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How To Get a Girlfriend: The FUNDAMENTALS

Hey Gentlemens Game here. This is an exclusive PDF on what I'm going to call the
“FUNDAMENTALS” of attraction.

Basically, if someone pointed a gun at my head and yelled “Tell me how to be an attractive man!” , this
is the advice that I'd give them.

In other words, if you can maximize these simple fundamental areas in your life, you should have no
problem attracting a girl.

So number 1: Looks. I get comments ALL the time from salty guys on the internet about how its “all
about looks”, how if you're ugly then none of this dating advice will work.

And to be honest, there is some truth to this statement. Looks definitely DO matter. I'm not gonna lie or
sugarcoat it.

If you're fat, and have absolutely no style whatsoever.. If you smell like absolute dogcrap, and have
bumps all over your skin and nose cause you have a horrible diet and masturbate to porn all the time,
then yeah.

Your looks are going to hold you back in the dating market. You could have the smoothest line in the
world, making 6 figures.. but if a top quality woman looks at your flabby stomach folds, your messy
hair, your horrid skin... more like then not, she's gonna get turned off at the idea of having sex with

So looks do matter. But, I divide looks into 2 categories.. looks you can CONTROL, and looks you

Obviously, there aspects about your looks that you can't change. You can't change your height. You
can't change your ethnicity. Maybe you have a burn or scar somewhere. These are things out of your
control, so I would suggest making peace with them.

But here are things you CAN control. You can get into the gym, eat healthy and get into great shape.
You can get a stylish haircut, and up your sense of fashion. You can find your own unique “look”,
maybe something edgier with a tattoo, or conservative like a nice pair of glasses.

You can learn GOOD HYGEINE. Brushing your teeth, taking daily showers, and wearing a nice

Here's something I suggest. Go on youtube and search up “male model skin/hair routine”. If you want
to maximize your looks, why not learn from the people who are the most physically attractive?

Because the truth is, those salty guys pretty much typing “this is all BS! Its all about looks! Thats why I
cant get laid!” are the ones who have put the LEAST effort into improving their looks.

Yes, looks matter. So instead of complaining about how you werent born 6 feet tall, you take the
initiative, work with what you got and make it a GOAL to look more handsome? Women like a guy
who takes care of himself.
So main point regarding looks: MAXIMIZE what you can (fitness, style, haircut, hygeine, hair/skin
health),and that will be enough. STOP worrying about the things you can't change.

Number 2: Money/Career. I wanted to get looks and money out of the way first because these are the
most common things I see men yell when it comes to attraction.

Guys will also comment on my videos all the time saying “MONEY IS ALL YOU NEED! IF YOU'RE
RICH, then FORGET about all this dating stuff!!”

Well, I'm not so sure that's true. Take Elon Musk for example.. a billionaire who's pretty much looked
at as the real life Tony Stark.

Elon has 23 billion dollars in the bank, and is the 40th richest person in the world.. he has enough
money to buy all the islands in the Bahamas and create his own country if he wanted to.

And yet, he's been through 2 failed divorces, and you can even find online footage him in interviews
saying that he'll “think of himself as a failure if he dies single, even though he has all these successful

For as smart as an engineer, marketer and businessman Elon is, he's not skilled with women at all.

I mean yeah, if Elon was at some random club, people would recognize him since he's famous. And Im
sure he'd have certain gold diggers try and flirt with him to get something out of him.

But do you really think he'd know how to have a proper satisfying relationship with a woman?
Probably not, to be honest.. Elon has always struck me as a robotic type of dude. He's a genius sure,
and richer than I'll ever be.

But he lacks certain interpersonal and emotional skills in order to TRULY be successful with women,
to have truly great relationships.

The same applies to you as well. Look, I'm not gonna pretend that money ain't important. If you're 30
years old and still living with your parents, don't have a car, no savings, $20,000 in credit card debt..

Then that's not gonna be attractive to most quality girls. You think a girl is gonna wanna spend the
night over at your place with your parents sleeping next door? Hell no.

As a man, YOU SHOULD have your sh*t together, to be able to show her a good time if need be.

However, money isn't EVERYTHING. Have a more balanced view of money. Don't obsess about
money to the point where you neglect your health, social life or having lots of dating experiences to
learn from.

But with that being said, you SHOULD be aiming to be a successful man. Women are engineered to
seek out security, so they'll naturally want to be with a man who's able to provide a good life for her
and her children.

So go get that good job or start a business. Have a means to live, and get yourself a car and a nice
wardrobe. These things will all help you attract women; it signals to her you're competent and able to
get sh*t done.

Just don't let money define who you are. Going to a club wearing a Rolex, designer shades and a $4000
Armani suit will definitely get you some attention, but probably not from the type of women you want.

Number 3: Humor. So this one is a little bit more abstract. But, I'll put it in a way you'll understand: if
you can make a girl laugh on command, you'll pretty much already have a foot in the door.

I say humor is abstract because, everyone has a different sense of humor. I think the key is to find your
own unique style based on your personality.

What I suggest is to start watching stand up comedy. See which comedians you vibe with the most in
terms of having a similar style of humor.

In general, I'd say that SELF DEPRECATING humor (aka making fun of yourself) is NOT a good form
of humor. If done too often it'll make you look like you're not secure in yourself.

Instead, opt for a style of humor thats more witty, fun or playful. Learn to be a hilarious storyteller.

I personally find that its easier to be funny when you're in a good and relaxed mood. If you're negative
all the time cause of stress at school or work, or cause of your shit diet, or cause of lack of sleep, etc
then it's obviously gonna be harder to be fun playful and humorous.

And lemme tell you, Girls absolutely LOVE guys that can make them laugh.. it's a special type of
intelligence. I know so, so many guys who are with girls WAY BETTER LOOKING then they are
simply cause they're so funny, always being able to make her laugh.

This is something most guys struggling with women don't know how to effectively use, and can make a
huge difference if they learned.

Number 4: Logistics. What kind of girls are you into? and where would those girls most likely be (in
the library, the nightclub, the mall)? How can you situate yourself near those kind girls?

This is definitely something you as a man should be keeping in mind, because logistics are probably
one of the most common obstacles you'll face to getting the girl.

For example, my friend lives in New York, where there are more single women then men! But the
problem is, he lives all the way in the outter edge near Queens, instead of living in Manhattan, where
all the action is.

Because of this physical distance, its always such an annoyance for him to get to the nicer parts of the
city to meet girls. And when he finally does come out, itll be super hard for him to get a girl to go home
with him because its so far away.

Don't be like my friend. Make the game as easy as possible for you to win. If you're in a small town
with 1000 people, you're gonna want to aim to move to a bigger city down the line in order to have
more options.
If you already live in a city, you're gonna want to stay not too far away from a good social area, like a
downtown area or near malls or coffee shops.

Keep in mind I'm talking about social logistics too. If you're in college or in school, join clubs /
fraternities / teams where you'll be around girls. The more involved you are, the more people you'll
meet and higher likelihood you'll meet someone.

The main point here is that you should tailor your logistics based on YOUR specific dating goals, and
the type of girl you want.

Number 5: Mindset. Let's talk about your insecurities. Those nasty little voices in your head. You
know the ones I'm talking about.

“Oh, I really like her, but, I'm too short, or im too skinny, or im bald, or too old, or she wont like my
ethnicity” yadayadayada.

Because here's the truth. EVERYONE, has their own unique insecurities! Yes, even me. My acne was
really bad in high school, and I still have some scars on my cheeks to this day because of me popping
my pimples as a teen.

But here's what you have to ask yourself. Are you going to handle your insecurities the best you can,
and succeed anyways?

OR, are you let those negative beliefs limit your potential, and hold you back from achieving what you
want in life?

I've talked in a previous video before the importance of having a “growth mindset” instead of a “fixed”

Now, I'm not gonna pretend like there aren't legitimate disadvantages people have. And these
disadvantages can definitely an obstacle in the way of dating success.

BUT, they also don't matter as much as you think, once you've handled the other areas in your life to
make you an attractive man overall.

My main point is, whatever insecurity or excuse you may have may even have some validity, but that
doesn't give you an excuse to accept defeat quit.

Improve on whatever you can control, and learn to deal with whatever you can't. Because truth is,
everyone successful has had to overcome obstacles. Success WOULDN'T be rewarding if everything
was handed to you!

Think of professional poker players who are dealt a bad hand. In spite of this disadvantage, they don't
make excuses and quit. They learn to work AROUND that bad hand through skill.

So the next time you're about to approach a girl but you feel your negative self doubt come in, accept it.
You're nervous, and that's ok.

But don't that become an excuse. Your insecurities are irrelevant in that moment in time because they're
out of your control. You just need to learn to do the BEST you can, with WHAT YOU HAVE, in that

So here's an exercise for you to do. If you're struggling with self-esteem issues or insecurities in regards
to your dating life, if you genuinely feel like you don't deserve love, then I want you to write down a
list of your 3 biggest insecurities.

So for example, you could put “im too short, my teeth aren't straight, and my hair is thinning”.

Now, I want you to seek out people who have THE SAME disadvantages you have, yet is still
absolutely killing it in the dating market.

So, you could find a guy under 5'8 with a beautiful girlfriend for example, or another guy who's
completely bald and still crushing it in the club with hot girls.

The reason this is so effective is because your brain will be able to VISUALLY process that in spite of
these “disadvantages”, they aren't relevant to your success if you're willing to view them simply as
obstacles to overcome.

You'll slowly internalize over time that whatever insecurities you have are just that.. insecurities. And
that only you can steer the ship of your own destiny by taking the right action.. right now.

Conclusion: By working on these 5 foundational areas, you will begin to see yourself transform into a
much more attractive man.

Now, this doesn't mean the work is done. You still need to go out there and apply yourself, to meet girls
either through friends, dating apps, night time venues or during the day.

I'd suggest that you should actively be socializing with girls at least 3x a week, to really pick up
experience and improve quickly.

I have many videos on my youtube channel regarding specific verbal and body language tips you can
use when you start interacting with more and more girls, so go check those out if you haven't yet.

This marks the end of the PDF. Thanks for reading this far, and I really hope you got something of
value from this.

- The Gentlemen's Game

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