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ACTIVITY: Write one or two question for each Wh-QUESTION.

Share your questions with a partner and answer them.

Q: WHAT: What is the main idea (paragraph) or thesis (essay or longer)? What does the person have to say? What issues are discussed?
A: The main idea in which the text is based on is: Many animals have extreme perception. At first glance, the person wants to give to know the animal's
capacity of developing skills without human help.

Q: Where: Where are animals trained?

Q: WHO: Who is the reading referring about?
A: Nowadays there are specific places
A: The reading is referring about smart animals that around the world for training animals with
did acquire skills without human help. They were specific purposes, seizure alert dogs, for
trained to do certain things but in reality they were instance. However, some animals train
able to do more than they were only supposed to do. themselves.

Q: When: When would achieve effective ways Q: Why: Why do people concern too much
of testing animals intelligence? about testing animals intelligence?
A: It is not easy to define when. It is known it A: Animals are regarded as a part of us, that
becomes awkward since not having the same is the consequence of many scientists trying
way of communication. to find how much they know and what
special abilities they can contribute to the

Q: How: How can animals be able to develop high intelligence?

A: There is not a long explanation about it, as similar to as a human, they born with amazing skills and that is what makes them special.

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