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Miracle Deliverance

Marine Spirits Under the Sea and Supernatural Cities Under the Sea

Press Release

Dr. Pat Holliday's captivating new book "Marine Spirits under the Sea" is a
supernatural narrative concerning supernatural demons, humans and cities under
the sea. These cities are found under the sea worldwide!
 Richard Keltner

Demon Smackdown Saturday on 3-12-11 starts 10pm EST

Hour 1. Bishop Henry Saliu from Nigeria w/ Dr Pat Holliday ministering on marine spirits spirit wives and
husbands in Africa. Hour 2. Pastor Carl Henderson back from the Philppines Speaking on Miracles in healing
and delievrance and the WITCHES ISLAND CRUSADE.. Mar 12 2011

Email PDF Print .Jacksonville, FL (PRWEB) March 17, 2008

Cities located under the sea are real. As a matter of fact, these cities under the sea
are located around the world! Dr. Holliday reveals that she has heard testimonies
about these cities in Scotland, Canada, Bermuda, Jamaica, East Africa, West
Africa, South Africa and America. She says, "I know that the Western church will
not receive or believe the spiritual reality of these spirits. Unfortunately, many
'civilized' Christians don't even believe in Satan or demons. In America, if they
believe in demons, they think they reside in the heathen -- pagan lands. Most
preachers and teachers teach, 'Christians can't have demons.' And that's it ... the
end of the subject. Most pastors are spiritually blind while people are tormented."

Dr. Holliday, author of "The Witch Doctor and the Man Finds Jesus,", records that Bishop Vagalas Kanco first
revealed the "water spirits" to her. He was trained as a wizard, under the sea.
Ironically, Dr. Holliday had been in the deliverance ministry for more than 33
years living in Jacksonville, Florida, was completely surrounded by water, yet had
never heard about "water spirits." She says, "I had seen them supernaturally
manifest during deliverance sessions and witnessed spirits appearing in shapes of
octopuses, squids, water snakes, crabs and fish."

The author writes about a 50-year-old unmarried woman, "While ministering, I

called out an Asmodeus spirit. She shrieked and levitated 12 inches off the floor
for a few seconds, then slumped down to the floor, suddenly freed from water
spirits. Her face became brilliant and years dropped off her face, praising the Lord
Jesus. Yes, Asmodeus is real and working in both men and women throughout the

Dr. Holliday says, "Many Christians do not believe the spiritual existence of these
demons. Unfortunately, 'civilized' Christians do not believe in Satan or demons. If
they believe in demons, they say they reside in the heathen lands." She says, "An
African called me, 'I'm returning to Nigeria. I cannot find a minister who
understands demonic bondage and can't get free from the demons.' Another woman
said she is under demonic oppression and can't find help.

"A mother brought her 7-year-old son that was totally demon possessed after being
molested by a priest. A 13-year-old daughter was demon possessed. This girl was
slipping out the window at night and connecting to pimps. She was dancing in a
topless bar! Her mother found her and took her to her father's home, she received a
call from the pimp that said, 'you better bring her back to us, she ours. If you don't
bring her back, I'm going to release my powers of darkness over you and believe
me, you will die!' A husband called, saying, 'strange things are happening to my
wife. One moment she has a nice Christian personally, she'll say, "I love you so
much darling," and then, "You are blah, blah, and blah, blank; what whore are you
sleeping with?" Her face changes looks possessed.' American people are in trouble
and they cannot find relief."

Dr. Holliday says, "The Deliverance ministry is needed, the church is silent about
demonology and people are in spiritual trouble and being beleaguered by demons.
Dr. Holliday cites another minister concerning Marine Spirits, "The church is
spiritually blinded, deafened and living under great bondage. He agrees the
Christian Church needs more knowledge which will give leaders, intercessors and
pastors a revelation of the operation water spirits, a class of demons that must be
overcome. This will give those involved in spiritual warfare the knowledge they
need to overcome these demons. Great breakthroughs will be achieved by the
church that defeats these demons. The result will be great church growth and

Holliday demonstrates the impact physically upon people from these experiences,
"Mary, a Jamaica called, claiming that while she was standing by a lake, suddenly
she was sucked through a black tunnel down into the water. Then she described a
beautiful, highly designed modern city, filled with supernatural beings and also
human beings living there. These humans looked like walking zombies with
empty, lifeless eyes that appeared as vacant dark hole circles, shafts of darkness
not shining. She saw a sinister being that looked like a weird man. He had a black
top hat was dressed in black, holding chains chasing her. Testifying of many of
these journeys claiming she was not a witch but a Christian, attending church, she
went through deliverance, evidently generationally possessed by familiar demons.
Apparently a relative was a high level wizard or witch at death, the demons
transferred to her. Another African woman testified that she was once a witch
studying in the city under the sea. She said that it was located in the Bermuda
Triangle, giving similar of testimonies."

"I'm telling you," writes Dr. Holliday, "The church is sound asleep the reality of
water spirits. These demonic powers are raging worldwide. They are ruling from
the heavens, the earth and the sea, water spirits are real and their destructive work
are widespread and happening now!"

Dr. Pat Holliday, Ph.D. was called into the Christian ministry in 1975, received
Ph.D. at Southeastern Theological Seminary in Jacksonville, Fl., president and
founder of Miracle Outreach Ministry and has evangelized worldwide. She is a
television and radio personality, hosting radio and TV programs and making guest
appearances on many international programs. She is in many Who's Who which
includes, "Marquis' Who's Who in the World;" Who's Who in Religion and Who's
Who in America. She has been in the ministry for 33 years.

The author, Pat Holliday, Ph.D. can also be reached at Miracle Outreach Ministries

9252 San Jose Blvd., 2804

, Jacksonville, FL 32211, (904) 733-8318

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