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Title: Climate change and its effects in Afghanistan

Prepared By: Muslim Sharifi

Supervised By:


Afghanistan is a country where the effects of

climate change are clearly visible; In
addition to rising temperatures and declining
rainfall, the climate in major cities such as
Kabul, Nangarhar, Kandahar, Herat, Balkh
and Kunduz have been severely affected,
and even scientists consider Kabul's climate
to be toxic to humans.

What is climate change?

Climate change is the change in the climate

of an area as a result of human activities or
naturally over a period of time (a decade or
longer), or in other words, the emergence of
obvious changes. It is a calculation in the
average climate that lasts for a long time
(decades or more). And this climate change
reflects abnormal changes in the Earth's
atmosphere and its consequences in different
parts of the world.

Reasons for why a change in climate

occurs in Afghanistan:

1- Low citizens' understanding of the crisis

of climate change and environment (not
paying attention to greenery issues, low
urban culture, waste in water consumption,
low taste in choosing the beauty of the
environment, deforestation and pastures).

2- Excessive use of chemicals, coal, plastics,

non-standard production factories, and use
of poor-quality fuel in transport, etc.

3- The governments negligence towards
pollution. Environmental problems caused
by climate change can be seen in all
provinces with differences, but in large
cities of Afghanistan due to the negligence
of the central government and also low level
of public awareness.

4- Excessive use of groundwater for

drinking-water of citizens.

5- Sending sewage and contaminated water

containing chemicals to the depths of the
earth and poisoning of groundwater. As can
be seen (90%) of wastewater and water
contaminated with soap and other chemicals
is added to wells that are not septic, to be
absorbed by the ground, which causes the
poisoning of groundwater and if used for
drinking, and washing the body, causes
health effects.

6- Destruction of pastures, deforestation and

hunting of wildlife continues in all provinces
of the country. Forests and pastures, in
addition to beautifying nature, storing
stagnant water during the rainy season, and
purifying the air needed by humans, also
play a valuable role in the sustainable
development of livestock. without pasture,
one cannot believe in the development of
livestock, which is part of the country's
economic resources; wildlife increases the
activity of beneficial microorganisms and
insects, and is also very useful in spreading
and transferring the seeds of herbaceous
plants from one area to another.

7- Water and soil wastes during monsoon
rains: Hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth
of Afghanistan's water and soil are flooded
across Afghanistan every year as undefined
capital or wasted without use for agriculture
and livestock.


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