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Regulations No............ Rev.

No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment

The Republic of Rwanda



Rwanda Food and Drugs Authority

P.O Box 84 Kigali



Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment

ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF THE REGULATIONS .................................................................... ii
Article 1: Purpose of these Regulations ...................................................................................................... 1
Article 2: Citation and Commencement ..................................................................................................... 1
Article 3: Application ................................................................................................................................. 1
Article 4: Interpretation............................................................................................................................... 1
Article 5: Premises not to be used unless Licensed .................................................................................... 1
Article 6: Application for Registration of Premises ................................................................................... 1
Article 7: Application for Issuance of a License ........................................................................................ 2
Article 8: Growing, Harvesting, Slaughter, Milking and Fishing Operations to be of Sanitary Nature ..... 2
Article 9: Location, Layout and Construction of Food Premises and Facilities ......................................... 2
Article 10: Equipment, Utensils and Food Contact Surface ....................................................................... 3
Article 11: Sanitary Facilities and their Management ................................................................................ 3
Article 12: Health Measures to be taken in a Food Premises ..................................................................... 4
Article 13: Processing and Control of Operations ...................................................................................... 5
Article 14: Cleanliness of Utensils and Equipments................................................................................... 5
Article 15: Food Premises and their Environment to be kept Clean........................................................... 6
Article 17: Notice to Clean, Reconstruct or Repair Food Premises ........................................................... 6
Article 18: Fees and Charges ...................................................................................................................... 7
Article 19: Penalty ...................................................................................................................................... 7
ANNEX I : APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF PREMISES ...................................................... 8
ANNEX II: REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF PREMISES ............................................................. 10
ANNEX III: APPLICATION FOR LICENSE ......................................................................................... 11
ANNEX IV: LICENSE ............................................................................................................................. 13

Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment


In EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon the Director General of Rwanda Food and DrugsAuthority
by Article No9 of the Law No 003/2018 of 09/02/2018 establishing the Rwanda FDA and determining its
mission, organization and functioning, hereby ADOPTS and ISSUES theseregulations No..............Rev. No 0,
governing Food Hygiene in food establishment, made this 1stday of April, 2019.

Dr. KARANGWA Charles
Ag. Director General
Rwanda Food and Drugs Authority

Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment

Article 1: Purpose of these Regulations

The purpose of these Regulations is to provide a legal framework for the effective and efficient regulation
of food hygiene during processing, handling, storage and distribution of food in order to protect health of
the consumers.

Article 2: Citation and Commencement

These Regulations may be cited as Regulation N°......Rev. No. 0 Governing Food Hygiene in food
establishment and shall come into operation on the date of publication in the Gazette.

Article 3: Application
These Regulations shall apply to premises involved in the manufacture, storage, sale, distribution of food
products as stipulated in Article 3 of Law N° 003/2018 of 09/02/2018 establishing the Rwanda FDA and
determine its mission, organisation and function.

Article 4: Interpretation
In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:-
Means that which is needed to accomplish the intended purpose in keeping with good public health

Means the Rwanda Food and Drugs Authority or its acronym"Rwanda FDA" established under Article 3
of Law N° 003/2018 of 09/02/2018;

“Law No. 003/2018”

Means Law No 003/2018 of 09/02/2018 establishing the Rwanda FDA and determining its mission,
organization and functioning;

"Food Contact Surface"

Means any surface which comes into contact with food during the sale, preparation, packaging, conveying
or storing of such food;

"Food Handler"
Means any person who directly handles food, food equipment and utensils or food contact surfaces and is
therefore expected to comply with food hygiene requirements;

Means to adequately treat surface by a process that is effective in destroying vegetative cells of pathogenic
bacteria and is substantially regulated products, reducing other micro-organisms and other contaminants
and that the treatment shall not adversely affect the food and shall be safe for the consumer.

Article 5: Premises not to be used unless Licensed

1) Any person shall not use any premises or, being the owner or occupier thereof license or allow the
premises to be used for purpose of manufacturing, selling, preparing, packaging, storing or displaying
for sale food unless such person is in possession of a licence issued by the Authority.

2) No Licence shall be issued under these Regulations, unless the Authority has inspected and registered
the premises

Article 6: Application for Registration of Premises

Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment

Any person desiring a licence in respect of any premises used or to be used for manufacturing, selling,
preparing, storing, or displaying for the sale of any food, shall make an application for registration of
premises to the Authority in the form No.........set out in the Annex to these Regulations.

Article 7: Application for Issuance of a License

1) Any person desiring a licence in respect of any premises used or to be used for manufacturing, selling,
preparing, storing, or displaying for the sale any food shall make an application for registration of
premises to the Authority in the form N0…..Set out in the Annex to these Regulations.

2) Every licence issued under these Regulations shall be in form set out in the Annex to these Regulations,
and shall expire on 30th June next following the date of issue.

3) No person shall transfer ownership of any licensed premises unless he has obtained an approval of the

4) No person shall transfer a licence from the premises in respect of which it was issued to any other

5) No person shall use premises for purposes other than that stated in the licence.

Article 8: Growing, Harvesting, Slaughter, Milking and Fishing Operations to be of Sanitary Nature
Every person who owns, operates or is in charge of the growing, harvesting, slaughter, milking and fishing
operations for raw materials to be used in the manufacture or preparation of food shall ensure that such
operations are of a clean and sanitary nature and that:-
a) the environment in which the operations are carried out do not pose a threat to the safety of food;
b) contaminants, pests and diseases of animal and plant origin are controlled in such a way not to
pose a threat to food safety;
c) unfit raw materials are segregated out during harvesting,Slaughtering, milking and fishing and
disposed of in such a manner that they cannot contaminate food or water supply to food premises
or any other crops and;
d) harvesting, slaughter, milking and fishing equipment and containers shall not constitute a source
of contamination to raw materials and shall be of such construction as to facilitate thorough

Article 9: Location, Layout and Construction of Food Premises and Facilities

1) All food premises shall be located away from environmentally polluted areas and industrial activities
which pose a threat of contaminating food and shall be of suitable design, layout and construction to
facilitate easy maintenance and sanitary food production.

2) The food premises and the facilities installed therein shall have:-
a) sufficient space for such placement and storage of materials as is necessary for sanitary operations;
b) adequate areas, either by partitions, location or other effective means, for those operations which
may cause the contamination of food contact surfaces with undesirable micro-organisms,
chemicals, filth or other extraneous materials;
c) adequate lighting to hand washing areas, dressing and locker rooms, toilets and to all areas where
food or food ingredients are examined, processed or stored and where equipment and untensil are

d) adequate ventilation or control equipment to minimize odour, odours and noxious fumes or
vapours (including steam) particularly in areas where such odours and noxious fumes of vapour

Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment

may contaminate food, however such ventilation or control equipment shall not create conditions
that contribute to food contamination by airborne contaminants;
e) light bulbs, fixtures, sky lights or other glass suspended over exposed food in any stage of
preparation shall be of the safety type or otherwise protected to prevent the contamination of food
in case of breakage;
f) where necessary, effective screening or other protection against birds, animals and vermin
(including but not limited to, insects and rodents)

3) The floors, walls and ceiling of food premises shall be of such construction as to be adequately
cleanable and maintained in a clean and good state or repair;

4) The fixture, ducts and pipes shall not be suspended over areas where drips or condensate may
contaminate food and raw materials or food contact surfaces;

5) Aisles or working spaces between equipment and walls shall be unobstructed and of sufficient width
to permit employees to performtheir duties without contaminating the food or food contact surface
with their clothing or personal contact.

Article 10: Equipment, Utensils and Food Contact Surface

1) Every untensil and equipment used in a food premises must be:-
(a) suitable for their intended use;
(b) so designed and of such materials and workmanship as to be adequately cleanable; and
(c) properly maintained.

2) Every food contact surface shall be:-

a) Smooth and free from pits, crevices and loose scales:
b) Non—toxic;
c) Capable of withstanding repeated cleaning disinfestation and sanitizing and;
d) Non-absorbent, unless the nature of a particular and otherwise capable process renders theuse of
an absorbent surface such as wood necessary.

3) The design, construction and use of the utensils and equipment referred to in sub regulation (1) of this
regulation shall be such as to prevent contamination of food by lubricants, fuel, metal or glass
fragment, contaminated water or any other contaminants.

4) The equipment in food premises shall be installed and maintained in such manner as to facilitate the
cleaning of such equipment and the adjoining area.

Article 11: Sanitary Facilities and their Management

1) A person shall not use any premises as food premises unless:-
a) adequate sanitary conveniences are provided for use by employees; and every premises where food
is prepared and served are provided with adequate separate sanitary accommodation for public
b) the water supply to the premises is derived from an adequate source, sufficient for the intended
operation and potable;
c) hot and cold running water are provided at all areas where the processing of food, cleaning of
equipment, utensils and containers are carried out as the case may be;
d) the drainage of effluents is made through an adequate sewerage system or disposed of through
other adequate and approved means;
e) the plumbing is of adequate size and design so installed and maintained as to:-
Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment

(i) carry sufficient quantities of water to all areas where the water is required;
(ii) properly convey sewage and liquid disposal waste;
(iii) provide adequate floor drainage in all areas where the floors are subject to flooding type
cleaning or where normal operation release or discharge water or other liquid waste on the
floor: or
(iv) constitute no source of contamination to food ingredients, food products and water supplies;
f) refuse and offals is conveyed and disposed of to minimize noxious odour, prevent waste which
attract or harbour or provide a breeding place for vermin and prevent the contamination of food,
food contact surface, ground surfaces and water supplies.

2) The sanitary conveniences provided under this regulation shall conform to the following conditions;
a) separate conveniences shall be provided for members of each sex and each shall be maintained in
a sanitary condition and kept in condition of good repair at all times;
b) toilets shall be furnished with sufficient facilities for hand washing and drying;
c) doors to toilet rooms shall be of shape which affordsprivacy to the users and not to open directly
into areas where food is exposed to airbone contaminants except where alternate approved means
have been devised to prevent contamination of such food: and
d) signs shall be posted in appropriate places directing employees to wash their hands with soap after
using the toilet.

3) Adequate and convenient facilities for hand washing and where applicable hand sanitizing, shall be
provided at each place where good hygiene practices require employees to wash or sanitize and dry
their hands and each facilities shall have running water at suitable temperature for effective hand
washing and sanitizing preparation and shall include elbow, foot or sensor operated taps, nail brushes,
hygienic towel service or suitable drying devices and where appropriate cleanable waste receptacles.

Article 12: Health Measures to be taken in a Food Premises

Any person who owns, operates or is in charge of a food premises shall take all reasonable measures and
precautions to ensure that:-
a) no person suffering from any disease in communicable form or having boils, sores, infected
wounds, works in a food premises in any capacity where there is a reasonable possibility of food
becoming contaminated by such person or the disease being transmitted to other employees;
b) thorough medical examination is carried out by an authorized medical officer on all food handlers
prior to their employment and at regular intervals of not more than six months and the dates and
results of the health examinations are kept at the food premises;
c) all persons while working in direct contact with food, food ingredients or food contact surfaces
comply with hygienic requirements by:-
(i) wearing clean outer garments and conforming to hygienic practices while on duty;
(ii) washing their hands thorough, removing all jewellery and taking any other necessary
precautions to prevent contamination of food with micro-organisms of foreign substances;
(iii) refraining from smoking, sniffing, sneezing, chewing or using tobacco in areas where food
is prepared, stored or handled;
(iv) maintaining gloves in a clean, intact and sanitary condition, if they are used in food handling;
(v) wearing effective headdress, such as hair net, head band or cap as is necessary for the
work; and
(vi) refraining from storing their clothing or any other personal belonging or from eating food or
drinking beverages, in areas where food is or washing equipment or utensils.

d) the personnel responsible for identifying sanitation failure orfood contamination is properly trained
to provide a level of competency necessary for the production of clean and safeefood and in the

Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment

case of food handlers and supervisors, the proper techniques of food protection principles to make
them cognisant of the danger of poor personal hygiene and in sanitary practices; and
e) proper supervision is provided to ensure the compliance by all employees with the requirements
of these Regulations and copies of which shall be prominently displayed in all appropriate places
in the food premises and assigned to a competent supervisory personnel.

Article 13: Processing and Control of Operations

Any person who owns, operates or is in-charge of food premises shall comply with the following
requirements as regards to the overall control of the operations carried on therein, that is to say;
a) all operations in the receiving, inspecting, handling, segregating,preparing, processing, storing
and transportation of food are conducted in a hygienic manner;
b) overall sanitation of the food premises and quality control system are supervised by a qualified
person as may be prescribed from time to time by the Authority;
c) reasonable precautions are taken to ensure that-
(i) raw materials and ingredients are cleaned, inspected and segregated to ensure that they are
Clean, wholesome and fit for processing into food;
(ii) water used for cleaning of food products is of potable quality;
(iii) containers and carriers of raw ingredients are inspected at the time such ingredients are
delivered to the food premises;
(iv) when ice is used with food products, it is made from potable water and prepared, handled,
stored and conveyed in such manner as to protect it from contamination;
(v) food processing areas and equipment used in processing food are not to be used to process
animal feed or inedible products unless there is no reasonable possibility of contaminating
the human food;
(vi) chemicals, micro-biological or extraneous materials testing products are utilized where
necessary to identify sanitation failures or food contamination and all food and ingredients
that have become contaminated are rejected or adequately treated or processed to eliminate
the contamination where this may be properly accomplished; and
(vii) storage and transporting of food is under such conditions as to prevent contamination,
including development of pathogenic or toxigenic micro-organisms or both.
d) packaging processes and materials are such as not to transmit contamination to the products and
provide adequate protection from contamination.

Article 14: Cleanliness of Utensils and Equipments

1) Any person who, owns, operates or is in charge of a food premises shall ensure that;
a) all utensils and food contact surface of equipment are cleaned as frequently as necessary to prevent
contamination of food products;
b) single service articles are stored in appropriate containers, handled, dispensed, used and disposed
of in a manner that prevents contamination of food or food contact surfaces;
c) all utensils and equipment used in the food plant are cleaned and sanitized prior to use to prevent
the contamination of food products by micro-biological organisms, except where such utensils and
equipment are used in a continuous operation the contact surfaces of the utensils and equipment
shall be cleaned and sanitized on a predetermined schedule using adequate methods; and
d) sanitizing agents used in the food premises are effective and safe.

2) Any procedure, machine or device may be used for cleaning and sanitizing equipment or utensil if it
is established, to the satisfaction of the inspector, that such procedure, machine or device shall provide
adequate sanitizing treatment.

3) Cleaned and sanitized equipment and utensils with food contact surfaces shall be stored in such areas
and manner that the food contact surfaces are protected from splash, dust or other contaminants.
Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment

Article 15: Food Premises and their Environment to be kept Clean

1) Any person who owns, operates or is in charge of a food premises shall keep the grounds surrounding
the food premises free from conditions which may result in the contamination of food and more
particularly he shall keep such grounds free from;
(a) improperly stored equipment, litter, waste and refuse which may attract, harbour or constitute
breeding places for rodents, insects and other pests; and
(b) inadequately drained areas that may contribute to the contamination of food products through
seepage, or foot-borne filth and provide breeding places for insects or micro-organisms.

2) Where the grounds adjacent to a food premises are not under the control of the owner or the operator
of the food premises, the owner or the operator or person in charge shall exercise care in the premises
to effect seclusion of pests, dirt and other filth that may be a source of contamination of food.

Article 16: General maintenance of Premises

Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Regulations, any person who owns, operates or is in-charge
of food premises shall ensure that;
(a) the buildings, fixtures and other facilities of the food premises are kept in a state of good repair
and maintained in a hygienic conditions;
(b) cleaning operations are conducted in such a manner as to minimize the danger of contamination
of food and food contact surfaces;
(c) supplies used in cleaning and sanitizing procedures are free from micro-biological contamination
and are safe and effective for their intended use;
(d) only such toxic materials as are required to maintain sanitary conditions, or for use in laboratory
testing procedures, or premises and equipment maintenance or in the preparation of food, are used
or stored in the food premises;
(e) no animal, other than those essential as raw materials is allowed in the food premises;
(f) effective measures are taken to exclude pests from food areas and to protect against contamination
of food in or on the premises by animal and vermin;
(g) the use of permitted pesticides is done under such precaution and restrictions as to prevent the
contamination of food or packaging materials; and
(h) food premises shall not be used as a sleeping place.

Article 17: Notice to Clean, Reconstruct or Repair Food Premises

1) Where any food premises, by means of its situation, construction or disrepair in such a condition that
any food in the premises may be exposed to contamination or deteriorate or become dirty, the inspector
may serve a notice in writing on the person who owns or operates the food premises requiring him;
(a) to clean, reconstruct or repair the premises in the specified manner and period; or
(b) not to use the premises until the conditions stated in such notice have been fulfilled to his

2) Any person on whom a notice is served under subregulation (1) of this regulation, may within fourteen
days from the date he receives such notice appeal to the Authority which shall make such order as it
thinks fit and if he is not satisfied with the decision may appeal to the Board of directors.

3) A notice served under this regulation shall remain effective until such a time as the person on whom
it is served received a copy of the Authority’s decision and complies with any direction which may be
given by the Authority or the Board of directors.

4) It shall be sufficient compliance with a notice served under this regulation if the person on whom such
notice is served ceases to use the premises as a food premises.
Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment

Article 18: Fees and Charges

Any person who seeks or obtains services rendered under these Regulations shall be charged fees as
provided for under fees and charges, regulations No........ made under the law.

Article 19: Penalty

1) Any person who commits an offence under these Regulations shall be liable in the case of first offence,
to a fine of…………………. and in the case of a second offence, to fine of and in the case of a
subsequent offence, to a fine of …..
2) Where the court is of the opinion, in the case of second or subsequent offence, that the offence was
committed through the personal act or culpable negligence of the accused person, it may, in lieu of or
in addition to any fine, impose a sentence of imprisonmentFor a term not exceeding…………….

Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment




Made under Article 5 of Food Hygiene Regulation

Director General,
Rwanda Food and Drugs Authority,
P. O. Box 84,


I / We hereby apply for registration of my/our existing/ new premises in accordance with the Law N°

1. Name of applicant……………………………………………………. ............................................

2. Postal address…………………………… Tel, No,……………………….. Fax. ……..…………
e - Mail………………………………………………...................................................................

3. Full name(s) of Partner(s) and Directors(s)


4. Business situated at/lying between Plot /Vessel/ Truck No………………………………......
Street/Village/Sector………………………………… District/Province/City

5. Premises to be registered for the business of…………………………………………………….....

6. The business will be under the supervision of a authorised person, Mr /Ms /Mrs. /Dr. / Prof (Full
name)…………………………………………………………… whose qualification
is………………………… and his/her registration number(if any) is……………. of……… (Year).
(Please attach a copy of registration certificate and acceptance/commitment letter from the authorised

7. The proposed name of the premises is……………………………………………………………........

Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment

8. My/ Our financial resources committed for this business amount to…………………………..............

9. If my/our premises is registered and licensed, I/We shall keep it in hygienic condition and good state
of repair as required under the above mentioned Law and Regulations made there under.

10. I/we have not been convicted of any offence relating to any provision of the Law N° 47/2012 of
14/01/2013 and Regulations made there under or any other written law related to the business being
applied for within 12 months immediately preceding this application and have not been disqualified from
holding a license/certificate and my license is/is not suspended.
11. Fees in Rwandan francs/us dollars/Euro…………………………… Receipt No…………………….

N.B. False declaration constitutes an offence.



(Delete which inapplicable)

I (name) Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr./Prof……………………………………. Rwanda FDA Inspector, hereby

certifies that, I have inspected the above mentioned premises in Section A as per attached inspection
checklist and found that it complies/does not comply with the standards prescribed for registration of

Please give reason, if(s) it does not

Name of Inspectors(s)
1. ………………………………… …………….................
2.………………………………… ……..………………….....
3................................... ………….....................


Registration granted/not granted because………………………………………………………………....

Registration No…............................... Approved by Management meeting
………………………… …………………………………………………………….
Date Signature of Director General and stamp.

Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment




Made under Article 5 of these Regulation

This is to certify that the premises owned by M/S.......... of (Postal Address)………which is

located on Block/Vessel/Truck No…… Situated/lying between Street,
in…....Village/Township/Municipality/City, have been registered to be used as............for
preparation/selling/packing/carrying/advertising/storing/manufacturing of……with
Premises Registration No….....

Subject to the following conditions:-

1. The premises and the manner in which the business is to be conducted must conform to
requirements of the Law N° 47/2012 of 14/01/2013 or any other written law related to the
premises registration at all times failing of which this certificate shall be suspended or
2. Any change in the ownership, name and location of the registered premises shall be
approved by the Authority.
3. This certificate is not transferable to other premises or to any other person
4. This certificate shall be displayed conspicuously in the registered premises

...................................... ..........................................
Date signature and stamp of the Director General

NB. Delete whichever not applicable

Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment




Made under Article 6 of these Regulations

Director General,
Rwanda Food and Drugs Authority,
P. O. Box……….,

I / We hereby apply for renewal/ a new licence to manufacture, sell, pack, store or distribute the

1. Name of

2. Postal address…………………… Tel, No……………………… Fax……..……………………........

3. Full name(s) of Partner(s) and
4. Premises situated at/lying between Plot /Vessel/ Truck
Street/ Village/ Sector…………………………………District / Province/City

5. Premises registered for the business


6. Premises Registration

7. Existing License No……………………Dated………………………..Expiring


Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment

8. Fees in Rwandan francs/US Dollars/Euro…………………………Receipt




I wish to manufacture the following item whose registration status is shown below:
S/N Common/ Generic Name Trade Name Registration For official use
No. only

Use additional sheets of paper if space provided is insufficient.


1. If my/our business is licensed I/We shall keep the premises in hygienic condition and good state of
repair as required under the above mentioned Law and Regulations made there under.

2. I/we have not been convicted of any offence relating to any provision of the Law N° 47/2012 of
14/01/2014 and Regulations made there under or any other written law related to the business being
applied for within 12 months immediately preceding this application and have not been disqualified
from holding a license/certificate and my/our license is/is not suspended.

N.B. False declaration constitutes an offence.

Date Signature of Applicant and stamp


License granted/not granted because………………………………………………………………...........

License No…………………………..Approved by Management meeting No…………..........................


Date Signature of Director General and stamp

Regulations No............ Rev. No 0governing food hygiene in food establishment



License No..............
LicenseisherebygrantedtoM/S…………of P.O.Box………to
Manufacture/Prepare/Pack/Sell (Retail/wholesale/Retail & Wholesale)/Store/
Carry/ Advertise………at the premises situated
at………Street/vilaagePlotNo……………andRegistartion No ............

This License shall have and continue to have effect from and including the day when it is issued
until it ceases to have effect on 30th June………………………………………..
Issued on…………Fees paid Tshs………Receipt No………………………

................................................ ...........................................
Date signature and stamp of the Director General

1. This Permit during the period of suspension, revocation or cancellation of registration

of the premises in respect of which it was issued.
2. This Permit is not transferable without a written approval of the Authority.

N.B: Delete whichever is not applicable


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