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2019 IEEE International Conference on Aerospace Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology (ICARES)

Design Requirement of LWIR Optical Filter for

LAPAN-A4 Satellite
Rommy Hartono Dede Ardianto Sartika Salaswati
Satellite Technology Center Satellite Technology Center Satellite Technology Center
National Institute of Aeronautics and National Institute of Aeronautics and National Institute of Aeronautics and
Space Space Space
Bogor, Indonesia Bogor, Indonesia Bogor, Indonesia
Rakhmad Yatim A Hadi Syafrudin
Satellite Technology Center Satellite Technology Center
National Institute of Aeronautics and National Institute of Aeronautics and
Space Space
Bogor, Indonesia Bogor, Indonesia
Abstract— A filter is a device or instrument which is certain wavelengths. Optical filters are used in
able to pass a specific signal and also remove other fluorescence microscopy, photography, optical
signals. There are several types of optical filters: bandpass instrument, spectroscopy, military, aviation, and others.
filter, long-pass filter, and short-pass filter. The next
microsatellite developed by Satellite Technology Center is There are several types of optical filters: bandpass
LAPAN-A4 Satellite. This satellite brings Medium filter, long-pass filter, and short-pass filter. A bandpass
Resolution Multispectral Imager (MRI) using SLIM4 and filter is a filter that transmits a certain range of
also Experiment LAPAN Line Imager Space Application wavelengths or frequencies and blocks out wavelengths
(ELLISA). Moreover, this satellite also brings thermal or frequencies outside it [2]. A shortwave pass (SWP)
imager which is called microbolometer, and experiment filter is an optical filter that blocks longer wavelengths
Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) camera. Especially for and transmits shorter wavelengths. And the Longwave
spectral band Long Wave Infrared (LWIR) cameras in pass (LWP) filter is the opposite, it’s blocking shorter
LAPAN-A4 satellite will be narrowed down to 10.4µm – wavelengths and transmitting longer wavelengths [3].
12.5µm, therefore a band filter is needed for blocking and Spectral response is described as sensor sensitivity
passing these wavelengths. The method used to design the versus the optical radiation at different wavelengths.
optical bandpass filter LWIR microbolometer camera is Spectral response is described as the sensitivity of the
by determining the required spectral response. The
sensor versus the input source [4]. From the spectral
response spectral required refers to the LANDSAT 8
response, we can find out the value of the sensitivity of
Thermal Infrared Sensors (TIRS) bands 10 and 11 with
spectral response 10.60-12.51µm, Centre Wavelength
the sensor at a certain wavelength. Figure 1 is the
(CWL) of band 10 and 11 are 10.9µm and 12.0 µm, and difference between bandpass filters.
Full-Width Half-Maximum (FWHM) of both band are 0.6
µm and 1µm), and also determine the substrate filter
material to be used. The design results show that, the
LWIR bandpass filter has a spectral response of 10.4-
12.5µm, CWL 11.45µm, and FWHM 2.1µm, max peak
transmission is 80.21%, and capable of blocking at
wavelengths of 7-10.4 µm and 13-16.5 µm, the material
used in this design uses Germanium (Ge) because it has a
wavelength of 2-16 µm which can work on spectral IR

Keywords—Bandpass Parameters, LAPAN-A4 satellite,

Germanium(Ge), Wavelength.
Fig. 1. Different Optical filters
The next microsatellite developed by Satellite
A filter is a device or instrument which is able to Technology Center is LAPAN-A4 Satellite. LAPAN-A4
pass a specific signal and can also remove other signals satellite is predicted to be launched in the middle of
[1]. In the field of electronics and communication, there 2020. This satellite brings Medium Resolution
are various kinds of a filter, the same thing also exists in Multispectral Imager (MRI)[5] and also Experiment
the optical field known as an optical filter. An optical LAPAN Line Imager Space Application. Moreover, this
filter is a device or instrument that can pass or block satellite also brings thermal imager which is called

978-1-7281-3676-9/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

microbolometer, and experiment short wave infrared TABLE I. TIRS CHARACTERISTICS
(SWIR) camera. Center Spatial
TIRS Wavelength Bandwidth
Wavelength Resolution
The microbolometer camera on the LAPAN-A4 Band
(µm) (µm)
satellite has the following specifications, provided by 10 10.9 10.60-11.19 0.6 100
Xenics with Gobi 640 CL, spectral band 8-14µm, array 11 12.0 11.50-12.51 1.0 100
type a-Si microbolometer, pixel 640(W) x 480(H), pixel As we know, TIRS Landsat 8 has 2 bands, namely
pitch 17 µm, frame rate 50Hz, no cooling, A/D TIRS1 bands 10 which have 10.60µm-11.19µm spectral
conversion resolution 16 bit, and interface using base and TIRS2 bands 11 which have 11.50µm - 12.51µm
camera link (CL)[6]. Especially for spectral band LWIR spectral. However, the reference in the bandpass filter
cameras will be narrowed down to 10.4µm –12.5µm, design is the TIRS bands 10 and 11 of LANDSAT8.
therefore a band filter is needed to block and pass these After the spectral selection is determined, the next step
wavelengths. The use of optical filters has been applied is bandpass filter characterization that will be made like
in LAPAN-A3 satellites. The LAPAN-A3 LISA camera as determining of central wavelength, cut on and cut off
has used an optical filter to produce the required spectral wavelength, peak transmission, blocking range,
response. The use of these filters is felt quite optimal to blocking Optical Density (OD), and selection of
pass and block unnecessary wavelengths. Therefore, the substrate filter material to be used. The filter material
use of optical filters will also be implemented on the will affects the value of the peak-transmission. Figure 3
LAPAN-A4 satellite microbolometer camera. Filter shows the methodology process in this research.
design or simulation is needed to determine the spectral
response and FWHM range that can be generated by a
microbolometer camera. By doing the design or
simulation process the spectral response produced by
the microbolometer camera is as expected.
This paper consists of several sections first, a
general theory about the bandpass filter, then the
methodology used in this research, design requirement
of bandpass filters which consist of bandpass parameter
also materials, result and discuss, the final section is
some conclusion of this research and future works.

The method used to design the optical bandpass
filter LWIR microbolometer camera is by determining
the required spectral response. The response spectral
required refers to the LANDSAT 8 Thermal Infrared
Sensors (TIRS) bands 10 and 11 spectral response. The
Figure 2 and Table 1 shows the response spectral of
band 10 and band 11 TIRS LANDSAT8 which is used
as a reference.

Fig. 3. Methodology Flow chart


Based on the methodology in chapter 2, the design
of bandpass filter for LAPAN-A4 satellite LWIR
microbolometer camera was made as the following
design specifications;
Fig. 2. Spectral Response TIRS bands 10 and 11 LANDSAT 8[7][8]
A. Spectral Respons of LWIR LAPAN-A4 λ cut − on + λ cut − off (1)
As explained at the beginning of the chapter, the 2
spectral response of microbolometer camera has a range Outside the passband, in the blocking range, the
of 7µm -16µm (Figure 4), this spectral range is too filter transmission should be as little as possible (< 0.1...
wide, it will be narrowed to 10.4µm –12.5 (both of 1%), due to additional results, that interference with the
TIRS bands 10 and 11). signal part. Because these parts are not affected by the
Spectral LWIR LAPAN-A4
values to be measured, with which the bandpasses are
aligned, the transmission within the blocking range
decreases the sensitivity of the application
1.0 measurement.
0.8 Whilst the cut-on and cut-off wavelengths explains
Absorption Efficiency

the edge transitions of the optical filter where the

transmission increases sharply at the increased
0.4 wavelength range. They are determined as the point at
each edge where the transmission attains 50% of the
peak show in figure 6, and is also known as the 50%
0.0 edge point and the half-power wave length.

6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Wave ength (um)

Fig. 4. Spectral Respons LWIR camera in LAPAN A4

Microbolometer on LAPAN-A4 satellite will use the

150mm lens and 1.6 F-number. This lens is compatible
with uncooled detector type, so it’s very easy to install
with materials like germanium (Ge) or Silicon (Si). The
LWIR filter is planned to be installed in front of CCD
microbolometer camera (Gobi 640CL) LAPAN-A4
Fig. 6. Cut-on and cut-off wavelengths, center wavelength (CWL),
and full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) for a bandpass filter.
B. Bandpass Parameters
The band pass filter transmission characteristics Such the center wavelength and full-width half the
consist of the centre wavelength (CWL), half power maximum below, the cut-on and cut-off wavelengths
bandwidth (HPBW) and peak transmission (TPK).The can be determined as nominal or with a ± wavelength
peak transmission should not below 70% because it can tolerance. In the case of dichroic filters determined by
makes the detector signal to be low. The transmission the use of average polarization, it is common to evaluate
value is precisely half of the peak transmission by using the cut-on and cut-off wavelength using an average
the cut-on and cut-off wavelength. Figure 5 shows the wavelength that corresponds to 80% and 20% of the
band pass filter transmission range. peak transmittance. This is because the obstacles arising
from polarisation are generally seen around the edge
point of 50%.
Band blocking is a generic term that relates to the
wave-specific attenuation of rays by means of
reflectance, absorbance, or both. For almost filter, the
enlightened rays are not directed to other roads in the
system so that determining the reflectance is not
necessary. However, the majority of optical filters and
coatings used at larger angles of occurrence, such as
dichroic filters and high-reflectivity (HR) mirrors, are
designed to divide or reflect blocks in the system, so this
is always determined With the band reflection instead of
Fig. 5. A bandpass filter transmission range
Optical filters such as longpass or shortpass,
The CWL shows the “middle” of the bandpass filter bandpass filters are determined by transmission in terms
and is considered from the cut-on and cut-off of percent and obstruct in optical density (OD) units,
wavelengths[9]. high optical density values show low transmission, and
Low optical density indicates high transmission. Optical
density 6 or greater is used to block extremes optical minimal number of Germanium lenses. The
densities of 3.0 – 4.0 are ideal for laser separation and transmission range is from 2 to about 15 μm. It is quite
clean-up to calculate OD using equation 2, while optical fragile and hard to cut but receives excellent polish.
densities of 2.0 or less are ideal for color sorting and Germanium is non-hygroscopic and nontoxic, has good
separating spectral orders. Where OD is optical density thermal conductivity, excellent surface hardness, and
and T is transmission in percent. good strength. Also, due to the extremely high refractive
index, an antireflection coating is essential for each
T (2)
OD = − log 10 ( ) germanium transmitting optical system.
There are no important differences in optical goal
design rules for visible and IR ranges. The optical Wave Index of
Material band Refraction (g/cm3) Characteristic
design of the IR is only more limited, because there are (µm) (nd)

significantly fewer subtances that are suitable for IR Germani Semiconductor,

um 2-12 4.0031 404 5,32 used in Thermal
optical elements, compared to those for visible range, (Ge) Imaging,
especially for wavelengths of more than 2.5 μm [10]. Low cost,
Silicon 1.2- Used in
3.422 160 2.33
Metallic coatings are usually used as reflective (Si) 7.0 spectroscopy,
coatings from the IR mirrors. Bare aluminium, protected MWIR system
aluminum, silver, and gold are four types of metal lining Arsenide 3-12 3.274 150 5.32
that are most commonly used. They offer high Excellent in
reflectivity, more than about 95%, in the range of 3 – 15 Zink visible and IR,
spectral μm. Bare Aluminium has a very high value of Sulfide 3-13 2.631 38.7 5.27 Harder,
(Zns) More
reflectance but has lack that it oxidizes over time. Chemically
Protected aluminium is a bare aluminium coating with a Low
dielectric coat that captures the process of oxidation. Seleneida
2.403 61 5.27
20 High
Silver offers better reflectance in close IRS of (ZnSe)
aluminium and high reflectance in a wide spectrum. Low
Gold is a widely used material and offers high Calium Absorption,
Fluoride 3-5 1.434 -10.6 3.18 Used in
reflectance consistently (about 99%) at range 0.8 – 50 (CaF2) Spectroscopy,
μm. However, gold is soft (cannot be touched to remove Cooled thermal
dust) and most commonly used in laboratories. Good
Sapphire 3-5 1.768 13.1 3.97 in IR,
Most of the glasses used to manufacture optical Used in IR
elements for visible and near-infrared distances transmit laser systems
good light up to about 2.2 μm and can be used for BF7 0.35-
- 3.4 2.51 Optical glass
(Glass) 2.3
optical SWIR. Thermal imagery uses almost exclusively Used in
two spectral bands: 3 to 5 μm or 8-14 μm. Therefore, the um
material usually regarded for infrared optics is those that Flouride 3.5-5 1.413 1.7 3.18
lenses, good
are suitable for transmitting infrared radiation in the (MgF2)
from visible to
spectral range from 2 μm to 14 μm. MWIR

The potential materials that can be used to produce

long enough infrared refractive optics are AMTIR-1
(amorphous material emits infrared radiation), barium
fluoride (BaF2), Cadmium Tellurida (CdTe), calcium
fluoride (CaF2), caesium bromide ( CSBR), cesium
Iodide (CsI), fused silica-IR class, Gallium arsenide
(Gaas), Germanium (GE), lithium fluoride (LIF),
magnesium fluoride (MgF2), potassium bromide
(KBR), potassium chloride (KCL), Silicon (SI), sodium
chloride (NaCl), thallium bromoiodide (KRS-5), Zinc
selenide (ZnSe), zinc sulfide (ZnS). However, only a
few of the most popular materials used to manufacture
optical refractive objectives for thermal imagers will be
discussed in paper.
The basic parameters of the materials are presented
in table II and their IR transmission is shown in Figure Fig. 7. Transmission range of LWIR materials [10]
7. Germanium (GE) is a metal-looking solid of silver
from a very high refractive index (> 4) that allows the
design of high-resolution optical systems using a
Germanium has a low dispersion and it is not optical component that must meet the specifications
possible to correct color except in the highest resolution [11]. Beyond that, manufacturers do not guarantee
system. The significant disadvantage of germanium is optics will adhere to the specified specifications. Due to
the serious dependence of the refractive index to the manufacturing constraints, it is almost impossible to
temperature, so germanium lenses may need to be produce clear apertures exactly the same as the
thermalized. Apart from the high material prices and the diameter, or length by width, of the optics. Of the total
cost of anti-reflection coatings, Germanium is a favorite diameter value so that the clear aperture value is 29.25
choice of optical designers for high-performance mm. Because the distance between the clear aperture
infrared objectives for thermal imagery. So that, in this and the lens diameter is very close, the LWIR lens will
design the main of material, we choose Germanium not use housing or unmounted.
(Ge) as substrate the LWIR bandpass filter.

D. Basic Design parameters of LWIR Optical Filters

This design of LWIR optical bandpass filter is based
on spectral response, bandpass parameters, and
materials. In summary, the expected output is illustrated
in Table 3 below. Table 3 is the technical parameters
used as a reference in the process of making LWIR
bandpass filters on the LAPAN-A4 satellite.
Fig. 8. Illustration of LWIR optical Filter (Circle, D=32.5mm, H
Specification Value Tolerance B. Spectral Performance
Type filter Wide bandpass
The LWIR sensor that is used in the LAPAN-A4
Shape Circle / Disk satellite is the Gobi-640-CL type. The datasheet shows
Diameter (mm) 32.50 ± 0.5 that the sensor has a spectral response at wavelength of
Clear Aperture >80-90 % of 7 µm - 16.4 µm. Based on the spectral response of the
Diameter filter sensor, the wavelength of the reference spectral (thermal
Place Between IR LANDSAT 8 bands 10 and11) and bandpass
Sensor Si
parameters in Table III. Then a bandpass filter was
microbolometer designed for the LAPAN-A4 satellite microbolometer
and Lens LWIR camera. Simulation results show that LWIR
Central Wavelength (µm) 11.450 ± 0.5% spectral input (7µm -16.4 µm), wavelength generated
Transmission >75% after passing through the filter is 10.4 µm-12.5 µm. The
Cut on wavelength (µm) 10.400 ± 100
Cut off wavelength (µm) 12.500 ± 100
wavelength range can be said to be as expected because
BW (FWHM) (µm) 2.100 it is the same as the reference spectral wavelength TIRS
Blocking range (µm) 7.000-10.400 LANDSAT 8 bands 10 and 11. The LANDSAT 8
13.000-16.500 spectral table that is used as a reference can be seen in
Blocking OD Around to 2-3 table 1 in the methodology chapter. Figure 9 is the
Material substrate Germanium
spectral response of the design of the bandpass filter, the
Thickness (mm) 1-2 ± 0.5 filter response is then multiplied by the spectral
response of the LWIR Gobi-640-CL sensor (spectral
input) and transmittance filter to produce spectral
From this table, an LWIR bandpass filter is response output as shown in Figure 10. Overall, the
designed, to produce the output as shown in Table 3. Spectral performance produced by the LWIR filter
design that has been made has represented the range of
IV. RESULT AND DISCUSS OF DESIGN LWIR LWIR bands as needed, and optimization has also been
OPTICAL BANDPASS FILTERS done. So the results of the filter design that has been
made have met the required target that is approaching
A. Layout of Design LWIR Optical Spectral Bands 10 and 11 of LANDSAT8.
Based on the results of measurements that have been
made, it is obtained, the shape of the bandpass filter is a
circle, the diameter of the LWIR bandpass filter is 32.5
mm, and the thickness of the filter is 1-2 mm, with a
tolerance of ± 0.5 as ilustrated in Figure 8. This filter
will be installed later between the Gobi 640CL
microbolometer camera sensor with a 150mm lens size,
with a Clear aperture value of 80% - 90%. The clear
aperture is characterized as the diameter or size of the
Filter Design LWIR Filter Response

1.0 1.0


Spectral Response
Spectral Respons



0.2 0.4 CWL (um) = 11.4

FWHM (um) = 2.1
Cut on (um) = 10.4
0.2 Cut off (um) = 12.5
Block (um) = 7-10.4 &
6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Wavelength 6 8 10 12 14 16
Wavelength (um)
W/O Filter Result Filter
Fig. 9. LWIR Optical bandpass filter Filter Design

Result Design Filter Fig. 11. LWIR Optical Respon


Result Filter Bandpass filter that has been designed is capable of

0.8 producing an average transmission of 76.94%, and the
maximum transmission at a value of 80.21%, the
0.6 transmission value must be > 75% in order to be able to
Relative Respons

properly transmit power [9], the transmission value is

0.4 expressed in percent which means the amount of power
received by the detector compared to the total power is
0.2 available. It can be stated that the transmission value of
the design has met the required target of > 75%. The
0.0 transmission value and optical density value of the
design results can be seen in Figure 12 below.
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 While the OD value obtained value 2. OD value,
Wavelength (um) inversely proportional to the optical transmission value,
the higher the optical transmission value, the OD value
Fig. 10. LWIR Result Optical Bandpass Filter will be lower, and if the optical transmission value is
lower then the OD value is higher [12].
C. Bandpass filter Performance LWIR Filter Transmission
Bandpass filter that is designed shows that the filter 100 8

can generate the expected output response spectral that LWIR Transmission

is response spectral which has a wavelength of 10.4 µm 80

OD = 2

- 12.5 µm. The resulting bandpass filter has central Max =80.21
Min = 72.59
Persent Transmission

wavelength (CWL) characteristics at 11.45µm, 60 Average =76.94

Optical Density
bandwidth (FWHM) is 2.1 µm, with the bandwidth
value, the filter that has been designed is called the wide 40 4

bandpass filter, cut on the wavelength at 10.4µm, cut off

the wavelength at 12.5 µm. With these characteristics 20

the optical filter can generate a spectral response at a 2

wavelength of 10.4 µm - 12.5 µm and blocking spectral 0

response of sensors at wavelengths of 7 µm - 10.4 µm

and 12.5 µm - 16.5 µm. For details please see figure 11, 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
shows the spectral comparison of inputs and outputs of Wavelength (um)
Fig. 12. LWIR Filter Transmission

D. Bandpass materials
There are three points to evaluate before choosing
the correct material of IR. The first is the properties of
the thermal, because the optical materials will be used in
environments with varying temperatures. CTE
(coefficient of thermal expansion) Defined as the rate of
material when the material expands or contracts because application, also uncoated the Germanium capable
of temperature changing, the specification of Ge shows transmit power around 41%, It is expected that the
that value of melting points is 9630C[13]. The second is bandpass filter on the LAPAN-A4 satellite LWIR
transmission, the transmission show that different camera can improve imaging on thermal imaging
applications operate within different regions of the IR mapping.
spectrum. The last is reflaction index, the materials of
IR have various reflaction index further than visible ACKNOWLEDGMENT
materials, it allows more variation for system design
The authors would like to thank Mr. Mujtahid as
Of the three reasons and based on table II Director of Satellite Technology Center of LAPAN,
(Characteristics of some Filters IR Materials) then the LAPAN-A4 Payload, Bus, and Structure Team for their
material that can be used to manufacture these filters is support so that this research can be well completed.
Ge material. The material can be used in a range of
wavelengths 2-16µm[14] and functionally by the
expected sensor application, namely as thermal imaging.
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Germanium (Ge) Uncoated Transmission (%)

LWIR Transmission
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bands 10 and 11 of Landsat8 spectral target (10.60-
12.51 µm), while the design results show that the central
wavelength is 11.45 µm, the spectral response is in the
range 10.4-12.5 µm, and the bandwidth is 2.1 µm.
Based on these data, it can be concluded that the design
results of the bandpass filter for the Gobi 640CL LWIR
camera that have been made is able to approach the
target of the desired spectral response bands 10 and 11
of Landsat8, also using materials substrate using Ge,
The material can be used in a range of wavelengths 2-
16µm and functionally by the expected sensor IR

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