Lesson 4 Eval Cheatham

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I Like What I Like & I Am Who I Am Evaluation

1. What does the term cisgender mean?

a. Someone who’s gender identity does NOT match the sex they were assigned
at birth.
b. Someone who identifies as the sex they were assigned at birth.
c. Someone who doesn’t identify as male or female/ someone who identifies as
something outside of traditional gender binary.
d. None of the above

2. What does the term ally mean?

a. Someone who defends and supports those in the LGBTQIA+ community.

b. Someone who believes that all people should be treated with respect, dignity
and equality, regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation
c. Someone who speaks more than they listen when LGBTQIA+ topics arise.
d. All of the above are correct.
e. Both a and b are correct.

3. List two ways you can create intimacy without sex?

4. What was something new you learned in today’s lesson? What was your favorite part
of the lesson?

5. Answer one: What would make this lesson better? Or What would you like to learn
about next?

1. B
2. E
3. Cuddling, Trying something new together, Dance together, offer assistance, sleeping
next to each other, share childhood experiences with each other, share your
fantasies, dreams and goals with each other, give each other a massage, cook
together, hold hands, etc.

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