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Ilang-Ilang St. Maligaya Park, Novaliches, Quezon City


SY: 2019-2020

A paper presented to the faculty of

Senior High School Department of
Divine Grace School

In partial fulfilment of the

Requirements for the subject
Research Project

Surname, Firs Name, MI.
Surname, Firs Name


Ilang-Ilang St. Maligaya Park, Novaliches, Quezon City



This chapter shows the introduction, theoretical framework, conceptual

framework, and statement of the problem, assumption, significance of the study,
scope and limitations, and the definition of terms.


Nowadays, teenagers are very fond on making their selves pretty. They
believe that beauty means everything. They use cosmetic that can alter or enhance
the appearance of the face and fragrance of the body. Those cosmetics that are
applied on the face of a person are called make-up.

There are different kinds of make-up and those are lipsticks, mascara, eye
shadow, foundation, blush, and bronzer among other products. Every era, people
discover different definitions of beauty. And today’s generation, people discover the
kind of beauty where they called ‘no make-up, make-up look’.

According to Anjana, an Indian researcher, there are five factors that a

consumer consider in buying cosmetics; packaging, price, advertisement, brand and
quality. (Anjana S.S., 2018)

The brand name plays a big role for a company. It serves as their identity.
When people are buying a product or cosmetic, the brand name itself is the one they
use to make the product renowned by others.

The quality is an important tool in making competitive target. It needs to be

improved continuously. The consumers tend to be attracted with the products that
have a high quality than the one who has a low quality.

Ilang-Ilang St. Maligaya Park, Novaliches, Quezon City

Packaging is very important for every product that people buy. It serves as
the protection of the product for any harm. Also, the packaging attracts the costumer
by having an attractive design.

In today’s generation, people learn how to be practical. They buy products if it

is fair and just to its price. Sometimes, consumers are willing to buy expensive things
because they believe that it is more convenient for them. Instead of buying cheap
products that doesn’t last long.

Advertising plays a big role in selling products. It serves as the marketing

strategy of the companies to make their products popular. It also matters to the
consumer. It is because it can be their door to know that product. And this study
aims to know which of these factors does the Grade 11 students of Divine Grace
School usually consider in buying cosmetics such as; lip tint, mascara, and eyebrow

Statement of the Problem

The researchers conducted a study about the factors affecting the satisfaction
in buying cosmetics of the selected Grade 11 students of Divine Grace School. In
order to find out the certain answer, the researcher formulated a general problem
need to ascertain such as:

1. To know the demographic profile of the respondents such as name

(optional) and age.
2. To know the factors to consider in buying cosmetic of the selected
Grade 11 students of Divine Grace School.
3. To know why does that factor mostly consider by the selected
Grade 11 students of Divine Grace School.
4. To know which among these cosmetics (lip tint, mascara, and
eyebrow kit) does the selected Grade 11 students usually use.

Ilang-Ilang St. Maligaya Park, Novaliches, Quezon City


The researchers assume the following:

1. The students mostly consider the factor, quality.

2. Students consider the quality because people nowadays are practical. They
are willing to invest on those products that are really helpful for them.
3. The students usually use the lip tint since it is universal that can be use all
over the face of a person.

Significance of the Study

The study about the factors affecting the satisfaction of the selected Grade 11
students in buying cosmetic at Divine Grace School will benefit the following:

Consumer - will benefit in this study by opening their mind that every person
has a different perspectives in buying cosmetics. They cannot force someone
to also consider what they are considering. Also they can use this as their
base on what factor is more important when buying cosmetics.

The businessmen/women - will benefit on this study by having an idea on

the most considered factor in buying cosmetics. In that way, they will know in
what particular factor they need to improve in order to gain profit.

The future researcher - will benefit in this study by making this as their guide
and source of idea if they are planning to make a research study which is
related to this study.

The researcher - will develop and enhance their knowledge about the factors
affecting the satisfaction of the selected Grade 11 students in buying
cosmetics at Divine Grace School.

Ilang-Ilang St. Maligaya Park, Novaliches, Quezon City

Definition of Terms

Cosmetics – is an involving or relating treatment intended to restore or

improve a person’s appearance.
Divine Grace School – is a institution or school that offers k-12 program that
is located at Ilang – Ilang St. Maligaya Park Subd. Quezon City.
Eyebrow Pencils - are products that apply color to the eyebrows. They are
used to fill in and define the eyebrows. They contain special ingredients that
apply color where it is needed in a precise and controlled manner.
Grade 11 students – are the students who are under k-12.
Lip tint - is a cosmetic product applied to the lips to give them color, often
without much gloss or shine included. Generally, the tint is applied to bare
lips, and the color will slightly stain the skin; it is also occasionally referred to
as lip stain.
Mascara - a cosmetic for darkening and thickening the eyelashes.
Satisfaction – fulfilment on one’s wishes, expectations or needs or he
pleasure derived from this.

Ilang-Ilang St. Maligaya Park, Novaliches, Quezon City



This chapter presents the foreign literature, local literature, foreign studies,
local studies, and synthesis of this study.

Foreign Literature

According to Olivier Verot, most of the Chinese females tend to buy

expensive cosmetic products. They believe that the higher the price of the product,
the better quality it has. At the same time, they are called “very – brand conscious”
because of buying famous and international brands. Chinese consumers are very
focused on getting the best product for them. As a result, Chinese consumers value
the feedback from the other consumers. (Verot, 2018)

On the other hand, Andrew McDougall pointed out that the packaging of a
cosmetic is very important. It contains all the information about the cosmetics;
indicates how the product should be used. It can be also the performance of the
product. Whether if it is effective or not. The packaging serves also as the protection
of the product. And lastly, the design of the packaging helps to attract the consumer
to buy that product. (McDougall, 2013)

However, Steve Olenski stated that the celebrity endorser is such a big help
in selling product. It is a sure hit if a company get the famous people in endorsing
their product. The value of the product is very visible for the consumer. This way, the
consumer thinks the legitimacy of the product because of the person or the name
backing up on it. (Olenski, 2016)

Ilang-Ilang St. Maligaya Park, Novaliches, Quezon City

Local Literature

As stated by Lourdes Deocareza, business development head of Kantar

Worldpanel Philippines, the growth of the sale of the hygiene and beauty products in
the Philippines is a manifestation of the Filipino shoppers valuing more about their
personal care. As a matter of fact, Filipino consumers are prioritizing skincare
product such as hand and body lotion, facial care, liquid soap, and bar bath soap.
(Deocareza, 2015)

Moreover, Sharon Kwek mentioned that ‘Philippines is a beauty market to

watch’. Filipinos are now exposed on different beauty trends because of the use of
social media. Local beauty brands offer products that are trending on the social
media such as Korean beauty products. Local beauty brands try to give the needs
of the Filipinos in a budget -friendly price. (Kwek, 2018)

In addition, a beauty YouTuber, Anne Clutz, said to a beauty conference that

it is convenient for her to buy underrated makeup products that can be found on an
online shop application. It almost has the same performance with the local beauty
brands here in the Philippines. According to her, the underrated brand that she can
offer to her fellow Filipinos is the brand O.TWO.O. (Clutz, 2019)

Foreign Studies

According to the study conducted by Ms. Vidhyajawajar and Dr. Tamizhjyothi,

that the price, product, education, occupation and the brand were the preference of
the female Indians when buying beauty care products. They added that the place,
promotion, age, income level, marital status, and social factors have nothing to do
about it. But, the companies still need to give important to the following factors to
improve their market share. (Vidhyajawajar, Tamizhjyothi, 2016)

Ilang-Ilang St. Maligaya Park, Novaliches, Quezon City

Moreover, Nur Akitah binti Nor Wavi, Nur Suhaida binti Abdullah, Mohammad
Fahmi bin Mohd Yusof, Muhammad Iskandar bin Abdul Rahman, and Marlisa binti
Abdul Rahim states in their study that knowledge, price, and brand loyalty make an
impact on the consumption of local cosmetic product among consumer in Kota
Bharu, Kelantan. In addition they give a situation where in if the price of the product
is high then the consumption of the local cosmetic will be low. Nor Wavi, Abdullah,
Yusof, Rahman, Rahim, 2017)

Local Studies

Anne Marie Britton stated in her research study entitled “The beauty
industry’s influence in Women in Society” that the most commonly used cosmetics
for the college students were eyeliner and mascara. it is said by the college student
because it is the first thing that comes to their mind after they hear the word
‘makeup’. This might represent that these items are considered ‘the basic’ or ‘the
essential’ to a college student make up collection. (Britton, 2012)

Furthermore, Daryl G. Quizon a student from Polytechnic University of the

Philippines states on his study that majority of the female students prefer to buy
foreign make up brands rather than local makeup brands. The female students were
influenced by the magazines and the people around them, particularly their friends.
The students believe that those products will really help them to enhance and boost
their confidence. (Quizon, 2016)


The researcher synthesize that the factors that can affect the consumption of
the consumers of the product varies on the country and the things that the consumer
value the most. Every people and every place has their different preference when it
comes in beauty care products. The perception of the people in a particular is cannot
be compared into another area.

Ilang-Ilang St. Maligaya Park, Novaliches, Quezon City

There are people who value the quality over the price while some appreciates
underrated products. There are some values the price of the product while others
consider the packaging or the presentation of the cosmetic. People are considering
those variations because they believe that it can help them to boost their confidence
and to be on trend.

Ilang-Ilang St. Maligaya Park, Novaliches, Quezon City



This chapter presents the research methodology which involved the

presentation of the design, the population and same size of the study, as well
as sampling techniques to be used, the description of the respondent and
instrument to be utilized, the procedure to be followed in data gathering and
finally, the statistical treatment to be applied in data.

Research Design

The type of research design that the researchers are going to use in this
study is the descriptive method. The researchers will analyze and interpret the
data that they gathered. In that process, the researchers will have their
conclusion or answers for their research study.

Research Method

The researcher conducted a E-survey method with the use of

questionnaire. The questionnaire is an instrument that is used to collect data.
It composes series of questions that will correspond to the statement of the
problem of the researchers. This method will help the researcher to easily get
the answers of the respondent.

Sampling Technique

The researchers used probability sampling that is known as unbiased

sampling. Here, you assure that all of the respondents are involved and
presented a certain population. In probability sampling the researchers used
simple random sampling where you choose a sample from a population using a
pure chance selection, assuring that the research study is unbiased.

Ilang-Ilang St. Maligaya Park, Novaliches, Quezon City

Locale of the Study

The researchers conducted the research study only inside the campus,
Divine Grace School. The school is located at Ilang – Ilang St. Maligaya Park
Subdivision, Novaliches, Quezon City.

Source:*don’t forget to add source here

Respondents of the Study

The researchers considered the female Grade 11 students of Divine

Grace School as their respondent. They choose these respondents because
most commonly, females are the one who are using cosmetics. They are the

Ilang-Ilang St. Maligaya Park, Novaliches, Quezon City

one who has an idea about the research study. Out of 185 Grade 11 students,
the researchers only get the 56.67 % of it.


The researcher uses the method of testing the data by using a device
that is called survey questionnaire or e-survey. Using google forms--


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