be seen in
[ √ ] neuron [ ] myofibrils [ ] bone cells [ ] gland cells
3) Virus free plants obtained from
[ ] callus culture [ ] embryoid culture
[ ] root apex culture [ √ ] shoot apex culture
4) Photochemical smog is related to pollution of
[ ] soil [ ] water
[√] air [ ] noise
5) Ferrodoxin is a component of
[ ] dark reaction [√ ] light reation
[ ] photosystem II [ ] photosystem I
6) Microorganism responsible for yoghurt production is
[√ ] Lactobacillus [ ] Streptomyces
[ ] Aspergillus [ ] Saccharomyces
7) Eutrophication is caused by
[ ] sulphur dioxide [ ] sodium
[ ] lead [√ ] phosphate
8) Crossing over is advantageous because it brings about
[√ ] variation [ ] linkage
[ ] stability [ ] inbreeding
9) Secretion of gastric juice is stopped by
[ ] gastrin [ ] pancreozymin
[ ] cholecystokinin [√ ] enterogastrone
10) The metamorphosis of the tadpole larva of frogs is controlled by
[ √ ] thyroxine [ ] secretin [ ] oxytocin [ ] adrenaline

Fill in the blanks: [10 Q. x 0.5 =5]
1) Density of population D is ………………(N/S)
2) Ozone layer is present in the …………………….( stratosphere)
3) Procambium forms ………………………(vascular tissues)
4) At symptome stage, population is……………(stablised)
5) The stored food material in muscle is…………………(glycogen).
6) In fluid mosaic model, proteins are of …………….types(Three)
7) The ATP is formed in…………………………. (Mitochondria)
8) Barley malt is used as a raw material for the preparation of………….. (Beer).
9) Rennin used in cheese industry is……………………….. (enzyme)
10) Chromosomes are best seen in……………………………….. (metaphase)

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