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Name : Radha Amirah (2020103104)

Class : Hukum Pidana Islam 3

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. On this occasion, allow me to

introduce myself. My name is Radha Amirah, you can call me Radha. I was born in
South Sumatera, Banyuasin on October 1st 2001 and grew up in Palembang. I’m
graduated from Tunas Bangsa Senior High School. I’m currently studying as a
first-year student at the Faculty of Islamic Criminal Law, majoring in Law and
Syari’ah at the Raden Fatah University of Palembang. As for my family, I have two
sister while I am the yougest among them. My father is a Parabolic Technicians while
my mother is a housewife. My address is on Griya Damai Indah Estate Jalan
Bougenfil Number 9. My hobbies are listening music, travel, explore nature and
running as well. I love running since childhood and have won several long and close
running races and relays. My favorite food is Sate Padang and my favorite drink is
Yogurt. I guess that’s all I can say about this introduction. Thank you very much for
your attention. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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