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Pasien: Purnama
Perawat 1: Lilis
Perawat 2: Martha
Perawat 3: Risa

In the morning in the Hospital Bakti Husada, Nurse Lilis has a morning visit. There are
patients with a diagnosis of fracture of the tibia dextra complained that she’s not confident with
her looks and feel anxious because of her condition.
Nurse Lilis : Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb., Ma'am., It is right Mrs. Purnama from Malang?
Mrs. Purnama: Wa'alaikumussalam wr. wb. Yes, I am, Nurse.
Nurse Lilis: My name is Nurse Martha, I will check the state of your health, Ma’am. There is any
complaint, Ma'am?
Mrs. Purnama: Yes, nurse, I feel not confident. I haven't been able to walk freely for a while. I
limp, Nurse. How about my friend’s opinion about my condition, Nurse? I worry about being
Nurse Lilis: Calm down, Ma'am. Emm ... Do you want a guided imagery therapy? This therapy
can reduce anxiety and your worry Ma’am.
Mrs. Purnama: Yes, Nurse, I want it please.
Nurse Lilis: Well, Ma’am, you will be treated guided imagery by Nurse Martha. I will return to
the nurse station and nurse Martha will be here soon, Ma'am. Excuse me, ma'am. Please wait a
Mrs. Purnama: Ok, Nurse. Thank you.
Nurse Lilis back into the nurse station and ask for help to nurse Martha to do guided
imagery therapy on Mrs. Purnama. Nurse Martha come into Mrs. Purnama’s room.
Nurse Martha: Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. good morning , Ma'am. It is right Mrs. Purnama from
Mrs. Purnama: Wa'alaikumussalam wr. wb. Nurse. It’s true, Nurse. So, you are the nurse that
will provide therapy to me?
Nurse Martha: right, ma'am. I am nurse Martha will lead you a guided imagery therapy to help
reduce the anxiety and concern of yours. I need you to cooperate with me, ma'am.
Mrs. Purnama: Ok, nurse.
Nurse Martha: Well, we start the therapy, ma'am. Please make a comfortable position, ma'am.
Begin with a few slow deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, letting
your body get relaxed. Close your eyes and try to relax as deeply as possible now.
Let Your eyes remain relaxed as You follow my instructions. You stand on the street on a
sunny day. On a warm day. Feel the warmth of the sun. The warmth of the sun enveloped in the
parts of the face and hands. If You feel too warmth, there will be wind to keep you comfortable.
Slowly, now, walk to the edge of the road. You are walking on the side of the road and
small ditch. In the distance, there’s a small waterfall. You walk to the river. Stop and look
around at the trees on both sides of the river. If you completely relaxed, now, you just might
even be able to hear the wind as gently past the trees. The leaves rustle, and when the wind is
coming towards you, it brings the smell of the trees are natural. Feels very cool, clean and
Some birds circling above and come skate with graceful through the cloud. For a
moment, let yourself be one of the birds. You're a bird now. And still be a bird when You fly
back towards the fog that rises out from small building. Go back to Your feelings into the fog.
Allow yourself to become one of the particles of the ashes of burnt in fog. You began to drift
slowly, gently fall back to earth, floated up and down slowly. Now that You've landed and You
have come back into yourself.
Now it's time to get back to the road. So, get up slowly and start walk back along the
river again, walking down past the river. Climb the side of the ditch of the road. You stand in the
way of, once again, feel the rays of the sun. Let your imagination fade for the moment. Begin to
feel Your body sitting here. Stop for a moment to feel the sensation of relaxation calm in Your
body. If you are still be in tension, allowing for a moment of relaxation. Let yourself settle down
and be more relaxed. If You can't let all the tension go, don't worry. Just let it go as much as
You can at this time and don't need to be forced.
Now, open Your eyes, how You feeling now when You allow yourself to really relax.
Take a deep breath, slow and deep. Feel the oxygen enter Your lungs. Feel cleaning Your breath
and when You breath out, release tension and pressure from Your body.
All right, ma’am, today we have done for a relaxation exercise. Hopefully it can help
your psychological condition. I went back to the nurse station, ma'am. Thanks for your
cooperation, ma'am. Excuse me.
Mrs. Purnama: Thank you, sus.
During the day, after a change of nurse shift, nurse Risa check the condition of the
Nurse Risa: Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb., good afternoon, ma'am. It is right Mrs. Purnama from
Mrs. Purnama: Yes, I am, Nurse.
Nurse Risa: How do you feel this afternoon, ma’am? There are any complaints, ma’am?
Mrs. Purnama: I feel anxious and worried about my condition and my looks, Nurse. But I already
get therapy that given by nurse Martha in this morning, and now my anxiety is reduced, I am not
worried about my condition (say it with smile)
Nurse Risa: Alhamdulillah. Well, Ma'am. if you need my help, you can squeeze a button over
here, ma'am, then I would immediately into your room to help you. Then, I'll will check another
patient, ma'am. Excuse me, Ma’am
Mrs. Purnama: Yes, Nurse. Thank you.
Nurse Risa: Yes, ma'am, get well soon, ma’am.

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